060920wsa revised9:00 am 9:15 am 9:45 am 10:15am 10:45 am 11 :00 am 11:15am 11 :45 am Harnett County Board of Commissioners Work Session Tuesday, June 9, 2020 9:00 am Thi s m eeting will not b e open to members of th e public t o atte nd in person however, listening options are provid e belo w. Call to order, Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation General Budget Discussion: Sheriffs Office positions Salary and Grade Table changes Discuss revised project ordinance and GMP for the Erwin Elementary School Project Present proposed changes to the Personnel Ordinance, Brian Haney Property & Liability Insurance Bid Discuss ion County Manager's Report: June 15 , 2020 Regular Meeting Agenda Review and meeting log istic s Review applications to serve on Boards and Committees Invitations and upcoming meetings C lo sed session Adjourn 060920wsa HCBOC Page 1 CO NDUCT OF THE J UNE 9m MEETING OF THE HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS T he Harn ett Co unty Bo ard of Co mmi ss ione rs will conve ne their June 9, 2 02 0 work se ssi on und er certa in co ndit ions : 1. T he Harn ett County Board of Commissi o ners and Co unty g ove rnment s taff n e cessary to conduct the meetin g or to sp eak o n sc hedul ed age nd a items will be statione d in the meeting cha mb e rs to ma intain th e recommended soci a l d i stanc ing of 6 feet. 2. T he Ju ne 9t h work session will not be open to members of the public to attend in person as we are o bse rv ing th e curre nt pro vis io ns of a ny Exec uti ve Orders re lated to mass gatherings and publ ic health g uid ance regarding soc ial di stan c in g. The public will have the opportunity to listen to the meeting live online or by calling into the meeting. 3. The meeti ng w ill be stre ame d li ve o n Ha rn e tt County Governm enfs YouTube Channel at: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCU7mTF6HTD65x 98EhAMeMg/featured 4 . If yo u wis h to call in and li s ten to the m eetin g yo u may di al (910)814-6959 . Please remember to mute yo ur pho ne whil e lis tening so as no t to di srnpt other s listening . 5. Yo u may a lso follo w al o ng o n T witter @ Hame ttC OLmty to get li ve updates during the meeting . T he Board appreciates the public's p ati enc e and und er standin g a s they seek to en s ure th e continuity of county ope rations while d emon strating complia nce with State law and prudent pu bli c health practices in these diffi cult times. 060920wsa HCBOC Page 2 Harnett County Schools Erwin Elementary School (replacement) Statement of Probable Project Construction Development Cost L ' METCON -Project Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) Construction Manager Preconstruction Fee Existing Erwin ES demolition, abatement, utility relocation & UST r emoval projects Administrative Costs A/E Fees Printing/Reimbursables Publ ication/ Advertisement Additional Owner Expenses Allowances REQUIRED Topograph ic/Bou ndary Survey Geotech nical (site and buliding) Materials testing/Special Inspections CONTRACT AM TIA/NCDOT requirements (covered by MSTA/NCDOT) Construction Permits/Fees Fixtures, Furniture & Equipment Athletic outfit equipment Cafeteria outfit (tables, etc) Desks, tables, chairs, etc Admi nistr ation furniture Program spaces needs Media Furnishings 690 students @ Technology allowance 690 stud ents@ OUNT I I Wiring infrastructu re , devices and electronic door hard ware in GMP $1 ,000 j per student $600 j per student see computation below $1 ,250,539 $10,000 $5,000 $11 ,300 actual cost $19,800 actual cost $105 ,000 contract quote $0 $1 30,000 allowance TOTAL PROBABLE PROJEC T CONSTRUCTION DEVELOPMENT COST: Total Probable Proj ect Development Cost does not includ e costs associated with project bonding, cos t of issuance, attorney fees, or financial advisors. 5/4/2020 rev $ 25,291 ,931 $ 140,000 $ 1,038,853 $ 1,265,539 $ 266,100 $ 690 ,000 $ 414,000 $ 29,106,423 sfu-a A R C H IT E C T S (.11pt,.1e,. .. cPl,u lllfayttt,:,,,,1lcStrttt,S...,tt:l5 ••lf>•&"PrK n601 060920wsa HCBOC Page 3 Ex isting Erwin Ele me nta!l! Sc hool Proj ects ACTUAL COSTS NOTES Early site preparation projects A dministrative Costs A/E fe e in main project cost s TERRACON HazMat and Utility Study, Remediation & Rem oval Oversight Hazardous Materials Testing and Remediation Plan $ 15,750 ACM testing only Underground Storage Tank Testing and Remediation Plan $ 46,000 ACM design and oversight Underground Storage Tank Removal/Remediation $ 147,456 fina l invoice Limited Site Assessment and Monitoring Well $ 13,950 UST leak NEO CORPORATION Hazardo us Materials Re moval Project $ 14S,SOO con tract amount CAD remaining amount change order s (4,lSO) TEMPLE Utility Relocation Project Sanitary Septic System location and removal Sanitary Septic System tank/vault location and removal Sanitary Sewer l ines removal/ relocation Water lines removal/ relocation s 166,180 base b id water and sewer Sanitary Sewer line removal/ relocation Change Order #1 s 18,625 gaskets and line st ops Change Order #2 $ 35,329 additional line revisions/cut-ins -PEN DING Change Order #3 s 14,252 water l in e conflicts Change Order #4 s 6,300 sewer relocation MARTIN EDWARDS Buildings Demolitio n Pro j ect $ 419,000 base bid + a lternate for erosi on control Buildings demolition and removal Site restoration / grading Change Order #1 $ 3,000 foundation removal Change Order #2 $ 11,662 offsite fill and co mpacti on Elect ric Service components removal s by Duke Power Cont inge n c y $1,038,853 TOTAL sfu-a ARCHITECTS 060920wsa HCBOC Page 4 Board Meeting Agenda Item MEETING DATE : June 15, 2020 TO: HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SU BJECT: Amendments to Harnett County Personnel Ordinance REQUESTED BY: Administration REQUEST: Administration requests approval of the following amendments to the Harnett County Personnel Ordinance: ARTICLE III. THE PAY PLAN Updating the Performance Pay Plan including adding eligible part-time employees into the Performance Pay Plan, moving the effective date of earned performance increases to the start of the pay period immediately following an employee's anniversary date, updating eligibility requirements , and allowing the County Manager to address situations where employees who were left in the 3/5 Pay Plan after July 1, 2017 , would have benefited more from inclusion in the Performance Pay Plan. ART ICLE IV. Section 8. Probationary Period of Employment Updating to allow promoted employees to use leave during their probationary period. ARTICLE V. Section 12. Performance Evaluations Updating to make clear guidelines and e x pectations for the timely completion of evaluations and submittal of any resulting Personnel Actions. ARTICLE VI. Section 3. Vacation Leave Updating to allow promoted employees to use leave during their probationary period. C : \Us ers\gwh eel er\AppData \Local\M ic ro so ft\ W indows\JNetCache \C o nte nt. O utl ook\ W 5 EN E9 S Y\Agen d a R equest - Perso n nel O rdinance R ev isio n 202 0.06.1 5 .d ocx Page I of 2 060920wsa HCBOC Page 5 ARTICLE Il l. THE PAY PLAN Sect io n 1. Adopt ion The schedule of salary ranges and grades assigned to those salary ranges, as set forth in th is policy, is hereby adopted as the Harnett County Pay Plan . Sec ti on 2. Pu rpo se of the Pay Plan The Harnett County Pay Plan is intended to provide equitable compensation for all positions by reflecting apparent differences in duties and responsibilities, the rates of pay for comparable positio ns in the private and public sector, changes in the cost of living , the financial condit ions of the County, and any other appropriate factors. Secti on 3. M aintenance of t he Pay Plan The County Manager is responsible for the administration, execution , and maintenance of the Pay Plan. The County Manager shall, from time to time , make comparative studies of all factors affecting the level of salary ranges and shall recommend to the BOC such changes in salary ranges as appear to be warranted . Sect i on 4. Use of Sa lary Ra ng es The minimum rate established for the grade is the normal hiring rate, except in those cases where unusual circumstances warrant appointment at a higher rate. Appointment above the minimum step may be made on the recommendation of the Supervisor or Department Head with the approval of the County Manager when deemed necessary. Such appointments will be based on factors, including, but not limited to, a shortage of qualified applicants and/or the applicants above average qualifications, education , and training . Secti o n 5 . Pa ym e nt at a Li st ed Ra te All employees covered by this Pay Plan shall be paid at a listed rate within the salary ranges established for the grade in which their respective position falls. Employees whose present salary or hourly wage is above the established maximum rate following transition to the new Pay Plan are exempt. No employee may receive a salary increase above the maximum for their assigned salary grade. Sec tion 6 . The Perfo r mance Pay Pl an 060920wsa HCBOC Page 6 Harnett County seeks to provide the best service possible to the county 's residents . A highly skilled a nd competent workforce is an essential aspect of providing high quality, efficient customer-driven service in an organization . Equitable compensation is necessary to attract and retain such a workforce . The Performance Pay Plan described in this section is intended to provide Harnett County employees with a path for advancement through their assigned salary grade over the course of their career with the County based on their performance reviews. The Performance Pay Plan is intended to serve as a tool that will allow the County to hire and retain well-qualified employees and provide equitable compensation to employees throughout their careers provided they receive satisfactory performance reviews . Full-time and Religible part-time employees will be eligible to earn a percentage salary increase each year based on their annual performance review. An employee who receives an overall score on their annual performance review of "Meets Expectations " or above will receive the designated increase for that year while an employee who receives a score lower than "Meets Expectations" will not receive the increase for that year-:-.:. Any earned increase related to the Performance Pay Plan will be effective GR-at the start of the pay period immediately following the employee 's anniversary date with the County following the corresponding performance review . If an employee's anniversary date falls on the first day of a new pay period, they will receive an earned increase beginning with that pay period. For the purposes of the Performance Pay Plan, performance reviews should be conducted prior to an employee's anniversary date .If an employee who has been terminated from the County for any reason is rehired by the County, their most recent date of hire will be used to establish their anniversary date related to this Performance Pay Plan. Additionally, if an employee changes from full- time to part-time, or part-t ime to full-time status, the date of the change in employment status will be used to establish their anniversary date . The County Manager will set the amount or range of the annual increase each year as part of the budget process. The adopted increase amount or range will be effective from July 1 to June 30 of the following year, coinciding with the County's fiscal year. The percent of the annual increase may vary from year to year based on projected revenue and expenditures. Full time employees who have 26 or more years of total employment with Harnett County when this Pay Plan goes into effect will be eligible for an increase during the first three years of implementation (July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2020) of an additional 0 .17 percent of their base salary on top of the increase amount set in the annual budget. Eligibility will be based on receiving satisfactory performance reviews with employees who receive a score of "Meets Expectations" or above receiving the increase amount for that year and employees who receive a score lower than "Meets Expectations " not receiving the increase amount for that year. Increases will be 060920wsa HCBOC Page 7 effective on the employee's anniversary date with the County following the corresponding performance evaluation. • Eligibility will be determined based on an employee 's date of hire with Harnett County. 'Nork experience outside of Harnett County shall not count toward eligibility . • This does not apply to employees who reach year 26 after the date of implementation . • For s1..vorn Law Enforcement Officers in the Harnett County Sheriff's Office, employees who have 21 or more years of total employment with Harnett County when this Pay Plan goes into effect will be eligible for the additional annual increase amount based on their annual performance review during the first three years of implementation. The guidelines are the same for these employees as they are for other employees who are eligible for the additional increase at plan implementation . No employee shall receive an increase above the maximum for their assigned salary grade . The County Manager shall establish appropriate systems and guidelines for implementation, maintenance, and responsible administration of the above Performance Pay Plan . Any situation that arises related to the above Performance Pay Plan and is not covered by this ordinance will be left to the discretion of the County Manager. Performance Pay Plan Eligibility: Any full-time employee who is hired or promoted, or who reaches "job rate " on July 1, 2017 , or thereafter will fall under the above Performance Pay Plan and will not be eligible for the 3/5 Pay Plan described in Section 6 .1. Full-time employees who have not yet reached "job rate " as defined by Section 6 .1 will remain eligible for the 3/5 plan described under Section 6.1 until they reach "job rate," at which time they will enter into the above Pay Plan . ~Employees are notwill not be-eligible for the above Performance Pay Plan while still in the 3/5 Pay PlanHAtH completion of Section 6 .1 . Part-time employees are eligible for the Performance Pay Plan effective July 1, 2020, based on their annual performance reviews . To be eligible for the Performance Pay Plan, part-time employees must maintain uninterrupted employment with the County for consecutive years . Election workers, interns, and any other part-time employee who must be rehired each year are not eligible for the Performance Pay Plan . Additional Eligibility Guidelines : • Employees in Work Against status will not be eligible for the above Performance Pay Plan until they complete work against status or meet all of the qualifications for the position . Sworn Law Enforcement Officers will not be eligible for the above Performance Pay Plan until they complete the Tier system . • To re ceive an earned increase, an employee must work at least 6 months during an annual evaluation period in order to be effectively evaluated by their supervisor. 060920wsa HCBOC Page 8 • An employee who is promoted during an evaluation period must have been in the new position for at least 6 months on their anniversary date to receive an earned performance increase based on their salary following the promotion. Promoted employees who have been in the new position for less than 6 months on their anniversary date are eligible for an earned increase based on their salary prior to the promotion. • An employee who is demoted during an evaluation period. whether voluntarily or involuntarily. who qualifies for a performance increase upon their next anniversary date based on their performance evaluation. will receive an increase based on their salary following the demotion . If the County Manager determines that an employee was at a point in the 3/5 Pay Plan as of July 1. 2017. where the employee would have earned more by entering the Performance Pay Plan when it was incepted. the County Manager may. upon the availability of funding. adjust the employee's pay to the salary they would have earned if they had entered the Performance Pay Plan on July 1. 2017. The adjusted salary will be in effect upon approval by the County Manager. however the affected employee will not receive retroactive salary increases for earned increases they did not receive . 6.1 The 3/5 Pay Plan Any employee who is hired or promoted. or who reaches "job rate" on July 1. 2017, or thereafter is no longer eligible for the 3/5 Pay Plan. The purpose of the 3/5 plan is to give County employees a way in which to gain and look forward to pre-determined pay increases after they have been in service to the County for 3 and 5 years. Three Year Pay Increase: When an employee has been in the service of the County for a total of 3 years, taking into account demotions, promotions, transfers, reclassifications, or any other type of separation from service, the salary of the employee is to be increased to the half-way amount between his or her current salary grade and the job rate of the employee's current salary grade. Five Year Pay Increase: When an employee has been in the service of the County for a total of 5 years, taking into account demotions, promotions, transfers, or any other type of separation from service , the salary of the employee is to be increased to the job rate of the current grade of the employee's current salary grade. Section 7. Salary o f T rainee W ork Ag ainst Sta tu s A newly hired or promoted employee who does not meet all the established requirements of their new position, may be compensated for their services at a pay rate below the minimum pay rate established for that position in the Pay Plan. 060920wsa HCBOC Page 9 An employee will be considered to be a traineein a work against status and continue at this pay rate until the Supervisor or Department Head certifies, and the County Manager approves, that the trainee employee is qualified to assume the full duties and responsibilities of their new position . The Supervisor or Department Head shall review the progress of each employee in-a work against trainee status every six (6) months or more frequently as necessary to determine when the trainee employee is qualified to assume the full responsibilities of the new position. Section 8. Promotion s, Demotions, Transfers, Reclassifications, & Revisions At the beginning of the fiscal year, any promotions, salary adjustments, reclassifications, or revisions will be applied before any cost of living adjustments. When an employee is promoted, demoted, transferred, or reclassified, the rate of pay for the new position shall be established in accordance with the following rules: Promotion: Any employee who receives a promotion will receive a minimum of a 5% increase but not to exceed 10% (between 6% and 10% the department head must provide written justification unless that percentage is the beginning of the new grade) or the beginning of the new grade, whichever is higher. Movement within the same salary grade is considered lateral and there will not be a salary change . Interim Promotion : Any employee who is promoted to an interim position in a higher pay grade will receive a pay increase of 5% or the beginning of the interim position pay grade, whichever is greater while performing the interim duties; however, if the position is a Department Head position or higher, he or she shall receive a 10% pay increase while performing the interim duties or the beginning position grade whichever is higher. An interim assignment shall not exceed six months. At the conclusion, if the employee returns to his or her former position they will return to his or her former salary before the interim assignment. Demotion: An employee who is voluntarily or involuntarily demoted shall have his or her salary or hourly wage left the same, reduced five percent (5%) or reduced to anywhere in the lower grade pay range, depending on the circumstances of the demotion and Department Head recommendation . Transfers: An employee who transfers from a position in one grade to a position in another grade assigned to the same pay range shall continue to receive the same salary or hourly wage. Reclassifications/Revisions : A. Any employee who is currently at the minimum pay rate of their current position and the position is then reclassified to a grade having a higher salary or hourly pay range, that employee shall receive a five percent (5%) pay increase or an increase to the minimum pay rate of the new pay range, whichever is higher. 060920wsa HCBOC Page 10 B . Any employee who is currently above the minimum pay rate of their current position and the position is then reclassified to a grade having a higher salary or hourly pay range , that employee's salary or hourly wage shall be appropriately adjusted to the same point in the new pay range. C . If a position is reclassified to a grade having a lower salary or hourly pay range than that positions current grade, any employee 's salary or hourly wage that is above the maximum rate of the newly established pay range shall remain the same. In the event a reclassification results in the downgrade of a position , the County Manager has the authority to reclassify that position without the Board of Commissioner's approval. Revised 06/19/17 Sec tion 9. Cos t of Li v ing Adju stm e nts If the BOC approve a Cost of Living Adjustment, the increase will be effective July 1 of each year. The amount of this adjustment, if any, may vary from year to year. When a Cost of Living Adjustment is approved , regular employees will receive a $500 minimum increase to their annual pay. Sectio n 10 . Spec ia l Raises A special raise may be given to an employee upon written recommendation of the County Manager and approval by the BOC for very unusual c ircumstance in which an employee does e xceptional work and /or additional money is needed to retain the employee . 060920wsa HCBOC Page 11 Section 8. Probationary Pe riod of Employment A probationary period is a continuous period of 6 months ( 12 months for law enforcement officers) where an employee is evaluated on job performance . Any probationary employee may be dismissed at any time without appeal rights. A full-time employee serving a probationary period following a promotion shall be demoted , in accordance with Article Ill , Section 9 and Article IV, Sections 10, if unable to satisfactorily perform the newly assigned duties and responsibilities. Before completion of the probationary period , Supervisors or Department Heads must indicate in writing to the County Manager the following : A. That the employee has been informed of his or her progress and growth during the probationary period , including the employee's accomplishments, strengths, weaknesses, and areas of improvement. B. That the employee is or is not performing satisfactory work. C. Whether the probationary period should be extended, as long as an extension would not cause the probation to go beyond a year. D. Whether the employee should be retained in the present position or should be released, transferred, or demoted . Employees subject to the North Carolina Human Resources Act (NCGS §126) may not be on probation longer than nine (9) months. Full-time employees serving a probationary period following a promotion shall not be prohibited from using any previously accrued leave during the probationary period . Sect ion 9. Promotion Candidates for promotion may only be current County employees with the appropriate qualifications, education, and training to adequately fill the vacant position and complete the required duties and responsibilities. County employees hoping to be considered for a promotion to a vacant position must complete an application and submit said application online at www.Harnett.org. Candidates shall only be chosen on the basis of their qualifications, work record, and past performance appraisals, without regard to a candidate's age , sex , race , color , creed, religion, political affiliation, national origin, or physical handicap. See Article Ill, Section 9 for information on pay increases when promotion occurs. 060920wsa HCBOC Page 12 Section 12. Performance Rev iewsEvalua t ion s A performance review evaluation is an annual review in which an employee's overall job performance is evaluated by his or her Supervisor and/or Department Head. Each County employee should undergo a formal performance review evaluation conducted by his or her Supervisor and/or Department Head on at least an annual basis. This reviev+' evaluation should be conducted around the employee's yearly anniversary date of the current positionbased on the employee's most recent date of employment with the County. All perfsFmaRee rnviews shst,1ls se ssmplete€l with impartiality aRs am ts se saso€l aF@t,1R€l the mer::it pFiReiplo. The purpose of the performance revie•.v evaluation is to provide a mechanism for communication between Supervisors, Department Heads, and employees, to evaluate strengths and weaknesses, and to set future goals. All performance reviewsevaluations should be completed with impartiality and are to be based around the merit principle. Performance reviews evaluations may be used as evidence to support an employee's raise or promotion or to justify an adverse action being taken against the employee . Completed reviews evaluations should be submitted to Human Resources and placed in the employee's personnel fileJ. and are subject to the rules and regulations addressed in Article XII of this policy. Performance evaluations should be completed in a timely manner with any resulting salary increases submitted via the Personnel Action process as soon as possible following the employee 's anniversary date. In no situation should a performance evaluation be completed or resulting salary increase be submitted more than six months after an employee's corresponding anniversary date unless the employee is not present to be reviewed . The timely completion of performance evaluations and submittal of salary increases is the respons ibility of an evaluated employee's Supervisor and ultimately of the Department Head . Failure to complete performance evaluations and submit resulting salary increases in a timely manner should be reflected in the performance evaluation of the Supervisor completing the evaluation and the Department Head . 060920wsa HCBOC Page 13 Sec t io n 3. Vac at io n Lea ve Use for Full Time Employees: Vacation leave may be used at any time by any employee as earned with the approval of the appropriate Supervisor, Department Head , or County Manager. However, certain Supervisors , Department Heads, or County employees , as designated by the County Manager, must take at least five (5) consecutive workdays of accrued vacation leave per calendar year. Use for Probationary Employees Those employees under a probationary period may not use their accumulated vacation time until the probationary period is over unless special circumstances exist and an exception is approved . However, employees serving a probationary period following a promotion may use any previously accrued vacation leave during the probationary period with the approva l of the appropriate Supervisor, Department Head, or County Manager. Manner of Accumulation: The following charts details the manner in which vacation leave shall be accumulated by all full-time County employees . Years of service with other North Carolina governmental agencies and North Carolina counties , may be considered and may be transferred from the employee's last place of employment immediate ly prior to their employment w ith the County. F II r 40 H W k k E u -1me our or wee mpoyees Years of Service Hours Accrued Days Accrued Monthly Annual Less than 2 6.67 10 At least 2 but less than 5 8.00 12 At least 5 but less than 1 O 10 .00 15 At least 10 but less than 15 12 .00 18 At least 15 but less than 20 14.00 21 20 or more 16.00 24 Sheriffs (42 .75 Emolovees Years of Service Hours Accrued Hours Accrued Monthly Annual Less than 2 7.13 85.6 At least 2 but less than 5 8.56 102 .72 At least 5 but less than 10 10.70 128.4 At least 1 O but less than 15 12.84 154.08 At least 15 but less than 20 14.98 179.76 20 or more 17.12 205.44 Emergency Services (24 Hour Shift Employees) 060920wsa HCBOC Page 14 Years of Service Hours Accrued Hours Accrued Monthlv Annual Less than 2 8.87 106.4 At least 2 but less than 5 10 .64 127 .68 At least 5 but less than 10 13 .30 159.6 At least 10 but less than 15 15.96 191.52 At least 15 but less than 20 18.62 223.44 20 or more 21 .28 255 .36 EMS (9 Hour Shift Employees) Years of Service Hours Accrued Hours Accrued Monthlv Annual Less than 2 7.50 90 .05 At least 2 but less than 5 9.00 108 .00 At least 5 but less than 1 O 11.25 135 .00 At least 10 but less than 15 13 .50 162 .00 At least 15 but less than 20 15.75 189.00 20 or more 18.00 216.00 Maximum Accumulation : There is no lim it to the amount of vacation leave an employee may accumulate before June 15 of each fiscal year. On June 15, however, any employee with more than 240 hours of accumulated leave shall have the excess amount transferred to sick leave . The remaining 240 hours of vacation time will transfer over beginning on July 1 . Also an employee who retires (who wish to do so) may roll all accrued vacation in excess of 240 hours into sick leave on their last day of employment, regardless of the month in which they retire. Amended November 2015 Repayment of Vacation Leave-Voluntary Departure : Any employee who retires or otherwise voluntarily ceases his or her service to the County without failure in the performance of his or her job duties or unsatisfactory personal conduct shall be paid for his or her accumulated vacation leave not to exceed 240 hours. Repayment of Vacation Leave-Involuntary Departure : Any employee who is involuntarily dismissed from their position with the County or otherwise quits because of his or her failure in the performance of his or her job duties and responsibilities or unsatisfactory personal conduct, in the discretion of the County Manager, shall or shall not be reimbursed for their accumulated vacation leave . Repayment of Vacation Leave-Upon Employee's Death : The estate of a County employee who dies while in the service of the County shall be entitled to repayment for all of his or her accumulated vacation leave at the t ime of death except for those hours donated by other employees under the County's Shared Leave Policy as expressed in Article VI , Section 7 . 060920wsa HCBOC Page 15