121118wsa Agenda Package9:00 am 9 :30 am 9:45 am 10:00 am 10:15 am 10:30 am Harnett County Board of Commissioners Work Session Tuesday, December 11, 2018 9:00 am FY 2021 Reappraisal Options, Keith Faulkner Discuss possible intent to close certain portions of the unmaintained rights-of-way of Senter Street, Betts Street, and Byrd Street, and calling a public hearing on the question, Chris Appel Review Boards and Committees Commissioners Serve On County Manager's Report: Animal Services Positon Request -Shelter Attendant Invitations and upcoming meetings Closed session Adjourn A RESOLUTION OF THE HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS DECLARING ITS INTENT TO CLOSE CERTAIN PORTIONS OF THE UNMAINTAINED RIGHTS-OF-WAY OF SENTER STREET, BETTS STREET, AND BYRD STREET, AND CALLING A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE QUESTION WHEREAS, Hamett County received a request for the closure of certain portions of the following unmaintained rights-of-way: (i) Senter Street between the Northern and Southern Railroad right-of-way and U.S. Highway 401; (ii) Betts Street between the Northern and Southern Railroad right-of-way and U .S. Highway 401; and (iii) Byrd Street between the northern line of the Betts Street right-of-way and the southern line of the Senter Street right-of-way; and WHEREAS , the portions of the unmaintained rights-of-way to be closed are the areas within the diagonal lines shown on Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein; and WHEREAS , the Hamett County Board of Commissioners (hereinafter referred to as the "Board") is advised that all abutting properties have existing access to and from public streets and closure of the right-of-way sections in question would not deprive any property owner of reasonable means of ingress and egress. WHEREAS, the provisions of North Carolina General Statute §153A-241 require that a resolution be adopted by the Board declaring the intent of the Board to close such right-of-way and to call a public hearing to hear all interested persons who appear with respect to whether the closure would be detrimental to the public interest or to any individual property rights. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Hamett County Board of Commissioners that the Board hereby declares its intent to consider closing certain portions of the following unmaintained rights-of-way: (i) Senter Street between the Northern and Southern Railroad right- of-way and U.S. Highway 401; (ii) Betts Street between the Northern and Southern Railroad right- of-way and U.S. Highway 401; and (iii) Byrd Street between the northern line of the Betts Street right-of-way and the southern line of the Senter Street right-of-way. B E IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board calls a Public Hearing at pm/am on ________ , 2019 in the County Admini strat ion Building at 4 20 M cKinn ey P arkway, Lillington , N orth Carolin a 27546 to hear all interested persons who appear with respect to whether the closure of said rights-of-way would be detrimental to the public interest or to any individual property rights, and hereby authorizes the Hamett County Manager, at the expense of the applicant, to arrange publication, posting, and mailing of notices of the Public Hearing as required by law. This resolution shall be effective upon adoption. Adopted this the __ day of December, 2018. Chairman, Hamett County Board of Commissioners Attest: Margaret Regina Wheeler, Clerk to the Board ' # VICINTIY MAP N::>Tf09CAL! ,.,.-.. 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Gordon Springle Architectural Committee (Schools) Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO) CCCC Board of Trustees Employee Benefits C ommittee Home & Community Care Block Grant Committee Mid-Carolina Council of Governments Board of Directors Social Services Board Southeastern Economic Development Commission Transportation Advisory Board Commissioner Abe Elmore Airport Committee Averasboro Township Tourism Development Authority Central Carolina Works Advisory Committee (3/2/15) Hamett Properties Corporation Commissioner Barbara McKoy Board of Health E conomic Development Council Johnston-Lee-Hamett Community Action Board of Directors Juvenile Crime Prevention Council Library Board Nonprofit Committee Commissioner Joe Miller Architectural Committee (Schools) Cape Fear River Assembly Board CCCC Hamett County Campus Advisory Comm. EMS System Plan -Peer Review Quality Management Committee (9/19/2016) Good Hope Board Hamett Properties Corporation Nonprofit Committee Sandhill s Center for Mental Health DDSHS Commissioner Howard Penny Economic Development Council Extens ion Advisory Leadership Council Mid-Carolina Aging Advisory Committee Mid-Carolina Rural Planning Organization for Transportation F ayetteville Area Metropolitan Planning Organiz ation (F AMPO)