03031913A F) do Mio Monday March 3rd 1913 County Cemissioners met in regular Session present J.H. Williams Chm B.F. Williams W.L. Senter P.F. Pepe T.A. Harrington Full board present. The following releases were made Barbecue Township R.L. Braffrd Johmssnv$i1.s • E.T. Merebburn 8, hirer tsn;hip W.F. . Yount , _;er. Prsp.rt $676.00 *Ste 1.4 Soh 1.49 County 1.60 Bends 41 Lyili*gtn R.W. Stewart •C01 Pell St 12 Soh 1.60 0, SB_ Soille Oreek A.J. Ennis Land 41000.00 St 2.50 Soh 2.20 . Total Releases State . . ... Soh A.A. Erafferd Reek branch Special School • 0.12 ▪ 5.16 rialw”1 OMADred land , 0. H Peasant Aceres 67 Val $1OOP 876 rds Meek Brach' Angier Angie Ssh000l 0. .2.37 bonds 60 4,5.1 61.33 4.56 1.0.1 $14.86 9.18 2.02 Grand Total $26.0.6 March 3rd 1913 Ti the Honorable beard of County Cemissioners Goamtleman I, beg': to submit herewith my resignation as Coroner of Harnett Bounty to take effect at once. . _ Signed Ha].ford above regisnatien was accepted and W.F. Marsh Sr was by a unansmsus elected is Es f0:11 unoxpitad term as coroner. We the uogare• ggned Citizens of Hectors creek Township petition to the bear. of County Coalssionors ter a public 110.4 beginning at the top of Hectors creek hill and extending to Kipling C.R. Prince Atlas Johnson L.O. Ssator, R.T. Johnsen N.A. Smith T.B. Mathews R.O. Sinter J.A. Cotten J.C. Sinter D.T. Grady C.E. Watson, The road was ordered to be laid off at once without the usual delay of 30 days retie,. , Oa metier and carried the Chm & B.F. Williams are directed to view the roads now in dispute in B River and Neills creek townships and report at the next meeting of the board the most suitable one to have laid eu,. On motion of B.F. Williams it mas ordered that the Jonesboro Road pet#ttms report be not atoptedtill the next mooting so as to be investigated by r:s P.F. Pope. On Motion it • was ordered that F.M. P. McLeod place a cover en McLeods Bridge in U.L. River at the pries of 42.00 per hundred feet. On motion of T.A. Harrington it was ordered that the Plan and pr•persition#3 of the Pauldy Jail Co. as put before the comissieners by their contractor mr Smith being present with the Blue prints and specifacatisns, the same was adopted at the contract pries of $1580.00 andthe contract for the same was signed.. On Motion of Mr Harrington it was ordered that Mr C.D. Hawley have charge of the Engine pump and tank of the.seurtheuss and jail at the price of $12.00 per month and house rent and also be paid the sum of $84.00 for the past seven months. - . . Ordered by the board that the Insurance •n the Court house and Jail be equalized as near as p=ssshls praetable between H.T. Spears and J.C. Thompson. On motion the following parties were placed en the pauper list Miley Mathews at $8per month and appli- cation to be made to get her in the Asylum It was •rdere that the Sheriff% take Kattie Pee frenthe home of J.B. Patterson and carry her to the county home,and J.R. Patterson to be paid the sum of $5 for having kept her 5 weeks On motion D.J. Porter of Duke was allowed 46, for keep of Pauper On motion Annie Norden of Angier was allowed the sum of $2,50 Oa action Susan Baker was allowed the sae of $ 3, and all of the above parties was place en the regular list of outside peer. $2.02 2.90 7.21 $$000 a- 7.67 The the J.W. vote The Beni' et.W.J. Smith Ferryman for Northingten Ferry was accepted and ordered f iled and moored. The reps# --at- -the- GraadJvs +-e#' --use- February term of Superior Court was received and filed to be recorded in the B•ekief :Oficial reports. The report of D.B. Stewart County Treasurer ending with December 912 was received ordered filed ant recorded And the following amounts of county seript was turn in and cancelled to end with the - Fiscal year 1911 -12 from December 1912 the county treasurer will be paid a salary of $50.00 per month. and his Bond foes paid by the county. . Bridge Orders Cansellod 858.69 These vouchers to be oherged to the treasurers Cis, Ohara Camselied .4767.484v account to balance his account prior to December - Pauper orders dwelled 448.83/& nd 3932. Jury ?Sokoto Caaaiied . 535.15 -Special Seeds Ordtr a 2892.47 B& R•sr frsok !nee [1.'71 : 18.60 X38_ r The- tellowtag- Bounty- Yeaahsra- -were received and cancelled and to be credited to the account of the eeen9 ,treasurer for the fiscal year beginning with Desember 3 1912 Pauper orders esnesllsd $ 504.68-/ Cnht! Mors eaneelled 2681.91 LIZriebts ' 719.15 Ba.k brsl *n Csosk Fonoe 16.00 Duke Stook law • 600.00 Bend Spssiai Funds 88 soaping of $25 Sash 1799.0q '7.n. 2-4 e -Pr•A. 24-t-r' u -b"- 5-67.2- 6 a- a,o The mule at the county home was rented t• the keeper of the county home ter the sum of $30.00 for the seaser The Insurance Policies on the Court house Jail and county house were received and the premiums inthe amount of $87..90 was ordered paid. The fsllowing•eounty orders and Stae Against Ed Messer • M.T. Young and of Mack Truelove • Jim Smith John McNeill Call MsLsanM James Henry McLean Trey Murchison J.H. Moore and Et Jim Oats • Tom Jones E.A. Eavins Henry Carroll bills of cost were allowed :- $ 12.95 18.88 The t•llswing ameuntt - were 8.88 pauper tondo:- 34.98 W.H. Gregory far burial of outside 3.128 W.B. Hobson fete A.Z. word - 3.70 D:$: *Donald ~pert of 2 papers C.80. J.H. Pafttersen ter outside-peer 85416. W.H. Faueett setfin for outside peer 8;80' Susan Baker for surpert 5246 Janis Nerden for surpert 11435 D.J. Porte* for keep of paups X25 4 - --Tom Mathews for keep of Miley 10.48 51613 Total iron the pauper funds 43466 $s2:ea- 4.04 129.40 Ths above bills of seat tettal the amount of F.H. Taylors C.SC. order John Melee! poll bolder U.H. Parker Deputy Sheriff J.R. Mitchell County Jailer I.W. Smith Sheriff for holding February term elf Court F.H. Taylor C.S.C. fsr Court Stenographer for February term of sent A.A. Waddell for repairHng hole in jail made by- escaping prissnsrs D.C.•Cameren Pell holder fsr general Election M.B. Williams " • Inc Har Company Interest on Engineand tank note - Sam Shaw Court Janitor A.M. Shaw Clerk of Beard W.J. Smith Keeper of Northington Ferry one month U.H. Parker deputy Sheriff G.L. W. Jacksen Deputy sheriff I.W. Smith Sheriff C.D. Hawley Engine tank and pump salry for 7 months J.H. Williams Chm of board C.G. Hall rebates of taxes for 1910 J.E. Caveniss beard of jury N.B. Bass for board of prisoner J.D. Champion Examination of lunatic • B.W. Burt examination of lunatic H.D. Weathers taking lunatic to Asylum Dolma Senter taking charge •f lunatic U.H. Parker Deputy Sheriff F.H. Taylor C.S.C. for bill as C.S.G. F.H. Taylor C-S. C. Bills of cost for February Term of Court See #515 J.M. Shaw Member of board of Health J.D. Ezzell J.C. Thompson Premiss: on policy Court house and Jail Harnett reporter as per bill rendered Ricks Bryan Co Blankets for prisoners A.F. &A.M. Johnsen clothes and covering prisoners McPherson Drug co Medicine Antitoxin Fumigating material Supt •f Health#522 R.B. ' Lennon ter jail and prisoners #523 J.W. Turnage fumigating for taarantino officer Dunn #524 J.W. Helfer bill as Coroner #525 J.W. Helfer supt of health #526 J.H. Smith guarding prisoner Dann #527 Wilson and Lee Druggist fumigating material furntshod in Quarintine #530 Lillingt*n Live Steck Co Hers* hire for GrandJury #531 D.B. Stewart County Treasurer #532 Willie Johnson Bill for court house and Jail 033 #469 400 #491 092 #493 #494 ##496 #497 #498 #499 #500 #501 502 #503 #504 #505 #506 #507 #508 #509 #510 #511 ##515 #513 ##514 Above #516 #517 #518 #519 #520 #521 aliened from -the peer $ 1040: i 813' 16.0Q- - r Total from the esunty Allowed from the bridge funds W.B. Mathews repairing bridge B.F. Williams Nais for bridge E.M. Blanchard balance on bridge H.S. Hsloway work on Bridge J.L. Smith lumber for bridge Total fees bridge funds Total from all/ funds # 486 $12.00✓ # 487 60 # 488 56.00 #528 • • .5.50 r # 529 .. • 50.12 r -$113.22 Fres Busk Urn Hss Creek fens tends W.T. Mergaa #146. $48.80 L.B. Barber #847 11.80 Approved Chm • - 18.00 • .i - • • 8.00 # a4 10.00 # 817 r 3.00 818 1.80 819 8.00 # 881 $75.50 $ 517.76 ,r" 14.00 8.40. 85.60. 11!.10 44.00 = L.00 2..00 2.00 10.03 15.00 12.80• 15.00 - 11.75 13.00- 9.00 84.00 80.00 2.00 9.75' 4.507 2.00 2.50 / 7.15 2.00 i 22.30. 4.00 vr 4.00 87.00 ✓ 29.25,/ 5.35 ✓, 21.43 f 17.45 , 6.50 �- 13.75 33.90 f 17.50 1.00 11.00 5.00. 50.00 -" 4.00 tr seam $1sss.os ' :) .o" Pauper . 414600 County • 1iee.0s Bridge 115.22 1674.74 $60.30 Respectfully Submitted Allen M. Shaw- •.;Clort