121704r HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Minutes of Reconvened Meeting December 17, 2004 The Harnett County Board of Commissioners met December 17, 2004, in a reconvened session from its regular meeting that recessed December 6, 2004, in the Human Resources conference room, County Administration Building, 102 East Front Street, Lillington, North Carolina. Members present: Teddy 1. Byrd, Chairman Beatrice B. Hill, Vice Chairman Dan B. Andrews Walt Titchener Tim McNeill Staff present: Neil Emory, County Manager Wm. A. (Tony) Wilder, Assistant County Manager Kay S. Blanchard, Clerk to the Board Chairman Byrd called the meeting to order at 11 :30 a.m. and called on Mr. Emory. Mr. Emory provided an update on the Good Hope Hospital issue. Governor Easley amended the facilities needs plan which now states that a 50-bed hospital is needed in central Harnett County. Mr. Emory stated that the County needs to keep involved, to "stay in the process" as plans for the hospital move forward. Mr. Emory noted that the Board of Elections would like to make a part-time position in the Board of Elections office full time. The Board of Commissioners agreed to make the position full time in the next budget year (FY 2005-06). A presentation was made regarding possible regionalizing of transportation programs. Jerry Blanchard, General Services Manager and Ralph Thurman, Transportation Manager, provided an overview and introduced guests, Joe Melton, Regional Transportation Consultant, and Charles Glover, NC Assistant Deputy Director for Community Transportation. Mr. Melton and Mr. Glover explained the State's initiative to promote transportation program regionalization in North Carolina. There is no mandate, but the state is encouraging counties to talk with one another to find a better system to provide transportation for its citizens. The State will pay 100% for a study and detailed plan if the County chooses to participate. Other incentives will follow the study. The Board of Commissioners and Mr. Emory will discuss the matter at the Board's upcoming retreat. Mr. Emory discussed changes in the mental health services agreement as approved by Lee County. Commissioner McNeill moved to approve the agreement with changes as noted. Commissioner Titchener seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. The Board authorized Mr. Emory to write a letter to the Town of Fuquay- Varina regarding water service in response to the Town's letter dated October 15,2004. Commissioner McNeill moved to adopt an Agricultural Center/Animal Control Expansion Capital Project Ordinance. Commissioner Titchener seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. (Attachment 1) Commissioner Titchener moved to authorize credits as listed below to the towns. During Hurricane Isabel, the County charged the towns to dispose of storm debris in the landfill in anticipation of a disaster declaration which would provide for reimbursement to the towns. The declaration did not occur and the towns have requested relief from this cost. Commissioner McNeill seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Coats Angier Lillington Dunn $ 632.00 $1,511.00 $ 710.00 $7,500.00 Mr. Emory noted that Central Carolina Community College has additional space needs for the training shops at the Western Harnett County Center. Plans are being made for the Board's Retreat the weekend of January 28-30 at the Sheraton - New Bern. There being no further business, Commissioner McNeill moved to adjourn. Commissioner Hill seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. The Harnett County Board of Commissioners reconvened meeting, December 17, 2004, adjourned at 1 :30 p.m. Teddy 1. Byrd, Chairman Kay S. Blanchard, Clerk to the Board Attachment 1. AGRICUl TURA L CENTER/ANIMAL CONTROL EXPANSION CAPITAL PROJECT BE JT ORJ?AINED by the lkwd ofCnmmI:l3iollcrs offurneH COllnry. Norlh CamlIna siU' rhe gt)\'enung board w.- flnmctt County. 1ng,~Lo,; Sccdon J. Thi.s projecl consj.sts oflhe con~tnlCtion ofan Agricultund Center which w-II h rhe Nor~h C;tmlina CoopemtjvEl E..'C!Cnsion Se.rvice H"~"" C"'unty S 'I &. W 1e C I ~ S " . ..... '....LL U' 01 a r onSl::rYlltion < C~a1:d !he (Jnued Stnres Farm Sen-icc Adminj~tllUion and Wl addition to !he ^ 'mal C I Fnc I hty. III OIllro S-cction H. Thj.~ proj eel will be fumJfll.I by Ic:uJ procoods. Thtl fbllowlng .;l:InoUnls ~fre hereby appn'lprhllet.l for this project: SBCtll)n UI. COI\iltmclio!1 - AgrjcuUl.JmJ COJ1!i!cUi::tion - Animal Control TecbnicuJ ~ Agricultural Tecl10ical ~ Animal Control Orher Contill8ency S 2.5615,400 395,000 J 92,4!10 JS,155 10,96:5 100,000 &cion lV. It i s C!l~imllted dl!D: !he foJ Jowl ng I'eVenlJe!! wjIJ be a vaiJ able fur !bill projecr; LORn Proceerl.!l S 3,300.000 Duly aOOptt:d this 17th clay u f Decernher. 2004_