040119a Agenda PackageHARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS County Administration Building 420 McKinney Park.way Lillington, North Carolina Regular Meeting April 1, 2019 1. Call to order -Chairman Gordon Springle 9:00 am 2. Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation -Commissioner Joe Miller 3. Consider additions and deletions to the published agenda 4. Consent Agenda A. Budget Amendments B. Tax rebates, refunds and releases C. Proclamation -Child Abuse Prevention Month -April 2019 D. Sheriffs Office requests approval to trade in several weapons to offset the cost of purchasing new weapons from Craig's Firearms Supply, Inc . 5. Period of up to 30 minutes for informal comments allowing 3 minutes for each presentation 6 . Appointments 7. Presentation of the Nonprofit Committee 's Recommendations for the 2019/2020 fiscal year funding , Chairman Bob Woolston 8. PreBudget Public Comment Period 9. Human Resources requests approval of award of bid to Independent Benefit Advisors (IBA) as the benefit broker specialist for Harnett County from July 2019 through June 2022. 10. Discuss Senate Bill 242 Recreational Land Fee Changes and consider a resolution of support. 11 . County Manager's Report -Paula Stewart, County Manager Update regarding Project Uplift 's request Department of Public Health Activities Summary -February 2019 Interdepartmental budget amendments 12 . New Business 13. Closed Session Page 1 040119 HCBOC Page 1 14. Adjourn he public hearing regarding the proposed Northwest Harnett Area Land Use Plan has been reschedule to Monday, April 15, 2019 at 6:00 pm. The Harnett County Board of Commissioners will recess or adjourn to attend the Child Abuse Prevention Month Opening Ceremony at 10 am at the Harnett County Department of Social Services. Page 2 040119 HCBOC Page 2 Agenda Item 1../-A COUNTY OF HARNETI BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Boord of the County of Hamett. North Carolina. that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2019. Section 1. To amend the General Fund, Animal SheHe r. the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE AMOUNT ORG OBJECT PROJECT TASK SUB-TASK JOB DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 1104512 502010 Salaries & Waaes -Reaular 'tR,517 1104512 502020 Salaries & Waaes -Part Time $12.791 1104512 503030 401 lkl -General $221 1104512 505050 State Retirement -General $1,743 1104512 506010 Medical Insurance t.1,557 1104512 506020 Dental Insurance $79 1104512 507010 Unemolovment Insurance $11 1104512 507050 Emolovee Clinic $90 1104512 507070 OPEB $60 1104512 519000 Professional Services i.1,900 1104512 519030 Medical $318 1104512 521010 Janitorial Sunnlies $5,000 1104512 521030 Uniforms $618 1104512 523070 Animal Sunnlies $23.236 1104512 526010 Office Sunnlies $38,201 1104512 532030 Cellular Services $2,348 1104512 532050 Postaae $122 1104512 533010 Electricitv $2,000 1104512 533030 Natural/ LP Gas i.1,670 1104512 533050 Water $500 1104512 533060 Sewer $662 1104512 533070 Sanitation $2,640 1104512 535010 R&M Buildinas $18 1104512 584000 Non-Cao Assets -Info T echno $482 REVENUE AMOUNT ORG I OBJECT I PROJECT' TASK I SUB-TASK I JOB DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE I DECREASE I I I l I I I I I r I I l EXPLANATION : To allgn county budget for the remainder of the fiscal year 2018-2019 and fund salary /wages and fringe beneffl accounts for new Animal SheHer Attendant position. APPROVALS : ~~ /y'""~/? Dept Head (date) mance Offi1~r (d~t~lz.k, Section 2. Copies of this budget amendment shall be fur~hed to the Officer and the Finance Officer for their direction. Adopted this ___ day of _______ , 20 _. Margaret Regina Wheeler, C lerk to the Board ~ pc,...,,..,L ~/<.. >-k .,,,) ~ County Manager (datel I .S ·>'i 't' le k to the Board, and to the Budget Gordon Springle, Chairman Board of Commissioners 040119 HCBOC Page 3 Agenda Item t/ -C,. CHILD ABUSE PREVENTION MONTH -APRIL 2019 Whereas, children are vital to our county's future success, prosperity and quality of life, as well as being our most vulnerable assets; and Whereas, all children deserve to have safe, stable, nurturing, and healthy homes and communities that foster their well-being; and Whereas, child abuse and neglect is a county and statewide concern, affecting both the current and future children's quality of life. Finding solutions depends on involvement among people throughout the community; and Whereas , five million children are affected by abuse and neglect in this country each year. Approximately 60,471 children were investigated for abused and neglected in North Carolina from July 2017 to June 2018; and Whereas, approximately 1,531 reports were made in Harnett County in 2018 and involved 2181 children; and Whereas, 14 children were suspected victims of child abuse homicide in the state of North Carolina in 2018;and Whereas, the effects of child abuse are felt by whole communities and need to be addressed by the entire community; and Whereas, effective child abuse prevention program s succeed because of partnerships created among social service agencies, school, religious and civic org anizations, law enforcement agencies, and the business community; and Whereas, all citizens should become more aware of the negative effects of child abuse and its prevention within the community and become involved in supporting parents to raise their children in a safe, nurturing environment; and Now, therefore, the Harnett County Board of Commissioners does hereby proclaim April as Child Abuse Prevention Month in Hamett County and call upon all citizens, community agencies , religious organizations, medical facilities, schools and businesses to increase their participation in our efforts to prevent child abuse , thereby strengthening the communities in which we live . Adopted the 1st day of A pri 1 2019. HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS C. Gordon Springle, Chainnan Howard Penny, Vice Chairman Abe E lmore Barbara McKoy Joe Miller 040119 HCBOC Page 4 Agenda Item L/ -D Board Meeting Agenda Item MEETING DATE: April 1, 2019 TO: HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: Trade in/Purchase weapons REQUESTED BY: Sheriff Wayne Coats REQUEST: Sheriff Coats requests permission to trade in the following weapons to offset the cost of purchasing new weapons from Craig 's Firearms Supply Inc. Type Glock Gen 3 Glock Gen 3 Glock Gen 3 Glock Gen 3 Glock Gen 3 Glock Gen 3 Glock Gen 4 Glock Gen 4 Glock Gen 4 M&P Glock Gen 3 Glock Gen 4 REM 12GA Model Serial # 22 HES969 22 KAM633 22 UWX895 22 FUR460 22 DXB946US 22 PZL706 22 BFFS339 22 BAVY920 22 WTS537 Shield HDR3193 22 TEX567 22 WTS471 11 87 RS57314P FINANCE OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION: COUNTY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: P:\BOC\agendaform2019 sheriffs office trade more g uns.docx I of I Page 040119 HCBOC Page 5 AGENDA ITEM 6 A pril 1, 201 9 APPO INTMENTS NEEDED AD ULT CAR E HOME COMMUNITY A DVISO RY COMMITTEE There are five (5) vacancies on this committee. AGRI CULTURE AD VISORY BOARD There is (1) vacancy for a D istrict 5 representative on this Board. BOARD OF HEALTH There is a vacancy on this board for an engineer position. DISTRICT H TOURISM AUTHORITY John Privette would like to be appointed to serve on this board. ( application attached). HARNETT COUNTY REGIONAL JETPOR'E Danny Honeycutt would like to serve as District 3 representative (application attached) T ownsend Quinn would like to serve as Cam b ell Univ ersity re ~lication attached) There are (3) vacancies o n this commi ttee (District 3, District 5, and a Campbell University Representative). HARNETT CO UNTY BOARD O F ADJUSTMENT There is one (1) vacancy for alternate members representing District 3. There is one (1) vacancy for an alternate member for District 5 HARNETT COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD P atsy Taylor would like to serve as the Bo one Trail vac anc y (application att ached). Anthony DiMarzi o w ould like to serve as Anders on Creek rep (application attached). There is one (1) Boone Trai l community vacancy and (1) Anderson Creek Library representative. HOME AND COMMUNITY CARE BL O CK GRANT COMMITTEE There are three (3) vacancies on this committee. NURSING HOME COMMUNITY ADVI SORY COMMITTEE There is (I) vacancy on this committee. NONPR OFIT FUNDING COMMITTEE Ther e i s one vac ancy for a District 4 representative on this committee. 040119 HCBOC Page 6 APPLICATION TO SERVE ON A BOARD APPOINTED BY THE HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOARD : __ r:--_,,--f)_fJ_"--:; 5=-h __ A_.,._:.f._A_p,._J_)....1.7 ____________ _ NAME: _ ___.\_) l>_l_""----=-~-fV_;v_t.-_f(_'--______ --=---------- ADDRESS : -~~ ....... ~..;...:...V_'J,'1-----=--t_ov___._{__,_'t....::;..~....::;.._...i.1....IC-k'--1/ /,--., ~;c--2 .Jr;._,.. _;_A/(..;__i,___;j!::;__'7....:_~=----'t,/ {.::;_. __ VOTING DISTRICT: (Please check district number in which you live): D District 1, Commissioner McKoy's [E District 4, Commissioner Springle's 0 District 2, Commissioner Elmore's D District 5, Commissioner Miller's D District 3, Commissioner Penny 's , TELEPHONE: (HOME) V/)-tfllj-~25 tJ (WORK) 9/P-8'1}-I/&&'$ PRESENT OCCUPATION: 1,_ K 71,,r.(..?-;·;,. !, .. ~,,_ r tfJ Z,y~< ~k ;kt.K,. 1:: I YEARS OF FORMAL EDUCATION: _..J<.P4_~.;..:~::..........:(._e_f,,_~_,. _' I_-'µ'--~-,,,.)'--~---------- CIVIC AND FRATERNAL ORGANIZATIONS IN WHICH YOU HAVE PARTICIPATED : PLEASE TELL WHY YOU WOULD LIKE TO SERVE ON THE ABOVE LISTED BOARD : % J.8,/,/ ~~v/ -/-6'1.,.;:;'!l a,.J /4rr11--t/ eou?+Y, DATE: ~---;2/ ,.. // FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: SIGNATURE: _fjj'---_/_~--------C/ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• DATE RECEIVED:------------------------- DA TE FORWARDED TO COUNTY COMMISSIONERS : -------------- 040119 HCBOC Page 7 Shannon Eason From: Sent: To: Subject: - Board : Voting District: Name : Address: City: Zip Code: Telephone : Email: Years o f Formal Education: Civic and fraternal organizations: Why you would like to serve: Electronic Signature: Agreement: - Harnett Website Monday, March 4 , 2019 4 :15 PM Shannon Eason Application to Serve on a Board - ~-.:....Harne tt r }Jf ..,.,. C O U N T Y ~-~ . Hamett County Jetport Committee District 1 Townsend Quinn 1020 Keith Hills Rd Lillington 27546 9108901714 mtownsendq@gmail.com 16 Web 51te Inquir y Receipt Harnett Health F oundati on , Kiwanis, NC Community Foundation As a pilot, I am interested in helping general aviation in Harnett County grow through both encouraging local community members to learn to fly and trying to expand business travel through the airport. This will be a way for me to tie my passion for flying in with trying to help bring new ideas to the airport. Townsend Quinn I understand that checking this box constitutes a legal signature confirming that I acknowledge and agree to the above Terms of Acceptance. 1 040119 HCBOC Page 8 040119 HCBOC Page 9 APPLICATION TO SERVE ON A BOARD APPOINTED BY THE HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS N.C. VOTING DISTRICT: (Please check district number i~h you live): D District l, Commissioner McKay's lY'.J District 4, Commissioner Springle's D District 2 , Commissioner Elmore 's O District 5 , Commissioner Miller's D District 3 , Commissioner Penny's TELEPHONE: (HOME) 9 ·10 mo -2321 (WORK) q \O ffiC) -4 [2/o PRESENroccUPATION: tD_sCrrce.--~oi\de< C \ D-\1o~J YEARS OF FORMAL EDUCATION: ----"-\.-.__ ________________ _ CIVIC AND FRATERNAL ORGANIZATIONS IN WHICH YOU HAVE PARTICIPATED: PLEASE TELL WHY YOU WOULD LIKE TO SERVE ON THE ABOVE LISTED BOARD: DATEaj 2 (Q] 19 SIGNATsJ>CilSey~ L **************************************** FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: DATE RECEIVED :-------------------------- DA TE FORWARDED TO COUNTY COMMISSIONERS: -------------- 040119 HCBOC Page 10 Patsy Taylor 514 Dean Road Lillington, NC 27546 910-893-2327 I. Objective l am interested in representing the Boone Trail Community on the Hamett County Board of Trustees because I AM proud of our library . I want to see the Boone Trail Library grow and serve my community. Having an "in-home" daycare business, I attend story time with Mrs. Kim on Tuesdays. She is great. We also take Ms. Dollies ' yoga each month. The library provides me with books for my children. 2. Community Involvement I was the one to make the first phone call to the county commissioners to start "a community.park." I have been involved since day one, as a community member and as a member of the Parks and Recreation Planning committee for the Boone Trail Community Center. I have also served on the Beautification Committee and the Finance Committee at Antioch Baptist Church. I serve on the Board of Directors for the Boone Trail Fire Department. 3. Work Experience As a stay-at-home mom when my children were young, I provided childcare for a few children. I have had my own "in-home" daycare for 40 years, and continue to provide childcare. I worked for eight years at Antioch Baptist Church Daycare. 4. Awards and Acknowledgements I have been involved in the Boone Trail Community Library, ballfields , and walking trail. I have been a huge advocate to have this community center established and I will continue to push for making the community center a place for everyone to come and use. 5. Education I attended Lillington High School from 1960 to graduating in 1972. 040119 HCBOC Page 11 BOARD: NAME: ADDRESS: )le APPLICATION TO SERVE ON A BOARD APPOINTED BY THE HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS (5()(,-J ,L TrvJJ..ee..J fvJ,/J( [1 krr--y Ant-h 6'"'1 /),(YJ,..ru. C(y Cy~u.l/c &. l./1,,,/t~ / Ive 2711 ( VOTING DISTRICT: (Please check district number in which you live): D District 1, Commissioner McKoy 's D District 4, Commissioner Springle's D District 2, Commissioner Elmore's D District 5, Commissioner Miller's @ District 3, Commissioner Penny's TELEPHONE: (HOME) 911 -YSl-9 /ST (WORK) '7~-rr 2. -Jy;r PRESENT OCCUPATION: ___,A~m~~!)_, ... _c_<.ro_-_ _,F~·(l_~A_:IJ r_4_(_-f ~P,_e~_,_~-'--.a _fi _o-")......__ _____ _ YEARS OF FORMAL EDUCATION: ___,/~f?~--~8.~'A~·~H~JJ_h_)-+---'(l;-'-'c;J'-'--kr'--"--1-!f._r._,.'...;..f._,. """'Q:.;..r~;:;.._ ____ _ CIVIC AND FRATERNAL ORGANIZATIONS IN WHICH YOU HA VE PARTICIPATED: PLEASE TELL WHY YOU WOULD LIKE TO SERVE ON THE ABOVE LISTED BOARD: DATE: _]~/;,~11b~9 ___ SIGNATURE: -=~-------------"----------- **************************************** FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: ft> el ~ DATE RECEIVED: --~~~-~\4_-,_'l~ ___ An_~_CA._3_ ... _14_~_t __ DATE FORWARDED TO COUNTY COMMISSIONERS: ---------------- 040119 HCBOC Page 12 Board Meeting Agenda Item Agenda Item __ '] __ _ MEETING DATE: April 1, 2019 TO: HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: Nonprofit Funding Committee REQUESTED BY: Shannon Eason REQUEST: The Nonprofit Funding Committee would like to present the following recommendations for the 2019/2020 fiscal year funding. ARC of Hamett County Beacon Rescue Mission Buddy Backpack Disabled Veterans Dunn Police Athletic League Hamett County Sheriff PAL HIS Daily Bread Johnsonville Community Center NC Economic Assistance Project Duffel Bag SAFE of Hamett County South Wake Conservationists Special Olympics Transitions Life Care Triangle South Literacy Veteran's Legacy Foundation Total Amount Requested P:\B OC\agendafonn2 01 9 .d ocx 2,000 2,000 2,500 5,000 5,000 5,000 2,000 2,000 1,500 2,500 5,000 1,500 10,000 2 ,500 2,500 5,000 56,000 Page I of2 040119 HCBOC Page 13 Board Meeting Agenda Item Agenda Item __ <j ___ --' MEETING DATE: April 1, 2019 TO: HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: Award of bid for Benefits Broker Specialist for Harnett County REQUESTED BY: Heather Pollard, HR Director REQUEST: Human Resources requests approval to award a bid to Independent Benefit Advisors (IBA) as the benefit broker specialist for Harnett County from July 2019 through June 2022. Two bids were submitted and considered. Please see attached document for a comparison. Members of Administration and HR discussed the submisssions and collectively recommend remaining with IBA. This is based on IBA's cost savings of our benefits plan for the County, their business partnerships with various benefit carriers, and their respective level of customer service. FINANCE OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION: COUNTY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: C:\Users\gwheele r\AppData\Local\Microsoft\ Windows\INetCache\Content.Outlook\TPTEQCL V\BOC Agenda req 4-1- 20 19 (004 ).docx Page I of I 040119 HCBOC Page 14 2019 RFP Submissions for Harnett County Benefits Broker Services We received two submissions via the RFP process, posted 2/5/2019 and closed 2/22/2019. Please review the following comparative information. Independent Benefit Advisors CIBA, John Gasiorowski and staff) • Plan cost per employee for health, dental, vision, short term disability, life and AD&D, including the online enrollment system is $8 per employee per month (approximate monthly cost is $6800 for about 850 covered employees) • Compensation for services rendered from IBA is lower than average in NC • Has much experience with negotiating costs with carriers and have lengthy relationships with major insurance carriers • Provide key updates to employees during open enrollment sessions as they have since 2014 • Readily available when HR needs benefits assistance-excellent customer service provided • IBA covers the cost of the enrollment system initiated in 2018 • Since 2005, have worked with public sector and now have 12 clients Gallagher Benefit Services, Inc • Plan cost per employee is on a graduated scale based on an annual basis, beginning at $10 per employee per month (approximately $8500 each month); cost increases 3% each renewal year • Additional commissions/fees based on platforms selected and there are out-of-state travel and lodging expenses invoiced to client as necessary • Is an international, publically traded insurance brokerage firm of which Hill, Chesson , and Woody have been in partnership with since early 2017 • Locally, they have 12 public sector clients in NC 040119 HCBOC Page 15 Harnett County Department of Public Health Activities Summary July 1, 2018 -June 30, 2019 Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Front Desk -Check-in ADDointments 964 1197 886 1255 1071 923 1178 1069 Health Clinics Adult Women Wellness Clinic 4 3 2 2 4 1 2 2 Care Coordination for Children (CC4C) 241 258 241 150 158 185 210 207 Child Health -Sick Clinic 75 85 87 127 131 118 175 142 Child Health -Well Clinic 77 165 115 104 96 71 71 86 County Employee Health Clinic 138 145 94 145 136 152 190 219 Family Planning 157 168 113 177 144 122 175 145 Immunizations 171 265 555 1628 370 184 250 213 Maternity (Prenata l Clin ic) 227 184 144 166 221 189 237 172 OB Care Management (OBCM) 116 122 113 97 75 68 73 120 Postpartum Home Visits 20 11 11 23 28 18 19 22 Refer/Repeat Pap 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 STD Services 112 107 77 99 86 81 101 89 TB Services 178 220 124 153 101 88 124 113 Welcome Baby Home Visits 22 11 12 23 28 19 21 22 Total Services 1538 1744 1688 2894 1578 1296 1648 1552 Reportable Disease Cases Tuberculosis 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 HIV -(Quarterly report) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 AIDS -(Quarterly report) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SYPHILIS -(Quarterly report) 2 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 OTHER STD's 52 50 32 40 55 21 32 47 Other (salmonella, campylobacter, etc) 13 1 2 1 1 5 2 2 Total Services 68 51 35 41 56 26 37 50 Health Education Outreach 308 479 256 694 556 359 562 517 Laboratorv Clients 841 786 505 763 702 649 815 884 Laboratorv Tests 1346 1347 941 1340 1247 1103 1347 1325 HIVTests 161 157 90 172 216 114 141 134 WIC Active Participation 2934 3150 3174 2876 2809 2784 2751 Vital Statistics Births In County 49 44 36 55 43 45 43 39 Births Out of County 111 133 135 144 110 138 113 123 Deaths 57 72 49 68 67 63 59 58 Environmental Health # of Improvement ADDS Confirmed 17 24 28 23 28 42 71 90 Number of Permits Issued 36 41 24 45 31 47 56 50 Number of Completions 41 50 19 54 54 16 34 55 Number of Existina Permits 52 31 15 35 19 14 34 19 Repair Permits Issued 3 3 3 11 11 2 5 2 Permits Denied 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 Food and Lodging Establishments lnspect'd/Reinsoected 55 86 66 84 60 68 91 72 Visits / Critical Voliations Verfication 59 51 31 45 23 10 32 27 Private Water Supplies ADDlications Rece ived 21 17 7 11 10 5 23 13 updated 03/07/2019 Mar Apr May Jun troTAI AVG. 8543 1067.9 20 2.5 1650 206.25 940 117.5 785 98.125 1219 152.38 1201 150.13 3636 454.5 1540 192.5 784 98 152 19 0 0 752 94 1101 137.63 158 19.75 0 0 0 0 13938 1742.3 3 0.375 0 0 0 0 5 0.625 329 41.125 27 3.375 364 45.5 3731 466.38 5945 743.13 9996 1249.5 1185 148.13 20478 2925.4 354 44.25 1007 125.88 -493 61.625 323 40.375 330 41 .25 323 40.375 219 27.375 40 5 3 0.375 582 72.75 278 34.75 107 13.375 040119 HCBOC Page 16 COUNTY OF HARNETI BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Boord of the County of Harnett. North Carolina, that the following amendment be mode to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2019. Section 1. To amend the Health Department General Fund , the appropri ations are to be changed as follows : EXPENDITURE ORG OBJECT PROJECT TASK SUB-TASK JOB 1105110 526010 1105110 522010 REVENUE ORG OBJECT PROJECT TASK SUB-TASK JOB EXPLANATION : To move funds in the ms program to purchase ink cartridges. APPROVALS : 9tfhwJ,.~-u -rj Dept Head (date) Section 2. Copies of this budget amendment shall be f Officer and the Finance Officer for their direction. Adopted this ___ day of ________ , 20 _. Margaret Regina Wheeler, Clerk to the Board AMOUNT DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE Office Suoolies $277 Food & Provisions $277 AMOUNT DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE RA..). Cir' t--Jte I c>u-: 1 County Manager (date) ~ 9 3 --J-f ~,,, rk to the Board, and to th e Budget Gordon Sp ringle, Chairman Board of Commissioners II ~I ~: { '' 1i 040119 HCBOC Page 17 COUNTY OF HARNETI BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett, North Carolina, that The following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2019 . Section 1. To amend the Health Department General Fund , the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE AMOUNT ORG OBJECT PROJECT TASK SUB-TASK JOB DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 1105110 523040 Medical Suoolies $875 1105110 526010 Office Sunnlies $1 ,575 1105110 534010 Printinq $140 1105110 537010 Adverti sina $140 1105110 544095 Incentives $700 REVENUE AMOUNT ORG OBJECT PROJECT TASK SUB -TASK JOB DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE EXPLANATION: To move funds in the Maternal and Child Health Mini Grant to better meet the needs of the program . APPROVALS : 3 .. 2,f ·/'j 9tfhwl. Dept Head (date) Finan ffic; \ ) C, County Manager t~te) Section 2. Copies of this budget amendment shall be furnished to the Clerk to the Board, and to !he Budge?-3 1 <'i Officer and the Finance O ffi cer for their direction. Adopted this ___ day of ________ . 20 __ , Margaret Regina Wheeler, Clerk to the Board Gordon Springle, Chairman Board of Commissioners DECREASE 040119 HCBOC Page 18 COUNTY OF HARNETI BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett. North Carolina. that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending Ju ne 30, 2019 . Section 1. To amend the Health Department General Fund , the appropriations are to be changed as follows : EXPENDITURE AMOUNT ORG OBJECT PROJECT TASK SUB-TASK JOB DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 1105 110 544000 Contra ct Se rvices $16 7 1105 110 544050 Sof tware Maint & Suooort $167 REVENUE AMOUNT ORG OBJECT PROJECT TASK SUB-TASK JOB DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE EXPLANATION: To move funds to cover the cost of the May renewal for Adobe. Adopted this ___ day of ________ , 20 __ . Margaret Regina Wheeler. Clerk to t he Boord Gordon Springle, Chairman Board of Commissioners 040119 HCBOC Page 19 COUNTY OF HARNETT BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Boord of the County of Harnett, North Caroline, th at the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2019. Section 1. To amend the Health Department General Fund , the appropriations are to be changed as follows : EXPENDITURE AMOUNT ORG OBJECT PROJECT TASK SUB-TASK JOB DESCR IPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 1105110 544095 Incentives $1.46 1 1105110 5220 10 Food & Provisions $1.461 REVENUE AMOUNT ORG OBJECT PROJECT TASK SUB-TASK JOB DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE EXPLANATION : To move funds in the TANF program to better meet the needs of the program . Adopted thi s ___ day of ________ , 20 __ . Margaret Regina Wheeler. Clerk to the Board Gordon Springle, Chairman Board of Commissioners 040119 HCBOC Page 20 COUNTY OF HARNETT BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett, North Carolina, that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordi nance for the fisca l year endi ng June 30, 2019 . Section 1. To amend the Health Department General Fund , the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE AMOUNT ORG OBJECT PROJECT TASK SUB-TASK JOB DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 1105110 532010 Tele phone & Postaq e $5,000 1105110 53 1030 Tra vel $ l.500 1105 110 54 4000 Contract Services $2,500 1105110 548000 Dues & Su b scri p tion s $1,000 REVENUE AMOUNT ORG OBJECT PROJECT TASK SUB-TASK JOB DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE EXPLANATION : To move funds in General Admin to purchase funds for the postage machine. Adopted this ___ day of ________ , 20 __ . Margaret Regina Wh eeler, Clerk to the Board Gordon Spri ngle, C h airman Board of Commissioners 040119 HCBOC Page 21 CO UNTY O F HARNETI BUDGET ORD INANCE AME NDMEN T BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Boord of the County of Harnett. North Carolina. that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2019. Section 1. To amend the Health Department Genera l Fund , the appropriations are to be changed as foll ows : EXPEND ITURE ORG OBJECT PROJECT TASK SUB -TAS K 1105110 523010 1105110 537010 REVENUE ORG OBJECT PROJECT TASK SUB -TASK EXPLA NAT ION: To move fund s in the Mini Grant to better utilize . APPROVALS : ,f 11 /fl .. Section 2. Copies of this budget amendment shall be tu Officer and the Finance Officer for their direction. JOB JOB Adopted this ___ day of ________ , 20 __ . Margaret Regina Wheeler. Clerk to the Board AMOUNT DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE Books & Publications $175 Advertisinq $175 AMOUNT DESCRIP TION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE ~~L-*· x..k::: County Manager (date) Y.)l_--i erk to the Board. and to the Budget 'i Gordon Springle, Chairman Board of Commissioners 040119 HCBOC Page 22 COUNTY OF HARNETT BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Boord of the County of Harnett. North Carolina. that the following amendment be mode to t he annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year e nding June 30, 2019 . Section 1. To amend the General fund . Sheriff Department, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE AMOUNT ORG OBJECT PROJECT TASK SUB-TASK JOB DESCRIPTION Of CODE INCREASE DECREASE 1104310 524010 M & R Sunnlies -Build inq $4,7 9 3 11043 10 5260 10 Office Suoolies $4.793 REVENUE AMOUNT ORG OBJECT PROJECT TASK SUB -TASK JOB DESCRIPTION Of CODE INCREASE DECREASE ' EXPLANATION : To transfer funds In M&R of buildings to have a new oflce built In the Sheriff 's Squad room. APPROVALS : t\\;,_.~Sl dh, J \~ Dept Head (date) r ' inance ficer (da tes -I~ County Manager (date ':)~ Section 2. Copies o f this budget amendment shall be furnished to the Clerk to the Board. and to the Budget Offi cer ~ C, and the Finance Officer for their direction. Adopted this ___ day of ________ . 20 __ . 040119 HCBOC Page 23 COUNTY OF HARNETT BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Boord of the County of Horneff, North Carolina, that the following amendment be mode to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2019 . Section 1. To amend the General fund, Sheriff Department, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE ORG OBJECT PROJECT TASK SUB -TASK 1104310 584000 1104310 526010 REVENUE ORG OBJECT PROJECT TASK SUB-TASK EXPLANATION : To transfer funds for the purchase of printers. APPROVALS : Section 2. Copies of th is budget amendment sha ll b and the Finance Officer for their direction. JOB JOB Adopted this ___ day of ________ , 20 __ . AMOUNT DESCR IPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE Non-Coo Asset -Info Tech $1,000 Office Sunnlies $1,000 AMOUNT DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE PU.., e A < ~ J;)..c, _)(.ear: n/"\ County onager (date) -LU fl 3,, ;2_.(..--,Ji Clerk to the Boord. and to the Budget Officer 040119 HCBOC Page 24 COUNTY OF HARNETT BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Boord of the County of Harnett. North Carolina, that the following amendment be mode lo the annual budget ordinance tor the fiscal year ending June 30, 2019 . Section 1. To amend the General fund, Sheriff Department, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE ORG OBJECT PROJECT TASK SUB-TASK 1104570 582001\ 1104570 526010 REVENUE ORG OBJECT PROJECT TASK SUB-TASK EXPLANATION : To transfer funds for the purchase of Radio Chargers APPROVALS : Section 2. Copies of this budget amendment shall be and lhe Finance Officer for their direction. JOB JOB Adopted this ___ day of ________ , 20 _. AMOUNT DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE Non-Ca o Ass e t -Small Eo ui o $1,270 O ffice Su rmlie s $1,270 AMOUNT DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 040119 HCBOC Page 25 COUNTY OF HARNETT BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Boord of the County of Horneff. North Carolina. that the following amendment be mode to !he annual budget ordinance for the fisca l year ending June 30, 2019 . Section 1. To amend the General fund, Sheriff Department, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE ORG OBJECT PROJECT TASK SUB-TASK 1104310 544050 1104310 526010 REVENUE ORG OBJECT PROJECT TASK SUB -TASK EXPLANATION : To transfer funds for the Seamless Mobility Contract. Section 2. Copies of this budget amendment shall be f and the Finance Officer for their direction. JOB JOB Adopted this ___ day of ________ , 20 __ . AMOUNT DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE Sof tware Su rmort $13.299 Office Sunnlies $13.299 AMOUNT DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE . lli. .. .J.--b .S:K ,J~ County Manager f.date) 20 I°> j ,.. .:U.--t 'l Cieri/to the Board. and to the Budget Officer 040119 HCBOC Page 26 COUNTY OF HARNETT BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett, North Carolina, that the following amendment be made lo the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2019. Section 1. To amend the General Fund , Aging , the appropriations are to be changed as follows : EXPENDITURE AMOUNT ORG OBJECT PROJECT TASK SUB-TASK JOB DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 1105160 526010 AGING OPERT MTSUP MAT&SUPPLY Office Supplies $2,000 1105160 544000 AGING OPER T CONTSVCS CONTRSVC Contract Services $2.000 REVENUE AMOUNT ORG OBJECT PROJECT TASK SUB-TASK JOB DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE EXPLANATION : To move funds in the AGING program to purchase items for the waiting area. APPROVALS : Section 2. Copies of this budget amendment shall Officer and the Finance Officer for their direction. Adopted this ___ day of _______ . 20 _. Margaret Regina Wheeler, Clerk to the Board Gordon Springle , Chairman Board of Commissioners 040119 HCBOC Page 27 COUNTY OF HARNETT BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Boord of the County of Harnett. North Carolina. tho! the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30. 2019. Section 1. To amend the Harnett County WIOA Program Fund , the appropriations are to be changed as follows : EXPENDIT URE ORG OB JEC T PROJECT TASK SUB-TASK 2404972 539090 SMYIN OPERT PARTICIEXPE 2404972 539090 SMYIN OPERT PARTICIEXPE 2404972 539 090 SMYOT OPERT PARTICIEXPE 2404972 539090 SMYOT OPERT PARTICIEXPE REVENUE ORG OBJECT PROJECT TASK SUB -TASK EXPLANATION : To move funds for program needs. APPROVALS : ~liwth a1JtJt1r Dept Head (date) Section 2. Copies of this budget amendment shall be fu Officer and the Finance Officer for their direction. JOB SUPPORTSVC PARTICCOST SUPPORTSVC PARTICCOST JOB Adopted this ___ day of _______ , 20 _. Margaret Regina Wheeler. Clerk to the Board AMOUNT DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE SUPPORT SERVICES $500 PARTICIPANT COST $500 SUPPORT SERV ICES $1,500 PARTIC IPANT COST $1.500 AMOUNT DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE ~ \L,~.,Jc......t::: ()r\ d County Manager (date) d/\ l ~ .l\....----i ~ lerk to the Board , and to the Budget Gordon Springle. Chairman Board of Commissioners 040119 HCBOC Page 28 COUNTY OF HARNETT BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Boord of the County of Harnett, North Carolina, that the following amendment be mode to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2019. Section 1. To amend the Health Department General Fund , the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE AMOUNT ORG OBJECT PROJECT TASK SUB-TASK JOB DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 1105110 54909 0 M iscellaneous Expense $65 1105110 526010 Office Suoolies $65 REVENUE AMOUNT ORG OBJECT PROJECT TASK SUB-TASK JOB DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE EXPLANATION : To move funds to cover the cost of booth rental fee for the RSVP Senior Fair. APPROVALS : 9 t frwv2 :11:r/11 Dept Head (date) Sec t ion 2. Copies of this budget amendment shall Officer and the Finance Officer for their direction. ~-iL:s+e... Jc...,y r (do i)., 2/ 2 ~ County Manager (date) d· -O IJ 3-:> ~-tc; o the Clerk to the Board, and to the Budget Adopted this ___ day of ________ , 20 __ . Margaret Regina Wheeler. C lerk to the Board Gordon Springle, Chairman Board of Commissioners DECREASE 040119 HCBOC Page 29 BUDGET ORD I NANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDA INED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett, North Carolina, that the following amendment be Sec tion 1. To amend the Solid Wa ste Departm e nt -the appropriations are to be changed as fo ll ows: EXPENDITURE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTI ON OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 6607 410-524010 M & R SUPPLI ES -BUILDINGS $3,000 6607 410-524040 M & R SUPPLIES -LANDFILL $2,884 6607 410-525010 VEHIC LE SUPPLI ES -FUEL $26,968 6607410-531010 TRAINING -MILEAGE $694 6607 4 10-531020 TRAIN I NG -MEALS $346 6607 410-532030 CE LLULA R SE RVICE $1,920 6607 410-532050 POSTAGE $377 6607 410-535030 R & M -VEHICLES $1,536 6607 410-539090 OTHE R SER VICES $1,548 6607410-543010 RENTAL -COPI ERS $67 6607 4 10-543040 RENTAL -COMPUT ERS $649 6607 4 10-543090 RENTAL -OTHER EQUIPMENT $1 50 6607 410-549090 MISC ELLA NEOUS $2,325 6607 4 10-582000 NON -CAP ASSEST -SMA LL EQUIP. $2,500 6607 410-585000 NON-CAP ASS EST-C OMMUNICATION $872 6607 410-587000 NON-CAP ASS EST -OFFICE FUR NIT $1,340 6607 410-525020 VEHIC LE SUPP LI ES-TIR ES $1,800 6607 410-526010 O FFIC E SUP PLIES $ 20,000 6607 410-539050 PERMITS/TAX ES/FE ES $ 2,525 6607410-532010 VEHICLE SUPPLIES-O THER $ 1,800 6607 4 10-531030 TRAINI NG-LODI NG $ 5,000 6607 4 10-531050 TRAINING -REGISTRATI ON $ 7,000 6607 410-519090 OTHERS $ 12,000 6607 410-534010 PRINTING $ 651 REVENUE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE EXPLANATION : To adjust budget to reflect activity APPROVALS : 41£ ~t,,,,JJ(d:K. j{w-- Department Head (date) County Manager (date) Section 2. Copies of this budget amendment shall be furnished the C lerk to t he Board, and to the Budget Adopted ________________ _ Margaret Regina Wheeler, Clerk to the Board G ordon Sp ri ngle, Chairman Harnett County Board o f Comm 040119 HCBOC Page 30 COUNTY OF HARNEn BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE 1T ORDAINED by the Governing Boord of the County of Hamett. North Carolina. that the following amendment be mode to the annual budget ordinance tor the fiscal year ending June 30, 2019. Sedlon 1. To amend the General Fund, Airport. the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE AMOUNT ORG OBJECT PROJECT TASK SUB-TASK JOB DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 1104650 519000 Professional Services $4,000 1104650 519010 Professional Srvcs -Financial $7,000 1104650 522010 Food & Provisions f..~2 1104650 524010 M&R Suonlies -Buildino $1,500 1104650 524015 M&R Supplies -Landscapinq $1.000 1104650 524020 M&R Supplies -Equipment $7,588 1104650 526010 Office Sunnlies $8,923 1104650 531010 Trainina -Mileaae $100 1104650 531020 Trainina -Meals $77 1104650 531030 Trainina -Lodaina $507 1104650 531050 Trainina -Reoistration $77 1104650 532010 Telephone $100 1104650 532050 Postaae $100 1104650 533010 Electricitv $2,000 1104650 535010 R&M Buildina i1.soo 1104650 535015 R&M Landscapino $1,000 1104650 535020 R&M Eauipment $2,750 1104650 539050 Permit/Taxes/Fees $103 1104650 544000 Contracted Services $816 1104650 545010 Insurance & Bonds $254 1104650 548000 Dues & Subscription $110 1104650 584000 Non-Cap Assets -Info Techno $1,095 REVENUE AMOUNT ORG OBJECT PROJECT TASK SUB-TASK JOB DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE EXPLANATION: To allocate funds to complete fiscal year and to add funds to new account codes associated with the new accounting program. APPROVALS: ~/,:::1--/~ ept Head {dote) Section 2. Copies of this budget amendment shall be fu Officer and the Finance Officer for their direction. Adopted this ___ day of _______ , 20 _. Margaret Regina Wheeler. Clerk to the Board Re+-e,,\L. Jh:,...) c:-r- County Manager {date) 3,..-J-f----r; k to the Board, and to the Budget Gordon Springle, Chairman Board of Commissioners 040119 HCBOC Page 31 BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett, North Carolina, that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2019: Section 1. To amend the General Fund, Cooperative Extension, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 1104990-548000 Dues & Subscriptions 249 1104990-526010 Materials & Supplies 249 REVENUE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE EXPLANATION: To budget funds in Dues & Subscriptions for additional dues/memberships needed for programming. APPROtl ~10.W~ -' 0.. r\ Di~Head (date) FJfGL:~~~ Co~~wY Section 2. Copies of this budget amendment shall be furnished to the Clerk to the Board, and to the~ Budget Officer and the Finance Officer for their direction. Adopted this day of Margaret Regina Wheeler Gordon Springle, Chairman 040119 HCBOC Page 32 Harnett County Department of Social Services Harnett County Child Welfare Services Lillington, NC 27546 EVENT INVITATION Child Abuse Prevention Month Opening Ceremony Monday, April 1, 2019 10:00 am-10:30 am Harnett County Department of Social Services 311 W. Cornelius Harnett Boulevard Lillington, NC 27546 Harnett County Child Welfare Services is partnering with the Harnett County Sheriff's Office and Harnett County Partnership for Children to kick off this year's Child Abuse Prevention Month. Please join us on Monday, April 1, 2019 from 10:00 am to 10:30 am as we hold our Opening Pinwheel Ceremony. This is an annual event where community leaders and members join to bring awareness to child abuse prevention, have a tribute for the children that have passed away as a result of homicide by their parents or caretakers, and plant pinwheels on the front lawn of the Department of Social Services. "By its very nature, the pinwheel connotes whimsy and childlike notions. In essence, it has come to serve as the physical embodiment, or reminder, of the great childhoods we want for all the children." (PreventChildAbuse.org) We look forward to sharing this event with you as it is truly a touching ceremony and an extraordinary opportunity to show support for an important cause that is valuable for our community. If you need any additional information, please contact Kimberly Kowanick at 910-814-6662 or kkowanick@harnett.org. We look forward to sharing this moment with you! 040119 HCBOC Page 33