012616wsaHa imett Coun t31 Hoarc a i Comimiissia neiis Woiik Session Tuesday, January 26, 2016 q:00 ami 9:00 am Buies Clieek Fire Ilepartmienl's roquasl 'lo puichaie a new aerial fij e buck, Hmie 8ency Services rliiectoi Jimrruy rdiddle and Huies Ci eek File Chief Juslin Rliewemtahl q:15 ami 5lhavitown Alumini AIssocialion Pieientation, P: asident John F. Smith Si. 9:45 am YMCA Diaaussion, M1. Houp, CIEO, YM CIA Athe Sandhilla, Fayetteville, IN Cl l (1: 00 ami Pay plan p1 eaantation, Harriet Clounty Humian Resourca s Dira ata i John Rankins 1 fl :15 am Cooper a tiva Hx l ension COIIAI I]iscussia n, Harn ett County Finance Office Kirribaily Honeycutt I E. 0 am Arnendnua n is to Pei sonnel Oi idinan a e, Hania tt C la unty Hurnan Rema ul cem Dir ecl or John Rankine 10:49 am Harriett Clounty Vehicle Use Policy, Risk N anagemient and 9lallety Coovdinaloli Angela Me Ilamib 1 i:aa am Hleatiionic Reaoids and Irnaging Policy fail Harriett Clounty, Harr ett Clounty I.T. Dire c l or Ira F a 11 11:11 am Proposed reoiiganizationa 1 all Planning Sen i(jes, Harriet) County Planning Sen iia a9 Director Mark Ilaaklaan I I:-� fl am Clounly Managais Rapor: - Ile solutio n aupfl or in8 the Henaining of Po r ions of 1 CI F viy 24 Gold Stam F ighway - rbioparty for Harnett Clounty H abitat for Humianily - February 1, 2016 Regulaii Meeting Agenda Review 11:49 an Clloaed Session 12:00 pm Adjourn 012616 HC BOC Page 1 Halalnd ME etirg Agf nida Item MII I INCI I1 AIM Fn ! 11201111 'HO: I-LAIRNEIT CIOUNIlY BOARD OF COM MISSICII` ERS SUB.IBCIL He quest Fermission fall] Huias Creek Ruval Hire Doplarlmenl la Sign a faniJiacl to pl iwflase a new Aerial Hire Truck. IaBQU3S7]BD HN: Jimmy Ric die, Emergency Services Dinecta>li RHQU HS7: llaqu(st perry is sion fo] Buie:i Clra ak R ura I Fira ❑apartment to sign a contract to purchase a nevi plarial Fire 'llru(1 in the amount a 11$1,120,3-"-.00. I` o additional fdnding requi] ed. Hui(s C1 eek Ru] al Fh e Depar] it ent is currently debt filee. BIN ANCH OBFICIER'S RF CIOMIV HNDATION: CIOUNIA M ANAGDR'S RECOMMH14 HATION: U:laIendafonu24 ]il - BCFD New Aeiria] Trial .dac Page 1 0111 012616 HC BOC Page 2 9 uiei Creek Ri ral Hire Depa 0 meni 113 ty irs hb; ri 1 s 9 Commissioner : TI a puri osa of 1 h is letter is to reqs ast permh sia n froni tf a Flarriatt Ca linty Board of Coroni is! is nerls to it i rel ase a new Pienae 100' i erial k dder 1 ruak to serve a i i replaeemeni of our 1981 model Ih; 1 v a eurreritlyl ov n. We have tl a oppor tin i- y 10 aarnrni, to 1h is pLira ha! a and sine a large a rnatin t of monayl oil ti a l ata l price. We would like to sta) l curry ni with NFll A si anda rd: as well as se rrin g the nae cls of our aommunily. As )ICU are; ►mare our depi rlmeni serves a large arna tint aflrnwl1iple slor) buildings in whief there is a reed for thi! apps ratty ala n® with I aing t he (in ly a e ria I ladder over 71' in 1 he eoc nt)l. This a aria l i p p a ri tus l as I a an placed in our 5 ya i t plan that we ha rie been s ul rn itt ing for aapit; I otitla yl IIureporalalas. -*acosioftheaarialderiiceisI1,120,_s3.0Oandwillbefinancedandsprei(lout a Bien a pa ria d of 'lime. Buies Creel Rural Mira[ apartrne n i h a� keen paying a n i1 s I wilding addii ion ! inti 3003 and Vas since n ade the final pal Irnant on this loan. The aerial apparatu! pa)Imeni will be 1F a same )dearly payniorit as the k uilding and there ! houldn't I a awl undue stres, far tl is iornrnitmenl. I hope tl is ansmierc any qua! Iiomi I l aI you rni y hi%ie. I i m a,iailai le for any( c aslioe! par ainina to'IV is reques1 or a n y flut ure meatin ®s that may I e needed. i1 ank yIou, Justin K. Hieweslahl, hire Chiell I c ie: area Rural Hine Depart mens S 3 4-337-8t1: 8 (Cell N l c ne) chiil@buiesiiroa4-lirer(iSiLie.org 012616 HC BOC Page 3 Performance Based Pay Plan Hnrn-ett Co»nty 2016 012616 HC BOC Page 4 aurljnp j�i-uJ m 012616 HC BOC Page 5 Cost Savings in Eliminated Longevity fnr neW empinyeec, nat„r'Al -Atti-itir,n ® 108 etnplpyeeq «Tere eligil-,le to retire qt the end of 2015 2 to 4 years 50 `''/o of the high longevity «Till he red„red, hacerl Decreased health ins»rance for retirees 012616 HC BOC Page 6 Cast Savings i "sf rlf li"ring 1nr'rr-n S� _ � 3 4 ')()f)5 ?a/o rl ® 'lf11 s JO/ o a 'T'he akf%'XTe tntalg QO o s Airvrage efnpinyee glary is S AR C'Ad ® ]2aV ]211A1 -I atT, inrre�Sr� iS 1,10/pr>r year CprL a"'] n17vr tl- -ee years. Tl,p 'Aknue rlirl nrnt ind-111Av p� r�nrfllanre mn-iSiiroC. tl"S program doe-, s Tmprnve rn_ralr_ and r( mnArr' irncr'rtainty 012616 HC BOC Page 7 Pe-t-ff-)rmance 1Rased Pay Plan ® loll Supervisors will l,e trainecl um Performance rP criP«rs a f T_al Cerr;r,� 0 Disciplinary Training 012616 HC BOC Page 8 How The Plan Works ® Deep the 3/5 in place. Beginning with the 6th vear of cervine An empl ,yep- mAy eArn 1.3% in,-rease per year for satisfactory performance. To be paid out on the SCh year of service Conditional upon the County being able to fund the program. 012616 HC BOC Page 9 Proposed plan Q Employees may not >1e el,l,le for the increase for nne of the fnllnwing reasons l; steel hel o-%xT P+-obationary employee Performance improvement plan. (The employee m>>st l e in gnncl zt,Ancling for months in order to he runslclerecl Jnr the inr-teace,j 012616 HC BOC Page 10 Fxample Pay Grade 64, 30 Year Period 135,523 538,534 Average I arnett County Salag, 840,075 541,678 $'`3,345 545,079 ;z4C,882 S-8,'7 i7 550,707 552,735 012616 HC BOC Page 11 How do we pay for it? -a C»rrent ipnge-crity ann-i,al cuq $375,000 Dile t0 turnptrer/ retirement lunge Tity cu,,t rerliirtjL to in the fi,turP Projected cLagt fcir thi.-, prugrnm i-, $296,000 Nidgeted cost for 2016 (-U-,t Uf living iG $379,000 Oirrent increase in find balance of 7,5 million In 1ncreasecl morale gnrl IPCC impart to the annual 1111dget ® This plan cloes not req>>ire A too inerPaGe 012616 HC BOC Page 12 Conclusion 0 This plan is Netter than a hasic Merit functions 1ietter in ❑ilr Pn-vTirL=PDt ® This plan -,-611 I)e n lznnct tr_7 mprale PAirl fnr throuRI, realloration of rurrent funds, cost savings Still below the consumer: price index of 2.4% 6 Nothing after the �/5 year increase 012616 HC BOC Page 13 012616 HC BOC Page 14 Coope) � tive Exier cion —COLA Discussion The NC 51ala bitensia n Senvice pens onnet I ave nequested lo receiva the same 2% Cosi of Living Aldjusl rn en1 that was gide n to Haanetl Ca unly employees an January 1, 2016. Backgriocind: a X18 reeme n1 between Hal neat County, NC State L ri ivei sii)l � r d N Cpl&T University On N a iiemberfl, 2006,11 a County oil Hai netl (aounl)l) signed a Memorancum o1 Unceritancing IMCIL] (alta at ed) with the NC Cooperative Ixtensian Seruiae, Na 51aie Univeisil)l and the NC Coolleialnle EJltension H nogg am, NC A811 Unirlersity. TI is MOU oullinecIII a iespa nsit ilities o-1 11a parties in pioAdin8-Ienvices io lla people of I I a County through the "deliver}) oil locaI1}1 llelevant piio®rams, education and expertise". The County's mesponsibilii)l under this agreement included providing faailiiies (inalusive of iltiliiies, equipnl enl, etc.) and the Writ bur -Ie men -1 oil an agreed Upon peraenl age of the sa la i ies and ben a fil s of 11 a staff. 4 Salaq incl e a ses of on a -1 inn a pay a wards Ion pensonn el loll N C Si ate Nxtension Senvice Pensor net Part III, Seclion 7.3.6 (page ]) al the MCIU slates "k their discielian, Counties may award a ddil ion a l pellm a nenl salal y increases or one-time pay awards to Ext en s ion A ei sonn el. lilt is is so desined by the aounl)l under the send -in payroll ariangerneni, chis action muss be aommuniaaled loll a allpiog iiala Dlistl id Exle nsion ail eclon's office no tale nl han the ilirst ai a ny month in which 1 he dos ire d incl ease of I onus is la I e applied." Al signed, comp lei ed burn filled Count)I Salary Change & Supplemarlial Flay Sheet is I eq uii ed fol changes uncle i 1t is n novision. 4 NC 91ale bitension Service Pelrsonr el ai e r of covelled undo Couniy's Pensonnel Clndinanae The Counl)l's Personnel Oadinanae (Article I, 9ealion ]) slates flal "This policy will cloven all Harnelt County employees a)Iaept Ile •lolloviing - employees oil the North Canolina AIgriaultul a Mitension Serviae, who ane, t oweven, s u1 je at lo lie -la Ila wing: Ar isle V. Conditions of amploymeni; AIrlicle VI. Leaves of Absarlaa, Seclians 1, 2, 3, 24, 25, 28, and 19; Alrtiala X. Peisonnel Reaards and Renor s; and Alnticle XI. Implemenla-lion o-1 Aaliay. NC 8xie rlsion 9arvice per sonnal are not covelled andel the FIa)I Plan, Seation /if, as administened under IleCounty's Personnel Clndinanae. Cosi ollivingAijustments are inalrided in this section. • NC Si a i e Ext a m ion Senvice Pensonnel have neceived Si i i e and County inclleas es in pr for years NC a)ltension 9envia a person nel t a Nle i e aeived 1 he sa rn a cosi oil li\lin 1 adjust rn en] s 1 hal were given la Coun•I)lenployees. BLidgei doaunenisindicaIeIIat budgel andinanaes appnovedbyIIa 0aard, dilringIt ese naniods, did not aoniain langLiage veil ial vilouId include, rather 11 ari eJlampl, NC Extension Aansonnel from increases. V Use rs\guihaelerlA F p C jtmlLa call Micrasaf \Wirdcwsl7emilerary Intarr et File s\aon bi r t.a utlea 098F I IPIOEl1P IC � 1 ExtenpiV69pg*W %8 "045 January ]011Llacx n.i9ioal fprm hurt hn rn^ni„nd ;n t�! � r_"' S 0-sooeel 0"!ce by the 5th of the month to be paid, but not more than 3n days in advance. Please suhmit all roaac to vain Dit'icl !o• n,ocessing. COUNTY SALARY CHANGE & SUPPLEMENTAL PAY SHEET ® noun€y Increas- rouoty, a-q—ity Oa -'lime Bonus (e.a 101 K, Holidav, Trust) lzHective Date of O aa:gloyiii8ot: t-Jan-�E (Al! actino- wLst h- nit-.. tl :O tha �'.On ^�jnOd°T faiopt� .} 0 Other Galary ;ercentage charge due to Ur'gU eolhut Counly Name: Harnett r-MP1 DVFr x P d- Y (y Su Employee 10 do. NCSIi P4SiTlOd No. rueoodT COUNTY SALARY t'u"chole a!�Yifeune'i 12nrteAtp9n Fo, P-,-,uaco Clne Time payment rWw'le S Ami-[. COIJdTv INCREASE f�t'hde t R^louat! NEW COUNTY SALARY !Ih' -i2 $ Aia-.rl) new percentage 33,120 (50%) $662 33,782 (52%A) 2%6 County Increase 25,909 (70%4) $504 25,704 (72%) 2' Counly Increase 16,5tt6 50% 5312 16,9]A (52%) P% Count In^�pac� 32,200 (70%0) $644 32,844 72%) 2% County 28,350170%) $567 28,917 (72%) 2% County ia;rew- t�s 24,000 (50%) $480 24,480 (52%) 2% Count lacy= ase nounty Official (print N_me; (Title) (Sigo__We) (pate) County Extension Director IVr ! �s/ �� (Pio' i€o ^! (Tile) f' 4nature,' Pate) Sal^ry ah -e' 012616 HC BOC Page 16 Oogioal !orm must be received in the (AI .1, Personnel.Office hu the 5th of the month tote pain, tut not w—n t'aia 'IQ davc +G "lease submit all forms to Your District Directors Office for processing. COUNTY SALARY CHANGE S gUPPLEMENTAI_ PAY SHEET © �o',nty 1p -9-46p CGUMV I GG9e" Ily ct;,-e Vate V o .eare'Q�yt��ot: ]-Jan-iR n One Time Bonus re.g. 403 K, dolidav, Trust) (Ali acti^ns must b-nfrarti-- ?G th- cam- mal -lana• moot'.) 0 Othe,: lZalary Qn-nalage rtiag9e du to WCSU 120110ut Counhl blame: Barnett FmFtq_Qy5F NAME K ur'.QUMTv Fmployee 10 hlo. iNOt 5 cial a, -cu .a 4, } Nr';U POSMOb1 NO. rMORFUT RAI,ARY ("'hole 5 =mount) pe,�sp,Q� Fa" P-Q@aae- Salary Change« OAly One Time Payment tWhNo; Arm,uol) rOUNTY IfgGl3EASE (Whole S Am^uo+) NEW COUNTY SALARY {1^1110{a 5 AmawO new percentage 1;15,o0A $302 $15,400 2% County Increase county ^Wi^.iel rPol Name; (Tile) rsjpnaturej _ Countu Fxtension Director (,is, Mose] rTidel gnatls*_ � r Salary I-= tea_ ,flea' 012616 HC BOC Page 17 Board Meicbin�1 Agenda I1 em MEEIINC DATE: Januar3126, 2014 'HU: HARNET71 CIOUN'IN HOARD OR COMMISSIONERS SUBJHU'D: Date ch an go for Iler, onniel Orc inance RHQU H9 'DDD BY: Jahn Ran king , Dira a for of Hum an He source! RHQUH9 'D: Section 17. Longevity Play All County employees hived on on afters July 1St, 2015, or those err ployees who leave the aniployment of the Clounty and netum to work with the Clounty on oii after July 1St, 2015, shall na t be eligible 1Io raaaija long avity pa !l. Full-time County employees oifnecond as of June 30", 2011 shall continue to be eligible to reaeiva longa`iity pay as definad balova until such time as thein err ploymant wish the County i9 terminated. 'Mimic o1 Service: Employees with five 1 11) years of conseautive H arnett County Service by Novemban 3AB 15 of each calendar yeah are elig ible Jim langevity pay. flayn and of IJongeviq: IT e amount of longevity an employlee receives shall be based on the rr eploys a's salary as a l Novembers -Yr X15 of each caleri dar�yea r and paid annually in a lump sure the Eltst week in Decamban of the same year. This amount shall incneas a depending an the employea's years of sendues as outlined in the char below. A longe`nly payment, ho waver, shall not be made part of 11 a an ployea's 1 ase salary. Pay Ran Article III, secitlan 13 H All overtime houns on accrued compensaioryl lime In excess of ilaoy (4 (1) houiis as o1 DeeembeF 34fr June 15 of Eiaa h yEian st all be convert ed io annual IeavEi. Each two-hour pEiniod of compensa-loryl Mime, on -Inac-lion 1heneol, st all be con ver ed into ane-quarteu (I,lz ) day of annual leaVEL 012616 HC BOC Page 18 Board Meiciling Agenda I1 em MEETING I]ATE: Fahnuary1,1015 TO: HARN1117IT COUNTY BOARD OEl COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: Vehiale Use Holigl REQUESSITHD E fid: Angela McLamib, Rhk Managemianll & Safety Coordii Mor PJIQUHST: 1ha Vehicle Use Policy wai araaled to pnovida consislenallj with use cl cour.t3l `iahieies lhic ughoul tl e [lounq and Guidanaa on related issues. 11(i Risk N anagerr enI & Salleq C loond in a to n iiequesl m a p pnoval of the N a hie la Us e Pa licy a s pra senl ed. HINANCE OHEIICIHR'S RECOMMHP DA11ION: COUNTY MANAGER'S RDCOMMENDATIOP : 012616 HC BOC Page 19 HartlEltll O 0 U N T 11 tJii. i 0API h MAIM RESOURCES ROUICIN Title: Vet icle Use F oliay Policy #I: VL P 9-15 Adopted Elate oil Last ❑cite: fleVitIW: PURPOSE...................................................................................................................................2 AUTIHORiIZBD USE...................................................................................................................2 FloPrig ate. Use..............................................................................--.......................................7 Withholding Requioemen-ls fa r Cloni ni tHens...............................................................................................7 DmiveoQualiiicalions.....................................................................................................................................-A Ilse- for Official County Business Only........................................................................................................I RE'SAON911W1.171Y OF VSHICILIE OPERA:TOASI 8. A SSX—INBD CIL'-SITIODANS ............4 Alcohol, Drugs, Tobacco and Fireanms Piot it ited..................................................................................I TnaflicV ioialions...............................................................................................................................................1 Rersonal Lehicles Used on. Qount} Business...........................................................................................1 Appeanance........................................................................................................................................................ i Mainl4nanceand Repain.................................................................................................................................i Incidentsand Accidents.................................................................................................................................fl N a I isle Inspection Clhecklist..............................................................................................----..............fl GasSlIMions.......................................................................................................................................................7 Pzssenga rs........................................................................................................ ............ .... 7 Clell Phones .................. ............................ .......... ............................................. ........................................... ........7 Defensha Driving Tnaining............................... .................. ........ ...................................................... ............. .I RE�'IIACINSIBALI AY OF DEAAR7IMENT HSAD9................................................................... 7 Traffic Violations and Acaidents..................................................................................................................7 Maintenanceand Rep; in .................. ............................................................................................................... E REaalls................................................................................................................... ......E RE�'IIAONSIL M,171Y OF HUMAN RESOURCES DSRARTWIENT........................................A Dnivens' Licenses ........................ ...................................................................................................................... a RELI AONSITYLJ I71Y OF G.X I R t I GE PERSONNBL.................................................................. 9 Maintenanceand Repain.................................................................................................................................q Recallsand W arnant} We r k.........................................................................................................................1a RESFONSIBIL1I71YOFRACUAT11A9WIANTHNANGE.......................................................1d .......................................................................... Fler Bila my Scheduled Maintenance ........................-..- ...... 1a RE9ACIN9IHAL1171Y OF FIIAANCIE DEPS'1RTMEMA.............................................10 Registnallion, Title and -gags .........................................................................................................................10 ABSPONSIBALIATY OA 71HB AA,SM MANAGER & SAFET]" C00ADIA14 TOR.............14 M% R Fleporls....................................................................................................................................................11 �lciclitions and Deletic n.s...............................................................................................................................11 DefensiraDriving Counse ............................................................................................................................11 ftcidents..........................................................................................................................................................11 AIPF"ENDI.1 A.........................................................................................................................................................11 APRENDIX 0.........................................................................................................................................................11 AIPRENDINCI.........................................................................................................................................................la APREN'DI)l D.........................................................................................................................................................7a 012616 HC BOC Page 20 PURPOSE Rnoviding safe wonking canditians is essential to pnoleciing the employees and assets oll F aunett County ("County"). Fou it a safety cd CaunI)l employeEis and the public, it e County seeE s to allow anly emplayees with a safe driving hislor} la apenale County vehicles. llt a 1Einm "Clounty vehicles" shall include all vehicles owned, leased or nenied by thEi Clounty. The punpose of the Vet icle UsEi Flolicy shall k e lei establish a palicy on the use of County vehicles is ensure pnopeu preventive maintenance pnoceduiies ane being follawed, Thal nepains ane being handled coimecclly and cost eflicienlly, and chat vehickis ave being utilized aannecily. 7hEi Vehicle Use Rolicy also addnesses Clounty Eimpl(iyeEis' use o1 pensonal �iehicles while conducting Clounty business. ThEi 9oand oil Couniy Commissioners delegates io 1he County Manager the authonity to deviale ilram this Holic)l as the Managen deems necessary to sarve the best interests of the Counly. In addition, usa all Shaniffs vehicles fon law enkmcement aclivilias shall be at the disanelion of the F anneti Counly Sheniff. Any suah deAatian flnom this Flolicy on discretionary use o-1 �iehicles mus t, however, comply wilt applicable law. Violation oil the Vehicle L se Policy is subject to disciplinary actian. AUTHORIZED L SE No Pnivalle Use The use otl a Cciiinly vehicle is govenned by Norah ClaiKdina Genenal %chalulEis, the Inlennal Re�ienue CodEi and Counly policies. General Stalute Iz-2z7 stales that "It shall bEi unlawi ul fon any officeii, agEinl on employee ...cif a county ... to use ion any puivatEi p u11posE1 whalsoEiveu any molon vehicle oil any lype on descriplian whals oeven belonging to ...any counly..." As this slaiLite explains, "tl is not a prhialEi pUnpose to drive a peiimanenliy as signed slate -owned [Clounly owned] Mciton vehicle t eMeen ane's off iaial walkslatian and one's homa..." Hannett Clounty may assign employees 'It a use 01 vEit icles for commuting purposes, between wank and home, when i1 is necessary fou the per onrniancEi of duties nelated Ila the delivery of essential services. The I]epadmenl Head must applimle the commuting annangement and oblain the Counly N anager's appnoval befone an assigned vEihicle may be taken home. Clounl)l employees who liVE1 outside the Caunly will be allowed la commute in Counly �iehicles i11 it is in 1he best inienests of 1he Counly as deleiimined by the Counly Managen. Once 1he commuting annangemEint has been Tilly approved, the Depar Ment h earl must natitly the Counly Finance ❑epartmeni. Approved cammuters ane expected to use the sharlest, most dinect ioule between Thein assigned wad s talion and home. 2 012616 HC BOC Page 21 plppioved commutens ana penmitted thEi usEi oil ClounI)I Whiales assigned to iherri ion: 1) hmiel betweEin worl, and home, or 2) to oblain meals and othEin wonk related necEiss ities while on duty. Wilhhaleincl Recluirenienis fcui Corrimiuleris ThEi Counily oil H arnetl iollovms iF a Intennal ReivEinuEi Codec (1h(i "[lode"), located in IRS Rublication 15-9, that requincis IhEi valuE1 of using a Clounly vehicle -ton commuting to and fnom wonk 110 be laxed as incomE1 subject to Fedenal, State and RICIA wilh[olding nequinern ants. REinsanal use kir cammuling- 11 -11 e vEihiCIE1 is ownEid or Ieas(id by the Clounl)l. ■ -110 vEihicla is pnovided to the EimployEie skin "official" goveimmEint use. i11e County ne_guires the eimplayE1(I to commutes in a County ownEid ar leased vehicle due lo a valid non-compEinsatcirA "official" govennmEml punposa. If rrionEi than one EimployEle is ret uinEid to commute in the same C(iunt)l owned on IeasEid vehicle fon an "official" govennmen'l purposE1, iIHEN the "Code" commuting valuation shall apply to Eiach emplayea in thEi vehicle. CEiriain Types of vehiclos are specifically excluded fnam the °codEi" nEiquireimernl all taxing tt a value of commuting in a Clounty vehiclEi. ThEIS(I vohicles include all 91 eniff's DEipartment Vehicles, all amengEincy :lermices Depar Ment 1 ehicles, any vehiclEi designed to aanry cango wish a loaded gnoss vel icle wEiight aven 14,000 pounds, dump tnucks (including ganbage tnua1,s), fflalbed tnucl,a and "qualified specialized uiiliiy trucks" whict is declined as any Muck (noel including Ei van on pick -Lip -Inuck) specifically dEisignEid Find Used to carry heavy Tools, equipmEint, on paras, if shahies, nacks an ashen permanenl inlenicin conslructian hive beEin inslalled to canry and stone suah items. A pick-up tnuci wilh only �i loolbox �ibact ed is thEinErlonEi not exempt. Driven C ualifiaaiions Only Clounly EimplayeEis, on cithEin individuals aull anizEid by Ris k Management to operalEi Caunly Vehiales, who hald a wlid Nort Clanolina drhien's IicEinse and wha mEiei the Hollowing Oniver Qualifiaaiions, shall be allowEid to openvile Caunly �iehiclEis ar c nive it ain pensonal vohicles while canducling County business: 1. Musi not have a suspension or nevocation of thEiir driven's IicensE1 within aha last lhnEiEi yaans. 2. H�ie ail leasl onEi yEI�in cif expEiriencEi in thEi class oil vehicki to be aperalEic cin t ave receivEid pnoper Inaining in the opEiralian of the vet icle, as approved by the DepartmEinial Safely Officer, prion to usE1. 3. Must mEiEit drivon's licensing nequinements. 012616 HC BOC Page 22 4. Will not qualify) fou a company vehicle ii, duringl the Ias'l 36 months, the dnivElr had any of -11 a lbllowing EixpEiniences: • Buen convicllod of a ilelony. • Buen cc nvicted of sale, handling, or use of drugs. Fas automobile insurancE1 cancEiled, declined on not nenewed by a company ion new ons nela-led -Io unsale (hiving practices. F as '12 on more points assigned to -Their dniving necond. Floinils ane assEissed by the Risl Managen for tnaffic convictions and automobilEi aacidEints occunning dLining business or pensanal usEL (SEie Appendix A -Ion Paint �rlysiem.) All Cauniy emp Ioyeas acne nequined is neport any Dniving While Inloxicailed (OWI) arnEist, on any oihen dnug ar alcohol related airnes-I while duivingl, whellheu on ou off duty, to thEiir Department Head and the Risl Management 81 Safely Coordinaton. 7hEi EimployEI(I's dniving privileges will be suspended until ilinal disposition by the courts. AailunEi is neport tl a arrest will be considened a lailune in job performance and,lor pensonal conduct and shall be giKiunds kir disciplinaryl actian. All Counily employees muss, upon na( uest, pnovide a capy all IhEiir driven's license lo ihEi Human Resounces laeparl men -I. Use ilor Ofllaial Cauntyl Business Only Except as otherwise provided for in this Flolicy on in the County Inaivel Policy, Clount)l vehicles shall be used ion offia ial Cauniy busines s anly. RESPONSIBILITY CFI VEHICLE OP13RIPITCRS & ASSIGN ED CUSTODIpIh S All Caunly employees who opena-le Clounly vEihiales or thEiir pensonal vehicles while conduating Clouniy business acne negUined to operate them in a sane and law ul rr annen in aaaoiKtance wish the moion %iehicle laws all � or h Canolina and any other gavernmenial entity having junisdiciion. Approved commuiens ane responsible -Ion making sure 1hEi Counly vehicle as s ignecl to -11 em is pari ed safely and sEicunely when pant ed at the Eimpla)lee's homEi. the vehicle must be pant ed so that it is visible to the public. AlaciHal, Mugs, 7abaaca anc Fineaums Rrahidiled Possession, Inainsportation, on consumption of alcohol on illegal dnugs by anyone in a Couniy vehicle is siriclly ionbidden, and no use oiilobacca products via cigarettes, snuff, dips, chev+is, cigars, or pipes, onilhe use oldEniiaes or pnoducls thal may be usEid is smake on mimic smoking (including k ongs, hookahs, vaponizens, e-ciganetles, atc.) may be used in Clounty vehicles. llhe possE13sion of -lireanms on weapons, concealed or alhEirwise, is also prohibiled in Clounty vel icles exaep-1 by swonn law en-loncoment officers. zi 012616 HC BOC Page 23 llraffici Violaticinsi All Counly employeEis who ane assigned a Couniy vehicle on who drhie any vehicle more than 109/ oc his/her worl lime ane negUined to nepor any tnaffic violations, whEithen on on oft duty, to Thein ❑epartmenl Head. Failune to report traffic vialations will bEi considered a failure in jab performance and,kin pensanal conduct and shall be gnoUnds cor disciplinary aclion. Fines imposed cin a Caunty Eimpl(iyeEi floe a Inaffic offense cammitted while on on off duly anEl imposed on the EimplcryEie pEinson ally and paymEint tf• eneoll is thEi employee's persa nal nEispansibili-ly. Rensonal Vehiciles Usied on Clciunty Businiess Individuals using pEnisonal vehicles on Caunty business ane negUined io canr� al a minimum, thEi North Clanolina stalutoi) auto liability limits as Eividence (ifl financial nesponsibilily. This is the pnimar� insunanae aavEirage -ion thEi EimployEie's veihiale al all timEis, including when thEi vEihicle is Used on Caunt)i business. 7hEisEi individuals ane nequined to pnovide tt a Risl ManagEiment 61 Safely Clooudinalon with evidencEi of insunancEi upon Niquest. Only privalEi passEingEm vEihiales may be used whilEi dniving a pensanal vehicle an Clounty business. Exceptions may be allowed by the clhEinifl -Ion appnovEid events. RElflell to the Counly Tnavel Flolicy fan unifonm inlenprela'lion of paymEinI an neiimbunsEiment fan inavEil expEinsEis per aining is official InavEiI and subsisteince. AAIPIea■ariae It shall be the nespansibility of IhEi employEie la which a Claunty vehiCiEi is assigned to kE10p thEi vehiclE1 in a state of aleanliness. Claunty vEihicles anEi a dillElat reillection on the COLinty and as such shauld por nay a processional appeanancEi. Mainlenanice avid Repair ThEi assigned custodian of a Cloun'l)i vEihicle shall bEi nespansiblEi cor Einsuning "It at the stale vehicle inspection is timely pertanmEul Eiaah yean and that negulanly schEiduleid mainlEinance (i.e., lut a and oil changes) is peirl'onmeid as negluiued by schEiduling 1hEi wain ihnaugh the ganagEi operated by HannEitt Counly FacilitiEis,IFIEiEit MaintenancEi (lh(i °Clanage"). Regulanly s a hEiduled mainlenancE1 shall t a per onmed cin tt 9 EiauliEin cif Eli-IhEir six (6) months cm 5,000 miles. All apenataus of Counly vEihiclEis sl all check the Tires of thEi vEit icles They drive to ensunEi Thal IhEi lines have adeigUatEi tnEiad and lhat 'lt a lire pnEissLinEi is main'lainEid in accordance with the vchiclei s pecrlications. Any unsalEi Clounly vehiCIE1 shall bEi nepor ed pnomplly 'la 1t a approprialE1 Department F-ead and taken lo the County Ganage lion nepairs . All nepains invalving incidEinis on aaa idents to a Clounly vEit icle shall bEi made -It nough the Ganage unless there is an emergEincy. � o vehicles may be Laken anywhere Eilse fau maintEinance and,kin nEipain unlEiss appnapniaie Couniy Garage pensonnEil have nEifeuned 9 012616 HC BOC Page 24 them ilhene. When thEi NiehiclEi is bnaught to 'Ile GanagEi fan nepains, the vehiale opEmalan shall be requined to, ill out and sign a two part "Request ion REipain Form" dEisanibing any pnoblem wish thEi vehicle. The Ganage will I MID one copy of 'I he fanm -Ici ensure tha-1 all necEissar}l nepains sI all bEi done, an d the vEII icle op eralar will neilunn 'IhEi othEin ccipy to his on hen depar rn an -1. In the event That an emergency arises during evEiri ing, weekend cin holiday haLiris, the driven of the vehicle shall be allawed -Io have emergency rapains carn plErled to the vehicle. F owevEin, the driven must nalilly his Deparimenil F ead and -11 a Counly Ganage cin 11 a nEixi business day. For Nisa siivaiions, an emergency shall be delinEid as thEi bnEiakdown cit a cni-lical vEil icle (nesulling fncim mechania lailune, an accidEini, cin crlhermiise) whEine It are is ncrl ancilher vEihicle availablEi for use. In tho evEint That tawing shall be neaessaryl, the vehicle opena,lon shall call the Ganage and the Ganage will notiily tt a wreckEir service. Damages'lo County vehicle st all be imported to iha Catinly GanagEi, which will male the final d0lEinminai1on cin nequined repains. 11 GanagEi penscinnEll dErlenmine that repains are nequined and IhEi damagEis had nab beEin pneviously reported lo the Ganage, the uepairs st all be changEid back io thEi nEispeclive Deparimenis as a Rrevenlable loss. Inaideinlls and Accicents All vehicle opEinatons aIle nequined tci nepcirt any accidenl on alhen incident invalving a Coun)l vEihicle immedialEily, cin as soon as passible, -la Thein Deparlmen-1 F Sad and the Risk ManagEimEint 81 Safely Cciondinaion. In thEi Eivenl al an accidEint,lhe vet icle ciperalcin shall alsa: 1. Canlac-I II a ap pnopniate invasligaling agency, nEigandless cif thEi wilent of damagEis. 2. � of discuss II a circumstances of ihEi accidEini wiilh any(inEi othEin 'Ihan thEi invEistigaling affiaei, the Claunt)l's insunanae canniEin, on pensans conducting an iniennal investigalian. 3. Make nci atlEimpi to poach a sEittlemeni. 4. Get the name, addnEiss, and phonEi numbEir o' all involved par iEis and wilnessEis. 5. TakEi phatognaphs a,l thEi accidEini on incideni scene if possible. A Clounty Vehicle Incidenl Repari Foorn shall be filled ou-I in its entirety by the Clounty dnivEir imn ediaiely after thEi incideni on accideni, cin as soon as pas sible, and sEIM 1(i the Risk ManagemEinl & Safely Cooiidina-lon. 11 a palice report is pnEipared, the driver, DepartmEint F ead, on the Depar ment HEiad's dEis ignEie is nes ponsible for picking up a copy cif this nSpori and pncividing it to II a Risk ManagEimEint 61 lcIalel)l Cciandinalor. Vehicile InsAleatiani CIlacklisil All EMS & FARTS NiehiCIEis in use shall ba inspeclEid daily by the dniver bEifore and aftEir ciperailon io assune that the vehiclEis, equipmen'l and accessonies ane in sale cipEiraiing condition. llhe Fine Marshall and 9mEirgEincy Managemen-1 vehicles ane inspeclEid d 012616 HC BOC Page 25 weekly. All oilheii emplo51ees who are assigned a County vel icle shall c ompleila a Vehicle Inspec tian checl list (Appendix B) and pnavide a copy 'lo 'Il a ❑epartmEini F ead, on thein designee, twice a 51ear — January) and 111) 1. Gas Silations Only gas stallions accepting Wnigl t Bxpness Gas Cands mail be Used. The driven shall input IhEi conreci odomelEin heading. Paisseing4 ms Only pas sengens on Clounty bllainess ana allowEid in Clounly vel icles, fon example, local Goveiinmani officials and coniracival nelationships. CEill Rhoncis The use o'I a cell phonEi while opEina-ling a County vehiclEi or while openating a personal vehicle while c onduciing Clounty business is discounaged except in emengenc51 siluatians. Employees ane encounagled to pull to a scife and nesponsibl(i localion whEin using a cell pl one. Deifenisive Driving Training Each employee wha is assigned a County vehicle on wl o dnives any vehiclE1 mane -Il an 101/1 of hisllher wool lime, shall be nequined to atlend a ❑elensive Dniving couhse 'kicililalEid by the Risk Management N Salel)l Cloondinaton no IEiss than once aVEiry ihnEie years. RESPONSIBILITM C IR DBPA RTM ENI H13A DS [As used in This seclion, "❑EipartmEini Heads" shall mean HarnEitl Clounty Departrrienl HEiads on ilhein designees.] I'l shall be the nesponsibili'ly oil ❑eparimeni I-eads to manage the Claunty vehicles assigned I their dEipar ment. DEipar mens Heads sl all venilly 'I l a1 all employees pnovida a copy of -11 ein duivEni's license ilo the F uman Resounces ❑eparlmunl upon nequest, and Einsure thal 'Il ein EimployeEis keep all Claunty vehicles ass igned la IhEiir depar mEints clean and pnesEinlable. F ahall also l e ill a responsibility oil the Depar mEint HEiads 'lo ensune That the license tag Of Eiach vehicle assigned io his department is tunned inlo ihEi County Claraga when the vEil icle is removed iluam service. lbraffic Vic lationis anc Acaic ends I 012616 HC BOC Page 26 The Department Heads st all be nesponsible lion making sune that all inaflic vialalions and accidents neporled to them by It eiu employees ane reparied pucimptly to the FRisl Managen. /IiI accidents occuniing during natirrial business hatins invalving a County vehicle should be reported by the ❑epadmeni Head to -Ihe Risk Management 81 Safely Caondinaton immediately upon knawledge of It a accident. If J a Risk ManagEiment 81 Safety Coandinatau iE not available, it s hauld ba nepor ed to the Hurnian f esaunces Depa r rnienl. Mainiler ance ant Reglain Me Depar mens Heads s hall be nesponsible kin making sure Iha-1 thein employees keep all County vet icles ins pecled and maintained on a negulan basis. 8xceplI tar emEingency silualions, Deparirnienl Heads shall ba responsible 11011 ensuning thal all Clounty vehicles needing) nepains andAou maintenance sl all bEi taken to the Clounty Clanage finsi -ion repain. Na vehicles may be taken anywt are else for maintenance andkin napain unless apprapriate Clounly GaragEi personnel have nellenned them there. All outside work (work done o -It en It an at the Counly Ganage) must be appnoved in advance bbl the appnopnia-le Ganage pensonnel. Invaices peraining to vehicle maintenance rniust be sent 110 the Clounly Ganage Jar appnaval bafoue they alle sent -Ici Ni Finance Depar ment tb i payrnieni. � o invoicas shall be paid by Finance that has not been pnEisenied to It a Ganage ilirst. The DEipartmeni Head is responsiblEi floe ensuning that anal imioices that -It ey migt t neceive fon sEirwices andilor sUpplies ane being a oded with the pnapen expanse account numbers. Repairs that ane no -1 pre-authanized by the Ganage, excep-1 for emergencies, s hall be the nEis pons ibility of the nespect ive Depar ment F ead, designee and,kin the Niehicle duiven. llt a Deparimeni F ead shall alsa be nespons ible fall piling 11he "Requesi fan Repain Farm" chat is fillad out by it air departmEini's dnivans wt en tey have J eiu ve hicles nEipahed a-1 the Clanage. Recalls All manu-laciureiis' vehicle nocalls ("imcalls") shall be submitled 'Io the Risk Manaclerrcent & SailErly Cloondinaton. Tha Rig k Management &'clailety Cloardinaton will notiily'lt Ei GanagEi o'l the necall. Clarage personnel will notiily the depar ment head and schedulEi the recall nepairs. OncEi notified by Ganage pensonnel, it shall be 'It a nesponsibility cifl the depar merit head to enstcne that the vehicle necall uepairs ane taken cane otl in a pnarncpi and Eifficieni mannen. RESPCINSIBIL ITYl OF HUMAN RB�ICIURCES DBPARTMENI 130vers' Licenses A copy of It a drhien's licenses of all employees s hall bEi pnovided to the F Liman REISOWICes Depari menl upcin request. A visual checl o] the di iven's IicensEi shall canfinm the lollawing: :I 012616 HC BOC Page 27 Elignale.ene malchEes thEe individual. • Rt oto neserribles the individual. Deescriplion and addness flits ilhe individual. Me exp ina-lion da1Ei t as not passed. • Me license has been isse.eed within it a slate of North Canolina. RESPONSIBILITIIII CIR CIAIRAIGE PERSCINNE L All new Coun'ly vehicles e)icepi Errcircicincy Services veflickis, shall be delivered to ihfi County Gauaglei, and Ganage pEinsonnel shall puomplly fomiand 'lo Racilities,IFlee'l Maintenance Deparmenl all papEms iransporEid with Eiach vehiale. (The Emergency Services /cnirisNvtive ."Itaff flancicis the vehicle in)tirrrction iLir 9mergeincy ."len,iiccis Departrr en>I1] . Ga nage pEinson nEel shall mai a availablEi all vahicle in-lonmalion on par iculan vEihiclEis whein requesiEid to hEilp delenmine which vchiclees migt t neEid neplacing, and shall advise ihEi Risk Management & EIalk ty Clocirdinataii (11 GVEiry addition on dEelEetion cif a vehicle lee Cciunty's fleet in carder to ciblain adequate insunancEe. Ganage p ensonnel shall also be nespcin siblEi for making sune Thai all licensee plates -Irom vehicles lakEm cues o1 ser4ce are tunneed inio DMV. ThEi nEeceeipl That DM% gives fan ihEe IicEense plale t Bing turned in will be placed in the file a-1 that vehic1c. Mair lenar ce arc Repair It shall bEe the nEispansibili-ly oil Claunty Ganage penscenncl ice esiabli9l a mainlEinanae -lite on each (lounl)I vEehiale ,ken the purpcesEe crl assuning thal all neecommended mainienancEi is being campleled 1011 Eeaa h vehicle. Eact time nepairs cer mainlEenance ane complErled on a vehicle, a descnipiion cell the Veonk, -Ihe dale, and the name cif the mEect anic wha perlonmEid the Neonk sl all bEe en-lenad in-ce the appropriate vehicle maintenancEe Mee and in the mainienanae software pncegnam installed in the Ganage compulEen. Ganagle pEensonnel shall also place a s-licken on the insidEe of each vahicle they scrmicee lhat stales -Thee mileage and the ser4ce dala leer the next sct eduled recommEinded sermice. 11 lull negulanly sch(iduled serviae consists cif changing oil and chEIC ing filters, bnal,es, all fluids, belts, ain pressure in tines, and any physical condi-lion ihai may pneseni prablfims lateen. II shall bEe 1hEe nespansibility of County GanagEi personnel Ice mainlain the veehickis aaconding to the man uilactu nE in's speci-lications. All repairs and,lon maintenancEi shall be compkited accarding to indusiry slandands. Ganage pensonnEll shall authorize the punchase of tints including the appnopniale sizEe and nurriben o1 fires -lon -IhEe par iculan vehicle. In the evenl cif a dis agreement, the Direcion cif Fileeel Maintenance shall t ave the nespansit ilil)I oil having the ilinal say on wherlhEer or noel vchiclees nEi(id lines, how many tines they need, and thEi appnopniale -I)Ipe oil iine fon thal par iCLilan vEihiale. The sizE1 a nd Use oil the vehicle s hall be con sidEered in making this 9 012616 HC BOC Page 28 de'lenminaiian. Ga nagle penscinnel shall issue a signed requisition slip to the drivel of lI e �iehicle is ial,e to a designated lint company to Lave ihu fires installed. It shall be the nespansibili-ly ai the Ganage pEinsannel to chE16 when sen iaing vet icles la sEie i11he tires need notal ing. It Gaiage pensannel nalice vEihicles That ane abviously not being kept clean and pneseniable, they ane to reparl it la the appimpniate Depar ment Head an designee and to Facilities/Fleet Mainlunanae. ClaragEi personnel shall nanar to the appnapniale ❑epartmeni Fead or designee and to Faaili-liesllFleel Maintenance any obviaLis an appanent abusEi all Cauniy vehicles. If, in It a opinion of the GaragEi, nEipairs ane required fon dama ges nol previously repor ed Ia the Ganage, -It a repains sha II be changad t ack to the nespeclive Departments as a Rreventable loss. Ganage personnel shall providEi the Risk Managemen-1 81 9ale-ly Cloordinatar wilh copies ofl any nepains imiolving vehicle accidents flan submission to the insuner for a lairri nEicovery. Recalls anc Wanranlly V% ark It shall be the ClaragEi's (Eispansibility is handle all manullaaturens' vehicle recalls. l pon receiving a "necall" naticu, Clarage pensannEll shall contact thEi deparimeni haad in the aflEicled clapartment and coondina ie it a laN ing crI the vet icle to tt a appropriate dealenshin la have the "reaall" repairs camplaiad. Recoids of all recall repairs shall be plaaad in eact vehicle's file and entered in -la the "CalleclivE1 FlaEit rloftvJane Rrogi am". Ganage penscinnel s hall also be nespansible for coondina ling all warnanty wart' to be dant cin COUnly vehicles. Clopies ail wanranty v+iank invoices sha II be placed in Eiach vehicle's -lile and entened into the maintenance softWane pncignam. RESPONSIBILITY C R FPCILIIIESIRU EET MAIN TENANCE Regularly Sche( uled N ainleniance It is the nespansibili-ly al Flacilities)IFllee-1 Maintenance io maintain nacards -la ansune that all County vehicles nEiceive negUlarly scheduled mainienanae on tt a earlien ai either s iii (6) months on 5,000 miles. Should a vehicle cusiadian nat makEi an apnaintmenl flor regulanly scheduled maintena ncEi, Flacilities/RlEiei Maintenance will coniacl the Depar menl Head. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE RINANCE DEPARTMENT Till les All F arnet Coun-l)lvehicle litles shall be retained and ililed in ihu afilice a] HinancEi Will thEi exaep-lion of community lranspadatian van tilles held by IN CI❑011. is 012616 HC BOC Page 29 RB"EIPONSIBILITIRES OF TH9 RISK MANAC EMU T 81 SAFETM COORDINATOR MVR REiplar s ilhe Risk Managemen-I & Safely Coondinaion, or his on hen designee, shall be nes pons ible floii secuning molon vehicle neconds ("MVA Repors") fon all employees al lime cif hire and flan cause. M\� R nepori s shall be secuned on an annual basis ikin employeEis eiihen assigned a County vehicle on wha drive any vehicle mone than 'I0`/o of his IF en warl time. Adc ilioris and Deletians The Risk Management 819afleiy Coandinaion shall ensure chat all County vel' icle addiiicins and delatians, onae reported io him aii hen, will be included on the annual update of the Fleet :IchEidule fon the ins unance pncniideii to ensure adequalEi insunance cavenage. Deienisiive Driving Claunse The Risl Management 81 Safely Coondinaion shall make a Deilensive Diiiving course available periodically to all Eimplayees wha ane assigned Caunty Vehicles an wha diiive any vehicle mare than 10% all hiiAher wart lima. Ac icuc elnitsi The Risk Managemenl & Sa-lety Coondinalan shall be nesponsible lion neporing all accidents involving County veF icles which may exceed the Cauniy's deductible to the insunance company and negotiating all claim set lemenls within iha deductible, will as sistanae prom the Clounly Legal Depar ment, as nequined. In the evenl Thal an accident involving a Clounty vehicle is the 11aull oll a 11 ind party, the Risk Management 81 Sa-lely Claordinaton shall coondinaie all subnagaiion acliviiies Wih Counily Legal Depart men -1 and or Insurer, as n eves s aryl. 7hEi Rig k Manag eii 81 9ailely Coondinalon shall maintain neparts of vEiF icle accidEinis and disl nibute to t he Depart mend F eads quare enly. The Risl Management & 9ailety Coandinaior shall de-lenmine whelhEin an accident is Pnehien-lable on Non-Rnevenlable, assess points to the employeEi's Clounly driving necand using 11he Driven 8valUaiicin Flaini 9yslem (Appendix A), and neaammend actions to encourage Loss FlnEivenlian and :lailely Flolicy enflaraemeni. F oweven, all accidents involving high speed punsuiis on emEingency iiesponses s hall be handled by the 9r miffs Offiae, and -Ihe Risk ManagEiment 819aile-ly Claardinatan shall not make any determination, assessment, or neaommendailicin with nespecl to such accidents. Shaulc an emplayEie disagnee with the assessment oil IhEi Rlsl Management & clailety 11 012616 HC BOC Page 30 Cla ordinalor, thEi employEie mail appeal ,If a Risk Management 8 9aikl'ly Cloordinaion's (IEicision to the Acciden-1 Fleview Board, whose decis ion st all be ilinal. Th(i %ehiCIE1 plcaidenl ReviEiw Boand (Boand) shall t e composed oil ihnee emplayees fnom diffeneni departmanis appointed by -Ihe Counily Managen io same on the aciand. Th(i aoard shall elec'I a chairman for'Ihe meeling. The Board shall noview the decision and neicommendalians oil IhEi Risk Management 61 9allel)l Cloondinator as they relcite 1Io the accident. The Clhairman shall nepoM the decision oil1he Boand to the Risk ManagemEint EI 9ailel)l Cloordinator. The dorm in which facts of an accident may be pnesanlEid to the Boand may include bull ane ncol limilEld to -Ihe -following: A. OniWir's napart o'l thEi accidEinl B. Law eniloncemen'I invEisligalion reports C. 9'I ai Eime n l oil will n essEis 11. I]iagrarris, photognapf s, € nd any crlher available eNiidence B. Rast Ccuinly accidEini hisloryl F9. 91allemenl oil any County employee appearing berkinei if a Boand on cher emrlloyeEi's behalf is 012616 HC BOC Page 31 APR9NDIA A DRIVER EUAII UA 71CIN AC INT S11ST9M DRIV ER AIGE FilUnder21 years of age U n der 25 yea rs o f age SPEED RELATE11 N CIN INCI VICILAr1IONS 9 Speeding in a sat aol zona B Speeding = 11 mph overt[ a speed limit B Driving to a last for conditions 4 Speeding �1= 11 mph ova r 0 a s peed lien it 4 1 All a tt a r s peed relate cl violations NON -SPEND F1ELAIED N OV INCI VICII MIONS 13 F e lusin q a drug or alcol a I chem is al tea t 12 Lia ense s uspendec I a r re, is F ed 6 Pass ing stopga (l school t us Nit en lilt t: are flan F ing 6 F ecklass Driving 6 Leading the scene o1 an aacident 6 Driving afte r t avinl license suspended or revoked 4 Failure to yia Id right-oll-wa5I to emergenc)l or other authorised vehia le 4 Failure to Iolla+ni instruations of nolioa officer 4 Passing wt ere prat ibited t )I posted s igns or paNiement markings 4 Driving \Airong viay on one way street 4 1 n proper lane change 4 Folia win q too cla s ely 4 Pass ing on the uirong side 4 Failure to obey traffic instniations stated on traffic siqlas or traffic deNlices 3 Failura to yie Id right-olpwa}l in manna r regluira (I at uncontrolled in to rs a ation 3 Im props r U -Turn 3 Im proper hirn 3 Failure to stall in proper lane 3 Mal ing im n ra go r a n tra n ce to, or enit -Irom, hiq I way 3 Improper t aakinq1 3 Failura to signal 3 Failura to yield right-olpwa}l at stop sign 3 Alli att e non -speed related violations AICICJIDEN7S - Evaluated by Ao a ida nt Review Eoarul 0 Non -n reventat le Aa a idents Preventat le /lacidents witt a parked Vial icle ar fixed object, with damages all 3 m ore tI an $200 and la s s than ; 1,000. 4 Pill at[ a r Previa ntat le Plccide nts vit ere damages a>iceed ; 1,000. 11 012616 HC BOC Page 32 fill -apt -OL, EIRUGS 17 I Ellcohol or Drug related aonviations SEAT BELT l IOLATICINS 0 E p p lies to driver and/a r pas sengers 11rime n Evaluation Three (3) year IU VFi histary is reiiiewed The I est drivers will have 0 to 3 points. 9 to 9 points indicate a questionable rating) os a drhier. Drkars wit) 9 to 9 points will I a natiiied of tt a points on their Clounty driving record and placed an prat ation. Empla}lee will be eligit le to continue to operate a Clounty mehiale. 10 to 11 points indiaate action is aeaded on the part of N anagement. Empla)lee will be g laced on prat a tion. Employ lee will not be a Ilov ie d to drive Clounty mehicle or personal mehicle on Ca Linty business unless tt ere are extenuating) circumstances documented t y tt a Department Head. 17 or mare points is not aaceptable. Omployee \AiilI not be eIiglible to drive a Claunty mehicle or nersonal vehicle while conducting Clounty business. 141 012616 HC BOC Page 33 � ehiclo ID: N ext Seraica Due: AIRPENDIX B VHHICIIJE II• SHDCTION CHECKLIST HARNEIT CIOUN IN Driven aarnpleting neporl IJPrint): 1` G Impaction Date: lire -SI art (cif no l a 11 plio s 1 le, : I al e N /AI) Frost Aid Flit Fire Entingyishen (piopenly al asged) Clillleval Windshield Alipei Fluid Tires (Neasuse and Wean) (la a lant Ile vel Spa i s The la cklHug Wlnen a h Hiceiise Plate Registration Cland/lnsunanae carol Sa a tbelti Horn SI art Him line iii not applicable, s -12 to NAA] CI it Pne;:I una 'M tea Te mpeiiatuiw A Id just nea n1 iie w micro n Stea ping Clpenation Panking Briaka Indicator Rights - High 11aam, Hrake, (ita.) Dafro Etei Ail Clanditionea Alind: I iald Wipers Hacks ll Alarm 'Burning Signa IE Road Bights (High and Bova Bean ) Bmengoncy Signals Toppod af1witl Fual laevo ns e Lights Blake Lights ** HIRT VAIN S ONIIN ** Ilift ha s be e n chs cka (I and run thliough full a Ila le (Ye /No) Cll(anlinvi sof Vahialo ilcheok A clean) 17xt4nion Intenior Truck Bed `lloolbox NCITH ANN ADIIITIONAL PRCIBHHMS DIS(ICIVHRHD DU -M NG rNSPHCII(IN Signatuna oldriven completing neporl: Signanina allleparlmaia Fead ar lullervisoi Data: Data: 19 012616 HC BOC Page 34 APPEIS DIX C HARNET7 UOUNIN VEHICHIR ACCIDHNT GUIDELINES llhis guide, mill ile it is designs d to as list in determining tl a Bneventability a f vehicular accidents, cE nna t list ever}I causE 111actoii tl -, t may be involved in a given aaoidont. It does coven the most commion aspeats olthe principal causes of accidents, and as such, it can serve as a guide only when considering pro`wntability. Fnomi time to tima revisions may t a neaassary to irnipnova as curao 3l to apply to the lasts of a ease. Silruak WHHe Harlded Non-Hreveml able if: 1. Driven wag properly parked in a location mihore llanking was perrnitted. 2. Vehicle was protected by emierganoy warning devices as noquined by fadoral and state rogulations, an if driver w, s in process of setting out or retrieving signals. Inlersecilion Acaidemis Hreven l able if: 1. Drfnior failed to oontnol speed sa that he could stop within a`i: Hal le sight distance. 2. Dri`ior failed to ahock crass-trailflo and wait ibr it to clean before entering intersection. . Den ior pulled out filorni sida -s Ineet in the face of o n coming trailfra. 4. Dri`iar co Hided with ll a in a n, vehicle on obja at while making righl or lefil turn. 1. Dri`ior, going straigl t lhrnough an inteiiseation, collided vilith another )iahiala making a turn. Slrikinp- Other Vehicle in Rear Hrevenila ble if: Drivor failed to maintain sale following distanoo and ha`ia vohiolo undon control. Drivor failed to koep alert to traffic conditions and nate slowdown. Driver failed to ascertain whether `iahiale ahead was rnoving slowly, stepped on slowing down fa r any peas a n. Driver misjudged nate of over aking. 1. Driver earn tea alone before pulling out to pass. fl. Driver failed to wait fon can ahead to move into the clean bofone staring up. 1. Drive: i failed to loave suffra ient noomi 11on pa s s ing vehicle to get s afely ba ck in line. Sidleswiye an( I He a dl -On -Collisions Hrevf nl able ill: 1. Ilrilver vias not entirely in tl a Unopen lane of travel. Id 012616 HC BOC Page 35 2. Denier did not pull to the right and slowdown ar cl stop llon vehicle encra aahing on own lane of travel when suah action as uld have been taken without additional danger. Slrucll in Rear or Side by Oil heu VcMele Plrevenid able if: 1. Driver was passing slovscr traffic new an intersection and had to miake iii (Iden atop. 1. Driver made sudden stop to paiik, load or unload. 1. Dniver'i vahiala was inignopealil parked. Driver nolled back into vehicle behind. N a n- Pro ve n1 able ill: 1. Driver's `iohiolo was legally and pnopenly parked. a. Driver visas preceeding in own lane of tnaffie at a safe and lawful apocd. 3 . Driver visas stopped in I ra llf to duo to a�iisting condi l is ns or was stopped in oomplia nce vsith 11raJflc sign or sigq al oii the direations of a police oJflcer or olhei person. 4. Driivei visas in propen lane, stopped and waiting to make tun . Backli 2 Aw a iden 11 s Prevenlable ill: 1. Driven backed vehicle, causing acaident, when suah banking could have been avoided. 2. Driven Bailed to get oul ail vehicle and check pnopo sed pa11h oll baakwand 11ra`ie 1. 3. Dnivel Jailed to use a "spoticr" if driven was in a poailion whena Iho mirrors failed to show it a haaand. Alaaidenlls 1 nvolving main Pnevenlalile ill: 1. Driven attempted to cross tracks dinectly ahead of tnain or s lraetaar. 2. Driven ran into side of train on stractoar. 3. Driven slopped on or parked loo ala se to tnaaks. Alecidenils While Plaising Puevenilalile ill: 1. Driven passed when view of road ahead was of slructed by hill, ourvie, vegetation, lnaffic, adverse weathen condition', ata. 2. Driven attempted to pass in the Jane oficloscl`l appnoaching trafflo. 3. Driven failad to warn the driven of the vehicle being passed. 4. Driven failad to signal change a f lanes. 5. Driven pulled a ut in front of othen traffia a vertaking from rear. 6. Driven cul -in shore rctilming 1a riighl lane. 17 012616 HC BOC Page 36 Asaidlemis While Heing Ha ss4dl Hneventable if: 1. Drivan failed to it, it in own lane, on ha Id on reduce speed to permit sane passing. Aaaidlents Wada Hnlering Traffic Shiaam Hiieventab le if: 1. Drivan failed to siggal when pulling out from cunb. 2. Dri`ior failed to of oak tnaffic 1 aJoiie pulling out frorni curb. :1. Driver failed la look back 10 check to ffic if driver was in petition whene miners did not if ow tnaffic conditions. 4. Drilior attempted to pull out in a mannen, which forces athen vehicles Qs) to change speed on direction. f. Drivar failed to make fulll stop be fore entering flom side -s tneet, alley on driveway. 6. Drivar failed to make frill stop bafone crossing s ido w, lk. 7. Driver flailed to yield rig t of way to appnoaal ing traffic. Ped les I rian Aceic la n1 s Hrevenila ble if: 1. Driver did nol reduce speed in area of heavy pedostrian tnaffic. 7. Driver was not pnepaned 110 stop. 1. Driver flailed to �lie ld right oil way to pedestrian . Mechanical Defeats Accident Hreventable if. - 1, f: 1. DoIlea t was of a type which dniven should have del ected in makiri g a line -trip or inspeation of vehicle. a. Doleat was a Typo which driven should 1 avo detected during the normal operation of the vel icle. All'Illym ofAaaidlenil�, Hreviinlablii if: 1. Driven vias not operating at a speed consistent with the aviistin8 condition. of 1he road, woalhar, and lmaffic. I. Oriven Jailed 10 control speed to be at le to stop within assured clean disllance. I. rlrivenmiijudged available cleananca. 4. Ilriven Jailed to yiald right a J way to avoid accident. I Ilriveli Jailed 10 accunalely obsenie existing conditions and drivo in accordance with those conditions. 1s 012616 HC BOC Page 37 (I. Driver vn, sin via lation of Cla unly opej cling rules of special insiniclia ns, the r egLllatia ns of any federal of slate i egula laiy agency, of any <pplicable traffic laws of of dinances. Accic enls Involving A.Inimiala,IDebi is Plr4 ve nl abl4 H: 1. Driver was not operating al a apaad aonsisteni with the (misting condi-dans oil the road, we < I bar, and tj a ffic. 7. Driver wiled to control spead to be able I slop wi-lhin asswed cleat distance. 3 . Driver mii.judged available cleananca. 4. Driver hailed 1l accutmely obsenia exi<11ing aondilions and drbia in aaaordanca with these as nditions. rlriivei wv s in via la tion of aompany opei ailing rules on speaial instructions, the iegulalions oil any federal of slate jegulalory agency, of any applia able tiaffia laves or oidinanca. 1` an -pi even table if: 1. Driivei attempted to slop sanely while maintaining control of the vehicle and stay in their lane all to tic. 2. Driivej was opei sting at a speed consistent with existing condition of the load, weather an d li affic. l9 012616 HC BOC Page 38 Vehiele lr lb: Unit Number: APPONDIN C HARP HIT COUNTY REQUEST NOR RIMAIR NORM Mileage: Sigr a lure: Ilocalion: Recluir4dl Service: 7 Oil & Oil Filten Clhange Neadad 7 Eral a Ins 11aation Nee (Iad 7 Cooling System Ins pectian 7 Primar)l Fual Filter Replaaernant 7 Aire Filters Replacement 7 Time Replacement 7 Secondary Fuel Filter Replaeamerit 7 DN V In9paction 7 Time Rotation 7 1hansm cion Inspeclian Type a i Service Nef died : 7 Wl ael Alignment 7 Heat - A/CI Inspection Please nom 01 Ei of 3ervitial arformed: DAMAG ED VE1110I1E HANDLING IPI STRUC 11ONS: Towing —if needed, vehicles should be towed to the Clounty Clarage at 1100 H. N aNeill Street Estimiate9 Johnny Stone ih 14.984.42471 on Chr's Johnson 11911.984.4173; Should be contacted within 24 houn to (i btain quotes for nepairs *heave Ahie aamiphtod 11oum in the v4hicle if lowed) to ills Countil Garage or ilorwarc 10 Johne y Si one a 1 1 he Cla un ty Garage ]a 012616 HC BOC Page 39 Eleciftoriic Rleciarc a and Imaging Policy Foti Hannletil Counity Type o•1 Government Mae Clounty: Harr a of Office: Office AddrErss: Clounty (X) N unicipal () Ste to Flgency () "Clther ( ) Harnett CIa t ntv Phone: Flax: Email: Herman Cauuty f leatronia Records and Imajing Rohc% Maral X015 Page 1 012616 HC BOC Page 40 Huard) Meeltin g Agf n dial Iteim MHETING DAHH: February 1, 2d 1I6 10: f-ARNET T CICIf1 N'IY BOARD CIH COM M ISSIICINHRS SUM MR Plana ing Si mia es I leorganizal ion AEQUH9 T ED H1: M a rh Loeldear, Diree for of Planning Sa niie e s MEQuEISTI: The Harnett Coun l`1 Manning Semicea dap<rtmienl is respectfully requesting to m<ka several changes to the organiz, tional miakeup of the deparimient. It is our l aliall that tl use changes would pllovida the citizens oI Harr. et1 County with a better uncia rs tan cling of V& 1 services 11 is department has to offan and should miake'Ihe organizational f low of the dapartrrienl easier tc underlstand. Sorme changes will not only benefit the eilizens (AHarnetl Clounty, but also tt a development community by making developing in Harnlatt Clc unty an easier process to understand f>lomi start to finisl . Lail these changes will provide our staff will a clear understanding of their Ilolf viithin the depar mans, allow some to be on equal looting vrith tl ain counlerTlarts, and priovide opperturil l Ion cthens to gnovi viithin 4 c departmeml. ]have outlined each change iri the attachments in hopes oil miakin8 this nequest easy to uridenstand. However), please feel fnea to conlact me prion io the meeting wi lh any quaslions or addilicn,1 information rlequests that yo, il may have. HINANCE OFHICHR'J RECOM MENDATIW : CC UNTY MANAGER'S RHCIOM MIEN DATION: C:IUsa.as\E whaelc r1A]I F DatE 1La ca llN is ra so ftl W in da wsMi n ip rar • I nt m(t litaslCantant.Outlaol 19SRKK[11151agnc4fcm21116 ((07}.4Ic i N al e I A I 012616 HC BOC Page 41 Planning SElrviccs 2CH 61 RElarpnizaliarli Reclu cit TI a Hai iri e11 Count)I Manning Senvice!i department is resp a atlully requesting to rn a ke se venal changes_ 1a the organisational mal,eup oi11 a department. It is oun belief chat these changes would pno%iicla the citizens of Ha nnett Colin 1 y with a t at en understanding of w I al sei via es 1 his de pa n1 meni I a s 1 o ofle n and should rn a I a the organisational Tow of the de p a r mend easie n 1 o undenslancI. 9omechanges will not onl)l tenelil the citisans al Hannelt County, but also the development aammunity by making developing in Hann ell Coun,l)lan easier pnoaessto un densi and from sta ill to ilinish. Last 1 he se changes will p novide oun staff 1n ith a clean undensianding o111 ein vola within 11 a department, allow sameio t e on equal fooling with 1 hein countenpari s, and provide oppor unity -Ion o-1 I ens 10 grow within the depa ri me n1. I halie outlined each change below an c pnoNiida (I add ilion a I at1 a Orn a ni s in hopes of making 1 [is neqluesl easy to unclen:itand. However, plea sefeel lnee to coniaa] me pnionIo theme elingwith any ques-1 ions on additional inlonmation nequests that YOU may I ave. CleneraI Changes (No ass odialed cosi s' • VIS a wotilcl til a to change 1 I e name of the Department horn Planning Seniiaes 1 o 1 he Depart me n1 o-1 Developme n1 Seniiaes 1 his would often a ra one a ccunate depicl ion of HiI at sanvices the deparlmen I offens 10 the citisena. If 1 he da pa n1 meni aha nge s narnes 1:1 en Ila [lira aton's_ 1 itle would change to- Dine atoll of Development Senvices. • Along wit the deparimen1 name al ange and wit ofin reaeat switch ilrom a 51 an(la lid zoning ondina nae to a Unified UaNialopment Clndinanae, we request 10 0 a nge 1 I e Zoning anlora erneni component o111 a planning seat ion to I]evelopmen] Complianae Orlonaernenl, and sutsequanilychange ounauirenl ZoningCII-If iaan'stitle to Develon ment Compliance CM icer since 11 all coven much ma ne 11 a in just Boning violations. • In 101310 I elp with slalfing issues we moved the lonmenAldmin is1nal ive Seniiaes To chn iaian position 1 o Cent nal Penn ill ing k 1l ati rit ion. We 1 I e n moved on a oil otin exist ing Plan n en I pos i1 ion s to aor ien 11 a lonmen dtit ies of 1 I e Aldmin istnal hie 9 a nvices Teahniaian, continue some plannendtities, and alio senia as 11 a ale nk10 the Planning, E oa lid of Aldjusl ra enl, a n cl Hisl onic A nope ri ies boa nds. We ane now neqLIG still g 10 change the 1 it le ol1I a above mentioned H la in nen I to become the Senion Oa partment Support 9 peeia liitj JBoard Cleiil . TI is position would I ave 1 he same salany grade as a Plan na n I and this change a my nequines a til le change and a new job desanipi ion. 012616 HC BOC Page 42 Char ges that ueguine addilior i I iuncline • Ta make oun Building Cade Aldmini: tnai on salaryl goa do match 1 I e Manage n o-1 A la nning 9enviaa vie ane nequeAing a! alany gnade change fnom a 7E to 77. All associated ao:1s are aullinecIon altaal mens ] (Changes to salany and budges impact). • Cunneni ly Can I na I H e nmitl ing has 11 nee CentnaI Penmil t ing Tech's and one Senia n Ilenmiti ing Teah. To irn pnove oust omen senvice we ane nequesi in to change 1 I e 1 itle oil thecunnent3anion CanInaI Nanmitling Tech position ioa Pnojecl Coondinaion/Customen 9e nice Repnesenli tine. VI a envision this position to senve as a liaison -lan lange a nd sma II corn menaial develonrn eni n nojecls. They would I eaa me a pnim any contaat -Ion de) is lopens 1 a ask qua si is ns, g e t help wit I n noaedunal pna blems, pno) side dineai ion, and enRine IIatIha nnojeci nuns srnooll fliiomihe Hnedevelonmeni slags Lint il11elinalCC. W e be lieve this job would be M Olt suacessful ill it's ililled by a cunneni a mployee W I o has an a bundanae of e)inenience dealin gi will Hanneit County's cede lopment pnoaa sses. • Aye m aking i he at arie a1 an ge we would be left wit hoW a Sen ion Ceni nal Permil ting technicia n, l he neilone we ane nequesl ing to al ange 11 a tit le and ®nade of one of a un eAslinIaentnalpenmilting Iechtoa 9enion Conira19enmitling toat to allow ouncurnent s1 a A mem ben to a pply and senve in that senior le a denship role on a daily basis. This m ove would nequire a salaac)l gra de cl ange ilrom a gnade 631 o a gra cle 66. 012616 HC BOC Page 43 Atte cH ments Atlachrrienl 1:_Development Senvices Onganizatinnal 111mA Clhart (additicinal lange copies �A ill be pncivided al wnnN ! essicin) F of Ime t PIRARiAg SeTRce N I Vva ale lop n m tni 5euvice� s Planning Seiey:.-e PFaRReF n C re=^tor cf De" 1 a; r ent WO 54 mor DeFt. Aug port Services (SU•1.4) Specialist/87 a rddlerk(SG-7U) Bu id Fig Cod f,lana.jeraf Planning Services IAG-a])AFRF"" 3 (SG 761 f B )uldinF 17odE L rinlicd.istratcr III (JT-iT) A slstant Manager of Planmug Services (941-719) Cade Befane n ent U ff Fe rs deetr, i Permitting Pia nn ine kR fO.....•. eat 1 L E+1e143g n ent ilcrn F iia non Assi51ar9t Building Code A LAdm Ns[rator 111 (SG -751 y n,a«rr.n;u a rKn�irm� rsG nR VI 9nfi rcerr�r t a CPT .�n,rl�n isG-rsr CPT=nicianlSG83) • Senior PNnnrr ISG -73} � tj Pianner l of II {SG I7Q & 72} �" r Pgmm�e Te hn�nan 1571551 gwldu,g lnepecrnr lV!(SG-741 zeg laspeu�r aNadina in:a��=br lr (saazl Bueld,og InspectorI(SG-701 151-67) Bwllding In,peaor)(5G-701 pitachrriffilI Changes to Salary GraeIES & ®uc�.get Impacts Salary Eli ace (IhanEer -1 Eluilc ing CIadE ! AIdrmini! trai an: Cl WE 76 to Cli a de 77 • Cleni nal Penrriiti ing lleahnician: Gnade 63 to Clnade 66 *4 *A **1 *4 **i *4 ****4 *A **4 *4 **) *3I ****31 *1 **; *4 ****31 *1 **� *8 ****) ***>I. * Budget Irrrrlacts - lutal incnE a! a 1 a Sa lany & Wages R 15)116 $3,334.(ICI (Clan bE absorbed in cunrenl budgel) a -lutal incnease 1a Salany & Wages R 16)117 $8,CICIO-CO 012616 HC BOC Page 44 a r n e tt C(IU N TY NOR fl CARO1IM1E www.harnet .or9 PESOBUIIION BY 71H.H H'AR.N H'IIT COUNTY BOARD OH CION MISSIONERS SUHHONTIN 41; 1HE RHN AIMING O14l lIOPITIONS OH N OR11HI UAIROIIINA HJIGHWlAA 74 AS THE GOLD STIAR HIGHIWAY WHERHAS, It a L rlitad States bagan a bsealing Gold Stan Mothen's Day on the last Surday of Septerribe;l in 1916 to hong in mothers who k st sons on daugl tars fighting in Wonld Wan l; and WHERHAIS, the Gold Star Wivei a 11 Ameuiaa was formed pnior to the end of Alonld Wan II to pnovide support ibn the spouse and childran olilhose who lost thein lives While sealing in the Uniled States Militar}I; and WHHRAAIS, the Gold Stan Ilapel Buiton was estat lirl ad in August of 1941 and given to the naxt of kin oilmilitary members who diad vil ile carving in iha Lnited Stales Ar7red ponces; and WHHRHAIS, the symbol of the hold sitan carne ilua m the custom offamilies of seniicernian I anging a bannon called a Senli(e Flag in the window ofthein Nomas will a gold Marl to nepmseni those who last d ain lives serving their nation; and MIHL REAS, Harnetl County joins t1 a Stata of North Clanolina and the nadc n in uecognizing the sacnifrao that Clold Stam family mambem make wl an a la vad ono dies in se:u)iic a to the nasion; and WHI R AS, 1` a rlh Canolirla is hornia to no less than seven majora niilitaly installations ai- wall a9 naa;ily I milliotl advent on formers mililary service men it ars, and holds milldams senliaa in the hig hast ra g a nd; and N[; WI 'DHfHAL1FIDRH HE I7 RHSOH'% H11 tl at the Ilarnett County Bowed a 11 Corrimissionars full], suppor s the efforts oftha North Carolina ❑apartmeni ofTnanspor ation to rename portions of 1` or, h Clamolina F ighway 24 the Gold ','tar Highway. ADOF7E11,thUr 19" dail oil January, 2016. HARNETH UOUN 11 BOARD CNF COM M ISSIGT, FIRS Jim Burgin, C1 airman (I. Gordon Springla, �iaa Chairman Banbara McKoy sarong routs • news grovith Alba Hlmane ]a a M ills n 012616 HC BOC Page 45 Gir a Wheeler To: Joseph Jeffries Subject: Re: ( a Id Star Wig I Ka)l -------- Onigina 1 mien sage-------- hvom: "C neg Gebhandl (Asp. David Liewis," <Lewisra e,ncleg.net> Ila to : 41 / 12/2016 1:03 AM (CIMT-05:001 To. "Rep. David Lewis" <David.Lewis a neleg.net> Cc: "Greg Gebhardt (Rep. David Lewis)" <Lewisra�ncleg.net>, "Mank Coggins (Rep. David Lewis <Mark.Cogginsa..ncleg net>, "Grace Rogers (Rep. David Lewis)" <Lewisla(&ncle .ng et> Subject: Gold Stan Highviay N a da nr a and C eni lemen, N )I name is Grog Gal I ardt a n I wo ik -lor NC Rep. David Louris a Haaneti fla Lint),l. As a Iragl War Vel era r , I've taker or t1 is psojett lora our office at 1 he mequest a a Ca Id Star N a t herr Iirting in Rep. I. ewis' dist riot. I've discusso (I tl is pnojeci with n a 31 o l you ova n t he pi a r a it 11 a lart vieek a r so and I'm 90 rry if I had nol yel had i he onnortunity to apeakuiiII you perianally. i anologiaellortl a cle lay it gettir g I I is infanmaiion I you; I via Lina)ineciedliI caIla cloul oftovin Tara fun(naI laiela31 weel. Please rear embe t1 at this is not officially signed off on yei by the DCIT, we ane rnan( I)l in the gathering stage. Clnae all count ies have agreed 1 a support, I I e DCIT viill 11 en vis to (i n ur1( I I a r a r not to asaepl 1 I e are commendai for o-1 The Road/Anidgei1Forry Naming Commiltee. 9a pleas( be aagniiia nt olIhal wl He disaussing this with ya Lir Boards. Below is 1 he intbrmai ion -Ira n th( DCIT ca n aern ing 11 a project, i he $2,0( 0 oommil menl and who re 1 o le rid V a resolutions. Alla, )lou will lind at1 aahed some paonosed la nguag( fla r 1 he rela I(itia n a 1 suppor . Feel flnee I use; howeven, I n Mi you do not hav( t(i use vil at 1'%ie provided. 111you wiauld be so kind 3910 a( ply 10 all so that bosh Maik and Grace in our oftiae can slay at roast oltl ( progress of project. Ill a fool fa nward to Kia nl ing with ( �ier)lone. Fnom Leigh Wing oflhe AICDCIT: 1 Nolle you'ae doing) Kiell. The Road/Bridgle/Ferny Naming Carrimitlee met Iasi weak and this) weae agaeeabla to this idea of AIC24 being designs We Gold Slar NigA vioy fiiom !-la rnati County to Cary ese l Counl y. To A a able to pre; en l 0 is to the aommi lte a as ain official negt aisil .lo vole on, Kie will need r(isoluilion;i friom each of i1he Counlies ilhat NC 24 runs Ihra tiglh. Addi lionally, Kie will need a commilmenl from eacl of 0 e m to the usual adminisil ra tion fee of $2000. i discus:ied with Kerlin Laay, otui Stale Tnafjic I ngineeti, and he advised ma tl at the aaltial cast to 0 a Degari mend for hononany : ings is mane than the $2,000 fee Kihen we acaount fan sign : r.ipport9, in: tailla lion, equipment nes dad for incl adlalion, Me mitual sign, dediaaition aeeemony, eta. Sa in a. I ing fort 0 ad airnaunt from the aounties, it will still no l be (ravening the mrttiail enlire cosi to ti a LIe partmerit 11we cover that difjeaenae]. 012616 HC BOC Page 46 lbu can i.atie them a -mail tl.e iesolution9 and*a commitment to ouaaartuca aacaur.t roadnamin_g@ncdot.gov<mailto:roadnaminp@ncdot.gov> Ond ca me at lmwinq@ncdot.gov} o■'ll ay as ri mail the resolutions to my attention at the following address: NCOOT DIA Wsic ri of Nig i u ay!i A11,intion: Iaigh Wing 1536 Mail Jarvica Cen ler Raleigh, NC27691-_19311 Feal fwa to aall rna with any quealion9. 1 loc A for" and to "ouAing will )pu on ihij. Leigh M. Wits% PE � sjislan I la tl e Chief Eng ineeii NCLIC IT Di►iiaic n of fl ighways 1 Soul h W ilmingl on Itrieel Raleigl, NC276dJ 919-707-2544 Gneig GeM ardil Policy Advisor I Rep. David A. Leviis j S 99.715.3011 2306 l egWai ive Building 118 Wa91 Ja nes 9treel 10 a leigh, NC 27603 012616 HC BOC Page 47 Gina Whielelr Prom: Paula 9tewarl gent: N ( nday, Januar) 25, ] 016 3:11 PM To: Gina W h aeler CO: Joseph Jefilrie9 guf jea : Ha t ita l Atlachmen-la: Jaylin CAs Iot21.E (It Jaylin Caks Iot24.E (11 Inn por arae: Higlf Gina, Flene ane the 3 pastil le loi:i fa r Habil al in the Jaylin OaN s subdivi9ion in Spring Labe. Per hleitl, "A Habil at N in-1ere9ted tl ey probably \A ant to remiew the covenants and i a nflirm l hal tl a IoI9 are buildaI le." Thanks, Paula Paula K. 9lewar 0 apupI Count)l N a nager Fla rnatl County PO Boli 759 102 E Aroni 51. Lillinglan, PIC 17946 P hor e: 9'10-8:14-6190 1 012616 HC BOC Page 48 —Z 012616 HC BOC Page 49 HARNETT COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA GI.SILAND RECORDS 65 81 74 -. l AddressPaints 9� 101 75 Road rentedines 8o ta — MaijorRoads 121 — Rivers — Parcels C^!jQty_Boundary 119 120 Ily�i�1�s Wamett�20 1 14.s1r' NRed. 8and_1 145 MGmeo Band�2 .2 04 176 Harnett County GIS 305 W Cornelius Harnett Alvd, Suite i £� pm u:� r„ yis H �p stall 6e at tie aWa ns a +e user or Ihis map plthcngll, atl etfon has been taken 'a fresurr -*.u- g in he Nala res , Yarm", Cound � yes no warrant', ex pressed or implied. as owem H a r nett' w t-Illington NC 27546 Io Ika acrurac of i w in'arn2. on re sentew :t user d.' Ihis pr"W: shelf YiylY pam7Mss YtarnaM �Oun! ns electrl rsals, emWo-ces ana coent6 from end against Any cam. Ramage, toss, c o u �e.. wg rvat.� * nww prnwSn Phone: 910-893-7523 www.harnett.org action. f use of action, or WOW W arisipp rmm Etta use of this GIS proldct —Z 012616 HC BOC Page 49 Pe ge 1 of 1 cicc[rd Paled, 1 c.uu€ S' I reel Idrrl I€1ic,1€tui[ IN 0513-45-7770 010 [EareelNumkv!L 610513021721 - ]e elo 1 _ --- 0062559 O) , nrr Iwo, walwn [A ccauntNiml er] 1.40003$061 - -- -- _. jP'amell POsIv1ALES FAMILY INVESTMENTS & 1Plameli C & 3 DEVELOPMENT & DBA [A d€Inessll [A ddncss: ] ;4153 1IOVE MILLS RD STE 9 IA ddress3f to it1l __ AAYET-IIN) IIL L8 J c tote] .� la. Ili Ila aciel 211304-•14(19 PareelBuildi■ Value I IF11rcelol vil aIt e] IRarcelLaudValnc] ]'0000 Tota IA ssesselll1aluel 3x101 I'I n c1 lA It1 iu1 [11 111 112 [9tnau(Direction I Il nit? lumberl } auscP umban 0[0119 StreeiName a 11, IN DA HS IStmeetT; Fa] p R Sums] Irbil I l? li I}E�i iletti;n ]I ega [Description I LT#21 JAYLIN OAKS PHI MAP#2005-781 [I-egoILII dUnits] 1 [IegalLaadT)jcl LT 41119 Cale Acres _- 0 50575023 [Flo tBao6l 2015 If IntPatel 07>I 4 4€rnc(nrc 0.tt.t d ctuall'carl Wit - ITotalA euta[Ari sHaji ted l ',sicy 1tth'i III €hin 11 eedBaal ] - — � - 02605 tE eed PM! __- 0826 [D eedD:i tel 2009-03-23 20-0C: U isa}el jTr1 �—.aau}5 SalePrlea - - - - T"1251I{.111 P,rrrr# I iu6s ilorisgavcda} - X1051: t1_I??_=_ - - Sails Overiala14r4;;; URC htip:`,'gisloolbox.harnetl.org/Reeanae/Cllient/PubliOlaaea9l'printFllame.html 012616 HC BW N92094 Appiiaisal Cie rd II,I RITETT Ct UTITY Co.] WESVIEWER Page 1 of 1 8/16/2014 2:47:74 NM OMALES FIMEL'-I If IVIES71` ENIS E I1 30EVELIPIIEVIN A 0 A Return/Appeal 01-0513---0217--21 Nates: 119 )AYON OAKS I R VNIQ EO 217010 L400038061 ID f N-0513-45-7770.000 ,I NDERSCH ORa FR A DVAL4REP TAX (100), 01UPITY WIN E AEV,I LOREII TAX (I00) CAR[ NII. 1 of 1 eval Year 2004 Tax Year L1o21 ]AYLII II AKS PIII MAP -200--781 014 1.000 L7 SRC= Rprarsed by 14 on 01/0U2009 00150 IAYL IN C AKS TW -01 II- EX -AI- LAST ANON 20110629 CONSTRUCTION DETAIL MARKET VALUE DEPRECIATION CORRELATION OF VALUE TOTAL POINT VALUE USE MOO LN. OASE Area UAL 0.ATE RCN EYB AYB CREDENCE Tp BUT DIN AD3 MEN7 TOTAL ADJUSTMENT FACiJR Gl 1 00 1 1 1 1 "-e GOOD DEPR. BUILDING VALUE - CARD TOTAL QUALITY INOEX -'YpE SIN4LE FAMILY RESICEIITIAL DEPR. OB/XF VALDE - CARO MARKET LA N111 V. Li E - CAID 'AlV 30,00 STORIES: TOTAL MARKT 'r.CARD 30 tl0 TOTAL APPRAISEDVALUE - CARD 30,00 TOTAL . APPRAISED VALUE - PARCEL 30,00c TOTAL PRESENT USE VALUE - PARCEL T OTAL VALI E I-EFEI REIN - PAI CEL TOTAL TAXABLE VALUE - PAR EL 3(7,00f PRIOR BUILDING VALLE BXF VALUE LAND VALUE a-,00 PRESENT USE VALUE DEFERRED VALLE TOTAL VALUE 1S UO PERMIT COOS I UATE NOTE I NUMBER AMOUNT ROUT LVTRSHD- SALES DATA OFF. RECORD DATE OEEC TNN ICAIE 9A LE9 BOOK PAGE M R TYPE_ OIUVI PRICE 3 a 005 WO b,!= A r 25200 r 005 WC A HEATED AREA NOTES SUBAREA UNIT ORIG'b SIZE ANN DEP 0.`e OB/XI` DEPR CWS, RPL COD£ UALi DESCRIPTION T H NITS PRICE COND BLDG• FACT Y EY RATE V COND VALU TYPE AREA N CS .TAL.a XF VALUE ] FIREPLACE UBAR£A OTALS UILDING DIMENSIONS I AND INFORMATION OTHER IGHESTDJUSTMENTS ANI 70 TA NO BEST 119-E LOCAL Fl CII DEPTH / LP O COAD NOTES OA LAND UAI7 LAA:1 � I{NI IOTA.L ILJUS NEE - LAN[- LAO 0 C SE ODE ZONING TACE EPTH I2E MOb FACT RF AC LC TO OT TYPE PRICE UNITS TYP AD35T UNIT PRICE VALUE NOTES 'FR +!luC l _ I,O.OVu 1.f10G0 30.00».617 1,091 LT 1-D011 31,000 -UO 30000 OTAL MARKET LAND DATA 30,000 OTAL PRESENT USE DATA htip:,`%aama.harnetl.ogg A1ppriaisalCavd.aipx?Para OAHU] 011721 012616 HC BW M2014 Page Z of 1 elcctcrl I'll IId' 1 c.rnrrn' I'ar'r= 1 lilt nullralion I1, I 9511-45-5:11( (10 llareel,Numl er[ 010513 0217 23 jR1111111 J - - 0062561 fry Ile rin1.�iHit III. u Na [E cmmtNumk en[ 1400038061 I1 l9 melt PCIMALES FAMILY INVI STMENTS & 1r Ig 1I C & J DEVELOPMENT & DBA [A d lressi[ [Address; [ 01 H01 E M11 L:1 RD STL. 9 jA dd rens j 1Citi l I AYET3I1111VILLa [9 atc[ Na [7ipCade[ 283911-84119 filt n 6 0826 IarcelBuildiu Value 3009-03-23 711 11C a1 [1.1rcelol xfVaIll. [ ?005 [IarcelLal dl slue[ '3+1001 7atali ssessedValue[ 3+1091 E'rn erii lufJIMA iurs 90111151 - It, I_ 18treetB irectionI ILi I - : -' it In IV lumbi r[ -I ;11105 13 112!?'+ lie IIs t mher 000175 9tnetName fl `Il 1N Oil P'S 19traelTynr [ DR [9tre11Sl frim[ Ur,c;} to is 11 e®aiD_escriptiaa[ LTN24 JAYLIN OAKS PHI MAP#2005-781 11 epIl umd1IW s[ ` I I epalb ■dTypa[ 1 T - G[: Calc Acres - - 0 504557(3 [llratBoolt] 3005 [11rItPa�e[ a181 IF [It IiFrr Il.0 1 A chi: Ilearltuiit [7atalAcuti IArealiirted[ , c, 1111"I 171p11f n [8teedl1001.[ 02605 LDeeilf qe1 0826 It eQIIE ate] 3009-03-23 711 11C a1 9'aleIF, s rl ?005 L a41kice[ 15.1040 Parcel I iiik% 7aainr Overlay 90111151 - It, I_ Soils 0rrrrim _ ILi I - : -' IAC ;11105 13 112!?'+ ht1 p:"g istoolt a) .1 arra tt.a ag.'Fnac ance'CIliant/PublicAcaes9l F g nintFrarll e.htm 1 012616 HC BCS 1?9 X014 [a 012616 HC BOC Page 53 HARNETT COUNTY, NOR TN CAS^-r__'YA GIS/LAND -REr0gD 81 74 _ 56 141 75 AddressPoints Goad. rentedines 121 MajorRoads 100 99 Rivers Parcels C • .. 120 119 Causity—Bouodary Y, ma ke i. i Hamett—2n 3 _sid 145 2QG ORed. Band -1 ®Gvitata Band -2 175 Harnett County GIS Am, use of this mao shall Ir at the sola ask of the user of this oa.Althouph, xll effort has barn taken 3051N CofrleklUS Harnett BI 'd, Y^tp 100 to iaxur� occur yen the da+a !resented, Homed Gourth,! mak:.a na wartanh, exppreressed or imoiied, as to the 2=1facy d ims intormatlon represented herein Any uses ell is trrpduct s all ,Id Marmless Har nett' u V Lhllington NC 27546 Phone: 910-893-7523 www.harneft.org Harnett Counlw, its elec,ed 05cials, employee an dgex +om aid against any calm damage less. ac ton. cause � 5.vion or 14-9 lt'y.7.nsnxy roz :Me use et rias GIS product [a 012616 HC BOC Page 53 App naisal Cai d MA 1 NETT 11110t NT Cd MA WEAVTEWfR Pagf 1 a it 1 8/10/21142; 3:11;11 OMALES FA I ITLI IN, IES1 MEIITS 6 4 A J DE, IELO ■N ENI A E BA Return/Appeal -23 Notts: 175 JAYLIH IN ANS OR UNIQ 111217832 400038061 10 N0: 0513-45-55LD-000 ANI ER57N CRII FR ADVALCREM TAA (L00), COUNTY WIDE A DVAL(IREPI'IAX (1001 OARO NO, 1 of I eval Yean 2009 Rix Year: LT024 )AYLIN OAK5 PHI I APr2DO5-781 1000 LT SR -1 014 Appraised Dy 14 on 01/01/2009 00150 ),IYLII OAK5 TW.01 C EX -A7- LA 57 ACI III 20120927 CONSTRUCTION DETAIL MARKET VALUE DEPRECIATION CORRELATION OF VALUE TOTAL P INT VALUEEff. BASE 1 E ENT USE MDD Area UAL RATE RCN EYB AYB CREDENCE TO TOTAL ADJUSTMENT FACTOR D! DO I GOOD DEPR. BUILDING VALUE - CARD DTAL G UALITY If 13 EX TYPE: SING LE FA I IILY RI SIOEN TIAL XF VALUECARD D c MARKET L/VALU AND 3Q00 STORIES: TOTAL MARKET VALUE - CARD 30,00 TOTAL APPRAISED VALUE - CARD 30, 00 TOTAL APPRAISED VALU£ - PARCEL 30 00 TOTAL PRESENT USE VALUE - PARCEL TOTAL VALUE DEFERRED - PARCEL TOTAL TAXABLE VALUE - PARCEL 30 00 PRIOR BUILDING VALUE BXF VALUE LAND VALUE 15,00 PRESENT USE V1 kJE DEFERRED' IALUE DTAL VALUE ] 5 00 P RMIT CODE I DATE NOTE I NUMBER AMOUNT OUT: WTRSHD: SALES DATA FF. RECORD DATE DEED II C INAT6 SALT S BOOK 1PAGE M01YR TYPE U PRICE 02505 B26 3 00 WD A V 25200 02198 463 3 110 MID 0 V 2 DO 1 7 00 WD A V HEATED AREA NOTES UBAREA UNCT ORIG �/ SIZE ANN DEP % DB/%F DEPR GS RPL CODE UA DESCRIPTION T H NITS PRICE COND SLOGR 8 FACT AY EY RATE V COND VALUE E AREA ^ CS TALO XF VALUE E G DIMENSIONS LANOINFORMATION FORMATION OHER DIUSTMENTS AND l4'AL T USE LOCAL FROM DEP' H / LIID SOI D NOTES OA LAND UNIT LAND UNT TOTAL ADJUSTED LAND LAND C D ZONING TAGE EPTH IZE MOD FACT RF AC LC TO OT TYPE PRi E UNITS TYP A M UNITPR2 VAL E NOTES 0100 0 0 1.0000 0 1.0000 30 000.00 1.00 LF 1-000 30,000.0 3000ARKET LAND DATA 3000RESENT USE DATA htl p a/oarnz -1 amc tl .a ng/Appraisalaand.aspx?Paroa 1—01 O511 021723 012616 HC BqPI P802044