101116wsa Agenda Package9:00 am 9:30 am 9:45 am 10:00 am 10:15 am 10:45 am 11:15am 11:30 am 11:15am 12:00 pm Harnett County Board of Commissioners Work Session Tuesday, October 11, 2016 9:00 am Compensation Study for County Employees, John Anzivino, Springfield, Inc. Benhaven Emergency Services requests permission to purchase used Self- Contained Breathing (SCBAs) in the amount of $40,000. Request for funding by the family and friends of Herb Thomas Hamett County Veterans Park Grant, Veteran Services Director Eric Truesdale Discussion of Pay Plan Committee Recommendations Discuss Hamett County Fiscal Policy Guidelines Board of Education's request for funding of four (4) additional teaching positions County Manager's Report: 1) October 17 , 2016 Regular Meeting agenda review 2) Construction estimate for Boone Trail & Shawtown Closed session Adjourn 101116wsa HC BOC Page 1 (/) -0 L.. a, 0 (/) ~ V) > C' -0 C: ·-<( L. L.. ~ 0 U) ~ m u QJ (/) u ..0 :::J 0... 101116wsa HC BOC Page 2 Ha r n e t t C O U N T Y NO R T H CA R O L I N A st r o n g ro o t s • ne w gr o w t h PR E S E N T A T I O N TO : Th e Bo a r d o f Co m m i s s i o n e r s o f Ha m e t t Co u n t y , No r t h Ca r o l i n a Co m p e n s a t i o n St u d y Oc t o b e r 11 , 20 1 6 Pr e s e n t e r : Jo h n An z i v i n o , Se n i o r Vi c e Pr e s i d e n t Pu b l i c Se c t o r Ad v i s o r s /~ Spr i ngste d 101116wsa HC BOC Page 3 Wh y ar e w e he r e ? • To ex p l a i n wh y th e s e ty p e s of st u d i e s ar e do n e an d what their be n e f i t s ar e • To le a r n ab o u t wh o we ar e an d wh o wi l l wo r k on th e County's Co m p e n s a t i o n St u d y • To he l p th e Bo a r d un d e r s t a n d th e pr o c e s s we wi l l us e to de t e r m i n e sa l a r y ra t e s an d wh e r e po s i t i o n s ar e pl a c e d on the sa l a r y sc h e d u l e • To ex p l a i n wh a t so m e of th e ou t c o m e s ma y be P u b l i c S e c t o r A d v i s o r s 2 Springsted 101116wsa HC BOC Page 4 H o w Of t e n D o Cl a s s i f i c a t i o n an d Co m p e n s a t i o n St u d i e s Oc c u r ? • As a ge n e r a l ru l e , mo s t or g a n i z a t i o n s co n d u c t ne w and co m p r e h e n s i v e cl a s s i f i c a t i o n an d co m p e n s a t i o n st u d i e s every fi v e (5 ) to se v e n (7 ) ye a r s , th u s en s u r i n g th e i r ab i l i t y to hire an d re t a i n qu a l i f i e d em p l o y e e s an d ma i n t a i n eq u i t a b l e i nt e r n a l re l a t i o n s h i p s . Th e ex t e r n a l ma r k e t fo c u s is im p o r t a n t be c a u s e it en s u r e s th a t th e co m p e n s a t i o n pl a n is ad e q u a t e to at t r a c t ne w em p l o y e e s an d re t a i n ex i s t i n g em p l o y e e s . P u b l i c S e c t o r A d v i s o r s 3 Springsted 101116wsa HC BOC Page 5 Ho w Of t e n Do Cl a s s i f i c a t i o n an d Co m p e n s a t i o n St u d i e s Oc c u r ? (c o n t . ) • Si m p l e r , le s s co m p l e x 'c o m p e n s a t i o n st u d i e s ' wh i c h look at th e lo c a l go v e r n m e n t s st a n d i n g in th e de f i n e d la b o r market ar e ty p i c a l l y co m p l e t e d ev e r y ot h e r ye a r • So m e t i m e s sp e c i a l i z e d st u d i e s of ke y pr o b l e m ar e a s are co n d u c t e d as pa r t of th e bu d g e t a r y pr o c e s s Pu b l i c S e c t o r Ad v i s o r s 4 Springsted 101116wsa HC BOC Page 6 Wh y D o Pu b l i c an d Pr i v a t e En t i t i e s Do Co m p e n s a t i o n St u d i e s ? • To en s u r e th a t co m p e n s a t i o n an d be n e f i t s fo r em p l o y e e s are eq u i t a b l e an d co m p e t i t i v e in th e la b o r ma r k e t • T o ai d in re d u c i n g em p l o y e e tu r n o v e r (i f a pr o b l e m exists) • T o ai d in re c r u i t m e n t wh e n a va c a n c y oc c u r s P u b l i c S e c t o r A d v i s o r s 5 ,, Springsted 101116wsa HC BOC Page 7 Wh y D o Pu b l i c an d Pr i v a t e En t i t i e s Do Co m p e n s a t i o n St u d i e s ? (c o n t . ) • To en s u r e jo b s ar e tr e a t e d in a fa i r ma n n e r an d th e i r rankings an d pa y ar e ba s e d up o n a ra t i o n a l sy s t e m of ev a l u a t i o n . • To en s u r e th a t sa l a r y co m p r e s s i o n is s u e s ar e ad d r e s s e d (if th e y ex i s t ) P u b l i c S e c t o r A d v i s o r s 6 Springsted 101116wsa HC BOC Page 8 Sp r i n g s t e d Mi s s i o n St a t e m e n t an d Who We Ar e • We wo r k wi t h lo c a l go v e r n m e n t s to bu i l d co m m u n i t i e s on a fi s c a l l y so u n d an d we l l - m a n a g e d ba s i s • Sp r i n g s t e d ha s ov e r 25 ye a r s of ex p e r i e n c e pr o v i d i n g human I re s o u r c e se r v i c e s • Se n i o r pr o f e s s i o n a l s wi t h ha n d s - o n ex p e r i e n c e in co u n t y , city an d to w n ad m i n i s t r a t i o n , fi n a n c e , hu m a n re s o u r c e s , public wo r k s , pl a n n i n g an d ec o n o m i c de v e l o p m e n t • Pr e f e r r e d pr o v i d e r s fo r th e NC A C C Pu b l i c Se c t o r Ad v i s o r s 7 /., Springsted 101116wsa HC BOC Page 9 So m e Re c e n t an d Cu r r e n t Cl i e n t s • Be r t i e Co u n t y • Le e Co u n t y • Ca b a r r u s Co u n t y • Ma c o n Co u n t y • Ca r t e r e t Co u n t y • NC A C C • Ch a t h a m Co u n t y • Pe n d e r Co u n t y • Cl a y Co u n t y • Ro c k i n g h a m Co u n t y • Fr a n k l i n Co u n t y • Sa m p s o n Co u n t y P u b l i c Se c t o r Ad v i s o r s 8 Springsted 101116wsa HC BOC Page 10 Cu r r e n t Cl i e n t L o c a t i o n s . I f . L _ _ _ _ _ h J I .. I - -/_ _ \ ,' . : { - - - - - - j ~ ~, J'. : r _ /. - _ _ \ D J I I \ a · D -1 _ _ _ .. I Go l d re f l e c t s th e st a t e s wh e r e Sp r i n g s t e d ' s cl i e n t s ar e lo c a t e d Pu b l i c S e c t o r Ad v i s o r s 9 Springsted 101116wsa HC BOC Page 11 Pr o j e c t Te a m • Jo h n An z i v i n o , Se n i o r Vi c e Pr e s i d e n t • An n e Le w i s , Se n i o r Vi c e Pr e s i d e n t • Jo e l Da v i s , Vi c e Pr e s i d e n t • Re b e c c a Da y t o n , Pr o j e c t Ma n a g e r P u b l i c S e c t o r A d v i s o r s 10 ..-~ S p r i n g st e d 101116wsa HC BOC Page 12 Co m p e n s a t i o n St u d i e s : Ou r Ph i l o s o p h y • E mp l o y e e s ar e th e Co u n t y ' s mo s t va l u a b l e re s o u r c e ; th e y sh o u l d be tr e a t e d fa i r l y an d eq u i t a b l y • Co m p e n s a t i o n sh o u l d be vi e w e d eq u i t a b l y bo t h in t e r n a l l y and ex t e r n a l l y • Cl a s s i f i c a t i o n an d co m p e n s a t i o n pl a n s sh o u l d be un d e r s t a n d a b l e to em p l o y e e s , ma n a g e r s , th e go v e r n i n g body an d ci t i z e n s P u b l i c S e c t o r A d v i s o r s 11 Springsted 101116wsa HC BOC Page 13 Ha m e t t Co u n t y Co m p e n s a t i o n St u d y : Ob j e c t i v e s • Ev a l u a t e co m p e t i t i v e n e s s of th e sa l a r y , be n e f i t s an d ad d i t i o n a l pa y fo r Ha r n e t t Co u n t y em p l o y e e s co m p a r e d to ex t e r n a l ma r k e t va l u e s • De v e l o p a co m p e n s a t i o n st r a t e g y an d sa l a r y st r u c t u r e that is fa i r in t e r n a l l y an d ex t e r n a l l y • Re v i e w cu r r e n t co m p e n s a t i o n pr a c t i c e s an d po l i c i e s in Ha r n e t t Co u n t y P u b l i c S e c t o r A d v i s o r s 12 n Springsted 101116wsa HC BOC Page 14 Ha m e t t Co u n t y Co m p e n s a t i o n St u d y : Ob j e c t i v e s (c o n t . ) • Ev a l u a t e th e in t e r n a l ra n k i n g of cu r r e n t po s i t i o n s , ba s e d on jo b re s p o n s i b i l i t i e s an d sa l a r i e s • En s u r e th a t sa l a r y co m p r e s s i o n is s u e s ar e ad d r e s s e d , and • De v e l o p so u n d re c o m m e n d a t i o n s fo r im p l e m e n t a t i o n which re s u l t in th e ab i l i t y of Ha r n e t t Co u n t y to re t a i n ex i s t i n g em p l o y e e s an d re c r u i t hi g h qu a l i t y em p l o y e e s wh e n ne c e s s a r y Pu b l i c Se c t o r Ad v i s o r s 13 Springsted 101116wsa HC BOC Page 15 Ha m e t t Co u n t y Co m p e n s a t i o n St u d y : St e p 1. Pr o j e c t In i t i a t i o n / H i s t o r i c a l Review • Fi n d ou t ho w th e Co u n t y ' s cu r r e n t co m p e n s a t i o n sy s t e m has be e n pe r f o r m i n g • Me e t wi t h th e Co u n t y Ma n a g e r an d ke y le a d e r s h i p staff to di s c u s s cu r r e n t co m p e n s a t i o n is s u e s an d hi r i n g , re c r u i t m e n t an d re t e n t i o n pr o b l e m s • Re v i e w pr o j e c t sc h e d u l e an d me t h o d o l o g y • Re f i n e fi n a l st u d y ob j e c t i v e s Pu b l i c S e c t o r Ad v i s o r s 14 ,·_. S p r i n g st e d 101116wsa HC BOC Page 16 Ha m e t t Co u n t y Co m p e n s a t i o n St u d y : St e p 2. Da t a Co l l e c t i o n • Ob t a i n co p i e s of an d re v i e w : - Cu r r e n t Ha r n e t t Co u n t y sa l a r y / p a y sc h e d u l e - Cu r r e n t po s i t i o n de s c r i p t i o n s - Cu r r e n t be n e f i t s pr o v i d e d - Cu r r e n t co m p e n s a t i o n po l i c i e s - Cu r r e n t pe r s o n n e l po l i c i e s - A ro s t e r of al l em p l o y e e s by na m e , de p a r t m e n t , j~ b title, ye a r s of se r v i c e in cu r r e n t po s i t i o n , ye a r s of se r v i c e and cu r r e n t sa l a r y P u b l i c S e c t o r A d v i s o r s 15 Springsted 101116wsa HC BOC Page 17 Ha r n e t t Co u n t y Co m p e n s a t i o n St u d y : St e p 3 . De v e l o p Cl a s s i f i c a t i o n Sy s t e m • Up d a t e Po s i t i o n De s c r i p t i o n s (i n Co u n t y ap p r o v e d fo r m a t ) an d Cl a s s i f i c a t i o n Sy s t e m • Re v i e w AD A re q u i r e m e n t s an d FL S A de s i g n a t i o n s • Pr e l i m i n a r y po s i t i o n / c l a s s de s c r i p t i o n re v i e w • Ma k e re c o m m e n d a t i o n s fo r re v i s i o n s to de s c r i p t i o n s as ap p r o p r i a t e Pu b l i c S e c t o r Ad v i s o r s 16 Springsted 101116wsa HC BOC Page 18 Ha m e t t Co u n t y Co m p e n s a t i o n St u d y : St e p 4. Pa y Pl a n De v e l o p m e n t Da t a Co l l e c t i o n • De v e l o p co m p r e h e n s i v e co m p e n s a t i o n su r v e y ut i l i z i n g in f o r m a t i o n fr o m ne w po s i t i o n / c l a s s de s c r i p t i o n s • Id e n t i f y be n c h m a r k or g a n i z a t i o n s • Id e n t i f y ap p r o p r i a t e be n c h m a r k po s i t i o n s Pu b l i c S e c t o r Ad v i s o r s 17 Springsted 101116wsa HC BOC Page 19 Ha m e t t Co u n t y Co m p e n s a t i o n St u d y : St e p 4. Pa y Pl a n De v e l o p m e n t (c o n t . ) • In t e r n a l Re l a t i o n s h i p s Ev a l u a t e po s i t i o n s us i n g th e SA F E ® sy s t e m SA F E ® jo b ev a l u a t i o n fa c t o r s • Tr a i n i n g an d Ab i l i t y • Ex p e r i e n c e Re q u i r e d • Le v e l of Wo r k • Hu m a n Re l a t i o n s Skills • Ph y s i c a l De m a n d s • Wo r k i n g Co n d i t i o n s / H a z a r d s • In d e p e n d e n c e of Ac t i o n s • Im p a c t of En d Re s u l t s • Su p e r v i s i o n Ex e r c i s e d Pu b l i c S e c t o r Ad v i s o r s 1 8 ,,, Springsted 101116wsa HC BOC Page 20 Ha m e t t Co u n t y Co m p e n s a t i o n St u d y : St e p 4. Pa y Pl a n De v e l o p m e n t (c o n t . ) • De v e l o p pa y gr a d e s ba s e d on ma r k e t su r v e y in f o r m a t i o n and jo b ev a l u a t i o n • As s i g n po s i t i o n s / c l a s s e s to th e ap p r o p r i a t e pa y gr a d e • De v e l o p re c o m m e n d a t i o n s fo r im p l e m e n t a t i o n an d options Pu b l i c Se c t o r Ad v i s o r s 19 Springsted 101116wsa HC BOC Page 21 Ha m e t t Co u n t y Co m p e n s a t i o n St u d y : St e p 5. Im p l e m e n t a t i o n • Re c o m m e n d a t i o n s fo r re v i s i o n of po l i c i e s , as ne c e s s a r y for on g o i n g ad m i n i s t r a t i o n • Pr o v i d e st a f f tr a i n i n g • Sp r i n g s t e d ' s av a i l a b i l i t y to pr o v i d e po s t - c o n t r a c t su p p o r t Pu b l i c Se c t o r Ad v i s o r s 20 -~ Springsted 101116wsa HC BOC Page 22 Ha m e t t Co u n t y Co m p e n s a t i o n St u d y Fi n a l Re p o r t Co n t e n t s • Me t h o d o l o g y • Po s i t i o n / C l a s s De s c r i p t i o n s • Jo b ev a l u a t i o n re s u l t s • Ma r k e t su r v e y re s u l t s • Pr o p o s e d co m p e n s a t i o n pl a n • Re c o m m e n d a t i o n s fo r im p l e m e n t a t i o n Pu b l i c S e c t o r Ad v i s o r s 21 '/., S p r i n g st e d 101116wsa HC BOC Page 23 (/) I--0 0 a, (/) +,J > V) C' D C: ·-<( L... I,_ a. 0 V) 4-' m u Q) CJ) u ..0 :J CL 101116wsa HC BOC Page 24 II September 20, 2016 Mr. Jimmy Riddle, Director Hamett County Emergency Services 1005 Edwards Brother Dr. Lillington, NC 27546 Dear Mr. Riddle, As you are aware Benhaven Emergency Services, Inc. has been planning to replace our existing self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA). We planned to replace them in the 2015-2016 Budget year but the more pressing issue of the need for a Tanker delayed our replacement plan. We have been presented with an opportunity by one of our vendors to bring our SCBA into a NFP A compliant status that will keep us current for 8-10 years. In our monthly board meeting on September 19, 2016 it was approved to seek the approval of the Hamett County Board of Commissioners to amend our current budget to allow us to spend $40,000.00 to purchase 29 lightly used MSA Firehawk SCBA's from Newton 's Fire and Safety. It is our plan to use $20,000.00 out of our Capital Outlay and Equipment Budget from the approved 2016-2017 Budget. The remaining $20,000.00 will be financed through PNC using a term loan with a projected 5 % interest rate . Thank you for your assistance in our request for this budget amendment. i~m~~- AndyThomas District Chief Benhaven Emergency Services P. 0 . Box 301 • Olivia, NC 28368 4023 NC HWY. 87 N. • Sanford, NC 27332 • Phone : 919 -499-9511 • Fax: 919-498-0188 101116wsa HC BOC Page 25 The Honorable Harnett County Commissioners; Dear Commissioners; RECEIVED SEP 2 8 2016 HARNETT COUNTY MANAGER'S OFFICE The family and friends of Herb Thomas would like to thank the board of Commissioners on the recently passed resolution to name a portion of highway 87 in the Olivia area. However, the resolution has to be specific in the area to be named in accordance with the Department of Transportation. We are requesting the said section of highway 87 to be as follows : 1.5 miles north of Olivia road and 3.5 miles south of Olivia road (this is where hwy 27 crosses 87). Greg Burns and Leigh Wing could assist with proper wording if needed . I am enclosing a copy of an email from the DOT office to where the information should be sent. Ms. Gina Wheeler has the link to the office and has been helpful in linking all together. We also need a completed character reference completed by a county official and sent to the DOT office. Lastly, is there any county money available to fund this project ($2000.00 fee)? Again thanks to all the commissioners. ~o~ 919 499 2795 101116wsa HC BOC Page 26 Board Meeting Agenda Item M EETING DATE: October 17, 2016 TO: HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT : Harnett County Veterans Park Grant Number 2017.45.4 REQUESTED BY: Eric Truesdale REQUEST: Permission to accept grant from the State of North C arolina Office of Budget and Management for construction of brick 11 x 20 storage building wi th concrete floor at the Harnett County Veterans Park. If there are sufficient funds left after construction of the storage building we would improve landscaping or replacing lighting. FINANCE OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION : COUNTY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: C :\U se rs\gw heele r\AppData \Local\M icrosoft\ W indows \lNetCache\Co ntent. O ut look\ TPTEQCL V\agendaform20 16 .doc Page I of I 101116wsa HC BOC Page 27 OFFICE OF STATE BUDGET AND MAi"IAGEMENT PAT MCCRORY GO\ ER:-OR Mr. Joseph Jeffries, County Manager Harnett County P.O. Box 759 Lillington, NC 27546 September 20. 2016 Re: Contract Agreement for Grant Number 2017.45.4; Project: Hamett County Veterans Counci l Park Dear Mr. Jeffries. RECEIVED SEP 2 7 2016 HARNETI COUNTY ~NAr.EltS OFFICE ANDREW T. I-IEA TH Sr, r i:: 13 L'DG ET DIRFCTOR The North Caro lina General Assembly has authorized Harnett Count y to receive a grant-in-aid al location of $50,000 during the 2016-2017 state fiscal year. Enclosed for your review and signature are two complete sets of contract documents required to finalize the grant award. Below is a description of the documents enclosed along with an explanation of the signatures required for each document. Document: Document Description: Signed by : Grant Contract Outlines the terms of the grant agreement between Highest Elected the Office of State Budget and Management and the Official -Unit of recipient. Local Government Attachment A General Terms and Conditions. N I A Attachment B Notice of Ce1t ain Reporting and Audit N I A Requirements. Attachment C Scope of Work and Annual Budget. Chief Fiscal Officer, County Manager or City Manager Attachment D [ran Di vestment Act Certifi cation. Highest Elected Official -Unit of Local Government Request for Request for Payment of Appropriations from No11 h Authorized Official Payment Carolina General Fund. 101116wsa HC BOC Page 28 Please sign two originals of these documents and return both to: IF DELIVERED BY US POSTAL SERVICE 1F DELIVERED BY ANY OTHER MEANS Fred E. Duyck, Chief Financial Officer Fred E. Duyck. Chief Financial Officer Office of State Budget and Management Office of State Budget and Management 20320 Mail Service Center 116 W. Jones Street , Suite 5200 Raleigh. NC 27699-0320 Raleigh, NC 27603 Once we have received all the required documents. we will execute the contract and return a copy to you for your records. Ifwe can be of assistance, please do not hesitate to call Fred Duyck at (919) 807-4764. Sincerely, Andrew T. Heath State Budget Director Enclosures Page 2 of 2 101116wsa HC BOC Page 29 OSBM -9/07 REQUEST FOR PAYMENT OF APPROPRIATION(S ) FROM NORTH CAROLINA GENERAL FUND Joseph Jeffries, County Manager Harnett County P.O . Box 759 Lillington , NC 27546 2016-17 Allocation : $50 ,000 Purpose of Allocation:------------------------------ Part A. TO BE COMPLETED BY ALL RECIPIENTS 1 . Organization Name:-------------------- 2. Contact 's Name:-------------Telephone:--------- 2 . Contact's Position in Organ ization : --------------- 3. Federal Identification Number ________ _ 4 . Kind of Organization : Corporation__ Trust Partnership__ Government Unincorporated Association __ Other 5. Match Required (Circle One): Yes /No On a to basis . If match ing is required , is cash match in hand? Yes No If the required match is not in hand , by what date and from what source d oes the organization expect to have the cash match? 6 . Fis ca l Year of Non-State Entity (e.g . year ending June 30 , December 31 , other) ________ _ Part B. TO BE COMPLETED BY ALL RECIPIENTS . FORM MUST BE NOTARIZED Signature of individual making request Notary Public (o fficia l seal) Date Notarized 101116wsa HC BOC Page 30 Office of State Budget and Management Contract# 2017.45.4 This Contract is hereby entered into by and between the Office of State Budget and Management (the "Agency") and Harnett County (the "Recipient") (referred to collectively as the "Parties"). The Recipient's federal tax identification number is 1. Contract Documents: This Contract consists of the following documents: ( 1) This Contract (2) The General Terms and Conditions (Attachment A) (3) Notice of Certain Reporting Requirements (Attachment B) (4) Scope of Work and Annual Budget (Attachment C) (5) Iran Divestment Act Certification (Exhibit 0) These documents constitute the entire agreement between the Parties and supersede all oral and written statements, negotiations or agreements made, communicated , negotiated or entered into prior to or contemporaneously with the full execution of this Contract. 2. Precedence Among Contract Documents: In the event of a conflict between or among the terms of the Contract Documents , the terms in the Contract Document with the highest relative precedence shall prevail. The order of precedence shall be the order of documents as listed in Paragraph 1, above , with the first-listed document having the highest precedence and the last-listed document having the lowest precedence. If there are multiple Contract Amendments , the most recent amendment shall have the highest precedence and the oldest amendment shall have the lowest precedence . 3 . Effective Period : This Contract shall be effective on July 1, 2016 and shall terminate on June 30 , 2017 . 4. Recipient's Duties: The Recipient shall provide the services as described in Attachment C. 5. Agency's Duties: The Agency shall pay the Recipient in the manner and in the amounts specified in the Contract Documents . The total amount paid by the Agency to the Recipient under this Contract shall not exceed $50,000 as identified on Page J 57 of the Joint Conference Committee Report on the Base , Capital and Expansion Budgets, House Bill 1030 (Session Law 2016-94) as follows : Provides a grant-in-aid of $50 ,000 for the Hamett County Veterans Council Park . There are no matching requirements from the Recipient. Contributions from the Recipient shall be sourced from non- federal funds. The total contract amount is $50 ,000 . 6. Conflict of Interest Policy: The Recipient shall file with the Agency a copy of its policy and any ordinance or resolution it has adopted addressing conflicts of interest that may arise involving the members of the Recipient's governing body and/or any of its employees or officers involved in the grant or the project. Such policy, ordinance or resolution shall address situations in which any of these individuals may directly or indirectly benefit, other than through receipt of their normal compensation in their capacities as the Recipient's employees, officers or members of its governing body, from the Recipient's disbursing of State funds , and shall include actions to be taken by the Recipient or the individual, or both , to avoid conflicts of interest and the appearance of impropriety. Additionally , the Recipient certifies that, as of the date it executes this Contract, no such individuals have such a conflict of interest or will directly or indirectly benefit, except in the capacities described above, from the grant or project. Throughout the duration of this Contract, the Recipient has the duty to OSBM N GO -Contract Effective: 8/20 16 P a ge 1 of 5 101116wsa HC BOC Page 31 promptly inform the Agency of any such conflict of interest or direct or indirect benefit of which it becomes aware. The policy shall be filed before Agency may disburse the grant funds . 7 . Reporting Requirements: The Agency has determined that this Contract is subject to the reporting requirements described in the attached Notice of Certain Reporting Requirements (Attachment B), which is part of this Contract. The Recipient shall comply with all of the reporting requirements and provisions described in Attachment B hereto. All reporting requirements shall be filed with the Agency using the prescribed forms Agency provides to Recipient. 8. Payment Provisions : Upon execution of this contract, the Recipient may request and, upon approval by the Agency, receive a single payment for amounts up to one hundred thousand dollars ($100 ,000). For grants-in-aid of more than one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) payment will be paid in quarterly installments, unless Recipient can demonstrate an immediate need for an amount greater than what would otherwise be paid quarterly. 9. Contract Administrators: All notices permitted or required to be given by one Party to the other and all questions about the contract from one Party to the other shall be addressed and delivered to the other Party's Contract Administrator. The name, post office address, street address, telephone number, fax number, and email address of the Parties ' respective initial Contract Administrators are set out below. Either Party may change the name, post office address, street address, telephone number, fax number, or email address of its Contract Administrator by giving timely written notice to the other Party. For the Agency IF DELIVERED BY US POSTAL SERVICE IF DELIVERED BY ANY OTHER MEANS Fred E. Duyck, Chief Finan cial Officer Fred E. Duyck , Chief Financ ial Officer Office of State Budget and Management Office of State Budget and Management 20320 Mail Service Center 116 W. Jones Street, Suite 5200 Raleigh, NC 27699-0320 Raleigh, NC 27603 Telephone: (919) 807-4764 Telephone: (919) 807-4764 Fax: (919) 733-0640 Fax : (919) 733-0640 Email: fred .duyck<@osbm .nc.Qov Email : fred .duvck<@osbm .nc.gov For the Recipient IF DELIVERED BY US POST AL SERVICE IF DELIVERED BY ANY OTHER MEANS Joseph Jeffries, County Manager Joseph Jeffries, County Manager Harnett County Harnett County P.O . Box 759 102 E. Front Street Lillington, NC 27546 Lillington , NC 27546 Telephone: (910) 814-6005 Telephone : (910) 814-6005 Email: iieffries@harnett.org Email : iieffries@harnett.orq 10. Disbursements : In addition to the other requirements set forth above and in the attached documents concerning the disbursement of grant funds by the Recipient (including any sub-recipien t(s) and sub-sub-recipient(s)), as well as all requirements imposed on grant fund expenditures by applicable law, rules and regulations, the Recipient acknowledges and agrees , as an express condition of this Contract, to make disbursements of all grant funds in accord ance with the following requirements . The Recipien\ shall: a. Implement adequate internal controls over all disbursements ; b. Pre-audit all vouchers presented to it for payment to determine: OSBM NGO -Contract Effecti ve 8/201 6 Page 2 of 5 101116wsa HC BOC Page 32 • The validity and accuracy of the requested payment; • The payment due date ; • The adequacy of all documentation allegedly supporting the requested payment; and • The legality of all disbursements and requested disbursements ; c. Assure adequate control of signature stamps and plates; d. Assure adequate control of all negotiable instruments ; and e . Implement adequate procedures to insure that its account balance is solvent and shall reconcile its account monthly. 11. Outsourcing: The Recipient certifies that it has identified to the Agency all jobs related to this Contract that have been outsourced to other countries, if any. The Recipient further acknowledges that it may not outsou rce to any other country any j obs related to this Contract during the term of this Contract without obtaining the prior written approval of the Agency. 12. Procurement, Suspension and Debarment: The Recip ient acknowledges and agrees that, in its conduct under this Contract and in connection with any and all expenditures of grant funds made by it, the Recipient, its officers , agents and employees shall be and are subject to the provisions of the North Carolina General Statutes and the North Carolina Administrative Code relating to and governing procurement, public contracts , suspension and debarment. The Recipient further acknowledges and agrees that. in the event that it grants any of the grant funds awarded hereunder to one or more sub-recipients or sub-sub-recipients, the Recipient shall, by contract , ensure that the provisions of the North Carolina General Statutes and the North Carolina Administrative Code relating to and governing procurement, public contracts, suspension and debarment are made applicable to and binding upon any and all of the Recipient's sub-recipients, sub-sub-recipients, etc. 13. Cost Principles: The Recipient acknowledges and agrees that , in its conduct under this Contract and in connection with any and all expenditures of grant funds made by it , it shall comply with the cost principles enunciated in the Code of Federal Regulations, 2 CFR. Part 200. The Recipient further acknowledges and agrees that, in the event that it grants any of the grant funds awarded hereunder to one or more sub-recipients or sub-sub-recipients , the Recipient shall, by contract , ensu re that said cost principles are made applicable to and binding upon any and all such sub-recipients , sub-sub- recipients , etc. in their handling, use and expenditure of the funds awarded to the Recipient hereunder. 14. Final Reports and Certifications : The Recipient shall file all reports and certification s, as described and require d by Attachment B to thi s Contract, concerning its receipt , handling and expenditure of all grant funds awarded hereunder, including any interest earned by the Recipient from such funds , with the Agency. 15. Monitoring and Auditing : The Recipient acknowledges and agrees that , from and after the date of execution of this Contract and for five (5) years following its termination , the books , records , documents and facilities of the Recipient are subject to being audited, inspected and monitored at any time by the Agency upon its request (whether in writing or otherwise). The Recipient and its officers , agents and employees shall make the Recipient's books , records , documents and offices/facilities available to the Agency and its personnel for inspection, audit and monitoring upon the Agency's request , shall answer any questions posed to them by the Agency and shall provide the Agency, upon its request, with any documents, records or information sought by the Agency in its efforts to monitor and audit the Recipient 's activities regarding the funds awarded under this Contract. The Recipient further agrees to keep and maintain all of its books , records and documents relating in any way to the grant funds awarded hereunder for the time period specified in Attachment A hereto . The Recipient acknowledges and agrees that , with regard to the grant funds , it will be subject to the audit and reporting requirements prescribed by N.C .G.S §159-34, Loca l Government Finance Act -Annual Independent Audit; rules and regulations. Such audit and reporting requirements may vary depending upon the amount and source of grant funding received by the Recipient and are subject to change from time to time . OSBM NGO - C ontract E ffective : 8/201 6 Page 3 of 5 101116wsa HC BOC Page 33 16. Grant Agreement with Sub-Recipient(s): In the event that the Recipient grants to a sub-recipient , a sub-sub-recipient, etc. any of the grant funds awarded to the Recipient hereunder, the Recipient must retain a signed copy of the contract or letter pursuant to which the grant funds awarded to the Recipient hereunder are granted to a sub-recipient, a sub -sub-recipient, etc. 17. Repayment of Grant Funds to Agency : In the event that the Recipient , either directly or indirectly (e.g., through a sub-recipient or sub-sub-recipient) commits any breach of this Contract which the Recipient fails to fully cure within thirty (30) days of its receipt of written notice from the Agency of said breach , the Agency may make demand in writing of the Recipient that it repay the Agency so much of the grant funds awarded under this Contract, up to and including 100% of the amount of the award made under this Contract. In such an event, the Recipient shall repay said amount to the Agency within thirty (30) days of its receipt of sa id demand for repayment , as well as any interest earned by the Rec ipient on sa id amount. In addition , in the event that this Contract should be terminated by the parties or otherwise comes to an end prior to the time when the Recipient , its sub-recipient(s), any sub-sub-recipient(s), etc. have expended all of the funds awarded under this Contract, the Recipient shall , within thirty (30) days of said termination or contract end , return to the Agency all such unexpended funds as well as any interest earned by the Recipient on such funds. Furth ermore, the Recipient shall, by contract, ensure that, in the event that its sub-recipient( s) enter into any sub-sub-recipient agreements involving any of the funds awarded hereunder, all such sub-recipient, sub-sub-recipient, etc. are required to repay to their recipient(s) all such unexpended funds , as well as any interest earned by the sub-recipient or sub-sub-recipient on such funds , so that the Recipient can return those unexpended funds and interest to the Agency within thirty (30) days of the termination or other end of this Contract. In any event, the Recipient shall be and remain liable to the Agency for the repayment to the Agency of all grant funds that are unexpended (either by the Recipient or any sub-recipient, sub-sub- recipient, etc.) at the time of the termination or other end of this Contract, as well as the repayment of any interest earned by the Recipient, sub-recipient or sub-sub-recipient on such funds at that time . 18. Termination : Subject to the provisions of paragraph 17 of this Contract, this Contract may be terminated in accordance with the provis ions set forth in Attachment A hereto; however, the reporting, monitoring and aud it requirements and provisions of this Contract shall survive any such termination . OSBM NGO -Contract Effective· 8/2016 Page 4 of 5 101116wsa HC BOC Page 34 19 . Authorized Sign ature Warranty: The undersigned represent and warrant that the y are authorized to bind their prin cipal s to the terms of this agreement. In Witness Whereof, the Recipient and the Agency have executed this Contract in duplicate originals , with one origina l being retained by each party. Harnett County Sig nature P rinted Name ATTEST Notary Public Printed Name [OFFICIAL SEAL] Office of State Budget and Management Signa t ure Printed N ame OSBM N GO -Contract Effective: 8/2016 Date Title Date Notarized Title Date Title Page 5 of 5 101116wsa HC BOC Page 35 Attachment A General Terms and Conditions Definitions Unless indicated otherwise from the context, the following terms shall have the following meanings in this Contract. (1) "Audit" means an examination of records or financial accounts to verify their accuracy. (2 ) "Compliance Supplement" refers to the North Carolina State Compliance Supplement, maintained by the State and Local Government Finance Division of the North Carolina Department of State Treasurer that has been developed in cooperation with agencies to assist the local auditor in identifying program compliance requirements and audit procedures for testing those requirements . (3) "Contract" means a legal instrument that is used to document a relationship between the agency, and a recipient or between a recipient and subrecipient. (4) "Contractor" means an entity subject to the contractor requirements , as well as any entity that would be subject to the contractor requirements but for a specific statute or rule exempting that entity from the contractor requirements. (5) "Contractor requirements" means Article 3, 3C, 30, 3E, 3G , or 8 of Chapter 143 of the General Statutes and related rules . (6) "Fiscal Year" means the annual operating year of the non-State entity . (7) "Financial Statement" means a report providing financial data relative to a given part of an organization's operations or status. (8) "Single Audit" means an audit that includes an examination of an organization's financial statements , internal controls, and compliance with the requirements of Federal or State awards. (9) "State Funds" means any funds appropriated by the North Carolina General Assembly or collected by the State of North Carolina . State funds include federal financial assistance received by the State and transferred or disbursed to non- State entities. Both Federal and State funds maintain their identity as they are disbursed as financial assistance to other organizations. Relationships of the Parties Independent Contractor: The Recipient is and shall be deemed to be an independent contractor in the performance of this Contract and as such shall be wholly responsible for the work to be performed and for the supervision of its employees. The Recipient represents that it has . or shall secure at its own expense , all personnel required in performing the services under this agreement. Such employees shall not be employees of, OSBM LGU -Attachment A Effective· 8/2016 or have any individual contractual relationship with , the Agency. Subcontracting and Subgranting: Any subcontracts or subgrants entered into by the Recipient with grant funds shall be subject to all conditions of this Contract. Payment of all subcontractors and subrecipients shall be the sole responsibility of the Recipient , and the Agency shall not be obligated to pay for any work performed by any subcontractor or subrecipient. The Recipient shall be responsible for the performance of all subcontractors and subrecipients and shall not be relieved of any of the duties and responsibilities of this Contract as a result of entering into subcontracts or subgrants . Additionally, if said Recipient subgrants any grant funds pursuant to this Contract, the Recipient shall submit a copy of its policies and/or procedures for monitoring subrecipients to the Agency. Subrecipients: The Recipient has the responsibility to ensure that all subrecipients, if any, provide all information necessary to permit the Recipient to comply with the standards set forth in this Contract. Assignment: No assignment of the Recipient's obligations or the Recipient's right to receive payment hereunder shall be permitted. However, upon written request approved by the issuing purchasing authority, the State may: (a) Forward the Recipient's payment check(s) directly to any person or entity designated by the Recipient, or {b) Include any person or entity designated by Recipient as a joint payee on the Recipient's payment check(s). In no event shall such approval and action obligate the State to anyone other than the Recipient and the Recipient shall remain responsible for fulfillment of all contract obligations. Beneficiaries: Except as herein specifically provided otherwise, this Contract shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties hereto and their respective successors. It is expressly understood and agreed that the enforcement of the terms and conditions of this Contract, and all rights of action relating to such enforcement, shall be strictly reserved to the Agency and the named Recipient. Nothing contained in this document shall give or allow any claim or right of action whatsoever by any other third person. It is the express intention of the Agency and Recipient that any such person or entity, other than the Agency or the Recipient, receiving services or benefits under this Contract shall be deemed an incidental beneficiary only. Page 1 o f 4 101116wsa HC BOC Page 36 Indemnity and Insurance Indemnification: The Recipient agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Agency, the State of North Carolina, and any of their officers , agents and employees , from any claims of third parties arising out of any act or omission of the Recipient in connection with the performance of this Contract. In su rance: During the term of the contract, the Recipient at its sole cost and expense shall provide commercial insurance of such type and with such terms and limits as may be reasonably associated with the contract. As a minimum, the Recipient shall provide and maintain the following coverage and limits: (a) Wo rker's C omp ens ation -The Recipient shall provide and maintain Worker's Compensation Insurance as required by the laws of North Carolina , as well as employer's liability coverage with minimum limits of $500,000.00 , covering all of Recipient 's employees who are engaged in any work under the contract. If any work is sublet, the Recipient shall require the subrecipient to provide the same coverage for any of his employees engaged in any work under the contract. (b) Commercial General Liab ility -General Liability Coverage on a Comprehensive Broad Form on an occurrence basis in the minimum amount of $1,000,000.00 Combined Single Limit. (Defense cost shall be in excess of the limit of liability.) (c) Automobil e -Automobile Liability Insurance, to include liability coverage , covering all owned , hired and non-owned vehicles used in performance of the contract. The minimum combined single limit shall be $500,000.00 bodily injury and property damage ; $500 ,000 .00 uninsured/under insured motorist; and $25,000.00 medical payment. Providing and maintaining adequate insurance coverage is a material obligation of the Recipient and is of the essence of this Contract. The Recipient may meet its requirements of maintaining specified coverage and limits by demonstrating to the Agency tha t there is in force insurance with equivalent coverage and limits that will offer at least the same protection to the Agency. All such insurance shall meet all laws of the State of North Carolina. Such insurance coverage shall be obtained from companies that are authorized to provide such coverage and that are authorized by the Commissioner of Insurance to do business in North Carolina . The Recipient shall at all times comply with the terms of such insurance policies, and all requirements of the insurer under any such insurance policies , except as they may conflict with existing North Carolina laws or this Contract. The limits of coverage under each insurance policy maintained by the Recipient shall not be interpreted as limiting the Recipient's liability and obligations under the contract. OSBM LGU -Attachment A Effective 8/2016 Default an d Termination Termi natio n by M utu al Co ns en t : The Parties may terminate this Contract by mutual consent with 60 days ' notice to the other party , or as otherwise provided by law. Term i nation for Caus e: If , through any cause, the Recipient shall fail to fulfill its obligations under this Contract in a timely and proper manner, the Agency shall have the right to terminate this Contract by giving written notice to the Recipient and specifying the effective date thereof. In that event, all finished or unfinished deliverable items prepared by the Recipient under this Contract shall , at the option of the Agency, become its property and the Recipient shall be entitled to receive just and equitable compensation for any satisfactory work completed on such materials, minus any payment or compensation previously made. Notwithstanding the foregoing provision, the Recipient shall not be relieved of liability to the Agency for damages sustained by the Agency by virtue of the Recipient's breach of this agreement, and the Agency may withhold any payment due the Recipient for the purpose of setoff until such time as the exact amount of damages due the Agency from such breach can be determined. T he filing of a petition for bankruptcy by the Recipient shall be an act of default under this Contract. Wai ver of Default : Waiver by the Agency of any default or breach in compliance with the terms of this Contract by the Recipient shall not be deemed a waiver of any subsequent default or breach and shall not be construed to be modification of the terms of this Contract unless stated to be such in writing, signed by an auth orized representative of the Agency and the Recipient and attached to the contract. Ava il ability of Funds : The parties to this Contract agree and understand that the payment of the sums specified in this Contract is dependent and con tingent upon and subject to the appropriation , allocation , and availability of funds for this purpose to the Agency . Force Maj eure : Neither party shall be deemed to be in default of its obligations hereunder if and so long as it is prevented from performing such obligations by any act of war, hostile foreign action, nuclear explosion, riot, strikes, civil insurrection , earthquake , hurricane, tornado , or other catastrophic natural event or act of God. S urv iva l of Pro mi ses : All promises, requirements, terms , conditions, prov1s1ons , representations, guarantees, and warranties contained herein shall survive the contract expiration or termination date unless specifically provided otherwise herein. or unless superseded by applicable federal or State statutes of limitation. Page 2 of 4 101116wsa HC BOC Page 37 Intellectual Property Rights Copyrights and Ownership of Deliverables: All deliverable items produced pursuant to this Contract are the exclusive property of the Agency. The Recipient shall not assert a claim of copyright or other property interest in such deliverables . Federal Intellectual Property Bankruptcy Protection Act: The Parties agree that the Agency shall be entitled to all rights and benefits of the Federal Intellectual Property Bankruptcy Protection Act, Public Law 100-506 . codified at 11 U.S .C . 365 (n) and any amendments thereto . Compliance with Applicable Laws Compliance with Laws: The Recipient shall comply with all laws, ordinances, codes , rules , regulations , and licensing requirements that are applicable to the conduct of its business, including those of federal , state , and local agencies having jurisdiction and /or authority. Equal Employment Opportunity: The Recipient shall comply with all federal and State laws relating to equal employment opportunity. Confidentiality Confidentiality: Any information, data, instruments, documents, studies or reports given to or prepared or assembled by the Recipient under this agreement shall be kept as confidential and not divulged or made available to any individual or organization without the prior written approval of the Agency. The Recipient acknowledges that in receiving , storing , processing or otherwise dealing with any confidential information it will safeguard and not further disclose the information except as otherwise provided in this Contract. Oversight Access to Persons and Records: The State Auditor shall have access to persons and records as a result of all contracts or grants entered into by State agencies or political subdivisions in accordance with N.C.G .S. 147- 64.7. Additionally , as the State funding authority, the Agency shall have access to persons and records as a result of all contracts or grants entered into by State agencies or political subdivisions . Record Retention: Records shall not be destroyed, purged or disposed of without the express written consent of the Agency. State basic records retention policy requires all grant records to be retained for a minimum of five years or until all audit exceptions have been resolved , whichever is longer. If the contract is subject to federal policy and regulations , record retention may be longer than five years since records must be retained for a period OSBM LGU -Attachment A Effective· 8/2016 of three years following submission of the final Federal Financial Status Report , if applicable, or three years following the submission of a revised final Federal Financial Status Report. Also , if any litigation , claim , negotiation , audit, disallowance action , or other action involving th is Contract has been started before expiration of the five-year retention period described above, the records must be retained until completion of the action and resolution of all issues which arise from it, or until the end of the regular five-year period described above , whichever is later. Miscellaneous Choice of Law: The validity of this Contract and any of its terms or provisions , as well as the rights and duties of the parties to this Contract , are governed by the laws of North Carolina . The Recipient, by signing this Contract, agrees and submits , solely for matters concerning this Contract, to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of North Carolina and agrees, solely for such purpose, that the exclusive venue for any legal proceedings shall be Wake County, North Carolina . The place of this Contract and all transactions and agreements relating to it, and their situs and forum, shall be Wake County, North Carolina, where all matters, whether sounding in contract or tort, relating to the validity, construction , interpretation , and enforcement shall be determined. Amendment: This Contract may not be amended orally or by performance. Any amendment must be made in written form and executed by duly authorized representatives of the Agency and the Recipient. Severability: In the event that a court of competent jurisdiction holds that a provision or requirement of this Contract violates any applicable law, each such provision or requirement shall continue to be enforced to the extent it is not in violation of law or is not otherwise unenforceable and all other provisions and requirements of this Contract shall remain in full force and effect. Headings: The Section and Paragraph headings in these General Terms and Conditions are not material parts of the agreement and should not be used to construe the meaning thereof. Time of the Essence: Time is of the essence in the performance of this Contract. Care of Property: The Recipient agrees that it shall be responsible for the proper custody and care of any property furnished to it for use in connection with the performance of this Contract and will reimburse the Agency for loss of, or damage to , such property. At the termination of this Contract, the Recipient shall contact the Agency for instructions as to the disposition of such property and shall comply with these instructions. Page 3 of 4 101116wsa HC BOC Page 38 Travel Expenses: Reimbursement to the Recipient for travel mileage , meals, lodging and other travel expenses incurred in the performance of this Contract shall be reasonable and supported by documentation. State rates should be used as guidelines. International travel shall not be reimbursed under this Contract. Advertising: The Recipient shall not use the award of this Contract as a part of any news release or commercial advertising. OSBM LGU -Attachment A Effective 8/2016 Page 4 of 4 101116wsa HC BOC Page 39 Attachment B Notice of Certain Reporting Requirements Recipient shall comply with all the rules and reporting requirements established by statute or administrative rules. For convenience, the requirements of N .C.G.S . 143C-6-22 are presented below. Also below are the thresholds related to reporting requirements required of recipients per the Contract. § 143C-6-22. Use of State funds by non-State entities. (a) Disbursement and Use of State Funds. -Every non-State entity that receives , uses , or expends any State funds shall use or expend the funds only for the purposes for which they were appropriated by the General Assembly. State funds include federal funds that flow through the State Treasury. (b) Compliance by Non-State Entities. -If the Director of the Budget finds that a non-State entity has spent or encumbered State funds for an unauthorized purpose , or fails to submit or falsifies the information required by G .S. 143C-6-23 or any other provision of law, the Director shall take appropriate adm inistrative action to ensure that no further irregularities or violations of law occur and shall report to the Attorney General any facts that pertain to an apparent violation of a criminal law or an apparent instance of malfeasance, misfeasance, or nonfeasance in connection with the use of State funds . Appropriate administrative action may include suspending or withholding the disbursement of State funds and recovering State funds previously disbursed. (c) Civil Actions . -Civil actions to recover State funds or to obtain other mandatory orders in the name of the State on relation of the Attorney General. or in the name of the Office of State Budget and Management, shall be filed in the General Court of Justice in Wake County. (2006-203, s . 3.) Reporting Thresholds: There are two reporting thresholds established for recipients and subrecipients receiving State funds . The reporting thresholds are : (1) Less than $25,000 -A recipient that receives . holds, uses, or expends State funds from the funding agency in an amount less than twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) within its fiscal year must comply with the reporting requirements established by the Contract including: (A) An accounting of all State funds received , held, used, or expended. All reporting requirements shall be filed with the fund ing agency within three months after the end of the recipient's fiscal year in which the State funds were received . (2) Equal to or greater than $25,000 -A recipient that receives, holds , uses, or expends State funds from the funding agency in an amount of at least twenty-five thousand ($25 ,000) within its fiscal year must comply with the reporting requirements established by the Contract including: (A) An accounting of all State funds received, held , used, or expended; and (B) A description of activities and accomplishments undertaken by the recipient. including reporting on any performance measures established in the contract. All reporting requirements shall be filed with the funding agency within three months after the end of the recipient's fiscal year in which the State funds were received. Other Provisions: 1. All recipients and subrecipients shall use the prescribed forms of the awarding agency and of the Office of the State Auditor in making reports to the awarding agency and the Office of the State Auditor. OSB M LGU -Attachment B Effective. 8/20 16 Page 1 ol 1 101116wsa HC BOC Page 40 Attachment C Scope of Work a nd Annual Budget Before it will be possible to finalize this award and make any disbursement, you are required to provide to the Agency a description for how the organization will spend the amount of funding allocated for the specific purpose as stated in the grant contract. This will include a scope of work , information related to any potential subgrants and an annual budget for the grant funds . Please attach additional sheets as necessary. 1. Organization : Organization Name: Tax Identification #: Organization Fiscal Year End: (mmddyyyy) 2 . Scope of Work: Recipient shall detail below how the organization will spend the amount of funding allocated fo r the specific pu rpose as stated in the grant contract. The description should include services to be provided, objectives to b e ach ieved , and expected results. The description should also include an ticipated timing of those services, objectives and expected results. 3. Subgrants: a. Does the Recipient anticipate that it will subgrant or pass down any funds to I I Yes l j No another orQanization? If yes, answer the following : b . Name of Subrecioient c. Proqram Name d . Amount to Subreci pient Below are general expenditure descriptions that can serve as a guide for prep aring the organization 's a nnual bu d get related to the grant award. P lease add or delete expenditure captions for clarity if needed. The annual budget must be signed by an authorizing official. The following annual budget is for the time period beginning (month/date/yr.) and ending (month /date/yr.). EXPENDITURE DESCRIPTION PERSONAL SERVI CES Sala ries & Wages Fringe Benefits Other Personal Services PURCHASED SERVICES Travel OSBM LGU -Attachment C Effective 8/2016 $ $ $ $ $ AMOUNT 101116wsa HC BOC Page 41 Communications/Data Processing Postage/Freight/Deliveries Printing/ Advertising Repairs/Maintenance/Utilities Contracted Services Other Services S UPPLIES & MATERIALS General Administrative Supplies Other Administrative Expenses FIXED CHARGES & EXPENSES Rent/Leases Insurance/Bonding Other Fixed Charges/Expenses C APITAL OUTLAY $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Office Equipment $ Office Furniture $ Building/Other Structures/Improvements $ Land $ Motor Vehicles $ Other Capital Outlay $ GRANTS Grants to Other Entities (Sub-Awards) $ DEBT SERVI CE Principal Payments Interest Payments OTHER EXPENDITURES Other Expenditures TOTAL BUDGETED EXPENDITURES $ $ $ $(GRANT AWARD AMOUNT) W ith regard to the information conta ined herein , I certify that the annual budget has been approved by the Recipient's Chief Fiscal Officer, County Manager or City Manager. Signature Printed Name OSBM LGU -Attachment C Effective 8/2016 Date Title Page 2 of 2 101116wsa HC BOC Page 42 Attachment D I ran Divestment Act Certification Pursuant to G .S . 147-86.59 , any person identified as engaging in investment activities in Iran, determined by appearing on the Final Divestment List created by the State Treasurer pursuant to G.S. 147-86.58, is ineligible to contract with the State of North Carolina or any political subdivision of the State . The Iran Divestment Act of 2015, G .S. 147-86.55 et seq.* requires that each vendor, prior to contracting with the State certify, and the undersigned on behalf of the Vendor does hereby certify, to the following : 1. that the vendor is not identif ied on the Final Divestment List of entities that the State Treasurer has determined engages in investment activities in Iran ; 2 . that the vendor shall not utilize on any contract with the State agency any subcontractor that is identified on the Final Divestment List ; and 3. that the undersigned is authorized by the Vendor to make this Certification. Name of Vendor: Address of Vendor: --------------------- Signature Date Printed Name Title The State Treasurer's Final Divestment List can be found on the State Treasurer's website at the address: https.l'www n ctreasurer com.'ms 1de-the-department/OpenGovernment/Pages/lran -D1ves tment-Act-Resources aspx and will be updated every 180 days. For questions about the Department of State Treasurer's I ran Divestment Policy, please contact Meryl Murtagh at Meryl.Murtagh@nctreasurer.com or (919) 814-3852 . • Note: Enacted by Session Law 2015-118 as G .S. 143C-55 et seq., but has been renumbered for codification at the direction of the Reviser of Statutes . OSBM NGO -Attachment E Effecti ve· 8/2016 Page 1 of 1 101116wsa HC BOC Page 43 Office of State Budget a nd Management Contrac t # 2017 .45 .4 This Contract is hereby entered into by and between the Office of State Budget and Management (the "Agency") and Harnett County (the "Recipient") (referred to collective ly as the "Parties "). The Recipient's federal tax identification number is 1. Contract Docum e nts: This Contract consists of the following documents: ( 1 ) This Contract (2) The General Terms and Conditions (Attachment A) (3) Notice of Certain Reporting Requirements (Attachment 8) (4) Scope of Work and Annual Budget (Attachment C) (5) Iran Divestment Act Certification (Exhibit D) These documents constitute the entire agreement between the Parties and supersede all oral and w r itten statements, negotiations or agreements made, communicated , negotiated or entered into prior to or contemporaneously with the full execution of this Contract. 2 . P recedence Among Contract Documents: In the event of a conflict between or among the terms of the Contract Documents . the terms in the Contract Document with the highest rela tive precedence shall prevail. The order of precedence shall be the order of documents as listed in Paragraph 1, above, with the first-listed document having the highest precedence and the last-listed document having the lowest precedence. If there are multiple Contract Amendments , the most recent amendment shall have the highest precedence and the oldest amendment shall have the lowest precedence. 3. Effective Period : This Contract shall be effective on July 1, 2016 and shall terminate on June 30 , 2017. 4 . Recip i ent's Duties: The Recipient shall provide the services as described in Attachment C. 5 . Agency's Dut ies: The Agency shall pay the Recipient in the manner and in the amounts specified in the Contract Docum ents. T he total amount paid by the Agency to the Recipient under this Contract shall not exceed $50 ,000 as identified on Page J 57 of the Joint Conference Committee Report on the Base , Capital and Expansion Budgets , House Bill 1030 (Session Law 2016-94) as follows: Provides a grant-in-aid of $50 ,000 for the Harnett County Veterans Counci l Park. There are no matching requirements from the Recipient. Contributions from the Recipient shall be sourced from non- federal funds. The total contract amount is $50,000. 6 . Conflict of Interest Policy: T he Recipient shall file with the Agency a copy of its policy and any ordinance or resolution it has adopted addressing conflicts of interest that may arise involving the members of the Recipient's governing body and/or any of its employees or officers involved in the grant or the project. Such policy, ordinance or resolution shall address situations in which any of these individuals may directly or indirectly benefit. other than through receipt of their normal compens ation in their capacities as the Recipient's emp loyees , officers or members of its governing body, from the Recipient's disbursi ng of State funds, and shall include actions to be taken by the Recipient or the individual, or both , to avoid conflicts of interest and the appearance of impropriety. Additionally , the Recipient certifies that , as of the date it executes th is Contract, no such individuals have such a conflict of interest or will directly or ind irectly benefit, except in the capacities described above , from the grant or project. Throughout the duration of this Contract, the Recipient has the duty to OSBM NGO -Contract Effective 812016 101116wsa HC BOC Page 44 promptly inform the Agency of any such conflict of interest or direct or indirect benefit of wh ic h it becomes aware. The policy shall be filed before Agency may disburse the grant funds . 7. Reporting Requirements: The Agency has determined that this Contract is subject to the reporting requ irements described in the attached Notice of Certain Reporting Requirements (Attachment B), which is part of this Contract. The Rec ipient shall comply with all of the reporting requirements and provisions described in Attachment B hereto . All reporting requirements shall be filed with the Agency using the prescribed forms Agency provides to Recipient. 8. Payment Provisions: Upon execution of this contract, the Recipient may request and, upon approval by the Agency, receive a single payment for amounts up to one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000). For grants-in-aid of more than one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) payment will be paid in quarterly installments, unless Recipient can demonstrate an immediate need for an amount greater than what would otherwise be paid quarterly. 9. Contract Administrators: All notices permitted or required to be given by one Party to the other and all questions about the contract from one Party to the other shall be addressed and delivered to the other Party's Contract Administrator. The name, post office address , street address , telephone number, fax number, and email address of the Parties ' respective initial Contract Administrators are set out below. Either Party may change the name, post office address, street address, telephone number, fax number, or email address of its Contract Administrator by giving timely written notice to the other Party. For the Agency IF DELIVERED BY US POST AL SERVICE IF DELIVERED BY ANY OTHER MEANS Fred E. Duyck , Chief Financial Officer Fred E. Duyck , Chief Financial Officer Office of State Budget and Management Office of State Budget and Management 20320 Mail Service Center 116 W . Jones Street, Suite 5200 Raleigh, NC 27699-0320 Raleigh , NC 27603 Telephone: (919) 807-4764 Telephone: (919} 807-4764 Fax: (9 19) 733-0640 Fax: (919) 733-0640 Email : fred.duyck@osbm.nc.gov Email : fred.duyck@osbm .nc.gov For the Recipient IF DELIVERED BY US POST AL SERVICE IF DELIVERED BY ANY OTHER MEANS Joseph Jeffries , County Manager Joseph Jeffries , County Manager Harnett County Harnett County P.O . Box 759 102 E. Front Street Lillington, NC 27546 Lillington , NC 27546 Telephone: (910) 814-6005 Telephone: (910) 814-6005 Email: jjeffries®harnett.orQ Email: jjeffries@harnett.org 10 . Disbursements : In addition to the other requirements set forth above and in the attached documents concerning the disbursement of grant funds by the Recipient (including any sub-recipient(s) and sub-sub-recipient(s)). as well as all requirements imposed on grant fund expenditures by applicable law, rules and regu lations, the Recipient acknowledges and agrees , as an express condition of this Contract, to make disbursements of all grant funds in accordance with the following requirements . The Recipient shall : a . Implement adequate internal controls over all disbursements; b. Pre-audit all vouchers presented to it for payment to determine: OSBM NGO -Contract Effective 8/2016 101116wsa HC BOC Page 45 • The val id ity and accuracy of the requested payment; • The payment due date ; • The adequacy of all documentation allegedly supporting the requested pa ym ent ; and • The legality of all disbursements and requested disbursements ; c. Assure adequate control of signature stamps and plates, d. Assure adequate control of all negotiab le instruments ; and e. Implement adequate procedures to insure that its account ba lance is so lvent and shall re co ncil e its accou nt monthly. 11. Outsourcing : The Recip ient certifies that it has identified to the Agency all jobs related to th is Contract that have been outsourc ed to other countries , if any. The Recipient further acknowledges that it may not outsou rce to any other country any jobs related to this Contract during the term of this Contract without obtaining the prior wr itten approval of the Agency. 12. Procurement, Suspension and Debarment: The Recipient acknowledges and agrees that, in its conduct under th is Contract and in connection w ith any and all expenditures of grant funds made by it, the Recipient, its officers , agents and employees shall be and are subject to the provisions of the North Carolina General Statutes and the North Carolina Adm inistrative Code relating to and governing procurement, public contracts , suspension and debarment. The Recipient further acknowledges and agrees that, in the ev ent that it grants any of the grant funds awarded hereunder to one or more sub-recipients or sub-sub-recipients , the Recipient shall . by contract , ensure that the provisions of the North Carolina General Statutes and the North Carolina Adm inistrative Code relating to and governing procurement, public contracts , suspension and debarment are made applicable to and binding upon any and all of the Recipient's sub-recipients. sub-sub-recipients. etc. 13. Cost Pr inciples : The Recip ient acknowledges and agrees that , in its conduct under this Contract and in connection with any and all expenditures of grant funds made by it , it sh all comply with the cost principles enunciated in the Code of Federal Regulations . 2 CFR, Part 200. The Recipient further acknowledges and agrees that , in the even t that it grants any of the grant fund s awarded hereunder to one or more sub-recipients or sub-sub-rec ipients , the Recipient shall, by contract, ensure that said cost principles are made applicable to and binding upon any and all such sub-recipients, sub-sub- recipients , etc. in their handling, use and expenditure of the funds awarded to the Recipient hereunder. 14. Final Reports and Certifications : The Recipient shall file all reports and certifications , as described and requ ired by Attachment B to this Contract, concerning its receipt , handling and expenditure of all grant funds awarded hereunder. including any interest earned by the Recipient from such funds , with the Agency. 15. Mon itori ng and Aud it ing : The Rec ipient acknowledges and agrees that , from and after the date of exe cution of this Contract and for five (5) years following its term ination , the books , reco rds, documents and facilities of the Recip ient are subj ect to be ing audited , inspected and monitored at any time by the Agency upon its request (whether in writing or otherwise). The Recipient and its officers , agents and employees shall make the Recipient's books , records. documents and offices/facilit ies available to the Agency and its personnel for inspection, audit and monitoring upon the Agency's request, shall answer any questions posed to them by the Agency and shall provide the Agency, upon its request, with any documents, records or information sought by the Agency in its efforts to monitor and audit the Recipient's activities regarding the funds awarded under th is Contract. The Recipient further agrees to keep and maintain all of its books, records and documents re lating in any way to the grant funds awarded hereunder for the time peri od specified in Attachment A hereto . The Re ci pient acknowledges and agrees that , with regard to the grant funds , it will be subj ect to the audit and reporting requirements prescribed by N.C .G .S §159-34, Local Government Finance Act -Annual Independent Audit ; ru les and regulations. Such audit and reporting requirements may vary depending upon the amount and source of grant funding received by the Recipient and are subject to change from time to time . OSBM NGO -Contra c t Effective 8/20 16 101116wsa HC BOC Page 46 16. Grant Agreement with Sub-Recipient(s): In the event that the Recipient grants to a sub-recipient , a sub-sub-recipient, etc. any of the grant funds awarded to the Recipient hereunder, the Recipient must retain a signed copy of the contract or letter pursuant to which the grant funds awarded to the Recipient hereunder are granted to a sub-recipient , a sub-sub-recipient , etc. 17 . Repayment of Grant Funds to Agency: In the event that the Recipient , either directly or indirectly (e .g., through a sub-recipient or sub-sub-recipient) commits any breach of this Contract which the Recipient fails to fully cure within thirty (30) days of its receipt of written notice from the Agency of said breach, the Agency may make demand in writing of the Recipient that it repay the Agency so much of the grant funds awarded under this Contract, up to and including 100 % of the amount of the award made under this Contract. In such an event, the Recipient shall repay said amount to the Agency w ithin thirty (30) days of its re ceipt of said demand for repayment , as well as any interest earned by the Recipient on said amount. In addition , in the event that this Contract should be terminated by the parties or otherwise comes to an end prior to the time when the Recipient , its sub-recipient(s). any sub-sub-recipient(s), etc. have expended all of the funds awarded under this Contract, the Recipient shall, within thirty (30) days of said term ination or contract end , return to the Agency all such unexpended funds as well as any interest earned by the Recipient on such funds. Furthermore , the Recipient shall, by contract , ensure that , in the event that its sub-recipient(s) enter into any sub-sub-recipient agreements involving any of the funds awarded hereunder, all such sub-recipient, sub-sub-recipient , etc. are required to repay to their recipient(s) all such unexpended funds , as well as any interest earned by the sub-recipient or sub-sub-recipient on such funds, so that the Recipient can return those unexpended funds and interest to the Agency within thirty (30) days of the termination or other end of this Contract. In any event, the Recipient shall be and remain liable to the Agency for the repayment to the Agency of all grant funds that are unexpended (ei ther by the Recipient or any sub-recipient, sub-sub- recipient, etc .) at the time of the termination or other end of this Contract, as well as the repayment of any interest earned by the Recipient, sub-recipient or sub-sub-recipient on such funds at that time . 18. Termination: Subject to the provisions of paragraph 17 of this Contract, this Contract may be terminated in accordance with the provisions set forth in Attachment A hereto ; however, the reporting , monitoring and audit requ irements and provisions of th is Contract shall survive any such termination. OSBM NGO -Contract Effective· 8/2016 101116wsa HC BOC Page 47 19. Authorized Signature Warranty: The undersigned represent and warrant that they are authorized to bind their principals to the terms of this agreement. In Witness Whereof, the Recipient and the Agency have executed this Contract in duplicate originals , with one original being retained by each party. Harnett County Signature Printed Name ATTEST Notary Public Printed Name [OFFICIAL SEAL) Office of State Budget and Management Signature Printed Name OSBM NGO -Con tract Effec tive : 8/20 16 Date Title Date Notarized Title Date Title 101116wsa HC BOC Page 48 Attachment A General Terms and Condi tions Defin iti on s Unless indicated otherwise from the con text, the following terms shall have the following meanings in this Contract. ( 1) "Audit" means an examination of records or financial accounts to verify their accuracy. (2) "Compliance Supplement" refers to the North Carolina State Compliance Supplement, maintained by the State and Local Government Finance Division of the North Carolina Department of State Treasurer that has been developed in cooperation with agencies to assist the local auditor in identifying program compliance requirements and audit procedures for testing those requirements. (3) "Contract" means a legal instrument that is used to document a relationship be tween the agency, and a recipient or between a recipient and subrecipient. (4) "Contractor" means an entity subject to the contractor requirements, as well as any entity that would be subject to the contractor requirements but for a specific statu te or rule exempting that entity from the contractor requireme nts . (5) "Contractor requirements" means Article 3, 3C, 30, 3E. 3G, or 8 of Chapter 143 of the General Statutes and related rules. (6) "Fiscal Year" means the annual operating year of the non-State entity. (7) "Financial Statement" means a report providing financial data relative to a given part of an organization's operations or status. (8) "Single Audit" means an audit that includes an examination of an organization's financial statements, internal controls , and compliance wi th the requirements of Federal or Sta te awards . (9) "S t ate Funds" means any funds appropria t ed by the North Carolina General Assembly or collected by the State of North Carolina . State funds include federal financial assistance received by the State and transferred or disbursed to non- State entities. Both Federal and State funds maintain their identity as they are disbursed as financial assistance to other organizations. Relationships of the Parties Independent Contractor: The Recipient is and shall be deemed to be an independent contractor in the performance of this Contract and as such shall be wholly responsible for the work to be performed and for the supervision of its employees . The Recipient represent s that it has . or shall secure at its own expense. all personnel required in performing the services under this agreement. Such employees shall not be employees of, OSBM L GU -Attachm ent A Effe c ti ve 8/2016 or have any individual contractual re lationship wi th , the Agency. Subcontracting and Subgranting : Any subcontracts or subgrants entered into by the Recipient with grant funds shall be subject to all conditions of this Contract. Payment of all subcontractors and subrecipients shall be the sole responsibility of the Recipient, and the Agency shall not be obligated to pay for any work performed by any subcontract or or subrecipient. The Recipient shall be responsible for the performance of all subcontractors and subrecipients an d shall not be re lieved o f any of the duties and responsibilities of this Contract as a result of en t ering into subcon tracts or subg ran t s. Addit ionally, if said Recipient subgrants any grant funds pursuant to this Contract. the Recipient shall submit a copy of its policies and/or procedures for monitoring subrecipients to the Agency. Subrecipients: The Recipient has the responsib ility to ensure that all subrecipients. if any, provide all information necessary to permit the Recipient to comply with the st andards set forth in this Contract. Assignment : No assignment of the Recipient's obligations or the Recipient's right to receive payment he reunder shall be perm itted . However, upon written request approved by the issuing purchasing authority , the State may: (a) Forward the Recipient's payment check(s) directly to any person or entity designated by the Recipient, or (b) Include any person or entity designated by Recipient as a joint payee on the Recipient's payment check(s). In no event shall such approval and action obligate the State to anyone other than the Recipient and the Recipient shall remain responsible for fulfi llmen t of all contract obligations. Beneficiaries : Except as herein specifically provided otherwise , this Contract shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties hereto and their respective successors. It is expressly understood and agreed that the enforcement of the terms and conditions of this Contrac t, and all righ t s of action relatin g to such enforcement, shall be strictly reserved to the Agency and the named Recipient. Nothing contained in this document shall give or allow any claim or right of action whatsoever by any other third person. It is the express intention of the Agency and Recipient that any such person or entity, other than the Agency or the Recipient, receiving services or benefits under this Contract sha ll be deemed an incidental beneficiary only. 101116wsa HC BOC Page 49 Indemnity and Insurance Indemnification: The Recipient agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Agency, the State of North Carolina , and any of their officers. agents and employees. from any claims of third parties arising out of any act or omission of the Recipient in connection with the performance of this Contract. Insurance: During the term of the contract, the Recipient at its sole cost and expense shall provide commercial insurance of such type and with such terms and limits as may be reasonably associated with the contract. As a minimum, the Recipient shall provide and maintain the following coverage and limits: (a) Worker's Compensation -The Recipient shall provide and maintain Worker's Compensation Insurance as required by the laws of North Carolina . as well as employer's liabil ity coverage with minimum limits of $500 ,000.00, covering all of Recipient's employees who are engaged in any work under the contract. If any work is sublet, the Recipient shall require the subrecipient to provide the same coverage for any of his employees engaged in any work under the contract. (b) Commercial General Liability-General Liability Coverage on a Comprehensive Broad Form on an occurrence basis in the minimum amount of $1 ,000,000 .00 Combined Single Limit. (Defense cost shall be in excess of the limit of liability.) (c) Automobile -Automobile Liability Insurance, to include liability coverage, covering all owned, hired and non-owned vehicles used in performance of the contract. The minimum combined single limit shall be $500,000.00 bodily injury and property damage; $500,000.00 uninsured/under insured motorist; and $25,000.00 medical payment. Providing and maintaining adequate insurance coverage is a material obligation of the Recipient and is of the essence of this Contract. The Rec ipient may meet its requirements of maintaining specified coverage and limits by demonstrating to the Agency that there is in force insurance with equivalent coverage and limits that will offer at least the same protection to the Agency. All such insurance shall meet all laws of the State of North Carolina . Such insurance coverage shall be obtained from companies that are authorized to provide such coverage and that are authorized by the Commissioner of Insurance to do business in North Carolina. The Recipient shall at all times comply with the terms of such insurance policies. and all requirements of the insurer under any such insurance policies, except as they may conflict with existing North Carolina laws or th is Contract. The limits of coverage under each insurance policy maintained by the Recipient shall not be interpreted as limiting the Recipient's liability and obligations under the contract. OSBM LGU-Attachment A Effective 8/2016 Default and Termination Termination by Mutual Consent: The Parties may terminate this Contract by mutual consent with 60 days' notice to the other party, or as otherwise provided by law. Termination for Cause: If, through any cause , the Recipient shall fa il to fulfil l its obligations under this Contract in a timely and proper manner, the Agency shall have the right to terminate this Contract by giving written notice to the Recipient and specifying the effective date thereof. In that event, all finished or unfinished deliverable items prepared by the Recipient under this Contract shall, at the option of the Agency, become its property and the Recipient shall be entitled to receive just and equitable compensation for any satisfactory work completed on such materials. minus any payment or compensation previously made. Notwithstanding the foregoing provision, the Recipient shall not be relieved of liability to the Agency for damages sustained by the Agency by virtue of the Recipient's breach of th is agreement, and the Agency may withhold any payment due the Recipient for the purpose of setoff until such time as the exact amount of damages due the Agency from such breach can be determined. The filing of a petition for bankruptcy by the Recipient shall be an act of default under this Contract. Waiver of Default: Waiver by the Agency of any default or breach in compliance with the terms of this Contract by the Re cipient shall not be deemed a waiver of any subsequent default or breach and shall not be construed to be modification of the terms of th is Contract unless stated to be such in writing, signed by an authorized representative of the Agency and the Recipient and attached to the contra ct. Availability of Funds: The parties to this Contract agree and understand that the payment of the sums specified in this Contract is dependent and contingent upon and subject to the appropriation, allocation, and availability of funds for this purpose to the Agency . Force Majeure: Neither party shall be deemed to be in default of its obligations hereunder if and so long as it is prevented from performing such obligations by any act of war, hostile foreign action , nuclear explosion, rio t, strikes , civil insurrection , earthquake , hurricane, tornado. or other catastrophic natural event or act of God. Survival of Promises : All promises, requirements. terms . conditions, prov1s1ons, representations, guarantees. and warranties contained herein shall survive the contract expiration or termination date unless specifically provided otherwise herein , or unless superseded by applicable federal or State statutes of limitation . P:ar,o? ,...( A 101116wsa HC BOC Page 50 Intellectual Property Rights Copyrights and Ownership of Deliverables: All deliverable items produced pursuant to this Contract are the exclusive property of the Agency . The Recipient shall not assert a claim of copyright or other property interest in such deliverables . Federal Intellectual Property Bankruptcy Protection Act: The Parties agree that the Agency shall be entitled to all r ights and benefits of the Federal Intellectual Property Bankruptcy Protection Act , Public Law 100-506, codified at 11 U.S .C. 365 (n ) and any amendments thereto . Compliance with Applicable Laws Compliance with Laws: The Recipient shall comply with all laws, ordinances , codes , rules , regulations , and licensing requirements that are applicable to the conduct of its business , including those of federal , state , and local agencies having jurisdiction and /or authority. Equal Employment Opportunity: The Rec ipient shall co mply w ith all federal and State laws relating to equal emplo yment opportunity. Confidentiality Confidentiality: Any information , data, instruments , docum e nts, studies or reports given to or prepared or assembled by the Recipient under this agreement shall be kept as confidential and not d ivulged or made available to any individual or organization without the prior written approval of the Agency . The Recipient acknowledges that in receiving , storing , processing or otherwise dealing with any confidential information it will safeguard and not further disclose the information except as otherwise provided in this Contract. Oversight Access to Persons and Records: The State Auditor shall have access to persons and records as a result of all contracts or grants entered into by State agencies or politic al subdivisions in accordance with N.C.G.S . 147- 64 .7. Additionally , as the State funding authority, the Agen cy shall have access to persons and records as a result of all contracts or grants entered into by State agencies or pol itical subdivisions. Record Retention: Records shall not be destroyed , purged or disposed of without the express written consent of the Agency . State basic records retention policy requires all grant records to be retained for a minimum of fi v e years o r until all audit except ion s have been resolved , whic hever is longer. If the contra ct is subject to federal poli cy and regulation s, record retention may be longer than five ye ars since record s must be retained for a period OSBM LGU -Attachment A Effective: 8/201 6 of three years following submission of the final Federal Financial Status Report , if applicable , or three years following the submission of a revised final Federal Financial Status Report . Also , if any litigation , claim , negotiation , audit , disallowance action, or other action involving this Contract has been started before expiration of the five-year retention period described above , the records must be retained until completion of the action and resolution of all issues which arise from it , or until the end of the regular five-year period described above, whichever is later. Miscellaneous Choice of Law: The valid ity of this Contract and any of its terms or provisions, as well as the rights and duties of the parties to this Contract, are governed by the laws of North Carolina . The Recipient, by signing this Contract, agrees and submits, solely for matters concerning this Contract, to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of North Carolina and agrees , solely for such purpose, that the exclusive venue for any legal proceedings shall be Wake County , North Carolina. The place of this Contract and all transactions and agreements relating to it, and their s itus and forum , shall be Wake County, North Carolina. where all matters, whether sounding in contract or tort , relating to the validity , construction, interpretation , and enforcement shall be determined. Amendment: This Contract may not be amended orally or by performance. Any amendment must be made in written form and executed by duly authorized representatives of the Agency and the Recipient. Severability: In the event that a court of competent jurisdiction holds that a provision or requirement of this Contract violates any applicable law, each such provision or requirement shall continue to be enforced to the extent it is not in violation of law or is not otherwise unenforceable and all other provisions and requirements of this Contract shall remain in full force and effect. Headings: The Section and Paragraph headings in these General Terms and Conditions are not material parts of the agreement and should not be used to construe the meaning thereof. Time of the Essence: Time is of the essence in the performance of this Contract. Care of Property: The Recipient agrees that it shall be responsible for the proper custody and care of any property furnished to it for use in connection with the performance of this Contract and will reimburse the Agency for loss of, or damage to , such property. At the termination of this Contract, the Recipient shall contact the Agency for instructions as to the disposition of such property and shall comply with these instructions. Page 3 of 4 101116wsa HC BOC Page 51 Travel Expenses: Reimbursement to the Rec ipient for tra vel mileage, meals, lodging and other travel expenses incurred in the performance of this Contract shall be reasonable and supported by documentation. State rates should be used as guidelines . International travel shall not be reimbursed under this Contract. Advertising: The Recipient shall not use the award of this Contract as a part of any news release or commercial advertising . OSBM LGU -Attach ment A Effecti ve 812016 Page 4 o f 4 101116wsa HC BOC Page 52 Attachment B Notice of Certain Reporting Requirements Recipient shall comply with all the rules and reporting requirements established by statute or administrative rules . For convenience , the requirements of N.C.G.S. 143C-6-22 are presented below. Also below are the thresholds related to reporting requirements required of recipients per the Contract. § 143C-6-22. Use of State funds by non-State entities. (a) D isbu rsement and Use of State Funds . -Every non-State entity that receives , uses , or expends any State funds shall use or expend the funds only for the purposes for which they were appropriated by the General Assembly. State funds include federal funds that flow through the State Treasury. (b) Compliance by Non-State Entities . -If the Director of the Budget finds that a non-State entity has spent or encumbered State funds for an unauthorized purpose , or fails to submit or falsifies the information required by G.S. 143C-6-23 or any other provision of law, the Director shall take appropriate administrative action to ensure that no further irregularities or violations of law occur and shall report to the Attorney General any facts that pertain to an apparent violation of a criminal law or an apparent instance of malfeasance, misfeasance, or nonfeasance in connection with the use of State funds. Appropriate administrative action may include suspending or withholding the disbursement of State funds and recovering State funds previously disbursed . (c) Civil Actions. -Civil actions to recover State funds or to obtain other mandatory orders in the name of the State on relation of the Attorney General, or in the name of the Office of State Budget and Management, shall be filed in the General Court of Justice in Wake County. (2006-203 , s. 3.) Reporting Thresholds: There are two report ing thresholds established for recipients and subrecipients re ceiving State funds. The reporting thresholds are : (1) Less than $25,000 -A recipient that receives, holds, uses, or expends State funds from the funding agency in an amount less than twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) within its fiscal year must comply with the reporting requirements established by the Contract including: (A) An accounting of all State funds received, held, used, or expended . All reporting requ ire ments shall be filed with the funding agency within three months after the end of the recipient's fiscal year in which the State funds were received . (2) Equal to or greater than $25,000 - A recipient that receives , holds , uses, or expends State funds from the funding agency in an amount of at least twenty-five thousand ($25,000) within its fiscal year must comply with the reporting requirements established by the Contract including: (A) An accounting of all State funds received, held, used, or expended ; and (B) A description of activities and accomplishments undertaken by the recipient, including reporting on any performance measures established in the contract. All reporting requirements shall be filed with the funding agency within three months after the end of the recipient's fiscal year in which the State funds were received. Other Provisions: 1. All recipients and subrecipients shall use the prescribed forms of the awarding agency and of the Office of the State Auditor in making reports to the awarding agency and the Office of the State Auditor. OSBM LGU -Attachment B Effecti ve . 8/2016 Page 1 of 1 101116wsa HC BOC Page 53 Attachment C Scope of Work and Annual Budget Before it will be possible to finalize this award and make any disbursement. you are required to provide to the Agency a description for how the organization will spend the amount of funding allocated for the specific purpose as stated in the grant contract. This will include a scope of work , information related to any potential subgrants and an annual budget for the grant funds . Please attach additional sheets as necessary. 1. Oraanization: Oroanization Name: Tax Identification #: Organization Fi scal Year End: (mmddyyyy) 2 . Scope of Work : Recipient shall detail below how the organization will spend the amount of funding allocated for the specific purpose as stated in the grant contract. The description should include services to be provided, objectives to be achieved, and expected results. The description should also include anticipated timing of those services, objectives and expected results. 3. Subarants : a . Does the Recipient anticipate that it will subgrant or pass down any funds to 1 ) Yes J J No another oroanization? If ves, answer the followinq : b. Name of Subrecioient c . Prooram Name d. Amount to Subrecipient Below are general expenditure descriptions that can serve as a guide for preparing the organization 's annual budget related to the grant award . Please add or delete expenditure captions for clarity if needed. The annual budget must be signed by an authorizing official. The following annual budget is for the time period beginning (month/date/yr.) and ending (month/date/yr.). EXPENDITURE DESCRIPTION PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries & Wages Fringe Benefits Other Personal Services PURCHASED SERVICES Travel OS8M LGU -Attach m en t C Effective· 8/20 16 $ $ $ $ $ AMOUNT Page 1 of 2 101116wsa HC BOC Page 54 Communications/Data Processing Postage/Freight/Deliveries Printing/Advertising Repa irs /Maintenance/Utilities Contracted SeNices Other SeNices SUPPLIES & MATERIALS General Administrative Supplies Other Administrative Expenses FIX ED CHARGES & EX PE NSES Ren t/Leases Insurance/Bonding Other Fixed Charges/Expenses CAP ITAL OUTLAY $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Office Equipment $ Office Furniture $ Building/Other Structures/Improvements $ Land $ Motor Vehicles $ Other Capital Outla y $ GRANTS Grants to Other Entities (Sub-Awards) $ DEBT SERVICE Principal Payments Interest Payments OTHER EXPENDITURES Other E xpenditures TOTAL BUDGETED EXPENDITURES $ $ $ $(GRANT AWARD AMOUNT) W ith regard to the information contained herein , I certify that the annu al budget has been approved by the Recipient's Chief F isca l Officer, County Manager or City Manager. Signature Printed Name OSBM L GU -Attachment C Effective 8/2016 Date Title Page 2 of 2 101116wsa HC BOC Page 55 Attachment D Iran Dives t ment Act Certification Pursuant to G.S. 147-86.59, any person identified as engaging in investment activities in Iran , determined by appearing on the Final Divestment List created by the State Treasurer pursuant to G.S. 147-86.58, is ineligible to contract with the State of North Carolina or any political subdivision of the State. The Iran Divestment Act of 2015, G.S. 147-86.55 et seq.' requires that each vendor, prior to contracting with the State certify , and the undersigned on behalf of the Vendor does hereby certify , to the following : 1. that the vendor is not identified on the Final Divestment List of entities that the State Treasurer has determined engages in investment activities in Iran; 2. that the vendor shall not utilize on any contract with the State agency any subcontractor that is identified on the Final Divestment List ; and 3. that the undersigned is authorized by the Vendor to make this Certification . Name o f Ven dor: Address of Vendor: --------------------- Signature Date Printed Name Title The State Treasurer's Final Divestment List can be found on the State Treasurer's website at the address. https ://www nctreasurer com/ins ide-the-department/OpenGovernment/Pages/l ran -D ives tment-Ac t-Resources aspx and will be updated every 180 days. For questions about the Department of State Treasurer's Iran Divestment Policy , please contact Meryl Murtagh at Meryl.Murtagh@nctreasurer.com or (919) 814-3852 . • Note: Enacted by Session Law 20 15-1 18 as G.S. 143C-55 et seq ., but has been renumbered for cod ifi cation at the direction of the Revisor of Statutes . OSBM NGO -Attachment E Effective 8/2016 Page 1 of 1 101116wsa HC BOC Page 56 Section 7. The Performance Pay Plan The purpose of the Performance Pay Plan is to give Harnett County employees a way in wh ich to earn additional pay increases following the 3/5 plan throughout their career in Harnett County. This plan is intended to serve as a tool that will increase the County's ability to hire and retain qualified employees by allowing employees to earn higher wages after their fifth year of employment with Harnett County, provided they receive satisfactory performance reviews. At the conclus ion of the 3/5 plan for their current position , employees will be eligible to earn a percent increase every three years based on their annual performance reviews during that period . Earned increases will be given every three years after year 5 {so after years 8 , 11 , 14, 17, 20 , 23 , 26, 29, 32 , 35, etc.). These years will be known as "Performance Pay Plan Milestones." An employee's performance review for each year of the three-year cycle will account for a third of the overall increase. Employees who receive an overall score on their annual performance review of "Meets Expectations" or above will receive the increase amount for that year while employees who receive a score lower than "Meets Expectations" will not receive the increase amount for that year. For example, if an employee earns "Meets Expectations" or above on their annual performance review in each of the three years in the cycle, they will receive the full increase amount after the third year. If they earn "Meets Expectations" or above in just two of the three years in the cycle, they will receive two-thirds of the increase amount after the third year. If they earn "Meets Expectations" or above in one of the three years in the cycle, they will receive one-third of the increase amount after the third year. In cases where, at plan implementation, an employee is between two Performance Pay Plan Milestones , they will receive credit for any performance reviews within their current three-year cycle which would have taken place prior to their current year. For any years left in the employee's three-year cycle when the plan is implemented , whether or not an employee receives the increase for those years will depend on their annual performance reviews. Earned increases will be effective on the employee's anniversary (hire) date every third year after their fifth year in their current position . Employees will receive the increase beginning on the next full pay period . Employees will only receive any increase they earn during a three-year cycle at the corresponding Performance Pay Plan Milestone. Employees must be active on the County's payroll on the payout date to receive an increase . If an employee quits, is terminated or retires prior to the scheduled payout date, the County is not obligated to pay any portion of the increase. The amount of the three-year increase will be proposed by the County Manager and approved by the Board of Commissioners as part of the budgeting process . The amount 101116wsa HC BOC Page 57 must be set for a three-year cycle with each year's performance review constituting a third of the overall increase . When the Performance Pay Plan goes into effect, current employees will fall into the plan based on their years of employment with Harnett County in their current position. This plan is not retroactive. Employees are eligible to receive increases for three-year cycles only from the implementation date onward and not prior to implementation. Eligibility for Annual Increase: For employees who have 26 or more years of employment with Harnett County when the Performance Pay Plan goes into effect, they will be eligible to receive a 1.5 percent annual increase based on their annual performance review during the first three years of implementation . Employees who receive an overall score on their annual performance review of "Meets Expectations" or above , will receive the increase amount for that year while employees who receive a score lower than "Meets Expectations" will not receive the increase amount for that year. Earned increases will be effective on their employment anniversary date following the performance review for which they are receiving the increase. After three years, these employees will return to the three-year cycle . • Eligibility will be determined based on an employee's years of experience with Harnett County. Work experience outside of Harnett County shall not count toward eligibility . • This does not apply to employees who reach year 26 after the date of implementation . • If an employee meets the other qualifications to receive the annual increase, they will remain eligible, even if they have been promoted and are within a 3/5 plan for their current position. • For sworn Law Enforcement Officers in the Harnett County Sheriff's Office , employees who have 21 or more years of employment with Harnett County when the Performance Pay Plan goes into effect will be eligible for the 1.5 percent annual increase based on their annual performance review during the first three years of implementation . The guidelines are the same for these employees as they are for other employees who are eligible for the annual increase at plan implementation. New Hires and Promotions: Employees who are hired or who receive a promotion following implementation of the Performance Pay Plan will rece ive an "Experience Date" based on qualified and relevant experience which will determine where they fall into the Performance Pay Plan schedule . The Experience Date will determine when an employee w ill be eligible for their next increase. In cases where a newly hired or promoted employee is given an experience date that falls between two Performance Pay Plan milestones , they will rece ive credit for any performance reviews within their current three-year cycle which would have taken place prior to their current year. For any years left in the current three-year cycle when the 101116wsa HC BOC Page 58 plan is implemented , whether or not an employee receives the increase will depend on their annual performance reviews. For example, an employee is eligible for an increase under the Performance Pay Plan after years 11 and 14 . If a newly hired or promoted employee is given an experience date of 12 years, they will be brought in at the salary that corresponds to an 11-year employee, but would be eligible to receive their next increase after two years. For the next increase , the employee would automatically receive credit for one of the three years due to their experience date. Credit for the remaining two years would be based on their performance reviews for those years. In cases where a newly hired or promoted employee's salary, based on their experience date, is higher than that of an existing employee with the same amount of experience, the County Manager may address the issue on an individual basis. Any situation that arises and is not covered by this policy will be reviewed by the Harnett County Pay Plan Committee, which will make a recommendation to the County Manager 101116wsa HC BOC Page 59 Fiscal Policy Guidelines For: Harnett COUNTY -~=----------_...., NO RT H CA R O LI N A Harnett County, North Carolina Adopted : fY1 a y 7 , c2 Q IQ 1,pµrovt1d by the Harnett ,:;o:.m ly Board vf Commissioner• !1~ cC}f . ~~ --,'-lte 5 -7~ , "j !/ C ~rk 101116wsa HC BOC Page 60 FISCAL POLICY GUIDELINES Harnett Harnett County, North Carolina COUNTY TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Objectives 2 Capital Improvement Budget Policies 3-4 Debt Policies 5 Reserve Policies 6 Budget Development Policies 7 Cash Management / Investment Policies 8-9 Enterprise Funds Policy 10-11 101116wsa HC BOC Page 61 FISCAL POLICY GUIDELINES Harnett County, North Carolina FISCAL POLICY GUIDELINES -OBJECTIVES This fiscal policy will influence and guide the financial management practice of Hamett County, North Carolina. A fiscal policy that is adopted , adhered to, and regularly reviewed is recognized as the cornerstone of sound financial management. Effective fiscal policy: • Contributes to the County's ability to insulate itself from fiscal crisis, • Enhances short term and long term financial credit ability by helping to achieve the highest credit and bond ratings possible, • Promotes long-term financial stability by establishing clear and consistent guidelines , • Directs attention to the total financial picture of the County rather than single issue areas , • Promotes the view of linking long-run financial planning with day to day operations, and • Provides the County Staff, the County Board of Commissioners and the County citizens a framework for measuring the fiscal impact of government services against established fiscal parameters and guidelines. • This policy will be reviewed periodically by County staff and any changes will be approved by the Board of Commissioners. To these ends, the following fiscal policy statements are presented . 2 101116wsa HC BOC Page 62 FISCAL POLICY GUIDELINES Harnett Harnett County, North Carolina COUNTY ;tc; •• CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET POLICIES 1. It is the responsibility of the County Board of Commissioners to provide for the capital facilities necessary to deliver municipal services to the citizens of the County, as well as facilities for the Harnett County Public Schools and the Central Carolina Community College system. 2 . The County will consider all capital improvements in accordance with an adopted Capital Improvement Plan. 3. The Capital Improvement Plan is inclusive of Capital Improvements (renovations), Capital Replacement (vehicles and heavy equipment) and Major Capital Projects (new buildings). 4. The County will develop a five-year Capital Improvement Plan and review and update the plan annually. The Harnett County Public Schools and the Community College System will submit their respective five-year capital improvement requests annually and will provide a prioritization for the improvements within their request for the County Commi ssioner 's review. 5 . The County will enact an annual capital budget based on the five-year Capital Improvement Plan, while considering changes in population, changes in real estate development, or changes in assumptions in the capital budget projections. 6. The County, in consultation with the Harnett County Public School and Community College Systems, will coordinate development of the capital improvement budget with development of the operating budget. Future operating costs associated with new capital improvements will be projected and included in operating budget forecasts. 7. The Capital Improvement Plan will include the estimated costs for the County to maintain all County, Public School and Community College assets at a level adequate to protect the public's welfare and safety , the County's capital investment and to minimize future maintenance and replacement costs. A maintenance and replacement schedule will be developed and followed based upon these estimates. 3 101116wsa HC BOC Page 63 FISCAL POLICY GUIDELINES Harnett County, North Carolina 8. The County, in consultation with the Harnett County Public School and Community College Systems, will identify the estimated costs and potential funding sources for each capital project proposal before it is submitted for approval. 9. The County will pursue the most cost effective financing consistent with prudent financial management. 4 101116wsa HC BOC Page 64 FISCAL POLICY GUIDELINES Harnett County, North Carolina DEBT POLICIES 1. The County will confine long-term borrowing to capital improvements or projects that cannot be financed from current revenues except where approved justification is provided . 2 . The County will take a balanced approach to capital funding utilizing debt financing , capital reserves and pay-as-you-go funding that will provide the least financial impact on the taxpayer. Pay-as-you-go funding will come from budgeted appropriations. 3. When the County finances capital improvements or other projects by issuing bonds or entering into capital leases, it will repay the debt within a period not to exceed the expected useful life of the project. Target debt ratios will be annually calculated and included in the review of financial trends. 4. Net debt as a percentage of estimated market value of taxable property shall not exceed 2 .5%. Net debt is defined as any and all debt that is tax-supported. 5 . Debt Service expenditures as a percent of total governmental fund expenditures should not exceed 15.0%. Should this ratio exceed 15%, staff must request an exception from the Board of Commissioners stating the justification and expected duration of the policy exception. 6. The County will retire tax anticipation debt, if any, annually and will retire bond anticipation debt within six months after completion of the project. 7. Payout of aggregate outstanding tax-supported debt principal shall be no less than 50.0% repaid in 10 years. 5 101116wsa HC BOC Page 65 FISCAL POLICY GUIDELINES Harnett County, North Carolina RESERVE POLICIES Im'!==~ Harnett COUNTY -----". I. Available fund balances as defined in GS-159 at the close of each fiscal year should be at least 15% of the Total Annual Operating Budget. If the County is not in compliance with this policy at the time the Fiscal Policy Guidelines are adopted, the County will strive to be in compliance within a 36 month period. The County Board may, from time-to-time, utilize fund balances that will reduce available fund balances below the 15% policy for the purposes of a declared fiscal emergency or other such global purpose as to protect the long -term fiscal security of Hamett County. In such circumstances, the Board will adopt a plan to restore the available fund balances to the policy level within 36 months. If restoration cannot be accomplished within such time period without severe hardship to the County, then the Board will establish a different but appropriate time period. 2. Monies in excess of 15% available fund balance will be transferred to a Capital Reserve Fund. 6 101116wsa HC BOC Page 66 FISCAL POLICY GUIDELINES Harnett County, North Carolina BUDGET DEVELOPMENT POLICIES I. The Budget Process will be compliant with the North Carolina Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act. 2 . One-time or other special revenues will not be used to finance continuing County operations but instead will be used for funding special projects. 3. The County will pursue an aggressive policy seeking the collection of current and delinquent property taxes, utility, license, permit and other fees due to the County. 4. County staff will generate reports that show actual revenues and expenditures compared to the budget and will present this to the County Board on a monthly basis. 5. Budget amendments will be brought to the County Board for consideration as needed. 7 101116wsa HC BOC Page 67 FISCAL POLICY GUIDELINES .119!!~• Harnett Harnett County, North Carolina COUNTY , .·. CASH MANAGEMENT/ INVESTMENT POLICIES I. It is the intent of the County that public funds will be invested to the extent possible to reduce the dependence upon property tax revenues. Funds will be invested with the chief objectives of safety of principal , liquidity, and yield, in that order. All deposits and investments of County funds will be in accordance w ith N.C.G.S . 159 . 2 . Up to one-half (50%) of the appropriations to Non-County Agencies and to non debt-supported capital outlays for County Departments can be encumbered prior to December 31 . Any additional authorization shall require the County Manager's written approval upon justification. The balance of these appropriations may be encumbered after January 1, upon a finding by the County Manager that there is a reasonable expectation that the County 's Budgeted Revenues will be realized. 3. The County will use a Central Depository to maximize the availability and mobility of cash for all funds that can be legally and practically combined . 4. Cash Flows will be forecasted and investments will be made to mature when funds are projected to be needed to meet cash flow requirements. 5. Liquidity: No less than 20% of funds available for investment will be maintained in liquid investments at any point in time . 6 . Maturity: All investments will mature in no more than thirty-six (36) months from their purchase date. 7 . Custody: All investments will be purchased "payment-verses-delivery" and if certificated will be held by the Finance Officer in the name of the County. All non-certificated investments will be held in book-entry form in the name of the County with the County 's third party Custodian (Safekeeping Agent). 8. Authorized Investments: The County may deposit County Funds into: Any Board approved Official Depository, if such funds are secured in accordance with NCGS-159 (3 1 ). The County may invest County Funds in: the North Carolina Capital Management Trust, US Treasury Securities, US Agency Securities specifically authorized in GS-159 and rated no lower than "AAA", and Commercial Paper meeting the requirements of NCGS-159 plus having a national bond rating. 9. Diversification: No more than 5% of the County's investment funds may be invested in a specific company 's commercial paper and no more than 20% of the County's investment funds may be invested in commercial paper. No more than 8 101116wsa HC BOC Page 68 FISCAL POLICY GUIDELINES Harnett County, North Carolina 25% of the County 's investments may be in v ested in any one US Agency 's Securities . I 0 . Allocation: Investment income will be allocated to each participating fund or account based on a fair and equitable formula determined by the Finance Director. 9 101116wsa HC BOC Page 69 FISCAL POLICY GUIDELINES Harnett Harnett County, North Carolina COUNTY ~l ~!f'· ~ ~ i1.R(1• :·.' ENTERPRISE FUNDS The County maintains Enterprise Funds (primarily water and wastewater) that are self-sustaining for both operational and capital purposes. The Enterprise Funds will adhere to the County' Fiscal Policy with any exceptions being reported in this section. • These policies will allow for orderly expansion of services and to allow operation within the financial framework insuring efficiency while providing necessary services. • They promote long-term financial stability. • They insure the future viability of the system while providing for predictable and reasonable rate increases. Budget Policies: • Enterprise Funds will develop a multi-year capital improvement plan, which will be reviewed and updated annually. • Any improvements required to meet new regulatory requirements or to meet changes in the service demands will be included in either the capital improvement plan or the annual budget request. • Service rates will be reviewed annually as part of the budget process. • Service rates will be adjusted as needed to provide adequate funding for the proper operation, maintenance, and expansion of the system. • Service rates will be adjusted as necessary to meet bond covenants, debt service obligations, and Adopted Financial Policy Guidelines. Debt Policies : • The Enterprise Fund is responsible for setting rates and charges at such a level which maintains the "self-supporting" nature of the fund. • The County will target a minimum amount of equity funding of 10% of the Enterprise Fund capital improvement plan on a five-year rolling average. • The Enterprise Fund will comply with all applicable bond covenants. 10 101116wsa HC BOC Page 70 FISCAL POLICY GUIDELINES Harnett Harnett County, North Carolina COUNTY • The Enterprise Fund will maintain a debt service coverage ratio as defined by the General Indenture of the Enterprise System Revenue Bonds. These minimum requirements are summarized to be: o l .20x debt service coverage on Parity Indebtedness (Revenues for this measure may include 20% of the balance in the Surplus Account at the end of the preceding Fiscal Year) o l .OOx debt service coverage of Parity Indebtedness, General Obligation Indebtedness, Subordinate Indebtedness, Other Indebtedness, and any amount due to the Qualified Reserve Fund or Qualified Reserve Fund Substitute. Reserve Policies: • The County has adopted a comprehensive strategy for the long-term stability and financial health of each Enterprise Fund that provides for annual increases in fund reserves to an established goal of 50% of operating and maintenance expenses. 11 101116wsa HC BOC Page 71 HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION CAPITAL OUTLAY THRESHOLD WHEREAS , Kimberly Honeycutt, Finance Officer for Harnett County request the Capital Outlay threshold be changed from $5,000.00 to $10,000.00 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of Hamett County that effective July 1, 2016 that the Capital Outlay threshold be changed from $5,000.00 to $10,000.00. ADOPTE D this this 16th day of May, 20 16. 101116wsa HC BOC Page 72 HARNEIT COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION William H. Morris, Chairman Howard L. Penny, Jr .• Vice-Chairman Vivian W. Bennett James Ray Bryant Roger Farina Charles P. Bullock. Board Attorney Stanley P. Williams 11, Superintendent Dr. Nancy G. Holmes, Assistant Superintendent Vera D. Jones. Assistant Superintendent W. Brooks Matthews, Assistant Superintendent Monica J. Thompson. Assistant Superintendent Brookie B Ferguson, Interim Asst. Superintendent HARNETT COUNTY SCHOOLS OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT RESOLUTION OF THE HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION REQUESTING FUNDING FOR ADDITIONAL TEACHING POSITIONS WHEREAS, the Hamett County Board of Education recognizes the need to increase student achievement at our low performing schools; and WHEREAS, on October 4, 2016, the Hamett County Board of Education approved a resolution requesting funding for four (4) additional teaching positions from the Hamett County Board of Commissioners; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Hamett County Board of Education appreciates the Board of Commissioners' willingness to work with the Board of Education to fund additional teaching positions. This resolution was duly considered and approved by the Hamett County Board of Education at its meeting on October 4, 2016. HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION P. 0. Box 1029, L/11/ngton, NC 27546 • Phone: 910-893-8151 • Fax: 910-893-8839 101116wsa HC BOC Page 73 Board Meeting Agenda Item MEETING DA TE: October 17, 2016 TO: HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: Public Hearing-Proposed Text Amendment for accessory struct14reswithin the front yard REQUESTED BY: Mark Locklear, Director of Development Services REQUEST: Public Hearing: Proposed Text Amendment Harnett County Unified Development Ordinance Article VI (General Development Standards) Section 3.0 (Accessory Structures). The Planning Department Staff recommended approval of the Text Amendment as the benefits outweigh any potential inconvenience or harm to the community, particularly since structures would be built to the NC Building Code as well as the front setback would be maintained. After a discussion at their September & October meetings, the Harnett County Planning Board voted unanimously (4-0) to recommend approval of this proposed Text Amendment. FINANCE OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION: COUNTY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: C:\Use rs\gwh ee ler\AppData\Local\Microsoft\ Windows\lNetCac he\Content.Outlook\TPTE QC L V\ I OCCAgenda Form 16 _acc essory stru ctures TA.doc Page I of2 101116wsa HC BOC Page 74 Harnett TEXT AMENDMENT REQUEST FORM (Internal) COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA Planning Department 108 E. Front Street P.O. Box 65, Lillington, NC 27546 Phone : (910) 893-7525 Fax: (910) 893-2793 Planning Board: October 3, 2016 County Commissioners: October 17, 2016 Applicant Information Applicant: Name: Harnett County Development Services/ . ------------Address: 108 E Front St City/State/Zip: Lillington NC, 27546 E-mail: Phone: 893-7525 Fax: Type of Change [2J New Addition 0Revision Unified Development Ordinance: Ordinance ------------ Current Text: See attached Article : Proposed Text: (Attach additional sheets if necessary) See attached Reason for Requested Change: VI Section : 3.0 To amend Harnett County's U.D.O. to allow certain accessory structures within the front yard. Additional Information A~er a discussion at their September & October meetings, the Harnett County Planning Board voted unanimously (4-0) to recommend approval of this proposed Text Amendment. Suggested Statement-of-Consistency: (Staff concludes that ... ) The requested Text Amendment is compatible with Harnett County regulatory documents, and the benefits outweigh any potential inconvenience or harm to the community, particularly since structures would be built to the NC Building Code as well as the front setback would be maintained. Therefore, it is recommended that this Text Amendment request be APPROVED. Page 1 of 1 101116wsa HC BOC Page 75 HARNETT COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA A RESO LU TION AMENDING THE HARNETT COUNTY UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE WHEREAS, the Board of Commiss ioners of Harnett County adopted the UDO on October 17, 2011 for the purpose of promoting the health , safety, and general welfare of the county residents; and WHEREAS , this ordinance was adopted under authority granted by the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina, particularly G .S. 153A-340; and WHEREAS , the UDO contains provisions for amending said ordinance and those provisions have been followed ; and WHEREAS , the Harnett County Planning Board has reviewed the amendments to the article s of the UDO as listed below and recommends the adoption of the following amendments. NOW, THE REFORE BE IT RESOLVE D BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF HARNETT COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA that Article VI "General Development Standards", Section 3.0 "Accessory Structures" of the UDO sha ll be amended to read as indicated in "Attachment". "Attachment" is filed with the Unified Development Ordinance in the Clerk to the Board 's Office . Dul y adopted this 17th day of October, 2016 and effective upon adoption. HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Jim Burgin, Chairman ATTE ST: Margaret Re g ina Daniel, Cl erk to the Board 101116wsa HC BOC Page 76 Board Meeting Agenda Item MEETfNG DATE: October 17, 2016 TO: HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: Public Hearing-Proposed Zoning Western Harnett Overhills Area PTO REQUESTED BY: Mark Locklear, Director of Development Services REQUEST: Public Hearing: Proposed Zoning Change: Case# RZ-16-381 Landowner/Applicant: Western Harnett Overhills Area PTO, Inc.; 0.25 acres (1.08 total), Pin #9568-65 -7627; From RA-20R to Commercial; 3793 Olivia Rd SR 1205; Barbecue Township. The Planning Department Staff recommended approval of the request to rezone .25 acres from RA-20R to Commercial. Staff concluded it would not have an unreasonable impact on the surrounding community based on the Land Use Plan as well as existing Commercial use. After a very breif discussion the Harnett County Planning Board voted unanimously ( 4-0) to recommend approval. FINANCE OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION: COUNTY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: C :\Users\gwheeler\AppData\Local\Microsoft\ Windows\INetCache\Content.Outl ook\TPTEQCL V\ I OCCAgendaF orm 16 _PT O.doc Page I of I 101116wsa HC BOC Page 77 APPLICATION FOR ZONING CHANGE Harnett Planning Department 108 E. Front Street COUNTY P.O. Box 65, Lillington, NC 27546 Phone: (910) 893-7525 Fax: (910) 893-2793 Total Fee: Receipt: Permit: Hearing Date: Applicant Information Owner of Record: Name: a;,,·r:.1-eT fih1c.h t:. Applicant: Address: e · e ~ ~ ve.1-, I I r ,-e,,~ t1JO llii..fT Name: { leJit1--1t l/t.£-11 'Jt at1,1-/,,/(; /J..,-.:,,.. J~t 7/i,ff 5t~< Address: b1 fh.,-,;"' r-etDow;/11-s · l{lttwt, P~a- City/State/zip: Pd 1<;1 N-1,? 1, o L, k, ,_, /'K . .l..f: ')bf° E-mail:.'1'.hhd,i!Yi 19~~-a 7 ,m,·tl ,ll./m City/State/Zip : PQt3c1 J. 1f. 01,·v ... rvc: .;S>JL..5' .S fol-<!. E-mail: an /,de~-!t.i '3~' fa f mu, f , '"fh Phone: 91 7 . 'tt'1 -4 ffJ Phone: lJl'f-4 '15-Lf:I s·<> Fax : },t;·-4-'11· 4-/!J-:J- Property Description PIN(s): ~f4S-£~' f6 10 .. 000 Address/SR No.: Ot,v ,1!. fd. 5 I< /Ju.)- Fax: 11 •; -4--'l <'t · 'f: u -:z: I Acreage: Acres Directions from Lillington: 7&:--Nc. .1-l fr L, 1/ ,p,.,· /:1,,, le /{wy t7. fi'.lte ,..,i/J t, ji; ~F11-s't. J hr7L,'i1Ji tJh.-.11 I; v,,,,,, __ itt1-/I L,f f ,~i , .. >''t-. ;JnJJc:.~l:7 1-"dj <,J/l)' f'r-<"HA'i:-f>'ro12,-.,,./c,-67 ... Leu Deed Book: Plat Book: Ex i sting Zoning: D Conservation 0 RA-20M ~ RA-20R 0 RA -30 0 RA-40 D Commercial 0 Light Industrial D Industrial D Office & Inst'I Attachments Page: 1; Y-'> Jt., Page: J. 7/ Requested Zoning: D Conservation 0 RA-20M 0 RA-20R 0 RA-30 0 RA-40 129 Commercial D Light Industrial D Industrial D Office & Inst'I Township: D (01) Anderson Creek D (02) Averasboro fi(] (03) Barbecue a..-.l 0 (04) Black River D (OS) Buckhorn D (06) Duke • Written description of property from recorded deed D (07) Grove D (08) Hectors Creek [RI (09) Johnsonville 0 (10) Lillington D (11) Neill's Creek D (12) Stewart's Creek D (13) Upper Little River • Recorded map of property at scale of not less than one (1) inch = 200 feet • Explanation of why the zoning change is requested, addressing applicable portions of Article XIV of theZoningOrdinance/r, 01--dcl-7:'o a,JJ till rdJ,'t:,i;n cf! 4D~NJ to p 1-er.c4't b&<,lcl,117 Signatures The undersigned applicant hereby certifies that, to the hest of his or her knowledge and belief, all information supplied with this application is tf~e an,d_ accurate: /J.uti.n--)(o t, ()~ ()u",/'_I (J .Lttef!A4u. {'l '21. ~ • '. ~1UI\. ,r?,u.,. (/. _ J Prop y Owner Si ature Date Authorized Agent Signature Date Page 1 of 2 APPLICATION FOR Z ONING CHANGE 101116wsa HC BOC Page 78 HARNETT COUtJTY TAX ID# Y/lz/11.r sv m r 1 I NON FOR REGISTR ATION Ki mb e rly S . Hargrov e REGISTER OF DEEDS Harnett County.I. NC 2016 SEP 12 01 :0~:06 PM BK :3437 PG :315-316 FEE :$26 .00 INSTRUMENT~ 2016013043 TUESTER NORTH CAROLINA ~ WARRANTY DEED Excise Tax : Parcel Identifier No . -------Verified by------County on the __ day of _______ , 20_ By: __________ _ Mail/Box to : Western Hamett OvP.rhills Area PIO Thrift Store, PO Box 271, Olivia ,NC 28368 This instrument was prepared by: .Margaret H. I:ouglas -Altman Briefdescnption for the /nde.x· Parcel D 3793 Olivia Rd., Sanford , NC 27332 TH IS DEED made this __ _,,,l=O..::th=-----------day of September , 20!&_, by and between GRANTOR MARGAREI' H. OOUGIAS-AL'IMAN, Trustee for the Wesley A. I:ouglas and Margaret H. I:ouglas Revocable Living Trust PO Box 36 Olivia, NC 28368 GRANTEE WE.STERN HARNETT OVERHIUS ARFA PTO THRIFT S'IORE, INC . P. 0. Box 27) Sanford , NC 27332 Enter m appropriate block for each pan y: name, address, and, 1f appropriate, character of entity, e.g . corporation or par tnership. The designation Granter and Grantee as used herein shall include said parties, their heirs, successors, and assigns, and shall include s ingular, plural, masculine, feminme o r 1euter as required by context. WITNESSETH, that the Granter, for a v.J luable consideral!On paid by the Grantee, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has and by these presents does grant , bargam, sell and convey unto the Grantee in fee simple, all that certain lot or parcel of land s ituated in the City of , Johnsonville/BarbecueTownship, Harnet t Coumy, North Carolina and more particularly de scnbed as follows: Being all of Parcel Das shown on rre.p prepared by Melvin A. Graham, PIS for 11 Hes1;@:!lru..1. Harnett OVerhills Area P'IO Thrift Store" dated August 31, 2016 and recorded in -P!a~/"--M"' easinot ""2o l Co , St±de 2 t \ , Harnett County Registry and being a :i;::ortion of the Wesley A. r::ouglas Trustee Property recorded in Deed Book 2015, Page 681, Harnett County Registry The property heremabove described was acquired by Grantor by instrument recorded m Book2_0_1_5 ___ page _6_8_1 ___ _ A map shbwmg the above described pro 1>erty 1s recorded in Plat Book ______ page ____ _ NC Bar Association Form No. 3 © 1976 . Revised © 1977, 2002 Printed by Agreement with the NC Bar ,\ssociation -1981 '"" James Williams & Co., Inc . www.JamesWilliams.com 101116wsa HC BOC Page 79 NOT TO SCA!J: VICINITY MAP NORTH OY ~ a 2008-72~ t o U f l S ( 6 u . . M N G O I I S T A N C ( N 1 r w • 1 · c 1 . a t ' J r f U " 0 2 ' o . l • E $ . ' 6 ' N H ~ ' Y . , * C H . < 1 6 ' N e r t i · o · , , , . o a OLIVI A R O A D S . R . I 2 0 ~ 60' R , W ( P A V E D R O A D ) N O T £ 8 2 0 1 6 · P 2 7 1 C X ( W T F R O M H A R M ( l f C O U N l Y G l . : l . A l I O H S B Y D H P O l 1 < : l t L < \ - l a - - 1 ( p D A l f N O T E : R / W C f O L D R I i l . R O A D I 0 0 ' 8 Y S O M £ D E E D S A N O 9 0 ' B Y O T H E R S . C O R N ( R S F O U N O O I i 1 0 0 & 9 0 ' R , w · , J O H N S O N V I L L E T O W N S H I P W E S T O F C / L O L D R A R . R O A D 8 A R 0 E C U E T O W N S H I P E A S T O F U L O L D R A L R O A O C E R T I f I C U ( ~ O M H E A S H I P , D E O I C A T I O N A N O . . U I C I S D I C T I O N 6 p _ ( n l ~ 1 ( ~ B f . t C C ~ ~ ~ l R J ~ A J H ~ l o 4 _ . 1 t [ o ~ ~ 1 l ~ ~ ~ ~ S l A N O l H O T I ( W £ ~ H E R E B Y A D O P T T H I $ P l . l H O F S U B O I V I S I O H W I T H M Y { O U R ) I R E ( C O N S E N T , £ S T A B L I S H T H E M I N I M J M O U I L D I N O S E T I A C I ( L I N E S , A N D O f D l f A T E A l \ S T I U E T 9 ( A l l E Y S c P t . . . . . ~ P I ~ w • 1 · , u · c = . : . · 1 0 \ , < \ ( : , ~ t : m t ~ A f l ~ i : 0 N g m ~ m c ~ L . . . . l l F f H P ' E M J a o : : i e n l ~ E : I S W I T H I N T H [ S I J B 0 1 V I S I O N 1 t £ k u L A T I O H J U A I S O I C T I O N O f H A R N E l T C O U N h ' E X C E P l : - - - - - - - - - - - - - EIP N 1r,w,• t t , ' l E I P -,---9 , ) , ~ D~TJI U S T I LOT I I MAP U 20 0 8 - ? 0 ~ 1 ' I O I---- - - - i P A R C E L D 1 0 , 8 9 5 s q . t i . ( 0 . 2 ~ A C . ) ~ ~ I 6 0 0 6 0 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 G R A P H : C S C A L E - F ' £ C T J A J 4 S , W ! J l H £ R o . e . 9 7 4 . P G . 9 1 s 1 2 0 1 8 0 ! l t \ i 1 T I t " " " ' " " ' ° " " " C C M J l n t W N \ . l i i t l i f l M n t 9 " " - ' S c » t l U i W ( O ' l l • C , . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . f ' I M C ) J A M [ S M . C A M E R O N 0 . 8 . 1 1 6 ' 1 , P G . 6 0 6 ( T R A C T 2 ) S E A W E L L - R O S S E R R O A D S . R . I 2 0 7 6 0 ' R / W ( P A V E D R O A D ) - - - - - - - - - - - < 0 ~ ~ ~ - ( · N O l E S : P A R C E L D C O N S I S T O F A P O R T I O N O f T H E W E S L E Y A . D O U G L A S T R U S T H P R O P E R T Y A S R E C O R D E D I N 0 . 8 . 2 0 1 5 , P G . 6 8 1 ( P A R C E L B l H A R N E T I C O U N T Y R E G I S T R Y . P A R C E L D T O S E C O M B I N E D W I T H P M C E L S A E l C A N D N O T T O B E U S E D A S A S E P A R A T E B U I L D I N G L O T . P R O P E R T Y Z O N E D R ~ - 2 0 R i > R O P E R T Y N O T I N A W A T E R S H E D C O U N T Y W A 1 £ R 8 C O U N T Y S E W E R , A A C C L s A I I t , . , , a 0 l 9 0 7 t t o a r r , . . . t : I & e , 1 6 - 1 ~ 7 6 2 7 . 0 0 0 J l ! ' I D . 0 0 0 i 3 ! 4 P I O R 0 9 9 5 6 6 0 0 6 8 A L L A S P h A L T N O T L O C A T E D P I N ~ 9 5 6 8 - 6 5 - 5 6 1 0 . 0 0 0 A R E A I N R / ' f l • 0 . 0 4 A C . - t / - R E I D : 0 0 0 9 3 2 6 A L L A R E A S S Y C O O R D 1 t , 1 A l £ M E T H O O n u t . ~ O P U r Y I I . . 0 1 ' " ' A I P l C U , l f l O O O ~ 1 , 1 1 1 0 A J t U A C C O R C I N I T O l O M l ! i t l l . . B A R B E C U E J O H N S O N V I L L E . - u n H A R N E T T N C 1 1 A r N ~ C f l : ) 7 1 0 8 0 1 ~ C # 1 ' l + t H C ( b l O t : t t G [ l f C Y " " " " G U . U f ' I • t i O C ' t ' . ( H . D A U : O C I O I E R l . 2 0 0 C 1 • M t 1 1 u . • a 1 • " ' - _ , . , c . - n I " + v ' - " ' ~ ' " * c a T I C _ e ' " u r · 1 t , , L . 2 ' . 1 . t . ' " " ' F [ ~ l t 7 ' _ $ ~ ~ ~ 1 r - - - r ~ - t w a - 1 u i v N " ' · , u . , n , c : 1 1 W E S 1 E R N H A R : N ~ T I C V E R H & . L S - A R E A P T O T H R ! F " T S l O R f P . O . B O X 2 7 1 O l l \ 1 1 A . N C 2 8 3 6 8 O . I C " l t ! W U t O 4 O o v < l l . A 5 T J t U S T C C , . ( 1 . I O ) l ) 6 o . M t . . J C 2 U M I 3 6 7 9 H 1 C t 1 0 L S O N R O A O C . Q , 1 1 : R O N , N C 2 8 3 2 8 P H C J , j f ( 9 1 8 ) 4 8 9 - 6 1 7 4 o . , , . o e , 3 1 , 2 0 1 6 m u 1 " • 6 0 ' 8 6 1 6 o \ C V I I I C . 1 0 1 1 1 6 w s a H C B O C P a g e 8 0 Harnett COUNTY ~O, d,OtiN, REZONING STAFF REPORT Case : RZ-16-381 Jay Sikes, Mgr. of Planning Services jsikes@harnett.org Phone : (910) 893-7525 Fax: (910) 814-8278 Planning Board: October 3, 2016 County Commissioners: October 17, 2016 Requesting rezoning from RA-20R to Commercial Applicant Information Owner of Record: Name: Western Harnett Overhills Area PTO Thrift Store Address: PO Box 271 City/State/Zip: Olivia, NC 28368 Property Description PIN(s): 9568-65-7627 Applicant: Name: Western Harnett Overhills Area PTO Thrift Store; represented by Margaret Douglas Altman Address : PO Box 271 City/State/Zip : Olivia, NC 28368 Acreage: .25 acres (1.08 total) Address/SR No .: _3.c.._7_;:9_;:3_0.c...1---'iv---'ia~Rd.;c.__ _______________________ _ Township: D (01) Anderson Creek D (02) Averasboro C8J (03) Barbecue D (04) Black River Vicinity Map i 0 0 ~ m >. 0 :c > ~ ·~ Page 1 of 5 I D (05) Buckhorn D (06) Duke D (07) Grove D (08) Hectors Creek Ol ~ ~ Ill ,-- D (09) Johnsonville D (10) Lillington D (11) Neill's Creek D (12) Stewart's Creek D (13) Upper Little River z 0 Cit ... z 0 Cit ... STAFF REPORT 101116wsa HC BOC Page 81 Aerial Photograph Services Available Water: cg] Public (Harnett County) D Private (Well) D Other: Unverified Sewer : D Public (Harnett County) cg] Private (Septic Tank) D Other: unverified Zoning District Compatibility ,~ -.. ~ OLMA Cl IU 8 aa Cl ~ ~ ! ., Zoning Map Page 2 of 5 Site Description: Site is currently occupied by a the PTO Thrift Store . The applicants obtained more land for an expansion, thus the Commercial rezoning request . Surrounding Land Uses: Surrounding land uses include several commercial entities, residential homes, and undeveloped land . Transportation : Annual Daily Traffic Count: 180 VTD on Seawell Rosser Rd . Site Distances: Good Th e follo wing is a s ummary list of g e neral uses, for a ctual oermitted uses refer to the Zonina Ordinance. CURRENT REQUESTED RA -20R COMM Parks & Re c X X Natura l Preserves X X Bona Fide Farms X Sinale Familv X Manufactured Homes, De sian Reaulated Manufactured Homes X Multi-Familv X Institutional X Commercia l Services X Retail X Who le sale Industrial Manufacturina STAFF REPORT 101116wsa HC BOC Page 82 L an dU se Cl .,. ass, ,ca t· 10n C ompa I I I :\' ZONING LAND USE .---COMM RON Parks & Rec X X Natural Preserves X Bona Fide Farms OlMA Single Family X Rlllltewo,,,q,,..ittldt Manufactured Homes, Design Regulated Manufactured Homes Multi-Family X Institutional X X Commercial Services X X -Retail X X It Wholesale Ill ~ Industrial ~~ It Manufacturing J J i Ill r, Future Land Use Map Additional Information On October 3rd, the Harnett County Planning Board voted unanimously (4-0) to recommend approval of this Rezoning application based on existing uses & adjacent zoning. Evaluation ~ Yes D No The IMPACT to the adjacent property owners and the surrounding community is reasonable, and the benefits of the rezoning outweigh any potential inconvenience or harm to the community. REASONING: The impact to the adjacent community is reasonable, as many of the existing uses located in the vicinity of the site are of a commercial nature, including several convenience stores and a post office. ~ Yes D No The requested zoning district is COMPATIBLE with the existing Land Use Classification. REASONING: The existing land use classification, Rural Center Development Node, is meant to encourage development with a community focus including neighborhood business and small lot residential development. Therefore, the request is compatible with the existing land use classification. ~ Yes D No The proposal does ENHANCE or maintain the public health, safety and general welfare. REASONING: The proposal enhances the general welfare of the public, as the proposed zoning district will allow for the use of the property in the same manner as the area is already developing . D Yes ~ No The request is for a SMALL SCALE REZONING and should be evaluated for reasonableness REASONING: The subject property is immediately adjacent to Commercial zoning therefore does not need to be evaluated for a small scale rezoning. Suggested Statement-of-Consistency (Staff concludes that ... ) The requested rezoning to COMMERCIAL is compatible with Harnett County regulatory documents and would not have an unreasonable impact on the surrounding community and will enhance the public health, safety, and general welfare for the reasons stated in the evaluation. It is recommended that this rezoning request be APPROVED. Page 3 of 5 STAFF REPORT 101116wsa HC BOC Page 83 Site Photographs Subject property Subject property Existing PTO store Property across street Adjacent Site Road view toward s Hwy 87 Page 4 of 5 STAFF REPORT 101116wsa HC BOC Page 84 Standards of Review and Worksheet The Planning Board shall consider and make recommendations to the County Board of Commissioners concerning each proposed zoning district. The following policy guidelines shall be followed by the Planning Board concerning zoning districts and no proposed zoning district will receive favorable recommendation unless: 0 Yes 0Yes D Yes 0Yes D Yes 0 No D No D No D No D No A . The proposal will place all property similarly situated in the area in the same category, or in appropriate complementary categories. B. There is convincing demonstration that all uses permitted under the proposed district classification would be in the general public interest and not merely in the interest of the individual or small group. C. There is convincing demonstration that all uses permitted under the proposed district classification would be appropriate in the area included in the proposed change. (When a new district designation is assigned, any use permitted in the district is allowable, so long as it meets district requirements, and not merely uses which applicants state they intend to make of the property involved.) D. There is convincing demonstration that the character of the neighborhood will not be materially and adversely affected by any use permitted in the proposed change. E. The proposed change is in accordance with the comprehensive plan and sound planning practices. 0 GRANTING THE REZONING REQUEST Motion to grant the rezoning upon finding that the rezoning is reasonable based on All of the above findings of fact A-E being found in the affirmative and that the rezoning advances the public interest. 0 DENYING THE REZONING REQUEST Motion to deny the rezoning upon finding that the proposed rezoning does not advance the public interest and is unreasonable due to the following: D The proposal will not place all property similarly situated in the area in the same category, or in appropriate complementary categories. D There is not convincing demonstration that all uses permitted under the proposed district classification would be in the general public interest and not merely in the interest of the individual or small group. D There is not convincing demonstration that all uses permitted under the proposed district classification would be appropriate in the area included in the proposed change. (When a new district designation is assigned, any use permitted in the district is allowable, so long as it meets district requirements, and not merely uses which applicants state they intend to make of the property involved.) D There is not convincing demonstration that the character of the neighborhood will not be materially and adversely affected by any use permitted in the proposed change. D The proposed change is not in accordance with the comprehensive plan and sound planning practices. D The proposed change was not found to be reasonable for a small scale rezoning Page 5 of 5 STAFF REPORT 101116wsa HC BOC Page 85 www.hiteassoc.com SHAW TOWN SCHOOL RENOVATION COST PROJECTION -1949 BUILDING TOTALGSF 15,126 QUANTITY UNIT COST TOTAL Site access improvements (NCDOT) not identified Site utilities improvements (fireline , service for auto sprinkler) $ 50,000 .00 $ 50,000 Utility taps and service fees $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000 Parking and drives improvements none considered Landscaping 1 $ 8,000 .00 $ 8,000 Handicap access improvements to building -walks 300 $ 7.50 $ 2,250 Handicap access improvements to building -ramps with rails $ 30 .00 $ Hazardous material abatement not identified Parking lot and drives lighting none considered Booster pump (assumed NOT necessary) $ 25,000 .00 $ Window replacement 2,880 $ 60.00 $ 172,800 Roof repairs none considered Roof insulation (closed cell foam with intumescent) 17,000 $ 3.75 $ 63,750 Floor insulation (closed cell foam with intumescent) 15,126 $ 3.75 $ 56,723 Selective demolition (gen const, MEP) 15,126 $ 2.00 $ 30 ,252 Exterior wall furring and insulation 13,000 $ 4.00 $ 52,000 Flooring -refinish / repair/ replace 15,126 $ 5.00 $ 75,630 Existing wood doors and frames repair or replace 25 $ 150.00 $ 3,750 New exterior doors and frames with hardware 8 $ 1,000.00 $ 8,000 New interior door hardware 25 $ 225.00 $ 5,625 Painting 15,126 $ 3.50 $ 52,941 Demo and reconstru ct all restrooms 1,000 $ 150.00 $ 150,000 New cabinets / casework NIC labs 9 $ 5,000.00 $ 45,000 Laboratory casework 4 $ 45,000.00 $ 180,000 Window blinds 2,880 $ 7.00 $ 20 ,160 Markerboards / tackboards 13 $ 1,500.00 $ 19,500 Toilet accessories 3 $ 1,000.00 $ 3,000 Signage $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500 Interactive whiteboards ("Smartboards") 13 $ 2,500.00 $ 32,500 Plumbing -complete replacement 15,126 $ 6.00 $ 90,756 Auomatic fire sprinker system 15,126 $ 4 .00 $ 60,504 HVAC -complete replacement 15,126 $ 27 .00 $ 408,402 Electrical -complete replacement including fire alarm 15,126 $ 18.00 $ 272,268 Technology infrastructure -complete replacement 15,126 $ 5.00 $ 75,630 SUBTOTAL $ 1,946,941 General Contractor overhead, direct expense, insurance and bonds , profit @ 20% $ 389,388 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION $ 2,336,329 $ 154.46 Market contingency @ 3% $ 70,090 Construction contingency @ 3% $ 70,090 A/ E / Const Admin Fees @ 7% $ 163,543 PROJECT TOTAL , LESS FURNITURE, COMPUTERS, AND LOOSE EQ UI PMENT $ 2,640,051 10/4/2016 Hamett -SHAW TOWN SCHOO L RENOVATION S.xlsx 101116wsa HC BOC Page 86 www.hiteassoc.com SHAW TOWN SCHOOL RENOVATION COST PROJECTION -1956 BUILDING TOTAL GSF 22,148 QUANTITY UNIT COST TOTAL Site access improvements (NCDOD not identified S ite utilities improvements (fireline, service for auto sprinkler) $ 50,000.00 $ 50,000 Utility taps and service fees $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000 Parking and drives improvements none considered Landscaping 1 $ 8 ,000.00 $ 8 ,000 Handicap access improvements to building -walks 100 $ 7 .50 $ 7 50 Handicap access improvements to building -ramps with rails 400 $ 30.00 $ 12,000 Hazardous material abatement not identified Parking lot and drives lighting none considered Booster pump (assumed NOT necessary) $ 25,000.00 $ Window replacement 3,648 $ 60.00 $ 218,880 Roof repairs none considered Roof insulation (closed cell foam with intumescent) 22,148 $ 3 .75 $ 83,055 Floor insulation (closed cell foam with intumescent) 22,148 $ 3 .75 $ 83,055 Selective demolition (gen const. MEP) 22,148 $ 2.00 $ 44,296 Exterior wall furring and insulation $ 4.00 $ Flooring -refinish I repa ir I replace 22,148 $ 5 .00 $ 110,740 Existing wood doors and frames repair or replace 25 $ 150.00 $ 3 ,750 New exterior doors and frames with hardware 8 $ 1,000.00 $ 8,000 New interior door hardware 25 $ 225.00 $ 5 ,625 Painting 22,148 $ 3 .50 $ 77,518 Demo and reconstruct all restrooms 1,000 $ 150.00 $ 150,000 New cabinets I casework NIC labs 14 $ 5 ,000.00 $ 70,000 Window blinds 3 ,648 $ 7 .00 $ 25,536 Markerboards I tackboards 14 $ 1,500.00 $ 21 ,000 Toilet accessories 3 $ 1,000.00 $ 3 ,000 Signage 1 $ 2 ,500.00 $ 2 ,500 Interactive whiteboards ("Smartboards") 14 $ 2 ,500.00 $ 35,000 Plumbing -complete replacement 22,148 $ 6.00 $ 132,888 Auomatic fire sprinker system 22,148 $ 4.00 $ 88,592 HVAC -complete replacement 22,148 $ 27.00 $ 597 ,996 Electrical -co mplete replace ment including fire alarm 22,148 $ 18.00 $ 398,664 Technology infrastructure -complete replacement 22.148 $ 5 .00 $ 110,740 SUBTOTAL G eneral Contractor overhead, direct expense. insurance and bonds, p rofit @ 20% TOTAL CONST RUCTION Market contingency @ 3% Construction contingency @ 3% A I E / Const Admin Fees @ 7% PROJECT TOTAL, LESS FURNITURE, COMPUTERS, AND LOOSE EQUIPMENT $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2 ,346,585 469,31 7 2 ,815,902 $ 127.14 84,477 84,477 197,113 3 ,181 ,969 10/4/2016 Hamett -SHAW TOWN SCHOOL RENOVATIONS.xlsx 101116wsa HC BOC Page 87 BOONE TRAIL HIGH SCHOOL RENOVATION COST PROJECTION Lower level (cafeteria) 6 ,177 Main Floor 17,738 Second Floor 13,217 TOTALGSF 37,132 QUANTITY UNIT COST TOTAL Site access improvements (NCDOT) not identified Site utilities improvements (fireline, service for auto sprinkler) $150,000.00 $ 150,000 Utility taps and service fees $ 30,000.00 $ 30,000 Parking and drives improvements none considered Landscaping $ 2 0,000.00 $ 20,000 Handicap access improvements to building -walks 500 $ 7.50 $ 3 ,750 Handicap access improvements to building -ramps with rails 300 $ 30.00 $ 9 ,000 Demolition of ancillary buildings not identified Hazardous material abatement not identified Parking lot and drives lighting 16 $ 4,000.00 $ 64,000 Fire tank and booster pump (assumed necessary) $ 50,000.00 $ 50,000 Exterior wall repairs / masonry pointing and patch $ 25,000.00 $ 25,000 Window replacement 2 ,645 $ 75.00 $ 198,375 Roof repairs $ Roof insulation (closed cell foam with intumescent) 17,738 $ 3 .75 $ 66,518 Floor insulation (closed cell foam with intumescent) 11 ,000 $ 3 .75 $ 41 ,250 Selective demolition (gen const, MEP) 40,000 $ 5 .00 $ 200,000 Exterior wall furring and insulation 25,000 $ 4 .00 $ 100,000 R & R exterior wall trim 1 $ 20,000.00 $ 20,000 Flooring -refinish /repair / replace 40,000 $ 7.00 $ 280,000 Existing wood doors and frames repair or replace 75 $ 150.00 $ 11 ,250 New exterior doors and frames with hardware 22 $ 1,000.00 $ 22 ,000 New interior door hardware 75 $ 225.00 $ 16,875 Painting 37,132 $ 3.50 $ 129,962 Demo and reconstruct all restrooms 1 ,800 $ 150.00 $ 270 ,000 New cabinets/ casework NIC labs 14 $ 5,000.00 $ 70,000 Laboratory casework 9 $ 45,000.00 $ 405,000 Elevator 1 $ 120,000.00 $ 120 ,000 Window blinds 2 ,645 $ 7 .00 $ 18,51 5 Markerboards / tackboards 23 $ 1 ,500.00 $ 34,500 Toilet accessories 6 $ 1,000.00 $ 6 ,000 S ignage 1 $ 5 ,000.00 $ 5,000 Auditorium seat refurbishment 600 $ 100.00 $ 60,000 Stage curtain replacement 1 $ 25,000.00 $ 2 5,000 A utomatic roof vents over stage 4 $ 4 ,000.00 $ 16,000 Interactive whiteboards f'Smartboards") 23 $ 2 ,500.00 $ 57 ,500 Commercial kitchen equipment package w ith hood $ 400,000.00 $ 400,000 Plumbing -complete replacement 37 ,132 $ 6 .00 $ 222,792 Auomatic fire sprinker system 37,132 $ 3.00 $ 111,396 HV AC - complete replacement 37,132 $ 27.00 $ 1 ,002,564 Electrical -complete replacement including fire alanm 37,1 32 $ 18.00 $ 668,376 Technolo9~ infrastructure -comelete reelacement 37,132 $ 5 .00 $ 185,660 SUBTOTAL $ 5 ,116,283 General Contractor overhead, direct expense, insurance and bonds, profit@ 20% $ 1,023,257 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION $ 6 ,139 ,539 $ 165.34 Market contingency @ 3% $ 184,186 Construction contingency@ 3% $ 184,186 A / E / Const Admin Fees @ 7% $ 429,768 PROJECT TO TAL, L ESS FURNITURE, COMPUTERS , AND LOOSE EQUIPMENT $ 6 ,937,679 10/4/2016 BOONE TRA IL HIGH SCHOOL RENOV COST.xl sx 101116wsa HC BOC Page 88