053017ws Agenda Package9:00 am 9:15 am 9 :30 am 10:00 am 10:15 am 10 :30 am 10:45 am 11:00 am 11:30 am Harnett County Board of Commissioners Work Session Tuesday, May 30, 2017 Presentation of Budget Message and FY 2017-18 Proposed Budget Plan Budget discussion Harnett Regional Jetport -Terminal Building Schematics, Barry Blevins Electronic Records & Imaging Policy and Technology U se Policy, Ira Hall Property Liability Insurance Carrier discussion, Heather Pollard Town of Erwin 's library request, Angela McCauley County Manager's Report: June 6, 2017 Regular Meeting Agenda Review CCCC Board of Trustee Appointment Closed session Adjourn 053017ws HCBOC Page 1 Terminal Building Preliminary Design Proiect Bullet Points o Preliminary Project Cost for Either Terminal Rehabilitation or Terminal Replacement is estimated at $3M. o HOWEVER, final cost is yet to be determined -Thus, the preliminary design project at 30%. • NCDOT/Division of Aviation may contribute up to $562,500. • FAA monies may be available but only on aviation-related deliverable -such as line manager's office/work area, waiting room , flight planning/pilot's lounge, et cetera. o Final project will require a cost breakout separating eligible & non-eligible project deliverables/funding (Architect provided) • Non-Primary Entitlement (NPE) funds are also available -with 10% county match required - current available funds are $332K with $33K match • The balance of project funding is county-sponsored . ./ Airport Committee recommended the split-level design (building elevation). Layout requires refinement and approval. ./ Requesting Board offer recommendation, get as many comments as possible prior to Architect providing a completion of the 30% Design Level (defined below). 30% Des ign Level: DEFINED Phase 2 -30% Construction Drawing Package ~ Incorporate modifications from schematic design review ~ Establish drawing layout methods and convention s ~ Coordinate location of site grading and underground utilities ~ Design and document thermal envelope requirements ~ Design and document interior layouts of specialty areas and owner-selected equipment ~ Coordination with mechanical, electrical, and plumbing engineering including: ~ Provide narrative of mechanical, electrical, and plumbing system designs ~ Coordinate location of services and underground utilities ~ Participate in an interdisciplinary quality control review ~ Coordination with structural engineering including: ~ Provide narrative of system designs ~ One (1) agency review meeting ~ Deliverables to include 30% construction drawings and narratives ~ One (1) on-site design coordination meetings at 30% completion milestone 053017ws HCBOC Page 2 LANDSIDE PERSPECTIVE AIRSIDE PERSPECTIVE EXISTING TERMINAL HARNETT REGIONAL JETPORT THE WILSON GROUP APRIL 20, 2017 TALBERT & BRIGHT 053017ws HCBOC Page 3 -t f f~ I I ~l ~l _L __ ff«z, /VGA/ !=A'1Sri=. 053017ws HCBOC Page 4 ---1 f i t--n -ft~ I Al/!JtPG ? -t:? ~ <::;;,f-J I I +--f'ii-----.,&. s:Y:::::::E ====sdl .J,o@J r ,.............., L.-----====!:!!~ I I I u I . r £ tVTIL!j f"-",ZC, H L_ __ u _.Jll-- jg_ _ _J ® /,IA ~N8tr ufl);..ql/ v57?7~/CT (PLAN) f.GtWJ1/ATPtN ¢ II di/,rJDJI.J . 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A D D f f i O N H A R N E T I RE G I O N A L JE T P O R T T H E WI L S O N GR O U P AP R I L 20 , 20 1 7 TALBERT & BRIGHT 053017ws HCBOC Page 9 ~x-,srl: ~ttt?/IJC. ~66&:E~Z::> ~ 't./S"rt:= Pt.f~.%,e 1 L~ - 053017ws HCBOC Page 10 ---- t!!:'rP /())( /() I I I ~==~==~==~---~--~--~--~~ I iO - ;Fife JT rt.otJj2 -4j 8,oo II Sr -~ 2.~ s,: id~cr I ~/1) I 76-16=- +·l'f.17 053017ws HCBOC Page 11 #'C:.ON~ ~y6~ ~~~MGE,pHC /.,.;f ~ 1 hj ¥ ?DI -+ @ /IAf!?.NEr/'" Covurf v5{:;7~ c5£~NP f='.tb'/-!'LAt-l Si5D:wD TLtn>f:- -2 1 t::J'3~ I/Sr -~ JtJ Sr ~SS6~1W J:6:;~ I ~/1) I rD..!6=- +-11,17 053017ws HCBOC Page 12 @ i-,we> cF De :t=,tSYf P'/JN cJfrlt>}.} !(,eA; ~/L.ON~ II I If 1~,t>-0 ,w&:- 4'·$·/1 053017ws HCBOC Page 13 LA N D S I D E PE R S P E C T I V E LANDSIDE PERSPECTIVE 11 CO N C E P T 2 - NE W TE R M I N A L H A R N E T I RE G I O N A L JE T P O R T T H E WI L S O N GR O U P AP R I L 20 , 20 1 7 TALBERT & BRIGHT 053017ws HCBOC Page 14 AI R S I D E PE R S P E C T I V E AIRSIDE PERSPECTIVE 12 CO N C E P T 2 - NE W TE R M I N A L H A R N E T I RE G I O N A L JE T P O R T T H E WI L S O N GR O U P AP R I L 20 , 20 1 7 TALBERT & BRIGHT 053017ws HCBOC Page 15 @) ./,~P£10e ~itYATJ~ crptPN N,e,N 6V/~ON~ I Jf 1ol [W~ -4-·19· /1 053017ws HCBOC Page 16 LA N D S I D E PE R S P E C T I V E LANDSIDE PERSPECTIVE 14 CO N C E P T 3 - NE W TE R M I N A L H A R N E T I RE G I O N A L JE T P O R T T H E WI L S O N GR O U P AP R I L 20 , 20 1 7 TALBERT & BRIGHT 053017ws HCBOC Page 17 AI R S I D E PE R S P E C T I V E AIRSIDE PERSPECTIVE 15 CO N C E P T 3 - NE W TE R M I N A L H A R N E T I RE G I O N A L JE T P O R T T H E WI L S O N GR O U P AP R I L 20 , 20 1 7 TALBERT & BRIGHT 053017ws HCBOC Page 18 ~ II .. . . d LA N D S I D E PE R S P E C T I V E LANDSIDE PERSPECTIVE 16 CO N C E P T 3 AL T - NE W TE R M I N A L H A R N E T I RE G I O N A L JE T P O R T T H E WI L S O N GR O U P AP R I L 20 , 20 1 7 TALBERT & BRIGHT 053017ws HCBOC Page 19 AI R S I D E PE R S P E C T I V E AIRSIDE PERSPECTIVE 17 CO N C E P T 3 A L T - N E W TE R M I N A L H A R N E T I RE G I O N A L JE T P O R T T H E WI L S O N GR O U P AP R I L 20 , 20 1 7 TALBERT & BRIGHT 053017ws HCBOC Page 20 100 50 0 SCALE IN FEET 1"= 100' 100 ( . ) < ( 3 : X < ( r H A R N E T T R E G I O N A L J E T P O R T A E R I A L P H O T O O F E X I S T I N G A P R O N E X H I B I T 1 0 < ( 3 : X < ( r 0 5 3 0 1 7 w s H C B O C P a g e 2 1 • 100 ' I --=-r--___ _ , r.T "T "T "T "T 49 I . . . . · I I . .i.. . .i.. . .i.. . .i.. . .i.. j -----------"' PROPOSED CONCRETE ..,. 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P R O P O S E D C O N C R E T E P A V E M E N T 0 5 3 0 1 7 w s H C B O C P a g e 2 2 LANDSIDE PERSPECTIVE AIRSIDE PERSPECTIVE EXISTING TERMINAL HARNEIT REGIONAL JETPORT THE WILSON GROUP APRIL 12, 2017 TALBERT & BRIGHT 053017ws HCBOC Page 23 -t f f~ I I ~l ~l _L __ ff«z, /VGA/ !=A'1Sri=. 053017ws HCBOC Page 24 ---1 f i t--n -1J~ I Al/!JIPG ? e, ~<::;;,f-J I I +--f'ii-----..,&. s:Y:::::::E tca:===sdl .J,o@J r ,.............,. L-----====!:!!~ I . r £ tVTJe..!j f"-",ZC, H L_ --u -.Jll-- jg_ _ _J ® /,IA ~N8rr umN7-l/ v57?7~/CT (PLAN) f.GtWJ1/ATPtN ¢ II di/,rJDJI.J . ' '\ ------------ £~/;/J/7 .., .e.r--1 s-r~ re, .e'3 lft'f ~ IN --#Gw /'lrJr run>_& -+; 8~ 1-1 s,: -II I U>.Sr ~65 /I I I ::::;. /1) r6..16=-+.c;.;7 053017ws HCBOC Page 25 J'.f./P~t> If rw? f.t;.,1 053017ws HCBOC Page 26 LA N D S I D E PE R S P E C T I V E LANDSIDE PERSPECTIVE 4 CO N C E P T 1 - RE N O V A T I O N / . 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I I _j__ _j__ ,i_. -_j__ .l_.j --~m PROPOSED CONCqETE s;t-APRON ---------_.__ ______ _ 50 0 100 SCALE IN FEET 1 "= 1 oo· (. ) > - < ( 3 : : X < ( I - • R U N W A Y 5 - 2 3 H A R N E T T R E G I O N A L J E T P O R T F U T U R E C O R P O R A T E A P R O N 0 > - < ( 3 : : X < ( I - • L E G E N D ~ E X I S T I N G P A V E M E N T T O B E R E M O V E D ™ E X I S T I N G P A V E M E N T T O B E R E M O V E D A N D P A V E D C O N C R E T E I I P R O P O S E D C O N C R E T E P A V E M E N T 0 5 3 0 1 7 w s H C B O C P a g e 3 8 Electronic Records and Imaging Policy For Harnett County June 5, 2017 Type of Government Office: County (X) Municipal ( ) State Agency ( ) *Other ( ) County: _H_a_r_n_ett_C_o_u_n_...ty _____________ _ Name of Office : Office Address: Phone: Fax: Email : ---------- Harnett County Electronic Records and Imag in g Po licy , April 2017 Page 1 053017ws HCBOC Page 39 Table of Contents 1. Purpose .................................................................................................................................. 3 2. Responsible Parties .............................................................................................................. 3 3. Availability of System and Records for Outside Inspection ........................................... s 4. Maintenance of Trustworthy Electronic Records ............................................................. 5 5. Components of Information Technology System ............................................................. 7 6. Digital Imaging Program Documentation and Procedures ............................................. 7 7 . Request for Disposal of Original Records Duplicated by Electronic Means ............... 9 8. Other Electronic Records Management Practices ........................................................ 10 9. Compliance and Electronic Records Self-Warranty ...................................................... 11 Harnett County Electronic Records and Imaging Policy, April 2017 Page 2 053017ws HCBOC Page 40 1. Purpose The records covered by this policy are in the custody of Harnett County and are maintained for the benefit of county use in delivering services and in documenting county operations. This electronic records policy reflects guidelines set in the North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources publication, Guidelines for Managing Trustworthy Digital Public Records Version 2 .0. Complying with this policy will increase the reliability and accuracy of records stored in information technology systems, and will ensure that they remain accessible over time . Exhibiting compliance with this policy will enhance records' admissibility and acceptance by the judicial system as being trustworthy. All public records as defined by North Carolina G.S. § 132-1 are covered by this policy. This includes permanent and non-permanent records, and confidential and non- confidential records . These classifications may warrant different treatments when processing the records. This policy serves as basic documentation of the procedures followed by the county in imaging , indexing, auditing, backing up, and purging electronic records in accordance with the disposition schedule, and in handling the original paper record , if applicable. This policy also serves to protect those records digitized by the county's digital imaging systems (see Appendix A for list of county supported imaging systems), which reduces required storage space for original documents as the county transitions to a "paperless" digital system , and provides instant and simultaneous access to documents as needed . The form provided in Section 7 of this document, Request for Disposal of Original Records Duplicated by Electronic Means, is completed and submitted to the Department of Cultural Resources whenever the county wishes to dispose of a new series of paper records that have been digitized . This policy will supersede any electronic records system policy previously adopted. This policy will be reevaluated at a minimum of every five years , or upon the implementation of a new information technology system, and will be updated as required . A copy of this policy will remain on file at the Department of Cultural Resources . 2. Responsible Parties • Department Supervisor • Information Technology (IT) Department • Records Creators Department Supervisor Responsibilities include: 1. Determining access rights to the system. 2 . Approving system as configured by IT. 3 . Performing quality assurance checks by sampling the county's imaged records before the original documents are destroyed . Harnett County Electroni c Record s and Im ag in g Polic y , April 2017 Page 3 053017ws HCBOC Page 41 4 . Creating and updating detailed procedural manuals describing the imaging process . IT Department Responsibilities include : 1. Installing and maintaining equipment and software. 2. Configuring the system according to department needs, including creating and testing applications and indexes . 3 . Controll ing access rights to the system. 4 . Maintaining documentation of system hardware and software. 5. Establishing audit trails that document actions taken on records stored by the document imaging system . 6 . Providing backups for system records , and recovering deleted imaged records when necessary. 7 . Completing d isaster recovery backup at least once every two years. 8 . Establishing and provid ing training on equipment and software and providing remedial training as needed. Such training includes , but is not limited to , training on the imaging system . Records Creators Responsibilities include : 1. Attending and signing off on training conducted by county departmental staff or by the Department of Cultural Resources. 2 . Creating passwords for computers that are long , complex, and frequently changed . 3. Creating and managing electronic records in their purview in accordance with these policies and other guidance issued by the Department of Cultural Resources, and complying with all IT security policies . 4 . Reviewing the system records annually and purging records in accordance with the retention schedule . 5. Carrying out day-to-day processes associated with the county 's imaging program , including : • Designating records to be entered into the imaging system • Noting confidential information or otherwise protected records and fields • Removing transient records • Completing indexing guide form for each record being scanned • Reviewing images and indexing for quality assurance • Naming and storing the scanned images in designated folders • Once approved , destroying or otherwise disposing of original records in accordance with guidance issued by the Department of Cultural Resources . 6. Public employees who have been approved to telecommute or use mobile computing devices must: Harnett County El ectron ic Records and Imaging Policy , April 2017 Page 4 053017ws HCBOC Page 42 • Comply with all information technology security policies , including the county and statewide acceptable use policies , as well as all statutes and policies govern ing public records • Back up information stored on the mobile device daily to ensure proper recovery and restoration of data files 3. Availability of System and Records for Outside Inspection This county recognizes that the judicial system may request pretrial discovery of the information technology system used to produce records and related materials. County personnel will honor requests for outside inspection of the system and testing of data by opposing parties, the court , and government representatives . Records must be available for inspection and audit by a government representative for the full period required by law and approved records retention schedules, regardless of the life expectancy of the media on which the records are stored . Records must continue to exist when litigation , government investigation , or audit is pending, imminent, or if a court order may prohibit specified records from being destroyed or otherwise rendered unavailable. In order to lay a proper foundation for the purposes of admitting the county's electronic records into evidence, the county will be able to provide up-to-date, detailed documentation that describes the procedural controls employed in producing records; procedures for input control including tests used to assure accuracy and reliability ; and evidence of the records' chain of custody. In addition to this policy , such documentation includes: • Procedural manuals -county department • System documentation -IT Department • Training documentation -county department • Audit documentation -county department • Audit trails -IT Department The county will also honor inspection and copy requests pursuant to N.C . G .S . § 132. The county should produce the records in the order they were created and used in the course of business , and in the format in which they were created, unless otherwise specified by the requesting party. However, the county should produce the records in any format it is capable of producing if asked by the requesting party. If it is necessary to separate confidential from non-confidential information in order to permit the inspection or copying of the public records , the county will bear the cost of such separation . 4. Maintenance of Trustworthy Electronic Records • Produced by Methods that Ensure Accuracy • Maintained in a Secure Environment • Associated and Linked with Appropriate Metadata • Stored on Media that are Regularly Assessed and Refreshed Harnett County El ectron ic Records a nd Imaging Pol icy, April 201 7 Page 5 053017ws HCBOC Page 43 Produced by Methods that Ensure Accuracy All platforms used by the county to create and manage electronic records, including email clients , social media platforms, and cloud computing platforms conform w ith all Department of Cultural Resources ' policies and all applicable security policies. Maintained in a Secure Environment Security to the system and to the records it holds is maintained in the following ways: • Access rights are managed by the IT department, and are determined by a supervising authority to prevent unauthorized viewing of documents. • The information technology system is able to separate confidential from non- confidential information, or data creators organize and name file systems to reflect confidential ity of documents stored within. • Confidentia l information is stored on off-network storage systems, and folders with confidential information are restricted . • Physical access to computers, disks , and external hard drives is restricted . • Duplicate copies of digital media and system backup copies are stored in offsite facilities in order to be retrieved after a natural or human-made disaster. • Confidential material is redacted (by electronically "masking information " or hiding unnecessary pages) before it is shared or otherwise made available. Associated and Linked with Appropriate Metadata Metadata is maintained alongside the record. At a minimum , metadata retained includes file creator, date created, title (stored as the file name}, and when appropriate, cell formulae and email header information. Employees are not instructed to create metadata other than metadata that is essential for a file 's current use and/or retention . Stored on Media that is Regularly Assessed and Refreshed Data is converted to new usable file types as old ones become obsolete or otherwise deteriorate . The following steps are taken to ensure the continued accessibility of records kept in electronic formats : • Data is audited and assessed yearly. • Media is refreshed every three to five years. The county documents when and how records are transferred from one storage medium to another. • Records are periodically converted to new file types , particularly when a new information technology system requires that they be brought forward in order to properly render the file . • Metadata is maintained during migration . • Storage media is maintained in a manner and in an envi ronment that promotes bit-level preservation . Humidity does not exceed 50% and should not fall below 30%. Room temperature is set between 65° F to 75 ° F . The county adheres to the media manufacturer's recommendations for specific environmental conditions in which the media should be stored . Harnett County Electronic Records and Imaging Po licy, April 20 17 Page6 053017ws HCBOC Page 44 • Whatever media is used to store imaged data is clearly labeled with enough information that its contents can be determined . 5 . Components of Information Technology System • Training Programs • Audit Trails • Audits Training Programs The county department will conduct training for system use and electronic records management, using material published by the Department of Cultural Resources when appropriate. All employees will be made aware of system procedures and policies, trained on them , and confirm by initialization or signature acknowledging that they are aware of the policies and have received training on them . When appropriate, employees will also attend trainings offered by the Department of Cultural Resources on the maintenance of electronic records . Documentation will be maintained for the distribution of written procedures , attendance of individuals at training sessions and refresher training programs and other relevant information . Audit Trails A log of activities on the system is maintained , which show who accessed the system , how and by whom records were created and modified . Audits Audits are designed to evaluate the process or system's accuracy, timeliness , adequacy of procedures , training provided , and the existence of audit trails. Internal audits are conducted regularly by county department staff. 6. Digital Imaging Program Documentation and Procedures • System and Procedural Documentation • Training • Indexing and Metadata • Auditing and Audit Trails • Retention of Original and Duplicate Records System and Procedural Documentation The IT department is responsible for preparing and updating detailed procedures that describe the process followed to create and recreate electronic records. This documentation will include a description of the system hardware and software . A current procedural manual will be maintained to assure the most current steps are followed and to assure reliable system documentation will be available for judicial or similar proceedings . Each workstation designated as a scanning station will have , at a minimum, the following hardware and software , unless the scanner is collocated by means of a network interface: Harn ett Count y Electronic Records a nd Imagin g Polic y , April 20 17 Page 7 053017ws HCBOC Page 45 • Document/image scanner authorized by IT • Driver software for scanner • Imaging software (see Appendix A for list of county supported imaging systems) Training Only designated staff that have been formally trained by county department staff and signed off on training documentation on the use of the imaging software and equipment will be allowed to enter records into the content management system. Components of the training will include basic techniques for image capture, indexing, quality control, security configuration , use of equipment, and general system maintenance. Rights to image and index records will not be assigned until the user has been trained. If a user improperly indexes or scans a document, a county supervisor will address this occurrence with the operator and remedial training will be performed as necessary. Indexing and Metadata All imaged records should be indexed in order to facilitate efficient retrieval, ease of use, and up-to-date information about the images stored in the system. This index should capture the content, structure, and context of the imaged records . It should also be indexed according to guidelines set by the Department of Cultural Resources (see Section 8 of this policy, Other Electronic Records Management Practices , for more information on database indexing). Auditing and Audit Trails The county department imaging staff will conduct a quality control audit following the imaging of a record to ensure that the following features of the imaged record are legible: • Individual letters, numbers, and symbols • Combinations of letters, numbers, and symbols forming words or sentences • Graphics such as signatures, logos, and pictures • Other features of records such as color, shape, texture, etc., that relate to the content of the information Managerial staff for the various units of the county will also periodically audit imaged records for accuracy, readability, and reproduction capabilities. Audit trails built into the imaging system will automatically document who creates, duplicates, modifies, or otherwise prepares records, and what procedures were taken. Audit trails include the success or failure, date, time, and user of the following events: • Add/Edit electronic document • Assign index template • Copy document • Copy pages • Create document/folder • Delete entry Harnett County Electronic Records a nd Imaging Policy, April 2017 Page 8 053017ws HCBOC Page 46 • Delete pages • Delete volume • Edit image • Email document • Export document • Index creation/deletion/modification • Insert page • Log in/out • Move document • Move pages • Print document Retention of Original and Duplicate Records To obtain permission to destroy original records following imaging , the county will complete Section 7 of this document, Request for Disposal of Original Records Duplicated by Electronic Means. For each new records series to be scanned , the Department of Cultural Resources must approve the destruction of the original records. Permanent records may be imaged for ease of access, but the original documents may not be destroyed unless an analog copy exists prior to the records' destruction. Destruction of original records is allowed only after quality assurance has been conducted on the imaged records, necessary corrections have been made, auditing procedures have been conducted, and the destruction is approved. Prior to destruction of the original record , managerial staff will audit a sample of those records to verify the accurate reproduction of those records . Digital images of scanned records are maintained for the specified retention periods according to the records retention and disposition schedule. The retention period is considered to have begun when the original document was created , not when the electronic reproduction was created. Electronic and digital images of scanned records in a document management system will be considered the "official" county record . Any hard copy generated from the imaged records will be considered the county's duplicate "working" record. A copy of the purchase order and a detailed service-level agreement with all document management systems are maintained. See Section 8 of this policy, Other Electronic Records Management Practices, for more information on contracting out electronic records management services . 7. Request for Disposal of Original Records Duplicated by Electronic Means This form is used to request approval from the Department of Cultural Resources to dispose of non-permanent paper records which have been scanned , entered into databases, or otherwise duplicated through digital imaging or other conversion to a digital environment. This form does not apply to records which have been microfilmed or photocopied, or to records with a permanent retention . Harnett County Electronic Records and Imaging Poli cy , April 2017 Page9 053017ws HCBOC Page 47 GO\'ER..',~,"T RECORDS sEcno:-- ST.\TE RECORDS CEs"TER Request for Disposal of Original Records Duplicated by Electronic Means lf)IO<I---. ool t'f9)807-1350_,_ lorlMRKOld> ""'-"llnily>t,...;,;,,«l10yo,1'9H"'Y Thsio<m511SNID-_...ifnlm .... ~olQAnlR,,_.,,..todisjl050ol-- ---boen5CanOd.-...d no-...S,o,-~dwoughd,gl,l""'U'Vor-"°"'""""'to•dqJ>I_.... Ttvsfom,doeno<applylD _____ o,~ed.or ID~MhilPffl"~~ Agency Contact Name: 1-- Pllone tarea codel: I Emeil: Count)tMuni opelity: I Offiu, M ailing address: . Reconls.riHTdte Des.,,.,iiDn of lncktsiv• Approa.Yoi.-R---A gnqt of~ JS hlld,, ---lwcord5 Spoctt-.. ... -.. - ---2n,~~ ...... f'r,,(.n.()I Dotes of Records ~:-; (o.g.'11io ___ nisont) ·5bo,...·1 A.~U~D.M~~OC>r Sa.tie Aotlul'el ot Nortll. C...,lma ..._t.:0-\1 ... -33 ...... ('19j7t~V..."'1' -...s,@,,ohp As i5ad l"I f'HJOfds -- 8. Other Electronic Records Management Practices • System Planning • Electronic Records Management • Security and Disaster Backup and Restoration System Planning Traditional or microfilm media will only be used for the retention of records when conversion to an electronic system is cost prohibitive or when statutes, administrative office codes, or records retention requirements necessitate it. The county maintains support contracts with relative software vendors to keep systems up to date and the county has a 3-4 year lease rotation on all core networking and computer systems . The county will maintain current hardware and software as budget allows and where applicable. Electronic Records Management Harnett County Electronic Reco rds and Imaging Policy, April 2017 Page 10 053017ws HCBOC Page 48 System documentation, system access records , digitization and scanning records , metadata, and information maintained by that system is listed in an approved records retention and disposition schedule prior to the ir destruction or other disposition . Records produced by local agencies are retained for the period of time required by local records retention schedules regardless of format. Any permanent records maintained in electronic form also exist as a paper or microfilm preservation duplicate copy in compliance with the Department of Cultural Resources' Human-Readable Preservation Duplicates policy. Security and Disaster Backup and Restoration The county has a disaster recovery plan for its electronic data in place, which includes contact information for data recovery vendors and information about back-ups of all data. Security back-ups to protect against data loss are generated for all but the most transitory of files. Routine back-ups are conducted 3-4 times daily depending on the system and are stored in secure off-site storage within the IT Department. Security backups of all imaged documents will be generated nightly and maintained off- site. Imaged documents will be synchronized to a secured offsite location 3 times a day upon document changes or upon document scanning. A backup copy of the scanned data and index database is created on a nightly basis for the purpose of document recovery. Contracting The terms of the service level agreement with document imaging companies detail: • How the vendor provides security, confidentiality, storage, and back-ups for electronic records. • The equipment, including hardware and software, used by the vendor. • The storage environment, including any geographically disparate storage locations. • How the vendor complies with records retention requirements, including what the contractor is able to reproduce should legal proceedings or public records requests be issued. • How the vendor avoids spoliation of evidence once e-discovery has commenced . • How electronic records are to be recovered from the vendor in the event that the system is no longer supported. 9. Compliance and Electronic Records Self-Warranty The completion of this form by all signing employees' signals that all employees of the county will adhere to the rules set forth in this policy . Furthermore, this section is to be used as a self-evaluation tool to ensure that electronic records produced by the county are created, reproduced, and otherwise managed in accordance with guidelines for electronic public records published by the North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources. The self-warranting of records in itself does not authorize the destruction of Harnett County Elect ronic Record s and Imaging Po li cy, April 2017 Page 11 053017ws HCBOC Page 49 records, originals or copies, nor does it change current records retention and disposition scheduling procedures. The county producing electronic records and/or reproductions is responsible for ensuring the records' authenticity and accuracy. The Department of Cultural Resources is not responsible for certifying the authenticity or accuracy of any records, whether originals or reproductions, produced by the originating county. Harnett County Electronic Records and Imaging Policy, April 2017 Page 12 053017ws HCBOC Page 50 _________ Department Director The records custodian is the person responsible for creating records or managing the staff who creates records. The records custodian certifies that: ---The records created or duplicated by electronic means in this office are prepared in accordance with these guidelines as indicated by the following statements: • Quality -Records are legible , accurate, and complete. • The records are produced or reproduced as part of a regularly conducted activity. • Detailed, documented procedures are in place and followed when the records are created, copied , modified , or duplicated . • The person(s) who creates, copies, modifies, or duplicates the records receives formal training on detailed system procedures prior to records preparation. • Details of the training received are adequately documented through written policies and procedures. • Training records are signed by employee after receiving training. This county will comply with the best practices and standards established by the ---Department of Cultural Resources as published on its website. This county will submit to the Department of Cultural Resources Section 7 of this ---policy, Request for Disposal of Original Records Duplicated by Electronic Means, to seek approval for the destruction of original records that have been converted from paper to electronic record . Approved by: Date: ----------------------------Title: Signature: Harnett County Electroni c Records and Imaging Policy, April 2017 Page 13 053017ws HCBOC Page 51 IT Director The IT Director is the person responsible for providing technical support to the records custodians and who may be involved in infrastructure and system maintenance. The IT Director certifies that: ___ Audit trails document the identity of the individual(s) who creates , duplicates, modifies, or otherwise prepares the records, what actions are taken by the individual during the course of the process, when these actions are taken, and what the results of these actions are. Audits: • are performed periodically to confirm that the process or system produces accurate results. • confirm that procedures actually followed are in accordance with procedure stated in the system's documentation. • are performed routinely on documents to ensure no information has been lost. • are adequately documented. The process or system hardware and software are adequately documented Backup procedures are in place and comply with best practices, as established by the ---Department of Cultural Resources. Successful disaster recovery back up is completed at least once every two years. Approved by: Date: ------------------Title : Signature : FOR DEPARTMENT OF CULTURAL RESOURCES USE Approved by: Date : ---------------------------- Title : Sig nature: Harnett County Electronic Records and Imaging Policy, April 2017 Pa ge 14 053017ws HCBOC Page 52 APPENDIX A LaserFiche -County Wide Patagonia -Health Department Northwoods-Social Services A2 (Thomson Reuters) -Register of Deeds CityWorks -Public Utilities NCPTS -Tax Department Tritech Inform -Sheriff and 911 communications Fire House -Fire Marshal, Fire Departments, and Emergency Management EMS Charts -EMS Harnett County Electronic Records and Imaging Policy, April 2017 Page 15 053017ws HCBOC Page 53 Harnett County TECHNOLOGY USE POLICY r-:'I Harnett (~ COUNT V NORTH CAROLINA INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT May 30, 2017 Adopted & Effective: xx/xx/2017 • • , • -• • • • 6 ~ .. .. ... • • TechnologyUsePolic y ll Pag e 053017ws HCBOC Page 54 Harnett County TECHNOLOGY USE POLICY Table of Contents PURPOSE, SCOPE & OWNERSHIP .................................................................................................... 3 DEFINITIONS .................................................................................................................................... 5 SECURITY ......................................................................................................................................... 7 ACCEPTABLE USE ..............................................................................................................•........... 10 UNACCEPTABLE USE ..................................................................................................................... 11 VIRUS & MALWARE PROTECTION ................................................................................................. 12 INTERNET USE ............................................................................................................................... 12 COUNTY WEBSITES ....................................................................................................................... 13 ELECTRONIC MAIL ......................................................................................................................... 14 TELEPHONES & MOBILE DEVICES ................................................................................................. 15 Land line Phones ...................................................................................................................................... 15 Cellular Phones & Smartphones ............................................................................................................. 16 iPads and Tablets .................................................................................................................................... 16 Mobile Data Terminals (MDTs) -Public Safety ....................................................................................... 17 DESTRUCTION OF PUBLIC RECORDS .................................................................................•........... 18 COMPLIANCE ................................................................................................................................ 18 MISCELLANEOUS ........................................................................................................................... 19 . . Tec hn o l ogyUsePo li cy 21P age 053017ws HCBOC Page 55 PURPOSE, SCOPE & OWNERSHIP Harnett County TECHNOLOGY USE POLICY This policy covers the use of all technology resources belonging to the Harnett County, hereafter referred to as County. It includes, but is not limited to all computer systems of any size and function and their attached peripherals, software, phones, all mobile communication devices, faxes, copiers, printers, camera systems, voice mail systems, e-mail systems, network resources, user accounts, electronic door locks, time clocks, ID badges, radios, data in any format and any network accessed by these systems including the Internet. Systems containing County data, which are hosted by third parties outside of the County's network, and the personnel with access to those systems, are also subject to this policy. All technology resources owned, rented, or leased by the County are in place to enable the County to provide its services in a timely and efficient manner. This is the primary function of these resources and any activity or action that interferes with this purpose is prohibited . It is critical that these systems and machines be protected from misuse and unauthorized access. All technology resources defined in this section, along with all information transmitted by, received from, and stored upon said systems are considered to be possessed by, and/or the property of the County. Additionally, all documents, messages and attachments composed, sent, received or stored on County Technology Systems are County property. County standards will be established for all technology (hardware and software). Any deviation from these standards may require approval of the department head, IT Director, Finance Director, HR Director, and/or the County Manager. Because technology systems are constantly evolving, the County requires its employees to use a common sense approach to the rules set forth below, complying with not only the letter, but also the intent of this policy. In addition to this policy, users are subject to applicable state and federal laws. Improper use or misuse of County Technology Systems on a person's work time or otherwise is a violation of the County's personnel policies . User violation could result in disciplinary action including suspension, demotion or dismissal. If a policy violation occurs, aside from disciplinary actions specified under the County's policy, system access may be revoked in whole or in part if deemed to be in the best interest of the County's Technology System security. This policy is not intended to supersede any existing laws or policies regarding records that are confidential, including, but not limited to, juvenile records in the Sheriff's Department, certain information contained in personnel files, or medical files. . . Tec h no l ogyUsePo l icy 3j Page 053017ws HCBOC Page 56 This policy is intended for internal use by County employees defined as full-time, part-time, temporary and interns, all County Boards and Commissions that may have access to County equipment or resources, and non-County employees covered under this policy, defined as contractors, vendors, and volunteers who use County owned, rented, or leased resources. . . . . TechnologyUsePolicy 4 1Pa ge 053017ws HCBOC Page 57 DEFINITIONS Anti-virus/ Anti-malware software -Computer programs that attempt to identify, thwart and eliminate computer viruses and other malicious software . Applications -Computer software such as word processors, which perform productive tasks for users. Authorized Systems -A computer network that allows entry with proper credentials. Backup Schedule -Plan for duplicating County data and programs. Backup Storage Area -Location where County data and programs reside, typically on a tape, disk or hard drive. Slogging -Web log on a website where entries are written in chronological order and commonly displayed in reverse chronological order. Chain Letter -Message that induces the recipient to forward copies of a document to other users. They may contain viruses, false information or threats . Chatroom -A form of digital conferencing that can be real time on line conversations . Communications Equipment -Device that is physically attached to the County network and enables transmission of data. Computer Access -Ability to utilize the computer and gain admission into the County's network. Computer virus -A computer program that can copy itself and infect a computer without permission or knowledge of the user. Computer worms -A self-replicating computer program that can harm the network. E-Mail -Electronic Mail: Messages, usually text, sent from one person to another via computer. Group Policy-A feature of Microsoft Windows operating systems that provides centralized management and configuration of computers and remote users . Hardware-The physical components of a computer system (monitor, CPU, keyboard). Instant Messenger -Also known as IM, a program that facilitates live chat . -.. . . .. .. .. ... ~ ... Techno l ogyUsePo l icy SI Page 053017ws HCBOC Page 58 Internet -Vast collection of inter-connected networks that all use the TCP/IP protocols. Mobile Devices -Computing appliance that is typically handheld. Network -The connection of two or more computers together so that they can share resources. Online Games -Reference to video games that are played over some form of computer network, most commonly the Internet. Peripheral Devices -Any equipment such as printers, copiers, faxes , scanners that attaches to the network. Public Network-Ability to access the Internet without restrictions. Remote Access -Access to County systems from external systems, e.g. via the Internet. Server -Computer or a software package that provides a specific kind of service to client software running on other computers . Social Media -Commonly used websites, such as, Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, YouTube, Flickr, Blogger, Google+, lnstagram, Snapchat and Linkedln . Software -Collection of computer programs, procedures and documentations that perform some task on a computer system. TCP/IP-Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol : A suite of protocols that defines the Internet. The method used to transmit and receive data over the Internet. County Websites -County's collection of web pages hosted by a server. Workstations -Microcomputer designed for technical applications . User -Any individual who interacts with the computer at an application level. VPN -Virtual Private Network: is a network that is constructed by using public connections, usually the Internet, to connect to a private network such as the County's internal network. -. . . ~ Tec h no l ogyU se Po l icy 61 Page 053017ws HCBOC Page 59 SECURITY Security refers to the protection of all technology resources from any kind of damage and the protection of data from unautho r ized access, distribution, modification or destruction. The following procedures must be followed to ensure a secure environment. • A user will be authorized access to the County's computer systems by the appropriate user department head or designee. A request for services must be submitted by the department head to the Information Technology Department, hereafter referred as the IT Department. The IT Director or his/her designee will establish credentials for the authorized systems, which may include but not limited to software applications, e-mail, Internet, peripheral devices, building access and time clock access . This request should be sent directly to the IT Department from the department head or designee. • Request for services, as well as, any other document containing IT security access informati on, including but not limited to, usernames, passwords, security questions and answers, and user access rights shall not be considered public record and shall not be released to any person, firm, or entity without direct written permission from the IT Director and County Manager. • All County users must read and sign a copy of this policy and return it to thei r department heads. Department heads and Human Resources will keep a file of signed copies in the employee's personnel file. • When an employee is suspended or terminated, a written notification will be submitted from the department head or his/her designee to the IT Department immediately. Access to all systems will be suspended immediately. • Non-County employees, as previously defined, will be the responsibility of the department head, who will notify the IT Department when it is necessary to determine access ibility and establish sy stem credentials . • IT Department will ensure security of unattended workstations by uti lizing a group policy to lock computer screens after twenty (20} minutes of inactivity. Department heads may request a modification of this procedure through written request to the IT Department. Requests will be con sidered based on location and access levels of the computer or user. Users must logoff all computer systems at the end of each work day. • For security, network, and compute r sy stem s maintenance purposes, authorized i ndividuals may monitor equ ipment, systems, data and network traffic at any time. • Any hardware or peripherals not belo nging to the County will not be permitted to attach to the County's internal network without written authorizat ion from the department . -. - TechnologyUsePolicy 7 1Page 053017ws HCBOC Page 60 • • head and final approval from the IT Director. Personal hardware includes, but is not limited to, computers, cell phones, mobile devices, cameras, iPods, MP3 players, flash drives and portable hard drives. If it is determined that a non-County owned computer or device must attach to the network, a checklist of required software will be provided by IT to the department head. Computer owners are responsible for installing all required software. County IT staff will be available for consultation and will validate all required software before non-County owned equipment can participate on the County's network. Unauthorized devices connecting to the County's internal network can create an enormous security risk leaving the County's network exposed to numerous threats and immeasurable damage . A public/guest network will be provided at all County buildings. Personal devices may connect to public/guest networks upon accepting the Terms of Use. For remote assistance help desk purposes, authorized individuals may connect through remote access software to equipment, systems, data and network traffic at any time. The County has the right to monitor, audit, and/or inspect any and all aspects of the County Technology Systems at any time, without advance notice to any users, and without the permission of any user. Failure to monitor in any specific situation does not constitute a waiver of the County's right to monitor. Users within the scope of this policy are advised that they have no privacy rights and no user of County Technology Systems has any expectation of privacy in any message, file, image, or data sent, retrieved, or received when using County Technology Systems. Employees must understand that all technology resources are County property. • The County does not guarantee the confidentiality of user information stored on any network, computer, or communications device belonging to the County. Users should be aware that the data they create on County technology or communications systems remains the property of the County and is not private (unless the data is protected by privacy or confidentiality laws). Information that is stored on or transmitted to or from County Technology Systems may be subject to disclosure pursuant to the North Carolina Public Records Law. Users should refrain from, where possible, storing personal files and data on County Systems . • Users are responsible for safeguarding their own credentials and computer access and SHALL NOT let another person use their credentials or access. Users are directly accountable for all activity connected to their user ID. • Passwords may be required to be changed every ninety (90) days and SHALL NOT be divulged to any other person. Passwords should be memorized and not written down unless kept in a secure place . The IT Director shall determine when access will require routine password changes . , .. . . Tec hn o lo gyUse Polic y 8 j Page 053017ws HCBOC Page 61 • • • • • • • Passwords must be changed at any time a user believes their password has been compromised. Credentials including ID badges and proximity cards that become lost, stolen or misplaced must be reported to the department head and IT Department immediately. Users SHALL NOT abuse or misuse the County's technology resources, or violate any rules in other portions of the County Personnel Policy, local, state, or federal laws via the County's technology resources. Users SHALL NOT copy or attempt to copy any software or data from County Systems without having written authorization. Users SHALL NOT attempt to bypass any security mechanisms . No third party may be allowed access to County Systems without prior authorization and approval from the IT Director. Users SHALL NOT engage in abuse or misuse of the County's technology resources . Users SHALL NOT install any computer software on any County owned computers or devices, not authorized by the County, regardless of the ownership of the software except as allowed in other sections of this policy. Users may not install software personally owned or downloaded for free from the Internet. Thi s includes but is not limited to, music software, photo software, Internet search software, screen savers and desktop backgrounds. Many of these software applications contain viruses and/or malware that may compromise the integrity and security of the County's network. • Administrative rights are granted to IT staff and those departments required by state regulations to have local administrative rights. Department heads must approve software requests and submit to the IT Department. Any software that adversely affects the performance of the machine or network will not be permitted on the County system. • Separation of duties will be practiced in all departments, to the greatest extent possible, such that no individual has total control of a process. • Users shall disclose to their department head, who shall then notify IT of any suspected or confirmed unauthorized use or misuse of technology resources and any potential security breaches or loopholes. • The IT Department, where possible, will work to ensure that all network infrastructures, including but not limited to communication s equipment, servers, data cables and '..... ~.. 4.. .. Tec hn o l ogyUse P o lic y 9 JP age 053017ws HCBOC Page 62 telephone cables are secured behind locked doors with limited access by authorized personnel. • Remote access to County systems consumes technology resources above and beyond those required for local access . Remote access shall be granted on a case-by-case basis based upon the unique needs of the user and availab le resources. Remote access users are subject to all policies herein. ACCEPTABLE USE At all times when an employee is using County technology resources, he or she is representing the County. While in the performance of work-related functions, while on the job, or while using publicly owned or publicly provided technology resources, County employees shall use them responsibly and professionally, and remember that public perception is extremely important. They shall not use these resources in an illegal, malicious, or obscene manner. When using County resources, employees shall abide by all County policies including the County's policy on sexual harassment. County Technology Systems are intended for business use. However, employees may make reasonable, incidental or occasional, personal use of the County's computers and data communications. Any personal use must adhere to the following: • Must not incur any additional cost to the County. If, in a critical situation, an employee must use County resources that incur costs, the employee will reimburse the County within 30 days of the occurrence. • • • • • • • • Must not incur security risks to the County or the County's network . Must not violate the County Personnel Policy . Must not have a negative impact on employee performance, including interfering with work duties, work performance or work productivity. Must not have a negative impact on system performance . Must not violate this Policy or any applicable laws or regulations . Must not violate contractual agreements or intellectual property rights . Must not be used for personal gain . Must not be used for solicitation . Tec h no l ogyUsePolicy 10 IP age 053017ws HCBOC Page 63 Users are required: • To respect the privacy of other users; for example, users shall not intentionally seek information on, obtain copies of, or modify files, data, or passwords belonging to other users, unless explicit permission to do so has been obtained . It shall be understood that this rule does not apply to supervisory personnel, who shall have complete authority to access any files created by users in their departments. • To protect data from unauthorized use or disclosure as required by state and federal laws and agency regulations. (i.e., confidential information) • • To respect the integrity of computing systems; for example, users shall not use or develop programs that harass other users, or infiltrate a computer or computing system and/or damage or alter the software components of a computer or computing system, or otherwise interfere with data, hardware, or system operation. To respect the legal protection provided to programs and data by copyright and license . The County owns licenses to a number of proprietary programs, which allow the County to use the software but severely restricts anything other than the use of the software on a single computer or network. Any redistribution of software from the computing systems breaches agreements with our software suppliers, as well as applicable federal copyright, patent and trade secret laws. U.S. Copyright Law provides for civil damages of $50,000 or more and criminal penalties including fines and imprisonment in cases involving the illegal reproduction of software. Therefore, no copying, downloading, or distributing of any copyrighted materials, including but not limited to messages, e-mail, text files, program files, image files, database files, sound files, and music files is allowed without prior authorization by IT. UNACCEPTABLE USE Unacceptable uses are defined as those uses that do not conform to the purpose, goals, and mission of the County and to each user's authorized job duties and responsibilities as determined by the County Manager or his/her designee. Examples of unacceptable activities include, but are not limited to: • Private or personal, for-profit activities or for any illegal purpose, including but not limited to communications that violate any laws or regulations. • The use of County Systems to access, transmit, store, display, or request obscene, pornographic, erotic, profane, racist, sexist, libelous, or otherwise offensive or abusive material (including messages, images, video, or sound). The County may install monitoring software or use filters to monitor or block access to any sites that would or ... .. . TechnologyUsePolicy llj Page 053017ws HCBOC Page 64 possib ly could violate this policy. Any user who attempts to avoid such software or filter is in strict violation of th is policy and may face disciplinary action up to dismissal. • Intentionally seeking i nformation about, obtaining copies of, or modifying of files, other data, or passwords belonging to other users, unless exp licit permission to do so has been obtained. • Interfering with or disrupting users, services, or equi pment. Such disruptions would include, but are not limited to (1) distribution of unsolicited advertising or messages, (2) propagation of computer worms o r viruses, and (3) attempting to gain unauthorized entry to another computer or computer system whether owned by the County or outside of the County. • • Removing or relocating any computer equipment (hardware, software, data, etc.) without supervisor's prior authorization and IT notification . Allowing unauthorized users, including an employee's family or friends, to use the County's technology resources . VIRUS & MALWARE PROTECTION Every computer user is to remain vigilant and alert to the possible transmittal and infection of a computer viru s. Most e-mail vi ru ses are transmitted through attachments or embedded links. Never click on a link or open attachments that contain the following extensions: .exe, .vbs, .com, .bmt, .hta, .shs, .vbe, .cmd. Upon detecting any virus, or suspected virus, users are to cease activity immediately and report it to the IT Department. Refer to Security section of this policy for software and hardwar e installation requirements, procedures, and policies. Appropriate anti-virus and anti-malware software will be made available by IT and loaded on every workstation and laptop computer. INTERNET USE A County Internet and network access, whether connected by cable, Wi-Fi, wireless air card, or any other means, is a resource granted to employees upon department head approval. All employees are encouraged to use the Internet to its fullest potential, providing effective services of the highest quality, discovering innovative and creative ways to use resources and i mprove services, and encouragi ng staff deve lopment. The Internet should be a primary method for the exchange of ideas and infor mation. TechnologyUsePo li cy 12 1 Page 053017ws HCBOC Page 65 The Internet provides easy access to software distributed by companies on a trial basis . The free access does not necessarily indicate the software is free or that it may be distributed freely. Users are expected to comply with the copyright policy as previously stated . Users should never use or download software from file sharing websites or services (commonly known as "P2P"). Refer to Security section of this policy on downloading and installing software. Slogging, Instant Messaging, online games, online movie/video streaming, online audio streaming, and chat room participation are not permitted unless demonstrable benefits to productivity are proven. These types of activities place extra strain on network resources and can affect network performance for the entire site. In all cases, prior approval of the department head and the IT Department must be obtained. A public/guest network will be provided for outside vendors, contractors, and users who need to access the Internet for the purpose of demonstrations and presentations to County Staff. County Staff may use public/guest network for personal computers and devices upon user acceptance of Terms and Use. COUNTY WEBSITES In order to maintain a consistent, useful and professional presence on the Internet, IT has established procedures that will assist departments in creating, publ ishing and maintaining content for the official County website or any sub-website created by any County Department, Board, Commission or entity directly affiliated with the County or which is funded by County funds. Each Department and its employees have a responsibility to make sure that all public information disseminated via the County website is accurate, current as possible, and in accordance with this policy. Employees shall provide, in association with such information, its source and the date it was published. An electronic mail address or other contact information allowing the recipient to contact public staff must be published. Only authorized employees shall be allowed to update the website. Authorized employees are directly accountable for all activity connected to their user ID. Departments who have a need to create or contract for its own physical website must have approval from the County Manager and the IT Department. Links to personal websites are not allowed. Information on events will be limited to those directly sponsored by or affiliated with the County. " . Techno l ogyUsePolicy 13 1 P age 053017ws HCBOC Page 66 ELECTRONIC MAIL Electronic mail is intended for County bus iness; however, the County recognizes the fact that the use of e-mail for incidental purposes may occur and is not li kely to strain County resources. Personal communications should not be excessive and it must be understood that the use of email passwo r ds does not imply privacy or confidentiality. E-mail messages, made or received in connection with the transaction of public business by any agency of North Carolina government or its subdivisions are considered a publ ic record and the property of the County. The County Manager and supervisory personnel have the right to review the contents of all employees' e-mails (personal or business related). Employees are solely responsible for how their email is used and managed. Contents of email dictate the retention of email and each email user is responsible for the retention of their own ema il. Email must be retained according to the procedures defined in the "Email as a Public Record in North Carolina: Guidelines For Its Retention and Disposition" publication, submitted by the NC Department of Cultural Resources (http://www. records .ncdcr.gov/erecords/ Email Policy.pdf) or other regulatory agencies as applicable. Personal email addresses being used for County business purposes, including but not limited to employees, County Commissioners, boards and commiss ions, should follow the same retention guidelines as County email addresses. Thi s policy does not attempt to monitor or manage personal computer accounts or equipment. Where at all possible, officia l County email addresses should be used to conduct County bus iness. Unacceptable uses of e-mail include, but are not limited to: • • • • • • • • • - Using email software that is not the County adopted standard . Sending or forwarding chain letters . Sending or forwarding copies of documents in violation of copyright laws . Compromising the integrity of the County and its busines s in any way . Sending or forwarding messages containing derogatory, racial , offensive, abusive, threatening, obscene, harassing, or other language inappropriate for the organization . Sending or fo rwarding messages that violate the County's sexual harassment policy . Willful propagation of computer viruses . Overtaxing the network with unnecessary group mailings or large emails (over 20 MB) . Users should utilize SendThisFile or other means of sending large files to recipients. Sending or forwarding confidential information including, but not limited to juvenile records in the Sheriff's Department, certain information contained in personnel files or medical files . This includes confidential information as defined by state and federal laws and agency regulations. • .,--• r .. • • Tec hn o l ogyUsePo li cy 14 /P age 053017ws HCBOC Page 67 TELEPHONES & MOBILE DEVICES The County may provide telephones and mobile devices to employees for business use, when the budget allows and determined necessary by the department head. A mobile device shall be used for appropriate business purposes. Such use is defined to be appropriate when an employee must utilize the device to further County operations. The County may review call logs, voicemail recordings, text messages, email transcripts, GPS data or any other data contained on or from County owned devices. All devices and accessories provided by the County are property of the County and must be returned upon request. The department head , the Finance Department and the IT Department, shall monitor mobile device use and charges . Any intentional, deliberate misuse of any device may result in the loss of mobile device service and employee reimbursement of charges and could result in disciplinary action. It is the responsibility of the department head, or his/her designee, to review the detailed bills for the department each month. The department head/designee should note usage patterns for both individuals and the department and investigate any unusual or questionable patterns. It is also the department head's responsibility to ensure that any required reimbursement to the County is done on a timely basis and in accordance with the requirements set forth herein. Laptops, cell phones, and other electronic devices in vehicles must be stored in a secure location or otherwise out of sight. Devices should never be left in vehicles overnight. To the degree possible, technology resources should be protected from theft and/or vandalism, fire or other damage including natural environmental hazards. Devices damaged or stolen must be reported to department head and IT Director immediately. Landline Phones The use of telephones is a necessary part of the day-to-day operation for many County employees. Unfortunately, inappropriate telephone use may also be a source of distraction that cause lower productivity and, in some instances, may present a safety hazard. Personal calls may be allowed on County land line phones, however, employees are expected to be good stewards of County resources and time, and therefore, personal calls should be limited and not affect job performance or duties. If personal misuse is determined, employee may be restricted to only business use or other disciplinary actions may occur. The County may monitor and/or record phone calls made or received using the County phone systems and may access and review call logs and voicemail recordings to ensure compliance with this and other County policies. Users have no expectation of privacy when using County owned phone systems . Tec hn o l ogyUse Po l ic y 151 P age 053017ws HCBOC Page 68 Cellular Phones & Smartphones The County may provide employees with mobile phones, smartphones, or wireless Internet devices. These devices must be used primarily for business use. Personal calls and use may be allowed on County devices, however, employees are expected to be good stewards of available minutes/data and use free cellular connections whenever possible. If personal misuse is determined, employee may be restricted to only business use or privileges may be revoked. All Smartphone devices shall use passwords and must adhere to the same password standards as previously defined. It is the user's responsibility to ensure devices are property secured. All smartphone devices shall contain County management software/profile. Removal or attempt to bypass this software/profile will be in strict violation of this policy. The County reserves the right to inspect any and all files stored on smartphones that are the property of the County in order to ensure compliance with this policy. Users should not presume to have any expectation of privacy in any matter created, received, stored in, or sent from any County issued smartphone . Issued smartphones and all County purchased accessories must be returned to the IT Department when the user's service has ended. When the smartphone is returned, the County will conduct any appropriate backup of files in accordance with the Public Records and Retention laws. The smartphone will then be wiped clean of any and all information . iPads and Tablets The County has recognized that mobile devices, including iPads and tablets, may provide a benefit in the efficient performance of County duties and thereby improve service to the public . Users who choose to use their personal email/Apple ID accounts do so with the full knowledge that the content of that account is a public record and would be subject to North Carolina public records law. Users are responsible for the general care of the mobile device issued by the County. Mobile devices that are broken or fail to work properly must be taken to the IT Department for an evaluation. Mobile devices that have been lost, stolen or damaged from misuse, neglect or are accidentally damaged, in the sole and exclusive judgment of the County Manager in consultation with the County Attorney and IT Director, will be replaced or repaired by the County, with the cost borne by the issued user. Mobile devices should remain free of any writing, drawing, stickers or labels that are not the property of the County. Software and applications installed by the County must remain on the mobile device in usable condition and be readily accessible at all times. From time to time, the County may add or upgrade software applications for use by the user such that users may be required to check in their mobile devices with the IT Department for periodic updates and synchronizing. All software purchased by the County is property of the County and may not be transferred to any other individual. Personal software purchased and installed on County mobile devices are at the risk of the user/purchaser. The County offers no guarantee, warranty or support for -" T ec hnolo gyUse Pol ic y 16 IP a ge 053017ws HCBOC Page 69 personal software purchased and installed on County mobile devices nor will the County refund any purchases for personal software installed on County mobile devices . All of the County's computer systems and devices, including iPads and tablets, are considered to be public property. All documents, files and email messages created, received, stored in, or sent from any County mobile device is considered pub lic record , subject to disclosure to the public pursuant to the North Carolina Public Records laws (with only limited exceptions as provided by law). Users shall not use the mobile device, computer or communication devices in any way as to violate the Open Meetings law requirements, applicable governing laws, or ethical conduct and principles of an elected public official. Issued iPads, tablets and all County purchased accessories must be returned to the department head or IT Department when the user's term or service has ended . When the mobile device is returned, the County will conduct any appropriate backup of files in accordance with the Public Records and Retention laws. The mobile devices will then be wiped clean of any and all information . The County reserves the right to inspect any and all files stored on mobile devices that are the property of the County in order to ensure compliance with this policy. Users should not presume to have any expectation of privacy in any matter created, received, stored i n, o r sent from any County issued mobile device. Mobile Data Terminals (MDTs) -Public Safety The security of the County's computer system is of paramount importance in mai ntaining an efficient and well-guarded database for referencing computerized information. Users will strictly adhere to the following guidelines on the usage of MDTs, regardless of type, make, or manufacturer and associated software to ensure compliance with federal copyright laws and protection against computer viruses. Any and all pol icies contained within the County's Technology Use Pol i cy shall apply to MDTs. MDTs, regardless of type, make, or manufacturer, have been installed in public safety vehicles to assist personnel in the execution of efficient public safety functions and to reduce the amount of rad io traffic necessary to conduct public safety operations. Prior to use, personnel will be trained in the use and care of MDTs and are expected to use this equipment in accordance with instructions provided. MDTs are designed and have been programmed to provide i nformation from State and National computer files on persons, vehicles and other property. Employees shall use the MDTs to check information on persons, vehicles, and other property and shall not request these types of tra nsactions be conducted by Dispatch. The only exceptions will be when an officer needs a printout of the information for inclusion with other reports or does not have an MDT or the MDT is not functioning properly. If the unit is not functioning properly, users are expected to request repairs as soon as possible during the normal working hours of the IT Department. O• •• r • W -· ,Jf- T e ch no l ogy Use Po li cy 1 7j Page 053017ws HCBOC Page 70 MDTs may be programmed to allow for communication of official public safety business between public safety vehicles and between field units and Dispatch. No vulgar, obscene, or derogatory messages, racially and/or sexually derogatory remarks shall be transmitted via the MDT nor shall any private, non-public safety business conversations be conducted between units through the MDT. All transmissions may be logged and maintained for future reference and to provide education and training as deemed necessary. Employees shall log on with their designated username and password. Employees shall never use another employee's credentials. At the end of shift, personnel shall log off the MDT system. All Internet policies must be followed when using MDT devices even if they are not connected to County Internet sources. The use of the Internet is not a private matter and the County reserves the right to monitor all uses without notification to the member; periodic audits may be conducted by the IT Department. The County reserves the right to inspect any and all files stored on MDTs that are the property of the County in order to ensure compliance with this policy. Users should not presume to have any expectation of privacy in any matter that is created, received, stored in, or sent from any County issued MDT. All MDT devices shall contain County management software/profile. Removal or attempt to bypass this software/profile will be in strict violation of this policy. DESTRUCTION OF PUBLIC RECORDS No public records shall be destroyed, sold, loaned or otherwise disposed of, unless in compliance with the NC Department of Cultural Resources and in accordance with G.S. 121-5. COMPLIANCE The IT Director, department head and County Manager will review reported and perceived violations of this policy and may impose restrictions, suspend or terminate technology access, or remove technology equipment during or as a result of an investigation. The County Manager or IT Director may, at any time, inspect or request to inspect any County equipment issued to any department or to any user. The user shall, immediately produce item for inspection. Failure to produce equipment within a reasonable time may result in disciplinary action . Other appropriate action in response to abuse or misuse of technology resources may include, but not be limited to: • Reimbursement to the County for resources consumed • Legal action, including action to recover damages • Disciplinary actions, including suspension, demotion, or dismissal pursuant to the County's Personnel Policy Tec hn o l ogyUse P o li cy 18 I P age 053017ws HCBOC Page 71 Department heads will be responsible for the enforcement of the County's Technology Use Policy. MISCELLANEOUS .. • Procuring, leasing, receiving, maintaining, and installing hardware or software for or on County networks shall be done only by or under the direction of the IT Director. • Due to technology systems constantly evolving, it is recommended that this policy be reviewed by County IT Department on a yearly basis . TechnologyU s ePol icy 191 Pag e 053017ws HCBOC Page 72 HARNETT COUNTY TECHNOLOGY USE POLICY All County users must read and sign a copy of this policy and return it to their department heads. Department heads and Human Resources will keep a file of signed copies in the employee's personnel file. I have read the Harnett County Technology Use Policy and I understand and agree to its terms. Employee Signature Date Department Head Signature Date . ~ . Tec hnolog yUsePo li cy 20 IP age 053017ws HCBOC Page 73 Harnett County, NC Insurance Proposa l 5/23/2017 >f'" " '• C•"• ·.,..~ .... ," .~ ""<-,;• -,• ''f'•~~ ... •~, . i, r•· -~ -:i,; ... -,··~r ~• • •···r •• .,.., ~;y-: ,-·l'f,'"":>!C"~~-· ~ , ·s;-' '• -r• • .,..·,f;,,/ .: .~ ..... -. ,'" ·,.·~' ~ {5t' -t·.) ·r,.r. , . ,•·.;.,~~·,,. •. • ,;,.·, · 1' J, ·'T_>--.t"~,.t, ·'-t-"·t·. 4 ,._·~ :.\:. -~. i'_··:~-~ ::'~:-,.;~-"'\ r.:-)·.~,~~--~?~:t:\·: .t t· _{, -~--<~-;~-~-:.~:;_A:_ -~~L -·.· .... · .. ~. ~-~:-~::~\ ,_-_/>:t\:'_ ;t_,.,... ,,., __ .......... ~ ................ s, ... ,.~ ... ~.,..,.:..J:is't.~1""····· --·-··-"'·. "'· ~ __ ._...,.. -· ,_..___.._ .......:.~~ .. 2016-2017 2017-2018 Line of Coverage Premium Premium Property $246,899.00 $187,302.00 Inland Marine $18,611.00 Included Crime Included $2,744.00 Ge neral Liability $92 ,187.00 $52 ,762.00 Professional Liability Coverages $120 ,796 .00 $113,386.00 Automobile $204 ,4 37.00 $177 ,307.00 Umbrella $26 ,734 .00 $30,098.00 Package $709,664.00 $563,599.00 Cyber Liability $17 ,035 .00 $17 ,5 4 7 .00 Excess WC $161 ,398.00 $149,278 .00 Broker Fee $30,000.00 $40 ,000.00 Total $918,097.00 $770,424.00 Total Decrease (Dollar Amount) $147 ,673 .00 Total Decrease (Percentage) (16.08%) 053017ws HCBOC Page 74 Gina Wheeler From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: From: Joseph Jeffries Paula Stewart Tuesday, May 23, 2017 5:06 PM Gina Wheeler FW: Erwin Library SAdminCopie17051610480.pdf Sent: Tuesday, May 16, 2017 10:51 AM To: Angela Mclamb <amclamb@harnett.org>; Paula Stewart <pstewart@harnett.org> Subject: Erwin Library Good Morning Angela, I met with Richard Hicks Interim Manager for the Town of Erwin this morning and he had a proposal. Attached is copy of the proposal, but in summary the Town would like the County to take over operations now verses waiting and they are willing to pay us what they budget ($52K) and provide facility & maintenance for the first year. Take a look at it and I believe we have a meeting coming up we can discuss then. Thanks jj 1 053017ws HCBOC Page 75 10 -63 0 0 ·02 0 10 - 6 3 0 0 - 0 2 1 10 - 6 3 0 0 . 0 2 2 10 - 6 3 0 0 0 3 0 10 -63 0 0 0 5 0 10 -63 0 0 ·06 0 10 · 6 3 0 0 - 0 7 0 10 -63 0 0 -07 1 10 63 0 0 -11 0 10 -63 0 0 -13 0 10 · 6 3 0 0 -14 0 10 - 6 3 0 0 -15 0 10 - 6 3 0 0 - 1 6 0 10 · 6 3 0 0 -18 0 10 ·63 0 0 -32 0 10 -63 0 0 · 33 0 10 - 6 3 0 0 -33 1 10 - 6 3 0 0 - 3 4 0 10 -63 0 0 -45 0 10 - 6 3 0 0 -53 0 10 ·63 0 0 - 5 7 0 10 -63 0 0 -73 0 10 -63 0 0 -74 0 Yee ( l -- · - - ., -- LI B R A R Y SA l A R I E S S3 6 , 1 5 9 $3 2 , 1 9 7 OV E R T I M E so so CH R I S T M A S BO N U S $3 6 1 S3 6 6 SA l A R I E S • PA R T TI M E Sl 2 , 8 3 8 $1 7 , 0 1 0 FI C A EX P E N S E S3 . 7 7 6 S3 . 7 8 8 GR O U P I N SU R AN CE S5 . 3 9 2 S 3 , 7 1 4 RE T I R E M E N T S2 , 5 5 9 $2 , 2 7 6 40 1 K CO N T R I B U T I O N Sl . 8 0 2 S 1. 6 2 1 TE L E P H O N E / P O S T A G E $S 7 1 Sl 9 4 UT I L I T I E S $5 , 7 4 3 S5 . 6 5 1 TR A V E L so so MA I N T E N A N C E / R E P A I R · GR O U N D S S7 1 2 so MA I N T E N A N C E / R E P A I R - EQ U I P M E N T Sl 6 S4 1 4 DE P A R T M E N T A L EQ U I P M E N T S3 8 8 S2 , 1 6 7 OF F I C E SU P P L I E S $6 6 so DE P A R T M E N T A L SU P P L I E S $2 6 $1 1 , 8 0 5 CI R C U l A T I O N PU R C H A S E S $0 $1 . 4 1 8 JA N I T O R I A L SU P P L I E S $9 $0 CO N T R A C T E D SE R V I C E S S1 6 5 so DU E S AN D SU B S C R I P T I O N S $0 $1 2 9 MI S C E L l A N E O U S EX P E N S E $0 so CA P I T A L OU T L A Y so so CA P I T A L OU T L A Y EQ U I P M E N T so s o TO T A L LI B R A R Y $7 0 , 5 8 3 S8 2 , 7 5 0 - j t ) w " Ct > \ ) c . iS C Ov ( \ 1 \ 1 fo ' 1 S O r i o \ I f ' J ~l. ) ~ c . _ Y f° ' ' < ·t i i ' l \ c : . . 50 . \ c 1 1 ~ ' > TO W N or ER W I N EX P E N S[ WO R K S H E F T 20 1 7 / 2 0 1 8 Pn o r Ye a r Pn o r Ye a , Cu r r en t Ye a r Ac t u a l Th r u Es t i m a t e d To t a l De p a r t m e n t Manager Town Board - - - n - · '· - · - - · -- - ... -~ .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ., . .. . .. ,. .. . . . . . ._ _ . . , . , , , u , ~ . . . , 11 1 1 : ; : c , v '" ' I C " ( U I C . > l nll!\,Ullllllt!IIU) Approveo S3 1 ,09 3 $2 9 . 5 1 0 $3 1 . 0 9 3 Sl 9 , 4 2 6 S l l ,66 7 $3 1 ,09 3 $3 1 , 0 9 3 $32,026 so so so so so so so so $2 9 7 S2 9 7 Sl O O Sl O O so Sl O O SlOO SlOO $1 3 , 1 0 2 $1 2 , 2 3 0 so so so so $1 5 , 8 0 8 so $3 . 4 0 4 S3 . 20 5 $2 , 3 8 7 $1 . 4 9 4 $8 9 3 S2 , 3 8 7 S3 .596 S2.458 $6 , 1 0 0 S2 . 1 9 1 S5 3 0 $4 2 6 $1 0 4 S5 3 0 $530 S530 S2 . 1 0 2 $1 , 9 8 9 S2 . S 3 5 Sl . 4 3 4 S l ,10 1 S2 . 5 3 5 S2.373 S2,452 Sl , 5 5 5 Sl , 5 0 3 Sl , 5 5 S S9 7 1 S5 8 4 $1 , 5 5 5 Sl .555 Sl ,607 Sl . 0 0 0 S6 5 5 $1 ,00 0 S4 7 8 $5 2 2 $1 , 0 0 0 Sl,000 Sl,000 SG . 0 0 0 S5 , 6 4 1 S6 , 3 0 0 S3 . 0 1 2 SJ . 3 5 0 S4 . 3 6 2 S6,000 S5.800 S5 0 0 S1 7 5 so $0 so so $770 S770 so SD so so s o so so so $5 0 0 $7 5 so $0 so so so so $2 , 5 0 0 S2 ,16 3 $1 ,00 0 $2 0 6 S7 5 0 $9 5 6 $1,000 $1,000 so so so so so $0 so $0 52 . 0 0 0 $1 , 6 8 4 so $0 $0 so so so S5 . 0 0 0 S4 .08 3 $5 ,00 0 Sl , 5 1 7 S3 .37 0 $4 ,88 7 S5.000 S5.000 so so $0 so so so so so so so so s o so $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 so so $0 $0 $0 so $0 $0 $0 so $0 so $0 so so s o $0 so so so so S7 ,10 7 $7 . 1 0 7 so $0 so so so so S8 2 . 2 6 0 $7 2 , SO B $5 1 ,50 0 S2 9 .06 4 $2 0 . 3 4 1 $4 9 , 4 0 5 $6 8 ,825 $52 ,743 $0 Page 48 I D v - > I " C. 0 , , \ 1 1 " \ J ' - ) ~ ~ \. ~ , \ \ , ~ ) r, \) \ ,\i \ 1i) c"J ~,~~.-.c~<~ Y~o < )_ - - r - ~ r1 1 7S -7 . "' " so l e , . ~ I ~ ~. ~ 5 , 1, , • .\ , 1 , It i\ " 1 ( .: f l , w; , ) ~~ .. . r 1 \ 1 s 1 . o" ' ~D ' " ' "' \ ) 1 \ t < ' j Ct > l t \ ._ A 7 , 11 l ' . ) ( s i) . J ) Y.: . c ' \ (o " n , ~ u ' r , t . - ~ ~ ~ t.f(. q~? ~ "' ' f " " ' j- t , o ~ I / ~ r o~ o , P"' ' " \ I < " ' o\ o ho - f" ,l • J d , Ye..~ ' 3 \ D \ > . > , - , . r, s SD J . cl - C~ t , \ ) < : , C D ) ) 5. -l t 1 \ &. \ 1 1 . . . Y< t c ' l- \ -r - c . . . . , ... fo ' l j :J . . . S - 7 . t f c\ . , . , I ) . _ C ~ ' n ·. ~ l l , 1 ) / . , I '( Q c ( )_ cl : ) f ' t l , l , ~ I 0-.35 l_Ob I ~~ . ' , C" ' " \ . , \ u ' r - , c . . . . : 1, '~ 1.. , ~ c _ C I l\ (o r < ' I · , \ . ~ It)" II I l~b 053017ws HCBOC Page 76 Gina Wheeler Subject: FW: CCCC Board of Trustees From: clemmedley@yahoo.com [mailto :clemmedley@yahoo .com ] Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2017 9:08 AM To: Shannon Eason <season@harnett .org> Subject: Re: CCCC Board of Trustees Good morning, Shannon. In response to your request, please accept this as notice that, due to my post retirement plans and activities, I am not able to accept reappointment to the CCCC Board of Trustees. Please convey to the Commissioners my great appreciation for the opportunity I have had to serve on the BOTs and also my appreciation for the honor of being appointed for an additional term. With much gratitude, Clem Medley Sent from my iPhone 1 053017ws HCBOC Page 77 ~ CENTRAL CAROLINA COMMUNITY COLLEGE Chatham County Campus 764 West Street Pittsboro, NC 27312-8822 (919) 542-6495 Harnett County Campus 1075 E. Cornelius Harnett Blvd. Lillington, NC 27546-7672 (910) 893-9101 Lee County Campus 1105 Kelly Dr. Sanford, NC 27330-98 40 (919) 775-5401 May 2, 2017 Mr. Gordon Springle Harnett County Board of Commissioners 540 Tippet Road Angier NC 27501 Dear Chairman Springle: RECEIVED MAY -8 2017 HARNETT COUNTY MANAGER'S OFFICE As Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Central Carolina Community College, I am writing you to inform you that the term of your appointee to the CCCC Board of Trustees, Clem Medley, will expire on June 30, 2017. CCCC Board of Trustee Jim Burgin has been reappointed by the Harnett County Board of Commissioners. Please take the steps to fill this one vacancy by this time. Please be aware that our accrediting body, the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) requires that the college's governing board to be free of undue influence from political, religious, or other external bodies, and protects the institution for such influence. Thank you for giving careful thought to select someone who will have the best interests of the college and its students at heart. During the years that Clem Medley has served as your appointee to the CCCC Board, he has regularly attended board and committee meetings and actively participated in the governance of the college. Please notify Dr. Bud Marchant of your selection once it is made. Sincerely, Julian Philpott, Chairman Board of Trustees Cc: Mr. Joseph Jeffries County Manager 053017ws HCBOC Page 78