063020ss9:00 am 9:15 am 9:30 am 9:45 am 10 :15 am 10:30 am 10:45 am 11:00 am 11 :15am 11:45 am Harnett County Board of Commissioners Special Session Tuesday, June 30, 2020 9:00 am **Voting Meeting** T hi s meeti ng will not be open to m e mbers of th e public to attend in person however, li s te nin g opti o ns are provi de be low. Call to order, Pledge of Allegiance and Invocati on Consider approval of the Corrected FY2020-2021 Budget Ordinance and Budget** Admini stration requests approval of an "Interlocal Agreement for a Group Self- Insurance Fund for Risk Sharing or Group Purchase of Coverage" between the County of Harnett and the No1th Carolina Association of County Co mmiss ioners Ri sk Management Agency, along with the "Resolution to Adopt the Interlocal Agreement and to J o in the NCACC Risk Management Pool" for L ia bility and Property insurance .** Bus Patrol Software Presentation, BusPatrol CEO, J ean Souliere Update on the Government Complex Park Name, Carl Dav is Discuss Exemptions, Exclusions and Late Listing, and Penalties, Tax Administrator Bill Tyson Harne tt County Soil and Water, in cooperation with Emergency Management, i s requesting approval to accept Emerg ency Waters hed Protectio n funding in the amounts of $3 ,202,970 in Federal Assistance (US DA, N RCS) and $1,067,057 (NCDA, S&W) to clear storm debris from the Upper Little Ri ver, Lower Little River, and Anderson Creek. Proj ect costs a re reimbursable up t o 75% from Federa l funding a nd 25% from State funding upon s ubmi ss ion o f approved proof of expenditures.** Assistant County Manager's Report: COV ID-19 Update a nd discuss reopening County buildings July 6, 2020 R egular Meeting A genda Review and meeti ng logistics Review applications to serve on Boards and Committees Invitations and upcoming meetings C lo sed session Adjourn 063020ss HCBOC Page 1 CONDUCT OF THE JUNE 30TH MEETING OF THE HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS T he H am ett County Board of Commi ss ion e rs w ill con ve ne the ir June 30, 2 02 0 s peci a l sessio n un der certa in conditio n s: 1. T he H am ett County Board of Commi ssion e rs and Co unty governm e nt staff n ece ssary t o cond uc t the meetin g or to s peak on schedul ed age nda ite ms w ill be sta t io ned in the m eetin g chambers to ma inta in th e recommend ed soci a l d istanc in g of 6 feet. 2. The June 301h work sess io n w ill not be open to me m bers of the pub lic to attend in person a s we are o bserv in g th e c urre nt provisions of an y Executi v e Orders rela t e d to mass gathe rings and public health guid anc e regarding soc ia l di st an cing. The public will have the opportunity to listen to the meeting live online or by calling into the meeting. 3. T he m ee ting will be stream ed l ive on H am ett County Governm e nt's Yo uT ube C hanne l at : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCU7mTF6HTD65x 98EhAMeMg/featured 4 . If you wis h to call in a nd li ste n to th e m eetin g yo u may d ia l (910)814-6959 . Please rem e mbe r to mute yo ur phone whi le listening so as no t to di s rupt othe rs liste n i n g. 5. Yo u m ay a lso fo ll ow alo n g on T wi tter @ HamettCo unty t o ge t li ve upda te s d uring th e m ee tin g. T h e Board ap prec ia tes th e p ubli c 's patie nce and und e r sta nd in g as they seek to e ns ure the con t in u ity of c o unty operati o n s w hil e dem o n s tratin g complian ce with State law and p rudent publ ic health practices in these diffi c ul t times. 063020ss HCBOC Page 2 HARNETT COUNTY Fiscal Year 2021 Corrected Budget Ordinance 063020ss HCBOC Page 3 BUDGET ORDINANCE Fiscal Year 2020‐2021 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of Harnett County, North Carolina, in accordance with G.S. 159‐13 of the North Carolina General Statutes, that: Section 1: Expenditures The following expenditure amounts are hereby appropriated for the operation of the county government and its activities for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2020, and ending June 30, 2021, in accordance with the chart of accounts heretofore established for the County: Capital Reserve Funds Board Of Education Capital Reserve Fund 1,021,528 General Government Capital Reserve Fund 950,000 Parks & Recreation Capital Reserve Fund 200,000 Sheriff's Capital Reserve Fund 466,662 Solid Waste Capital Reserve Fund 887,185 Solid Waste Post‐Closure Capital Reserve Fund 237,350 Debt Service Funds General Government Debt Service Fund 19,701,829 Harnett Regional Water Debt Service Fund 4,678,309 Solid Waste Debt Service Fund 366,983 063020ss HCBOC Page 4 Enterprise Funds Harnett Regional Water (HRW) HRW Administration 14,652,213 Water Treatment Plant 5,966,684 Wastewater Treatment Plant 3,064,330 South Harnett Wastewater Plant 2,976,613 Water Distribution 4,935,366 Sewer Collections 5,312,578 Total HRW 36,907,784 Solid Waste 6,554,692 General Fund Culture & Recreation Culture & Recreation Appropriation 184,598 Library Department 1,438,006 Parks & Recreation Department 1,399,432 Economic & Physical Development Community Development 925 Cooperative Extension 405,145 Cooperative Extension‐‐Special Programs 176,662 Development Services 1,665,394 Economic Development 685,156 Education Central Carolina Community College 1,621,978 Harnett County Board Of Education 25,702,131 Environmental Protection Environmental Protection Allocation 4,000 NC Forestry Program 138,026 Soil & Water Conservation District 231,133 063020ss HCBOC Page 5 General Government Administration 908,363 Board Of Elections 514,244 Clerk Of Court 31,083 Facilities Maintenance 3,610,387 Finance 1,306,824 Fleet Maintenance 628,538 General Services 225,575 Governing Body 422,426 Human Resources 474,531 Information Technology 2,588,099 Information Technology‐‐GIS 696,509 Legal Services 314,440 Register Of Deeds 889,071 Retiree Insurance 882,000 Tax 1,550,703 Human Services General Services ‐‐Restitution 86,365 Health Department ‐‐Senior Services 1,391,780 Health Department‐‐Administration 6,037,333 Health Department‐‐Mental Health 605,679 Human Services Appropriations 32,000 Social Services‐‐Administration 2,300,214 Social Services‐‐Adoptions 397,847 Social Services‐‐Adult Medicaid 2,219,262 Social Services‐‐Adult Services 948,982 Social Services‐‐Child Care Subsidy 207,802 Social Services‐‐Child Protective Services 2,063,659 Social Services‐‐Child Support 1,331,417 Social Services‐‐Day Care 52,315 Social Services‐‐Energy Programs 1,053,558 Social Services‐‐Family & Children's Medicaid 1,541,975 Social Services‐‐Food Stamps 1,462,504 Social Services‐‐Foster Care 2,621,423 Social Services‐‐Fraud Prevention 297,397 Social Services‐‐Medicaid Transportation 211,078 Social Services‐‐Temporary Resources 124 Social Services‐‐Workfirst 273,231 Veterans Services 299,997 063020ss HCBOC Page 6 Non‐Departmental Contingency 772,748 Transfers To Capital And Debt: Capital Reserve Fund ‐ General Government 950,000 Capital Reserve Fund ‐ Parks & Recreation 200,000 Capital Reserve Fund ‐ Sheriff 450,000 Debt Service Fund ‐ General Government 11,000,000 Internal Service Fund ‐ Fleet Services 150,000 Internal Service Fund ‐ Information Technology 350,000 Special Revenue Fund ‐ Tax Reappraisal 690,000 Special Revenue Fund ‐ Veterans Treatment Court 48,893 Subtotal‐‐Transfers to Capital and Debt 13,838,893 Public Safety Animal Services‐‐Animal Control 315,176 Animal Services‐‐Animal Shelter 351,244 Emergency Services 1,002,004 Emergency Services‐‐Emergency Management Grants 54,279 Emergency Services‐‐Emergency Medical Services 8,793,873 Emergency Services‐‐Medical Examiner 75,000 Emergency Services‐‐Rescue Districts 3,673,427 Sheriff's Office 11,395,256 Sheriff's Office‐‐Campbell Deputies 477,204 Sheriff's Office‐‐Child Support Enforcement 71,676 Sheriff's Office‐‐Emergency Communications 1,912,248 Sheriff's Office‐‐Jail 5,835,977 Sheriff's Office‐‐School Resource Officers 2,394,482 Transportation Harnett Area Rural Transit System (HARTS)—Transportation 1,508,704 Harnett Area Rural Transit System (HARTS)‐‐Administration 614,881 Harnett Regional Jetport 196,165 General Fund Total 127,414,558 063020ss HCBOC Page 7 Internal Service Funds Dental Insurance Internal Service Fund 516,000 Employee Clinic Internal Service Fund 174,690 Fleet Replacement Internal Service Fund 267,108 Health Insurance Internal Service Fund 9,388,585 Information Technology Internal Service Fund 1,211,164 Retiree Health Insurance Internal Service Fund 1,500,000 Unemployment Insurance Internal Service Fund 250,000 Workers Compensation Internal Service Fund 1,200,000 Special Districts The actual net proceeds from the property taxes levied within each district below and the sales tax collected on behalf of each district below shall constitute the appropriation. All net taxes including sales tax shall be distributed to the appropriate district, as estimated below: 063020ss HCBOC Page 8 Averasboro School 299,904 Fire/Rescue Districts Anderson Creek 1,340,401 Angier & Black River 782,699 Benson Banner 69,214 Benhaven 816,534 Boone Trail 348,669 Buies Creek 495,910 Coats Grove 467,189 Crains Creek 50,715 Cypress Pointe 40,104 Dunn 1,339,537 Erwin 265,555 Flat Branch 433,309 Flatwoods 98,670 Godwin 3,287 Northwest Harnett 675,157 Spout Springs 1,924,083 Summerville‐Bunnlevel 581,354 West Area 43,662 West Johnston 15,672 Total Fire/Rescue Districts 9,791,719 063020ss HCBOC Page 9 Automation Enhancement & Preservation Special Revenue Fund 151,500 Concealed Weapons Permit Special Revenue Fund 150,000 Education & Economic Development Special Revenue Fund 3,343,348 Emergency Response Planning Special Revenue Fund 75,000 Emergency Telephone Special Revenue Fund 939,545 Fines And Forfeitures Special Revenue Fund 104,382 Public Safety Special Revenue Fund 18,780 Radio System Special Revenue Fund 369,000 Revaluation Special Revenue Fund 690,000 Veterans Treatment Court Special Revenue Fund 82,816 Workforce Development (WIA) Special Revenue Fund 787,153 Section 2: Revenues The following revenues are estimated to be available to fund the operations of the county government and are hereby approved for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2020 and ending June 30, 2021, in accordance with the chart of accounts heretofore established for the county. 063020ss HCBOC Page 10 Board of Education Capital Reserve Fund Miscellaneous 1,021,528 General Government Capital Reserve Fund Transfers In 950,000 Parks & Recreation Capital Reserve Transfers In 200,000 Sheriff's Capital Reserve Fund Transfers In 450,000 Fund Balance 16,662 Total Sheriff's Capital Reserve Fund 466,662 Solid Waste Capital Reserve Transfers In 887,185 Solid Waste Post Closure Fund Transfers In 237,350 Debt Service Funds General Government Debt Service Fund Sales Tax 8,000,000 Transfers In 11,000,000 Fund Balance 701,829 Total General Government Debt Service 19,701,829 Harnett Regional Water Debt Service Fund Transfers In 4,678,309 Solid Waste Debt Service Fund Transfers In 366,983 063020ss HCBOC Page 11 Harnett Regional Water (HRW) Enterprise Fund Local 3,703 Service Charges ‐ Invest Earnings 10,581 Service Charges ‐ Other Services 350,000 Service Charges ‐ Special Charges 250,000 Service Charges ‐ Returned Check 8,500 Service Charges ‐ Penalties 975,000 Service Charges ‐ Water 22,500,000 Service Charges ‐ Sewer 11,500,000 Service Charges ‐ Energy 600,000 Sale Of Materials And Scrap 5,000 Contributions And Donations 390,000 Rents 115,000 Other Revenue 200,000 Total HRW Enterprise Fund 36,907,784 Solid Waste Enterprise Fund Solid Waste Availability Fee 4,300,000 Solid Waste Availability Fee ‐ Delinquent 16,439 State 282,000 Service Charges ‐ Invest Earnings 553 Service Charges ‐ Other Services 1,900,000 Service Charges ‐ Special Charges 10,200 Sale Of Materials And Scrap 45,000 Other Revenue 500 Total Solid Waste Enterprise Fund 6,554,692 063020ss HCBOC Page 12 General Fund Ad Valorem Taxes ‐ Real 59,000,000 Ad Valorem Taxes ‐ Motor Vehicles 7,400,000 Ad Valorem Taxes ‐ Real Delinquent 250,000 Ad Valorem Taxes ‐ Penalties 200,000 Article 39 Sales Tax 6,300,000 Article 40 Sales Tax 5,600,000 Article 42 Sales Tax 700,000 Article 44 Sales Tax 4,000,000 Excise Tax 530,000 Federal 14,832,848 State 3,551,155 Local 25,937 Medicaid Hold Harmless 2,220,000 Service Charges ‐ Departmental 13,730,107 Service Charges ‐ Indirect Cost 1,422,070 Service Charges ‐ Concessions 75,000 Service Charges ‐ Invest Earnings 313,939 Enterprise Charges ‐ Returned Check 3,000 Contributions And Donations 19,600 Rents 98,883 Other Revenue 1,246,874 Transfers From ‐ Special Revenue 3,343,348 Fund Balance Appropriated 2,551,797 Total General Fund Revenue 127,414,558 063020ss HCBOC Page 13 Dental Self Insurance Fund Services Charges 516,000 Employee Clinic Fund Services Charges 174,690 Fleet Replacement Fund Services Charges 89,508 Miscellaneous 27,600 Transfers In 150,000 Total Fleet Replacement Fund 267,108 Health Self Insurance Fund Services Charges 9,371,585 Miscellaneous 17,000 Total Health Self Insurance Fund 9,388,585 Information Techonology Fund Services Charges 861,164 Transfers In 350,000 Total Information Technology Fund 1,211,164 Retiree Health Self Insurance Fund Services Charges 1,500,000 Unemployment Fund Services Charges 250,000 Workers Comp Fund Services Charges 1,200,000 063020ss HCBOC Page 14 Automation Enhancement & Preservation Fund Services Charges 65,000 Fund Balance 86,500 Total Automation Enhancement & Preservation Fund 151,500 Concealed Weapons Fund Services Charges 150,000 Education & Economic Development Fund Fund Balance 3,343,348 Emergency Response Planning Fund Miscellaneous 75,000 Emergency Telephone Fund Other Taxes 893,534 Fund Balance 46,011 Total Emergency Telephone Fund 939,545 Fines & Forfeitures Fund Miscellaneous 104,382 Public Safety Fund Federal Intergovernmental 18,780 Radio System Fund Services Charges 369,000 Revaluation Fund Transfers In 690,000 063020ss HCBOC Page 15 Special Districts Fund Ad Valorem Taxes 8,492,959 Miscellaneous 1,598,664 Total Special Districts Fund 10,091,623 Veterans Treatment Court Fund Federal Intergovernmental 33,923 Transfers In 48,893 Total Veterans Treatment Court 82,816 Workforce Development Fund Federal Intergovernmental 787,153 Section 3: Board of Commissioners Compensation The following is the salary schedule for the Harnett County Board of Commissioners for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2020 and ending June 30, 2021 as in accordance with G.S. 153A‐28 and G.S. 153A‐92: Chairman $ 10,375 per year +$ 610 per month (Travel) Vice Chairman $ 9,726 per year +$ 610 per month (Travel) Commissioner $ 9,083 per year +$ 610 per month (Travel) Section 4: Tax Levies General Fund There is hereby levied a tax at the rate of seventy‐five cent (.75) per one hundred dollars ($100) valuation of property listed as of January 1, 2020, for the purpose of raising revenue listed as Tax ‐ Ad Valorem Tax in the Harnett County General fund in Section 2 of this ordinance. The rate of tax, for the purpose of taxation, is based upon an estimated total valuation of real and personal property of $8,036,086,716 and motor vehicles of $1,001,692,047, together with anticipated delinquent collections of $250,000 and penalties of $200,000, should generate a total Tax −Ad Valorem of at least $66,850,000 FY 2020‐2021 estimates for real and personal property and for motor vehicle values are based on a property tax collection percentage of 98.5. The property tax collection percentage for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2019 was 99.61 percent. 063020ss HCBOC Page 16 Special Averasboro School District Tax Levy There is hereby levied a tax at the rate of two cents (.02) per one hundred dollars ($100) valuation of property listed for taxes as of January 1, 2020 located within the Special Averasboro School District for the raising of revenue for said Special School District. This rate of tax, for the purpose of taxation, is based upon an estimated total valuation of property of $1,239,994,676, a projected levy of $247,031 and an estimated collection rate of 99.61 percent. Special Fire District Tax Levies There is hereby levied the following tax rates per hundred dollars ($100) valuation of property listed for taxes as of January 1, 2020, located within the Special Districts indicated below for the purpose of providing revenue for said Districts. Anderson Creek Fire District 0.110 Angier/Blackriver Fire District 0.070 Averasboro (Dunn) Fire District 0.090 Benhaven Fire District 0.100 Benson Banner Fire District 0.100 Boone Trail Fire District 0.070 Buies Creek Fire District 0.100 Coats / Grove Fire District 0.090 Crains Creek Fire District 0.100 Circle V (Cypress Creek) Fire District 0.085 Duke (Erwin) Fire District 0.095 Flat Branch Fire District 0.130 Flatwoods / Lillington Fire District 0.120 Godwin / Falcon Fire District 0.100 Northwest Harnett Fire District 0.080 Spout Springs Fire District 0.120 Summerville / Bunnlevel Fire District 0.100 West Area Fire District 0.100 West Johnston Fire District 0.070 063020ss HCBOC Page 17 The Tax Collector of Harnett County is hereby authorized, empowered, and commanded to collect the taxes set forth in the tax records filed in the office of the Harnett County Tax Department in the amounts and from the taxpayers likewise therein set forth. Such taxes are hereby declared to be a first lien upon all real property of the respective taxpayers in the County of Harnett, and this order shall be a full and sufficient authority to direct, require, and enable the Tax Collector to levy on and sell any real or personal property of such taxpayers, for and on account thereof, in accordance with the law. Section 5: Board of Education The following categories of funding are provided for the 2020‐2021 budget year to meet the needs of the Harnett County Board of Education as detailed in the Harnett County Schools 2020‐2021 Budget Request dated April 20, 2020. A. Current Expense: On July 1, 2016 Harnett County adopted a funding formula for current expense which will annually budget an amount equal to the most recent known 2nd month average daily membership (ADM) count of students within the Harnett County Public School System, times the most recent known Three‐Year Average of Appropriations per ADM for Harnett County, as determined by the NC Department of Public Instruction. For the fiscal year 2020‐2021 budget, Harnett County will use this base funding formula to allocate a total of $24,680,603 for current expense. This appropriation will provide an approximated per pupil funding of $1,184.63 based upon a Harnett County School ADM of 20,147 and a Charter School ADM of 561. The total allocation has been calculated as follows: 063020ss HCBOC Page 18 1. Base Calculation: 20,147 x $1,184.63 = $23,866,741 Expanded Calculation: In addition to this calculation, the County will include an appropriation to provide increased current expense funding to offset charter school allocations. This amount has been calculated as follows. 561 x $1,184.63 = $664,578 Total Calculation: 20,708 x $1,184.63 = $24,531,318 2. Hold‐harmless funding: For the 2020 ‐ 2021 budget, the current expense allocation will remain at $24,680,603 to hold the schools harmless for the reduction in the ADM from the prior year. 3 Supplemental taxes for the Special Averasboro School District, as outlined in Section 3 of this document, are not included in this current expense funding formula. B. Capital Outlay: Harnett County has adopted a funding formula for capital and capital maintenance. Appropriations will be based on an amount equal to 65% of the prior fiscal year ADM Lottery proceeds. For the 2020 ‐ 2021 budget year, the following amount has been calculated: 65.00% x $1,072,917 = $697,396 The remaining 35% shall be retained in the Public School Building Capital Fund for future land purchase or debt payments. In order to not penalize the Board of Education for the decrease value of lottery proceeds last fiscal year, the Board of Commissioners has agreed to fund the capital and capital maintenance needs at the same rate as last fiscal year, $1,021,528. C. School Debt: Funds to continue to retire the debt for our public schools have been included. The amounts are as follows: 063020ss HCBOC Page 19 COPS 2010 (COPS 2000 & Angier Elementary) Interest 147,600 Principal 782,000 COPS 2011 (COPS 2002 Refunding) Interest 168,118 Principal 1,971,040 2012B Qualified School Construction Bonds Interest 1,365,195 Principal 743,573 COPS 2015 (COPS 2007) Refunding Interest 228,239 Principal 1,295,973 QZAB III Interest 0 Principal 40,539 2016 Qualified School Construction Bonds Interest Principal 220,000 2016 Refinancing (2009) COPs ‐ School Interest 457,094 Principal 2,499,000 2017 GO Bonds ‐ Schools (Benhaven Elementary) Interest 999,313 Principal 1,475,000 2020 GO Bonds (pending) for Erwin Elementary School Interest 1,031,250 Principal 0 2020 GO Bonds (projected) for NW Harnett Elementary School Interest 952,900 Principal 0 Total School Debt Payments $ 14,376,834 063020ss HCBOC Page 20 D. Board of Education member compensation: In accordance with G.S. 115C‐38 and G.S. 153A‐92, the following maximum compensation levels for the Harnett County Board of Education are established for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2019 and ending June 30, 2020: Chairman $ 10,375 per year +$ 610 per month (Travel) Vice Chairman $ 9,726 per year +$ 610 per month (Travel) Member $ 9,083 per year +$ 610 per month (Travel) Section 6: Economic Development Section 1 of this document includes funding for the following economic development purposes: Personnel 183,846 Professional Consultants 8,250 Marketing/Advertising/Incentives 361,461 Impositions 50,000 Operations 26,018 Professional Dues 55,581 Total Economic Development 685,156 All of these funds will be used to promote development and infrastructure improvements in Harnett County. Section 7: Periodic Financial Reports The Finance Officer shall make available to each Department Director or their designee, access to that director's accounting data maintained on the County's computerized financial management system. The level of access and the ability to manipulate said da ta shall be determined at the sole discretion of the Finance Officer but shall be no less restrictive than the ability to view such data and generate reports of same. The Finance Officer shall provide monthly expense and revenue reports to the Board of Commissioners in a manner and format agreed to by both parties. 063020ss HCBOC Page 21 Section 8: Rates & Fees The Board of Commissioners hereby declares that all rates and fees set forth in Attachment A: Rate & Fee Schedule are in effect during Fiscal Year 2020‐2021 and that the County has the authority to charge said rates and fees as set forth in Attachment A until rescinded or modified. The following fees have been added, rescinded or modified from FY 2019‐2020 and are already reflected in Attachment A: Department New or Increase Fee Name Current Fee Amount Proposed Fee Amount Units Animal Services Increase Rabies Lab Testing Container Fee 25.00 50.00 Per Container Animal Services New Large Livestock Adoption Fee (owner surrender only) 0 100.00 Per Animal Animal Services New Small Livestock Adoption Fee (owner surrender only) 0 25 Per Animal Animal Services New Poultry/Fowl Adoption Fee (owner surrender only) 0 5 Per Animal Development Services Change Commercial Mechanical Permits % of job cost 90.00 Up To Two Units Being Changed Out Development Services Change Commercial Mechanical Permits % of job cost 110.00 More Than Two Units Being Changed Out Emergency Medical Services New Specialty Care N/A 1,279.82 Per Call Emergency Medical Services New Round Trip N/A 829.50 Per Call Emergency Medical Services Increase ALS 1: Emergency 428.20 748.21 Per Call Emergency Medical Services Increase ALS 1: Non‐Emergency 270.44 472.55 Per Call Emergency Medical Services Increase ALS 2: Emergency 619.77 1,082.94 Per Call Emergency Medical Services New ALS Routine Disposable Supplies 0.00 90.00 Per Call Emergency Medical Services Increase BLS‐ Emergency 360.59 630.07 Per Call 063020ss HCBOC Page 22 Department New or Increase Fee Name Current Fee Amount Proposed Fee Amount Units Emergency Medical Services New BLS Routine Disposable Supplies 0.00 75.00 Per Call Emergency Medical Services Increase BLS Non‐Emergency 225.37 393.80 Per Call Emergency Medical Services New Defibrillation 0.00 85.00 Per Call Emergency Medical Services New Intubation 0.00 125.00 Per Call Emergency Medical Services New IV Supplies 0.00 25.00 Per Call Emergency Medical Services Increase Loaded Patient Mileage 11.43 13.33 Per Loaded Mile Emergency Medical Services New Oxygen 0.00 20.00 Per Call Emergency Services Increase 90 Day Explosive Material 200.00 250.00 Per Site Emergency Services Increase Amusement Building 50.00 75.00 Per Site Emergency Per System And $2 Services Increase Automatic Fire Extinguishing System 35.00 50.00 Per Head Emergency Services Increase Carnivals/Fairs 50.00 75.00 Per Event Emergency Services New Change In Liquid Tanks 0.00 75.00 Per Tank Emergency Services New Combustible Dust Producing Operations 0.00 75.00 Per Site Emergency Services Increase Covered Mall Buildings (Not Individual Tenant Space 50.00 75.00 Per Site Emergency Services Increase Exhibit/Trade Shows/Festivals 50.00 75.00 Per Event 063020ss HCBOC Page 23 Department New or Increase Fee Name Current Fee Amount Proposed Fee Amount Units Emergency Services Increase Fire Alarm Detection System And Related Equipment 35.00 50.00 Per System And $2 Per Head Emergency Services Increase Fireworks Display 100.00 150.00 Per Visit Emergency Services New Liq/Gas Fueled Vehicles In Assembly Buildings 0.00 75.00 Per Site Emergency Services New Liquid Dispensing ‐ AGST/UGST To Vehicles 0.00 75.00 Per Site Emergency Services New Liquid Dispensing ‐ Tanker To Vehicle 0.00 75.00 Per Site Emergency Services New Liquid Use/Dispensing/Storage/Transportation 0.00 75.00 Per Site Emergency Services New Manufacture/ Process Liquids 0.00 75.00 Per Site Emergency Services New Private Fire Hydrants 0.00 75.00 Per Hydrant Emergency Services Increase Re‐Inspection (Storage Tank) 50.00 100.00 Per Visit Emergency Services New Spraying Or Dipping Operations 0.00 75.00 Per Site Emergency Services Increase Standpipes 50.00 150.00 Per Building Emergency Services New Vehicles In Assembly Buildings 0.00 75.00 Per Permit General Services‐ Restitution Increase Juvenile Restitution Service Fee 5.00 7.25 Per Hour Health Increase Flu Vaccine Quad 48.00 55.00 Per Dose Health Increase HPV Vaccine (3 Dose) Gardasil 585.00 720.00 Per 3 Doses Health Increase Proquad (Mmr & Varicella) 225.00 232.00 Per Dose Health Increase Varicella 133.00 145.00 Per Dose 063020ss HCBOC Page 24 Department New or Increase Fee Name Current Fee Amount Proposed Fee Amount Units Information Technology Increase Email Hosting For Towns: Microsoft Exchange Mailbox 100 Users Or More 3.00 6.00 Per User Email Box Per Month Information Technology Increase Email Hosting For Towns: Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Under 100 Users 4.00 7.00 Per User Email Box Per Month Information Technology New Netmotion VPN License Fee Town Fee 0.00 6.00 Per User Per Month Parks & Rec New Adult Softball Men's Team Fee (Church League) 550.00 Per Team Parks & Rec New Adult Softball Women's Team Fee (Church League) 500.00 Per Team Parks & Rec Increase Ballfield Rental: Each Additional Hour 10.00 15.00 Per Hour Parks & Rec Increase Ballfield Rental: Half Day (Up To 5 Hours 50.00 60.00 Per Half Day Parks & Rec Increase Multipurpose Field Rental: Field Preparation 20.00 30.00 Per Field Parks & Rec Increase Senior Golf Tournament Participation Fee 25.00 30.00 Per Participant Harnett Regional Water Increase Bulk Sewer Capacity Holders 2.05 2.30 1,000 Gallons Harnett Regional Water Increase Bulk Sewer Linden Oaks 2.38 2.60 1,000 Gallons Harnett Regional Water Increase Bulk Water 2.38 2.60 1,000 Gallons Harnett Regional Water Increase Bulk Water Capacity Holders 1.85 2.05 1,000 Gallons Harnett Regional Water Increase Bulk Water Woodlake 2.77 2.90 1,000 Gallons Solid Waste Increase Availability Fee 65.00 80.00 Per Household Solid Waste Increase C & D Landfill Tipping Fee 45.00 48.00 Per Ton Solid Waste Increase Collection Hauler Permit 100.00 125.00 Per Permit Solid Waste Increase Mattress / Box Spring Small 2.00 5.00 Per Mattress Solid Waste New Minimum Charge 0.00 5.00 Per Load 063020ss HCBOC Page 25 Section 9: Authorized Positions The Board of Commissioners has authorized the following number of full‐time positions budgeted by function/department. FY 2021 General Government 96.00 Public Safety: Sheriff 226.00 Emergency Service 8.50 Emergency Medical Services 84.00 Emergency Communications 26.00 Animal Services 8.00 Transportation 18.00 Environmental Safety 3.00 Economic & Physical Development 22.00 Human Services: Health 59.30 Social Services 182.00 Human Services (all others) 14.70 Cultural & Recreational 25.00 Workforce Development 5.00 Emergency Response Planning Grant 0.50 Harnett Regional Water 104.00 Solid Waste 17.00 Employee Clinic 1.00 Total Positions Budgeted 900.00 Section 10: Personnel and Compensation The Board of Commissioners has authorized the Fiscal Year 2020‐2021 Budget to include: A. Funding is included in the previously listed sections for the Employee Performance Pay Plan in the amount of 1.5% and is to be administered in accordance with the Harnett County Personnel Ordinance. B. A County contribution of 5% of sworn law enforcement officers’ salary into the State supplemental 401K plan, regardless of employee contribution, as required by G.S. 143‐166.50(e). 063020ss HCBOC Page 26 C. A County contribution of 2% of general employees' (non‐sworn law enforcement officers’) salary into the State supplemental 401K plan, regardless of employee contribution. D. The County shall pay the individual cost of medical and dental insurance of all regular full‐time active employees. The monthly rates for full time active employees are posted in the Rate & Fee Schedule. E. Vision insurance is available for eligible full‐time employees to purchase as an elected deduction. The County does not participate in the cost of this insurance for the employee. The monthly rate for full time active employees is posted in the Rate & Fee Schedule. F. The County will transfer $15.00 per full‐time employee per month to the Employee Clinic Internal Service Fund to fund the employee health clinic. The County will provide the service for all full and part‐time employees and their dependents. Those retirees who are covered by the County health insurance plan may also utilize the clinic. The employees will not be required to use leave while receiving treatment at the clinic nor pay a co‐pay for services received. G. The County will transfer $10.00 per full‐time employee per month to the OPEB Internal Service Fund to fund the OPEB Trust. Additionally, the County will transfer $10.00 per sworn law enforcement employee per month to the OPEB Internal Service Fund to fund the LEOSEP Trust. These funds will be placed into a special fund to be invested with the State Treasurer to accumulate for use in paying future benefits owed to qualifying employees who separate from the County's employment. H. Requests for new positions, salary adjustments, position reclassifications, transfers and/or department reorganizations will only be considered by management as part of the annual budget process. Should the need arise to address one or more of these items during the course of the fiscal year, the department will present their request to the County Manager who may address the matter based on his/her level of discretion granted in the Personnel Ordinance. All requests for new positions will be required to be presented to the full Board of County Commissioners at a regularly scheduled work session to obtain their approval at the following regularmeeting. 063020ss HCBOC Page 27 Section 11: Salary Grade Table The Board of Commissioners hereby adopts the Fiscal Year 2020‐2021 Classification and Grade Table as set forth in Attachment B to be effective from July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021. Staff is hereby authorized to make modifications and adjust any and all pay ranges, accordingly, to maintain the integrity of the table going forward. Section 12: Reduction in State and Federal Funding It will be the general policy of this Board that it will not absorb any reduction in State and Federal funds; however, the Board, in its discretion, may amend the budget ordinance to appropriate additional funds to compensate for the reduction in State and Federal funds so long as the ordinance, as amended, satisfies the requirements of G.S. 159‐8 and 159‐13. If the Board does not appropriate additional funds, the agency shall reduce personnel or program expenditures to stay within the authorized County appropriation. The policy is extended to any agency that is funded by the County and receives State or Federal funds. This shall remain in effect until otherwise changed or amended by the Board of Commissioners. The County Manager is hereby directed to distribute this policy to each of the agencies that may be involved. Section 13: Fiscal Control Act A. The County Manager and the Finance Officer are hereby directed to make any changes in the budget or fiscal practices that are required by the Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act. This shall extend to permitted consolidation of funds and “Single Tax Levies” permitted in the Fiscal Control Act. Any changes made by this authorization shall be reported to the Board of Commissioners for their approval. The known changes that follow shall in no way be a limitation to the County Manager and Finance Officer in complying with said Act. B. As provided by G.S. 159‐25(b), the Board has authorized dual signatures for each check or draft that is made on County funds. The signatures of the County Manager or the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners and the Finance Officer following proof or warrant, shall be the authorized signatures of the County. C. Department directors may request the transfer of line item appropriations between cost centers under their jurisdiction. Transfers made from salary and wage accounts shall not result in the increase of salary obligations. Transfers into capital outlay lines shall not result in the purchase of additional capital items not previously approved by the Board of Commissioners. The County Manager, as the budget officer, is hereby authorized to approve such transfers. All budget transfers as referenced herein will be reported at the next regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners as in accordance with G.S. 159‐15. D. The Harnett County Board of Commissioner's establish a capitalization threshold of $20,000 for equipment and vehicles, $100,000for renovations/improvements and $250,000 for new construction. 063020ss HCBOC Page 28 E. The County Manager, who serves as the Budget Officer, is hereby directed to administer the budget within the following legal parameters and the guidelines contained within the Fiscal Policy, adopted by the Harnett County Board of Commissioners on February 17, 2020 and incorporated by reference. A copy is attached as Attachment C. 1. Except where in conflict with C above, transfer funds within a department without limitation. 2. Transfer amounts of up to $5,000 between departments of the same fund with a memorandum report of such transfers at the next regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners. 3. Employ temporary help from time to time to meet the needs of county departments. 4. Transfer amounts of up to $50,000 from contingency to any department with a memorandum report of such transfers at the next regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners. Amounts of $50,000 or above must be approved by the Board of Commissioners. 5. Execute contracts provided that funds for the contract have been approved as part of the annual budget and the contract does not exceed the funds appropriated, the contract’s term does not exceed three years, does not automatically renew beyond three years, and all applicable state laws and county policies regarding purchasing are followed, and the contract does not exceed$100,000. 6. Execute on behalf of the Board of Commissioners any other contract, change order, purchase order or other instrument incurring any obligation which is specifically approved by the Board of Commissioners. 7. Authorize payment in an amount not to exceed $5,000 in settlement of any liability claims against the County or against any of its officers or employees. F. Other changes in this budget will be made by amendment only. Transfers between Funds requires the specific approval of the Board of Commissioners. Appropriation from Contingency in a capital project fund can be made following previously adopted Best Management Practices as listed in Attachment D. Section 14: Capital Improvement Plans General Government and Solid Waste Capital Improvements Plan The General Government and Solid Waste Capital Improvements Plan was adopted on December 19, 2019, is available in the Office of the Clerk to the Board of Commissioners and is included in the FY 2020‐2021 Approved Budget Document. The plan is acknowledged as being a working tool developed by the County staff to give guidance toward the County's general government infrastructure development and capital needs. The amounts listed in the FY 2020‐2021 fiscal year are approved as part of this budget ordinance, with the following changes: A. The scheduled $100,000 transfer to the Greenway Capital Reserve is eliminated. B. The scheduled $200,000 transfer to the Fleet Internal Service Fund is reduced by $50,000 to $150,000. 063020ss HCBOC Page 29 Harnett Regional Water Capital Improvements Plan The Harnett Regional Water Department Capital Improvement Plan was adopted on June 15, 2020, is available in the Office of the Clerk to the Board of Commissioners and is included in the FY 2020‐2021 Approved Budget Document. The plan is acknowledged as being a working tool developed by the County staff to give guidance toward the County’s water and sewer infrastructure development and capital needs. The amounts listed in the FY 2020‐2021 fiscal year are approved as part of this budget ordinance. Section 15: Document Availability Copies of this Budget Ordinance shall be furnished to the Tax Collector, Budget Officer, Clerk to the Board of Commissioners and to the Finance Officer to be kept on file by them for their direction in the disbursement of funds and collection of taxes and fees. Adopted this, the 30th day of June, 2020. HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Howard Penny, Chairman Paula K Stewart, County Manager ATTEST: Margaret Regina Wheeler, Clerk to the Board 063020ss HCBOC Page 30 DEPARTMENT TYPE OF FEE 2018 - 2019 2019 - 2020 2020 - 2021 ADOPTED ANIMAL SERVICES Dangerous Dog Appeal 20.00 20.00 20.00 Livestock at Large Auction (New State Mandate) G.S 68-20 24(a) Auction (New State Mandate) G.S 68-20 24(a) Notice of Sale (State Mandate) G.S §68-20 Large Livestock Adoption Fee 0.00 0.00 100.00 Small Livestock Adoption Fee 0.00 0.00 25.00 Poultry/Fowl Adoption Fee 0.00 0.00 5.00 Rabies Lab Testing / Container Fee 25.00 25.00 50.00 Animal pick-up (if animal is reclaimed) 30.00 30.00 30.00 Animal boarding, per day (if animal is reclaimed) 10.00 20.00 20.00 Adoption Fees: Canine Adoption Fee (includes Rabies, Vacinations and microchip) 55.00 55.00 55.00 Feline Adoption Fee (includes Rabies and microchip) 45.00 45.00 45.00 Veteran's Adoption Fee 20.00 20.00 20.00 Small Animal Adoption Fee 10.00 10.00 10.00 Rescue Fees: Canine Rescue Fee (first three canines, each) 45.00 45.00 45.00 Canine Rescue Fee (after three canines, each) 25.00 25.00 25.00 Feline Rescue / Rescue only fee 16.00 16.00 16.00 063020ss HCBOC Page 31 DEPARTMENT TYPE OF FEE 2018 - 2019 2019 - 2020 2020 - 2021 ADOPTED ANIMAL SERVICES Civil Summons: First Offense 100.00 100.00 100.00 Second Offense 200.00 200.00 200.00 Third Offense 400.00 400.00 400.00 Current Quarantine: If the animal is picked up 130.00 130.00 130.00 If animal is brought in 100.00 100.00 100.00 Rabies Vaccination 8.00 8.00 8.00 Rabies Vaccination (special clinic) 5.00 5.00 5.00 Wormer all dogs 5.00 5.00 5.00 Feline / Canine Testing 15.00 15.00 15.00 BOARD OF ELECTIONS Paper List, per page 0.10 0.10 0.10 Labels, per sheet (30 per sheet) 0.30 0.30 0.30 Fax, per sheet 0.20 0.20 0.20 CD ROM 3.00 3.00 3.00 Copies, per page 0.10 0.10 0.10 Postage actual cost actual cost actual cost provided at no cost: The State chair of each political party (1 list) 063020ss HCBOC Page 32 DEPARTMENT TYPE OF FEE 2018 - 2019 2019 - 2020 2020 - 2021 ADOPTED BOARD OF ELECTIONS The County chair of each political party: One in every odd number year numbered year COOPERATIVE EXTENSION Laminating: 9 x 11 1/2" pouch 0.25 0.25 0.25 9 x 14 1/2" pouch 0.35 0.35 0.35 12 x 18" pouch 0.50 0.50 0.50 25" wide roll $0.80 / ft $0.80 / ft $0.80 / ft Replacement training certificates (each) 1.00 1.00 1.00 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Board of Adjustments: Conditional use permits, residential 175.00 175.00 175.00 Conditional use permits, minor non-residential 200.00 200.00 200.00 Conditional use permits, neighborhood non-residential 200 plus $50 per acre $500 max 200 plus $50 per acre $500 max 200 plus $50 per acre $500 max Conditional use permits, community non-residential 200 plus $50 per acre $1,000 max 200 plus $50 per acre $1,000 max 200 plus $50 per acre $1,000 max Conditional use permits, regional non-residential 200 plus $75 per acre $1,500 max 200 plus $75 per acre $1,500 max 200 plus $75 per acre $1,500 max Conditional use permits, planned unit development $175 plus $10 per acre for commercial and $3 res/ unit (includes SFR & MF, Max $1,500) $175 plus $10 per acre for commercial and $3 res/ unit (includes SFR & MF, Max $1,500) $175 plus $10 per acre for commercial and $3 res/ unit (includes SFR & MF, Max $1,500) Conditional use permit, cell tower 200.00 200.00 200.00 063020ss HCBOC Page 33 DEPARTMENT TYPE OF FEE 2018 - 2019 2019 - 2020 2020 - 2021 ADOPTED DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Appeal or interpretation $260 with refund option $260 with refund option $260 with refund option Variance 400.00 400.00 400.00 Variance, administrative 400.00 400.00 400.00 Re-inspect for Conditional Use permit 50.00 50.00 50.00 Planning Board: Alternate plan review 200.00 200.00 200.00 Rezoning, first 10 acres 250.00 250.00 250.00 Rezoning, each additional acre 50.00 50.00 50.00 with maximum of 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 Ordinance text amendment 250.00 250.00 250.00 Land Use Plan / Map Amendment 250.00 250.00 Mobile Home Park Plan 175.00 175.00 175.00 plus per lot charge 20.00 20.00 20.00 Major subdivision plat 500.00 500.00 500.00 plus per lot charge 20.00 20.00 20.00 Major subdivision plat - Revision to preliminary 100.00 100.00 100.00 plus per lot charge for new lots 20.00 20.00 20.00 Major subdivision plat - final plat 100.00 100.00 100.00 Re-inspection fee for final plats 50.00 50.00 50.00 Major subdivision plat final recreation fee, per lot 500.00 500.00 500.00 Minor subdivision plat w/o improvements 100.00 100.00 100.00 plus per lot charge 20.00 20.00 20.00 Minor subdivision plat with improvements 160.00 160.00 160.00 plus per lot charge 20.00 20.00 20.00 063020ss HCBOC Page 34 DEPARTMENT TYPE OF FEE 2018 - 2019 2019 - 2020 2020 - 2021 ADOPTED DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Highway Corridor Overlay Review 60.00 60.00 60.00 Exempt Plats 30.00 30.00 30.00 Permits & Licenses: Land Use permit 25.00 25.00 25.00 Land Use permit renewal 75.00 75.00 75.00 Sign permit, ground 50.00 50.00 50.00 Sign permit, wall $1/square foot $1/square foot $1/square foot Sign permit renewal 100.00 100.00 100.00 Outdoor advertising signs (billboards) refer to Commercial building permit refer to Commercial building permit refer to Commercial building permit Site plan, minor 100.00 100.00 100.00 Site plan, neighborhood 250.00 250.00 250.00 Site plan, community 400.00 400.00 400.00 Site plan, regional 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 Site plan, renewal 100.00 100.00 100.00 Historic property application 25.00 25.00 25.00 Improvement guarantee review 400.00 400.00 400.00 Improvement guarantees, modification 200.00 200.00 200.00 Improvement guarantees, renewal 100.00 100.00 100.00 Mobile home park zoning inspection 150.00 150.00 150.00 plus per lot charge 7.00 7.00 7.00 Mobile home re-inspection, per trip 50.00 50.00 50.00 Vested rights certificate 400.00 400.00 400.00 Flood Permit 100.00 100.00 100.00 Letter of map amendment (LOMA) review 50.00 50.00 50.00 Conditional letter of map amendment (CLOMA) review 50.00 50.00 50.00 063020ss HCBOC Page 35 DEPARTMENT TYPE OF FEE 2018 - 2019 2019 - 2020 2020 - 2021 ADOPTED DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Letter of map revision (LOMR) review 50.00 50.00 50.00 Conditional letter of map revision (CLOMR) review 50.00 50.00 50.00 Watershed 100.00 100.00 100.00 Special nonresidential intensity allocation permit (SNIA) $1,000/acre $1,000/acre $1,000/acre Watershed variance 400.00 400.00 400.00 Ordinances: Unified Development Ordinance 30.00 30.00 30.00 Zoning Compliance (letter) 75.00 75.00 75.00 Zoning Verification (letter) 25.00 25.00 25.00 Copies: Previously Issued Permit (per page) 3.00 3.00 3.00 Maps 5.00 5.00 5.00 Board Meeting Recordings on CD 5.00 5.00 Cell Towers: church steeple) 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 Collocated or combined wireless communications facility (i.e. basic co-location) $1,000 (per change in General Statutes) $1,000 (per change in General Statutes) $1,000 (per change in General Statutes) clock tower) 6,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 lattice, guided tower, monopole) 7,000.00 7,000.00 7,000.00 063020ss HCBOC Page 36 DEPARTMENT TYPE OF FEE 2018 - 2019 2019 - 2020 2020 - 2021 ADOPTED DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Electrical: Electrical permit (minimum) $60/$120 after the fact $60/$120 after the fact $60/$120 after the fact 200 amps $80/$160 after the fact $80/$160 after the fact $80/$160 after the fact Over 200 amps $90/$180 after the fact $90/$180 after the fact $90/$180 after the fact Residential Solar Panels (new law requires 2 trips) 80.00 $120 / $240 $120 / $240 Residential Generator $120 / $240 $120 / $240 Commercial Solar Panels Based on Contractor's Labor Cost Based on Contractor's Labor Cost Based on Contractor's Labor Cost Residential Mechanical: Minimum residential mechanical (ductwork & gas line only, etc.) $60/$120 after the fact $60/$120 after the fact $60/$120 after the fact Up to 2 residential unit replacement (includes electrical) $90/$180 after the fact $90/$180 after the fact $90/$180 after the fact More than 2 residential units (includes electrical) $110/$220 after the fact $110/$220 after the fact $110/$220 after the fact Commercial Mechanical Up to 2 commercial unit replacement (includes electrical) % of job cost 90.00 More than 2 commercial units (includes electrical) % of job cost 110.00 Manufactured Home: 063020ss HCBOC Page 37 DEPARTMENT TYPE OF FEE 2018 - 2019 2019 - 2020 2020 - 2021 ADOPTED DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Travel Trailer $125/$250 after the fact $125/$250 after the fact $125/$250 after the fact Singlewide Mobile Home $150/$300 after the fact $150/$300 after the fact $150/$300 after the fact Doublewide Mobile Home $200/$400 after the fact $200/$400 after the fact $200/$400 after the fact Triplewide Mobile Home $225/$450 after the fact $225/$450 after the fact $225/$450 after the fact Plumbing: Minimum Plumbing, 2 or less fixtures $50/$100 after the fact $50/$100 after the fact $50/$100 after the fact Water service line $40/$80 after the fact $40/$80 after the fact $40/$80 after the fact Sewer service line $50/$100 after the fact $50/$100 after the fact $50/$100 after the fact Residential Plumbing, more than 2 fixtures $100/$200 after the fact $100/$200 after the fact $100/$200 after the fact Insulation $55/$110 after the fact $55/$110 after the fact $55/$110 after the fact Miscellaneous: Homeowner's Recovery Fund 10.00 10.00 10.00 Day Care or Group Home 100.00 100.00 100.00 Demolition (Residential or Commercial - requires asbestos report) 75.00 75.00 75.00 First trip 50.00 50.00 Second trip (existing violations not corrected) 100.00 100.00 Third trip 150.00 150.00 063020ss HCBOC Page 38 DEPARTMENT TYPE OF FEE 2018 - 2019 2019 - 2020 2020 - 2021 ADOPTED DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Plan Review Fee (Residential) 25.00 25.00 25.00 Plan Review (Commercial) 50.00 50.00 50.00 Plan Review (Industrial) 100.00 100.00 100.00 Expired permits (6 months to 2 years) 150.00 150.00 150.00 Expired permits over 2 years full cost full cost full cost Change of use (n/a when building permits issued) 100.00 100.00 100.00 Second home removal permit & inspection $350 with partial refund option for compliance $350 with partial refund option for compliance Swimming pools (does not include electrical) Moved from Mechanical $100/$200 after the fact $100/$200 after the fact $100/$200 after the fact New Single Family Dwelling: Description by dimension per square fee (heated and garage). Includes building, electrical, plumbing, mechanical, insulation and t.s.p. permit Up to 1,200 square feet $600/$1,200 after the fact $600/$1,200 after the fact $600/$1,200 after the fact 1,201 to 2,000 square feet $700/$1,400 after the fact $700/$1,400 after the fact $700/$1,400 after the fact 2,001 to 2,500 square feet $805/$1,610 after the fact $805/$1,610 after the fact $805/$1,610 after the fact 2,501 to 3,000 square feet $940/$1,880 after the fact $940/$1,880 after the fact $940/$1,880 after the fact 3,001 to 3,500 square feet $1,045/$2,090 after the fact $1,045/$2,090 after the fact $1,045/$2,090 after the fact 3,501 to 4,000 square feet $1,200/$2,400 after the fact $1,200/$2,400 after the fact $1,200/$2,400 after the fact 4,001 to 4,500 square feet $1,290/$2,580 after the fact $1,290/$2,580 after the fact $1,290/$2,580 after the fact 063020ss HCBOC Page 39 DEPARTMENT TYPE OF FEE 2018 - 2019 2019 - 2020 2020 - 2021 ADOPTED DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 4,501 to 5,000 square feet $1,390/$2,780 after the fact $1,390/$2,780 after the fact $1,390/$2,780 after the fact 5,001 or more square feet $1,390 plus $0.20 x sq. ft $1,390 plus $0.20 x sq. ft $1,390 plus $0.20 x sq. ft Residential additions: Attached and detached garage, storage buildings, renovations, and fire damage renovation (building permit only) 0 to 500 square feet $100/$200 after the fact $100/$200 after the fact $100/$200 after the fact 501 to 1,200 square feet $175/$350 after the fact $175/$350 after the fact $175/$350 after the fact 1,201 to 2,000 square feet $250/$500 after the fact $250/$500 after the fact $250/$500 after the fact 2,001 or more square feet $325/$650 after the fact $325/$650 after the fact $325/$650 after the fact Modular Home (fee includes electrical, plumbing and mechanical) $375/$750 after the fact $375/$750 after the fact $375/$750 after the fact Modular Construction Trailer - Temporary $125/$250 after the fact $125/$250 after the fact $125/$250 after the fact Moved house or building (fee includes electrical, plumbing and mechanical) $375/$750 after the fact $375/$750 after the fact $375/$750 after the fact *Please note that there are additional fee requirements for additions or renovations to Modular Home or Move House setups. 063020ss HCBOC Page 40 DEPARTMENT TYPE OF FEE 2018 - 2019 2019 - 2020 2020 - 2021 ADOPTED DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Commercial, Industrial and Multi-Family : Fee is for each trade and is separate from the total cost of the project $0 - $1,200 $80/$160 after the fact $80/$160 after the fact $80/$160 after the fact $1,201 - $2,500 $160/$320 after the fact $160/$320 after the fact $160/$320 after the fact $2,501 - $25,000 $300/$600 after the fact $300/$600 after the fact $300/$600 after the fact $25,001 - $50,000 $500/$1000 after the fact $500/$1000 after the fact $500/$1000 after the fact $50,001 - $100,000 $905/$1,810 after the fact $905/$1,810 after the fact $905/$1,810 after the fact $100,001 - $200,000 $1,710/$3,420 after the fact $1,710/$3,420 after the fact $1,710/$3,420 after the fact $200,001 - $350,000 $2,915/$5,830 after the fact $2,915/$5,830 after the fact $2,915/$5,830 after the fact $350,001 - $500,000 $3,820/$7,640 after the fact $3,820/$7,640 after the fact $3,820/$7,640 after the fact $500,001 - $750,000 $5,075/$10,150 after the fact $5,075/$10,150 after the fact $5,075/$10,150 after the fact $750,001 - $1,000,000 $6,330/$12,660 after the fact $6,330/$12,660 after the fact $6,330/$12,660 after the fact Fees in excess of $6,330 will require an additional .002 of each added million dollars or portion thereof (i.e. $2,000,000 total cost: 2,000,000 - 1,000,000 = 1,000,000 x .002 = 2,000 + 6,330 = 8,330 total permit Each T-pole 60.00 60.00 60.00 063020ss HCBOC Page 41 DEPARTMENT TYPE OF FEE 2018 - 2019 2019 - 2020 2020 - 2021 ADOPTED DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Commercial Modular Unit (any size) plus each trade cost $375/$750 after the fact $375/$750 after the fact $375/$750 after the fact Harnett County Board of Education Classroom Huts: Single Room 100.00 100.00 100.00 Two Rooms 200.00 200.00 200.00 Three or more 300.00 300.00 300.00 EMERGENCY SERVICES Annual Fees: Foster home inspection 25.00 25.00 25.00 Non-Compliance of Violations: First reinspection for non-compliance, if code requirements are met 50.00 50.00 50.00 Second and subsequent inspections for non-compliance 100.00 100.00 100.00 Special User Permits for Specific Times: Fireworks - Pyrotechnic Special Effects (Includes Site Plan Review) 100.00 100.00 150.00 Tents & Temporary Membrane Structure (Includes Site Plan Review) 100.00 100.00 100.00 Temporary kiosks or displays for merchandising - - - Insecticide fogging or fumigation (Includes Site Plan Review) 75.00 75.00 75.00 Explosive Materials (blasting permits): 90 days (Includes Site Plan Review) 200.00 200.00 250.00 72 hours (Includes Site Plan Review) 100.00 100.00 100.00 Amusement Buildings (Includes Site Plan Review) 50.00 50.00 75.00 Carnivals and fairs (Includes Site Plan Review) 50.00 50.00 75.00 063020ss HCBOC Page 42 DEPARTMENT TYPE OF FEE 2018 - 2019 2019 - 2020 2020 - 2021 ADOPTED EMERGENCY SERVICES Covered Mall Buildings (Includes construction plan review. Does not include individual tenant spaces.) 50.00 50.00 75.00 Exhibits, Trade Shows and Festivals (Includes Site Plan Review) 50.00 50.00 75.00 Liquids Use, Dispensing, Storage, Transportation N/C N/C 75.00 Change in Liquid in Tanks N/C N/C 75.00 Manufacture or Process Liquids N/C N/C 75.00 Liquid Dispensing - AGST/UGST to Vehicles N/C N/C 75.00 Liquid Dispensing - Tanker to Vehicles N/C N/C 75.00 Liquid or gas-fueled vehicles or equipment in assembly buildings N/C N/C 75.00 Private Fire Hydrants N/C N/C 75.00 Combustible Dust Producing Operations N/C N/C 75.00 Spraying or Dipping N/C N/C 75.00 Required Construction Permits: Automatic Fire Extinguishing System (Ansul/Sprinkler) $35.00 + $2.00 per Nozzle Head $35.00 + $2.00 per Nozzle Head $50.00+ $2.00 per Nozzle Head Fire Alarm Detection System and Related Equipment $35.00 + $2.00 per initiating device $35.00 + $2.00 per initiating device $50.000+ $2.00 per initiating device Standpipes 50.00 50.00 150.00 Certificate of occupancy certification (Final Inspection) 50.00 50.00 50.00 Certificate of occupancy (Final Inspection) re-check per violation 50.00 50.00 50.00 Any Life Safety Construction Permits Requiring Plans Review Shall also be applicable to the fee schedule indicated under the Plan Review Section. Any required permits not obtained prior to work being conducted shall be applicable for 063020ss HCBOC Page 43 DEPARTMENT TYPE OF FEE 2018 - 2019 2019 - 2020 2020 - 2021 ADOPTED EMERGENCY SERVICES AGST/UGST (Above Ground/Underground Storage Tanks): Removal (per tank) (Includes Site Plan Review) 100.00 100.00 100.00 New installations (per tank) (Includes Site Plan Review) 100.00 100.00 100.00 Reinspection (per tank) 50.00 50.00 100.00 AGST/UGST Pipe Inspection (Includes Site Plan Review) 100.00 100.00 100.00 Plans Review: Up to 5,000 sq. ft. 50.00 50.00 50.00 5,001 to 10,000 sq. ft. 100.00 100.00 100.00 10,001 to 25,000 sq. ft. 150.00 150.00 150.00 Over 25,000 sq. ft. 250.00 250.00 250.00 Major Subdivision Site Plant (DRB Review and Inspection Fee) 100.00 100.00 100.00 Commercial Site Plan Review 50.00 50.00 50.00 Revisions / Resubmittals 50.00 50.00 50.00 Imminent Hazard Violations: Locked or Blocked exit doors 250.00 Each Exit Door / Each Occurance 250.00 Each Exit Door / Each Occurance 250.00 Each Exit Door / Each Occurance Exceeding Posted Occupancy Capacity w/failure to comply 250.00 Each Occurance 250.00 Each Occurance 250.00 Each Occurance EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES BLS: Non-Emergency 231.96 225.37 393.80 Emergency 371.14 360.59 630.07 BLS Routine Disposable Supplies 0.00 0.00 75.00 ALS 1: 063020ss HCBOC Page 44 DEPARTMENT TYPE OF FEE 2018 - 2019 2019 - 2020 2020 - 2021 ADOPTED EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES Non-Emergency 278.36 270.44 472.55 Emergency 440.73 428.20 748.21 ALS 2: Emergency 637.90 619.77 1,082.94 ALS Routine Disposable Supplies 0.00 0.00 90.00 Loaded Patient Mileage 11.18 11.43 13.33 Wheel Chair Van Transport : Within Harnett County - mileage included 50.00 50.00 50.00 Outside Harnett County 3.00 3.00 3.00 Note: Fees are based upon the current NC Medicare/Medicaid Fee Schedule. Specialty Care 0.00 0.00 1,279.82 Round Trip 0.00 0.00 829.50 Defibrillation 0.00 0.00 85.00 Intubation 0.00 0.00 125.00 IV Supplies 0.00 0.00 25.00 Oxygen 0.00 0.00 20.00 BLS Training (Organizations & Individuals): Harnett County Resident 50.00 50.00 50.00 Non-Harnett County Resident 75.00 75.00 75.00 063020ss HCBOC Page 45 DEPARTMENT TYPE OF FEE 2018 - 2019 2019 - 2020 2020 - 2021 ADOPTED EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES BLS Certification Card 3.25 3.25 3.25 Health Saver Certification Card 18.00 18.00 18.00 Health Saver Required Workbook 3.25 3.25 3.25 Local Government & Non-Profit Agencies within Harnett County - cost of certification card and workbook if applicable, no cost for training. 063020ss HCBOC Page 46 DEPARTMENT TYPE OF FEE 2018 - 2019 2019 - 2020 2020 - 2021 ADOPTED GIS / E911 Maps, Print Outs, Deed Plots or Copies printed on Copier (cost per page) 1.00 1.00 1.00 Maps printed on Plotter: Without Ortho's 6.00 6.00 6.00 With Ortho's 10.00 10.00 10.00 Without Ortho's on Poster Paper 16.00 16.00 16.00 With Ortho's on Poster Paper 20.00 20.00 20.00 Specialty Maps, Requests and Projects (hourly cost) 35.00 35.00 35.00 Specialty Maps on Poster Paper - - - Digital Data 35.00 35.00 35.00 Map Book 20.00 20.00 20.00 Police Departments, Towns and anyone who utilizes an 800 MHZ radio). 25.00 25.00 25.00 Road Signs 225.00 250.00 250.00 Road Name Petition 500.00 500.00 500.00 Subdivision Name Change 500.00 500.00 500.00 Reflective Address Number Sign: Complete 20.00 20.00 20.00 Sign Only 15.00 15.00 15.00 Post Only 10.00 10.00 10.00 063020ss HCBOC Page 47 DEPARTMENT TYPE OF FEE 2018 - 2019 2019 - 2020 2020 - 2021 ADOPTED HARNETT REGIONAL WATER All Water Districts: Flat Rate Water, Residential 1st 2,000 gallons 18.50 20.00 20.00 Per Thousand Water, Residential 5.25 5.50 5.50 Flat Rate Water, Commercial, 1st 2,000 gallons (flat) 25.00 27.00 27.00 Per Thousand Water, Commercial (per 1,000 over 2,000) $5.25/1,000 $5.50/1,000 $5.50/1,000 Water Bulk Rate (per 1,000) $2.38/1,000 $2.38/1,000 $2.60/1,000 Water Bulk Rate - Capacity Owners $1.85/1,000 $1.85/1,000 $2.05/1,000 Water Bulk Rate- Woodlake $2.77/1,000 $2.77/1,000 $2.90/1,000 Hydrant 3/4" Meter Rental-Daily/Monthly/Yrly $5 / $140 / $1,200 $5 / $140 / $1,200 $5 / $140 / $1,200 Hydrant 3" Meter Rental-Daily/Monthly/Yrly $10 / $280 / $2,500 $10 / $280 / $2,500 $10 / $280 / $2,500 Institutional Rate Same as residential Same as residential Same as residential Commercial, per month (50,000 gallon minimum/month) ‐ ‐ ‐ Energy Charges per 1,000 Water (Out of County Municipal Customers only) $0.25/1,000 $0.25/1,000 $0.25/1,000 063020ss HCBOC Page 48 DEPARTMENT TYPE OF FEE 2018 - 2019 2019 - 2020 2020 - 2021 ADOPTED HARNETT REGIONAL WATER All Sewer Districts: Flat Rate Sewer, Residential, no gallons 15.00 15.00 15.00 Per Thousand Sewer, Residential $5.25/1,000 $6.00/1,000 $6.00/1,000 Flat Sewer, One person household 35.00 40.00 40.00 Flat Sewer, Two + person household 40.00 45.00 45.00 Flat Rate Sewer, Commercial, no gallons 37.00 40.00 40.00 Per Thousand Sewer, Commercial $5.25/1,000 $6.00/1,000 $6.00/1,000 Institutional Rate, Minimum 225.00 250.00 250.00 Per Thousand Sewer, Institutional $5.25/1,000 $6.00/1,000 $6.00/1,000 Sewer Bulk Rate Capacity Holders (per 1,000) $2.05/1,000 $2.05/1,000 $2.30/1,000 Sewer Bulk Rate Linden Oaks $2.38/1,000 $2.38/1,000 $2.60/1,000 All Water Districts: Water Tap On Fee, 3/4" Service (includes Capacity Use Fee) $800.00 (total $2,800) $800.00 (total $2,800) $800.00 (total $2,800) Water Tap On Fee, 1" Service (includes Capacity Use Fee) $1,500.00 (total $3,500) $1,500.00 (total $3,500) $1,500.00 (total $3,500) Water Tap On Fee, 2" Service (includes Capacity Use Fee) $2,500.00 (total $4,500) $2,500.00 (total $4,500) $2,500.00 (total $4,500) Meter Fees 3/4" Mechanical 70.00 70.00 70.00 Meter Fees 3/4" Electronic/Radio Read 200.00 200.00 200.00 Sprinkler Tap 300.00 300.00 300.00 Water Tap, New District - Construction 200.00 200.00 200.00 Water System Development Fee, per lot 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 Water System Development Fees - Commercial Based on SDF/Res Eq Based on SDF/Res Eq Based on SDF/Res Eq Late or delinquent fee 10.00 10.00 10.00 063020ss HCBOC Page 49 DEPARTMENT TYPE OF FEE 2018 - 2019 2019 - 2020 2020 - 2021 ADOPTED HARNETT REGIONAL WATER All Sewer Districts: Sewer Tap on Fee, Residential, All Districts (does not include Sewer Capacity Use Fee) $1,000 (total $3,500) $1,000 (total $3,500) $1,000 (total $3,500) Sewer Capacity Use Reserve Fee, All districts 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 Sewer Tap, Step Tank, Bunnlevel / Riverside $2,000 (total $4,500) $2,000 (total $4,500) $2,000 (total $4,500) Sewer Tap on Fee, Commercial Based on SDF/Res Eq Based on SDF/Res Eq Based on SDF/Res Eq Sewer Tap Fees: All Residential 2,150.00 2,150.00 2,150.00 Septage Hauler Fees: Basic Facilities Charge truckload truckload truckload Usage Charge $50.00/1,000 $85.00/1,000 $85.00/1,000 All Water & Sewer Districts: Deposits, Owner, Water 25.00 25.00 25.00 Deposits, Owner, Water (if credit is denied due to unpaid utilities) 50.00 50.00 50.00 Deposits, Owner, Sewer 25.00 25.00 25.00 Deposits, Owner, Sewer (if credit is denied due to unpaid utilities) 50.00 50.00 50.00 Deposits, Rental, Water 50.00 50.00 50.00 Deposits, Rental, Water (if credit is denied due to unpaid utilities) 100.00 100.00 100.00 Deposits, Rental, Sewer 50.00 50.00 50.00 Deposits, Rental, Sewer (if credit is denied due to unpaid utilities) 100.00 100.00 100.00 Deposits, 3/4" Hydrant Meter-Refundable 250.00 250.00 250.00 Deposits, 3" Hydrant Meter-Refundable 500.00 500.00 500.00 Setup Fees 15.00 15.00 15.00 After Hours Call Out 50.00 50.00 50.00 Transfer Fee 15.00 15.00 15.00 Water Samples $30 & up $30 & up $30 & up 063020ss HCBOC Page 50 DEPARTMENT TYPE OF FEE 2018 - 2019 2019 - 2020 2020 - 2021 ADOPTED HARNETT REGIONAL WATER All Water & Sewer Districts (con't): Reconnect Fees 40.00 40.00 40.00 Damaged Fees - as allowed by the State $100 & up $100 & up $100 & up Preliminary Plan Review - all projects 250.00 250.00 250.00 Construction Phase Review - per residential equivalent unit 40.00 40.00 40.00 Meters: 3/4" Mechanical 70.00 70.00 70.00 3/4" Electronic/Radio Read 200.00 200.00 200.00 1" 300.00 300.00 300.00 1 1/2" 525.00 525.00 525.00 2" 2,050.00 2,050.00 2,050.00 HEALTH Miscellaneous Fees: Camp/sport/college physicals Moved to CH Services Moved to CH Services Moved to CH Services 17P (Prenatal Patients Only) 125.00 125.00 125.00 DTaP 50.00 50.00 50.00 Flu Vaccine, Prsrv free / Fluzone 48.00 48.00 48.00 Flu Vaccine Quad 48.00 48.00 55.00 Flu Vaccine (Super) / Fluzone High Dose age 65> 74.00 78.00 78.00 Flu Vaccine Trivalent MDV 40.00 40.00 40.00 Hep B 45.00 60.00 60.00 Hepatitis A Vaccine 45.00 45.00 45.00 MMR - Adult 70.00 75.00 75.00 Pneumonia shot 107.00 105.00 105.00 PPD/TB Skin Test 25.00 25.00 25.00 Menactra 135.00 135.00 135.00 063020ss HCBOC Page 51 DEPARTMENT TYPE OF FEE 2018 - 2019 2019 - 2020 2020 - 2021 ADOPTED HEALTH HPV Vaccine (3 dose) 585.00 585.00 720.00 IPV 30.00 30.00 30.00 Kinrix (IPV, Dtap) 60.00 60.00 60.00 Pentacel (Dtap, IPV, HIB) 85.00 88.00 88.00 Prevnar (PCV13) 198.00 210.00 210.00 Proquad (MMR & Varicella) 190.00 225.00 232.00 Rabies 300.00 300.00 300.00 Rotateq 79.00 79.00 79.00 Shingriz (only patients 50-64) 182.00 182.00 Twinrix (Hep A & Hep B Combination) 95.00 95.00 95.00 Varicella (Meninigitis) 115.00 133.00 145.00 Tele health originating site facility fee 25.00 25.00 25.00 Adult Health Physicals Sliding Fee, Ins. Medicaid Sliding Fee, Ins. Medicaid Sliding Fee, Ins. Medicaid Blood sugars Sliding Fee, Ins. Medicaid Sliding Fee, Ins. Medicaid Sliding Fee, Ins. Medicaid Child Health Services Sliding Fee, Ins. Medicaid Sliding Fee, Ins. Medicaid Sliding Fee, Ins. Medicaid Care Coordination for Children Medicaid Medicaid Medicaid Chronic Disease/Diabetes Sliding Fee, Ins. Medicaid Sliding Fee, Ins. Medicaid Sliding Fee, Ins. Medicaid Family Planning Sliding Fee, Ins. Medicaid Sliding Fee, Ins. Medicaid Sliding Fee, Ins. Medicaid OBCM - OB Care Management Medicaid Medicaid Medicaid Pregnancy Test Sliding Fee, Ins. Medicaid Sliding Fee, Ins. Medicaid Sliding Fee, Ins. Medicaid Prenatal Program Services Sliding Fee, Ins. Medicaid Sliding Fee, Ins. Medicaid Sliding Fee, Ins. Medicaid 063020ss HCBOC Page 52 DEPARTMENT TYPE OF FEE 2018 - 2019 2019 - 2020 2020 - 2021 ADOPTED HEALTH STD Control/Treatment Insurance, Medicaid Insurance, Medicaid Insurance, Medicaid TB Control Treatment Medicaid Medicaid Medicaid Environmental Health Fees: Inorganic/Organic Water Samples 100.00 100.00 100.00 Water samples / Microbiology 50.00 50.00 50.00 Improvement / Septic Tank Permit 750.00 750.00 750.00 Return Trip Fee ( if not properly marked) 25.00 25.00 25.00 Existing tanks 100.00 100.00 100.00 Swimming pool permits 200.00 200.00 200.00 Swimming pool reinspection fee 25.00 25.00 25.00 Tattoo Artist Permits 500.00 500.00 500.00 Temporary Tattoo Artist Permits 125.00 125.00 125.00 Plan Review for Food & Lodging 200.00 200.00 200.00 Pool Plan Review 300.00 300.00 300.00 Well Fees 250.00 250.00 250.00 Engineered Option Permit Fee 225.00 225.00 225.00 Simple Revision Fee 25.00 25.00 25.00 Revison Fee 100.00 100.00 100.00 Expansion / Relocation Fee 375.00 375.00 375.00 Drain Field Redesign 100.00 100.00 100.00 (based on Federal Poverty level) Sliding Fee Scale Sliding Fee Scale Sliding Fee Scale Medicaid Reimbursement Schedule Based on Current Medicaid Rates Based on Current Medicaid Rates Based on Current Medicaid Rates 063020ss HCBOC Page 53 DEPARTMENT TYPE OF FEE 2018 - 2019 2019 - 2020 2020 - 2021 ADOPTED IT Current Customers (all amounts are per hour of service): Technical Support Services - No Block of Time 95.00 95.00 95.00 Block of 50 hours of Technical Support Services 80.00 80.00 80.00 Block of 100 hours of Technical Support Services 75.00 75.00 75.00 Block of 200 hours of Technical Support Services 70.00 70.00 70.00 Block of 300 hours of Technical Support Services 65.00 65.00 65.00 Block of 400 hours of Technical Support Services 60.00 60.00 60.00 Overages if block of hours chosen 85.00 85.00 85.00 New Customers (all amounts are per hour of service): Technical Support Services - No Block of Time 110.00 110.00 110.00 Block of 15 hours of Technical Support Services 105.00 105.00 105.00 Block of 25 hours of Technical Support Services 95.00 95.00 95.00 Block of 50 hours of Technical Support Services 80.00 80.00 80.00 Block of 100 hours of Technical Support Services 75.00 75.00 75.00 Block of 200 hours of Technical Support Services 70.00 70.00 70.00 Block of 300 hours of Technical Support Services 65.00 65.00 65.00 Block of 400 hours of Technical Support Services 60.00 60.00 60.00 Overages if block of hours chosen 85.00 85.00 85.00 Email Hosting (all amounts are per month per user): Microsoft Exchange Mailbox under 100 users 4.00 4.00 7.00 Microsoft Exchange Mailbox 100 users or more 3.00 3.00 6.00 Virtual Server Space and 1TB of Storage (per month) 400.00 400.00 400.00 Netmotion VPN (per month per user) 0.00 0.00 6.00 063020ss HCBOC Page 54 DEPARTMENT TYPE OF FEE 2018 - 2019 2019 - 2020 2020 - 2021 ADOPTED IT Additional Hosted Virtual Server (per month) 100.00 100.00 100.00 VoIP / FoIP Line and Maintenance (per month) 12.50 12.50 12.50 10MB Internet (per month) 75.00 75.00 75.00 LIBRARY Copy & Printer Fees: Black & White, per page (8 1/2 x 11) 0.10 0.10 0.10 Black & White, per page (11 x 17) 0.20 0.20 0.20 Color, per page (8 1/2 x 11) 1.00 1.00 1.00 Color, per page (11 x 17) 2.00 2.00 2.00 Overdue Fines: to a maximum of $10) 0.10 0.10 0.10 Launchpads, per day (up to maximum of $25) 1.00 1.00 1.00 DVDs, per day (maximum of $20) 0.50 0.50 0.50 Replacement Library Card 1.00 1.00 1.00 Fax fees (no international faxes sent or received): Local, per page 0.10 0.10 0.10 Long distance, per page 1.00 1.00 1.00 All incoming faxes, per page 0.10 0.10 0.10 Cold Lamination, per ft. 0.75 0.75 0.75 All Library Materials Lost Items Purchase cost of item Purchase cost of item Purchase cost of item Damaged beyond use Purchase cost of item Purchase cost of item Purchase cost of item 063020ss HCBOC Page 55 DEPARTMENT TYPE OF FEE 2018 - 2019 2019 - 2020 2020 - 2021 ADOPTED LIBRARY Books Markings on pages non-obstructing of text 5.00 5.00 5.00 Torn pages 5.00 5.00 5.00 Torn cover 5.00 5.00 5.00 Minor liquid damage 5.00 5.00 5.00 AudioBooks, DVDs, and Kits Audiobook bag missing 2.00 2.00 2.00 Audiobook missing disc 10.00 10.00 10.00 Audiobook-case damage 8.00 8.00 8.00 AudioVox Charger 5.00 5.00 5.00 Missing Audio CD case 1.00 1.00 1.00 Missing DVD case 2.00 2.00 2.00 Missing DVD Bonus Material 5.00 5.00 5.00 Missing Kit Items Purchase Cost of item Purchase Cost of item Purchase Cost of item Damaged or missing cover art (Audiobooks, Music CDs, DVDs) 1.00 1.00 1.00 Damaged or missing Literacy Kit Container 14.00 14.00 14.00 LaunchPads Damaged beyond repair or missing electronic device 70.00 70.00 70.00 Missing or damaged Launch USB cord 7.00 7.00 7.00 Missing or damaged LaunchPad case 13.00 13.00 13.00 Missing or damaged LaunchPad power adapter 8.00 8.00 8.00 Missing or damaged LaunchPad bumper 9.00 9.00 9.00 Magazines Damaged (torn pages) 3.00 3.00 3.00 063020ss HCBOC Page 56 DEPARTMENT TYPE OF FEE 2018 - 2019 2019 - 2020 2020 - 2021 ADOPTED MISCELLANEOUS Employee Mileage Reimbursement Current IRS Mileage Reimbursement Rate Employee Subsistence Per Diem (subject to County travel policy): Breakfast 7.00 7.00 7.00 Lunch 13.00 13.00 13.00 Dinner 26.00 26.00 26.00 Medical Insurance: Employee Only (County pays) 769.10 804.48 804.48 Employee + Spouse (Employee pays) 325.01 339.96 339.96 Employee + Child(ren) (Employee pays) 300.22 314.03 314.03 Employee + Family (Employee pays) 678.34 709.54 709.54 Dental Insurance: Employee Only (County pays) 28.82 29.89 29.89 Employee + Spouse (Employee pays) 28.66 29.72 30.46 Employee + Child(ren) (Employee pays) 32.03 33.21 34.04 Employee + Family (Employee pays) 80.39 83.36 85.44 Vision Insurance: Employee Only (Employee Pays) 6.46 6.46 6.46 Employee + Spouse (Employee Pays) 12.28 12.28 12.28 Employee + Child(ren) (Employee Pays) 12.93 12.93 12.93 Employee + Family (Employee Pays) 19.00 19.00 19.00 Medicare Supplement amount for qualified retirees not to exceed $200 not to exceed $200 not to exceed $200 Returned Check Fee 25.00 25.00 25.00 063020ss HCBOC Page 57 DEPARTMENT TYPE OF FEE 2018 - 2019 2019 - 2020 2020 - 2021 ADOPTED PARKS & RECREATION Ball fields / Multipurpose fields: 1st hour 15.00 15.00 15.00 each additional hour 10.00 10.00 15.00 per hour with lights 20.00 25.00 25.00 half day (up to 5 hours) 50.00 50.00 60.00 half day with lights (up to 5 hours) 90.00 100.00 100.00 full day 125.00 125.00 125.00 full day with lights 150.00 150.00 150.00 Ball field preparation (lining & dragging) 20.00 20.00 20.00 Each additional field preparation 10.00 10.00 10.00 Rapid dry (per bag) 15.00 15.00 15.00 Multipurpose field preparation 20.00 30.00 Picnic Shelter: per hour 15.00 15.00 15.00 discount for 3 hour or more rental (10.00) (10.00) Tennis Courts: per hour 5.00 5.00 5.00 per hour with lights 10.00 10.00 10.00 Gyms: per hour 50.00 50.00 50.00 per full day 350.00 350.00 350.00 Deposit required for any rentals over 2 hours 100.00 100.00 100.00 party package (includes 1 hour meeting room rental at BTCC) 70.00 70.00 70.00 Multi-purpose Rooms: 063020ss HCBOC Page 58 DEPARTMENT TYPE OF FEE 2018 - 2019 2019 - 2020 2020 - 2021 ADOPTED PARKS & RECREATION Barbecue Creek Park Room per hour 20.00 20.00 20.00 per 4 hour block 75.00 75.00 75.00 refundable deposit 50.00 50.00 50.00 Anderson Creek Senior Center per hour 35.00 35.00 35.00 per 4 hour block 130.00 130.00 130.00 refundable deposit 100.00 100.00 100.00 Boone Trail Community Center Meeting Room per hour 25.00 25.00 25.00 per 4 hour block 90.00 90.00 90.00 refundable deposit 50.00 50.00 50.00 Late fee for rental 10.00 10.00 Recreation Fees: Anderson Creek Senior Center Programs Class A - per participant 20.00 20.00 20.00 Class B - per participant 10.00 10.00 10.00 Class C - per participant 5.00 5.00 Adult Kickball (per team) 275.00 275.00 275.00 Adult Softball -- Mens (per team) requires 2 umpires 0.00 0.00 550.00 Adult Softball -- Women's (per team) requires 1 umpire 0.00 0.00 500.00 Co-ed Softball Team Fee 450.00 450.00 450.00 Co-ed Softball Participant Fee 40.00 40.00 40.00 Senior Golf Tournament Participant Fee (could vary depending on course) 25.00 25.00 30.00 Couch to 5K 10.00 10.00 10.00 063020ss HCBOC Page 59 DEPARTMENT TYPE OF FEE 2018 - 2019 2019 - 2020 2020 - 2021 ADOPTED PARKS & RECREATION Open Gym Daily Pass 1.00 1.00 1.00 6 Month Pass 30.00 30.00 30.00 12 Month Pass 50.00 50.00 50.00 Summer Camp Weekly (County Resident) 100.00 110.00 110.00 Weekly (Out of County Resident) 120.00 120.00 120.00 Late pickup fee 1.00 / minute 1.00 / minute Afterschool Care Monthly 120.00 120.00 120.00 Weekly 40.00 40.00 40.00 10% discount on children after 1st child (same household) 10 % discount 10 % discount 10 % discount Teacher workday 20.00 20.00 Later pickup fee 1.00 / minute 1.00 / minute Leisure / Fitness Programs and Activities Varies Varies Varies Late fee per program 10.00 10.00 Movies in the Park Sponsorship: Gold level (3 movies, naming rights) 900.00 900.00 900.00 Silver level (3 movies) 375.00 375.00 375.00 Bronze level (1 movie) 150.00 150.00 150.00 Nickel level (co-sponsor 1 movie) 063020ss HCBOC Page 60 DEPARTMENT TYPE OF FEE 2018 - 2019 2019 - 2020 2020 - 2021 ADOPTED REGIONAL JETPORT FBO - Full Service 900.00 900.00 900.00 FBO/SASO - Aircraft Maintenance 900.00 900.00 900.00 FBO/SASO - Flight Training 900.00 900.00 900.00 FBO/SASO - Aircraft Charter or Taxi 900.00 900.00 900.00 FBO/SASO - Aircraft Rental 900.00 900.00 900.00 FBO/SASO - Ground Services (cleaning, servicing) 900.00 900.00 900.00 Facility Fee Not to exceed $25 Not to exceed $25 Not to exceed $25 Fee assessed based upon service provided for commercial aviation Fee can be waived based upon other qualified purchases such as fuel, aviation fuel/oil products, navigation aids and other KHRJ provided products Parking Fee: Per day 10.00 10.00 10.00 Per month 45.00 50.00 50.00 Open Hangar / Shade, per month 100.00 100.00 After hours call out service fee, per trip Not to exceed $100 Not to exceed $100 Not to exceed $100 Fee assessed based upon service provided and qualified purchases Fuel Flowage Fee for Delivered Fuel (negotiated sliding scale) per gallon per gallon per gallon **All FBO/SASO fees are annual unless otherwise noted 063020ss HCBOC Page 61 DEPARTMENT TYPE OF FEE 2018 - 2019 2019 - 2020 2020 - 2021 ADOPTED REGISTER OF DEEDS General Recordings: First 15 pages ($6.20 is paid to the State Treasurer) 26.00 26.00 26.00 Each additional pages 4.00 4.00 4.00 Deed Recordings: First 15 pages ($6.20 is paid to the State Treasurer) 26.00 26.00 26.00 Each additional pages 4.00 4.00 4.00 DT Recordings: First 15 35 pages ($6.20 is paid to the State Treasurer) 64.00 64.00 64.00 Each additional page 4.00 4.00 4.00 Additional assignment instrument index reference, each 10.00 10.00 10.00 Multiple Instrument fee 10.00 10.00 10.00 Non Standard Document Fee 25.00 25.00 25.00 Additional party to index in excess of 20, each 2.00 2.00 2.00 of Revenue; less 2% Administrative cost) 2.00 2.00 2.00 Certified copies: First Page 5.00 5.00 5.00 Each additional page 2.00 2.00 2.00 UCC copies 1.00 1.00 1.00 Xerox copies 0.10 0.10 0.10 Outgoing faxes - local, per page Local, per page 0.10 0.10 0.10 Long distance, per page 0.50 0.50 0.50 063020ss HCBOC Page 62 DEPARTMENT TYPE OF FEE 2018 - 2019 2019 - 2020 2020 - 2021 ADOPTED REGISTER OF DEEDS Deaths 10.00 10.00 10.00 Marriage license copies 10.00 10.00 10.00 Birth amendments 20.00 20.00 20.00 Legitimations 20.00 20.00 20.00 Delayed births 20.00 20.00 20.00 Notary oaths 10.00 10.00 10.00 out of County births issued by Register of Deeds.) 24.00 24.00 24.00 Births 10.00 10.00 10.00 UCC's 38.00 38.00 38.00 Instruction. County keeps $25) 60.00 60.00 60.00 Lamination of births & marriages 2.00 2.00 2.00 Maps 21.00 21.00 21.00 Right-of-Way plans 21.00 21.00 21.00 Certified copies of maps 5.00 5.00 5.00 Notary acts 5.00 5.00 5.00 063020ss HCBOC Page 63 DEPARTMENT TYPE OF FEE 2018 - 2019 2019 - 2020 2020 - 2021 ADOPTED REGISTER OF DEEDS Torren fees original plots: First page 26.00 26.00 26.00 Each additional page 4.00 4.00 4.00 Torren fees recording new certificate: First page 31.00 31.00 31.00 Each additional page 2.00 2.00 2.00 Corporations: First page 26.00 26.00 26.00 Each additional page 4.00 4.00 4.00 Uncertified map copies 0.50 0.50 0.50 Copies of plats/plans larger than 18 X 24 1.00 1.00 1.00 Lamination of paper, per foot 0.50 0.50 0.50 RESTITUTION Juvenile Restitution Service Fees: 1 Juvenile per hour 5.00 5.00 7.25 2 Juveniles per hour 10.00 10.00 14.50 3 Juveniles per hour 15.00 15.00 21.75 4 Juveniles per hour 20.00 20.00 29.00 5 Juveniles per hour 25.00 25.00 36.25 063020ss HCBOC Page 64 DEPARTMENT TYPE OF FEE 2018 - 2019 2019 - 2020 2020 - 2021 ADOPTED SHERIFF Service fee: Per person - in state (State mandated) 30.00 30.00 30.00 Per person - out of state 30.00 30.00 30.00 Pistol permits 5.00 5.00 5.00 Fingerprints: In County Residents $5 additional $5 additional $5 additional Out of County Residents $10 additional $10 additional $10 additional Copy of reports 3.00 3.00 3.00 Local Jail Fee: Per day 5.00 5.00 5.00 State reimbursement, per day 18.00 18.00 18.00 Concealed handgun application: New 90.00 90.00 90.00 Renewal 75.00 75.00 75.00 Concealed sign 1.00 1.00 1.00 Nartest Drug Testing Fee - - - Storage Fee, per day - - - 063020ss HCBOC Page 65 DEPARTMENT TYPE OF FEE 2018 - 2019 2019 - 2020 2020 - 2021 ADOPTED SOCIAL SERVICES NC Health Choice Annual Fees: One Child 50.00 50.00 50.00 Multiple Children 100.00 100.00 100.00 Adoption - preplacement assessments 1,300.00 1,300.00 1,300.00 Adoption - report to court 200.00 200.00 200.00 HCWD - Health Coverage for Workers with Disabilities 50.00 50.00 50.00 Home Study 400.00 400.00 400.00 Adoption Initial Search Intermediary Fee (fees charged to locate parties involved in an adoption or the retrieval of background information in accordance with NCGS 48-9-101, 104, and 109). 250.00 250.00 250.00 Adoption Additional Services Intermediary Fee, per hour (extended provision of services to facilitate the exchange of information or personal contact between parties involved in an adoption if the initial search is not successful). 75.00 75.00 75.00 Case record copy fee: First page 2.00 2.00 2.00 Multiple pages 0.25 0.25 0.25 CSE NPA application fees - a non-public application fee collected in the amount of $10 or $25 , based upon income and the number in a 10/25 10/25 10/25 Governmental Complex meeting room fee (per day) N/A N/A N/A 063020ss HCBOC Page 66 DEPARTMENT TYPE OF FEE 2018 - 2019 2019 - 2020 2020 - 2021 ADOPTED SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT Furniture/Toys/Electronics (indoor or outdoor), per ton 45.00 45.00 45.00 Collection/hauler permits (annual) 100.00 100.00 125.00 Availability Fee (Household solid waste fee) 65.00 65.00 80.00 Recycling fee 5.00 5.00 5.00 Landfill tipping fee: Construction & demolition, per ton 45.00 45.00 48.00 Land clearing/ inert debris and yard waste, per ton 30.00 30.00 30.00 All other non-household/recycling items, per ton 45.00 45.00 45.00 Uncertified tires, per ton 76.00 76.00 76.00 Illegal waste, per ton 106.00 106.00 106.00 Disposal of single wide Not allowed per 0.00 0.00 0.00 Disposal of double wide G.S. 130A-309.113 0.00 0.00 0.00 Mattress / Box Spring (all sizes) 2.00/5.00 2.00/5.00 5.00 Minimum Charge per Load 0.00 0.00 5.00 Screened Mulch Cost + 10% Cost + 10% Cost + 10% Surcharge for digging out loads 100.00 100.00 100.00 Fine for including trash bags or debris in LCID 100.00 100.00 100.00 Solid waste citation 100.00 100.00 100.00 063020ss HCBOC Page 67 DEPARTMENT TYPE OF FEE 2018 - 2019 2019 - 2020 2020 - 2021 ADOPTED TAX Garnishment Fee: Employee 30.00 30.00 30.00 Employer 30.00 30.00 30.00 Bank Attachment Fee 60.00 60.00 60.00 Advertising Fee 5.00 5.00 5.00 Returned Check Fee 10% of face amount or $25.00, whichever is greater 10% of face amount or $25.00, whichever is greater 10% of face amount or $25.00, whichever is greater 063020ss HCBOC Page 68 DEPARTMENT TYPE OF FEE 2018 - 2019 2019 - 2020 2020 - 2021 ADOPTED TRANSPORTATION Dial-A-Ride - within City limits, one way 3.00 3.00 3.00 Outside city limits, one way 3.00 3.00 3.00 Out of County, medical trips only 5.00 5.00 5.00 Senior discount (one way) 2.00 2.00 2.00 Medicaid Approved Transportation per mile 3.75 3.75 3.75 Deviated Fixed Rate, per ride 2.00 2.00 2.00 Van use fee (per mile, Harnett County agencies only) 2.00 2.00 2.00 063020ss HCBOC Page 69 ATTACHMENT B: SALARY GRADE TABLE Fiscal Year 2020-2021 (Rev 7/1/2020, rev 1) Grade Job Title FLSA Status Frequency Minimum Job Rate Mid Point Maximum 1 Not Used Annual $ 15,683 $ 18,820 $ 20,780 $ 25,877 2 Park Maintenance Assistant Annual $ 16,467 $ 19,761 $ 21,819 $ 27,171 Monthly $ 1,372.25 $ 1,646.75 $ 1,818.25 $ 2,264.25 Hourly $ 7.9168 $ 9.5005 $ 10.4899 $ 13.0630 3 Gym Supervisor Annual $ 17,291 $ 20,749 $ 22,910 $ 28,529 Park Attendant Monthly $ 1,440.92 $ 1,729.08 $ 1,909.17 $ 2,377.42 Camp Counselor Hourly $ 8.3130 $ 9.9755 $ 11.0144 $ 13.7159 4 Not Used Annual $ 18,155 $ 21,786 $ 24,055 $ 29,956 5 Office Aide Annual $ 19,063 $ 22,875 $ 25,258 $ 31,454 Monthly $ 1,588.58 $ 1,906.25 $ 2,104.83 $ 2,621.17 Hourly $ 9.1649 $ 10.9976 $ 12.1433 $ 15.1221 6 Computer Support Assistant Annual $ 20,016 $ 24,019 $ 26,521 $ 33,026 Youth Program Assistant Monthly $ 1,668.00 $ 2,001.58 $ 2,210.08 $ 2,752.17 Hourly $ 9.6231 $ 11.5476 $ 12.7505 $ 15.8779 7 Not Used Annual $ 21,017 $ 25,220 $ 27,847 $ 34,678 8 4-H Program Assistant Annual $ 22,068 $ 26,481 $ 29,240 $ 36,412 Community Health Assistant Monthly $ 1,839.00 $ 2,206.75 $ 2,436.67 $ 3,034.33 Community Social Services Assistant Hourly $ 10.6096 $ 12.7313 $ 14.0577 $ 17.5058 Custodian Transit Driver 9 Data Entry Assistant Annual $ 23,171 $ 27,805 $ 30,702 $ 38,232 Monthly $ 1,930.92 $ 2,317.08 $ 2,558.50 $ 3,186.00 Hourly $ 11.1399 $ 13.3678 $ 14.7606 $ 18.3808 10 Community Health Technician Annual $ 24,330 $ 29,195 $ 32,237 $ 40,144 Monthly $ 2,027.50 $ 2,432.92 $ 2,686.42 $ 3,345.33 063020ss HCBOC Page 70 Hourly $ 11.6971 $ 14.0361 $ 15.4986 $ 19.3000 11 Animal Shelter Attendent Annual $ 25,546 $ 30,655 $ 33,848 $ 42,151 Bailiff Monthly $ 2,128.83 $ 2,554.58 $ 2,820.67 $ 3,512.58 Breastfeeding Coordinator Hourly $ 12.2817 $ 14.7380 $ 16.2731 $ 20.2649 Data Entry Operator II Data Entry Specialist Landfill Maintenance Worker Library Assistant Maintenance Worker Medical Office Assistant Office Assistant I Office Assistant III - Child Support Park Supervisor Processing Assistant III Recreation Center Assistant Security Screening Technician 12 Fire Inspector Annual $ 26,823 $ 32,188 $ 35,541 $ 44,258 Meter Reader Monthly $ 2,235.25 $ 2,682.33 $ 2,961.75 $ 3,688.17 Office Assistant II Hourly $ 12.8957 $ 15.4750 $ 17.0870 $ 21.2779 Transit Services Assistant 13 Income Maintenance Technician Annual $ 28,164 $ 33,797 $ 37,318 $ 46,471 Office Assistant IV Monthly $ 2,347.00 $ 2,816.42 $ 3,109.83 $ 3,872.58 Parks & Grounds Maintenance Technician Hourly $ 13.5404 $ 16.2486 $ 17.9413 $ 22.3418 Processing Assistant IV Recreation Center Coordinator Senior Maintenance Worker Senior Meter Reader Transit Dispatcher 14 Administrative Support Specialist Annual $ 29,573 $ 35,487 $ 39,184 $ 48,795 Deputy Register of Deeds Monthly $ 2,464.42 $ 2,957.25 $ 3,265.33 $ 4,066.25 Evidence Technician Hourly $ 14.2178 $ 17.0611 $ 18.8385 $ 23.4591 Finance Technician Library Program Specialist Tax Program Assistant 063020ss HCBOC Page 71 Transportation Specialist Youth Counselor 15 Accounting Clerk IV - DSS Annual $ 31,051 $ 37,262 $ 41,143 $ 51,235 Accounting Clerk V Monthly $ 2,587.58 $ 3,105.17 $ 3,428.58 $ 4,269.58 Accounting Technician Hourly $ 14.9284 $ 17.9144 $ 19.7803 $ 24.6322 Accounting Technician II - Health Animal Control Officer Classification Assistant Collection System Technician Trainee/I Distribution System Technician Trainee Election Specialist Income Maintenance Caseworker I NC Agriculture Cost Share Technician Processing Assistant V Processing Unit Supervisor V Program Assistant V Senior Deputy Register of Deeds Solid Waste Accounts Manager Utility Customer Service Representative Utility Locate Technician Water Quality Technician 16 Business Property Assistant Annual $ 32,604 $ 39,125 $ 43,200 $ 53,796 Central Permitting Technician Monthly $ 2,717.00 $ 3,260.42 $ 3,600.00 $ 4,483.00 Collection System Technician II Hourly $ 15.6750 $ 18.8101 $ 20.7692 $ 25.8635 Distribution System Technician C EMS Billing & Insurance Specialist Facility Maintenance Technician Heavy Equipment Operator Park Maintenance Technician Practical Nurse II Senior Administrative Support Specialist Senior Utility Customer Service Representative 17 Accounting Technician III Annual $ 34,234 $ 41,081 $ 45,360 $ 56,486 063020ss HCBOC Page 72 Accounts Supervisor Monthly $ 2,852.83 $ 3,423.42 $ 3,780.00 $ 4,707.17 Administrative Assistant Hourly $ 16.4587 $ 19.7505 $ 21.8077 $ 27.1567 Administrative Technician Collection System Technician III Deputy Supervisor Distribution System Technian B Election Technician EMS Transportation Coordinator Evidence Custodian Financial Service Technician Foreign Language Interpreter II Human Resources Placement Specialist (DSS) Human Services Coordinator I Income Maintenance Caseworker II Meter Services Specialist Plant Maintenance Technician I Records Supervisor Recreation Program Supervisor Senior Facility Maintenance Technician Senior Parks & Grounds Maintenance Technician Tax Collections Legal Assistant Tax Computer Analyst Utility System Pump Technician I Veterans Services Specialist Workforce Development Specialist 18 Administrative Service Technician Annual $ 35,946 $ 43,135 $ 47,628 $ 59,311 Collection System Technician IV Monthly $ 2,995.50 $ 3,594.58 $ 3,969.00 $ 4,942.58 Distribution System Technician A Hourly $ 17.2817 $ 20.7380 $ 22.8981 $ 28.5149 Family Resource Program Specialist Help Desk Specialist Juvenile Restitution Coordinator Medical Laboratory Technician II Plant Maintenance Technician II Senior Fleet Maintenance Mechanic 063020ss HCBOC Page 73 Senior Workforce Development Specialist Solid Waste Operations Crew Leader Utility System Pump Technician II Utility System Electrical Technician Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator Trainee/I Water Treatment Plant Operator Trainee/Apprentice Workforce Dev JobLink Coordinator 19 Accounting Technician IV Annual $ 37,743 $ 45,292 $ 50,010 $ 62,276 Administrative Assistant I Monthly $ 3,145.25 $ 3,774.33 $ 4,167.50 $ 5,189.67 Computer Support Technician Hourly $ 18.1457 $ 21.7750 $ 24.0433 $ 29.9404 Development Compliance Officer Elections Deputy Director Family Resource Program Manager Finance and Accounting Specialist I Fleet Maintenance Supervisor Fleet Management Specialist GIS Technician GIS/E-911 Technician Income Maintenance Caseworker III Income Maintenance Investigator II Income Maintenance III - Lead Worker* Laboratory Analyst Nutrition Project Coordinator II Planning Technician Plant Maintenance Technician III Project Coordinator/Central Permitting Technician Public Health Education Specialist I Senior Central Permitting Technician Transit Services Manager Utility Collections Officer Utility System Pump Technician III Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator II Water Treatment Plant Operator C 20 Assistant Solid Waste Manager Annual $ 39,630 $ 47,556 $ 52,510 $ 65,390 063020ss HCBOC Page 74 Child Support Agent II Monthly $ 3,302.50 $ 3,963.00 $ 4,375.83 $ 5,449.17 Collection System Crew Leader Hourly $ 19.0529 $ 22.8635 $ 25.2452 $ 31.4375 Communications Administrative Officer Distribution System Crew Leader EDC Office Coordinator Financial & Accounting Specialist I Human Resources Recruitment Specialist Librarian Nutritionist II Paralegal Parks & Grounds Supervisor Plant Maintenance Technician IV Pre-Trial Release Administrator Property Appraiser Real Property Appraiser Telecommunications Training Officer Transportation Manager Utility System Pump Technician IV Veteran Services Officer Volunteer Services Director I Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator III Water Treatment Plan Operator B Zoning Inspector 21 Accounting Specialist I Annual $ 41,612 $ 49,934 $ 55,136 $ 68,659 Administrative Assistant II Monthly $ 3,467.67 $ 4,161.17 $ 4,594.67 $ 5,721.58 Child Support Lead Agent Hourly $ 20.0058 $ 24.0067 $ 26.5077 $ 33.0091 EMS Asst Chief of Logistics Engineering Technician Income Maintenance Supervisor II Latent Print Examiner Legal Assistant/Deputy Clerk of BOC Meter Services Supervisor Natural Resources Conservationist Paralegal I - DSS 063020ss HCBOC Page 75 Public Health Educator II Right of Way Agent SCADA Technician Senior Collection System Crew Leader Senior Distribution System Crew Leader Social Worker II Tax Customer Service Supervisor Utility Construction Coordinator Utility Construction Inspector Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator IV Water Treatment Plant Operator A 22 Animal Services Manager Annual $ 43,692 $ 52,431 $ 57,892 $ 72,092 Assistant Emergency Management Coordinator Monthly $ 3,641.00 $ 4,369.25 $ 4,824.33 $ 6,007.67 Assistant Library Director Hourly $ 21.0058 $ 25.2072 $ 27.8327 $ 34.6596 Code Enforcement Officer I Executive Assistant Finance & Accounting Specialist II General Services Assistant Director HR Benefits & Wellness Specialist Information Systems Technician Librarian Information Systems Medical Laboratory Technologist I Senior Wastewater Treatment/Pre-Trmt Plant Oper Senior Water Treatment Plant Operator Solid Waste Operations Manager 23 Assistant Register of Deeds Annual $ 45,877 $ 55,052 $ 60,787 $ 75,697 Capital Project Construction Manager Monthly $ 3,823.08 $ 4,587.67 $ 5,065.58 $ 6,308.08 Child Support Supervisor II Hourly $ 22.0563 $ 26.4673 $ 29.2245 $ 36.3928 Code Enforcement Officer II Communications Manager Distribution & Collection System Supervisor Natural Resources Director E Environmental Health Specialist Facility Maintenance Manager 063020ss HCBOC Page 76 Information Technology Project Manager Planner I Senior Department Support Specialist/Board Clerk Senior Engineering Technician Social Worker III 24 Clerk to the Board of Commissioners Annual $ 48,171 $ 57,805 $ 63,826 $ 79,482 Electrical Supervisor Monthly $ 4,014.25 $ 4,817.08 $ 5,318.83 $ 6,623.50 Information System Specialist Hourly $ 23.1591 $ 27.7909 $ 30.6856 $ 38.2125 Nutrition Program Director I Risk Management and Safety Coordinator Social Work Supervisor II Social Worker IV (I/A&T) Tax Collections Supervisor Tax Database Administrator E Utility Customer Service Supervisor Veterans Services Director 25 Applications Analyst Annual $ 50,579 $ 60,695 $ 67,018 $ 83,456 Chief Deputy Fire Marshal Monthly $ 4,214.92 $ 5,057.92 $ 5,584.83 $ 6,954.67 Code Enforcement Officer III Hourly $ 24.3168 $ 29.1803 $ 32.2202 $ 40.1231 Database Administrator EMS Asst Chief of Training EMS Compliance Officer Emergency Services Administrator E Environmental Health Program Specialist Financial Services Supervisor GIS Specialist Internal Auditor Utility Maintenance Supervisor Workforce Development Director/Joblink Coordinator E 26 Environmental Health Supervisor I Annual $ 53,108 $ 63,730 $ 70,368 $ 87,629 GIS Analyst Monthly $ 4,425.67 $ 5,310.83 $ 5,864.00 $ 7,302.42 Income Maintenance Administrator I Hourly $ 25.5327 $ 30.6394 $ 33.8308 $ 42.1293 Public Health Nurse II Senior IT Systems Specialist E 063020ss HCBOC Page 77 Senior Planner Soil Scientist Wastewater Treatment Plant Supervisor 27 Administrative and Budget Officer Annual $ 55,764 $ 66,916 $ 73,887 $ 92,010 Assistant Manager of Building Services Monthly $ 4,647.00 $ 5,576.33 $ 6,157.25 $ 7,667.50 Assistant Manager of Planning Services Hourly $ 26.8096 $ 32.1712 $ 35.5226 $ 44.2356 Community Relations Coordinator Elections Director Emergency Management Coordinator GIS Systems Administrator E Local Public Health Administrator I E Public Health Nurse III Utility Capital Projects Manager Social Work Supervisor III 28 CSE Program Manager Annual $ 58,552 $ 70,262 $ 77,581 $ 96,611 Deputy Tax Administrator E Monthly $ 4,879.33 $ 5,855.17 $ 6,465.08 $ 8,050.92 Public Health Nurse Supervisor I E Hourly $ 28.1500 $ 33.7798 $ 37.2986 $ 46.4476 Social Work Program Manager E Water Treatment Plant Supervisor 29 Fire Marshal Annual $ 61,479 $ 73,775 $ 81,460 $ 101,441 GIS/E911 Operations Administrator Monthly $ 5,123.25 $ 6,147.92 $ 6,788.33 $ 8,453.42 Information Systems Supervisor Hourly $ 29.5572 $ 35.4688 $ 39.1635 $ 48.7697 Wastewater Treatment Superintendent E 30 EMS Chief E Annual $ 64,553 $ 77,464 $ 85,533 $ 106,513 EMS Deputy Director E Monthly $ 5,379.42 $ 6,455.33 $ 7,127.75 $ 8,876.08 Information Systems Administrator E Hourly $ 31.0351 $ 37.2423 $ 41.1216 $ 51.2082 Manager of Building Services E Manager of Planning Services E Register of Deeds E 31 Library Director E Annual $ 67,781 $ 81,337 $ 89,810 $ 111,839 Utility Civil Engineer E Monthly $ 5,648.42 $ 6,778.08 $ 7,484.17 $ 9,319.92 Hourly $ 32.5870 $ 39.1043 $ 43.1779 $ 53.7688 32 Asst. Staff Attorney E Annual $ 71,170 $ 85,404 $ 94,300 $ 117,431 Parks & Recreation Director E Monthly $ 5,930.83 $ 7,117.00 $ 7,858.33 $ 9,785.92 063020ss HCBOC Page 78 Solid Waste Director E Hourly $ 34.2163 $ 41.0596 $ 45.3365 $ 56.4572 Tax Administrator E 33 Attorney II E Annual $ 74,729 $ 89,674 $ 99,015 $ 123,302 County Engineer E Monthly $ 6,227.42 $ 7,472.83 $ 8,251.25 $ 10,275.17 Deputy Finance Officer E Hourly $ 35.9274 $ 43.1125 $ 47.6034 $ 59.2798 Economic Developer Human Resources Director E Physician Extender II E Public Health Nursing Director II E Social Services Deputy Director E 34 Development Services Director E Annual $ 78,465 $ 94,158 $ 103,966 $ 129,467 General Services Director E Monthly $ 6,538.75 $ 7,846.50 $ 8,663.83 $ 10,788.92 Information Technology Director E Hourly $ 37.7236 $ 45.2683 $ 49.9837 $ 62.2438 Sheriff E 35 Assistant Public Utilities Director E Annual $ 82,388 $ 98,866 $ 109,165 $ 135,941 Emergency Services Director E Monthly $ 6,865.67 $ 8,238.83 $ 9,097.08 $ 11,328.42 Finance Officer E Hourly $ 39.6096 $ 47.5317 $ 52.4832 $ 65.3563 Physician Extender III E Senior Staff Attorney E 36 Social Services Director E Annual $ 86,508 $ 103,809 $ 114,623 $ 142,738 Assistant County Manager E Monthly $ 7,209.00 $ 8,650.75 $ 9,551.92 $ 11,894.83 Hourly $ 41.5904 $ 49.9082 $ 55.1072 $ 68.6240 37 Local Public Health Director E Annual $ 90,833 $ 109,000 $ 120,354 $ 149,875 Monthly $ 7,569.42 $ 9,083.33 $ 10,029.50 $ 12,489.59 Hourly $ 43.67 $ 52.40 $ 57.86 $ 72.06 38 Public Utilities Director E Annual $ 95,375 $ 114,450 $ 126,372 $ 157,368 Monthly $ 7,947.92 $ 9,537.50 $ 10,531.00 $ 13,114.00 Hourly $ 45.8534 $ 55.0240 $ 60.7558 $ 75.6577 39 Not Used Annual $ 100,144 $ 120,172 $ 132,690 $ 165,237 40 Not Used Annual $ 105,151 $ 126,181 $ 139,325 $ 173,499 41 Not Used Annual $ 110,408 $ 132,490 $ 146,291 $ 182,174 42 Not Used Annual $ 115,929 $ 139,114 $ 153,606 $ 191,282 43 Not Used Annual $ 121,725 $ 146,070 $ 161,286 $ 200,846 063020ss HCBOC Page 79 44 Not Used Annual $ 127,811 $ 153,374 $ 169,350 $ 210,889 101 Emergency Medical Technician Annual $ 30,426 $ 36,511 $ 40,314 $ 50,203 Monthly $ 2,535.50 $ 3,042.58 $ 3,359.50 $ 4,183.58 102 Not Used Annual $ 31,947 $ 38,337 $ 42,330 $ 52,713 103 Telecommunicator EMD Annual $ 33,545 $ 40,254 $ 44,447 $ 55,349 Monthly $ 2,795.42 $ 3,354.50 $ 3,703.92 $ 4,612.42 104 Detention Officer Annual $ 35,222 $ 42,266 $ 46,669 $ 58,116 Advanced Emergency Medical Technician Monthly $ 2,935.17 $ 3,522.17 $ 3,889.08 $ 4,843.00 105 Deputy Sheriff Annual $ 36,983 $ 44,380 $ 49,002 $ 61,022 Telecommunications Shift Supervisor Monthly $ 3,081.92 $ 3,698.33 $ 4,083.50 $ 5,085.17 Reserve Deputy 106 Detention Assistant Shift Supervisor Annual $ 38,832 $ 46,599 $ 51,453 $ 64,073 Monthly $ 3,236 $ 3,883 $ 4,288 $ 5,339 107 Paramedic Annual $ 40,774 $ 48,928 $ 54,025 $ 67,277 Emergency Medical Services Lieutenant* Monthly $ 3,397.83 $ 4,077.33 $ 4,502.08 $ 5,606.42 Detention Shift Supervisor 108 Deputy Fire Marshal Annual $ 42,812 $ 51,375 $ 56,726 $ 70,641 Deputy Sheriff Corporal Monthly $ 3,567.67 $ 4,281.25 $ 4,727.17 $ 5,886.75 Deputy Sheriff Detective Fire Marshall Plan Reviewer Emergency Medical Services District Chief 109 Assistant Detention Center Administrator E Annual $ 44,953 $ 53,944 $ 59,563 $ 74,173 Community Paramedic Monthly $ 3,746.08 $ 4,495.33 $ 4,963.58 $ 6,181.08 Detective Corporal 110 Deputy Sheriff Sergeant Annual $ 47,201 $ 56,641 $ 62,541 $ 77,881 Detective Sergeant Monthly $ 3,933.42 $ 4,720.08 $ 5,211.75 $ 6,490.08 063020ss HCBOC Page 80 EMS Asst Chief of Operations 111 Not Used Annual $ 49,561 $ 59,473 $ 65,668 $ 81,775 112 Deputy Sheriff Lieutenant Annual $ 52,039 $ 62,447 $ 68,951 $ 85,864 Monthly $ 4,336.58 $ 5,203.92 $ 5,745.92 $ 7,155.33 113 Not Used Annual $ 54,641 $ 65,569 $ 72,399 $ 90,157 114 Not Used Annual $ 57,373 $ 68,847 $ 76,019 $ 94,665 115 Deputy Sheriff Captain E Annual $ 60,241 $ 72,290 $ 79,820 $ 99,398 Detective Captain E Monthly $ 5,020.08 $ 6,024.17 $ 6,651.67 $ 8,283.17 Detention Center Administrator E Sherrif CALEA E 116 Not Used Annual $ 63,253 $ 75,904 $ 83,811 $ 104,368 117 Deputy Sheriff Major E Annual $ 66,416 $ 79,699 $ 88,001 $ 109,587 Monthly $ 5,534.67 $ 6,641.58 $ 7,333.42 $ 9,132.25 118 Not Used Annual $ 69,737 $ 83,684 $ 92,401 $ 115,066 119 Not Used Annual $ 73,224 $ 87,869 $ 97,022 $ 120,819 120 Not Used Annual $ 76,885 $ 92,262 $ 101,873 $ 126,860 Revised 3/31/2020 * These positions receive a 5% pay differential for additional duties. 063020ss HCBOC Page 81 Attachment C: Fiscal Policy For: Originally Adopted: May 7, 2012 Approved Amendments as of November 7, 2016 Approved Amendments as of February 17, 2020 063020ss HCBOC Page 82 FISCAL POLICY – PURPOSE Harnett County government exists to meet the needs of residents through the services the County is mandated to provide or has elected to provide. In order to meet these needs, the County must maintain its financial integrity. In addition, the County m ust continually prepare to provide services for a growing population. The County’s Fiscal Policy is intended to maintain and impro ve the County’s financial condition and preserve its ability to meet future needs. This policy will be reviewed at least annually a nd changes approved by the Board of Commissioners. An effective policy:  Contributes to the County's ability to insulate itself from fiscal crisis,  Enhances short‐term and long‐term credit worthiness and helps the County achieve the highest credit and bond ratings possible,  Promotes long‐term financial stability by establishing a clear and consistent framework for budget and financial decisions,  Directs attention to the total financial picture of the County, rather than single‐issue areas,  Links long‐term financial planning with day‐to‐day operations, and  Provides the County Staff, the County Board of Commissioners and the County citizens a framework for measuring the fiscal impact of government services against established fiscal parameters. To these ends, the following fiscal policy is adopted: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN (CIP) POLICIES 1. It is the responsibility of the County Board of Commissioners to provide for the capital equipment and facilities necessary t o deliver county services to the residents of the County, as well as provide necessary capital equipment and facilities for the Harnett County Public Schools and the Central Carolina Community College system. 2. North Carolina statutes charge the County Manager with preparation of the capital budget. It shall be his/her responsibility or that of his/her designee to coordinate the CIP process; receive requests from County departments, Harnett County Public Schools, and Central Carolina Community College; and propose a recommended CIP to the Board of Commissioners. 3. The Board of Commissioners is responsible for adopting a CIP annually and may amend it as needed. 4. All capital projects must be proposed through the County’s CIP process. 063020ss HCBOC Page 83 5. The CIP includes all approved capital projects, including new construction, renovations, vehicles and heavy equipment, new software and other technology, and all other purchases and improvements that meet the threshold for definition as a capital project, currently $100,000 and above. 6. The County will develop a CIP of at least seven years and review and update the plan annually. The Hamett County Public Schools and the Community College System are strongly encouraged to submit their needs through this process, along with a prioritization of their requests. 7. After projects are approved in the CIP and before the project can begin, the project must be authorized through one of two means: A. Capital project ordinances: A separate capital budget ordinance shall be submitted to the Board of Commissioners for approval for all capital projects that are projected to span more than one fiscal year; B. All other capital projects will be budgeted in the operating budget. 8. All capital projects will be assigned a project code by the Finance Officer for tracking and reporting purposes. 9. The CIP will prioritize the maintenance of existing facilities and equipment, and otherwise protect the county’s past capital investments. A maintenance and replacement schedule will be developed and followed as funding allows. 10. County departments will provide a written justification and identify the estimated project costs, potential funding sources, and impacts on the operating budget for each p roposed capital project and include this information in their requests. The County Manager or his/her designee will review, modify as appropriate, and include this information in the recommended CIP. 11. The County will pursue the most cost‐effective strategies for financing the CIP, consistent with prudent financial management. DEBT POLICIES 1. The County will confine long‐term borrowing to critical capital projects that cannot be financed from current revenues, unles s financing results in a net financial benefit to the county. 2. The County will take a balanced approach to capital funding by utilizing capital reserves and pay‐as‐you‐go funding where possible. Pay‐as‐you‐go funding will come from budgeted appropriations and funds set aside in capital reserves. 3. The county’s capital funding strategy should result in the least financial impact on current and future taxpayers. 4. When the County finances capital projects by issuing bonds or entering into capital leases, it will repay the debt within a period 063020ss HCBOC Page 84 not to exceed the expected useful life of the project. Target debt ratios will be annually calculated and included in the rev iew of financial trends. 5. Net debt as a percentage of estimated market value of taxable property shall not exceed 2.5%. Net debt is defined as any and all debt that is tax‐supported. 6. Debt Service expenditures as a percent of total governmental fund expenditures should not exceed 15%. Should this ratio exceed 15%, staff must request an exception from the Board of Commissioners stating the justification and expected duration of the policy exception. Exceptions shall be reviewed and approved annually by the Board of Commissioners until co mpliance is achieved. 7. The County will retire tax anticipation debt, if any, annually and will retire bond anticipation debt within six months after completion of the project. 8. Outstanding tax‐supported debt principal shall be no less than 50.0% repaid in 10 years. 9. Enterprise Debt Policies: A. The Enterprise Fund is responsible for setting rates and charges at such a level which maintains the "self‐supporting" nature of the fund. B. The County will target a minimum amount of equity funding of 10% of the Enterprise Fund capital improvement plan on a five‐year rolling average. C. The Enterprise Fund will comply with all applicable bond covenants. D. The Enterprise Fund will maintain a debt service coverage ratio as defined by the General Indenture of the Enterprise System Revenue Bonds. These minimum requirements are summarized to be: 1) 1.20x debt service coverage on Parity Indebtedness (Revenues for this measure may include 20% of the balance in the Surplus Account at the end of the preceding Fiscal Year) 2) 1.00x debt service coverage of Parity Indebtedness, General Obligation Indebtedness, Subordinate Indebtedness, Other Indebtedness, and any amount due to the Qualified Reserve Fund or Qualified Reserve Fund Substitute. 063020ss HCBOC Page 85 RESERVE POLICIES 1. The County will maintain a minimum Unassigned Fund Balance, as defined by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board, at the close of each fiscal year equal to 15% of General Fund Expenditures with a targeted Unassigned Fund Balance equal to 20% of General Fund Expenditures. 2. In the event that funds are available over and beyond the 20% targeted amount, those funds may be transferred to a capital reserve fund, a capital projects fund, to pay‐down debt or to fund other one‐time uses. Such transfers or uses shall be appro ved by the Board of County Commissioners in conjunction with a staff recommendation based upon a fu nd balance analysis to be completed within six months of the close of each fiscal year taking into consideration the prior year's financial statements, current year‐to‐date budget performance, current property tax valuations and the County's most recently adopted capital improvement plan. 3. The County Board may, from time‐to‐time, utilize fund balances that will reduce Unassigned Fund Balance below the 15% minimum for the purposes of a declared fiscal emergency or other such purpose as to protect or enhance the long‐term fiscal security of the County. In such circumstances, the Board will adopt a plan to restore the Unassigned Fund Balance to the target level within 36 months. If restoration cannot be accomplished within such time period without severe hardship to the County, then the Board will establish a different but appropriate time period. 4. Enterprise Reserve Policies: The County has adopted a comprehensive strategy for the long‐term stability and financial health of each Enterprise Fund that provides for annual increases in fund reserves to an established goal of 50% of operating and maintenance expenses BUDGET DEVELOPMENT POLICIES 1. The County will manage its annual budget to meet its legal and debt obligations, ensure adequate funding of current service levels, meet the priorities of the Board of Commissioners, maintain the County’s financial condition, and keep property tax increases to a minimum. The County shall operate under an annual balanced budget ordinance whereby the sum of net revenues and appropriated fund balances equals the expenditure appropriations. 2. The Budget Process will comply with the North Carolina Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act. 063020ss HCBOC Page 86 3. North Carolina statutes charge the County Manager with preparation of the recommended operating budget. It shall be his/her responsibility or that of his/her designee to coordinate the budget process; receive requests from County departments, Harnett County Public Schools, and Central Carolina Community College; and propose a recommended budget to the Board of Commissioners. 4. The Board of Commissioners is responsible for adopting an annual operating budget and may amend it as needed. 5. Use of one‐time revenues: One‐time revenues should not support ongoing personnel and operating costs. Use of one‐time revenues is appropriate for capital outlay, CIP projects, debt retirement, contribution to capital reserve, and other non‐ recurring expenses. Proceeds from the sale of surplus capital items will go into the County’s general capital reserve, unless proceeds are otherwise restricted. 6. The County will pursue an aggressive policy to collect current and delinquent property taxes, utility fees, licenses, permits and other revenues due to the County. The County will not waive any revenues due to the County unless those revenues were collected unlawfully. 7. The Finance Officer will generate reports that show actual revenues and expenditures compared to the budget and will present this to the County Board on a monthly basis. 8. Budget amendments will be brought to the County Board for consideration as needed. 9. New or increased services: The County should ensure adequate funding of current services before funding new or enhanced services. 10. Mid‐year appropriations: All agencies supported by the county must function within the resources made available to them through the annual budget. The county will consider requests for new or expanded programs during the course of the regular budget process. Only in extreme circumstances will such requests be considered outside of the budget process. 11. Funding‐of Outside Agencies: From time to time, the County may elect to provide services through nonprofit agencies if those services meet the standard for public purpose as defined by the NC Constitution and the services can be achieved more cost effectively through the nonprofit. In order to receive county funding, nonprofits must abide by the county’s budget process and deadlines and provide the information requested during budget process. 12. Grants: The County will pursue federal, state, and private grants to enhance services to County residents. However, the County will strictly limit its financial support of grant‐funded programs to avoid commitments that continue beyond funding availability. The County will not continue programs after grants have expired, except as expressly ap proved by the Board of Commissioners as part of the annual budget process. The grant approval process will proceed as follows: 063020ss HCBOC Page 87 A.If a grant does not require any county match, either cash or in‐kind, and the funder does not expect the county to continue to fund a position or a program after the grant, then the proposal can be reviewed and approved by staff. However, the County Manager may choose to present a grant proposal to the Board for approval, if he/she feels that it is appropriate. B.If the grant requires a county match, either cash or in‐kind, or the funder expects the county to continue to fund a position or program after the grant is complete, then the grant application must be submitted to the Board of Commissioners for approval. C. For grants that require Board of Commissioner approval, but approval cannot be obtained before the grant deadline, the Manager’s Office can authorize the application with prior notice to the Chair and Vice Chair and report to the Board of Commissioners at their next meeting. If the Board of Commissioners does not approve the grant proposal, the funder will be notified that the county chooses to withdraw the application. D.Departments shall be responsible for timely completion and filing of reports required by the grantor. Missing of report deadlines shall be grounds for denying approval of future grant applications. 13.New positions: New positions for existing programs and services should be added when there is no other viable option. Alternatives, such as contracting, technology, and reassignment of duties should be fully explored and documented before new positions are funded. 14.Level of budgeting: In order to tie costs to specific services, departments shall submit budgets for each of their divisions or program areas. Department heads are authorized to transfer operating funds between their divisions without prior approval. Transfers to and from personnel and capital outlay must be approved by the Budget Officer. The County shall adopt budgets at the department level. Commissioners reserve the right to review and/or adopt budgets at a greater level of detail. 15.Justification for funding: Departments and agencies requesting funding from the county should justify their requests in terms of maintaining or increasing service levels. Departments should measure their performance in key service areas and periodically compare their performance to other jurisdictions to discover efficiencies and develop best management practices. 16.Contingency funds: Departments shall not include contingency funds in their respective budgets. The county shall include a general contingency fund in its annual budget. The amount of the contingency fund shall not exceed one percent of the annual budget. 17.Budget Officer: The County Manager serves as the budget officer. He/she is authorized to perform the following functions or delegate them: A.Transfer funds within a department without limitation. 063020ss HCBOC Page 88 B. Transfer amounts of up to $5,000 between departments of the same fund with a memorandum report of such transfers at the next regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners. C. Transfer amounts of up to $50,000 from contingency to any department with a memorandum report of such transfers at the next regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners. Greater amounts can be made available upon agreement of the Board of Commissioners. D. Employ temporary help from time to time to meet circumstances. E. Execute contracts provided that funds for the contract have been approved as part of the annual budget and the contract does not exceed the funds appropriated, the contract’s term does not exceed three years, all applicable state laws and county policies regarding purchasing are followed, and the contract does not exceed $100,000. 18. Enterprise Funds: A. The County maintains Enterprise Funds (primarily water and wastewater and solid waste) that are self‐sustaining for both operational and capital purposes. The Enterprise Funds will adhere to the County Fiscal Policy with any exceptions noted in the policy. B. Any improvements required to meet new regulatory requirements or to meet changes in the service demands will be included in either the capital improvement plan or the annual budget request, depending on the cost of the improvement. C. Service rates: 1) Service rates will be reviewed annually as part of the budget process. 2) Service rates will be adjusted as needed to provide adequate funding for the proper operation, maintenance, and expansion of the system. 3) Service rates will be adjusted as necessary to meet bond covenants, debt service obligations, and the Adopted Fiscal Policy. EDUCATION FUNDING POLICIES 1. It is the intent of the County to appropriate funding to the Board of Education to assure that the necessary resources are provided for current expense and to meet the low‐wealth funding requirements. 2. The County will provide current expense funding based upon the most recent known 2nd month average daily membership 063020ss HCBOC Page 89 (ADM) times the most recent known Three‐Year Average of Appropriations as determined by the NC Department of Public Instruction. 3.The County will provide funds for Capital and Capital Maintenance. The source of funding will be a portion of the lottery proceeds and will be disbursed based upon the adopted budget ordinance. 4.The County will detail the amounts to be budgeted under this policy as part of the annual budget ordinance. CASH MANAGEMENT/ INVESTMENT POLICIE S 1.It is the intent of the County that public funds will be invested in interest bearing accounts to the extent possible to redu ce the dependence upon property tax revenues. Funds will be invested with the chief objectives of safety of principal, liquidity, and yield, in that order. All deposits and investments of County funds will be in accordance with N.C.G.S. 159. 2.Up to one‐half (50%) of the appropriations to Non‐County Agencies and to non debt‐supported capital outlays for County Departments can be encumbered prior to December 31. Any additional authorization shall require the County Manager's written approval upon justification. The balance of these appropriations may be encumbered after January 1, upon a finding by the County Manager that there is a reasonable expectation that the County' s Budgeted Revenues will berealized. 3.The County will use a Central Depository to maximize the availability and mobility of cash for all funds that can be legally and practically combined. 4.Cash Flows will be forecasted and investments will be made to mature when funds are projected to be needed to meet cash flow requirements. 5.Liquidity: No less than 20% of funds available for investment will be maintained in liquid investments at any point in time. 6.Maturity: All investments will mature in no more than thirty‐six (36) months from their purchase date. 7.Custody: All investments will be purchased "payment‐verses‐delivery" and if certificated will be held by the Finance Officer in the name of the County. All non‐certificated investments will be held in book‐entry form in the name of the County with the County's third party Custodian (Safekeeping Agent). 8.Authorized Investments: The County may deposit County Funds into: Any Board approved Official Depository, if such funds are secured in accordance with NCGS‐159 (31). The County may invest County Funds in: the North Carolina Capital Management Trust, US Treasury Securities, US Agency Securities specifically authorized in GS‐159 and rated no lower than "AAA", a nd Commercial Paper meeting the requirements of NCGS‐159 plus having a national bond rating. 9.Diversification: No more than 10% of the County's investment funds may be invested in a specific company's commercial paper 063020ss HCBOC Page 90 and no more than 25% of the County's investment funds may be invested in commercial paper. No more than 25% of the County's investments may be invested in any one US Agency' s Securities. 10. Allocation: Investment income will be allocated to each participating fund or account based on a fair and equitable formula determined by the Finance Director. SUMMARY OF KEY POLICY RATIOS Ratio Target Tax Supported Debt to Assessed Value: <2.5% Tax Supported Debt Service vs. Expenditures: <15.0% Tax Supported 10‐ Year Payout Ratio: >50.0% General Fund Unassigned Fund Balance as a Percent of Operating Budget: >15.0% Enterprise Fund Pay‐go Capital (5‐year Rolling Average): >10.0% Enterprise Fund Parity Debt Service Coverage (with 20% ofSurplus Account) >1.20x Enterprise Fund Debt Service Coverage on all Indebtedness: >1.00x Enterprise Fund Reserves as a Percent of Operating and Maintenance: >50% 063020ss HCBOC Page 91 Attachment D: Framework for Best Management Practices for Capital Projects & Change Orders 1.Standardization of contract documents. 2.Change Orders and Claims shall be handled in accordance with the Contract Documents. 3.Where contractor delays will not result, the cost for a contract change order shall be negotiated prior to authorization to do the work. The itemized cost proposal will be reviewed by the originating department, legal, finance and administration prior to final approval. 4.Work change directives will be used where work must be done on an emergency basis or when contractor delays through no fault of the contractor will result. 5.There should be consideration for exemptions in cases of special emergency involving the health and safety of the citizens and their property. 6.The County Manager shall have the authority to execute and approve change orders and the associated budget amendment up to five percent (5%) of the contract amount. This specifically includes the transfer of contingency funds. Notification of such actions will be provided to the Board of Commissioners via the County Manager’s Report. 7.The estimated quantities of items of unit price work are not guaranteed and are solely for the purpose of comparison of bids and determine an initial contract price. Determinations of the actual quantities and classification of unit price work performed by contractor will be made by Engineer and reconciled in the final adjusting change order. 6/15/2020 063020ss HCBOC Page 92 Board Meeting Agenda Item MEETING DATE: June.30, 2020 TO: HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Spec;~ { Se~s;o,,.. SUBJECT: RESOLUTION TO ADOPT THE INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT AND TO JOIN THE NCACC RISK MANAGEMENT POOL REQUESTED BY: ADMINISTRATION REQUEST: Administration requests approval of an "Interlocal Agreement for a Group Self-Insurance Fund for Risk Sharing or Group Purchase of Coverage" between the County of Harnett and the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners Risk Management Agency, along with the "Resolution to Adopt the Interlocal Agreement and to Join the NCACC Risk Management Pool" for Liability and Property insurance. Coverage is from July 1, 2020, until July 1, 2021 , at a cost of$865,157, and includes Public Officials Prior Acts Coverage, Employment Practices Prior Acts Coverage, and Excess Liability in the amount of $8 ,000,000 above $2,000,000 underlying coverage. FINANCE OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION: COUNTY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: C :\Use rs\gwhee ler\A ppData\Lo cal\Microsoft\ Windows\INetC ache\Content.O utl ook\ W5 ENE9SY\NCACC R isk Pool PL Ag enda Request.docx Pag e I of2 063020ss HCBOC Page 93 A s soc1ATI0N OF CouNTY COMMISSIONERS INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR A GROUP SELF-INSURANCE FUND FOR RISK SHARING OR GROUP PURCHASE OF COVERAGE This Agreement is made and entered into by and between all the parties who join together to become Members of the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners Risk Management Agency (hereinafter referred to as the "Risk Pool"). The Risk Pool acts by and through its Board of Trustees as provided herein and as provided within the Bylaws of the Risk Pool. The Risk Pool encompasses the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners Joint Risk Management Agency Workers' Compensation Fund (hereinafter referred to as the "Workers ' Compensation Pool") and the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners North Carolina Counties Liability And Property Joint Risk Management Agency (hereinafter referred to as the "Liability and Property Pool"; both are referred to collectively as "Pools"). ARTICLE I. PURPOSE 1. To carry out the desire of certain counties and governmental entities of the State of North Carolina to create and become the Risk Pool, and to enable these counties to pool the retention of their risks , liabilities or payments, or for the group purchase of coverage, pursuant to the provisions of North Carolina General Statutes 153A-92(d), 153A-445(a)(1) and 160A-460 through 160A-466. 2. To be governed and directed through the efforts of the Risk Pool Board of Trustees, as described in the Bylaws of the Risk Pool, which are incorporated by reference into this Agreement. 3. To provide for the discharge, from the assets of the Risk Pool , from funds collected from Members, and through excess or other insurance purchased by the Risk Pool , in accordance with the terms and scope of the contracts of coverage and as determined by the participation of the individual Members of the Risk Pool, of any: a) insurance premiums; b) covered property losses incurred; c) lawful liability claims against any member of the Liability and Property Pool in which awards have been sustained by final judgment or by the rules of the Risk Pool if settlement is made; and d) lawful workers ' compensation claims against members of the Workers' Compensation Pool , when awards have been sustained by final judgment or by the rules of the Risk Pool if settlement is made . 4. To provide for payment by Members of the Risk Pool of contributions based upon appropriate classifications, rates, experience modifications, or other methodologies, out of a portion of which the Risk Pool will establish and maintain a fund for the payment of covered claims, losses and the administrative costs of operating the Risk Pool. lnterlocal Agreement Revised October 2018 Page 1 of 6 063020ss HCBOC Page 94 ARTICLE II. EFFECTIVE DATE , DURATION AND MEMBERSHIP Any qualifying county or governmental unit that formally applies for membership in the Risk Pool will be admitted and become a Member. This Agreement is effective as of the date the Resolution adopting this Agreement is executed , and the membership application and fully executed Resolution are incorporated by reference into this Agreement. This Ag reement replaces all prior lnterlocal Agreements and Participation Agreements, is effective from year to year, and shall remain in force unless terminated in writing by the Risk Pool , the Member, or the Board of Trustees as specified herein . Risk Pool Members may join the Worke rs' Compensation Pool , and Liability and Property Pool , or may elect to only join one or two of these offered Pools . Members shall designate the membership election on the Resolution and provide a new, fully executed Resolution if individual Pool membership changes . Under the plans offered by the Risk Pool , a Member's coverage will be automatically renewed on the termination date of the coverage regardless of whether payment for the subsequent coverage period has been received by the Risk Pool. The continuation of coverage will be pursuant to the same terms and cond itions as the expiring cove rage and as set forth in th is Agreement. Each renewal shall be subject to a recalculation of contribut ions by the Risk Pool. ARTICLE Ill. TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. The coverage terms, deductibles , conditions, limits of liability , exclusions , exceptions, agreements, requirements for cooperation of Members, subrogation and other terms of membership shall be governed by the Coverage Documents. 2 . A Member may be eligible for a multi-pool discount if the Member is a member of both Pools. Any Member that has outstanding contributions due to the Ris k Pool from the most recent fl:JIIY completed fiscal year will have their multi-pool discount adjusted by the amount of those outstanding contributions . 3 . Changes in funding types, rates and plan specifications will occur only on the Member's renewal date and will remain in effect for the coverage period . However, the Risk Pool reserves the right to make adjustments to the Member's contribution and/or the plan specifications if a material, substantive amendment or modification to coverage must be made to comply with state or federal law. It is the responsibility of the Risk Pool to provide notice to the Member sixty (60) days prior to any such contribution change , amendment or modification. 4. If a Member fails to remit the required contribution , the Risk Pool may suspend the payment of the Member's claims in accordance with the Payment Policy adopted by the Board of Trustees . In the event of termination of th is Agreement, the Member remains responsible for any contributions payable up to and including the date of terminat ion . 5. All claims for employees and authorized individuals are required to be timely reported to the Claims Administrator. Failure to do so may result in the claim not be ing reimbursed . l nte rlocal Agreement R ev ise d O cto be r 2018 Page 2 of 6 063020ss HCBOC Page 95 6 . The Member shall cooperate with the Risk Pool concerning settlement efforts, litigation or anticipated litigation of any claim. If a claim is made , a lawsuit is filed or court notices are received by a Member or its representative that may fall within the scope of Risk Pool coverage , the Member shall immediately forward to the Risk Pool every document received. Pursuant to the Risk Pool's request and payment by the Risk Pool of reasonable expenses, the Member shall attend hearings, trials and other proceedings if requested and will assist in effecting settlements , in securing and providing evidence, in attaining the attendance of witnesses and in fully cooperating with the Risk Pool and its designee with regard to the defense of the claim. 7. No Member shall make voluntary and direct payment of a claim or a claims-related expense without the prior approval of the Board of Trustees or its designee. Any Member making a voluntary payment or entering into an agreement to pay without approval will be responsible for the claim and any expenses paid or committed , including the cost of a legal defense. 8. The Risk Pool may use and disclose the Personal Health Information of individuals subject to this coverage only in compliance with the HIPAA Privacy Rule and other applicable provisions. 9. This Agreement and coverage with Pool(s) may be canceled by the Risk Pool on the renewal date after providing written notice by certified mail, return receipt requested , to the Member at least sixty (60) days prior to the renewal date . The Risk Pool may also cancel this Agreement and/or the coverage provided at any time pursuant to the following : (a) after giving ten (10) days written notice to the Member in accordance with the terms of the Payment Policy adopted by the Board of Trustees; (b) if the Member reorganizes or dissolves ; or (c) if the Member fails to initiate and administer any reasonable loss prevention recommendation submitted by the Risk Pool to the Member. 10. The Member may cancel this Agreement or membership in an individual Pool without penalty on the renewal date of coverage if it provides written, advance notice to the Risk Pool at least sixty (60) days prior to the coverage renewal date . If notice of termination to the Risk Pool is provided less than sixty (60) days before the Member's renewal date , but prior to the renewal effective date, ten percent (10%) of the annual estimated renewal contribution must be paid by the Member. If notice to the Risk Pool is provided after the renewal date , the total annual estimated renewal contribution must be paid by the Member. The Member may file an Appeal with the Board of Trustees, pursuant to Paragraph 12 of this Article . 11 . The Member shall have the right to file an Appeal concerning any action taken or decision made by the Risk Pool in accordance with the Appea ls Procedures adopted by the Risk Pool , by requesting review by the Risk Pool's Board of Trustees , whose decision will be final. Any Appeal shall be submitted in writing to the Director of Risk Management Services within thirty (30) days of the challenged decision or action . 12. In the interest of providing effective governance , the Member, a county with appointive authority for the Member's board, or at least one of the Member's budgetary contributors , must be a member of the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners (hereinafter "Association"). lnterlocal Agreement Revised O ctober 2018 Page 3 of 6 063020ss HCBOC Page 96 13. The Association is designated as the Administrator of the Risk Pool unless otherwise designated by the Board of Trustees. As detailed further in the Service Agreement between the Risk Pool and Association, the Administrator supervises all other service contractor(s}, deposits all contributions as collected to the bank account(s) designated by the Board of Trustees , and disburses monies as provided by the policies, rules, regulations and Bylaws of the Board of Trustees , and in compliance with the Service Agreement(s) executed with the service contractor(s). 14. In its discretion, the Board of Trustees shall determine and may modify the timing of payments made by Members and the amount of Member contributions to maintain the soundness and financial security of the Risk Pool. 15. A certified public accounting firm shall audit the Risk Pool annually and report to the Board of Trustees as detailed in the Bylaws. The Risk Pool retains the right to audit and review a Member's financial and business records relevant to the subject matter of this Agreement or any dispute regarding this Agreement. 16. Notice : Any written notice to the Risk Pool shall be made by certified mail and delivered to the Director of Risk Management Services, North Carolina Association of County Commissioners, 215 N. Dawson Street, Raleigh , NC 27603. ARTICLE IV. AMENDMENTS The Board of Trustees is authorized to make any changes or amendments to this Agreement that would not fundamentally alter the substance of the contemplated Agreement. This Agreement may be substantively amended after adoption of this Agreement by the Members by either 1) approval of the specific amendment by the Board of Trustees and approval in writing by a simple majority of the Members, or 2) approval of the Board of Trustees of a revised Agreement and subsequent presentation to Members for execution of a new Resolution during the renewal period . ARTICLE V. SEVERABILITY AND CHOICE OF LAW This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of North Carolina. The Members and the Risk Pool agree that in the event there is a disagreement between them regarding this Agreement, or its terms, any legal action shall be filed in the General Court of Justice, Superior Court Division , Wake County, North Carolina . The Members and the Risk Pool agree that the terms of this Agreement are contractual and not a mere recital, and that its provisions are severable in nature such that if any particular provision is stricken by a Court of competent jurisdiction, no other provision will be affected . IN WITNESS WHEREOF , the undersigned signify their acceptance of this Agreement by executing this Resolution by action of the Board of Commissioners or other Governing Board : lnterlocal Agreement Revised October 2018 Page 4 of6 063020ss HCBOC Page 97 RESOLUTION TO ADOPT THE INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT AND TO JOIN THE NCACC RISK MANAGEMENT POOL WHEREAS, _County of Harnett (County or local government agency) desires to pool the retention of their risks, liabilities and/or payments, or for the group purchase of coverage, and has completed a Pre-Audit Certification in compliance with N.C.G.S. § 159-28; and WHEREAS , the North Carolina Counties Risk Management Agency d .b.a. NCACC Risk Management Pools (hereafter called the "Risk Pool"), has been established pursuant to G .S. §153A- 445 (a)(1) and G.S. §160-A-460 through §160A-464; and WHEREAS , it is desirable for County of Harnett (County or local government agency) to join the Risk Pool to obtain the opportunity for risk sharing and/or group purchase of coverage; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners or Governing Board of _County of Harnett. _______ (County or local government agency) hereby adopts the foregoing lnterlocal Agreement and hereby joins and agrees to participate in the Risk Pool as indicated: 0 North Carolina Counties Liability and Property Joint Risk Management Agency d .b.a. NCACC Liability and Property Pool 0 North Carol ina Workers' Compensation Joint Risk Management Agency d.b.a . NCACC Workers' Compensation Pool BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that (authorized county or entity official) is duly authorized to execute the application to join the Risk Pool and hereby executes the Agreement on behalf of _County of Harnett (County or local government agency). Witnessed wherefore, this the ____ day of _____ , 20 . Attest: -------------- NORTH CAROLINA __________ COUNTY Personally appearing before me this day of , 20_, ____________ , who, being first duly sworn, acknowledged the execution of the foregoing Agreement for the purposes and considerations therein and herein expressed. My Commission expires: lnterlocal Agreement Revised October 2018 Notary Public Page 5 of 6 063020ss HCBOC Page 98 Pre-Audit Certification Pursuant to N.C.G.S. § 159-28 This foregoing Agreement has hereby been pre-audited in the manner required by the Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act. NORTH CAROLINA ~~+-'H-=a~r~~=e ___ +-__ i-~~~COUNTY Personally appearing before me this <Jif""'day of Sv1 Y\e , 20.8.Q, the Finance Officer or Deputy Finance Officer, /.(, r\\b e r l¥'. Ho ne¥C.1.d± , who, being first duly sworn, acknowledged the execution of the f6regoingAgreement for the purposes and considerations therein and herein expressed. ~ • 12 . '!) ,I',. ~ My Commission expires: f'ld!.tM ____ ~_..._-/'-T~-+-· --+-~-#-J .... ~..:-~---.;~ D'3/1'5/'d.~ 7aryPublic:Q lnterlocal Agreement Revised October 2018 Page 6 of6 063020ss HCBOC Page 99 Tax Department Questions concerning exemptions, exclusions, late listing penalties as affected by the pandemic. 1. GS 105-277 June 1 is the statutory deadline for receiving applications for tax relief for taxpayers who qualify for elderly, disabled, and disabled veterans exclusions. Tax Department is requesting extending the deadline to August 1. Thus any taxpayer who would have otherwise qualified for tax relief, and gets us the paperwork by August 1, will be approved, and the 2020 tax bill adjusted . Tax bills become due September 1. (We would like the Board to give us the authority to approve any elderly, disabled, disabled vet applications that come to us by August 1, 2020 .) 2. Tax Department has done a review of a recommended number of taxpayers receiving tax relief through the exclusions listed in #1 (above). We have identified a number of deceased taxpayers whose exemptions have expired. Some of these go back a number of years. GS 105-312 provides a way to recover taxes for these inappropriately applied exclusions. We would like the Board's opinion on moving forward with correcting these exclusions. There is a five-year limitation for looking back at misapplied exclusions. There are also penalties associated with discovery. Tax Department would like to adjust these exclusions, in fairness to other taxpayers in the County. The Board can waive the penalties, if desired. (The assessed value of these properties is around 1.3 million, represents between$ 10,000 and $16,000 in tax revenue. We would like the Board to tell us whether they prefer we do discovery and try to collect these amounts including penalties, waive the penalties and collect, or just correct things going forward . Either of these options are available to the Board.) 3. The listing period for Business Personal Property ended January 31 , 2020. If filed before the end of the regular listing period, a filing Extension can be granted until 4/15. The April 15 extension date cannot be extended unless the General Assembly changes the statute. Ta x Department has been very clear with taxpayers that this was the case. Of course, the pandemic hit, and many offices, including the Tax Department have been closed to the public since March 30. We have continued to collect Business Listings and key them into our system. We had more than 500 businesses to file for extensions by January 31. At least 200 of those businesses did not meet the April 15, 2020 listing date . This means that there will be late listing penalties added to those tax bills. Taxpayers can appeal those late listing penalties. If the Board agrees the Tax Department could waive late listing penalties for those who filed exten sions for April 15, but actually get their listings to the Tax Office say, by June 30, 2020-to account for is sues with the pandemic. (We would like the Board to state a preference related to this issue . Most of these 200 or so businesses (or their accountants) will try to say that the pandemic caused them to actually list later than the extension date. They actually had 2 full months after January 31 end of listing period to get these items in on time. In a way I don't have any sympathy for that. And, again, while IRS and DOR extended income tax filing deadlines to July 15, that has nothing to do with property tax deadlines, but will be used as a talking point for those who might appeal late listing penalties. So , the Board has options-Tax Department can assess the late listing penalties, there will be appeals, though the statute is clear. Or, 063020ss HCBOC Page 100 Tax Department, at the direction of the Board, can accept listings through the end of fiscal year (June 30) as though they were on time; taxpayers would not be assessed late list penalties . Any taxpayers filing later than that would be subject to late listing penalties . 063020ss HCBOC Page 101 Board Meeting Agenda Item MEETING DA TE: JunejO, 2020 , -Spec;~ I Se.ss 1011 TO: HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: Emergency Watershed Protection Project REQUESTED BY: Lynn Lambert, Soil and Water Conservation REQUEST: Soil and Water,in cooperation with Emergency Management,is requesting approval to accept Emergency Watershed Protection (EWP) funding from USDA, NRCS and the NCDA. This project will clear storm debris from the Upper Little River, Lower Little River, and Anderson Creek to reduce the threat of future flooding events and protect infrastructure. A pre- application submission has been submitted to confirm project qualification and project allocations have been reserved in the amounts of $3 ,202 ,970 in Federal Assistance (USDA, NRCS) and $1,067,057 (NCDA , S&W). Project costs are reimbursable up to 75% from Federal funding and 25% from State funding upon submission of approved proof of expenditure s. FINANCE OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION: COUNTY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: C : \U sers\gw hee l e r\AppOata \Local\M ic ro s oft\ W indows\IN e tCa che \Content. O utlo ok\ W 5 EN E9 S Y\E WP Agenda Req ues t (00 3 ).docx Page I of I 063020ss HCBOC Page 102 Natural Resources Conservation Service North Carolina State Office 4407 Bland Road Suite 117 Raleigh, NC 27609 Voice 919-873-2100 Fax 844-325-6833 USDA -United States Department of Agriculture April 7, 2020 Lynn Lambert Hamett County 126 Alexander Drive Suite 200 Lillington , NC 27546 Dear Lynn Lambert: The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) is pleased to announce that the funding request for Federal assistance through the Emergency Watershed Protection Program (EWP) to restore damages sustained to multiple sites by Hurricane Florence on September 14, 2018 has been approved! The site numbers listed below are funded; as a sponsor, you should have damage survey reports (DSRs) for each site. In addition, sites requiring NC PE-sealed designs are noted. The maximum allowable funding received is shown. "FA" is the reimbursable amount of 75% of approved, on-the-ground construction costs, and "TA'. is the reimbursable amount for approved technical and administrative costs. Reimbursement will be made upon submission of approved proof of expenditures (with a '270' form NRCS will provide). visual confirmation by the NRCS governn1ent representati ve (GR), and should not exceed amounts shown. Funds not used at project close-out will be de-obligated . Harnett County EWP DSRs 3 7-02-18-5038-460/46 l /462 -Hazardous Debris Removal A. The estimated construction costs for the Projects: l. 460 Total Est imated Construction Cost= $1.554,800.00 (Debris Removal) 461 Total Es timated Construction Cost= $1.554,800.00 (Debris Removal) 462 Total Estimated Construction Cost = $658,600.00 (Debris Removal) Total Estimated Construction Costs: $3,768,200.00 Total Estimated Project Costs: $4,145.020.00 Total Federal Assistance: $3,202,970.00 The budget includes: Financial Assistance (FA): Sites: 460/ 461 / 462 Available NRCS Construction Assistance (75% Est. Constr. Costs) = $2,826,150.00 Required Sponsor Construction Assistance (25% Est. Constr. Costs)= 942,050.00 The Natural Resources Conservation Service is an agency of the Department of Agriculture 's Natural Resources m ission . An Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer 063020ss HCBOC Page 103 Page 2 Technical Assistance (TA): Sites: 460/461 /462 Available NRCS Technical Assistance = $376.820.00 2. NRCS pays up to 75 percent of eligible construction costs , and Sponsor pays 25 percent of construction costs. NRCS will contribute up to 15% of estimated construction costs for contract administration and construction management costs. It is possible that technical and administrative costs will exceed this amount, requiring the Sponsor to contribute resources to complete technical and administrative work. 3. NRCS funding for thi s project is provided to the Sponsor in two separate NRCS funding accounts. one for financial assista nce (FA) and one for technical assistance (TA). FA costs are associated with construction activities; TA costs are associated with services. These expenditures shall be accounted for separately in order for expenses to be eligible for reimbursement. 4. NRCS will provide FA for actual costs as reimbursement to the Sponsor for approved on-the-ground construction costs, subject to above limits. If costs are reduced , reimbursement will be reduced accordingly . Construction costs are associated with the installation of the project measures including labor. equipment , materials. testing, and construction inspection including UA V services w here applicable for debris removal projects. 5. NRCS will provide TA reimbursement to the Sponsor for technical and administrative costs directly charged to the project. subject to the above limits. If costs are reduced . reimbursement will be reduced accordingly. These costs include a. engineering costs include. but not limited to. developing a project design that includes design reports. construction drawings and specifications . an operation and maintenance plan. a quality assurance/inspection plan and an engineer's estimate of the project installation costs in addi ti on to providing necessary quality assurance and quality control during construction. b . contract administration costs include, but not limited to. soliciting, evaluating. awarding and administering contracts for construction and engineering services, including project development/management/verification services, verifying invoices and record keeping. 063020ss HCBOC Page 104 Page 3 6. The Sponsor will contribute funds toward the total construction costs in either direct cash expenditures. the value of non-cash materials or services, or in- kind contributions. The value of any in-kind contribution shall be agreed to in writing prior to implementation . It shall be understood that the sponsor (Hamett County) and NRCS will enter into a Locally Led FA/TA Agreement to implement the recov ery measures listed in the DSR. The sponsor will be responsible for all work associated with scheduling , engineering design services. real property rights, pennits, construction by contracting and/or in-kind services, construction inspection. etc. while in consultation with NRCS , and all work will be completed as soon as possible, but no later than 280 days after the agreement is signed . Costs incurred prior to execution of the agreement are ineligible and will not be reimbursed . In order to continue with the process, we will be emailing fonns that need to be included in establishing a project agreement; fom1s are listed on the attached checklist. Once received, return completed and signed forms to jirn.kjelgaard(a),usda.eovanderic.mack @ usda.gov. We would like to meet with you and your organization to discuss the terms and conditions of the Agreement that will be executed , including reviewing the recovery measures. funding. responsibilities, pre-des ign conference. deliverables . reviews , and schedules. This meeting will allow me to finalize the documents that I will submit to our National Agreements Serv ice Branch for development and execution of the Agreement. Please contact me to schedule a meeting to start these di scussions; teleconference or face-to-face can work. Please verify your organization 's schedule and let me know of a meeting place . We have also notified the North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Affairs, Division of Soil & Water Conservation. and encourage your participation in their assistance programs that augment EWP. If you have any further questions about the EWP Program. please feel free to contact me. at (919) 873-2130 or jim .kjelgaa rd @ u sda.go v. 063020ss HCBOC Page 105 Page 4 Thank you , Jim Kjelgaard State Conservation Engineer Acting EWP Program Manager CC : Tim Beard. State Conservationist. NRCS. Raleigh, NC PDF copies sent via email to: Lee Holcomb Area ASTC , ASC-FO, NRCS, Salisbury, NC Gowon Goode AE, ASE, NRCS, Salisbury, NC Darryl Harrington Team Leader, SSC, NRCS , Lillington, NC Vemon Cox, Director, NCDA Division of Soil & Water Conservation, Raleigh, NC David Williams, Deputy Director, NCDA Division of Soil & Water Conservation, Raleigh. NC 063020ss HCBOC Page 106 Steve Troxler Commissioner Ms. Lynn Lambert Hamett County North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services Division of Soil and Water Conservation June 16 , 2020 126 Alexander Drive, Suite 200 Lillington, NC 27546 Dear Ms . Lambert, Vernon Cox Director I am pleased to notify you that the Division of Soil & Water Conservation has allocated $1,067,057 to Harnett County to match the funds approved by USDA for the Emergency Watershed Protection Program (EWP) in the County. We will soon be forwarding a contract packet to you to execute this allocation . The scope of work will include the sites approved for EWP funding. Once yo u recei ve the amendment packet, you will need to get the appropriate signatures on the contract and additional s upporting documents and return it to the attention of Heather Reichert of our office. She will then obtain s ignatures from authorized officials in the Department and return the fully executed contract to you . Heather can be reached at 919-707-3768 or Heather.Reichert<am cagr.gov . Plea se note that it will be the County's respons ibility to obtain all required permits, approvals, and access authority and to satisfy the requirements of the USDA contract for EWP. We are pleased to s upport the work of Hamett County to address the important disaster re covery need s. If you have questions, please feel free to c ontact Ms. Reichert or me at 919-707-3 772 or Dav id .B . William sfa,ncagr.go,. Sincerely, f)cwJ {U);tL_ David B. Williams. Deputy Director Cc: Vernon Cox Heather Reichert Allie Dinwiddie Jim Kjelgaard Mary Waligora MAILING ADDRESS Divi sion of Soil and Water Conservation 1614 Mail Service Center Raleigh , NC 27699-1614 Telephone : (919) 707-3770 An Equal Opportunity Employer LOCATION Old Health Building 216 W . Jones St 3'° Floor Raleigh , NC 27603 063020ss HCBOC Page 107