060120aHARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS County Administration Building 420 McKinney Parkway Lillington, North Carolina Regular Meeting June 1, 2020 9:00 am Thi s mee ting will not be open to members of the public to attend in person however, listeni n g o ptions are prov ide below. 1. Call to order -Chairman Howard Penny 2. Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation -Commissioner Mark Johnson 3. Consider additions and deletions to the published agenda 4 . Consent Agenda A. Minutes B. Budget Amendments C. Hamett County Emergency Services requests approval to accept a donation from Dunn Emergency Services for a 2012 Chevrolet Ambulance. This ambulance will used as a training Simbulance as part of a joint partnership with Dunn ES/Hamett ES and Campbell University. Harnett County will incur the cost of registering the vehicle, insuring the vehicle, storing the vehicle and all maintenance costs. D. Hamett County Department of Aging requests approval to accept BCBSNC Grant funding in the amount of $5 ,000 for the Meals on Wheels program. These funds have been allocated to increase and support current capacity to provide senior meals in response to COVID-19. E. Resolution of the Hamett County Board of Commissioners Declaring Its Intent To Relocate Boundary Lines Between Adjoining Fire Protection Service District. F . Hamett County General Services/Harnett Area Rural Transit System (HARTS) requests approval of the NCDOT FY2020 Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act Grant agreement in the amount of $349,369. The grant provides funding for operating services during and due to the COVID-19 public health emergency. No local match required. 5. Appointments 6. Consider the City of Dunn's offer to purchase three Hamett County properties. 7. Consider the Nonprofit Funding Committee 's revised 2020-2021 Funding Recommendation Page 1 of 2 060120 HCBOC Page 1 8. COVID-19 U pdate and discussion regarding the reopening of County buildings 9. County Manager's Report -Paula Stewart, County Manager Hamett County DSS Monthly Report -April 2020 Johnston-Lee-Hamett Community Action, Inc., will receive a grant for CSBG CARES from the Office of Economic Opportunity. Hamett County 's portion of the grant is $340,466. 10. New Business 11. Closed Session 12. Adjourn CONDUCT OF THE J U NE 1st MEETING OF THE HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF C OMMISSIONERS Bal anc in g the need to co ntinue to c o nduct th e bus in ess of the Coun ty a nd the need to c o mpl y with the Govern or's Ex ecuti ve Orde r and prude nt recommend at ion s fr o m th e CDC and th e NCDHH S, th e Ham ett County Board o f Commi ss ione rs wi ll c o nve ne th ei r June 1, 2 02 0 re gul ar m eetings und er certain cond iti on s: 1. A q uo rum of the Harne tt County Board of Commi ss io ner s and staff w ill be sta ti o ned in th e m eeting c hamber s to m ainta in th e reco mm end ed soci a l d i stanc in g o f 6 feet. Some commiss i one rs m ay a lso ca ll in to t he m eetin g. 2. O nl y Coun ty governmen t staff necessary to condu ct the meetin g or to spea k on schedu led agenda it e m s will be in a tt e ndan ce. 3. The Ju ne is1 meeting will not be open to members of the public to attend in person as we a re o bserv ing the c urre nt provision s of an y Execut ive Orders re lated to m ass gatheri ngs an d pub li c health guida nce regarding socia l di stanc ing. The public will have the oppo11uni ty to li sten to the meeting live online or by calling into the meetings. 4. The meetin g will be stream ed l ive o n Harnett Co unty Governmen t's Yo uT ub e C hann e l at: http s ://wv,,w.youtube .com /channel/UCU7mTF6HTD65x 98EhAMeMg/featured 5. If you w ish t o call in and liste n to the meetin g you may di a l (910)81 4-6959. Please re m ember to mute yo ur phon e w hile li sten ing so as n ot to di srupt oth ers li ste n ing. 6. The re is no p ub l ic co mme nt pe ri od sch edu led for June 1, 2020. General Statute d ictates t hat the B oard o nl y prov id e p ubli c comment once a month. Th ere will be a publ ic comment period avail able on June 15, 2020. 7. T he m eetin g will be recor ded a nd p osted on the websi te fo ll owin g th e meeting as us ua l. You m ay al so fo ll ow a lon g o n Twitter @ Harn ettCount y to ge t li ve updates du r ing the meet in g. T he Board ap prec ia tes the p ublic 's pati e nce an d un de rs ta nd ing as t hey seek to en s ure th e cont inui ty of co unty op eratio ns whil e d em on stratin g comp li an ce with Sta te law an d p rud ent publ ic heal th practi ces in these d ifficult times. Page 2 of 2 060120 HCBOC Page 2 AGENDA ITEM L/ -A HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Minutes of Regular Meeting May 18, 2020 The Harnett County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Monday, May 18 , 2020, in the Commissioners Meeting Room, County Administration Building, 420 McKinney Parkway, Lillington, North Carolina. Due to COVID-19 this meeting was not open to members of the public to attend in person however, citizens and staff were provided options to listen to the meeting live. Only County staff necessary to conduct the meeting or to speak on scheduled agenda items were in attendance, stationed in the meeting chambers to maintain the recommended social distancing of 6 feet , as the Board demonstrated compliance with State law and prudent public health practices. Members present: Staff present: Howard Penny, Jr., Chairman Joe Miller, Vice Chairman Mark B. Johnson, Commissioner Gordon Springle, Commissioner Barbara McKoy, Commissioner Paula Stewart, County Manager Dwight Snow, County Attorney Kimberly Honeycutt, Finance Officer Margaret Regina Wheeler, Clerk Chairman Penny called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. Vice Chairman Miller led the Pledge of Allegiance and invocation. Chairman Penny called for any additions or deletions to the published agenda. Mrs. Stewart requested to add the following items for consideration: Proposed acceptance by Harnett County of 154.10 acre Hairfield Tract Conveyance from the United States of America Hamett County Workforce Development requests approval to accept the COVID-19 Telework Grant Award in the amount of $800 from Triangle South Workforce Development Board. Hamett County Workforce Development requests approval of an amendment to the contract for FY 2019-2020 with the Triangle South Workforce Development Board, who administers the Workforce Innovation and Opportunities Act (WIOA) grant. Commissioner Springle moved to approve the agenda as amended. Commissioner McKoy seconded the motion that passed unanimously. May 18 , 2020 Regular Meeting Minutes Harnett County Board of Commissioners Page 1 of 8 060120 HCBOC Page 3 Vice Chairman Miller moved to approve the items on the revised consent agenda. Commissioner McKoy seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. 1. 2. Minutes: May 4, 2020 Regular Meeting Budget Amendments : 89 Aging De12artment Code 1105160 526010 Office Supplies 2700 increase 1105160 532050 Postage 491 increase 1105160 504010 Expense Allowance 200 increase 239 Animal Shelter Code 1104512 582000 Non-Cap Asset Small Equip 2405 increase 1104512 380840 Contributions and Donations 2405 increase 352 Health De12artment Code 1105110 519090 Other 6600 increase 1105110 380890 Other revenue 6600 increase 385 Workforce Develo12ment Project HCYIN Code 2404970 502020 Salaries & Wages PT 166 decrease 2404970 504010 Expense allowance 181 decrease 2404970 5310 I 0 Training -Mileage 60 decrease 2404970 531020 Training -Meals 1 04 decrease 2404970 531030 Training -Lodging 181 decrease 2404970 531050 Training -Registration 99 decrease 2404970 532010 Telephone Service 200 decrease 2404970 532050 Postage 25 decrease 2404970 533010 Electricity 125 decrease 2404970 526010 Office Supplies 250 decrease 2404970 525010 Vehicle Supplies -Fuel 1 7 5 decrease 2404970 535030 R & M Vehicles 125 decrease 2404970 549085 Indirect Cost 684 decrease 2404970 624009 WIOA -Voucher 2000 decrease 2404970 624011 WIOA -Participant Travel 925 decrease 2404970 62400 I WIOA -Child Care 250 decrease 2404970 624007 WIOA -OJT Training 494 decrease 2404970 330210 Federal 6044 decrease 385 Workforce Development Project HCYOT Code 2404970 502020 Salaries & Wages PT 498 decrease 2404970 5040 IO Expense Allowance 44 7 decrease 2404970 531010 Training -Mileage 275 decrease May 18 , 2020 Regular Meeting Minutes Hamett County Board of Commissioners Page 2 of 8 060120 HCBOC Page 4 385 Workforce DeveloQment Project HCYOT continued Code 2404970 531020 Training -Meals 3 12 decrease 2404970 531030 Training -Lodging 543 decrease 2404970 531050 Training -Registration 298 decrease 2404970 532010 Telephone Services 600 decrease 2404970 532050 Postage 75 decrease 2404970 533010 Electricity 3 7 5 decrease 2404970 526010 Office Supplies 750 decrease 2404970 525010 Vehicle Supplies -Fuel 525 decrease 2404970 535030 R & M Vehicles 3 7 5 decrease 2404970 549085 Indirect Cost 2052 decrease 2404970 502090 Salaries & Wages 1803 decrease 2404970 624011 WJOA -Participant Travel 77 5 decrease 2404970 624001 WIOA -Child Care 2750 decrease 2404970 624007 WIOA -OJT Training 1503 decrease 2404970 330210 Federal 13956 decrease 418 Social Services Code 1105322 618092 LIEAP (Low Income Energy) 1 93 5 8 increase 1105310 330210 Social Services Admin 19358 increase 585 Workforce DeveloQment Project HCDL W Code 2404970 502010 2404970 506010 2404970 507070 2404970 507050 2404970 506020 2404970 505010 2404970 503030 2404970 505050 2404970 507010 2404970 504010 2404970 531010 2404970 531020 2404970 531030 2404970 531050 2404970 532010 2404970 533010 2404970 526010 2404970 624021 2404970 330210 Salaries & Wages 1850 decrease Medical Insurance 7 5 6 decrease Other Post Employment 15 decrease Employee Clinic 13 decrease Dental Insurance 26 decrease FICA WH 141 decrease 401 K -General 35 decrease State Retirement 166 decrease Unemployment Insurance 18 decrease Expense Allowance 300 decrease Training -Mileage 100 decrease Training -Meals 248 decrease Training Lodging 204 decrease Training -Registration 344 decrease Telephone 140 decrease Electricity 170 decrease Office Supplies 100 decrease WIOA -OJT Training 4874 decrease Federal 9500 decrease May 18, 2020 Regular Meeting Minutes Harnett County Board of Commissioners Page 3 of 8 060120 HCBOC Page 5 864 Workforce Development Project HCADT Code 2404970 624021 WIOA -IT A Training 4500 increase 4000 increase 500 increase 500 increase 9 500 increase 2404970 624009 WIOA -Voucher 2404970 624003 WIOA -Participant Cost 2404970 624005 WIOA -Support Services 2404970 330210 Federal 3. Tax rebates, refunds and re leases 4 . Hamett County Library requested approval to accept the LSTA COVID-19 Response Mini-grant in the amount of $4,000. Grant funds will be used to purchase materials and supplies needed to reopen library operations to the public and adapt services to reduce the impact of COVID-19. Purchased items will include hand sanitizing stations, social distancing floor decals, and material needed to construct sneeze guards. These items will be distributed among all 7 libraries as needed . This is a reimbursable grant and there is no County match required. 5. Hamett County Health Director requested approval to accept funds in the amount of $3 ,391 from the State of North Carolina, Department oflnsurance, SHIIP Division to promote the Medicare D program. 6. Administration requested approval of the PEG Educational Channel Memorandum of Understanding between the County of Hamett and the Harnett County Board of Education. 7. Hamett County Finance Officer requested approval of the contract for the firm of Martin, Starnes & Associates, CPA to audit the County's accounts for the period beginning July 1, 2019 and ending June 30, 2020. The Local Government Commission requires Board approv al each year. 8. Hamett Regional Water (HRW) requested approval of the Hamett Regional Water Advanced Metering Infrastructure Project Ordinance totaling $13,887,945. This project consists of the replacement of all exi sting water meters in the HRW inventory. HRW currently has approximately 45 ,000 manual and drive by read meters in their system. The replacements will be "smart meters " and will utili ze advanced metering infrastructure technology to allow HRW and its customers to monitor their usage multiple times per day through their website portal to quickly discover leaks, u sage changes, etc. This project will be funded entirely from HRW reserves and will allow their meter reading personnel to devote their time to customer service and repair is sues entirely. (Attachment 1) 9. Administration requested approval of the revised Rules of Procedures of the Hamett County Board of Commissioners. Revisions included removing time limits during public hearings as well as incorporating certain requirements provided in Session Law 2020-3 Public Bodies/Remote Meetings During Declared Emergencies. May 18 , 2020 Regular Meeting Minutes Hamett County Board of Commissioners Page 4 of 8 060120 HCBOC Page 6 10 . Administration requested acceptance by Harnett County of 154.10 acre Hairfield Tract Parcel ID No. 010513 0236 Conveyance from the United States of America. Quitclaim Deed Fort Bragg Tract 404-1, it was determined by section 2836 of Public Law 105-85 as amended by section 284 7 of Public Law 110-181 to transfer tract 404-1 to Harnett County, North Carolina. The conveyance is subject to the condition that the County develop and use the conveyed property for educational purposes and the construction of public school structures. 11. Harnett County Workforce Development requested approval to accept the COVID-19 Telework Grant Award in the amount of $800 from Triangle South Workforce Development Board. Funds will be used to purchase equipment to assist with teleworking due to COVID-19. 12. Harnett County Workforce Development requested approval of an amendment to the contract for FY 2019-2020 with the Triangle South Workforce Development Board, who administers the Workforce Innovation and Opportunities Act (WIOA) grant. This amendment decreases funding for the Harnett County WIOA Y outh/NextGen Program by $20,000 due to the decrease of program demands for funding. This amendment also transfers $9,500 from the WIOA Dislocated Worker Budget to the WIOA Adult budget due to a decline in layoffs and an increase demand in WIOA Adult services. Vice Chairman Miller moved to approve the following appointment. Commissioner Springle seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. Board of Health Gayle Adams was reappointed to serve as the Public Member on this Board for a term of three years expiring May 31, 2023. Historic Properties Commission Moses Gallion was appointed to serve as the District 3 representative on this Board for a term of three years expiring June 30, 2023 . Donna Johnson was reappointed to serve on this board for a term of three years expiring June 30, 2023. Southeastern Economic Development Commission Stanley K. Price was appointed to serve as the Minority Representative for Harnett County on this Commission for term of four years expiring March 31, 2024. May 18, 2020 Regular Meeting Minutes Harnett County Board of Commissioners Page 5 of 8 060120 HCBOC Page 7 Matt Braswell with Martin Starnes & Associates, CPAs. P .A., participating remotely, presented the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) of Hamett County for the fiscal year ended June 30 , 2019. Highlights reviewed by Mr. Braswell included: • Unmodified Opinion • No findings or questioned costs • Cooperative Staff • General Fund Balance: $121,636,660 revenues, $123,765 ,911 expenditures • Total Fund Balance General Fund $43,620,214 ($441,722 increase) • Unassigned Fund Balance $29,737,935 (decrease of $2,463 ,488 from 2018) • Unassigned Fund Balance as a Percent of Expenditures-General Fund 23 .5% • Property Tax $65,856,490 ($63,099,033 in 2018) • Other Taxes and Licenses $24,962,763 ($23,169,428 in 2018) • Restricted Intergovernmental $17,830,044 ($17,671,651 in 2018) • Human Services $23,785 ,760 ($25,870,415 in 2018) • Education $26,712 ,828 ($25,783,213 in 2018) • Public Safety $32,745,970 ($31,730,943 in 2018) • Water & Sewer Fund: o Unrestricted Net Position $54,249,375 o Cash flow from Operations $17,622,360 o Debt Service 2019 $4,813,681 o Enterprise Fund Operating Income $4 ,803,378 • Solid Waste Fund o Unrestricted Net Position $551,611 o Cash flow from Operations $1,297,239 o Debt Service 2019 $360.004 o Enterprise Fund Operating Income $649,132 Chairman Penny opened the meeting for informal comments by the public, allowing up to 3 minutes for each presentation up to 30 minutes. Citizens were allowed to call in and provide their public comments verbally during this period or submit their public comments in writing prior to the meeting to be read aloud during the meeting as time allowed. No one spoke and no public comments were received. Ms. Stewart petitioned the Board for a public hearing on Hamett County 's FY 2020-2021 recommended budget. A proposed budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2020, for Hamett County, North Carolina, including the HRW Department of Public Utilities Water and Sewer Ordinance, and expenditures for the Hamett County Economic Development Department as well as appropriations for specific economic development incentives, was presented to the Hamett County Board of Commissioners on May 4, 2020. May 18, 2020 Regular Meeting Minutes Hamett County Board of Commissioners Page 6 of 8 060120 HCBOC Page 8 Mrs . Stewart stated the total expenditures budgeted for economic development matters is $754,189 . Included are specific incentive grant disbursements pursuant to previously adopted Economic Development Incentive Agreements . Grants are performance based and calculated as eighty percent (80%) of property taxes paid by the company attributable to its direct investments. Specific incentives are as follows: • Rooms To Go Distribution Company, LLC $351,820 • Pallet Consultants of North Carolina, Inc. $3,442 Additional economic development uses included in contingency are as follows: • $6,425 Advertising and marketing • $4,050 Specialized economic development legal assistance • $8 ,000 Economic Development website redesign • $4,000 Economic Development Summit and Industry Appreciation • $46,558 Grant match funds as follows: Krigen Pharmaceuticals LLC $25,000 Pallet Consultants ofNorth Carolina, Inc. $21 ,558 Vice Chairman Miller asked if Campbell University could help with the Economic Development website redesign. Chairman Penny called to order a public hearing on the matter and opened the meeting for comments from the public. Citizens were encouraged to submit their comments regarding the proposed budget in writing prior to the meeting or to call in and provide their comments verbally during the meeting. Hearing no one speak, and having received no written comments, Chairman Penny closed the public hearing. Commissioners will continue reviewing and discussing the FY 2020-2021 recommended budget during their upcoming work sessions and meetings. Ms. Stewart presented the following reports: Hamett County DSS Monthly Report -March 2020 Hamett County Public Health Activities -April 2020 NC Department of State Treasurer, Retirement Systems Division Contribution-Based Benefit Cap Report Interdepartmental Budget Amendments Mrs. Stewart reviewed upcoming meetings and provided an update on CO VID-19. Chairman Penny called for any new business. Vice Chairman Miller said he had been contacted by School Board member Bill Morris asking if the County would be willing to front the money to start construction on Erwin Elementary before the County has secured funding for the project. Vice Chairman Miller said Mr. Morris said the builder would like to start work on site on June 1st. Commissioners asked why the School Board wouldn't use their own fund balance for such. Chairman Penny said the School Board would need to submit a formal request to commissioners for consideration. May 18, 2020 Regular Meeting Minutes Hamett County Board of Commissioners Page 7 of 8 060120 HCBOC Page 9 Mrs. Honeycutt responded that something like this would create a liability for the County. She reviewed the following financing calendar for the 2020 series of General Obligation School Bonds, which includes funding for the Erwin Elementary project: June 15th bond ratings due June 301h bond sale July 23rd bond closing/deliver Mrs. Honeycutt cautioned, especially during these uncertain times , that there is no guarantee regarding the bond sale. She noted that the Board had previously approved a reimbursement resolution to start demolition and the County has dispensed $1 .68 million for this so far. There was no need for closed session. Vice Chairman Miller moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:43 pm. Commissioner McKoy seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Howard Penny, Jr., Chairman Margaret Regina Wheeler, Clerk May 18, 2020 Regular Meeting Minutes Hamett County Board of Commissioners Page 8 of 8 060120 HCBOC Page 10 ATTACHMENT I Harnett Regional Water Advanced Metering Infrastructure Project Ordinance BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of Hamett County, North Carolina, sitting as the governing board of Hamett County. Section I. This project consists of the replacement of all existing meters in the HR W inventory. HRW currently has approximately 45,000 manual and drive by read meters in our system. These replacement meters will be "smart meters" and will utilize advanced metering infrastructure technology to allow HRW and its customers to monitor their water usage multiple times per day through our website portal to quickly discover leaks, usage changes, etc. This project will allow our meter reading personnel to devote their time to customer service and repair issues entirely. Section II. This project will be funded by Hamett Regional Water reserves. Section III. The following amounts are hereby appropriated for this project: Engineering Construction Materials & Supplies Professional Services Legal/ Admin Contingency Total $ 582,945 12,500,000 145,000 30,000 5,000 625,000 $13 ,887,945 Section IV. It is estimated that the following revenue will be available for this capital project: HRW Reserves $ 13,887,945 Duly Adopted this 18th day of May, 2020. d enny, Chairman County Board of, ommissioners 060120 HCBOC Page 11 HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Work Session Minutes May 12, 2020 The Hamett County Board of Commissioners met in work session on Tuesday, May 12, 2020, in the Commissioners Meeting Room, County Administration Building, 420 McKinney Parkway, Lillington, North Carolina. Due to COVID-19 this meeting was not open to members of the public to attend in person however, citizens and staff were provided options to listen to the meeting live. Only County staff necessary to conduct the meeting or to speak on scheduled agenda items were in attendance and stationed in the meeting chambers to maintain the recommended social distancing of 6 feet, as the Board demonstrated compliance with State law. Members present: Member absent: Staff present: Howard Penny, Chairman Mark B. Johnson, Commissioner Barbara McKoy, Commissioner Gordon Springle, Commissioner Joe Miller, Vice Chairman Coley Price, Assistant County Manager Brian Haney, Assistant County Manager Dwight Snow, County Attorney Kimberly Honeycutt, Finance Officer Margaret Regina Wheeler, Clerk Chairman Penny called the meeting to order at 9:00 am and led the Pledge of Allegiance and invocation. The following agenda was before the Board: > Call to order, Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation > Fire Districts & EMS Rescue Budgets > HRW Budget and Smart Metering Project > General Budget Discussion > Request from District 1 lA Veterans Treatment Court to Apply for a 3-year, $500,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance > Proposed revisions to the Harnett County Board of Commissioners Rules of Procedures regarding electronic meetings > County Manager's Report: May 18, 2020 Regular Meeting Agenda Review and meeting logistics Discuss upcoming Board of Adjustment meetings in June Review applications to serve on Boards and Committees Invitations and upcoming meetings > Closed session > Adjourn May 12 , 2020 Work Session Minutes Hamett County Board of Commissioners Page 1 of 4 060120 HCBOC Page 12 Harnett County Emergency Services Director Larry Smith reviewed the following request for increases: o Coats-Grove Fire and Rescue, Inc. requested an increase of .02 cents tax levy (0.11 cents) o Godwin-Falcon Volunteer Fire Department requested an increase of .05 cents tax levy (0.15 cents) o Cypress Creek Fire Department requested an increase of .01 cents tax levy (0.095) o Buies Creek EMS requested an increase of $23 ,927. o Coats Grove EMS requested an increase of$43,I96. o Benhaven EMS requested an increase of $18,000. o City of Dunn EMS requested an increase of $338 ,000 County Manager Paula Stewart, in her budget message, did not recommend any Fire Tax District increases or any increase in funding for the EMS Rescue Districts this fiscal year, primarily due to the current recession within the FY 2020-2021 recommended budget. It was the consensus of the Board to leave the budget as recommended by the County Manger and not include any of these requested increases in the FY 2020-2021 budget. Mr. Smith thanked Administration for including an increase for supplies within Harnett County Emergency Service's FY 2020 budget. He also updated the group regarding the contracted EMS billing company; saying he believes we will see a better revenue stream from EMS billing this year. Steve Ward, Director of Harnett Regional Water (HRW), talked about HR W 's Smart Metering Project which consists of the replacement of all existing water meters in the HR W inventory. HRW currently has approximately 45,000 manual and drive by read meter in their system. The replacements will be "smart meters" and will utilize advanced metering infrastructure technology to allow HR Wand its customers to monitor their usage multiple times per day through their website portal to quickly discover leaks, usage changes, etc. Mr. Ward said this project, that will take over 2 Yi years to implement, will allow their meter reading personnel to devote their time to customer service and repair issues entirely. He explained this project would be done at no cost to the customer; it will not affect their rates and will be funded entirely from HR W reserves. Mr. Ward responded to comments and questions from commissioners who will consider approval of the HRW Advanced Metering Infrastructure Project Ordinance totaling $13,887,945 during their upcoming regular meeting. Mr. Ward talked about HRW's proposed budget including HRW's revised Capital Improvement Plan which he will resubmit shortly. He noted revenue increases were from planned rate increases for bulk water and sewer. Mr. Ward said they budgeted conservatively as HRW's budget fluctuates due to revenue and capital projects. Mr. Ward also talked about the effects ofCOVID-19 and Governor Cooper's Executive Order 124. He reported in April 2020 delinquencies went up 12 Yi percent compared to last year and 6,736 accounts were past due. Mr. Ward estimates the loss of over $150,000 as a direct impact thus far and expects May will be worse. He said the State will be collecting this information through the end of May when the executive order expires. May 12 , 2020 Work Session Minutes Harnett County Board of Commissioners Page 2 of 4 060120 HCBOC Page 13 Mr. Price led the general budget discussion. He noted five (5) fee increase requests that had inadvertently been left out of the budget that will now be included within Appendix 1: Recommended Fee Changes . Mr. Price also said staff would like to increase the annual amount charged to the municipalities for the Interlocal Agreement for Animal Control Services to $12,000 per year from $10,000 per year. He said staff has already discussed the increase with the town managers. It was the consensus of Board for staff to move forward with the increase as presented . Thomas Royer, Staff Attorney, reviewed proposed rev isions to the Hamett County Board of Commissioners Rules of Procedures. Most of the recommended changes were due to Session Law 2020-3 regarding Remote Meetings. It was reiterated that remote participation is only allowed by session law during a state of emergencies. Discussions continued. Commissioners agreed to limit their participation in quasi-judicial hearings but wish to participate and vote remotely during closed sessions while under a state of emergency . Mark Teachey, Program Director with District l lA Veterans Treatment Court in Hamett County, requested approval to apply for an additional 3-year $500,000 grant from the U.S . Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance. He said staff was pleasantly surprised to find out that they were able to apply for an additional grant while they have a current grant. Mr. Haney provided a brief background on the funding of the Veterans Treatment Court. Mr. Teachey reviewed some of the goals for the program included within the grant application. It was the consensus of the Board that Mr. Teachey be allowed to move forward with applying for this grant. Mr. Price and Mr. Haney reviewed the May 18 , 2020 regular meeting agenda as well as meeting and public hearing logistics. The Board reviewed applications to serve on boards and committees. Mr. Haney reported that Hamett County will receive $2,462,374 from the Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF) to be used for expenses r e lated to addressing the COVID-19 pandemic. The funds must be spent on purposes that were not accounted for in the County 's most recently approved budget a s of March 27, 2020, and must be used for expenditures incurred between March 1, 2020 , and December 30, 2020. This funding cannot be used to replace lost revenue. Mr. Haney stated that the County is required to put together a plan for how it will spend these funds and submit that to the State by June 1. He said Administration has ask departments and municipalities to share any COVID-19 e x penses they have incurred to date along with any anticipated expenses going forward. Staff will provide commissioners with a report on how funds are being spent. May 12 , 2020 Work Session Minutes Hamett County Board of C ommissioners Page 3 of 4 060120 HCBOC Page 14 Mr. Price reported that Harnett County Development Services would like to move forward with June Planning Board and Board of Adjustment meetings. These boards typically meet in Lillington Town Hall which is now open to the public. It was the consensus of the Board to allow staff to move forward with these meetings while adhering to current guidelines. There was no need for closed session. Commissioner McKoy moved to adjourn the meeting at 11: 15 am . Commissioner Johnson seconded the motion which passed 4 -0. Howard Penny, Jr., Chairman Margaret Regina Wheeler, Clerk May 12 , 2020 Work Session Minutes Harnett County Board of Commissioners Page 4 of 4 060120 HCBOC Page 15 AGENDA ITEM L./ -B C O UNTY OF HARNETT BU DGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDA INED by t he Governing Board of the County of Harnett, North Carolina, that the fo ll owing amendment be m ade to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending Ju ne 30, 2020. Section I. To a men d th e Aging Departme nt Genera l Fund , the appro priati ons a re to be ch ang ed as foll ows: EXPEN DIT UR E ORG O BJECT PROJECT TAS K SU B-TASK JOB 1105 160 582000 NUTRJ 1105160 5280 10 NUTRJ I 105160 523040 NU TRI 1105160 539090 NUTRI REVENUE ORG O BJ ECT PROJ ECT TA SK SUB-TASK JOB 1105160 3303 10 NUTRI EXPLANATION: To budge t BC BSNC g rant for th e Mea ls on Wh eels prog ram. APPROVALS : 9t~ Prt"pared by Adopte d t hi s ___ day of ________ , 20 Margaret Regina Wheeler, Clerk to the Board A MOUNT DESCRIPTI ON O F CODE INCR EA SE DEC REASE NON-CAP ASSET -SMALL $2,500 ATHLETIC & PROGRAM $1 000 MEDICAL SU PP LIES $500 OTHER SE RVICES $1,000 A MO UNT DESCRIPTION OF C ODE INCREASE D EC REA SE STATE $5,000 Howard Pen ny, Jr., Chairman Board of Commission ers Dale 1-hyll.2020 060120 HCBOC Page 16 COUNTY OF HARNETT BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governi ng Board of the County of Harnett, North Carolina, th at the following amendment b e made to the annual budget ordinan ce fo r the fi scal year e nding June 30, 2020. Section I. To amend the Workforce Development Departme nt budget, the appropriations are lo be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE ORG OBJECT PROJECT TASK SU B-TASK JOB 2404970 524030 2404972 524030 REVENUE ORG OBJECT PROJECT TASK SUB-TASK JOB 24049 70 3302 10 2404972 3302 10 EXPLANATION : TO ALLOCATE F UNDS FOR NEW TELEWORK GRANT APPROVALS: (!A~ rf\..uch s-1 t 3 {Jo Dept Head (date) Sect ion 2 . Copi es of thi s budget amendment shall be furnis hed to the Cler their direction. Ptq,ucdt.,,· Adopted thi s ___ da y of ________ , 20 __ . Margaret Regina Wheeler, Clerk to the Board dach AMOUNT DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE M & R SUPPLIES -INFOTEC H $600 M & R SUPPLIES -INFOTEC H $2 00 AMOUNT DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE FEDERAL $600 FEDERAL $200 ti:, ., ~ ,5*c .. ) (., t= Countyanager (date) 1/)111 5-, 8~ k> d'ro'oie Budget Officer and the Finance Officer for Howard Penny, Jr., Chairman Board of Commiss io ners 0..1e: ).by l4 l020 060120 HCBOC Page 17 COUNTY OF HARNm BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Bo ord of the County of Hamett. North Carolina, that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year end ing June 30, 2020. Section 1. To amend the General Fund -Emergency Medical Services, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE AMOUNT ORG OBJECT PROJECT TASK SUB-TASK JOB DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 1104450 5 44090 Outsourcina of Services $25,000 REVENUE AMOUNT ORG OBJECT PROJECT TASK SUB-TASK JOB DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 1104450 35041 0 Service Charges -$25,000 Departmental EXPLANATION : To budget the transfer of funds for payment of the EMS Management & Consultants contract for the remainder of the fiscal year. Section 2. Copies of this budget amendment shall be furn, Officer and the Finance Officer for their direction. Adopted this ___ day of ________ , 20 __ . Margaret Regina Wheeler. Clerk to the Board Howard Penny, Jr. Chairman Board of Commissioners 060120 HCBOC Page 18 Board Meeting Agenda Item AGENDA ITEM t./ -(!_ MEETING DA TE: June 1, 2020 TO: HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: Used Ambulance Donation from Dunn ES to Harnett EMS Simbulance Project REQUESTED BY: Larry Smith, Emergency Services Director REQUEST : Emergency Services requests the permission to accept a donation from Dunn Emergency Services of a 2012 Chevrolet Ambulance. This ambulance will not be used as an operational ambulance but as a training Simbulanceas part of a joint partnership with Dunn ES/Hamett ES and Campbell University. Campbell University has agreed to donate a high fidelity mannequin to be used for patient simulation. Hamett County would incur the cost of registering the vehicle, insuring the vehicle, and all maintenance cost. Hamett County would also house the vehicle. In addition to donating the ambulance, Dunn Emergency Service will look for additional community donors to help with the cost of camera systems. If this i s approved this would better Hamett County and Campbell University partnership exponentially. This simulation ambulance would be used to help emergency medical technicians master their skill s, and be more aware of their safety in a moving ambulance. This ambulance would be available to all EMS providers within Hamett County to train full time, part time , and volunteer emergency medical technicians . Campbell would benefit for this as well by allowing medical students see th e differences in treatment settings . Campbell would also have access to this simulation ambulance during their annual MCI drill. Furthermore this simulation ambulance would be used at community events to assist with recruitment. FINANCE OF.FICER'S RECOMMENDATION: COUNTY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: C: \Users\gwh eel er\AppData \Local\M icrosoft \ W in d ows\l NetCache\Con tent. Out look\ W 5 EN E9S Y\E M S ambul a n ce do nati o n.docx Page I of2 060120 HCBOC Page 19 Board Meeting Agenda Item AGENDA ITEM L/ -D MEETING DATE : June 1, 2020 TO: HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: BCBSNC Grant REQUESTED BY : John Rouse, Health Director/1 'lr ~ REQUEST: The Department on Aging requests approval to accept BCBSNC Grant funding in the amount of $5 ,000 for the Meals on Wheels program. These funds have been allocated to increase and support current capacity to provide senior meals in response to COVID-19. FINANCE OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION: COUNTY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION : S:\admi n\Fileshare\ 1-Exce l\BOH PAT FEE INC-NEW FEES-BOC Requests\BOC Forms\agendaform2020.do cx Page I of I 060120 HCBOC Page 20 AGENDA ITEM Lf -E Harnett COUNTY ..;.._~-----------------------------------, NORTH CAROLINA RESOLUTION OF THE HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS DECLARING ITS INTENT TO RELOCATE BOUNDARY LINES BETWEEN ADJOINING FIRE PROTECTION SERVICE DISTRICTS WHEREAS , pursuant to North Carolina General Statute§ I53A-301 , the Harnett County Board of Commissioners (hereinafter referred to as the "Board") adopted a resolution on May 16, 2011 to establish fire protection service districts in Hamett County; and WHEREAS , pursuant to North Carolina General Statute § 153A-304.3 , the Board may by resolution relocate the boundary lines between adjoining fire protection service districts if the districts were established for substantially similar purposes ; and WHEREAS, the Harnett County Fire Protection Service Districts, including the West Area and Summerville-Bunnlevel Fire Protection Service Districts, were established upon a finding that there was a demonstrable need for providing fire protection services within the areas of the districts, that it was impossible or impracticable to provide frre protection services on a county-wide basis, that it was economically feasible to provide fire protection service for the districts without unreasonable or burdensome annual tax levies, and that there was a demonstrable demand for fire protection services by persons residing in the districts; and WHEREAS , the Board believes that it is in the best interest of the affected property owners of the West Area and Sumrnerville-Bunnlevel Fire Protection Districts to relocate the boundaries of these districts ; and WHEREAS , the Board declares its intent to adopt a res olution to relocate the boundaries of the West Area and Sumrnerville-Bunnlevel Fire Protection Service Districts; and WHEREAS, prior to the adoption of a resolution to relocate the boundaries of the service districts, the Board shall make available to the public a report containing a map showing the current and proposed boundaries of the districts, a statement that the proposed boundary relocation meets the requirements of subsection (a) of North Carolina General Statute § l 53A-304, a plan for providing service to the area affected by the relocation of district boundaries, and the effect that the changes in the amount of taxable property will have on the ability of the district to provide services or to service any debt; and WHEREAS, the Board calls a public hearing on the matter to hear all interested persons prior to taking action on this request; and 1 strong root s • new g rowth www.harnett.org 060120 HCBOC Page 21 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Harnett County Board of Commissioners as follows: 1. It is declared to be the intent of the Harnett County Board of Commissioners to approve the relocation of the boundary lines between the West Area and Summerville-Bunnlevel Fire Protection Districts. 2. A report will be made available for public inspection in the office of the clerk of the Harnett County Board of Commissioners and on the Harnett County webpage www.harnett.org under "Harnett Happenings." Said report shall contain a map showing the current and proposed boundaries of the district, a statement that the proposed boundary relocation meets the requirements of subsection (a) of North Carolina General Statute § 153A-304, a plan for providing service to the area affected by the relocation of district boundaries, and the effect that the changes in the amount of taxable property will have on the ability of the district to provide services or to service any debt for at least two weeks before the date of the public hearing. 3. A public hearing on the proposed relocation of the West Area and Summerville-Bunnlevel Fire Protection Districts boundary lines shall be conducted by the Harnett County Board of Commissioners at 6:00 p.m. on the 15th day of June, 2020, at which time the Board shall hear all interested persons who appear with respect as to whether the Board should adopt the proposed boundary lines. The Harnett County Board of Commissioners will continue to follow the guidance from Governor Cooper's office regarding public gatherings during the COVID-19 pandemic. Additional information will be communicated regarding the procedures for the June 15, 2020 public hearing. Duly adopted by the Harnett County Board of Commissioners this _ day of May, 2020. HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS By: __________________ _ Howard Penny, Chairman of the Board of Commissioners Attest: Margaret Regina Wheeler, Clerk 2 www.harn ett.org 060120 HCBOC Page 22 AGENDA ITEM '{--{; Board Meeting Agenda Item MEETING DATE: June 1, 2020 TO : HAR NETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMM ISSION E RS SUBJECT: FY2020 Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act Grant REQU ESTE D BY : Barry A. Blevins, General Sen•iccs Director REQUEST: General Services Director/Hamett Area Rural Transi t System (HARTS) request the Board of Commissioners consider and approve th e North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) FY2020 CARES Act grant agreement in the amount o f $349,369. This requires NO ($0.00) local match. T he grant provides funding for operating services during and due t o the COYID-19 public health emergency . FINANCE OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION: COUNTY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: S:\HARTS ADM INICAR ES Act\20 .05 .2 1 agcndafonn2020 CARES ACT.docx I of2 Page 060120 HCBOC Page 23 INSTRUCTIONS FOR EXECUTING GRANT AGREEMENTS PUBLIC BODY GRANTEES Included in this correspondence is an electronic file in a PDF format of the grant agreement(s) to be executed between the local grant recipient and the North Carolina Department of Transportation . 1. The person officially authorized by resolution of the governing body to accept the department's offer of financial assistance should electronically sign each agreement where indicated. The signature must be witnessed . Stamped signatures are not acceptable. 2 . Enter your agency's Federal Tax ID Number and Fiscal Year-End on the signature page. Complete the section on the table for Contract Administrators: For the Contractor: "If Delivered by US Postal Service" and "If Delivered by Any Other Means". 3 . Do not date the agreements. This will be done upon execution by the department. 4 . Return 1 copy within thirty (30) days via DocuSign . A fully executed agreement will be returned to you via email and will be available for review in EBS upon the approval of your Agreement. In the event the contract cannot be returned within thirty (30) days , please call me immediately at (919) 707-4672 . Please note that the department cannot reimburse the grant recipient for any eligible project expenses until the agreements are fully executed . 060120 HCBOC Page 24 Delega tion o f A uth o rity I Howard Penny Jr Chairman Board of Commissioners 1 ,\t1th1\ri1c:d ( >11 :l 1JI f \ r~·.J 'Pr 1r,h:J ' 11111..· I 1 ·\ 11h.,11,cJ < )111 · 1,Jl , I u l' ,nhJ .,~\'Ill, 1 a.., the dc!)tgnatcd pany tiir County of Harne tt North Carolina . t(,ranl Hc,1pKn1 \pplh·,u11 \~•c..·m, I ,111h au1h01 it, Ill !',Uhmit l'und1ng applications and enter into contract",, 1th the Dcp,111mclll of T r a n !->pnrtation and e,cl·ute all agn:cmcnts and co11t1act:--,, 1th the :-.:onh Carolina Department of l 1a11~p01wtio11. Puhl H: Tran!>ponatHlll Di, 1..,1on. herd,) dekgatc authont~ to the mdl\ idual(!)) til li ng the po!',llion~ as 1nd1ca t ed belm,. Primar) Dcs i~n e c : Larry Smith Transit Manager (?\,mn· &. l'r1ma0 llt:\1gn~l', P,v,111on l 11k 1 Ge neral Services/H arn ett A re a Ru ral Tra nsit Sy st em (Pruna~ D1.·\1~m'l', Ag,·nn l Rcimh urscmcn t Rc4uesb: ~Yes D No Budget Re, i-;1o ns . ~Yes D No Budget Amendment:-,· ~YC!) D No Period of Perfo r mance l:x tensions ~Ye.., D No A lterna te D es ignee : Barry B levins Director of General Services ftl r,11,malt 1,11mt· ,\ltrm,Jt\' Dc 1,,11!nt.·,·, Po:"!1t1nn I Ilk) Genera l Servi ces/Harnett Area Rura l Tra ns it Syste m t \1h'O\Jh: 1)4.'\'t!Otl'·, <\ft.'fl(\) Rc11nb u rscment Req uests : Q) Yes D No Budget Re, is1om.: ~Yes D No Budget Amendments ~Yes D No Period of Performance E:xtens1om,. ~Ye!) D Nl1 / ,\uthori Lcd Officia l's Si1.rnaturc: L~~c ~ \,-2 .~ I I -"' -,/f/l.,U I D ate . J/.-:Jn -J,O Authori,cd Officia l"s I \pcd Printed \am: ~ I I ( , Howa rd Penny , Jr Ph.·,P,t.· ,uhrnu 1c,· , ( l>O I/PT I) \ttn : \I ) r a Frttnu n 15 ~0 \la jJ '-t•f \ICt ( Clll\"Y t{ai<·ii:h. ,c 27699-1 ~~o I \l'-'111 1;111 ot) 060120 HCBOC Page 25 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ROY COOPER GO\ I R'-OK M s. Paula Stewart. County Manager County of Hamett Post Office Box 759 Lillington , North Carol ina 27546-0759 May I. 2020 RE: FY20 Coronavirus Aid, Reli ef and Econom ic Security (CARES ACT) Program Project No: 20-CA-040 WBS Element No: 49233.30.1.2 Period of Performance: I /20/2020 -6/30/2021 D ear Ms Stewart: J . ER I C 8 0Y!TfE Sr< KIT,\K\' On April 29, 2020 the Roard of Transportation approved your organization·s reques t for an FY20 Coronavirus Aid Re lief and Economic Security (CARES ACT) Grant in the amount of $349,369. The agreement to be executed between County of Harnet1 and NC DOT is e nc losed. The individual authorized to enter into thi s agreement for the financial assi stance on behalf of your agency will s ign the agreement. Please provide a copy of the agreement to all parties that will be in volved in the adm ini s tration of the grant, and request that the agreement be rev iewed careful ly. In s tructions for completion of the grant agreement pro cess a re enclosed . Please refe r to Section 6b of the grant agreement that requ ire s sub-recipients to s ubmit monthly or quarterly req uest s for rei mbursement. If you have any quest ion rel ated to the grant agreement, please contact Myra Freeman, Fina ncia l Manager at 919-707-4672 or your a ss igned Accountin g Specialist. In any corres pondence. please reference your assi gned project numbe r , WBS element. Agreement number and period o f performanc e referenced on this letter. HH \m f Attachmen ts ,\1mlm~ Atldr.tH.· NC J)f PAR fMl:.NT OF ·1 RAN SPOR I A I ION INTEGRATI-.D MOBIi 11 Y DIVJSIO"I 1550 t,.,1AJL SERV ICE CENTER RAI.EIGI I. NC 27699-15 50 Sincerely, ) / I ( I .~ viff '!-'IL-Ir \... . Mt. 11.J,,1·1.1i.,_,.ot f' Heather J. Hildebrandt Interim Direct o r frh•phune. (919) 707-4670 J,m· (9 19 ) 733-1391 < ·u\toma .'i< n·1n-1-877-368-4'168 l.t1<'t1tton I SUUTI I Wit.M ING I ON Sl RF.Fl 2 RAI.FIGII. NC 27601 060120 HCBOC Page 26 NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT ATION a nd CO UNTY OF HARNETT PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION GRANT AGREEMENT FOR CORONAVIRUS AID , RELIEF AND ECONOMIC SECURITY (CARES ACT) PROGRA M Federal Award Identification A pplicat ion Number: NCDOT Proj ect Number: A pproved Ind ire ct Co st Rate : FAIN Num ber(s): CF DA Numbe r : DUNS Number: Total Amo unt of Awa rd (Federal): 1000009472 20-CA-040 NIA NC-2020-011-00 20.509 091565986 $349,369 ............................................................................... Federal Funded Programs : D 5303 Metropolitan Planning Grant D 5307 Urbanized Area Formula Grant D 5310 Enhanced Mobility of Seniors & Individuals with Disabilities Grant D 5311 Community Transportation Rural Formula Grant ~ 5311 Coronavirus Aid , Relief and Economic Security (CARES ACT) D 5311 Appalachian Development Transit Assistance Grant D 5311f Intercity Bus Grant D 5316 Job Access Reverse Commute Grant D 5317 New Freedom Grant D 5339 Bus and Bus Facility Grant NCDOT PTO Federal Agreement Revised 12/28/2018 Page 1 of 23 060120 HCBOC Page 27 THIS AGREEMENT made this the day of , 20_, (hereinafter referred to as AGREEMENT) by and between the NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (hereinafter referred to as "Department", an agency of the State of North Carolina) and COUNTY OF HARNETT, (acting in its capacity as the grant recipient hereinafter referred to as the "Subrecipient" and together with Department as "Parties"). 1. Purpose of Agreement The purpose of this Agreement is to provide for the undertaking of nonurbanized and small urban public transportation services as described in the project application (hereinafter referred to as "Project") and to state the terms and conditions as to the manner in which the Project will be undertaken and completed . This Agreement contains the entire agreement between the parties and there are no understandings or agreements , verbal or otherwise , regarding this Agreement except as expressly set forth herein . This Agreement is solely for the benefit of the identified parties to the Agreement and is not intended to give any rights, claims , or benefits to third parties or to the public at large. 2. Availability of Funds All terms and conditions of this Agreement are dependent upon , and , subject to the allocation of funds for the purpose set forth in the Agreement and the Agreement shall automatically terminate if funds cease to be available. 3 . Period of Performance This Agreement shall commence upon the date of execution with a period of performance for all expenditures that extends from January 20, 2020 to June 30, 2021 . Any requests to change the Period of Performance must be made in accordance with the policies and procedures established by the Department or FT A. The Subrecipient shall commence, carry on, and complete the approved Project in a sound , economical , and efficient manner. 4. Project Implementation a. Scope of Project. The County of Harnett will use 5311 CARES Act funds to continue operating services in rural communities and prevent, prepare, and respond due to the COVID-19 public health emergency . b. The Subrecipient shall undertake and complete the project in accordance with the procedures, terms, and conditions herein and as included in the related grant application for financial assistance , the terms of which are incorporated by reference . NCDOT PTO Federal Agreement Revised 12/28/2018 Page 2 of 23 060120 HCBOC Page 28 c. Amendment. A ny amendment to this Agreement shall be done in writing and in accordance w ith established polic ie s and procedures and only by mutual consent of the Parties. 5. Cost of ProjecUProject Budget The total cost of the Project approved by the Department is THREE HUNDRED FORTY-NINE THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED SIXTY-NINE DOLLARS ($349,369) as set forth in the Project Description and Budget, incorporated into this Agreement as Attachment A. The Department shall provide, from Federal and State funds, the percentages of the actual net cost of the Project as indicated below , not in excess of the identified amounts for eligible Administrative , Operating , and Capital expenses. The Subrecipient hereby agrees that it will provide the percentages of the actual net cost of the Project, as indicated below, and any amounts in excess of the Department's maximum (Federal plus State shares) contribution . The net cost is the price paid minus any refunds , rebates , or other items of value received by the Subrecipient which have the effect of reducing the actual cost . Operating Operating Operating Operating Operating WBS Total Federal (100%) State (0%) Local (0%) 49233 .30 .1.2 $349,369 $349 ,369 $0 $0 Agreement# Project Project Project Project Project Total Total Total Federal Total State Total Local $349 ,369 $349 ,369 $0 $0 6. Project Expenditures, Payments, and Reimbursement a. General. The Department, utilizing avai lable state and federal funds , shall reimburse the Subrecipient for allowable costs for work performed under the terms of this Agreement. b. Reimbursement Procedures . The Subrecipient shall subm it for reimbursement all eligible costs incurred within the agreement Period of Performance . i. Claims for reimbursement shall be made no more than monthly or less than quarterly , using the State's grant system , Enterprise Business Services (EBS) Partner Application . ii . All requests for reimbursement must be submitted within (30) days following the end of the project's reporting period. Any Subrecipient that fails to submit a request for reimbursement for the first two quarters of NCDOT PTO Federal Agreement Re vised 12/28/2018 Page 3 of 23 060120 HCBOC Page 29 agreement fiscal year by January 31 or the last two quarters by July 31 will forfeit its ability to receive re imbursement for those periods . iii . All payments issued by the Department will be on a reimbursable basis unless the Subrecipient requests and the Department approves an advance payment. iv . Supporting documentation for proof of payment may be requested . c. Subrecipient Funds . Prior to reimbursement, the Subrecipient shall provide the Department with proof that the Subrecipient has met its proportionate share of project costs from sources other than FTA or the Department. Any costs for work not eligible for Federal and State participation shall be financed one hundred percent (100%) by the Subrecipient. d. Operating Expenditures . In order to assist in financing the operating costs of the project, the Department shall reimburse the Subrecipient for the lesser of the following when providing operating assistance : i. The balance of unrecovered operating expenditures after deducting all farebox revenue , or ii. The percentage specified in the Approved Project Budget of the allowable total operating expenditures which shall be determined by available funding . e . Travel Expenditures. The Subrecipient shall limit reimbursement for meals, lodging and travel to rates established by the State of North Carolina Travel Policy . Costs incurred by the Subrecipient in excess of these rates shall be borne by the Subrecipient. f. Allowable Costs . Expenditures made by the Subrecipient shall be reimbursed as allowable costs to the extent they meet all of the requirements set forth below . They must be: i. Consistent with the Project Description , plans, specifications, and Project Budget and all other provisions of this Agreement ii. Necessary in order to accomplish the Project iii. Reasonable in amount for the goods or services purchased 1v . Actual net costs to the Subrecipient, i.e., the price paid minus any refunds (eg, refundable sales and use taxes pursuant to NCGS 105- 164.14), rebates , or other items of value received by the Subrecipient that have the effect of reducing the cost actually incurred NCDOT PTO Federal Agreement Revised 12/28/2018 Page 4 of 23 060120 HCBOC Page 30 v . Incurred (and be for work performed) within the period of performance and period covered of this Agreement un less spe cific authorization from the Department to the contrary is received vi. Satisfactorily documented vii. Treated uniformly and cons istently under accounting principl es and procedures approved or prescribed by the Department g . Excluded Costs . The Subrecipient unde rstands and agrees that , except to the extent the Department determines otherwise in writing, the Department will exclude : i. Any Project cost incurred by the Subrecipient before the period of performance of the agreement , ii. Any cost that is not included in the latest Approved Project Budget, iii. Any cost for Project property or services received in connection with a third-party contract , sub-agreement , lease , or other arrangement that is required to be , but has not been , concurred in or approved i n writing by the Department , and iv. Any cost ineligible for FTA participation as provided by appl ic able Federal or State laws , regulations , or directives . h. Final Allowability Determination . The subrecipient un derstands and agrees that payment to the subrecipient on any Project cost does not constitute the Federal or State Government's final decision about whether that cost is allowable and eligible for payment and does not constitute a waiver of any violation by the subrecipient of the terms of this Agreement. The subrecipient acknowledges that the Federal or State Government will not make a final determination about the allowability and eligibility of any cost until an aud it of the Project has been completed . If the Federal or State Government determines that the subrecip ient is not entitled to receive any portion of the Federal or State assistance the subrecip ient has requested or provided , the Department will notify the Subrecipient in writing, stating its reasons . The Subrecipient agrees that Project closeout will not alter the Sub recipient's responsibility to return any funds due the Federal or State Government as a result of later refunds , corrections , or other transactions ; nor will Project closeout alter the Federa l or State Government's right to disallow costs and recover funds on the basis of a later audit or other review . Unless proh ibited by Federal or State law or regulation , the Federal or State Government may recover any Federal or State assistance funds made available for the Project as necessary to satisfy any outstanding NCDOT PTO Federal Agreement Revi sed 12/28/2018 Page 5 o f 23 060120 HCBOC Page 31 monetary c laims that the Federal or State Government may have aga inst the Subrecipient. i. Federal or State Claims, Excess Payments, Disallowed Costs, Including Interest. i. Subrecipient's Responsibility to Pay . Upon notification to the Subrecipient that specific amounts are owed to the Federal or State Government, whether for excess payments of Federal or State assistance , disallowed costs , or funds recovered from th ird parties or elsewhere, the Subrecipient agrees to remit to the Department promptly the amounts owed , including applicable interest and any penalties and administrative charges within 60 days of notification . ii. Interest Paid to the Department. The Subrecipient agrees to remit to the Department interest owed as determined in accordance with NCGS § 147-86.23 . iii. Interest and Fees Paid on Federal Funds . For amounts owed by the Subrecipient to the Federal Government , whether for excess payments of Federal assistance , disallowed costs , or funds recovered from third parties or elsewhere , the Subrecipient agrees to remit to the Federal Government promptly the amounts owed , including applicable interest, penalties and administrative charges as established by the Federal Transit Authority Master Agreement with NCDOT . j. De-obligation of Funds . The Subrecipient agrees that the Department may de- obligate unexpended Federal and State funds for grants that are inactive for six months or more . k. Project Closeout. Project closeout occurs when the Department issues the final project payment or acknowledges that the Subrecipient has remitted the proper refund . The Subrecipient agrees that Project closeout by the Department does not invalidate any continuing requirements imposed by this Agreement. 7 . Accounting Records a. Establishment and Maintenance of Accounting Records. The Subrecipient shall establish and maintain separate accounts for the public transportation program , either independently or within the existing accounting system . All costs charged to the program shall be in accordance with most current approved Project Budget and shall be reported to the Department in accordance with NCDOT Uniform Public Transportation Accounting System (UPTAS) guide . b. Documentation of Proiect Costs . All costs charged to the Project , including any approved services performed by the Subrecipient or others , shall be supported NCDOT PTO Federal Agreement Revised 12/2 8/2 018 Page 6 of 23 060120 HCBOC Page 32 by properly executed payrolls , time records , invoices, contracts , or vouchers evidencing in detail the nature and propriety of the charges . 8. Reporting. Record Retention. and Access a. Progress Reports. The Subrecipient shall advise the Department , through EBS , regarding the progress of the Project at a minimum quarterly , and at such time and in such a manner as the Department may require . Such reporting and documentation may include , but not be limited to : operating statistics, equipment usage , meetings , progress reports, and monthly performance reports . The Subrecipient shall collect and submit to the Department such financial statements , data, records, contracts , and other documents related to the Project as may be deemed necessary by the Department. Reports shall include narrative and financial statements of sufficient substance to be in conformance with the reporting requirements of the Department. Progress reports throughout the useful life of the project equipment shall be used , in part, to document utilization of the project equipment. Failure to fully utilize the project equipment in the manner directed by the Department shall constitute a breach of contract, and after written notification by the Department, may result in termination of the Agreement or any such remedy as the Department deems appropriate . b. Failure to comply with grant reporting and compliance guidelines set forth i n the NCDOT PTO State Management Plan could result in financial penalties up to and including loss of current and future grant funding . c . Record Retention . The Subrecipient and its third party subrecipients shall retain all records pertaining to this Project for a period of five (5) years from the date of final payment to the Subrecipient , or until all audit exceptions have been resolved , whichever is longer. d. Project Closeout. The Subrecipient agrees that Project closeout does not alter the reporting and record retention requirements of this Agreement. e. State Auditor Oversight. The Subrecipient agrees to audit oversight by the Office of the State Auditor , to provide the Office of the State Auditor with access to accounting records , and to make available any audit work papers in the possession of any auditor of the Subrecipient. f. Financial Reporting and Audit Requirements . In accordance with 09 NCAC 03M .0205 , all reports shall be filed with the Department in the format and method specified by the agency no later than three (3) months after the end of the recipient's fiscal year, unless the same information is already required through more frequent reporting . Audit Reports must be provided to the funding agency no later than nine (9) months after the end of the recipient's fiscal year. g . Parts Inventory . Financial audits must address parts inventory management. NCDOT PTO Federal Agreement Revi sed 12/28/2018 Page 7 of 23 060120 HCBOC Page 33 h. Th i rd Party Loans . Within 30 days of receipt , the Subreci pien t shall disclose t o the Department any loans received from a local government entity or other entity not party to this agreement. i. Audit Costs . Unless prohibited by law, the costs of audits made in accordance with Title 2 CFR 200 , Subpart F "Audit Requirements" are allowable charges to State and Federal awards . The charges may be cons idered a di rect cost or an allocated indirect cost , as determined in accordance with cost principles outlined in Title 2 CFR 200 , Subpart E "Cost Principles ." The cost of any audit not conducted in accordance with Title 2 CFR 200 and NCGS§ 159-34 is unallowable and shall not be charged to State or Federal grants. 9 . Compliance with Laws and Regulations a. No terms herein shall be construed in a manner that conflicts with the rules and regulations of the Department or with state or federa l law. b . The Subrecipient agrees to comply with all applicable state and federal laws and regulations , including titles 09 NCAC 3M and 19A NCAC SB, as amended . 10. Conflicts of Interest Policy The subrecipient agrees to file with the Department a copy of the sub recipient's policy address i ng conflicts of interest that may arise involving the subrecipient's management employees and the members of its board of directors or other govern ing body. The sub recipient 's policy shall address situations in which any of these individuals may directly or indirectly benefit , except as the subrecipient's employees or members of its board or other governing body, from the subrecipient's disbursing of State funds, and shall include actions to be taken by the subrecipient or the individual , or both , to avoid conflicts of interest and the appearance of impropriety . The conflicts of interest policy shall be filed with the Department pr ior to the Department disbursing funds to the subrecipient. Prohibition on Bonus or Commission Payments The Subrecipient affirms that it has not pa id and will not pay any bonus or commission to any party to obtain approval of its Federal or State assistance application for the Project. 11 . Tax Compliance Certification The Subrecipient shall complete and submit to the Department a sworn written statement pursuant to NCGS 143C-6-23(c}, stating that the Subrecipient does not have any overdue tax debts , as defined by GS 105-243.1, at the Federal , State , or loca l level. The Subrecipient acknowledges that the written statement must be submitted to the NCDOT PTD Federal Ag reem en t Re vi sed 12/2 8/2018 Page 8 of 23 060120 HCBOC Page 34 Department prior to execution of this Agreement and disbursement of funds. The certification will be incorporated into th is Agreement as Attachment B. 12. Assignment a . Unless otherwise authorized in writing by the Department , the Subrecipient shall not assign any portion of the work to be performed under this Agreement, or execute any contract , amendment , or change order thereto , or obligate itself in any manner with any third party with respect to its rights and responsibilities under this Agreement without the prior written concurrence of the Department. b. The Subrecipient agrees to incorporate the terms of this agreement and any applicable State or Federal requirements into written third -party contracts , sub - agreements , and leases, and to take the appropriate measures necessary to ensure that all Project participants comply with applicable Federal and State laws, regulations , and directives affecting their performance, except to the extent the Department determines otherwise in writing . 13. Hold Harmless. Except as prohibited or otherwise limited by law , the Subrecip ient agrees to indemnify , save , and hold harmless the Department , the State of North Carolina and the United States of America and its officers , agents , and employees acting within the scope of their official duties against any liability, including costs and expenses , resulting from any willful or intentional violation by the Subrecipient of proprietary rights , copyrights , or r ight of privacy, arising out of the publication , translation , reproduct ion, delivery, use, or disposition of any data furnished under the Project. 14. Real Property, Equipment, and Supplies. Federal or State Interest. The Subrecipient understands and agrees that the Federal or State Government retains an interest in any real property, equipment , and supplies financed with Federal or State assistance (Project property) until , and to the extent, that the Federal or State Government relinquishes its Federal or State interest in that Project property . NCDOT shall be informed and included in all ribbon cuttings/ dedications/ groundbreakings . With respect to any Project property financed with Federal or State assistance under this Agreement, the Subrecipient agrees to comply with the following provisions, except to the extent FTA or the Department determines otherwise in writing : a . Use of Project Property . The Subrecipient agrees to maintain continuing control of the use of Project property. The Subrecipient agrees to use Project property for appropriate Project purposes (which may include joint development purposes that generate program income, both during and after the award period and used to support public transportation activities) for the duration of the useful life of that property, as required by FTA or the Department. Should the Subrecipient unreasonably delay or fail to use Project property during the useful life of that NCOOT PTO Federal Agreement Revised 12/28/2018 Page 9 of 23 060120 HCBOC Page 35 property , the Subrecipient agrees that it may be required to return the enti re amount of the Federal and State assistance expended on that property . The Subrecipient further agrees to notify the Department immediately when any Project property is withdrawn from Project use or when any Project property is used in a manner substantially different from the representations the Subrecipient has made in its Application or in the Project Description for this Agreement for the Project. In turn , the Department shall be responsible for notifying FT A. b. Maintenance and Inspection of Vehicles . The Subrecipie nt shall maintain vehicles at a high level of cleanliness , safety, and mechan ical soundness in accordance with the minimum maintenance requirements recommended by the manufacturer and comply with the Department's State Management Plan ("SMP"). The Subrecipient shall register all vehicle maintenance activities i nto the Department's Asset Management System (AssetWorks) or an electronic version of same. The Department shall conduct frequent inspections to confirm proper maintenance pursuant to this subsection and the SMP . The Subrecipient shall collect and submit to the Department at such time and in such manner as it may require i nformation for the purpose of the Department's Asset Management System (AssetWorks) and the Transit Asset Maintenance ("TAM ") Plan . c . Maintenance and Inspection of Facilities and Equipment. The Subrecipient shall maintain any Project facility, including any and all equipment installed into or added on to the facility as part of the Project, in good operating order and at a high level of cleanliness , safety and mechanical soundness in accordance with good facility maintenance and upkeep practices and in accordance with the minimum maintenance requirements recommended by the manufacturer for all equipment installed in or added to the facility as part of the Project. Such maintenance shall be in compliance with applicable Federal and state regulations or directives that may be issued , except to the extent that the Department determines otherwise in writing . The Subrecipient shall document its ma i ntenance program in a written plan . The Department shall conduct inspections as it deems necessary to confirm proper maintenance on the part of the Subrecipient pursuant to this subsection and SMP . Such inspections may or may not be scheduled ahead of time but will be conducted such that they shall not significantly interfere with the ongoing and necessary functions for which the Project was designed . The Subrecipient shall make every effort to accommodate such inspections by the Department in accordance with the Department's desired schedule for such inspections. d . The Subrecipient shall collect and submit to the Department at such time and in such manner as the Department may require information for the purpose of updating the TAM Plan Inventory and any and all other reports the Department deems necessary . The Subrecipient shall also maintain and make available to the Department upon its demand all documents, policies, procedures , purchase orders, bills of sale , internal work orders and similar items that demonstrate the Subrecipient's maintenance of the facility in good operating order and at a high level of cleanliness, safety and mechanical soundness . NCDOT PTO Federal Ag reement Revised 12/28/2018 Page 10 of 23 060120 HCBOC Page 36 e. Incidental Use . The Subrecipient agrees that any incidental use of Project property will not exceed that permitted under applicable laws , regu lations , and directi ves . f . Title to Vehicles . The Certificate of Title to all vehicles purchased under the Approved Budget for this Project sha ll be in the name of the Subrecipient. The Department's Public Transportation Division shall be recorded on the Certificate of Title as first lien-holder. In the event of project termination or breach of con tract provisions , the Subrecipient shall , upon written notification by the Department , surrender Project equipment and /or transfer the Certifi cate(s ) of Title for Proj ect equipment to the Department or the Department's designee within 30 days of request. g . Encumbrance of Project Property . The Subrec i p ien t agrees to maintain satisfactory continuing control of Project property as follows : (1) Written Transactions. The Subrecipient agrees that it will not execute any transfer of title , lease , lien , pledge , mortgage , encumbrance , third party contract , subagreement , grant anticipation note, al ienation , innovative finance arrangement (such as a cross border lease , leveraged lease , or otherwise), or any other obligation pertaining to Project property , that in any way would affect the continuing Federal and State interest in that Project property . (2) Oral Transactions . The Subrecipient agrees that it will not obligate itself in any manner to any third party with respect to Project property . (3) Other Actions. The Subrecipient agrees that it will not take any action adversely affecting the Federal and State interest in or impair the Subrecipient's continuing control of the use of Project property . h. Alternative Use , Transfer, and Disposition of Project Property . The Subrecipient understands and agrees any alternative uses , transfers , or disposition of project property must be approved by the Department and done in accordance w ith Departmental procedures. 1. Insurance Proceeds . If the Subrecipient receives insurance proceeds as a result of damage or destruction to the Project property, the Subrecipient agrees to : (1) Apply those insurance proceeds to the cost of replacing the damaged or destroyed Project property taken out of service , or (2) Return to the Department an amount equal to the remaining Federal and State interest in the damaged or destroyed Project property . j . Misused or Damaged Project Property . If any damage to Project property results from abuse or misuse occurring with the Subrecipient 's knowledge and consent , the Subrecipient agrees to restore the Project property to its original cond ition or NCDOT PTO Federal Ag reement Revi sed 12/28/2018 Page 11 of 23 060120 HCBOC Page 37 refund the value of the Federal and State interest in that property, as the Department may require . k . Responsibilities after Project Closeout. The Subrecipient agrees that Project closeout by the Department will not change the Subrecipient's Project property management responsibilities , and as may be set forth in subsequent Federal and State laws , regulations, and directives, except to the extent the Department determines otherwise in writing . 15. Insurance The Subrecipient shall be responsible for protecting the state and/or federal financial interest in the facility construction/renovation and equipment purchased under this Agreement throughout the useful life . The Subrecipient shall provide, as frequently and in such manner as the Department may require , written documentation that the facility and equipment are insured against loss in an amount equal to or greater than the state and/or federal share of the real value of the facility or equipment. Failure of the Subrecipient to provide adequate insurance shall be considered a breach of contract and , after notification may result in termination of this Agreement. In addition, other insurance requirements may apply. The Subrecipient agrees to comply with the insurance requirements normally imposed by North Carolina State and local laws, regulations , and ordinances, except to the extent that the Department determines otherwise in writing . 16. Termination a. Either party may terminate the Agreement by providing 60 days written notice to the other party , or as otherwise permitted by law. b. Should the Subrecipient terminate the Agreement without the concurrence of the Department, the Subrecipient shall reimburse the Department one hundred percent (100%) of all costs expended by the Department and associated with the work . 17. Additional Repayment Requirements and Remedies a. The repayment requirements and remedies addressed in this Paragraph are in addition to those repayment requirements and other remedies set forth elsewhere in this Agreement, including the requirements to repay unspent funds . No remedy conferred or reserved by or to the Department is intended to be exclusive of any other available remedy or remedies, but each and every such remedy shall be cumulative and shall be in addition to every other remedy provided for in this Agreement, or now or hereinafter existing at law, in equity, or by statute , and any such right or power may be exercised from time to time and as often as may be deemed expedient. b. If there is a breach of any of the requirements, covenants or agreements in this Agreement (including, without limitation , any reporting requirements), or if there NCDOT PTO Feder al Agree ment Revised 12/28/2 018 Page 12 of 23 060120 HCBOC Page 38 are any representations or warranties which are untrue as to a material fact in this Agreement or in relation to the Project (including the performance thereof), the Subrecipient agrees that the Department may require repayment from the Subrecipient of an amount of funds to be determined in the Department's sole discretion but not to exceed the amount of funds the Subrecipient has already received under this Agreement. 18. Civil Rights and Equal Opportunity Under this Agreement . the Subrecipient shall at all times comply with the requirements included as part of this agreement in the Federal Terms and Conditions. 19.Choice of Law and Venue This agreement is to be interpreted according to the laws of the State of North Carolina . The Parties hereby agree that the proper venue for any claims filed as a result of this Agreement shall be the Superior Court of Wake County, North Carolina. 20. Severability If any provision of the FTA Master Agreement or this Agreement for the Project is determined invalid, the remainder of that Agreement shall not be affected if that remainder would continue to conform to the requirements of applicable Federal or State laws or regulations . 21 . Incorporated Terms and Conditions In addition to the Terms and Conditions contained in this agreement and the terms and conditions included in the grant application, which are hereby incorporated by reference, additional terms and conditions incorporated by reference into this agreement are checked below. ~ Federal Terms and Conditions, Attached NCDOT PTO Federal Agreement Revised 12/28/2018 Page 13 o f 23 060120 HCBOC Page 39 22. Federal Terms and Conditions State Management Plan . The State Management Plan for Federal and State Transportation Programs and any subsequent amendments or revis ions thereto . are herewith incorporated by reference , and are on file with and approved by the Department. Nothing shall be construed under the terms of th is Agreement by the Department or the Subrecipient that shall cause any conflict with Department, State , or Federal statutes, rules , or regulations . Allowable Costs Eligible costs are those costs attributable to and allowed under the FTA program and the provisions of 2 CFR Parts 200 and 1201 , "U niform Administrative Requirements , Cost Principles , and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards." No Federal Government Obligations to Third Parties . The Subrecipient acknowledges and agrees that , notwithstanding any concurrence by the Federal Government in or approval of the solicitation or award of the underlying Agreement, absent the express written consent by the Federal Government, the Federal Government is not a party to this Agreement and shall not be subject to any obligations or liabilities to the Subrecipient or any other party (whether or not a party to that contract) pertaining to any matter resulting from the underlying Agreement. The Subrecipient agrees to include the above clause in each contract financed in whole or in part with Federal assistance provided by the FTA . It is further agreed that the clause shall not be modified , except to identify the subcontractor who will be subject to its provisions . Program Fraud and False or Fraudulent Statements or Related Acts . The Subrecipient acknowledges that the provisions of the Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act of 1986, as amended , 31 USC§ 3801 et seq . and U .S . DOT regulations, "Prog ram Fraud Civil Remedies ," 49 CFR part 31, apply to its actions pertaining to this project. Upon execution of the underlying Agreement , the Subrecipient certifies or affirms the truthfulness and accuracy of any statement it has made , it makes , it may make, or causes to be made , pertaining to the underlying Agreement or the FTA assisted project for which this Agreement work is being performed . In addition to other penalties that may be applicable , the Subrecipient further acknowledges that if it makes, or causes to be made, a false , fictitious . or fraudulent claim , statement , submission , or certification , the Federal Government reserves the right to impose the penalties of the Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act of 1986 on the Subrecipient to the extent the Federal Government deems appropriate . The Subrecipient also acknowledges that if it makes, or causes to be made , a false . fictitious, or fraudulent claim , statement, submission , or certification to the Federal Government under a contract connected with a project that is financed in whole or in part with Federal assistance originally awarded by FTA under the authority of 49 USC chapter 53, the Government reserves the right to impose the penalties of 18 USC § 1001 and 49 USC§ 5323(1) on the Subrecipient, to the extent the Federal Government deems appropriate . NCDOT PTO Federal Agreement Revi sed 12/28/201 8 Page 14 of 23 060120 HCBOC Page 40 The Subrecipient agrees to include the above two clauses in each subcontract financed in whole or in part with Federal assistance provided by FT A. It is further agreed that the clauses shall not be modified . except to identify the subcontractor who will be subject to the provisions . Access to Records and Reports a . Record Retention . The Subrecipient will retain , and will require its subcontractors of all tiers to retain , complete and readily accessible records related in whole or in part to the Agreement , including, but not limited to , data, documents, reports , statistics, sub- agreements, leases , subcontracts, arrangements, other third -party agreements of any type, and supporting materials related to those records . c. Access to Records. The Subrecipient agrees to provide sufficient access to FTA and its contractors to inspect and audit records and information related to performance of this Agreement as reasonably may be required . d. Access to the Sites of Performance. The Subrecipient agrees to permit FT A and its contractors access to the sites of performance under this Agreement as reasonably may be required . Federal Changes. The Subrecipient agrees to comply with all applicable federal requirements and federal guidance . All the standards or limits included in this agreement are minimum requirements . The federal requirements and guidance that applied at the time of the award this Agreement may be modified from time to time , and the modifications will apply to the Subrecipient. Civil Rights and Equal Opportunity. Under this Agreement, the Subrecipient shall at all times comply with the following requirements and shall include these requirements in each subcontract entered into as part thereof. 1. Nondiscrimination. In accordance with Federal transit law at 49 USC § 5332 , the Subrecipient agrees that it will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, disability, or age. In addition, the Subrecipient agrees to comply with applicable Federal implementing regulations and other implementing requirements FTA may issue . 2 . Race. Color. Religion. National Origin. Sex. In accordance with Title VII of the Civil Rights Act , as amended , 42 USC§ 2000e et seq ., and Federal transit laws at 49 USC§ 5332, the Subrecipient agrees to comply with all applicable equal employment opportunity requirements of U .S . Department of Labor (U.S. DOL) regulations, "Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs, Equal Employment Opportunity, Department of Labor," 41 CFR chapter 60 , and Executive Order No. 11246, "Equal Employment Opportunity in Federal Employment," September 24, 1965, 42 USC§ 2000e note, as amended by any later Executive Order that amends or supersedes it, referenced in 42 USC § 2000e note. The Subrecipient agrees to take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, color , religion , national origin. or sex (including sexual orientation and gender identity). Such NCDOT PTO Federal Agreement Revised 12/28/2018 Page 15 of 23 060120 HCBOC Page 41 action shall include , but not be limited to , the following : employment, promotion , demotion or transfer, recruitment or recruitment advertising , layoff or term inatio n ; rates of pay o r other forms of compensation ; and selection for training , including apprenticeship. In addition, the Subrecipient agrees to comply w ith any imp lementing requirements FTA may issue . 3. Age . In accordance with the Age Discrimination in Employment Act , 29 USC §§ 621634 , U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (U.S . EEOC) regulations, "Age Discrimination in Employment Act," 29 CFR part 1625 , the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended , 42 USC§ 6101 et seq ., U .S. Health and Human Services regulations , "Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Age in Programs or Act ivities Receiving Federal Financial Assistance ," 45 CFR part 90 , and Federal transit law at 49 USC § 5332, the Subrecipient agrees to refrain from discrimination against present and prospective employees for reason of age . In addition . the Subrecipient agrees to comply with any implementing requirements FTA may issue . 4 . Disabilities . In accordance with section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, 29 USC§ 794, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended , 42 USC§ 12101 et seq ., the Architectural Barriers Act of 1968, as amended , 42 USC§ 4151 et seq ., and Federal transit law at 49 USC§ 5332 , the Subrecipient agrees that it will not discriminate against individuals on the basis of disability . In addition , the Subrecipient agrees to comply with any implementing requirements FTA may issue. Disadvantaged Business Enterprises . It is the policy of the North Carolina Department of Transportation that Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBEs) as defined in 49 CFR Part 26 shall have the equal opportunity to compete fairly for and to participate in the performance of contracts financed in whole or in part by Federal Funds. The Subrecipient is also encouraged to give every opportunity to allow DBE participation in Supplementa l Agreements . The Subrecipient. subconsultant, and subcontractor shall not discriminate on the basis of race, religion , color, national origin , age , disability or sex in the performance of this contract. The Sub recipient shall comply with applicable requirements of 49 CFR Part 26 in the award and administration of federally assisted contracts. Failure by the Subrecipient to comply with these requirements is a material breach of this contract, which will result in the termination of this contract or such other remedy, as the Department deems necessary . When payments are made to Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Subrecipients. including material suppliers , Subrecipients at all levels (Subrecipient , Subconsultant or Subrecipient) shall provide the Contract Administrator with an accounting of said payments . The accounting shall be listed on the Department's Subrecipient Payment Information Form (Form DBE-IS). In the event the Subrecipient has no DBE participation , the Subrecipient shall indicate this on the Form DBE-IS by entering the word 'None' or the number 'zero' and the form shall be signed . Form DBE-IS may be accessed on the website at: https://apps.dot.state.nc .us/quickfind/forms/Default.aspx. A responsible fiscal officer of the payee Subrecipient, subconsultant or Subrecipient who can attest to the date and amounts of the payments shall certify that the accounting is NCDOT PTO Fe deral Agreement Revised 12/28/2018 Page 16 of 23 060120 HCBOC Page 42 correct. A copy of an acceptable report may be obtained from the Department of Transportation . This information shall be submitted as part of the requests for payments made to the Department. Prompt payment provisions . When a subcontractor has performed in accordance with the provisions of his contract, the contractor shall pay to his subcontractor and each subcontractor shall pay to his subcontractor, within seven days of receipt by the contractor or subcontractor of each periodic or final payment, the full amount received for such subcontractor's work and materials based on work completed or service provided under the subcontract NCGS §22C-1 . Incorporation of FTA Terms . Provisions of this Agreement include, in part, certain standard terms and conditions required by the U.S. DOT. All contractual provisions required by the U.S . DOT, as set forth in FTA Circular 4220 .1, as amended, are incorporated by reference . Anything to the contrary herein notwithstanding , all FTA- mandated terms shall be deemed to control in the event of a conflict with other provisions contained in this Agreement. The Subrecipient shall not perform any act, fail to perform any act, or refuse to comply with any Department request, which would cause the Department to be in violation of FTA terms and conditions, as referenced in the current FTA Master Agreement shall prevail and be the instrument governing the receipt of Federal assistance from the Federal Transit Administration . Energy Conservation . The Subrecipient agrees to comply with mandatory standards and policies relating to energy efficiency, which are contained in the state energy conservation plan issued in compliance with the Energy Policy and Conservation Act. Debarment, Suspension. Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion . The Subrecipient shall comply and facilitate compliance with U.S. DOT regulations , "Non-procurement Suspension and Debarment," 2 CFR part 1200, which adopts and supplements the U.S. Office of Management and Budget (U.S . 0MB) "Guidelines to Agencies on Government- wide Debarment and Suspension (Non-procurement)," 2 CFR part 180. As such , the Subrecipient shall verify that its principals, affiliates, and subcontractors are eligible to participate in this federally funded Agreement and are not presently declared by any Federal department or agency to be : a) Debarred from participation in any federally assisted Award ; b) Suspended from participation in any federally assisted Award; c) Proposed for debarment from participation in any federally assisted Award ; d) Declared ineligible to participate in any federally assisted Award ; e) Voluntarily excluded from participation in any federally assisted Award; or f) Disqualified from participation in ay federally assisted Award . By signing and submitting this Agreement , Subrecipient certifies as follows: NCDOT PTO Federal Agreement Revised 12/28/2018 Page 17 of 23 060120 HCBOC Page 43 The certification in this clause is a material representation of fact relied upon by the Department. If it is later determined by the Department that the Subrecipient knowingly rendered an erroneous certification, in addition to remedies available to the Department, the Federal Government may pursue available remedies , including but not limited to suspension and/or debarment. The Subrecipient agrees to comply with the requirements of 2 CFR part 180 , subpart C , as supplemented by 2 CFR part 1200 , throughout the period of this Agreement. The Subrecipient further agrees to include a provision requiring such compliance in its lower tier covered transactions. These provisions apply to each contract at any tier of $25,000 or more , and to each contract at any tier for a federally required audit (irrespective of the contract amount), and to each contract at any tier that must be approved by an FT A official irrespective of the contract amount. Lobbying Restrictions . The Subrecipient agrees that neither it nor any third-party participant will use federal assistance to influence any officer or employee of a federal agency, member of Congress or an employee of a member of Congress , or officer or employee of Congress on matters that involve this agreement, including any extension or modification, according to the following: (1) Laws, Regulations, Requirements , and Guidance . This includes : (a) The Byrd Anti-Lobbying Amendment , 31 USC§ 1352 , as amended, (b) U.S . DOT regulations , "New Restrictions on Lobbying ," 49 CFR part 20 , to the extent consistent with 31 USC§ 1352, as amended , and (c) Other applicable federal laws, regulations , requirements , and guidance prohibiting the use of federal assistance for any activity concerning legislation or appropriations designed to influence the U .S. Congress or a state legislature , and (2) Exception . If permitted by applicable federal law, regulations, requirements, or guidance , such lobbying activities described above may be undertaken through the subrecipient's proper official channels . The Subrecipient agrees to submit a signed and dated Certification on Lobbying that appears in the attachment. Clean Air Act and Federal Water Pollution Control Act. The Subrecipient agrees : 1) It will not use any violating facilities ; 2) It will report the use of facilities placed on or likely to be placed on the U.S. EPA "List of Violating Facilities;" 3) It will report violations of use of prohibited facilities to FTA ; and 4) It will comply with the inspection and other requirements of the Clean Air Act, as amended, (42 USC §§ 7401 -7671q); and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act as amended, (33 USC§§ 1251-1387). NCDOT PTO Federa l Agreement Revised 12/28/2018 Page 18 of 23 060120 HCBOC Page 44 Public Transportation Employee Protective Arrangements . The Subrecipient agrees to comply with the following employee protective arrangements of 49 USC§ 5333(b): 1. Sections 5307 and 5339 . Under this Agreement or any Amendments thereto that involve public transportation operations that are supported with 49 USC § 5307 or 49 USC § 5339 federal assistance , a certification issued by U.S. DOL is a condition of the Contract. 2 . Section 5311 . When the Agreement involves public transportation operations and is supported with federal assistance appropriated or made available for 49 USC § 5311 , U.S . DOL will provide a Special Warranty for its Award . The U .S. DOL Special Warranty is a condition of the Agreement. 3 . Section 5310 . The conditions of 49 USC § 5333(b) do not apply to Subrecipients providing public transportation operations pursuant to 49 USC § 5310 . FTA reserves the right to make case-by-case determinations of the applicability of 49 USC§ 5333(b) for all transfers of funding authorized under title 23, United States Code (flex funds), and make other exceptions as it deems appropriate , and , in those instances , any special arrangements required by FTA will be incorporated herein as required . Charter Service. The Subrecipient agrees to comply with 49 USC 5323(d), 5323(r), and 49 CFR part 604, which provides that recipients and subrecipients of FTA assistance are prohibited from providing charter service using federally funded equipment or facilities if there is at least one private charter operator willing and able to provide the service, except as permitted under: 1 . Federal transit laws, specifically 49 USC§ 5323(d); 2 . FTA regulations , "Charter Service ," 49 CFR part 604; 3 . Any other federal Charter Service regulations; or 4 . Federal guidance , except as FTA determines otherwise in writing . The Subrecipient agrees that if it engages in a pattern of violations of FTA's Charter Service regulations, FTA may require corrective measures or impose remedies on it. These corrective measures and remedies may include: 1. Barring it or any subcontractor operating public transportation under its Award that has provided prohibited charter service from receiving federal assistance from FTA; 2. Withholding an amount of federal assistance as provided by Appendix D to part 604 of FTA's Charter Service regulations ; or 3. Any other appropriate remedy that may apply . The Subrecipient should also include the substance of this clause in each subcontract that may involve operating public transit services . NCDOT PTO Federal Agreement Revised 12/28/2018 Page 19 of 23 060120 HCBOC Page 45 School Bus Operations . The Subrecipient agrees to comply with 49 USC 5323(f), and 49 CFR part 605 , and not engage in school bus operations using federally funded equipment or facilities in competition with private operators of school buses. except as perm itted under: 1. Federal transit laws , specifically 49 USC § 5323(f); 2 . FTA regulations , "School Bus Operations ," 49 CFR part 605 ; 3. Any other Federal School Bus regulations ; or 4 . Federal guidance , except as FTA determines otherwise in writing . If Sub recipient violates this School Bus Agreement , FT A may: 1. Bar the Subrecipient from receiving Federal assistance for publ ic transportation ; or 2 . Require the Subrecipient to take such remedial measures as FTA considers appropriate . When operating exclusive school bus service under an allowable exemption . the contractor may not use federally funded equipment, vehicles , or facilities . The Subrecipient shall include the substance of this clause in each subcontract or purchase under this contract that may operate public transportation services . Substance Abuse Requirements (Recipients of Sections 5307. 5311. and 5339 funds QD.!y}. The Subrecipient agrees to establish and implement a drug and alcohol testing program that complies with 49 CFR parts 40 and 655 , produce any documentation necessary to establish its compliance with part 655 , and permit any authorized representative of the United States Department of Transportation or its operating administrations or the Department to inspect the facilities and records associated with the implementation of the drug and alcohol testing program as required under 49 CFR part 655 and review the testing process. The Subrecipient agrees further to submit the Drug and Alcohol Management Information System (DAMIS) reports before February 15 to NCDOT Public Transportation Compliance Office or its designee . 23. Contract Administrators . All notices permitted or required to be given by one Party to the other and all questions about this Agreement from one Party to the other shall be addressed and delivered to the other Party's Contract Administrator. The name , postal address , street address, telephone number, fax number, and email address of the Parties' respective initial Contract Administrators are set out below. Either Party may change the name, postal address , street address, telephone number , fax number, or email address of its Contract Administrator by giving timely written notice to the other Party. NCDOT PTO Federal Ag reement Revised 12/28/2018 Page 20 of 23 060120 HCBOC Page 46 For the Department: Name : Title : Agency : Email : MSC : Myra Freeman Financial Manager NCDOT/PTD Msfreeman1@ncdot.gov 1550 Mail Service Center -Raleigh , NC 27699-1550 Physical Address : 1 S . Wilmington St, Rm 542, Transportation Building, Raleigh , NC 27601 Phone : 919-707-4672 Fax : 919-733-2304 For the Subrecipient: Name: Title: Agency : f/ a.me!-+ /I ,e.,._ K "',.,; TrQ./)5., t Si 01, w1 _ Address : Email : e>L~ 0 A ~CA.."-QJtu-Vri've.. / ,P O {3 fS b'll~fur\ rJ<,c}75t/jp / '5ncN+i ~ hture+I-. £2¥_5 Phone: (q,o) <g!L/ -4DICf ;> NCDOT P TO Federal Agreemen t Revised 12/28/2018 Page 21 of 23 060120 HCBOC Page 47 IN WITNESS WHEREOF , this Agreement has been executed by the Department , an agency of the State of North Carolina , and the Subrecipient by and through a duly authorized representative and is effective the date and year first above written . SUBRECIPIENT'S FEDERAL TAX ID NUMBER: SUBRECIPIENT'S FISCAL YEAR END : ATTEST: TITLE: ATTEST: TITLE: NCDOT PTO Federal Agreement Revised 12/28/2018 BY : TITLE : BY: TITLE: COUNTY OF HARNETT JUNE 30, 2021 CHAIRPERSON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT A Tl ON DEPUTY SECRETARY FOR MUL Tl-MODAL TRANSPORTATION Page 22 of 23 060120 HCBOC Page 48 Attachment Certification Regarding Lobbying The Subrecipient certifies, to the best of his or her knowledge and belief. that: (1) No Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid , by or on behalf of the undersigned , to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of an agency , a Member of Congress. an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with the awarding of any Federal contract, the making of any Federal grant , the making of any Federal loan , the entering into of any cooperative agreement, and the extension , continuation , renewal , amendment, or modification of any Federal contract, grant , loan , or cooperative agreement. (2) If any funds other than Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency , a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with this Federal contract, grant, loan , or cooperative agreement , the undersigned shall complete and submit Standard Form-LLL, "Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying," in accordance with its instructions. (3) The Subrecipient shall require that the language of this certification be included in the award documents for all subawards at all tiers (including subcontracts, subgrants , and contracts under grants, loans, and cooperative agreements) and that all subrecipients shall certify and disclose accordingly . This certification is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when this transaction was made or entered into. Submission of this certification is a prerequisite for making or entering into this transaction imposed by section 1352, title 31, U.S. Code. Any person who fails to file the required certification shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less than $10 ,000 and not more than $100,000 for each such failure. Subrecipient's Authorized Representative Title : Date : NCDOT PTO Federal Agreement Revised 12/28/2018 Page 23 of 23 060120 HCBOC Page 49 APPENDIX A NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION DIVISION PROJECT NUMBER: 20 -CA-04 0 APPROVED BUDGET SUMMARY EFFECTIVE DATE JANUARY 20 , 2020 PROJECT SPONSOR: HARNETT COUNTY PRO J ECT DESCRIPTION : FY2020 CORONAVIRUS AID , RELIEF AID , RELIEF AND ECONOMIC SECURITY (CARES A< I. TOTAL PROJECT EXPENDITURES DEPARTMENT -4522 OPERATING-49233.30.1.2 PER IOD OF PERFORMANCE JANUARY 20 , 2020 -JUNE 30 , 2021 II. TOTAL PROJECT FUNDING TOTAL OPERATING AGREEMENT# 49233.30.1.2 TOTAL 100% $349,369 $349 ,369 FEDERAL 100% $349 ,369 $349 ,369 STATE 0% $0 $0 $349 ,369 LOCAL 0% $0 $0 060120 HCBOC Page 50 NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION DIVISION A PPROVED PROJECT BUDGET EFFECTIVE JANUARY 20, 2020 PROJECT : 20-CA-040 SPONSOR: HARNETT COUNTY WBS: 49233 .30 .1.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------· DEPARTMENT 4522 -OPERATING -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.... --------------.. ------------. OBJECT-TITLE G315 G849 APPROVED BUDGET EMER RELIEF -OPERATING 100% activities $ 349 ,369 Other Contra Accounts TOTAL OPERATING $ 349,369 Approv ed Operating Budget Page 2 of 2 060120 HCBOC Page 51 l'LHI.I( I R \ \.'>I'< ll< I \ 11( )\. f'RL)t.,h \ \I RI 'i < ll l I 10'\ I ) 2112 1 10 "iOI l 11 ( l'\ 'i l·1tion ;'l,IJ limludi n ~ \1)1 \I'), 'i'l.10 . ;,'l,11, :;'l,(1:-.rn d Jppli,J h lt• '-,t ale l un d1 11g . or u 1111 bi 11 alio11 tlwrt•ot \! :'·" Jl\1 "-\1t'hllh: ;'t 11111,~1111) 1 l' ,l}'r''\ fl,, l 1 tJl''" i 1,11\"J'P(!,,tt,)ll l't,lj.~LH1 1 und1n~:. t nh J J'lh '·~'' 1 llH Ill \\,. ·l ,· \.,•rth l 11 ,';n.i J), p,1•·!111111· ,,1 I r.111·1'•'rt.1!111n, ;>r<•\ 1d ,· th1 t1t•1, ... •. lf\ ,1",li,\1111·.., .11hl th, 1,·,11 I!•·,! I, ,.1: LO""M ~~•Or.('• \ :11 ,•1,•11 \\.J.., 111.1d1· b, b....rbQ.r 1"... .t11_l Ji.a ~ ,Hid ,1•, ,, 1d1 db\ 1d11j•l,1ll1 ~ I :h, lull,11, n.., 1,•..,11 11 11'>1' ,l.,d I J'<'ll lit llli~ J'III I;>, \ 11t.• '.\ ,1, i l o~M •SS"r On f v- l'.1111/' ~ .:r~ "'.¥'U 0 ~ lli< J'lL d \\Ill 1,1 .. \~.:\rlr,·l , 2Bllll h,11,1,·1 i,1,nl lh, \.111:h( .11,,l111,1l,trh·r.il~!,1lut~ ... ,1111i t11, ( ,111,111,,• 11· \.11rlli ( .1r,1li11.1 h.i\ ,. d,-,11~11o11,·,1 th, '\111 !L < .,;,.,in.i I l,•;,.11 !nh·n: 111 ~ 1.i1 'I'" t. 1, .. 11 1 '<< I)( 1', ,, ... 11'1 ,1.._:,·111 \ n•-.p,,11-.:il•l,· 11 •1 .1dn11111•,ll'1 rng lnkr,11 .m,1 -.1.111· 11ttl>l11 •:,11i-.p ,1 r\,1!11ll1 l\111.t,. ,111d '\Ill kl\'-, 1h,·'\,,1th< ·r,1l1111l\•1',ltlm,n1,,1 l1.111 .. p11rl,1t11•n"ill.11'Ph to1 .1~:1,w•t1,1111tJ11 l I 1,·p,1111111 nl ,,1 I 1J1P,p,,11,,1H,11 I ,·d,·1,,I I 1.11h1l \d1111111-.tr.1t11 ,,, .ind 1,·u·i, l·-. lund-. t 1,,1n th1 \.llrtb l 11,, n.i l11 n, 1.1: '\,-.,·ml \ \11 prn, ttll .1 ...... 1-.1.1111 1• l11r 111:,1i 11ublt, lr,111"l'•Ht.1l1Pl1 J'l<>11·, 1-., ,111d \\'I fl 1,1 .\'>. 0 llt' 11"11'""'' lll llw-.,· t1.111'1••>1t,1t11 11 1 l1111,h ,-.111 I''"' 1d1• gr.111l 111,1111t''-IP l,>1 .1: .il;t'tl1'1t-. :11• :l1t' }'r11\ 1 ... 1<111 <>I I lir,il -.m,ill ud,.111 , .ind 1111>,111 p11bl1, lr,iri...purt.1111111 ..,1•r-.0 1,,·.._ 1,1n-.1-.11·11t \\ 1th 1'1, ;i.1'1,, 1cq111rl'n1t•nt... ,11, .1, h t1111din~ ..,.,,1111 1<•1 pl.111n111g 11>111mu111t\ ,111d ,1,:, r " ,,I, 1·1-1 t ,, ,, 1,, ! · : , .. , 1 , 1< , • , ti I,• 1 ll, 111, 1 .. tr ,? 111111 ~ .11 ll I , , 111 ft r, n 1 1 · p.i r Ii l' q i,111, 111 It' i ,, 11 t 1 n g ,111 d , ,t I h r I vq u 1 •, · 1111 11 ! ... : , Ii u ;~ , , 1 d .il,11h11I t,· ... I Pl!: f'•' It\ .llh1 r 1ug1.1111 l:, .... 1d1.1Pt.1g,·d bthilll'"'-t'i11t 'ri':ht :' ,,,;r.im .1nd 11111\ .,11 11 • .it.-,, \ 11,!'-,111,lh .._I .. ). ,lllL \\ 1 !11,I ,.., 111,· 1111i.1 ... ·'l'Pl11·d t,ll 111.1, I•,· .\d1111111-.t1.111, ,·. t lf'• 1.11111g . l'l.1111111,;.:.. ,n l .1p11.il 1t111do.. .111<1 1, 1:l li.111 d1ll 1·r,·nt 1'1 ·ru·11l,1~1·, 111 i.,d,•r,1! ... 1.111• .111-i l,1c,1! 1und, 1\ 1111{1 ,\'-. n .. 11 1. ,,111n1111111, I 1.111,:'11rt,H11111.11'l'l1 .. 1n:, 111.11 'i'l'h 1(11 t1111d,11g :"' ·;,,,,. h., ... ,. ,1: .._,11 ,, !'' 1111h1iri.i1rli1t•l ,1p1t1!ht,d\.:,..t...,,·,t1,,11;;1 1•1•1,,1;r,111• \\Iii· !{I ,\o..,, (. o unt\ o f H.unt:t! l1t•r 1·h ,1,-.111,• .... 111d "1 !1:11·, th,,: 1: "tll j'!t" 1d,· tl11 r, q111rnl !t11,1I :·1 ll, '1111_1.~ l11n,!, th 11 11'-,11t1 IJ .i.._ t i ll' ll'l 1\1111 ,ii, ,lf',11·11, 1,, tlllJ'l1·1111 n! ,111d 11,,111,1~, th• JH111111,-., i"' j',111' r,•q111r1 d '• r'PJI, ,,\·,t.1111 r. q1111l,! lr,1111111!~ ,111,•nd 1111•1 ln1:-\" .till! u11111'1,•1111 '"· .111d ,1sn•1·, I,• , >111;•1\ "11h1h,·l,der.1l.111d,t.it,·,t,1l11t,, 11·1·.11l.1l1on ... ,1\n11l1\,•t11d,1• ..,,·1t1,111=.~,-;1 b:\\,111.111!\ 1•i.l di o1d11•1111,lr,d1'.1 1,,p111, 1·1t•nt~ ,, l,1!1d !" th, ,1ppl1 ,.i t1,111•, lll.td1• '11,111.! l:1.111( ... 1,•111\1·d !r,,q , :11,· I 1,i11,1! l 1 ll •'-II \,!1111n1 ... 11.1l1u11 ,l'-\\1 II.,._ t!lt' f'r,n 1-.1(111, 11! 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IIJrnl'll l!rnnty Houd of ( Om.Jlll'>:>tOrH.'r'> ,l • 1,,.,, h1 ,1•r111 1 tli,11 ti" , ,,, ,,1lr11<.in,!, .. rr,·,ll•'P'·"'·1n1·,«·rpt11,, t 11t 1111n,,1,,,t ,r,,·,t1 ,, 1a llamettlountyBoardot t,,mmi ..... ioncr!> dirt\ 111 l,1 "" th, }1,t d.11 Pl l l d,,li,•r 211," • \ot,• t/i11t tht' 1111tl1or,:,•d 11/110,,I ,ert1/11i11:,: n/111111/, 1111d 111,t11ri11 111/1/11 ,l,1111/d lw tltrt'1' ,q,,1,,1ft' 1111/1, 1.!11,11 , o3/1S /16?J.s 060120 HCBOC Page 53 Boa rd \!('ding ,\~l'rHla Item Agenda Item ___ ']_.._ __ _ \111 11\<, ll\ll Ot·tolH·t 21.2111'1 I I l I I \I{\. I I I ( I t l '\. I \ I ~t ) \ I{ I ) t ti I ( I\ I\ II"" ( l '-. I I," "-I ltll < I I\ 2021 ( 11111mun1t\ l r an,1H11 ·talion Pro!,!ram \pplicat1n11 (II\ I~ I '-l lff<)l F~ I: 11.11 .l..'l' \ l.li{111:il 11.111,n":,kn 1II\Rl'-.11u.f\H,1'.tpubli1. hL1l'll,.!t11,tll\11\ i.:it1h'11 ,a11 .11'j'•ll'!.11l'l) t(l LPlllllll'lll 111111;111"J'llll.1l1 1 1 -:1.· , 11 d 11•1. ,,r,1 pl',1.·d ,.; I I l ••111111uni1~ l 1a11~p,,rt.1 1 1,,n Pr11~r.1111 ·ll"'lt"1t1,111. '" h .. · ,uh11,1t11.J ll• the \,,nh < ..1wlm.1 lkp:11t1111.·11t ,,r • 1.tr1,pPll.il111 11. I' 1hl1<. I r,t1hJ11,r1,1t1,,n DI\ 1-..1or1 < \( D< l I I' I l>J 1111 later than\ k1u~e1 7 2(11 'I h1ll,,11111k-th<.· pur>ltl h1.·<1n:1i;. 11 \RI~ 1.:qul'-.1' the Ho.ird 1,I ( t•111111i~-..111n,.:r-. 10 I. 1111,1d,·1 .111d arpr,11 l' th1. .1prlt1..lllllll Jnd 11.·-..11lu:11111 (p .irpl) I Pr l · \ 21)2 I tu11d111g. R .. ·qu1r1.·, 111.tt,!1111,.. I 111J, tot..1lillL \ .,,_,,fi I 111all~ ,.., 1.:q rnl·d h~ '-.< D< l I P 11) tund111~. 11 \R l \ ,1.·d,, .1 H11.i1,l 1l""lu11,1n t" .1p rh 1.·11k·r ..111 .111,.1u:1111.11t l\llh '-< ll< l I :rn..1 ,,w, i..ll.' tlh :w..:1.•,, n ,,,111,1111..l'' .t11,I 11.q,111ul 111.!11.h '-.p1.·1.1li1...ill). th, \1.·1.1in11 ', 11 pr11~1arn 1111~nd ... t111.·nhanc,· the .ic,e~, ,,1 jW11rk 111 n,1n- 1rh.11111nJ .11,,1, 1,, 111.·alth c,tr1.·. :..hP pr inl,! edu1.;1ti1111 ,·111pl11~ 111~01. 1'uhlt1. ,,·r, iLL''-and l,...t,·,tllllll \..:,ll1li1 ~,j I d'-"l"h in !11,· 111.1111tL'll,Hh.l'. Jc:1ci11r11,,·lll, l!llJ)rl,\lllll'l1t .tlld lh1.' 1II puhlt,· 11,ll [)l1 11.ltllll1 ': '-IL'llh 111 llllP-t1rb.trll/1.tl ,Ill,:'- ( Ol '\I'\ \1 \'\\(,I-R'~ IH ( 0\1\11-'\I> \ I IO\· 060120 HCBOC Page 54 lrnporiart A publrc hear·ng MUST be conducted Nt1et11er or not requested by the Pubrr~ PUBLIC HEARING RECORD Section 5311 (ADTAP) 5310, 5339 , 5307 and applicable State f unding. or combination thereof AP PLICA NT: County of Harnett DATE October 21, 2019 PLACE· Harnett County Administrative Building , 102 E Front St, Lillington NC TIME : 6:00 PM How many BOARD MEM BERS attended the public hearing? _!j_ How many members of the PUBLIC attended the public hearing? J_f)_ Public Attendance Surveys r J (Attach ed) QrOffered at Pub/Jc Hearmg but none completed) H~.-.._,e +-t-Co .... Y'{Y (joc...,,..J the undersigned representing . 01-Co"'? rq .5 .s, o"" e..-..s,___ do hereby certify to th e Nortt1 Carolina Depart ment of T ranspor1at1on that a Public Hearing was neld as rndrcated above ano During the Public Hearing 'Si{(NO pub l!.f comm ents) = (Public Comments were made ano mee/J11g n1111utes will be submitted after boa,d app1ov,1J) The estimated date for board approval of meeting minute s rs I '\, . /(~J:t~ S,gna\ure or Clerk t I w-/~ he Board tr 1o.~J.e. t ((~q; If\ 4, W ~ e e { er'1 Cf ev" I< -f..o ~e_ Prr Name and_J1 tle /J J ooc....0<A JD-~ 1-/9 Date 1Jfl\ Seu/ Jfrrt• r. 't \ \ ., I . " { I 060120 HCBOC Page 55 I\ 2021 Public He.1ring l\1ceti n g M inute~ l11 .... up11nrt tht ·t11n1b11wd pnigr.1111 Rl'-..11lutiP11 lt1: I Y .:::ll:21, ,1 t1'j1\' ,,1 tht· 111111t1tv-.. tn,m \ ,1u1 publiL hl't1n11g n·IIL·C\111)..:. ti,,, ~;r.rnt t1111d" .11111l1t·t l I,,· mu ... t bv llf11Pddt•d illtl' l HC.., ,h ,1 ',lfr'J1!lrl111g dtlllll1W11 l 060120 HCBOC Page 56 I 't 211 2 1 I Ul ,\I "-1-l \ltl <.IHI II I(,\ I IU'\ 101{ IL '\l)l'L l O l '\ I 'I OJ II A I{ '\ I I I l'roJl'l I \, /,, 1 '-If ,1[1\ I' , >,II lp,·r,l!ill).,, ,, -.., 1•, \:.11, hi -,1, P ( i.,,.,.,1111h, ,., '-' 11,· \l.,t, I , "11L,11 , . .._. l .1p1t.il \l,,l,ii,1, \L 11 hl~L'llh'l1 t ; ~ It' ( ,l!'il,il l'i1r, h,,,,. t1 ' -.., I\ 11 I ot.11 \m ot111l .., 2s:;,119n .., 32S,OOO ... ~tl", ~H) ) ;1}" I I 21 l",.t ._ 1~_::;0(! ( lt l" 1 I•, •d:ll!.!_ J'r,,~r.1n1, ,,,,,.,,.,! o1 r,· ;,, J ..,;1,1. ;1,,q l\u .... ind l h ,, I .i.!11111 ... ,11i:-· (...,n,.il: '"' ,l ,,,, 1, 1, ~11,,1.1l .i·lli, ,111,o1l1d.1:.•d 11 1li,111 n 11 ,il -., ,1 ,·111-.) It > l \ I ,;, hl0..,6% .., ,:;,1:;h I otal I undin!,?, Rl'ljlll",I " I o t al I oc,11 ',ha1,· 1 lw I m.11 '->h.111· j.., ,1\ .iilablt· from lhl• folio\, ing c,ourcl'" \ 111 , •111 l I 060120 HCBOC Page 57 IO f \ I " I ,Ht hox ll'\l'llUl' i, nnl au .1pplit.1bk -.ourlt' lor lol,11 '>h.:Ht' fundin~ I :Ii, und, , ... 1g:11·d "'1''''"''111111,: <. o unlj of H ;irnell ti,, h,·1,·I,, , , r trt, t,, ti 11 \.prth ( .ir, ,!111.1 l),•p.111111,nt,11 lr.11,,11rt.1'1111 t1,.11tlw1,q11ir,·,1 ,, 1lt1111d,!,11 th, l'\2l 1_ (,,1111111 I'- 'r,111,t'P' t.itr,,11 1',,,.~r 111 .md -,,() l;l•\ ,•11111r, ,\p11,11 !•Pt '11'•'1'' ,, ill h• .i, .,tl.1bl, ., ... ,i Jul) I, 20:::0 ll,h I 2(),211 lt1111· ,11 ~tl21 Gordon Springle Cha,rrnan Harnett County Board of Cor>1n}!s_s_rcin~r~ Tyne Name and Title of Authorized Off cral I 1.,:. 060120 HCBOC Page 58 I 't 2021 Delegatwn o t \uth oril\ /y-J(-/9 ,,. i I "\ 111 I ' It I ( "" .• 1, : ,. 11• 'I " , .. , 1111, ' It l''lr I I I '' ,,•r,• •I ti ' ,, \ 111 ,: I,,•\ or• l t I t ,, ' I ' ., ' ., .. 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'l I l , ) \ .t n: .1 ~l - . I l. . I ,, ~~ .... I ": \ · t 1 '' I..,, ' I I ) f q " PB! 1~11nJ I.11th dfor t , \\il l 1n d u d l' th e tn llcming rtem, t h.i t an• in dr rdlt•d b , d i ed, m .uk h ) o r nJrr ,l ll\1' I' I ln ~ ,I• I ..... fJl'-.rrrpt10n \\, ,, .r h•tt.-r ,·111.111 t11 l ,·r t:t ,•d I 'Ill ... 111 tl1t ,,., \ ... , 11• 1 l •• ,11!11111 1 :h,·n1 ,11 l'lllt'h.1 ... , ,11 ,111111 ld "l'l't'l!llllllh ... i h 'I 1.1 111 •111 ll'h pht 1111 · 1 .ti :,. l 111.11 !, .111, i l, ,r I, ,p, ,ndt I', t \\ t ill 1 ,; , >I 1 hd1.il1 i11 l)Bh . \,h, rti-.1· pur,h,h,·.ind ,n11t r .i,1 ,1;'J'n1:11111t!,'• nn !,,,.1i ]\'( 11111111t1r11t,· l .,bl,· \.t'I\, ,1rh. R,,~, ... · ru1,h.1,1 1,•nt1.i,t rr11, ,pr .. 1,·,·h:d, 1runt IHI!, \l1J11 t111 11,·1,·-,p,1p1·h tu1 n, \, l,u-.11H ..,,,., th.it ,111• I )(H 1·!1~11,1,· l :n1,l\1rt1),:t 11tll'r1·,tcd, ·1~1bh r1rm, t11 b, cnnw :'\.~ I )l l I ,·, rtit11·d lnt1•rv,1l'd r11m-.. ... hp1rld u1nt,1l't th,• ,,ttru• P! c,,11tr,1,·t11.1 ! ,11\ 1n•, ,it ('I l q) 7117 ~~llll 1111 nio1,· 111t11rnuti,1n I 11tnt1r,1g,· 1nt.'11'..,ll'd t11m-.. t,1,.1111t,1lt th, l.1tt1,L' ,,t IJ1..,ll111,,ill1 l nd,·rut :11<·d Bu..,,n,·..,,, . ., .it 'Jl<l "117 -2, ,ti r ,r n 11r, 111t11rm.1t1t,11 t ,111,ui{ \.(. l )tll <. ,·rt1l1l'd !)B l [11r1 •1t,,n •\ !)Ill ,,11111'.1111 1,11i [,, :1,tl·d 111 tlw !)B J J11n•, t.11 \ t.11 1 .1d1 1, nrl-. ,, pt Pr ,111•,1 t1t ,pvc1,1l11.it i, 111 th.rt II r'1•1tn11lh l 11\1 rll,1\' ,1bt.11 n ,l ltlf'\ ,,t th,.., drn·, l1H\ .i' I •t t ,•,,, \If ,i, ,l ) f1 I' 'I.. l )th<'r t'tl,11 h U1·..,u 1l>1•. • ltl wr 1·1 !Pl h I), •-..c rrh· I I ),,u rn,1\ ,,bt.11n .i ,,1p\ >I :1,., l :iDl ll 1)1..,o11h·.111t.1gnl llu ... rm·,-.. l nt.o r ;,11-..,· l'rnL:r.1111 I 1tl , .FJ l',111 .:., .it hllf"· 111, 11 ..[,, 111 .1;11\ \ ,·11d,11!)11,•, !111, dt'l,11rlt html Remi 11<.k r : D ou1m entJ t i on o t all g ood L1ith dt orh <,hall b l' rdd tn e d for J pl·riod o f ti\e (5) }t'Jr<. fo l lcl\\1 ng tlw tn d o f the l hl,ll \t'.H <,11 1d11 11 ",prmg l1•. ( h :iirm<in , ll arnc:tt ( oun" Bo a n.I o f Commi,,io111 r, l1p1 "\111, llld li!lc ,1f \11lh1llf/L'd(Jlfi1!,,i 060120 HCBOC Page 60 / - / ::.. r / .r .r .,.. ,, / :::: / / :::: ,, :... :.. :.. / / .,.. ,,. :::: ::: .,.. / ::: :.. / / / -:.• ,-, .. ,. ,, / £. .r .r / 7 ::: ::: ;: :I :: :.. ;; C t.. = , ,.. .. ,.. , ., ; / "' -' -= .,. ;: ..., ::: ; = ';.• ,-, !. ::::. / . -;: [] -. - ';.• ,-, 2 ::::. :: .:. u 060120 HCBOC Page 61 PROGRAM SUMMARY SHEET REQUIREMENTS CARES ACT 5311 Rural Formula NORTH CAROLI N A FEDERAL Operating, Capital, Planning -CARES Act BACKGROUND On Fr iday, March 27 , 2020, President Trump signed the Coronav irus Aid , Relief. and Economic Security (CARES ) Act into law . The CARES Act provides emergency assistance and health care response for individuals , families and businesses affected by the COVID- 19 pandemic and provides emergency appropriations to support Executive Branch agency operations during the COVID-19 pandemic . ~----------l------------------------------ PRINCIPLE ELIGIBLE SUBRECIPIENTS ELIGIBLE SERVICE and SERVICE AREA FINANCIAL CAPACITY and MANAGEMENT AUDIT REPORTS and FINANCIAL STATEMENTS This guidance is for all subrecipients receiving capital , administration , and operating assistance to support public transportation in rural areas (areas with populations of less than 50,000). In order to be eligible to apply for funds , transit providers must have a signed resolution from the County Commissioners of each county served , designating them as the 5311 recipient in their jurisdiction . Starting in FY 2018 , these resolutions are updated on a 5- year basis. The resolut ion is part of the grant application process . North Carolina 's coordinated approach to service del ivery allows a single applicant within each designated service area . The project number will be identified as YY -CA -XXX (YY=Year; XXX= System#). It may be followed by an O (operating) or S (statewide funding only). This designation identifies the program fundina or use. General public transportation activities in rural North Carolina (areas outside urbanized area boundaries) are the focus of this funding . The goal of the Section 5311 program is to enhance the overall mobility of people living in rural areas . Therefore , projects may include transportation to or from rural areas. Service must be open and promoted to the general public. However, a rural transit provider may design its Section 5311 funded services to maximize use by members of the general public who are transportation disadvantaged . Transportation disadvantaged people include seniors , people with disabilities, and low- income individuals . Providers receiving both 5311 and 5307 funds must have a method of allocating costs between the two programs . PTO suggests Subrecipients have sufficient funds to operate and maintain the NC DOT funded program for at least three months without incoming revenue from grants. Subrecipients must have fiscal control and accounting procedures sufficient to permit the tracking and reporting of grant funds . Any funds borrowed from a parent organization or governmental organization must be reported to NCDOT within 15 days. Subrecipients that expend more than $500,000 in federal funds from all sources (including federal funds provided through NCDOT) in a year must submit the annual single aud it required by 09 NCAC 0 3M and evidence of resolution of findings related to the transit program to NCDOT. The value of a bus or van purchased must be considered when determining whether a Subrecipient meets the threshold for a single audit. 1 060120 HCBOC Page 62 PROGRAM SUMMARY SHEET REQUIREMENTS Subrecipients will title the equipment and NCDOT Public Transportation Division be named VEHICLE TITLES first lien holder. When the project equipment has been replaced , NCDOT will release the lien . Useful life standards are maintained in NCDOT's Transit Asset Management (TAM) Tier II Sponsored Plan . This inventory is updated on an annual basis . INSURANCE Subrecipients will maintain insuran ce as defined in the procedures . Subrecipients w ill maintain project equipment at a high level of cleanliness , safety , and mechanical soundness . An 80 percent on-time performance standard for equipment and MAINTENANCE wheelchair lifts has been set. All maintenance act ivities are entered into Trapeze EAM and performance is monitored. FTA and state funded fac ilities require a written maintenance plan and annual submission of the maintenance performed . PTO discourages incidental uses of real property unless it can generate additional revenues for the transit system or, at a reasonable cost , enhances system ridership . Prior INCIDENTAL USE written approval is required for incidental uses of rea l property which must be compatible with the original purposes of the contract. Incidental uses, such as meal delivery, are a llowed if they do not interfere with the public transit service and cover the costs of the uses. Nutrition orograms must cover the ooeratina costs attributable to meal deliverv. NCDOT Public Transportation Division requires quarterly and year end reports. Program PROGRAM status reports are also required with each claim submitted . Failure to submit reports on REPORTING AND time will result in a reduction in the Rural Operating Assistance Program (ROAP}. NC DOT Public Transportation Division maintains all procedures required for oversight. These expectations, the State Management Plan . funding applications and Certifications and Assurances must be followed to maintain good standing for future funding. Failure to OVERSIGHT submit re(!orts on time will result in a reduction in the Rural Operating Assistance Program {ROAP}. Section 5311 Circular -C 9040 1 G Award Management Requirements 5010 1 E. 09 NCAC 03M Third Party Contracting Guidance 4220 1 F NCDOT's Business Guide REFERENCES Federal Transit Administration Annual Certifications and Assurances and Agreements Additional Terms & Conditions in the agreement State Management Plan PTO 5311 application overview and program material UPDATES/REVISIONS Original Date: April 21 . 2020 2 060120 HCBOC Page 63 Legal Applicant Name: County of Harnett System Type (check one) D Small Urban (5307) ~ Rural (Section 5311) NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION CARES Act Operating Funds (CA) Program Overview and Application North Carolina Department of Transportation Integrated Mobility Division April 23, 2020 060120 HCBOC Page 64 Introduction On Friday, March 27, 2020, President Trump signed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, a nd Economic Security (CARES) Act into law. The CARES Act provides emergency assistance and he alth care response for individuals, families and businesses affected by the COVlD-19 pandemic and provides emergency appropriations to support Executive Branch agency operations during the COVTD-19 pandemic. CARES Act (CA) gran ts are availab le to rural and small urban public transportation systems to continue providing serv ices and assist with operating expenses for items including staff, s upplies, and other related operating expenses. To qualify for CA funds, the appl icant must be the Designated Recipient of Section 5311 or Section 5307 funding. Eligible Applicants and Reimbursement All counties receiving Section 5311 and/or Section 5307 funds are eligible to apply for CARES Act funding. Section 5311 e ligibl e applicants are designated in each county b y the County Commissioners as stated in th eir "5311 Designee Certification" form, signed by the C hairman of the County Commissioners of each county. This designation is a 5-year designation and is currently in place for the period of 2018 through 2022. The CA grant will reimburse systems for 100% of the net operating expenses. Net operating expenses are those expenses remaining after the provider subtracts operating revenues from eligible operating expenses. Operating revenues must include farebox revenues . Farebox revenues include fares paid by riders who are later reimbursed by a human service agency or other user-side subsidy arrangement. Farebox revenues do not include payments made directly to the transit system by human service agencies to purchase service. However, purchase of transit passes or o ther fare media for clients would be considered farebox revenu e. A voluntary or mandatory fee that a college, university, or similar institution imposes on all its students for free or discounted transit ser vice is not farebox revenue. Farebox revenue must be used to red uce total operating expenses (treated as revenue). Net Operating Expenses = Total Eligible Operating Expenses -Fare Revenues Note: Income from contrac ts to provide human service transportation may be used either to reduce the net project cost (treated as revenue) or to provide l oca l match for operating assistance. In either case, the cost of providing the contract service must be included in the total project cost. Reimbursement will be made in one of two line items on the reimbursement Operating budget form: M349 -Emergency Relief Operating M350 -Non Fixed Rate ADA Paratransit 060120 HCBOC Page 65 Eligible Activities • All o p e rating expen ses (after su btrac tin g fare revenues) are el ig ibl e und e r Section 5307 and Section 5311 fo r a ll recipients in large urban, small urban, and rural areas that are incurred on or after January 20, 2020, including the following: • Provision of transit service, including but not limited to: o Driver and other operations worker salaries o Fuel o Suppli es (including personal protective equipment and cleaning supplies) • Administrative leave for o pera ti ons e mployees (including employees pe rformin g m aintenan ce): Administra tive leave is an administrativel y authorized absen ce from duty without loss of pay or reduction in an employee's available leave. In the context o f the COVID-19 public health e mergency, administrative leave cou ld include, but is n o t limite d to, leave for an e mployee who is no t requ ired to work due to a reduction in service or leave for a worker w ho is quarantined after pote ntial expos ure to an individu a l infected with COVID-19. • Ex is tin g operations and maintenance service contracts, whether previously fund e d by federa l or n on-federal fund s. Contrac ts tha t were funded with non-federal fund s and that did not fo llow federal procurement requirements woul d need to submit a request for a waiver to the Emer gency Re li e f docke t and the waiver would need to be app roved by FT A. Period of Performance IMl'OR 11d\ I: This application for Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security funds covers a 2-year period, with the period of performance from January 20, 2020 to June 20, 2022 . Program Monitoring and Oversight The Mobility Developme nt Speciali s ts from the N.C. Departme nt of Transportation will provide technical assistance, approve re imburse me nt claims, monitor the implementation of the project, make on-site visits to monitor compliance with fe deral regulations and evaluate project p e r formance . The li s t o f Mobility Development Specialist assignments is at th e e n d of this application booklet. 060120 HCBOC Page 66 Apply ing for Funds A pplication In troduction The C AR ES Ac t G ra nt a pplicati o n bu dgets ca n b e fo und i n t he Enterpri se Bu si ne s s Services (E BS) porta l on the NCDOT w e b s ite a t htt ps://w ww .ebs .n c .gov . Th e Oper a tin g budget te mpl a t es a r e na m e d : Program ID Descri ption 5311 Ap pli cation : P2020_5311 _CARES_OPER FY20 CARES Operating 530 7 Appli cation : P2020_5307 _CARES_OPER FY20 5307 SUBS_CARES OPERATING NOTE: Applicants who have submitted a complete FY 2020 application package for 5311 Administrative/ Operating or 5307 funding are only required to submit the following supporting documents below. The checkboxes to the left of the documents are the "application checklist", please check off each document completed for submiss ion. ~ Coron aviru s A id, Re li ef, and Eco no m ic Secu r ity Appl icatio n (thi s d oc ument) ~ P roof of c urre ntly acti ve DU NS ~ Sig ned FY2 0 Certi fic ations and A ssura n ces ~ Signed FY20 Auth o ri zi n g Re s o luti o n (fro m ei th e r 53 11 o r 5307 appl ica ti on ) ~ O nline Budget The C AR ES Act G r a nt a pplica ti on mus t b e s u b mitte d th rou g h E BS no later than May 8, 2020. The d o cu m ents identifie d a bove mus t b e attache d to the a pplica ti o n in EB S. 060120 HCBOC Page 67 T imetab le DATES A pri 1 23, 2020 April 23 -May 8, 2020 May 8, 2020 May 8, 2020 TBD TBD after FT A Review Application Timeline TASK/EVENT • Grant Application Package Distributed • MOS' Available to Assist Grantees • Grant Application Due to NCDOT • Grant Application Review Process Begins • FTA grant review and award for federal funding • Effective date of two-year grant agreement Submitting Claims ----======== Claims for CARES funds must be accompanied by documentation supporting expenses being reported. GENERAL: If you want a waiver for things like procurement requirements or charter rules please make s ure to put something in the Emergency Relief Docket, the docket item will need to be referenced for those expenses • The Emergency Relief Docket (FTA-2020-0001 at 1v1\ w.r~ulati_gn~.iov) is ope n and available for requests for relief from FT A statutory and administrative requirements of Section 5307 and 5311 funding. The Emergency Relief Docket allows grantees to request a waiver from FTA requirements during or after an emergency. Grant recipients should discuss the need for a waiver with the FTA regional office prior to submitting a requ est to the docket. Any requests or approvals from FTA requirements should b e referenced in the grant application. • There is no limit on the amount of CARES Act funds that may be used for operating, capital, or planning expenses. • There is no limit on the amount of CARES Act fund s that may be used for paratransit service. • Lost revenue is an eligible expense under the CARES Act. To implement this provision, FTA will reimburse any eligible expenses that occurred on or after January 20, 2020, including eligible expenses tha t would have otherwise been paid for by the lost revenue. 060120 HCBOC Page 68 This includes all of the expenses normally eligible under Urbanized Area Formula Grants (Section 5307) or the Formula Grants for Rural Areas Program (Section 5311) that occurred on or after January 20, 2020, at a 100°/.) Federal share. It also includes reimbursing for any n e t operating expenses (after subtracting farebox revenues), for all Urbanized Area or Rural recipients. • All operating expenses (after subtracting fare revenues) are eligible under Section 5307 and Section 5311 for all recipi ents in large urban, s mall urban , and rural areas that are incurred on or after January 20, 2020 , including th e following: o Provision of transit service, including but not limited to: • Driver and other operations worker salaries • Fuel • Supplies (including personal protective equipment and cleaning supplies) o Administrative leave for operations employees (including employees performing mainte nance): Administrative lea ve is an administratively authorized absence from duty without loss of pay or reduction in an employee's available leave. In the context of the COVID-19 public health emergency, administrative leave could include, but is not limited to, leave for an employee who is not required to work due to a reduction in service or leave for a worker who is quarantined after potential exposure to an individual infected with COVID-19. o Existing operations and maintenance service contracts, whether previously funded by federal or non-federal funds. Contracts that were funded with non-federal fund s and that did not follow federal procurement requirements would need to submit a request for a waiver to the Emergency Relief docket and the waiver would need to be approved by FT A. Please provide a summary using the CARES Act Claim Summary Sheet or something similar. A Claim Summary Sheet for your use is provided in this application. 060120 HCBOC Page 69 Mobility D ev elopment Specialist List JOHN VINE-HODGE (Interim) PAMELA DIGIOVANNI ANTHONY "TONY" SUMTER MATT WATTERSON 919-707-2607 919-707-4680 Small Urban 919-707-4682 javinehodgec@ncdot.gov Qmdigiovanni@ncdot.gov 919-707-4689 m jwatterson(@ncdot.gov Urban Urban javinehodgec@ncdot.gov Small Urban BUNCOMBE IREDELL CARTS smpo YVEDDI (Davie,Stokes, HAYWOOD (MT PROJECTS) MECKLENBURG (Craven,Jones ,Pamlico) Surry, Yadkin) WESTERN CAROLINA UNION ONSLOW APPALCART (Watauga) Henderson(WCCA) Charlotte Area Transit System PITT CLEVELAND Asheville (CATS) Greenville smpo GASTON smpo WPRTA (Alexander , DAVIDSON Jacksonville smpo LINCOLN Burke,Caldwell,Catawba) GUILFORD LEE Gastonia DURHAM FORSYTH / Winston-Salem MOORE TAR RIVER TRANSIT smpo JOHNSTON Greensboro RCATS (Montgomery, (Edgecombe, Nash) ORANGE High Point (sm) Randolph) WAYNE smpo WAKE Piedmont Authority (PART) ARHS (Camden.Chowan, ALAMANCE Chapel Hill CUMBERLAND Currituck,Pasquotank, CHATHAM Go Cary HOKE Perquimans) Burlington smpo Go Durham Fayetteville CPTA (Bertie,Halifax, Go Raleigh ROWAN Hertford, Northampton) Go Triangle Concord KARTS (Vance, Warren, BRUNSWICK / Myrtle Beach Salisbury Franklin, Granville) MPO NEW HANOVER/ WAVE CABARRUS WILSON City/ County ALEXIUS FARRIS KENETTA MCCLEAN BERNARD CLARK KEVIN EDWARDS 919 -707-4698 919-707-4673 919-707-4678 919-707-4695 aafarris@ncdot.gov km mclean@ncdot.gov bbclark2@ncdot.gov kbedwards2@ncdot.gov Rural Rural Rural Rural AVERY MCDOWELL CHEROKEE CLAY MADISON POLK GRAHAM JACKSON MITCHELL RUTHERFORD SWAIN MACON YANCEY BLADEN ALLEGHANY TRANSYLVANIA HARNETT COLUMBUS ASHE CASWELL PENDER ROBESON (SEATS) WILKES (WT A) PERSON SAMPSON CARTERET BEAUFORT ROCKINGHAM DARE DUPLIN GATES RICHMOND HYDE GREENE MARTIN SCOTLAND TYRRELL LENOIR WASHINGTON STANLY ANSON ARHS -ALBEMARLE REGIONAL H EAL TH SERVICES dba ICPTA -IN TER-COUNTY PUBLIC TRAN SPORTATION AUTHORITY CARTS -CRAVEN AREA RURAL TRANSIT SYSTEM CATS -CHARLOTTE AREA TRANSIT SYSTEM CFPTA-CAPE FEAR PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY c,NAVE TRANS ln CPTA-CHOANOKE PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION AUT HORITY FAST -FAYETTEVILLE AREA SYSTEM OF TRANSIT GATEWAY or GWTA -GOLDSBORO-WAYNE TRANSIT AUTHORI TY KARTS -KERR AREA REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM PA RT -PIEDMONT AUTHORITY FOR REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION RCATS-REGIONAL COORDINATED AREA TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM (RANDOLPH) SEATS-SOUTH EAST AREA TRANSIT SYSTEM (ROBESON) TRT -TAR RIVER TRAN SI T WCCA -WESTERN CAROLINA COMMUN ITY ACTION WPRTA -WESTERN PIEDMONT REGIONAL TRANSIT AUTHORITY WTA -WILKES TRANSIT AU THOR ITY YVEDDI -YADKIN VALLEY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DISTR ICT, INC . 060120 HCBOC Page 70 FY20 CARES_Operating Project Number : 20-CA-040 Legal Name: Address: BUDGET SUMMARY September 2019 -June 2030 COUNTY OF HARNETI PO Box 760 LILLINGTON , NC 27546 County : HARNETI COUNTY Pamela Amerson Congressional District: 2 Contact Person : Telephone : Fax : Email : Web Site : Federal ID Number: CFDA# +1 (910) 814-4019-6164 +1 (910) 814-4020 pamerson@harnett.org www .harnett.org 56-6000306 DUNS Number: 091565986 !Period of Performance : Sep 1, 2019 I. Total Project Expenditures to Jun 30, 2030 Federal Billable/Non-Billable Billable (NCDOT Maximum Participation Amounts) Total Expenses Total Contra Accts and Fare Revenue Total Net Expenses/Cost II Proposed Project Funding Total 100.00% Federal 100.00% Federal Non-Billing Requested $354 ,210 $4 ,841 $349 ,369 NCDOT 0 .00% NCDOT Use Only $349 ,369 $349,369 Local 0 .00% Total Fund ing $349,369 $349,369 $0 $0 $0 IV. Proposed DBE , MBE , WBE Goals (Enter DBE Goal if Federal Funding applies, otherwise enter MBE/WBE Goals) DBE MBE WBE % Amount $0 $0 $0 Version 1.0 Page 1 of 8 060120 HCBOC Page 71 Applicant : COUNTY OF HARNETT FY20 CARES_Operating PROPOSED BUDGET SALARY AND WAGE DETAIL Project Number : 20-CA-040 Object Code Position Title No. Pct.{%) N Total Annual Salary Toper o~· ransp . y No.of Budgeted Amount Positions NCDOT Max imu m Approved Participation FULL TIME EMPLOYEES G121 G121 G121 G121 G121 G121 G121 G121 G121 G121 TOTAL G121 SALARIES PART-TIME EMPLOYEES -RECEIVING BENEFITS G125 G125 G125 G125 G125 G125 TOTAL G125 SALARIES PART-TIME EMPLOYEES -RECEIVING NO BENEFITS G126 G126 G126 G126 G126 G126 TOTAL G126 SALARIES TOT AL SALARY & WAGE Version 1.0 Tasks ears Page 2 of 8 060120 HCBOC Page 72 Applicant: ObJect Code COUNTY OF HARNETI G120 Salaries and Wages G121 Full-t ime employees G 122 Overtime G125 Part-time (receives benefits) FY20 CARES_Operatin g Title PROPOSED BUDGET EXPENSES G126 Temporary and part-time (receives no benefits) G127 Longevity Subtotal Salaries: G180 Fringe Benefits G181 Social security contribution (7 .65% of total salaries) G182 Retirement contribution ; total salaries X participating percentage X G183 Hospitalization insurance ; cost per month X no . of months X no . of employees . X X G184 Disability insura nce ; cost per month X no . of months X no . of employees. X X G185 Unemployment compensation ; Number of Employees: G186 Workers compensation ; Number of Employees: G189 Other: G190 G191 G192 G195 G196 G197 Subtotal Fringe: TOTAL SALARY & FRINGE: Professional Services Accounting Legal Management Consultant Drug & Alcohol Testing Contract Drug & Alcohol tests Provide# of employees in test pool : G198 Medical review officer G199 Other: G200 Supplies and Materials G211 Janitorial Supplies -(Housekeeping) G212 Uniforms G233 First Aid suppl ies (replacement) G251 Motor Fuels and Lubricants G252 Tires and Tubes G253 Associated Cap ital Maint Version 1.0 Page 3 of 8 Proj ect Number : Total Cost $0 $0 $0 20-CA-040 For NCDOT Use Only $0 $0 $0 060120 HCBOC Page 73 G254 G255 G256 G257 G258 G259 G261 G281 G291 G292 G300 G311 G312 G31 3 G314 Licenses . tags and fees Vehicle cleaning supplies Hand tools Veh icle signs & Paint Supplies Vehicle touch up paint (non-contract) Other. Office Supplies and Materials Air Conditioner I Furnace Filters Computer Supplies Fire Extingu isher-recharging system Travel and Transportation (other than employee development) Travel : Anticipated trips · Travel subsistence Transportation of cli ents/others Travel -Motor-pool or leased vehicles (Does NOT include vehicles used in the provision of contracted transportation services.) G315 Operations (ALI 30 .09 .08 EMER RELIEF -OPERATING 100%) activities G316 G320 G321 G322 G323 G325 G329 G330 G331 G332 G333 G334 G335 G336 G337 G339 G340 G341 G349 G350 G353 G354 G355 G357 G358 Version 1 0 ADA Para transit Operating Expenses (A LI 11 . 7C .OO Non Fixed Route ADA Paratransit) activities Communications Te lephone Service Internet Service Fee Combi ned Service Fee Postage Other Communications: Utilities Electricity Fuel oil Natural Gas Water Sewer Trash collection Single /combined utility bi ll Other: Printing and Binding Printing and reproduction Other: Repairs and Maintenance Vehicles (use 257/258 for vehicle signs & in-house paint supplies) Shop equipment Office and computer equipment Communications equipment Other Repairs and Maintenance -Office Related Page 4 of 8 $354 ,210 $349 ,369 060120 HCBOC Page 74 G359 Other-Describe: G370 Advertising/Promotion G371 Marketing (paid ads , marketing firm , etc.) Describe : Minimum Amount (2 % of Adm in Budget): $7 ,084 G372 Promotional items Describe : G373 G380 G381 G382 G390 G391 G392 G393 G394 G395 G396 G398 G399 G410 G412 G413 G419 G420 G421 G422 G430 G431 G432 G433 G439 G440 G441 G442 G443 G444 G445 G446 G448 Versi on 1.0 Maximum Amount (25 % of G3 7 1 Total Cost): $0 Other: Computer Support Services (contracted) Computer programming services Computer support/technica l assistance Other Services Legal advertising Laundry and dry c leaning Temporary help services Cleaning services Train ing -Employee Education Expense Management services (contracted trans it system mgmt/admin services) Security services Other: Rental of Real Property (include copy of current lease agreement) Rent of building X number of monthly payments X Rent of offices X number of monthly payments X Other: Lease of Computer Equipment Lease of Computer Hardware Lease of Computer Software Lease of Equipment Lease of Reproduction equipment Lease of Postage Meter Lease of Communications equipment (includes radio , cable lines and antennae) Other: Service and Maintenance Contracts Communications equipment Office equipment Reproduction equipment Vehicles Computer equipment Tires Other Service and Maintenance Contracts -Office Related Pag e 5 of 8 060120 HCBOC Page 75 Other: Insurance and Bonding G449 G450 G451 G452 Property and general liability (does not include vehicle insurance) Vehicles Number of Fleet Vehicle . Maximum Amount: G453 Fidelity G454 Professional liabilities G455 Special liabilities G480 Indirect Costs G481 Central services· (budget direct cost base) X (percentage rate) $0 X Maximum Amount $0 Prior approval of Indirect Cost Percentage Rate required . Questions should be directed to NCDOT Financial Management G490 Other Fixed Charges G491 Dues and subscriptions: G499 Other: G600 Private/ Public Operator Contracts -Purchase Services G611 Direct purchase of service from privately owned provider G612 User side subsidy G621 Volunteer reimbursement G641 Direct purchase of serv ice from pub licly owned provider G821 G822 G832 G833 G834 G836 G839 G84 1 G842 G843 G844 G847 G849 G991 F500 Total Expenses : Contra Account General Fund Capital Reserve Fund N.C. Sales Taxes N.C. Gas Tax Refund County Sales Taxes Fed Gas Tax Refund Other Taxes Charter Expenses Garage Services Advertis in g Expenses Insurance Settlement Inc Elderly/Disable Other Contra Accts Contingency/Prog Res TOTAL CONTRA ACCOUNTS: Fare Revenue F511 General Public Fares F521 Prepaid Fares/Bulk Discounts F522 Senior C itizen Fares F523 Student Fares OPERATING REVENUES Version 1.0 Page 6 of 8 $354,210 $349,369 $4 ,841 060120 HCBOC Page 76 F524 Child Fares F525 Paratransit Fares F533 F529 R400 R411 R412 R413 R414 R415 R416 R417 R418 R419 R420 R421 R422 R4 23 R424 R425 R426 R427 R428 R429 R431 R432 R433 R434 R435 R436 R437 R438 R439 R440 R430 Special Route Guarantees Other Special Fares : TOTAL FARE REVENUES : TOTAL CONTRA ACCOUNTS AND FARE REVENUES: TOTAL EXPENSES LESS TOTAL CONTRA ACCOUNTS AND FARE REVENUES= TOTAL NET OPERATING EXPENSES (TNOE): Contract Service Revenue Aging Program Department of Social Services Sheltered Workshop Mental Health Program(s) Health Department Community Action Program Head Start Program Daycare Medical Parks and Recreation Public/Private School Teen Parent Community Living Skills Hospital Community College College/Li niversity Aging Program Supplement Child Development Work First Blind Services Vocational Rehabilitation Community Services Block Grant Smart Start Agricultural Extension JTPA Nursing Home Rest Home Private Indiv idual Elderly and Disabled Transportation Assistant Program (EDTAP) Other: TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICE REVENUE: Miscellaneous Revenue and Income R385 Advertising Profits R497 Investment Income R811 Sale of materials and scrap Version 1.0 Page 7 of 8 $4 ,841 $4 ,841 $349,369 $349,369 060120 HCBOC Page 77 R821 Sale proceeds from fixed assets R844 Cash Donations R861 Rental Income R891 Other revenue not elsewhere classified : TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE AND INCOME: Local Match R264 Federal Vocational Rehabilitation R265 Federal Older Americans Act -Title Ill Fund R269 Other non-DOT grant (Specify): R362 State Operating -SMAP R364 State Operating -RGP R369 Non-federal grant (Specify): R372 Local Cash (list each source, fares are not an eligible source of matching funds): TOTAL LOCAL MATCH: TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICE REVENUE+ TOTAL MISC. REVENUE A AND INCOME+ TOTAL LOCAL MATCH MUST BE AT LEAST 0.00% OF TNOE ($0) Version 1.0 Page 8 of 8 060120 HCBOC Page 78 SAM Search Res ults List of records matching your search for : Record Status: Active DUNS Number: 091565986 !ENTITY !Harnett, County Of North Carolina Status: Active DUNS: 091565986 +4: CAGE Code: 4G 1 EO DoDAAC : Expiration Date : 02/04/2021 Has Active Exclusion?: No Debt Subject to Offset?: No Address : 420 McKinney Pkwy City: Lillington State/Province : NORTH CAROLINA ZIP Code: 27546-9336 Country: UNITED STATES Mav 13 . 2020 12·07 PM httos-/lwww.sam aov Paae 1 of 1 060120 HCBOC Page 79 AGENDA ITEM ,5 June 1, 2020 APPOINTMENTS NEEDED HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT There are vacancies for alternate members representing District 3 , 4 and 5 on this Board. HARNETT REGIONAL JETPORT COMMITTEE There is a vacancy for District 4. HOME COMMUNITY CARE BLOCK GRANT COMMITTEE There is (I) vacancy to serve on this committee. NONPROFIT COMMITTEE There is a District 5 vacancy on this committee. NURSING HOME COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE There are (2) vacancies on this committee. SOUTHEASTERN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION There is a vacancy on this board for a Private Sector representative. 060120 HCBOC Page 80 AGENDAITEM~/p--~ ci t y of dunn POST OFFICE BOX 1065 • DUNN, NORTH CAROLINA 28335 (910) 230-3500 • FAX (910) 230-3590 www .dunn-nc.org May 21, 2020 Harnett County Board of Commissioners PO Box 759 Lillington, NC 27546 Dear Chairman and Commissioners, 1\111yor William P. Elmore Jr. l\lnyor Pro Tem Chuck T urnage Council Members J. Wesley Sills April L. Gaulden Frank McLean BillyTa,1 Dr. David L. Brndhmn City Manager Steven Neuschafer As an introduction to its offer to purchase property, th e City of Dunn would like to provide you with some historical information related to how the City of Dunn water system has evolved over time and why there is a need for the City to purchase the adjoining properties owned by Hamett County. The City of Dunn has owned and operated its own water treatment facility on the same 11.36 acre site in Erwin, on the Cape Fear River since the 1920s. The original water treatment facility had a capacity of 2 million gallons per day (MGD) and provided water service to the City of Dunn and the Town of Erwin. By the 1960s, the City of Dunn exceeded the capacity of that facility and replaced that water treatment plant with a new facility having a capacity of 4 MGD. The next step towards becoming a regional supplier occurred in the 1980s when Dunn agreed to provide water service to the Town of Benson in Johnston County. During that same time period the Town of Erwin constructed its own water treatment facility to provide water service to its residents and the Erwin Mill textile facility. Approximately 20 y e ars later, the Town of Erwin would sale its water and sewer assets to the County with both the water and wastewater plants being decommissioned. 060120 HCBOC Page 81 In the late 1980s, Dunn agreed to serve as a water supplier to several rural systems within Harnett County, also known as the Southeast Water and Sewer District of Harnett County. The agreement extended service north and south of Dunn along Highway 301 and east of Dunn along Highway 421 and NC 55. In 1990, Dunn agreed to provide water service south along Highway 301 to the Town of Falcon and subsequently serves as a pass-through of water to the Town of Godwin. Recognizing the regionaJ nature of our water treatment facility, the City of Dunn expanded its current facility to 8 MGD. The project included upgrading the raw water station, some additionaJ on-site storage, and most importantly, a 24" transmission main into the City of Dunn. In 1996, the City of Dunn entered into an agreement with Sampson County to supply water to Sampson County's Water and Sewer District II, through two interconnections located on NC 55 and US 421. In 2012, the City of Dunn and Eastover Sanitary District extended a 12" waterline into Cumberland County in order to provide water service to the District's approximately 3,000 customers. Dunn's water treatment facility is approximately 60 years old and in an effort to avoid catastrophic interruptions to its drinking water supply, the City had two independent engineering firms investigate the feasibility of expanding the current facility . In both cases, the firms have indicated that the current facility cannot be expanded due its close proximity to West "E" Street. They also indicated that building a new treatment facility from the ground up is going to be most economical considering the structural and mechanical work that would be required. Also, trying to build a new plant on the existing site would be very challenging, if not impossible, while continuing to supply drinking water to its customers. After much discussion and planning efforts related to the City of Dunn's future water supply and the communities that the City is obligated to serve, City leaders are reaching out to the County to discuss the purchase of the adjoining properties. The reservoir property and the wastewater treatment property are not being used by the County and therefore, in our opinion, have become a liability for the County to maintain. In order for the City of Dunn to meet the water supply needs of the communities that the City serves for many years to come, a new treatment facility and additional land is going to be required. Whether we purchase the County's land or relocate our facility on the Cape Fear River, the City of Dwm is committed to ensuring we have a reliable water source for the future. 060120 HCBOC Page 82 On behalf of the Dunn City Council we would like to extend an offer to purchase PIN -0597-32-4433.000; PIN -0587-95-3137.000; PIN -0597-22-3784.000, and including the transfer of any appurtenance, permits, and easements from Harnett County for a total purchase price of $350,000. The City of Dunn appreciates your consideration of this offer. Sincerely, Mayor William P. Elmore, Jr. DUNN bOd Al~Allarlca City 11111' 1989 * 201J 060120 HCBOC Page 83 w U) :::, ..J c:t CJ w ..J 0:: 0 u. l-o z ~--...Harnett J(-. COUNTY ...-\n.,-p :):!-L~'Ll GIS/E-911 Addressing May 7, 2020 e Recycle Center "7" Landfills LJ D Surrounding County Boundaries Federal Property -, L .. City Limits Harnett G IS ~ Harnett County Boundary -Force Main -Gravity -Service Laterals -StepFM Sewer Main -Force Main c:: Lillington Sewer 0 335 670 1 inch= 752 feet 1,340 Feet 060120 HCBOC Page 84 County Property Adjoining Dunn Water Plant ~ :'\ Ha rn ett ](---.., COUNT V '/M lll (A ROI J'/.\ PID: 060566 0266 03 PIN: 0597-32-4433 .000 REIO: 0072355 Subdivision: Taxable Acreage: 25.5 70AC a c Caclulated Acreage: 26.51 ac Account Number: 1204146000 Owners: HARNETI COUNTY I Print this ~.!!!:..I Property Description: TR#1 TOWN OF ERWIN 26.047MAP#2008-1074 Owner Address : PO BOX 759 LILLINGTON, NC 27546-0000 Property Addre ss: S 18TH ST ERWIN, NC 28339 City, State, Zip: ERWIN , NC, 26339 Building Count: o Township Codo: 06 Fire Tax District; Erwin Parcel Building Value: $0 Parcel Outbuilding Value : SO Parcel Land Value: $183790 Parcel Special L a nd Value : SO Total Val ue : $183790 Parcel Deferred Value : $0 Total Assessed Value : $183790 Harnett County GIS Neighborhood: 00601 Actual Year Bullt: TotalAcutalArcaHcatcd: Sq/Fl Sale Month an d Year: 2 / 2009 Sale Price: SO Deed Book & Page: 2590-0723 Deed Dale: 2009/02/11 Plat Book & Page: 2008-1074 Instrument Type: WO Vacant o r Improved: QualilledCode: C Tran,f er or Splll: T Wlthin 1 mi of Agriculture District: Yes Prior Building Value: $0 Prior Outbuilding Value : $0 Prior Land Value : $260500 Prior Spoclal L and Value : $0 Prior Deferred Value : $0 Prior A ssessed Value : $260500 060120 HCBOC Page 85 Harnett County Property-Raw Water Station that Pumps to Reservoir ,,::.-~ Harn ett ~(--. C O UNTY _J_ tlORTII CAROllllA PIO: 060597 0052 PIN: 0587 -95-3137 .000 REID: 0032852 Subdl•lslon: Taxable Acreage : 1.300 AC ac Caclulaled Acreage: 1.3 ac Account Number: 1204146000 Owners: HARNED COUNTY j Print this page I Property Description: 1.299ACS ERW1N PUMP STA MAP#2008-1076 Owner Address: PO BOX 759 LILLINGTON, NC 27546-0000 Property Address: PUMP STATION RO NC City, Slate, Zip:, NC , Building Count: 0 Township Code: 06 Fire Tax District: Duke Parcel Building Value: $0 Parcel Outbuilding Val ue : SBO Parcel L and Value : $5060 Parcel Special Land Value : SO Total Value : $5140 Parcel Deferred Value : $0 Total Assessed Value : $5140 Harnett County GIS Neighborhood: 00601 Actu al Year Built: TotalAcut alAreaHealed: Sq/Fl Sal e Month and Year: 2 / 2009 Sal e Price: $0 Deed B ook & Page: 2590-0723 Deed Dat e: 2009/02/11 Plat Book & Page: 2008-1076 Instrument Typo: DE Vacant or fmprovod; QualifiedCode: C Transfer or Spli1: T Wl1hln 1 ml or Agrlculturo District : Yes Prior Bu il ding Value: $0 Prior Outbuilding Value : SBO Prior Land Va l ue : $5060 Prior Special Land Value: SO Prior Def erred Value : $0 Prior Assessed Value: $5140 060120 HCBOC Page 86 County Property that Adjoins Dunn Water Plant r::::: :-'\ Harnett ~(~ COUNTY )_ IIORIII (1\ROlll/A PIO: 0605971 123001501 PIN : 0597-22-3784 .000 REIO: 0054703 Subdivision: Ta"able Acreage : 14.430 AC ac Cactulated Acreage: 14.9 ac A ccount Number: 1204146000 Owners: HARNETT COUNTY ! Print this page j Property Description : 14.43AC BURLINGTON IND MP#3 MAP 7/4 Owner Address : PO BOX 759 LILLINGTON, NC 27546-0000 Property Address: S 20TH ST NC City, State, Zip: , NC, Building Count: 0 Township Code: 06 Fire Tax District: Erwin Parcel Building Value: $0 Parcel Outbuilding Value : $0 Parcel Land Va lue : $10 82 30 Par cel Special Land Value : $0 Total Value : $108230 Pa r cel Def erred Value : $0 Total A ssessed Value: $108230 Harnett County GIS Neighborhood: 00601 Actual Year Bullt: TolnlAculalAreaHealed: Sq/Ft Sale Month and Year: 7 12006 Sale Price: $0 Deed Book & Page: 2249-0922 Deed Date: 2006/07/03 Plat Book & Page: - In strument Type: DE Vacant or Improved: QuallfiedCode: A Transfer or Split: T Within 1 mi of Agriculture District: Yes Prior Building Val ue: SO Prior Outbuilding Value: $0 Prior Land Value: $108230 Prior Special Land Value : $0 Prior Deferred Value : $0 Prior Assessed Value : $108230 060120 HCBOC Page 87 Organization ARC of Harnett County Beacon Rescue Boys & Girls Club Buddy Backpack Habitat for Humanity Harnett Sheriff PAL Progrm HIS Daily Bread Parnership for Children Rise & Shine Rescue Ronald McDonald House SAFE Harnett County South Wake Conservationist Transitions Life Care Veterans Legacy Foundation Veterans Treatment Court Total funding recommended Nonprofit Funding Committee Recommendation 2020-2021 2,000 5,000 5,000 7,000 5,000 7,500 2,000 3,000 2,500 5,000 5,000 1,500 5,000 3,000 5,000 63,500 AGENDA ITEM 7 060120 HCBOC Page 88 AGENDA ITEM _i_@_ Harnett County DSS Monthly Report Totals 2019-20 July August September October November December Jauary 2019 February March April May June Totals Children's Services CPS Reports Received 112 131 147 178 140 122 146 128 106 IOI Repons Accepted 60 71 85 115 86 71 87 79 70 61 Total children in Pie/Custody 159 169 172 191 193 185 183 171 170 169 FC Money expended $ 122,846.25 $ 115,342.35 $ 114,700.21 $ 119,236.19 $ 122,545.11 $ 113.851.80 $ 118,673.58 $ 113,287.66 $ 114,647.86 $ 112,856.95 $ 1,167,987.96 Adult Services APS Repons Received 13 18 18 25 9 II 16 12 10 8 140 # of trips scheduled 1455 1457 1520 1726 1484 1393 1575 1429 1470 1179 Total Cases 224 228 232 240 235 230 229 225 223 217 Work First Energy Expenditures $67,767.28 $68,920.22 $138,180.62 $97,053.67 $94,419.22 $173,831.85 $269.388.32 $88,756.00 $10.200.00 $0.00 $1,008,517.18 Total cases 129 138 140 140 142 143 144 147 148 152 Food & Nutrition Services Apps Approved 498 449 448 477 400 325 528 353 433 712 4623 Total Cases (households) 7,698 7670 7709 7,698 7,672 7,582 8,347 7,569 7.519 8,156 Benefits Issued $1,934,449.00 $2,219,918.00 $1,950.947.00 $1,913,506.00 $1,910,163.00 $1.871,064.00 $2, I 05,662.00 $1,587,936.00 $1,827.463.00 $4,020,047.00 $21,341,155.00 Adult Medicaid Apps Approved 87 IOI 116 63 109 102 64 114 108 68 Total Cases 11,293 11,291 11,240 11.125 11,089 11,117 11,117 11095 11090 11022 Family & Children's Medicaid Apps Approved 253 321 343 327 221 165 255 258 240 240 Total Cases 17,384 17,293 17,289 17,535 17,567 17,642 17,552 17,846 18,106 18,076 Fraud Total Collections $12.576.41 $14,028.80 $8,097.53 $8,420.21 $8,684.80 $8,880.04 $9.037.44 $8,240.38 $7,468.50 $68,368.43 $153,802.54 ChildCare Children Served 941 965 798 788 751 746 703 757 673 p. 673 Total Expenditures $444,141.00 $420,908.00 $393,901.00 $377.637.00 $371,805.00 $362,570.00 $344,288.00 $347,578.00 $340,791.00 $329,019.00 $3,732,638.00 Child Support Total Collections $809,787 $787,563 $770,420 $812,474 $753,805.00 $855,655.00 $789,406.00 $768,445.00 $1,005.604.00 $796,749.00 $8,149,908.00 060120 HCBOC Page 89 MAIN OFFICE Phone 919-934 -2145 Fax 919-934-6231 Posr Office Drawer 711 1102 Massey Street Sm it hfield , NC '27 577 Ms. Gina Wheeler, Clerk Harnett County P. 0. Box 759 420 McKinney Parkway Lillington, N. C. 27546 Dear Ms. Wheeler: LEE COUNTY OFFICE Phone 919-776-0746 Fax 919 -774 -1867 Post Office Box 1061 225 S. Steele Street Sanforc . NC 27330 May 21, 2020 AGENDA ITEM~ HARNETT COUNTY OFFICE Ph one 910-814-8360 Fax 910-814 -8362 Post Office Box 40 252 Irene Robe rts Rd .. Sui:e 101 Lilling ton, NC 27546 Johnston-Lee-Harnett Community Action, Inc., will receive a grant for CSBG CARES from the Office of Economic Opportunity. Pursuant to Instruction 20 of the August 5, 1982 OEO Letter of Instruction and State Administrative Code entitled "Review of Local Agencies Program Year and Community Service Block Grant Anti-Poverty Plan by Public and County Commissioner's, we are pleased to submit this plan for their review. This is for informational purposes only. Harnett County's portion of the grant is $340,466. If you need additional information, please don't hesitate to let us know. EMW/ Attachment: CSBG CARES Grant Sincerely, E . .Mtvtie Wat6oa E. Marie Watson Executive Director AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER UNITED WAY AGENCY 060120 HCBOC Page 90 Agency: Agency: Federal I.D. DUNS Number: Administrative Office Address : North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services Office of Economic Opportunity - 2420 Mail Service Center I Raleigh , North Carolina 27699-2420 Community Services Block Grant Program CARES NC Application Agency Information Johnston-Lee-Harnett Community Action, Inc . 56 0859623 153233663 1102 Massey Street , Smithfield, NC 27577 Mailing Address (include the 4-digit zip code P.O . Drawer 711, Smithfield , NC 27577 extension): Telephone Number: 919-934-2145 Fax Number: 919-934-6231 CARES NC Funding Proposed Funding: Allocation $953,379 JLHCA , Inc. Application Period: I Beginning: July 1,2020 I Ending: September 30, 2022 Board Chairperson: Mr. Robert W. Atkinson Board Chairperson's Address : 4212 Massey-Holt Road, Princeton , NC 27569 (where communications should be sent) Board Chairperson's Term of Office (enter 02/2006-02/2020 beainnina and end dates): Executive Director: Mrs . E. Marie Watson Executi ve Director Email Address : jlhca@jlhcommunityaction.org Agency Fiscal Officer: Lakisha Alston Fiscal Officer Email Address : lanichols@jlhcommunityaction.org CSBG Program Director: Tina Ray CSBG Program Director Email Address : tinarray@jlhcommunityaction.org Counties Served with CARES NC funds: Johnston , Lee and Harnett Agency Operational Fiscal Year: July 01-June 30 060120 HCBOC Page 91 CARES NC Program Application for Funding Certification and Assurances Public Hearing on the Initial Plan JLHCA, Inc. We herein certify that a public hearing as required by 1 OA NCAC 97B .0402 Citizen Participation in the Application Process occurred on -=5;.:,.=/2:....:..1=-=/2"""'02::.:0;_ ____ _ for the planning process for the CARES NC Program and the agency has maintained documentation to confirm the process of the public hearing . For multi-county providers , indicate the date and the county the hearing was held . Date County Date County 5/21/2020 Johnston 5/21/2020 Lee 5/21/2020 Harnett 2 060120 HCBOC Page 92 JLHCA, Inc . Board of Directors Approval of the Application I hereby certify that the information contained in the attached application is true and the Board of Directors has reviewed and approved this application for the CARES NC Program . Date of Board Approval: 04/16/2020 Board Chairperson: (Signature) (Date) Finance Committee Chairperson : (Signature) (Date) 3 060120 HCBOC Page 93 JLHCA , Inc. CARES NC Program Documentation of Submission to County Commissioners Community Action Agencies receiving CARES NC fund ing mu st provide a completed copy of the Application for Funding to local boards of comm ission and submit documentation of delivery (return mail receipt , signature of county staff noting receipt , electronic mail acknowledging receipt) to the Office of Economic Opportunity . Agency Name: Johnston-Lee-Harnett Community Action, Inc . County : .labostao Date of Application Submission : 5/22/200020 _x_ The agency submitted a complete application for funding to local Board(s) of Commission. _x_ CAA attached documentation confirming local Board(s) of Commission received CARES NC Application for Funding . 4 060120 HCBOC Page 94 JLHCA , Inc . CARES NC Program Documentation of Submission to County Commissioners Community Action Agencies receiving CARES NC funding must provide a completed copy of the Application for Funding to local boards of commission and submit documentation of delivery (return mail receipt, signature of county staff noting receipt, electronic mail acknowledging receipt) to the Office of Economic Opportunity. Agency Name: Johnston-Lee-Harnett Community Action. Inc. County: Date of Application Submission: 5/22/2020 _x_ The agency submitted a complete application for funding to local Board(s) of Commission. _x_ CAA attached documentation confirming local Board(s) of Commission received CARES NC Application for Funding. 5 060120 HCBOC Page 95 JLHCA , Inc . CARES NC Program Documentation of Submission to County Commissioners Community Action Agencies receiving CARES NC funding must provide a completed copy of the Application for Funding to local boards of commission and submit documentation of delivery (return mail receipt , signature of county staff noting rece ipt, electronic mail acknowledging receipt) to the Office of Economic Opportunity. Agency Name: Johnston-Lee-Harnett Community Action. Inc . County : Harnett Date of Application Submission: 5/22/2020 _x_ The agency submitted a complete application for funding to local Board(s) of Commission . _x_ CAA attached documentation confirming local Board(s) of Commission received CARES NC Application for Funding . 6 060120 HCBOC Page 96 JLHC A, Inc. Section 5: Project Identification 1. Project Name : CARES Program -~ [i _[J ~~ -~ -~ ~ 2. Objective Statement: Provide emergency assistance to 450 individuals/families that are experiencing hardships due to effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic by September 30, 2022. 3. CARES NC Funds $953 ,379 Requested for this Project: CJ. 4. Project Period : 7/1/2020 I To 9/30/2022 I 5. Total Number Expected to Be Served : 450 ~ "-- Section 6: One-Year CSBG Program Objective and Activities NPls Identified Service or Outcome (List all Problem Activity Expected NPls Position Title(s} applicable to activity) 1.2 4.1 450 of the 450 6.2a, CSBG Director Emergency Provide funds to clients receive 6.2b CARES Intake Counselor Assistance help resolve crisis emergency 6.2c situations assistance 6.2,d 6.2,f 6.5a Transportation, 450 of the 450 6.2i,, Emergency clothing , temporary clients receive 6.2k CSBG Dire ctor Assistance shelter, etc. emergency 6.2e CARES Intake Counselor assistance 6.4c Assist participants with emergency 6.2b assistance such as 450 of the 450 6.2c Emergency fuel /energy bills , clients receive 6.2,f CSBG Director Assistance rent/mortgage, emergency 6.2g CARES Intake Counselor non -narcotic assistance medication, health , etc . 45 of the 450 6.4 Information Connect clients to clients receive CSBG Director and referrals other resources information 4.1 CARES Intake Counselor and /or referral 6.5E 7 060120 HCBOC Page 97 JLHCA , Inc. Use the table below to enter your agency 's targeted outcome results . The performance measures will be included in the agency's CARES NC contract. CSBG grantees administering CARES NC projects are required to enter program targets in Table 1. Grantees have the flexibility to enter specific program targets based upon the community needs assessment. Table 1 Outcome Measures for Pro ject 1 (enter pro·ect name) Expected to Achieve the Measure Outcome in Reporting Per iod (Target) The number of participant families served . 450 The number of low-income participant families rising above the poverty level. 0 The number of participant families obtaining employment. 0 The number of participant families who are employed and obtain better employment. 0 The number of jobs with medical benefits obtained . 0 The number of participant families completing education/training programs . 0 The number of participant families securing standard housing . 0 The number of participant families provided emergency assistance . 450 The number of participant families provided employment supports . 0 The number of participant families provided educational supports. 0 8 060120 HCBOC Page 98 CONTRACT BUDGET NARRATIVE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF SOCIAL SERVICES OFFICE OF ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY Form 6844N 9 060120 HCBOC Page 99 Name of Agency: Johnston-Lee-Harnett Community Action, Inc. Section A -Salaries and Wages CSBG Director -$13,936 CARES Cslr (Johnston) -$78,650 CARES Cslr (Lee) -$78,650 CARES Cslr (Harnett) -$78,650 Section B -Fringe Benefits CSBG Dir· FICA -7.65% x $13,936 -$1 ,066 UIB -1% x $13,936-$139 Health -$97 .38 x 26 months -$2,532 Wkr's Comp-2% x $13,936-$279 Disability - 1 % x $13,936 -$139 Retirement -5% x $13,936 -$697 Life Insurance -1 % x $13,936 -$139 (Johnston) CARES Cslr · FICA -7.65% x $78 ,650 -$6 ,017 UIB -1 % x $54 ,600 -$546 Health -$973.81 x 26 months -$22 ,398 Wkr 's Comp -1 .24% x $78,650-$1,573 Disability - 1 % x $78 ,650 -$787 Retirement-5% x $69,575 -$3,479 Life lnsurance-1% x $69 ,575 -$696 (Lee) CARES Cslr - FICA-7.6 5% x $78,650-$6,017 UIB -1% x $54 ,600-$546 Health -$973.81 x 26 months -$22,398 Wkr's Comp - 1.24 % x $78,650 -$1,573 Disability - 1 % x $78,650 -$787 Retirement -5% x $69 ,575 -$3,479 Life Insurance -1 % x $69 ,575 -$696 (Harnett) CARES Cslr - FICA -7.65% x $78 ,6 50 -$6,017 UIB -1% x $54,600-$546 Health -$973.81 x 26 months -$22 ,398 Wkr 's Comp - 1.24 % x $78,650 -$1 ,573 Disability - 1 % x $78 ,650 -$787 Retirement-5% x $69,575-$3,479 Life Insurance - 1 % x $69,575 -$696 Section C -Equipment Purchases NA Section D -Communication Communication : Landline Telephone -$2,600-$100 x 26 months 10 JLHCA , Inc. 060120 HCBOC Page 100 JLHCA , Inc. Internet Service -$1,300 -$50 x 26 months Section E -Space costs Space Cost: Rent-$2 ,600 -$100 x 26 months Utilities -$1,344 -$50 x 26 months Section F -Travel /Employee Development Training -$1 ,000-AR4CA and CmTools workshops . Travel (Local) -1,851 miles x 0.54 per mile Section G -Supplies and Materials Supplies and Materials : Office Supplies -$2,398 -$92 .23 x 26 months -paper, pens , folders , etc . for all 3 counties Copy Costs -$900 -$34 .62 x 26 months -use of copy machine for all 3 counties Postaqe -$500 -$19.23 x 26 months -use of metered postaqe machine and stamps at 2 locations Section H -Contractual Services CMA Technologies Annual Subscription -Client Tracking Software -$3,498 AR4CA Annual Subscription -Client Tracking Software -$2,760 Section I -Client Services Client Services: Emeraency Support-$523 ,800 -$1,142 for 450 clients -rental assistance , gas assistance, utilities , transoortation , etc. Section J -NI A Section K -Other Other: Background check and drug screenings -$75 -3 employees screened for drugs and alcohol several times during the year Printing and Publication -$520 -$20 x 26 months -Letterhead, forms , flyers , etc . for all 3 counties Specialized services -$1 ,014 -$39 x 26 months -Water service and Waste Management Services for all 3 counties Maintenance & Repairs -$1 ,300 $50 x $26 months -Maintenance for facilities , computers & copiers maintenance in all counties Insurance -$1,000 -General liability coveraQe Section L -Indirect Costs Indirect Cost Rate Information: The indirect rate for Johnston-Lee-Harnett Community Action is 17 .77%. 11 060120 HCBOC Page 101 Part V -Allocation By County (1) (2) (3) A. County Actual Budgeted Percent 1 Johnston $472,084.00 49 2 Lee $140,829.00 15 3 Harnett $ 340,466.00 36 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Part VI -Agency-wide Funding Sources Provider Amount 1 CSBG $640,302.00 2 CSBG CARES $953,379.00 3 DSS $68,503.00 4 Weatherization/HARRP $777,888.00 5 Duke Energy/Blue Cross $226,000.00 6 Head Start/Early Head Start $6,193,665.00 7 USDA $635,062.00 8 HUD $33,890.00 9 United Way $160,000.00 10 EFSP & Lo cal $1,574,074.00 Total $1 1,262,763.00 Relief NC Budget 6844S -OEO Page 7 of 7 060120 HCBOC Page 102