12041905/7o s /12>/ MONDAY DECEMBER THE 4th, 1905, Board Commissioners met, present ,Geo.E.Prince,T.A.Harrington,& J.r.Elliott, upon mbtion of J.E.E111ott,Geo.Ejrtnee was eleoted chairman of the Board for the ensuing yew. 0.F. Pope,$eriff of Barnett bounty,tbndered his bond,for County,School,& Special Taxes n the some of $27QQQ.Q0 wits -tie Milted States Fidelity& Guarantee Co., as surtty. Upon motion 140'J.E.Elliett,said bond was'accApted- by'tfie following vote ;those voting the etfire►tite; Geo.E. Prins .Chm.J.E.Plliott,T.A.Barringtn; those in the negatlehsno . O.F.PopeShetlfl 41101114Mtt Co tty, 'tendered "his bond for State taxes in -the BUM of $8000.00,with the United StateeFidelity Company, - &e +tttrit f . 'ation' uhe*1 t et` J.E.Elliott,said bond was accepted by the following voteithose votingin the affi ttleatee4 :Prinee,Chm. T.A.Rirringtbn,& J.E.Elifott ;theie vdtin in. tXe r atIIle,nonee • � H.Williame treas.tendered his monthly repeft`jthe'lime was ordered filed. A 2Gregory County Surveyorttenddrel his resignation effect December the 30th,1905 ;thE.tme its aiioepted. Ordered,that J.A,Green•be.releasei.ef 1/2 double tax valued at• $180.00.1x'' r1. as such surveyor to take .,s i • • Orland in U.L.R.Townehip Ordered that J•J.Pleaeent,!.R.Love,Loueinda t aglais,•A.D.Jones, D.H.Trulove, Yre,Sarah West,G.B.Byrd,Guss RagtMxd,& C.H.Dewaribe•allowed to list their taxes for the year 3008. _ I S° Ordeeed'that D.J.Hare be releivedof poll tax ,for the year 1905. in Anderson's Cr. township -, • . Ordered that.Robt.Cutta (col) in Blast for the fear 19045. t Ordered that. D..E.Norden,in Black River - year 1.905t. P , - River township, be releived of poll tax 0 township, be releived of polltax for the 1 !UAL Ordered thalrFamnIptorkitidertin @.L.R.towpship be.relieved of poll tax for the year 1905. OhdeZtd %bat. L,.'T.Danieis,in Grove ` tCwnshipl -be relieved of poll tax for the year 1905. • Ordered that B.ntfilleirtin AversiSiro tedeshtp be,rehtivo iot poiitetntor,the year 1905. Ordered that EX Sheriff S.P.Salmon.be refundeil.the sum $24.20 amount over paid on final Battlement of .all differences with. County. r Ordered that Lexie T.smith, be relieved of 79 cents tax on 2 shares of bank stock it - ftppedring thhat the same should Mite "been_lieted to Lonnie Smith. ()Seined that IEdnry Overby,be aliened M3.QO fer Oaring for Vinta Gaskin,pauper,during Hine! Ordered that Cirtds Raffle( allollfd the sum of te.00 for caring for F.H.,Chrietian A. James Land Vary ash 4e are Children in.needy circuetstenoel. ■ Ordered that Sally A.Yarbrough ,be.allowed $5.O0.per month as pauper. • Ordered that G.D.Elliptt, be allowed 5.92 for repairs on VCBride bridge on lower Little River. r • • - • . • • Ordered that d.E.Elliott, be allowed tl2Q.0 ©,For replacing Elliotts bridge en lower Little River. Ordered that J.$.Ellj:ott,be allowed $3.80 repairli>t Ordered that C.F.Pope, be allowed j88.80for.holding 1 1411eillbridgeon lower little river. 19.S.ters'oourt. Ordered that J.A.Campbell admr. et.W.F.Pearson Sheriff, be allowed $50.80 for holdigg Sept.term ewperjtq• eVart. Ordered that.Harnett County Hewsube allpeeQ $5.00,for�publioatioas as per bill. "•ordered that John A.Buie be alloledj1.5Q for-repairing the gully bridge on Ilprthington road - " Ordered.that I".F.Hockaday, be allewsd 15.00 for keeping jail month of Nov. Ordered;ZhatDr.L.J.Arnold supt.ef iealth,ba ai1pwed'$15.00 for services as rev bill Ordered V,J.WPsµfe. altewed $27.50, for ryttirig bridge over Jones-Creek on well road. T Ordered that J.B.Lenier D.S.be allowed (1095 for Con-eying Fright Suries to Hospital at Goldsboro. Ordered that Edgar P, Ha, ington,bs.allpwed $11.b5,for conveying V.D.P"cLeod to State H ?- 5ospitai at Raleigh.„.., 1''. • 1 Qrdered that J.H.Wi thers,C.S.C. he allowed 6.3.0•for services es per bill. Ordered that 1.RJ'brgan,be allowed,$83#O9,for keeping oounty.home month of•Nov. Ordered that J.S.VcRae, be allowedt9 5 for repairing bridge on north Anderson creek. Ordered that A.L.Faucom,be allowed,$7.80 for keeping his brother month of Nov. Ordered that C.M_.Vuse,be allowed 4"12.50 for services es County atty. Ordered that Geo.E.Prince be allowed $13.40 for services as Comm.& mileage. 2 Ordered that Ordered that Ordered that drdered that MONDAY DECEMBER THE 4th 1905 CONTINUED. T.A.Harrington be allowed x`11.75 for services as Comm.& mileage. C.U.Skinner be allowed 15.50 for lumber& fixing bridge' on Black River. Rufus Lett be allowed $lt.OD for keeping Notthington ferry month of Nov. It.C.Stewart clerk'be allowed t31.ee for eervioes'ae per bill. t Ordered that Ambrose Doug],aaepbe allowed $2.00 for cleaning out court- hoijse -well. •Ordered that B.C.stewaaa P.J. bj allowed $129.03,tor "purehi §e q per bills rendered. drdered that J E.E1iibtt'be altdwed $10.50 /10f:1644444 ae oom�; � i egg r Ordered that the following bills of cost bq a1i0*d selsent dos fres May sad Sept. terms Bsastt ;eaper•ier Coast, . • rNo.29, State /N. Saubfin 'Jones. .. - 9ef *QN •,t, ee Solicitor 2.00 W.F.Pearson,ehfl..99 Win /4ptsas . legs 7No.P,State +V Jekr4w -,:3,. - -WOW VS. Will Stokes .asS•G. .14682' J.B.Lanier _1.09- .a t - r vs.Reubin Jones, 0.8.0. 2.60 solicitor 2.00 ,- .'.W.F•hareen Shff. ,76- $40.106•e :1.41. Will Holland, 1.45 No.30,State '/ 4. 8.P5 No.27,State vs. Nsubin Jones, 6.8.0 2.37 Solicitor 2.00 1 l W,P.Pssrsen Shff. lie Geo. Woodall 1.45 • " • a 0.3.0 -2.75 Solicitor 2.00 .F.Pearions • . ,45 Marion Lee 1.45 0.114* Pesrein 1.45 N0.28,• State vi. -Rsubtaviones, $.Sad No.31 No.26, • No.25, • • No.6, 17 No,19. No.20, No.21, / No.22, We.23. No.24. 'No.85. No.35. V No.30. Solicitor, 2.00 . .30 willie Jacks's,.1.4S' Tro H tt 145 y Bo 0.3:0. Solicitor, W.PsPeareot,. Ed Mitchell. _ C.S.C. Solicitor w.F.Pe tit on; A.T.Lee, . Ns.. 91v State •vg. .J W.R.Coats,7, _:1 W.F'.Pearson Shff. J.E.Lssiex' Sully Cooper, ',k►C.Bolloway, No.28. StsSe. vex , J.T.Butts, C.6. W.F.P., . . J.E.L., i • v No.84 Statp Vw. Richard McLean, 0.3.0 3.85 J.B;Zatilery .60 J.L.Smtthi jr•.te d:75- J7Wo.85,` Bats vs." ; • 1 John Stifles, ' 0.S.t43.97 660 . J.L.Smith,' .50 Ndye2, flat* VS. Robt.Surles, 0.S.06.95 S.B.Laniera_120Q- 5.25 43.9E .80 ..30 .50 •50 Go 309$ .30 --7736- 7< •2.f6 2.00 .60i State vs. Zack Marks, O.S.C. 14.60 " • Archie Knight, C.S.C. 5.82 . l • ^3iB.Lalnieri' --4:4S- 3.62 • 360„ _cat_ • 5.96 " M.J.Smith, A " ;• ' * " $oe ttyler, • E.S.Weet, C.S.C. 3.92 "J:B.Laniereif, '.69 ' ' -4162- " Joe McCormisk,' C.S.C. •` 3.96 J.B.Lenier, .60 • r --4.8g C.S.C. J.E.Lsnisr, 0.8.01 E.P.Harrington, .75 J.B.Lsnieri'• • .60 -4:56` " Wm. MoLeszv C.S.C. • J.P.Lsnier, " Frank McNeill C.S.C. J.B.Lanier, " R.A.•oore, C.S.C. W.F.Pearso n, R.F.dernigan, J.B.Lanier, Sully Cooper, A.C.Holloway, • " E.G.Johnson C.S.C.• W,F,Pearson, J.r.Lanier, A.C.follorray, Sully Cooper, 3.70 _ too_• 4.30 3.05. .60 3.65 .80 .8A• .30 .50 6.55 3.95 C .30 .50 .50 No.Sh State .vs. Wm.Smith J.E.Latrier JO W.F.Pearaoni.4 _ lio.159. -State vs.' Albert Covinigton, C.S.0 3.90 W.F.Pearscn, .30 J.B.Lanier, .30 4760- 10.564 Stating. P.liwnse ass° S.95 0.D.Stewart, .75 • 'J.B.Ser .30 '5.56' fo.e7 -. State vs. Gilbert Campbell, 030 3.95 C.D.Stewart, .50 • J.EJLautier, 4.9E No.55. State ve. AaL/Tsylor,• CSC 3.95 !.P.Earrington 1.10 .50 - -5.95- J.E.L. Ne169. "State -vs. Gus Smith, 0 W.F.P} J.E.L No.49. State ve. •Rafe isbeill, 080 WFP JBL Nc.44. State vs. Dan Lucue, CSC • • W,F.P • JIM 3.65 .30 .30 Inea- 3.9E .8c .3C 5.6E` 3.9E 1.3C .3C -5:5E- ie.se. s ate is. J.C.idlht CSC 3.95 PPP JBL .80 .3C No.66. State ve. Luther Reid, CSC 3.22 !FP .60 Vivian McLean 6.03 ed No.69. State vsV Sam G. Williams, d No.70. 1State, vet Fr/ ,, MONDAY DECEMBER TFHE 4th1905 eontinued, C.B.Q. J.B.I 3.95 .S'0 -3'"35' v. Demity Martin, CSC 3.65 (Vary SMit10- Isaac Cutts, No.17 Statewskt, v i 1 No. 80. State vs. Ellwood ideeeredck, Reubin Jones,, .8— CSC ' Solicitor, E.P..Andereon . E.Lee, C.P.She:3si..:- 1,7 Mari n ' Ses a Weabt ors Walk. aY, Jellet Hinton, 1.88 A.771,ee 2.45. *, S.$*►�al�o, 2.p0 Jerry Byrd, __s2.5`. CSC 3.07 - WFP ..30` LL i n 4$- 16 D. Godfreyl . 80" m«. nan6 vs. p, t 4.68 No.37. State ve. 2.00 er 3.849tephenson, 7J . 1 .. , t t :a., ,, it, .1 F Riohareon, 4.40 i .i.2. b;80 • yC�SpC 5.550} !F 1:85 csp S,g§ • 'VT* . J84i t jfl W en. Weatherl .50 r, zfrigL rand Taal t a870, • Sinew tel ow. Ordered that sigylr.;boards be put up at` Il,11 ton and Averasboe4,' steel bridgee,aenepe the Gape Pear a -stern the people tern . a • Ct1 noI H Ftic are;. said bond wes unenl Said Modee,eame fore into offio e. heed Constable_iri toi$t hiv th a being tied is eta Don i tme sum f -4ly accepted and, *MOo%ded ili`record::1; and qualifi.Cailo -to•law before G4o•.E8Pr The clerks repoit•tor Deo. 1905. b[" Amount allowed Monday December 4th,.19014tt General County fund:. Bridge Pauper Total amount • 'c: Amount issued Releases M ,t^ .1 M allowed Deo. I^6 tax - ,,,'.f Dec. 6 pond d! $fsb= On land. , toter. . Respectfully t 4 44 ^rtu..1 0-9?•27 ted, • I � yY� /z �y / ►.tY"�. -r ±sip_ -� - F.iet ?fy 3 tag aau a by tre rec}pn 0' lh r. Smith,ae surjty _ciw4f Bonds - nce{Rhnii and was duly induct WO .. .i. yrt;'4 !lC .i tt R M'4lx .o; f,, Qilr,':''JJ . Li ?'.? I I. i _ _ l;rtodeA ;,W, .. ,stal „:Lwi v v/