2014/12/15 RESOLUTION TO APPROVE THE CONTINUED OPERATIONS & EXPANSION OF THE AREA 1 C&D LANDFILL UNIT & THE PROPOSED AREA 2 C&D LANDFILL UNITHARNETT COUNTY DUNN -ERWIN LANDFILL FACILITY RESOLUTION TO APPROVE THE CONTINUED OPERATIONS & EXPANSION OF THE AREA 1. C &D LANDFILL UNIT AND THE PROPOSED AREA 2 C &D LANDFILL UNIT BE IT RESOLVED that the Harnett County Board of Commissioners hereby grants approval for the issuance of a solid waste permit by the NC DENR Division of Waste Management (DWM) for 1) the continued operations and expansion of the Area 1 construction and demolition debris (C &D) landfill unit and 2) the proposed future Area 2 C &D landfill unit at the County's Dunn -Ervin Landfill facility in compliance with North Carolina Solid Waste Management Rules T15A NCAC 13B .0536(c)(1 1)(A). The active Area 1 and the proposed future Area 2 C &D landfill units are located within the existing landfill facility boundary (approximate 325 acre tract owned by the County) as shown the attached Figure 1. The Board of Commissioners hereby approves the following items related to the landfill facility: Service Area: The landfill facility serves the County of Harnett in the State of North Carolina (approximate population of 114,678 people based on Census 2010 data and 125,000 people based on 2013 estimates). 2. Waste Types and Disposal Rates: The landfill facility will accept construction and demolition debris (C &D) waste for disposal at a maximum rate of 35,000 tons /year (125 tons /day based on 280 operating days per year). 3. Landfill Capacity: The landfill facility will provide the following gross capacity (volume of waste plus periodic and final cover soil) consistent with the contours shown on the attached Figure 2: Landfill Unit Waste Footprint Gross Capaciy Area 1 (Filled + Vertical Expansion) 16.8 Acres 785,011 CY Area 2 19.3 Acres 1324.583 CY 4. Landfill Service Life: Depending on the actual disposal rates, the Area I and Area 2 landfill units are projected to have an approximate remaining service life of 5 and 38 years, respectively (based on an average disposal rate of 15,000 tons /year). Adopted, this a day of AECew%6Q n , 2014. HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ```s�r�t0M n „��q Clerk to