07101906Monday July the 9th,d -1906. Board County Commissioners met as per adjournment,July the 2nd, Present, Geo.E.Prince,T.A.Harrington,and J.E.Elliott, All the Township tax books were returned and accepted,except Black River,Grove,.and Lillington. Ordered that the following notice be sent to the Erwin Cotten Mills Company, ToErwin Cotten Mills Company: - You will take notice that on the first monday in August,1906, the Board of Commissioners of Barnett County will take steps to increase_ the tax valuation of your property in.Duke Township,at which time you will be given an opportunity tb.be heard upon said matter. This July the 9th, 1906. Ordered that releases to the amount of $99.72 be allowed on the insolvent list,the same having been found to be,on property improperly listed. The settlement of the Sheriff wag made in full for all taxes foi th04ear 1905,and filed the following Clerks report for July,1906. Amount allowed upto and including June 1906, $4586.45 Amount allowed July 1906, General County funds, $273.50 Pauper " 241.50 Bridge " 163.05 Total amount July " 678.05 Total amount allowed to date, $5264.50 Total releases to date, $174.66 Respectfully submitted Clerk. Approved