100118mHARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Minutes of Regular Meeting October 1, 2018 The Harnett County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Monday, October 1, 2018, in the Commissioners Meeting Room, County Administration Building, 420 McKinney Parkway, Lillington, North Carolina. Members present: Staff present: Gordon Springle, Chairman Howard Penny, Vice Chairman Barbara McKoy, Commissioner Joe Miller, Commissioner Abe Elmore, Commissioner Paula Stewart, County Manager Dwight Snow, County Attorney Kimberly Honeycutt, Finance Officer Margaret Regina Wheeler, Clerk Chairman Springle called the meeting to order at 9:00 am. Vice Chairman Penny led the Pledge of Allegiance and invocation. Chairman Springle called for additions and/or deletions to the published agenda. Mrs. Stewart requested the addition of a discussion regarding mosquito control measures. Commissioner Miller moved to approve the agenda as amended. Vice Chairman Penny seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. Vice Chairman Penny moved to approve items on the consent agenda. Commissioner Elmore seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. 1. Tax rebates, refunds and releases (Attachment 1) 2. Harnett County Department of Public Utilities (HCDPU) requested approval of a Memorandum of Agreement between the US Army Garrison (USAF) Fort Bragg and HCDPU to use two existing wastewater basins at the decommissioned Fort Bragg Waste Water Treatment Plant for emergency storage. 3. The Harnett County Sheriff's Office requested permission to accept funding for the second year of a three-year Governor's Highway Safety Grant in the amount of $51,199. Funding for Year 2 is 70% of one deputy position's salary and benefits and other indirect cost. 4. Resolution of the Harnett County Board of Commissioners to Set Harnett County's Next Reappraisal Schedule to January 1, 2021 and to establish a Four Year Reappraisal Cycle. (Attachment 2) October 1, 2018 Regular Meeting Minutes Harnett County Board of Commissioners Page 1 of 3 Chairman Springle opened the floor for informal comments by the public, allowing up to 3 minutes for each presentation up to 30 minutes. - Jerry Rivas of 364 Twin Ponds Road in Sanford addressed the Board. - Marty Clayton with Progress Energy also addressed the Board. Mr. Clayton thanked the Harnett County team for their tremendous support throughout Hurricane Florence. Commissioner Miller moved to approve the appointments listed below. Commissioner Elmore seconded the motion that passed unanimously. Local Firefighters Relief Fund Board of Trustees - Spout Springs Emergency Service - Eric Hartman (filling Robert Doberstein's seat) and Steven Bond, Sr., (replacing George Williams) were appointed as trustees to the Spout Springs Emergency Service Local Relief Fund Board. Regarding mosquito control measures, Harnett County Health Director John Rouse said Harnett County has received $296,500 in funding from the State, which will allow about one third of the county to be aerial sprayed. He noted it would cost approximately $900,000 to spray the entire county for mosquitos. Mr. Rouse said staff must conduct a mosquito count and then consider population density to determine where to spray. Mr. Rouse said he would need to declare a Public Health Emergency and accept bids for the contract. He also mentioned the possibility of FEMA funding. Interim Harnett County Cooperative Extension Director Bill Stone introduced Selena McKoy as Harnett County's new Horticulture Agent. Ms. McKoy talked about some side effects of spraying for mosquitos on agriculture in the county; mentioning both organic growers and beekeepers. She said typically if something will kill a mosquito, it would also kill a honeybee. The American Mosquito Control Association and the Harnett County Beekeepers Association recommend spraying late in the evening or at night to limit the effects of application on honeybees. Mrs. McKoy said it is important to give beekeepers some forewarning of when the sprays will be applied as well as the areas of application so that they may do some preparation to protect the hives. Staff will communicate and coordinate efforts. Mrs. Stewart noted we are also talking to surrounding counties to see what they are doing. Mrs. Stewart presented the following report: - Harnett County DSS Monthly Report — August 2018 Mr. Stewart noted Probation and Parole are settled into their new office space in Dunn. She noted the entrance to the Ponderosa convenient site has been paved. Last, Mrs. Stewart reported the demolition at Shawtown is proceeding. Under new business, Chairman Springle said the CCCC Board of Trustees has asked if the Board of Commissioners will consider extending Jim Burgin's appointment on the CCCC Board of Trustees. In March 2017, Jim Burgin was appointed to serve a four-year term on the CCCC Board of Trustees expiring June 30, 2021. Commissioner Elmore moved to appoint Mr. Burgin October 1, 2018 Regular Meeting Minutes Harnett County Board of Commissioners Page 2 of 3 to serve an additional four-year term on the CCCC Board of Trustees, which will expire June 30, 2025. Vice Chairman Penny seconded the motion that passed unanimously. Vice Chairman Penny, on behalf of the Harnett County Soil and Water Board, thanked staff for their efforts during Hurricane Florence. Chairman Springle said farmers are also very appreciative of how responsive the County has been. Vice Chairman Penny moved that the Board go in to closed session to assist in the formulation of plans by the Harnett County Board of Education relating to the emergency response to incidents of school violence. This motion is made pursuant to N.C. General Statute Section 143- 318.11(a)(8). Commissioner Elmore seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. Commissioner Elmore moved that the Board come out of closed session. Commissioner McKoy seconded the motion that passed unanimously. Commissioner Elmore moved to adjourn the meeting at 10:26 am. Commissioner Miller seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. �� MIS sj�A�Fk. Gordon Springle, C t Regina feeler, Clerk October 1, 2018 Regular Meeting Minutes Harnett County Board of Commissioners Page 3 of 3 ATTACHMENT 1 ATTACHMENT 1 L i.+ co •u z 2 io N cufC cu CUL I) c c O GJ co E E o U p a m s- 03 cu me O CO .- > o c co a c c y O Y Q� N Vcci CC cuc c oo c E y a 0 1O v = L) 4-, - n o F- CC < o' d E z Received Amount Refund Amount BLUE TRACK HOLDINGS LLC m 0 M 0001985208-2018-2018-0000-00 S. Keith Faulkner Tax Administrator ATTACHMENT 2 Harnett COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA RESOLUTION OF THE HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS TO SET HARNETT COUNTY'S NEXT REAPPRAISAL SCHEDULE TO JANUARY 1, 2021 AND TO ESTABLISH A FOUR YEAR REAPPRAISAL CYCLE WHEREAS, Harnett County completed and implemented its most recent reappraisal of real property on January 1, 2017, utilizing its own staff and personnel, and augmenting with contract appraisal staff as need; and WHEREAS, North Carolina General Statute § 105-286(a) requires each county to reappraise all real property every eighth year; and WHEREAS, North Carolina General Statute § 105-286(a)(3) authorizes a county to conduct a reappraisal of real property earlier than required and may designate a new reappraisal cycle that is more frequent than the octennial cycle if the board of commissioners adopts a resolution providing for advancement of the reappraisal; and WHEREAS, Harnett County desires to conduct a reappraisal of real property earlier than required by North Carolina General Statute § 105-286(a), to be effective January 1, 2021, and to perform subsequent reappraisals every four years thereafter; and WHEREAS, the reappraisal work will be conducted by the staff of the Harnett County Tax Assessor's Office as part of its program of work each year, or an independent appraisal consultant, or a combination of the two, as deemed necessary and appropriate by the Harnett County Board of Commissioners (hereinafter "Board"); NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Harnett County Board of Commissioners that in the annual budget ordinance each fiscal year, the Board shall include in the special reserve fund established for the reappraisal an appropriation for Tax Administration in the amount required for reappraisal work during that fiscal year consistent with a plan established for the reappraisal of real property, as required by North Carolina General Statute § 153A-150; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that when the County budget for each succeeding fiscal year is in preparation, the Board, with the County Manager and Tax Assessor, shall review the progress of the reappraisal work, and the Board shall appropriate to the special reappraisal reserve fund such funds for reappraisal work during that year as may be necessary to continue the reappraisal work and to assure the completion of the reappraisal work on schedule. strong roots = new growth Page 1 of 2 www.harnett.org BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be forwarded promptly by the Clerk to the Board to the Department of Revenue as required by North Carolina General Statute § 105-286(a)(3). Adopted this 1st day of October 2018. Attest: HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS By: i/(44)1iAtiAeY- araret Regi ;; Wheeler, Clerk .; Page 2 of 2 www.harnett.org