100404m HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Minutes of Regular Meeting October 4,2004 The Harnett County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Monday, October 4,2004, in Courtroom 6, Harnett County Courthouse, 301 West Cornelius Harnett Boulevard, Lillington, North Carolina. Members present: Teddy 1. Byrd, Chairman Beatrice B. Hill, Vice Chairman Dan B. Andrews Walt Titchener Tim McNeill Staff present: Neil Emory, County Manager Wm. A. (Tony) Wilder, Assistant County Manager Dwight W. Snow, County Attorney Kay S. Blanchard, Clerk to the Board Chairman Byrd called the meeting to order and Commissioner Titchener led the pledge of allegiance and prayer. Commissioner Hill moved to approve the agenda as published with the following addition to the consent agenda: authorize "drug money" not expended in F.Y. 2003- 04 to be rolled over into F. Y. 2004-05 Budget for the Sheriff s Department. Commissioner Andrews seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Upon motion by Commissioner McNeill and seconded by Commissioner Titchener the Board unanimously approved the following items on the consent agenda: 1. Minutes: Special Meeting (workshop), September 17, 2004 Regular Meeting, September 20,2004 2. Budget Amendments: 125 Rural Internet Access (Fund 110-General) Code 110-0000-331.49-21 Local E-Government Utilization 110-0000-399.00-00 Fund Balance Appropriated 11 0-4920-41 0.74- 7 4 Capital Outlay-Equipment 110-4920-410.60-53 Dues & Subscriptions 110-4920-410.60-33 Materials & Supplies 110-4920-410.58-01 Training & Meetings 110-4920-410.33-45 Contracted Services 20,115. increase 10,360. increase 24,920. increase 1,200. increase 995. increase 1,000. increase 2,360. increase 137 Tax (Fund 110-General) Code 110-4500-410.33-45 Contracted Services 110-4500-410.60-33 Materials & Supplies 110-4500-410.74-74 Capital Outlay-Equipment 3,500. decrease 1,900. increase 1,600. increase 138 Sheriff (Fund 11 O-General) Code 110-0000-356.30-00 Insurance Reimbursement 110-5100-420.74-74 Capital Outlay 5,399. increase 5,399. increase 139 Governing Body (Fund 110-General) Code 110-4100-410.32-99 Family Preservation 110-0000-331.41-16 Family Preservation 24,000. increase 24,000. increase 142 Health (Fund 11 O-Genral) Code 110- 7 600-441.58-14 Travel 110-7600-441.60-33 Materials & Supplies 110- 7 600-441.60-45 Drugs 385. increase 183. increase 2,000. increase 110- 7 600-441.60-46 Medical Supplies 110-0000-399.00-00 Fund Balance Appropriated 4,897. increase 7,465. increase 145 Governing Body (Fund 11 O-General) Code 110-0000-331.41-17 Think Smart 110-4100-410.31-26 Think Smart 10,000. increase 10,000. increase 147 Automation Enhancement (Fund 230-Automation Enhancement) Code 230-4800-410.74-74 Capital Outlay 1,500. increase 230-0000-322.40-03 Automation Fund Fees 1,500. increase 148 Health (Fund 11 O-General) Code 11 0- 7 600-441.11-00 Salaries & Wages 110-0000-334.76-06 Tuberculosis Program 536. decrease 536. decrease 149 Health (Fund 11 O-Genreal) Code 11 0-7600-441.32-26 Incentives 11 0-7600-441.33-45 Contracted Services 110-7600-441.54-26 Advertising 110-7600-441.55-12 Printing & Binding 110- 7 600-441.60-45 Drugs 110- 7 600-441.60-46 Medical Supplies 110-7600-441.64-25 Books & Publications 110-0000-331.76-12 Family Planning 750. increase 9,035. increase 1,000. increase 250. increase 1,661. increase 6,000. increase 500. increase 19, 196. increase 152 Retired Seniors Volunteer Program (RSVP) Code 110-0000-353.15-00 Contributions & Donations-RSVP 110-7510-441.32-13 Special Projects 120. increase 120. increase 153 Animal Control (Fund 11 O-General) Code 110-5500-420.11-00 Salaries & Wages 110-5500-420.12-00 Salaries & Wages, p.t. 215. decrease 215. increase 154 Public Buildings (Fund 11 O-General) Code 110-4700-410.43-15 Maintenance & Repairs-building 110-0000-354.47-02 Restitution 144. increase 144. increase 3. Tax refunds and releases (Attachment 1) 4. Resolution to request naming of road to honor memory of Deputy John Strickland (Attachment 2) 5. Resolution to approve financing of ambulance for Coats-Grove Fire & Rescue (Attachment 3) 6. Authorization for Emergency Management to use the sole source option to purchase Firehouse software enterprise version from Visionary Systems, LTD. The price is $5,955.00 which will be provided by the Harris budget. 7. Appropriation of $50,000.00 to Harnett County Schools to be used to construct storage facilities at Triton High School's athletic fields. The funds will come from fund balance. 8. Reclassification of position in the Finance Office: current job title and pay grade: Data Entry Clerk, Grade 58 new job title and pay grade: Accounting Technician! Accounts Payable, Grade 63 9. Change order for Western Harnett Industrial Park project (Attachment 4) 10. Reclassification of position in the Sheriffs Department: current job title and pay grade: Major-Administration, Grade 78 new job title and pay grade: Sgt.-Crime Prevention, Grade 71 11. Renewal of cleaning services agreements for the Courthouse and Health & DSS Buildings - the term of the contracts is one year. The previous service contracts were with Jefferson's Cleaning Service. The company's name has been changed and the new contracts are with Forever Clean Cleaning Service, LTD. 12. Resolution to reimburse Harnett County for capital expenditures incurred in connection with the Agricultural Center Facilities and addition to the existing animal control shelter (Attachment 5) 13. Resolution approving the Financing Terms for the Agriculture Center/Animal Control Facility Project (Attachment 6) Pat Cameron, Director, Department of Social Services, noted that recent legislation appropriated funds to improve staffing in the Child Welfare System in North Carolina. Mr. Cameron requested the Board to authorize creation of 4 new Child Protective Services positions. The funding will be re-occurring and will not require a County match. Commissioner McNeill moved to approve the request as presented. Commissioner Andrews seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Sheriff Larry Rollins requested authorization to process an invoice dated 05127/04 (last fiscal year and without a purchase order). The invoice amount is $5,327.27. Sheriff Rollins stated that Communications International loaned the Sheriff s Department two radios on 05127/04 for a trial testing period. Commissioner Andrews moved to authorize processing of the invoice to be paid. Commissioner Hill seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. (Attachment 7) Sheriff Rollins presented for the Board's consideration a resolution to appropriate a local match ($23,996.00) for the Highway Safety Equipment Project Contract. Commissioner McNeill moved to adopt the Local Governmental Resolution regarding the NC Governor's Highway Safety Program. Commissioner Hill seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. (Attachment 8) Chairman Byrd called to order a public hearing on a resolution approving an installment financing contract for the Agricultural Center/Animal Control facility project. Neil Emory, County Manager, presented the resolution and discussed the project. Chairman Byrd opened the meeting for comments from the public. No comments were offered and Chairman Byrd closed the public hearing. Commissioner Andrews moved to adopt the resolution as presented. Commissioner Hill seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. (Attachment 9) A departmental report was filed with the Board from the Health Department. Mr. Emory reported on the items listed below in the County Manager's report. - Extension of water service into Wake County - Commissioner Andrews moved to authorize staff to contact citizens in a certain area of southern Wake County regarding commitments for water service in order to reach the threshold of feasibility for Harnett County to serve that area. Commissioner Titchener seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. - Heritage Bible College Community Sewer Project - Commissioner Titchener moved to authorize an application for a supplemental grant from Clean Water Bond Funds to assist in the project. Commissioner Hill seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. - Commissioner McNeill reported on attending the Lee County Agricultural Fair and made a motion that staff explore the possibility of having an agricultural fair in Harnett County. Commissioner Andrews seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. - Commissioner McNeill asked that Public Utilities staff bring options to the Board regarding solutions for citizens with extremely high water and sewer bills caused by leaks. - Commissioner Hill would like recognition for Josh Atkins, who ran a ferry service across the Cape Fear River near Lillington before there was a bridge. Commissioner McNeill moved that the Board go into closed session for the following purposes: 1) To discuss matters relating to the location or expansion of industries or other businesses in Harnett County; 2) To consult with and give instructions to counsel regarding a judicial action. This motion is made pursuant to N.C. General Statute Section 143- 318.11(a)(4)&(3). Commissioner Hill seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Commissioner McNeill moved for the Board to come out of closed session. Commissioner Andrews seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Commissioner McNeill moved to authorize the County Manager to work with the Raleigh law firm of Smith and Anderson to represent the County regarding Good Hope Hospital's request to be found exempt from the Certificate of Need process. Commissioner Hill seconded the motion and it passed 4 to 1 with Commissioner Titchener casting the dissenting vote. Commissioner McNeill moved for the attorney to continue the steps to file an "Amicus (friend of the court) Brief' on behalf of the County regarding the Certificate of Need appeal. Commissioner Hill seconded the motion and it passed 4 to 1 with Commissioner Titchener casting the dissenting vote. There being no further business, Commissioner Andrews moved to adjourn. Commissioner Hill seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. The Harnett County Board of Commissioners regular meeting, October 4,2004, adjourned at 11: 10 a.m. Teddy 1. Byrd, Chairman Kay S. Blanchard, Clerk to the Board Attachment 1. TO : HARN=tT IXIU1tN BDA."tD DF c:oMMISSlONma .. . a~ fit fC" J;;;u.:/ RI!", CCNS.lDE"RATlON oF fla<uNOI'OR TAX/!S, INTEREST Ai'lD PEI4AL TIEs I"aR A.LL 1I.....~"'ALmEl!l Ho. No",,,, IIlT&lll'lJ"Ir B1. ~ TIll. l""-et InII T_RoINIId R1tCf'l_ "'-'11- _. I GRIIGG, MATTHCW R GRAOO, I\NORl.-, City MD 1115 ROUNtwloUT ROAD 0DlI001~. alo3- DlJ- oaaooa - Adm CAl.lmoN tIC. ~ ~ EIll.8B 2 Hl..U, 0,0.\110 !M.VtIE H..Jll., SON... HAMELTON c..,. 0.00 :Vl0 lMllROCI1 RD ~2!I- :!(I(l4.. 2003- o00ooo :!.Oil RMi.IId UL.LINGTON K:, .<7M5 - 0046 Cou~ 2Jl1i 3 ~N, _Al.O ~N50l\r. ~ GM. W ell' DOO !Na2 NC 21' W 000006tUIlJ.. 2OlIS. 2lJD.!. oooaoc :l;3;3,0;I - UL.LWl3TON nt:;, 27!Wti CIl<Jnl\' 3>>.03 4 OIlEAL JlIlMYTflI!l!" SI!Fl\IIC1!" INC atr 2011 9E1\St.I>Y STREET 0000U4C3:!ool-:!Il04- 2004- 0DIlll0lI lUJO 0\.If'*! NC, _ - MOll "1.E12 F1_ Co;lun!y 41.S2 Ii VOONGS R.ECTRID. NO CIjo PO EIOl(!J;Il OC_2--:l(Ill$-.:iIlCI3-OllOOOO tI.Oll NIllI~R NC. -'V!ill1 .1l3D8 139.11 RallIfKI l::(Iunly 1.17 ~ SitOIh C~Tol;BI 1100 R_....A<b~r OounlyT_ 6011.77 T&IIlI tel be 6D11.17 Rllrw.led Attachment 2. RESOLUTION WHERE..o\S, OW' County rmd ita citizens depend Upon the de4fcatloa and commitml'lDt of law eo:lOn::~ of6cen to etI81Ire the sUety and wel1-beint: 0{ our COJlmIJ1JIity; &ad WlmREAS. in the rounB of this duty, offi.cenl o&n placB 1:hemsWvc& In h..arms way and staud ready to sacrifice theU- own life in onh:r to s~ their fellow eftizcns; .aDd WHEREAS. Offi.c:er 101m. Fitzgerald S1rictland ofthllllaoidt County Sbt:riff'1 Dq>artmeot III.ll1'Ie this ultimate BaCrifit:1l in :t:IVice to our Cal.Dlty on SqJtemba 24,. 2003 ; and WHERB.A.S~ Deputy StrickIaod 10lJ!: his life while trave1in8 em NutrlRY Ratd in retipDllSC to 8lI em.C:I8mcy call. NOW. 'l'HBR.BFORE. BE IT RFSOL VED Ihat the Hatnea: County BoW of CcIDDlimiODCll5 00m .hereby requegt that the North CaroI:l.r. Bean[ of I:nm:lp01tlltion dea:lcnste III portion ofNunBly RoIIId ae a mEtl1OIia.l to D~ StrictIa.nd and his BRVice tc otIr County and 0lIl" Sbrte. Adopt!!d this 41b day of Odober~ 2004. HARNETT cr:07' OF COMMlS8IONllRS ~~ ~-~~;~. lItrfce B. ffiI1, IID.J:~~: . ".;'~', ~ 'Z" U' ^i:d..:>o- ,-~' - .~. .J.lTi~ . _ - .~ Aa- 11, dl_ DanD. Andrews ~~ Jf4tAd! Tim McNeill Attachment 3. RlSOLllTJON APPROVING THE FINANCING BY COATS-GROVE FIRE & RESCuE, INC. afop to $60,453.00 fc... the plIlChac of One (J) Ambulance Project ~ Co~ F~ & Racue, lDc:. has detmnioed to iirumce lUIllD10um ofup In $60,453.00 fur the purchase of" One (!) Am~. Tb:: United SUUealr(emaI. ~ Code-lCCJ.uire!: that fur such financing to be carried aut on lI. tBx-enmpt &ash, tfW Boat'd JWst first approve the:fiDanciog. The Coats--Omve Fire &; Rll~. Inc. .1m held a prNIc. hMriog on the ftoancing a1lcr pub1ishc:d notice,. u required by !be Code. The:: CoIIb- Orove Fint &: Resmlc, Ioc. bas ftpcIrtedthep:l'OOl!ll!dingsofthc:: l::I!!!II;'iqj to ihWBoard. BE IT TJIERD'ORE RaOLVJID I'If tbe Surd fIfC.,....~ of Hamett County. N.rtb CarolBa, .. foIIow8! 1. The County ~ tbe Co~vC Pim & Re!lCUe,. IIK:. entering Duo the: financiQg, lI:!iI:required UIIdef 1be CoI;kI fur the Jlmncin,g to be curicd 011 OD II. tax-exempt basil. The- Ccllts-Omvc Fft & Rescm. m:.. caadlact oftbe ta;zub:'ed publfu bcario.e: .i!I ~ .....*~~**.**~.~.. I hereby certifY rbat the fufegoin,g resohrtion was du:!y adoJ*d at It mM1:iDg of the :Ham.;tt CouDy Bollld of Caonnissioncn du..ly called and hcJd. OD October 4. 2004. IlZId 1:Iat lI. quorum WfIll pm;em and acting lhrouchou: :!Ilch rI:l.ed::ins. Such l'e:!iIOIution remains in fuH effect III oftoda:y. D81cdtM~~of D~f. . 2004. j" .... ._ _ ,{r . .. I~_ SEAL ~~.~~ Clerk, oard of Ccmrnis.sbnern Harnttt Coonty, Nmth CBl'O.lina. Attachment 4. SlaRn Dn ~4 ioIla61g I. F ~ ....'r_ . 11Im( CHANGE ORDeR. 'inI "111fN to: -_GaM1II IJIDCtf IJ-V----... P.A.. 1_ ~""""'_.xnII! RNIOM. W11T1N ." ~ .....-HlllletT~IWIIC~. ~COWIIY PlRWUI--.r.:.u-."-t ~_.-n!D~""'IIIn''''' 1IqiI~ ...NI:tt.~earmIACI'.~MlIEN1'MJ.""""1PGIII ~ au.unn.. ~ F..... _WIQlAPM ;aWL lC.IiIIM._bSACltMH8I!!CIIIaII!!!!R. ~ 1ISf. CNaNJnY IIJI IIWI' .... TDW.. . . -- ~JIlQII( ,"-, : ~~-""IBD"'''''.- . ......1.~an<Ib 1. 1tY. ttO.M ff.... ..... --- .... ..- - == ....-.- "- .. ... "1Lm 0-....... rrr-...... UHIIII in:l!lbl.. ... , JIPP...... ~ .. ..... tsnIM ..... oM II ... ...... - ...'P'(5'.........." 1 .... -- ..... ...... .1...oCaI).....lwf - .... .... 'T ... -- -n r Ild. TaW... .1III!l!'''''*' :H"~ Attachment 5. JUSOLVTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMfSSlONDtS Oll' TII'.IE COUN'IY OF ~Tr. NORTH CARoLINA DECLAlUNG TIB INTENT OF IIAJINE'IT COVNrr, NOInU CARDLlNA. TO ItEl:1WWIl.SE ITSE.Lli' J'OR CAPITAL EXPI:NDI'I'URI:s INCIJRRJ:D IN COMUCTlON WITB TIlE CONSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN AGRlCUL 'IUR.Al. CENTER. 1'ACIUIll:S AND ADDITION 1'0 TIll: EaTING ANIMAL CONTROL SJIEL TER PROM THE PiiocJ:Ji:DS OF CERTAIN OBLIGATIoNs TO BE ISSUBD BY 11IE COUNTY or IlARNE'IT1 NORT1I CAIlOLINJ... W'BD.EAS,. h ~ at Ila.r1:d, NtII1h Can:ilina (the "CmJnty") ill a duly ad n:gLllsdy aIe8ted. ~ :mil. "'*.lidly ~ polltital I!IIbdivillim of the S1ate of North 0wJina (the: "8tstc:"); ~U.AS. tb!: 80md of ~ Df 1bi:: County (If HIlI11eIt, North. CuoliDa (the "'Baud'') hea:by fin.d.s sni determine.s that it is in the best iutctest of the County to 1IIIdtGW: tba ~ eqllippina: :md fumidring of a AirieuJtDnJ CaIter 8.nd 3D. :i.ddItioD to the f2iding Animal Control Facility in .llami!u Cow:rty, Nmlli Camllila (the "Pnlject") at an ~ cas!. not tn exeBed. $3,3-00.000; WIIERI:AS. lhe Cour.ty prr.alIItI:y imeDd.. III one ~ or fivm time tel time,. to 0Dana~ &II .. a pmi.Qg of 1he ~tlI of thr: Project wiIh ~ lti :! lcas~ ~ ad. rmltOUllbly ~ to t!II.~ and ~ II ~ s.peemc:nt ar D(hao ev.idenae of iI::Idt::~ D8 1lD.-eu:mpt obJjpti{D! (h -ru-Eumpt Obl~ d1mq tIUeod8r }'t:lIr 2004 tcJ fhI~ or r.CJ rcimburse: the CawJry fur IIlI or II pardon of1he eOI'b of tbcll"mject: md WH:EB.EA&. the Co1nty ~ to pmceed with the P'rajeet 8iId Q.,Y ~ ~ ~ ~ :in ~ with tht: Faailiry bcl"on! !be d..I.b! of iBIllI!IQ(:c of the ~_ ~ OJliptionll (the: ~ ~''),. IUM onpw ~ to be ~Iid for. ortgWally ftwn & UIUWc od.er rbm 1be ~ of the Tn-&:empt ~ I!4d wbit:h the County ink:ndti, lOll hII!IoOObIy ~ kI be ld1lllnDKd for mBh Origimal ~ from ... pcn.<m oftbe [lroceed.oI of the TI::r.~ ObIJjprii.CJn to be issued. during c:skmru year 2004; NOW~ TIIEIlBFORI; BE IT :u:soL VW by the Bomi of Cnm.miBIiaaers of llie Ca.m1;y oflhmett, NrJrth CIn1JUu. as foDaW':ll: Seatirm I. OftIdalD~ of~ The Counry~inteDds. and tr:aIJOIIIbl]- ~ to be rc:imbwed. fur 1be Ori,giml ~ ~ 8tId paid by Ole Cannty.. OJ' aflm d1e date 0CIG1UtitJg six. maati:l& prior to (be dale of adoptimI of 1I:U Reoolution from I. ~ of the ~ oftbc Tu:-Bumpt Ob~ ~ Cowty fCilIISQJlllbly expects to Dwe"& Tu.- EU1Dpt. ObliaatJan,l during ealr:ndar year 2004 IInd Ihat tbc: mu'l'I'IIlm principal Il.tnount of oblipl:i.CJQs ~d 1v be ~ by 1bc Cotmty to pay for all {II'''' porIi.aJ of lht: ilO.Bt! of tIJ: Project ill $3,.3.00.00Q. Sr.c:ticm 2. ~..... ~ The Board of t:br: County adopqI1bi.!!I haoJution 1.1 II dcclllnltion. of a.l'rlcllll iI:dmt UIIdcr ScIotiun l.l50-2 of 1be TreQury ~ ]2I'QD1Qlpt=d uadcr Sectioa l03 of 1he IntemIl ~ CDdci of 19./36. u .~ w be rr:Dnbuned 4om. rbe prooee4 af lie ~ Obl.i,ga.ti.cn!l, if IIlld when I8Ii111ed. for Oriaiwll Bxpeuditure.!:l pIlIld by d1I!: Co.mty cu or ~ 1b.c dm: ~ sk WDI1tI1s ~ thI! adoptHm of tbitI Rc801utian. Section 4. Eft'eetive Da~ Th:i! Rrsorutioo shill bc~ d!i::ctive imtuc:dJately IlpOD 1he d.m: of iu adoption... 'The motic-n Wall adtJpk:d by 1hr: fuIIow1ng vote: YESES: ChDrmIn Teddy J. Byrd Vine: a.mm.n.Bt:atric:e B. HIll Dm B. A.nthws WallTitclJem:r ThnMcN~ Ncmt: NOBS : ADOPTm AND AI'P'ROV1:D thls 4l1o day of Ot:toba, 2004_ Attachment 6. 9ESOl.tl'I'ION API".R.O\7)1I(G ONAl'fCING 'D:ImlS WlIEUAs: IUmctt ~ (the uCmJ!rt}I') IuJ: previoo!l)"dt~ to untkrt.aIre .II. pmja:1 for lbc ~ of lIII. ~u11umJ Cel:Itcr and ~ J'miJmJ Cwlrol ~, III\d the FiIlsnt>e: Officer has. JWW ~ II. prcpoaa1 fnr lht: flDllDl:irJg Qf mcb Projl!>l;t. BE IT TBERE.li'OU :U:SOL WI), u l'i:IlIlnn= I. Tb.: Ccnmiy ber,o,by ~ to fiIwlole tbc Pmjcct throu.sh BllWCb ~ and T~ Company {"1I11&T''}, in M~f: wjlb thl: propoml dated Sqlllm1ber 1 J, 2004. l'Iu:: IlIIItlWlt f'bumced d1a]] not ~ 1i3,300,OOllOO, ~ _I bdeRit me (In the i1~C: af d.e;&ult 01' ,cl:mu,ge in IU !lIB1J.l5) IihalJ Illlt ~ 4.19%, and Ihe:fmancing lmm ~haD not ex-..;! fl&llIl (15) yean from cl.QWng. 2. All f'\Qarn:ing cm.tractll lmd All rc:lated dDcumc:nti: fII. 1M closing of the fiJuncing (!be ''Finane ing: ~') llbaIl be eoD/lilllmd wid:! the fmogoiIqj: bmm.. AD oflieen MId employec:g of the Comlty are ~ iI1Jlhori=d llnd din-.eMd IQ c:xc::cute!lnd dcliwr IIny Fm8no:inI Dooumtnb, llIld to 't::Ih!: all !IICb furtbu i1Cfi.oq lEI they may Clmlidc:r nccc6BlIly ar dca/rable, ro cmy aut 1Iul financ:ing of the Projca liS cOIltemplued by lbc llftIIlQUl EI/1d Ihi.!l l'l!:t.QIutian. 'I'bc:FinIncin.e: Doc;WfI!:I\.ls shAll includr: II F~iD,g A.!:tJ!:cmo::nt md Del!:d of'l'r1m and '" project Fund ~I ~ BB&'l' ImlY request. J. 1k Finalx:c Otiioa- is 00:eby llIIlhor-i2r.d and. d~ to Mld <:<ll.OCU1ed t:lJpiea of 1hc ~ Documem:; ami 1he eondltlCln! m. lbo:: dclivay of 1he Finan~ ~umentI lulw ~ ~l.ell:d k> w<::h o1TlC:~.11 3llli.8fac:rlon. "Il:Je :Finance otfuo9- ir; iI1IIhorillliid IQ llpprCW: c~ III ll.I1)' Fi.I1Bncing ~ InvWullly stpd by County offict:rl!l 1;1I: ~loycc8. provided thai ~uch c~ ~aD IllJt <rl.Ibsbmtil!llly alter 1he intmr of IroCh documcntll or ccrn:ficaUs 6wl tM inU:I&t expreIllled ir11be furm!; e:recub!:d by !UClh ofIiClCla. 111ll F~ing ~ dJ...u be m such final fOQM 11II 1hc :Fimn.::c: Oflit>;r .dW.l 1I.ppwvt:, with 1tIt: l'lirIsnce Ofti.c:.cI"I W8lQt: Qf lID)' F~.I! J)oo;,um=nt fix' dt:lm::y COl:lStitu1lnI eonclusivc cvi.denee af ~h oflK:c:r's rDdl il.ppnw.lI of the Document'. fb\.ill furm. -4. The Cwnty .d:LiII1 JWt IlIk w: omit to ake :my ~tWn U1c b.kin.g QT omiSl5lnq Df wldeh shall 0IIUlll': ihl int~ pa:ymc:n1Ii (JD ibis lh!.am::mg to be Includabk in thl: uou iDc:ome for feden.] lneomc tIiJI; purpo.IIC.'!l of Ihe rcgiskn:d QWJJaIiI Df tbc: mnnn p.a.~ obligations. " All prWI- BCti.cm!; of COllI:Ity offu:c::r:l: ill fm1h.emncc of ~ pl'rpCl&:5 of IIU resolulimllll'e ~ mtificd, approved olJ1d....u1lmed. AD (J1b8t rt::!lOlutimL'I (<< pans: ~ in eonllic:l with this lCSoMion lire hereby reped-.d, P!c. !he: a.lent oF 1ht: conflict. Thl5l'Cl1!Cb.1tim Wlllde cl'li:ct ImrneOialCly. AWlJvtd Ibis 20th day tlf B~, 2004 ~ 'f/L ..... .~ _... , '_ ...) , "'7 J. .4&".~ ~d ~~ . , ". -,. Attachment 7. ~~~IHG. - 44lOlJS~] Vero B~, FL :l29li7 712-$$-'35' PBx: 172.JG1-2292 omWI: ~.c:oI'II. Pllgi1 ~ If. 512'/200 " . ....... ........ IiIII 1"<1: I-IBrrJllC COIIl'ty ShefIfhI 0Ilk"e S.. HIImt11tt ~ Shodrs omc. . w,1"'t Po BlI:Ic S99 PO kIx 3G9 Li5nJIlan, Ne 275<l6 I.j~n, IIlC ~ B:lIU'U D~t J'lJI2Il6<< Drl.l);oIeo !l1ll!:~ ~OnIcr' ~... I' HARI!lC OROCWI ]]~ 11I112D04 HAR19llMAlN ~oII. DIDo!n..s " CodB t Om:riptilll ~rl1 UIM Unit ~ T'*I ft.<Inr"nll FuR.IOIlIuar PmrouIlS s--. 12.iJ ~ & 00Ca ~.t)g Eadl _.00 0.00 2.11aM . ......--.., f;: MI703n DII0141lF ~A - A-u18Il1uIllolVabUI1IrII:I)IIIIod "12! s,..o'P+ t-. c~ 2.110 EiI(ft "".511 lJI.Oll 1,08S.lIIl YIlPLJX "- ~ WIdii AIIIII SoIn, PMoIo~-a ~.oo Eadl 3lHl.lXI lSO.pI 481.1iC YRl'L(:C Crt!iclllC......., ~ I'\oIgnrop 2.00 Ea!:lI 160.00 W)O 3:21.110 YRl'UI. ~oo s,wol'l ~ 2_110 ~oh 2OO.IIlI 1atUIO 32UIIl HA.e!ln: RafIIIJ c:tIIIl!I...b......,ll:iIdkllllol..~1~ J.lIa e.:tI 11...00 :17 -"D 18..t~B aIlNJXHC .IaliI"'" EIn "flI~ ClIp_ 8Mlw,. 2.00 I!;&ch 7lI.00 D.oro 1 !IO.OO !JoII:MMD . EXE.lIJ!.go, ~ ~"IIIl~ 2.00 Eoo:to 2Il Dll CJID .oU!," :ftAHc1!' ""1IlII' MIItal &oaClIll ..u:A ilIrr1011s.t7J1 i.OO EIooI1 15.110 1-'0 204_07 H'lmD - HBIl......, o.oiJ Q. PiOll/llll\" ~sc.n 2,00 I3Bo:h :l2.sD Q,CIO 8!l.5lii IfANSO .1ta1oMr. o.rtI a. ~ ay-.. Frorl; C:.,.." :1'_00 2C!..1Ia .Q.oo ~H'.. I . ~ S 50$.00 RemiI: To; ~m~ ...,~,16 Commllnbrtionl!llnll.. 1J1C. ................".. r.w.~ - S.:l":I3.76 445Cl us HghWII~ 1 --li~- Vera Blilill:h, Ft. 32007 Lass Dr!iWUllt 3l.'i.OO l.es!; CDYer 0.00- ~.1"l.jt... ~.~ ~T;p;: 348.S1 - ;t.;2(. .51.f ~~ $ 5,l27.21 \ , ,~I.'1'" ~I '. Attachment 8. North Carolina Governor's Highway Safety Program LOCAL GOVERNMENTAL RESOLUTION Fonn GHSP..oS-A (T" be ~, llIlI1Iclwd In ;11M I)eCQllllt JIIIIf tit Fmtl G1HSP-ll!, ..~ Sftly ~ Plt:1fIKt Camr.ct.) WHEREAS, 8'JIiI HARNE:TT COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFFrCE (lwMltl CllJlea Ill. "Agllncy"); [Tl"e~~ has wm~d Ell !i~ contrzl fIlr !reli'l,. safet\l fuodi1g; Ilnd tI1m HARNETT COlJNTY 8O:ARD OF tT1lI! G:J.oornq-1Iatt .....~ COMMl8SrOI>.lfRl.(1"oeIre11 C3lIlIa1l1& ''Governing &dy") hu IIlgrgugNy ClOtlSidemd filii problem ldenli1lliiia and f'IElIiI n1'Mwec11'l11 J:lroje;;I.lII!I delcrlbo,d in Ih8 CONr5Ct: THE:REFORE, NOW BE IT RESOlVED BYlHE: HARNeTT COUNTY BOARD OF OOfrl....SSJONERS IN OPEN ~GcMmlhg ~ ME ETJIIG ASSEMBLED IN THE CrTY OF UWI\Il3TON, NORTfi CAROLINA, THIS 4~ DAY OF OCToBE:R, 2004, AS FOl..lOW$: l , T1lIIt t1'le pruJ.,ct I8#a.renced Ilbowlls In IIlI1 be&!: Inters8/: cI' 1Il11 Gcvemlng 8tIIl\' Elnli' lhI!l genral publfc; and 2. TI'wt GARY C_ UCNEIU, MAJOR rs GuII1i:Irima 10 fiIll, on ~ of mil GovIIrnftlg [N.....lIMnIt'lflil~ Bcdy, .!ItI ap~ coolnld: I'Iltle form ~ by fh8 GOVIIrnor'9 HIgtlMy &i18ly Pql"!l III br flItdlll":ll liJruinglI1lh11 amOlJtll of $ 157,98iJ,00 to ~ Illlillfe 10 br GO\l'eJ'njng Bcd~ ~ a&:IIret in defrBp,g ",........ -.......... 8r1l wst of thII project descrlbllclln lIlEl ctInll'act ~n; SlI1 3, Th.!It lI1e Governing Body tIu fc.rmafy 1Ip~ lhII C36h cuntrlbulkln of . 23,Il9a_OO .M$; ~e...I<~ GUSP-06-A nlqulrecl by thll plqllGt COtllrllCt; and , 4. Tb~1 tfJe Project Dir8ctlr designatea rn Ihe apDllcalllcn ootltrlild $haJ1l\imili'l or /J\.!Ike arangamlllOt for otIIer appro.c:ri5e per:lICrlS to Mnlstl Such Inft'rnudlon, !fa, du.timemaCl'1C11epOrt1:r l!l9 ~ufl1lld b~ 1Il1!l coP1lrad", if Ilp~d, ur a6 may bIiIIl1IIqulJed by tI1E! BO\IIlrIllIr"s HighYl9y Slrfl!lly Prcgram, ana :5. ThaI: certified CQpiM of Ihis rll$ClMiun be ItldudGd oI!Ill P8rt of !he ctInlract (~1lIId above; IlI1d o. ""''''. ...,....".., ...._..m_~ _" '/'"".. """"AND """"".... _ ........ ~ ATlESTEDBY K~.J_ 4!r.i'i A.X..t ~"~_' DATE ID - 'f ~ t?<.f- Attachment 9. A IlEsoLlmON OJ" THr:: BOARD OF COMM:IS8lOMtRS U. TIQ!: C'ouNrY OP 1lARNETT~ NORm CAROI.lll;" MPRovOO:;: AN IN.sT AI..LM.l!;NT FJN.o.NCIl'fG COittJlAcr AND A DUD llll' TRUST WmI RJ:.sncr 'I"lD:lr.Bro AND DELIVERY 'I'ID:uoP AND I'RovlItnIIG FOR CERTAIN Onnm Rl!:LAn:n MAnEltS Jf'HElUL4S, the COUllty of Hamea, North. CamliDa (tb:: ~Cowrly '') il!I a validly -wing political. mbdiviaion of the SflItc of Nodh CuoIioa. existing II!. such WJder mil' by"rirtue of the CaDstitution. sl8Me8 IID.d laW!! of the Slatt: ofNmtb. Camli.m. (!he "Skrle '); WHEREAS, tk Count,y has 1fw power, PI2tIru.Wt to ~ Gcoc:r.iI Statutes of North Carolina to (l) purclwIe real 8Ild personal property, (2) CDI!ll' into instaIImeut t1naoc:illg eontIaQt8 in order- to 6nllIlCe the purcJw:e of l'I:lI.l md pmona:! property used. or to bl:l 118ed, fur- public PUlpOllal, and (3) :Iinm\le the oondmction of fixtumI or improvements on real. pJOpcrty by cc:mlnct8 duit cr=de in ~ fixtures or impoovemenm and in the rcaI propc:rty CD whid:J 1Iu.cb :6xtumI or ~till am located a IIl!1CI1rity:iDterat to SCCIIl'e ~1 oIm.oncyz;; advanced or made a.1I11i.l1lbl8 fur lIDCb sOllBtrlll;rtion: WHBllBAS, Ihc Board of Commlll8ioncrs of the Caunty (tk "lJewd qf CommflSio1uH81 d~ thaI it ill in the: best mtm=1It of 1he CoI1ldy to enter into an izutallount 6nanclns wntl'8c:t (tluI ~~j with BllDJ.dJ. Bantlng IIIld Tnut Company (UBB&T') to provide for lk ~ OO1UiIlnJction. 5pIippiog and fumillhing of a. CQUDty ~ Ceoter IIDd II. County AoimaI Control Shelter (the fiPro;ecif1 to be loc.atm in th8 CoUDty and create a IIWunty intanlst in the rt:lII. property Q[J which 1he Projects B.I'Illocatcd. aod all the improvcmmbi thcRon pwstUIDt to Ii deed of tnJlt from the Cmmty to !he Deed or T:rtIl!t Tru81ee D.lIlIlCd thcrc:in (the ""DeocI of1'n.u:lj; Jf7l&!E.48; lleI Projects w1llllll ownod and cpenItcd by the County;. WHEJ'.&48, the County hcn:by ~ !bat Cbc acquisition oftle: Projccbi is ~ fc the Com1ty'l!iI pnlpllr, etBcimd md c::conoulli; operation.and to Ihe general b.eallh and wcl&re of itII in:habi.tmts; 1ba1lho:1 PrQjw1:s wiU provide an C1isr:Dtial1l& IIIId will pemtit the County to carry out plIblic. fum:ti0Jl.ll !bat it is IIIIl1mrizcd by !.w kl p~ Nldllud =ntcring imc the Contract and DMd oft:rlJSt d nall:S911!Y and ~m: fur the: Coumy by ~ of the findingll p~' her:io; WHElllL4S, the County ~y ~CL"I lhat the Can1net aUows: the CouD.ty to purd::m.se the Projectll llIld take tide 1hereto III a favontlle interem: I'lIte ronaUy oilvailabl.c:l U:J. the , financiallIllllketplace 8Dd on tenDs advaJDgcCIUB lei th= County; JJ7lER:E.U, the Gonnty hereby dcterminea Ihat !he elrti!nll1ed coBI of Ihe acqui.sition of the Proj ~cts ill an attJoUDt not 10 &ceed $3,.300.000 IIJI.d Ihat grch 000Irt of the acquilitinn. cGlSlruetioo, equipping and furnishing of the ProjCC1a n:~ the IIIIlOUDt dw cm be prudently raised loom. eurrcDtly .VI1ilablc appropriati.mJs, lJDilppJ'Oflriatw fimd b.alancel and ODD-voted bonds Ih.at could be 11!l!1llld by the Coumy in the ~ fi&ca] ~ PUr&1WU 10 Article V. Sl:Ction 4 of the COIlBtitution oftlul SWe~ WlIB1lBAS~ although the eorrt of the acqui&idoo of the Projec1s pursuant to the CoEl1r3.Gt is 8IlpeCted to exceed the IlOlIt of the r.cquiBition of d1e l'roj act!! pursulll1t to . bond fuw3cing fur- Ihe &attic UIden.BkhI& full COUDly b8nlby detcnn]nes Ihat tb:: (;Ost of the acquUrition of the Pmjcdl pursullll.t to the Cantz:aot and Deed ofTnnt and 'Ibe obliptioos ofthc County tbc:zam.d<< are prefmablc to a pEnt obligation 000d fi:nancing or fCVsme bead fimulcing lOr scvanl J"CiWW1Il. inclu.dln,g but not limill:d to the: fbUowblg (I) the oo!li: of. Ilpft::ial election neo:etsary to ~ a genem1 oblIgation band. :O~iDg. 8:i J"lOquired by tbc laws oflhe Stlde. would ~t in the cxpenditme of significant fundG.;. (Z) rho time requited for iI. ggIa1Il. obligation bcDd dfdloo would ililU:!lC an tIlIm!resslllY delay wbieb. woWd. ~by ~ Ihc fiDlQl.cial. bcru:tiu of E4[1Jiring, CCIJlBtmctfDg. ilqnmiag BI1d equipping the Projcrn; md (3) Ulsuffici.CI:It I'l:VeIlII.GS are ~d by !be Projects 50 WIle IfICIJll.it a revenue:: bond n....."mg; WlLBREA&, dJ.c County has dcbm.iD/Xl and hlnby dclcnntneIl tbilt I:hc: ediml1tcd. oost of the aquisition of the ProjectB punnlQ1t to the Cco1nd rcaIlooably compal1lS with an oIlBIimak: of similar COm under- a bond financing fur the !amc mrlertakiog as a rewlt of the tlndine! delineated in the above preambb; WJlRRE....4S~ the ob!i.p.tion crr the Cow!.ty to m.ate hIIlblltacat Paymen18 under !be Con1:raJ;;t i~ a limited obligation of the CoUDty payable so!ely from cumotJ.y budgeted ~QDs of the: County and doaI DOt OODiCituto a pledge of the taid1 mId credit of tha Cow1y within the mBWiDg of any oanatitll.tiooal. debt limitatioo; the County does not dcipae a futu:e property tax increaaeI to pay instaD.m.ent pa~ fllliDg due under the Coolract: FfI1fBREASt the SUIns to [all due uoder the Contract will be adequate bllt not c:a:cssivc for il3 proposed PwPQe; WllBREAS, Parer Pee Adams & Bc:nn:tein L.LP.. u IpCcial rolJDSel (<r~igl CowueJ "), willll!Qder an opioioQ to the effect that entering into 1h.c Cool:nJ:t IInd 1be 1nnaactiom conteaJplated thereby arel authorized by hlw~ JI'HBR.EAS. no- defu::ienc:y judgment may bll rwdem:l ~t the Cotmty in any action fur its breach of th!l Conlract. and !be taxing power of the: County im not _ may not be pkdged in any way directly or iudirectJy or rontingeotly In mecme any mcoeys due under the Cootn.ct; WHBllEAS. the County is not in defiw.lt L1lI.der lilY orris debt mcrvic.e obligations; WHEREAS. the CoUDty"!1 budget procell and Amru.a.l Buqet Ordinanct!. lire in COInpJi.a:wC with the Lcelll OowmtJJ;ent Bu.d.get lmd Filcal Control Act. and extema.l auditora have det=nniued that the Cuunty has conformed with gmenilly accept=d accOUDtio,g priocip1el as appli.c:d to gov~ u:nitl!I in p~aring itl Annual Bud~ ordinance; WHEREAS. put audit rqlo:rt5 of the County indicm: that its debt mana,gl!m.ent and cclIlract obliptign payment poltciell .have been carried OQt in stric:t oomplimcc with the law, aad the County bas not been c~ured by the !'bdl. Carolina Local. Govermneat CI)InTni....inn (d1c ''LGC ''), external auditon or any other regulatol:y ag;encle& in conn.ection with IlII.Cb debt m:m-"gt'm.enf and conbct obli.gaticm payment poli.ci=s; WHl!REJI8. !he Board conducted a pubri.c hearing with reapcct to Ole Project!: en Ock.llla" .4, 2004 to :r<<dve puhIic ernnments on the Prnjec1l. the proposed finaocicg, the Contract and the Deed of Trod rmd the Couoty has iiJed an ;;qJJilication with the LGC fur approval oftbe LGC with lC~t to the County enterlns :into ~ Contract; ~ there lUI8 been preIIcntcd to 1he Beard the .form.!! of the Omtn\.Ct tOO the De=d of Trust (c:oUectively. the ~~"). cqri.es cfwbich are attBJ:bed hereto, whicb Ihe COUDly proposes to approve, enter into and de[i'y~. IS 1Ipp.lli:able. to cfteduate the:: pmpcled fll'l$ln...me at m Wterellt nde of "'1 m per IIIIDUIU for a1!l&llimwn pDndpal.llJDOQJ1t of $.3,300,000 as .BpCrified :in the In&bummtJ; W1l.BRE.48,. it ipp(IU'lI that each of the ~ is in IIJIPropriatc fmm and is an lIppI'llpl'iate jostromeDt for the putp(l1e!I intended; NOw;. THBREFORl!, BE IT RESOLJ'ED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF 1H.E COUNTY OF HAR.NE1T,. NORT1l CAROLlNA. A.S FOUO'W8.. S~ 1. ~ 6fPIIMA.dknt& All ~ oftlle County, thIl County Mm:tser. the Fimmce CIfIU:er of OK: GJunty aDd the ClcIlk: to the Board &lid rheit relipC!Ctive A..rilPJ.CCll in em..-.t.1i!ting th= propog:d financing IIlE lB'eby approved, :tatificd and ~ ~ 100 and in IIDCI~ widI. the tn:mIla.t:timm l::cmemplab:! by Ihc:: In.ob. 1U........Il... ~2. ~A~.w~~~ TheCcLlDty~)"approva; the Projecfl!l in ~ w.trh rbt: terms of the Conlract. wIridI wiD be a valid,. I=pl and: binding cblip.tion ofCbe: Cnwrty in accoorm:: e with its tcmE. The County heeby approvell'the mn.owd; ~ by the BB&T to the Colmty ~ to rbe CocIaact it111D ~te ~ mmunt net W f::Ilceed 13,.300.000. sur:h amount to be EqIII.l:d by 1M County to the BB&T 85 provided m the Qmtmct in ] 5 mmual ~ of ~ipal aDd 3(l aemi-4ml,Ull] inlaJlrnenra ofiDtm:8t :in UICmlId a net ~t:m.te net to ~d f1.00% per IIIIIlIDn. 7bc!bml, tsm& ADd caalmt of the ~ ue in all re&pectI! auIh.orimd. approl'Cd IID.d ~ and the Chsinnan,. !he Coun1y ~r. the Fimmc:= Of&er of !he County .md the Clcd:. to the Board or their mpecUve desip.ecs '.iIle 1IIIIbori2:td, cmpowem:l. and diret'ted to cxeeubl and deliver the Concra::t fix' and on ~ of 1J.e Cwmy. ineludillg .:reswy ~ in :!IIb.martial1y the ffII'.IIiI attached hcmo,. bm wiIh such chanp, modi:Bcations, i.difitions or ~ 1htnin u abidI co cbcm llIi:1m1l. ~, dc5in.bIe go apprnpiutl:I, dteir c:xccution rherc:ofto comtitutc: cordwiive evi~c: td' their :!pprlmll of any and 11I11 IUCh chmtes. moditi.c:atioro, addiliona 01" ddetions, and am fi-om IIDd ~ 1M OXClwtiun .IU'Id delivay of tht: Cun~ 1hc: CbUman,. Ih: CounJ;v Manager. !he Fin8ftC(: Ofl'i.ccr of rbt: CIlWIty a.nd h ~t to the Boimi' OJ' that- ~ deaigneeB ace hereby a.utJxrized. empowend and ~ to do ~ mlU:b ~ lII1d lbiD!!lI and to -ute: IIII 9I.It:b documenm 115 may be I1l:OI::Ii11i111)' to carry out IIIld comply withlbe promKm! of tlx: ~ :11:I executed. ~ 3. ~ A"a",~ "f Dw4 qf Tntu. The: tbnn, rem.: md COI1knt of tl:Ie Deed of Tm!It arc:: in aD. ~ IIUIhori.zIcd. appmw:d. imd ~ IIl.d the Clillirmm, the Coonty Manqer. the: P.inance Oft'icc:o gJ d1~ County :I\W h: Cbk to the Board or rheit rc:lipeCDw di!:i~ are .authoJized. elIlpOWelled and directed to ~ 1M daliwr rhc: Deed of 1i1m for and on bMilf of 1he Col.mty, incladmg nfOOSuty oCtlunterpsrla, in ~y che torm. a~bt:d btmo, but with wQ ~ modi&atiord, ~ or- ~ d1erc;io 16 sh8.ll w them seem necet;wy, desinIble or ~ their ~ lbeteDf to oCl3lf!titute ~ ev.idc:n.ce of tbcir apprnwI of any and :Ill] IUCb. aanW'l, modificati.allS,. :IIdditiom or deletioal, and lhIn hm and a.tla- the ~utiao and ~lM:q of tbc Deed of Tmst, 1be ~ the Co=ty Mtmater, llic FiDm::e Office:< of the County IIDd 1he amt: fl:I Ole &am OJ' tbt:ir- ~ft ~ arr:: I=ay authmized, eIDpl)'IWred and. dirc:cted to do aD Slll::h 11I$ IlId. thlnp and. m ~ all such d~ III.S l:Dly bo ~~ to eury out and comply with the prol'isiom of the Deed ofTmst.ll.ll executed. Swdi~ 4. ~ AeliM& The: ~f;y 1I.h1'Ulgt:r. d1e Cha.irm.IID of the Board and tlx: Finalr.(: , Q.ffu,er of the: Co1mf;y are hadJy d..ori~ 11II tJ1e (;CUD1y.s rep~ to !.t:l; WI behalf aftbe County in LXItUIc:ctioD with tbr: ~ contmDpla!td by tbe In&trnmcntll, and Ib:I County ~, the Cbabmm d Ihe Bctrd and 1br: F:ialaxz ~ of the County IInl &~ md. dirr:c:k:d 10 ~ wid!. the: ~cr in :IIC:~ w11It 1b 1&ms of the ~ mil: to mef;; gpinimv;; on IDIltten of law fmm 1he County Attorney, wbich 1M Count,. A1tmney is au1horUzd to fiDrlsh on behalf of dtJ:: Coumy, iUld opi:nicu aflaw from :!l.LCb .other ~i for ill docummts IXIUtc:mplated ~ as ~d by Iaw', ThIl ~ tIz Coon1y liobDIIger IIDd tbcl Finmoe Offi::er of !he C~ an:: bt<<Iby IllJlhDriRd to ~te one or more employees of the County to tab: aD a<<io:nlll w!W:h !he 0Wrmm, tht: County ~ and 1hc: FIDmCi:: 0fiR:c:r of the Coonty are aud:l.orized to petform under 1itia Rt:SDlUllm, and the Cbairmut, !I::u:: County Maoagm-, the FinIl1oC~ 0ffiM:r of the Cmr.ty 01" their deaignaca lire in all ~ au.Ihoriud WI. behalf of fl.e Ccunty to ~ IBll iofunnadon psWnini Co the tranliaeticms (:OI1~IaIeCl by the hmrum:ntII. Tht: CIed; to d1e Boud, rhe County ~> the ~ of the Road ad Ihc: Pinamoe ~ of Ihc: County are: au.tborized m =.et:1I1e md dc:l!vtII' for MId m bdulf .gf tb:: County .IIIIy IIDd all additiQW CCI'I:i&ates. doc:UDJmD, opiokms or- orb=- paper! I.I1d perfmm u[ mbea- IlCUl lIlII may be ttquin:d by b bItrummb or as they IDly deem nec:f:!I!IIny OJ' llppIOpriat~ to ~ and ~ ouJ: !hr: intent and purpo:!lr:!!; ofthii &solution.. S~!JII J. ~r, An matitm:, I31Iln. resolutiGnll,. t'IIllinant::t.!I .and pllZ'ts ~:in 00lillJ.ct ~1h~lereby fqI=l~ S<<tbm It S~ If any scclion,. phrase or ~ of this ItMolutioD is for 8lIy rr:uan dec:Iand to be iQvaIJd, sudl deoblration sbaD not affect 1hc VIIlidity of the ~ of 1ht:: 1IeL:tion!l, ~ QI" prorisiuos of this haoJutioo.. &cttMt. 7. /!jTu:tJN D-. 1b's Rcaolution sh8ll bct:ome effr.c:~ on the date rA itallldoptio!]. J'E.4S Chairma:n Ttoddy Byrd Vice ChairmIm. Bearrice B. Bill Dan B.. Andrewe; WIlIt T~ Tim McNeill NA.D' Nane PASSED. ADOP7EDANVAPPROPEDtbB 4'" d&y otOctobar. 2004. 8T ATE 01' NORTH CAR.OI..JNA ) ) COUNTY OJ' HABNJ:IT ) 1. KAY S. Bl..ANCHARD, Linly appGinted Clerk to fur: Bawd of Cmnmission~ of the Comtty of Bun<<t, Nanh Gnulin.. do her.cby certify rhat the iJrqp:Iing is I. trut: and lIC<<il'alC Oopy af Ib.c re:scl.uti.m. which W~ pa:!sed by Ole Baud of CcImI:Ds5lilme:ri of Ihe Cotmty af HItrIEU,. North Carali.na" at fuI meeting held Oft 0ctrJ~ 4, lOO4. to beloome ~~vc: an 0cWba- 4, 2004, IIDd lbat !luch regoll1im. has been duly recorded:in. rbe miDu&es ofrhe cmmty. WITNESS my hand I1I1d the cmpcrm: :tcaI. of the County of Hamctl, NIX1h Carolina.. this 1he 4111 &.y of October, 2004, [SBAL] / J':.:i.: , ,- By K4M/~ IU~AJJA ~S. Blard1m-d Cl~ to the Baud otCnmroNsIOllI:rll CMJnty of HBrnc1t, North CaJ;ofuu!. E.XTRAcr I'It.OMMJIItUTES OF BOARD OFCOMMISSIONI:RS A regulsr muting: of 1bc :Bomi. of Cmmn.i.s5io:ners ortbcl County of IWxtt. North. CarI)IiJ:. lYa!I duly IzUI an October 4. 2004, at 9:00 ll.m. in lhe Itunett. Coun1y ~ CoIll1room 6. 30:5 Wed: Co'rMliUII HsmetI: Iloclewn:l, LiIliI1JlOn, North ClIrnlina, Chinnan Teddy Byrd JlWJid:ine;- Commiqir;mm: F'himt: Cl.Iairmnl TI!ddy J. Byrd Vioe Chmman Be&ni8e B. Hill Dan B. Andr-ew5 WutTItt:hBner 11m McNeill. ~i Absent None ~ . ~ ~ . ~ ~ CommilIliioo.er Andmv& mowd fhIt 1he r~1lmIiDg regohrtjOll be IMIopted, lI0c0nded by Com1I1i~ Hill: A b50J..U1lON or 1'B.I; Bc:ww 0. ~ Otr TIm: COIIIIft'Y Otr ~., NORm CJ.Jr..oLINA.. ~ AN 1NsT.tI.LM::Qrll' :FINANcING CoNru.cr .lNIJ A DDD ())" 'IlWS!' WlT.B R1i1'!lPJ!C'T 'I'Bl:nro AND D.D..IVJDl.y 'IlmltI:oJ' AND I'ROVlOING I'oR. Cmt't.\I1ll 0l1IDl. RzLATIb M.\"11':mS. The DDiIm IWS lllldopttd. by the rotlawin,g we: A~!~ ~ Teddy J. Byrd. Vjc~ CbainIJm Bca:trir;;c: B. Hill. Dan B. Andrews WIilt Ttt:cbmer- TIm Mt:Nej11 Nay.s: None Commi5sJoue:n; Abrnaioil1g Nam! STATE O' NORTH CAROLINA ) ) COUNTY OF1LUtNI:1T ) J, lu:r 8_ B~, duly ~ Cll;:lk to r&II Board af CommissWa:ni; of tbe Cotntty af Harnett, Nonh Cmilina. da hea:by !:mify that tho foreaoing ill a :filiI, tnIe and WDura~ extm.ct fmm 1bt: m1nutl:s of Ihe BoeJ'd of ComvDis:iOl:1C1'B of Ihc: Onmty of Kametr, North Cm:IIina, from ftIJ meeting hcld CIJ Oeta~ 4. 2004" relllllng m ti:l.l:: ~lU1ioD appmviDJ IIIl. lM'l81.1.mtnr ~WJ Contrllm" a D~. of 'Iiust :and the D1a.tmrs 8ddRssed tl:J.c:niIJ.. WlTlvzss IDJI' .haIId and 1he 1XIJlIOflI1e seal. of tbt: County of Kam~ North c::.wliDa, this thcI 4. day otOctl:lbfr. 2004. -. ......' {SEAL} By: ~~~ I!Jl'UIV.L4N~ Kay S. !lIl.ObmJ ami: b Ihe BQacd of CommIsslonet!i Counry of liamett, Nwth Owlina