07071913.7,2 Monday July 7th 1913 County Ooaisaioners met in regular session, present J.R. Williams Chairman, B.F. Williams, P.F. Pope, D.L. Segter T.A. Barrington, E.F. Young Attorney, full board present. The Minatos of last meeting were read and approved, '!5s list of =aside poor was read and received witb,poue minor ohangss and some additlpn ?o -fits Logan MoDougald was added to the list at *4.50 per quat;tor Fsriby Williams at $3.00 per quarter As Moors at $12.00 per quarter. On motion of P.D. Pops all road questions from the East Site of Cape Fear River was posponed until first Monday of Noeepor. Comisaioners adjournod untill One Oclock,_ The report of the Election for Bonds for Rip School Building for Lillington High School: was received and ordered filed and recorded . see resort of Elections page 66 terns , at a special Election held on the 15th day n of April 1913, in Da Graded School District, in Avorasboro Township,pursuant N gn act of the General Assembly-of 1912, in which Eloetion parenant to said Act an additional tam of TS cents on $100.00 valuation of Property, and 22} cents on each taxable Pell purposes was authorised to be levied. And Whereas, this be9E2wad: npt advertent to said Act, or to said Election at the time of the general levy of tames ads at its session on the first Monday in June ,1913, and hence a special tax nkj of 30 Mats only on each $100.00 valuation and 90 cents only on each taxable Poll was levied. Mow. Thsrifore, to said Act of the General Assembly as ratified by said special election the levy of fpeoial School tau in said District heretofore made is hereby admended so as to read 37* cents An each 1100.00 valuation of taxable property, and 1.12* cents on eaoh taxable poll. It is ordered by the board that a special school tax of 30ats on saoh $100.00 vauation of Property and 90 ots on each taxable poll in addition to taxes general or special heretofore levied on persons and subjects of taxation in school district # 4 od Black River Township, pursuaat•to an Act of the General ASssmbly of 1913 as ratified•by an Election held in said Distriot on May 200 1913. Atter revising the Jury list for 191E and passing the orders to meet Monday July 14th with the Beard of list takers. The following orders were allowed from the pauper funds J.L. Stewart for bringing 2 Paupers to Bounty home 1265 B.F. Norris for keep of Poor at County Rome 266 Caroline Cox for surport #267 Sale Baker • #268 Ellen Baker • #269 Lavenia Baker • #270 Susan Baker • #271 J.A. Bangbooa • #272 Geo Hargrove • #273 O.Y. Jackson • #274 Hilliard Johnson • #275 Lavenia Mathews • #276 Archie Mathews • #277 E d Mitchell • #278 Richard McNeill • #279 #280 John• s Thoamaas • #281 Owen Williams • #282 Sam Young • #283 W.B. Robson Guard " Alex Wood #284 D.J. Porter • #285 Willie Douglass • #286 J.R. Strickland • #287 Martha Johnson 0 #288 Rachel McLean • #289 Logan Aanis Eor 1bDougal0 #291 Stephen Arnold • #292 Millie Mathews Revoked net issued #293 Evan Davis a #294 Feriby Williams a #295 Amos Moore • #296 Total from the pauper AlletnO free the county funds: - L.Y. later for burial of soldier J.M. Dade • W.H. Fausstt • Widow J.L. Botcher • W.J. Smith keeping Eerthernton Ferry B.F. Harrington services Pension Beard • Hugh McLean J. B. Williams Cha • J.A. Stewart Services Pension Board J.G. Johnson Quarantine 0!fioor A.M. Maw Purchasing Agent for county A.M. Neat Olerk of Board D.H. Stewart Treasurer J.R. Mitchell Jailer F.R. Taylor 0.5.0. I.W. Smith Sheriff W.F. Marsh Jr holding Election &returning Board Orane Plumbing Oe work on jail Total from county funds :•$ itiaesed bolow the Oomiseioners adjourned -- 42.606- 3.000- 6.00 3.000° 15.000- 3.000- 15.00' 12.000- 12.00 ✓ 12.00 ✓ 12.00'0 9.00 ✓ 6.000' 3.00 ✓ 9.00✓ 10.000.- 15.00✓ 9.00 ✓- 8.00 "" 12.00' 3.00 ✓ 12.00'- 6.00 3.00 r 9.00 ✓ 7.50 ✓ 3.00'0 3.00 v 3.00 b- 12.00 h- funds $270.10 �- #597 698 #699 #600 #602 #603 1604 605 606 ##607 608 809 #614 #615 l6 17 $ 20.00 '- 20.00 k 20.00 be 20.00 1b ✓ ! 2. 2.00✓ 2a.Oo!: 2.00"° 31.00✓ 154.22 6.- 12.65 r" 50.00▪ . 17.90' 7.60 ✓ 14.80 r 4.001e 61.55 490.72 f ISO a�Y Monday July 7th 1913 Continued, .Allowed from the Bridge -funds :- - H.G. Thomas- for repairing bridge in Lillington- Townehip #612 -# 2.60 Total from all county hinds:- c 'SOW Bridge funds 8.60` County we $ 490.72 Pamper MOOS 870.10 Totsl from all funds county $ 765.38 v Allowed from the Buckhorn Hectors Creek fence funds W.T. Morgan #866 •4 2.00 Allowed fres the 4300,00 prewitet for farm Demonstration workee C.McArtan #610 120.00 W.R. Turlington #611 $80.00 Total $40.00 Leawing en hand for this purpose 340.00 44 Yi ch. Respectfully submitted, Allen L _Shag Clerk Monday:July 14th 1913 comissioners met with the list takers. Present J.H. Williams Ohm B.B. Wf liarps: :T.A. Harrington 4dkt W.L. Senter Listtakers present And Greek H.D. McDonald Averasbpro M.Z0 Wads Barbecue T.W. Harrington $lack River.J.A..Hookady Buckhorn W.A. Avant Grove J.A. Stewart Hectors Creek J.A. Smith Neills Creek John Green Stewarts Creek D.J. Parker U.L. River J.B. F. Stewart. After going event the lista and noting the unlisted the beefs were acocpted.ani the Chm was authorized to notify the unlisted to show cause why they._ahgild show cause why they,ahouli not be returnee to the Grand juty for non listing of taxeae _ Qomissiones adjourned Respectfully submitted Apr �, a2 �� a Chm A.M. Shaw Clerk �.c