09061921� r V-1 AUGUST #th. 1921. County Co:runissioners ::et in c�3.11 session, Present, J. C. Byrd, Chmn., R. T. Johnson, J.11 Jordan, Jas. A. Buchanon, W. J. Mc. Stewart; also Chas. Rose, Atty., Ordered that High-may Truck, now in Lillingtor, be turred over to -e highway Commissinn- ers at once. Committee appointed to settle with Sheriff on Aug. 8th. 1921, J. W. Jordan, Jas. A. Buchanon, • and W. J. Mc. , Ste,,,rart, and i, r. Chas. Ross. . Tax Rates were reco mended and passed on as follows: School Tax, .60 _ County .13 Bonds .02 Bridge .05 Rates for the Road Bond Issue in the townsaips were fixed as follows, Andersor's Creek Property Poll " •25 •'75 va raeboro .10 .30 �aroecue .20 .60 Black River .25 .75 Duke .20 .6C Grove .40 1.20 Hecto$' Creek .25 .75 Johnsomville .30 .90 Lillington .30 .90 Neill's Creek .30 .90 Stewart'9 Creek .45 1.35 Upper Little River 20 .6o Buckh.cxn .30 .90 % Rates for Local School Tax Lev* were fixed as follows: 4 •' Property Poll > Anderson's Creek No. 11 25 75 21 20. 60. n n 4 15 45 6. 30 90 Averasboro 1 50 1.50 6 20 6o 7 15 45 9 20 6o " n 10 30 90 Barbecue 1 10 30 n n 3 /� 75 2 15 4 n n 25 �•( 76 .i' 4 20 60 " 5 15 45 Black River 2 20 6o " if 4 .60 1.80 3uckhorn 2 15 45 Prop. Poll Grove 2 12 36 Grove No. 1 20 60 3 1.00 N.00 n 4 15 45 " 5 20 6o n 6 �5 45 " 7 12 36 Hectors Creek 2 15 45 J 7 It 5 30 ,90 Neill's Creek 3 15 _ Lillington 1 50 "� "'a ) �d'. ; 1.14�0 ) Stewarts' Creek 1 15 _45 "Upper Little River 1 20 X 6o 4 15 45 5 10 _ 30 " 6 15 45 " 8 20 60 . " 10 20 }� .6o. t " 11 20 ` 60 (COLORED) Barbecue No.2 20 60 Lillington 1 20 60 Upper 'Little River 4 20 60 Avrasboro 1 20 60 ��. F. ial.tce.tte, Clerk. J.0 Fyrd Cha; n,, an • Septembar 6th. 1921. Commissioner+= r. _ re=ular session, res,nnt J.C. Tyrd, Chairman, *J.W.Jordar", *Jae. -A. BuchaBan,R.T. Johnson, W.J. '�' Steraart. 4 "inutes of last melting read and apiroved. Orderedthat to be 1 -vi,"d for thi3 county the 3a!rF, li3ense3 of pr! v_lage taxes 'antler schedule B and C of 'devenue L,,n. 21 as or levied for the 'Sta`:,e, except in those sections Xn-n thee= levies are prah_Sbited. Moved and sec nded than cu.t s ,whool rate form my from 60r to 50o. Ordered that Iarioecue School #3 be reduced to 1�y., was e5p. Yoved arn3 seconded that raise Lillington School '%o. 1 to 60d instead of 50g. Yoved and seconded that the draina.. e tax in. Srerrarc': Creek Tc-nnship now due from 1917,1Qf and 1919, be advertised by Sheriff, W. F. Ttzrlinvirrn and sold at rublic alaction on the first Monday in 3dcvember, 1921. cu N'cved and 3eocnded thd,t Dr. F'alf - rd 9 avestigate the ecn�9.ition If ��rs ary Byr'ci, •wife 6f WVB. Byrd, and rer,crt at next meatir.�. Ordered that nay ,$20.00 per Thc.Ean] for lu *ker for bridges and pay $10.00 for ;cutting same down and furnished nails, etc. in Avaraaborc T'cwn:hi.p, and also $25.00 per Thcusand in other Townshops and put sane down at same. Ordered that Smithy Yc ",e.ill 'oe putt on Pauper List at $2.00 per month. Ordered that allow ;"aggisa V. Day, pauper", par month. i I t e a- 0 Upor: questior of supllyirg the vacanoy of Co.,i2 Recorder saised by the death of Ccl. B.H. Vclear, Yr. R.T. ickr °i7 n pl'acol 4o roninutior Yr. L.L'. Levinson. Yr. J.W. Jordan p laced i. -^.`_n4 ;ion 'fir. O.P. Shell. of Dunn, N.C. Result of the hallot shrwed that Yr. Levinson was 'lecLb ed, and by moti Cr of Yr. Jordan Yr. Levinscr was wade anunimous. YUveA and seoended that allow A.Q. Wood, raurer, $3.rn per month. Crdered that morrow $4000.00 for the benefi- of the heard of Tducation. Ycved by J.W. jor&an and seconed by R.T. Johnson that J.C. T:�d see F.F. Young in regard to h== NORTH CAROLI? "A, FARNETT COU'_'TY. TO THE HOYORA'LE EOARD OF C011 ISSIO_'ERS OF FARYFTT COU_YIY,NORIF VAP.OLIYA: Having been appointed by your hoard to audit the Drainage tax ;caipt books and records of Sheriff W. H. 'iurlington for the taxes collected and uncoi ?ected icr Steaar +'s Creek Drainage District d zrin` his term of Office; Eeg to submit following Nett; of taxes still due by the tax payers of staid District which have not been collected. 1917 ..r. Earner, balamce due or taxes $99.65 1918 Gus _ YcNe.11, part E'.S.Syith land .74 Saul Smith " " " " 4.67 James YcLean " n n of 35.53 Robert Young " of " " 150.43 J.L. &ai_t>h It it If " 5.53 1919 A.R. ti +i 55.1' �sen Estate J.P. . Barnes 619.69 J.L. Vith 5.27 T._. Byrd 1.32 Saul Smith part E.S. Hmith land 1.45 Gus T. McNeill 11, 111 If of 30.66 Fred Elliott of If " If 143.63 Isaac Ycyay 26.35 R.G.McNeill. part W.W. Allen Land 27.32 Tobe Cameron of " " 2.69 ?ailey -state 15.°1 7alarce due on Yrs. &P.11cNEill estate F.S. Yarborough 65.10 Total due and incollected 11291.0E Resrec`f7lly submitted D.P. YcDonald,Ccun y Auditor. This the 1st day of Sept. 1921. PETITION FOR FPPCIAL TAX ELECTION. TO THE BOARD OF COT'19SIOYERS OF HAR&TT COUNTY: We, the undersigned freeholders of the CcAnt', of Yarneit, constituting one fourth of the free holders in the rropos:d special %axx:cdiatasxxx sehoil diecrict included within the following boundaries, to -wit: Cool Spring Listrict No 2. Beginning at the Younth of Campbells Creek; thence with the said ¢reek to t "e mc,,th of Redje Prong Branch; then with said _.ranch to its head near Arlington on the Lillington Road ; then with To 4 District's line to Cedat Creek; then with the Creek to Cape Fear River;then with the river to the beginning, reai:ecsfzlly petition your Honorable Board for an election to ascertain the will of the people within the proposed special school district ghether there shall be levied it said dis- i -_,; a special annual tax of not more than 15R on the One Hundred Dcilacs valuation of pro - perty, and 45, cr the poll, to su-prlemer.t the Public School Fund which may be apportioned to said District by the County Board of Educatior ir. case such special :,ax is voted. Y.J.A.Patterson,j.". Brown, J.R. Patterson, T.H. Cummings,. ^..C.Cumrings,W.T. Furgeson,T. ?'. Cummin si � Jr., G.K. Patterson, E.H. Patterson and W.G. Hagwood. ctien called to be held October 25th. 1921. J.R.Patterson,Registrar,x J.D.Brown and J.Y-.Patterson, Poll '.-folders The following orders were allowed by the Commissioners: 921 to 936 R.R.fare of Old Soldiers to Reunion at Durham. 80.00 037 General School Fund Ter Lean 500.00 038 Newport Culvert Co Culverts fir Averasbcro 34.00 939 General Schn -1 Turd L ^an 500.00- 940 S.Y. Pyrd &P. for cor.vits 206.90, 941 11 if p. ppl i -s " " 7$.37 942 A.A.Weaver A':.pt Convict Camp 48.00 943 C.B. Bishop Guarding Convicts 11.34 944 C.L. Pollard of " 34.02- 945 J.H. Jcn -e of It 34.02✓ 946 C.H. Pope to it 27.54'. 947 J. VCD. Parker ',:Idle. for convict camp 1.45 948 L.F. Arnold Bridge lumber 102.94 949 Dunn Road District Bal. lumber for bridge 128.76 $50. L J.R. McArtan Salary 354.10- 951 Averasbero Road Corm. Part of convict camp 189.89✓ 952 J.W. Halford Health and quarantine officer 60.00 953 R.B.Mi,tchell work on tax books 16.50 954 1 V.P. jcLWod Lumber for bridge 4.00 955 Arth- r Cummings Keeping; N. Ferry 35.00 9561 L.L. Levinson Salary Recorder 100.00' 957 Edwards and Erought -n Co. iddse. for County. 183.44' 908 Jim F'. YcLPan Janitor 20.00 959' Edwin Harrington Salary Depty.Reg. of Deeds 50.00 960 W. H. Faucette Salary and stamps 255.68/ 961 Paul Green work on tax beaks 38.50, 962 D! J. Smith Lumber and.pridge on creek 22.60,. 963 S.A. Lanier Capt. 1 still 20.001 964 L.A.A,)=ry Capt. 5 stills 100.00/ 965 A.A. YcDonald Salary as .C.S.0 259.10 966 L.M. Chaffin, Depty, C.S.0 967 Virginia Stationery Co. Tax shbets and binders 64.00// 968 Yiss Elizabeth Bridge County EOme Deinor,strator 33.337 969 C FIarnett County vvs Printin:• : -r Cc•..n `y 49.50• 909 J.V!. Turr,age 971 Stewart' 972 A.J. Godwin 982 1T S Thomas 474 Tugwellhs Pharmacy 975 Jchr,son and Blackwelder 976 National Office Suplly Co. 977 Ijitchell Printing Company 978 T::o:;. C. Faucette 97g ' .1.. ? "c Pon aid 989 Darres a^3 '.:clliday Company 981 P. YcDcnald 982 11 983 L.A. Avery 934 � ".'. `TcArtan maw Bo a 1 J.W. Drau.ghon 2 W.P. Surles 3 Peoples SI)Pply ^, 4 Eutler Brothers 5 Dr. W.C. :.:elvin 6 Ache -s . -at an-1 Pro. Co. T. H. Faucette, Clerk to Board of Commissioners of Harnett County. ^apt. 1 still Li)mt -r and bridge work Cap "t. 2 stills Work or bridge 4ldse. fcr County Lumber link bridge Mdse, for " "ounty County Order B ^ok Work or tax Books Bill of costs Burial Expanse of T: "at'hews(killed) light ar? Fx ^srses Salary as Au..9itor Jailor Expenses Shoes for convicts Mdse for cnvdcts Mdse for convict camp Pistol balls Service convicts Mdse. for convict camp 4Gw 3 20.00 70.83- 40. 7)0 26.00 33.50. 52.20,- 29.g5, 25 36.oa- 52.90� 56.25 10.23. 100.00 1 4.15 92.oce / �4 / 0 0 35.40 12.1r 41.89 3.00 4.00 " `2.06 J.C. Ey-rd�i Chairman Board of Commissioners. County Commissioners met in regular session, Monday,Obtober 3r3. 1921. Present, J.C.Byr3:p Chairman, J.A.Buchanan, J.W.Jordan, R.`?.Johnson, W. J. Me Stewart, also Chas. Ross, Attorney. Minutes of last meetin? read and approved. Ordered that IT 111 Murdock 'arcLean be pit on pauper list at $3.00 per month. Moved and seconders that release Judsor C. Thomas of P5 acres of lanri an3 charged the same to the proper party, as same was charge3 to ',im by error. Ordered that put George Hargrove back on pai:per list and mail ewie as before, and sent vonher for full amount left off. Ordered that '?orth State Power Co. Electric Light Plant in Lillington be listed at $6000.00 for year 1921. Moved an3 sPcoried that when prisoners are sent to the road County pay * cost, unless other- wise prohibited. Moved and seconded that allow 013 Soldiers w100.00 for Railroad fare to Chat tan ooga,Tern., in October 1921, provided they go. 'Money to be refunded if they don't too. Make order to J. H. Iu'cAli stet. Ordered that Chas. Ross, County Attorney, and W.T. Smith,Fngineer, be appointed a Committee to settlewith A.C.L. Railway on account of Olivia Bridge. Granri Jury Report JU3m*x received and filed in Minutes. Ordered that allow x$5.00 per month to Katie Buchanan, temporiarly, until further investigatio Mail to ;Broadway in Care of G.H. Cummings, Sr. Report of the Upper Little River Rpad Commission filed in the Minutes. Loved and seconded that allow D.J. Smith, Col„ lw2.00 per month. ]uiailorder to C.J.Smitkj Moved and seconded that 7eill McK. Salmon collect all back taxes back of 1920, and to be d.- allowed 25% of all collected, a w..c�. � � 2Po��- c � a.-..a Ordered Chairman be authorized to renew note at Bank of Lillington, X10,000.00 Ordred that pay Sheriff for policing 'iarnett County Fair, not to exceed $75.00 Orddered that Chas. 'loss go to Ireensboro to look after interest of Countjr. Ordered thatChas Ross go to =reensboro to see about Railroa9 Taxes when it is necessary togo. Also ordefed that Cl-,as Ross see Hi hway Commission and ­Pt truek for Convict Camp, or make best arrangement possible. NORTH CAROLINA, HARNETT COUNTY. Report of Committee TO the Honorable Board of County Commissioners: WP, the undersigned committee appointed to sttle 1920 taxes, beg leave to report that we hava carefully lowing: Total Tax fist, per auditor's office, Credits Tax collected by Sheriff Turlington Total receipts of Sheriff 2. ?cArtan from all treasurers (see Auditor's records for d'_.tribution) Total releases authorized Totalil9ebYvettsapeTPliet filed with auditor and approrad by us Total lanri sales to count* per certificates turned over to auditor 1% discount on collections prior to December 1st. 1920 Balance due all funds to nettle with Sheriff for 1920 taxes. with Sheriff J.W.McArtan on account of Pxamined his accounts and find the fol- 4-'2439154.59 "10860.04 159592.68 4302.38 5067.31 20839.52 444.35 $42048.31 w243.154.59 On account of the exceedingly distressing financial ccrlitiorx of the county we reccom- mend that Sheriff be allowed until October lst. 1921, to finish collecting an3 making a final wettlerrient. In view of this we are leaving in the Sheriff's hands the receipts for insolvent list iri the hopes that he will be able t^ collect some of these items. August 11th. 1921. R- spectfully submittedy J.W. Jordan W.J.McStewart Committee. Jas. A. Buchanan Chas Ross Notices Taxes listed after books made not included in above.