020408mHARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Minutes of Regular Meeting February 4, 2008 The Harnett County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Monday, February 4, 2008, in the Commissioners Meeting Room, County Administration Building, 102 East Front Street, Lillington, North Carolina. Members present: Teddy J. Byrd, Chairman Beatrice B. Hill, Vice Chairman Dan B. Andrews Tim McNeill Gary House Staff present: Neil Emory, County Manager Wm. A. “Tony” Wilder, Assistant County Manager Dwight W. Snow, County Attorney Kay S. Blanchard, Clerk to the Board Chairman Byrd called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. and Commissioner Andrews led the pledge of allegiance and prayer. Vice Chairman Hill moved to approve the agenda as published. Commissioner Andrews seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Upon motion by Commissioner McNeill and seconded by Commissioner House, the Board unanimously approved the following items on the consent agenda: 1. Minutes: Regular Meeting, January 22, 2008 Reconvened Meeting, January 25, 2008 2. Budget amendments: 211 Parents As Teachers (Fund 110 – General) Code 110-7310-465.11-00 Salaries & Wages 1,361 decrease 110-0000-334.73-10 Parents As Teachers 1,361 decrease 212 Support Our Students (Fund 110 – General) Code 110-7309-465.32-26 Incentives 378 decrease 110-7309-465.12-00 Salaries & Wages Part-time 351 increase 110-7309-465.22-00 FICA Tax Expense 27 increase 213 Solid Waste Transfer Station Project (Fund 582 – “SW0701”) Code 582-6600-461.45-20 Legal & Administrative 39,591 increase 582-6600-461.45-30 Engineering 4,420 decrease 582-6600-461.45-80 Contingency 35,171 decrease 214 Law Enforcement & Detention Facility Capital Project (Fund 313 – “CP0401”) Code 313-8300-410.45-80 Contingency 76,717 increase 313-8300-410.90-10 Interfund Transfer – General Fund 529,125 increase 313-0000-314.50-00 Sales Tax Refund 69,747 increase 313-0000-361.10-00 Interest on Investment - Centura 6,970 increase 313-0000-361.90-01 Interest on Investments - Regions 529,125 increase 215 Jail (Fund 110 – General) Code 110-5120-420.32-49 Youth Offenders 35,000 increase 110-0000-399.00-00 Fund Balance Appropriated 35,000 increase 217 Health (Fund 110 – General) Code 110-7600-441.30-04 Professional Services 700 increase 110-7600-441.32-26 Incentives 1,065 increase 110-7600-441.44-21 Building & Equipment Rent 1,300 increase 110-7600-441.55-12 Printing & Binding 7,880 increase 110-7600-441.58-14 Travel 2,000 increase 110-7600-441.60-33 Materials & Supplies 1,455 increase 110-7600-441.64-25 Books & Publications 600 increase 110-0000-331.76-21 Local Asthma Efforts 15,000 increase 218 Solid Waste Transfer Station Project (Fund 582 – “SW0701”) Code 582-6600-461.45-20 Legal & Administrative 50,211 decrease 582-6600-461.45-80 Contingency 35,630 decrease 582-0000-370.80-00 Bond Premium 85,841 decrease 219 Cape Fear River Trail Capital Project (Fund 384 – “CP0705”) Code 384-0000-361.10-00 Interest on Investments 362 increase 384-8300-465.45-80 Contingency 362 increase 220 Airport Runway & Parallel Extension Capital Project (Fund 377 - “CP0603”) Code 377-0000-314.50-00 Sales Tax Refund 2,294 increase 377-0000-361.10-00 Interest on Investments 13,000 increase 377-8306-465.45-80 Contingency 13,000 increase 377-8306-465.45-01 Construction 2,294 increase 221 Interfund Transfer (Fund 110 – General) Code 110-8701-490.90-79 Interfund Transfer – Airfield Improvements 100 100,000 increase 110-0000-399.00-00 Fund Balance Appropriated 100,000 increase 222 Airport – Airfield Improvements 100 Capital Project (Fund 389 – “CP0801”) Code 389-8360-465.45-01 Construction 3,400 increase 389-8360-465.45-30 Technical 2,000 decrease 389-8360-465.45-46 Preliminary Engineering 400 decrease 389-8360-465.45-67 Inspections/Quality Assurance 2,800 decrease 389-8360-465.45-20 Legal & Administrative 1,800 increase 223 Tax (Fund 110 – General) Code 110-0000-370-20.00 Loan Proceeds – Capital Lease 72,345 increase 110-4500-410.74-76 Lease – Other Financing Uses 72,345 increase 224 Overhills Elementary School Capital Project (Fund 388 – “CP0708” Code 388-8300-410.45-80 Contingency 451,137 increase 388-0000-361.10-00 Interest on Investments – Centura 20 increase 388-0000-314.50-00 Sales Tax Refunds 51,766 increase 388-0000-361.90-01 Interest on Investments – Regions 399,351 increase 225 Harnett/Fuquay Wastewater Project (Fund 551 – “PU012B”) Code 551-0000-361.10-00 Interest on Investments 120,127 increase 551-0000-314.50-00 Sales Tax Refunds 35,426 increase 551-9100-431.60-57 Miscellaneous Expense 55,553 increase 226 Titan Wastewater Extension Project (Fund 554 – “PU021B”) Code 554-0000-356.30-00 Insurance Reimbursement 340,000 increase 554-0000-361.10-00 Interest on Investments 5,512 increase 554-9100-431.45-80 Contingency 345,512 increase 227 Fort Bragg NTA Housing Water & Wastewater Extension Project (Fund 561 – “PU0601”) Code 561-0000-361.10-00 Interest on Investments – Centura 10,000 increase 561-0000-314.50-00 Sales Tax Refunds 710 increase 561-0000-361.40-00 Interest on Investments – Wachovia 4 increase 561-0000-361.90-01 Interest on Investments – Regions 16 increase 561-9100-431.45-80 Contingency 10,730 increase 228 Lafayette School/HWY 421 Sewer Extensions Project (Fund 565 – “PI0701”) Code 565-9100-431.45-70 Interest During Construction 18,091 increase 565-0000-361.90-01 Interest on Investments – Regions 14,508 increase 565-0000-361.40-00 Interest on Investments – Wachovia 3,383 increase 565-0000-361.10-00 Interest on Investments – Centura 200 increase 229 Chatham County Transmission Project (Fund 566 – “PU0702”) Code 566-0000-361.10-00 Interest on Investments 8,223 increase 566-9100-431.45-80 Contingency 8,223 increase 230 Fort Bragg Water Supply & Wastewater Treatment Project (Fund 568 – “PU0704”) Code 568-0000-361.10-00 Interest on Investments 5,976 increase 568-9100-431.45-80 Contingency 5,976 increase 231 Edgerton Water Tank Project (Fund 570 – “PU0801”) Code 570-9100-431.45-80 Contingency 9,989 increase 570-0000-361.10-00 Interest on Investments 4,581 increase 570-0000-314.50-00 Sales Tax Refund 5,408 increase 232 Raw Water Intake Upgrade Project (Fund 557 – “PU0401”) Code 557-0000-361.10-00 Interest on Investments 1,533 increase 557-9100-431.45-80 Contingency 1,533 increase 233 Coats Elementary School Gym Project (Fund 385 – “CP0706”) Code 385-8300-410.45-80 Contingency 16,377 increase 385-0000-361.10-00 Interest on Investments – Centura 39 increase 385-0000-361.90-01 Interest on Investments – Regions 16,338 increase 234 Aging – Retired Seniors Volunteer Program (Fund 110 – General) Code 110-0000-353.15-00 RSVP – Contributions & Donations 140 increase 110-7510-441.32-13 Special Projects 140 increase 238 Sheriff – Criminal Justice Partnership Program (Fund 110 – General) Code 110-0000-334.51-02 Lee-Harnett Criminal Justice Partnership Program 6,900 increase 110-5102-420.33-45 Contracted Services 400 increase 110-5102-420.32-75 Recreation Activities 500 increase 110-5102-420.41-11 Telecommunications & Postage 500 increase 110-5102-420.41-32 Utilities 1,000 increase 110-5102-420.60-33 Materials & Supplies 4,500 increase 239 Public Assistance (Fund 110 – General) Code 110-7710-441.80-85 Progress Energy Neighbor 1,332 increase 110-7710-441.80-90 Crisis Intervention 147,045 increase 110-0000-330.77-01 Social Services Administration 148,377 increase 110-0000-353.06-00 Donations – Social Services 4,172 increase 110-7710-441.89-20 Central Electric Membership 2,100 increase 110-7710-441.89-60 Foster Care Donations 1,050 increase 110-7710-441.89-50 Elderly Assistance Donations 775 increase 110-7710-441.89-70 Christmas Cheer 247 increase 110-7710-441.88-45 Family Caregivers 213 increase 110-0000-331.77-09 Family Caregivers 213 increase 241 Sheriff (Fund 110 – General) Code 110-0000-356.30-00 Insurance Reimbursements 4,700 increase Capital Outlay – Equipment Not Capitalized 4,700 increase 242 Law Enforcement & Detention Facility Capital Project (Fund 313 – CP0401) Code 313-8300-410.45-80 Contingency 60,329 decrease 313-8300-410.45-01 Construction 60,329 increase 243 Overhills Elementary School Capital Project (Fund 388 – “CP0708”) Code 388-0000-314.50-00 Sales Tax Refund 32,221 increase 388-8300-410.45-01 Construction 1,062,879 decrease 388-8300-410.45-20 Legal & Administrative 42,000 decrease 388-8300-410.45-22 Issuance Cost 1,107 decrease 388-8300-410.45-33 Materials & Supplies 1,121,207 increase 388-8300-410.45-60 Survey 2,000 increase 388-8300-410.45-75 Soil Analysis 35,000 increase 388-8300-410.45-80 Contingency 842,785 decrease 388-8300-410.55-12 Printing & Binding 20,000 decrease 388-8300-410.90-10 General Fund 842,785 increase 244 Public Utilities (Fund 531 – HCDPU) Code 531-9025-431.23-01 Supplemental Retirement 100 decrease 531-9025-431.74-74 Capital Outlay 100 increase 245 South Central Wastewater Project (Fund 553 – “PU014B”) Code 553-9100-431.45-01 T.A. Loving 4,143,000 decrease 553-9100-431.45-02 Utilities Plus 2,138,431 increase 553-9100-431.45-80 Contingency 2,004,569 increase 3. Tax refunds (Attachment 1) 4. Write-off of delinquent Health Department fees totaling $27,330.75. This is approximately 2 years of past due bills and all appropriate attempts have been made to collect them. 5. Write-off of delinquent Public Utilities accounts for the 4th quarter of 2007. All of these accounts have been delinquent for more than 3 years and total $13,229.58. 6. Change Order No. 5 for Bordeaux Construction Co., Inc. associated with the Harnett County Detention Center Project. The change order in the amount of $7,569.00 will provide for electrical requirements for toilet room hand dryer and revisions to food service equipment requirements. 7. Harnett County Electronic Records Policy – With implementation of document imaging in several departments, a local policy is needed to ensure compliance with the NC Department of Cultural Resources retention and disposition schedules for counties. 8. Authorization for Emergency Services to submit an application for the 2007 Hazardous Material Emergency Planning Grant on behalf of the Local Emergency Planning Committee. The amount of the funding request is $5,000 which would finance a full scale countywide exercise to test the county’s emergency operations plan for its effectiveness in activating for a hazardous materials event. It will also test the first responder community in response and recovery efforts in a large scale terrorism/environmental incident. 9. Revision to the Vision 100 Capital Project Ordinance – Harnett Regional Jetport (Attachment 2) 10. Resolutions recognizing Eagle Scouts Christopher Cole and Charles Braxton Bradham (Attachment 3) Informal comments were provided by the following citizens: Jim Burgin and Frances Avery, candidates for county commissioner, discussed concerns with Harnett Forward Together Committee as it relates to financial matters involving Brightwater Park. James Ray, Charter Communications, noted that Charter Communications will open an office in Lillington March 3rd in the Classic Cars facility located on Highway 421. Commissioner Andrews moved for the appointments listed below. Commissioner McNeill seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Board of Equalization and Review Dennis Boyette Robert E. Doberstein Thomas Moore Howard Penny, Jr. N. Carnell Robinson Commissioner Andrews nominated the five board members whose terms will expire 2-28-09. Paula Stewart, Director, Information Technology (IT), presented a summary of responses to the request for proposals for the Color Digital Orthophotography Project. (Attachment 4) Ms. Stewart stated that after the review committee evaluated the proposals, it is recommended that the bid be awarded to The Sanborn Map Company, Inc. Commissioner McNeill moved to award the bid to the Sanborn Map Company, Inc., and that the Staff Attorney and IT Director be authorized to negotiate the contract and for the County Manager to execute it. Commissioner Andrews seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Departmental reports were filed with the Board from Animal Control, Finance Department (Attachment 5), and Tax Department for report of Unpaid 2007 Real Estate Property Taxes in the amount of $4,292,717.48. In the County Manager’s Report Mr. Emory reported on the following items. - Recycling Task Force will present its findings at its meeting this week and present its report to the Board at the next regular Board of Commissioners meeting. - There will be a meeting regarding school financing this week to discuss options for Angier Elementary School. - Hunting Committee will meet Thursday of this week. Vice Chairman Hill moved that the Board go into closed session for the following purposes: a) To consider and give instructions to the County legal staff concerning the handling or settlements of certain claims. b) To discuss matters relating to the location or expansion of industries or other businesses in Harnett County. c) To consider and give instructions to the legal staff concerning the proposed settlement of a claim, namely the workers compensation case of Ricky Bullock vs. Harnett County. This motion is made pursuant to N.C. General Statute Section 143-318.11 (a) (3) & (4). Commissioner McNeill seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Vice Chairman Hill moved for the Board to come out of closed session. Commissioner McNeill seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. There being no further business, Commissioner McNeill moved to adjourn. Commissioner House seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. The Harnett County Board of Commissioners regular meeting, February 4, 2008 adjourned at 10:30 a.m. _______________________________ Teddy J. Byrd, Chairman _______________________________ Kay S. Blanchard, Clerk to the Board