APPROVAL LETTERWELLCO CONTRACTORS, INC. M.irch 27, 201R Mike Kotl,HC'k Hot Rod, J1I00\ lo Whom It M.ty Concern. POST Ofl ICE 0OX 766, SPRINC. lfll<r, NC 28390 HU l'llON( 910 436 3131 FI\X 9 10 <136-27.42 Th,~ i~ to ct>rtily th,ll you h.lv<' pNrnisslon to use the vacant lot beside your shop at 74 Amarillo Lane to have an ('Vl'llt known ,h "l.ll too<•d for Autism". After th<' l'V('nt, th<' varnnt lot mu t be cleaned of all debris. Wellco Contractors, Inc. North Carolina Cumberland County I, Jackie R. Hairr, Notary Public for Cumberland County, North Carolina, do certify that William S. Wellons, Jr. personally appeared before me and signed the foregoing statement as President of Well co Contractors, Inc. Signed the twenty-eighth day of March 2018.