12051921.f- (0 G 152 LicLaughlin Hardware Co. 153, - •fttfm Hardware Co., 154 L.A.Avery 155 J.A.1- pivey 156 L.F. Arnold 157 J:7.21oArtan 158 LYcKinney °ros. 159 J.W.:_mith 160 J.,i.Halford 161 James Ennis 162 N.R. Balser 163 Southgate ort Joal Co 164 Edwards and roughton 165 Harnett County Yews 166 _verasboro Road Comm. 167 L:.A.T'homas 168 .R._uggs 169 I. J.LIci ?sill 170 J.T.Northam 171 R.F�Jernigan 172 L.A.Avery 173 71.W.Allen and son '274 W.H.Allen 185 F.J.Bethune 176 Hood and Grantham 177 Butler Bros. 178 Josiah Byrd 179 Smith Linfg. Cc 180 ss.R.LLAllen 181 2 X.Byrd 162 Dr.W.C.L:elvin 183 J L aD. P,,rker 184 .. A.teaver 165 C.B.Bishop 186 J.H.Jones 187 R.A.Allen 166 C.H. ;cope 189 Bank of - illington 190,to 211 ?auper list 212 J.W.LoArtan 213 A.A.Weaver W. H. Faucett:e, Clerk to Board of Commissioners 1.'d=se.for County ^' 22.90, L:dse for county 6.50 ✓ Jailor 105.30✓ conveying, ',!alter .',ustin to Goldsboro 20.00, Bridge :,umber in Buckhornand Hector's Creek 39.62 ✓ -undries 13.75, Lidse.for county 2. W/ Bridge work on Cypress Creek 88,85, Health and quarantine officer 60.00/ Lumber for 'bridge in grove 20.50 hauling coal 119.50 Coal 266.22 Printing for county 191.92• printing for County 113.50✓ Lumber for bridge 78.841 Capt. 1 still 20.001/ ., I " 20.00 20.00✓ 1 " 20.00 2 N 40.00 4 80.00 ✓ Udse for eosotg convict camp 257,14% L,dse, for convict camp 14.95 11 n " 11 12.16.1 if3.80 11 11 11 n ✓ It 11 2.25 rotatoes for convicts 2.00✓ Lldse for convict camp 106.28✓ Beef for convict camp 3.60- L:dse. for convict camp 83.86 ✓ Service for convicts 11.80✓ &dse. for convict camp 10.45✓ Spptitmcfzz cc,::vict camp 60.00' Guard at convict camp 50.00,/ 50.00✓ n •` 11 221.00 1 . 50.00 Interest n note 50.00/ paupers 140.00/ Salary as Sjjeriff 354.10 Freight on supplies 5.58, .'.C.Byrdi Chairman Board of Commissioners of Harnett County. over..ber 16t1 . 19'-7 Commissionersmet in call session,xsii nombor :: present, 2xi42yrd; � } -, x+" r_�;,yJa3waox; Jas. _ . luchanan, J.W.Jor- dan and l8. J. Le Stewart, also Ch s. Ross, itty. The folio,ain- report received from Corn:issioners to settle with 'hf;riff 1T.7,'.LicArtan: :;CRTH 31.ROLINr_? I:ARNETT COUNT' ,sheriff's settlement, 190 taxes. To the Honorable :;oard of County Cor. : :issioners: e, the undersicned Cori: :ittee appointed to:.;ake _ ettlement ,with herif£ J.7,-ZW1.rtan for 1920 t xes, bed; leaf to submit '.erevrith re ort sup.lement-1 to our report of uguct 11th. 1921: De'_ it Balance, all funds, per statement, _.ugust l -th, 19::1, 04- ,046.31 CrBdits Releases taken ur, by :]herif£ and c- .ncelled ;'56.13' Receipts, per auditor's book, all t'reasurer's - :6,050.00 Taxes uncollected,per books :0,002.54 Less insolvents previously credited 5.067.31 Diet value 1920 books ::14,9 -5.23 Balance due all funds 806.95 e have cancelled all unpaid stubs in 19!i0x±zmdE mk1 receipt books, and turning back to Sheriff J.C1.L:e?stan un- paid receipts amounting to N2, 00.54, with recorr,_ :endation to him that he proceed to co'' -lest all of these unpaid taxes that are collectible by duress if necesary, mahing monthly re orts to the Board upon these Collections,sep- arate from :�11 other taxes. Details of various Treasurer's receipts shown a;ove appear on Luditor'd books, and statement sho-:ving the allo- cations of the various items of credits, both in this and the report of ,'august 11th. 1921, should be filed by the auditor and recorded in the minutes, This November 16th. 1921. J c Stewart I Co_lection of unlisted Jas. A. B : :charan taxes not covered by this report. .%%'.]Tordan _uditcr instructed to prepare and sub. it 7.p.L:cDonald report e- vering same. ]has. Ross Co r1ttee. --------------- - December 5th. 1921. County Commissioners net in regular seasion, present, J.C.Byrd, Mairman, J.W.Jordan, R.T.Johnson, "V.J.LicStewart and Jas. A. Buchanan. :.Anutes of last me ting read and approved. Crdered that Su-an Baker be allowed X3.00 per month. Or`:ered that release -4ul :.:cKay 08.00 house burned before listing time in Up?er i.ittle River Township. Ordssdd that pay light bill of jail to the 11prth 'Tate power Company. Lovediby Jas. A. 'µuchanan, seconded by T.W.erdan that dis,ense of County Canning IJeomstrator. Aloo moved and seconded that leave off Farm Demonstrator for the present. The fol'-owin report was submitted: To The Honorable Board of Commissioners of Harnett County: Fie,the undersigned Committee, appcinted to confer with the '.tlantioxszk Coast Line Railway Company with reference to the cost of the Overhead bridge at Clivia, respectfully report: ;7e inspected the bridge and find it to h.ve been completed in through workman3hte manner, and that the bridge is both longer and of better construction that the origin-1 estt-ate contemplated, and this expense to a large degree jte increase cost.V5-e insisted, however, that the Railroad Company deduct from the bill rendered,-�4704.27, the amount of ..'614.24 which we consider excessive in the charges for tse of equipment and supervision, leaving the cost of the bridge "x;4090.03. '.7e recomr.:end that the County pay one third of this, or X1363.34. The representatives of the Railroad Cpmpany with whom we conferred textx agreed to this settlement, subject to the a,proval of their super&ors. 217 ,C.Byrd, Chairman Co. Comm. Respectfullysubmitted: x16 R.T.Johnson :'I,T. Smith ;ngineer J. 17. Jordan 47.60 Chas Ross, Attorney Jas. A, 3uchanan "n 44.10. Committee. ,;. J. Lo, tewart Resolved: 4Z.40- L22 Chas. Boss County Attorney That ounty Auditor be instructed to preoure from State Audator's cffice assistance of expert accountant for mak- ing a completexatt audit of all county offices, including various township and distraict boards, and devise and sub- mit to this 3oard with report of said audit suT_[,estions for installation of most approved system of County book- keeping. 63.00 247 Thomasville - attress Co. L:dse for convict camp Contract with Burroughs Adding Lachine Company filed in minutes of Jeeember 5th.1921. sxx The following jurors were (Alled for the January Term of the Superior Court of ?iarnett County: xkc_• xx BimnitxRiver 19 ,.H.Dean Buckhorn - .R.Bradley Neill s Creek 20 I.'L.Arnold ^ 3 J,D.GreLory Grove 21 G,M,' Thornton verasboro 4 Y.P.Luoas Duke 22 W, J. parker Lillington 5 J.E.Tenny Grove 23 R,M.�'urray � Buckhorn 6 J.H.I?ardee -:lack River 24 F.H,�aylor ITeill's Creek 7 R.B.Crowder Neill'-- Creek 25 = .,W.Lee Averasboro 8 .7.R.TurlizIptbn^ Grove 46 J.I.Johnson Hector's Creek 9 C.L. Byrd Averasboro 27 J. Loyde ':Iade Averasboro 10 J. Berr,,mon Thomas Barbecue 28 _tlas, Johnson Sector's Creek 11 Sully Cooper Averasboro 29 C.H.Nordan Black 'River 12 �. 1Jood Grove 30 J,A.Johnson 3uckhorn 13 !.'. ",.Bradley Hector's Creek 31 7. :enter Hector's Creek 14 D,E,Norian Black River 32 P'.A.I7e1 t Anderson's Creek 15 J.I..CD. parker Stewart's Creek 33 H. .. :cDon�.ld ^ 16 F.J. Mite Barbecue 34 Wilson H. Lucas Duke 17 ..F.Grimes Grove 35 ?',7, Hair I1ei11's Creek 18 Curtis H4ir Barbecue 36 .3 Xann Symms = uckhorn ^r " 50.00, 37 3. Ryal s Grove Report of A.A.'„eaver, Supt, of 'onvict Camp,31`.Ixax filed with L:inutes of December 5th. for the month of November. 214 North State lower Company payment on meter v 5.00 ' 215 ;._:.Hobbs Freight on convict cages. 35.28 216 0...3ordeaux Bridge 30.00✓ 217 ,C.Byrd, Chairman Co. Comm. 75.00/ x16 R.T.Johnson Y84,00• 27 9 J. 17. Jordan 47.60 220 Jas. A, 3uchanan "n 44.10. 223 ,;. J. Lo, tewart 4Z.40- L22 Chas. Boss County Attorney 75.00 2485 -44 duper orders augers 125.00 246 .'.Drauehon Ldse, for convict camp 13.30/ 246 :.igon. _ -inkle and Cc L:dse. for convict camp 63.00 247 Thomasville - attress Co. L:dse for convict camp 6,80 248 .. Y. Tutor Beef for convicts 3.45 249 ..':.Byrd Lidse. for convicts 17.15/ 250 A.A,: Weaver Supp, paid out for convict camp 13.80 251 ,,.__.I;Jeaver Sup, convict camp 60.0)% 25 J.A...aash Lidse convect came 41.29• 253 N.t7. Grego ry Beef for convict came 4.50/ 254 ,,:,Byrd ]btatoes fv convicts ,00 255 D.D.iohnson Leef for convicts 4.62, 256 J.B.L:cDonald Lidse, for convicts 1.00 257 Tugwell �harmacy L'.dse for convict camp 1.85/ 258 ==,5. Banks and Co Mdse. f r convict came 166.56, 259 Adams Crain and fro. Co L:dse for cinvict camp 54,44 260 Tomlinson and Jompany i.idse for convict camp 1.40 261 Lone tewart Drug Co " " 1.40• .'6 parker Bros. Lidse for convict camp 21.10. 263 , :, i;ortham Supp, for convict camp 9.64, 284 :'cLau. ^gin : dw. So. Ydse for convict camp 6.90 265 Kus'xe Edw. Co. 12.24 266 wanly Jail works Mdse for convict camp 225.00✓ 267 M.D. and '.L. smith Go Lidse for convict camp 16.50 268 E. F. Craven Mdse. for convict camp 42.25 269 .1.A.Allen Guard at Convict 'lamp 50.00. 2 1!0 C. H. Ripe " 50.00✓ 271 J H.."nes ^r " 50.00, ? d. B. Bishop W_ " " .550.00 ' gL; Steaat's Garage Spplies for convict camp 5.36' ohn . Johnson Mdse. for county 2.40' ayo Atkins Bros. Mdse, for county 1.50 i6 J.W.Lw rt :.n Expenses of holdinginquests(ear hire) 48.00 J.W.YcArt, an Court and Jail aect. 181.30 278 J.17.1icArtan Salry as sheriff 354.10• 279 L.A Avery Capt. 4 stills 80.00 280 L.A.Avery Jail acct. 138.30/ .181 D.P.MaDonald P.A. County 34.51- 282 D. P. McDonald glary as auditor 100.00 283 ',ors. J.E.Gaviness Board of Jury 9.75, 284 i.L.Levinson Salary, Judge of Recorder s Court 100.00/ 285 Arthur Cummings Keeping N. Ferry 35.10 286 ..on,; Stewart Drug Op, Mdse. for County 1.95/ 267 Jim F. Liciean Janitor 20.00' 288 Thos C.. Faucette Work on tax books 55.00✓ 289 W. H. Faueette Sal.and stampsff #dg. of Deed: -. 263.581 290 Edwin Barrington Sal. Deputy, iteg, of reeds. 50.00 291 A. L. Shaw Work on tax books 40.00v 292 J.AXarsh Lidse. for county 2.55 ::93 J.F.West Limmber Anderson creek bridge 5.10 ::94 Susan Elisabeth✓r -dge Canning; Demonstrator 33.33 295 L.L.Chaffin Sal, deputy,C.S.C. 50.00 296 A.A.McDonald Salary, C.S.C. 257.00 297 A.J.Godwin Capt. 2 stills 40.00, 298 Tagwell pharmacy 299 B.B.Holder 300 i7. T. :with 301 Chas. Ross 302 A.C.L. R.R. Co., 303 J.L.Jahnson 304 T V.I.Halford 305 J.W.Halford 306 J.'-Halford 307 J.W.Halford 308Halford and Riddle 309 John R. Dupree 310 . :claughlin Hdw. Co. 311 J.C.Thomson 312 Harnett County =le.ns 313 Remington Typewriter CompLny 314 S L;. Byrd 315 Harnett Co. Trust Company 316 Harnett County Trust Jompany 317 C T.LcClen.ghan W. H. Faucette, Clerk, Board of Oo =issioners. mdse. for county 6W21.65' Lumber for bridge in U.LR. 6.08 InspectinC, Overhead bridge at Olivia 25.00, Espense in inspeotinS Cverhead bridge 15.00✓ Olivia Bridge 1363.64✓ ppnaiser in Black River 36.00✓ Inquest of Chas. Ivey 20.00, Inquest of crank ;,"tone :-0.90✓ Inquest of Farah - trickland ' -1.20✓ H alth and quarantine officer 60.0011 Service to convicts 5.001/ Error in taxes 5.18✓ i.Ase. for county 31.85✓ C..C' and Auditor's bond S 62.50/ ,ranting for county 55.00✓ parts and postage E.14✓ Ford Truck for convict camp 250.A' Note and interest 40'0.00✓ Interest on 6,100000.00 loan 3000.00, memium on Rer, of Deeds bond / 25.00,E S i, is at . C. Byrd, Chairman Bbarddoffuomr:issioners.