08011921445-8 774 016.00✓ 775 32.00✓ 776 24.00✓ 77'7 50.00 719 20.00✓ 780 20;00• 781 2.00✓ 782 50.00✓ 783 258.70/ 784 35.0 R 35.50 786 20.00✓ 787 120.00✓ 780 J.A. Spivey 789 Harnett County News 790 H.S. Holloway 791 JYW. Halsford 792 J.W. Halford 79� JJ8 McArtan 794 J.W. YcArtan 795 A.A. ITcDonald 796 A.A. VcDcnald 79 L.14. Chaffin 79 H.G. Thomas 134.82✓ A.A.McDonald T9a 500 Miss Elizabeth „ridge 801 Edwards and Hroug hton 802 County of Johnston 803 Mrs. Anna Tharington 804 L A. Avery 805 John 1. Yates $06 Grove Township Road 807 RFrank Page,Ch. Highw 308 Jbohn D. Johnson 809 Righland Farm 810 S H.S. Storr Co. 811 -863 Pauper List 864 Jim F. McLean �3 Euegen W. Smith W ?A? Stewart H.C.Cameron L.L. Levinson I'. C. "cRae Alice LTeLean Jhohn Mitchell Eddin Harrington W. H. Fauacette Arthir Cummings Parker pros. Parker Bros ILtA. Aver s�txx8�ixa�C J.V. Lang Comm. . C omm/ 4 days Assessor 016.00✓ 8 n n 32.00✓ 6 n 24.00✓ Vice RQCOrder 50.00 Old Pensioner 20.00✓ Burial expense old soldier 20;00• 1 day pension board 2.00✓ Sal. -epty. ..,eg, of Deeds 50.00✓ Salary and Stamp's,R. of D. 258.70/ Keeping N. Ferry 35.0 Mdee. for paupers 35.50 Coffin for Francis Nordan' 20.00✓ 4 stills 120.00✓ Assessor 28.10✓ 3 stills and cinveying prisoner 72.00✓ Printing for G'dunty. 185.30✓ Review Appraiser 200.00/ Inquest of Baker 30.30 Hed.lth Officer 60.03 Pope printing Co. 2LxAx etc. 39 -.00✓ Sal. Sheriff 354.10/ Bill of Costs 13.08 ✓. Salary, etc. 261.00/ n 50.00.; Repairing Pridge,L. River 134.82✓ Bill cf Costs 19.10, Demonstration Agent 33.33 Mdse, for County •520.HQ2� 1/2 cost of bridge 62.28, Burial of Mary Giles 20.00v Jailor 68.80✓ Int. on bonds 625.00' Payment on Culverts 1500.00 ✓, Project No. 68 2939.00✓ Mdse. for County Home 3.60 ✓ Brdige Wrek Barbecue 101.50, Draft A.A. McDonald 12.20 Paupers 409.50 ✓ Janitor 20.00✓ Qy§ upon motion of Commissioner Jordan, seconded by Commissioner Stewart, the follIDwing b* resolution was adopted: ' � That whereas, the Board of Commissioners of Harnett County, which is the road govern- RkX body of said County, having heretofore been found necessary to lay rut and build � through the County of Harnett umlx from the Wake County line to the Cumberland County la fiin line, passing through the County seat, that public roadd known as "Xhe La Fayette Highway" k" together with necessary bridges thereon, and the said work having been begun, and this board having found that the early cempletien thereof is necessary for the public inter- est of the County; A ?TD WHEREAS, the Board finds as a fact that it is necessary,tfer this Board to bor- row the sum od the Sixty Five Thousand Dollars ($65000.00), for the eompletio- of said rublice road and bridges. And whereas, this Board is fully a_zthcrized and empowered thereto by sections 3767 -72 of 9cnsolidated statutes of North Carolina; Now, therefore, be it resolved k that yhis board hereby direct6 the issuance of two (2) notes in thesum of Twent Five Thousand Dot. -ars each($25000.00) and one note in the sum of Fifteen Thoum and Dollars, (15000.00) dated July 15rh. 1921, and maturing two years after date, and bearigg interest a _tx_tkKxaxaxxtx from date, payable semi - annually, at the rate of six per cent per annum, both prinoial and interest payable at Chase National Bank in the City of New York, said notes to be signed in cehalf of the County of Harnett ir. the name of its Board of County Commisssioners by the Chairman thereof, attested by the Clerk, and the Ctrperate seal affixed thereto. Be it resolved further t'at the full faith and credit of the County of I'arr-ett is hereby pledged to the payment of said interest and Brdige funds of the County. 1h, se voting fn favor of said resolution were: The Chairman,commisssicre s Johnson Jordan Stewart and '= uchanan. Those voting against said resolution were, none. J. :i. Fazcette,Clek. J.C.Byrd, Chairman, Board of County Commisssioners. August lst. 1921. County Commissioners :net in Eegular asssion, present, J.7. Byrd, Chairman, Jas . A. Buchanan.R.:. Johnson, J.W. Jordan, W. J. M Stewart, also Chas Ross, Atty.•Minutes ^f last meet- ing real arl ar•_oroved. ;.roved by W,J.P¢cSte�rart, seconded by J.W. Jordan that the bridge -o n Cypress 'reek line between Hoke and Harnett be built to pay 1/2 cost not to exceed ;75.00 for material. Ordered that F.M.P. icLeod repair the 7'.cLeod Bridge on upper Little River, to furnish lumber at X20.00 per M. and do work, not to exceed 200 feet-lurnber. Ordered that Pay the Dunn Road District X600.00 for Board of Convicts. W.T.Royal was appointed/ cotton weigher for Town of Dunn for a term of two years, as recomended by Town Commisssioners of Dunn, N.C. T.A.D. McCormick was appointed Road Commissioner in Anderson Creek in place -of Frank Stewart wl.o moved out of Township. Yoved and ,seconded that the present Vice - 'recorder, L.L. Levinson still act as. V,4 ce-Recorder until further notice.. By request of the Harnett County Fair Association asking donation, of $500.00 be• deferred for 30 days. T ?, -is donation to be distributed to farmers, as premiums if allowed by Foard. Loved and seconded that allow ea ch old soldier that goes to Durham to reunion $5.00 for rail road f are. Resolved that the State Hi�hvray Comriisssion Tea be requested to remaita from,'LaFayette high- way the obstrugtion occasioned by /Millie Byrd's house built within the right -f way an.i keep acco';nt of actual cost of such removal; said cost to be adjusted in accordance w;th contract be- tween County and State. ✓ (Resolution of Col ri.LLean to be sent by r Ross and p;t on minutes) Ordered t: at :e N_.. _ ..z ar> Jail r placed _y :p; err :f Court •ar i fasten the ( Have all li -. of rates maxis, Pas° 47),'Z -ree 3arbecue to 20 certs.) _: vel and seconded that r. ;;alford Nxa :;rn Isaac "ci >ay, col, blind. See if he is fit subject for pauper. Ordered teat allow A. t9o9d � „lO^w(iO ,s fir s °c_lies furnished by J.dv :�,c ?.cnara b��far° lwscd died. of P.L. Seyr :o re filed ';pi'U minutes. _SORT:: CAROLINA, HAR1✓FT7 COUNTY. 0 T}i "! iOlTORA3 -T�; BOAtD Of O i1;Y COQ.; :�ISSJ011, 9 I hereby certify that at a regular meeting cf the "]oars of VorL,ission -rs '�S i;e rn of Dann held al the I:iunicipal Building, on the 13th. day of J aly, 1921, 'J. T. Royall was by Anarimcus vote of the Board dl�,ct +:d :;�' :ton Weigher for the Town of Dunn for a term of Mice. And this is certified to y -ur Honorable Board for concurrence in said election or other proper aotio.: as provided by Statute. 1,7l tees :y hand t'r_is the st. day cf August, 1921. H.A. Parker,Clerk Town of Dunn. 14=4'ICAROLINA, HARNETT COUNTY. TO THE HONORABLE BOARD. OF COI IISSIONFRS OF HARNETT COUNTY: We, the undersigned. R=.- istrar and Judges of Election, do hereby certify that pursuant to order of your Hilwtorable Board, atits session held the -6th. dayof June, 1921, we did hold on this the 12th. day of Jrily, 1921 a special election upon the question of issuing not exceeding Two Hundred Thousand Dollars(t200,000.00) Dollars of serial bonds of the Dunn Graded Sch?il District, and levying a special annual tax to pay the sae, under the provisions of Chapter 87,Public Laws of 1920. (Extra Session of the :general Assembly) We further certify that there were Three Hundred and Flighty One(331) voters duly registered and qualified to vote in said special election ;that in sail election there were cast Two-Hundred and Forty One(241) ballots'!FOR BOND ISSUE ", and there were Twenty Three(23) ballots cast aySitiatay "AGAINST BOND ISSUE ". Witness our hands and seals, this the 12th. day of July, 1921 .:.A. Parker.Registrar A.B. Adams R. "^. Saylor ACTION OF THE BOARD OF C013ISSIONERS OF -ARIvFTT COUNTY UPON THF:J1 @&R#R'S OF THE REGISTRAR 1ND JUDGES OF ELECTION OF A SPECIAL FLFOTION HELD IN THE D'dl_iN GRATED SCHOOL DISTRICT ON THE 12th. lay OF JULY11921,PURSUA `;^T TO ORDER 07 SAID BOARD. At this a regular session of the Board of Commisss-oners of Harnett Cpunty held at the Court House in said County on :<asnday the ist, dayof August, 1921, present, Commissioners Whereupon said 3oard entered upon the judicial consideration of retires of the officers ap- pointed to hold a specia� t�n in the Dunn Graded School District on July 12,th. 1921, upon the n questio of issuing not mwo Hundred Thousand Dollars (- 00000.00) of serial bonds of the Dunn Graded School District and le.vy_ng a special annual tax to pay the same und-�r the provisions of Chapter 87,P'ublic Laws of 1920(Extra Session of the General Assembly). There was filed with the Board returns made by the officers of said election in words and figures as follows:: TO THE HONORABL°` BOARD OF CO :TMISSIONFRS OF HAR'ITF:TT COUNTY: Wei the undersigned, •Registrar and Judges of keetion, do hereby certify that pursuant to order of your honoralie Board, at its session held the 6th. day og June,1921, we did hold on this toe 1$th, dev of July, 1 ?91, a special election upon the question of issuing not exceeding Two Hundred tihousand Dollars (0200000.00) of serial bonds of the Dunn Graded School District', and levying a special annual tax b$ pay the same, under the provisions pf Chapter 87,Public Laws of 1920(Extra Session of the General Assembly) We further certify that there were three hundred and eighty one((381) voters duly register- ed and qualified to vote in said special aele,mtion; that in said election there were cast Two Hundred and Forty one (241) ballots "FOR BOND ISSUE ", and there were cast Twenty Three(23)ballots ° AGAINST BOND ISSUE". Witness our hands and sealsm this t' -e 12th, day of July, 192.1. H.A. Barker, Registrar. A.B.A amts R.G.Taylor Judges of Zkoetion. Whereupon the 'doard duly compared said returns with a duplicate copy thereof filed in the office of the Clerk of the Sup -rior Court of Harnett County. Said Board having fully canvasssed, passed upon a;; ^,d considered said returns, the said Board tid judicially declare, pass upon and determine and does hereby judicially declare and determine results of said special election as foliows•L 1. That sail election was duly called and advertised as.provided by law ind ib accotdance with the previous orders of this Board. 2. That the said election was held on July 12tJ. 1921, the dAte fixed for the holding of the sane by the prior odder of this Board. 3. That the total number of qualified voters in said district and duly qualified to vote in said electionk,was three hundred and eighty one(381); that the totalnumber of motes cast "For Bond Issue" was two hundred and forty one.. WHEREUPON, it is further oonsidered, ordered and adjudged by the Board of Commissgoners of Harnett County, that the question of issuing not twxxx exceeding Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200000.00)Dollars of serial bonds: of the Dunn Graded School District and levying a special annual tax to'pay the same under the provisions of Chapter 87, Public Laws of 1921, received one approval of W majority of the qualified voters of said district, and the Board of Trustees of said District are authorized and fully empowered to issue said bonds in neordance with the provisions of the Aut of the General Assembly before mentioned. It is further ordered by the Board of Commisssioners of Harnett County that a sufficient tax be annually levied upon a,ll subjects of taxation in said district to pay said bonds and all interest on the same as the same may become due. It is further ordered 119 the Board thit that the Clerk of this Board be and he is hereby direct- ed to cause a notice contaning a brief statement of the result of said election to be published in the Dunn Dispatch, a newscaperx published in said District, saidpublication to be in at least one regular issue of said paper. 1NORTH CAROLINA, HAR=TT COUNTY. TO THE HONOORABLE BOARD OF COTJIiviISSIONERS OF HAMTT COUNTY: I, hereby certify that ata regular meeting odithe Board ^f Comnisssirners of the Town of Dunn held at the Municipal Building, on the 18th. say of July, 1921, TYW.T. Royall was by a unant imous vote of the Board elected Cotton weigher for the Town of Dunn for a term of two years commencing upon the expiration of his present term of is office. And this is certified to your honorable Board for concurrence in said election or other proper action as provided by Statute, Witness my hand this the 1st. day of August, 1921. H.A. Parker,Clerk Town of Dunn. CERTiFiCATE 0i, SPECIAL TAX ELECTIONv RETUR17S. 10 T T CAAIR::,pN OF TEiE COUNTY BOARD 3Z COVP :tISSIO IFRS ;F :,A l :l'T COU TY.NOIi111 CAROLINA: 'SLID D We, the u.ndr? signed ,Registrar and Judi ^es of election for sp -cial Tax District located in Carver Creek Township,C mberland County,North Carolina, having held the election is said xKxalxl special Tax District accoVding to the provis'"ons of Chap'er 4, Section 72,Laws of 1901, amended b y the General Assembly of 1903 and 1921 do make and certify to be "correct t'-e following statement: 171;mber of voters registered F4ghty(80)0 lTumber cast for Special Ta Fifty Seven(IIpt(57Y Number cast against Special Tax Seven (7) IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have ::ersunto subscribed our hames, this the 25th. dayof July,One thousand nine hundred and twenty one. Signed W.F. Honeycutt,Registrar. John Williams R.R. Bell. Judges of Election. TO THE BOARD OF< ZMEXXXKXMUM EDUCATION,HARNETT COUNTY, N.C. We, the undersigned tax- agrs._in Aiderson Creek Township, district ;3,white race, respectively petiton the Bpard -•f Education: „arnett County, to request the County Commissioners to call an e. election in said township and district, for the purpose of ascertaining the ,vill of the citizens of sa said to -nship a:-d district r}s to the levying of special taxes for the support of school located in the above rained township and district. The amount of 253e on property and 75je or, poll: J.'_. YcLamb, W.G. Wood):+i.H. Laeb, G.A. Norris,D.B. air, Jesse B. 1c1Aarb,W.R. Bryant. Approved by Board of Education of Harnett County at their regular meeting held Aug. 1st. 1921. B.P. Gentry, Clerk. J.11. 'lodges Chairman. • W.R. Bryant, Registrar. J.11, McLamb andNancan McArtan, Poll Holderas. Date of $lection, Tuesday, September 20th. 1921 The following orders were allci,;ed by the Commissioners: W1654.50✓ 865 Bank of Lillington Interest on notes 600.00 866 Dunn Rca.d Dist. Board of Convicts 7.42, 867 %.H. Hobby aebateor, taxes 309.50, 868 D.P. McDonald 869 D.P. YcDt.;mald Vital Statistics Salary June and July and stamps 224 38- 870 71. H. Faucette Salary and stamps 254.13, 50.00, 871 Edwin Harrington Salary 20.00v 872 Jim F. McLnan Jaxltor 35.o0/ 873 Arthur Cummings Keeping N. Ferry 52.80- 874 PaulF'�Treen Auditing tax books 100.00, 875 L.L.`hevinson Sal. Recorder 100.00, 876 D. H. Mc can Sal.Recorder 354.10 877 J.W.McAr?Van Sal.. Sheriff 33.331 878 Miss Elizabeth Fridge County Demonstrator 257.00 879 A.A. McDonald Salary 50.00 880 881 L.M.Chaffin T.A. "tewart 1 day ex pension board 2,00' 882 Dr/ J.W? health and Quarantine Officer 60.00 883 7alford L.A. Avery Capt. 3 stills 60.00' 58.20' 884 885 L.A. Avery A. B. Currin Jailor Capt. 1 still 20.00✓ 886 887 Jim McYei11 Parker Bros. *sue *a ? 2 stills Oo`_finx, and supplies for col4nty 40.00' 40.00 888 J.A. Hockaday Taking tax list,Black River 100.00 889 Chas. Ross County Attorney bridge 75.00- 10.00- 890J.P. Stephens Lum`.er and repairing 13.75' 891 Nora Chaffin Work on tax books 30.25, 892 J.W. IcArtan Work on Jail and well 29.00' 893 Harnett County Nerws �ilis for County 45.08 ” 894 895 JAI. Rose, Sr. Town of Dunn ridge work 1/2 ditching in Dunn 37.50` 896 Jas. A. Taylor and son Insurance cn County Home 93.00 16.52' 897 Harnett Hardware and Furnit. Co. Mdse for County 36.00 898 J.L. T,Tarsh Jas. Latthews inquest 146.00 899-917 Paupers JURORS FOR SFPTRYBFn TF'FSI, 1921. First Week, Sept. 5 - -10, 1921. Anderson's Creek:: J. YcC. Ray; Averasbaro ;:A. L. Jones, Walter C. Lee, J. H. Moore, Z. V. Snipes, J. 1.1. West, John Tart, L. R. Pope, 7. R. Tew, H. G. Barefoot; Black River: E. A. Barbour, J. J. V.rir:berly, B. A. Dupree, L. E. Wells, W. B. Matthews, W. R. Broadwell, D. J. Pleasarts, L. B. R6pkkc;LttBuckhorn: T. A. Pi_rkin, C. C. Champion, M. L. Rollins, C. F. Powell, Barbecue: J. B. Warwick; Grove: A. M. Avery, J. C. Sephenscn, M. A. Turlington; Hectoris Creek: T. B. Brummitt, A. L. Bridges; Johnsonville: C. T. Cameron, S. B. Johnsen; Lillington:. i5. C. Arnold; Neill(s Creek: Herbert Matthew:., J. B. Ennis, B. V. Green; tipper Little River: D. P. Cameron, J. W. Buchanon; Second Week, Sept. 12 - -!% 1921. Anderson's Creek: H. A. Black; Averasbcro:. S. N. Norris, W. M. Tart, J. H. Russell, R. G. Allen; Barbecue: Duncan Godfrey, J. T. McNeill; Blak River: D. W. D §r.ning,; Buckhcrn: T. A. Spence, W. E. Knight, J. W. lutcr; Lillington: Geo. H. Long; Neill(s Creek: R. B. Butts, 13eedh as Vann, J. L. Cutts;; Upper Little River: B. B. Holder, W. C. Bayles, J. E. Brown. C. Byrd, Choi rman, W. E.Fa,.jceti. °, Clerk.