100918wsa Agenda Package9:00 am 9:30 am 9:45 am 10:00 am 10 :15 am 11:00 am Harnett County Board of Commissioners Work Session Tuesday, October 9, 2018 9:00 am NCDOT request for approval to disinter approximately 83 graves, Real Property Supervisor II R.A. Marshall , NCDOT Division 6 Right of Way Office YMCA of the Sandhill's request for an agreement extension, CEO Rick Houp Hamett-Wake County Boundary Line, GIS /E-911 Operations Administrator Clint Williams County Manager's Report: Town of Coats request for assistance in offsetting the tipping fees associated with debris disposal from July 22nd storm October 15 , 2018 Regular Meeting Agenda Review Invitations and upcoming meetings Closed session Adjourn 100918wsa HC BOC Page 1 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTA~ I""\ . '<;~~~II ROY COOPER GOVERNOR Date 14 Aug 18 WBS: TIP: COUNTY: 53083.2.2 J-5883 Harnett 4lJG; 0 D 1-t~ <0/8 "· ~rn • .,,qi"/ 6ft C qOer's Ovnty o~. ,r,ce DESCRlPTION: 1-95 at SR 1808 ( Jonesboro Rd) and SR 1709 ( Hodges Chapel Rd) SUBJECT: Hamett County Relocation of approximately (57) graves from _The Tew __ _ Cemetery to _the Willis & Lillie Tew Cemetery, the Veterans Memorial Gardens Cemetery, the Tew Cemetery, located at 15 70 U ni o n C hurch Rd, and the Grove Presbyterian Church cemetery. Board of Commiss ioners P. 0. Box 759 Lillington , NC 27546 Members of the Board: This is to confirm that it wi ll be necessary to di s inter approximately (57) graves from the above mentioned cemetery location in Harnett County. These graves are located in the proposed right of way of the propos ed widened interchange, for I-95 at Jonesboro Rd. Upon approval of the Hamett County Board of Comm issioners, regarding the necessity to di si nter and re-inter the deceased with the mentioned site, please s ubmit to this office a certifi ed copy of the re solution in accordance with NC General Statute §65-106. Shou ld additional information be necessary, please contact me at 910-364-0520 (ramars hall @ ncdot.gov). Real Property Supervisor II Division 6 Mailing Addr ess: NC DEPARTMENT OF T RANSPORT A T !ON RI G HT OF W AY UN!T 1546 MAU, SERVICE CENTER RA L EIG H, NC 27699-1 546 Teleph one: (9 19) 707-4395 Fax: (919)733-1 390 Cusromer Service: 1-877-368-49 68 Website: www.ncdot.gov Location : I SO UT H WfLMlNGTON STREET RALEIGH, NC 2760 1 100918wsa HC BOC Page 2 STA TE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ROY COOPER GOVERNOR Date 16 Aug 18 WBS: TIP: COUNTY: 53078.2.2 I-5878 Bladen R~~l~€111 AIJG z (} D f.f 2018 AA ctrn '"'an ett c q9er·s Ounty Office DESCRIPTION: 1-95 at US 421 (Exit 73) and SR l 793 (Pope Road)(Exit 72). SUBJECT: Harnett County Relocation of approximately (26) graves from Taylor Cemetery to Memorial Gardens Cemetery, or Greenwood Cemetery. Board of Commissioners P. 0. Box 759 Lillington , NC 27456 Members of the Board: This is to confirm that it will be necessary to disinter approx imate ly (26) g raves from the above mentioned cemetery location in Harnett County. These graves are loc ated in the proposed ri g ht of way of the planned widening for l-95. Upon approval of the Harnett Coun ty Board of C ommiss ioners, regarding th e necess ity to di s inte r and re-inter the decease d with the m ent ioned s ite , please submit to this o ffice a certified copy of the reso lution in accordance with NC General Statute §65-106. Sho uld add itional in formation be necessa1y, pl e a se con ta c t m e at 910-364-0520 , o r ramars hal l@ ncdot.gov. Real Property Supervi s or II Division 6 Right of Way Office Mailing Address: NC DE PARTMENT OF TRANS PORTATION RI GHT OF WAY lfNIT 1546 MAIL SERVICE CENTE R RALE IGH , NC 27699-1546 Telephone: (919) 707-4395 Fax: (919)733-1 390 Customer Service: 1-877-368-4968 We bsite: www.ncdot.gov Location: I SOUTH WlLMINGTON STREET RALEIGH , NC 27601 100918wsa HC BOC Page 3 Board Meeting Agenda Item MEETING DATE: October 15, 2018 TO: HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: Joint Resolution Adopting North Carolina Geodetic Survey's Resurvey of the Common Boundary Between Harnett County and Wake County REQUESTED BY: Clint Williams, GIS/E-911 Operations Administrator REQUEST: Harnett County GIS/E-911 requests that the Board of Commissioners: J. Adopts the location of the boundary line between Harnett County and Wake County in accordance with the attached plat prepared by North Carolina Geodetic Survey, and adopts the attached joint resolution . 2. Directs the Harnett County Tax Administrator to assess parcels, or portions thereof, that have previously been assessed in Wake County but will now be in Harnett County, in accordance with the attached plat prepared by North C arolina Geodetic Survey and mutually agreed to by this Board and the Wake County Board of Commissioners. FINANCE OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION: COUNTY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: S:\Agencics\Board of Commissioncrs\Agcnda s\agendafonn2018-1015 -Hamett-Wake-C ounty-Line.docx 1 of2 Page 100918wsa HC BOC Page 4 Agenda Item Additional Information Item Title: Joint Resolution Adopting North Carolina Geodetic Survey's Resurvey of the Common Boundary between Harnett County and Wake County Specific Action Requested: That the Board of Commissioners: 1. Adopts the location of the boundary line between Harnett County and Wake County in accordance with the plat prepared by North Carolina Geodetic Survey, and adopts the joint resolution. 2. Directs the Harnett County Tax Administrator to assess parcels, or portions thereof, that have previously been assessed in Wake County but will now be in Harnett County, in accordance with the plat prepared by North Carolina Geodetic Survey and mutually agreed to by this Board and the Wake County Board of Commissioners. Item Summary: Purpose: Background: North Carolina General Statute 153A-18 gives Counties the authority to mutually establish county boundary lines that are uncertain through ratification of a survey prepared by North Carolina Geodetic Survey. On April 16, 2018, the Board of Commissioners jointly agreed with the Wake County and Chatham County Board of Commissioners to resolve issues with the boundary line by first authorizing legislation to establish the correct common corner shared by all three counties. On June 25, 2018, the North Carolina General Assembly ratified legislation, Session Law 2018-62, that corrects the common corner for Wake, Harnett, and Chatham Counties. The next step is to resolve uncertainties in the shared boundary line between Wake County and Harnett County. This can be accomplished by mutual agreement (Joint Resolution) of the plat prepared by North Carolina Geodetic Survey that depicts the newly established boundary line (attached). If adopted, the Resolution will also direct the Harnett County Tax Administrator to assess parcels, or portions thereof, that have previously been assessed in Wake County but will now be in Hamett County. 100918wsa HC BOC Page 5 All changes to the County line described herein become effective on January 1, 2019. Staff has been in contact with all impacted property owners and has notified them of today's meeting. Additional Information : Uncertainty with the location of county boundary lines is not uncommon in North Carolina. Today's technology can locate boundary lines much more precisely and uncover discrepancies in those boundaries. These discrepancies can create issues when it comes to tax assessment, property value, deed recordation, zoning, building permitting, public safety, board of elections, and the school system . The current issue has been prompted by differences between the boundary line that Hamett County uses versus the one that Wake County uses. In some instances, the boundary line used between the two counties varies as much as several hundred feet. This has resulted in confusion over the delivery of services and tax assessment to the properties along the boundary line. Given the uncertainties, Harnett and Wake County staff requested North Carolina Geodetic Survey to conduct historical research and field work to determine the accurate location of the shared boundary line. During their work they discovered errors in the 1961 Wake County and Chatham County survey whereby the Wake/Chatham/Harnett corner was incorrectly located. This error was corrected in the recent Session Law 2018-62 and was supported by all three counties. With this correction, Harnett County and Wake County can now proceed with resolving the uncertainty in their shared boundary line. North Carolina Geodetic Survey has completed the field work and prepared a plat showing where the Harnett and Wake County boundary line should be (attached). In accordance with North Carolina General Statute 153A-18, both Hamett County and Wake County can mutually agree to establish this as the county boundary line. Since last year, staff from each county have been working collaboratively on identifying all the parcels impacted by the boundary line issue. Staff conducted two community meetings (December 5, 2017 and March 27, 2018) where property owners were able learn more about the issue. Property owners were also sent letters detailing the impact on their property. For example, where the boundary line splits a parcel, the property will now become split assessed between the two counties. This is in accordance with state law. In other cases, the property will move entirely from one county to the other. Two of the more common concerns from property owners are: 1) will future development be restricted in some way on a parcel that is split between the two counties? and 2) will a split parcel affect the current agricultural tax deferment (which allows property owners who are farming their land to have a reduced tax value until the property transitions to a non-agricultural use)? The answer to both questions is no impact at all. 100918wsa HC BOC Page 6 The following summarizes the property impacts along the HarnettM'ake County boundary line: Harnett I Wake County Boundary -PRELIMINARY EST/MA TES Properties Affected Count Estimated Value Homes moving from Wake to Harnett (Gain) 10 $1,266,193 Homes moving from Hamett to Wake (Loss) 5 $ 588 260 Homes split between Harnett and Wake (Gain) 8 $ 198,955 Parcels split between Harnett and Wake with a (Gain) 51 $ 389,930 Parcels split between Harnett and Wake with a {Loss) 34 $ 382 880 Total Preliminary Estimated Tax Value for Harnett (Gain) $ 883,938 Total Preliminary Estimated Tax Revenue for Harnett (Gain) $ 6,630 The attached resolution is also being considered by the Wake County Board of Commissioners at their meeting on October 15, 2018. Should both boards adopt it, the newly established line will become effective on January 1, 2019 . Several months prior to the effective date, each County will apply zoning to the properties, or portions thereof, that are being transferred into the county. Property owners will be notified during this process. Additionally, each County will record with their Register of Deeds a document that identifies all impacted parcels resulting from this corrective action of the county boundary line . 100918wsa HC BOC Page 7 JOINT RESOLUTION ADOPTIONG AND ESTABLISHING THE COMMON BOUNDARY LINE BETWEEN WAKE COUNTY AND HARNETT COUNTY WHEREAS , N.C .G.S. § I 53A-l 8 provides that if two or more counties are uncertain as to the exact boundary between them , they may cause the boundary to be surveyed, marked and mapped; and WHEREAS, pursuant to a Joint Resolution with Wake County, Harnett County and Chatham County approved by the Hamett County Board of Commissioners and Wake County Board of Commissioners on or about April 16 , 2018, North Carolina Geodetic Survey was authorized to locate and survey the boundary line between Wake County and Hamett County; and WHEREAS , as part of the pre1iminary survey work completed by North Carolina Geodetic Survey, it was determined that Wake County and Chatham County had been using a boundary comer established by survey in 1961 that differed from the actual location of the Wake/Chatham/Hamett tri-county boundary corner; and WHEREAS, pursuant to SL2018-62 ratified by the North Carolina General Assembly on or about June 25 , 2018 , the tri-county comer boundary between Wake, Chatham and Harnett County was established in accordance with N .C.G.S. § l 53A-17; and WHEREAS , now that the tri-county comer has been established , Wake County and Harnett County mutually desire to finalize the location of the common boundary shared between them; and WHEREAS, North Carolina Geodetic Survey has prepared an official survey of the Wake County and Harnett County common boundary for adoption and ratification by the Wake County and Hamett County Boards of Commissioners. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE WAKE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AND THE HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS that the survey completed by the North Carolina Geodetic Survey attached hereto as Exhibit A is hereby adopted for the purpose of locating the common boundary between Wake County and Hamett County. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that upon adoption of this Joint Resolution, Wake County and Hamett County will work together to reconcile county services to affected properties such as board of elections, zoning, building permitting, emergency response, and tax assessments. 1 100918wsa HC BOC Page 8 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that upon adoption of this Joint Resolution, staff is directed to register a copy of the same with the Register of Deeds in Wake County and Harnett County as well as the North Carolina Secretary of State's Office. That this JOINT RESOLUTION shall become effective on January I, 2019. WAKE COUNTY Adopted this 15th day of October, 2018. ATTEST: ----------Denise Hogan Clerk to the Board Jessica N. Holmes, Chair Board of Commissioners 2 100918wsa HC BOC Page 9 HARNETT COUNTY Adopted this I 5th day of October 20 I 8. AITEST: ________ _ Margaret Regina Wheeler Clerk to the Board Gordon Springle, Chair Board of Commissioners 3 100918wsa HC BOC Page 10 ~ ·~ .J' ,· \ ,, J ,.-/~ -,. ~) ....,.. ef";t-\ . ~\.-e. vf.dl4 '. ~'--~t/1' ,"'\. -~/ ................ , ,.. r-• ., ._... -~cv·.l , I . . --... , ... ,.... f -~ r· r'~ .1 . / -W.1.KE •l • i, , ~/ COUNTY I~ \!': .. ~ ,(( ':",. \v· .<;; • ~)"'-..r ( ·,, • • -~· ' ./_....-....,..~ ........ . . ..,\,_ . -.-,, /,;.(. -. ·\'~ \J\ ~--... .......~. ~ -. l ·' ,.,'"":-"'\ ' ....(~ . ' H•wROC•ft.£~',:: -.: M1.U104.. °:i .. "'~r::r~ ,i': g._"'i--~ ' . = ~·:.,~; /.~ x~·-· ·-~. """"' -,....... ',.\_ --~. \it~!c.-1131',' \ CHATHAll -._,. ,-,,, --' -t.~1. ~ To ·I _ _..,""'-COUNTY , :I' : ,: ,'I,,· __ -~ : ~ ·-"',; ~I., "C 42.1.}l·I: -nX>iH'. '\. .' '"r--, >-f:::~.i: ;--·:_\il'.l) ~ ,. ) ~·:k~·~, . •., ... ~:i...,,., .... , I PRELIMINARY MAP ..... ~., ... ,..,. ........ .. 1. "'-l OISJMCJ:S sa.o. ltM. c.11110 CliSt.i,,,,Q.I Aflll) Ml( fol U.S. Sl.llr4't' IU I Nib O((WAl.$ 1MEIUOf. IJfilU.SS 0~ MOTtD 1. M.l (X)QRQIHAIH ~ All( 111.C. JU,f[ Pl.NII[ ~11'.S At. 9AStD Clil M" "°"~ M«.IIICM o.ruw '6 1"3(2011) AHO t.N( .. U.S.. SUlh('r rut, ut1.tn ono'M!it MOTCD l. MS CXUU'Y IOUND.t.AY SUNCY 'MS flUfabil(O AT ntC IICQ>CST Of MMtCTI MO Woll( COUNTY A11T.titt:0 N •so..UllOHS 5IOICD IY fMC ~ or C(lt,M~ OT HIIMl(n l;Ol,ll(T'r ON~,.~ aY bCeo...«IDOl~SOTWAKCCOUtriln"Cllt~ 4. TMS SUJl,,CY •AS fr(VO*ICI) lllfW ~ VS( OI ~ N,6.Wo,11,TIC*...._ 11,11:wn: (G.#IIIOl1. nc a...-.c:s NtD DiSt...C:C5 'IOlt u,~ •" W4MC ltnltOt ltC (O()ftOlltA'lt'S AS U~'l'tO ll ntl'. ~lOO (~f. ~ TOTH. OtSlMC% 0, IOI.H)-..Y iJNC SUft\l('ffO,; ~11) t.J rttr Ollt 12.,0 ..,. a..--.. COUHTY CII IWICCt.. l1Jri11S .....-n COl.lffl'Cl$ l"IW:(l. lJNtS ~ co.nnY OIS fllMCtl LMS car'8USHCO CDAMN lN'. Wil(( COUNTY Q'S UC.Cl'Ol4) .. -· -·-----PRELIMINARY MAP _,.,._. .. ~oo.· .. \. -· , ..... IUl /ti-" ~ -~--:"-/ -f/WAK~ I . \_ -';--~,( """"'°' / \-"/ \ j IIARHP:rr "-.....-,(,-1'0 UQQfP[_ ...... _~ /"'! _...,,.,; -\ \ I """' 1 _ NOT TO SCAI.£ VICINITY MAP .r.1 l:l ~, y I "-·:·:· c·-. -_, I ~ll'\.4JOf'~ HARNETf COUNTY AND WAKE COUNTY 80UNOAAY LINE 100918wsa HC BOC Page 11 HARNETT-WAKE COUNTY BOUNDARY LINE SUMMARY OF RESEARCH FINDINGS September 14, 2018 NORTH CAROLINA GEODETIC SURVEY Prepared By: Ronald R.Harding, PLS NC Geodetic Survey/RM/EM NC Department of Public Safety Claude D. Bowers Building 4105 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, NC 27604 (mail : 4298 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-4298) ron . harding@ncdps.go v 100918wsa HC BOC Page 12 HARNETT-WAKE COUNTY BOUNDARY LINE SUMMARY OF RESEARCH FIND1NG8> September 2018 HISTORY Hamett County was fonned in 1855 from Cumberland County Hamett County were fonned from Cumberland County in 1855. From page 116 of David Leroy Corbitt's book "The Formation of the North Carolina Counties 1663 -1943 "reads .... ,Beginning at the intersection ~/'lines of Johnston and Sampson counties, on Black Mingo; thence a direct line to the mouth of lower little river; thence up said river to the bridge at Elliot 's mills; thence a straight line to the place on the Murchison road where Hector's creek crosses; thence with said line to road to the A1oore county line; thence with said line to the Chatham co11nty line; thence with that to the Wake county line; thence with that to the Johnston county line; thence with that to the beginning. (Public Laws, 1854-55, Ch. 8} Wake County was formed in 1770 from Johnston County Wake County were formed from Johnston County in 1770. From page 212 of David Leroy Corbitt's book "The Formation of the North Carolina Counties /663-1943" reads .... ,the said Counties ofJohnston, Cumberland, and Orange, be divided by the following Lines; that is to say; Beginning at Edgecomb Line on Mocossin Swamp, a Mile above James Lea's Plantation . running a direct Line to the Neuse River, at the upper End of.John Bedding/ield's Plantation; then to David Mimm 's Mill Creek, between Mimm 's Mill and Tanner's old M;ff; then the same course continued to the Ridge which divides Cumberland and Johnston Counties; then a straight Line lo Orange Line, at the lower End of Richard Hill 's Plantation, on Buckhorn; then the same Course continued Five Miles; Jhen to the Corner of Johnston Coun~y 011 Granl'il/e Line; then with the same Line and Bute Line to Edgecomb line; and along Edgecomb Line to the Beginning; be thenceforth erected into a Distinct County and Parish by the name of Wake County, and St. Margaret's Parish. (S. R., XXIII, 8 19) CONCLUSION The earliest record of a survey of the Hamett-Wake County boundary line is that of the 1855 creation of Harnet1 County is most probable the first survey. Although adoption and ratification records of this survey aren't available, witness of it having been conducted is presented in the description of th e Land Grant #266 recorded in Chatham County Register of Deeds Office in 1780 as well as the Hamett County Register of Deeds Office recordation of a deed i n 1923; the North Carolina General Assembly Session 20 17-2018 House Bill 1082 adopting the EIP in rock pile as the Chatham, Harnett, Wake County corner; the existing truck axle per Plat Book 1987; Page 788 and Plat Book I 941; Page 35 in Wake County Register of Deeds Office; with Land Grant #776 Cumberland County states to James Liphott 1790 calls for a pine a t the truck axle location; t he existing NCGS monument disk stamped " Wake Johnston Hamett dated 2005. In conclusion, research of the original county line descriptions, h istoric maps, land grant descriptions, property deed descriptions, and property survey plats illustrate the best witness to the position of the county boundary line is at the EIP in rock pile in a southeasterly direction to the truck axle; then in southeasterly direction to the NCGS monument to be the red line drawn on preliminary map titled Harnet1 County and Wake County Boundary Line as attached. 100918wsa HC BOC Page 13 EIP IN ROCK TRI COUNTY CORNER PER HOUSE BILL 1082 100918wsa HC BOC Page 14 EXISTING TRUCK AXLE 100918wsa HC BOC Page 15 EXISTING MONUMENT AT THE HARNETT, JOHNSTON, WAKE COUNTY CORNER 100918wsa HC BOC Page 16 MANAGEMENT Town Manager, Nick Holcomb Town Attorney, Alton Bain Chief of Police, Matthew Hall Public Works Director, Rodney Pleas ant Town Clerk, Karen Wooten Recreation Director, Mike Collins September 4, 2018 Harnett County Board of Commissioners Post Office Box 759 420 McKinley Parkway Lillington, NC 27546 Dear Harnett County Commissioners, GOVERNING BOARD Mayor Chris Coats Mayor Pro Tern Jerry Beasley Commissioner JC Alle n Commissioner Bob Hedrick Commissioner Allen Mosby Commissioner J.D . Raynor The Town of Coats is formally requesting assistance in offsetting the tipping fees associated with our debris disposal from a storm on July 22nd of this year. This powerful storm caused trees to fall, localized flooding, and structural wind damage to several parts of the town. Our Town Manager and Public Works Director have calculated that between July 22 and August 21 we have collected and disposed a total of 303 tons of debris at the county landfill. This has cost $9,093 in tipping fees as a direct result of this storm. We were very thankful that the Town of Dunn and the Town of Angier sent equipment and personnel to help in the collection process. We ask for this assistance because the tipping fees associated with the storm have had a large impact on our budget. To put the cost of this storm in perspective, last fiscal year we collected a total of 360 tons of brush and spent a total of $10,500 in tipping fees. This one storm has nearly exhausted our landfill tipping fee budget for the entire year. We are formally asking for any assistance that the County can give in the tipping fees accrued as a direct result of the storm on July 22, 2018. Respectfully, Chris Coats Mayor, Town of Coats 100918wsa HC BOC Page 17 MANAGEMENT Town Manager, Nick Holcomb Town Attorney, Alton Bain Chief of Police, Matthew Hall Public Works Director, Rodney Pleasant Town Clerk, Karen Wooten Recreation Director, Mike Collins Dear Mr . Haney, GOVERNING BOARD Mayor Chris Coats Mayor Pro Tern Jerry Beasley Commissioner JC Allen Commissioner Bob Hedrick Commissioner Allen Mosby Commissioner J.D. Raynor The Town of Coats would like to be added to the agenda for your Tuesday, September 11, 2018 meeting. I have written a letter to the Harnett County Board of Commissioners concerning assistance in county tipping fees due to storm damage that took place on July 22 of this year. I have attached the letter to this email. If you have any questions please let me know. Thanks, Chris Coats Mayor, Town of Coats 100918wsa HC BOC Page 18