01011906MONDAY JANUARY let, 1906. Board of County Commissioners Met,present, Geo.E.Prince,T.A.Harrington,& J.E.Elliott, J.H.W111iame Treae. presented bit monthly report,the'same was ordered filsd, _ . It appearing to the board that William Johnson was absent from the County at tax listing time,it is ordered thatsaid Johnson be released of 1/2 Double tax. Ordered that .County of Wakb be allowed $13.10 expenses of Marish McNeill.• The retort of J B.Lanier,'D.S., on la ing on-public road from J.G.Johnsons to the-Worthington Ferry Road,near WM.Arnolda,was approved. Ordered that D.H.MoLean be allowed $10.00 for professional servioeses. Ordered that H.C.Stewart,ba allowed $100. bal. on soot. ma dung tai books. Ordered that C.M.Muse,be allowed$12.50 for sarrvioeses as atty. Ordered that W.F.HOIt.6y,be allowed $25.45 for keeping Jill Deo.100110 Ordered that H.C.Stewart,P.A. be allowed $45..65 for purchases as per bill Ordetbd that H.O.Stewart olerk, be allowed $22.50 foi servioeses. Orderer that the Williak Reardon Mary Tilton, Phoeby Massey, John Thomas, Sarah Arnold, Jean Turner, Judea McLean, Ann McLean.-- • - Charity McLean Nancy McLean, Savvl th, ��ly SSat Milly Coffield,' Charlotte Moore, Nancy Douglass Caroline Cox, Leah Cox, Any Ann Stewart, A.W. Stewart, Melly Giles, Sophia Buie, » Mints G#skin, 6 »00•; Ordered that the following Jurors be drawn for Feb. term Court, following $1 l:08 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3. 5.0 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 12.00 6.00 1.00 S Holliday® Widow, 3 00 amounts be allowed out Geo.Ha,rgroves a'Wifo, Hilliard Sehnsoa,. ` , Carro Vxendins, William Oaepbell,• Lucy J.Bradleyr. •f- Martha Johnson, John Hamm, Ellen Baker, Caroline McNeill, Lille O'Quinn, Susan Stone, 3.1f.Re$ve4, JaOO Gardner, M.H.Brown & wife, Nanoy Hare, Dolly Hare Harriett Williams, Tom Blackmon,. A.L.Barnes, Nancy Hughes, Hfdey0hilyygrren, side poor. • Wm s.00. 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 9.045 4.06 161.40. s.00 6,00 5.00 0.00 5.00 6.00 3.00 3.00 .,. . , First Week • J.J.MoKay U.LR. W.A.Deal B.R. D.T.Doouugpclase, Barbeoue, A.N.Sexton, N.Or. A.J.Cutte • • Mosses Tripp, Averasboro, Alex O'Quinn, U.L.R. J.F.rhilli s, Averasboro, J.M.RofgesSr. S.ur. J.R.Mitohell, N.Or. Owen Houston, Averasboro, Dunoan Math lar e, _ - Ed J.MoNeill, A.Ap.JohnsO9t, Rectors Cr. J.B.Sorrell, Averasboro, S.Anson Harrington,U.L.R: o.P.Godwin, Averasboro, D.O.Harrington,U.L.RL Seeond week M John W.Jorden, Averaeboro, orrris G.*older,Bgrbeew, .J.Howington, 1. Rile �yv,,HHolder, Duke D.O.Faulkner, '•L• A.C.W.Oarter, .R. orn, rove, B.R. W.A.Repves• washers, J.E.Brryyan Liilington, J.W.Nolmod, Grove, John. EJprnigan,Averasboro, J.R.Matthews, N.O1. D.A.MoNeill, U.L.R. Arohibaid Baker,Buokhorn, R.F.Hii}iard, .Or. W.H.PPeelle, E e o Mhanan, O.s.D. Alex o sonJr. . $•Nd• cell, Averasboro, R. . ng on, oat, A •Or. f.�.6l+c , D.L.R. rop A.S.Bsgn, U.A. J.E.Holmes Aversabore, Jasper Byrd, S.Or. J.A.Morgan, B.R. D.M.Johnson, H2Or. Clem Hockaday, J.O.Senter, D.J.MOOorquodale,A,Or. J.E.Butts, B.R. JuneaW.Barnes, Averasboro, • The Board oonsidered the swell bide filed for the construction of a new jail,and itbeiag ascertained ,that the Pauly Jail Building Oo.,had filed a bid for #6860. and it appearing that the saes/ was the lowest bid filed,the eontrsot was let to the Pauly Jail Building Co., Ordered that 8.F.Young, be allowed $4.08 amount of taxes paid by him on property over valued. Qrdered that A.L.Bauoom,be allowed $7.30 for board of J.A.Bauoomb, days. Ordered that O.M.Muse,be allowed $10. amount allowed for advertising, for bid on jail. Ordered that Rufus Lett,be allowed $10. for keeping Worthington Ferry Month of Deo. Ordered that M.R.Morgan,be allowed $42.88 for keeping County Rom month of Deo. Ordered that Harnett County News Be allowed $1. for publishing minutes of Deo. muting of Board. 0ritred that H.O.Stewart let out No ton Ferry to lowest bider ea bider to give bond in the gum of�. Clerks report for Jan. 1906. 5 Monday Jan. let, 1906. Continued Clerks report for Jan. 1906. Amount allowed Dec. 1905, Jan. 1906,' General County funds, $252.08 Pauper 270.18 $989.40 Total 522.25_ Total emt.upto dinoludingJanl511.86, Total aeleteee todate $16.17 Respeotfuliy Submitted, ]MONDAY FEBRUARY 5th, 1908, Board of County Commissioners met., present Geo. E. Prince, J. E. Eliot and T. A. Harrington. Ordered that an election be held at some point within district on March 1B 1908, upon the question involving the establishment of a Stock law district with4,n the following boundaries.. Beginning rt the 'crossroads a little flottl 1t. PisgnY- Cl. -_c._ rrr, Lfbtac F:sc-? t+2t:i rc rn. ",' Lc Daniel f an.ingtar.' y, ' " "1 L r_ 1 cLt h,1s 1 i::.� icre'_ 1L;, Holly Spring Church and with the road leading to J. C. Thor.as's as far as Moore Count:- line tl en with- the Moore County line "tr tMe place of widow Louis •Keflys .That J. A. Ragland be appointed tegistrar; that M. J. McNeill and C. B. Mc- Neill and C. B. McNeill be and they axe hereby appointed poll holders for said election. It is further ordered that said election be advertised as the law directs. This February 5 1906. if C.. ,Stewart having beenappoi,uted a..pen nittep to let out the Northing - ton Perry filed his report the same was accepted. Rufus Lett 'having beet awarded the keeping of the Northington at$jl5per month filed hie bond in -the siai of,42O0..00 with E. F. Herrington as duiity the was accepted and ordered recorded of official bonds. The report of A. L. Bauoom D. S. on laying out public roads leading frog^ the road near L. F. Arnold'. place to C. K. Smith's was approved. A petition signed by T. B. Lanier, B. F. Parker and others asking for the establishment of a public .road From Ceaxberry to^'public road near J. G. Brown's was filed and ordered adverieed SO days. • Ordered that L. R. Qo; be and he is hereby appointed overseer of Stock law' territory in Upper Little River township and Barbecue Township with full power to look after, repairs and care dor the fences surrounding, said Sto ck law district and the Treasurer is authorized )o pay orders drawn by him for such repairs and put of any fund in hand- belonging jto said district. This February 5 1908. Ordered that J. F. Shaw be and he is hereby appointed Superintendent for the County for the purpose of overlooking the work of building jail and record rooms for Harnett County. ` - This February 5 1908. Ordered that C. M. Muse be and he is hereby appointed County Attorney at a salary of #12.50 per month until December 1st 1906. C. F. Pope Sheriff of Harnett County having filed his report of taxes col- lected under schedule B and 0 the same was accepted and ordered recorded in record of afffcial reports. J. H. Withers, C. S. C. having filed his offio /a! "snort the same was acoe-- ted and ordered recorded in official reports. J. H. Williams Treasurer of Harnett County, presented his official report the same was ordered filed. The Pauly Jail Building Co. having filed their bend in the sum of t6,seo.00 with The National Surety Co. as surety , the same was accepted and ordered filed. Ordered that John Douglas col. be, relieved of one half double tax in U. L. R. Township. Ordered that W. H. Stone be permanehtly relieved of poll tax in Barbecue Township. This February 5, 1906. Ordered that John B. Dupree be relieved of 14.69 one half of double Tax on