HomeMy WebLinkAboutOctober 2017 - Financial Statements HARNETT COUNTY FINANCIAL SUMMARY REPORT 12/5/2017 October, 2017 GENERAL FUND FYE 2016 FYE 2017 UNAUDITED FYE 2018 Adjusted Budget FYE 2018 Activity Total Percent to Date Same Period Last Fiscal Year 208,357$ 272,690$ 325,151$ 142,654$ 43.87%160,732$ 294,293 404,153 502,462 210,587 41.91%165,242 53,919 95,207 160,511 84,940 52.92%68,804 205,162 257,066 286,243 112,452 39.29%99,184 381,191 415,400 528,246 114,696 21.71%118,912 811,001 848,360 1,021,531 363,496 35.58%315,395 - 415,000 520,000 141,886 27.29%85,429 81,438 92,784 102,625 34,403 33.52%35,573 1,709,486 1,594,220 1,743,220 523,682 30.04%530,149 158,173 156,539 188,368 55,631 29.53%41,891 543,249 540,424 610,237 158,541 25.98%176,505 1,523,150 1,707,476 1,482,960 416,024 28.05%402,659 194,529 247,359 283,858 80,990 28.53%49,579 3,667,427 2,700,087 2,894,508 1,068,324 36.91%714,523 759,735 769,621 837,668 208,511 24.89%196,678 1,787,734 1,962,777 2,223,257 790,492 35.56%778,044 581,109 592,936 656,685 216,153 32.92%193,292 9,677,549 9,596,512 10,577,849 2,990,488 28.27%2,705,153 442,623 461,128 521,648 144,189 27.64%131,689 26,924 19,237 22,240 22,202 99.83%5,921 66,653 79,381 84,647 21,147 24.98%20,572 - - 123,300 - - 1,624,091 1,648,761 1,925,480 551,924 28.66%497,895 School Resource Officers 682,489 738,896 778,555 230,305 29.58%200,410 4,551,465 4,669,491 5,304,517 1,587,964 29.94%1,391,332 730,739 829,545 1,067,408 297,336 27.86%257,857 - 58,000 18,959 17,959 94.73%58,000 4,414,723 6,296,462 6,994,743 1,972,367 28.20%1,753,781 1,151,492 14 - - 14 3,361,704 3,361,704 3,462,557 1,154,185 33.33%1,120,567 438,575 437,729 514,075 130,702 25.42%135,504 89,900 65,900 90,000 9,800 10.89%18,050 6,886 5,016 5,037 570 11.32%910 71,908 75,361 75,000 16,336 21.78%20,260 - - - - - - - - - - 198,422 189,136 204,479 68,287 33.40%53,890 178,736 177,452 198,518 36,703 18.49%49,592 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 100.00%4,000 101,648 100,108 115,111 26,390 22.93%- 509,983 575,679 775,000 353,556 45.62%91,791 Animal Services Soil & Water EMS Transport Rescue Districts Emergency Medical Service Insurance - Retirees Clerk of Court Board of Elections Finance Tax Department Governing Body Administration General Services Fleet Maintenance Transportation Transportation - Admin Sheriff's Department Grants Child Support Enforcement Governor's Highway Safety Communications Jail Emergency Services Legal Services Environmental Protection Forestry Program Economic/Physical Dev. App. JCPC Admin Public Safety Appropriations Emergency Telephone System Radio System Harnett Regional Jetport Medical Examiner Human Resources Facilities Maintenance Register of Deeds Information Technology GIS Sheriff Campbell Deputies Emergency Services Grant U:\My Documents\Monthly Reports\2017 - 2018\October 2017 - Financial Statements 1 HARNETT COUNTY FINANCIAL SUMMARY REPORT 12/5/2017 October, 2017 GENERAL FUND FYE 2016 FYE 2017 UNAUDITED FYE 2018 Adjusted Budget FYE 2018 Activity Total Percent to Date Same Period Last Fiscal Year 436,558 1,017,433 1,266,367 182,548 14.42%230,818 1,309,860 1,363,085 1,544,371 437,859 28.35%403,518 192 19,116 31,997 28 0.09%17,544 32,171 23,216 24,126 6,640 27.52%6,172 314,013 364,853 441,981 108,631 24.58%92,445 24,494 25,877 31,903 6,129 19.21%5,827 150 - - - - 59,354 - - - - 76,776 77,605 80,643 20,948 25.98%20,779 72,035 45,234 55,741 17,214 30.88%11,121 - - - - - 4,034 657 - - 400 - - - - - 30,035 20,764 45,083 12,177 27.01%5,445 315,244 316,827 337,294 90,473 26.82%83,177 61,164 67,657 70,660 21,486 30.41%19,766 77,511 83,864 90,228 24,636 27.30%20,099 329,421 324,799 374,045 106,812 28.56%88,885 432,337 405,411 441,270 123,025 27.88%120,360 6,082,878 5,745,786 6,349,631 1,657,544 26.10%1,595,946 605,679 605,679 605,679 302,840 50.00%302,840 10,324,942 12,216,121 12,712,987 3,394,706 26.70%3,696,233 9,351,002 9,118,139 9,193,826 2,861,105 31.12%2,664,799 180,399 213,802 270,472 72,265 26.72%55,142 103,322 101,763 113,530 28,632 25.22%28,474 136,805 35,964 45,000 7,741 17.20%12,741 910,122 971,658 1,153,603 302,961 26.26%268,785 153,000 185,000 184,014 - 150,000 435,005 800,422 1,024,702 352,243 34.38%304,644 - - 920,000 - - - 72,542 200,000 - - 21,267,993 21,420,138 21,068,027 7,022,676 33.33%7,140,046 280,707 122,625 865,909 163,548 18.89%- 993,967 1,055,200 2,199,000 - 1,055,200 - 1,019,467 1,080,450 360,150 33.33%339,822 - 26,197 30,000 - - - 798,517 - - 266,172 - - - - - 70,000 - - - - $ 95,761,633 $ 101,127,029 $ 110,083,192 $ 32,044,889 29.11% $ 31,656,979 CCR&R - United Way Child Care Youth Training Race to the Top Adolescent Parenting - BJRH Department on Aging Restitution CAP - Disabled Adults Nutrition for Elderly Health Board of Education - current Board of Education - capital Central Carolina - current Central Carolina - capital Central Carolina - works Human Services App. Library 4-H Teen Court & At Risk Adolescent Parenting Parents As Teachers Cultural & Recreational App. Parks & Recreation Education Special Programs Subtotal - Operating Expenditures Development Services Community Development (BG) Abandoned MFG Home Cooperative Extension CCR&R - Block Grant Central Carolina - health sciences Department Central Carolina - DOT Social Services Public Assistance Veteran's Services Family Caregiver Support RSVP Board of Education - teachers Industrial Development Board of Education - add teach Mental Health Board of Education - reserve U:\My Documents\Monthly Reports\2017 - 2018\October 2017 - Financial Statements 2 HARNETT COUNTY FINANCIAL SUMMARY REPORT 12/5/2017 October, 2017 GENERAL FUND FYE 2016 FYE 2017 UNAUDITED FYE 2018 Adjusted Budget FYE 2018 Activity Total Percent to Date Same Period Last Fiscal Year 2,145,446 3,628,409 1,026,667 - - 4,745,868 3,797,744 5,086,417 1,217,380 23.93%704,245 11,551,602 12,916,628 14,204,731 1,712,993 12.06%1,218,521 213,601 (3,131) - 1,300 (3,131) 36,177,890 - - - - - - 475,007 - - 54,834,407$ 20,339,650$ 20,792,822$ 2,931,673$ 14.10% 1,919,635$ 150,596,040$ 121,466,679$ 130,876,014$ 34,976,562$ 26.72% 33,576,614$ FYE 2016 FYE 2017 UNAUDITED FYE 2018 Adjusted Budget FYE 2018 Activity Total Percent to Date Same Period Last Fiscal Year 55,082,717$ 56,335,636$ 55,393,772$ 12,151,248$ 21.94%12,693,039$ 6,190,412 6,637,839 6,146,212 1,748,420 28.45%1,748,185 19,279,813 20,518,531 20,655,250 1,382,097 6.69%1,042,338 1,220,493 1,209,416 1,325,000 426,987 32.23%359,030 2,965,577 2,961,556 3,834,840 1,043,187 27.20%975,577 20,274,012 18,900,426 21,948,246 5,680,738 25.88%4,109,720 9,204,896 9,662,383 8,286,349 2,226,316 26.87%1,736,310 3,343,042 3,204,306 6,259,927 1,327,337 21.20%1,109,616 73,655 67,075 74,808 24,838 33.20%23,364 117,634,617$ 119,497,168$ 123,924,404$ 26,011,168$ 20.99% 23,797,179$ 97,339 274,949 225,000 97,790 43.46%33,761 37,018,000 24,951 - - - 7,501 1,657,613 6,184,409 1,032 0.02%- - - 542,201 - - 37,122,840$ 1,957,513$ 6,951,610$ 98,822$ 1.42% 33,761$ 154,757,457$ 121,454,681$ 130,876,014$ 26,109,990$ 19.95% 23,830,940$ 4,161,417$ (11,998)$ (8,866,572)$ (9,745,674)$ Department Real and Personal Other Financing Sources Interfund Transfers Fund Balance Appropriated Total Revenues Permits & Fees Intergovernmental Revenue Sales & Services Other Revenues Revenues over / (under) expenditures Rents, Concessions & Fees Ad Valorem Taxes Subtotal Other Financing Uses: Subtotal - Operating Revenues Subtotal Other Financing Sources: Motor Vehicles Other taxes Investment Earnings Sales Tax Interfund Transfers Debt Service Contingency Total Expenditures Source Cost of Issuance Interest Principal Other Financing Uses U:\My Documents\Monthly Reports\2017 - 2018\October 2017 - Financial Statements 3 HARNETT COUNTY FINANCIAL SUMMARY REPORT 12/5/2017 October, 2017 GENERAL FUND PNC Fidelity MBS NCCMT Total October 2017 -$ 52,430$ 13,834,305$ 17,354,061$ 31,240,796$ September 2017 -$ 52,430$ 13,051,245$ 13,984,535$ 27,088,210$ August 2017 -$ 52,430$ 12,825,076$ 13,215,998$ 26,093,504$ July 2017 257,261$ 52,430$ 12,833,501$ 14,699,895$ 27,843,087$ June 2017 7,182,432$ 52,430$ 12,833,501$ 13,721,198$ 33,789,562$ May 2017 2,108,133$ 52,430$ 12,883,875$ 21,669,408$ 36,713,847$ April 2017 -$ 102,890$ 12,883,875$ 29,247,908$ 42,234,673$ March 2017 9,318,753$ 50,000$ 10,900,020$ 28,346,806$ 48,615,578$ February 2017 10,966,173$ 50,000$ 10,900,020$ 23,550,367$ 45,466,559$ January 2017 16,539,974$ 50,000$ 10,900,020$ 21,778,696$ 49,268,690$ December 2016 6,112,440$ 50,000$ 10,399,391$ 20,139,559$ 36,701,391$ November 2016 -$ 8,950,242$ 10,149,294$ 11,410,145$ 30,509,681$ October 2016 -$ 11,893,456$ 9,598,367$ 4,576,239$ 26,068,062$ September 2016 -$ 1,401,847$ 9,611,806$ 9,898,592$ 20,912,246$ August 2016 -$ -$ 10,830,323$ 13,870,895$ 24,701,218$ July 2016 -$ -$ 10,288,522$ 14,611,996$ 24,900,517$ June 2016 4,836,176$ -$ 10,288,522$ 15,052,435$ 30,177,132$ May 2016 -$ -$ 6,310,697$ 22,909,111$ 29,219,808$ Cash and Investments $15,000,000 $25,000,000 $35,000,000 $45,000,000 $55,000,000 Cash Flow U:\My Documents\Monthly Reports\2017 - 2018\October 2017 - Financial Statements 4 HARNETT COUNTY FINANCIAL SUMMARY REPORT 12/5/2017 October, 2017 GENERAL FUND 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 UNAUDITED Non Spendable 451,088$ 111,181$ 159,625$ 1,418,606$ 232,245$ Restricted 9,433,149$ 9,260,952$ 11,496,063$ 11,966,027$ 9,068,575$ Committed -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Assigned -$ 3,193,811$ 2,600,000$ -$ -$ Unassigned 17,959,942$ 18,732,095$ 19,417,388$ 26,311,973$ 32,547,008$ $ 27,844,179 $ 31,298,039 $ 33,673,076 $ 39,696,606 $ 41,847,828 General Fund Expenditures $ 101,852,867 $ 103,330,529 $ 108,508,715 $ 112,272,703 $ 119,688,680 17.63% 18.13% 17.89% 23.44% 27.19% Estimated Fund Balance This classification represents the portion of fund balance that has not been assigned to another fund or is not restricted, committed, or assigned to specific purposes within the general fund. In the governmental fund financial statements, fund balance is composed of five classifications designed to disclose the hierarchy of constraints placed on how fund balance can be spent. They are as follows: Non-Spendable Fund Balance - This classification includes amounts that cannot be spent because they are either (a) not in spendable form or (b) legally or contractually required to be maintained intact. Restricted Fund Balance - The classification includes amount that are restricted to specific purposes externally imposed by creditors or imposed by law. Committed Fund Balance - This classification represents the portion of fund balance that can only be used for specific purposes imposed by majority vote by a quorum of the County Commissioners, that can by adoption of an ordinance, commit fund balance. Total General Fund Unassigned Fund Balance as a % of Expenditures That portion of fund balance that the County intends to use for specific purposes. The County Commissioners have the authority to assign fund balances. Unassigned Fund Balance - Assigned Fund Balance - U:\My Documents\Monthly Reports\2017 - 2018\October 2017 - Financial Statements 5 HARNETT COUNTY FINANCIAL SUMMARY REPORT 12/5/2017 October, 2017 GENERAL FUND The Harnett County Board of Commissioners have approved a fund balance policy which strives to maintain a minimum fund balance of 15%. 1.00% 11.00% 21.00% 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 17.63%18.13%17.89% 23.44%27.19% Fund Balance % U:\My Documents\Monthly Reports\2017 - 2018\October 2017 - Financial Statements 6 HARNETT COUNTY FINANCIAL SUMMARY REPORT 12/5/2017 October, 2017 PUBLIC UTILITIES FUND FYE 2016 FYE 2017 UNAUDITED FYE 2018 Adjusted Budget FYE 2018 Activity Total Percent to Date Same Period Last Fiscal Year 3,452,612$ 4,557,855$ 9,508,069$ 732,579$ 7.70%106,403$ 4,376,387 4,701,727 5,669,326 1,451,212 25.60%1,243,052 2,005,668 2,442,732 3,235,710 949,392 29.34%639,118 1,993,304 2,312,626 2,906,061 601,533 20.70%476,728 3,634,241 4,079,847 4,597,259 1,126,339 24.50%1,128,885 2,742,752 3,509,807 4,647,186 982,912 21.15%805,448 18,204,964$ 21,604,594$ 30,563,611$ 5,843,967$ 19.12% 4,399,634$ - 16,559,597 - - - 9,327,622 9,488,101 - - - 1,070,704 4,784,003 4,245,587 554,092 13.05%824,802 10,398,325$ 30,831,701$ 4,245,587$ 554,092$ 13.05% 824,802$ 28,603,289$ 52,436,295$ 34,809,198$ 6,398,059$ 18.38% 5,224,436$ FYE 2016 FYE 2017 UNAUDITED FYE 2018 Adjusted Budget FYE 2018 Activity Total Percent to Date Same Period Last Fiscal Year 3,703$ 3,703$ 3,703$ -$ -$ 32,563,219 33,494,516 32,117,905 12,761,993 39.73%9,861,732 3,704,119 4,957,710 691,000 115,708 16.75%89,945 2,105 (3,018) - 6,371 234 36,273,146$ 38,452,911$ 32,812,608$ 12,884,072$ 39.27% 9,951,911$ 320,484 - - - - 450,000 45,034 - - - - - 1,996,590 - - 770,484$ 45,034$ 1,996,590$ -$ -$ 37,043,630$ 38,497,945$ 34,809,198$ 12,884,072$ 37.01% 9,951,911$ 8,440,341$ (13,938,350)$ 6,486,013$ 4,727,475$ Subtotal - Operating Revenues Total Expenditures Source Intergovernmental Revenue Interfund Transfers Fund Balance Appropriated Total Revenues Subtotal Other Financing Sources: Department Admin/CSR/Meter Services Water Treatment Wastewater Treatment Wastewater Treatment SHWW Distribution Collections Revenues over / (under) expenditures Rents, Concess. & Feees Other Finance Sources Debt Service Subtotal Other Financing Uses: Sales & Services Other Revenues Subtotal - Operating Expenditures Interfund Transfers Depreciation U:\My Documents\Monthly Reports\2017 - 2018\October 2017 - Financial Statements 7 HARNETT COUNTY FINANCIAL SUMMARY REPORT 12/5/2017 October, 2017 PUBLIC UTILITIES FUND PNC Lockbox Money Mkt NCCMT Total October 2017 26,818,623$ 6,886,050$ 5,012,069$ 29,701$ 38,746,444$ September 2017 25,541,516$ 6,526,813$ 5,010,010$ 27,553$ 37,105,892$ August 2017 24,609,773$ 6,454,907$ 5,007,882$ 27,402$ 36,099,964$ July 2017 23,098,741$ 5,739,955$ 5,005,756$ 26,874$ 33,871,325$ June 2017 22,125,214$ 5,549,386$ 5,005,756$ 26,474$ 32,706,830$ May 2017 25,982,342$ 5,236,513$ 5,003,631$ 624,363$ 36,846,849$ April 2017 32,934,935$ 4,914,027$ 5,001,575$ 614,100$ 43,464,638$ March 2017 31,893,934$ 9,713,915$ -$ 599,368$ 42,207,217$ January 2017 34,586,445$ 4,491,557$ -$ 588,277$ 39,666,278$ December 2016 33,153,787$ 4,255,513$ -$ 588,277$ 37,997,576$ February 2017 35,929,010$ 4,553,808$ -$ 588,943$ 41,071,761$ November 2016 31,878,365$ 4,312,453$ -$ 588,228$ 36,779,046$ October 2016 31,059,095$ 4,075,830$ -$ 585,783$ 35,720,707$ September 2016 29,921,800$ 4,030,784$ -$ 585,023$ 34,537,607$ August 2016 30,074,922$ 3,836,649$ -$ 585,023$ 34,496,594$ July 2016 28,301,352$ 3,467,807$ -$ 583,368$ 32,352,527$ June 2016 27,213,474$ 3,582,342$ -$ 583,368$ 31,379,183$ May 2016 28,848,875$ 3,432,473$ -$ 581,211$ 32,862,559$ Cash and Investments $25,000,000 $30,000,000 $35,000,000 $40,000,000 $45,000,000 Cash Flow U:\My Documents\Monthly Reports\2017 - 2018\October 2017 - Financial Statements 8 HARNETT COUNTY FINANCIAL SUMMARY REPORT 12/5/2017 October, 2017 SOLID WASTE FUND FYE 2016 FYE 2017 UNAUDITED FYE 2018 Adjusted Budget FYE 2018 Activity Total Percent to Date Same Period Last Fiscal Year 4,207,775$ 6,129,550$ 5,140,096$ 1,177,991$ 22.92%1,549,637$ 4,207,775$ 6,129,550$ 5,140,096$ 1,177,991$ 22.92% 1,549,637$ - - - - - - - - - - 445,290 - - - - 88,150 466,362 540,352 65,905 12.20%67,997 533,439$ 466,362$ 540,352$ 65,905$ 12.20% 67,997$ 4,741,214$ 6,595,912$ 5,680,448$ 1,243,896$ 21.90% 1,617,634$ FYE 2016 FYE 2017 UNAUDITED FYE 2018 Adjusted Budget FYE 2018 Activity Total Percent to Date Same Period Last Fiscal Year 268,129$ 282,599$ 250,000$ -$ -$ 133,790 60,036 90,000 - - 5,313,693 5,731,760 5,335,248 1,444,277 27.07%1,405,842 139,437 2,472,394 3,700 6,490 175.41%383 1,291 2,548 1,500 576 38.40%353 5,856,340$ 8,549,337$ 5,680,448$ 1,451,343$ 25.55% 1,406,578$ 917 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 917$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 5,857,257$ 8,549,337$ 5,680,448$ 1,451,343$ 25.55% 1,406,578$ 1,116,043$ 1,953,425$ 207,447$ (211,056)$ Fund Balance Appropriated Total Revenues Subtotal Other Financing Sources: Revenues over / (under) expenditures Interfund Transfers Subtotal - Operating Expenditures Subtotal Other Financing Uses: Interfund Transfers Other Financing Uses Debt Service Department Solid Waste Total Expenditures Rents, Concess. & Feees Other Finance Sources Subtotal - Operating Revenues Source Taxes Intergovernmental Revenue Sales & Services Other Revenues Depreciation U:\My Documents\Monthly Reports\2017 - 2018\October 2017 - Financial Statements 9 HARNETT COUNTY FINANCIAL SUMMARY REPORT 12/5/2017 October, 2017 SOLID WASTE FUND PNC BB&T First Bank NCCMT Total October 2017 -$ 973,412$ 911,171$ 66,727$ 1,951,310$ September 2017 -$ 936,540$ 886,499$ 66,681$ 1,889,720$ August 2017 -$ 624,648$ 866,139$ 66,634$ 1,557,421$ July 2017 -$ 804,053$ 846,637$ 944$ 1,651,635$ June 2017 189,827$ 873,490$ 822,923$ 944$ 1,887,184$ May 2017 146,657$ 849,369$ 798,541$ 295,485$ 2,090,052$ April 2017 252,605$ 813,116$ 768,637$ 235,646$ 2,070,004$ March 2017 697,465$ 796,560$ 738,482$ 316,381$ 2,548,889$ February 2017 1,010,246$ 774,615$ 715,054$ 316,381$ 2,816,296$ January 2017 933,046$ 733,821$ 679,357$ 240,324$ 2,586,547$ December 2016 1,221,468$ 712,874$ 660,335$ 159,310$ 2,753,988$ November 2016 143,512$ 679,050$ 628,517$ 78,246$ 1,529,324$ October 2016 -$ 623,360$ 608,194$ 78,246$ 1,309,800$ September 2016 723,455$ 703,192$ 649,795$ 159,310$ 2,235,752$ August 2016 596,631$ 637,923$ 589,976$ 78,243$ 1,902,774$ July 2016 706,906$ 613,495$ 567,589$ 4,902$ 1,892,893$ June 2016 953,476$ 595,845$ 549,127$ 4,902$ 2,103,350$ May 2016 1,030,073$ 577,211$ 534,532$ 254,500$ 2,396,316$ Cash and Investments $1,000,000 $2,000,000 $3,000,000 Cash Flow U:\My Documents\Monthly Reports\2017 - 2018\October 2017 - Financial Statements 10 HARNETT COUNTY FINANCIAL SUMMARY REPORT 12/5/2017 October, 2017 WORKER'S COMPENSATION FUND FYE 2016 FYE 2017 UNAUDITED FYE 2018 Adjusted Budget FYE 2018 Activity Total Percent to Date Same Period Last Fiscal Year 21,000$ 198,426$ 32,000$ 166,028$ 518.84%7,000$ 1,243,316 3,010,116 1,093,000 250,000 22.87%280,919 - - 455,537 455,537 100.00%- 1,264,316$ 3,208,542$ 1,580,537$ 871,565$ 55.14% 287,919$ FYE 2016 FYE 2017 UNAUDITED FYE 2018 Adjusted Budget FYE 2018 Activity Total Percent to Date Same Period Last Fiscal Year 1,711,483$ 1,599,984$ 975,000$ 265,321$ 27.21%328,839$ 441,714 2,563,155 150,000 83,326 55.55%58,277$ - - 455,537 - - 2,153,197$ 4,163,139$ 1,580,537$ 348,647$ 22.06% 387,116$ 888,881$ 954,597$ (522,918)$ 99,197$ Category Fixed Cost Claims Funded Total Expenditures Source Departmental Charge Other revenues Fund Balance Appropriated Total Revenues Revenues over / (under) expenditures Transfer to Capital Reserve U:\My Documents\Monthly Reports\2017 - 2018\October 2017 - Financial Statements 11 HARNETT COUNTY FINANCIAL SUMMARY REPORT 12/5/2017 October, 2017 WORKER'S COMPENSATION FUND PNC NCCMT Total October 2017 2,387,268$ 1,211,772$ 3,599,040$ September 2017 2,730,366$ 1,211,772$ 3,942,138$ August 2017 2,814,262$ 1,211,772$ 4,026,034$ July 2017 2,759,812$ 1,211,772$ 3,971,584$ June 2017 2,904,633$ 1,211,772$ 4,116,405$ May 2017 2,809,436$ 1,211,772$ 4,021,208$ April 2017 265,521$ 1,211,772$ 1,477,293$ March 2017 2,833,889$ 1,211,772$ 4,045,661$ February 2017 2,717,622$ 1,211,772$ 3,929,394$ January 2017 2,768,040$ 1,211,772$ 3,979,812$ December 2016 2,687,499$ 1,211,772$ 3,899,271$ November 2016 2,582,294$ 1,211,772$ 3,794,066$ October 2016 2,487,719$ 1,211,772$ 3,699,491$ September 2016 2,533,314$ 1,211,772$ 3,745,086$ August 2016 1,669,764$ 1,211,772$ 2,881,536$ July 2016 1,705,014$ 1,211,772$ 2,916,786$ June 2016 1,624,481$ 1,211,772$ 2,836,253$ May 2016 1,692,068$ 1,211,772$ 2,903,840$ Cash and Investments $2,000,000 $3,000,000 $4,000,000 $5,000,000 Cash Flow U:\My Documents\Monthly Reports\2017 - 2018\October 2017 - Financial Statements 12 HARNETT COUNTY FINANCIAL SUMMARY REPORT 12/5/2017 October, 2017 WORKER'S COMPENSATION FUND 2,573,365$ 34,478 2,655,907$ Liability 117,020 # of Claims this fiscal year 26changes in estimates Actual claim payments Liability as of end of month Liability as of July 1 Current year claims and U:\My Documents\Monthly Reports\2017 - 2018\October 2017 - Financial Statements 13 HARNETT COUNTY FINANCIAL SUMMARY REPORT 12/5/2017 October, 2017 EMPLOYEE CLINIC FUND FYE 2016 FYE 2017 UNAUDITED FYE 2018 Adjusted Budget FYE 2018 Activity Total Percent to Date Same Period Last Fiscal Year 140,835$ 150,473$ 175,301$ 46,418$ 26.48%38,552$ 140,835$ 150,473$ 175,301$ 46,418$ 26.48% 38,552$ FYE 2016 FYE 2017 UNAUDITED FYE 2018 Adjusted Budget FYE 2018 Activity Total Percent to Date Same Period Last Fiscal Year 242,612$ 172,135$ 175,301$ 50,430$ 28.77%48,600$ - - - - - - - - - - 242,612$ 172,135$ 175,301$ 50,430$ 28.77% 48,600$ 101,777$ 21,662$ 4,012$ 10,048$ Fund Balance Appropriated Department Employee Clinic Total Expenditures Source Departmental Charge Other revenues Total Revenues Revenues over / (under) expenditures U:\My Documents\Monthly Reports\2017 - 2018\October 2017 - Financial Statements 14 HARNETT COUNTY FINANCIAL SUMMARY REPORT 12/5/2017 October, 2017 EMPLOYEE CLINIC FUND PNC NCCMT Total October 2017 640,629$ 29,241$ 669,870$ September 2017 640,059$ 29,241$ 669,300$ August 2017 639,388$ 29,241$ 668,629$ July 2017 627,671$ 29,241$ 656,913$ June 2017 638,529$ 29,241$ 667,771$ May 2017 643,317$ 29,241$ 672,559$ April 2017 645,207$ 29,241$ 674,448$ March 2017 642,930$ 29,241$ 672,171$ February 2017 644,551$ 29,241$ 673,792$ January 2017 641,202$ 29,241$ 670,443$ December 2016 641,529$ 29,241$ 670,770$ November 2016 644,850$ 29,241$ 674,091$ October 2016 646,455$ 29,241$ 675,697$ September 2016 647,665$ 29,241$ 676,906$ August 2016 645,243$ 29,241$ 674,484$ July 2016 643,903$ 29,241$ 673,145$ June 2016 640,890$ 29,241$ 670,132$ May 2016 629,731$ 29,241$ 658,972$ Cash and Investments $650,000 $655,000 $660,000 $665,000 $670,000 $675,000 $680,000 $685,000 Cash Flow U:\My Documents\Monthly Reports\2017 - 2018\October 2017 - Financial Statements 15 HARNETT COUNTY FINANCIAL SUMMARY REPORT 12/5/2017 October, 2017 EMPLOYEE CLINIC FUND October 2017 153 September 2017 133 August 2017 142 July 2017 132 June 2017 120 May 2017 185 April 2017 109 March 2017 201 February 2017 198 January 2017 177 December 2016 165 November 2016 141 October 2016 116 Employee Clinic Utilization 0 253 Health Prevention # of Visits # Flu shots # Pneumonia shots 0 50 100 150 200 250 Patient Flow U:\My Documents\Monthly Reports\2017 - 2018\October 2017 - Financial Statements 16 HARNETT COUNTY FINANCIAL SUMMARY REPORT 12/5/2017 October, 2017 MEDICAL INSURANCE FUND FYE 2016 FYE 2017 UNAUDITED FYE 2018 Adjusted Budget FYE 2018 Activity Total Percent to Date Same Period Last Fiscal Year 6,818,253$ 6,839,112$ 7,150,000$ 2,075,634$ 29.03%2,357,845$ 634,709 704,945 882,000 262,116 29.72%233,595 8,355 2,919 10,000 - 762 7,461,317$ 7,546,976$ 8,042,000$ 2,337,750$ 29.07% 2,592,202$ FYE 2016 FYE 2017 UNAUDITED FYE 2018 Adjusted Budget FYE 2018 Activity Total Percent to Date Same Period Last Fiscal Year 7,892,453$ 7,994,131$ 8,000,000$ 2,929,713$ 36.62%2,406,536$ 26,178 19,851 42,000 2,962 7.05%2,839 7,918,631$ 8,013,982$ 8,042,000$ 2,932,675$ 36.47% 2,409,375$ 457,314$ 467,006$ 594,925$ (182,827)$ Category Paid Claims Wellness Total Expenditures Source Medical Premium Equivilents Other revenues Total Revenues Fixed Cost Revenues over / (under) expenditures U:\My Documents\Monthly Reports\2017 - 2018\October 2017 - Financial Statements 17 HARNETT COUNTY FINANCIAL SUMMARY REPORT 12/5/2017 October, 2017 MEDICAL INSURANCE FUND PNC NCCMT Total October 2017 2,503,575$ 543,297$ 3,046,872$ September 2017 2,511,895$ 543,297$ 3,055,192$ August 2017 2,336,726$ 543,297$ 2,880,023$ July 2017 2,199,920$ 543,297$ 2,743,218$ June 2017 1,911,518$ 543,297$ 2,454,816$ May 2017 2,028,010$ 543,297$ 2,571,307$ April 2017 2,033,963$ 543,297$ 2,577,260$ March 2017 1,870,174$ 543,297$ 2,413,471$ February 2017 2,024,627$ 543,297$ 2,567,925$ January 2017 2,084,544$ 543,297$ 2,627,841$ December 2016 2,014,553$ 543,297$ 2,557,850$ November 2016 1,952,986$ 543,297$ 2,496,283$ October 2016 1,869,553$ 543,297$ 2,412,851$ September 2016 1,877,798$ 543,297$ 2,421,096$ August 2016 1,125,368$ 543,297$ 1,668,665$ July 2016 967,054$ 543,297$ 1,510,351$ June 2016 1,035,476$ 543,297$ 1,578,773$ May 2016 866,947$ 543,297$ 1,410,244$ 4.06 3.74 2.58 Cash and Investments 4.24 Number of Months Average Monthly Cost on Hand 2.33 2.44 2.18 3.97 3.98 3.73 3.97 3.79 4.71 4.45 4.72 3.95 3.86 3.73 $1,500,000 $1,700,000 $1,900,000 $2,100,000 $2,300,000 $2,500,000 $2,700,000 Cash Flow U:\My Documents\Monthly Reports\2017 - 2018\October 2017 - Financial Statements 18 HARNETT COUNTY FINANCIAL SUMMARY REPORT 12/5/2017 October, 2017 MEDICAL INSURANCE FUND Employees & Pre-65 Retirees Total Membership Net Paid Claims Fixed Cost Loss Ratio Premium Equivalent October 2017 863 1,324 581,206.37$ 62,181.09$ 87.65%734,013.78$ September 2017 862 1,315 614,099.71$ 65,346.44$ 92.95%731,001.65$ August 2017 861 1,316 465,032.05$ 62,291.38$ 72.08%731,553.84$ July 2017 863 1,319 565,579.25$ 62,926.27$ 85.73%733,143.41$ June 2017 858 1,309 707,456.46$ 63,092.85$ 104.82%735,091.65$ May 2017 859 1,308 585,092.44$ 59,071.95$ 99.37%648,269.01$ April 2017 850 1,288 426,323.43$ 60,687.61$ 74.69%652,008.78$ March 2017 847 1,280 700,824.81$ 62,056.67$ 120.25%634,433.13$ February 2017 838 1,270 697,396.28$ 38,867.77$ 116.07%634,310.54$ January 2017 843 1,275 451,584.71$ 46,679.99$ 79.47%626,993.27$ December 2016 843 1,271 562,043.76$ 50,371.79$ 96.89%632,074.10$ November 2016 841 1,265 450,496.19$ 58,245.17$ 80.80%629,611.56$ October 2016 835 1,253 475,315.79$ 93,186.53$ 90.35%629,233.60$ September 2016 830 1,242 949,451.70$ 58,166.03$ 161.13%625,355.69$ August 2016 827 1,238 472,478.84$ 58,462.25$ 85.98%617,534.95$ July 2016 830 1,237 567,120.08$ 117,732.75$ 110.59%619,266.87$ June 2016 826 1,201 749,785.30$ (48,146.18)$ 112.65%622,838.33$ May 2016 821 1,195 644,458.97$ 18,765.56$ 121.42%546,217.69$ 844 1,273 10,665,746.14$ 989,985.92$ 98.92% 11,782,951.85$ Year to Date (membership = avg) Medical Paid Claims Summary 50% 75% 100% 125% 150% 175% Medical Plan Loss Ratio U:\My Documents\Monthly Reports\2017 - 2018\October 2017 - Financial Statements 19 HARNETT COUNTY FINANCIAL SUMMARY REPORT 12/5/2017 October, 2017 DENTAL INSURANCE FUND FYE 2016 FYE 2017 UNAUDITED FYE 2018 Adjusted Budget FYE 2018 Activity Total Percent to Date Same Period Last Fiscal Year 295,849$ 374,180$ 325,000$ 147,406$ 45.36%131,651$ 36,698 37,022 50,000 15,645 31.29%10,702 332,547$ 411,202$ 375,000$ 163,051$ 43.48% 142,353$ FYE 2016 FYE 2017 UNAUDITED FYE 2018 Adjusted Budget FYE 2018 Activity Total Percent to Date Same Period Last Fiscal Year 369,211$ 490,944$ 375,000$ 159,814$ 42.62%150,352$ - - - - - 369,211$ 490,944$ 375,000$ 159,814$ 42.62% 150,352$ 36,664$ 79,742$ (3,237)$ 7,999$ Category Paid Claims Fixed Cost Total Expenditures Source Dental Premium Equivilents Other revenues Total Revenues Revenues over / (under) expenditures U:\My Documents\Monthly Reports\2017 - 2018\October 2017 - Financial Statements 20 HARNETT COUNTY FINANCIAL SUMMARY REPORT 12/5/2017 October, 2017 DENTAL INSURANCE FUND PNC NCCMT Total October 2017 312,464$ -$ 312,464$ September 2017 318,326$ -$ 318,326$ August 2017 331,188$ -$ 331,188$ July 2017 325,009$ -$ 325,009$ June 2017 315,701$ -$ 315,701$ May 2017 311,609$ -$ 311,609$ April 2017 313,273$ -$ 313,273$ March 2017 294,393$ -$ 294,393$ February 2017 296,096$ -$ 296,096$ January 2017 290,366$ -$ 290,366$ December 2016 290,231$ -$ 290,231$ November 2016 280,718$ -$ 280,718$ October 2016 278,083$ -$ 278,083$ September 2016 283,750$ -$ 283,750$ August 2016 269,750$ -$ 269,750$ July 2016 278,279$ -$ 278,279$ June 2016 270,084$ -$ 270,084$ May 2016 262,899$ -$ 262,899$ Cash and Investments Number of Months Average Monthly Cost on Hand 8.80 8.78 8.83 8.89 9.16 9.33 8.97 8.29 8.34 8.18 8.18 7.91 7.41 7.83 7.99 7.60 7.84 7.61 $250,000 $275,000 $300,000 $325,000 $350,000 Cash Flow U:\My Documents\Monthly Reports\2017 - 2018\October 2017 - Financial Statements 21 HARNETT COUNTY FINANCIAL SUMMARY REPORT 12/5/2017 October, 2017 DENTAL INSURANCE FUND Total Employees Total Membership Net Paid Claims Fixed Cost Loss Ratio Premium Equivalent October 2017 898 1,458 31,749.70$ 3,937.37$ 90.76%39,318.72$ September 2017 897 1,452 40,606.95$ 3,911.15$ 113.17%39,336.03$ August 2017 892 1,443 42,338.35$ 3,902.41$ 113.76%40,647.93$ July 2017 890 1,443 37,352.60$ 3,893.67$ 101.81%40,511.14$ June 2017 878 1,401 31,838.61$ 3,815.01$ 86.37%41,280.65$ May 2017 877 1,401 29,071.76$ 3,828.12$ 84.48%38,943.34$ April 2017 867 1,386 30,843.30$ 3,797.53$ 84.96%40,772.75$ March 2017 866 1,382 37,039.68$ 3,810.64$ 117.25%34,840.92$ February 2017 853 1,366 29,052.10$ 3,731.98$ 89.50%36,632.24$ January 2017 852 1,363 24,691.39$ 3,701.39$ 74.34%38,194.96$ December 2016 849 1,352 30,584.03$ 3,683.91$ 90.36%37,925.31$ November 2016 847 1,350 27,494.20$ 3,749.46$ 82.49%37,877.15$ October 2016 838 1,341 20,172.90$ 3,412.97$ 62.44%37,772.52$ September 2016 812 1,312 38,929.95$ 3,600.88$ 113.34%37,526.11$ August 2016 813 1,323 35,594.70$ 3,570.29$ 104.91%37,330.66$ July 2016 810 1,316 31,416.37$ 4,006.42$ 93.83%37,752.67$ June 2016 671 1,114 28,488.90$ 6,202.76$ 90.84%38,188.97$ May 2016 667 1,110 22,062.20$ 3,084.92$ 84.50%29,760.98$ 838 1,351 569,327.69$ 69,640.88$ 93.33% 684,613.05$ Dental Paid Claims Summary Year to Date (membership = avg) 50% 75% 100% 125% Dental Plan Loss Ratio U:\My Documents\Monthly Reports\2017 - 2018\October 2017 - Financial Statements 22 HARNETT COUNTY FINANCIAL SUMMARY REPORT 12/5/2017 September, 2017 BOARD OF EDUCATION FYE 2016 FYE 2017 UNAUDITED FYE 2018 Adjusted Budget FYE 2018 Activity Total Percent to Date Same Period Last Fiscal Year 115,268,881$ 106,092,900$ 125,587,942$ 24,002,052$ 19.11%102,207,084$ 115,268,881$ 106,100,707$ 125,587,942$ 24,019,945$ 19.13%102,223,378$ -$ 7,807$ -$ 17,892$ 16,295$ 22,838,609 20,553,383 27,827,027 4,139,262 14.87%19,279,878$ 21,557,719 21,058,298 27,827,027 5,300,700 19.05%21,520,806$ (1,280,890)$ 504,915$ -$ 1,161,437$ 2,240,928$ 11,365,474 10,646,921 13,523,581 2,229,153 16.48%9,658,731$ 11,365,474 10,649,134 13,523,581 2,225,877 16.46%9,670,260$ -$ 2,213$ -$ (3,276)$ 11,528$ 3,165,403 3,395,126 1,411,640 - 2,990,946$ 2,844,295 3,534,258 1,411,640 137 0.01%2,681,150$ (321,108)$ 139,132$ -$ 137$ (309,796)$ 10,013,377 9,236,883 11,365,310 1,460,613 12.85%9,324,806$ 10,608,154 10,202,351 11,365,310 1,525,427 13.42%9,246,428$ 594,777$ 965,468$ -$ 64,814$ (78,378)$ 304,258 250,473 282,502 34,623 12.26%292,697$ 299,648 292,574 282,502 12,816 4.54%284,577$ (4,609)$ 42,101$ -$ (21,807)$ (8,120)$ 4,720,189 5,456,564 6,545,327 1,145,506 17.50%3,813,528$ 5,253,011 6,017,872 6,545,327 419,097 6.40%4,694,184$ 532,822$ 561,307$ -$ (726,409)$ 880,656$ 167,676,190 155,632,250 186,543,328 33,011,209 17.70%147,567,670 167,197,181 157,855,193 186,543,328 33,503,997 17.96%150,320,783 (479,009)$ 2,222,943$ -$ 492,788$ 2,753,113$ * Latest available numbers from the Board of Education's web site. State Fund Fund Group Expenditures Revenues Dunn District Fund Expenditures Revenues Local Current Expense Fund Expenditures Revenues Federal Grant Fund Expenditures Revenues Capital Outlay Fund Expenditures Revenues Expenditures Revenues Local Restricted Fund Expenditures Revenues Total All Funds Child Nutrition Fund Expenditures Revenues U:\My Documents\Monthly Reports\2017 - 2018\October 2017 - Financial Statements 23 HARNETT COUNTY FINANCIAL SUMMARY REPORT 12/5/2017 September, 2017 BOARD OF EDUCATION 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 UNAUDITED Non Spendable 1,417,080$ 2,130,098$ 1,849,351$ 1,796,064$ -$ Restricted 2,813$ 67,971$ 21,420$ 25,507$ -$ Committed -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Assigned 4,004,023$ 3,508,927$ 5,466,811$ 3,845,000$ -$ Unassigned 5,426,606$ 3,000,000$ 2,889,118$ 3,274,629$ -$ 10,850,522$ 8,706,996$ 10,226,700$ 8,941,200$ -$ General Fund Expenditures 20,262,634$ 22,848,788$ 20,369,083$ 23,089,579$ -$ 26.78% 13.13% 14.18% 14.18% 0.00% Assigned Fund Balance - That portion of fund balance that the County intends to use for specific purposes. The County Commissioners have the authority to assign fund balances. Unassigned Fund Balance - This classification represents the portion of fund balance that has not been assigned to another fund or is not restricted, committed, or assigned to specific purposes within the general fund. Estimated Fund Balance In the governmental fund financial statements, fund balance is composed of five classifications designed to disclose the hierarchy of constraints placed on how fund balance can be spent. They are as follows: Non-Spendable Fund Balance - This classification includes amounts that cannot be spent because they are either (a) not in spendable form or (b) legally or contractually required to be maintained intact. Restricted Fund Balance - The classification includes amount that are restricted to specific purposes externally imposed by creditors or imposed by law. Committed Fund Balance - This classification represents the portion of fund balance that can only be used for specific purposes imposed by majority vote by a quorum of the County Commissioners, that can by adoption of an ordinance, commit fund balance. Unassigned Fund Balance as a % of Expenditures Total General Fund U:\My Documents\Monthly Reports\2017 - 2018\October 2017 - Financial Statements 24 HARNETT COUNTY FINANCIAL SUMMARY REPORT 12/5/2017 September, 2017 BOARD OF EDUCATION ADM MLD ADM Change MLD Change Month 1 20,390 20,515 Month 1 Revd Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 Final Public School Membership Fiscal Year 2017-2018 Initial Allotment20,979 1.00% 11.00% 21.00% 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 60.26% 26.78% 13.13%14.18%14.18% Fund Balance % U:\My Documents\Monthly Reports\2017 - 2018\October 2017 - Financial Statements 25 HARNETT COUNTY FINANCIAL SUMMARY REPORT 12/5/2017 September, 2017 BOARD OF EDUCATION 19,500 20,000 20,500 21,000 Harnett County School Membership ADM MLD U:\My Documents\Monthly Reports\2017 - 2018\October 2017 - Financial Statements 26