06051911Monday June 5th 1911 County Comissioners Met in regular session, Present V.C. Mathews Chm J.E. Wilson, B.F. Williams D.P. McDonald, /S'% la Minits of last meeting read and approverd and the Board proceeded to transact such business as regul- ary came before it. Ordered that the Mena election on the Bond issue for good roads in Harnett county according to the Act of the General Assembly of 1911 the last Thursday in July that is to say the 27th day of July 1911. and th the following registrars and Poll holders are appointed to -wit: Anderson creek Township Registrar H.D. McDonald Judges Duncan MoArtan, and Duncan Darrock, Averasbdro No 1 Registrar V.L. Stephens,Judges J.J. Lane ,J.D. Edzell, No 2 Registrar J.F. Wilson , Judges E.Lee. 0.P. Shell Barbecue Registrar John Darrock, Judges J.A. Clark Edgar Harrington, Buckhorn Registrar Joe Cade Judges Van Harrington, Fulton Lanier, Black River Registrar J.A. Hockady Judges Joe Williams Willie Wilson. Duke Registrar Arthur Fowler, Judges H.V. Moulton E.S. Yarborough, Grove Registrar J.A. Stewart, Judges P.F. Pope R.M. Coats Hectors creek Registrar A.L. Baughcom Judges M.McN ,McKay W.A. Mathews, Johnsville Registrar H.A. Morrison, Judges R.B. Caneron T.M. Douglass, Lillington Registrar J.N. Fuquay, Judges N.S. Green J.A. McLeod, Neils creeek Registrar R.B. Crowder Judges W.A. Green T.L. Reardon, Stewarts creek Registrar B.A. Dollar Judges Hassie Truelove , D.J. Parker, U.L. River # 1 Registrar D.M. McLean Judges W.A. Page , W.M. Hawley #2 Registrar T.A. Harrington Judges J.A. Buckanan , G.P. Mims C.J. Smith having been elected Recorder by the Comissioners of the Town of Dunn the Election was con - firmed by this board. J.W. Whitehead having been elected Vice Recorder by the Comissioners of the Town of Dunn his Election was also confirmed by this board. Upon report of the Jury laying off a public road from the bridge at the end of Cicero Barefoots lane to the,end of S.G. Neighbors lane, on motion it is ordered that said report be confirmed,.From this order the Objector Cicero Barefoot on behalf of himself and others gave notice of an appeal on said order and all prior orders . Said report is as follows:. May 3rd 1911 We the undersigned Comissioners being duly Summand and qualified by law laid off county road from the bridge at end of Cicero Barefoots lane to end of S.C. Neighbors lane, We the said Comissioners assessed the damages to Cicero Barefoot to be a benefit same to S.C. Neighbors estimate road to be an improvement to both parties. M.R. Butler (seal) W.J. Hodges (seal) Witness M.G. Lee W.S. Mclamb (seal) G.M. Lee (seal) F.N. Butler (seal) Comissioners Signed before J.W. Turnage Deputy Sheriff of the same county. G.D. Spence having put the bridge across the creek at his mill in first class condition, the road leading from W.H. Leas to C.B. Smiths is reestablished as a public road, V.C. Mathews ChM Apetitiom signed by tits some of the Citizens of the Town of Dunn N.C. for a joint meeting of this board with the Comissioners of the Town of Dunn, to appoint a cotton weigher for the Town of Dunn N.C. was granted and said Meeting will be held 1st Monday of July 1911 at 10, oclock in the Court House in Lillington. Ordered that B.J. Bell, a Confederate Veteran be and he is hereby authorized to peddle without license until this order be revoked. and E.F. Young be appointed a special Comittee Ordered by the Board that A.M. Shaw, clerk of this board'be directed to ascertain by settlement with the former board of Road Comissioners.of Lillington Township what am- ount of money has been collected under the special tax levyied for the roads of Lillington Township and what amount has been expended on same and report to the board at the next meeting V.C. Mathews Chm Ordered by the Board that the Sheriff of Harnett county pay to the County Treasurer any money that may be due the Lillington Public roads under the special taxlevy heretofore levied under the Lillington Township Road Law and the county treasurer is hereby directed to pay out said money to the road comiss- ioners of Lillington Township under theit order for the Improvement of the public roads of said Township. V.C. Mathews Chm, The Following release was made for Neillcreek Township Call Mathews for Poll listed twice by mistake State 12cts School $1.35, County 38cts Total $2.15. The following orders were allowed to -wit: From the pauper funds, For Medicine furnished daring quarintine E.R. Thomas DrugCo. Allowed $ 5.70 ¥ 11 " PaupeAs McPherson " 15.35 — " Supplies " quarintine W.D. Holland " 9.50 Je-- " Making coffin for pauper Clinton McNeill " 2.00 - Keeping pauper for one month N.I. Reardon 2 10.00 " Total from the pauper funds $ 42. 55 > From the general county funds *i member of the Board of Hetath for one day J.D. Edzell " • " " J.M. Shaw II " Chas Highsmith " F ®r convoying Grand jurors to Dunn W.F. Marsh jr For pump tor Court house well Job P. Wyatt and sons " " advertising tax rounds for Sheriff J.P. Pitman " " bringing prisoners to county jail J.W. Turnage " " board of Jurors May Term court J.E. Caverniss " to surveying county line G.E. Prince " " printing court calendars and other court matters Harnett Reporter " • cost of Military company in Akien case J.B. Lanier Sheriff It n n of conveying of prisoners " to holding May term of the Superior Court • bringing John Coats to Jail " " Bill of Sheriff of Wilson County " " Bill of D.P. McDonald County comissioner " of C.H. Biggs for Keeping county Jail 18 o V.C. Mathews Chm of Board of Comissioners " Bill for court Janitor Sam Shaw " 8.00 k ▪ Goodwin and Smith for carpet for She iffs off#ce 2 -. 4 Keeping Northington ferry one month 12 a -tc- ?-_ ^-1-4,1 4.00d* 4.00 x- 4.00 6.00 eh. 18.55 k 9.00 8.10 )c 4.88 -" 67.25 11.50 k 45.00 It 19.40 X 59.90 h 8.35 k 7.50)' 4.00'' 89.90* 50.00 x 'A T) Monday June 5th continued. For Hill rendered as Clerk of the Board A.M. Shaw was allowed " Purchasing agent for county " Supt of Health Dr L.J. Arnold Bills of Cost Itemized below F.H. Taylor '1 " " 2' 11 /4I9!, fl $ 11.054. 134.68+ 6.25k 258.6. -r ite Utw d 4) 4( q To al froiµ the county funds $ 884 .09 otal allowed from all county Ifunds 0 9a 2 79 To A.M. Long was allowed to come from the Buckhorn Hectors creek fence funds to come from no other funds. $13.75 To W.H. Turlington was allowed to come from the $150.00 appropiated to the farmers aid movement and to come from no other $10.00 State against John Small $ 3.76 4 M.H. William 8.00-% - " " 6.98 k 16.53 'r " W Williams 5.23 ¥ " D. Thompson 7.95 4 " D Holliday 6.50 k " A. Waddell 15.10 * " D. Holliday 18.95 * " C. McKay 40.554 ' W. Gray et 76.78 h ' P Searlset 7.78 " M.K. Williams 44.75 } Total Approved ---- L- = - - - -- $25846 4 Respectfully Submitted, Monday July 3th 1911 • Comissioners met in regular session-present V.C. Mathews Chm ,D.P. McDonald, J.E. Wilson. B.F. Williams J.N. Fuquay, having been appointed Comissioner to fill the vacancy made by the regisnation of A.F. John- son took the oaths precribed by law and was duly inducted into the office of Comissionr. On motion of J.N. Fuquay the question of reconsidering the action of the board in regard to the cot- ton weigher of the Town of Dunn, was carried and a motion to concur with the Town Comissioner of Dunn in the election of R.C. McNeill was made by Mr Fuquay and was carried. On motion of J.E. Wilson it was ordered that the good road election heretofore ordered to be held on July 27th 1911 be and the same is hereby called off and the Poll holders and Registrars heretofore appointed are discharged and the Clerk of the Board is hereby ordered to notify them of the same and the Registrars are ordered to turn in the books and this Election is called to be held on November 7th 1911. Alien M. Shaw Clerk I -� .14 The question of D.H. McLean property being listed-by error in the Lillington School District Was left off-till next Monday. The report of the Grand Jury for the May Term of the Superior Court was received and ordered filed. On motion of J.N. Fuqay it was ordered that J.C. Clifford Atty be authorized to confer with the Com, of Humberland county in regards to the new Territory annexed to Harnett county from Cumberland co., and if Necessary to bring suit to decide the question of the tax list. The report of the Special School election of Grove district # 7 for Special tax was received and ordered filed and recorded. - Report of the Special School Election of Grove no number given was received and ordered filed and recorded: The report of the Town Election of Angier was received and ordered filed and recorded. The report of the Jury of Grove Township in laying off the public road from the Johnston county line near Bethel Church to the Coats and Benson road near John W. Williams was read and rejected and a new survey by a new jury was ordered. - We the undersigned Comissioners duly summoned and qualified by law to lay out a county road in Harnett county Averasboro Township at the Termination of Harnett Street Dunn N.C. to the Public road at L.D. Ennis house did meet and lay out said road and do assess the Damages to be nothing to any party. Signed J.R: Godwin (seal) W.J. Hodges (seal) Jas A. Taylor (seal) Signed in the presence of J.B. Lanier Sheriff by J.W. Turnage Deputy Sheriff, A petition to lay out a public road from Barclaysville towards Lillington to the N.V. Hare Mill and pass over the following lands:- A.B. Currin W.H. Flowers M.F. Barbour Eli Haggett, R.S. Mathews J.W. Flowers J.A. Mathews John Williams J.F. Jones and B.E. Mathews was received and ordered filed and advertized. A petition for a public road to be layed off from the town of Buies Creek to Barclaysville and to connect with a new road near Eli Baggetts and will pass over the lands of the Followings persons :- W.A. Fobbes N.W. Gregory J.K. Upchurch N.R. Gregory J.A. Mathews W.R. Spence Lander Mathews T.C. Cutts T.J. Mathews Walter Flowers and Eli Baggetts was received and ordered filed and advertized.