03172003 (2) 881 HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Minutes of Regular Meeting March 17, 2003 The Harnett County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Monday, March 17,2003, in the Commissioners Meeting Room, County Administration Building, 102 East Front Street, Lillington, North Carolina. . Members present: Beatrice B. Hill, Vice Chairman Dan B. Andrews Walt Titchener Tim McNeill Chairman Byrd was absent due to military obligations. Staff present: Neil Emory, County Manager Wm. A. (Tony) Wilder, Assistant County Manager Dwight W. Snow, County Attorney Kay S. Blanchard, Clerk to the Board Vice Chairman Hill called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and Commissioner Andrews led the pledge of allegiance and prayer. Commissioner Andrews moved to approve the agenda as published with the following additions to the consent agenda: - Additional budget amendments - Contract with the Town of Lillington - waterline - Contract with Moore County - water - Resolution declaring items from old courthouse surplus for auction - Resolution to be written in support ofD.S. troops . Commissioner Titchener seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Upon motion by Commissioner Andrews and seconded by Commissioner Titchener, the Board unanimously approved the following items on the consent agenda: 1. Minutes: Regular Meeting, March 3, 2003 Special Meeting (work session), March 14,2003 2. Budget amendments: 320 Coats Wastewater Extension Proiect (Fund 548-"PU0301") Code 548-0000-314.50-00 Sales Tax 615. increase 548-0000-361.10-00 Interest on Investments 4,000. increase 548-9108-431.45-80 Contingency 4,615. increase 321 Southwest Rel!ional Transmission Proiect (Fund 542-"REGIII") Code 542-0000-314.50-00 Sales Tax Refund 1 ,500. increase 542-0000-361.50-00 Interest on Invest.-First Cit. 5,025. increase 542-0000-361.10-00 Interest on Investments 3,692. increase 542-9101-431.45-80 Contingency 10,217. increase 322 Western Harnett & Johnsonville School Proiect (Fund 547-"WH SCH") . Code 547-0000-314.50-00 Sales Tax Refund 1 0,000. increase 547-0000-361.10-00 Interest on Investments 600. increase 547-0000-361.50-00 Interest on Invest.-First Cit. 1,200. increase 547-0000-370.81-00 Loan Proceeds-2002 COPS 3,866. increase 547-9106-431.45-80 Contingency 15,666. increase 323 Southwest Wastewater Plant Exoansion Proiect (Fund 547-"SW WW") Code 547-0-000-361.10-00 Interest on Investments 3,400. increase 547-9106-431.45-80 Contingency 3,400. increase 882 324 Titan Wastewater Extension Proiect (Fund 542-"PU0201") Code 542-0000-361.10-00 Interest on Investments 1,300. increase 542-0000-314.50-00 Sales Tax 1. increase 542-9101-431.45-80 Contingency 1,301. increase 325 South Central Wastewater Protect (Fund 542-"PUOI04") Code 542-0000-361.10-00 Interest on Investments 500. increase 542-9101-431.45-80 Contingency 500. increase 326 COPS 2002 Schools Capital Protect (Fund 311-"CP0202") . Code 311-8311-410.45-80 Contingency 29,935. decrease 311-8311-410.45-20 Legal & Administrative 20,877. decrease 311-0000-361.50-00 Interest on Invest.-First Cit. 50,812. decrease 328 COPS 2002 Schools Capital Proiect (Fund 311-"CP0202") Code 311-8311-410.90-10 Transfer to General Fund 350,000. increase 311-0000-361.50-00 Interest on Invest.-First Cit. 350,000. increase 329 Scattered Site housinl! Proiect (Fund 365-CP0303") Code 365-0000-314.50-00 Sales Tax Refund 2,035. increase 365-8365-465.85-04 Sewer Ll 2,035. increase 330 Sheriff{Fund 110-Generan Code 110-5100-420.11-00 Salaries & Wages 17,586. increase 110-5100-420.12-00 FICA Tax Expense 1,346. increase 110-5100-420.21-00 Group Insurance 2,300. increase 110-5100-420.23-00 Retirement 841. increase 110-5100-420.23-05 LEO Supplemental Retirement 880. increase 110-5100-420.26-08 Worker's Compensation 264. increase 110-5100-420.74-74 Capital Outlay 6,008. increase 110-0000- 3 99.00-00 Fund Balance Appropriated 29,225. increase 331 Social Services {Fund 110-Generan . Code 110-7710-441.80-60 Day Care Smart Start 42,109. increase 110-0000-330.77-05 Day Care Smart Start 42,109. increase 110-7710-441.80-90 Crisis Intervention 84,141. increase 110-0000-330.77-01 Social Services Admin. 88,049. increase 110-7710-441.80-85 CP&L Project Share 3,908. increase 110-7710-441.80-50 Day Care Subsidy 254,572. increase 110-0000-330.77-04 Day Care Subsidy 254,572.increase 336 Sheriff {Fund 11 O-Generan Code 110-0000-356.30-00 Insurance Reimbursement 500. increase 110-5100-420.43-21 Maintenance & Repair-Auto 500. increase 340 Sheriff (Fund 11 O-Generan Code 110-0000-356.30-00 Insurance Reimbursement 724. increase 110-5100-420.43-21 Maintenance & Repair-Auto 724. increase 341 Shawtown Infrastructure Capital Prolect (Fund 361- "CPO 10 1 ") Code 361-8361-465.85-43 Sewer CDBG IF 1 309. increase 361-0000-314.50-00 Sales Tax Refund 309. increase 347 Sheriff(Fund 110-Generan . Code 110-5199-420.11-00 Salaries & Wages 47,528. decrease 110-5199-420.22-00 FICA Tax Expense 4,003. decrease 110-5199-420.26-08 Worker's Compensation 786. decrease 110-5199-420.58-14 Travel 3,311. decrease 110-5199-420.33-45 Contracted Services 52,685. decrease 110-5199-420.32-89 Operations 10,601. decrease 110-0000-334.51-99 Lee/Harnett Implementation 118,914. decrease 348 Planninl! (Fund 11 O-Generan Code 110-0000-322.72-01 Cell Tower Fees 17,500. increase 110-7200-465.33 -45 Contracted Services 17,500. increase {~ . r r B 3 .,.."- '" 3 5 3 Rel!ister of Deeds (Fund 11 O..,Generan Code 110-4800-410.23-09 Register of Deeds-Special 8,500. increase 110-0000-399.00-00 Fund Balance Appropriated 8,500. increase 354 Emergencv Services {Fund 110-Generan Code 110-5300-420.60-33 Materials & Supplies 1,500. increase 110-0000-353.08-00 Emergency Management 2,500. increase 110-5300-420.41-11 Telephone & Postage 1,000. increase . 355 Human Resources (Fund 110-Generan Code 11 0-7404-465.32-73 Vouchers 4,884. decrease 110-0000- 3 31. 74-04 VIA Funds 4,884. decrease 356 Transportation (Fund 11O-General) Code 110-0000-347.17-00 Transportation Fees 15,000. increase 110-4650-410.33-45 Contracted Services 15,000. increase 357 Governinl! Bodv (Fund 110-General) Code 110-4100-410.30-04 Professional Services 50,000. increase 110-0000-399.00-00 Fund Balance Appropriated 50,000. increase 365 Al!inl!-RSVP (Fund 11 O-General) Code 110-4400-410.44-21 Bldg. & Equipment Rent 164. decrease 110-7510-441.44-21 Bldg. & Equipment Rent 164. increase 366 Solid Waste (Fund 580-S01id Waste) Code 580-6600-461.74-74 Capital Outlay-Equipment 8,300. increase 580-0000-399.00-00 Fund Balance Appropriated 8,300. increase 3. Tax refunds and releases (Attachment 1) . 4. Audit contract with Cherry, Bekaert & Holland, Certified Public Accountants & Consultants for auditing services for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2003. 5. Lease agreement with Ralph and Margaret Mangum for household refuse container site on Brooks Mangum Road. The amount of the lease has been increased to $1,300 per year in order to be equitable to other container sites' agreements renewed within the fiscal year. 6. Change order for Wellons Construction Company/Coats Wastewater Extension Project (Attachment 2) 7. Two change orders for Billy Johnson Contractors/W estern Harnett-Highland Schools Wastewater Project (Attachment 3) 8. Informal award to Temple Grading & Construction Company for the Western HarnettlHighland Schools Wastewater Project (Attachment 4) 9. Farm lease agreement with Marvin Tart, Jr. for Airport property formerly known as the "Crossroads Property". Consideration for lease is $35 per acre for the cleared land. Mr. Tart has rented the property in the past and desires to rent it the upcoming agricultural year. . 10. Contract and agreement with the Town of Lillington regarding 12" water line construction project on the north side of US 421 (Attachment 5) 11. Resolution declaring items from the old courthouse surplus for auction May 3, 2002 (Attachment 6) 12. Second Modification of Contract between Southwest Water and Sewer District and East Moore Water District for sale of water to Moore County (Attachment 7) 13. Resolution to be written in support of U.S. Troops; resolution will be considered for adoption at the next regular Board of Commissioners' meeting. '884 Commissioner Andrews moved for the appointments listed below. Commissioner McNeill seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Harnett Countv Architectural Committee Tilghman Pope and Wiley Pope appointed to fill vacancy created by death of their father, Pat Pope. Averasboro Townshio Tourism Develooment Authoritv . Billy Tart (chairman) and Debbie Turner re-appointed for I-year terms to expire 12/31/03 nominated by Commissioner Andrews Harnett Countv One-on-One Advisorv Board All members appointed for a I-year term to expire 12/31/03. Jim Pence, Chairman Karen Parker, Secretary & Treasurer John Woods Anthony Fairley, Vice Chairman Charles Smith Angela Baker Beatrice Hill Bridgett Wiley nominated by Commissioner McNeill Juvenile Crime Prevention Council Pat Godwin and Alice Powell removed from Council. Angie Wood re-appointed for a 2-year term to expire 4/30/05 Heather Williams re-appointed for a 2-year term to expire 4/30/05 Tim Benware appointed for 2-year term to expire 3/31/03 Perry Hudson appointed for 2-year term to expire 3/31/03 nominated by Vice Chairman Hill Neil Emory, County Manager, presented for the Board's consideration, the proposed . Lee-Harnett Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities, and Substance Abuse Authority Local Business Plan to become effective July 1, 2004. The Plan was presented and reviewed at the Board's March 3rd meeting by Claretta Johnson, Director, Lee-Harnett Metal Health. Commissioner Titchener moved to approve the Plan as presented. Commissioner McNeill seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Vice Chairman Hill called to order a public hearing on a zoning change request for Jesse & Vernon McLamb Heirs; Jeffrey W. McLamb (agent) - from Industrial to RA- 30 Zoning District, U.S. Hwy. 301 W., Averasboro Township, 2.80 +/- acres. Joseph Jeffries, Chief Planner, presented the request. Vice-Chairman Hill opened the meeting for comments from the public. Beau McLamb spoke in favor of the zoning change. There being no further comments, Vice Chairman Hill closed the public hearing. The Planning Board recommended approval of the requested zoning change. Commissioner McNeill moved to approve the zoning change from Industrial to RA-30 Zoning District. Commissioner Andrews seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Vice Chairman Hill called to order a public hearing on a zoning change request for Joy West - from RA-40 Zoning District to RA-30 Zoning District, SR 1778-Middle Rd., Averasboro Township, 1.24 +/- acres. Joseph Jeffries, Chief Planner presented the request. Vice Chairman Hill opened the meeting for comments from the public. Joy . West, applicant, spoke in favor of the request. There being no further comments, Vice Chairman Hill closed the public hearing. The Planning Board recommended denial of the request. Commissioner McNeill stated that based on this being spot zoning, he would move to ask the Planning Department to study the matter to determine if the whole area needs to be rezoned, and bring a recommendation back to the Board. The motion received no second. After further discussion by the Board, Commissioner McNeill withdrew his first motion and moved to approve the zoning change request for Joy West as presented. Commissioner Andrews seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. -~........._"..,...,_.<." 885 Vice Chairman Hill called to order a public hearing on a proposed amendment to the Zoning Ordinance. Joseph Jeffries, Chief Planner, presented the proposed text amendment, as recommend by staff, that manufactured homes be required to meet or exceed the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development standards. This would eliminate locating or moving manufactured homes built prior to July 1, 1976. Vice Chairman Hill opened the meeting for comments from the public. No comments were offered and Vice Chairman Hill closed the public hearing. Commissioner . McNeill moved for adoption of the resolution amending the Zoning Ordinance as presented. Commissioner Andrews seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. (Attachment 8) Departmental reports were filed with the Board from Veterans Affairs, Emergency Medical Services, General Services, Sheriffs Department, Animal Control, Report of Barred Taxes (Attachment 9), and General Fund Report (Attachment 10). Commissioner Titchener moved to authorize execution of a Local Government Association resolution regarding current local government issues. Commissioner McNeill seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. There being no further business, Commissioner Andrews moved for adjournment. Commissioner Titchener seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. The Harnett County Board of Commissioners' regular meeting, March 17, 2003, adjourned at 7:25 p.m. ./~~ir~/ )Veatrice B. Hill, Vi~ Chairman . ~xf-~ . Kay S. lanchard, Clerk to the Board . :8--86 Attachment 1. -"-"_.------~ cl bY the Harnett "'tI?ro~e d 01 CommlS$lone'lS MONTHLY REFUND REPORT Cc:.;;";:Y B;~ 1 ~ 0:3 _: De\9. ~ d 1O-Mar-03 ...1J.~ 1.. M"'rvt. 1 BILL NUMBER NAME REASON AMOUNT YEAR MONTH TOWN 20006885 BULLARD, PHYLLIS DOUBLE LISTED COUNTYWIDE - 16,542 X .73 = 120.76 2000 03/03 2 136 BRANDI LANE AND. CRK FIRE - 16,542 X .11 = 18.20 SPRlNG LAKE, NC TOTAL - 138.96 28390-7239 . 20016713 BULLARD, PHYLLIS DOUBLE LISTED COUNTYWIDE - 16,211 X .76 = 123.20 2001 03/03 2 136 BRANDI LANE AND. CRK FIRE - 16,211 X.l1 = 17.83 SPRlNG LAKE, NC TOTAL - 141.03 28390-7239 20026956 BULLARD, PHYLLIS DOUBLE LISTED COUNTYWIDE - 14,943 X .76 = 113.57 2002 03/03 2 136 BRANDI LANE AND. CRK FIRE - 14,943 X.l1 = 16.44 SPRlNO LAKE, NC TOTAL -130.01 28390-7239 200245568 SMITH, MARlE BILLED INCORRECTLY COUNTYWIDE - 5,218 X .76 = 39.66 2002 03/03 2 C/O DELLA POWELL BOONE TRAIL EME - 5,218 X .07 = 3.66 P.O. BOX 1346 TOTAL - 43.32 LILLINGTON, NC 27546 200257213 YOUNG, WILLIE T DOUBLE-BIllED WITH COUNTYWIDE - 500 X .76 = 3.80 2002 03/03 2 319 WILSON DRIVE DMV SPOUT SPRlNGS FIRE - 500 X .10 = .50 CAMERON, NC 28323 PENALTY-.50 TOTAL - 4.80 2001658405 AUSDENMOORE, MARTIN JOHN VEIDCLE SOLD COUNTY - 8.20 07 2001 03103 2 56 BRUSH ARBOR LANE FR22 - .65 DUNN, NC 28334 SC20 - .22 TOTAL - 9.07 2002584913 BARNES, MICHAEL AARON MILITARY COUNTY - 90.14 2002 03/03 2 160 CONSTITUTION WAY EXEMPTION FR16 -11.86 CAMERON, NC 28326-9297 TOTAL - 102.00 2002546627 BARRIAGE, LEROY WILLIAM VEIDCLE SOLD COUNTY - 5.04 08 2002 03/03 2 . 495 CROWN PT FR16 - .66 SANFORD, NC 27332-6640' TOTAL - 5.70 2002551149 DELAGUlLA, LAUREANO VEIDCLE COUNTY - 17.Q3 02 2002 03103 2 132 SMITH DR REGISTERED IN FR40 - 1.57 ANGIER, NC 27501-6423 MEXICO TOTAL -18.60 2002545228 EVERETTE, DAVID KEITH VEIDCLE SOLD COUNTY - 50.12 06 2002 03103 2 1008 S 6TH ST FR18 - 4.61 LILLINGTON, NC 27546 TOTAL - 54.73 2002576060 GONSALVES, cHAD A YRON MILITARY COUNTY - 42.14 2002 03103 2 5474 MARVIN DR EXEMPTION FR20 - 6.1 0 SPRING LAKE, NC 28390-7223 TOTAL - 48.24 2002506410 HALSTEAD, SARAH REBECCA VEIDCLE SOLD COUNTY - 27.94 10 2002 03103 2 4218 HARVARD AVE FR40 - 2.57 GREENSBORO, NC 27407 TOTAL - 30.51 2002527333 HOPKINS, KELLY ERlN VEIDCLE SOLD COUNTY -16.76 09 2002 03/03 2 . P.O. BOX 1374 FR18 - 1.54 FUQUAY VARINA, NC 27526-1374 TOTAL - 18.30 2002544637 JACKSON, BEATRIX DZVWULSKI VEIDCLE WRECKED COUNTY - 41.80 06 2002 03103 2 64 ORCHARD CREST CIR FR16 - 5.50 SANFORD, NC 27330-2261 TOTAL-47.30 2002544611 LEWIS BETH ANITA MILITARY COUNTY - 73.99 2002 03103 2 89 WEDGEWOOD CT EXE~1Y llVl'l FR24 - 6.82 SANFORD, NC 27332-1334 TOTAL - 87.62 2002530638 LITTLES, JUDY VEIDCLE SOLD COUNTY - 6.99 08 2002 03/03 2 ANGIER P.O. BOX 253 CI04 - 4.05 FUQUAY VARINA, NC 27526-0253 FR40 - .64 TOTAL -- 11.68 "". 8~i7 '" C I 2002561507 PIPEWORK UTILITlES, INt CORRECTION IN COUNTY - 20.34 2002 03/03 2 1197 MABRY ROAD VALUE FR40 - 1.87 ANGIER, NC 27501-7685 TOTAL - 22.21 2002515563 RTJ CONTRACTING, INC CORRECTION IN COUNTY - 163.85 2002 03/03 2 374 LANE RD VALUE FR22 - 12.94 . DUNN, NC 28334-6274 SC20 - 4.31 TOTAL -181.10 2002535917 SAAB LEASING CO VElllCLE REG IN VA COUNTY - 113.49 02 2002 03/03 2 P.O. BOX 7101 FR24 - 10.45 LITTLE ROCK, AR 72223-7101 TOTAL -123.94 2002575958 SEXTON, BARTHOLOMEW FRED VElllCLE SOLD COUNTY - 150.51 05 2002 03/03 2 1458 US 421 N 001 - 13.87 LILLINGTON, NC 27546.8432 TOTAL - 164.38 2002576101 SPEAS, ANDREW VALUE APPEALED COUNTY - 19.76 2002 03/03 2 50 ANDREW COX LANE FR20 - 2.86 SPRING LAKE, NC 28390-7108 TOTAL - 22.62 . . 888 Attachment 2. / CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER I OROEA1NO. DATE 2.,.3-03 ST ATE NC CONTRACT FOR COUNTy Delma Grimes Rd.- Coats I Harnett OWNER County of Harnett, P.O._ Box 1119,Lillington, !\IC 27546 .. .. fa ._."!.~).~..<?.r:!.~_..~9!!_~.~.~~S;.~..i.9.~..._<;.~.~..~._. ? ~~;'l~~~'~"H"-'~Y.~,:"~-""!?-~~~!.,,,,,~~,,-?~-~~-?-,,,,-,,.....m...___.._. You are hereby requested to comply with the. following changes Tram the contract plans and specifications: -. . Description of Changes I DECREASE INCREASE (Supplemental Plans and Specifications Attached) in Contract Price .in Contract Price Removal of 25 trees between $ $3,750.00 Station 23-1-89 and 29+82 .----.-...---------------.. --'.-"--- ------ TOTALS $ ------ .._.... ...~.d_50. 00 ..-. NET CHANGE IN CONTRACT PRICE $ --..---=-----.-..-----__~.L?_:?2_: 0 0 ----- JUSTIFICATION:. .- Relocation of manholes, required by NCDOT necessitated the eemoval of teees. ,. :; The amount of the Contract will be (~~d) (Increased) By The Sum' Of: Three Thousand, Seven Hundeed-Fifty and 001100----------- Dollars ($ 3,750.00 ) . The Contract Total Including this and previous Chanee Orders Will Be' Foue hundred-thousand, Onehundeed-Seventeen and 001100----------- 400,117.00 ""liars ($ ). ion Will Be (Increased) (Decreased) (Unchanged): Days. This document will becom ~ Requested ;1,,/ t}J !JI!I I!) ( . (Owne,) I . (Dare) 2-3-03 Recommended ~./ \j, . ~ (Owne,'. ..rc.lrect~En'tn..') (Date) Accepted ~ ~ ') vP / E'!;O~-r;,;,.", 2-71- 0 ~ I' , (CantreCIDt() - -- (Date) . . Jd, allan will b. 'UM III r'lcard.' any ehan,as.tD t..~:~rllln.1 conltructlo~ ca':'tract~i :3-/1-D3 OC Approval Date I Attachment 3. CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER ORDER N"l OATE 1124f03 I STAT E NC CONTRACT FOR I COUNT Y Conteact: .2 - W. Haenett Schools Harnett OWNER County of Haenett, P. O. Box 1119, Li11ington, .NC 27546 r 0 ~.inUY.n. !?_~_n-!~ !:1n~.~_?!'!:_.g.?.1}.~.!;.~s:..~.?.E 6..1.. .~.2.?__.~..~.~.~n_~.En~!___~~~E__<.?~~~_~.._ ~_<:n..__~7..~_~_~...___.. . . (Contuctof) You are hereby requested to comply with the. following changes Irom lhe contract plans and s~e.:~~._ Description of Changes I DECREASE. , INCREASE (Supplemental Plans and Specificat.ions Attached) in Contract Price .in Contract Price To remove stated allowance'foe '$ $ PS <:l - Highland Hills Elementaey School $65,060,00 -..- -.-..- $ 65..crOo". 00 TOTALS $ - ..-- NET CHANGE IN CONTRACT PRICE $65,000.00 S '--.-.-.__~ _..... __n'___ _ .--..------ --- JUST/FICA TION:. .- As requested by Owner ,. 889 : The a.mount of the Contract wi!1 be (Decreased) (lh~~ By The Sum' Of: Sixty-Fiv~ Thousand and no 1-100 65,000.00 Dollars ($ ). The Contract Totallneluding this and previous Change Orders Will po'- Fi ve Hundre'd-Forty-Three thousand, Five Hundred and nQIIOO nollars ($ 543, 500.00 '. III Be (Increased) (Decreased) (Unchanged): 0 . Days. the contract and all provisi9ns will apply hereto. , f , Requested MAR 6 m ~ ~ "_.,, (Dale) Recommended. . ~..' . l ~(own.r" Archlt.ct/En,ln..r) 1-21-03 (D. Ie) Acc~teA _ ~. y- 2. -07-tl~ u (Confractor) (Dldfl) , I ORDER NO. CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER 2 O.ATE 1-20-03 I STATE NC CONTRACT FOR I COUNT Y Western Harnett Schools Harnett OWNER Deot. of Public Utilities, P.o. Box 1119, Lillington, NC 27546 - To .J?j.))'y..nP-.=----o!.g.~D-~9..~...S.~.~.~.~E-~9..~.i.ClIl.,-...~~~_..P..~.~:..n~.~.:' _Four Oaks, NC 27524 . (Con rr.ctorJ -- ---..----....-......-...---..----.......-----..-.. You a~e hereby requested to comply with the.foll~wing changesfrom the contract plans and specifications: Description of Changes. . DECREASE I n INCREASE (Supplemental Plans and Specifications Attached) in Contract Price in Contract Price Site -i-increase capacity, ~ole size $ $3,500.00 site-2-Increase capacity an pole size 2,900.00 . Site~3-Increase capacity~and pole size 2,900.00 _.",,- .-- _u_____.._..,..."._.__ ----_..- ..--- TOTALS $ ----- ____ ~.!~~OO. 00 NET CHANGE IN CONTRACT PRICE . $ 9,300.00 JUSTIFICATION:. ____ uo_________________.._..__.. ___________ : To match power requirements.submitted by the pump supplier. . 890 Attachment 4. AGREEMENT FORM THIS AGREEMENT, made the day of ,2003 by and between the COUNTY OF HARNETT referred to in these Contract Documents as "Owner", and . referred to in these Contract Documents as "Contractor"; Temple Grading & Construction Co. WITNESSETH: THAT WHEREAS: In accordance with law, Owner has caused Contract Documents to be prepared and an Advertisement for Bids to be published, for and in connection with Contract for #4 pumping station . Highland Hills Elementary School fumishing of materials as listed in the bill of materials provided by Marziano & Minier, PA. WHEREAS, Contractor, in response to the Advertisement for Bids, has submitted to Owner, in the manner and at the time specified, a sealed Bid in accordance with Instructions to Bidders; and WHEREAS, Owner, 'in the manner prescribed by law, has publicly opened, examined, and canvassed the Bids submitted, and has determined Contractor to be the lowest and best Bidder for the Work and duly awarded to Contractor a contract therefor, for the sum or sums named in Contractor's Bid. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the compensation to be paid to Contractor and of the mutual agreements herein contained, the parties to these presents have agreed and hereby agree, Owner for itself and its successors, and Contractor for itself, himself, or themselves, and its, his, or their successors and assigns, and its, his, or their executors and administrators, as follows: ARTICLE 1. Contractor shall perform all Work, including the assumption of all obligations, duties and responsibilities necessary to the successful completion of the contract and the furnishing of all materials . and equipment required to be incorporated in and form a permanent part of the Work; tools, equipment, supplies, transportation, facilities, labor, superintendence and services required to perform the Work; and Bonds, insurance and submittals; all as indicated or specified in the Contract Documents to be performed or furnished by Contractor for the Work included in and covered by Owner's official award of this Contract to Contractor. such award being based on the acceptance by Owner of Contractor's Bid, or part thereof, . as follows: ARTICLE!!. That Owner shall pay to Contractor for performance of the Work embraced in this contract, and Contractor shall accept as full compensation therefor, the sum (subject to adjustment as provided in the Contract Documents) of Fifty-Thousand, Eight Hundred Dollars and Fifty Cents ($50,800.50) for all Work covered by and included in the contract award and designated in the foregoing Article I; payment thereof to be made in current funds in the manner provided in the Contract Documents. ARTICLE ill. That Contractor shall complete the Work within _days after the Commencement of Contract Time (as defined in General Conditions). ARTICLE IV. That the Contract Documents which comprise the contract between Owner and Contractor, attached hereto and made a part hereof, consist of the documents listed in Table of Contents, and the documents identified below. Addenda numbers Information submitted by Contractor with the Bid: Information submitted by Contractor prior to the time Owner issues Notice of Award: Notice of Award. . Notice to Proceed. Any Modifications (as defined in General Conditions) duly delivered after execution of this Agreement. Specification booklet entitled: "Specificatioh & Contract Documents WESTERN HARNETT SCHOOLS WASTEWATER FACILITIES Plans as given to Temple Any Notice of Partial Utilization. Notices of Substantial Completion. Notices of Final Completion and Acceptance. 0, ...} .IL "-J ... IN .WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement the day and year first above wntten. Temple Gradinq & Constr. c-~~"". . k-~ft;Vla:: -- Title President Date {ir fJ.c{,JUJlej) L)J (Attest) Bv /{,-k f. t:ULUP-r5 Title ~daJL/ oJ' () ~jP (SEAL &) By (ATTEST) Neil Emorv Title County Manaaer . (Attest) BII ~~ Kav Blanchard Title Clerk to the Board Attachment 5. NORTH CAROLINA CONTRACT AND AGREEMENT HARNETT COUNTY This Contract and Agreement is made and entered into this ---1Jib day of March 2003, by and between the Town of Lillington, a municipal corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of North Carolina (hereinafter the "Town") and Harnett County, a body politic organized and existing under the laws of the State of North Carolina (hereinafter the "County"); WITNESSETH: . THAT WHEREAS, the Town and County have decided to construct a 12" water line under US421 at a point approximately 0.3 miles east of the intersection of North Main Street and Cornelius Harnett Boulevard to serve the properties located on the north side ofUS421; NOW THEREFORE, in consideration ofthe foregoing and the mutual agreements hereinafter set forth, the County and the Town agree as follows: 1. CONSTRUCTION A. The County shall provide all engineering design work, administration, and inspection for the construction ofa 12" encased PVC water line under US421 connecting to the existing County owned 20" water line along south side of US421 at a point :~89~? approximately 0.3 mile east of the intersection of N. Main Street and Cornelius Harnett Boulevard. The 12" water line will terminate on the north side of US42 I within the NCDOT right-of-way. B. The Town shall be responsible for the cost of construction of the 12" water line to include all appurtenances. . 2. OWNERSHIP The County shall own, vp"...,e, and maintain this water line and all appurtenances. 3. WATER RATE The County shall charge customers within the Town's present and future corporate limits the Town's rate for water services. Any tap fees, late fees, capacity fees, reconnection or disconnection fees or charges will comply with the Town's CUB"'" rate for these services. 4. EXTENSION OF WATER SERVICES A. The County may extend this water line with the authorization and approval of the Town, as long as the County complies with the provisions of the agre...~,,~.~ between the Town and the County dated 20th November 2002. B. The Town may extend this water line within the Town limits. IN WITNESS WHEROF, the parties hereto, acting under authority of their '''''p..~tive gm,,,u";'.g bodies, have caused this Agreement to be duly executed in two (2) count".p....~", each of which shall constitute an original. Executed by the Town ofLillington, this Jl!idayof Mo(('h 2003. . By: Attest: Jt~~g./d'J!\~ Vickie B. Wilson, Clerk Executed by the County of Harnett, this the J2..!!0:...day of .#UtYt. ~ 2003. .;: ! County of Harnett BY:~~-r'Y !~t- ~ / eatrice Hill, Vice C"hlGrman - Harnett County Board of Cvu~..:ssioners Attest: ~,J. t!J~ . Kay S. lancbard, Clerk to the Board NORTH CAROLINA HARNETT COUNTY I 1l11f1 l r U )PI'\+ . a Notary Public of the County and State aforesaid certify that Grover 1\. Smith who being by me duly sworn, says that he is Mayor of the Town of Lillington, and that Vickie B. Wilson is Clerk of said Town, that the seal affixed to the foregoing and attested agreement is the seal of the Town of Lillington, North Carolina and that said instrument was signed by him as Mayor of the Town of Lillington and by the Clerk of said Town, who affixed the official seal of the Town of Lillington to said instrument; and that the said Grover A. Smith, Mayor of the Town of Lillington acknowledged said instrument to be the act and deed of the Town ofLillington, North Carolina. 893 Witness my hand and official seal, this J J tb day of ~ .2003. l ~ ........ . ......\ ~~. WE. .'..... _1 .... ....\~ .,........ SJ' .... Notary, blic ! i' .........~ SEAL 4/4lx,. ; I ~OTAIl,., ~ . ., _ . --- : .. My Comnnssloner ExpIres: ; \ ~ C: = ;~\ UBL\ :~i .... ~.... -t. } 'to.... ~ii;....... "'4' ".. CoU...... "" ,,+ ""'lIrA""'" NORTH CAROLINA . HARNETT COUNTY 1 TJIItlJ1Jla 1?xJypJf;){;.t. a Notary Public of the County and State aforesaid certify that Beatrice Hill who being' by me duly swom, says that she is Vice Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of Hamett County, and that Kay S. Blanchard is the Clerk of said Board, that the seal affixed to the foregoing and attested agreement is the seal of said County and that said instrument was signed by her as Vice Chairman and by the Clerk, who affixed the official seal of the said County to said instrwnent; and that the said Beatrice Hill, in the above capacity acknowledged said instrwnent to be the act and deed of the County ofHamett. Witness my hand and official seal, this n day of fLl1ur ~ . 2003. ,- ?fi1tU\Q 11JYi2- ~r ,\\\\'11111".11"'1" ....t~~.l'!~, ~14;'"" Notary Public \ I<)'J~ "~~ g,' ..q ',o~ = : ~ "0': My Commissioner Expires: 11-14-- '200lP =, ... .L '--1= ;~:.<> .... : ~ ~1l'" u8L/C ," i ~~ ,'()$ 0:.,.". ," ~ .., c...O"-0 ~...o:; ""'J""';?,~.~I\\\\\~\""'" Attachment 6. . HARNETT COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA RESOLUTION THAT WHEREAS, The property listed below has a value less than $10,000; and WHEREAS, G.S. 160A-266 and G.8. 160A-270 (b) permits the sale of personal property at public auction upon expiration of thirty days after the publication of the resolution authorizing the sale. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL YED BY THE HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS THAT: A. The following described property be and it is hereby declared surplus property; and B. Neil A. Emory, County Manager, be and he is hereby authorized to sell the following described property at public auction to be held on Saturday, May 3, 2003, at 9 a.m. at the Harnett County Courthouse located on Main Street, in Lillington, North Carolina. Denartment Serial No. Asset/Tal! Dept 1 Cables, printer, 4 7700 2 Camera, Sony Digital 343566 7700 3 Chair, Orange with arms 7300 . 4 Chair, red, no arms 7300 5 Chair, secretarial, blue, rolling 7300 6 Chair, Secretarial, Gray, rolling 7300 7 Chair, Secretarial, Rose, no arms 4200 8 Chair, Secretarial, Yellow, rolling 7300 9 Chairs 8100 10 Chairs, Wooden, with arms, Jury rooms, attorneys 11 Chairs, Stack, orange & chrome, no arms 7300 12 Computer Image Storage, HP Jukebox 3324A00354 2939 4800 13 Computer, Compaq prolinea MT A51HNC3E162 3315 4650 14 Computer, CPU, Alton 7700 15 Computer, CPU, Alton 3129 4308 7700 16 Computer, CPU, RTOS 042195C 3449 7700 17 Computer, CPU, RTOS 0421958 3448 7700 18 Computer, Intel Pentium 120 42197 4457 8100 19 Computer, Keyboard JZ004876 7700 20 Computer, Keyboard 4650 894 21 Computer, Monitor, Gateway 170140102194 7700 22 Computer, Monitor, Gateway 170140102755 7700 23 Computer, Monitor, Gateway 17004A38423 nOD 24 Computer, Monitor, Gateway 170140102792 7700 25 Computer, Monitor, Gateway 17004A770271 7700 . 26 Computer, Monitor, Kenitec 109404512 7700 27 Computer, Monitor, Low Rad NF848F 7700 . 28 Computer, Monitor, SVGA 3310 4650 29 Computer, Multimedia 600090 4046 8100 30 Computer, Multimedia 4919 8100 31 Computer, Pentium 2162-7 5194 8100 32 Computer, Pentium 200 28125-03 4806 8100 33 Counters, wooden 34 Desks, Clerk of Court offices, metal 35 Miscellaneous Computer components 8100 36 Miscellaneous Office supplies 8100 37 Printer, Epson 44B0452895 2289 7700 38 Printer, Epson, l.X810 44B0452845 2337 7700 39 Printer, HP Map Plotter 250 4920 40 Printer, Lexmark, Optra R 100-127 7700 41 Printer, Panasonic 51EBVF09153 3870 7700 42 Printer, Panasonlc 51EBVF08966 3869 7700 43 Printer, Panasonic 4BMCFF25545 3476 7700 44 Printer, Panasonic 4BMCFF25550 7700 45 Printer, stand 8100 46 Slide Viewer (not a projector) 7300 47 Sofa, green 8100 48 Table, square, chrome legs, 2 7300 49 Tables, conference, wooden, jury rooms 50 Television, GE, Color 924415798 7700 . 51 Time Clock 7300 52 Typewriter, IBM Quietwriter 8 10503740094638 83 8200 53 Vehicle, Dodge Ram Van, 1994 2B5VVB35Z1TK151437 4650 54 Vehicle, Dodge Ram Van, 1994 2B7KB31Z4RK151114 4650 55 Vehicle, Dodge Ram Van, 1995, Lift Equipped 2B7KB31Z7SK561525 4650 56 Vehicle, Dodge Ram Van, 1996 2B5VVB35Z3TK151438 4650 57 Vehicle, Dodge Ram Van, 1996 2B5VVB35ZXTK151436 4650 58 Vehicle, Dodge Ram Van, 1997 2B5VVB35Z2VK555785 4650 59 Vehicle, Dodge Ram Van, 1998 2B6LB31ZVVK158301 4650 60 Vehicle, Ford Econoline Van, 1998 1 FBSS31 L4VVHB67831 4650 61 Wall dividers, fabric partitions Duly adopted this 17th day of March, 2003. .',' /. ) HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS '" ,; -,.~ ~ ~4~~L(Jt~ " " " Beatrice B. Hill, Vice Ctmirman > ATTEST: . ~~~ Kay S. anchard, Clerk to the Board ~3qi; '\..__ "'. f~' Attachment 7. NORTH CAROLINA HARNETT COUNTY SECOND MODIFICATION OF CONTRACT This Contract for the sale and purchase of water is entered into as of the j 7 K. day of 1Y16J\ rj , 20Q}, between the SOUTHWEST WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT OF HARNETT COUNTY (hereinafter "District"), and the COUNTY OF HARNETT, a body politic, organized and existing under the laws of the State of North . Carolina (hereinafter Harnett County); parties of the first part, and the COUNTY OF MOORE, (hereinafter Moore County), and EAST MOORE WATER DISTRICT, parties of the second part, WITNES SETH: THAT WHEREAS, Moore County is a body politic duly organized and existing under the laws of the State of North Carolina; and WHEREAS, the Southwest Water and Sewer District is a County water and sewer district organized and existing under the laws of the State of North Carolina; and WHEREAS, the East Moore Water District is a County water district organized and existing under the laws of the State of North Carolina; and WHEREAS, the parties to this agreement have entered into a water purchase contract, dated November 29,1999 and modified said contract December 13, 2001; and WHEREAS, the parties have agreed to modify the contract dated November 29, 1999 and amended December 13, 2001 between Harnett County Southwest District and Moore County and East Moore Water District regarding the agreements to sell and . purchase water; and WHEREAS, Harnett County is a body politic duly organized and existing under the laws of the State of North Carolina; and WHERAS, Harnett County was not a party to the original contract entered into on November 29, 1999 or the modification of December 13, 2001, but as they are the owners of the water production facilities and the parties wish for them to be a party to this modification, the modification of December 13, 2001 and the original November 29, 1999; and NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and the mutual agreements hereinafter, the County of Harnett, Southwest Water and Sewer District, East Moore Water District and the County of Moore, agree as follows: Seller's Al!:reement 1. That Harnett County shall be considered a party to the November 29, 1999 Facilities contract, to the Modification of said contract on December 13, 2001 and to this Second Modification of Contract and shall be subject to all benefits and obligations . provided for the Southwest Water and Sewer District of Harnett County in said Contracts, 2, The Point of delivery shall be amended from a point adjacent to NC Highway 24/27 to a metering facility in Harnett County as close as possible to the Harnett - Moore County line within or adj acent to the highway road right of way along NCSR 1100 (Line Road), 3, Subject to the contribution of the East Moore Water District of Three Hundred Sixty Three Thousand, Seven Hundred Seventy Seven dollars, ($ 363,777,00) as provided hereinafter, Harnett County shall be responsible for the cost of construction for the addition of '"l'l',vAimately 12,190 linear feet of 16 inch water line along NCSR 1100 (Line Road). This provision applies to the water line as currently designed, 89'6 4, All water lines, valves, metering equipment and other related appurtenances located within Harnett County shall be the property of Harnett County, 5. Any water consumers within Harnett County shall be Harnett County customers and Harnett County shall be entitled to any revenues from these consumers. 6, Harnett County shall be responsible for maintenance and repair of all water mains, meter vaults and any appurtenances 'up to the point of delivery, including the additional 12, 190,00 feet constructed on County Line Road, . 7, There shall be no obligation on the part of Harnett County or Southwest Water and Sewer District to construct water lines to the original meter point. 8, Harnett County shall be responsible for all costs associated with the purchase, construction, and installation at the point of delivery (described in Paragraph 2 above) of the necessary metering equipment, including the meter vault, an eight (8) inch meter, and land acquisition, Harnett County shall be responsible for the maintenance and repairs of the metering equipment. Purchaser's AlITeement 1. East Moore Water District shall pay to Harnett County the sum of Three HWldred Sixty Three Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy Seven dollars, ($ 363,777.00) for the additional construction provided in this agreement. This provision applies to the water line as currently designed, 2. The above referenced payment shall be due within Fifteen (15) days of receipt of an invoice from Harnett County, (The invoice shall be generated upon execution of the change order with Park Construction Company, the contractors providing work and . materials on the original construction contract), IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto, acting under authority of their respective governing bodies, have caused this contract to be du1y executed in triple counterparts, each of which shall constitute an original, Executed by the District, this rJ 'tL dayof A1/lY~h ,2003, SOUTHWEST WATER AND SEWER By: ~L64.a:d J7ig> B'eatrice Hill, Chairman Harnett County Board of Commissioners, sitting as the governing body of the Southwest Water and Sewer District of Harnett County Attest: J<~J. ~ Kay S. lanchard, Clerk to the Board COUNTY OF HARNETT By: _:!~~""J/Qt~ . B atrice Hill, Vice Chaiiman Harnett County Board of Commissioners Attest: ~ J. f3)a,... t iLAltA Kay S, lanchard, Clerk to the Board Certificate of Finance Officer This instnunent has been pre-audited in the manner required by the Local Govemment Budget and Fiscal Control Act. /'L-'-f J .~ Finance Offic.er ofH e - County and Southwest Water District ':l xg? ''"-' , 1 tJ ~'\ Executed by the District, this :s day of 2003, :\\\\,,"111111"'1/1111 EAST MOORE WATER DISTRICT :\'\.,'\\....~,'l Of: 11"",- ::-~ ~ ............4,0"," ~1\~ . ~ 0 " eo 0...... ! () .....ORPO~..... ~% ~ ,u J-'..~~ By: ~ t ...... ~I ~ \~....SEAL i l \0..... ....~l Moore County Board of Commissioners, .., '9)': ............ ,~ $' sitting as the governing body of the "',,,,, Iy CAf\O~ ,\"...,,,, "/"1/11I11111\\"\\\\' East Moore Water District of Moore County t:/-~ G; A nj--t:. Carol ThomaS, Clerk to the Board ,\\\,"1111111I1111""" COUNTY OF MOORE ,,"'" ~~1Y OJ::' """~ JI~~~ j' c'O..................4,fO "'-", , . ORP . '" g /0 O~ ... 0 " By: ~ { ... ~\fi~ : : Si2A..... 111: ;: Michael R. Holden, Chairman \'Z> \. 1.../ f Moore County Board of Commissioners, .. 'Sl '. ..". ''>t.. .' 'i'" ". ~, .......... ~ ,~ ''''''''''1 CAR 0 \...~\,\\"'" "lllJlIIIII"\\\ Attest: ~u~~ C I Thomas, Clerk to the Board Certificate of Finance Officer TIlls instrument has been pre-audited in the manner required by the Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act. . )e~ F(::fe.6fffcer of Moore County and East Moore Water District NORTH CAROLINA HARNETT COUNTY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I, LI1I1J.1- /.I(//ltJI-~1l a Notary Public of the County and State aforesaid, 'certitY that Beatr~e Hill, who, being by me duly sworn, says that he is Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of Harnett County sitting as the governing body of the Southwest Water and Sewer District of Harnett County, and that Kay S. Blanchard is Clerk of said Board, that the seal affixed to the foregoing and attested instrument is the seal of said District and that said instrument was signed by him as Chairman in the above capacity and by the Clerk of said Board, who affixed the official seal of said District to said instrument; and that the said Beatrice Hill, in above capacity acknowledged said instrument to be the act and deed of the Southwest Water and Sewer District of Harnett County, it .flZz. . 20(!;J Witness my hand and notarial seal, this the J1 day of 1'<' -4 #:$& . Notary Publi My Commission Expires: J-.3f)~!J7 NORTH CAROLINA HARNETT COUNTY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT . 1, j /J1l/L //. ~~~A 1'1. a Notary Public of the County and State aforesaid, certify that Beatr' e Hill, who, being by me duly sworn, says that he is Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of Harnett County, and that Kay S. Blanchard is Clerk of said Board, that the seal affixed to the foregoing and attested instrument is the seal of said District and that said instrument was signed by him as Chairman in the above capacity and by the Clerk of said Board, who affixed the official seal of said District to said instrument; and that the said Beatrice Hill, in above capacity acknowledged said instrument to be the act and deed of the Southwest Water and Sewer District of Harnett County, 60. ~ Witness my hand and notarial seal, this the ~ Clay of vJ /1('.1., ,20~ ~~# My Commission Expires: / ~.30 A.IJ ' Notary Pu c /.- 898 NORTH CAROLINA MOORE COUNTY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I, 'Dee An" 1'w111is , a Notary Public of the County and State aforesaid, certify that Michael R. Holden, who, being by me duly sworn, says that he is Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of Moore County, and that Carol Thomas is Clerk of said Board, that the seal affixed to the foregoing and attested instmment is the seal of Moore County, North Carolina, and that said instmment was signed by him as Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of said County and by the Clerk of said Board, who affixed the official seal of Moore County to said instrwnent; and that the said Michael R. Holden, Chairman of the Board of Commissioners, acknowledged said instmment to be the act and deed ofM..QjWe'Q!o~, North Carolina, ",.,t~~~..and notarial seal, this the 3rJ day of March ,2003. . "<) . "1S>" f /~OTA,Ff).:"" "\ M ~ 8 :: : -.- ; :: (..LL ~ .. . pc' = . '.. ~... USL\. / U. o. Notary Public My C~~.q~~i~lo~-Ol- a t:>o '5 ""0 ~ COll\'1< :.", 'I'IIII'llll,ltttit.\"" NORTH CAROLINA MOORE COUNTY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 1, Deoe A-,.,,, ?ot.I2.IIis , a Notary Public of the County and State aforesaid, certify that Michael R. Holden, who, being by me duly sworn, says that he is Chairman of the Board of East Moore Water District, and that Carol Thomas is Clerk of said Board, that the seal affixed to the foregoing and attested instrwnent is the seal of Moore County, North Carolina, and that said instmment was signed by him as Chairman of the East Moore Water District and by the Clerk of said Board, who affixed the official seal of Moore County to said instrument; and that the said Michael R. Holden, Chairman of East Moore Water District, acknowledged said instmment to be the act and deed of East Moore W~~~r~t1'lot~ Moore County, North Carolina, ~\.., ? ~ Pu "'''''' ,,~...... ~/" / ,lllless myt.~~d notarial seal, this the 3rJ day of M ~..th ,2003. t i \,\OTAiTj~ \ ~ ~ ~ R ~ ~~ ~,7!:>.:'~1>1' : : ~ .... '0'" "."'....Iv ,.. c.:; ; Notary Public My ~~5&ioll'~~~ 00. -01- :).DO~ '"''''1''' COUli' :\...\~ 11/"'11111111"\\" , . At;tachment 8. HARNETT COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE HARNETT COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE TEXT WHEREAS, the Board of Cvmu..issioners of Harnett County adopted a Zoning Ordinance on July 18, 1988 and June 5, 2000 for the purpose of promoting the health, safety, and general welfare of the county residents; and WHEREAS, this ordinance was adopted under authority granted by the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina, particularly G.S. 153A-340; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Ordinance contains provisions for amending said ordinance and those provisions have been followed; and WHEREAS, the Harnett County Planning Board has reviewed the amendment to Article XV of the Zoning Ordinance and recvuLluends the adoption of the following amendment. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF HARNETT COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA that Article XV, Definition Section of the Zoning Ordinance be amended by deleting the definition for Manufactured Home and substituted as follows: Manufactured Home - a manufactured home is a structure that: (a) consists ofa single unit completely . assembled at a factory or of two (double-wide) or three (triple-wide) principal components totally assembled at the factory and joined together at the site; and (b) is designed so that the total structure (or in the case of a double-wide or triple-wide, each component thereof) can be transported on its own chassis; and (c) is over thirty-two (32) feet long and over eight (8) feet wide; and (d) is designed to be used for one family, including pc,.......nent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking, and sanitation; and (e) is actually being used, or is held ready for use, as a dwelling; (f) constructed after July 1, 1976, that meets or exceeds the construction standards adopted by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development that were in effect at the time of construction. Duly adopted this 17th day of March, Two Thousand Three and effective upon adoption. HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Beatrice B. Hill Vice Chairman gqq '\.....- '--.-. '"' At;tachment 9. Memorandum To: Harnett County Board of Commissioners From: L.C. O'Quinn, Tax Administratorj~ Date: March 5, 2003 . Subject: Barred Taxes Please accept my apologies. 1 realize this report is very late. We have been waiting for the progress and updates from attorney, Christopher Carr on tax suits. These have not materialized thus far. Pursuant to G.S, 105-378(a), remedies for collection of the 1992 taxes are barred after Septemper 1,2002. The 1992 personal property tax amounts to $41,476.92, of which $21,732.11 is principal. The 1992 real property tax amounts to $21,478.28, of which $11,126.21 is principal. Attached is a copy of the accounts receivable report total page. At;tachment 10. Fund Balance Changes - General Fund Fiscal Year 2002-2003 As of 3/12/03 . Oliginal Budgeted Fund Balance Appl'Opliated: $3,012,703 To increase Fund Balance A"p,vp,:ated for the rental of a 1 7/1/2002 Transportation $2,227,00 110 specialized chair-lift van for the Transportation Department. To increase Fund Balance Appropriated to carry donated I 4 7/15/2002 Emergency Services $1,199,00 110 funds forward from a prior year, To increase Fund Balance App>vp.:ated due to unused contributions to the Department on Aging for the prior fiscal 6 7/1512002 Aging $2,844,00 110 year, To reduce Fund Balance Appropriated do to decrease in 12 8/5/2002 Sheriff ($30,715,00) 110 contracted services budget. To increase Fund Balance Appropriated to re-encumber 19 8/5/2002 Finance $141,974,00 110 purchase orders from fiscal year 2001-2002, To budget rent for office spaces through the end of the fiscal 23 8/5/2002 Facilities Fees $34,320,00 110 yem:, To increase Fund Balance Due to unspent Medicaid Earnings 34 8/512002 Health $28,543,00 110 and Family Planning Fees for fiscal year 2001-2002, To increase Fund Balance Appropriated to re-encumber fund4 budgeted in the prior fiscal year for the alarm replacement at 37 8/5/2002 Sheriff $19,730,00 110 the Sheriff Department. To increase Fund Balance Appropriated for a part-time j 49 8/19/2002 Planning $24,560,00 110 position in the Planning Department, . To increase Fund Balance Appropriated due to WIexpended donated and Special Needs Adoption funding from the prior 57 8/19/2002 Social Services $48,242,00 110 year, To increase Fund Balance Appropriated to cover the County'!' in-kind contribution for the Child Care Resource & Referral 74 9/3/2002 Cooperative Extensior $4,320,00 110 Program, To increase Fund Balance Appropriated to budget Medicaid 78 9/16/2002 Health $14,497,00 110 ,Cost Settlement fWIds received on May 22, 2002, To decrease Fund Balance App,vp,:ated due to an increase in 82 9/16/2002 Transportation ($1,218,00) 110 the grant awarded from the NC Division of Aging, To increase FWId Balance Appropriated to return WIspent grant fWIds from fiscal year 2001-2002 for the Rural 86 9/16/2002 MIS $844,00 110 Economic Deve10PlIle.nt Grant. I - ~so-o To reduce Fund Balance Ap},,"p,~ated so the current budget I , I will coincide with the Office of Juvenile Justice Program 90 9/16/2002 Youth Services ($1,836,00) 110 Agreement for the current fiscal year. To increase Fund Balance Appropriated due to business tax 105 10/712002 Tax $1,894,00 110 audits conducted by Tax Management Associates, To increase Fund Balance Appropriated to return unspent grant funds from fiscal year 2001-2002 for the CBA Juvenile 109 10/712002 Youth Services $7,868,00 110 Restitution, To setup budget for grant proceeds for the planning 120 10121/2002 Plamring $2,500,00 110 department. To increase Fund Balance Ap..."...:ated to cover advertising . 123 1 0121/2002 Finance $1,181.00 110 cost associated with the Surplus Sale, I 147B 10/29/2002 Governing Body $3,250,00 110 Funds needed for newly organized North Harnett Senior Club \ \ 1137 I I To reduce Fund Balance Appropriated due to the receipt of I 11/4/2002 Emergency Services ($11,610,00) 110 grant proceeds for the Emergency Management Program. To increase Fund Balance AJ'''' "...~ated to cover advertising 139 11/412002 Finance $482,00 110 cost associated with the Surplus Sale, To increase Fund Balance Appropriated due to business tax 140 1114/2002 Tax $306,00 110 audits conducted by Tax Management Associates, To increase Fund Balance Appropriated due to Medicaid Cos Settlement Funds which were received during the prior fiscal 142 1114/2002 Health $39,725,00 110 year, To increase Fund Balance Appropriated due to a contract for 163 11/18/2002 Public Buildings $83,130,00 110 Jefferson's Cleaning Service, To increase Fund Balance Appropriated to cover rent for 170 12/212002 Finance $2,050,00 110 November due to a delay in the move to the new Courthouse, \ 180 To increase Fund Balance Appropriated for the Agriculture 12/2/2002 Cooperative ExtensiOl $1,000,00 110 Program. To reduce Fund Balance Appropriated to setup a Captain's positions in charge of Courthouse security and to purchase 186 12/2/2002 Sheriff ($54,249,00) 110 equipment needed to perform the duties of this position, To increase Fund Balance Appropriated for the County's 169 12/2/2002 Interfund Transfer $50,000,OC' 110 contribution to the Shawtown Capital Project. I 185 To reduce Fund Balance appropriated due to the receipt of 121212002 Revenues ($3,436,00: I 110 funds from the NC Department of State Treasurer, 1194 I To reduce Fund Balance App'''p,;ated due to the receipt of 116/2003 Revenues ($8,629,00) 110 various unanticipated revenues, . To increase Fund Balance App'''p,;ated to budget expenditures for Courthouse Security which will be funded b' 226 1/6/2003 Sheriff $31,794,00 110 a Local Law Enforcement Grant. To reduce Fund Balance Appropriated due to the receipt of grant funds from the North Carolina Department Of 231 If2112003 Revenues ($100,000,00) 110 Transportation, To increase Fund Balance App'''p,;ated to cover technical 233 112112003 MIS $9,225,00 110 services provided by Eric McKinney, To increase Fund Balance A...........:ated due to unspent 234 1121/2003 Cooperative Extensior $1,976,00 110 revenue from prior fiscal year, To increase Fund Balance A"J',,,..,;ated to purchase a new 236 1121/2003 Sheriff $15,000,00 110 vehicle, 1238 To increase Fund Balance Appropriated to use unspent prior 1121/2003 Cooperative Extensior $4,000,00 110 year funds to setup a new position, To increase Fund Balance App,uJ'.;ated to budget the 242 1121/2003 Governing Body $3,900,00 110 County's local match for the Hillcrest Youth Shelter, To reduce Fund Balance AppwJ',;ated to budget grant funds for the current fiscal year for file Senior Center Area of 259 2/3/2003 Parks & Recreation ($5,653,00) 110 Aging, I 262 To increase Fund Balance Appropriated due to unused funds 2/3/2003 General $1,768,00 110 from the prior fiscal year, To increase Fund Balance Appropriated to cover the purchasl of two desk chairs, a computer workstation and four stacking 296 3/3/2003 Facilities Fees $1,625,00 110 chairs for Juvenile Justice, To reduce Fund Balance Appropriated to budget donations received to benefit the foster children and the elderly and to 297 3/3/2003 Social Services ($36,736,00) 110 budget additional funding received. To increase Fund Balance AJ'J',~t,,;ated due to business tax I . 309 3/3/2003 Tax $687,00 110 audits conducted by Tax Management Associates, To reduce Fund Balance Appropriated and Support Services so that the current expenditures budgeted for WIA will reflec 312 3/3/2003 Hmnan Resources ($1,749,00) 110 the grant revenue, To increase Fund Balance AJ'J',,,...:ated for the purchase and installation of security measures at the Sheriffs Department to 359B 3/12/2003 Sheriff $21,112,00 110 control access to the law enforcement center, I I I I I I I I I I I year-to-date Fund Balance Appropriated: $3,379,645 901 Fund Balance Changes Public Utilities Fiscal Year 2002-2003 As of 3/12/03 . Original Budgeted Fund Balance Appropriated: $145,290.00 To increase Fund Balance Appropriated for a transfer of funds to the Southwest Regional Transmission 2 7/1/2002 Public Utilities $342,791.00 531 Project. To increase Fund Balance Appropriated for to re- encumber purchase orders from fiscal year 2001 - 18 8/5/2002 Public Utilities $101,000,00 531 2002, To increase Fund Balance App.up.;ated to budget a transfer of funds to the Titan Wastewater Extension 25 8/5/2002 Public Utilities $44,038,00 531 Proj ect. To increase Fund Balance Appropriated to budget a transfer of funds to the Titan Industries Wastewater 27 8/5/2002 Public Utilities $7,405,00 531 Project. To increase Fund Balance Appropriated to budget a transfer of funds to the Coats Wastewater Extension 30 8/5/2002 Public Utilities $95,000.00 531 ,Project. 'To increase Fund Balance Appropriated for the transfer of funds to the General Fund for the Edgerton 76 9/3/2002 Public Utilities $14,675,00 531 I I Industrial Park. To increase Fund Balance to transfer funds to the 108 10/7/2002 Public Utilities $416,217,00 531 Coats Wastewater Project. I 145 To increase Fund Balance to transfer funds to the 11/4/2002 , Public Utilities $8,000.00 531 Titan Wastewater Extension Project. f ~._,. ------- To reduce Fund Balance Appropriated due to the sale of other assets from the surplus sale on November 23, 195 1/6/2003 Public Utilities ($10,075,00) 531 2002 . To increase Fund Balance appropriated to advance funds to the Western HamettiJohnsonviIle School Project until Board of Education and Community 230 1/6/2003 Public Utilities I $200,000,00 531 Development Block Grant Funds are received, transfer of funds to the 18 mgd Water Plant Upgrade due to a change order from TA Loving for a high 241 1/21/2003 Public Utilities $186,295,00 531 service pump station, To budget the transfer of funds from Public Utilities to the project to fund operations until grant I 3/3/2003 Public Utilities $143,000,00 531 reimbursements are received, I I I I J year-to-date Fund Balance Appropriated: $1,693,636,00 I I I To reduce Fund Balance Appropriated due to a budget I 64 9/3/2002 Solid Waste ($186) 580 adjustment to the Xerox copy charge, To increase Fund Balance Appropriated to cover a large volume of unexpected repairs to equipment at 294 3/3/2003 Solid Waste $50,000 580 the landfill, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Year-ta-Date Fund Balance Appropriated: $365,599.00 902 HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Minutes of Special Meeting (Joint Meeting with Central Carolina Community College Board of Trustees) March 25,2003 The Harnett County Board of Commissioners met in special session on Tuesday, March 25,2003, in the Commissioners' Meeting Room, County Administration Building, 102 East Front Street, Lillington, North Carolina. . Members present: Beatrice Bailey Hill, Vice Chairman Dan B. Andrews Walt Titchener Tim McNeill Staff present: Neil Emory, County Manager Kay S. Blanchard, Clerk to the Board The purpose of the meeting was to meet jointly with Central Carolina Community College Board of Trustees and other CCCC leaders to discuss current and long range plans of the Community College. Vice Chairman Hill led the invocation. Vice Chairman Hill called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and called on Dr. Marvin Joyner, President. Dr. Joyner asked the trustees to introduce themselves. Dr. Joyner gave an overview of possible uses for $3,680,469 of authorized bond funds. Dr. Joyner emphasized that the College wants to pursue what would be best for the citizen~ ofHamett County. Ron Miriello, Vice President for Student and Educational Support Services, reviewed . emollment growth at the Harnett Campus. Dr. Matt Garrrett, Executive Vice President and Chief Academic Officer, discussed programs of study in Harnett County and projected use of a new building. G. Wayne Robinson, Vice President for Administrative Services, discussed employment and expenditures, bond fund availability, and operating costs of the Harnett County Campus. Neil Emory, County Manager, reported on findings of an architectural and electrical engineering assessment ofthe old courthouse. The assessment was conducted to see if it would be feasible to upgrade the old building for possible use by CCCC. A conservative estimate to replace electrical, heating and air condition systems, and minimum safety features to bring the building up to code is $2,000,000 +. The group then discussed adding property to the Harnett County Campus for possible expansion of facilities and long range plans for development. Mr. Emory will check with Harnett County Schools about possibility of the college using the old Lillington School for classroom space. There being no further business, the joint meeting of the Harnett County Board of Commissioners and Central Carolina College trustees adjourned at 8:20 p.m. . - d:~~' B trice B. Hill,Vice' hairman ~,t-~ Kay S. lanchard, Clerk to the Board