01091913• Thursday January 9th 1913 County Comisetonsrs .mat according to adjeitrnmsMt 'i ourrse4. Np 1os Present J.H. Williais•Oha B.F:.[gtUiams P.Fj-.Pope T.A. Harrtingten W.L. *eaters lz$ar4- rsseat. The question of the Stook law Territory of Mackhorn Hectors Crek and parts of Neill., tad Black river Townships-teeming on to be hear-,, en motion of T.A. Harrington, the Oral•; Mien of Citizens of Busk Bern Hectors Creek and Pelts of Neill Creek and Black River To pa for, division of said territory was dismissed Upon conditions the sane weuld"be heard if.pflssste4 in writing immediately after recess. The Comissioners adjourned for dinner till 100 P.M. On rcassemblingof the beard of Comissioners the fence question wis disposed of an ;Meows ;- the petition of the petitioners was diamisssed. The jurors appointed -to lay off public rett in And Creek Township according to the.p.titien;of Sept 191E and ordeiet laid off Oet ober 191E the report is as feliows:i North Carolina Harnett County ' And Creek Township TO the board of Comissiottiers of said county I, I. W. Smith Sheriff et nett county,- By N.McKay Murehison Deputy Sheriff, in obedience to an order directed to ale Board of County Comissioners dated OetoberCttb 1912 summoned a Jury of Tyre good end an te-wit D. Darrock C.L1 Ingres and Alex Merril ., to voile this veranda s and lay eut and. mark a a4 leading from MsAEtins• gin te MoIeiils Bridge on Lower Little River, Over the lands of John .Me- Artans P. Moore Daniel Ray William Wood Ma William& and othe ■ , Whereupon said Jury) met an the 3rd day of January 1913 and after being dilly Sworn aocordiAgg to law ,proceeded 40 lay off and nark ent said road as ordered as foliealtss Starting at McArtins Gin followed original road , with exception of staaatibg some Brooks to cow ford, thence to Little River Br_idgs• the damage assesses(, in favor of the parties over whose lands the road runs are as Collpwas P Moore ten Dollars -Atm Will' Fifteen Dollars. Respectfully S$bmittsd I.W ' it ff By 1.11sKay Murchison D.S. this 3rd day of auciarY -19i$ D Darrook Q Jurors G.L. Ingraa a ` Alex Norris. Nerthr Carolina c Harlon L'biuity We Alex Norris G.L. Ingram and D Darrook do solemnly swear that we willlay out the road directed to be laid out by the board of Comissioners 'rem Heartens 01s to iolt ills. Bridge on Lower Little River to greatest ease and advantage • inhabitants and with as little predsdiee te tho owners of the land our whisk the sass shall, may be, and will truly and Impar tially assess the damagesi shish nay be awarded by me for ingdries done to lands by the laying out of said road, without favor affection malice or hatred, to the best of our Skill and knowtedggi so bej p Os God. 41.16. DDarrook - Ingres .. _ 'J: it o _ Alex Norris Subscribed and sworn to before me this Srd day of January 1913 I.W. Smith Sheriff N.Motay llarehison Deputy Sheriff. On Motion of B.F. Pope to accept of the report of the Jury laying Off a public read as reported above from And creek Township according to the petition filed Sept 2 1912 and ordered layed off Oct 7th 1912 and reported January 8th 1913 was carried and accepted. . Sam Millie.. and 2. Moore wxsopt .to the prsesedimgs above stated for the reason lst`•tsiat sae= eft the jurors was one of the petitioners 2rd that the n4 -1*.3e it not suffioienj 3rd that the matter has hertofore been•aetttled upon the record of conissioners.• .• �:' • .The County Comissioners an agree to swat the•eounty hose to B.F. Norris for 2660 ibs o! � ed - lint cotton* *street Lobe drawn up by the county Atty -M.F. Young- not being present t.Sy'. Comissioners adjourned till the next regular meeting. ADA -4;.,11424V29, o • •Chs • • gRespectrell submitted Allen M1..'Sh aw clerk . To the Hon board of County Com@ of Harnett co I, hereby tender hey resisnation to ypur Bong board as fence oomissioner of the Stook law Territory of Buokhorn Hectors Creek and parts of Neills creek and Black River townships , this Jan 9th 191E to take effect immediately C. Hardee The above regisnation was accepted.