05051906/1 !M -or n — ; AY ^tr lnrr, cnr.mTrnen, r that the Harnett County hews be allo7ed ""7.00 for publication ad per bill. Ordered that L. . . Lp Fn be a-11°,end it a- r: l •.i ? - G,., �. q'' rg 5 ��`O� °p ins Cc.-.r, j f. - c :1.. +... L. ti e7cr`.Ate- . _;.l L- 11. Ordar'i `.1t . J. 1^ " ^r ^1.nn 11. • Ordered that Jno. Rogers & Co. be allowed 4.00 far drugs furnished innate at County Home. Ordered that P.. L.'Pa^.rsall be .711"n d lc_ a; furnished ouside p :or. Ordered that J. L. •1117:i. 'HT.AArT.re 2C7 un made J. A. Stewart tlealipainting steal bridge at Lillington. Ordered bpcthe Board that J. R. Franklin be teleased from double tax to the amcunt.of In Upper Little River Township, it appearing then he owned only'the timber right on the lard listed in his name and that the timber has since been purchased by the reAlistcr -Foss Lurber Ccrrer;; , who were not at fault that the rropertj. r -.s 'mot lintel 'or ,a.__aCi.ar. Clerks report for May,1906. Amount allowed upto and including'April, n " May, General County funds Pauper Bridge Total amount allowed to date, Releases on property Total releases to date, Respectfully submitted, -1 Approved •6.38 $65.99 Clerk, • • $3494.(1 228.72 66.25 205.00 $5994.48 f1f r'