02031913do-2 Wit_ . Monday February 3rd 1913 County Comissioners set in regular Session Present J.H. Williams Chm B.F. Williams , W.L. Senter P.F. Poke T.A. Harrington, B.F. xoung Atty, full beard present. The report of 'the Jurors layt g ff a pubiip road in Averasborp Township en.accpuht of some of jections was net reeeived and was left elf 'till the next meeting of the beard. The re ad from Neills Rawles to J.T. Johnsons old place on file since last first Monday wa3 held up and a ni*'petLtlen leas placed on the file and held tip do the parties could get together if peesible. • ant all the read petitionp in file reeerded en the ,minitbe. of the county comissioners of January 1913 was herd up none to be laid eft .it present . Add the cart path, indidp!ate breught on appeal ffom the Stipeyiser'of B RiverTownship been on file :some months.wa5 ordered held up; for the Meeting of the Board at the Agu$t Meeting. . On motion +P .• Pope A.M. Shaw Clerk was appointed parehasi1.g 4.6art arid- no bills to be allowed Mthetieee 1'ty without his indorsement. - lurnie Peet-and Lucinda'Wood'of'Dake Township was placed on the pauper list and bargain made with D.B. McDonald to keep them at'$15.00 per•month I,- hereby tender my regisnation at teuee- oomiasldner for Hectors Creek Buckhoen Fence District Th�H F'eb'ruary 3rd 1913 , M.J.r'8enter'' The above regisnption was aeee ted-and the following lIere.appointed to take the place of-C.-Hardee W.T. Morgan and tetaker" the p4 ee o2`M J. Senter H.S. Holoway, The following releases were made:- JCR. Flowers Land 69 acres value $650, S 1.63 Soh 1.43 County 1.54 bonds 30 T.H. Barnes Coats Special Schools $3.40 M.R. Williams " 1.99 D.F. Collins Angier Special Schools $3.05 R.H. Rambeat " 2.82 S.J. Gardner " 6.23 Mrs Lou Brewer Rock branch n n 0.C. Douglass C.R. Graham . Total Releases 'land 69 Acres value Amount of Taxes • $650.00 $ 38 1.12 2.84 State School County Bonds 1 4.34 $12.10 18.39 $ L.63 1.43 1.54 39 Total $4.99 Rook Branch 4.34 Angier 12.10 Coats . 5.39 Total a $25,p Total k 4.90 ✓ 3.40 re 1.99r- 3.05a- 2.82e- Ma- 1.12 2.84&- wean Ordered that E.W. Smith Chm be paid the sum of $500 in part payment of expenses in the erection of. stock law fence the same to be charged to the Duke Stock law funds, Whereas it has been made to appear that the following persons owning the number of acres of land set opo- site their names in Duke Stock law District failed to list their said land for assessment for the year 1912, for the purpose of erecting a fence around said territory to wit Mrs N.W. Barnes 210 acres G.Y. Heimingway 40 acres N.R. Lucas 70 'acres N.P. Lucas 27 acres T.C. Mitchell 50 acrep, McPhail J.D. 58 acres Page 7.7% -23T; %cres W.T. Royal 40 acres Edward Smith 155 acres A.B. Thornton 53 acres Gus Tew 9 acres W.B. Warret 145 acres H.C. Warren 32 acres W.T. Warren 124 acres W.B. West estate 75 acres Glascdw Smith 431 acres W.A. Warren 32 acres. And Whereas at the Nov session of this board notice was issued to said Parties to show cause before this board at its December Session why said assessment should sot -be made, and no ob- jection bit ' been made It Is Therefore Ordered that said land be assessed for said purpose for the year 1912. 12j cents per acre That E.W. Smith be and he is hereby appointed a special collector for the purpose of collecting the same ;And that he be given a list of said taxes or asessment by the Clerk of this board together with a coppy of this order It Is Further Ordered that the fence Comissioners of said district • be authorized to correct any errors in the acrege of land assessed either in this or any previous assessment and to authorize their chairman to pay back any assessment erroneously made said fence comissioners are further authorized to audit the accounts of their chairman upon his acts•herein authorized. The county comissioners agreed to make an appropiation of $75.00 to help,builda bridge across Black River on the new road from Coats to bethel provided the People benefited mads_ihe_balance. The Contract of B.F. Norris renter of the county home and the countyComissioners is now on file before the board and ordered filed. North Carolina Harnett County) We the undersigned jurors after being sworn did on the 10th day of January 1913 duly layout a pubtte read upon a petition, beginning in the dunn road near - J.H.- lgnks - - -am/ -runs with his and F.J. Jones lino to W.T. Averys mmemm: and J.L. Stones corner then Esatwardly with W.T. Avery. and and J.L. Stones line to another corner of W.T. Averys corners thence across J.L. Stones feild to the read near the Kennedy School helse, thence the old except some crooks to Press Turners residence then with a new road to Coats with no damage to any land owners on the proposed road. This Jan loth 1913 N.I. Reardon (seal) J.D. Upchurch (seal) E.B. Taylor ((seal) Jurors J.R. Mitchell D.S. Full particulars of the above road petition and list of petitioners was recorde in full in the minds of somissioners of Sept meeting 1912. Monday February 3rd 1913 comissioners court continued. To the Board of County Comissioners of Harnett County) We , the undersigned free holders in obese nacre the realestate is listed in the tax list of the current Fiscal year in the county of Harnett Csnetitutin one fourth of such persona in the proposed special school district included within the following bean- aeries, to -wits Beginning on the Mantic Coast Line nail Road three fourth of a mile south of Swann Station, thence an Easterly Direction to the road leading by T.R. Rossers, thane with said Road foot Swann Station to W.J. McDonalds to Daniel Buies Creak, thence upy' up the creek about Two Hundred Yards, Thence ab East erly Direction to the East side of Mrs Narcissus Thomas SouthEast of Her residence thence a Northerly Direction to McLeods Bridge Thence Northerly to Stock Law Fence East of F.M. P. McLeods thence with said fence to Mrs Janies Zellys fence thanes with it to read thence with it to Moore County Line now Leo count -ty. Respectfull petition your Honorable board for an Election under Sootion 4115 school law to aeons tain the Will of the people within the proposed Special School District whether there shall be levied is said District a special annual Tax of not more than 30cts on one hundred Dollars Valuation of Property and 90 cts on the Poll to supplement the Public School Fund which may be apportioned to said District by the County Board of Education in case such special tax is voted. F.M.P. McLeod, Walker McLeod, W.J. Med- onald R.L. Thomas, T.R. Rosser Henry Gales H.C. Thomas B.C. Thomas, L.H. Cox A.E. Yarbrough The County Board of Education of Harnett County in Session Jan6th 1913 having carefully examined the anniseddpetition endose the same and respectfully ask the board of county Comissioners to owded iR the election. J.M. Hodges Chairman of Board of Education J.D. Ezzell seoretary to the county board of education. Necomsnded that T.R. Rosser Registrar Jonesboro 13 Y.J. McDonald L.A. Cox Judges Jonesboro 13 Suggested on account of not sufficient time thor? th day of March to bold the Election. The following Orders were Allowed from the pauper funds :- M.R. Morgan for looking after county home #210 W.H. Gregory for burial of Pauper• #211 D.B. McDonald for keeping of Furnie and Lucinda Wood #212 Total From the bridge funds E.M. Blanchard in part for building Bridge Buckhorn ##63 E.B. Harmon building bridge - #464 #465 #466 #467 J.R. Holt U.L. River Township T.A. Harrington reweaving bridge 5.F. Williams receiving bridge _ P.F.--Pope building or furnishing- Lumber for - Bridge- — - #468 ,Neill McLeod Building or furnishing lumber for bridge #469 Total from the bridge funds From the general county funds :- W.J. Smith for keeping Northington Ferry- A.M. Shaw Clerk of the Board A.M. Shaw Purchasing agent J.W. Halford Supt of Health C.D. Stewart Registrar of grove Township• J.P. Pitman notice of Chm Printed - D.B. Stewart County Treasurer . J.H. Johnson for placing window lights in C.House J.R. Mitchell County Jailer D.P. McDonald Judge of Election Chas' Highsmith Board of Health J.W. Byrd Judge of Election for St Creek T.A. Harrington County Comissioner C.H. Biggs county Jailer B.F. Williams County COmissioner W.L. Senter P.F. Pope Total n Total mount allowed from all county hinds An order was allowed for E.W. Smith the making of the fence around said and no other funds - NO# - #462 #470 #471 #472 #473 #474 #475 #476 #477 #478` #479 #480 #481 #482 #483 #484 #485 $ 4.00 10.00 •- 15.00 * * *a - -- . 29.00 150.00' 31.45- 33.75- 2.80- 1.60- 50.00 . 44.00 $ 313.80_, 15.00 17.70 108.75A 19.25- 12.84- 1.50 - 100.00 1.90 44.60 2.00- 4.001. 2.00'4 16.25a. 15.00- 15.00° 15.50° 444..09 0788.89 Chairman of the Duke Stock law territory for territory to come from,.the funds of said territory 1531 t 500.00 From the buck horn and hectors creek fence funds were allowed M.J. Senter. # 843 8.00 C. Hardee # 844 $6.00 W Johnson # 845 8.00 Total from this funds $22.00 Comissioners adjourned for next regular Meeting. • Respectfully Submitted • App04.. .S434i1.4.44t.- Chm • Alien M. Shaw Clark