01061913MQMDAxtJANUAR1 6TH 1913 COUNT COMIS3IONERS MET IN REGULAR SESSION:- PRESENT J.H. Williams Chm B.P. Wellians, P.F. Peps, W.L. Sentor, T.A. Harriette*, E.F. Leung Atty full beard Present. The der* was authorial to pay the note of the In Her Oa on the Last Installment of the tank and Ingiae raided they have the sovsr,replasod oa the W44010 tank. $168.00 The fame Asatrev'ray up for,.ssttlssans, _ oat .tbe territory of Baskhers Motors Creek gad parts •f lisills creek and B river, over .the annexed territory it Nsills creek was continued till Thursday Jan 9th 1913 The report of the Jury of laying off the read in And Creek was left to be heard January 9th 1913. An atditiosal 3150 was allowed ter the Mara DeuaastreS$oa:wsrk. The Worthington Ferry was let to W.J. Smith Tks 1pssial Sthsoi Elestien and dispels of_ O.P. ]tines having been Elected'Censtable of Offde.lal Bend in the urn st $8D0 with S.R. filet and reeorded. ■ for the nett year at 315.00 per month. Brash Bohol was left Monday February Srt 1915 B.L. River Township for the next two years presented his Withers and T.H. Cuanimga as Barites was accepted and ordered • dhexklend J.B. Duprosshaving'bren# nerli Coaetable of B. River. Township fax the next Two years preainted his. Official bent MIC tS sett: of th J.R. Young and E.H. Gardner as suriotes was accepted And eadonad- -tticd and reverted. These voting Aye on the above beads Sinter, fl11tants_R.J -. Pepe and Harrington Nene voting_e. The report sf the Jury laying off .the read in Avsrasbsre'of the Annexed Territory as referred to in full with a full and caplet* desoriptinn of the' petition ad ketitieners was net accepted and deferred far February meeting. The following read petitions war raas ived and ordered Lila• warding to law, State of North Carolina Barnett tennty .5, the Renal Beard of 'County Csaisaisners of Harnett aunty We the natsrslgaed onions of Black River Township ever whose last the said road runs respestfuily ask your boast to allow as the right N shags the Calmat raad at a pellet near Byrds siding to prehibet the srsss -1*1 of the turban and authors neat which lriuld lessen danger of erasing said Rail read at two paints )� art also shorten. said read to ven_*4 the right of way of said Durban and Southern R.RSad it being signet' by the signatures of the fareaas et" the Durham and southern R.R. J.L. Johnsen, Neill McLeod. J.W. Flow- ers A.B. Ourria, J.R. McLeod, A.L. Overbee John G. Johnsen J.W. Heslnedy J.R. Pate O.S. Da$,Pstitisnsrs, State of N.r$hCdcolisa Bera.tt County Black River Township) Te the Renal Board of County Coaiaaieasrs of Harnett county ?The undersigned Petitieser. Respectfully Shasta to your 8in•1 Beard that the paid petienar desires to have a public read changed.( The •ld read die continued and a nasal laid ant.) and navel 36 feet free the seater of the old Read bed on the West side of the e1d read across the lands X of Mrs Waggle Campbell and D.H. Santora and a ethers the said read is knees as the Raleigh - and - deAlister read your petitioner has no personal motive not ie no way sepoerned except der the canse of gad reads Ypur Patitienerask any further orders that saa be neaeseary that said head may be changed.. This :S7th day of December 1912 John 0. Johnsen J.P.. Say and k'Ij=wasaZ and Cheiraan of the board offSu- pervissrs of Black River Township. North Carolina Harnett County) . To the Hen'l Beard of Comissienera of Harnett County The petition of the undersigned Citizens of .Harnett County Hectors Crook:ad Pack Meer Townships Rsap•stfully sheweth.te your Ben 'l beard that the said Petitioners desire to have laid Out and established a Publ.L, read tram a Publio read near A.4. --Tabj son* leading East ever the lands of Atlas Johnson Frank Mathews and J.R. Dupree J.A. Brawn Beirr Dlaude E. Jihnsan J.C. Williams to the Raleigh and McAlister Road near R. Buli•oks in said County: That the said Read would be of groat IIsefullnssa and oonvonionee to your petitioners and the publis for the following reasons: to have an outlet to the town of Angier' end to have a way to eras drills *reek a way to Kipling Ohalybeaie Springs That all persona over whose land that said read nay pass have had Treaty days sotiee of the intbntien of the undersigned petitioners te' file- the. siemo Your petitioners therefor.) pray the board towder the Sheriff to summons a Jury of Three Free holders is lay out and establish between the paints wed --#w .aid road to the greatest advantage of the Inhabitants and with as little produdise as may be to tha.lanta and iaalssures ear whioh the sass passes Yeti to asses sush damages as private persona nay sustain and report these presetting' to the next casting of the Board And your Petitioner And your petitioners would ask any further orders frost the beard which nay be anassa -ary, to the end that the aforesaid read may be laid out and established. Signed Atlas A. Jehnaon S.F. Mathews J.R. Dupree C.S. Johnsen, Pstitienes Ale ao1- MONDAY JANUARY 8th 1913 CONTINUED.; State of North Carolina Hargett Connty4. WO the undersigned Citizens ever -whose land the said Road runs Respectfully patities your Reuel Beard of County•rosissionors -sf Barnett Osuety -te lay out a read Beginning at a point in the Covnaat Read Near Neill Rawls' and runs over the lands of said- Rawlee J.T. Norden W.H. Stephens G.S. Day S.A. Gardner T.R. Mathews B.C. Raskady B.B. Mathews and others to a point neer the old J.T. Johnsen Place, Sighed G.S. Day J.T. Nordan B.R. Gardner, J.R. Pate, J.H. Heekady, T.R. Mathews B.C. Heekady, S.E. Matl»rws J.F. Jones, A.A. Green Joe G. Johnsen, Clow- land J.hua*a , T.Y. Green E.V. Green, To the Hen'l Beard of County Coaissioners of Barnett County We the undersigned Fence Coaissioasra of the South Lilliagten Steek law Territory beg leave to file the Following report: Building the feaee around said Territory $330.00 Lumber and material used in sonstruetien of the fosse including hinges and Et 81.51 Amount paid Sooty of Stafc for soppy •t 3111 1;40 Surveying route of fens* one day 1.50 Putting up barbed wire 50 Amount allowed S.W. withers for wire already Costrueted 28.00 Amount allowed J.W. Pipkla for wire already put up 13.14 Amount paid • for new wire 800.00 Per dioa allowed S.D. Brantly 29.00 Pordien allowed J.M. Stewart 18.00 Amount paid for removiag fern 68.88 • $1308.81 Very respectfully Submitted S.D. Braatly far the Comittsc It appearing to this board that the Osaissloners appointed for the South Lilliagtsa Stott La* Territory have bee* unable to solloot the taxes provided for is the act of the General Assembly matte( raid territory and whereas said bill provides that in the event the tax cannot bo sellact*d by the tease sonissioeers that tinny 'snit: bn- WnSd sa td' the- Sksrirr of the neuniir-te ba vo loefod »4813 o -M et -her taxes new therofere the sheriff el 'tnstt:zootaty is ,hereby dlreflfd to tskS Brea Ma eatial8e ceaissieners a list of the deliiaiquent tax- payers and to proceed at *nee to solleot said feat* tax as pre+eiisd for the- sR3eetloa .et :ilratoy scanty' tai. 1e10- the -ttk day if. :Jsaalaly 1613. .. .. d.1.7!11iao -.•. Chairman of Beard of County Comissionsr •i.[. ( Q% J.A. weeks Supt of County Her presented his final Statement of a list st articles disposed of by him dmriag the Month of December for .oak maMftw as tstal of "flag his .9faiary ter -31:6 andUi: fls MS s was $85.00 leaving a balance turaed ever to the county of .81 The following releases were allowed:- Sammie 'Mathews 3_ mimslaYBpesJial °8ehoel R.L. Turlingto n Coats Special Scheel J.E. Dorman 13.54 &M.D. McLeod Bar- and U.L. Pease .$ $1.04 Bar wad A.L. t Sehfel 11 B.F. Mason Lillingteu Poll 12 1.50 G.B. walker Col Pell 12. R.N. Smith Pell ..- - Mks .Crook .Fence 13 1tt A.M. Awry Per Presaty- $252 . - St 'fetal Releases Per Property We of Polls white Veal 1 total 3 - - - State Taxes Released asaeral `Soh Ce. -_ • Bends ashassoskang • Rini and U.L. 'R #5 • • LB.- and 'fl Creek - - " -1 newts B¢oesai dutwor $282.80 w The'xolting county orders ware allowed • C.H. Biggs for keeping county jail MsPP?hsorsa a DpMs Ce for 43111 - t'int d` ers County PUSstasing agent A.M. Shims Clerk sf Beard A.F..dc. L:M. Johnson w.J.:8■1* N.spiag` Rev 1�sery Raenatrt *epaartse Short& - - 1.11. Aalferd 8npt Health In Harvester Ce note Total from county funds Allowed from the bridge ftmds D.S. Holland Repairing Bridge en B. River J.E. *lldett for repair Reaves Bridge Total From the bridge funds For Fara D*rnstratioa work is Bg • - Sstal Mohasco; -. ; $i 85.5. 448 0 ., 10•:a5� • 118.82 -: 24.12, 2.98 lb AO 80.00, 55:00.- 9.000 481 188.00 - fetal Leaving *n hand unused $200.00 4e28.98- $10.00 18440- .......... 95.00- $1.00 38. 1.50 38. 140. 38 - 58 00 -- 18` $ .99 1.05 15 1:04 load eat Si IRMO -#BRl3 5.79t� 4 $.82 r- 2.04." 5.00✓ • kilailleMi' fl1 1491W There was allowed ,f r farm degpnste f t on'werk owt 100.00 °"441". :3 T�9 .. Monday January 8th 1913 Continued The tellswl olden were allowed from -the Panpir tunds Carnlims '9u ter .urprr! • • • . #182. $ . Sddis Dakar 183 55.4°00 - - Dl* Dfkor - v 84 ; 0.00. Larisata“ Daksr• c 9 188 9.00,t- eve Lit:. :1WhighOon 7n e O.M.Jaokson and Wife • Hilliard Johnson • Raford Lucas • k Mathtw.s & Wits Archie Mataiwir • ' Ed Mitshsli MIS t ill as Thomas Ddith warren Oren Williams Alex Wood Ban. Willi itiass 'e J.R. Strloktant Li : :3:.1- Arcris cluititru - F 'Murtha ,dam .: .w, Ra F • Yd - • Marks WO or coffin foe Pauper r Total ter outside poor - For the oounty hems 3111 of A.F. and A.Y. Johnson 8111 of istrkor -8ros• and- Johnsen. Total for county home Total allowed from the padpsr -funds . Total allsnd fns the sodmty.Sunds: Total allOrod from the bride funds druid total alldwat•' 187 188 189 190 191 199 193 194 198 198 197 198 199 008 006 804 80.8 12;00' 1At00' 12.00 4.00, 24.00- 9.0A■ 6.00e 9.06r 8.00- 8.00- 9.001 6.00- 8.00. - 9,00.1 D :00- 12.00., 9,09- 6.00 :3:00) 10,,00 80.33* 22.68- t9Cs- Afir 228.18- 618.98 - $ .29.00- 1 SU4 -j, The •sounty.seaissiaasus.adJsnrned to moot again as an ajourned meeting, Thursday 'January 9th. 1918. Aospestfully Snb$ittad; App g7t nt- cct2 -ca Ohm Allen Y. Shaw Clerk The following Jurors wore drawn for the February Team of the Court WNkJAtflashers.. emAshtp Marra D.B., Psps W.M.4 ..tanfly J.w. j _ Howard W.H. , Dst4bbows N.C. B RiverCarter A.C. W., Gardner D.Q., Day G.;S., BSokber$/ Chaftion 3.A:, Grove Stewart O.Y. Rob - ertsJ.C.; Parrish R.S. Pattsrssa A.T. Barnes Hosea Jackal: Y.J. Mosssr W.A. Hoe Creek Johnsoa J.H. Collin; W.H. An4rees:C..L.: 141,ljasbss Barker CA. ,aslant kS. Ballard D.M. -]toNsill C.A. Morrison Archie., y Creek Stewart J. Almon. 31131sms A.H. 8 Crook j yrd i:.D. Jr, Ms3dany7 0gUinn LW- Byrd J.P. Q.L. River Butter John A. Dennis O.F. Salmon J.Y. Morrison Martin Stephens -B.P. Page J.B. Sboond Week - And Crook Shaw H.D. Averasbore MotayH.S. Gerald B.R. D River MsGse J.C. Barbecue Buis J.A. Darrook John Duke Norris G.H. Grave Butts -0.o. Strickland J.R. Sawyer James H. Jshnsvills - McisiU• Q :Aor itc W.L. W oenk Johndarlidec , Cutts H.A. Bare H.V. $ Crook S.Y. Doibs U.L. River Osllias D.A. Wilson A.R.