10031921909 J.V!. Turr,age 971 Stewart' 972 A.J. Godwin 982 1T S Thomas 474 Tugwellhs Pharmacy 975 Jchr,son and Blackwelder 976 National Office Suplly Co. 977 Ijitchell Printing Company 978 T::o:;. C. Faucette 97g ' .1.. ? "c Pon aid 989 Darres a^3 '.:clliday Company 981 P. YcDcnald 982 11 983 L.A. Avery 934 � ".'. `TcArtan maw Bo a 1 J.W. Drau.ghon 2 W.P. Surles 3 Peoples SI)Pply ^, 4 Eutler Brothers 5 Dr. W.C. :.:elvin 6 Ache -s . -at an-1 Pro. Co. T. H. Faucette, Clerk to Board of Commissioners of Harnett County. ^apt. 1 still Li)mt -r and bridge work Cap "t. 2 stills Work or bridge 4ldse. fcr County Lumber link bridge Mdse, for " "ounty County Order B ^ok Work or tax Books Bill of costs Burial Expanse of T: "at'hews(killed) light ar? Fx ^srses Salary as Au..9itor Jailor Expenses Shoes for convicts Mdse for cnvdcts Mdse for convict camp Pistol balls Service convicts Mdse. for convict camp 4Gw 3 20.00 70.83- 40. 7)0 26.00 33.50. 52.20,- 29.g5, 25 36.oa- 52.90� 56.25 10.23. 100.00 1 4.15 92.oce / �4 / 0 0 35.40 12.1r 41.89 3.00 4.00 " `2.06 J.C. Ey-rd�i Chairman Board of Commissioners. County Commissioners met in regular session, Monday,Obtober 3r3. 1921. Present, J.C.Byr3:p Chairman, J.A.Buchanan, J.W.Jordan, R.`?.Johnson, W. J. Me Stewart, also Chas. Ross, Attorney. Minutes of last meetin? read and approved. Ordered that IT 111 Murdock 'arcLean be pit on pauper list at $3.00 per month. Moved and seconders that release Judsor C. Thomas of P5 acres of lanri an3 charged the same to the proper party, as same was charge3 to ',im by error. Ordered that put George Hargrove back on pai:per list and mail ewie as before, and sent vonher for full amount left off. Ordered that '?orth State Power Co. Electric Light Plant in Lillington be listed at $6000.00 for year 1921. Moved an3 sPcoried that when prisoners are sent to the road County pay * cost, unless other- wise prohibited. Moved and seconded that allow 013 Soldiers w100.00 for Railroad fare to Chat tan ooga,Tern., in October 1921, provided they go. 'Money to be refunded if they don't too. Make order to J. H. Iu'cAli stet. Ordered that Chas. Ross, County Attorney, and W.T. Smith,Fngineer, be appointed a Committee to settlewith A.C.L. Railway on account of Olivia Bridge. Granri Jury Report JU3m*x received and filed in Minutes. Ordered that allow x$5.00 per month to Katie Buchanan, temporiarly, until further investigatio Mail to ;Broadway in Care of G.H. Cummings, Sr. Report of the Upper Little River Rpad Commission filed in the Minutes. Loved and seconded that allow D.J. Smith, Col„ lw2.00 per month. ]uiailorder to C.J.Smitkj Moved and seconded that 7eill McK. Salmon collect all back taxes back of 1920, and to be d.- allowed 25% of all collected, a w..c�. � � 2Po��- c � a.-..a Ordered Chairman be authorized to renew note at Bank of Lillington, X10,000.00 Ordred that pay Sheriff for policing 'iarnett County Fair, not to exceed $75.00 Orddered that Chas. 'loss go to Ireensboro to look after interest of Countjr. Ordered thatChas Ross go to =reensboro to see about Railroa9 Taxes when it is necessary togo. Also ordefed that Cl-,as Ross see Hi hway Commission and ­Pt truek for Convict Camp, or make best arrangement possible. NORTH CAROLINA, HARNETT COUNTY. Report of Committee TO the Honorable Board of County Commissioners: WP, the undersigned committee appointed to sttle 1920 taxes, beg leave to report that we hava carefully lowing: Total Tax fist, per auditor's office, Credits Tax collected by Sheriff Turlington Total receipts of Sheriff 2. ?cArtan from all treasurers (see Auditor's records for d'_.tribution) Total releases authorized Totalil9ebYvettsapeTPliet filed with auditor and approrad by us Total lanri sales to count* per certificates turned over to auditor 1% discount on collections prior to December 1st. 1920 Balance due all funds to nettle with Sheriff for 1920 taxes. with Sheriff J.W.McArtan on account of Pxamined his accounts and find the fol- 4-'2439154.59 "10860.04 159592.68 4302.38 5067.31 20839.52 444.35 $42048.31 w243.154.59 On account of the exceedingly distressing financial ccrlitiorx of the county we reccom- mend that Sheriff be allowed until October lst. 1921, to finish collecting an3 making a final wettlerrient. In view of this we are leaving in the Sheriff's hands the receipts for insolvent list iri the hopes that he will be able t^ collect some of these items. August 11th. 1921. R- spectfully submittedy J.W. Jordan W.J.McStewart Committee. Jas. A. Buchanan Chas Ross Notices Taxes listed after books made not included in above. Contract. with Burroughs Adding Machine filed in Minutes Report of Grand Jury of Sept. Term filed with Minutes. The Following Jurors were called for the next term FIRST 4'JFEK, NOVEYBFR TFRM,lVIL. 1 L.W.Wood, ,rectors Creek J.R.Dupres Black River 3 A.C.Grimes Grove 4 P ?R ?Byrd Averasboro 5 J.F.Desl Black River 6 W.B.Ashworth Buckhorn 7 John Black Anderson Creek 8 R.H.McDonald Buckhorn 9 F. n.Holmes Averasboro 10 'Y.B.Gariner Black River 11 J.M.Holt Barbecue 12 D.P.Johnson Neill's Creek 13 C.A.Turlington Neill's Creek 14 W.V. Lanier Buckhorn 15 J.H.Stewart Averasb ^ro 16 Jas.T. Lee " 17 M.J. Senter Hector Is Creek 18 W. F.3alIwin Averasboro PSCOND WF-ma, NOVET.7xhR7D4 1921. 5.95 W.A.Groen Neill's Creek. 9, Geo. F.Prince Averasboro 3'? A.B.Guy Black River 4z J.McD.Harrington Barbecue 5' W.H.Gregory Black River 6 F.S.Jackson Averasboro 67 W.A.Turlington Neill's Creek 26 T.J.Turlington. Grove 9.; M.L.Jones Stewart's Creek XQ D.McC.Har ring ton U.L.R. 11 Jesse S. Dyri Stewart's Creek 12 T. F. St wart Neill's Creek 13 W.A.Hndges Ave rasboro 14 J.C'.Jonnson Hector's Creek 15 R.J.Hatcher Neill'sCreek 16 John W. Hodges Averasboro 17 A.J.Smith Averasboro 18 W.A.Johnsor Neill's Creek of October. of County. (4--e Yz" J 15, J,-( NORTH CAROLINA, 'ARNETT COUNTY. BEFORE BOARD OF COUNTY COYIMISSIONFRS. In Re: Matter of Reduction of valuation of property of Cumberland Railway and Power Co., ORDER for year 1920. This cause coming on to be heard before the Board if Commissioners of Harnett County upon )hhe petition of J.R.Baggett, Receiver of the Cumberland Railwa* and Power Company for a reductionAx of the valuation of the Flectric Plant of said Company, situate in the town of Lillington,llar- nett Cqunty for the year 1920, this Board finds the following factsL 1. T.at the assessment of saij property Pvr the year 1920 was fixed by the State Tax Commis- sion and duly certified to the County at $27,166.00. 2. Treat said amount was far in excess of the actual value of said property; Jr, fact that said property cost albout w16,C00.00, and that this figure represents a full and fair value of said property as of Jany. 1st. 1920. 3. That this Board would be favorable to a reduction of the valuation of the sum of j16,000.00; but being advised that where nb exceptions were taken prig to the time of the establishment and letying of the rates ixu for that are without authmeity at this time to re -open the question. WI;FREFORE, for the raason stated im the petition respectfully declined. From Iris ruling the petitioner rives notice of apnPal to the State Revenue Commissioner. said property to ! to 1920 valuations ti yearm that they jCXXYIYI�C7 CXF. 3DI Qe: iK$$ �iXP9i9, 3: Q�9L8X7 �XRQQf� CX�C?vi�dET7C4C$�.X�RRR�C,�7,;C �:QQ R��X$)�a;$X$l'XP. "..�QAd[�Q�'��L�XaC.X �%*J.4CX0C➢C� cbxxsQkxo3gy fXXX mimx±" The fol outing ^rders were allowed by the Bbard of Commissioners. Jurors 4300.00 K0.7 J.W.McArtan Loan to pay 8 Dunn Road Dist. Convict Cages 350.00 9 G.W1.Wimberly Rebate on taxes 5`•48✓ 10 A.A.Veaver Supt. Convict Camp O. ^0 11 J.H. Jones Guard Camp 5040, 12 C.H.Popa " " 50.00, 13 C.B.Bishop " " 50.00' 14 W.W.Allen and son T.1-ise. Camp 35.32. 15 Dr. W.C.l::elvin Servic4 Camp 21.00' 16 J. YcD. Parker Ylse. Carp 12.70 17 S.Td.Byrd If If 202.36 13 J.P.Byrd 2 bus. potatoes for corvicts 2.00- 19 J.W.ColB:,,Ica 2 bus. peas for convicts 1.20 20 A.A.W -,aver Paid o•at for supt. convicts 5.95 21 A.Y.T for Bridge in Hector!,s Creek 35.00' 2.2 J. Byrd Chairman Comm. 3 months 75.00' 23 Li nn = ;inckle & Co. Blankets for prisoners 63.00✓ 46.48✓ 24 dkdams Grain and Pro. Co iv.dSe. for conv'!ets for 3.00✓ 25 Johnson anl ryan# mdse, convicts 26 Lillingto- Oil '«ill Co. Fertili -er for County ."ome 312.52' 27 A.A.14- Donald Bill of Cost: 435.43' 28 ,'Miss Elizabeth Bridge Home Demorstrator 33.33 29 Z.V.Snipes Con-. -eying Gran. Jury to Co. Home 5.00' 3 L.F.Walls " n to n n" " 7.00 Mrs. �nnitr B. Caviness Board -f Jury, 26..00 32 T.C.Faucette Work on Tax Books 102.00, 33 D.L.Seymore Plumbing Courthouse ar. Jail 171.11 34 L.id. Chaff in Salary, Deputy, C.S.C. 50.00 3 5 1�.A.McDonald �" " 259.92 56 Edwin- T_arrington " " R. Of D. If 50.00- 260 37 W. i. Faucette " .11 ra &i J^ 4 4 T. Ii a .a 4k fteerpt from Minutes Board of Commissioners tession,lovember 7th,19E10 Upon mobs* of COMIseieser Jehseen,secouded by Comsis- sinner Jordaa,the following resolution was adopted; "80801ved,That the Board of Commissioners of Barnett County• being charged with the duty of maintaining the bridges on the public reads of the eounty,find as a fact that it is nec- 404"T to incur an expenditure of fifty Thousand Dollars in the improvement of said public bridges in addition to any amount available under all other.funds now t %rovided or available from the general funds of the county; and that the obligation to improve said bridges is a public necessityt asd that the duty to improve the same is incumbent upin the Board of Commissioners; now,therefore,be it resolved,that •The Chairman of this Board be and he is hereby author- ised and directed to issue in the name of the county a note in the sum of PMI TROUSUD DOWASS ($50p000.00) &payable one year after date,without interest,eaid note to be signed by the Chairman,atteoted by the C1erY,and the seal of this Board affixed thereto; 02hat the full faith and dredit of the County of Harnett is hereby pledged to the payment of said note when due; • That the Chairman is authorised to sell said note,and to turn the proceeds of the sale of said into the bridge funds of the county' Leo is favor of the resolution were, The Chairmran, ssJokmeom,Jordau,Stewart,and Buchannon, Those s is we negative. none• �oYY Lil]:in4tem,November 28th,1921. STATE 07 NQW,$WUqj or NARUTT 0509000, 00-440AMW Of Harnett in the STATE 07 NORTE CAROLINA, for a received promises to pay to the BEARER the sum of (?fifty Thousand Dollars )one year after date hereof WITHOUT interest payable at maturity at the CHASE NATIONAL 'AA in the City and State of %w York. It is hereby'certified that every requirement of law relAting to the issue has been complied with and that this note is within every debt and other limitation prescribed by law. IN WITNESS VHKRSON the said County of Harnett has caused Its so" to be hereto affixed and this note signed by the Chairman of its Board of County Commissioners and attested by the Clerk of said Board. This the 28th day of November.1921, (County Seal) .(Signed) d.C.Byrd,Chairman. Attested: (signed) w.H.ftmeett;Clerk, a Fq. r 1, = h s kAr 11 21 38 Arthur Cummings = eeping "• "—rry x,35.00 39 Jim cLsan Jari.tor 20.00- ^0 J.W .iaYcArtan Sheriff To: The Honorable Board of County Commissioners of Harnett County: 41 J,W.McArtar. Stenographer and cost '754.10 Y_36.2 ✓ 432 J.W.Halford Health and Quarantine Officer 60.00. P.P.McD^nald Water and Lights '-ill 13.77✓ 44 D.P. 'IcDonald Sal. Au !tor 100.00% 45 Paul Gr >en Work on taxBookS 36,75✓ 46 G.S.Bakar Underware for W Austin 1.75 ✓ 4 James Ennis Work and nails for =rove bri4,7e 28.04✓ 49 liarnatt County News Supplies for Court house 22.00% 49 Long Ste wart Drug Co. Supplies for County 3.65 ✓ 50 Vd.T.Terry ivYdse, for Obunty 75✓ 51 J-irr. Sc leill Capt. 1 still 20.00✓ j2 L.K.1ilatthews Bringing prisoner from Roanoke 32.00✓ minutes. "ugwell Pharmacy Ydee, for County 6.00, 54 J.A.Spivey Conveying Lunatic to asylum 20.00. 55 Johnsen and Blackzaeilder Lurgber for bkiige in Black River 28-17- 5b Corkins Cheri, c-,I Cc. ,Mdse. for County 40.00✓ 57 A.X. Shaw Work on tax books 75,00 5 C.D Stewart Special Tax work __. Grove 22 52 ✓ 59 L.A A✓ery Jailor 60 L.A.Av-r,, Capt. 4 stills 80.00 61 Burrow': :s Aiding Machine Co. Balarce due. 6.50- 62 R._.Jrns n Co. Comzmissi6ner 24. 00 63 ..... S'swart " it 43.40 64 J.` „'.Jo rd tr ” " 47.60, 65 Jas. A. Buchanan " " 31.07✓ 6' Chas.'�oss County attorney 75.00- 67 Bur rough s Aiding Machine Co. a contract aid ribbon 13,30_ 'U. H.'*,Faucette L.L.Levinson R- corisr Z 0.001 -9 to L.L.Levinson Salary as Recorder 127 Pauper List Paupers 447.50- ti. W. Faucet ;e o _.oarl ^f Commissioners. J.C. Byrd, 1"-airman County Board ^f om.i ^toners. November 7th. 1921. County Oorm- issioners met in Regular Session; :resent, J. C. Byrd, Chmn., W. J. Me Stewart, R. T. Johnson; Jas. A. Buchanon, and J. :V% Jordan. L:inute :s of last meeting rend and approved. Loved and seconded that all complaintd of taxes asceesments be made to Tax assessors for differenct townshi.s, or referred td them, by the Board of County Commissioners. Ordered that Smithy McNeill be incre,,ed on auper list to 6.5.00 per month, instead of 6.2.00. Ordered ti.$t R. T Johnson investigated the condition of ::usan Baker and make report next first Monday. Ordered that pay Sarah Gainey N10.00 per month instead of 15.00 nov; on ,auger list. :.:owed by J. W. Ic Stewart, seconded by J. A. Buchanon that Oaviness iI Brawn be a _,ointed Vice Recorded, all voting the affirmative. owed and oeconded -that release H. G. LIONeill U. L. R. township of 0800.00 listed by error. Crdered that Farm Demonstrator agent be deferred to nest first i`onday, Dec. 5th. 1921. Ordered thr.t D. LcDonald be s. t aea.,>ointed urchasing Agent a._.d all urchases must be approved by him. Ordered that Dr. F.alford to to F. M. P. L oLeod a.,.d exarnine Zag 'nicker, pauper. Loved by Jas. A. Buchanan, seconded by R. T. Johnson that release Cumberland power .l Light Co. year 1920 that �_uditor be instructed to calculate taxes at 8900.00; toting for, Buchanon, Johnson and Byrd, against, : ;tewartnnd Jordan. Ordered that land sold for 1920 tax may be redeemed prior to December meeting of this board, with 10,% penalty added. Ordered that release of A. t;. Sawyer ti:1500.00 on account of debt,_ to be deducted from solvent credits. (Get resolutions from Chas. Ross about the '50,000.00 loan) Report of N. LSoK. Salmon, Special Agent, idorth Carolina, Harnett County. To: The Honorable Board of County Commissioners of Harnett County: the undersigned Special Agent duly appointed by you to collect the unpaid taxes, begs leave to submit herewith t!,e following r*rt of collection made: Total amount codledted --------- --- ----------- — --- 6.503.53 Less Cotm::ission 254-- --- ---------- ---------- - -- - -- -125.87 6.377.66 By check attached hereto. ,377.66 Respectively submitted, Neill LYcK. Salmnn, Special Agent. Alexander Dixon, against J. C. Byrd, Chairman et ail., filed with minuted Nov. 7th., 1921. may Roll and Expense account of Harnett County Convict Camp, submitted by A. A. Weaver, filed with minutes. The follcwing orders were allowed by the "am.Assioners: 131 U.; . ege Bringing prieeners to camp $100.00- 132 A.Y.,�dor Bridge in Hector's Creek 41.51r 133 J.G.J rdan Cost advanced for transferring prisoners 65.95✓ 134 J.S.YarborouLh Tlork on Court House Chimneys 14.56 135 J.L.Hatcher Burial of old pen:;ioner 20.00 136 Alton Stewart " " 20.00L 137 Elizabetht ridge Home Demonstrator 33.33• 138 Grove Township Interest on bonds 1500.00, 139 D.P.McDonald Salary 100.00- 140 D. ?X Donald Lig�its� water and stamps 17.12 141 'U. H.'*,Faucette Salary and stamps 265.43 - 142 L.L.Levinson Salary as Recorder 100.00/ 143 Jim F. McLean Janitor 20.00v 144 L.L'.Chaffin Salary Deputy, C,S.c. � 50.00✓ �► 2M.1 "c - -A'A.McDonald " 11 274.07/ 146 " it Costs in Reoorderla5 Court 57.80✓ 147 Art -ur Cummings Keeping N. Ferry 35.00✓ 148 Edwin liarrington Salary Deputy, C.S.C. 50.00/ 149 A.M.Sham Stork on tat books 1150.00' 150 T.C.Fauoette 120.00 151 The R.L.Bppan Company Books for County 76.25 ✓