101716a Agenda PackageHARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS County Administration Building 102 East Front Street Lillington, North Carolina Regular Meeting October 17, 2016 1. Call to order -Chairman Jim Burgin 7:00 pm 2. Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation -Commissioner Joe Miller 3. Consider additions and deletions to the published agenda 4. Consent Agenda A. Minutes B. Budget Amendments C. Tax rebates, refunds and releases D. Harnett County Emergency Services, on behalf ofBenhaven Emergency Services, requests permission to purchase used Self-Contained Breathing (SCBAs) in the amount of $40,000. E . Hamett County Veteran Services requests approval to accept a grant in the amount of $50,000 from the N.C. Office of Budget and Management for construction of a brick 11 x 20 storage building with concrete floor , improve landscaping and replace lighting at the Harnett County Veterans Park. No county matching funds are required. F. REVISED Resolution In Support of Designating a Portion ofN.C. 87 in Harnett County in Honor ofNascar Legend Herb Thomas G. General Services, Community Development, requests approva l of a project ordinance in the amount of $175,000 for the funding of the Essential Single Family Rehabilitation Loan Pool project that utilizes North Carolina Housing Finance monies to fund the home rehabilitation of at least five (five) homes within Hamett County. H. Hamett County Public Utilities request approval of delinquent accounts in the amount of $52,525.52 determined to be at write-off status for the third quarter of 2016. I. Administration, on behalf of the Pay Plan Committee, requests approval of proposed amendment to the Hamett County Personnel Ordinance by adding the Performance Pay Plan under Article III , Section 6 as "6.2. The Performance Pay Plan." The Performance Pay Plan will become effective July 1, 2017. J. Harnett County Health Director requests approval to establish and increase the fo llowing fees: 17307 Nexplanon 90674 (new) 90685 (increase) 90685 (increase) 90688 (increase) $706 -establish third party insurance/self-pay fee (340b pricing for Medicaid $364) Flucelvax, prsv fee 4 years/> prefilled syringe Flu vaccine, quad, 6-35 mo, im (peds) Flu vaccine, prsrv free, 3 yrs & >, im Fluzone vacc, 3 yrs & >, im ( quad) Page 1 $48.00 $48.00 $48.00 $48.00 101716a HC BOC Page 1 K. Hamett County Emergency Services requests approval to receive award funds from the N.C. Department of Public Safety Emergency Management Division 2016 Tier II Grant in the amount of$1,000. Funds will be used by Hamett County Local Emergency Planning Committee for hazardous materials emergency response planning, training and relat4ed exercise. This is a reimbursable grant and no county matching funds are required. 5. Period of up to 30 minutes for informal comments allowing 3 minutes for each presentation 6. Appointments 7. Public Hearing: Proposed Zoning Change: Case# RZ-16-381 Landowner/Applicant: Western Hamett Overhills Area PTO, Inc.; 0.25 acres (1.08 total), Pin #9568-65-7627; From RA-20R to Commercial; 3793 Olivia Rd SR 1205; Barbecue Township, Hamett County Development Services Mark Locklear 8. Public Hearing: Proposed Text Amendment, Hamett County Unified Development Ordinance, Article VI (General Development Standards), Section 3.0 (Accessory Structures), Hamett County Development Services Mark Locklear 9. Public Hearing regarding the proposed Fiscal Year 2018 Community Transportation Program application, to be submitted to the North Carolina Department of Transportation, Public Transportation Division, in the amount of $515,428 for the Hamett Area Rural Transit System (HARTS). The application requires matching funds in the amount of $65 ,439. Following the public hearing, HARTS staff requests approval of the application and a resolution to apply, enter an agreement with NCDOT and provide the necessary assurances and required match. 10. 2017 Revaluation Schedule of Values, Tax Administrator Keith Faulkner 11. Discuss compensation for employees working while the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) is activated. 12. County Manager's Report-Joseph Jeffries, County Manager Hamett County Financial Summary Report -August, 2016 Hamett County Sales Tax Analysis by Article -June 2016 Hamett County Veterans Services Activities Report -September 2016 Hamett County Public Health Activities Summary-September 2016 Interdepartmental Budget Amendments 13. New Business 14. Closed Session 15. Adjourn Page2 101716a HC BOC Page 2 Apn~lkm __ ~_-_8 ___ _ BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett, North Carolina, that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017: Section 1. To amend the Tax Department, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 110-4500-410.33 -45 Contracted Services $10,000.00 110-4500-410.12-00 Salaries & Wages/Part-Time $10,000.00 REVENUE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE EXPLANATION: For part time employee to help with revaluation reviews and to help finalize personal property listing. APPROVALS : L 4i~ Department Head (date) I \b Section 2. Copies of this budget amendment shall be furnished to the Clerk to the Board, and to the Budget Officer and the Finance Officer for their direction. Adopted this day of Margaret Regina Wheeler, Clerk to the Board I 2017. Jim Burgin , Chairman Harnett County Board of Commissioners 101716a HC BOC Page 3 BUDGET ORD INANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett, North Carolina, that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017: Section 1.To amend the Wings Over Harnett budget, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 212-6500-406.60-33 Materials & Supplies 2050 REVENUE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 212-0000-353 .65-01 Other Revenues/Contributions/Donations 2050 EXPLANATION: Increase expenditure to purchase items fo r the Wings Over Harnett event. APPROVALS : ~7cf.~ .fv 4,/C Department Head (date) Section 2. Copi es of this budget am endmen shall be furnished to the Clerk to the Board, and to the Budget Officer and the Finance Officer for their direction. Adopted this ______ day of ______ _J _______ _ Margaret Regina Wheeler Clerk to the Board Jim Burgin, Chairman Harnett County Board of Commissioner 101716a HC BOC Page 4 BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett, North Carolina, that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017: Section 1. To amend the General Fund, Cooperative Extension program, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 110-7300-465-60-39 Voices Into Action 313 110-7300-465-11-04 NCCES Labor & Distribution 2,713 REVENUE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 110-0000-331-73-27 Voic es Into Action Revenue 2,400 EXPLANATION: To budget remainder funds for Voices Into Action grant and to also decrease grants revenue which was overstated in original budget. Section 2. Copies of this budget amendment shall Budget Officer and the Finance Officer for their direction . Adopted this Margaret Regina Wheeler Clerk to th e Board day of ~~ cif ~:.~-ll-1, 10L~~h~r,, e furni,hed to the Cl erk to th e Board, and to the Jim Burgin , Chairman Harnett County Board of Commi ss ioners 101716a HC BOC Page 5 BUDGET ORD INA NC E AMEN DM ENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Govern ing Boord of the County of Harnett. No rt h Carolina, tho! !he fo llowing amendment be made to !he annual budget ordinance for !he fiscal year ending June 30, 20 16: Section 1. To amend the General Fu nd, Administration and Governing Body, the appropriations a re to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCR IPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 1 10-7 l 00-465.30-04 Professional Se rvices $ 25 ,000.0 0 REVENUE AMOUNT AMOUNT COD E NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 110-0000-38 9 .43-26 lnt e rfund Trans fe r-Sales Ta x Expansion $ 25,000 .00 EXPLANATI ON: To budget the t ransfer o f sales tax expansion funds for consulting services. APPROVALS : Po.w..__,~~ (,t,J- i-0 -LI -1 \..., Department Head (dale) County Manager (date) Section 2. Copies of this budget amendment shall be furnished t o the Clerk to the Board, and to the Budget Officer and the Finance Officer for their direction. Adopted _________________ _ Margaret Regina Wheeler, C lerk to the Board Jim Burg in , Chairman Harnet t County Board of Comm 101716a HC BOC Page 6 BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett, North Carolina that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017 : Section l. To amend the General Fund, Emergency Services Department, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE AMOUNT AMOUNT . CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 110-5300-420.32-62 Emergency Services/ LEPC 1,000.00 REVENUE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 110-0000-334.53-02 Emergency Service s / LEPC 1,000.00 EXLANATION : To budget the award of funds from the North Carolina Department of Public Safety Emergency Management Divi sion 2016 Tier II Grant in the amount of $1,000.00. For 2016, each LEPC (Local Emergency Planning Committee) is receiving a $1,000.00 award for each of the counties that comprise their committee. Fund s will be used by Harnett County LEPC for hazardous materials emergency response planning, training and related exerci ses . This is a reimbursable grant. No County matching fund s required . APPROVALS : ~~ /~-;2-lb C~ty M ~er (date) Sect i on 2. Cop ies of this budget amendment shall be furnis Budg et Officer and the Finance Officer for their direction. Adopted this ___ day of ____ , 2016. Margaret Regina Wh eeler Clerk to the Board Jim Burgin, Chairman Harnett County Board of Co m miss ioner s 101716a HC BOC Page 7 BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett, North Carolina that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017: Section 1. To amend the General Fund, Emergency Services Department, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 263 -5251 -420.60-33 Materials & Supplies $1200 263-5251.420.11-00 Salaries & Wages $1200 263-5251-420 .60-33 Materials & Supplies $10 263 -5251 -420.11-14 Salaries & Wages -Longevity $10 REVENUE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE EXLANATION : To budget the transfer of funds to Salaries & Wage s and Sal aries & Wages -Longevity due to Zachary Shean's 5 % pay incre as e. APPROVALS : l~(k, Section 2. Copi es of this budget am e ndme nt shall be furnished to th e Cl e rk to the Board , and to th e Budge t Officer and the Finance Officer for their direction . Adopted this ___ day of ____ , 2016. Margaret Regina Whee ler Clerk to the Board Jim Burgin , Chairman Harnett County Board of Co mmission e r s 101716a HC BOC Page 8 Bo a r d Re p o r t Da t e : 10 / 1 7 / 2 0 1 6 To : Ha r n e t t Co u n t y Bo a r d o f Co m m i s s i o n e r s Re : Co n s i d e r a t i o n o f Re f u n d fo r Ta x e s , In t e r e s t an d Pe n a l i t i e s fo r al l Mu n c i p a l i t i es Ad j u s t m e n t Re a s o n Mi l i t a r y Ad j u s t m e n t Re m o v a l o f SW Fe e Ad j u s t m e n t Ad j u s t m e n t Bl d g co r r e c t i o n Bl d g co r r e c t i o n Bl d g co r r ec t i o n Bl d g co r r e c t i o n Li s t e d In Er r o r S . Ke i t h Fa u l k n e r Ta x Ad m i n i s t r a t o r Bi l l Nu m b e r 00 0 2 2 5 2 3 6 8 - 20 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 00 0 0 0 2 6 2 8 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 00 0 0 0 1 9 5 9 2 - 2 0 1 4 - 20 1 4 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 00 0 0 0 1 9 5 9 2 - 2 0 1 4 - 2 0 1 4 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 00 0 0 0 1 9 5 9 2 - 2 0 1 3 - 20 1 3 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 00 0 0 0 5 8 5 8 1 - 2 0 1 3 - 2 0 1 3 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 00 0 0 0 5 8 5 8 1 - 2 0 1 2 - 2 0 1 2 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 00 0 0 0 5 8 5 8 1 - 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 1 5 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 00 0 0 0 5 8 5 8 1 - 2 0 1 4 - 2 0 1 4 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 00 0 2 2 4 7 0 5 7 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 -00 Ty p e Re c e i v e d Am o u n t IN D $5 0 .32 RE I $8 8 9 . 5 3 RE I $1 9 0 .32 RE I $3 0 0 . 0 0 RE I $5 9 3 . 6 5 RE I $6 9 1 . 4 1 RE I $6 9 1 . 4 1 RE I $7 1 0 . 0 1 RE I $7 1 0 . 0 1 I ND $4 5 2 . 2 4 Ag e n d a Item L/ -C A pp r ov ed , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Re f u n d Am o u n t Na m e $5 0 .32 DI X ON , CH A R L ES AL E X A N D E R Il l $5 0 0 . 5 7 JA C K SO N , M A R Y LO U I S E $7 0 .00 G IL LI S , J AM E S $ 1 09 .68 G IL LI S , J AM E S $4 8 4 .3 4 G IL LI S , J AM E S $3 1 8 . 4 9 WE S T , TO M M Y SH E R R I L L $3 1 8 . 4 9 W ES T , TO M M Y SH E R R I L L $3 2 5 . 9 3 WE S T , TO M M Y SH E R R I L L $3 2 5 . 9 3 WE S T , TO M M Y SH E R R I L L $45 2 . 2 4 W AL K E R , JO N A T H A N GL E N 101716a HC BOC Page 9 Da t e ru n : 10 / 1 1 / 2 0 1 6 9 :08 : 5 9 AM Da t a as of : 10 / 1 0 / 2 0 1 6 7: 2 2 : 2 8 PM TR - 3 0 4 Bi l l Re l e a s e Re p o r t Re p o r t Pa r a m e t e r s : Re l e a s e Da t e St a r t : 9/ 1 / 2 0 1 6 Re l e a s e Da t e En d : 9/ 3 0 / 2 0 1 6 Ta x Di s t r i c t : AL L De f a u l t So r t - B y : Gr o u p i n g : Bi l l #, T a x p a y e r Na m e , R e l e a s e Da t e , B i l l i n g Da t e , O p e r a t o r ID , Re l e a s e Am o u n t Re l e a s e Re a s o n B i l l # RE L E A S E RE A S O N : Ad j u s t m e n t Ta x p a y e r N a m e Op e r a t o r ID (N a m e ) 00 0 0 0 5 4 1 9 5 - 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 1 5 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G AB O N Z A , LU I S FE R N A N D O 8/ 8 / 2 0 1 5 MA R G A R E T WR I G H T 00 0 0 0 6 3 7 9 3 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G VA R I E T Y ST O R E S IN C 8/ 6 / 2 0 1 6 SH E R R Y LO C K A M Y 00 0 1 5 8 4 8 5 4 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 2 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G SH A F F E L L , WI L L I A M ED W A R D 9/ 2 6 / 2 0 1 6 AM Y BA I N 00 0 2 1 7 8 0 6 0 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G KI L L E T I E , CH R I S T O P H E R DW A Y N E 8/ 6 / 2 0 1 6 CR Y S T A L Su b t o t a l RE L E A S E RE A S O N : As s e s s e d In Er r 00 0 1 3 0 5 4 0 7 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G NO R T O N , HO W A R D E 00 0 1 6 7 6 3 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G JE F F E R D S , WI L L I A M B 00 0 2 2 4 9 7 5 4 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G WH I T E , JA M E S RO B E R T JR Su b t o t a l RE L E A S E RE A S O N : Bl d g co r r e c t i o n 00 0 0 0 0 2 8 2 9 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G BA L L A R D , WI L L I A M H 00 0 0 0 5 6 5 6 0 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G CA D E T H A N TR U S T , 00 0 2 1 1 2 7 0 1 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G AD A M O , RI C H A R D HA R O L D 111 Su b t o t a l PA G E 1 of 11 TH O M A S 8/ 6 / 2 0 1 6 AM Y BA I N 8/ 6 / 2 0 1 6 AM Y BA I N 8/ 6 / 2 0 1 6 AM Y BA I N 8/ 6 / 2 0 1 6 AM Y BA I N 8/ 6 / 2 0 1 6 MA R G A R E T WR I G H T 8/ 6 / 2 0 1 6 AM Y BA I N NC P T S V4 - . 9 /21 / 20 1 6 9 / 1 / 20 1 6 9 /26 / 20 1 6 9 /23 / 20 1 6 9 /16 / 20 1 6 8 / 31 / 20 1 6 9 /13 /20 1 6 9 /21 /20 1 6 9 /16 / 2 0 1 6 9 /19 / 20 1 6 31 6 .00 3, 4 7 6 . 2 1 1 ,54 2 . 3 0 35 . 5 2 5 .51 23 .77 26 .74 80 2 . 8 9 24 1 .9 1 2 ,58 4 . 8 1 Re l e a s e Am o u n t ( $ ) 82 . 0 0 3, 4 7 6 . 2 1 1, 5 4 2 . 3 0 11 . 9 0 5, 1 1 2 . 4 1 5 .51 19 .57 21 . 2 5 46 . 3 3 56 6 . 8 9 10 2 .93 49 3 .51 1, 1 6 3 . 3 3 -. 234.00 0 .00 0 .00 23.62 0.00 4 .20 5.49 236 .00 138.98 2 ,091.30 101716a HC BOC Page 10 B i l l # Ta x p a y e r N a m e RE L E A S E RE A S O N : Bu s i n e s s cl o s e d 00 0 2 1 7 8 5 1 2 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G PA P A GI B S OD D JO B S LL C Su b t o t a l RE L E A S E RE A S O N : Co r r e c t i o n fo r MH 00 0 0 0 3 4 3 7 8 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G NC DE P T OF TR A N S P O R T A T I O N 00 0 0 0 3 7 7 6 4 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G NC DE P T OF TR A N S P O R T A T I O N 00 0 0 0 6 1 7 6 0 - 2 0 1 1 - 2 0 1 1 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G ZU P A N C I C , AN T O N 00 0 0 0 6 1 7 6 0 - 2 0 1 2 - 2 0 1 2 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G ZU P A N C I C , AN T O N 00 0 0 0 6 1 7 6 0 - 2 0 1 3 - 2 0 1 3 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G ZU P A N C I C , AN T O N 00 0 0 0 6 1 7 6 0 - 2 0 1 4 - 2 0 1 4 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G ZU P A N C I C , AN T O N 00 0 0 0 6 1 7 6 0 - 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 1 5 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G ZU P A N C I C , BA R B A R A F 00 0 0 0 6 1 7 6 0 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G ZU P A N C I C , BA R B A R A F Su b t o t a l RE L E A S E RE A S O N : De f e r r e d Bi l l 00 0 0 0 0 9 2 1 7 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 7 0 - 0 0 - D L D CA M P B E L L , RU B Y S 00 0 0 0 0 9 2 2 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 7 0 - 0 0 - D L D CA M P B E L L , RU B Y S 00 0 0 0 0 9 2 2 8 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 7 0 - 0 0 - D L D CA M P B E L L , RU B Y S 00 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 7 0 - 0 0 - D L D MA T I H E W S , BO B B Y B 00 0 0 0 2 3 7 3 2 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 7 0 - 0 0 - D L D CA M P B E L L , RU B Y S 00 0 2 2 4 7 9 0 2 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 7 0 - 0 0 -DL D JO H N S O N , MA R Y BR O W N 00 0 2 2 4 7 9 0 3 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 7 0 - 0 0 - D L D JO H N S O N , MA R Y BR O W N 00 0 2 2 5 3 9 0 1 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 7 0 - 0 0 - D L D MI L L E R , JA M E S B 00 0 2 2 5 3 9 0 2 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 7 0 - 0 0 - D L D MI L L E R , JA M E S B 00 0 2 2 5 3 9 0 4 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 7 0 - 0 0 - D L D RI C K S IN V E S T M E N T PR O P E R T I E S LL C , Su b t o t a l PA G E 2 o f 11 Op e r a t o r I O (N a m e ) 8/ 6 / 2 0 1 6 AM Y BA I N 8/ 6 / 2 0 1 6 AM Y BA I N 8/ 6 / 2 0 1 6 AM Y BA I N 8/ 5 / 2 0 1 1 AM Y BA I N 7/ 2 6 / 2 0 1 2 AM Y BA I N 8/ 7 / 2 0 1 3 AM Y BA I N 8/ 9 / 2 0 1 4 AM Y BA I N 8/ 8 / 2 0 1 5 AM Y BA I N 8/ 6 / 2 0 1 6 AM Y BA I N 9/ 1 5 / 20 1 6 AM Y BA I N 9/ 1 5 / 20 1 6 AM Y BA I N 9/ 1 5 / 2 0 1 6 AM Y BA I N 9 / 7 / 20 1 6 AM Y BA I N 9/ 1 5 / 2 0 1 6 AM Y BA I N 9 / 9 / 20 1 6 AM Y BA I N 9/ 9 / 2 0 1 6 AM Y BA I N 9/ 2 1 / 2 0 1 6 AM Y BA I N 9/ 2 1 / 2 0 1 6 AM Y BA I N 9/ 9 / 2 0 1 6 AM Y BA I N - . 9 /20 / 20 1 6 20 .66 9 / 9 / 20 1 6 70 . 0 0 9 / 9 / 20 1 6 70 . 0 0 9 / 15 / 20 1 6 1, 31 9 . 8 1 9 / 15 / 20 1 6 1 ,33 9 . 8 1 9 / 15 / 20 1 6 1 ,35 5 . 5 9 9 /15 / 2 0 1 6 1, 3 9 5 . 0 2 9/ 1 5 / 20 1 6 1 ,3 2 6 . 2 3 9/ 1 5 / 20 1 6 1 ,3 2 6 . 2 3 9 /15 / 20 1 6 95 . 8 5 9 /15 / 20 1 6 36 . 2 1 9 /15 / 20 1 6 99 .29 9 / 7 / 20 1 6 17 .31 9 /15 / 20 1 6 64 .94 9 / 9 / 20 1 6 82 8 .93 9 / 9 / 20 1 6 1 ,22 2 .59 9 /21 / 20 1 6 70 2 . 4 1 9 /21 / 20 1 6 50 4 . 0 9 9 / 9 / 20 1 6 56 9 . 2 1 Re l e a s e Am o u n t ( $ ) 20 .66 20 . 6 6 70 .00 70 .00 39 9 . 2 0 39 9 . 2 0 40 4 .16 41 6 .55 41 6 .57 98 4 .01 3, 1 5 9 . 6 9 95 .85 36 .21 99 .29 17 .31 64 .94 82 8 .93 1 ,22 2 .59 70 2 . 4 1 50 4 .09 56 9 . 2 1 4, 1 4 0 . 8 3 -0 .00 0.00 0 .00 920 .61 940 .61 951.43 978.47 909.66 342.22 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 101716a HC BOC Page 11 B i l l # T a x p a y e r N a m e RE L E A S E RE A S O N : Du p l i c a t i o n 00 0 0 0 3 8 4 0 5 - 2 0 1 1 - 2 0 1 1 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G MO R G A N , KA T H R Y N 00 0 0 0 3 8 4 0 5 - 2 0 1 2 - 2 0 1 2 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G MO R G A N , KA T H R Y N 00 0 0 0 3 8 4 0 5 - 2 0 1 3 - 2 0 1 3 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G MO R G A N , KA T H R Y N 00 0 0 0 3 8 4 0 5 - 2 0 1 4 - 2 0 1 4 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G MO R G A N , KA T H R Y N 00 0 0 0 3 8 4 0 5 - 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 1 5 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G MO R G A N , KA T H R Y N Su b t o t a l RE L E A S E RE A S O N : El d e r l y Ex c l u s i o n 00 0 0 0 2 4 2 2 3 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G BY R D , JA N E T D 00 0 0 0 3 2 0 1 2 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G LO Y D , HE L E N LO U I S E Su b t o t a l RE L E A S E RE A S O N : Ex e m p t Pr o p e r t y 00 0 0 0 1 0 0 4 4 - 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 1 5 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 1 - R E G UN I T E D ST A T E S OF AM E R I C A 00 0 2 1 8 5 4 4 2 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G GL E N E A G L E S OW N E R S AS S N IN C Su b t o t a l RE L E A S E RE A S O N : Fu l l re b a t e 00 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 5 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G AV E R Y , ST A C Y 00 0 0 0 1 3 4 1 9 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G CU R R I N , WA Y N E G 00 0 0 0 3 8 4 0 5 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G MO R G A N , KA T H R Y N 00 0 1 3 8 0 5 7 7 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G JO N E S , JA S O N 00 0 1 8 9 5 2 2 5 -20 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 -RE G SC H U L T Z , SH A N N O N 00 0 2 0 9 9 3 6 5 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G YA R B R O U G H , TA M M Y ME S S E R 00 0 2 2 5 0 7 5 3 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G SC H M I D , RA L P H ED W A R D PA G E 3 o f 11 Op e r a t o r I D { N a m e ) 8/ 5 / 2 0 1 1 AM Y BA I N 7 / 26 / 2 0 1 2 AM Y BA I N 8/ 7 / 2 0 1 3 AM Y BA I N 8/ 9 / 2 0 1 4 AM Y BA I N 8/ 8 / 2 0 1 5 AM Y BA I N 8/ 6 / 2 0 1 6 AM Y BA I N 8/ 6 / 2 0 1 6 AM Y BA I N 8/ 8 / 2 0 1 5 AM Y BA I N 8/ 6 /20 1 6 AM Y BA I N 8/ 6 / 2 0 1 6 MA R G A R E T WR I G H T 8/ 6 / 2 0 1 6 MA R G A R E T WR I G H T 8/ 6 / 2 0 1 6 MA R G A R E T WR I G H T 8/ 6 / 2 0 1 6 MA R G A R E T WR I G H T 8 / 6/ 2 0 1 6 AM Y BA I N 8/ 6 / 2 0 1 6 AM Y BA I N 8/ 6 / 2 0 1 6 MA R G A R E T WR I G H T 9 / 19 /20 1 6 9 / 19 /20 1 6 9 / 19 /20 1 6 9 /1 9 /20 1 6 9 / 19 /20 1 6 9 /1 /20 1 6 9 /1 /20 1 6 9 / 28 /20 1 6 8 / 31 / 20 1 6 9 / 6 / 20 1 6 9 / 16 / 20 1 6 9 / 15 / 20 1 6 9 / 21 / 20 1 6 9 / 9/ 2 0 1 6 9 /12 / 20 1 6 9 /7 / 20 1 6 - . ' 9 .54 9. 6 6 9 .66 9. 9 6 9. 9 6 1 ,48 9 .57 6 1 2 .73 25 3 .70 15 0 .55 24 3 .19 12 1 . 0 9 9. 9 6 14 . 2 7 11 8 .80 18 . 8 5 40 .92 Re l e a s e A m o u n t ( $ ) 9 .54 9 .66 9 .66 9 .96 9 .96 48 . 7 8 1, 4 8 9 . 5 7 61 2 .73 2, 1 0 2 . 3 0 18 3 . 7 0 15 0 .55 33 4 .25 24 3 . 1 9 1 21 . 0 9 9.96 14 . 2 7 11 8 .80 18 . 8 5 40 . 9 2 -. 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 70.00 0 .0 0 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 101716a HC BOC Page 12 B i l l # Ta x p a y e r Na m e 00 0 2 2 5 2 0 1 4 -2 01 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G TH O M A S , JE F F E R Y D Su b t o t a l RE L E A S E RE A S O N : La n d f i l l er r o r 00 0 0 0 2 4 8 2 6 - 2 0 0 6 - 2 0 0 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G HO L L I D A Y , W H 00 0 0 0 2 4 8 2 6 - 2 0 0 7 - 2 0 0 7 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G HO L L I D A Y , W H 00 0 0 0 2 4 8 2 6 - 2 0 0 8 - 2 0 0 8 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G HO L L I D A Y , W H 00 0 0 0 2 4 8 2 6 - 2 0 0 9 - 2 0 0 9 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G HO L L I D A Y , W H 00 0 0 0 2 4 8 2 6 - 2 0 1 0 - 2 0 1 0 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G HO L L I D A Y , W H 00 0 0 0 2 4 8 2 6 - 2 0 1 1 - 2 0 1 1 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G HO L L I D A Y , W H 00 0 0 0 2 4 8 2 6 - 2 0 1 2 - 2 0 1 2 - 0 0 0 0 - 00 - R E G HO L L I D A Y , W H 00 0 0 0 2 4 8 2 6 - 2 0 1 3 - 2 0 1 3 -00 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G HO L L I D A Y , W H 00 0 0 0 2 4 8 2 6 - 2 0 1 4 - 2 0 1 4 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G HO L L I D A Y , W H 00 0 0 0 2 4 8 2 6 - 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 1 5 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G HO L L I D A Y , W H 00 0 0 0 2 4 8 2 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G HO L L I D A Y , W H Su b t o t a l RE L E A S E RE A S O N : La n d u s e ch a n g e 00 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G MA T I H E W S , BO B B Y B 00 0 2 2 4 7 9 0 2 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G JO H N S O N , MA R Y BR O W N 00 0 2 2 4 7 9 0 3 - 2 0 1 6 -20 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G JO H N S O N , MA R Y BR O W N 00 0 2 2 5 3 9 0 4 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G RI C K S IN V E S T M E N T PR O P E R T I E S LL C , Su b t o t a l RE L E A S E RE A S O N : Le s s th a n mi n am t 00 0 0 0 1 1 5 8 9 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 3 - 0 0 7 0 - 0 0 - R E G CO B B , TY R O N E RA Y 00 0 0 0 1 1 5 8 9 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 4 - 0 0 7 0 - 0 0 - R E G CO B B , TY R O N E RA Y PA G E 4 of 11 Op e r a t o r I D {N a m e ) 8/ 6 / 2 0 1 6 MA R G A R E T WR I G H T 8/ 6 / 2 0 0 6 AM Y BA I N 7/ 2 / 2 0 0 7 AM Y BA I N 8/ 3 / 2 0 0 8 AM Y BA I N 8/ 2 7 / 2 0 0 9 AM Y BA I N 7/ 9 /20 1 0 AM Y BA I N 8/ 5 / 2 0 1 1 AM Y BA I N 7/ 2 6 / 2 0 1 2 AM Y BA I N 8/ 7 / 2 0 1 3 AM Y BA I N 8/ 9 / 20 1 4 AM Y BA I N 8/ 8 / 2 0 1 5 AM Y BA I N 8/ 6 / 2 0 1 6 AM Y BA I N 8/ 6 / 2 0 1 6 AM Y BA I N 8/ 6 / 2 0 1 6 AM Y BA I N 8/ 6 / 2 0 1 6 AM Y BA I N 8/ 6 / 2 0 1 6 AM Y BA I N 9/ 9 / 2 0 1 6 CA T H Y WI L L I A M S 9/ 9 / 2 0 1 6 CA T H Y WI L L I A M S 9 / 26 /20 1 6 9 /2 /20 1 6 9/ 2 / 2 0 1 6 9 / 2 / 20 1 6 9/ 2 / 20 1 6 9/ 2 / 20 1 6 9 / 2 / 20 1 6 9 / 2 / 20 1 6 9 / 2 / 20 1 6 9 / 2 / 20 1 6 9 / 2 / 20 1 6 9 / 2 / 20 1 6 9 /7 / 20 1 6 9 / 9 / 20 1 6 9 / 9 / 20 1 6 9 /9 / 20 1 6 9 /9 /20 1 6 9 / 9 / 20 1 6 - . 12 8 .53 12 3 .60 12 3 .60 13 1 . 1 0 15 3 . 4 0 15 3 . 4 0 16 1 . 6 0 18 1 .6 0 18 2 . 4 0 18 4 . 4 0 18 4 . 4 0 1 84 . 4 0 31 . 9 8 94 0 . 9 8 1, 4 4 2 .79 61 5 .95 0. 5 2 0 .54 Re l e a s e Am o u n t ( $ ) 12 8 .53 69 5 . 6 1 37 . 5 0 37 . 5 0 45 .00 45 .00 45 . 0 0 50 . 0 0 70 . 0 0 70 . 0 0 70 . 0 0 70 . 0 0 18 4 . 4 0 72 4 .40 31 .98 94 0 .98 1 ,44 2 .79 6 1 5 .95 3, 0 3 1 . 7 0 0 .52 0 .54 -. . 0.00 86.10 86.10 86 .10 108.40 108.40 111.6C 111 .6C 112.40 114.40 114.40 0.00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 0 .00 101716a HC BOC Page 13 B i l l # Ta x p a y e r Na m e 00 0 0 0 1 1 5 8 9 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 5 - 0 0 7 0 - 0 0 - R E G CO B B , TY R O N E RA Y 00 0 0 0 1 1 5 8 9 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 7 0 - 0 0 - R E G CO B B , TY R O N E RA Y 00 0 0 0 3 4 0 8 1 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G MA Y N A R D S AU T O SA L E S 00 0 2 2 5 0 2 9 3 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G CA L C U T T , WI L L I A M MA T T H E W 00 0 2 2 5 1 7 3 3 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G BE A L , DA N I E L TI M O T H Y 00 0 2 2 5 4 7 1 5 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 1 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G WE R T Z , DA V I D LE E 00 0 2 2 5 4 7 1 5 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 2 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 -RE G WE R T Z , DA V I D LE E 00 0 2 2 5 4 7 1 5 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 3 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G WE R T Z , DA V I D LE E 00 0 2 2 5 4 7 1 5 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 4 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G WE R T Z , DA V I D LE E 00 0 2 2 5 4 7 1 5 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 5 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G WE R T Z , DA V I D LE E 00 0 2 2 5 4 7 1 5 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G WE R T Z , DA V I D LE E Su b t o t a l RE L E A S E RE A S O N : Li s t e d In Er r o r 00 0 2 2 4 6 4 9 5 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G MA S H B U R N , JA M E S AR T H U R JR 00 0 2 2 4 7 0 5 7 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G WA L K E R , JO N A T H A N GL E N 00 0 2 2 5 0 1 0 5 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G SH A W , MI C H A E L WA Y N E 00 0 2 2 5 0 2 6 8 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G GL O V E R SA L E S IN C 00 0 2 2 5 3 7 7 8 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G AV E R Y , ER I K A SC O T T 00 0 2 2 5 4 3 9 0 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G CR I S C O E , LA R R Y WA Y N E Su b t o t a l RE L E A S E RE A S O N : MH li s t e d as Pe r s P r p 00 0 0 0 5 4 4 3 9 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G SA U E R S , RA Y PA G E 5 of 11 Op e r a to r I D {N a m e ) 9/ 9 / 2 0 1 6 CA T H Y WI L L I A M S 9/ 9 / 2 0 1 6 CA T H Y WI L L I A M S 9/ 2 9 / 2 0 1 6 SH E R R Y LO C K A M Y 9/ 9 / 2 0 1 6 AM Y BA I N 9/ 9 / 2 0 1 6 AM Y BA I N 9/ 9 / 2 0 1 6 CR Y S T A L TH O M A S 9/ 9 / 2 0 1 6 CR Y S T A L TH O M A S 9/ 9 / 2 0 1 6 CR Y S T A L TH O M A S 9/ 9 / 2 0 1 6 CR Y S T A L TH O M A S 9/ 9 / 2 0 1 6 CR Y S T A L TH O M A S 9/ 9 / 2 0 1 6 CR Y S T A L TH O M A S 8/ 6 / 2 0 1 6 SH E R R Y LO C K A M Y 8/ 6 / 2 0 1 6 AM Y BA I N 8/ 6 / 2 0 1 6 AM Y BA I N 8/ 6 / 2 0 1 6 AM Y BA I N 8/ 6 / 2 0 1 6 AM Y BA I N 8/ 6 / 2 0 1 6 AM Y BA I N 8 / 6 / 20 1 6 AM Y BA I N - . 9 /9 /20 1 6 0. 5 4 9 /9 /20 1 6 0. 5 4 9 / 29 /20 1 6 1. 7 2 9 /9 /20 1 6 1. 4 0 9 /9 /20 1 6 0 .91 9 / 9 /20 1 6 2 .03 9 / 9 / 20 1 6 1. 9 0 9 / 9 /20 1 6 1 .7 8 9 / 9 / 20 1 6 1 .7 0 9 / 9/ 2 0 1 6 1. 5 8 9/ 9 / 2 0 1 6 1. 4 4 9 / 8 / 20 1 6 23 . 3 5 9 /27 / 20 1 6 45 2 . 2 4 9 / 6 / 20 1 6 12 . 7 9 9 /1 5 / 20 1 6 72 . 8 9 9 /7 / 20 1 6 53 . 9 5 9 / 1 / 20 1 6 6 .72 9 / 1 / 20 1 6 77 0 . 2 4 Re l e a s e Am o u n t { $ ) I 0.54 0.54 1 .72 1 .40 0.91 2 .03 1.90 1 .78 1.70 1.58 1.4 4 16 . 6 0 23 .35 45 2 . 2 4 12 . 7 9 72 .89 53 .95 6 .72 62 1 . 9 4 19 6 . 7 1 -. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 .0 0 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 573.53 101716a HC BOC Page 14 B i l l # Ta x p a y e r Na m e 00 0 0 0 5 6 3 9 5 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G WA L K E R , JO N A T H O N GL E N Su b t o t a l RE L E A S E RE A S O N : Mi l i t a r y 00 0 2 1 7 8 1 3 5 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G NA O M H , NA T H A N BR O O K 00 0 2 2 5 0 9 6 8 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G NO L A N , RE G I N A L D LI S T O N 00 0 2 2 5 1 8 7 9 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G CH E R R Y , TE R E L L LE O N 00 0 2 2 5 3 0 6 0 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G RA M S E Y , CH R I S T O P H E R PA T R I C K 00 0 2 2 5 3 0 9 1 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G GA R D N E R , JO N A T H A N ST U A R T 00 0 2 2 5 3 2 2 1 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G GR E E R , BR A D L E Y R 00 0 2 2 5 3 3 9 9 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G DA H L , CR A I G R 00 0 2 2 5 3 4 0 1 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G MA Z U R O W S K I , FR A N K AN D R E W 00 0 2 2 5 3 4 1 8 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G KO H L H A A S , SA M U E L J 00 0 2 2 5 4 0 8 5 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G BE C K E R , JE F F R E Y AL A N 00 0 2 2 5 4 1 0 3 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G BE S T , JA M E S EA R L 00 0 2 2 5 4 1 0 4 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G BE S T , JA M E S EA R L 00 0 2 2 5 4 1 3 3 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G BO W L I N G , F YO U N G Su b t o t a l RE L E A S E RE A S O N : Ov e r As s e s s m e n t 00 0 0 0 0 2 5 9 2 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G BA K E R , EL I Z A B E T H 00 0 2 2 5 4 1 7 1 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G BR U N E R , DA V I D BO W L E S Su b t o t a l RE L E A S E RE A S O N : Ov e r Li s t e d 00 0 0 0 0 8 4 1 1 - 2 0 0 6 - 2 0 0 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G BY R D , RO Y H JR PA G E 6 of 11 Op e r a t o r I D (N a m e ) 8/ 6 / 2 0 1 6 AM Y BA I N 8/ 6 / 2 0 1 6 KR I S T Y TA Y L O R 8/ 6 / 2 0 1 6 AM Y BA I N 8/ 6 / 20 1 6 LO R I LE E 8/ 6 / 2 0 1 6 CR Y S T A L TH O M A S 8/ 6 / 2 0 1 6 AM Y BA I N 8/ 6 / 2 0 1 6 AM Y BA I N 8/ 6 / 2 0 1 6 AM Y BA I N 8/ 6 / 2 0 1 6 AM Y BA I N 8/ 6 / 2 0 1 6 CR Y S T A L TH O M A S 8/ 6 / 2 0 1 6 CR Y S T A L TH O M A S 8/ 6 / 2 0 1 6 AM Y BA I N 8/ 6 / 2 0 1 6 AM Y BA I N 8/ 6 / 2 0 1 6 CR Y S T A L TH O M A S 8/ 6 / 2 0 1 6 AM Y BA I N 8/ 6 / 2 0 1 6 AM Y BA I N 8/ 6 / 2 0 0 6 C TS I 9 /27 /20 1 6 9 /22 /20 1 6 9/ 6 /20 1 6 9/ 1 / 2 0 1 6 9 /14 / 2 0 1 6 9 /2 /20 1 6 9 /20 /20 1 6 9 /9 /20 1 6 9 /28 / 2 0 1 6 9 /2 /20 1 6 9 /23 / 2 0 1 6 9/ 1 /20 1 6 9 /1 /20 1 6 9 /28 /20 1 6 9 / 13 /20 1 6 9 / 13 / 2 0 1 6 9 /21 / 20 1 6 - . 1, 4 8 2 .27 21 .81 1 3 .32 96 . 4 0 1 19 .02 1 5 .01 75 .22 18 .53 2 1 2 .67 73 .66 21 .50 15 . 4 8 1 7 .20 21 .50 20 . 7 5 23 . 5 2 2 ,32 7 .89 Re l e a s e Am o u n t ( $ ) 40 6 . 4 2 60 3 . 1 3 21 .81 13 .32 96 . 4 0 11 9 .02 15 .01 75 .22 18 .53 21 2 . 6 7 73 . 6 6 21 . 5 0 15 . 4 8 17 . 2 0 21 . 5 0 72 1 . 3 2 16 .60 19 . 3 2 35 . 9 2 31 5 .07 -. 1 ,075.85 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 4.15 4.20 2 ,0 1 2 .82 101716a HC BOC Page 15 B i l l # Ta x p a y e r Na m e 00 0 0 0 0 8 4 1 1 - 2 0 0 7 - 2 0 0 7 - 0 0 0 0 - 00 - R E G BY R D , RO Y H JR 00 0 0 0 0 8 4 1 1 - 2 0 0 8 - 2 0 0 8 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G BY R D , RO Y H JR 00 0 0 0 0 8 4 1 1 - 2 0 0 9 - 2 0 0 9 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G BY R D , RO Y H JR Su b t o t a l RE L E A S E RE A S O N : Ow n e r s h i p ch a n g e 00 0 0 0 1 0 0 4 4 - 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 1 5 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G MU R C H I S O N , RO G E R WA Y N E Il l 00 0 0 0 1 0 0 4 4 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G MU R C H I S O N , RO G E R WA Y N E Il l 00 0 0 0 2 5 3 4 4 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G HO U S E OF PR A Y E R FO R AL L PE O P L E , 00 0 0 0 2 8 5 7 2 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G JO R D A N , KE L L Y H 00 0 0 0 2 8 9 3 3 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G KE L L E R , CL Y D E E 00 0 0 0 5 8 5 0 1 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G WE S T , MA T I I E 00 0 1 1 6 9 7 2 4 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G HE R R E R A , DA M I E N 00 0 1 3 0 5 4 6 9 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G BR U M L E Y , JA M E S D 00 0 1 4 0 7 0 5 3 - 2 0 1 6 -20 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G BI L L CL A R K HO M E S OF FA Y E T I E V I L , 00 0 1 6 7 9 4 0 8 - 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 1 1 - 0 0 1 1 - 0 0 - R E G MC L E A N , BE R T H A D 00 0 1 6 7 9 4 0 8 - 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 1 2 - 0 0 1 1 - 0 0 - R E G MC L E A N , BE R T H A D 00 0 1 6 7 9 4 0 8 - 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 1 3 - 00 1 1 - 0 0 - R E G MC L E A N , BE R T H A D 00 0 1 6 7 9 4 0 8 - 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 1 4 - 0 0 1 1 - 0 0 - R E G MC L E A N , BE R T H A D 00 0 1 6 7 9 4 0 8 - 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 1 5 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G MC L E A N , BE R T H A D Su b t o t a l RE L E A S E RE A S O N : Pe n a l t y In Er r 00 0 0 0 3 5 3 8 5 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 1 - R E G MC L A M B , RA N D Y ED W A R D 00 0 0 0 5 5 1 0 3 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 1 - R E G TU R L I N G T O N , GA R Y M 00 0 1 0 1 2 7 5 9 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - RE G PA P P E N D I C K , GE O R G E DI L W O R T H PA G E 7 of 11 Op e r a t o r I D (N a m e ) 7/ 2 / 2 0 0 7 C TS I 8/ 3 / 2 0 0 8 C TS I 8/ 2 7 / 2 0 0 9 C TS I 8/ 8 / 2 0 1 5 AM Y BA I N 8/ 6 / 20 1 6 AM Y BA I N 8/ 6 / 20 1 6 AM Y BA I N 8/ 6 / 2 0 1 6 AM Y BA I N 8/ 6 / 2 0 1 6 K I MB E R L Y BA K E R 8/ 6 / 2 0 1 6 AM Y BA I N 8/ 6 / 2 0 1 6 MA R G A R E T WR I G H T 8/ 6 / 2 0 1 6 MA R G A R E T WR I G H T 8/ 6 / 2 0 1 6 AM Y BA I N 4/ 1 5 / 2 0 1 5 AM Y BA I N 4/ 1 5 / 2 0 1 5 AM Y BA I N 4/ 1 5 / 2 0 1 5 AM Y BA I N 4/ 1 5 / 2 0 1 5 AM Y BA I N 8/ 8 / 2 0 1 5 AM Y BA I N 8/ 6 / 2 0 1 6 MA R G A R E T WR I G H T 8/ 6 / 2 0 1 6 AM Y BA I N 8/ 6 / 2 0 1 6 AM Y BA I N 9 /21 / 20 1 6 9 /21 / 2 0 1 6 9 /21 / 20 1 6 9 /28 / 20 1 6 9/ 2 8 / 20 1 6 9 /22 / 20 1 6 9 /27 / 20 1 6 9 /21 /20 1 6 9 /20 / 20 1 6 9 /22 /20 1 6 9 /12 / 2 0 1 6 9 / 21 / 2 0 1 6 9 /1 /20 1 6 9 /1 /20 1 6 9 /1 /20 1 6 9 /1 /20 1 6 9 /1 /20 1 6 9 /7 /20 1 6 9 / 16 /20 1 6 9 /2/ 2 0 1 6 - . 3 ,35 8 . 6 3 3 ,11 5 . 2 0 3 ,28 5 .63 25 3 . 7 0 25 3 . 7 0 14 0 . 0 0 1 ,40 5 . 8 6 4 ,61 8 .53 1 ,38 0 . 13 17 2 .20 30 . 4 5 1, 72 2 .05 20 5 .80 17 8 .36 14 7 .64 12 8 .62 11 2 .54 1 , 19 9 .39 1 ,74 6 .81 13 4 . 4 6 Re l e a s e Am o u n t ( $ ) 32 3 . 5 3 34 0 . 6 5 30 5 . 9 0 1, 2 8 5 . 1 5 25 3 .70 25 3 .70 14 0 .00 1 ,40 5 . 8 6 4 ,61 8 . 5 3 1 ,38 0 .13 17 2 .20 30 . 4 5 1 ,72 2 .05 20 5 . 8 0 17 8 . 3 6 14 7 . 6 4 12 8 . 6 2 11 2 . 5 4 10 , 7 4 9 .58 10 2 . 6 7 15 8 .80 1 1 .23 -. . 3 ,035.10 2 ,774 .55 2 ,979.7 3 0.00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 ,096.72 1 ,588.01 123.23 101716a HC BOC Page 16 B i l l # Ta x p a y e r Na m e 00 0 1 5 8 4 8 5 4 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 2 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 1 - RE G SH A F F E L L , WI L L I A M ED W A R D 00 0 1 8 6 1 8 6 7 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 1 - R E G LA U R E N C E R ME S T E R JR DD S Su b t o t a l RE L E A S E RE A S O N : Pr o c e s s e d In Er r o r 00 0 2 2 5 4 4 4 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 00 - R E G DE A N , JA M E S RO B E R T Su b t o t a l RE L E A S E RE A S O N : Pr o p e r t y Gr a n t e d PU V 00 0 0 0 0 9 2 1 7 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G CA M P B E L L , RU B Y S 00 0 0 0 0 9 2 2 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G CA M P B E L L , RU B Y S 00 0 0 0 0 9 2 2 8 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - RE G CA M P B E L L , RU B Y S 00 0 0 0 2 3 7 3 2 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G CA M P B E L L , RU B Y S 00 0 2 2 5 3 9 0 1 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G MI L L E R , JA M E S B 00 0 2 2 5 3 9 0 2 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G MI L L E R , JA M E S B Su b t o t a l RE L E A S E RE A S O N : Re m o v a l of SW Fe e 00 0 0 0 0 2 8 2 9 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G BA L L A R D , WI L L I A M H 00 0 0 0 3 6 3 4 0 - 2 0 1 3 - 2 0 1 3 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G SM I T H , ED D I E DE A N 00 0 0 0 3 6 3 4 0 - 2 0 1 4 - 2 0 1 4 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G SM I T H , ED D I E DE A N 00 0 0 0 3 6 3 4 0 - 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 1 5 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G SM I T H , ED D I E DE A N 00 0 0 0 3 6 3 4 0 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G SM I T H , ED D I E DE A N 00 0 0 0 4 8 6 8 9 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G SM I T H , ED D I E D Su b t o t a l RE L E A S E RE A S O N : Si t u s er r o r 00 0 1 2 7 3 9 0 5 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G CO L L I N S , DA N N Y J PA G E 8 of 11 Op e r a t o r ID (N a m e ) 9/ 2 6 / 2 0 1 6 AM Y BA I N 8/ 6 / 2 0 1 6 SH E R R Y LO C K A M Y 8/ 6 / 20 1 6 CR Y S T A L TH O M A S 8 / 6 / 20 1 6 AM Y BA I N 8/ 6 / 2 0 1 6 AM Y BA I N 8/ 6 / 20 1 6 AM Y BA I N 8 /6/ 2 0 1 6 AM Y B A IN 8/ 6 / 2 0 1 6 A M Y BA I N 8 /6 /20 1 6 AM Y BA I N 8/ 6 / 2 0 1 6 AM Y BA I N 8 /7/ 2 0 1 3 AM Y BA I N 8 / 9 / 20 1 4 AM Y BA I N 8 / 8/ 2 0 1 5 AM Y BA I N 8/ 6 / 20 1 6 AM Y BA I N 8/ 6 / 20 1 6 AM Y BA I N 8/ 6 / 20 1 6 MA R G A R E T WR I GH T 9 / 26 /20 1 6 8 / 31 / 20 1 6 9 / 27 / 20 1 6 9 /15 / 20 1 6 9 /1 5 / 20 1 6 9 /1 5 /20 1 6 9 / 15 /20 1 6 9 /21 /20 1 6 9 / 21 /20 1 6 9 / 23 /20 1 6 9 / 19 /20 1 6 9 / 19 / 20 1 6 9 / 19 / 20 1 6 9 / 19 / 20 1 6 9 / 19 / 20 1 6 9 / 13 / 20 1 6 - . 2 ,00 6 .20 2 ,85 1 .4 4 6 .56 20 8 . 3 2 40 5 .66 33 5 . 16 1 96 .56 8 1 7. 4 1 60 0 .19 23 6 .00 33 5 . 6 3 34 0 . 6 8 34 4 .72 34 4 .72 21 2 . 8 0 1 38 . 4 0 Re l e a s e Am o u n t ( $ ) 64 5 . 4 0 25 9 .22 1, 1 7 7 .32 6 .56 6 .56 20 8 .32 40 5 .66 33 5 .16 19 6 .56 8 1 7. 4 1 60 0 . 1 9 2, 5 6 3 . 3 0 70 . 0 0 70 .00 70 . 0 0 70 . 0 0 70 . 0 0 70 . 0 0 42 0 . 0 0 13 8 . 4 0 -1 ,360 .80 2 ,592 .22 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .0 0 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 166.0 0 265.63 270 .68 274 .72 274 .7 2 142.8 0 0 .0 0 101716a HC BOC Page 17 B i l l # Ta x p a y e r Na m e 00 0 1 2 7 9 6 6 6 - 20 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G RA Y , LO V I T I C Su b t o t a l RE L E A S E RE A S O N : SM A L L UN D E R P A Y M E N T 00 0 0 0 0 9 1 0 4 -20 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G CA M P B E L L , LE N O R A 00 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 5 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G CA S S , ST E P H E N J 00 0 0 0 1 7 2 3 2 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G FA I R C L O T H , PA T R I C K H JR 00 0 0 0 2 5 3 1 0 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G HO S P I T A L PH A R M A C Y IN C 00 0 0 0 3 0 0 7 9 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G LA N G A M A N , JO S E P H P 00 0 0 0 4 2 8 5 0 - 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 1 5 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G PL U M M E R , BR E T I EU G E N E 00 0 0 0 4 5 8 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G RO L A N D , MA R K J 00 0 0 0 4 6 8 1 9 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G SC A C H E , GE O R G E T 00 0 0 0 4 9 1 2 7 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G RI C H A R D S , LI S A S 00 0 0 0 5 0 4 9 5 - 2 0 1 4 - 2 0 1 4 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G ST E P H E N S , LI N D A H 00 0 0 0 5 0 4 9 5 - 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 1 5 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G ST E P H E N S , LI N D A H 00 0 0 0 5 1 37 1 - 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 1 5 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G ST O N E , TU R N E R G 00 0 0 0 5 3 4 4 7 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G TE W , VE R G I E 00 0 0 0 5 5 1 9 3 - 20 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 -RE G BO N A G E LL C 00 0 0 0 5 7 4 9 2 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 -RE G WE I N S T E I N , RU S S E L L 00 0 0 0 5 9 2 1 5 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G WI C K E R , RI C H A R D D PA G E 9 of 11 Op e r a t o r I D (N a m e ) 8/ 6 / 20 1 6 SH E R R Y LO C K A M Y 8/ 6 / 20 1 6 KI M B E R L Y BA K E R 8 / 6 / 20 1 6 Y V ON N E MC A R T H U R 8 / 6 / 20 1 6 PE G G Y BA R E F O O T 8 / 6 / 20 1 6 PE G G Y BA R E F O O T 8/ 6 / 2 0 1 6 PE G G Y BA R E F O O T 8 / 8 / 20 1 5 KI M B E R L Y BA K E R 8 / 6/ 2 0 1 6 PE G G Y BA R E F O O T 8/ 6 / 2 0 1 6 KI M B E R L Y BA K E R 8/ 6 / 2 0 1 6 Y V ON N E MC A R T H U R 8/ 9 / 2 0 1 4 KI M B E R L Y BA K E R 8/ 8 / 2 0 1 5 KI M B E R L Y BA K E R 8 /8 /20 1 5 KI M B E R L Y BA K E R 8/ 6 / 2 0 1 6 PE G G Y BA R E F O O T 8/ 6 / 2 0 1 6 PE G G Y BA R E F O O T 8/ 6 /20 1 6 PE G G Y BA R E F O O T 8/ 6 /20 1 6 KI M B E R L Y BA K E R 9 17 / 20 1 6 9 /20 / 20 1 6 9 / 8 / 20 1 6 9 /20 / 2 01 6 9 /27 / 2 01 6 9 / 9 /20 1 6 9 /15 /20 1 6 9 / 16 /20 1 6 9 /9 /20 1 6 9 /8 /20 1 6 9 /1 5 /20 1 6 9 / 1 5 /20 1 6 9 / 30 /20 1 6 9 / 28 /20 1 6 9 / 13 / 20 1 6 9 / 21 /20 1 6 9 / 8 /20 1 6 - . 4. 9 7 1 ,0 2 0 . 5 1 1, 2 8 3 . 5 4 12 4 .64 35 .83 33 4 .60 8 .60 1, 20 2 .8 0 24 .9 0 37 3. 84 92 .99 92 . 9 9 1 ,31 5 .53 85 0 . 0 9 1 ,92 3 . 9 5 1 , 1 7 9. 0 9 14 6 . 2 9 Re l e a s e Am o u n t ( $ ) 4 .97 14 3 . 3 7 0 .34 1 .00 0 .1 0 0 .86 0 .60 0 .13 0 .04 0 .19 1.00 0.70 0 .69 0.24 0 .09 0 .01 0 .09 0 .03 -. 0.00 1,020.1 7 1 ,282 .54 124 .54 34 .97 334 .0 0 8.47 1 ,2 0 2 .76 24 .71 372 .84 92 .29 92 .30 1 ,315 .29 85 0.0 0 1 ,923 .94 1 ,179 .00 146.26 101716a HC BOC Page 18 B i l l # Ta x p a y e r Na m e 00 0 0 0 6 2 2 4 5 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G WE B B , ST A R R 00 0 1 0 2 3 2 1 2 - 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 1 5 - 0 0 1 1- 0 0 - R E G TA R T CU S T O M HO M E S 00 0 1 13 7 8 0 7 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G RA Y , MA C K 00 0 1 2 9 3 7 9 0 - 2 0 0 6 - 2 0 0 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G WI L L S , KE V I N s c o n 00 0 1 2 9 6 4 8 5 - 2 0 0 6 - 2 0 0 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 -R E G WO O D E L L , WI L L I A M AL L E N 00 0 1 3 8 3 4 2 4 - 2 0 0 6 - 2 0 0 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 -RE G MC P H A U L , GE N E WI L L I A M 00 0 1 3 8 7 6 7 6 - 20 0 6 -20 0 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G RA Y , CO R Y DA R N E L L 00 0 1 5 8 8 1 7 1 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G HA R P E R , DE S M O N D RA Y 00 0 1 6 6 2 9 5 4 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G RE D R O C K SE R V I C E S IN C 00 0 1 6 6 6 1 8 8 - 2 0 1 0 - 2 0 1 0 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G DO R T C H , KY L E LE E 00 0 1 8 8 6 6 7 5 - 2 0 1 2 - 2 0 1 2 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G VI C K , ME L I S S A D 00 0 1 9 7 6 0 2 2 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 -R E G NI E R , DE L O R E S AN N 00 0 2 2 4 6 9 6 3 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G GA R D N E R CO M M E R C I A L IN T E R I O R S IN C 00 0 2 2 4 6 9 6 4 - 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 1 5 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G CA R N E Y , SE A N KU R T I S 00 0 2 2 5 4 0 8 1 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G BE A T T Y , TE R R A N C E AL L E N Su b t o t a l RE L E A S E RE A S O N : Va l u e In c r e a s e 00 0 2 1 1 2 7 0 3 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G PE E , WA N D A Su b t o t a l PA G E 10 of 11 Op e r a t o r I D {N a m e ) 8/ 6 / 2 0 1 6 KI M B E R L Y BA K E R 11 / 13 / 2 0 1 5 PE G G Y BA R E F O O T 8/ 6 /20 1 6 PE G G Y BA R E F O O T 7 / 28 / 2 0 0 6 YV O N N E MC A R T H U R 9/ 1 /20 0 6 Y V ON N E MC A R T H U R 3 /1 /20 0 7 KI M B E R L Y BA K E R 5 /1 /20 0 7 KI M B E R L Y BA K E R 8 /6/ 2 0 1 6 YV O N N E MC A R T H U R 8/ 6 / 2 0 1 6 YV O N N E MC A R T H U R 11 /1 /20 1 0 YV O N N E MC A R T H U R 8 / 1 /20 1 2 YV ON N E MC A R T H U R 8/ 6 / 20 1 6 YV ON N E MC A R T H U R 8 / 6/ 2 0 1 6 YV ON N E MC A R T H U R 8/ 8 / 20 1 5 YV O N N E MC A R T H U R 8/ 6 / 2 0 1 6 YV O N N E MC A R T H U R 8/ 6 / 2 0 1 6 MA R G A R E T WR I G H T 9 / 19 /20 1 6 9 / 21 /2 01 6 9 /9 /20 1 6 9 / 1 6 /20 1 6 9 /7 / 20 1 6 9 / 19 /20 1 6 9 / 22 /20 1 6 9 /1 /20 1 6 9 / 27 /20 1 6 9 /7 / 20 1 6 9 / 15 / 20 1 6 9 / 8 / 20 1 6 9 / 8 / 20 1 6 9 / 7 / 20 1 6 9 / 13 / 20 1 6 9 /23 / 20 1 6 - . 57 6 .2 7 11 .06 73 . 5 2 15 9 . 6 1 71 . 3 9 60 . 7 0 66 . 8 2 4 .15 13 1. 71 3 1 .1 0 28 .71 4 .35 27 8 .01 17 .20 33 .02 42 5 . 0 0 Re l e a s e Am o u n t ( $ ) 0. 0 1 0. 0 8 0 .02 0. 0 1 0. 5 3 0 .45 0. 4 9 0. 0 5 O.Q7 0. 2 3 0. 2 2 1 .0 0 0.0 1 0. 3 9 1 .0 0 10 . 6 7 42 5 . 0 0 42 5 .00 -. 576.26 1 0.98 73 .50 159 .60 70 .86 60.25 66.33 4.10 131.64 30 .87 28.49 3 .35 2 7 8 .00 16 .81 32 .02 0 .0 0 101716a HC BOC Page 19 B i l l # Ta x p a y e r Na m e RE L E A S E RE A S O N : Ve h / P l a t e s st o l e n 00 0 2 2 5 4 4 0 3 - 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - R E G CU R R I N , DW I G H T LE E Su b t o t a l To t a l PA G E 1 1 o f 1 1 O p e r a t o r I D (N a m e ) 8/ 6 / 2 0 1 6 AM Y BA I N 9 / 1 /20 1 6 - . 21 .32 Re l e a s e A m o u n t ( $ ) 21 .32 21 . 3 2 39 , 3 8 1 . 4 7 -0 .00 101716a HC BOC Page 20 Board Meeting Agenda Item Agenda Item __ Lj__.__-__ Dr..,,,E---- MEETING DATE: October 17, 2016 TO: HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: Benhaven Emergency Services request permission to purchase used SCBA's (Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus). REQUESTED BY: Jimmy Riddle, Emergency Services Director REQUEST: Benhaven Emergency Services is requesting permission to purchase 29 lightly used MSA Firehawk SCBA's (Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus) from Newton's Fire and Safety. This will replace their existing SCBA's. The total amount of this purchase is $40,000.00. It is their plan to use $20,000.00 of their approved 2016-2017 Capital Outlay and Equipment Budget. The remaining $20,000.00 will be financed through PNC using a term loan with a projected 5% interest rate. See attached request letter from Benhaven Emergency Services. FINANCE OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION: COUNTY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: C :\Users\gwhee ler\AppData\Local\M icrosoft\ Windows\JNetCache\C ontent.Outlook\TPTEQCL V\agendaform2016 - Benhaven purchase used SCBA's (BOC 10-17-1 6).doc Page I of2 101716a HC BOC Page 21 I September 20, 2016 Mr. Jimmy Riddle, Director Harnett County Emergency Services 1005 Edwards Brother Dr. Lillington, NC 27546 Dear Mr. Riddle, E As you are aware Benhaven Emergency Services, Inc. has been planning to replace our existing self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA). We planned to replace them in the 2015-2016 Budget year but the more pressing issue of the need for a Tanker delayed our replacement plan. We have been presented with an opportunity by one of our vendors to bring our SCBA into a NFP A compliant status that will keep us current for 8-10 years. In our monthly board meeting on September 19, 2016 it was approved to seek the approval of the Harnett County Board of Commissioners to amend our current budget to allow us to spend $40,000.00 to purchase 29 lightly used MSA Firehawk SCBA's from Newton's Fire and Safety. It is our plan to use $20,000.00 out of our Capital Outlay and Equipment Budget from the approved 2016-2017 Budget. The remaining $20,000.00 will be financed through PNC using a term loan with a projected 5 % interest rate. Thank you for your assistance in our request for this budget amendment. ffe~~d- AndyThomas District Chief Benhaven Emergency Services P. 0 . Box 301 • Ol ivia , NC 28368 4023 NC HWY. 87 N. • Sanfo rd, NC 27332 • Ph on e: 919-499 -9511 • Fax : 919-498 -0188 101716a HC BOC Page 22 Agenda Item _4_-_f~--- Board Meeting Agenda Item MEETING DATE: October 17, 2016 TO: HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: Hamett County Veterans Park Grant Number 2017.45.4 REQUESTED BY: Eric Truesdale REQUEST: Permission to accept grant from the State of North Carolina Office of Budget and Management for construction of brick 11 x 20 storage building with concrete floor at the Harnett County Veterans Park. If there are sufficient funds left after construction of the storage building we would improve landscaping or replacing lighting. FINANCE OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION: COUNTY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: C :\Users\etruesdale\Desktop\agendafo nn201 6 .doc Page I of I 101716a HC BOC Page 23 PAT MCCRORY GOVERNOR STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA OFFICE OF STATE BUDGET AND MANAGEMENT ANDREW T . HEATH STATE BUDGET DIRECTOR September 20, 2016 Mr. Joseph Jeffries, County Manager Harnett County P.O. Box 759 RECEIVED SEP 2 7 2016 Lillington, NC 27546 HARNETI COUNTY MAW.tlER'S OFFICE Re : Contract Agreement for Grant Number 2017.45.4; Project: Hamett County Veterans Council Park Dear Mr. Jeffries, The North Carolina General Assembly has authorized Hamett County to receive a grant-in-aid allocation of$50,000 during the 2016-2017 state fiscal year. Enclosed for your review and signature are two complete sets of contract documents required to finalize the grant award. Below is a description of the documents enclosed along with an explanation of the signatures required for each document. Document: Document Description: Signed by: Grant Contract Outlines the terms of the grant agreement between Highest Elected the Office of State Budget and Management and the Official -Unit of recipient. Local Government Attachment A General Terms and Conditions. N IA Attachment B Notice of Certain Reporting and Audit N IA Requirements. Attachment C Scope of Work and Annual Budget. Chief Fiscal Officer, County Manager or City Manager Attachment D Iran Divestment Act Certification. Highest Elected Official -Unit of Local Government Request for Request for Payment of Appropriations from North Authorized Official Payment Carolina General Fund. 101716a HC BOC Page 25 Please sign two originals of these documents and return both to: IF DELIVERED BY US POSTAL SERVICE IF DELIVERED BY ANY OTHER MEANS Fred E . Duyck, Chief Financial Officer Fred E. Duyck, Chief Financial Officer Office of State Budget and Management Office of State Budget and Management 20320 Mail Service Center 116 W . Jones Street, Suite 5200 Raleigh, NC 27699-0320 Raleigh, NC 27603 Once we have received all the required documents, we will execute the contract and return a copy to you for your records . If we can be of assistance , please do not hesitate to call Fred Duyck at (919) 807-4764. Sincerely, Andrew T. Heath State Budget Director Enclosures Page 2 of 2 101716a HC BOC Page 27 OSBM-9/07 REQUEST FOR PAYMENT OF APPROPRIATION(S) FROM NORTH CAROLINA GENERAL FUND Joseph Jeffries, County Manager Hamett County P.O. Box759 Lillington, NC 27546 2016-17 Allocation : $50,000 Purpose of Allocation : ____ c_o_n_s_tr_u_c_ti_o_n_o_f_S_t_o_ra_g_e_B_u_il_d_in_g_J_o_r_V_e_t_e_ra_n_s_P_a_rk ___ _ Part A. TO BE COMPLETED BY ALL RECIPIENTS 1. Organization Name: _______ c_o_u_n_ty_o_f_H_a_r_n_e_tt _____ _ 2_ Contact's Name: ____ E_ri_c_T_r_u_e_sd_a_le __ _ Telephone: __ 9_1 _08_9_3_7_5_7_4 __ 2. Contact's Position in Organization : __ D_ir_e_c_to_r_, _V_e_t_e_ra_n_s_S_e_rv_ic_e_s __ 3. Federal Identification Number __ 5_6_-_6_0_0_0_30_6 __ 4 . Kind of Organization: Corporation_[}_ Trust ....D... Partnership _D__ Government _JlL_ Unincorporated Association=n_ Other _o_ 5 . Match Required (Circle One): Yes/No On a to bas is. If matching is required, is cash match in hand? Yes _D_ No__[}_ If the required match is not in hand, by what date and from what source does the organization expect to have the cash match? 6. Fiscal Year of Non-State Entity (e.g. year ending June 30, December 31 , other) __ 0_6_1_3_0_1_2_0_1_7 __ .... Part B. TO BE COMPLETED BY ALL RECIPIENTS. FORM MUST BE NOTARIZED . . . . . . . . Signature of individual making request Jose('.)~ 3ef{r~ e~ C: o"'-'v'\ '\-~ n,\{). ~ a j tr- .... -----------~-... Notary Public (official seal) Date Notarized I I I I 0 0 0 I I O • z !cn m-:a I:) m.z 101716a HC BOC Page 29 Office of State Budget and Management, __ _ ·-· '-'--__ J Contract # 2017 .45.4 This Contract is hereby entered into by and between the Office of State Budget and Management (the "Agency") and Harnett County (the "Recipient") (referred to collectively as the "Parties"). The Recipient's federal tax identification number is 56-6000306 1. Contract Documents: This Contract consists of the following documents: ( 1) This Contract (2) The General Terms and Conditions (Attachment A) (3) Notice of Certain Reporting Requirements (Attachment B) (4) Scope of Work and Annual Budget (Attachment C) (5) Iran Divestment Act Certification (Exhibit D) These documents constitute the entire agreement between the Parties and supersede all oral and written statements, negotiations or agreements made, communicated, negotiated or entered into prior to or contemporaneously with the full execution of this Contract. 2. Precedence Among Contract Documents: In the event of a conflict between or among the terms of the Contract Documents, the terms in the Contract Document with the highest relative precedence shall prevail. The order of precedence shall be the order of documents as listed in Paragraph 1, above, with the first-listed document having the highest precedence and the last-listed document having the lowest precedence. If there are multiple Contract Amendments, the most recent amendment shall have the highest precedence and the oldest amendment shall have the lowest precedence. 3. Effective Period: This Contract shall be effective on July 1, 2016 and shall terminate on June 30, 2017. 4. Recipient's Duties: The Recipient shall provide the services as described in Attachment C. 5. Agency's Duties: The Agency shall pay the Recipient in the manner and in the amounts specified in the Contract Documents. The total amount paid by the Agency to the Recipient under this Contract shall not exceed $50,000 as identified on Page J 57 of the Joint Conference Committee Report on the Base, Capital and Expansion Budgets , House Bill 1030 (Session Law 2016-94) as follows: Provides a grant-in-aid of $50,000 for the Harnett County Veterans Council Park. There are no matching requirements from the Recipient. Contributions from the Recip ient shall be sourced from non- federal funds. The total contract amount is $50,000. 6 . Conflict of Interest Policy: The Recipient shall file with the Agency a copy of its policy and any ordinance or resolution it has adopted addressing conflicts of interest that may arise involving the members of the Recipient's governing body and/or any of its employees or officers involved in the grant or the project. Such policy, ordinance or resolution shall address situations in which any of these individuals may directly or indirectly benefit, other than through receipt of their normal compensation in their capacities as the Recipient's employees , officers or members of its governing body, from the Recipient's disbursing of State funds, and shall include actions to be taken by the Recipient or the individual, or both, to avoid conflicts of interest and the appearance of impropriety. Additionally , the Recipient certifies that, as of the date it executes this Contract, no such individuals have such a conflict of interest or will directly or indirectly benefit, except in the capacities described above. from the grant or project. Throughout the duration of this Contract, the Recipient has the duty to OSBM NGO -Contract Effective: 8/2016 Page 1 of 5 101716a HC BOC Page 31 promptly inform the Agency of any such conflict of interest or direct or indirect benefit of which it becomes aware. The policy shall be filed before Agency may disburse the grant funds . 7. Reporting Requirements: The Agency has determined that this Contract is subject to the reporting requirements described in the attached Notice of Certain Reporting Requirements (Attachment B), which is part of this Contract. The Recipient shall comply with all of the reporting requirements and provisions described in Attachment B hereto. All reporting requirements shall be filed with the Agency using the prescribed forms Agency provides to Recipient. 8. Payment Provisions : Upon execution of this contract, the Recipient may request and , upon approval by the Agency, receive a single payment for amounts up to one hundred thousand dollars ($100 ,000). For grants-in-aid of more than one hundred thousand dollars ($100 ,000) payment will be paid in quarterly installments, unless Recipient can demonstrate an immediate need for an amount greater than what would otherwise be paid quarterly. 9. Contract Administrators: All notices permitted or required to be given by one Party to the other and all questions about the contract from one Party to the other shall be addressed and delivered to the other Party's Contract Administrator. The name, post office address , street address , telephone number, fax number, and email address of the Parties ' respective initial Contract Administrators are set out below. Either Party may change the name , post office address, street address, telephone number, fax number, or email address of its Contract Administrator by giving timely written notice to the other Party. For the Agency IF DELIVERED BY US POSTAL SERVICE IF DELIVERED BY ANY OTHER MEANS Fred E. Duyck , Chief Financial Officer Fred E. Duyck, Chief Financial Officer Office of State Budget and Management Office of State Budget and Management 20320 Mail Service Center 116 W. Jones Street, Suite 5200 Raleigh, NC 27699-0320 Raleigh , NC 27603 Telephone : (919) 807-4764 Telephone: (919) 807-4764 Fax: (919) 733-0640 Fax : (919) 733-0640 Email : fred.duyck@osbm.nc.qov Email: fred.duyck@osbm.nc.gov For the Recipient IF DELIVERED BY US POSTAL SERVICE IF DELIVERED BY ANY OTHER MEANS Joseph Jeffries , County Manager Joseph Jeffries, County Manager Harnett County Harnett County P.O . Box 759 102 E. Front Street Lillington , NC 27546 Lillington, NC 27546 Telephone: (910) 814-6005 Telephone: (910) 814-6005 Email: iieffries@harnett.org Email: jjeffries@harnett.org 10. Disbursements: In addition to the other requirements set forth above and in the attached documents concerning the disbursement of grant funds by the Recipient (including any sub-recipient(s) and sub-sub-recipient(s)), as well as all requirements imposed on grant fund expenditures by applicable law, rules and regulations, the Recipient acknowledges and agrees, as an express condition of this Contract, to make disbursements of all grant funds in accordance with the following requirements . The Recipient shall : a. Implement adequate internal controls over all disbursements; b. Pre-audit all vouchers presented to it for payment to de termine : OSBM NGO -Contract Effective: 8/20 16 Page 2 of 5 101716a HC BOC Page 33 • The validity and accuracy of the requested payment; • The payment due date; • The adequacy of all documentation allegedly supporting the requested payment; and • The legality of all disbursements and requested disbursements; c. Assure adequate control of signature stamps and plates; d. Assure adequate control of all negotiable instruments; and e. Implement adequate procedures to insure that its account balance is solvent and shall reconcile its account monthly. 11. Outsourcing: The Recipient certifies that it has identified to the Agency all jobs related to this Contract that have been outsourced to other countries , if any. The Recipient further acknowledges that it may not outsource to any other country any jobs related to this Contract during the term of this Contract without obtaining the prior written approval of the Agency. 12 . Procurement, Suspension and Debarment: The Recipient acknowledges and agrees that, in its conduct under this Contract and in connection with any and all expenditures of grant funds made by it, the Recipient, its officers , agents and employees shall be and are subject to the provisions of the North Carolina General Statutes and the North Carolina Administrative Code relating to and governing procurement, public contracts, suspension and debarment. The Recipient further acknowledges and agrees that, in the event that it grants any of the grant funds awarded hereunder to one or more sub-recipients or sub-sub-recipients, the Recipient shall, by contract, ensure that the provisions of the North Carolina General Statutes and the North Carolina Administrative Code relating to and governing procurement, public contracts, suspension and debarment are made applicable to and binding upon any and all of the Recipient's sub-recipients , sub-sub-recipients, etc. 13. Cost Principles: The Recipient acknowledges and agrees that , in its conduct under this Contract and in connection with any and all expenditures of grant funds made by it, it shall comply with the cost principles enunciated in the Code of Federal Regulations, 2 CFR, Part 200. The Recipient further acknowledges and agrees that, in the event that it grants any of the grant funds awarded hereunder to one or more sub -recipients or sub-sub-recipients , the Recipient shall, by contract, ensure that said cost principles are made applicable to and binding upon any and all such sub-recipients, sub -sub- recipients , etc. in their handling, use and expenditure of the funds awarded to the Recipient hereunder. 14. Final Reports and Certifications: The Recipient shall file all reports and certifications , as described and required by Attachment B to this Contract , concerning its receipt, handling and expenditure of all grant funds awarded hereunder, including any interest earned by the Recipient from such funds , with the Agency. 15. Monitoring and Auditing : The Recipient acknowledges and agrees that, from and after the date of execution of this Contract and for five (5) years following its termination , the books, records, documents and facilities of the Recipient are subject to being audited , inspected and monitored at any time by the Agency upon its request (whether in writing or otherwise). The Recipient and its officers , agents and employees shall make the Recipient's books , records , documents and offices/facilities available to the Agency and its personnel for inspection, audit and monitoring upon the Agency's request , shall answer any questions posed to them by the Agency and shall provide the Agency, upon its request, with any documents, records or information sought by the Agency in its efforts to monitor and audit the Recipient's activities regarding the funds awarded under this Contract. The Recipient further agrees to keep and maintain all of its books, records and documents relating in any way to the grant funds awarded hereunder for the time period specified in Attachment A hereto. The Recipient acknowledges and agrees that, with regard to the grant funds , it will be subject to the audit and reporting requirements prescribed by N.C.G.S §159-34, Local Government Finance Act -Annual Independent Audit; rules and regulations . Such audit and reporting requirements may vary depending upon the amount and source of grant funding received by the Recipient and are subject to change from time to time. OSB M N GO -Contract Effective : 8/2016 Page 3 of 5 101716a HC BOC Page 35 16 . Grant Agreement with Sub-Recipient(s): In the event that the Recipient grants to a sub-recipient, a sub-sub-recipient, etc. any of the grant funds awarded to the Recipient hereunder, the Recipient must retain a signed copy of the contract or letter pursuant to which the grant funds awarded to the Recipient hereunder are granted to a sub-recipient, a sub-sub-recipient, etc. 17. Repayment of Grant Funds to Agency: In the event that the Recipient, either directly or indirectly (e .g., through a sub-recipient or sub-sub-recipient) commits any breach of this Contract which the Recipient fails to fully cure within thirty (30) days of its receipt of written notice from the Agency of said breach, the Agency may make demand in writing of the Recipient that it repay the Agency so much of the grant funds awarded under this Contract, up to and including 100% of the amount of the award made under this Contract. In such an event, the Recipient shall repay said amount to the Agency within thirty (30) days of its receipt of said demand for repayment, as well as any interest earned by the Recipient on said amount. In addition, in the event that this Contract should be terminated by the parties or otherwise comes to an end prior to the time when the Recipient, its sub-recipient(s), any sub-sub-recipient(s), etc. have expended all of the funds awarded under this Contract, the Recipient shall, within thirty (30) days of said termination or contract end , return to the Agency all such unexpended funds as well as any interest earned by the Recipient on such funds. Furthermore, the Recipient shall , by contract, ensure that, in the event that its sub-recipient(s) enter into any sub-sub-recipient agreements involving any of the funds awarded hereunder, all such sub-recipient, sub-sub-recipient, etc. are required to repay to their recipient(s) all such unexpended funds, as well as any interest earned by the sub-recipient or sub-sub-recipient on such funds, so that the Recipient can return those unexpended funds and interest to the Agency within thirty (30) days of the termination or other end of this Contract. In any event, the Recipient shall be and remain liable to the Agency for the repayment to the Agency of all grant funds that are unexpended (either by the Recipient or any sub-recipient, sub-sub- recipient, etc.) at the time of the termination or other end of this Contract, as well as the repayment of any interest earned by the Recipient, sub-recipient or sub-sub-recipient on such funds at that time. 18. Termination : Subject to the provisions of paragraph 17 of this Contract, this Contract may be terminated in accordance with the provisions set forth in Attachment A hereto ; however, the reporting , monitoring and audit requirements and provisions of this Contract shall survive any such termination. OSBM N GO -Contract Effective: 8/2016 Page 4 of 5 101716a HC BOC Page 37 19. Authorized Signature Warranty: The undersigned represent and warrant that they are authorized to bind their principals to the terms of this agreement. In Witness Whereof, the Recipient and the Agency have executed this Contract in duplicate originals, with one original being retained by each party. Harnett County Signature ATTEST Printed Name [OFFICIAL SEAL] Office of State Budget and Management Signature Printed Name OSBM NGO -Contract Effecti ve : 8/2016 . . ' .... . . . . . . . Date Title Date Title Page 5 of 5 :c en rn- :D " rn z 101716a HC BOC Page 39 Attachment A General Terms and Conditions Definitions Unless indicated otherwise from the context, the following terms shall have the following meanings in this Contract. (1) "Audit" means an examination of records or financial accounts to verify their accuracy. (2) "Compliance Supplement" refers to the North Carolina State Compliance Supplement, maintained by the State and Local Government Finance Division of the North Carolina Department of State Treasurer that has been developed in cooperation with agencies to assist the local auditor in identifying program compliance requirements and audit procedures for testing those requirements. (3) "Contract" means a legal instrument that is used to document a relationship between the agency, and a recipient or between a recipient and subrecipient. (4) "Contractor" means an entity subject to the contractor requirements, as well as any entity that would be subject to the contractor requirements but for a specific statute or rule exempting that entity from the contractor requirements . (5) "Contractor requirements" means Article 3, 3C, 3D, 3E, 3G , or 8 of Chapter 143 of the General Statutes and related rules. (6) "Fiscal Year" means the annual operating year of the non-State entity. (7) "Financial Statement" means a report providing financial data relative to a given part of an organization's operations or status . (8) "Single Audit" means an audit that includes an examination of an organization's financial statements , internal controls , and compliance with the requirements of Federal or State awards. (9) "State Funds" means any funds appropriated by the North Carolina General Assembly or collected by the State of North Carolina. State funds include federal financial assistance received by the State and transferred or disbursed to non- State entities. Both Federal and State funds maintain their identity as they are disbursed as financial assistance to other organizations. Relationships of the Parties Independent Contractor: The Recipient is and shall be deemed to be an independent contractor in the performance of this Contract and as such shall be wholly responsible for the work to be performed and for the supervision of its employees. The Recipient represents that it has, or shall secure at its own expense , all personnel required in performing the services under this agreement. Such employees shall not be employees of, OSBM LGU -Attach ment A Effective : 8/2016 or have any individual contractual relationship with, the Agency. Subcontracting and Subgranting: Any subcontracts or subgrants entered into by the Recipient with grant funds shall be subject to all conditions of this Contract. Payment of all subcontractors and subrecipients shall be the sole responsibility of the Recipient , and the Agency shall not be obligated to pay for any work performed by any subcontractor or subrecipient. The Recipient shall be responsible for the performance of all subcontractors and subrecipients and shall not be relieved of any of the duties and responsibilities of this Contract as a result of entering into subcontracts or subgrants . Additionally, if said Recipient subgrants any grant funds pursuant to this Contract, the Recipient shall submit a copy of its policies and/or procedures for monitoring subrecipients to the Agency. Subrecipients: The Recipient has the responsibility to ensure that all subrecipients, if any, provide all information necessary to permit the Recipient to comply with the standards set forth in this Contract. Assignment: No assignment of the Recipient's obligations or the Recipient's right to receive payment hereunder shall be permitted. However, upon written request approved by the issuing purchasing authority, the State may: (a) Forward the Recipient's payment check(s) directly to any person or entity designated by the Recipient, or (b) Include any person or entity designated by Recipient as a joint payee on the Recipient's payment check(s). In no event shall such approval and action obligate the State to anyone other than the Recipient and the Recipient shall remain responsible for fulfillment of all contract obligations. Beneficiaries : Except as herein specifically provided otherwise , this Contract shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties hereto and their respective successors. It is expressly understood and agreed that the enforcement of the terms and conditions of this Contract, and all rights of action relating to such enforcement, shall be strictly reserved to the Agency and the named Recipient. Nothing contained in this document shall give or allow any claim or right of action whatsoever by any other third person . It is the express intention of the Agency and Recipient that any such person or entity , other than the Agency or the Recipient, receiving services or benefits under this Contract shall be deemed an incidental beneficiary only. Page 1 of 4 101716a HC BOC Page 41 Indemnity and Insurance Indemnification: The Recipient agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Agency, the State of North Carolina, and any of their officers, agents and employees, from any claims of third parties arising out of any act or omission of the Recipient in connection with the performance of this Contract. Insurance: During the term of the contract, the Recipient at its sole cost and expense shall provide commercial insurance of such type and with such terms and limits as may be reasonably associated with the contract. As a minimum, the Recipient shall provide and maintain the following coverage and limits: (a) Worker's Compensation -The Recipient shall provide and maintain Worker's Compensation Insurance as required by the laws of North Carolina , as well as employer's liability coverage with minimum limits of $500,000.00, covering all of Recipient's employees who are engaged in any work under the contract. If any work is sublet, the Recipient shall require the subrecipient to provide the same coverage for any of his employees engaged in any work under the contract. (b) Commercial General Liability-General Liability Coverage on a Comprehensive Broad Form on an occurrence basis in the minimum amount of $1,000,000.00 Combined Single Limit. (Defense cost shall be in excess of the limit of liability.) (c) Automobile -Automobile Liability Insurance, to include liability coverage, covering all owned, hired and non-owned vehicles used in performance of the contract. The minimum combined single limit shall be $500,000.00 bodily injury and property damage; $500,000.00 uninsured/under insured motorist; and $25,000.00 medical payment. Providing and maintaining adequate insurance coverage is a material obligation of the Recipient and is of the essence of this Contract. The Recipient may meet its requirements of maintaining specified coverage and limits by demonstrating to the Agency that there is in force insurance with equivalent coverage and limits that will offer at least the same protection to the Agency. All such insurance shall meet all laws of the State of North Carolina. Such insurance coverage shall be obtained from companies that are authorized to provide such coverage and that are authorized by the Commissioner of Insurance to do business in North Carolina. The Recipient shall at all times comply with the terms of such insurance policies, and all requirements of the in s urer under any such insurance policies, except as they may conflict with existing North Carolina laws or this Contract. The limits of coverage under each insurance policy maintained by the Recipient shall not be interpreted as limiting the R ec ipient's liability and obligations under the contract. OSB M LGU -Attachment A Effecti ve : 8/2016 Default and Termination Termination by Mutual Consent: The Parties may terminate this Contract by mutual consent with 60 days' notice to the other party, or as otherwise provided by law. Termination for Cause: If, through any cause , the Recipient shall fail to fulfill its obligations under this Contract in a timely and proper manner, the Agen cy shall have the right to terminate this Contract by giving written notice to the Recipient and specifying the effective date thereof. In that event, all finished or unfinished deliverable items prepared by the Recipient under this Contract shall, at the option of the Agency, become its property and the Recipient shall be entitled to receive just and equitable compensation for any satisfactory work completed on such materials, minus any payment or compensation previously made. Notwithstanding the foregoing provis io n , the Recipient shall not be relieved of liability to the Agency for damages sustained by the Agency by virtue of the Recipient's breach of this agreement, and the Agency may withhold any payment due the Recipient for the purpose of setoff until such time as the exact amount of damages due the Agency from such breach can be determined. The filing of a petition for bankruptcy by the Recipient shall be an act of default under this Contract. Waiver of Default: Waiver by the Agency of any default or breach in compliance with the terms of this Contract by the Recipient shall not be deemed a waiver of any subsequent default or breach and shall not be construed to be modification of the terms of this Contract unless stated to be such in writing , signed by an authorized representative of the Agency and the Recipient and attached to the contract. Availability of Funds : The parties to this Contract agree and understand that the payment of the sums specified in this Contract is dependent and contingent upon and s ubject to the appropriation, allocation, and availability of funds for this purpose to the Agency. Force Majeure: Neither party shall be deemed to be in default of its obligations hereunder if and so long as it is prevented from performing such obligations by any act of war, hostile foreign action, nuclear explosion, riot , strikes, civil insurrection , earthquake , hurricane, tornado , or other catastrophic natural event or act of God . Survival of Promises : All promises, requirements , terms, conditions , prov1s1ons, representations, guarantees , and warranties contained herein shall survive the contract expiration or termination date unless specifically provided otherwise herein, or unless superseded by applicable federal or State statutes of limitation . Page 2 of 4 101716a HC BOC Page 43 Intellectual Property Rights Copyrights and Ownership of Deliverables: All deliverable items produced pursuant to this Contract are the exclusive property of the Agency. The Recipient shall not assert a claim of copyright or other property interest in such deliverables. Federal Intellectual Property Bankruptcy Protection Act: The Parties agree that the Agency shall be entitled to all rights and benefits of the Federal Intellectual Property Bankruptcy Protection Act, Public Law 100-506, codified at 11 U.S.C. 365 (n) and any amendments thereto. Compliance with Applicable Laws Compliance with Laws: The Recipient shall comply with all laws, ordinances, codes, rules, regulations, and licensing requirements that are applicable to the conduct of its business, including those of federal, state, and local agencies having jurisdiction and/or authority. Equal Employment Opportunity: The Recipient shall comply with a ll federal and State laws relating to equal employment opportunity. Confidentiality Confidentiality: Any information, data, instruments, documents, studies or reports given to or prepared or assembled by the Recipient under this agreement shall be kept as confidential and not divulged or made available to any individual or organization without the prior written approval of the Agency. The Recipient acknowledges that in receiving , storing, processing or otherwise dealing with any confidential information it will safeguard and not further disclose the information except as otherwise provided in this Contract. Oversight Access to Persons and Records: The State Auditor shall have access to persons and records as a result of all contracts or grants entered into by State agencies or political subdivisions in accordance with N.C.G.S. 147- 64.7. Additionally, as the State funding authority, the Agency shall have access to persons and records as a result of all contracts or grants entered into by State agencies or political subdivisions. Record Retention: Records shall not be destroyed, purged or disposed of without the express written consent of the Agency. State basic records retention policy requires all grant records to be retained for a minimum of five years or until all audit exceptions have been resolved , whichever is longer. If the con tra ct is subject to federal policy and regulations , record retention may be longer than five years since records must be retained for a period OSBM LGU -Attachm ent A Effective : 8/2 01 6 of three years following submission of the final Federal Financial Status Report, if applicable , or three years following the submission of a revised final Federal Financial Status Report. Also, if any litigation, claim , negotiation, audit, disallowance action, or other action involving this Contract has been started before expiration of the five-year retention period described above , the records must be retained until completion of the action and resolution of all issues which arise from it , or until the end of the regular five-year period described above, whichever is later. Miscellaneous Choice of Law: The validity of this Contract and any of its terms or provisions, as well as the rights and duties of the parties to this Contract, are governed by the laws of North Carolina. The Recipient, by signing this Contract, agrees and submits, solely for matters concerning this Contract, to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of North Carolina and agrees , solely for such purpose, that the exclusive venue for any legal proceedings shall be Wake County, North Carolina . The place of this Contract and all transactions and agreements relating to it, and the ir situs and forum, shall be Wake County, North Carolina , where all matters , whether sounding in contract or tort, relating to the validity , construction, interpretation, and enforcement shall be determined. Amendment : This Contract may not be amended orally or by performance. Any amendment must be made in written form and executed by duly authorized representatives of the Agency and the Recipient. Severability: In the event that a court of competent jurisdiction holds that a provision or requirement of this Contract violates any applicabl e law, each such provision or requirement shall continue to be enforced to th e extent it is not in violation of law or is not otherwise unenforceable and all other provisions and requirements of this Contract shall remain in full force and effect. Headings: The Section and Paragraph headings in these General Terms and Conditions are not material parts of the agreement and should not be used to construe the meaning thereof. Time of the Essence: Time is of the essence in the performance of this Contract. Care of Property: The Recipient agrees that it shall be responsible for the proper custody and care of any property furnished to it for use in connection with the performance of this Contract and will reimburse the Agency for loss of, or damage to, such property. At the termination of this Contract, the Recipient shall contact the Agency for instructions as to the disposition of such property and shall comp ly with these instructions . Pag e 3 of 4 101716a HC BOC Page 45 Travel Expenses: Reimbursement to the Recipient for travel mileage , meals, lodging and other travel expenses incurred in the performance of this Contract shall be reasonable and supported by documentation . State rates should be used as guidelines. International tra vel shall not be reimbursed under this Contract. Advertising: The Recipient shall not use the award of this Contract as a part of any news release or commercial advertising . OSBM LGU -Attac hment A Effective : 8/2016 Page 4 of 4 101716a HC BOC Page 47 Attachment B Notice of Certain Reporting Requirements Recipient shall comply with all the rules and reporting requirements established by statute or administrative rules. For convenience , the requirements of N .C.G .S. 143C-6-22 are presented below. Also below are the thresholds related to reporting requirements required of recipients per the Contract. § 143C-6-22. Use of State funds by non-State entities. (a) Disbursement and Use of State Funds. -Every non-State entity that receives, uses , or expends any State funds shall use or expend the funds only for the purposes for which they were appropriated by the General Assembly. State funds include federal funds that flow through the State Treasury. (b) Compliance by Non-State Entities. -If the Director of the Budget finds that a non-State entity has spent or encumbered State funds for an unauthorized purpose, or fails to submit or falsifies the information required by G.S . 143C-6-23 or any other provision of law, the Director shall take appropriate administrative action to ensure that no further irregularities or violations of law occur and shall report to the Attorney General any facts that pertain to an apparent violation of a criminal law or an apparent instance of malfeasance, misfeasance, or nonfeasance in connection with the use of State funds. Appropriate administrative action may include suspending or withholding the disbursement of State funds and recovering State funds previously disbursed. (c) Civil Actions . -Civil actions to recover State funds or to obtain other mandatory orders in the name of the State on relation of the Attorney General , or in the name of the Office of State Budget and Management, shall be filed in the General Court of Justice in Wake County. (2006-203 , s. 3.) Reporting Thresholds: There are two reporting thresholds established for recipients and subrecipients recei ving State funds. The reporting thresholds are: (1) Less than $25,000 -A recipient that receives, holds , uses , or expends State funds from the funding ag ency in an amount less than twenty-five thousand dollars ($25 ,000) within its fi scal year must comply with the re porting requirements established by the Contract including : (A) An accounting of all State funds received, held , used , or expended . All reporting requirements shall be filed with the funding agency within three months after the end of th e recipient's fiscal year in which the State funds were rece ived. (2) Equal to or greater than $25 ,000 -A recipient that re ceives , holds, uses , or expends State funds from the funding agency in an amount of at least twenty-five thousand ($25 ,000) within its fiscal year must comply with the reporting requirements established by the Contract including : (A) An accounting of all State funds received , held , used , or expended ; and (B) A description of activities and accomplishments undertaken by the recipient, including reporting on any performance measures established in the contract. All reporting requirements shall be filed with the funding agency within three months after the end of the recipient's fiscal year in which the State funds were received . Other Provisions: 1. All recipients and subrecipients shall use the prescribed forms of the awarding agency and of the Office of the State Auditor in making reports to the awarding agency and the Office of the State Auditor. OSB M LGU -Attachment B Effective: 8/2016 Page 1 of 1 101716a HC BOC Page 49 j '• , -Attachment C ,· · -------------., ..___._ _____ ~-·_. Scb~ of_Work-and Annu~I Budget :._. . I __ · -..:..~ ____ J Before it will be possible to finalize this award and make any disbursement, you are required to provide to the Agency a description for how the organization will spend the amount of funding allocated for the specific purpose as stated in the grant contract. This will include a scope of work, information related to any potential subgrants and an annual budget for the grant funds. Please attach additional sheets as necessary . 1. ,:.Organization : . , .. . •; ·- Organization Name: voumy 01 riarnen Tax Identification#: .::JO-~VL'!.. '"'' JO Organization Fiscal Year End: 06/30/2017 (mmddyyyy) 2. , Scope of Work: · . ,. " ,.~ .. :4 ' .. ' Recipient shall detail below how the organization will spen d the amount of funding allocated for the specific purpose as stated in the grant contract. The description should include services to be provided, objectives to be achieved, and expected results . The description should also include anticipated timing of those services , objectives and expected results. Construct storage building for Harnett County Veterans Park for storage of podium chairs and equipment use for Veterans Day, Memorial Day, & other ceremonies held by the Sheriffs Department and Emergency Services. 3. / Subgrants: .. ·--.. a . Does the Reci pient anticipate that it will subgrant or pass down any funds to DYes[Z]No another orQanization? If ves, answer the following : b. Name of Subrecipient c. ProQram Name d . Amount to Subrecipient Below are general expenditure descriptions that can serve as a guide for preparing the organization's annual budget re lated to the grant award. Please add or delete expenditure captions for clarity if needed. The annual budget must be signed by an authorizing official. The following annual budget is for the t.ime period beginning (month/date/yr.) and ending (month/date/yr.). EXPENDITURE DESCRIPTION PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries & Wages Fringe Benefits Other Personal Services PURCHASED SERVICES Trav el OSBM LGU -Attachmen t C Effective: 8/201 6 $ $ $ $ $ AMOUNT Page 1 of2 101716a HC BOC Page 51 ·I ? Communications/Data Processing Postage/Freight/Deliveries Printing/Advertising Repairs/Maintenance/Utilities Contracted Services Other Services SUPPLIES & MATERIALS General Administrative Supplies Other Administrative Expenses FIXED CHARGES & EXPENSES Rent/Leases Insurance/Bonding Other Fixed Charges/Expenses CAPITAL OUTLAY Office Equipment Office Furniture Building/Other Structures/Improvements Land Motor Vehicles Other Capital Outlay GRANTS Grants to Other Entities (Sub-Awards) DEBT SERVICE Principal Payments Interest Payments OTHER EXPENDITURES Other Expenditures TOTAL BUDGETED EXPENDITURES $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 50.000.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $(GRANT AWARD AMOUNT) With regard to the information contained herein, I certify that the annual budget has been approved by the Recipient's Chief I Fiscal Officer, County Manager or City Manager. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. I :z: en Signature Printed Narti~ OSBM LGU -Attachm ent C Effecti ve : 8/2016 Date .... . . . . m- :D C, mz Page 2 of 2 101716a HC BOC Page 53 ~ · ,, · --; Attachment o::-· -· · L~ .. · . . . lr~n Divestment Act Cer:tification ' .. -· -~- Pursuant to G.S. 147-86.59, any person identified as engaging in investment activities in Iran, determined by appearing on the Final Divestment List created by the State Treasurer pursuant to G .S. 147-86.58, is ineligible to contract with the State of North Carolina or any political subdivision of the State. The Iran Divestment Act of 2015, G.S. 147-86.55 et seq! requires that each vendor, prior to contracting with the State certify, and the undersigned on behalf of the Vendor does hereby certify, to the following : 1. that the vendor is not identified on the Final Divestment List of entities that the State Treasurer has determined engages in investment activities in Iran; 2. that the vendor shall not utilize on any contract with the State agency any subcontractor that is identified on the Final Divestment List; and 3. that the undersigned is authorized by the Vendor to make this Certification. Name of Vendor: County of Harnett Address of Vendor: _____ 1_0_2_E_a_st_F_r_o_n_t_S_tr_e_e_t ___ _ Lillington, NC 27546 Signature Date Title The State Treasurer's Final Divestment List can be found on the State Treasurer's website at the address: https:/lwww.nctreasurer.com/inside-the-department/OpenGovernmenVPages/lran-Divestment-Act-Resources.aspx and will be updated every 180 days. For questions about the Department of State Treasurer's Iran Divestment Policy, please contact Meryl Murtagh at Meryl.Murtagh@nctreasurer.com or (919) 814-3852 . • Note: Enacted by Session ·Law 2015-118 as G.S . 143C-55 et seq., but has been renumbered for codification at the direction of the Reviser of Statutes . OSBM NGO -Attachment E Effective : 8/2016 Page 1 of 1 :c fl) m- " C) mz 101716a HC BOC Page 55 Iran Divestment Act Certification Frequently Asked Questions Pu rchase 5 Co n tract DE PARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION 1. When should the certification form be signed and where does it fit within the procurement process? 2. Who is authorized to sign the certification form? 3. Is the certification form required for both businesses and individuals? 4. How will the Iran Divestment Act effect P-Card purchases? 5. Is it necessary to have a signed certification for each purcbas.e even if there is one on file for the . Vendor from a previous contract? 6. Is it necessary to have a signed form for every Vendor that's been issued an order greater than $1,000? If so, can the original signed form be kept on file and reused? Or is it required that the form be signed for each order? 7. What if the combined purchases from a Vendor is more than $1,000 but no single purchase exceeds $1,000? 4/1/2016 Please add it as an attachment to your solicitation document and have it returned with the Vendor's offer. Any person in a position to bind the Vendor is authorized to sign the certification (it can be the same person who signs bid or the financial certification). P&C is adding this certification as an attachment to its standard solicitation templates so it will be signed at the time the bid is submitted. The certification applies to any "natural person, corporation, company, limited liability company business association, partnership, society, trust, any other nongovernmental entity or group," as well as to any governmental entity ( other than a MOU between two state agencies). A single transaction greater than $1,000 requires a signed certification. Yes. The certification is valid only at the time of the particular purchase for which it is made. Therefore, it applies only to that single purchase. Unfortunately, the legislation requires the certification every "time the bid is submitted or the contract is entered into, renewed, or assigned." Thus, a new certification must be signed for each new contract formation. The certification is required on a per transaction basis. For example, if you purchase $999 worth of goods from Vendor A today and another $999 worth from Vendor A the following week, then no certification is needed. If you purchase $1 ,001 of goods from Vendor A today, and make an order for another $1,001 worth next week, then two certificates are required. 1 101716a HC BOC Page 57 Iran Divestment Act Certification Frequently Asked Questions Purchase Er Contract DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION 8. Is it necessary to obtain the signed certification from E-Procurement Vendors? 9. Please explain why E-Procurement is not being used to require Vendors to complete this particular action. 10. It is understood that the certification is to go with contracts, amendments, renewals, etc. over $1 ,000 -but what about just normal, regular orders? 11. Does the Act apply to P.0.'s for non-contract items between $1,000 and $4,999 where formal solicitation may not occur? 12 . Does the Act apply to term contract purchases above $1 ,000? 13. If a Vendor such as Forms and Supply (who is a state contract Vendor) offers a product that an agency is in need of but the product is NOT on the state contract, is it necessary to complete the certification? Many Vendors have state contracts for certain items, but they also sell other items. If an item is not on contract through those Vendors, must they still sign the certification? 4/1/2016 Yes. The only time a certification is not required before a P .O . is sent is when a purchase is made from a statewide or agency-specific term contract. In the case of a term contract, the certification is made at the time the term contract is entered. The statute requires the certification to be made at the time of bidding or before the contract is finalized. Nothing in the E-procurement system allows for that timing. In addition, not all Vendors for purchases between $1,000 and $10,000 are registered in the E-procurement system. The certifications requirement is applicable to every order made above $1,000 regardless of the method used to place the order, unless the order is made pursuant to a pre-existing contract-for example, a Statewide Term Contract. When a Vendor fulfills a P .O. it creates a contract, so the Act applies and a certification is required . P&C will obtain the certification at the time a term contract is entered, so P.O. 's sent to order items under that contract will not need an additional certification. If the purchase is not within the scope of a term contract, e ven if the Vendor has a term contract for other items, a certification must be obtained. 2 101716a HC BOC Page 58 Iran Divestment Act Certification F requently Asked Questi ons Purch ase & Contract DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION 14. Consider the following scenario: An agency checks the Final Divestment List and finds that Vendor X is not on the list, and, therefore, issues a contract or P.O . for over $1,000. However, when the new Divestment List is issued 180 days later, Vendor X appears on the list and is now in the middle of a contract term, performing contract services. Must the contract be terminated? 15. Please define the word "contract" as it pertains to this Act. In law courses, contract has a very broad meaning--offer and acceptance equals a contract. Therefore, if we issue a purchase order (offer) and the Vendor accepts it by sending an acknowledgment or supplying the goods or service, we have a contract. 16. Please clarify. The terms "contracts and amendments" were used. However, P.O. 's were not mentioned specifically. Is this Act for actual contracts only? 4/1/2016 The scope of the Vendor certification is limited to the date it was executed. If the certification was true at the time it was signed, then a later change does not invalidate the contract (but it would prevent any contract renewal or extension). If a P.O. is sent in connection with a prior contract (e.g., a Statewide Term Contract) then a certification was signed at the time that contract was entered, and no additional certification is needed. If however, the P.O. is sent as an offer for the Vendor to accept, then a certification must be signed at the same time. See the answer to question # 17 for a technical definition of "contract." If a P .O . is sent for goods on a statewide contract, then the certification was made at the time that contract was entered and another certificate is not required. If there is no pre-existing contract, however, and the P.O. is sent in order to form a contract when the Vendor ships the goods, then a certification is needed before the P.O. goes out. Shipping goods in response to a P.O. creates an "actual contract." 3 101716a HC BOC Page 59 Iran Divestment Act Certification F reque ntl y A sk e d Questions Purchase 5 Contract DEPARTMENT OF ADMI NISTRATION 17. The Iran Divestment Act does not defme "contract." 18. Does the certification apply to P.O.'s and payments to Vendors on Statewide Term Contracts? 19. Does the certification apply to Personal Service Contracts? 20. Does the certification apply to currently posted solicitations? 21. Does the certification apply to future solicitations? 22. Does the certification apply to eQuote? 4/1/2016 Black's Law Dictionary defines "contract" as "an agreement between two or more parties creating obligations that are recognizable at law." In other words, it is a promise (or, usually, reciprocal promises) structured in such a way as to obligate one party to perform and to give the other party a right to enforce that obligation under law. This "structure" involves three elements: offer ( of specific terms and conditions), acceptance {of those terms and conditions) and consideration (something of value flowing between the parties). When the contract is in writing, the offer and acceptance are generally signaled by the signatures of the parties, but in some cases may be established by one party performing its obligation( s ). No. See answer to question #12. Yes (required to be signed at time of each renewal, amendment or new contract). Yes (required before agreement can be fully executed). Yes (required before agreement can be fully executed). Yes. 4 101716a HC BOC Page 60 Iran o·vestment Act Certification Frequently Asked Questi o11s Purchase & Co n tract DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION 23. Does the certification apply to conference registration fees and travel expenses ( airfare, hotels, meals, etc.)? ' 24. Once a Vendor completes the certification, how long is it good for? 180 days? 4/1/2016 Probably not. Registration fees are not covered because there is no document with terms and conditions definite enough to create a contract. Generally, travel is a series of individual transactions ( airfare , hotel room, meals, vehicle rental) by each person travelling. If one of those transactions exceeds $1,000, that transaction may require a certification if paid directly by a state agency. Reimbursement to an employee for travel expenses does not require a certification because it is the employee, not the state, who formed the contract for each of those items. Air travel is a special case because airlines operate in a federally regulated environment that preempts enforcement of state law that "relates to rates , routes or service of any air carrier." An argument can be made that the Act, by attempting to place additional restrictions on contracts for air travel, is preempted by federal law. P&C is not in a position to offer a legal opinion on this issue, and agencies should make their own decision when directly contracting for air travel costin~ more than $1,000. The certification is good for the initial term of that contract, but only for that single contract. As long as the Vendor is not on the list when the certification is made. The next certification will be needed only on renewal. 5 101716a HC BOC Page 61 Iran Divestment Act Certification Fre que ntl y Ask e d Qu es t ions Purc h ase 5 Co n tract DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION 25. Consider the following scenario: You have many MOU's with colleges for training. So is the certification required for purchases from other state and local government agencies? 26. What about Vendors who are on a state contract such as Grainger ( 445B)? Must we get the form signed each time an order on 445B is over $1 ,000? 27. Is it necessary to attach an unsigned form to the requisition in E-Procurement and add a comment such as "Payment will be withheld until the form is returned signed" (This would mean the unsigned form would be delivered with the actual P.O. to the Vendor). ' 4/1/2016 An MOU with another state agency or another state entity does not require a certification because all units of state government are considered to be parts of the same entity "The state of North Carolina," and the law does not recognize an agreement with oneself as a contract. The definition of "state agency" under the Act includes political subdivisions of the state. As to other non-state government entities, a certification is required. The Act requires a certification from any "person that attempts to contract with the State or political subdivision of the State," and the definition of "person" includes "any governmental entity or instrumentality of a government." Because solicitations for Statewide Term Contracts will require a certification at the time the bid is submitted, individual orders placed under that contract will not need a new certificate. The statute says, "A State agency shall require a person that attempts to contract with the State or political subdivision of the State, including a contract renewal or assumption, to certify, at the time the bid is submitted or the contract is entered into ... '' If the certification form is sent with the P.O., it must be signed or returned as a condition of the goods being accepted. P&C recommends stronger language be used, such as: "Return of an executed copy of the enclosed Certification is a material condition of any contract based on this purchase order. If goods are received without a signed Certification, the goods will be rejected and no payment will be made. Return of rejected goods shall be at Vendor's expense." 6 101716a HC BOC Page 62 Agenda Item _L/~--~F ___ _ Harnett COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA www.harnett.org RESOLUTION BY THE HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS IN SUPPORT OF DESIGNATING A PORTION OF N.C. 87 IN HARNETT COUNTY IN HONOR OF NASCAR LEGEND HERB THOMAS THAT WHEREAS, Herb Thomas was born on April 6, 1923, in western Hamett County and grew up on a family farm ; and WHEREAS, Thomas began racing cars after seeing modified car races in Greensboro in 194 7; and WHEREAS, Thomas won his first race in Martinsville, VA , in 1950 and his career quickly took off; and WHEREAS, Thomas started in 230 NASCAR races, winning 48 races and capturing 38 poles; and WHEREAS, Thomas was the first driver to win two NASCAR premier series championships in J 951 and 1953 , and finished in the top two in the point standings in all but one season between 1951 and 1956; and WHEREAS, Thomas won the first NASCAR Cup Series race at Hamett County Speedway in March 1953, leading all 200 laps; and WHEREAS, Thomas ranks 13th on the NASCAR all -tim e wins list ; and WHEREAS, in 1998, Tho mas was named one ofNASCAR's 50 Greatest Drivers; and WHEREAS, Thomas was inducted into the 2013 Class of the NASCAR Hall of Fame in Charlotte, North Carolina; and WHEREAS, Thomas was also inducted into the National Motors ports Press Association Hall of Fame in 1965 and the International Motors ports Hall of Fame in 1994; and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Hamett County Board of Commissioners does hereby express it s appreciation for the life and career ofNASCAR legend Herb Thomas and the positive publicity he brought to his home county, and extends its full support to namin g a portion ofN.C. 87 from the Harnett/Lee County line south to Bullard Road in Harnett County in his honor. Adopted this 17th day of October 2016. HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Jim Burgin , Chairman C. Gordon Springle, Vice C hairman Abe Elmore Barbara McKoy Joe Miller strong roots • new growth 101716a HC BOC Page 63 Agenda Item __ l/_.__---"G-=---- Board Meeting Agenda Item MEETING DATE: October 17, 2016 TO: HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: Project Ordinance -Essential Single Family Rehabilitation Loan Pool REQUESTED BY: Barry A . Blevins, General Services REQUEST: Community Development request the Board of Commissioners consider and approve a project ordinance for the funding of the Essential Single Family Rehabilitation Loan Pool (ESDFRLP 16) project that utilizies North Carolina Housing Finance monies to fund the home rehabilitation of at least five (5) homes within Hamett County. The program encourages the comprehensive rehabilitation of single-family housing units owned and occupied by very low and low-income homeowners with one or more elderly, disabled and/or veteran full time household members, or with a child under the age of 6 whose health is threatened by the presensce of lead-based paint hazards. No local match is required . FINANCE OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION: COUNTY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: \\hcfi lel \GSUsers\apeele\My Documents\Communi ty Deve lopment \agendafonn20 16 -ESFR 16 .doc I of I Page 101716a HC BOC Page 64 COUNTY OF HARNETT CAP IT AL PROJECT ORDINANCE ESSENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY REHABILITATION 2016 LOAN POOL BE IT ORDAINED , by the Board of Commissioners of the County of Hamett, North Carolina, sitting as the governing board for Hamett County, that, pursuant to Section 13 .2 of the Chapter 159 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, the following capital project ordinance is hereby adopted: Section 1. The project authorized is the execution of the Essential Single Family Rehabilitation 2016 Loan Pool (ESFRLP16). The ESFRLP16 project deliverables will be the home rehabilitation of at least five homes whose owners meet certain age, income and needs as described in the approved ESFRLP 16 Assistance Policy. Section 2. The officers of this unit are hereby directed to proceed with the capital project within the terms of the grant documents, loan documents, and the budget contained herein. Section 3 . $175,000 has be appropriated for the project: For internal reporting the following breakdown is proposed: Construction Hard Costs Admini stration Soft Costs Total $125,000 $ 50 ,000 $175,000 In accordance with section 4 of the County Budget Ordinance, the Finance Officer and County Manager is hereby authorized to approved the transfer of appropriations between expenditure line items in the project with the exceptions that change orders affecting engineering and construction may not exceed 5% (cumulative) of the project total without prior approval of the Board. Change orders within the 5% limitation will be presented to the Board at the next regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners as in accordance with G .S . 159-15 . Section 4 . The following revenues are anticipated to be available to complete this project: Grant -NC Housing Finance $175,000 Section 5. The Finance Officer is hereby directed to maintain within the Capital Project Fund sufficient specific detailed accounting records to satisfy the requirements of the grantor agency, the grant agreements, and federal regulations. Section 6 . Funds may be advanced from the General Fund for the purpose of making payments as due. Reimbursement requests should be made to the grantor agency in an orderly and timely manner. 101716a HC BOC Page 65 Section 7. The Finance Officer is directed to report , on a quarterly basis, on the financial status of each project element in Section 3 and on the total grant revenues received or claimed . Section 8. The Budget Officer is directed to include a detailed analysis of past and future costs and revenues on the capital project in every budget submission made to this Board. Section 9 . Copies of this capital project ordinance shall be furnished to the Clerk of the Board of Commissioners, and the Budget Officer and the Finance Officer for direction in carrying out this project. Adopted this __ day of ____ , 2016 ATTEST Margaret Regina Wheeler Clerk to the Board Jim Burgin, Chairman Hamett County Board of Commissioners (SEAL) 101716a HC BOC Page 66 Board Meeting Agenda Item Agenda Item 4 -H MEETING DATE: October 17, 2016 TO: HARNEIT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: Public Utilities Writeoffs for 3rd Quarter REQUESTED BY: Steve Ward, Director REQUEST: Enclosed are the delinquent accounts determined to be at write-off status for the third quarter of 2016 . All of these accounts have been delinquent for more than three years and total $52,525 .52 The facilitation of these write-offs is an important step in a continuing effort to effectively manage our collections and bad debt. HCDPU is currently using the Local Government Debt Setoff Program and On-Line Collections, Inc. to help collect our delinquent accounts. We are happy to report that we have recovered over $592,000 in bad debt previously written off through the Debt Setoff Program. Please place this request on the consent agenda at the next available meeting. FINANCE OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION: COUNTY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: \\hcfi le l \P uusers\sward\My Docume nts\collections\writeoffs 3rd-qtr 2016.doc I of I Page 101716a HC BOC Page 67 NAME -- MARTINO JR , CLARENCE RAYMOND , MICHAEL ROBINSON , ZACHARY HARNETT COUNTY DEPT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES QUARTERLY DELINQUENT WRITE OFFS SEPT 2013 I ACCOUNT# NOTES 811-69550 18211-23713 122477-84301 NICHOLS , CAROL LEE-MILLS 58889-23750 BANKRUPT BRANTLEY, PAUL 126619-78218 RET BILL CONO, MARIA H 173509-30797 RET BILL GRAY, DAWNA 172997-4334 7 RET BILL BEASTON , MICHAEL 175335-43354 RET BILL CANTIN JR , DANIEL M 177705-3651 RET BILL KAPULE , AMANDA 11421-21068 RET BILL MILLER , KRISTIN 172509-38529 RET BILL GRANT, LAWREN 164029-23128 RET BILL SMITH , STEPHANIE 108839-6993 BARRETT, MARIA C 174027-19058 JOHNSON JR, JAMES L 102443-83723 WILLIAMS, SANDRA A 78143-23255 WILLIAMS , TINA 103135-38701 BARR ESTATE , CASEY 149451-42385 -MURPHY, KRAIG 163959-77191 RAY , CANDY B 144899-81362 RET BILL ---- SULLIVAN ,ASHER 18777-11217 WARREN, APRIL 153051-18408 GARZA, CHRISTOPHER 169951-87600 RET BILL HARRIS, LONNIE 161743-71708 KNAPP , PATRICIA 161367-60655 MCLEAN ESTATE , ESSIE 28983-21164 DUNHAM , CURTIS 97603-42334 RET BILL ELLERBEE , ROBERT 157121-7698 RET BILL HALL, SARAH 174821-78022 RET BILL HERNANDEZ, CANDIDA 117 4 7 53-88483 LEFFERT.RENEE 172711-47484 RET BILL WELCH , MARY 4827-5428 RET BILL HILLIARD, HURL 86821-78628 FOWLER, JOSHUA D 173933-71946 HUDSON , AKEEM 171701-23691 RET BILL TAYLOR , HARRIET 117629-68816 BIER, CODY 176307-72356 RET BILL RAMIREZ, YESICA H 171083-43458 RET BILL STEWART , WILLIAM A 105357-82830 KOVATCHITCH , JASON 178255-83355 MANCZKO,ANGELIN 127359-86136 NERKOWSKI , ROBERT 169199-21142 TAYLOR, ASHLEY N 176245-43337 RET BILL GARCIA, FERNANDO 130033-85300 RET BILL HORNE, MARION L 5015-50371 HORNE, MARION L 5015-50598 -HAIRE , NANCY 174087-15415 JONES , BRANDY 173215-20537 Page 1 BALANCE TO WRITE-OFF $1,273.00 $1 ,407.00 $928 .50 $1 ,901.50 $115.11 $101.00 $32 .96 $154.29 $209.02 $90.12 $57.32 $37.92 $35.92 $137.94 $267.70 $193.50 $41.69 $15.50 $37.95 $111 .54 $583.14 $1,478.90 $38.68 $68.43 $61 .38 $420.52 $44.83 $34.41 $35.33 $90.10 $122 .99 $75.47 $267.50 $83.68 $114.88 $244 .82 $63.16 $44.95 $285.69 $536.00 $556.50 $24.59 $107.46 $259.00 $388.50 $388.50 $39.92 $39.16 101716a HC BOC Page 68 NAME THOMAS EST , WOODROW LANGFORD , MARQUIA 0 SECOR , JOSEPH JOHNSON , PHILLIP GERMAN , RAYMOND MADDEN , KATHLEEN MALCOLM , MARILYN FARMVIEW MHP LLC DONALDSON , BROOKIE M LANGDON , F CLARK LANGDON , F CLARK MCKAY, KEVIN REYES , SAMIL SHIMP, BEKA-L YNN STEWART, ROSIE STOCKS , WILLE C MULLINS, CATHERINE BECCARIA, TRACY CHULWICK, KIMBERLY R MALLOY, SHARON SMITH ALSPAUGH, HELEN CALDWELL 111, WILLIAM GONZALEZ, MICHAEL LANHAM , EDWARD FLETCHER , JOHN C GRAHAM , T ALAKA KOLATH , RICHARD A PAULUS, TINA MARIE DUNSTON, TONI CAREY JR , JOHN A GRAHAM , TRACY HALL, CHRISTOPHER HICKS ESTATE , HENRY L JIMENEZ, FIDENCIO MARTIN JR , RONALD CLEMENS , MICHAEL T WATTS, ERIC WHITEHEAD , LUTHER M CARLGREN , STEVEN N LUNA, SANJUANA PATRICK, BRITTANY E SMITH, MICHAEL HARNETT COUNTY DEPT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES QUARTERLY DELINQUENT WRITE OFFS SEPT 201 3 ACCOUNT# NOTES J 35691-24288 174035-26017 RET BILL 173039-38899 134241-61040 RET BILL 55047-44746 RET BILL 139443-22800 172459-83817 RET BILL 124683-4926 47925-65625 28357 -73243 FORECLOSED 135281-43325 122871-46736 RET BILL 164943-84540 RET BILL 175397-24242 39635-44178 178681-43077 RET BILL 46087-75665 94285-7417 118541-26632 170319-69834 93647-16581 171941-67300 RET BILL 159339-2952 150241-67252 RET BILL 17 5595-34 71 146443-68503 176853-66676 178957-2975 RET BILL 133621-41686 17 90 7 1-26061 154019-3383 RET BILL 37559-3638 BANKRUPT 179079-35980 78455-50784 RET BILL 136955-56661 ' 179099-41522 RET BILL 172607-2973 17 4921 -3068 135909-86820 RET BILL 108383-34901 1179137-79775 I 118639-7536 RET BILL CRAWFORD, CHRISTOPHER 166905-36507 BUSE .ROBERT 117729-88904 RET BILL SHADDIX , KELSEY 17 4899-41364 GRANTHAM, TIMOTHY 161041-85007 RET BILL JOHNSON, JASON 170693-37621 MILLS , WINSTON 165809-668 7 RATLIFF, CHARLES 53159-62182 Page 2 BALANCE TO WRITE-OFF $512.50 $65.70 $56.90 $79.50 $117 .90 $9.24 $47.71 $904.50 $67.21 $45.50 $77.50 $93.06 $36.54 $59.79 $125.12 $90.48 $8.50 $64.43 $52.41 $17.13 $104.10 $139.04 $75.48 $20.10 $167.50 $81.00 $205.40 $211.48 $78.25 $203.50 $5.69 $426.50 $1,240.66 $56 .09 $6 .63 $74.67 $845.85 $112.51 $1,072.00 $1 79 .75 $66.47 $26.80 $59.72 $45.52 $126.56 $366.89 $54.44 $75.33 $252.75 101716a HC BOC Page 69 NAME KNOX-OATS, MARGARETE VALENZUELA, DIANA VASQUEZ, ALYNE BELMARES-BARRON, JOSE COOPER SR , THOMAS DEUTSCH , CHRISTOPHER HARRIS, CRYSTAL LAMARRE , SANDY NICHOLS , CRYSTAL TORRES, ALEX FARMVIEW MHP LLC FLETCHER, JOHN C KOBERGER ,PAUL MCKINNEY, LINDA B RAY EST, ZOLLIE SMITH, CINDY HYATT, RICHARD NICHOLS, BRIANNA PAGAN .BETSY FLETCHER , JOHN C MCLEAN PROPERTIES MORENO, BENITO POWERS , ROBERT C CARROLL, CURTIS LOSCHIAVO, MELISSA J PENN, ANGELA CONNOR , LINDSEY JOHNS, WALTER SHUTTERS, TIMOTHY SMITH , DAVID J HIBBERT, BRANDON JACKSON , CONNOR Q NUBBY.TERESA CULVER , EDWARD MCLEAN , RONALD SHAW, GERALD L BLUE ,SARAH DAVIS, TYRONE S PERRY,RASHEENA SANCHEZ, CYNTHIA C CALDWEEL, DANA JOHNSON EST, ROBERT QUICK, EBBIE SHELL, CHARLOTTE HARDY, DA'VAUGHN SEWELL, NATALIE EPPS.STEVEN TEW, LOIS BATES , CYNTHIA L KICKSTANDZ HARNETT COUNTY DEPT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES QUARTERLY DELINQUENT WRITE OFFS SEPT 2013 ACCOUNT# NOTES 50713-9427 RET BILL 172139-86143 162817-39223 RET BILL 167333-27043 35407-43506 173459-24178 177345-7 4386 82339-66324 157569-34486 146161-77156 124683-4454 175595-5520 FORECLOSED 164531-51111 507-63592 RET BILL 60143-20326 17 4949-65599 176489-62026 173335-7 4856 138453-24882 175595-24221 179467-77057 82593-68821 179475-23692 171551-32998 175913-3397 RET BILL 17684 7-35785 158779-45214 RET BILL 162917-49095 RET BILL 166841-81602 170997-43059 116181-84318 175093-41570 RET BILL 68323-50810 RET BILL 146835-3410 RET BILL 76113-85026 162427-71547 RET BILL 90747-68280 168701 -76 129 RET BILL 164109-51067 49441-56597 178205-5229 RET BILL 6903-377 121083-37868 RET BILL 173823-6 7 4 78 179793-57 491 RET BILL 168449-84420 179817-74561 RET BILL 107153-36116 171 577 -24 70 7 RET BILL 173695-20682 Page 3 BALANCE TO WRITE-OFF $127.36 $110.05 $72.85 $35.10 $8.50 $64.31 $27.94 $27.50 $47.44 $300 .7 2 $904.50 $134.00 $44.69 $106.80 $249 .00 $54.92 $59.82 $47.92 $766.28 $203.50 $240.50 $235.48 $536.00 $24.00 $182.42 $156.75 $65.51 $288.53 $38.82 $137.10 $518.00 $59.87 $114.51 $277.93 $734.37 $120.73 $141 .37 $11.34 $22.33 $245.50 $12.94 $370.06 $363.30 $163.26 $19.99 $9 .3 1 $51 .78 $416.22 $39 .39 $158 .66 101716a HC BOC Page 70 NAME GUTIERREZ, BENEDICTA HARNETT COUNTY DEPT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES QUARTERLY DELINQUENT WRITE OFFS SEPT 2013 ACCOUNT# NOTES 120539-55494 HEIDELBERG JR, JIMMY LEE 175919-72835 MCLEAN , BRITTANY 175447-73418 RET BILL WEBB, TAMIKA 141871-88618 RET BILL WOODLEY, JAMIE 157553-47569 RET BILL ALLEN , BILLIE JEAN 155759-52842 BRAVO , MARCO ANTONIO 173891-72775 STEPHENS, KELLY N 157951-75054 THE DOCS COPY CENTER 179923-87812 WOOTEN , FREDERICK 169773-81515 RET BILL HINES, BRADLEY 170381-11638 RET BILL MCCALL, NANCY 4701-52831 GALBREATH .KENNETH 114127-86194 BANKRUPT MCINTYRE, PAULINE C 25753-48376 CHANCE Ill , EUGENE E 135499-78283 CRANDALL , NADINE K 115345-5354 WILLIAMS , REFORD -150595-5273 HINTON, TASHAWN 111625-367 48 MOODY, WALTER 127093-49193 GLOVER,TANYA 63429-43750 NAZAIRE, KAYLA 171653-2981 SMITH , COURTNIE 173727-75379 RET BILL MCALLISTER, JOHN 175563-84422 RET BILL GOMEZ, ERIKA GONZALEZ 170823-84759 RET BILL GRANT, RICHARD 166237-28003 RET BILL HART, AMBER 161859-16425 SANCHEZ, PAMELA H 127087-27041 RET BILL WILSON , ZORRANDA 174207-51400 ARCHER , JENNIFER 168909-47570 HAZEL , NANCY 174261-23700 HUMPHREY, JAHMYNE 171921-65484 NOVOTNEY,STEPHEN 138685-23367 DENNIS, BRIAN 172913-48197 RET BILL FARMVIEW MHP LLC 124683-4449 FARMVIEW MHP LLC 124683-4455 FARMVIEW MHP LLC 124683-4459 FARMVIEW MHP LLC 124683-4462 FARMVIEW MHP LLC 124683-4467 FARMVIEW MHP LLC 124683-4470 FARMVIEW MHP LLC 124683-447 3 FARMVIEW MHP LLC 124683-4474 FARMVIEW MHP LLC 124683-4475 FARMVIEW MHP LLC 124683-4487 FARMVIEW MHP LLC 124683-4490 FARMVIEW MHP LLC 124683-4492 FARMVIEW MHP LLC 124683-4508 LYONS , SEAN 171641-91239 ARGOTE , JESUS M 71211-55421 RET BILL VASSAUR,ROBERT 30013-22101 RET BILL WHITTINGTON , BRYAN 148195-21979 MIJANOVICH , STEVEN 176067 -26040 RET BILL SA NC HEZ, ARTURO 12 7 93-66 018 R ET BILL Page4 BALANCE TO WRITE-OFF $46.54 $51 .32 $120.10 $273.95 $58.15 $176.01 $665.57 $28.90 $83 .19 $101.54 $47.40 $43.30 $16.02 $97.66 $231 .26 $113.20 $36.40 $119 .83 $183 .27 $127.52 $344.58 $267.77 $41.00 $40.00 $42.24 $15.48 $284.18 $112.02 $107.65 $259.38 $60.10 $115 .95 $59.50 $1 ,164.72 $1,164 .58 $904 .50 $904.50 $1 ,099.58 $904.50 $3,010.05 $1,154 .58 $1 ,164.57 $1 ,089.58 $904.40 $1 ,164.58 $938 .00 $229 .00 $53.13 $72.82 $242.03 $178 .11 $101 .87 101716a HC BOC Page 71 ' .. NAME HARNETT COUNTY DEPT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES QUARTERLY DELINQUENT WRITE OFFS SEPT 2013 ACCOUNT# NOTES TOTAL Page 5 BALANCE TO WRITE-OFF $52,525.52 101716a HC BOC Page 72 Board Meeting Agenda Item Agenda Item __ L.{__.__-_.::=T=-- MEETING DATE: October 17, 2016 TO: HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: Amendment to the Harnett County Personnel Ordinance REQUESTED BY: Administration REQUEST: Administration, on behalf of the Hamett County Pay Plan Committee, requests approval of an amendment to the Harnett County Personnel Ordinance by adding the Performance Pay Plan under Article III, Section 6 as "6.2. The Performance Pay Plan." Article III, Section 6, currently titled "The 3/5 Plan" will be renamed "The Pay Plan" and the current text of Section 6 will become "6.1. The 3/5 Plan." The Performance Pay Plan will become effective July 1, 2017. One implemented, the Pay Plan Committee will evaluate the Performance Pay Plan to ensure its effectiveness, and will make additional recommendations as needed. FINANCE OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION: COUNTY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: C:\Users\gwheeler\AppData\Local\Microsoft\ Windows\lNetCache\Content. Outlook\ TPTEQCL V\agendaform20 I 6 (002).doc Page I of I 101716a HC BOC Page 73 6.2. The Performance Pay Plan The purpose of the Performance Pay Plan is to give Harnett County employees a way in which to earn additional pay increases following the 3/5 plan throughout their career in Harnett County. This plan is intended to serve as a tool that will increase the County's ability to hire and retain qualified employees by allowing employees to earn higher wages after the ir fifth year of employment with Harnett County, provided they rece ive satisfactory performance reviews . At the conclusion of the 3/5 plan for their current position , employees will be eligible to earn a percent increase every three years based on their annual performance reviews during that period . Earned increases will be given every three years after year 5 (so afte r years 8 , 11 , 14, 17 , 20 , 23 , 26, 29, 32 , 35, etc.). These years will be known as "Performance Pay Plan Milestones." An employee's performance review for each year of the three-year cycle will account for a third of the overall increase . Employees who receive an overall score on their annual performance review of "Meets Expectations" or above will receive the increase amount for that year while employees who receive a score lower than "Meets Expectations" will not receive the increase amount for that year. In cases where, at plan implementation , an employee is between two Performance Pay Plan Milestones , they will receive credit for any performance reviews within their current three-year cycle which would have taken place prior to their current year. For any years left in the current three-year cycle when the plan is implemented , whether or not an employee receives the increase will depend on their annual performance reviews . Earned increases will be effective on the employee's anniversary (hire) date every th i rd year after their fifth year in their current position . Employees will rece ive the increase beginning on the next full pay period . Employees will only receive any increase they earn during a three-year cycle at the corresponding Performance Pay Plan Milestone. Employees must be active on the County's payroll on the payout date to receive an increase. If an employee quits, is terminated or retires prior to the scheduled payout date, the County is not obligated to pay any portion of the increase. The amount of the three-year increase will be proposed by the County Manager and approved by the Board of Commissioners as part of the budgeting process. The amount must be set for a three-year cycle with each year's performance review constituting a third of the overall increase. When the Performance Pay Plan goes into effect, current employees will fall into the plan based on their years of employment with Harnett County in their current position . Eligibility for Annual Increase: For employees who have 26 or more years of employment with Harnett County when the Performance Pay Plan goes into effect, they will be eligible to receive a 1.5 percent annual increase based on their annual 101716a HC BOC Page 74 performance review during the first three years of implementation. Employees who receive an overall score on their annual performance review of "Meets Expectations" or above , w ill receive the increase amount for that year while employees who receive a score lower than "Meets Expectations" will not receive the increase amount for that year. Earned increases will be effective on their employment anniversary date following the performance review for which they a re receiving the increase. After three years, these employees will return to the three-year cycle . • Eligibility will be determined based on an employee's date of hire with Harnett County. Work experience outside of Harnett County shall not count toward eligibility. • This does not apply to employees who reach year 26 after the date of implementation . • If an employee meets the other qualifications to receive the annual increase, they will remain eligible , even if they have been promoted and are within a 3/5 plan for their current position . • For sworn Law Enforcement Officers in the Harnett County Sheriffs Office, employees who have 21 or more years of employment with Harnett County when the Performance Pay Plan goes into effect will be eligible for the 1.5 percent annual increase based on their annual performance review during the first three years of implementation. The guidelines are the same for these employees as they are for other employees who are eligible for the annual increase at plan implementation . New Hires and Promotions: For employees who are hired or who receive a promotion following implementation of the Performance Pay Plan , they will receive an "Experience Date" based on qualified and relevant experience which will determine where they fall into the Performance Pay Plan schedule . The Experience Date will determine when an employee will be eligible for their next increase . In cases where a newly hired or promoted employee is given an experience date that falls between two Performance Pay Plan m ilestones, they will receive credit for any performance reviews w ithin their current three-year cycle which would have taken place prior to their current year. For any years left in the current three-year cycle when the plan is implemented , whether or not an employee receives the increase will depend on their annual performance reviews . For example, an employee is eligible for an increase under the Performance Pay Plan after years 11 and 14 . If a newly hired or promoted employee is given an experience date of 12 years , they will be brought in at the salary that corresponds to an 11-year employee , but would be eligible to rece ive their next increase after two years . For the next increase, the employee would automatically receive credit for one of the three years due to their experience date. Credit for the remaining two years would be based on the ir perform ance reviews for those years . 101716a HC BOC Page 75 In cases where a newly hired or promoted employee 's salary , based on their experience date, is higher than that of an existing employee with the same amount of experience , the County Manager may address the issue on an individual basis . Any situation that arises and is not covered by this policy will be reviewed by the Harnett County Pay Plan Committee, which will make a recommendation to the County Manager. 101716a HC BOC Page 76 Agenda Item __ L/__.__-_:}..;;--'---- Board Meeting Agenda Item MEETING DATE: October 17, 2016 TO: HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSI REQUESTED BY: Joh Rouse, Jr., Health Director REQUEST: The Board of Health at their regular meeting on September 15 , 2016 approved to establish and in crease the following fees: J7307 Nexplanon $706 -establish third party insurance/self-pay fee (340b pricing for Mediciad $364) 90674 (new) Flucelvax, prsv fee 4yrs/> prefilled syringe $48.00 90685 (increase) 90686 (increase) 90688 (increase) Flu vaccine, quad, 6-35mo, im (peds) Flu vaccine, prsrv free , 3 yrs & >, im Fluzone vacc, 3 yrs & >, im (quad) $48.00 $48.00 $48.00 Thank you for your consideration in the establishing and increasing of these fees. FINANCE OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION: i CS COUNTY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: U:\my documents\1-Winword\BOC Mtg Request\Est Fees-Increase Fees I 0-5-2016.doc I of I Page 101716a HC BOC Page 78 Agenda Item ___ L/_,,_---'J<~-- Board Meeting Agenda Item MEETING DATE: October 17, 2016 TO: HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: North Carolina Department of Public Safety Emergency Management Division 2016 Tier II Grant REQUESTED BY: Jimmy Riddle, Emergency Services Director REQUEST: Hamett County Emergency Services request authorization to receive awarded funds from the North Carolina Department of Public Safety Emergency Management Division 2016 Tier II Grant in the amount of $1 ,000.00. For 2016, each LEPC (Local Emergency Planning Committee) is receiving a $1 ,000.00 award for each of the counties that comprise their committee. Funds will be used by Hamett County LEPC for hazardous materials emergency response planning, training and related exercises . Thi s is a reimbursable grant. No County matching funds required . FINANCE OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION: COUNTY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: U:\agendafonn20 16 Tier II Gra nt· LEPC (BOC I 0 -17-16).doc I of2 Page 101716a HC BOC Page 79 BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT hi ,.scg:: ~ BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett, North Carolina th~hefollowing amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017 : Section 1. To amend the General Fund , Emergency Services Department, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 110-5300-420.32-62 Emergency Services/ LEPC 1,000.00 REVENUE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 110-0000-334 .53-02 Emergency Services/ LEPC 1,000.00 EXLANATION: To budget the award of funds from the North Carolina Department of Public Safety Emergency Management Division 2016 Tier II Grant in the amount of $1 ,000.00. For 2016, each LEPC (Local Emergency Planning Committee) is receiving a $1,000.00 award for each of the counties that comprise their committee. Funds will be used by Harnett County LEPC for hazardous materials emergency response planning, training and related exercises . This is a reimbursable grant. No County matching funds required . APPROVALS: Finance Officer (date) County Manager (date) Section 2. Copies of this budget amendment shall be furnished to the Clerk to the Board , and to the Budget Officer and the Finance Officer for their direction. Adopted this ___ day of ____ , 2016. Margaret Reg ina Wheeler Clerk to the Board Jim Burgin, Chairman Ha rnett County Board of Commissioners 101716a HC BOC Page 80 DocuSign Envelope ID: 8BF7A2FB-9F3C-4CB8-A79D-3E83F8A2957C DPSiiii,> ff J North Carolina Department of Public Safety Emergency Management Pat McCrory, Governor frank L. Perry, Secretary May 3, 2016 Larry Smith Hamett County Emergency Services PO BOX 370 LILLINGTON, NC , 27546-0370 Larry Smith, Michael A . Sprayberry, Director I am pleased to infonn you that your county has been awarded a 2016 Tier II Grant in the amount of $1,000.00. These funds are to be used by your county's Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) for hazardous materials emergency response planning, training, and related exercises. Attached is a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) which must be signed and returned to North Carolina Emergency Management (this can be completed online via DocuSign). This year on the signature page we have provided three sets of blank lines, for signature and title, which allow your county to decide who is most appropriate to sign the agreement. Only one recipient signatory is required, the remaining lines are there for your convenience should your county have internal policies that require multiple signatories. For 2016, each LEPC is receiving a $1,000.00 award for each of the counties that comprise their committee. Furthennore, an additional $60,000.00 in funding will go towards six competitive hazardous materials projects (two per NCEM Branch). More information on how to apply for these competitive grant awards will be disseminated with the FY 2016 Hazardous Materials Emergency Preparedness Grant (HMEP) request for applications later this year. If you have any questions or need further assistance please contact: Adam Ryan EPCRA Coordinator North Carolina Emergency Management Mail : 4236 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-4236 Phone:(919)436-2746 Email: epcra@ ncdps.gov Sin~t>r: IAti~ 4. SrrAlt~~ ~~~~yberry, Director MAILING ADDRESS 4236 Mail Service Center Raleigh NC 27699-4236 www.rcadync.org www.ncdps.gov North Carolina Emergency Management An Equal Opportunity employer OFFICE LOCATION 1636 Gold Star Dri ve Raleigh , NC 27607-3371 Telephone: (919) 825-2500 Fax : (919) 825-2685 101716a HC BOC Page 81 DocuSign Envelope ID: 8BF7A2FB-9F3C -4CB8-A79D-3E83F8A2957C NORTH CAROLINA TIER II GRANT MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN GRANTOR: RECIPIENT: State Of North Carolina, Department Of Public Safety, Emergency Management Tax ID: 30-0712287 Hamett County Emergency Services Tax ID: 56-6000306 DUNS : 799829242 DUNS: 078351786 1. PURPOSE: MOAAMOUNT: $1,000.00 MOANUMBER: T2-2016-37085 NC DPS FISCAL: l 506-8064-536902 PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE: January I, 2016 -December 31, 2016 This grant award supports the haza rdous material preparedness activities of Local Emergency Planning Committees (LEPCs) as defined in the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to- Know Act (EPCRA). These funds are to be used by your county's or region 's LEPC for hazardous materials emergency response planning, training , and related exercises . 2. AUTHORITY: In accordance with the provisions of North Carolina General Statute I 66A-29 . I, North Carolina Emergency Management hereby awards to the foregoing Recipient a grant in the amount shown above. 3. COMPENSATION: The Grantor agrees that it will pay the Recipient complete and total compensation for the services to be rendered by the Recipient. Payment to the Recipient for expenditures under this Agreement will be reimbursed after the Recipient's cost report , detailed invoices, and proof of payment are submitted and approved for eligible expenses; these documents must be submitted no later than January 31 , 2017. The original signed copy of this MOA must be signed by the Official(s) authorized to sign below and returned to North Carolina Emergency Management no later than 45 days after the award date. The grant shall be effective upon return of the executed Memorandum of Agreement and final approval by North Carolina Emergency Management of the grant budget. Tier II G rant Page I o f 5 T2-2016-3 70 85 101716a HC BOC Page 82 OocuSign En velope ID: 8BF7A2FB-9F3C-4CBB-A790-3E83F8A2957C 4. CONDITIONS: The funds awarded under this grant must only be used by your county's or region 's LEPC for the purposes of hazardous materials emergency response planning, training and exercises, as mandated in North Carolina General Statute I 66A-29. l. Furthennore, the use of these funds must meet one or more of the follow criteria : A. Support costs in curred facilitating LEPC meetings (e.g. printing, general office supplies, food and non-alcoholic beverages) B. Support regional LEPC meetings and collaboration C. Enhance LEPC outreach efforts or produce promotional materials D. Host or support local and regional LEPC conferences E. Create or update hazardous material emergency response plans F. Support local or regional hazardous materials response exercises G. Support purchases of equipment necessary to support the LEPC and its mission i. Purchases of equipment must be pre-approved in writing by the NCEM EPCRA Coordinator H. Support hazardous material risk assessments currently being conducted by North Carolina Emergency Management I. Under no circumstances are the following items eligible for funding under this grant: 1. Salaries or benefits for any employee 11 . Drone aircraft or unmanned aerial vehicles n1. Support for programs not focused on hazardous materials preparedness 5. REGULATION : The funds awarded under this grant must be used in compliance with all applicable state and federal law s governing their use to include compliance with GS § l 43C-6-23 and 09 NCAC 03M . By accepting this payment, the below official agrees to use these funds in a manner consistent with state laws and regulations. 6. TAXES: Recipient shall be responsible for all taxes. 7. WARRANTY: As an independent recipient, the Recipient will hold the Grantor harmless for any liability and personal injury that may occur from or in connection with the performance of this Agreement to the extent permitted by the North Carolina Tort Claims Act. Nothing in this Agreement, express or implied, is intended to confer on any other person any rights or remedies in or by reason of this Agreement. This Agreement does not give any person or entity other than the parties hereto any legal or equitable claim, right or remedy . This Agreement is intended for the sole and exclusive benefit of the parties hereto. This Agreement is not made for the benefit of any third person or persons. No third party may enforce any part of this Agreement or shall have any rights hereunder. This Agreement does not create, and shall not be construed as creating, any rights enforceable by any person not a party to this Agreement. Nothing herein shall be construed as a Tier II Grant Page 2 of 5 T2-20 l 6-37085 101716a HC BOC Page 83 DocuSign Envelope ID : 8BF7 A2FB-9F3C-4CB8-A79D-3E83F8A2957C waiver of the sovereign immunity of the State of North Carolina. Nothing in this Agreement is intended to conflict with current laws or regulations of the State of North Carolina, Department of Public Safety, North Carolina Emergency Management, or the Recipient. If a term of this agreement is inconsistent with such authority, then that term shall be invalid , but the remaining tenns and conditions of this agreement shall remain in full force and effect. 8. POINTS OF CONT ACT: To provide consistent and effective communication between the Grantor and Recipient, each party shall appoint a Principal Representative(s) to serve as its central point of contact responsible for coordinating and implementing this MOA. NCEM: EPCRA Coordinator North Carolina Emergency Management 4236 MAIL SERVICE CTR RALEIGH NC 27699·4236 epcra@ ncdps.gov 9. PUBLIC RECORD ACCESS: Hamett County Emergency Services: Larry Smith Emergency Management Coordinator PO BOX 370 LILLINGTON, NC, 27546·0370 ltsmith@ hamett .org This agreement may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Act , Chapter 132 of the North Carolina General Statutes. 10 . SITUS: This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of North Carolina and any claim for breach or enforcement shall be filed in State Court in Wake County, North Carolina . 11. ANTITRUST LAWS: This Agreement is entered into in compliance with all State and Federal antitrust laws. 12. OTHER PROVISIONS/SEVERABILITY : Nothing in this Agreement is intended to conflict with current laws or regulations of the State of North Carolina, Department of Public Safety, North Carolina Emergency Management, or the Recipient. If a term of this agreement is inconsistent with such authority, then that term shall be invalid, but the remaining terms and conditions of this agreement shall remain in full force and effect. 13. COMPLIANCE: Rec ipient shall be wholly responsible for the purchases to be made under thi s MOA and for the supervision of its employees and assistants . Recipient shall be responsible for c ompliance with all laws, ordinances, codes, rules, regulation s, licensing re quirements and other regulatory Ti er II Grant Pag e 3 of 5 T2 -2016-37085 101716a HC BOC Page 84 DocuSign Envelope ID: 8BF7A2FB-9F3C-4CB8-A79D-3E83F8A2957C matters that are applicable to the conduct of its business and purchase requirements performed under this MOA. 14. ENTIRE AGREEMENT: This Agreement and any aIU1exes, exhibits and amendments aIU1exed hereto and any documents incorporated specifically by reference represent the entire agreement between the parties and supersede all prior oral and written statements or agreements . 15. MODIFICATION: This Agreement may be amended only by written amendments duly executed by the Grantor and the Recipient. 16. TERMINATION: The terms of this agreement, as modified with the consent of all parties, will remain in effect until December 31, 2016. Either party upon thirty (30) days advance written notice to the other party may terminate this agreement. Upon approval by NCEM Technological Hazards Branch and the issuance of the Grant Adjustment Notice, if this MOA is extended, the termination date for the extension will be the date listed in the applicable NCEM EPCRA Grant Adjustment Notice . 17. EXECUTION AND EFFECTIVE DATE: This grant shall become effective upon return of this original Memorandum of Agreement, properly executed on behalf of the Recipient, to North Carolina Emergency Management and will become binding upon execution of all parties to the Agreement. The terms of this Agreement will become effective January I , 2016. The last signature shall be that of Frank L. Perry, Secretary for the North Carolina Department of Public Safety. Tier II Gra nt Page 4 o f 5 T2 -2016-37085 101716a HC BOC Page 85 Do cu Sign Envelope ID: 8BF 7A2FB -9F3C-4CB8-A79D-3E83F8A2957C IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have each executed this Agreement and the parties agree that this Agreement will be effective as of January 1, 2016. Michael A. Sprayberry, Director North Carolina Emergency Management APPROVED AS TO PROCEDURES ~DocuSlgned by: ~~:.:.~ William Polk, Assistant General Counsel Reviewed for the Department Of Public Safety, by William Polk, DPS Assistant General Counsel, to fulfill the purposes of the North Carolina Tier II Grant Program James J. Cheroke, Controller North Carolina Department of Public Safety Frank L. Perry, Secretary North Carolina Department of Public Safety Emergency Management coordinator THIS MOA WAS PREVIOUSLY APPROVED AS TO FORM BY THE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY FOR THE 2016 TIER II GRANT PROGRAM ONLY AND IS SUBJECT TO EXECUTION BY FRANKL. PERRY, SECRETARY OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY. THIS MOU/MOA SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR OTHER MOUs/MOAs FOR THE TIER II GRANT. Tier II Grant Page 5 of 5 T2-20 16-37085 101716a HC BOC Page 86 AGENDA ITEM 6 October 17, 2016 APPOINTMENTS NEEDED ADULT CARE HOME COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE We need three additional members appointed to serve on this committee. Members receive mileage reimbursement as claimed. HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT We have vacancies for alternate members for District 1 and District 3. HARNETT COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES We have a vacancy for an at-large member on this board. HOME AND COMMUNITY CARE BLOCK GRANT COMMITTEE We have two vacancies on this committee. Page 1 -Appointments 101716a HC BOC Page 87 Board Meeting Agenda Item Agenda Item ___ '-z ____ _ MEETING DATE: October 17, 2016 TO: HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: Public Hearing-Proposed Zoning Western Harnett Overhills Area PTO REQUESTED BY : Mark LockJear, Director of Development Services REQUEST: Public Hearing: Proposed Zoning Change: Case # RZ-16-381 Landowner/Applicant: Western Harnett Overhills Area PTO, Inc.; 0.25 acres (1.08 total), Pin #9568 -65-7627; From RA-20R to Commercial; 3793 Olivia Rd SR 1205 ; Barbecue Township. The Planning Department Staff recommended approval of the request to rezone .25 acres from RA-20R to Commercial. Staff concluded it would not have an unreasonable impact on the surrounding community based on the Land Use Plan as well as existing Commercial use. After a very breif discussion the Harnett County Planning Board voted unanimously ( 4-0) to recommend approval. FINANCE OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION: COUNTY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: C:\Users\gwheeler\AppData\Local\Microsoft\ Windows\lNetCache\Content. O utl ook\ TPTEQCL V\ I OCCAgendaF orm 16 _ PT O .doc Page I of I 101716a HC BOC Page 88 Harnett TEXT AMENDMENT REQUEST FORM (Internal) COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA Planning Department 108 E. Front Street P.O. Box 65, Lillington, NC 27546 Phone: (910) 893-7525 Fax: (910) 893-2793 Planning Board: October 3, 2016 County Commissioners: October 17, 2016 Applicant Information Applicant: Name: Harnett County Development Services/ Solid Waste Address: 108 E Front St City/State/Zip: Lillington NC, 27546 E-mail: Phone: 893-7525 Fax : Type of Change 0 New Addition 0Revision Unified Development Ordinance : Ordinance ------------ Current Text: See attached Article: Proposed Text: (Attach additional sheets if necessary) See attached Reason for Requested Change: VI Section: 3.0 To amend Harnett County's U.D.O. to allow certain accessory structures within the front yard. Additional Information After a discussion at their September & October meetings, the Harnett County Planning Board voted unanimously (4-0) to recommend approval of this proposed Text Amendment. Suggested Statement-of-Consistency: (Staff concludes that ... ) The requested Text Amendment is compatible with Harnett County regulatory documents, and the benefits outweigh any potential inconvenience or harm to the community, particularly since structures would be built to the NC Building Code as well as the front setback would be maintained . Therefore, it is recommended that this Text Amendment request be APPROVED. Page 1 of 1 101716a HC BOC Page 89 ATTACHMENT I Re: To allow for accessory buildings in the front yard upon certain conditions. ARTICLE VI. GENERAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS SECTION 3.0 ACCESSORY STRUCTURES The following regulations shall apply to accessory buildings and/ or structures. A. No seeessory bt1:ttffiftg shsH be ereeted ifl imy ret:p:ttred yMd or withifl. fi. • e (5) feet of !lfl) other b ttttd:i:ag. ~\ll accessory butldmgs shall be located m the rear or side yard and meet the setbacks of the underlying zoning district 1\11 accessory building may be located withm the front yard 1f all of the following requirements are met. I. The lot is two (2) acres or greater, or five (5) acres or greater if located within a named, major subdivision. 2. The accessory buildmg must be setback at least a mi111mum of double the front setback requirement and adhere to the rrunimum side & rear setback for the zoning district. 3. Accessory buildmg square footage shall not be greater than fifty percent (50%) of that of the prmcipal building, unless located on a lot that is equal to or greater than IO acres. 4. A maximum of one (1) accessory building may be located in the front yard 5. The accessory building shall be onented as to not obscure vrew of principal building from publ.tc nght-of-way or priYatc access easement 6. The accessory structure shall be exempt from the above requirements if located on a Bona Fide farm. B. Accessory buildings not exceeding 600 square feet may be permitted in the required side and rear yards provided such accessory buildings are at least five (5) feet from any property line and do not encroach into any required easements. C. Accessory buildings not exceeding 50 square feet and used exclusively to house well and pump equipment may be permitted in the required front, side, and rear yards, provided such accessory buildings are at least five (5) feet from any property lines and do not encroach into any required easements or sight angles. D. An accessory building may be located on another contiguous or non-contiguous lot from the principal use with which it is associated, only to the extent that the principal use itself would also be pennitted on such lot. E. In no case shall a manufactured home, or cargo or trailer portion of a motor vehicle be used as an accessory structure for storage. F. Portable Storage Units for Residential Purposes 1. Temporary portable storage units may be located within the required front yard for no more than 60 days. 2. Portable storage units shall be permitted in rear or side yards only. Additional portable storage units shall be permitted in the rear or side yard(s) ortly and shall not be visible from the public right(s)-of-way. 3. No more than two (2) accessory structures shall be located on lots of 10,000 square feet or less, and the total square footage of accessory structure(s) shall not exceed the total square footage of the principle structure. 101716a HC BOC Page 90 A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE HARNETT COUNTY UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE WHEREAS , the Board of Commissioners of Harnett County adopted the UDO on October 17, 2011 for the purpose of promoting the health, safety, and general welfare of the county residents; and WHEREAS, this ordinance was adopted under authority granted by the General Assembly of the State ofNorth Carolina, particularly G.S. 153A-340; and WHEREAS , the UDO contains provisions for amending said ordinance and those provisions have been followed ; and WHEREAS, the Hamett County Planning Board has reviewed the amendments to the articles of the UDO as listed below and recommends the adoption of the following amendments. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF HARNETT COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA that Article VI "General Development Standards", Section 3.0 "Accessory Structures" of the UDO shall be amended to read as indicated in "Attachment". "Attachment" is filed with the Unified Development Ordinance in the Clerk to the Board's Office. Duly adopted this 17th day of October, 2016 and effective upon adoption. HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Jim Burgin, Chairman ATTEST: Margaret Regina Wheeler, Clerk to the Board 101716a HC BOC Page 91 Board Meeting Agenda Item Agenda Item ___ g _____ _ MEETING DATE: October 17, 2016 TO : HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: Public Hearing-Proposed Text Amendment for accessory structw-6within the front yard REQUESTED BY : Mark Locklear, Director of Development Services REQUEST: Public Hearing: Proposed Text Amendment Harnett County Unified Development Ordinance Article VI (General Development Standards) Section 3 .0 (Accessory Structures). The Planning Department Staff recommended approval of the Text Amendment as the benefits outweigh any potential inconvenience or harm to the community, particularly since structures would be built to the NC Building Code as well as the front setback would be maintained. After a discussion at their September & October meetings, the Harnett County Planning Board voted unanimously (4-0) to recommend approval of this proposed Text Amendment. FINANCE OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION: COUNTY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: C:\User s\gwheeler\AppData\Local\Microsoft\ Windows\lNetCache\Con te nt.Out look\TPTEQCL V\ I OCCA gendaForrn 16 _ acc essory s tructure s TA.doc Page I of 2 101716a HC BOC Page 92 Harnett COUNTY -N~O~R'."":T~H"""".C~A~R"'.'."'O~LI~N-A------------------------------- www.h arnett.org A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE HARNETT COUNTY UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of Harnett County adopted the UDO on October 17 , 2011 for the purpose of promoting the health, safety, and general welfare of the county residents; and WHEREAS , this ordinance was adopted under authority granted by the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina, particularly G.S. 153A-340; and WHEREAS , the UDO contains provisions for amending said ordinance and those provisions have been followed; and WHEREAS , the Harnett County Planning Board has reviewed the amendments to the articles of the UDO as listed below and recommends the adoption of the following amendments. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF HARNE TT COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA that Article VI "General Development Standards", Section 3.0 "Accessory Structures" of the UDO shall be amended to read as indicated in "Attachment". "Attachment" is filed with the Unified Development Ordinance in the Clerk to the Board's Office. Duly adopted this 171h day of October, 2016 and effective upon adoption. HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Jim Burgin, Chairman ATTEST: Margaret Regina Wheeler, Clerk to the Board strong roots • new growth 101716a HC BOC Page 93 Harnett COUNTY "! /, 0 IN• REZONING STAFF REPORT Case: RZ-16-381 Jay Sikes, Mgr. of Planning Services jsi kes@ha rnett . org Phone : (910) 893-7525 Fax : (910) 814-8278 Planning Board: October 3, 2016 County Commissioners: October 17, 2016 Requesting rezoning from RA-20R to Commercial Applicant Information Owner of Record: Name: Western Harnett Overhills Area PTO Thrift Store Address : PO Box 271 City/State/Zip: Olivia, NC 28368 Property Description PIN(s): 9568-65-7627 Applicant: Name: Western Harnett Overhills Area PTO Thrift Store; represented by Margaret Douglas Altman Address : PO Box 271 City/State/Zip : Olivia, NC 28368 Acreage : .25 acres (1.08 total) Address/SR No.: _3_7_9_3_0_1_iv_ia_R_d ________________________ _ Township : 0 (01) Anderson Creek 0 (02) Averasboro [gl (03) Barbec ue 0 (04) Black River Vicinity Map I 0 (05) Buckhorn 0 (06) Duke 0 (07) Grove 0 (08) Hectors Creek - i Page 1 of 5 C 0 i m MA OL ~~---....._......_--1 :c > ~ 0 (09) Johnsonville 0 (10) Lillington 0 (11) Neill's Creek 0 (12) Stewart's Creek 0 (13) Upper Little River z 0 !3 z 0 !3 STAFF REPORT 101716a HC BOC Page 94 Aerial Photograph Services Available Water: ~ Public (Harnett County) D Private (Well) D Other: Unverified Sewer: D Public (Harnett County) ~ Private (Septic Tank) D Other: unverified Zoning District Compatibility -- -... <lMA ~ ca g 0: :l [:!-! ., Zoning Map Page 2 of 5 Site Description: Site is currently occupied by a the PTO Thrift Store. The applicants obtained more land for an expansion, thus the Commercial rezoning request. Surrounding Land Uses: Surrounding land uses include several commercial entities, residential homes, and undeveloped land. Transportation: Annual Daily Traffic Count: 180 VTD on Seawell Rosser Rd. Site Distances : Good The following is a summary list of general u ses, for actual oermitted uses refer to the Zonino Ordinance. CURRENT REQUESTED RA -20R COMM Parks & Rec X X Natural Preserves X X Bona Fide Farms X Sinale Familv X Manufactured Homes, Desian Reaulated Manufactured Homes X Multi-Familv X Institutional X Commercial Services X Retail X Wholesale Industrial Manufacturina STAFF REPORT 101716a HC BOC Page 95 L an dU se Cl ·t· ass1 1ca 10n C ompa I I I :v ZONING LAND USE -COMM RDN Parks & Rec X X 1, Natural Preserves X Bona Fide Farms OlMA Single Family X Rl,,IC..~- Manufactured Homes, Design Regulated Manufactured Homes Multi-Family X Institutional X X Commercial Services X X <JI', Retail X X ffi Wholesale Ill Industrial g ~-« Manufacturing .J .J ! a, Future Land Use Map Additional Information On October 3rd, the Harnett County Planning Board voted unanimously ( 4-0) to recommend approval of this Rezoning application based on existing uses & adjacent zoning. Evaluation tzl Yes D No The IMPACT to the adjacent property owners and the surrounding community is reasonable, and the benefits of the rezoning outweigh any potential inconvenience or harm to the community. REASONING: The impact to the adjacent community is reasonable, as many of the existing uses located in the vicinity of the site are of a commercial nature, includ ing several convenience stores and a post office. lZJ Yes O No The requested zoning district is COMPATIBLE with the existing Land Use Classification. REASONING: The existing land use classification, Rural Center Development Node, is meant to encourage development with a community focus including neighborhood business and small lot residential development. Therefore, the request is compatible with the existing land use classification. lZJ Yes O No The proposal does ENHANCE or maintain the public health, safety and general welfare. REASONING: The proposal enhances the general welfare of the public, as the proposed zoning district will allow for the use of the property in the same manner as the area is already developing. 0 Yes lZJ No The request is for a SMALL SCALE REZONING and should be evaluated for reasonableness REASONING: The subject property is immediately adjacent to Commercial zoning therefore does not need to be evaluated for a small scale rezoning. Suggested Statement-of-Consistency (Staff concludes that...) The requested rezoning to COMMERCIAL is compatible with Harnett County regulatory documents and would not have an unreasonable impact on the surrounding community and will enhance the public health, safety, and general welfare for the reasons stated in the evaluation . It is recommended that this rezoning request be APPROVED. Page 3 of 5 STAFF REPORT 101716a HC BOC Page 96 Site Photographs Subject property Subject property Existing PTO store Property across street Adjacent Site Road view towards Hwy 87 Page 4 of 5 STAFF REPORT 101716a HC BOC Page 97 Standards of Review and Worksheet The Planning Board shall consider and make recommendations to the County Board of Commissioners concerning each proposed zoning district. The following policy guidelines shall be followed by the Planning Board concerning zoning districts and no proposed zoning district will receive favorable recommendation unless : D Yes D Yes 0Yes D Yes D Yes D No D No 0No D No D No A. The proposal will place all property similarly situated in the area in the same category, or in appropriate complementary categories. B . There is convincing demonstration that all uses permitted under the proposed district classification would be in the general public interest and not merely in the interest of the individual or small group . C. There is convincing demonstration that all uses permitted under the proposed district classification would be appropriate in the area included in the proposed change. (When a new district designation is assigned, any use permitted in the district is allowable, so long as it meets district requirements, and not merely uses which applicants state they intend to make of the property involved.) D. There is convincing demonstration that the character of the neighborhood will not be materially and adversely affected by any use permitted in the proposed change. E. The proposed change is in accordance with the comprehensive plan and sound planning practices. 0 GRANTING THE REZONING REQUEST Motion to grant the rezoning upon finding that the rezoning is reasonable based on All of the above findings of fact A -E being found in the affirmative and that the rezoning advances the public interest. 0 DENYING THE REZONING REQUEST Motion to deny the rezoning upon finding that the proposed rezoning does not advance the public interest and is unreasonable due to the following: D The proposal will not place all property similarly situated in the area in the same category, or in appropriate complementary categories. D There is not convincing demonstration that all uses permitted under the proposed district classification would be in the general public interest and not merely in the interest of the individual or small group. D There is not convincing demonstration that all uses permitted under the proposed district classification would be appropriate in the area included in the proposed change . (When a new district designation is assigned, any use permitted in the district is allowable, so long as it meets district requirements, and not merely uses which applicants state they intend to make of the property involved.) D There is not convincing demonstration that the character of the neighborhood will not be materially and adversely affected by any use permitted in the proposed change. D The proposed change is not in accordance with the comprehensive plan and sound planning practices. D The proposed change was not found to be reasonable for a small scale rezoning Pa ge 5 of 5 STAFF REPORT 101716a HC BOC Page 98 APPLICATION FOR ZONING CHANGE Harnett Planning Department 108 E. Front Street COUNTY P.O . Box 65, Lillington, NC 27546 Phone: (910) 893-7525 Fax: (910) 893-2793 Total Fee: Receipt: Permit: Hearing Date: Applicant Information Owner of Record: Name: t2/'<''t:1-ef Applicant: Address: le · e ~A · ,._ · .;e.1-, II r ,. .. ,.t l-11<> Tl,i-.f T City/State/Zip: Poe,1,..,. 'J..11, 01,·u,<. JJC.: ).Y3L-5: 5.f-ol-e E-mail: an !,r../01.y,; (tJ'"Jj '/;!Jf 1na, I, c .. m Phone: 919. 'f:f~ -41.)·:J. Name: {/e ... d r:1-11 l/r.1-11 vi Oa,1-/,,//;-//.H:s.. PTO 1'11.f't 5·t, Address : b1 ffa,..j'-"etDohf(As· !Ut/¥1, JJ~a- City/State/zip: Pt,~· u, 1.? I O /,' k , , .• /V.:. .1.J'.:: 3 bf- E-mail: ."l'.b h d d "-'i /q ~~-4· 7 ,rn,·il,l.;m Phone : (J/'l-4 ':f'I'-'tis·J.. Fax: ,J,4' -'t'iz . ~I .r,-;;... Fax : S't 1 -lf.'l'"i · 'f:1.\7: ' Property Description PIN(s): '1GS· t,~; fb 10,0 0c Address/SR No.: Ot,k .~ £d . 5 t< /) u .;- Acreage: Acres Directions from Lillington : 7e=.-/tt;.. .Jl Ir L, 11,,,,,·/:1.,., !" I{""'! Y-7, t:.1,e ,..,i1,t:, 7·t ~Fu1 't. J·h1.:1L,'ild ,,11M1 1.iU/i<"'-, i:w-11 Le.ff,,{; '-q·t,'t-, ;1n1JC/'-67.ta'1~11/)f're10,'t Pro,111.1c,-67 .. ,Let/, Deed Book : Plat Book : Existing Zoning: D Conservation 0 RA -20M ~ RA-20R 0 RA -30 0 RA-40 D Commercial D Light Industrial D Industrial D Office & Inst'I Attachments Page : 1;~-3/b Page: J. 7/ Requested Zoning: D Conservation 0 RA-20M 0 RA-20R 0 RA-30 0 RA-40 ~ Commercial D Light Industrial D Ind ustrial D Office & Inst'I Township: D (01) Anderson Creek D (02) Averasboro fi] (03) Barbecue ,,,....l 0 (04) Black River D (05) Buckhorn D (06) Duke • Written description of property from recorded deed 0 (07 ) Grove D (08) Hectors Creek [R] (09) Johnsonville D ( 10) Lillington D ( 11) Neill's Creek D (12) Stewart's Creek D ( 13) Upper Little Ri ver • Recorded map of property at scale of not less than one (1) inch = 200 feet • Explanation of why the zoning change is requested, addressing applicable portions of Article XIV of the Zoning Ordinance In 01--dc1-Tc aL.(cJ M, rdJ,'t:,i:11 c/ '+O'/...l•u tc /1 ''-e""ql bi-1,IJ1f1 7 Signatures The undersigned applicant hereby certifies that, to the hest of h is or her knowledge and belief, all information supplied with this application is true an.d. accurate: /JM[j,/y/--. J(a !1 {)~ {}u/,/1_1o -LLvlf ~ t1 'JJ~ . · · (&/41u11.-/,LI,/· ft-_ _ J Propetty Owner Si ature Date Authorized Agent Signature Date Page 1 of 2 APPLICATION FOR ZONING CHANGE 101716a HC BOC Page 99 HARNED COU~JTY TAX ID# old-. oq 4~ ~ ()O(Z I 4/;z/t& BY m T • NON FOR REGISTRATIO N Ki mber l y S . Harg r o ve REGISTER OF DEED S Ha rnett County~ NC 2016 SEP 12 01 :0~:06 PM BK:3437 PG :315-316 FEE :$26 .00 INSTRUMENT~ 2016013043 TUE S TER I ~ Iii UI M ii 1111 2016013043 NORTH CAROLINA ~ WARRANTY DEED Excise Tax: Parcel ldemifier No. ______ _ Verified by ______ County on the __ day of _______ , 20_ By ___________ ~ Mail/Box to: Western Harnett 0.1P.rhills Area Pro Thrift Store, PO Box 271, Ol ivia ,NC 28368 This instmment was prepared by: Margaret H. I:X:mg l as -Altman Bricfdcscnpt1on for the Index · Parcel D 3793 Olivia Rd., Sanford , NC 27332 THIS DEED made this __ _.,,,1""0..,,th,.....__~--------day of September , 20!§_, by and between GRANTOR MARGARET H. OOUGLAS -AL'IMAN,Trustee for the Wesley A. D:)uglas and Margaret H. D:mglas Revocable Living Trust PO Box 36 Olivia, NC 28368 GR.ANTEE WESTERN HARNETT OVERHII.JS AREA P'TO THRIFT S'IDRE, INC. P. 0. Box 27) Sanford, NC 27332 l:.nter m appropriate block for each pan ;: name, address, and, if appropriate, character of entity, e.g. corporation or partnership The designation Grantor and Grantee as 1sed herein shall include said panies, their heirs, successors, and assigns, and shall include singular, plural, masculine, feminine or ,1e u1er as required by context. W!TNESSETH, that the Grantor, for a v,duable consideration paid by the Grantee, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has and by these presents does grant, bargain, se ll and convey unto the Grantee in fee simple, all that certain lot or parcel of land situated in the City of , Johnsonville/BarbecueTownsh1p, Harnett County, North Caro lina and more particularly de,cribed as follows: Being all of Parcel D as shown on nap prepared by Melvin A . Graham, PIS for "Ives~ 1 L Harnett Overhills Area P'ID Thrift Store" dated August 31, 2016 and recorded in -P-!a¥'P-:tr ~inot "2o l Co , Slide 2 l I , Harnett County Registry and being a ~rtion of the Wesley A. Ibuglas Trustee Property recorded in Deed Book 2015, Page 681, Harnett County Registry The property heremabove described was acquired by Grantor by instrument recorded in Book2015 page 681 ----------- A map showing the above described pro ,erty 1s recorded in Plat Book ______ page ____ _ NC Bar Association Form No. 3 © 1976 Revised© 1977 , 2002 Printed by Agreement with the NC Bar ,\ssociation . 1981 + James Williams & Co., Inc . www.JamesWilliams corn 101716a HC BOC Page 100 / SI;[ HOT TO SCALE VICINITY MAP NORTH BY MAP• 200e 72~ B 2 0 1 1 - P 2 7 t N 0 1 E D A l E H O l E : f f / W ~ O l O R A I . R O A O 1 0 0 ' B Y S O M £ 0 £ £ 0 S A N D 9 0 · B Y O l l i E R S . C O U i i ! ( I U M H Q o • T N C I C O R N ( R S f O U H O O N 1 0 0 & 9 0 ' R , w · , H w w • 1 · 1 I I t ' . . l l ' a t ' O S " ( ) . ) l " I J f 1 1 - 0 , ' ~ · t H 4 6 N N " 4 1 ' 4 . J • t 1 : , , 0 0 ' J O H N S O N V U E I O ' N t l S H P W E S T O f C / L O L D R A L R O A D B A R B E C U E T O W N S H I P E A S T O F C / L O L D R A L R O A O OLIV I A R O A D S . R , 1 2 0 5 60' R / W ( P A V E D R O A D ) c P f u . . . . . . - ~ P I N . . . . , . , . c : : , . , ; : . · 1 0 \ c , ( : , ~ [IP N W ~ h• , · I I DO..O..U T I I I U S T 1 I LOT I I I MAP A 2( ) 0 8 - 2 0 0 I I I I .---- - - - - - , P A R C E L D I 0 , 8 9 5 s q , 1 1 . ( 0 . 2 ! : > A C . ) § S r J A N S . W I . R N £ R o . e . 9 1 • . P G . 9 1 6 6 0 0 6 0 1 2 0 1 8 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I - - 1 . . 3 G R A l ' H l C S C A L E - f ( E T \ ~ i i r I t = - · - C ' C M : l l n t W O f ( l . l & ( H " I M 1 H a M S S c » . , _ . . , , c - - - = - ~ J A M E S M . C A M E R O N o . e . 1 1 6 4 , P G . 6 0 6 H R A C l 2 1 S E A I I E L L - R O S S E R R O A D S . R . 2 0 7 6 0 ' R / W ( P A V ! ' O R O A D ) N 0 1 E S : C ( R T I F I C U £ ~ C > l l n t E A S H I P , D E O I C U I O N A N O . i U A l 5 D t C T I O N & . ' n J ~ ~ c ~ , h 1 ~ c ~ r g . 1 A i ~ " i H ~ M J ; c o ~ ~ , : r i ~ [ ~ S ) A I I D T H A T I ( ' O ( ) H ~ R [ B Y A Q O , T T H I S P L A N O I S U I O I V I S I O H W I T r i l l i ( Y t O U , t ) f R E C C O N S ( N t , [ $ 1 A 8 L 1 S H T H E W I N I K I M B U I L O I H O S £ T t C ( ~ l • f S , I . H O 0 € 0 1 C , ! ~ A l . \ S T R C H l ( A L l f Y S ~ = \ : f t ; A f l ~ S , - S D H g f ~ a ~ : ~ i c i A H ~ E ~ ~ ~ M i i ~ ~ n l ~ c 8 : ! I S W I T H I N ~ H ( S O B D I \ I I S I O N - - ~ ~ U l . A T I O H J U R I S D I C T I O N O f H A R N E T T C O U N f Y ( X C E P l : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 ~ ~ = O M I E R P A R C E L D C O N S I S T O F A P O R T I O N O F T H £ W E S L E Y A . D O U G L A S T R U S T E E P R O P E R T Y A S R E C O R D E D I N 0 . 8 . 2 0 1 : i , P G . 6 8 1 ( P A q C E L 9 ) H A R N E T I C O U N T Y R E G I S T R Y . P A R C ( l D T O B E C O M B I N E D W I T H P A R C E L S A 8 C A N O N O T T O B E U S E D A S A S E P A R A T E B U i i . D i N G L O T . P R O P E R T Y Z O N E D R A - 2 0 R P R O P E R T Y ~ O T I N A W A T E R S H E D C O U N T Y W A T E R 8 C O U ~ T Y S E W E R r M c t : u 4 6 C r e • e n . t o r . o a , , , ~ • . , . . _ u , . . , 1 u . o o o ' l f » l ~ 4 P I O R 0 9 9 : i 6 8 0 0 ( , B A l l A S P h A l T t l O T L O C A T E D P I N R 9 5 6 8 - 6 ~ - 5 6 1 0 . 0 0 0 A R E A I N Q / N • 0 . 0 4 A C . + / R E I D • 0 0 0 9 3 2 b A l l A R E A S B Y C O O R D I N A T E M E T H O D n o , P f ! C P ( l l l . • • O T ' " , . l l ' l C I M . r l O O D H A U J I D W A A C , 0 . 0 1 f l i T O t O M I I N I • B A R B E C U E J O H N S O N V L L E H A R N E T T N C ~ I l l . M U ) f I O l k t O O C O f n t t r t o t ~ l I I C A G t f ' t ( . Y I I W , I A G ( . . . 1 1 1 1 & O ! I I I C Y . t r f . O A U · O C J O l ( J I l , t o 0 e - h t u u L , . . _ ~ , . . . , . . J " ¥ " f l l ~ 1 + o a , • M " - 5 t : ° . . . , • ~ · L Q . 1 . e " ' · . : ~ . · - ; ; ~ - e , ~ _ , ~ - t w a - J e . ; i I A ' W · I Y ' l : A t , C I I W E S 1 C R N H A R N E T I C V i M H L l ~ - A R E A P l O T H R I F T S T O R E P . O . B O X 2 7 1 O l l W . . N C 2 8 3 6 8 0 1 1 o 1 C 1 1 t w r : a n A . D O U O t . M n w . s n c , . a . I O I ( l e Q . M . t . . N C H . ) 6 , 1 3 6 7 9 N I C H O . . S O N R O I O C - ' J , U t O N . N C U l t & P H < » t ( ( ! ) 1 0 ) 4 ' 1 9 - 6 1 7 4 O A T ( 0 8 / 3 1 / 2 0 1 6 1 ' • 6 0 ' , ' 1 ' 0 . , C i : t ; 8 6 1 6 , c w · - , - , ~ 1 0 1 7 1 6 a H C B O C P a g e 1 0 1 Board Meeting Agenda Item Agenda Item q -----=---- MEETING DATE: October 17, 2016 TO: HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: FY 18 Community Transportation Program Application (HARTS) REQUESTED BY : Lawrence Smith, Transportation Manager REQUEST: Hamett Area Rural Transit Sytem (HARTS) requests a public hearing to allow citizens an opportunity to comment on transportation needs and the proposed 5311 Community Transportation Program application, to be submitted to the North Carolina Department of Transportation, Public Transportation Division (NCDOT/PTD) no later than November 4, 2016 . Following the public hearing, HARTS requests the Board of Commissioners to consider and approve the application and resolution to apply for FYI 8 funding. Requires matching funds totaling $65 ,439. Finally, as required by NCDOT/PTD funding, HARTS seeks a Board resolution to apply, enter an angreement with NCDOT and provide the neces sary assurances and required match. Specifically, the Section 5311 program intends to enhance the access of people in non- urbanized areas to health care, shopping, education, employment, public services and recreation. Section 5311 assists in the maintenance, development, improvement and use of public transportation systems in non-urbani zed areas. FINANCE OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION: COUNTY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: C:\Users\pa merson\Desktop\HARTS\BILLING\FY 20 I 7-20 18\agendafonn201 6.doc I of I Page 101716a HC BOC Page 102 PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE This is to inform the public that a public hearing will be held on the proposed Fiscal Year 2018 Community Transportation Program Application to be submitted to the North Carolina Department of Transportation no later than November 4, 2016. The public hearing will be held on October 17, 2016 at 7 :00 pm before the Harnett County Board of Commissioners. Those interested in attending the public hearing and needing either auxiliary aids or services under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) or a language translator should contact Larry Smith on or before October 16, 2016, at telephone number 9108144019 or via email at lsmith@harnett.org. The Community Transportation Program provides assistance to coordinate existing transportation programs operating in Harnett County as well as provides transportation options and services for the communities within this service area. These services are currently provided using demand response and subscription routes. Services are rendered by center-aisle, minivans, and light transit vehicles. The total estimated amount requested for the period July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018 Project Total Amount Local Share Administrative $277,898 $41,686 (15%) Operating (ALL systems; No State $237,530 $23,753 ( 50%) or more Match will be provided for Operating Assistance) TOTAL PROJECT $515,428 $65,439 Total Funding Request Total Local Share This application may be inspected at Harnett Area Rural Transit System (HARTS) Administration Office 250 Alexander Drive , Lillington , NC 27546 from 8:00 AM-4 :00 PM M-F. Written comments should be directed to Mr. Larry Smith_before October 14, 2016. 101716a HC BOC Page 103 FY 2018 CTP Application Submission Checklist New Grantee/Sub-recipient D I I Click in box at right and select Applicant Name: Scanned e-copy w/ signatures E-Copy in other format required-· ITEM as indicated be low must be attach in online (Please submit your documents in the following order) attached in online Grants Grants Module Due Date Module when application is submitted when application is submitted FEDERAL/ STATE REQUIRED DOCUMENTS Authorizing Resolution D (Community Transoortation or Human Services) Yes , with original signatures ' No 11/4/2016 Federal/State Certifications & Assurances D Certifications & Assurances Yes, with original signatures' No D Aoolicant & Attomev Affirmations Yes, with original signatures' No 11/4/2016 D Certifications & Restrictions on Lobbvina Yes, with original signatures' No 11/4/2016 D Certification of Eauivalent Service Yes, with original signatures' No 11/4/20 16 D Special Section 5333(b) Warrantv Yes, with original signatures' No 11/4/2016 D Title VI ProQram Report Yes, with origina l signature No 11/4/2016 D Eaual Employment Opportunitv /if aoolicablel Yes, with original signature No 11/4/2016 D DBE Good Faith Efforts Certification Yes, with original signature No 11/4/2016 D DBE/MBE/WBE/HUB Anticioated Vendor Awards Yes , with original signature No 11 /4/2016 DOCUMENTATION OF PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT D Coov of Publ ic Hearina Notice I oublished in newsoaoer( s)) Yes No D Affidavit of Public Hearina Notice Publ ication loriainal) Yes , w ith original signature' No 11 /4/20 16 D Public Hearina Record Yes , with original signature' No 11/4/2016 D Public Hea ri no Outreach Yes No 11/4/2016 D Voluntarv Title VI Publ ic Involvement Survevs (if completed) Yes No 11/4/2016 D Local Share Certification for Fundina Yes, with original signature No 11/4/2016 D Surface Transportation Providers No Yes (Word Doc) 11/4/2016 D Transoortation Advlsorv Board Composition No Yes (Excel) 11 /4/2016 D GovernlnQ Board or TAB Conflict of Interest Forms Yes, with original signature No 11 /4/2016 D SYSTEM DESCRIPTION No Yes (Excel) 11/4/2016 BUDGETS D Administative Budoet No--enter directly online No 11/4/2016 D Ooeratino Budaet /if aoolicablel No--enter directly online No 11/4/2016 D MISCELLANEOUS D PTO Funded Administrative Job Descriotions /If new or revised) Yes No 11/4/2016 D If operating a deviated fixed route , provide proof of promotional Yes No material /if aoolicable) 11 /4/2016 D Vehicle Insurance Certification Yes No 11/4/2016 D Insura nce Auto Schedule (not PTMSI Yes No 11/4/2016 D Retail Estimatefs) or Prooosal(s) Yes No 11 /4/20 16 D Copy of Contracl with Third Partv Provider (if aoolicable) Yes No 11/4/2016 RENTAL OR LEASE AGREEMENTS D Vehicle Leases with other transit systems or human service agencies Yes , copy of signed original(s) No (if aoolicable \ 11 /4/2016 D Rental Aareement for Administrative buildina or office (PTO funded) Yes , copy of signed original(s) No 11 /4/2016 D Software Leases (PTO funded) initial contract Yes , copy of signed original(s) No 11/4/2016 D * PROJECT FUNDING REQUEST FORM/SI Yes No 11 /4/2016 0 5311 DESIGNEE CERTIFICATION Yes No 11 /4/2016 D CTP APPLICATION SUBMISSION CHECKLIST Yes No 11 /4/2016 'Ensure seal is visable for sealed doc uments. Contact your Mobility Development Specialist If you have questions or need assistance. 101716a HC BOC Page 104 ,~ FY 2018 CTP Application Submission Checklist New Grantee/Sub-reci p ient D I I C lick in box at right and select Applicant Name : Harnett County Scanned e-copy w/ signatures E-Copy in other format required-· ITEM as indicated below must be attach in online (Please submit your documents in the following order) attached in online Grants Grants Module Due Date Module when application is when application submitted is submitted FEDERAL/ STATE REQUIRED DOCUMENTS Authorizing Resolution D (Community Transportation or Human Services\ Yes, with original signatures' No 11/4 /2 016 Federal/State Certifications & Assurances D Certifications & Assurances Yes, with original signatures' No D Aoolicant & Attomev Affirmatio ns Yes, with original signatures' No 11/4/2016 D Certifications & Restrictions on Lobbvina Yes. with original sig natures' No 11/4/2016 D Certification of Eauivalent Service Yes. with original signatures' No 11 /4/2016 D Soecial Section 5333/bl Warrantv Yes, with original signatures ' No 11/4/2016 D Title VI Proaram Reoort Yes. with original signature N o 11/4/2016 D Eaual Emolovment Onnortunitv /if annllcablel Yes. with original signature N o 11/4/2016 D DBE Good Faith Efforts Certification Yes, with original signature No 11 /4/2016 D OBE/MBE/WBE/HUB Anticioated Vendor Awards Yes. with original signature No 11 /4/2016 DOCUMENTATION OF PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT D Copy of Public Hearina Notice /published in newspaoer/sll Yes N o D Affidavit of Publ ic Hearina Notice Publication lorioinall Yes, with original signature' N o 11/4/2016 D Public Hearina Record Yes. with origin al signature' No 11 /4/2016 D Public Hearina Outreach Yes No 11 /4/2016 D Voluntary Title VI Public Involvement Survevs /if completed ) Yes No 11/4/2016 D Local Share Certification for Fundina Yes, with orig inal signatu re No 11/4/2016 D Surface Transportation Providers No Yes (Word D oc) 1 1/4/2016 D Transportation Advisorv Board Comnosltlon No Yes (Excel) 1 1/4 /2016 D GoveminQ Board or TAB Conflict of Interest Forms Yes , with original si gnature No 11/4/2016 D SYSTEM DESCRIPTION No Yes (Excel) 11/4/2016 BUDGETS D Admi nistative Budaet No--enter directly online No 11 /4/2016 D Qperatino Budaet (if applicable) No--enter d irectly online No 11 /4/2016 D MISCELLANEOUS D PTO Funded Administrative Job Descriotions (If new or revised) Yes No 11/4/2016 D If operating a deviated fixed route, provide proof of promotional Yes No material (if aoolicablel 11/4/2016 D Vehicle Insurance Certification Yes No 11 /4 /201 6 D Insurance Auto Schedule (not PTMS\ Yes No 11/4/2016 D Retail Estimate(sl or Prooosalls\ Yes No 11/4/2016 D Copy of Contract with Third Partv Provider /if aoolicable l Yes No 11 /4/2016 RENTAL OR LEASE AGREEMENTS D Ve hicle Leases with other transit systems or human service ag encies Yes, copy of signed original(s) N o /if aoolicable l 11 /4/2016 D Rental Aqre ement for Ad ministrative buildino or office (PTO funded) Yes, copy of signed original(s) No 11/4/2016 D Software Leases /PTO fun dedl initial contract Yes, copy of signed original(s) No 11/4/2016 D • PROJECT FUNDING REQUEST FORMISl Yes No 11 /4/2016 D 5311 DESIGNEE CERTIFICATION Yes No 11 /4/20 16 D CTP APPLICATION SUBMISSION CHECKLIST Yes N o 1 1/4/2016 'Ensure seal i s visabl e for seal ed documents. Contact your Mobility Development Specialist if you have questions or need assistance. 101716a HC BOC Page 105 COMMUNITY TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM RESOLUTION Section 5311 FY 2018 RESOLUTION Applicant seeking permission to apply for Community Transportation Program funding, enter into agreement with the North Carolina Department of Transportation , provide the necessary assurances and the required local match . A motion was made by (Board Member's Name )--------------and seconded by (Board Member's Name or NIA, if not required) for the adoption of the following resolution, and upon being put to a vote was duly adopted . WHEREAS, Article 28 of Chapter 136 of the North Carolina General Statutes and the Governor of North Carolina have designated the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) as the agency responsible for administering federal and state public transportation funds ; and WHEREAS, the North Carolina Department of Transportation will apply for a grant from the US Department of Transportation, Federal Transit Administration and receives funds from the North Carolina General Assembly to provide assistance for rural public transportation projects; and WHEREAS , the purpose of these transportation funds is to provide grant monies to local agencies for the provision of rural public transportation services consistent with the policy requirements for planning, community . and agency involvement, service design, service alternatives, training and conference participation, reporting and other requirements (drug and alcohol testing policy and program, disadvantaged business enterprise program , and fully allocated costs analysis); and WHEREAS , County of Harnett hereby assures and certifies that it will provide the required local matching funds ; that its staff has the technical capacity to implement and manage the project, prepare required reports , obtain required tra ining , attend meetings and conferences; and agrees to com ply with the federal and state statutes, regulations , executive orders , Section 5333 (b) Warranty, and all administrative requ irements related to the applications made to and grants received from the Federal Transit Adm inistration , as well as the provisions of Section 1001 of Title 18, U . S. C . · NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the Chairman of Harnett County Board of Commissioners is hereby authorized to submit a grant application for federa l and state funding, make the necessary assurances and certifications and be empowered to enter into an agreement with the NCDOT to provide rural public transportation services. Margaret Regina Wheeler Clerk to the Board of Commissioners do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy of an excerpt from the minutes of a meeting of the Harnett County Board of Commissioners duly h~lq 011 th e ____ day of , 2016 . -: : : : > :, :, '.-:s: en Signature of Certifying Officia l ........ . . . . m-:D C) mz *Note that the authorized official, certifying official, and notary public should be three separate individuals. Sea/ Subscribed and sworn to me (date ) ______ _ i Affix Notary Se al Heu l : : ~ ~ ~ ~ : : ~ l : : : : : : ~ 1 : : : : ~ 1 1 : : : ................................................................................................. , Notary Public * Printe d Name and A ddre ss My commission e xpires (date ) ----------- 101716a HC BOC Page 106 FISCAL YEAR 2018 Federal {FTA) and State (NCDOT) Certifications and Assurances for Public Transportation Programs will be distributed upon receipt of federal documents from the FTA. Documents Include: • Certifications and Assurances • Applicant and Attorney Affirmations • Certifications and Restrictions on Lobbying • Certification of Equivalent Service • Special Section 5333{b) Warranty 101716a HC BOC Page 107 z C, C ! a l U) I w re w :: c SE C T I O N 53 1 1 , 53 1 0 or Co n s o l i d a t e d Ca p i t a l Ca l l fo r Pr o e i c t s TI T L E VI PR O G R A M REPORT Le g a l Na m e of Ap p l i c a n t : ~ u , J l j ~# - ~ (C o m p l e t e ei t h e r Pa r t A o r Pa r t B) Pa r t A - No co m p l a i n t s o r La w s u i t s Fi l e d I ce r t i f y th a t to th e be s t of my kn o w l e d g e , No co m p l a i n t s or la w s u i t s al l e g i n g di s c r i m i n a t i o n ha v e be e n fi l e d ag a i n s t Ha r n e t t Ar e a Ru r a l Tr a n s i t Sy s t e m CH A R T S ) du r i n g th e pe r i o d Ju l y 1, 20 1 5 th r o u g h Ju n e 30 , 20 1 6 . Si g n a t u r e of Au t h o r i z e d Of f i c i a l Da t e Ji m B u r g i n , Ch a i r m a n Ha r n e t t Co u n t y Bo a r d of Co m m i s s i o n e r s Ty p e Na m e an d Ti t l e of Au t h o r i z e d Of f i c i a l Pa r t B - Co m p l a i n t s or La w s u i t s Fi l e d I ce r t i f y th a t to th e be s t of my kn o w l e d g e , th e be l o w de s c r i b e d co m p l a i n t s or la w s u i t s al l e g i n g di s c r i mi n a t i on ha v e be e n fi l e d aga i nst __ Transit Sy s t e m Na m e ) du r i n g th e pe r i o d Ju l y 1 , 20 1 5 th r o u g h Ju n e 30 , 20 1 6 . Co m p l a i n a n t Na m e / Ad d r e s s r r el e p h o n e Da t e De s c r i p t i o n Status/Outcome Nu m b e r .. . . . .. . .. . . (1 ,f t • • h · ~ na l pa g e if re q u i r e d . ) . . . . Si g ; n ~ ~ r . e Of . Aµ .. . . - . - . ~ . ~ . ~ . Ty p e Na m e an d Ti t l e o f Au t h o r i z e d Of f i c i a l Pa r t C - Ti t l e VI Pl a n Do yo u cu r r e n t l y ha v e a Ti t l e VI Pl a n : Em b e d d e d wi t h HA R T S SS P Da t e of la s t pl a n up d a t e : Au g u s t 20 1 4 101716a HC BOC Page 108 EEO QUESTIONNAIRE Threshold Requirements: Any applicant, recipient, or sub-recipient is required to comply with program requirements in Chapter Ill if it meets the following thresholds: a. Employees SO or more transit-related employees*; and b. Requests or receives capital or operating assistance under Sections 3, 4(i), or 9 of the FTA; assistance under 23 U.S.C. 142(a)(2) or 23 U.S.C. 103(e)(4), or any combination thereof, in excess of $1 million in the previous Federal fiscal year; or c. Request and receives planning assistance under Sections 8 and/or 9 in excess of $250,000 in the previous Federal fiscal year. Name of Organization:---------------------------- State DOT ----____ MPO __ X_ Transit Agency ___ City TrAMS ID :-------(if applicable) 1 . How many employees do you have in your organization? _____ 39 ___ _ 2. How many of those employees are *transit related? ____ 39 ____ _ *A transit related employee is an employee of an FTA applicant, recipient, or subrecipient who is involved in an aspect of an agency's mass transit operation funded by FTA. For example, a city planner involved in a planning bus routes would be counted as part of the recipient's work force, but a city planner involved in land use would not be counted. 3 . How much did your organization receive in capital or operating assistance the previous fiscal year? 4 . How much did your organization receive in planning assi stance the previous fiscal year? _______ o ____ _ 5 . Does your agency submit an EEO Program? ___ Yes ~x __ No If yes, what is the date of your last submission ?--------- 6 . Do you contract out any of your transit services ? ___ Yes _x __ No If no, skip to question 7 . If yes, a. What is the name of agency (s)? __________________ _ b. How much does the agency receive in capital or operating assistance ? _____ _ c. How much does the agency receive in planning assistance? _________ _ d . How many transit employees does the agency have ? ___________ _ e . Does the agency submit an EEO Program to you? ___ Yes ___ _ No Pag e 1 of 2 101716a HC BOC Page 109 If yes, what is the date of their last EEO submi ssion? ___________ _ 7 . What is the date of your last Triennial Review (If applicable)? 03/22/16 ________ _ a. Were there any deficiencies? _X_ Yes ___ No If yes , in what area(s) Vehicle Maintenance, records,policies, ___________________ _ b. Are any of the deficiencies still open ___ Yes _X __ No If yes, in what area(s)? _____________________ _ 8 . What is the date of your last State Management review (If Applicable)? ___ NIA _____ _ a. Were there any deficiencies? ___ Yes No --- If yes, in what area(s) ------------------------ b. Are any of the deficiencies still open ___ Yes ___ No If yes, in what area(s)? ________ N/A. ________________ _ 9. Ha s your agency participated in an EEO compliance review? ______ NIA ______ _ If yes, a. Were there any deficiencies? ___ Yes ___ No If yes, in what area(s) ________________________ _ b. Are any of the deficiencies still open ___ Yes ___ No If yes , in what area(s)? ___________ N/A ____________ _ I declare (or certify, verify, or state) that the foregoing is true and correct . Signature £7 ~ Date l <J/7 j/? Title /r4.n S i-1 S ervi~{' f"'. G,r)r., r --r Page 2 of 2 101716a HC BOC Page 110 DBE GOOD F AITB EFFORTS CERTIFICATION This is to certify that in all purchase and contract selections County of Barnett_ is committed to and shall make good faith efforts to purchase from and award contracts to Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBEs). DBE good faith efforts will include the following items that are indicated by check mark(s) or narrative: Required Check all Description byPTD that apply * D Write a letter/email to Certified DBEs in the service area to inform them of purchase or contract opportunities; * ~ Document telephone calls, emails and correspondence with or on behalf of DBEs; D Advertise purchase and contract opportunities on local TV Community Cable Network: * ~ Request purchase/contract price quotes/bids from DBEs; ~ Monitor newspapers for new businesses that are DBE eligible Encourage interested eligible firms to become NCDOT certified. Interested * ~ firms should refer to htt1r //www.ncdot.gov/business/ocs/dbe/#FAQ 10 or contact the office of contractual services at (919) 707-4800 for more information * ~ Encourage interested firms to contact the Office of Historically Underutilized Businesses at (919) 807-2330 for more information Consult NCDOT Certified DBE Directory. A DBE company will be listed in * ~ the DBE Directory for each work type or area of specialization that it performs. You may obtain a copy of this directory at httn://nartner.ncdot.r!Ov/V endorDirectorv/default.html D Other efforts: Describe: D Other efforts: Describe: You may obtain a copy of the USDOT Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program Title 49 Part 26 at http://ecfr.gpoacces s.gov/cgi/t/text/text-idx?c=ecfr&tpl=%2Findex.tpl Reminder: Documentation of all good faith efforts shall be retained for a period of five (5) years following the end of the fiscal year. I certify that, to the best ofmy knowledge, the above information describes the DBE good faitr.fi:.ort., : :. :. : .. Signature of Authorized Official Date ~ Jim Burgin, Chairman, Hamett County Board of Commissioners Type Name and Title of Authorized Official ....... . . . . . . . :c ~ m- :D '1 mz 101716a HC BOC Page 111 N O R T H C A R O L I N A D E P A R T M E N T O F T R A N S P O R T A T I O N P U B L I C T R A N S P O R T A T I O N D I V I S I O N DB E / M B E / W B E / H U B AN T I C I P A T E D VE N D O R AW AR D S in FY 2 0 1 8 AP P L I C A N T ' S NA M E : Co un t y o f Ha r n e t t PE R I O D COVERED MA I L I N G AD D R E S S : PO Bo x 75 9, Li l l i n _g_ to n N C 27 5 46 Fr o m : Jul y 1 , 2017 VE N D O R NU M B E R : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - To : J une 30, 2 0 1 8 We ex p e c t to ut i l i z e th e fo l l o w i n g li s t o f DB E / M B E / W B E / H U B Ve n d o r s in FY 2 0 1 8 : DB E / M B E / W B E / H U B Ma i l i n g Ad d r e s s ID # fr o m De s c r i b e Se r v i c e / It e m to be Anticipated Ve n d o r / Su b c o n t r a c t o r 's Na m e Ci t y , St a t e , Zi p NC D O T We b s i t e Pu r c h a s e d Expenditure ($) TOTAL . . . . [] :: ~h e · 6~ e ii ~ t i n c lu d e s th e DB E / M B E /W B E / H U B V e nd o r s th e ap p l i c an t ex p ec t s t o ut i l i z e i n F Y2 01 8. ~ I X · 0 f b ·~ a p~ ,:: · · :do es NO T ex p e c t to ut i l i z e an y DB E / M B E / W B E / H U B V en d o r s in F Y2 0 1 8. - Il l en :c Si g n a t u r e o f Au t h o r i z e d Of f i c i a l Da t e 101716a HC BOC Page 112 Important-A public hearing MUST be conducted whether or not requested by the Public. PUBLIC HEARING RECORD APPLICANT: County of Harnett DATE: October 17, 2016 PLACE: Harnett County Administration Building @102E . Front Street, Lillington NC TIME: 7:00 PM How many BOARD MEMBERS attended the public hearing? How many members of the PUBLIC attended the public hearing? Public Attendance Surveys D (Attached) D (Offered at Public Hearing but none completed) I , the undersigned, representing (Legal Name of Applicant) County of Harnett do hereby certify to the North Carolina Department of Transportation , that a Public Hearing was held as indicated above and During the Public Hearing D (NO public comments) D (Public Comments were made and meeting minutes will be submitted after board approval) The estimated date for board approval of meeting minutes is: ________ --,--,..-----:...--'-- Signature or Clerk to the Board Margaret Reg ina Wheeler Printed Name and Title Aff,x S eal He,: .. . . ... : •• ? '••••••••••••••ooo,,uooouoooouooo•••••••U .. .,,.,,,,,o••••••••••••••••••••••H•••••••o ooo ,,,o• 101716a HC BOC Page 113 PUBLIC HEARING OUTREACH APPLICANT: County of Harnett Provide a detailed description of public hearing outreach efforts by the applicant to inform the public ESPECIALLY MINORITY, WOMEN , ELDERLY, DISABLED, LIMITED ENGLISH PROFICIENCY-(LEP) AND LOW INCOME INDIVIDUALS about the scheduled public hearing and the opportunity to comment on the proposed Community Transportation grant application. Outreach may include efforts such as distribution of information on vehicles, at human service agencies, at local community events. at public events , local organization, etc. Click on gray box and beg i n typing the detailed description . Public Hearing Notice was published in the Dunn Daily Record, 1 O days prior to the Public Hearing . All local government Human Services organizations were contacted and information distributed. Transportation Advisory Board members were notified of public hearing date and place . Public Hearing was posted on Harnett website, www.harnett.org 101716a HC BOC Page 114 LOCAL SHARE CERTIFICATION FOR FUNDING Requested Funding Amounts Project Administrative County of Harnett (Legal Name of Applicant) Total Amount Operating (ALL systems; No State Match will be provided for operating assistance) $277,898 $237,530 TOTAL $512,428 Total Funding Requests The Local Share is available from the following sources: Source of Funds General Funds TOTAL Amount $65,439 $ __ $ $ $ __ Local Share $41,686 (15%) $23,753 {50% or more) $65,439 Total Local Share ** Fare box revenue is not an applicable source for local share funding I, the undersigned representing County of Harnett do hereby certify to the North Carolina Department of Transportation, that the required local funds for the FY2018 Community Transportation Program will be available as of July 1, 2017, which has a period of performance of July 1, 2017 -June 30, 2018. Signature of Authorized Official Jim Burgin, Chairman Harnett County Board of Commissioners Type Name and Title of Authorized Official 10/17/2016 Date . . -..... I I I I 101716a HC BOC Page 115 Pa g e 1 of 2 53 1 1 Tr a n s i t Ad v i s o r y Bo a r d (T A B ) Co m p o s i t i o n Se r v i c e Area Demographics Low Hispanic E l de r l y Mi n o rity D i sab l ed I nco me or Lat ino Ap p l i c a n t : I Ha r n e t t Co u n t y I 15 % 29 % 20% 15% 6% Nu m b e r o f Pr o j e c t e d TA B Me e t i n g s fo r FY 2 0 1 8 : 0 20 0 0 Ce n s u s da t a us e d fo r D is a bl e d Ca l c u l a t i o n s 20 0 5 - 2 0 0 9 AC S Es t i ma t e s us e d fo r El d e r l y & Lo w In c o m e Calculations Nu m b e r of TA B Me e t i n g s he l d in FY 2 0 1 7 as of : I 11 1 9 1 2 0 1 6 I I 1 20 10 Ce n s u s da t a us e d fo r Mi n o r i t y & Or i g i n Ca l c u l a t ions Th i s pe r s o n knows the Wh a t be s t de s c r i b e s th e ro l e or po s i t i o n of th i s bo a r d me m b e r in th e co m m u n i t y ? tr a n s p o r t a t i o n needs of Board Service th i s gr o u p or groups . Se l e c t on l y on e de s c r i p t i o n pe r bo a r d me m b e r C he c k as ma n y as app ly Curr ent Term Sta t us u ·c TA B Me m b e r ' s Na m e n, C Q. ~ n, Ul u Ul .!!.! en "O "O Hu m a n Se r v i c e or Tr a n s p o r t a t i o n :a :f di C ... G> "5, G> i! Bu s i n e s s Gv m t o r Gv m t Af f i l i a t e Tr a n s i t Us e r :: : , ... E w 0 No n - P r o f i t Ag e n c y Pr o v i d e r C e "O G> D. 0 w 0 e "O ~ u .'! "O U) °E > , G> "O .5 G> {!!. C G> Ul "l : :a ·;: G> I-·--... G> 0 -... ... 0 U n, C G> n, ·e ,: Q. G> :t "O Ul C n, n, G> ii i i5 :i :J 0 ~ :t Q. ai (! ) ..J c( 1/) :II, 1 Ca r l Da v i s Go v e r n m e n t St a f f 0 0 0 D D D 2009 2017 A 6 2 Ba r r y Bl e v i n s Go v e r n m e n t St a f f 0 0 0 0 0 0 201 3 2017 A 4 3 Li s a Gu y Go v e r n m e n t St a f f 0 0 0 0 0 0 2007 2017 A 8 4 Jo h n Ro u s e Go v er n m e n t St a f f 0 0 0 D 0 0 2 0 04 2017 A 1 2 5 Jo h n Fi n g e r D 0 0 0 0 0 2005 2017 A 1 1 .5 6 Pa t r i c k Fi t z g e r a l d G ov e r n m en t St a f f 0 0 D 0 D 0 2013 2017 A 4 7 Va l e r i e Gi l c h r i s t Ot h e r 0 0 0 0 0 0 2015 2017 A 1 8 Ma r k Lo c k l e a r 0 0 0 D D D 2016 2017 A 0.5 9 Jo t o n i a Mc L e a n 0 D 0 D D 0 2015 2017 A 1 10 Ji m m y Ri d d l e Go v e r n m e n t St a f f 0 0 0 D D 0 2016 2017 A 0 .5 11 Ki t t r a n e Sa n d e r s Em p l oy m e n t Se c u r i t y 0 D D 0 D 0 2014 2017 A 2 12 Ma r y Ja n e Sa u l s Go v er n m e n t St a f f 0 0 0 D D 0 2002 2017 A 13 13 Go r d o n Sp r i n g l e El e c t e d Of f i c i al 0 0 0 0 0 D 2015 2017 A 1 14 Te r r i St r i c k l a n d Go v e r n m e n t St a f f 0 0 0 0 0 0 1992 2017 A 21 15 Er i c Tr u e s d a l e Go v e r n m e n t St a f f 0 0 0 0 0 0 1998 20 17 A 19 16 D D D D D D 17 D D D D D D 18 D D D D D D 19 D D D D D D 20 D D D D D D 101716a HC BOC Page 116 Harnett Area Rural Transit System (HARTS) Transportation Advisory Board Conflict of Interest Statement In accordance with Hamett County policies and related legislation, no employee, officer, agent, immediate family member, or board member shall participate in the selection, award, or administration of a contract supported by Federal and/or State funds if a conflict of interest, real or apparent, would be involved. Such a conflict would arise when any of the following has a financial or other interest in the firm selected for award: • The employee, officer, agent, or board member, • Any member of his/her immediate family, • His or her partner, or • An organization that employs, or is about to employ, any of the above. Hamett County officers, employees, agents, or Board members will neither solicit nor accept gifts, gratuities, favors, or anything of monetary value from contractors, potential contractors, or parties to sub agreements. The undersigned hereby acknowledge, understand , and agree to abide by this policy. (~e) (Date) 101716a HC BOC Page 117 Harnett Area Rural Transit System (HARTS) Transportation Advisory Board Conflict of Interest Statement In accordance with Hamett County policies and related legislation, no employee, officer, agent, immediate family member, or board member shall participate in the selection, award, or administration of a contract supported by Federal and/or State funds if a conflict of interest, real or apparent, would be involved. Such a conflict would arise when any of the following has a financial or other interest in the fim1 selected for award: • The employee, officer, agent, or board member, • Any member of his/her immediate family, • His or her partner, or • An organization that employs, or is about to employ, any of the above. Harnett County officers, employees, agents, or Board members will neither solicit nor accept gifts, gratuities, favors, or anything of monetary value from contractors, potential contractors, or parties to sub agreements. The undersigned hereby acknowledge, understand, and agree to abide by this policy. (Printed Name) C .~o (Signature) (Date) 101716a HC BOC Page 118 Harnett Area Rural Transit System (HARTS) Transportation Advisory Board Conflict of Interest Statement In accordance with Hamett County policies and related legislation, no employee, officer, agent, immediate family member, or board member shall participate in the selection, award, or administration of a contract supported by Federal and/or State funds if a conflict of interest, real or apparent, would be involved. Such a conflict would arise when any of the following has a financial or other interest in the firm selected for award: • The employee, officer, agent, or board member, • Any member of his/her immediate family, • His or her partner, or • An organization that employs, or is about to employ, any of the above. Hamett County officers, employees, agents, or Board members will neither solicit nor accept gifts, gratuities, favors, or anything of monetary value from contractors, potential contractors, or parties to sub agreements. The undersigned hereby acknowledge, understand, and agree to abide by this poli cy . (Printed N e) (Date) 101716a HC BOC Page 119 Harnett Area Rural Transit System (HARTS) Transportation Advisory Board Conflict of Interest Statement In accordance with Hamett County policies and related legislation, no employee, officer, agent, immediate family member, or board member shall participate in the selection, award, or administration of a contract supported by Federal and/or State funds if a conflict of interest, real or apparent , would be involved. Such a conflict would arise when any of the following has a financial or other interest in the firm selected for award: • The employee, officer, agent, or board member, • Any member of his/her immediate family, • His or her partner, or • An organization that employs, or is about to employ, any of the above. Hamett County officers, employees, agents , or Board members will neither solicit nor accept gifts, gratuities, favors , or anything of monetary value from contractors, potential contractors, or parties to sub agreements. The undersigned hereby acknowledge, understand, and agree to abide by this policy. (Printe ame) (Signatu (Date)/ 1 ' 101716a HC BOC Page 120 Harnett Area Rural Transit System (HARTS) Transportation Advisory Board Conflict of Interest Statement In accordance with Hamett County policies and related legislation, no employee, officer, agent, immediate family member, or board member shall participate in the selection, award, or administration of a contract supported by Federal and /or State funds if a conflict of interest, real or apparent, would be involved. Such a conflict would arise when any of the following has a financial or other interest in the firm selected for award: • The employee, officer, agent, or board member, • Any member of his/her immediate family, • His or her partner, or • An organization that employs, or is about to employ, any of the above. Harnett County officers, employees, agents, or Board members will neither solicit nor accept gifts , gratuities, favors , or anything of monetary value from contractors, potential contractors, or parties to sub agreements. The undersigned hereby acknowledge, understand, and agree to abide by this policy. rinted Nam) ~- 101716a HC BOC Page 121 Harnett Area Rural Transit System (HARTS) Transportation Advisory Board Conflict of Interest Statement In accordance with Hamett County policies and related legislation, no employee, officer, agent, immediate family member, or board member shall participate in the selection, award, or administration of a contract supported by Federal and/or State funds if a conflict of interest, real or apparent, would be involved. Such a conflict would arise when any of the following has a financial or other interest in the firm selected for award: • The employee, officer, agent, or board member, • Any member of his/her immediate family, • His or her partner, or • An organization that employs, or is about to employ, any of the above . Hamett County officers, employees, agents , or Board members will neither solicit nor accept gifts, gratuities, favors, or anything of monetary value from contractors, potential contractors, or parties to sub agreements. The undersigned hereby acknowledge, understand, and agree to abide by this policy. (Printed Name) ) ~ ' ,, (Sig~r zRl /o-27-l5 (Date) 101716a HC BOC Page 122 Harnett Area Rural Transit System (HARTS) Transportation Advisory Board Conflict of Interest Statement In accordance with Hamett County policies and related legislation, no employee, officer, agent, immediate family member, or board member shall participate in the selection, award, or administration of a contract supported by Federal and/or State funds if a conflict of interest, real or apparent, would be involved. Such a conflict would arise when any of the following has a financial or other interest in the firm selected for award: • • • • The employee, officer, agent, or board member, Any member of his/her immediate family, His or her partner, or An organization that employs, or is about to employ, any of the above . Hamett County officers, employees, agents, or Board members will neither solicit nor accept gifts, gratuities, favors , or anything of monetary value from contractors, potential contractors, or parties to sub agreements. The undersigned hereby acknowledge , understand , and agree to abide by this policy. (Printea Name) (Signature) 7 (Pate~ 101716a HC BOC Page 123 Harnett Area Rural Transit System (HARTS) Transportation Advisory Board Conflict of Interest Statement In accordance with Harnett County po]icies and related legis]ation, no employee, officer, agent, immediate family member, or board member sha11 participate in the selection, award, or administration of a contract supported by Federal and/or State funds if a conflict of interest, reaJ or apparent, would be involved. Such a conflict wou]d arise when any of the following has a financial or other interest in the finn se]ected for award: • The employee, officer, agent, or board member, • Any member of his/her immediate family, • His or her partner, or • An organization that emp1oys, or is about to employ, any of the above. Hamett County officers, employees, agents, or Board members will neither solicit nor accept gifts, gratuities, favors, or anything of monetary vaJue from contractors, potentia1 contractors, or parties to sub agreements. The undersigned hereby acknowledge, understand, and agree to abide by this poJicy. (Printed Name) (Signature) (Date) 101716a HC BOC Page 124 Check If New Sub-Recip ient D 1. GENERAL INFORMATION FY2018 COMMUNITY TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM GRANT APPLICATION NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FEDERAL SECTION 5311 & STATE FUNDING TRANSIT SYSTEM DESCRIPTION APPLICANT'S LEGAL NAME: ~IH....;:a"'"rn....;e.:.:tt...:C...:o..:;u;.;.;nt..._y ________________ __, APPLICANT'S CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT: !2 If Incorrect, enter correct primary district: .. I __ __, If Applicant's city is included in more than one district, enter primary disl!ict only MAILING ADDRESS: ""jP....;O;..B;;;.o:...xc..c8...:5'--------------------' PO Box or Sl!eet Address !Lillington, NC 27546 City, State Zip /9-digit zip) PHYSICAL ADDRESS: "!2'""5-"-0_A....;le""x""an""d""e_r .;...D_r -----------------' Sl!eet Address !Lillington , NC 27546 City, State TAXPAYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: i.:IS:..::6...:-6..:;00:::..:0:..::3:.::.06::_ ________________ ....J DOING BUSINESS AS (OBA) NAME : 1.:IH.:.:a::.r:..:;ne:..:t:..:t A.:.:rc:::e.=.a..:..Ro:u.:..:ra::.l...:.T.:..:ra::.n::::si:.:..t:.::.S~ys::.te=m~-----------__...J Normally the l!ansit system name, if different than applicant name APPLICANT DUNS NUMBER : i.:I0..:;9..;.:156=5:::..:98:..::6 _____________ ,__ ___ ....J Unique 9-Digit number issued by Dun & Bradstreet. May be obtained free of charge a t: http://fedgov.dnb.com /webform DUNS NUMBER OF PARENT AGENCY: c:I0..:;9.:.:156=59:::..:B:..::6 __ ,---=-------------....J Required o nly if different than Applicant CONTACT PERSON : L:IL:.::a:..:.rry<...::.Sm:.:.::;:ith:.:.._ _________________ _. PHONE NUMBER: u..!(9::...1...:0,_):;;;.81:...;4'---4'-=0.:.19::..,,.--.,....,.---------------' Area Code & Phone Number FAX NUMBER: !(910)-814-4020 Area Code & Phone Number EMAIL ADDRESS : jlsmith@harnett.org SERVICE AREA'S CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT: !2 If Incorrect, enter correct primary district:!._ __ __, If Servica Area is included in more than one district, enter primary district on y SERVICE AREA: 1.elH.c.:a:;;.rncce:..ctt:...C::.;o::..:u:;;.n"'ty'------------------------------_...J FEDERAL FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE TRANSPARENCY ACT (FFATA): FFA TA mandates the disclosure of the names and to tal compensation of the five most highly compensated officers of an entity if: • The Applicant received 80% or more of its annual gross revenues in the preceding fiscal year from the federal government (all federal sources , not just FTA); and Those revenues were greater than $25M ; and The public does not ha ve access to the information through Securities and Exchange Commission or Internal Revenue Servi ce filings as specified in FFATA. Applicant should select 'Yes " if they are subject to the reporting requirements of FFATA ~----~ and 'No' if they are not subject to Executive Compensation Reporting . > No EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION REPORTING : If "Yes· is selected above , enter the Names and Compensation amounts for the top five officers of the Applicant. 1. --------------------$ Enter full name Total compensation 2. --------------------$ Total compensation Enter full name 3. ------------------- Enter full na me $ Total compensation 4 . --------------------$ Enter full name Total compensat ion 5. ---------------------$ Enter full name Total compensation Page 1 101716a HC BOC Page 125 2. TYPE OF APPLICANT 3. TYPE OF TRANSIT SYSTEM 4. TYPE OF SERVICE -(check all that apply) 0:>emand Response 0subscription 0Deviated Fixed Route 5. SERVICE OPTIONS -(check all that apply) 0General Public OHuman Service Public County Government Single-County 0 Fixed Route 0 Other: (specify below) 0 Brokerage (Contractual service not a referral ) 0 Other: (describe below) 6. PURCHASE SERVICE • List agencies that purchase service from the transit system. Note: List agency ONCE Agency 1 Agency2 Name: Count of Harnett De artment of Social Service Name: Mid-Carolina Council on Aging .; Check if agency purchased service last year 0 Check if agency purchased service last year List Programs Served: List Programs Served: 1) Work First 1) Medical Transport 2) Adult Services 2) General Transportation 3) Medicaid 3) ______________ _ 4) 4) _____________ _ 5) 5) ____________ _ Agency 3 Name: County of Harnett Health Department 0Check if agency purchased service last year List Programs Served: 1) Medical Transportation 2) _____________ _ 3) _____________ _ 4) _____________ _ 5) _____________ _ Agency 5 Name: Joblinks Career Center 0ctieck if agency purchased service last year List Programs Served: 1) Workforce Development 2) _____________ _ 3) _____________ _ 4) _____________ _ 5) _____________ _ Agency 7 Name: Central Carolina Communi Colle e .; Check if agency purchased service last year List Programs Served: 1) Education 2) Comprehensory Program 3) _____________ _ 4) _____________ _ 5) _____________ _ Agency4 Name: Daymarl Recovery Services 0 Check if agency purchased service last year List Prog rams Served: 1) Psycho-Social Program 2) Substance Abuse Program 3) Rehabilitation 4) Medical 5) ______________ _ Agency6 Name: Johnston County Industries 0 Check if agency purchased service last year List Programs Served: 1) Employment 2) Vocational Rehabilitation 3) Workshop 4) _____________ _ 5) ______________ _ Agency8 Name: NC Vocational Rehabilitation 0 Check if agency purchased service l ast year List Programs Served: 1) Vocational Rehabilitation 2) ______________ _ 3) _____________ _ 4) _____________ _ 5) _____________ _ Agency Agency 9 10 Name:_,..-,--,---------,------- O"'c""'h_e_c.,...k""'if'""a_g_e-nc_y_p_u_r_ch_a_s_e_,d-s-erv...,...ic_e..,.la_s_t_ye_a_r_ 0 Check if agency purchased service last year List Programs Served: List Programs Served: 1) 1) _____________ _ 2) 2) _____________ _ 3) 3) _____________ _ 4) 4) _____________ _ 5) 5) _____________ _ 0Check box at left if you serve more than 10 agencies and complete Continuation worksheet. Page 2 101716a HC BOC Page 126 7. REVENUE VEHICLE INVENTORY BY CATEGORY -Important -(If a vehicle has been replaced and the transit system has received the title fro m PTD, the vehicle should not be included in this inventory. Identify vehicles awaiting disposition in 88 below.) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Center Aisle Van Conversion Van Lift-Equipped Van Minivan (no ramp) Minivan (w/ramp) Crossover (4/All-wheel drive ) Transit Bus 8 . FLEET SIZE A. ACTIVE FLEET 24 Total Revenue Vehicles in Fleet O Backup Revenue Vehicles 8 Total Lift-Equipped Vehicles B . INACTIVE FLEET 0 20-Ft LTV (Cutaway) (no lift) 0 20-Ft LTV (Cutaway) (w/lift) 0 22-Ft LTV (Cutaway) (w/lift) 0 25-Ft LTV (Cutaway) (w/lift) 0 28-Ft LTV (Cutaway) (w/lift) 0 Sedan Other: (describe below) 3 Enter number of vehicles awaiting disposition. This includes vehicles for which replacements have been received and titles have been ---received from PTD. It also includes fleet reductions for which titles have been received from PTD. 9 . DAYS AND HOURS OF SERVICE (Check all that apply and enter corresponding service hours): DAYS Beginning Time SERVICE HOURS 0 Seven (7 ) days per week Qr 0Monday-Friday 0Saturday osunday O Holiday 4:00AM 4:00AM 10. SYSTEM MANAGEMENT & OPERATION A. Is the Management/Administration of the transit system currently subcontracted? If~. answer the following : Name of the Management provider: When will the new RFP process begin? Are employees of the subcontractor represented by a labor organization (union)? If so, provide the following : Name of Union: Example: Amalgamated Trans,/ Union Local #1437 B. Is the Operation of the transit system currently subcontracted? If~ answer the following: Name of the service provider: When will the new RFP process b egin? Are employees of the subcontractor represented by a labor organization (union)? If so, provide the following : Name of Uni on: Example: Amalgamated Tra nsit Union Locat #1437 C . Does another public transit system contract with your system for any part of its service? If~. answer the following: Name of the public tran sit system : Type of service that you provide: Are employees of the other transit system .2!. its subcontractor(s) represented by a labor union? If so, provide the following : Na me of other system's subcontractor (if appl icable): Name of Union: Example: Amalgamated Transit Union Locat #1437 11 . PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT-Please complete the chart below to document outreach efforts. 1) 2) Organizations I Events Senior Health Fair ARC Business Fest Date /Time Location 05/19/16 Vyas Center, D unn NC 4/29/16 Harnett Health and Science Bldg., Ulington Ending Time 6:00 PM 6:00 PM No No No Number of Attendees 200+ 100 Primary Audience Elder1y General Public Number Title VI Forms Completed t-'a g e .j 101716a HC BOC Page 127 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) Community Update Wings Over Hamett Community Update Community Update Commun~y Update 4126/16 Shawtown Elementry School 10/15/16 Hamett County Regional Jetport 05/5/2016 Northwest Hamett Fire Department 5/12/2016 Erwin Elementary School 5124/16 Anderson Creek Fire Department A. Is a governing board approved, formalized, public involvement plan in use? If yes (complete questions below) Is that plan evaluated and updated at least annually? Does that plan have defined objectives? Are those objectives being met? If no -Describe below how the effectiveness of the public involvement efforts are evaluated and/or improved. B . Describe Public Outreach Methods: Select the ONE word that most accurately completes the sentence Always Usually Sometimes Seldom Never Information dissemination is Usuall;t written. Public meeting times are Usuall;t between 8 AM and 5 PM. Information is Usuall;t available in an audible format. Information is Usuall;t available in a language other than English . Reasonable access is Usuall;t available for those with a disability. 75 General Public 1500 General Public 75 General Public 50 General Public 100 General Public Yes Yes Yes Yes Page4 101716a HC BOC Page 128 12. ADMIN ISTRATIVE CHANGES -Describe administrative changes to be incorporated during FY2018 in the space below. A new job description must be attached for (1) any new administrative positions or (2) any increase in the percentage of a position dedicated to transportation. If NONE check here : 0 Check here if job descript ion(s) attached : D 13. SERVICE CHANGES -Describe any service changes and/or provide justification/need for expansion vehicle(sl in the space below. If NONE check here: D FY2018 -Complete Project Funding Request Form for FY 2018 (Note: Include in your description the rationale for the anticipated change in service. For example, the anticipated change is d ue to customer feedback, marketing or other efforts.This narrative should match wh at is included vour proiect fundinQ requ est form) How will the public be notified of the service changes described above? How much lead-time is oiven before service chanoes take effect? Page 5 101716a HC BOC Page 129 ~RD• CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE I DIii TE (IIIIIDCWYY'I) 02/26/2016 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIRCATE DOES NOT AFFlRMAllVEL Y OR NEGA11VEL Y AMEND, EXTl:ND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S). AuntORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder II an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the pollcy(INI must be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, aubject to the terme and condltioM of the policy, certain policies may require an enctor..nent. A statement on thla certfflcat8 does not confer rights to the certificate holder In lieu of such end-nt(a). PRODUCER wE'.°~ Hegan tllaworth, CIC, CSJQf Surry Insurance ~ c.,. (336) 386-8228 1 r~ Nol: (3H, >H-H61 P. 0. Box 128 c-. AIIOIIEIIS: ~-... Dobson NC 27017-0128 INSURERISI AffORDING COI/ERAOE HAICI INSURB> INSURBIA:Atlantic St>eoialty C INSURER e: New York Marine~ General County of Harnett INSU'ISIC: 102 B Front Street INSURERD: INIIUMRE: Lillington NC 275.6 IN1URBlF : COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES 01' INSURANCE USTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT , TERM OR CONDITION 01' ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT Willi RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN , TliE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO All THE TERMS. EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS 01' SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID Cl.AIMS. ·-YYPE OF INSURAHC£ ~ r= L'!R POUCYNU- ~1rrrr ~~ LmlTS A OENERAL UA!lllJlY llnooosst 1>110112015 1)7/01/201, EACH OCCURRENCE s 1,000,000 ,__ =~~u,;."::.~. X Cow.lERCIAl GENERA.I. LIABILITY s 1,000,000 ._ 0 CLAIM&MAOE 0 OCCUR ._ MEO EXP (f.ny ono -> s X Public llrficial.a Liab PERSONAL & /WV lt,&,IURY s 1,000,000 ._ X Law Snfor.,_.,t Liu. GENERAL AGGREG.\ TE s 2,000,000 ._ nAGGRnUMIT APPI.Jn PER· PRODUCTS· COMP/OP AGG s 2,000,000 POLICY ~ LOC GI.-s 1,000 A AUTOIIOl!IU LWIIUTY 91000559 P7/0112015 p7/0l/201' COMINNED SINGl.E LIMIT s 1 ,000 ,000 h< (&~ ,__ ANY Al/TO BClOIL Y lt,&,IURY (Pet -) s ~ ALL ov.HEO AUTOS B()()ILY lt,&JURY (Per acdclonl) s SCHEOUlED AUTOS PffOPERTY r::t.UCAGE ~ s HIRED AUTOS (Pet acdcllnl) ~ NON-OWNEDAVTOS .-ea,PO s 200,000 ~ .-c.PO s A UIIBREI.J..A UA8 HOCCUR 1!91000559 p,10112015 p1101120H EACH OCCURRENCE s 3,000,000 ,__ X EXCESSUAB CVJMS-MADE AGGREGATE s 3 ,000,000 DEDUCTIBLE -LIii>-s 4,000,000 ,__ RETENTION ' s B WOl9IERS COIIPEHSATION IK:2015EPP00339 D7/0l/2015 p11 011 2ou 1~§1'~~ I ICW:-ANO EIIPI..OYERS" UAIIIUTY YIH N('( PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTM D E.L EACH ACCIDENT s 1 000 000 OF~D<CLUOED? N/A llh~lnNII) E.L DISEASE • EA EMPLOYEE s 1 000 000 ~~"= ~OPERATIONS-E.L DISEASE· POUCY I.MIT s 1 000 000 A Property (including 191000559 D7/0l/2015 P7/0l/2016 -BIQD&BPP 286,112 ,139 .squii-ent Breakdown) --5 ,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPEllA llONS I l.OCA TIONS I IIEHICI.ES (Attodl ACORD 101. Addlllonol Rem-Sd-.io, If fflOfW -oo la rwqund) Certif'icate loldar ia l.iat:-6 aa Add.iUoD&l. Inaured on the i.n.oor-poliy 1.11 revuda t.o the ,... or Lundy l'et-School or Boa~neee ~or the cb11d care con1'erence . Pol.icy co..ara s.......i abl>.ae at a liait of t1,ooo ,ooo Saab Ocxnirrenoe . CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION ( ) -( ) - SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE ACORD 25 (2009'09) INS026 (200909> THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE Wint THE POLICY PROVISIONS. AUTltORIZm RS'RESEHTATlYE ~~ © 1988-2009 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved . The ACORD name and logo are registered marts of ACORD 101716a HC BOC Page 130 # YEAR MAKE MODEL lYPE Dept VEHICLE ID NUMBER 37 2008 Dodge Caravan Mini HARTS 1D8HN44H68B193848 38 2008 Ford Econoline Van HARTS 1FTSS34L9SDA63868 39 2008 Ford Econoline Van HARTS 1FTSS34L2SDA63873 47 2007 Ford Econoline Van HARTS 1FTSS34L77DA54875 48 2007 Ford Econoline Van HARTS 1FTSS34L77DA54876 49 2007 Ford Econoline Van HARTS 1FTSS34L77DA54877 54 2009 Ford E-350 Center Aisle HARTS 1FTSS34L39DA85530 55 2009 ford E-350 Center Aisle HARTS 1FTSS34L99DA85533 57 2009 Ford E-350 Van HARTS 1FTDS34L39DA46025 69 1999 Ford 25 foot 24 Pass HARTS 1FDXEOSOXHA26596 110 2009 Ford E-35-Van HARTS 1FTDS34L69DA39960 120 2006 Ford Econoline 14 Passenger HARTS 1FTSS34L26HB12253 123 2009 Ford Econoline Van HARTS 1FTSS34L69DA40257 138 2006 Ford Econol i ne 138 Van HARTS 1FTSS34L36HA44982 145 2006 Dodge Caravan Mini HARTS 1D4GP24R76B625848 150 2008 Ford Eco no line Van HARTS 1FT2S34L6SDA60605 152 2008 Ford Econoline Van HARTS 1FT2S34L8SDA60606 170 2006 Ford Van Cut Away HARTS 1FDXE45P26DA28313 184 2011 Ford E350T Van HARTS 1FTDS3ELXBDA98241 186 2011 Ford E350 Super Cargo Van HARTS 1FTDS3EL 7BDB31681 189 2011 Ford E350 Super Ca r go Van HARTS 1FTDS3EL5BDB31680 216 2013 Champ ion Van HARTS 1FTDEE3FLA DDA30901 217 2013 Champion Van HARTS 1FDEE3FLXDDA79083 258 2014 Ford E350 HARTS 1FTDS3EL2EDA38703 259 2014 Ford E350 HARTS 1FTDS3ELOEDA38702 260 2014 Ford E350 HARTS 1FTDS3ELOEDA38701 312 2015 Ford E-350/Lift HARTS 1FDEE3FLOFDA15668 313 2015 Ford E-350/Lift HARTS 1FDEE3FL2FDA15669 328 2010 Dodge M i nivan HARTS 2D4RN4DEOAR270314 329 2010 Dodge Minivan HARTS 2D4RN4DE9AR270313 330 2009 Ford E-350 HARTS 1FTSS34L39DA85530 331 1998 Ford Cut-A-Way HARTS 1FDXE40SOXHA26596 332 2007 For d E-350 Van HARTS 1FT5S34L2 8DA63873 333 2013 Ford E-350/Lift HARTS 1FDEE3FL4DDA30901 334 2014 Ford E-350 HARTS 1FTDS3ELOEDA38702 335 2014 Ford E-350 HARTS 1FTDS3EL9EDA38701 383 2016 Dodge ~ DRWGNSI Minivan HARTS 2C4RDGBG7GR136947 385 2016 Ford tlmpion Crusa HD Truck HARTS 1FDEE3FL5GDC30688 101716a HC BOC Page 131 CODE OCN COMP DED COLL DED 1499 $ 23 ,000 $1,000 $1 ,000 1499 $ 23 ,000 $1,000 $1,000 1499 $ 23,000 $1,000 $1,000 1499 $ 22,000 $1,000 $1,000 1499 $ 22,000 $1,000 $1,000 1499 $ 22,000 $1 ,000 $1,000 1499 $ 24,000 $1,000 $1 ,000 1499 $ 24,000 $1 ,000 $1,000 1499 $ 24,000 $1 ,000 $1 ,000 6483 $ 30,000 N/C N/C 1499 $ 24,000 $1 ,000 $1 ,000 1499 $ 21 ,000 $1 ,000 $1 ,000 1499 $ 24,000 $1 ,000 $1 ,000 1499 $ 21 ,000 $1 ,000 $1,000 1499 $ 21 ,000 $1 ,000 $1,000 1499 $ 23 ,000 $1 ,000 $1 ,000 1499 $ 23,000 $1,000 $1 ,000 1499 $ 21 ,000 $1,000 $1,000 1499 $ 40,403 $1,000 $1 ,000 1499 $ 31,435 $1 ,000 $1,000 1499 $ 31,435 $1 ,000 $1,000 7398 $1 ,000 $1,000 7398 $1,000 $1,000 1499 $1 ,000 $1,000 1499 $1 ,000 $1,000 1499 $1,000 $1,000 7912 $46,071 $1,000 $1 ,000 7912 $46,071 $1,000 $1 ,000 1499 $1,000 $1 ,000 1499 $1,000 $1 ,000 1499 $1,000 $1 ,000 1499 $1,000 $1 ,000 1499 $1,000 $1 ,000 1499 $1,000 $1 ,000 1499 $1,000 $1 ,000 1499 $1,000 $1 ,000 1499 $23 ,332 $1 ,000 $1 ,000 1499 $47,952 $1 ,000 $1 ,000 101716a HC BOC Page 132 DATE SUBMITIED: NCDOTPTD PROJECT FUNDING REQUEST FORM Project Funding Request Form !November 4. 2016 APPLICANT'S LEGAL NAME: !county of Hamett MPO RPO NCDOT DIVISION BUDGET TYPE : FAMPO & CAMPO Mid-Carolina Division 6 GENERAL INFORMATION CURRENT FISCAL YEAR 2018 MAILING ADDRESS: PO Box 85 Lillington, NC 27546 STATE FUNDING $37,647! FEDERAL FUNDING-HA $412,342! PHYSICAL ADDERS$: 250 Alexander Drive Lillington, NC LOCAL FUNDING $65,439! 27546 OTHER FUNDING CONTACT PERSON: I Mr. Larry Smith PHONE NUMBER: 19108146161 TOTAL GRANT AMOUNT $515,428! FAX NUMBER: 19108144020 EMAIL ADDRESS: l1smith@harnett .org FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PROJECT LOCATION : !c ounty of Hamett PREPARED BY: FEDERAL PROGRAM? STATE PROGRAM? REQUEST RECOMMENDATION OR REJECTION !click here PROJECT or PROGRAM PROJECT I PROGRAM DESCRIPTION : Harnett Area Rural Transit System (HARTS) is a public and human service transportation delivery system operating within/outside Harnett County, NC for the purpose of providing transportation for the general public, elderly and disabled low-incomecounty citizens. Funding provided through NCDOTIPTD and in concert with the County of Hamett allows the safe and efficient operation of transit services for those citizens requesting transportation to places such as medical facilities, nutrition sites, senior centers, workplaces , grocery stores, and oth er human service needs. PROJECT I PROGRAM BENEFITS: Program benefits include access to medical facilities, food sources, universities, workplaces, workshops, rehabilitation programs, s enior centers, and recreation facilities. RESULT OF PROJECT I PROGRAM IF NOT FUNDED : If the program was not funded, an estimated 17 % of Hamett County population would not have access to much needed transportation options. There is no other option available for certain nodes of the population in this rural county 101716a HC BOC Page 133 Delegation of Authority Date : --------------- J", rr, Bv.rq\o C.hC\.,r()'\c.r-, 1 Boo.rJ of Com~a~Sionet""5 (Au1horized<iiibars Typed/Printed Name) (Authorized Official's Tille and Agency) as the designated party for ___ ...;;C;...;;o;_v._n_~~-~-{'--H;__n...;.rrcl-\-_...;....:....i..l ..;.t0.;;...;.o_r..;.th~..;:;&o;___li_· n;_;__a. ______ _ (Grant recipienVApplicent Agency) with authority to submit funding applications and enter into contracts with the North Carolina Department oJ Transportation and execute all agreements and contracts with the NCDOT Public Transportation Division, hereby delegate authority to the individual(s) filhng the positions as indicated below: Primary Designee: Reimbursement Requests: ..J Budget Revisions: t1 Budget Amendments: ~ Period of Performance Extensions: t5 Alternate Designee: Reimbursement Requests: D Budget Revisions: D Budget Amendments: D Period of Performance Extensions: ~ Yes Yes Yes Yes 0 No D No D No D No (Altema1e Designee's Agency) Yes D No Yes D No Yes D No Yes D No ------------------------------------------~----_,_-,e Authorized Official's Signature: 2:1 I:) --~ Authorized Official's Typed/Printed Name: _::r_:_~_?.:>...;;...:4:;...;..,,-\",;.:.n....:..-_____________ _ Please scan and email to : ctptransportation@ncdot.gov FMS001 . J enuery 1999 101716a HC BOC Page 134 Delegation of Authority Date: --------------- 3, (Y"'\ ~'rt:\-,-() C.ho,r('l"¥..<n 1 ~oc-... rcA o+ LoM""''issi<1~<S (AuthorizeJi:lirioel's Typed/Printed Name) (Authorized Official's TIiie end Agency) as the designated party fo1 ___ _;G;.._C)_ ..... _n_:\j-+-o_+_..;..l-\o._,__r....,ne,,_;..,+t~,,....tv..,.,....,o,..r_+..,..lr'\._,G,;;..;..._r_o_li_n_C1. ______ _ (Grent recipienVAppliaint Agency) with authority to submit funding applications and enter into contracts with the North Carolina Department 01 Transportation and execute all agreements and contracts with the NCDOT Public Transportation Division, hereby delegate authority to the individual(s) filJing the positions as indicated below: Primary Designee: (Primary Designee'g Posttion TiUe ) (Primary Designee's Agency) Reimbursement Requests: D Yes D No Budget Revisions: D Yes D No Budget Amendments: D Yes D No Period of Performance Extensions: D Yes D No Alternate Designee: &ne.ro.l s~rV,ces ?an--. Amt-,'::>o'<) , AJ~i~,Gh·a.\~ve ~~ee0 'S pec.io.hst. (Alternate Designee's Position TiNe) / Karn<.-\-\-Are:,t!~o!::~.!~c~n~i-\-S'1.s+e~ Reimbursement Requests: 4 Yes D No Budget Revisions: ~ Yes D No Budget Amendments : d Yes D No Period of Performance Extensions: r6 Yes D No ..... Authorized Official's Signature: Authorized Official's Typed/Printed Name: :r i .... '?>L,.l.r. 1-{") Please scan and email to: ctptransportation@ncdot.gov FMS001 · January 1999 101716a HC BOC Page 135 101716a HC BOC Page 136 PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE This is to inform the public that a public hearing will be held on the proposed Fiscal Year 2018 Community Transportation Program Application to be submitted to the North Carolina Department of Transportation no later than November 4, 2016. The public hearing will be held on October 17, 2016 at 7 :00 pm before the Harnett County Board of Commissioners. Those interested in attending the public hearing and needing either auxiliary aids or services under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) or a language translator should contact Larry Smith on or before October 16, 2016, at telephone number 9108144019 or via email at lsmith@harnett.org. The Community Transportation Program provides assistance to coordinate existing transportation programs operating in Harnett County as well as provides transportation options and services for the communities within this service area . These services are currently provided using demand response and subscription routes. Services are rendered by center-aisle, minivans, and light transit vehicles. The total estimated amount requested for the period July 1. 2017 through June 30, 2018 Proiect Total Amount Local Share Administrative $277,898 $41,686 (15%) Operating (ALL systems; No State $237,530 $23,753 ( 50%) or more Match will be provided for Operating Assistance) TOTAL PROJECT $515,428 $65,439 Total Funding Request Total Local Share This application may be inspected at Harnett Area Rural Transit System (HARTS) Administration Office 250 Alexander Drive, Lillington, NC 27546 from 8:00 AM-4:00 PM M-F. Written comments should be directed to Mr. Larry Smith_before October 16, 2016. End of Notice Note: AN ORIGINAL COPY of the published Public Hearing Notice must be attached to a signed Affidavit of Publ ication . Both the Public Hearing Notice and the Affidavit of Publication must be submitted with the CTP grant application. Systems are no longer required to publish the Public Hearing Notice in LEP publications if their LEP Plan states they do not meet the Safe Harbor Provisions . However, systems must continue to provide meaningful access and promote inclusive public participation to LEP populations 101716a HC BOC Page 137 Date Voluntary Title VI Public Involvement Title VI of the Civil Right's Act of 1964 requires North Carolina Department of Transportation to gather statistical data on participants and beneficiaries of the agency 's federal-aid highway programs and activities. The North Carolina Department of Transportation collects information on race, color, national origin and gender of the attendees to this public meeting to ensure the inclusion of all segments of the population affected by a proposed project. The North Carolina Department of Transportation wishes to clarify that this information gathering process is completely voluntary and that you are not required to disclose the statistical data requested in order to participate in this meeting. This form is a public document. The completed forms will be held on file at the North Carolina Department of Transportation. For Further information regarding this process please contact Shantray Dickens the Title VI Manager at telephone number 919.508.1896 or email at sddi cken s@ncdot.gov. Project Name: I Date: Meeting Location: Name (please print) Gender: D Male D Female General ethnic identification categories (check one) D Caucasian 11 I Hispanic American I I American Indian/Alaskan Native D African American I D Asian/Pacific Islander Other: Color: National Origin: After you complete this form , please fold it and place it inside the designated box on the registration table. Thank you for your cooperation. 101716a HC BOC Page 138 Date Voluntary Title VI Public Involvement Title VI of the Civil R.ight's Act of 1964 requires North Carolina Department of Transportation to gather statistical data on participants and beneficiaries of the agency 's federal-aid highway program s and activities. The North Carolina Department of Transportation collects infonnation on race, color, national origin and gender of the attendees to this public meeting to ensure the inclusion of all segments of the population affected by a proposed project. The North Carolina Department of Transportation wishes to clarify that this information gathering process is completely voluntary and that you are not required to disclose the statistical data requested in order to participate in this meeting. This fonn is a public document. The completed forms will be held on file at the North Carolina Department of Transportation . For Further information regarding this process please contact Sharon Lipscomb, the Title VI Manager at telephone number 919.508.1808 or email at slipscom b@ncdot .gov. Project Name: I Date: Meeting Location: I Gender: _ D Male D F emale Name (please print) General ethnic identification cate ories check one Caucasian African American Asian/Pacific Islander Other: Color: National Ori in : After you complete this form, please fold it and place it inside the designated box on the registration tabl e . Thank you for your cooperation . 101716a HC BOC Page 139 AVISO DE AUDIENCIA PUBLICA Esto es para informar al publico que se celebrara una audiencia publica sobre la propuesta Ano Fiscal 2018 comunidad transporte programa de aplicaci6n que se presentara al Departamento de transporte de Carolina del Norte no mas tarde de 04 de noviembre de 2016 . La audiencia publica se celeb rara el 17 de octubre de 2016 a 19:00 antes de la Junta de Comisionados del Condado de Harnett. Los interesados en asistir a la audiencia publica y necesidad de ayudas auxiliares o servicios bajo las Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) o un traductor de idiomas deben comunicarse con Larry Smith en o antes def 16 de octubre de 2016 , en el numero de telefono 9108144019 o por correo electr6nico a lsmith@harnett.org . El programa de transporte de la comunidad proporciona asistencia para coordinar los programas de transporte en El Condado de Harnett como opciones de transporte y servicios para las comun idades dentro de esta area de servicio . Estos servicios son proporcionados actualmente usando rutas de respuesta y la suscripci6n de la demanda . Servicios son prestados por el pasillo central , Vans y vehiculos de transporte ligero. La cantidad total estimada para el periodo 01 de iulio de 2017 a traves de 30 de iunio de 2018 Proyecto Cantidad total Administrativo $ 277,898 De funcionamiento (Todos los sistemas; Ning un partido de estado se $ 237,530 proporcionara a sistenc ia de f uncionamiento) TOTALDELPROYECTO $515,428 Solicitud de financiaci6n total Compartir local $41 ,686 (15%) $23,753 (50%) o m as $65,439 Total cuota Local Esta aplicaci6n se puede inspeccionar a Harnett zona Rural transito sistema (ciervos) Administ raci6n Oficina 250 Alexander Drive , Lillington , NC 27546 de 8 :00 16:00 M-f el. Escrito observaciones deberan dirigirse al Sr. Larry Smith_antes de 14 de octubre de 2016. 101716a HC BOC Page 140 Su r f a c e Tr a n s p o r t a t i o n Pr o v i d e r s (o p e r a t i n g in yo u r se r v i c e ar e a ) Li s t al l pr i v a t e tr a n s p o r t a t i o n pr o v i d e r s an d in d i c a t e if re p r e s e n t e d by un i o n . Th i s in f o n n a t i o n is ge n e r a l l y av a i l a b l e in yo u r te l e p h o n e di r e c t o r y or th r o u g h th e County 's business lic ensing office. If yo u co n t r a c t ou t an y pa r t o f yo u r se r v i c e or ma n a g e m e n t / a d m i n i s t r a t i o n o f yo u r tr a n s i t sy s t e m an d th e co n t r a c t o r ' s em p l o y e e s ar e re p r e s e n t e d by a la b o r un i o n , remember to include them here . Pr i v a t e Tr a n s p o r t a t i o n Pr o v i d e r s 1 Cr o s s w a y Tr a n s p o r t a t i o n 2 Va n g o Tr a n s p o r t a t i o n 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Su r f a c e Tr a n s p o r t a t i o n Pr o v i d e r s Co u n t y o f Ha r n e t t Le g a l Na m e of Ap p l i c a n t - - -- - - - -- --- - . . -- - - Un i o n Re p r e s e n t a t i o n [8 J No D Ye s [8 J No D Ye s D No D Ye s D No D Ye s 0 No D Ye s D No D Ye s D No D Ye s D No D Ye s D No D Ye s D No D Ye s D No D Ye s D No D Ye s D No 0 Ye s 0 No D Ye s D No D Ye s D No D Ye s D No D Ye s D No D Ye s 0 No D Ye s D No D Ye s D No D Ye s D No D Ye s D No D Ye s D No D Ye s D No D Ye s I f ye s - Pr o v i d e Na m e o f Un i o n and the affiliated Local Br a n c h Nu m b e r , (e . g . ACME Local #458) Pagel of2 , ... \ 101716a HC BOC Page 141 FY18 Community Transportation Admin . Project Number: 18-CT-040 BUDGET SUMMARY September 2015 -June 2018 Legal Name: COUNTY OF HARNETT Address: PO Box 760 LILLINGTON, NC 27546 County: HARNETT COUNTY Congressional District: 2 Contact Person: Pamela Amerson Telephone: +1 (910) 814-4019-6164 Fax: +1 (910) 814-4020 Email: pamerson@harnett.org Web Site: www.hamett.org Federal ID Number: 56-6000306 DUNS Number: 091565986 CFDA# Period of Performance : Jul 1, 2016 to Jun 30, 2018 Federal Billable/Non-Billable Billable I. Total Project Expenditures ------·---------r ---, (NCOOT Maximum Participation Amounts) Requested I NCDOT Use Only Total Expenses $277,898 $277,898 Total Contra Accts and Fare Revenue Total Net Expenses/Cost $277,898 $277,898 II. Proposed Project Funding * Total Federal Federal Non-Billing NCDOT Local 100.00% 80.00% 5.00% 15.00% Total Funding $277,898 $222,318 $0 $13,894 $41,686 IV. Proposed DBE, MBE, WBE Goals (Enter DBE Goal if Federal Funding applies, otherwise enter MBE/WBE Goals) DBE MBE WBE % Amount $0 $0 $0 Version 1.0 Page of 101716a HC BOC Page 142 FY18 Community Transportati on Adm in . Project Number : 18-CT-040 PROPOSED BUDGET SALARY AND WAGE DETAIL Applicant : COUNTY OF HARNETI Pct.(%) No. No.of Object Position Title No. Total Annual Salary Oper of Budgeted Amount Positions NCDOT Maximum Code Transp. Years Approved Participation Tasks FULL TIME EMPLOYEES I G121 Transit Services 1 $41,820 100% 1 $41 ,820 1 $41,820 Manager G121 Transit Services 1 $26,016 100% 1 $26 ,016 1 $26,016 Assistant G121 Admin Support 1 $33,214 100% 1 $33,214 1 $33,2 14 Specialist G121 Data/Admin Support 1 $23,915 100% 1 $23,915 1 $23,915 Specialist G121 G121 G121 G121 G121 G121 TOTAL G121 SALARIES 4 $124,965 4 $124,965 PART-TIME EMPLOYEES-RECEIVING BENEFITS .! G125 G125 G125 G125 G125 G125 TOTAL G125 SALARIES PART-TIME EMPLOYEES -RECEIVING NO BENEFITS G126 G126 G126 G126 G126 G1 26 TOTAL G126 SALARIES TOTAL SALARY & WAGE 4 $124,965 4 $124,965 Version 1.0 Page of 101716a HC BOC Page 143 FY18 Community Transportation Admin. Applicant: COUNTY OF HARNED Project Number : 18-CT-040 PROPOSED BUDGET EXPENSES Object I I . For NCDOT Use ' Title Total Cost Code I I I Only I : ' G120 Salaries and Wages G121 Full-time employees $124,965 $124,965 G122 Overtime G125 Part-time (receives benefits) G126 Temporary and part-time (receives no benefits) G127 Longevity $499 $499 Subtotal Salaries: $125,464 $125,464 G180 Fringe Benefits G181 Social security contribution (7.65% of total salaries) $9,598 $9,598 G182 Retirement contribution ; total salaries X participating percentage I $125,4641 X I 9.07%1 $11 ,380 $11,380 G183 Hospitalization insurance; cost per month X no . of months X no. of employees. $30,000 $30,000 I $625.oo l x I 121 X I 41 G184 Disability insurance; cost per month X no . of months X no. of employees. I I X I 1 x I I G185 Unemployment compensation; Number of Employees: 4 $1 ,255 $1,255 G186 Workers compensation; Number of Employees: 4 $11,135 $11,135 G189 Other: Subtotal Fringe: $63,368 $63,368 TOTAL SALARY & FRINGE: $188,832 $188,832 G190 Professional Services G191 Accounting G192 Legal G195 Management Consultant G196 Drug & Alcohol Testing Contract G197 Drug & Alcohol tests Provide# of employees in test pool: 39 $2 ,000 $2,000 G198 Medical review officer G199 Other: G200 Supplies and Materials G211 Janitorial Supplies -(Housekeeping) G212 Uniforms $6,301 $6,301 G233 First Aid supplies (replacement) G251 Motor Fuels and Lubricants G252 Tires and Tubes G253 Associated Capital Maint Ve rsio n 1.0 Page of 101716a HC BOC Page 144 G254 Licenses , tags and fees G255 Vehicle cleaning supplies G256 Hand tools G257 Vehicle signs & Paint Supplies G258 Vehicle touch up paint (non-contract) G259 Other: G261 Office Supplies and Materials $2,501 $2,501 G281 Air Conditioner I Furnace Filters G291 Computer Supplies $500 $500 G292 Fire Extinguisher-recharging system G300 Travel and Transportation (other than employee development) G311 Travel: Anticipated trips: $2,500 $2,500 NCPT A & NCDOT Conferences G312 Travel subsistence $2 ,000 $2,000 G313 Transportation of clients/others G314 Travel -Motor-pool or leased vehicles (Does NOT include vehicles used in the provision of contracted transportation services.) G320 Communications G321 Telephone Service $2,000 $2 ,000 G322 Internet Service Fee G323 Combined Service Fee G325 Postage $300 $300 G329 Other Communications: G330 Utilities G331 Electricity $4,500 $4 ,500 G332 Fuel oil G333 Natural Gas $2,000 $2 ,000 G334 Water $700 $700 G335 Sewer $600 $600 G336 Trash collection G337 Single/combined utility bill G339 Other: G340 Printing and Binding G341 Printing and reproduction $1,000 $1 ,000 G349 Other: G350 Repairs and Maintenance G353 Vehicles (use 257/258 for vehicle signs & in-house paint supplies) G354 Shop equipment G355 Office and computer equipment G357 Communications equipment $5,100 $5,100 G358 Other Repairs and Maintenance -Office Related G359 Other-Describe : G370 Advertising/Promotion Vers ion 1 .0 Page of 101716a HC BOC Page 145 G371 Marketing (paid ads, marketing firm, etc.) Describe : Radio & Newspaper Advertisement $5,509 $5,509 Minimum Amount (2% of Admin Budget): $5,081 G372 Promotional items Describe:Tote Bags, Key Tags, Cups, Pens with HARTS logo $1,377 $1 ,377 Maximum Amount (25% of G371 Total Cost): $1 ,377 G373 Other: G380 Computer Support Services (contracted) G381 Computer programming services G382 Computer support/technical assistance G390 Other Services G391 Legal advertising $600 $600 G392 Laundry and dry cleaning G393 Temporary help services G394 Cleaning services G395 Training -Employee Education Expense $3,500 $3,500 G396 Management services (contracted transit system mgmVadmin services) G398 Security services G399 Other: G410 Rental of Real Property (include copy of current lease agreement) G412 Rent of building X number of monthly payments l X I I G41 3 Rent of offices X number of monthly payments l X I I G419 Other: G420 Lease of Computer Equipment G421 Lease of Computer Hardware G422 Lease of Computer Software G430 Lease of Equipment G431 Lease of Reproduction equipment $276 $276 G432 Lease of Postage Meter G433 Lea se of Communications equipment (includes radio, cable lines and $10 ,200 $10 ,200 antennae) G439 Other: G440 Service and Maintenance Contracts G441 Communications equipment G442 Office equipment G443 Reproduction equipment G444 Vehicles G445 Computer equipment G446 Tires G448 Other Service and Maintenance Contracts -Office Related G449 Other: G450 Insurance and Bonding Version 1.0 P age of 101716a HC BOC Page 146 G451 Property and general liability (does not include vehicle insurance) G452 Vehicles Number of Fleet Vehicle: 26 Maximum Amount: $65,000 $16,955 $16,955 G453 Fidelity G454 Professional liabilities G455 Special liabilities G480 Indirect Costs G481 Central services: (budget direct cost base) X (percentage rate) $145,6971 X I 12 .25%1Maximum Amount $17 ,847 .88 $17 ,847 $17 ,847 Prior approval of Indirect Cost Percentage Rate required. Questions should be directed to NCDOT Financial Management G490 Other Fixed Charges G491 Dues and subscriptions: $800 $800 G499 Other: G600 Private / Public Operator Contracts -Purchase Services G611 Direct purchase of service from privately owned provider G612 User side subsidy G621 Volunteer reimbursement G641 Direct purchase of service from publicly owned provider Total Expenses: $277,898 $277,898 OPERATING REVENUES Contra Account G821 General Fund G822 Capital Reserve Fund G832 N.C. Sales Taxes G833 N.C. Gas Tax Refund G834 County Sales Taxes G836 Fed Gas Tax Refund G839 Other Taxes G841 Charter Expenses G842 Garage Services G843 Advertising Expenses G844 Insurance Settlement G847 Inc Elderly/Disable G849 Other Contra Accts G991 Contingency/Prag Res TOTAL CONTRA ACCOUNTS: F500 Fare Revenue F511 General Public Fares F521 Prepaid Fares/Bulk Discounts F522 Senior Citizen Fares F523 Student Fares F524 Child Fares F525 Paratransit Fares Ve rsion 1 .0 Page of 101716a HC BOC Page 147 F533 Special Route Guarantees F529 Other Special Fares: TOTAL FARE REVENUES: TOTAL CONTRA ACCOUNTS AND FARE REVENUES: TOTAL EXPENSES LESS TOTAL CONTRA ACCOUNTS AND FARE REVENUES= TOTAL NET OPERATING EXPENSES (TNOE): $277,898 $277,898 Version 1.0 Page of 101716a HC BOC Page 148 North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) Public Transportation Division (PTD) Project Number : 18-CT-040 CAPITAL BUDGET July 2011 -June 2021 Legal Name : COUNTY OF HARNETT Address: PO Box 760 LILLINGTON, NC 27546 County: HARNETT COUNTY Congressional District: 2 Contact Person : Pamela Amerson Telephone: +1 (910) 814-4019-6164 Fax : +1 (910)814-4020 Email : pamerson@harnett.org Web Site: www.harnett.org Federal ID Number: 56-6000306 DUNS Number: 091565986 CFDA#: Period of Performance: Jul 1, 2017 to Jun 30, 2018 Federal Billable/Non-Billable Billable I . Total Project Expenditures ---------, - (NCDOT Maximum Participation Amounts) Requested I NCDOT Use Only Replacement Vehicles $113,500 $113 ,500 Expansion Vehicles $0 $0 Other Capital Expenses $0 $0 Advanced Technology Expenses $85 ,516 $85,516 Baseline Technology Expenses $3,014 $3 ,014 Facility Improvement Expenses $35,500 $35 ,500 Other Expenses $0 $0 Total $237,530 $237,530 - II. Proposed Project Funding· Total Federal Federal Non-Billing NCDOT Local 100.00% 80 .00% 10.00% 10.00% Total Funding $237,530 $190,024 $0 $23,753 $23 ,753 IV. Proposed DBE, MBE, WBE Goals (Enter DBE Goal if Federal Funding applies, otherwise enter MBE/WBE Goals) DBE MBE WBE % Amount $0 $0 $0 Page 1 of 22 101716a HC BOC Page 149 North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) Public Transportation Division (PTO) Project Number : 18-CT-040 PROPOSED PROJECT BUDGET CAPITAL EXPENSES Applicant: COUNTY OF HARNETI Program Profile:ZPT3 Object , Title l Code ROLLING STOCK: REPLACEMENT VEHICLES G541 Description i Budgeted Cost Qty I 35-to 40-Ft. HD Low Floor Transit Bus (Replacement) -12 yr. Bus Heavy duty $500,000 EPA 2014 emissions standards diesel bus built as an integral unit. Alternative fuel engine -Hybrid Electric $250,000 Optional Engine -CNG Optional Engine -Natural Gas G542 Description Budgeted Cost I Qty I 30-to 35-Ft. HD Low Floor Transit Bus (Replacement) -10 yr. Bus $460,000 Heavy duty EPA 2014 emissions standards diesel bus built as an integral unit. Alternative fuel engine -Hybrid Electric $200,000 Optional Engine -CNG Optional Engine -Natural Gas G543 Description Budgeted Cost ! Qty I I I 20' Light Transit Vehicle (Replacement) - Body-on-chassis type vehicle (Cutaway van chassis); retaining the van-type cab; $53,500 offering increased headroom and wider body; max. capacity -13 passengers (may be driven w/o COL) Bike Rack $2,820 Brake Retarder $8,600 G545 Description i Budgeted Cost ' Qty I Raised Roof Van (Replacement) -Side entry; N O LIFT; maximum $52,500 1 capacity-12-13 passengers. Optional Engine -Diesel $3 ,550 Page 2 of 22 Total Cost 1 NCOOT Maximum 1 ' Participation • Qty I l ! ' $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 I Qty I $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 . Qty I $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 I Qty . $52,500 1 $52 ,500 $0 $0 $52,500 $52,500 101716a HC BOC Page 150 G546 G547 G548 G571 North Carolina Department of Transportation (NC DOT) Public Transportation Division (PTD) I I ' ! Description Budgeted Cost Qty 20' Light Transit Vehicle w/wheelchair lift (Replacement) -Body-on-chassis type vehicle (Cutaway van chassis); retaining the van-type cab; offering increased headroom and wider body; fully automatic side lift. 2 $60 ,000 $0 wheelchair station floor plan. Min. ambulatory capacity -8 pax; Max. ambulatory capacity -10 pax. (may be driven w/o CDL) Bike Rack $2,820 $0 $0 Description Budgeted Cost I Qty 25' Light Transit Vehicle w/wheelchair lift (Replacement) -Body-on-chassis type vehicle (Cutaway van chassis); retaining the van-type cab; offering increased headroom $70 ,000 $0 and wider body; fully automatic side lift. 2 and 4 Wheelchair Station floor plans Min. ambulatory capacity -8 pax; Max. ambulatory capacity -18 pax . Optional Engine -CNG $21,000 $0 Optional Engine -Hybrid Electric $30,000 $0 Optional Engine -Diesel $26,000 $0 Brake Retarder $9,000 $0 Bike Rack $2 ,820 $0 $0 Description Budgeted Cost Qty Raised Roof Van w/lift (Replacement) - Side entry; rear fully automatic interior lift. 2 to 3 Wheelchair Stations. Min. $61,000 1 $61,000 ambulatory capacity -3 pax; Max. ambulatory capacity-9 pax. Optional Engine -Diesel $3,550 $0 $61,000 Description I Budgeted Cost I Qty I Minivan / Crossover (Replacement) - Small vehicle; standard production vehicle ; maximum capacity -6 passengers. $29,000 $0 Crossover vehicle (6 pax) available ONLY for ALL-WHEEL DRIVE Option: Accessible Minivan compliant with ADA; Lowered floor, wheelchair ramp $16,000 $0 and 1 to 2 wheelchair stations. $0 Page 3 of 22 Qty I $0 $0 $0 Qty I $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Qty I 1 $61,000 $0 $61,000 Qty ' $0 $0 $0 101716a HC BOC Page 151 G573 G575 G576 North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) Public Transportation Division (PTD) Description I ' Budgeted Cost Qty Support Vehicle (Replacement) -a vehicle used to support the transit system ; $40,000 maintenance needs. Optional Engine -Diesel Optional Engine -Hybrid Electric Description I Budgeted Cost i Qty 28' Light Transit Vehicle w/wheelchair lift (Replacement) - Body-on-chassis type vehicle (Cutaway van chassis); retaining the van-type cab; offering increased headroom and wide $91 ,000 body; fully automatic lift. 2 and 6 Wheelchair Station floor plans Min. ambulatory capacity -8 pax; Max. ambulatory capacity -22 pax. Optional Engine -CNG $21,000 Optional Engine -Hybrid Electric $21 ,000 Optional Engine -Diesel $10,000 Brake Retarder $9,700 Bike Ra ck $2,820 . ! ' ! Description I Budgeted Cost Qty 22' Light Transit Vehicle w/wheelchair lift (Replacement) - Body-on-chassis type vehicle (Cutaway van chassis); reta ining the van-type cab; offering increased headroom and wider body; fully automatic side lift. 2 wheelchair $64 ,500 station floor plan. Min. ambulatory capacity -12 pax; Max. capacity -14 pax . plus 1 wheelchair passenger. THIS LTV REQUIRES A COL -LTV seating CANNOT BE MODIFIED. Optional Engine -CNG $21,000 Optional Engine -Hybrid Electri c $30 ,000 Brake Retarder $9,000 Bike Rack $2,820 Page 4 of 22 Qty $0 $0 $0 $0 i ' Qty $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 I Qty I 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 101716a HC BOC Page 152 G577 North Carolina Department of Transportation (NC DOT) Public Transportation Division (PTD) Description ! Budgeted Cost I Qty Other Transit Vehicle (Replacement) - Other transit-type vehicle not otherwise identified in UPTAS . Specifiy type and if lift equipped . (include estimated cost documentation) Optional Engine -Hybrid Electric Optional Engine -Diesel TOTAL REPLACEMENT VEHICLE QUANTITY & EXPENSES: $113,500 Qty I $113,500 *NOTE: If you prefer to use a local vendor for lettering, please budget cost under l ine code G591 located under "Other Capital". Logos are now eligible under that code also. VEHICLE REPLACEMENT INFORMATION i NCDOT . --·------. -· -REPLACED VEHICLES NEW VEHICLE APPROVED REPLS. - Year Make I Type I Complete VIN Mileage Select code below ,Y/N , Comment Example:2010 FORD LTV 1 FDXE455Q3HAn633 186,500 G547-25' wllift N Rep/. FY16/prior 1999 FORD No-Lift 1FDXE40SOXHA26596 120,013 G545 -Raised Roof Van (no lift) Van 2006 FORD Lift Van 1FDXE45P26DA28313 143,128 G548 -Raised Roof Van w/lift Page 5 of 22 101716a HC BOC Page 153 North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) Public Transportation Division (PTO) Project Number : 18-CT-040 PROPOSED PROJECT BUDGET CAPITAL EXPENSES Applicant: COUNTY OF HARNETI Object Title Code ROLLING STOCK : EXPANSION VEHICLES G561 Description l Budgeted Cost Qty I I 35-to 40-FT HD Transit Bus w/Lift (Expansion)· 12 yr. bus $500,000 Heavy duty diesel bus built as an integral unit. Optional Engine -CNG Alternative fuel Engine -Hybrid Electric $250,000 Optional Engine -Diesel G562 Description Budgeted Cost l Qty I 30-to 35-FT HDTransit Bus w/Lift (Expansion) -10 yr. bus $460,000 Heavy duty diesel bus built as an integral unit. Alternative fuel engine: Hybrid $200,000 Optional Engine -CNG Optional Engine -Natural Gas G563 Description Budgeted Cost • Qty 20' Light Transit Vehicle (Expansion) - Body-on-chassis type vehicle (Cutaway van chassis); retaining the van -type cab; $58,000 offering increased headroom and wider body; max. capacity -13 passengers (may be driven w/o CDL) Bike Rack $2,820 Brake Retarder $8,600 G565 Description Budgeted Cost Qty High -top Vehicle (Expansion) - School bus door entry; lowered stepwell; $57 ,000 NO LIFT ; maximum capacity-12 passengers. Optional Engine -Diesel $3,550 Page 6 of 22 ---- Total Cost NCDOT Maximum Participation I I Qty I $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Qty j $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Qty $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Qty 1 I $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 101716a HC BOC Page 154 G566 G567 G568 G572 North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT} Public Transportation Division (PTO) ---I Description Budgeted Cost I Qty I 20' Light Transit Vehicle w/wheelchair lift (Expansion)- Body-on-chassis type vehicle (Cutaway van chassis); retaining the van-type cab; offering increased headroom and wider $64,500 body; fully automatic side lift. 2 wheelchair station floor plan . Min . ambulatory capacity -8 pax ; Max. ambulatory capacity -10 pa x. (may be dri ven w/o CDL) Optional Engine -Diesel Bike Rack $2,820 Description I Budgeted Cost Qty I I 25' Light Transit Vehicle w/Lift (Expansion)- Body-on-chassis type vehicle(Cutaway van chassis);retaining the van-type cab; offering increased headroom and wider body; fully $74,500 automatic side life . 2 & 4 Wheelchair Station floor plans Min. ambulatory capacity • 8 pax; Max. ambulatory capacity -18 pax . Optional Engine -CNG $21,000 Optional Engine -Hybrid Electric $30,000 Optional Engine -Di esel $26,000 Brake Retarder $9,000 Bike Rack $2 ,820 Description I Budgeted Cost I Qty l Lift-Equipped High-top Vehicle (Expansion) -School bus door entry; stepwell; fully automatic interior lifts. 2 to 4 $65,500 Wheelchair Stations. Min. ambulatory capacity -5 pax; Max. ambulatory capacity-8 pax. Optional Engine -Di esel $3 ,550 -I ~ ~ Description Budgeted Cost Qty I I I Minivan/ Crossover (Expansion) -Small vehicle; standard production vehicle ; maximum capacity • 6 passengers. $33 ,500 Crossover vehicle (6 pax) available ONLY for ALL-WHEEL DRIVE Option: (a) Accessible Minivan compliant with ADA; Lowered floor , $16,000 wheelchair ramp and 1 to 2 wheelchair stations. Pag e 7 o f 22 I ! Qty I $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Qty ' I $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 I Qty $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 ---~--·---~- I Qty ' . $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 101716a HC BOC Page 155 G574 G578 G579 G595 North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) Public Transportation Division (PTO) Description ! Budgeted Cost Qty l Support Vehicle (Expansion) - Vehicle used to support transit system; $40,000 maintenance needs. Optional Engine -Diesel Optional Engine -Hybrid Electric Description Budgeted Cost I Qty j 28' Light Transit Vehicle w/wheelchair lift (Expansion) - Body-on-chassis type vehicle (Cutaway van chassis); retaining the van-type cab; $95,500 offering increased headroom and wide body; fully automatic lift; max. capacity -22 passengers , depending on floor plan . Optional Engine -CNG $21,000 Optional Engine -Hybrid Electric $21,000 Optional Engine -Diesel $10 ,000 Brake Retarder $9,700 Bike Rack $2,820 Description Budgeted Cost Qty 22' Light Transit Vehicle w/Lift (Expansion)- Body-on chassis type vehicle (Cutaway van chassis); retaining the van-type cab; offering increased headroom and wider body; fully automatic side life . 2 $69,000 Wheelchair Station floor plan. Min . ambulatory capacity -12 pax; Max. ambulatory capacity . 14 pax. THIS LTV REQUIRES A CDL -LTV seating CANNOT BE MODIFIED. Optional Engine -Hybrid Electric $21,000 Optional Engine -Diesel Brake Retarder $9,000 Optional Engine -CNG $21 ,000 Bike Rack $2,820 -~ ~ Description Budgeted Cost Qty Other Transit Vehicle (Expansion) - Other transit-type vehicle not otherwise identified in UPTAS. Specify type and if lift equipped. (include estimated cost documentation) Optional Engine -Hybrid Electric Optional Engine -Diesel Page 8 of 22 Qty j l $0 $0 $0 $0 Qty $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Qty ' I $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 ,- Qty 101716a HC BOC Page 156 North Carolina Department of Transportation (NC DOT) Public Transportation Division (PTO) TOTAL EXPANSION VEHICLE QUANTITY & EXPENSES: I I *NOTE: If you prefer to use a local vendor for l ettering, please budget cost under l ine code G591 located under "Other Capital". Logos are now eligible under that code also. Page 9 of 22 $0 101716a HC BOC Page 157 North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) Public Transportation Division (PTO) Project Number : 18-CT-040 PROPOSED PROJECT BUDGET CAPITAL EXPENSES Appl icant: COUNTY OF HARNETT Object 1 Code ' Title I I OTHER CAPITAL G511 Office Furniture -Cost of tables , desks, chairs, file cabinets, and related furniture for transportation offices or facilities . List one item per line, the no.of units per item, and the estimated cost. (provide one cost estimate for each item requested .) Item Description Qty Estimated Cost Ea. Total ' G512 I Total Cost l I Qty I ' Dot Rate Office Equipment -Cost of fax machines , copiers , calculators , and other equipment for transportation offices and facilities . Does not include computer hardware and software List one item per line, the no. of units per item, and the estimated cost. (provide one cost estimate for each item requested.) Item Description I Qty J Estimated Cost Ea. Total I Qty I Dot Rate G513 Audio-Visual Equipment -Include s the costs of overhead projector, TV and VCR to be used for training purposes. List one item per line, the no. of units per item, and the estimated cost. (provide one cost estimate for each item requested.) Item Description ! Qty 1 Estimated Cost Ea. Total I Qty Dot Rate Page 10 of 22 ' NCDOT Maxi~,;i i Participation I Total I j l Total I -·-Total l l 101716a HC BOC Page 158 G551 G552 G553 G554 North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) Public Transportation Division (PTO) Vehicle Spare Parts -Cost of spare parts for revenue producing vehicles . The spare part must have a unit cost of greater than $3 00 and a useful life of more than one (1) year. Thi s expenditure is only available to systems with in-house maintenance facilities which maintain an inventory of spare parts. List one item per line, the number of units, and the estimated cost per each. (provide one cost estimate for each item requested.) Must have Maintenance Facility! Item Description I Qty Estimated Cost Ea. Total Qty ! Dot Rate I Shop Equipment -Purchase of equipment for maintaining vehicles , including, but not limited to, motor hoist, tire balancer, etc. List one item per line, the no. of units per item, and the estimated cost. (provide one cost estimate for each item requested.) Must have Maintenance Facility! Item Description I Qty Estimated Cost Ea. Total Qty I Dot Rate I Repeater Station -Used to extend the range of the base installation. Attach estimate of cost from vendor. Watts: Item Description .T Qty Estimated Cost Ea. Total . Qty Dot Rate I New Replacement Radio Base Station -Desk-type unit used to transmit to mobile units in the vehicles. Includes remotes and mobiles with power packs. Attach estimate of cost from vendor. Watts: Item Description I Qty 1 Estimated Cost Ea . Total l Qty Dot Rate I New Replacement Pag e 11 of 22 ! Total ! Total Total ! Total ' 101716a HC BOC Page 159 G555 G556 G557 G559 G585 North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) Public Transportation Division (PTO) Mobile Radio Unit -2-way radio installed in vehicle Attach estimate of cost from vendor. Watts: Item Description I Qty I Estimated Cost Ea. Total ' Qty New Replacement Hand-held Radio Unit -portable 2-way radio (limit 2 per transit system) Attac~ estimate of cost from vendor . Watts : Item Description Qty ! Estimated Cost Ea. Total Qty I New Replacement Telephone equipment -Individual telephone instruments (does not include new or replacement telephone systems -see G524 in Facility Improvements); may include cellular (digital) phones. List one item per line, the no. per item , and the estimated cost. Item Description I Qty Estimated Cost Ea .• Total I Qty I Fareboxes -Coin collection unit installed on vehicle. List item and indicate no. of units: Attach estimated cost & type. Item Description Qty I Estimated Cost Ea. 7 Total Qty New Replacement Other Equipment -Specify item if not listed above. List one item per line , the no. per item, and the estimated cost. Provide one cost estimate for each item requested. Item Description Qty Estimated Cost Ea. I Total Qty I Bus Stop Signs -Sign used to indicate location where passengers can board or exit a public transit vehicle . *Do not request Bus Stop Shelters/Benches here. Mu st request in Facilit y I mprove. I ' Item Description ' Qty . Estimated Cost Ea.1 Total Qty Bus Stop Sign(s) Page 12 of 22 Dot Rate . Total I Dot Rate I Total I Dot Rate ' Total Dot Rate Total Dot Rate I Total ' Dot Rate I Total 101716a HC BOC Page 160 G591 G611 G612 G621 G641 North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) Public Transportation Division (PTO) Vehicle Lettering & Logos -Cost of lettering and/or logos and the labor involved in having the transit system name, phone number, and/or logo applied to vehicles. Costs to be incurred by using a local vendor. (Attach cost estimate for reference only.) Item Description Qty I Estlmated Cost Ea.; Total Qty Dot Rate Total Vehicle Lettering & Logos! I I I I Direct Purchase of Service (Private) Purchase of transportation services from a privately owned transportation provider. User Side Subsidy Purchase of service contract in which the passenger (user) pays for a portion of the full fare. Volunteer Reimbursement Reimbursement to volunteers for mileage on personal vehicle for public transportation. Direct Purchase of Service (Public) Purchase of transportation services from a publicly owned transportation provider. TOTAL OTHER CAPITAL EXPENSES: P ag e 13 of 22 101716a HC BOC Page 161 Applicant: North Carolina Department of Transportation {NC DOT) Public Transportation Division {PTO) Project Number: 18-CT-040 PROPOSED PROJECT BUDGET CAPITAL EXPENSES *All requests must be approved by ITRE & an estimate must be attached COUNTY OF HARNETT ! I ' NCDOT Maximum . Object Total Cost Title I Code i ' Participation l I ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY G524 Scheduling Software for Advance Technology-Must comply with Technology Plan: Item Description I Qty Estimated Cost Ea. Total I Qty t Dot Rate ' I Total ! I Paperless manifest for communicatio'ij 1 $50,000 $50,000 1 $50,000 $50,000 Tablets/Maintenance/Cell Plans 26 $1,366 $35,516 26 $1 ,366 $35 ,516 $85,516 $85,516 G526 Mobile Data Devices (MDTs/MDCs) -M ust comply with Technology Plan : Item Description Qty Estimated Cost Ea. Total Qty Dot Rate I Total ! . I J Replacement Expansion Fare Media: Smart Card / Magenetic Stripe Card ~-,' I Item Description Qty I Estimated Cost Ea. Total Qty Dot Rate Total I Initial Installation Expansion G527 Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) -Must comply w i th Technology Pl an : Item Description I Qty Estimated Cost Ea. Total Qty Dot Rate ' Total 1 I Replacement Expansion G528 Data Communication Device -Must comply w ith Technology Plan: Describe Data Communication Device Upgrades that may be necessary for MDT technology: Item Description I Qty Estimated Cost Ea. Total Qty Dot Rate Total ' ' G592 Other Advanced Technology Items -Advance Technology - Must comply wit h Technology Plan : List other hardware not included above, such as replacement hard drives, network cards, etc. Item Description Qty Estimated Cost Ea. Total Qty Dot Rate I Total Page 14 of 22 101716a HC BOC Page 162 G596 North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) Public Transportation Division (PTO) Vehicle Security/ Surveillance Equipment -Must comply with: Cost and installation of on-board security systems and surveillance equipment. Attach estimate. Item Description : Qty Estimated Cost Ea. , Total Qty Dot Rate . Replacement Expansion TOTAL ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY EXPENSES: $85,516 Page 15 of 22 Total 1 $85,516 101716a HC BOC Page 163 Applicant: North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) Public Transportation Division (PTO) Project Number : 18-CT-040 PROPOSED PROJECT BUDGET CAPITAL EXPENSES -Include estimate for all requests COUNTY OF HARNETT I j 1 NCDOT Maximum / Object ' Total Cost Title I Code ' i Participation BASELINE TECHNOLOGY G514 Micro Portable Projector/Laptop - Note: laptop is part of operation of projector NCDOT will participate UP TO $4,000 Item Description Oty Estimated Cost Ea. Total Oty Dot Rate Total I I I ' , Replacement New G521 Personal Computer System (PC) - Includes laptop, DESKTOP computers include CPU , Office XP. one 24" monitor, keyboard , mouse and Microsoft Office XP software, 2 yr. technical support contract) Item Description Qty Estimated Cost Ea. Total Oty ' Dot Rate Total Replacement 1 $1,507 $1,507 1 $1 ,507 $1 ,507 Expansion 1 $1 ,507 $1 ,507 1 $1 ,507 $1 ,507 $3,014 $3,014 G522 Printers. Laser jet network and non-network printers Non-network Qty Estimated Cost Ea. Total Qty Dot Rate Total Replace ment Expansion Network Oty Estimated Cost Ea. I Total I Oty Dot Rate Total I Replacement Expansion Page 16 of 22 101716a HC BOC Page 164 G523 G525 G529 North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) Public Transportation Division (PTD) Software - Eligible software listed under FY08 Technical Specifications * List software: Item Description Qty Estimated Cost Ea. Total Qty Operating System Software Upgrade : (Ensure that your current pc has enough RAM) Windows XP PROFESSIONAL operating system Item Description I Qty I Estimated Cost Ea.1 Total I Qty I Upgrade Version Full Version Microsoft Office Software : (Ensure that your curr ent pc has enoug h RAM) MS Office XP PROFESSIONAL Dot Rate Dot Rate --, Item Description Qty : Estimated Cost Ea. Total Qty I Dot Rate Upgrade Version Full Version *Scheduling Software requests should be made on the Advanced Technology Budget Network Server - For use with network application/programs (Use standard local IT specifications) Item Description ' Qty 1 Estimated Cost Ea.· Total ! Qty Dot Rate Replacement Expansion Other Technology Items -List other hardware not included above, such as replacement hard drives network cards, etc. (baseline technology) I I ' ' Item Description Qty I Estimated Cost Ea. Total Qty I Dot Rate TOTAL BASELINE TECHNOLOGY EXPENSES: $3,014 Page 17 of 22 I Total j Total 1 I Total I . % Total - Total $3,014 101716a HC BOC Page 165 North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) Public Transportation Division (PTO) Project Number: 18-CT-040 Applicant: COUNTY OF HARNEIT Object Title Code FACILITY BUDGET G531 Description I Qty I New Construction of Transit Facility- New building construction for Administration, Maintenance , Transfer, or Multi-Modal purposes. Attach study and cost estimate G532 Description Qty Purchase of Modular Structure - Purchase of modular unit Attach study a nd cost estimate G533 Description Qty Legal Fees, Appraisal, Survey -Fees associated with construction or land acquisition. Survey, Appraisal , Title fees , and closing costs Descr ibe items need ed and attach c ost e st i mate. G535 Description Qty Land Acquisition • Purchase of parcel of land for construction Attac h study or appra isal G536 Description I Qty Sitework/Grading • Pre-construction work including site prep Describe work to be complet ed and atta ch cost estimate. G537 Description Qty Utility Work/ Hook-Ups • Costs associated with water, sewer.electrical or telephone lines or wiring , pre or post construction . Describe work to be comp l eted a nd attach cost estimate. PROPOSED PROJECT BUDGET FACILITY EXPENSES WI I I Estimated Cost Ea., Total Estimated Cost Ea. Total Estimated Cost Ea .1 I Total ~ 'Estimated Cost Ea. Total 'Estimated Cost Ea. Total Estimated Cost Ea.' Total ' Pag e 18 of 22 Total Cost Qty Qty Qty ' Qty . Qty I Qty ' ! I NCDOT Maximum ' t Participation ~ Dot Rate Total ' I I Dot Rate ' Total Dot Rate Total ' _,..,. Dot Rate Total l Dot Rate ' Total ' Dot Rate Total I -- 101716a HC BOC Page 166 G538 G539 G558 G581 G582 G583 North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) Public Transportation Division (PTO) Fencing/Lighting -Exterior building and parking lot lighting . Fencing and gate to secure parking area for vehicles . List one item per line Attach cost estimate for reference only . Item Description Qty 'Estimated Cost Ea .1 Total Qty I I I I FENCING 1 $35,500 $35,500 1 $35,500 Accessway/ Signage/Landscaping -Post-construction site work Construction of ramps and and walkways that meet ADA . Permanent signs, such as a facility signs . Soil erosion containment. List one item per line Attach cost estimate for reference only. Item Description I Qty Estimated Cost Ea. Total Qty Telephone system -New or Replacement telephone system Attach cost estimate for reference only. i Estimated Cost E;. I . Item Description Qty Total Qty I Description Qty 1 Estimated Cost Ea., Total Qty I I ' Construction/ Project Management Services -A firm or individual that acts on behalf of the owner to oversee entire construction project. Attach study and projected cost estimate Description I Qty Estimated Cost Ea. Total Qty . Facility Acquisition -Purchase of existing structure Attach study and appraisal Dot Rate $35,500 Dot Rate Dot Rate Dot Rate Dot Rate Bus Stop Shelter and Benches -Enclosure and seating provided to passengers at bus stop. *Requires plan approval by city or county regarding location. ADA requirements include minimum size and width of the shelter; min. turning radius in shelter; accessibility to shelter by sidewalk; and concrete pad adjacent to shelter for loading and unloading bus. Provide plan appr oval with application. Item Description 1 Qty I Estimated Cost Ea.' Total Qty I Dot Rate Bus Shelters Benches Page 19 of 22 Total : $35,500 $35,500 Total • ' l Total I Total I I Total ·-i J Total I 101716a HC BOC Page 167 G 584 G586 G587 G588 G589 North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) Public Transportation D iv i sion (PTO) I Estimated Cost Ea. ' Description Qty Total i Qty Pa rk and Ride Lots - Paved lots fo r park and ri de. Describe work to be completed and attach cost estimate. Building Security/Surveillance Equipment -Cost and installation of security system and surveillance equipment for tran si t system's administrative or maintenance facili ty and pa rking area . List one item per line. Attach cost estimate for r eference only. Item Description Qty 'Estimated Cost Ea . Total I Qty Paving / Resurfacing -Asphalt surface paving or resurfacing of the facility parking area. Also includes existing Park and Ride Lots. Indicate size (sq .ft.) area to be paved/resurfaced: Attach cost estimate for reference only. Description I Qty IEstimated Cost Ea . Total I Qty ' Engineering and Design Services - Cost of ar chitectural an d e ngineering serv ices requ ired for construction o r renovation projects. Attach study and projected cost esti mate Other Facility Improvements -Safety a nd Securi ty im p roveme nts o r repairs. Attach cost est imate for reference only. ' Material Cost Labor Cost Item Description I Total I Dot Rate Dot Rate Dot Rate I TOTAL FACILITY IMPROVEMENT EXPENSES : $35,500 '! T otal \ Total l Total - NCDOTTotal $35,500 NOTE: YOU MUST OWN THE FACILITY TO BE ELIGIBLE TO APPLY FOR FUNDING FOR THESE PURPOSES. YOU MUST SUBMIT A COPY OF THE TITLE (DEED) OF OWNERSHIP WITH THIS APPL/CATION FOR FUNDING CONSIDERATION. Page 20 of 22 . : i 101716a HC BOC Page 168 North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) Public Transportation Division (PTO) Physical Address of Facility: Facility Improvement Questionnaire -Must be completed for consideration . Do you currently operate out of this location? If you DO NOT currently operate out of this location , what is the anticipated date that you will occupy this location? What is the total square footage of the facility? Is this facility shared for other uses or with other entities? If yes, list entities, square footage occupied, and purposes: Entity Sq. Feet YES C NO (' YES r NO r Purpose OTHER EXPENSES Code Code Description Requested M100 M100 • 111201-BUY BUS 40FT REPL $0.00 M101 M101 • 111202-BUY BUS 35FT REPL $0.00 M102 M102 • 111203-BUY BUS 30FT REPL $0.00 M103 M103 • 111204-BUY BUS <30FT REPL $0.00 M104 M104 • 111205-BUY SCHOOL BUS RPL $0.00 M105 M105 • 111207-BUY BUS C/S REPL $0.00 M106 M106 · 111209-BUY BUS TRLEY REPL $0.00 M107 M107 • 111215-BUY VANS REPL $0.00 M108 M108 • 111216-BUY SDAN/S-WGN RPL $0.00 M112 M112 • 111303-BUY BUS 30FT EXP $0.00 M160 M160 • 113207-ACQ SURV/SEC SYS $0.00 M175 M175 -113401-REH/REN BUS TRML $0.00 M221 M221 -114301-CONST ADMIN BLDG $0.00 M222 M222 • 114302-CONST MAINT FACILI $0.00 M223 M223 -114303-CONST ADM/MNT FAC $0.00 M224 M224 • 114304-CONST STORAGE FAC $0.00 M225 M225 • 114305-CONST YARDS&SHOPS $0.00 M226 M226 • 114306-CONST SHOP EQUIP $0.00 M227 M227 • 114307-CONST ADP HARDWARE $0.00 M228 M228 · 114308-CONST ADP SOFTWARE $0.00 Total $0.00 Page 2 1 of 22 NCDOT Use Only $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0 .00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0 .00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 101716a HC BOC Page 169 !AGENCY COMMENTS ------- North Carolina Department of Transportation (NC DOT) Public Transportation Divisi on (PTD) ----~~ - ------------------ Page 22 of 22 ----------------- 101716a HC BOC Page 170 Board Meeting Agenda Item Agenda Ite m __ ..!.../.....:0:___ __ MEETTNG DATE: October 17, 2016 TO: HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMM ISSIO NERS SUB JECT: 2017 REVALUAT ION SCHEDULE OF VALUES REQUESTED BY: KEITH FAULKNER, TAX ADMINISTRATOR REQUEST: THIS REQUEST rs TO PR ESENT TH E PROPOSED SCHEDULES. STANDARDS. AND RULES (SC HEDULE OF VALUES) TO B E USED IN APPRAISING REAL PROP ERTY , EFFECT IVE AS OF JANUARY I , 2017, TO THE BOARD PURS UANT TO NCGS 105- 317(c)(l). IN ACCORDANCE WITH NCGS I 05-3 l 7(c)(2) UPON RECE IPT OF THE PROPOSED SCHEDULES. STANDARDS , AND RUL ES, THE BOARD MUST ADVE RTIS E THAT SUCH HAVE BEEN PRESENTE D AND THAT A COPY IS A VA!LABLE FOR PUB LIC INS PECTION IN THE COUNTY ASSESSOR'S OFFICE. T HEY ALSO MUST ADVERTISE THE TIME AND PLACE OF A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE PROPOSED SCHEDULES , STANDARDS , AND RULES. THE HEARI NG MUST BE AT LEAST SEVEN DAYS PRIOR TO ADOPTING THE FINAL SCHEDULE OF VALUES. FINANCE OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION: COUNTY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: I J:\:Vfy D0cuments \AG l~;'\D1\ REQUFST 2017 SC I !EDU LE OF VAL UES.doc I of I Pa ge 101716a HC BOC Page 171 Summary of the 2017 Schedule of Values Sections 1-3 includes the Standards and Statutory Requirements as provided by the Machinery Act of North Carolina, Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practices, and the IAAO (International Association of Assessing Officers) Mass Appraisal Standards. Section 4 Section 5 Section 6 Section 7 Section 8 Section 9 Section 10 Section 11 Section 12 Section 13 Section 14 Section 15 Section 16 Sales Qualification and Analysis -outlines the guidelines and requirements for qualifying or un-qualifying a sale, rejection codes, and valid instrument types. This section explains such things as how to compare sales prices to tax values in order to arrive at the mean and median percentage of market value. One of the goals of a revaluation is to try to bring tax values in line with 100% market value. Includes uniform procedures on how to collect data in the field, such as how to properly measure and sketch structures. This section covers properly identifying the various elements and components of construction and how to enter that data into the CAMA system . This part of the schedule explains how the CAMA system calculates value based on the information that is collected and entered into the system from Sections 6 and 7. This section explains how to use income information to calculate value on properties that are usually bought and sold based on the generation of potential income. This includes valuation models and values for rural, commercial, and industrial land. It also explains how certain factors, such as corner location, influence value. This section contains the recommended land use values for agricultural, horticultural, and forestry land, as developed by the North Carolina Use-Value Advisory Board/North Carolina Department of Revenue. Includes a worksheet on how to calculate and adjust value on land that qualifies as a Conservation Easement. Guidelines for valuing Section 42 Low Income Housing. This section covers how to estimate value on for-profit cemeteries. Explains how to grade and estimate value on golf courses. Sets forth how Cell Tower sites, Land use for Solar Farms, and Billboard sites will be valued. 101716a HC BOC Page 172 Section 17 Section 18 Section 19 Section 20 Section 21 Section 22 Section 23 Section 24 Section 25 Section 26 Section 27 This section includes valuation models for different types of structures as well as models for all areas and subareas of such structures. The assignment of points and factors for various construction elements and components are also laid out here as well as life expectancy/depreciation tables for various types of structures. It also sets forth the base rates for all residential, commercial , and industrial buildings, and the land codes used for different land uses. Defines and illustrates the various elements and structural components of a building. Sets forth the various codes and value ranges for numerous types of outbuilding structures and extra features. Gives guidelines for defining neighborhood properties. A list of all the neighborhoods established by the tax office for valuation purposes. A list of equipment and other features along with their classification as either real or personal property. Gives the zoning codes, brief descriptions and maps for all jurisdictions. This sections gives definitions for numerous architectural, appraisal, and statistical terminology. This section explains various units of weights and measures. Gives guidelines for valuing mobile home and RV parks. General trends and information about the Manufactured Housing Industry. 101716a HC BOC Page 173 CALENDAR OF EVENTS FOR ADOPTION OF 2017 SCHEDULE OF VALUES, STANDARDS, AND RULES FOR HARNETT COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Reference: North Carolina General Statues I 05-317c DATE DAY October I 7. 20 I 6 Monday October I 9. 20 I 6 Wednesday November 07. 2016 Monday No\·ember 21. 2016 Monday November 23. 2016 Wednesday November JO. 2016 Wednesday December 7. 2016 Wednesday December 12. 1016 Monday December 28. 1016 Wednesday DESCRIPTION Present Schedule of Values to the Harnett County Board of Commissioners for Infonnation Advertise in newspaper that the Schedule of Values arc a\·ailable for public inspection in the Tax /\ssessor"s Office at 305 W. Cornelius Harnett Blvd .. Ste. 101 Lillington. NC 27546 and advertise date of Public Hearing. Public Hearing for the Schedule of Values Adoption of the Schedule of Values. First Public Notice of Adoption of Schedule of Values Second Public Notice of Adoption of Schedule of Values Third Public Notice of Adoption of Schedule of Values Fourth Public Notice of Adoption of Schedule of Values This is final notice Last Day of Appeal of Schedule of Va lues Before the North Carolina Property Tax Commission 101716a HC BOC Page 174 PUBLIC NOTICE The Schedules. Standards. and Rules to be used in the 2017 revaluation of real property in Harnett County have been presented to the Board of Commissioners. Copies of the schedules have been placed in the office of the County Tax Administrator where they will remain available for public inspection Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. A public hearing on the proposed schedules, standards, and rules will be held by the Board of County Commissioners at their regularly scheduled meeting on Monday. November 7th at 9:00 a.m. in the assembly room of the County Administration Building. S. Keith Faulkner Harnett County Tax Administrator Harnett County Board of Commissioners Jim Burgin, Chairman 101716a HC BOC Page 175 Notice of Adoption of Schedules, Standards, and Rules for 2017 Reappraisal Notice is hereb y given that on November 21 , 2016. the Harnett County Board of Commissioners adopted the true market va lue and present use va lu e schedules. sta ndard s, and rules to be used in the 20 I 7 reappraisal of real property in Harn ett County. ~otice is further given that a copy of said true market value and present use va lue sc hedule s. standards, and rules are on filed in the office of the Harnett County Tax Administrator and are available for public inspection Monday through Friday from 8:30 AM until 4:30 PM. The office is located at 305 West Cornelius Harnett Blvd. Suite 101 Lillington, NC 27546 . Notice is hereby further given that a property owner w ho asse 11 s that the sche dule s, sta ndards. and rule s are invalid, may except to the order and appea l to the No rth Caro lina Property Tax Co mmis sion within thirty (30) day s of the date \,·hen the notice of adopting the sc hed ul es, standa rd s, a nd rules \\'as first published. This 21st da y of . ovember, 2016 Harnett County Board of Co mmi ss ioner s 101716a HC BOC Page 176 (3) that payment is to be received within 30 days u1 Agenda Item / / Agreement is put in place . If payment is not receivE _ __.__._ ___ _ Repayment Agreement is not followed J. a notice let1 the employee that he or she has two (2) weeks tor the collection of monies owed through court proceedings. Underpayment/Lack of Compensation: If an employee was underpaid or not paid at all, the Supervisor, Department Head, or County Manager may request that a special check be issued ; otherwise the employee shall receive payment on their next check. Section 19. Emergency Operations Compensation In the event of a major emergency or natural disaster, Harnett County seeks to provide shelter and comfort to those adversely affected by creating and following a detailed Emergency Response Plan . In accordance with the Emergency Response Plan , and the instructions of the Emergency Operations Center Director, Harnett County employees may be required to carry out specific emergency response tasks to ensure the safety and continued prosperity of the County. Such employees, who work under the direction of the Emergency Operation Center Director during such an emergency or natural disaster, will be compensated according to this policy. County Offices Remain Open: If the emergency or natural disaster requires the activation of the Emergency Operations Center and County offices are open as regularly scheduled, employees required to work during this period for the Emergency Operations Center will be compensated as described below: A. Nonexempt employees, as defined above in Article Ill, Section 12 and in the FLSA, will be paid one and one-half (1 and Y:z) times their regular rate of pay for actual hours worked beyond the regular 40 hour workweek. B . Exempt employees , as defined above in Article Ill, Section 12 and in the FLSA, will be paid one (1) time their regular rate of pay for actual hours worked beyond the regular 40 hour workweek . C. In the event a holiday occurs within this period, both nonexempt and exempt employees, as defined above in Article Ill, Section 12 and in the FLSA, will be paid one and one-half (1 and Y:z) times their regular rate of pay for each hour worked that day in addition to the normal holiday pay. County Offices Are Closed: If the emergency or natural disaster requires the activation of the Emergency Operations Center and County offices are closed , employees required to work during this period for the Emergency Operations Center will be compensated as described below: A. Nonexempt employees, as defined above in Article Ill , Section 12 and in the FLSA, will be paid one and one-half (1 and Y:z ) times their regular rate of pay for actual hours worked beyond the regular 40 hour workweek. This compensation will be in addition to any other compensation the employee is entitled to . B. Exempt employees , as defined above in Article Il l , Section 12 and in the FLSA, will be paid one ( 1) time their regular rate of pay for actual hours worked beyond the regular 40 hour workweek . C . In the event a holiday occurs within this period , both nonexempt and exempt employees, as defined above in Article Il l , Section 12 and in the FLSA, will be paid one and one-half (1 and Y:z ) times their regular rate of pay for each hour worked t ha t day in addition to the no rmal holiday pay. r---- -----------------------------_ ·------------------------------1 6 l -··· 101716a HC BOC Page 177 ( ,\i;;,x~ by~ Hnnl!Ptt C.01.,r.~· !3.oerci cf Cornm i ss lo.,ers AGENDA ITEM~ '!'1'' 7 -19~ I .• I 17 B o ard Meeting !//{a ~ ~ Agenda Item rk , I MEETING DATE: July 19, 2010 TO: HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: Modifi cat ion to Personnel Ordinance Arti cle V-Conditions of Employment; Section 29-Administrative Leave/Adverse Weather; Letter E. REQUESTED BY: Trinity J. Faucett; Human Resources & Risk Management Director REQUEST: Human Resources requests that a modification be made to the Personnel O r dinance to ensure clarification for compenstaion of employees working while the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) is activated. Article V , Section 29: It is requested that ordinance be modified to state the following : There are no provisions to alJow essential employees to take a day off at such future ti me to compe nsate for working d uring an emergency. Essential employees, who work under the direction of the Emergency Operation Center Director or his/her designee, during an emergency or natural disaster situation when the Emergency Operat ions Center is activated and subiect to the approval oft he Board of Commissioners, and while non essential employees are on administrative leave because and when normal county operations have been closed, will be co mpensated as follows : ( 1) Nonexempt employees will be paid I and Y2 times the ir regular hourly rate of pay for each hour they work under these circumstances. This c ompensation will be in addi tion to any other compensation they are entitled to during that administrative work week. (2) Exempt employees (including department heads) will be paid I times th,eir regular hourly rate of pay for each they work under these circumstances. This pay will be in addition to any other compensation they are entitled to during that administrative w o rk week. C :\Documents and Settings\gwheeler\Local Settings\Temporary Internet File s\Content.Out look\X5535 JM M\Agenda Request-Modification to Adm Leave-Adv Weather Policy for EOC 7-10.doc Page I of2 101716a HC BOC Page 178 HARNElT COUNTY FINANCIAL SUMMARY REPORT Agenda Item J~ August, 2016 GENERAL FUND FYE 2017 Activity Total Unaudited FYE 2017 (includes Percent Same Period Department FYE 2015 FYE 2016 Adjusted Budget encumbrancesj to Date Last Fiscal Year Governing Body $ 158,070 $ 208,357 $ 306,202 $ 96,532 31.53% $ 55,221 Administration 280,372 294,293 347,271 72,977 21.01% 57,300 Legal Services 8,609 53,919 143,601 28,390 19.77% 27,256 Human Resources 247,1S4 205,162 239,154 46,773 19.56% 43,545 Board of Elections 305,481 381,191 410,912 55,608 13.53% 49,641 Finance 833,532 811,001 855,992 131,127 15.32% 136,711 Insurance -Retirees 415,000 40,018 9.64% Clerk of Court 79,320 81,438 103,488 12,186 11.78% 11,740 Tax 1,588,997 1,709,486 1,705,915 240,047 14.07% 257,273 General Services 153,360 158,173 154,225 18,372 11.91% 18,189 Fleet Maintenance 603,102 543,249 575,174 84,480 14.69% 81,078 Transportation 839,486 1,523,150 1,640,135 146,864 8.95% 108,392 Transportation -Admin 209,741 194,529 230,092 19,522 8.48% 20,907 Facilities Maintenance 3,736,788 3,667,427 2,893,950 283,352 9.79% 612,319 Register of Deeds 695,654 759,735 785,748 83,040 10.57% 76,593 Information Technology 1,726,510 1,787,734 1,862,057 458,587 24.63% 353,367 GIS 436,602 581,109 598,205 90,284 15.09% 94,345 Sheriff 10,205,366 9,677,549 9,780,391 1,183,304 12.10% 1,118,744 Campbell Deputies 389,674 442,623 495,509 53,882 10.87% 49,054 Sheriff's Department Grants 1,607 26,924 19,237 Child Support Enforcement 70,126 66,653 84,599 8,808 10.41% 8,061 Governor's Highway Safety Communications 1,389,574 1,624,091 1,814,053 258,003 14.22% 178,613 School Resource Officers 682,489 745,546 85,180 11.43% 52,301 Jail 4,407,161 4,551,465 4,946,395 682,317 13.79% 658,286 Emergency Services 765,164 730,739 877,974 122,484 13.95% 109,151 Emergency Services Grant Emergency Medical Service 4,080,768 4,414,723 6,010,775 795,240 13.23% 496,092 EMS Transport 1,144,801 1,151,492 14 129,755 Rescue Di stricts 3,361,704 3,361,704 3,361,704 560,284 16.67% 560,285 Animal Services 431,707 438,575 484,308 60,182 12.43% 50,766 Medical Examiner 47,050 89,900 85,000 4,300 5.06% 3,600 JCPC Admin 4,516 6,886 Public Safety Appropriations 79,180 71,908 6,000 10,458 Emergency Telephone System 236,688 Radio System 246,495 38,851 Harnett Regional Jetport 208,990 198,422 198,216 28,071 14.16% 29,287 Soil & Water 161,801 178,736 181,799 21,922 12.06% 21,107 Environmental Protection 4,000 4,000 4,000 4 ,000 100.00% 4,000 Forestry Program 112,289 101,648 111,585 Economic/Physical Dev . App. 458,253 509,983 575,000 47,192 8.21% 46,338 Industrial Development 1,382,346 436,558 1,107,566 91,318 8.24% 88,380 Development Services 1,362,552 1,309,860 1,403,293 180,392 12.85% 168,624 Community Development {BG) 735 192 1,500 37 2.47% Abandoned MFG Home 57,241 32 ,171 34,606 2,701 7.81% 4,546 Cooperative Extension 289,118 314,013 415,338 30,949 7.45% 25,015 CCR&R -Block Grant 25,623 24,494 43,445 2,430 5.59% 147 CCR&R -United Way 379 150 1,000 83 Parents As Teachers 44,813 49,898 4,017 Adolescent Parenting 60,321 76,776 72,470 8,623 11.90% 10,981 U:\My Oocuments\M on t hly Reports\2016 . 2017\August 2016 · Financial Statements.xlsx 1 101716a HC BOC Page 179 HARNETT COUNTY FINANCIAL SUMMARY REPORT 9/28/2016 August, 2016 GENERAL FUND FYE 2017 Activity Total Unaudited FYE 2016 {includes Percent Same Period Department FYE 2015 FYE 2016 Adjusted Budget encumbrances! to Date Last Fiscal Year 4 -H Teen Court & At Risk 72,035 49,100 4,522 9.21% 3,863 Child Care Youth Training 50,723 Race to the Top 4,034 2,562 485 Adolescent Parenting -BJRH 14,200 Special Programs 30,035 28,725 2,124 7.39% 3,562 Department on Aging 307,602 315,244 318,187 31,345 9.85% 32,462 Family Caregiver Support 64,108 61,164 64,425 8,200 12.73% 8,847 RSVP 77,658 77,511 78,709 8,679 11.03% 8,414 CAP -Disabled Adults 328,753 329,421 336,206 34,027 10.12% 39,459 Nutrition for Elderly 414,989 432,337 432,345 54,212 12.54% 57,855 Health 6,014,268 6,082,878 6,609,915 683,390 10.34% 706,097 Mental Health 605,679 605,679 605,679 151,420 25.00% 151,420 Social Services 10,155,398 10,324,942 12,224,040 1,993,431 16.31% 1,418,366 Public Assistance 7,905,017 9,351,002 8,271,854 1,232,782 14.90% 1,233,141 Veteran's Services 178,634 180,399 186,475 24,486 13.13% 22 ,292 Restitution 100,304 103,322 114,212 12,551 10.99% 12,089 Human Services App. 90,780 136,805 50,000 7,741 15.48% 67,557 Library 941,972 910,122 995,701 113,973 11.45% 130,166 Cultural & Recreational App. 150,000 153,000 150,000 Parks & Recreation 403,871 435,005 861,680 194,249 22.54% 92,432 Education Board of Education -current 21,523,700 21,267,993 21,420,138 3,538,336 16.52% 5,316,998 Board of Education -capital 280,707 Board of Education -teachers 1,252,000 Central Carolina -current 928,467 993,967 1,019,467 169,911 16.67% 152,911 Central Carolina -capital 30,500 Central Carolina -health sciencE 798,517 133,086 16.67% Central Carolina -works 25,000 Central Carolina -DOT 70,000 Subtotal -Operating Expenditures $ 93,213,943 $ 95,752,177 $ 102,028,867 $ 14,538,257 14.25% $ 15,336,473 lnterfund Tran sfers 64,701 2,145,446 1,359,842 Debt Service 44,265,436 52,688,961 16,715,631 611,147 3.66% 705,492 Contingency 217,016 Subtotal Other Financing Uses: $ 44,330,137 $ 54,834,407 $ 18,292,489 $ 611,147 3.34% $ 705,492 Total Expenditures $ 137,544,080 $ 150,586,584 $ 120,321,356 $ 15,149,404 12.59% $ 16,041,965 U:\My Documents\Monthly Reports\2016 ~ 2017\August 2016 -Financial Statements.Klsx 2 101716a HC BOC Page 180 HARNETT COUNTY FINANCIAL SUMMARY REPORT 9/28/2016 August, 2016 GENERAL FUND Total Unaudited FYE 2017 FYE 2017 Percent Same Period Revenues: FYE 2015 FYE 2016 Adjusted Budget Activity to Date Last Fiscal Year Ad Valorem Taxes Real and Personal $ 53,930,707 $ 55,087,379 $ 55,606,980 $ 1,174,635 2.11% $ 2,362,407 Motor Vehicles 5,712,141 6,185 ,750 5,888,405 562,596 9.55% 544,949 Sa les Tax 16,757,810 17,680,977 19,008,522 Other taxes 1,053,493 1,169,389 1,250,000 208,696 16.70% 206,495 Permits & Fees 2,515,489 2,965,577 3,365,051 499,721 14.85% 437,020 Intergovernmental Revenue 18,884,854 20,274 ,01 2 18,775,275 1,795,488 9.56% 1,261,450 Sales & Services 7,838,973 9,102,250 9,650,287 758,612 7 .86% 863,133 Other Revenues 3 ,741,739 3,394,295 3,761,890 384,695 10.23% 89,077 Rents, Concessions & Fees 69,215 73,655 70,609 11,690 16.56% 4,064 Subtotal -Operating Revenues 110,504,421 115,933,284 117,377,019 5,396,133 4.60% 5,768,595 Investment Earnings 8,437 97,339 30,000 22,248 74.16% 123 Other Financing Sources 29,108,938 37,018,000 lnterfund Transfers 322,415 7,501 2,708,510 7,501 Fund Balance Appropriated 205,827 Subtotal Other Financing Sources: 29,439,790 37,122,840 2,944,337 22,248 0.76% 7,624 Total Revenues $ 139,944,211 $ 153,05 6,124 $ 120,321,356 $ 5,418,381 4.50% $ 5,776,219 Revenues over/ (under) expenditures $ 2 ,400,131 $ 2 ,469,540 $ (9,731,023) (10,265,746) U:\My Docu ments\M onthly Reports\2016 . 2017\Aug ust 2016 . Financia l St atement.s.>clsx 3 101716a HC BOC Page 181 August 2016 July 2016 June 2016 May 2016 April 2016 March 2016 February 2016 January 2016 December 2015 November 2015 October 2015 September 2015 August 2015 HARNETI COUNTY FINANCIAL SUMMARY REPORT PNC $ $ $ 4,836,176 $ $ $ 3,888,938 $ 6,184,218 $ 10,575,231 $ 638,944 $ $ $ $ $45,000,000 $35,000,000 $25,000,000 $15,000,000 August, 2016 GENERAL FUND Cash and Investments MBS $ 10,830,323 $ 10,288,522 $ 10,288,522 $ 6,310,697 $ 5,910,697 $ 5,910,697 $ 5,460,397 $ 4,715,250 $ 4,715,250 $ 4,715,250 $ 3,415,750 $ 1,799,750 $ 1,799,750 Cash Flow Debt Service and Transfer Requirements Current Year Outstanding Interest $ 3,797,212 $ 36,234,829 Principal 13,068,967 121,681,341 Transfers Out $ 16,866,179 $ 157,916,170 NCCMT $ 13,870,895 $ 14,611,996 $ 15,052,435 $ 22,909,111 $ 28,256,262 $ 31,321,226 $ 29,217,771 $ 27,749,119 $ 27,050,869 $ 24,697,474 $ 15,184,900 $ 16,262,992 $ 14,138,439 U:\Mv Oocuments\Monthty Reports\2016 · 2017\August 2016 -Financial State ments .xlsx 9/28/2016 Total $ 24,701,218 $ 24,900,517 $ 30,177,132 $ 29,219,808 $ 34,166,959 $ 41,120,861 $ 40,862,386 $ 43,039,600 $ 32,405,064 $ 29,412,724 $ 18,600,650 $ 18,062,742 $ 15,938,189 4 101716a HC BOC Page 182 HARNETT COUNTY FINANCIAL SUMMARY REPORT August, 2016 9/28/2016 GENERAL FUND Estimated Fund Balance In the governmental fund financial statements, fund balance is composed of five classifications designed to disclose the hierarchy of constraints placed on how fund balance can be spent. They are as follows: Non-Spendable Fund Balance - Restricted Fund Balance - Committed Fund Balance - Assigned Fund Balance - Unassigned Fund Balance - Non Spendable Restricted Committed Assigned Unassigned Total General Fund Genera l Fund Expenditures Unassigned Fund Balance as a % of Expenditures This classification includes amounts that cannot be spent because they are either (a) not in spendable form or (b) legally or contractually required to be maintained intact. The classification includes amount that are restricted to specific purposes externally imposed by creditors or imposed by law. This classification represents the portion of fund balance that can only be used for specific purposes imposed by majority vote by a quorum of the County Commissioners, that can by adoption of an ordinance, commit fund balance . That portion of fund balance that the County intends to use for specific purposes. The County Commissioners have the authority to assign fund balances. This classification represents the portion of fund balance that has not been assigned to another fund or is not restricted, committed, or assigned to specific purposes within the general fund. Unaudited 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 $ 748,224 $ 451,088 $ 111,181 $ 159,625 $ 159,625 $ 8,789,704 $ 9,433,149 $ 9,260,952 $ 11,496,063 $ 11,496,063 $ 574,133 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 3,193,811 $ 2,600,000 $ $ 13,212,441 $ 17,959,942 $ 18,732,095 $ 19,417,388 $ 26,017,388 $ 23,324,502 $ 27,844,179 $ 31,298,039 $ 33,673,076 $ 37,673,076 $ 100,900,981 $ 101,852,867 $ 103,330,529 $ 108,508,715 $ 110,000,000 13.09% 17.63% 18.13% 17.89% 23.65% Fund Balance % 13.09% 17.63% 18.13% 23.65% 17.89% 21.00% 11.00% 1.00% 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 The Harnett County Board of Commissioners have approved a fund balance policy which strives to maintain a minimum fund balance of 15%. U:\M y Documents\Monthly Reports\2016 -2017\August 2016 -Financial Statements.xlsx 5 101716a HC BOC Page 183 HARNETI COUNTY FINANCIAL SUMMARY REPORT 9/28/2016 August, 2016 PUBLIC UTILITIES FUND FYE 2017 Activity Total Unaudited FYE 2017 (includes Percent Same Period Department FYE 2015 FYE 2016 Adjusted Budget encumbrances) to Date Last Fiscal Year Admin/CSR/Meter Services $ 6,369,116 $ 4,601,220 $ 4,258,726 $ 161,968 3.80% $ 370,158 Water Treatment 3,965,881 4,376,387 5,000,402 503,203 10.06% 622,725 Wastewater Treatment 1,908,016 2,048,055 2,711,883 212,336 7.83% 214,570 Wastewater Treatment SHWW 1,869,169 2,088,743 2,720,882 199,398 7.33% 262,323 Distribution 3,607,800 4,119,584 4,564,365 535,860 11.74% 561,904 Collections 3,006,906 2,805,819 3,752,716 294,711 7.85% 334,033 Subtotal -Operating Expenditures $ 20,726,888 $ 20,039,808 $ 23,008,974 $ 1,907,476 8.29% $ 2,365,713 lnterfund Transfers 22,607,192 Depreciation 6,395,389 9,327,623 Debt Service 5,106,266 5,230,476 6,717,809 273,979 4.08% 240,130 Subtotal Other Financing Uses: $ 34,108,847 $ 14,558,099 $ 6,717,809 $ 273,979 4.08% $ 240,130 Total Expenditures $ 54,835,735 $ 34,597,907 $ 29,726,783 $ 2,181,455 7.34% $ 2,605,843 Total Unaudited FYE 2017 FYE 2017 Percent Same Period Revenues: FYE 2015 FYE 2016 Adjusted Budget Activity to Date Last Fiscal Year Intergovernmental Revenue $ 3,703 $ 3,703 $ 3,703 $ $ Sales & Services 30,134,602 32,563,219 29,448,080 5,725,615 19.44% 5,903,465 Other Revenues 2,023,403 4,130,449 275,000 62,604 22.77% 62,155 Rents, Concess . & Feees 172 2,105 168 Subtotal -Operating Revenues $ 32,161,880 $ 36,699,476 $ 29,726,783 $ 5,788,387 19.47% $ 5,965,620 Other Finance Sources 13,731,430 320,484 lnterfund Transfers 1,452,130 450,000 Fund Balance Appropriated Subtotal Other Financing Sources: $ 15,183,560 $ 770,484 $ $ $ Total Revenues $ 47,345,440 $ 37,469,960 $ 29,726,783 $ 5,788,387 19.47% $ 5,965,620 Revenues over/ (under) expenditures $ (7,490,295) $ 2,872,053 $ 3,606,932 $ 3,359,777 U:\M y Documents\M on thly Reports\2016 • 2017\August 2016 • Financial Statements.xlsx 6 101716a HC BOC Page 184 August 2016 July 2016 June 2016 May 2016 April 2016 March 2016 February 2016 January 2016 December 2015 November 2015 October 2015 September 2015 August 2015 HARNETT COUNTY FINANCIAL SUMMARY REPORT PNC $ 30,074,922 $ 28,301,352 $ 27,213,474 $ 28,848,875 $ 30,683,192 $ 31,388,435 $ 29,859,796 $ 29,009,846 $ 24,228,551 $ 24,058,100 $ 23,345,138 $ 22,373,066 $ 20,802,670 $40,000,000 $30,000,000 $20,000,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ August, 2016 PUBLIC UTILITIES FUND Cash and Investments Lockbox 3,836,649 3,467,807 3,582,342 3,432,473 3,316,449 3,343,019 3,507,930 3,010,381 3,662,494 3,267,333 3,268,625 3,142,028 3,162,849 Cash Flow Debt Service and Transfer Requirements Current Year Outstanding Interest $ 2,739,111 $ 26,581,443 Principal $ 3,868,937 73,850,351 Transfers Out $ $ 6,608,048 $ 100,431,795 NCCMT $ 585,023 $ 583,368 $ 583,368 $ 581,211 $ 577,919 $ 570,299 $ 555,108 $ 554,829 $ 553,621 $ 552,071 $ 549,916 $ 549,700 $ 549,270 U:\Mv Doc uments\M onthly Reports\2016 -20 17\Augu st 2016 -Financial Statements .il sx 9/28/2016 Total $ 34,496,594 $ 32,352,527 $ 31,379,183 $ 32,862,559 $ 34,577,560 $ 35,301,753 $ 33,922,833 $ 32,575,057 $ 28,444,666 $ 27,877,505 $ 27,163,678 $ 26,064,794 $ 24,514,789 7 101716a HC BOC Page 185 HARNETI COUNTY FINANCIAL SUMMARY REPORT 9/28/2016 August, 2016 SOLID WASTE FUND FYE 2017 Activity Total Unaudited FYE 2017 (includes Percent Same Period Department FYE 2015 FYE 2016 Adjusted Budget encumbrances) to Date Last Fiscal Year Solid Waste $ 4,555,419 $ 5,170,892 $ 5,461,118 $ 378,796 6.94% $ 262,857 Subtotal -Operating Expenditures $ 4,555,419 $ 5,170,892 $ 5,461,118 $ 378,796 6.94% $ 262,857 Other Financing Uses 1,396,177 lnterfund Transfers Depreciation 345,724 4 45,290 Debt Service 529,747 540,939 544,828 41,904 7.69% 30,900 Subtotal Other Financing Uses: $ 2,271,648 $ 986,228 $ 544,828 $ 41,904 7.69% $ 30,900 Total Expenditures $ 6,827,067 $ 6,157,120 $ 6,005,946 $ 420,700 7.00% $ 293,757 Total Unaudited FYE 2017 FYE 2017 Percent Same Period Revenues: FYE 2015 FYE 2016 Adjusted Budget Activity to Date Last Fiscal Year Taxes $ 234,276 $ 2 68,129 $ 219,000 $ $ Intergovernmental Revenue 25,000 133,790 Sales & Services 5,165,089 5,314,394 5,265,540 299,883 5.70% 7,581 Other Revenues 499,631 670,770 196 136 Rents, Concess . & Feees 276 1,29 1 20,000 1 0.01% Subtotal -Operating Revenues $ 5,924,272 $ 6 ,388,374 $ 5,504,540 $ 300,080 5.45% $ 7,717 Other Finance Sources 1,402,161 9 1 7 lnterfund Transfers Fund Balance Appropriated 501,406 Subtotal Other Financing Sources : $ 1,402,161 $ 917 $ 501,406 $ $ Total Revenues $ 7,326,433 $ 6,389,291 $ 6,005,946 $ 300,080 5.00% $ 7,717 Revenues over/ (under) expenditures $ 499,366 $ 232,171 $ (120,620) $ {286,040) U:\My Oocuments\Monthly Reports\2016 . 2017\August 2016 ~ Rnancial Stat eme nts.xlsx 8 101716a HC BOC Page 186 HARNETT COUNTY FINANCIAL SUMMARY REPORT 9/28/2016 August, 2016 SOLID WASTE FUND Cash and Investments PNC BB&T First Bank NCCMT Total August 2016 $ 596,631 $ 637,923 $ 589,976 $ 78 ,243 $ 1,902,774 July 2016 $ 706,906 $ 613,495 $ 567,589 $ 4,902 $ 1,892,893 Jun e 2016 $ 953,476 $ 595,845 $ 549,127 $ 4,902 $ 2,103,350 May 2016 $ 1,030,073 $ 577,211 $ 534,532 $ 254,500 $ 2,396,316 April 2016 $ 1,106,636 $ 555,533 $ 517,182 $ 185,532 $ 2,364,882 March 2016 $ 1,322,008 $ 533,722 $ 501,869 $ 185,532 $ 2,543,131 February 2016 $ 1,453,177 $ 504,847 $ 477,173 $ 60,920 $ 2,496,117 January 2016 $ 1,838,468 $ 495,010 $ 469,484 $ 123,226 $ 2,926,188 December 2015 $ 1,157,547 $ 482,090 $ 451,079 $ 123,226 $ 2,213,942 November 2015 $ 795,755 $ 469,359 $ 439,402 $ 123,226 $ 1,827,742 October 2015 $ 160,831 $ 456,391 $ 422,540 $ 59,824 $ 1,099,587 September 2015 $ 182,041 $ 425,002 $ 394,917 $ 59,824 $ 1,061,785 August 2015 $ 372,508 $ 425,018 $ 395,198 $ 59,824 $ 1,252,548 Cash Flow $3,000,000 $2,000,000 $1,000,000 v~ :,.->.. e A vQJ '>v ._,§' ~'I> 51z~ ,iJ' ~ '<" '<" ~'I> "'I> 'I><:' rt' \ ·sl <1,' :o' ~"' ,f) :oe <,"-'<<I, '>'I> ,_,e; <I,(' .._o <f::'"<J ~ <::f "<'o"" 0,., ,._e ~"' '-,</,~ Debt Service and Transfer Requirements Current Year Outstanding Interest $ 74,246 $ 299,593 Principal 314,023 2,599,133 Trans fers Out $ 388,269 $ 2 ,898,726 U:\Mv Oocuments\Mont hly Reports\2016 -2017\August 2016 -Financial State ments.xlsx 9 101716a HC BOC Page 187 HARNETT COUNTY FINANCIAL SUMMARY REPORT August, 2016 Category FYE 2015 Fixed Cost $ 29,000 Claims Funded 123,636 Total $ 152,636 Revenues: FYE 2015 WORKER'S COMPENSATION FUND Unaudited FYE 2017 FYE 2016 Adjusted Budget $ 21 ,000 $ 32,000 3,093,822 1,093,000 $ 3,114,822 $ 1,125,000 Unaudited FYE 2011 FYE 2016 Adjusted Budget FYE 2017 Activity (includes encumbrances) $ $ 130,919 130,919 FYE 2017 Activity Departmental Charge Other revenues $ 1,821,371 $ 1,711,483 $ 250,795 441,714 975,000 $ 150,000 161,165 15,038 Fund Balance Appropriated Total Revenues over/(under) expenses $ 2,072,166 $ 2,153,197 $ $ 1,919,530 $ (961 ,625) ========== 1,125,000 $ 176,203 ========== $ 45,284 Cash and Investments August 2016 July 2016 June 2016 May 2016 April 2016 March 2016 February 2016 January 2016 December 2015 November 2015 October 2015 September 2015 August 2015 PNC $ 1,669,764 $ 1,705,014 $ 1,624,481 $ 1,692,068 $ 1,643,553 $ 1,711,933 $ 1,532,422 $ 1,556,134 $ 1,193,599 $ 1,273,094 $ 1,329,590 $ 1,238,990 $ 1,234,512 $3,000,000 $2,000,000 $1,000,000 Liability as of July 1 Current year claims and changes in estimates Actual claim payments liability a s of end of month U:\Mv Documents\Monthly Reports\2016 -2017\Augus t 2016 -Financia l Statements.xlsx Cash Flow liability $ 4,690,195 28,424 9,618 $ 4,709,002 NCCMT $ 1,211,772 $ 1,211,772 $ 1,211,772 $ 1,211,772 $ 1,211,772 $ 1,211,772 $ 1,211,772 $ 1,211,772 $ 1,211,772 $ 1,211,772 $ 1,211,772 $ 1,211,772 $ 1,211,772 # of Cla im s this fiscal year 9/28/2016 Total Percent to Date 11.98% 11.64% Total Percent to Date Same Period Last Fiscal Year $ 267,146 $ 267,146 Same Period Last Fiscal Year 16.53% $ 10.03% $ 149,7 34 42,581 15.66% $ 192,315 ========== $ (74,831) Total $ 2,881,536 $ 2,916,786 $ 2,836,253 $ 2,903,840 $ 2,855,325 $ 2,923,705 $ 2,744,194 $ 2,767,906 $ 2,405,371 $ 2,484,866 $ 2,541,362 $ 2,450,762 $ 2,446,284 12 10 101716a HC BOC Page 188 HARNETI COUNTY FINANCIAL SUMMARY REPORT Department Employee Clinic Total Revenues: Departmental Charge Other revenues Fund Balance Appropriated Total Revenues over/(under) expenses August 2016 July 2016 June 2016 May 2016 April 2016 March 2016 February 2016 January 2016 December 2015 November 2015 October 2015 September 2015 August 2015 FYE 2015 $ 121,440 $ 121,440 FYE 2015 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $700,000 $600,0 00 $500,000 228,950 228,950 107,510 PNC 645,243 643,903 640,890 629,731 634,966 626,534 619,752 612,081 602,255 592,428 582,054 554,324 544,121 U :\My Ooc uments\Monthly Aeports\2016 -2017\August 2016 -Financial St .atements.xlsx August, 2016 EMPLOYEE CLINIC FUND FYE 2017 Activity Unaudited FYE 2017 (includes FYE 2016 Adjusted Budget encumbrances) $ 140,835 $ 177,232 $ 15,374 $ 140,835 $ 177,232 $ 15,374 Unaudited FYE 2017 FYE 2017 FYE 2016 Adjusted Budget Activity $ 242 ,612 $ 177,232 $ 24,210 $ 242,612 $ 177,232 $ 24,210 $ 101,777 $ 8,836 Cash and Investments NCCMT $ 29,241 $ 29,241 $ 29,241 $ 29,241 $ 29,241 $ 29,241 $ 29,241 $ 29,241 $ 29,241 $ 29,241 $ 29,241 $ 29,241 $ 29,241 Cash Fl ow Total Percent to Date 8 .67% 8.67% Total Percent to Date 13.66% 13.66% 9/28/2016 Same Period Last Fiscal Year $ 12,877 $ 12,877 Same Period Last Fiscal Year $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 38,850 38,850 25,973 Total 674,484 673,145 670,132 658,972 664,207 655,776 648,994 641,322 631,496 621,670 611,295 583,566 573,362 11 101716a HC BOC Page 189 August 2016 July 2016 June 2016 May 2016 April 2016 March 2016 February 2016 January 2016 December 2015 November 2015 October 2015 September 2015 August 2015 HARNETT COUNTY FINANCIAL SUMMARY REPORT August, 2016 EMPLOYEE CLINIC FUND Employee Clinic Utilization #of Visits 145 Health Prevention 144 162 171 # Flu shots 149 163 159 182 # Pneumonia shots 196 132 144 131 98 Patient Flow U:\Mv Oocuments\Monthly Reports\2016 • 2017\August 2016 -Financial Statements.xlsx 9/28 /2016 12 101716a HC BOC Page 190 Category Paid Claims Fixed Cost Wellness Total Revenues: Medical Premium Equivilents Other revenues Total Revenues over/(under) expenses August 2016 July 2016 June 2016 May 2016 April 2016 March 2016 February 2016 January 2016 December 2015 November 2015 October 2015 September 2015 August 2015 HARNETT COUNTY FINANCIAL SUMMARY REPORT August, 2016 MEDICAL INSURANCE FUND Unaudited FYE 2017 FYE 2015 FYE 2016 Adjusted Budget $ 5,205,337 $ 6,616,284 $ 5,650,000 655,329 634,709 795,000 1,507 8,355 10,000 $ 5,862,173 $ 7,259,348 $ 6,455,000 Unaudited FYE 2011 FYE 2015 FYE 2016 Adjusted Budget FYE 2017 Activity (includes encumbrances) $ $ 1,026,897 119,064 762 1,146,723 FYE 2017 Activity $ 6,687,178 $ 6,737,032 $ 6,443,000 $ 1,235,205 10,783 26,178 12,000 1,320 $ 6,697,961 $ 6,763,210 $ 6,455,000 $ 1,236,525 ============ $ 835,788 $ (496,138) ========== $ 89,802 Cash and Investments PNC $ 1,125,368 $ 967,054 $ 1,035,476 $ 866,947 $ 964,355 $ 1,196,881 $ 1,354,214 $ 1,351,919 $ 1,222,061 $ 1,387,910 $ 1,290,451 $ 1,502,651 $ 1,387,676 $2,500,000 $2,000,000 $1,500,000 $1,000,000 NCCMT $ 543,297 $ 543,297 $ 543,297 $ 543,297 $ 543,297 $ 543,297 $ 543,297 $ 543,297 $ 543,297 $ 543,297 $ 543,297 $ 543,297 $ 543,297 Cash Flow U:\Mv Documents\Mon thly Reports\2016. 2017\August 2016 . Financial Statements.xlsx 9/28/2016 Total Percent to Date 18.18% 14.98% 7.62% 17.76% Total Same Period Last Fiscal Year s $ 900,422 165,310 4,262 1,069,994 Percent Same Period to Date Last Fiscal Year 19.17% $ 11.00% 1,071,796 19.16% $ 1,071,796 =========== $ 1,802 Total $ 1,668,665 $ 1,510,351 $ 1,578,773 $ 1,410,244 $ 1,507,653 $ 1,740,178 $ 1,897,511 $ 1,895,216 $ 1,765,358 $ 1,931,207 $ 1,833,748 $ 2,045,949 $ 1,930,973 13 101716a HC BOC Page 191 HARNETT COUNTY FINANCIAL SUMMARY REPORT 9/28/2016 August, 2016 MEDICAL INSURANCE FUND Medical Paid Claims Summary Employees& Total Loss Premium Pre-65 Retirees Membership Net Paid Claims Fixed Cost Ratio Equivalent August 2015 802 1,167 $ 383,357.49 $ 56,855.83 82.22% $ 535,395.42 September 2015 802 1,169 $ 465,117.51 $ 55,311.71 96.87% $ 537,247.45 October 2015 808 1,174 $ 650,383.71 $ 103,099.20 141.27% $ 533,359.40 November 2015 808 1,173 $ 531,699.65 $ 59,136.25 108.27% $ 545,697.46 December 2015 812 1,177 $ 448,829.22 $ 52,614.19 92.18% $ 544,006.75 January 2016 820 1,191 $ 418,525 .31 $ 56,097.08 86.93% $ 545,957 .33 February 2016 829 1,199 $ 476,696.71 $ 57,028.00 97.08% $ 549,770.71 March 2016 824 1,192 $ 613,689.61 $ 55,057.79 122.98% $ 543,783 .54 April 2016 819 1,190 $ 846,544.07 $ 59,316.96 166.24% $ 544,921.50 May 2016 821 1,195 $ 644,458.97 $ 18,765.56 121.42% $ 546,217.69 June 2016 826 1,201 $ 749,785.30 $ (48,146.18) 112.65% $ 622,838.33 July 2016 830 1,237 $ 567,120.08 $ 117,732.75 110.73% $ 618,468.30 August 2016 827 1,238 $ 472,478.84 $ 58,462.25 86.09% $ 616,736.38 Year to Date (membership = avg) 818 1,193 $ 7,268,686.47 $ 701,331.39 109.41% $ 7,284,400.26 Medical Plan Loss Ratio U:\My Oocuments\Monthly Reports\2016 • 2017\August 2016 · Financial State ment s.xl sx 14 101716a HC BOC Page 192 HARNETI COUNTY FINANCIAL SUMMARY REPORT 9/28/2016 August, 2016 DENTAL INSURANCE FUND FYE 2017 Activity Total Unaudited 2016-2017 (includes Percent Same Period Category FYE 2015 FYE 2016 Adjusted Budget encumbrances) to Date Last Fiscal Year Paid Claims $ 306,584 $ 296,421 $ 500,000 $ 68,316 13.66% s 12,461 Fixed Cost 35,323 36,698 45,000 7,101 15.78% 3,034 Total $ 341,907 $ 333,119 $ 545,000 $ 75,417 13.84% $ 15,495 Total Unaudited 2015-2016 FYE 2016 Percent Same Period Revenues : FYE 2015 FYE 2016 Adjusted Budget Activity to Date Last Fiscal Year Dental Premium Equivilents $ 544,448 $ 369,211 s 545,000 $ 75,083 13.78% $ 29,813 Other revenues Total $ 544,448 $ 369,211 $ 545,000 $ 75,083 13.78% s 29,813 Revenues over/(under) expenses $ 202,541 $ 36,092 s (334) s 14,318 Cash and Investments PNC NCCMT Total August 2016 s 269,750 s s 269,750 July 2016 s 278,279 $ s 278,279 Jun e 2016 $ 270,084 $ $ 270,084 May 2016 $ 262,899 $ $ 262,899 April 2016 $ 259,621 $ $ 259,621 March 2016 $ 255,744 $ s 255,744 February 2016 $ 262,475 $ s 262,475 January 2016 $ 255,653 $ $ 255,653 December 2015 $ 257,742 $ $ 257,742 November 2015 $ 251,362 $ $ 251,362 October 2015 $ 242,621 $ $ 242,621 September 2015 $ 249,844 $ $ 249,844 August 2015 $ 249,852 $ $ 249,852 July 2015 $ 248,309 $ $ 248,309 Cash Flow $300,000 $275,000 $250,000 $225,000 $200,000 .::,:,. ~4. e "'- .::,% "" .::,<:' ~'I:, l• '<' ~ ~ ', '?-~ ~'I>"" .::,'I> 'I:,~ ~ <. ~c' c' ~( ,::...::! li' ~c ~ <,,e ','I> c.;C c{'-'-0 li' ~ ,$4. QC '<;'0-,;. oc.; ,._c '?-v ', ,.t U:\My Oocuments\Monthly Reports\2016 . 2017\August 2016 • Financial Statements.xlsx 15 101716a HC BOC Page 193 August 2015 September 2015 October 2015 November 2015 December 2015 January 2016 February 2016 March 2016 April 2016 May 2016 June 2016 July 2016 August 2016 Year to Date (membership= avg) HARNETI COUNTY FINANCIAL SUMMARY REPORT August, 2016 DENTAL INSURANCE FUND Dental Paid Claims Summary Total Total Employees Membership Net Paid Claims Fixed Cost 651 1,094 $ 31,428.55 $ 3,033.66 650 1,093 $ 28,953.57 $ 3,033.66 654 1,097 $ 30,171.40 $ 3,033.66 648 1,090 $ 19,987.80 $ 3,010.36 649 1,093 $ 20,264.80 $ 3,047.64 658 1,105 $ 27,163.98 $ 3,056.96 660 1,101 $ 20,728.10 $ 3,075 .60 660 1,101 $ 29,696.70 $ 3,122.20 659 1,100 $ 31,526.79 $ 3,033.66 667 1,110 $ 22,062.20 $ 3,084.92 671 1,114 $ 28,488.90 $ 6,202.76 810 1,316 $ 31,416.37 $ 4,006.42 813 1,323 $ 35,594.70 $ 3,570.29 681 1,134 $ 357,483.86 $ 44,311.79 Dental Plan Loss Ratio 125% 100% 75% 50% ~'-~4, '2, ,\ ~ '; .§' ~'1; f:-i;,-v '; i;,-<1 'l>'o' 'I;<:\ ,4. ' ~ ,v .§> 'S><z, q) :oil) <z,' '<<i? '>'1><:-cf<:" if '-0 if <} <;,(l; '<;-0.::;. oc..; ,_<z; ii ,.p '?-v U:\Mv Oocuments\Monthly Reports\2016 • 2017\August 2016 • Financial Statements.xlsx 9/28/2016 Loss Premium Ratio Equivalent 115.59% $ 29,813 .15 106.13% $ 30,140.02 114.74% $ 28,939.38 74.83% $ 30,735.68 77.38% $ 30,126.24 102.76% $ 29,408.35 76.42% $ 31,147.59 110.76% $ 29,629.84 115.55% $ 29,909.42 84.50% $ 29,760.98 90.84% $ 38,188.97 93.83% $ 37,752.67 104.91% $ 37,330.66 97.31% $ 412,882.95 16 101716a HC BOC Page 194 HARNETI COUNTY FINANCIAL SUMMARY REPORT 9/28/2016 August, 2016 * BOARD OF EDUCATION FYE 2017 Activity Total Unaudited 2016-2017 (includes Percent Same Period Fund Group: FYE 2015 FYE 2016 State Fund Adjusted Budget encumbrances) to Date Last Fiscal Year Expenditures $ 102,207,084 $ 120,454,470 $ 12,765,358 10.60% Revenues $ 102,223,378 $ 120,454,470 $ 12,752,768 10.59% $ $ 16,295 s (12,589) $ Local Current Expense Fund Expenditures 1 9,279,878 27,632,138 3,570,905 12.92% Revenues 21,520,806 27,632,138 3,461,869 12.53% $ 2,240,928 $ $ (109,035) $ Federal Grant Fund Expenditures 9,658,731 835,421 1,007,140 120.55% Revenues 9,670,260 835,421 994,500 119.04% $ 11,528 $ $ (12,640) Capital Outlay Fund Expenditures 2,990,946 1,020,323 81 0 .01% Revenues 2,681,150 1,020,323 $ (309,796) $ $ {81) $ Child Nutrition Fund Expenditures 9,324,806 11,365,310 52,102 0.46% Revenues 9,246,428 11,365,310 557,578 4.91% $ {78,378) $ $ 505,476 Dunn District Fund Expenditures 292,697 540,278 13,819 2.56% Revenues 284,577 540,278 33,560 6.21% $ $ {8,120) $ $ 19,741 Local Restricted Fund Expenditures 3,813,528 833,370 174,545 20.94% Revenues 4,694,184 833,370 921,378 110.56% $ $ 880,656 $ $ 746,834 Total All Funds Expenditures 147,567,670 162,681,310 17,583,949 10.81% Revenues 150,320,783 162,681,310 18,721,654 11.51% $ $ 2,753,113 $ $ 1,137,705 $ • Latest available numbers from the Board of Education's web site. U:\My Oocuments\Mont hly Reports\2016 . 2017\August 2016 . Financial St atements.xis)( 17 101716a HC BOC Page 195 July June May April March February January December November October September August July 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 HARNETI COUNTY FINANCIAL SUMMARY REPORT August, 2016 * Local Currrent Expense $ 10,442,838 $ 8,709,721 $11,000,000 $9,000,000 $7,000,000 $5,000,000 BOARD OF EDUCATION Cash and Investments Capital Outlay $ $ Cash Flow Public School Membership 59,509 59,476 ADM MLD ADM Change MLDChange Month 1 Month 1 Revd Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 Final 21,000 20,500 20,000 19.500 20,405 20,543 20,387 20,495 (18) 20,505 20,504 118 20,468 20,465 (37) 20,360 20,332 {108) 20,229 20,190 (131) 20,164 20,191 (65) 20,142 20,148 (22) 20,097 20,121 (45) 20,035 20,017 (62) 20,252 20,017 217 Harnett County School Membership (48) 9 (39) (133) (142) 1 (43) (27) (104) 0 U:\My Documents\Monthly Reports\2016 -2017\August 2016 -Finan ci al Statements.xlsx 9/28/2016 Total $ $ 10,502,347 $ $ 8,769,197 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Fiscal Year 2015-2016 Initial Allotment 20,725 ADM ML D 18 101716a HC BOC Page 196 HA R N E T T CO UN T Y SA L E S TA X AN A L Y S I S BY AR T IC L E 1. C u r r e n ! !( e a r a c! lv lt l( : Fi sc al Ye a r 20 16 Ju l y , 20 1 5 Au g u s t , 20 1 5 Se p t e m b e r , 20 1 5 Oc t o b e r , 20 1 5 No v e m b e r , 20 1 5 De c e m b e r , 20 1 5 Ja n u a r y , 20 1 6 Fe b r u a r y , 20 1 6 Ma r ch , 20 1 6 Ap r i l, 20 1 6 Ma y , 20 1 6 Ju n e , 20 1 6 Ye a r ov e r Ye a r Ch a n . 9 . e $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ A rt i c l e 39 57 8 , 6 0 3 . 1 6 36 0 , 5 9 5 . 6 0 57 7 ,42 8 .49 57 5 , 9 9 6 . 9 2 55 7 ,42 2 . 2 1 65 3 , 5 9 9 . 1 4 52 6 ,10 5 . 0 3 57 4 ,22 1 . 4 4 67 8 ,04 8 . 8 5 63 3 , 7 9 6 . 6 5 61 5 ,96 3 . 1 4 66 1 ,5 2 0. 9 7 6 ,99 3 ,3 01 . 6 0 15 . 3 7 % 2 . Co m R a r i s o n to Rr i o r !( e a r : Fi sc a l Y ea r 20 15 Ar t ic le 39 Ju l y , 20 1 4 $ 36 3 ,49 5 . 2 8 Au g u s t , 20 1 4 $ 56 7 ,55 9 . 0 4 Se p t e m b e r , 20 1 4 $ 26 6 ,81 2 . 7 9 Oc t o b e r , 20 1 4 $ 54 2 ,74 8 . 4 2 No v e m b e r , 20 1 4 $ 48 2 ,72 6 .09 De c e m b e r . 20 1 4 $ 63 4 , 6 0 0 . 7 6 Ja n u a r y , 20 1 5 $ 49 9 ,89 8 .56 Fe b r u a r y , 20 1 5 $ 45 2 ,97 0 . 4 3 Ma r c h , 20 1 5 $ 55 3 ,2 03 . 7 7 Ap r i l , 20 1 5 $ 57 4 , 6 2 2 . 6 9 Ma y , 20 1 5 $ 50 9 , 4 4 7 . 5 8 Ju n e , 20 1 5 $ 61 3 ,41 1 . 2 7 $ 6, 06 1 ,49 6. 68 3 . R e co n c i l i a ti o n tQ g e n e r a l le d g e r : Ba l a n c e to HT E Ac t i v i t y 1 10 - 0 0 0 0 - 3 1 3 . 3 0 . ( ) 1 $ 6 ,99 3 ,30 1 . 6 0 11 0 - 0 0 0 0 - 3 1 3 . 3 0 -02 $ 5 , 15 2 , 7 0 4 . 3 1 11 0 - 0 0 0 0 - 3 1 3 . 3 0 · 0 3 $ 1 ,75 8 ,76 8 .1 2 11 0 - 0 0 0 0 - 3 1 3 . 3 0 - 0 4 $ 2, 1 87 ,7 46 .25 1 10 · 00 0 0 - 3 1 3 . 3 0 - 0 5 $ 3, 5 1 7 , 5 3 6 . 2 4 11 0 · 0 0 0 0 · 3 1 3 . 3 0 - 0 6 $ 32 2 . 4 6 2 . 4 1 11 0 - 0 0 0 0 - 3 1 3 . 3 0 - 0 7 $ (9 9 3 . 3 6 0 . 5 4 ) 11 0 - 0 0 0 0 - 3 1 3 . 3 0 - 0 8 $ (1 , 5 6 8 ,66 3 .24 ) $ 17 ,37 0 ,49 5 . 1 5 24 2 - 0 0 0 0 · 3 1 3 . 3 0 - 0 0 $ 1 ,32 0 , 9 3 2 . 4 7 22 5 - 0 0 0 0 - 3 1 3 .30 - 1 0 $ 32 1 ,02 6 . 8 7 22 5 - 0 0 0 0 - 3 1 3 . 3 0 - 1 0 $ 1, 9 1 6 , 4 2 9 .47 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ G en e r a l Fu n d Bo a rd of Ed u ca t i o n Ar t i cl e 40 Ar t i c l e 4 2 Ar t i c l e 40 Ar t i c l e 4 2 43 6 , 8 0 8 . 6 2 $ 17 7 , 6 1 8 . 9 0 $ 15 1 ,56 7 . 19 $ 30 3 ,1 34 . 3 8 4 1 0, 3 7 2 . 7 5 $ 13 5 ,07 7 . 5 5 $ 13 6 ,56 4 . 0 5 $ 27 3 .1 2 8 . 1 0 41 7 ,4 2 4 .5 8 $ 17 8 ,62 4 . 8 9 $ 14 3 , 1 6 6 . 5 1 $ 28 6 , 3 3 3 . 0 2 39 2 ,63 5 . 3 2 $ 18 0 , 6 9 3 . 7 3 $ 13 1 , 6 8 6 . 3 6 $ 26 3 ,3 72 . 7 2 41 3 , 8 8 9 . 8 9 $ 17 5 ,08 8 . 2 2 $ 14 0 ,95 8 . 8 3 $ 28 1 ,91 7 . 6 6 50 1 ,68 2 . 0 4 $ 20 2 ,90 4 . 0 5 $ 17 3 . 4 2 8 . 4 3 $ 34 6 ,85 6 . 8 6 36 4 , 8 6 3 . 8 2 $ 17 1 . 2 2 3 . 6 6 $ 11 9 ,29 2 . 8 1 $ 23 8 .5 8 5 .6 2 38 1 , 6 4 8 . 2 7 $ 18 1 , 4 7 6 .89 $ 12 6 , 6 0 3 . 8 8 $ 25 3 , 2 0 7 .76 45 5 , 9 2 0 . 6 9 $ 20 1 , 0 8 0 . 8 2 $ 15 9 , 5 3 4 . 8 7 $ 31 9 , 0 6 9 . 7 4 45 4 ,1 78 . 9 3 $ 19 4 ,7 57 . 2 7 $ 15 6 , 2 0 5 .7 1 $ 31 2 , 4 1 1 . 4 2 44 3 ,67 2 .7 7 $ 18 9 ,65 9 . 9 0 $ 15 2 , 3 4 6 . 4 4 $ 30 4 , 6 9 2 . 8 8 47 9 ,60 6 . 6 3 $ 19 9 , 5 4 0 . 3 7 $ 16 7 , 4 1 3. 0 4 $ 33 4 , 8 2 6 . 0 8 5 , 15 2 ,70 4 .3 1 $ 2, 18 7 ,7 46 . 25 $ 1 ,7 58 ,7 6 8 .12 $ 3, 5 17 ,5 36 . 24 7. 6 1 % 11 .73 % 8. 7 4 % 8. 7 4 % Ge n e r a l Fu n d B o a r d o f Ed u c a ti o n A rt l c le 4 0 Ar t i c l e 4 2 Ar t i c l e 4 0 Ar t ic l e 42 38 9 ,72 2 . 9 9 $ 12 6 ,80 7 .6 1 $ 13 2 ,88 4 . 0 2 $ 26 5 ,7 6 8 . 04 40 1 ,15 0 . 1 9 $ 17 8 ,89 0 . 6 3 $ 13 5 ,07 7 . 7 6 $ 27 0 , 1 5 5 . 5 2 38 0 . 1 6 0 . 4 0 $ 10 7 ,62 9 .8 8 $ 12 7 , 3 5 0 . 1 5 $ 25 4 ,7 0 0 .2 9 39 8 , 15 4 . 7 0 $ 16 9 , 3 2 4 .58 $ 13 5 ,95 8 . 5 8 $ 27 1 ,9 17 . 1 5 38 8 , 0 7 1 . 7 4 $ 15 8 , 0 5 5 . 7 7 $ 13 0 ,41 6 . 2 1 $ 26 0 , 8 3 2 . 4 1 46 9 , 9 4 2 .78 $ 19 8 ,68 0 . 1 9 $ 16 0 ,35 0 . 4 5 $ 32 0 , 7 0 0 . 9 1 36 3 ,43 6 . 8 5 $ 16 2 ,97 6 . 4 6 $ 11 9 ,7 7 3. 4 2 $ 23 9 ,54 6 . 8 4 35 2 . 4 0 9 . 4 1 $ 14 8 , 8 2 1 . 7 3 $ 11 7 , 0 3 6 . 4 0 $ 23 4 ,0 7 2. 8 1 37 0 , 2 8 3 . 2 7 $ 17 2 ,78 8 . 1 2 $ 12 4 , 1 0 6 . 4 9 $ 24 8 , 21 2 . 9 7 39 3 ,92 8 . 9 2 $ 1 76 , 0 7 1 . 0 3 $ 13 4 ,57 9 . 9 5 $ 26 9 , 15 9 . 9 0 42 6 ,1 37 . 5 7 $ 16 8 ,66 4 . 8 9 $ 14 3 ,2 7 1. 7 1 $ 28 6 ,54 3 . 4 3 45 4 . 78 2 . 79 $ 18 9 ,29 9 .5 1 $ 15 6 , 5 9 1 . 7 4 $ 31 3 .1 83 . 4 8 4 ,78 8 ,1 81 . 6 1 $ 1 ,95 8 ,0 10 .40 $ 1, 6 17 ,3 96 .8 8 $ 3, 2 34 ,7 93 .7 5 A c t i v i t y O ve r /( Un d e r ) Ov e r / ( U n d e r ) An n u a l i ze d Bu d g e t An n u a l i z ed Bu d 1 1 e t Bu d g e t (1 2 mo n t h s ) Bu d 1 1 e t 6 ,06 3 , 7 5 9 $ 92 9 , 54 2 . 6 0 $ 6, 0 6 3 , 7 5 9 $ 9 29 ,5 4 2 . 6 0 4, 8 8 9 , 8 9 6 $ 26 2 ,80 8 .3 1 $ 4, 8 8 9 , 8 9 6 $ 26 2 ,8 0 8. 3 1 1, 6 2 8 , 8 3 0 $ 12 9 ,93 8 .12 $ 1. 6 2 8 ,83 0 $ 12 9 ,93 8 . 12 1, 9 7 7 . 4 9 4 $ 21 0 , 2 5 2 . 2 5 $ 1 ,97 7 , 4 9 4 $ 2 1 0, 2 5 2 .2 5 3, 2 9 3 , 7 6 5 $ 22 3 ,7 7 1. 2 4 $ 3, 2 9 3 , 7 6 5 $ 2 23 ,7 7 1 . 2 4 $ 32 2 . 4 6 2 .4 1 $ $ 3 22 , 4 6 2 . 41 (9 4 9 , 2 8 5 ) $ (4 4 , 0 7 5 . 5 4 ) $ (9 4 9 , 2 8 5 ) $ (4 4 ,0 7 5 .5 4 ) (1 , 2 5 0 , 0 0 0 ) $ (3 1 8 , 6 6 3 .24 ) $ (1 , 2 5 0 , 0 0 0 ) $ (3 18 ,6 63 .2 4 ) 15 , 6 5 4 ,4 59 $ 1, 7 1 6 ,03 6 . 1 5 _ _ ! _ __ 15 , 6 5 4 ,45 9 $ 1 ,71 6 ,0 3 6. 15 1 ,03 4 ,95 0 $ 28 5 , 9 8 2 . 4 7 $ 1, 0 3 4 ,95 0 $ 2 8 5, 9 82 . 4 7 $ 32 1 ,02 6 . 8 7 $ $ 3 2 1, 0 26 .8 7 $ 1, 9 1 6 , 4 2 9 . 4 7 $ $ 1 ,91 6, 4 2 9 .4 7 U :\ My Do c u m e n t s \ M o n t h l y Re p o r t s \ 2 0 1 5 · 20 1 6 \ S a l e s Ta x \ S a l e s Ta x 20 1 6 .xl s x Ag en d a It e m _ __,_/ .... d~---- C i ty Ho l d Sc h o o l Hol d H ar m l es s H ar m l ess Ar t ic l e 44 Ar t i c l e 46 A rt i cl e 3 9 Ar t i c l e 39 Sp e cia l Di s tri cts T o tal D is t r ibution $ 8. 2 0 $ 15 9 ,27 8 . 4 8 $ (8 5 , 8 21 . 7 7 ) $ (13 9 , 3 7 9 . 8 4 ) $ 108,590 .02 $ 1,690,407.34 $ 50 . 0 7 $ 89 , 5 9 1 . 6 6 $ (8 3 , 3 3 7 . 8 0 ) $ ( 1 7 2,939 .96) $ 72,908 .65 $ 1 ,222,010.67 $ 1 24 . 8 9 $ 15 9 , 6 2 5 .2 7 $ (80 ,20 2 . 9 2 ) $ (12 4 , 8 2 3 . 2 3 ) $ 10 8,672 .94 $ 1 ,666 ,3 74.44 $ 48 .5 7 $ 15 7 , 6 1 6 . 3 5 $ (72 , 7 0 9 . 8 5 ) $ (1 05,785.92) $ 108.93 1 .26 $ 1 ,632,485 .46 $ 46 . 4 9 $ 15 1 , 4 2 2 . 1 3 $ (79 , 4 5 2 . 0 8 ) $ ( 12 7 , 07 6.34 ) $ 105 ,457.51 $ 1 ,619,674 .52 $ 97 . 6 2 $ 17 9 ,8 59 . 1 7 $ (98 , 5 2 9 . 1 8 ) $ ( 16 1 , 9 8 2 .73 ) $ 123,168.37 $ 1 ,921,083 .77 $ 31 . 6 6 $ 14 0 ,0 6 8 . 73 $ (66 , 0 1 4 . 0 7) $ (9 7 , 9 5 4 . 6 0 ) $ 100 ,7 83.00 $ 1 ,49 6,985 .66 $ 22 2 . 3 5 $ 15 5 , 4 8 8 . 3 6 $ (69 ,3 0 1 .79 ) $ (9 7 , 9 0 6 .62 ) $ 108 ,873.10 $ 1 ,614,533.64 $ 51 3 . 8 8 $ 18 8 , 24 2 .8 3 $ (87 ,85 2 . 6 6 ) $ (1 2 6 , 3 2 3 . 5 6 ) $ 125,818.15 $ 1,9 14,053 .61 $ 12 2 . 3 8 $ 17 5 , 7 6 5 . 4 1 $ (8 7 , 3 3 3 . 5 1 ) $ (1 3 4 , 9 13.55 ) $ 118,998.78 $ 1 ,823,989 .49 $ 1 69 . 4 3 $ 16 9 , 7 1 1. 15 $ (8 5, 6 1 3 . 7 0 ) $ (1 3 2 , 6 9 8 .2 1) $ 115 ,693.94 $ 1 ,773,597 .74 $ 32 1 ,0 2 6 . 8 7 $ 18 9 , 7 59 . 9 3 $ (9 7 ,1 9 1 .2 1 ) $ (1 4 6 , 8 78.68 ) $ 123,036 .75 $ 2,232,660.75 $ 3 22 , 46 2 .4 1 $ 1 ,9 16 ,4 29 . 4 7 $ (99 3 ,3 6 0 .5 4 ) $ (1 , 5 6 8 , 6 6 3 .2 4 ) $ 1 ,3 20,93 2.47 I $ 20,607,857.09 -3 6 6 4 . 0 2 " / o 9. 6 7 % 6. 5 3 % 1. 2 2 " / o 9.28% 13.70 % Ci ty H o ld Sc h o ol H o l d H ar m l es s Ha r mles s A rt lc l e 4 4 A rt i c l e 4 6 Ar t lc l e 3 9 Ar t i c l e 3 9 Sp e c i a l Dis t ric t s T ota l D istribution $ 10 1. 44 $ 12 4 ,9 0 1. 7 6 $ (8 1 , 14 3 .53 ) $ (16 1 , 4 3 1 . 3 7 ) $ 74,701.19 $ 1,235,807.43 $ 29 4 . 2 9 $ 15 4 , 2 3 5 . 9 8 $ (7 5 , 98 8 . 12 ) $ (1 1 3,642.20) $ 112,278.46 $ 1.630 ,011.54 $ (10 , 4 8 3 .3 4 ) $ 1 45 , 3 0 0 . 8 2 $ (80 , 7 6 0 .0 7 ) $ (17 7 ,767.13) $ 56 ,896 .19 $ 1 ,069,839.98 $ ( 15 2 . 3 0 ) $ 14 7 , 9 1 9 . 4 5 $ (7 7 ,2 1 6 . 4 0 ) $ (12 0 , 1 2 5 . 6 4 ) $ 106,943.77 $ 1 ,57 5 ,472.3 1 $ 2 15 . 12 $ 13 5 , 1 4 7 . 5 1 $ (75 , 5 9 1 . 5 7 ) $ (1 27,018.20) $ 96,835.07 $ 1,449 ,690.15 $ 13 9 . 73 $ 17 3 , 1 39 . 7 1 $ (9 1 ,2 6 5 . 9 0 ) $ (1 43 ,223.08 ) $ 125.238.59 $ 1 ,848 ,304.14 $ 20 5 . 7 6 $ 1 31 ,3 6 1. 5 7 $ (67 ,80 2 .1 6 ) $ (1 04,559.72) $ 100,080.30 $ 1,444 ,917.88 $ 28 0 . 4 1 $ 11 9 , 9 0 4 . 4 5 $ (67 , 3 3 8 . 6 3 ) $ (1 1 0,813.47) $ 90,961.50 $ 1,338,305 .0 4 $ 19 .6 6 $ 15 4, 77 3 .0 3 $ (68 , 8 1 2 . 7 3 ) $ (9 6 , 8 8 5 . 7 5 ) $ 109,036.72 $ 1,566,725 .55 $ 21 7 .98 $ 15 8 ,0 2 7 .B t $ (7 5, 16 2 . 8 9 ) $ (1 0 9 , 2 0 6 .25) $ 112,537.12 $ 1 .63 4 ,776.26 $ 19 . 0 0 $ 13 3 ,8 2 8 . 3 3 $ (82 ,9 3 6. 9 2 ) $ (1 44,948.84 ) $ 102,684.64 $ 1,542,7 11.39 $ 94 . 5 3 $ 16 8 , 9 8 0 .06 $ (88 , 4 2 5 .6 0 ) $ ( 14 0 , 1 8 1 . 9 4 ) $ 120 ,564.23 $ 1.788,300 .07 $ (9 ,0 4 7. 7 2 ) $ 1 ,7 4 7, 5 2 0 . 48 $ (93 2 ,44 4 .52 ) $ (1 ,5 4 9 , 8 0 3 .59) $ 1 ,2 0 8,7 5 7 .78 I$ 1 8 ,1 2 4 ,861 .75 Ar t i c l e 44 * 52 4 Article 46 Sa l e s Tax Sales Tax A rt ic l e 39 Ar t i c l e 40 Ge n e r a l Fu n d Re c e iv e d Pr i o r FY $ $ 2,172,201.00 A r t i cl e 40 Ed u ca t i on Re c e i v e d to Da t e t hi s FY 32 1 , 0 2 6 . 8 7 1,916 ,429.47 Ar t i c l e 42 Ge n e r a l Fu n d ln 1 e r e s t Ea r n e d 3,992.10 Ar t i c l e 42 Ed u c a t i o n Ar t i c l e 44 $ 32 1 , 0 2 6 . 8 7 $ 4,092,622.57 Ar t i c l e 39 C i l y Ho l d H ar m l e s s Ar t i c l e 39 Sc h o o l Ho l d Ha r m l es s En c u m b e r e d to r $ $ Va r i o u s P ro j ec t s 1 ,540,000.00 Sp e c i a l D i st r i c t s A v ai l a b l e to r $ 32 1 ,026 .87 $ 2 ,552,622.57 Ar t i c l e 44 "5 2 4 Sa l e s Ta x Ap p r o p ri at i on Ar t ic le 46 Sa l e s Ta x 101716a HC BOC Page 197 C, Ha r n e t t Co u n t y Ve t e r a n s Se r v i c e s A2:enda It '~- Ac t i v i t i e s Re p o r t i n g Fo r m MO N T H / Y E A R : Se p t e m b e r 20 1 6 Re q u e s t Fo r Se r v i c e Co r r e s p o n d e n c e Cl a i m a n t St a t u s Wr i t t e n Ac t i o n Ta k e n (Claims & Development) (T e l e p h o n e an d In - P e r s o n ) Ou t .. C: C: C 0 G) ·;; 0 - E C: 0 en 'O C'G en C'G - 0 C: c: en C: :::s 0 C'G Q . Q . ;: ; 0 Cl) C: C'G Q. ·-0 0 :: s Q. Cl) e Cl ) :e G) ~ C'G z Q. C: :c Cl) C: I en I en .2 I!? C'G U) C: 0 w C: t .2 C: en ·c: en C'G s: , , - C: t! ~ C o Cl ) ci i a , C'G -J -C'G 0~ G) en Cl ) ... ... Q . C'G -.c - Q. g_ e ... 0 CJ 0 Cl ) = Cl ) . ! Cl ) • LL . E .! ~ ~ CJ Cl ) ) ( ~ s: , , 'O s: , , ~ 'C 0 "O :::s s:,, en DA T E NA M E ~ C'G - ~ i - :; 5 0 c Q . 0 ~ ~ 'O CJ 0 Cl) :e LL 0 0 0 , d LL w U) zm 1 44 9 48 2 14 6 65 0 0 0 61 38 2 8 2 2 0 8 93 2 3 4 5 _ , / " 7 - 6 / ., ~ ... . . . . . -- 7 / ., ~ ~ -~ - 8 -- - Er i c Tr u e s d a l e Harnett County 9 Ve t e r a n s Of f i c e r 10 11 Wa l k ln : 1 2 1 12 Ph o n e Ca l l s : 4 4 9 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 To t a l 44 9 48 2 14 6 65 0 0 0 61 38 2 8 2 2 0 8 93 101716a HC BOC Page 198 July 1, 2016 -June 30, 2017 Front Desk -Check-in Appointments Health Clinics Adult Women Wellness Clinic Harnett County Department of Public Health Activities Summary Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb 1033 1246 1326 2 1 1 Care Coordination for Children (CC4C) 206 187 228 Child Health -Sick Clinic 95 117 133 Child Health -Well Clinic 106 193 159 County Employee Health Clinic 144 145 150 Family Planning 171 155 144 General Clinic -(BP, BS, Chol.,etc .) 0 0 0 Immunizations 213 293 442 Maternity (Prenatal Clinic) 198 241 238 OB Care Management (OBCM) 306 298 275 Postpartum Home Visits 24 24 26 Refer/Repeat Pao 1 2 2 STD Services 90 105 110 TB Services 169 205 219 Welcome Baby Home Visits 24 25 26 Total Services 1749 1991 2153 0 0 0 0 0 Reportable Disease Cases Tuberculosis 0 0 0 HIV -(Quarterly report) 0 0 0 AIDS -(Quarterly report) 0 0 0 SYPHILIS -{Quarterly report) 2 1 0 OTHER STD's 38 27 13 Other (salmonella, campylobacter, etc) 3 2 3 Total Services 43 30 16 0 0 0 0 0 Health Education Outreach 230 419 385 Laboratory Clients 731 836 826 Laboratorv Tests 1455 1604 1505 HIV Tests 233 203 190 WIC Active Participation 3054 3114 Vital Statistics ...... ~ l;:.. Births in-county 58 49 47 Births out-of-county ---122 99 128 ~ Deaths - -46 52 41 Environmental Health # of Improvement Apps Confirmed 45 48 41 Number of Permits Issued 39 41 43 Number of Completions 36 34 24 Number of Existing Permits 22 27 21 Repair Permits Issued 5 9 6 Permits Denied 0 0 0 Food and Lodging Establishments lnspect'd/Reinspected 76 87 142 Visits/ Critical Voliations Verfication 43 34 42 Private Water Supplies Aoolications Received 1 3 1 Home Health Current Patient Caseload 78 74 70 Admissions 18 19 13 Discharges 33 22 12 Skilled Nursing Visits Made 229 238 184 Home Health Aide Visits Made 11 6 20 Speech Therapy Visits Made 2 0 0 Physical Therapy Visits Made 146 112 114 Occupational Therapy Visists Made 27 9 31 updated 10/11/2016 Agenda Item ---"J....,,2L.a-- Mar Apr May Jun lroTAL AVG. 3605 1201 .7 4 1.3333 621 207 345 115 458 152.67 439 109.75 470 156.67 0 0 948 316 677 225.67 879 293 74 24.667 5 1.6667 305 101.67 593 197.67 75 25 0 0 0 0 5893 1964.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 1 78 26 8 2.6667 0 0 0 0 89 29.667 1034 344.67 2393 797.67 4564 1521.3 626 208.67 6168 3084 154 51.333 349 116.33 139 46.333 134 44.667 123 41 94 31.333 70 23.333 20 6.6667 0 0 305 101.67 119 39.667 5 1.6667 222 74 50 16.667 67 22.333 651 217 37 12.333 2 0.6667 372 124 67 22.333 101716a HC BOC Page 199 Agenda Item --'~a~---- BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Boord of the County of Harnett, North Carolina, that the following amendment be mode to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017 Section 1. To amend the IT department, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 110-4900-41 0-64-27 Property Tax Leased Computer Eauipment $17,990 110-4 900-410-44-23 Buildina Eauipment/Rent $1 7,990 REVENUE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE EXPLANATION: Movement of money for property taxes on leased c o mputer equipment 2016 APPROVALS: ~.11/1~)1, Adopted __________________ _ Margaret Regina Wheeler, Clerk to the Board f:f-tU= ?-rl2 -1 , C ~.mty Manager (date) Jim Burgin, Chairman Harnett County Board of Commissioners 101716a HC BOC Page 200 BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMEN T BE IT ORDA INED by the Governi ng Board o f the County of Harnett. North Carolina. th at the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordina nce for the fi scal year ending June 30. 2017 Section 1. To amend the General Fund, Solid Waste Department, the appropriations are to be changed as follows : EXPENDITURE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 580 -6600-461-60-33 Mate ria ls & suoolies $600 580-6600-46 1 -60-66 HiQhway Use Tax $600 REVENUE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE EXPLANATION: To move money to pay for highway use t axes and tags on vehicle purc l es less than$1 0.000. APPROVALS : ~) '1\1"1\\l, HnanceOfficecf ate)9'~ ~a:::i!f.~ Section 2. Cop ies o f this budget amen dment shall be urnishe}t!~li tierk to the Board, and to t he Budget Officer and the Finance Officer for their direction. Adopted _________________ _ Margaret Regi n a Wh e eler, Clerk to the Board Jim Burgin , Chairman Harnett County Boord of Commissioners \ 11 I 101716a HC BOC Page 201 234-7410-465 -BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett, North Carolina that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017: Section l. To amend the Harnett County WIOA Adult Program Fund, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: AMOUNT AMOUNT EXPENDITURE CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 234-7410-465.58-19 Participant Travel 800 234-7410-465.32-72 Supportive Service 800 REVENUE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE EXPLANATION : To increase budget t actual cover expenditure in the above line items. tbavf oth ~ 9/19/1 6 Department Head (date) \ ~~ 'f.-22-/'" &;;ty Manager (date) Section 2. Copies of this budget amendment shall be furn ished to the Clerk to the Board, and to the Budget Officer and the Finance Officer for their direction . Adopted this Margaret Regina Wheeler Cle r k to the Board day of Jim Burgin, Chairman Harnett County Bo ard of Commissioners \\Ji 101716a HC BOC Page 202 BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett, North Carolina, that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017 ; Section 1. To amend the General Fund , Health Department, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE CODE NUMBER 110-7600-441.44-21 110-7600-441.60-45 REVENUE CODE NUMBER EXPLANATION: AMOUNT AMOUNT DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE Equipment Rental $ 840.00 Drugs $ 840.00 AMOUNT AMOUNT DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE Budget Amendment to move funds from drugs to Equipment Rental in order to rent computers for the three FNP nurses to work in the clinics carrying there computers from room to room seeing patients. Section 2 . Copie s of this budget amendment shall be furnished to the Clerk of the Board, and to the Budget Officer and the Finance Officer for their direction. Adopted th is Margaret Regina Wheeler, Clerk to the Board day of ,2016 Jim Burgin , Chairman Harnett County Board of Commissioners 101716a HC BOC Page 203 BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett, North Carolina, that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017 : Section 1. To amend the PU150142 MGD Water Plant Expansion Capital Project, Department of Public Utilities, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE n 545-9100 -431 -30-04 Professional Services $35,200.00 '- 545-9100-431-45-33 Materials and Supplies $35,200.00 REVENUE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE EXPLANATION : Enter budget for new professional services line . 9 20 16 Department Head (date) Section 2 . Copies of this budget amendment shal l be fur shed to the Clerk to the Board , and to the Budget Officer and the Finance Officer for their direction . Adopted this day of Margaret Regina Wheeler, Clerk to the Board I 2016. Jim Burgin , Chairman Harnett County Board of Commis sioners 10 101716a HC BOC Page 204 BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett, North Carolina, that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017 . Section 1. To amend the General Fund , Public Buildings Department, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 110-4610-410-60-36 Uniforms $62 110-4610-410-43-16 Repair/Maint Equipment $62 REVENUE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE EXPLANATION: Move monies to pay for shoes J ~ ~~t.;~tz g /2.9 /'lo t'° Counvnager (date) Section 2. Copies of this budget amendment shall be furni shed to the Clerk to the Board, and to the Budget Officer and the Finance Officer for their direction. Adopted this day of Margaret Regina Wheeler, Clerk to the Board , 2016. Jim Burgin, Chairman Harnett County Board of Commissioners 101716a HC BOC Page 205 BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett, North Carolina that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017: Section 1 . To amend the HC WIOA Dislocated Worker Program Fund, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 234-7411-465 .32-73 Training Vouchers -ITA 14,000 234-7411-465 .35-61 Paid Work Experience 4,000 234-7411-465.58-19 Participant Travel 7000 234 -7411-465.58-02 OJT 3000 REVENUE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE EXPLANATION: To Move a total of $14,000 from paid Work Experience (35-61), Participant travel (58-19), and OJT (58-02) into Training Vouchers (32-73) to assist pa rt icipants with tuition, books, and fees for schooling. APPROVALS: Section 2. Copies of this budget amendment shall be Officer and the Finance Officer for their direction . Adopted this day of Margaret Regina Wheeler Clerk to the Board rnished to the Clerk to the Board, and to the Budget Jim Burgin, Chairman Harnett County Board of Commis sioners 101716a HC BOC Page 206 BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett, North Carolina, that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017: Section 1. To amend the Tax Department, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 110-4500-4 10.33-45 Contracted Services 300.00 110-4500-410.43-16 Maintenance & Repair Equipment 300 .00 REVENUE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE EXPLANATION : Additional funds needed to pay Systel to replace Image Transfer kit for HP Color LaserJet CP5520 Series Printer that is not under contract. APPROVALS : 1f!Jt4: 1-;Hj Fin · ce Office date 9/ ~O / ) lo Section 2. Copies of this budget amendment sha I be furnished to the Clerk to the Board, and to the Budget Officer and the Finance Officer for their direction. Adopted this day of Margaret Regina Wheeler, Clerk to the Board , 2017. Jim Burgin, Chairman Harnett County Board of Commissioners r r~4 t 101716a HC BOC Page 207 234-7410-465 -BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett, North Carolina that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017 : Section 1. To amend the Harnett County WIOA Adult Program Fund , the appropriations are to be changed as follows: AMOUNT AMOUNT EXPENDITURE CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 234-7410-465 .35-26 Participant Cost 2500 234-7410-465 .35-61 Paid Work Experience 4000 234-7410-465.58.19 Participan t Travel 3000 23 4-7410 -465 .3 5 -83 Training Vouchers 6500 234-7410-465.58.02 OJT Training 3000 REVENUE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE t:ha AMte 1 l 11 d.J9/21/16 10-11-I h Department Head (date) Sec tion 2. Copies of this budget amendment shall be urnished to the Cl e rk t o the Boa rd , and t o t h e Bud get Officer and th e Finan ce Officer for thei r direction . Adopted this Marga re t Re gina Wh ee ler Clerk to the Bo ard da y of Jim Burgin, Chairman Harn ett Cou nty Board of Commiss ioner s 101716a HC BOC Page 208 BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett, Nor th Carolina, that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017. Section 1. To amend the General Fund , Public Buildings Department, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 110-4700-410-60-36 Uniforms $370 110-4 700-410-60-33 Materials and Supplies $370 REVENUE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE EXPLANATION: Move monies to pay for rain gear/outerwear for 3 Public Bldgs employees Section 2. Copies of this budget amen ent shall be furni shed to the Clerk to the Board, and to the Budget Officer and the Finance Officer for their direction. Adopted this day of Margaret Regina Wheeler, Clerk to the Board , 2016. Jim Burgin, Chairman Harnett County Board of Commissioners l7J l 101716a HC BOC Page 209 BUDGET ORD INANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett. North C arolina. that the followi ng amendmen t b e made to the annual budget ordinan ce for the fiscal year end ing June 30, 2017 Section 1. To amend the General Fund , Solid Waste Department, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE 580-6600-461 -60-39 Other Materials 580-6600-46 1-1 2-00 Salarv/Waoes Pt.-time REVENUE CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE EXPLANATION : To move money to pay for cardb oard b aler for recyclables. APPROVALS : Adopted __________________ _ Margaret Regina Wheeler, C lerk to the Board AMOUNT AMOUNT INCREASE DECREASE $7,000 $7,000 AMOUNT AMOUNT INCREASE DECREASE Jim Bu rgin, Chairman Harnett County Board of Commissioners 101716a HC BOC Page 210 BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett, North Carol ina, that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year end ing June 30, 2016 : Section 1.To amend the Wings Ove r Harnett budget, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 212-6500-406.60-4 7 Food & Provisions $200 212-6500-406 .33-50 Contracted Services -Misc $200 REVENUE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE EXPLANATION: Increase expenditure to provide entertainment for the Wings over Harnett event. APPROVALS : -//-/£ Section 2 . Copies of this budget amendment shall be furnished to the Clerk to the Board, and to the Budget Officer and the Finance Officer for their direction. Adopted this. ______ day of ______ ..J _______ _ Margaret Regina Wheeler Clerk to the Board Jim Burgin, Chairman Harnett County Board of Commis sioner 101716a HC BOC Page 211 BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett, North Carolina, that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017: Section 1. To amend the Public Utilities Department, 531, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 5 31-9000-431-44-21 Admin Operating/Building/Equip-Rent $205.00 5 31-9030-431-44-21 Collections Operating/Building/Equip-Rent $205.00 REVENUE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE EXPLANATION : Increase Collections Operating/Building/Equip-Rent line for invoice not included in purchase order. APPt/) 10/05/16 Department Head (date) Section 2. Copi es of this budget amendment shall be furn is Budget Officer and the Finance Officer for their direction. Adopted this day of I 2016. t:5-l/-/t (i le d to the Clerk to the Board, and to the Jim Burgin, Chairman Margaret Regina Wheel er Clerk to the Board Harnett County Board of Commissioners 101716a HC BOC Page 212 BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett, North Carolina , that the following amendment be made to the arrnual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017: Section 1. To amend the General Fund, Emergency Medical Services Department, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 110-5400-4 2 0 .11-00 Salaries & Wages $1105 110-5400-420.11-13 Salaries & Wages -Vacation Payout $1105 REVENUE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE EXPLANATION: To budget the transfer of fund s to Salaries & Wages -Vacation payout due to employee termination/resignation. ~ Christopher Mcswee ney 9/3/16 $575 -Termination ~ Forrest Van Der Velden 9/30/16 $530 -Re signation APPROVALS: Adopted this ___ day of ____ , 2016. Margaret Regina Wheeler Clerk to the Board d to the Clerk to the Board, and to th e Jim Burgin, Chairman Ha rn e tt County Board of Commi ssioners 101716a HC BOC Page 213 BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett, North Carolina, that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017; Section 1. To amend the General Fund, Health Department, the appropriations are to be changed as follows : EXPENDITURE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 110-7600-441.58-14 Tr.ave! $ 150.00 110-7600-441.58-21 Travel Contract $ 150.00 REVENUE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE EXPLANATION: Move funds from travel to contr~ct travel in order to pay contract employees. ~u APPROVALS : ~ IV. (1\r~ Department Head (date) ~/()-/2 ·//. Section 2 . Copies of this budget amendment shall be furnished to the Clerk of the Board , and to the Budget Officer a nd the Finance Officer for their direction. Adopted this Margaret Regina Wheel e r, Clerk to the Board day of ,2016 Jim Burgin , Chairman Harnett County Board of Commissioners 101716a HC BOC Page 214