062019214r% NORTH CAROLIYA, FARYEI'T COUNTY. CO1?7BISSIOITRS COURT, JUNE 20th. 1921. S'PrCifil TAX FIYC" TO''' r ^OR l.i ?TI "' r'TRIC . IN RF$ This cause coming on to be heard u] or. the petition xf herein and the affidavits of Jchn Williams ar.d W.E. Horeycutt, anti it appearing that cne- fcurth f the free- holders resid- ing in the Linden Tistrict corprising parts of C nberlar"d and Harre tt County "save r -et boned for a si:eci_a election for °,.h lurpoee named in sai,.d petition. It 1s further crde:l,2.1 i]it a ¢lsas special ele ^tier Ice held at HoneyCott's Store in Linden in said District or J_ :ly 25th. 1921 to ascertain the wi1': cf the people urcn the levying of et a tax as set out it -uhe petition. It is further ordered s-at said elsc , cr, be held under Laws Tcverr.ing gererai. elee'ticn.s. It is farther ordered that W.E. Honeycutt, be ar.d he is h reby appointed Registrar for said elecr , cr, and R.R. Bell and John Williams be, and they a-P he aby aipcir.ted Judges to hold sa'.d elet :lion. 1t is f,,Lrther ordered the'. a new re-.is-ration be required and. tre election' held under t t'r:e leers and rules giverr.ing general electiond as flr as ware car: be. It is f tsther ordered tha this order shill become effective only when and" aster the C,unberland County Board of Cbmmisssioners shall pass a ccncirrert or sinc'1�-,r order. J.C. 1'yrd, Chairman,Zoard of Cc. ;hty Commies - W. H. Faueette, Clerk Bcard cf Ccmms. inners of Harnett Ccuryyi Harnett Ccu4r". Comrisicriers ad„curned to meet Monday, July 111h. 1921. The Board of Commissioners of 1arr.ett County met at Ccurz House in Special Session at 11 11 O'clock;. p,l+, T "onday June 20th. 1921, the following being present: J.C.yrd,Chairna.n, R ?' Johnson, J.A. FuChanar,J.W. J rdar and W. P, ^nSte :,arS, together with W.H. Faucet,_e, and Chas. Rosa, Attorney. Upon rribtion of C®mmissioners Jordan, seconded by Commissioner Johnscn, the following resolution. was unanimously adopted: "Whereas, The Cemmi:siorers fi nd as a fact that it is necessar, to provide funda imrediately to takecare cf urgent ccu.nty eblioat:cns, and that said cbligatiors are for necessary County Expenses, and that ^ing to the depr6esed _ ° :r.ancial conditions that these funds carrot now be derived from tax Lists in the Hands of the Sheriff; 4 Now, 'therefore, it is ordered thmt tl'e Chairman* ex-^,,'e a no".e it the name of the Coung, for the sum of Ten T}oudand1000)0.0 ) I'cl- Laa•s, payable to bearer at Chase National Bank in in New York fcL..r r-cnths after date; said note tc be signed or behalf of the County by the Chairran ;if :e Ieard, attested by the Clerk, and the corporate seal affixed thereto. Be it resolved further tha- the full faith and credit of the County of Harnett is hereby ple& ged to the payment of this note ohen due accordirg to i's tenor; and the Bcard of Corrmisse4emo sinners obligate and bind themselves as by law authorized, and particularly by section lRRjtJ* 1297, sub - section 3 of the consolidated statutes of North Carolina, to provide Yaa by taxatia^ for the full discharge of this 9ndebtedr.ess. The Chairman is directed to sell the obligation of the �ccunty herein authorized and to place the proceeds thereof to the credit of the general funds of the County. Those voting in favor 8f the resclu`icn were; The Chairran,Cc-,risesioners, Jchnson,Buch- anar., Ste:,r'. and Jordan. i' ^c se voting against said resclution were, none;. Ordera•d that the auditor transfer to the School fund and as a temporary loan the s.:n of Ten Thousand Doll, -s, irev'ded , however, that the Fcard cf Education shall pay the interest on 6Lid Amoun_ for fcir months. W. H. Faucette, Cl.etk. t.C.?yrd, Chairman, 'card of County Commies a ioners of Harnett County. July 11th. 1931.. County Commisssioners mete- Present, J.C. Byrd, Chairman, Jas. A. Buohanan,J.W. Jordan, W. J. M,Stewart, R.T. Johnson, also Chas. Ross, S.ttorney. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. MMved by J.W. Jordan seconded by R.T. Johnson seconded by R3.Johnson tkat the bill of the Barns and Holliday Company, burial expenses of Matthews, negro, killed at Duke be pre- sentee to Erwin Cotton Yills Co, and collect $56.25 Ordered that C S Adams be'appointed cotton weigher for the Town of Angier as recommended by-Town Comrri5ssicners of Angier for 2 years beginning August, 1921. RESOLVED: That State Highway Commission be _rqquested to change the Road for maintenance betwem LIllington and Dunn, so as to run via Buies Creek.. .Ordered that Auditor, D.P. McDonald, audit the Sheriff's drainage 'Tax Books fnmm 1917 to 1j1KxRRAYY xx 1919. J,W, Jordan report as D.B. Stewart.matter in handsof Clifford and Townsend, would be brought at next term of Court. Atty Chas Ross wrote Yr Young as to E.S. S,.ith note. No reply. The following orders were ordered allowed:: 754 A. Y. Shaw 755 John S. Johnson g$8. A3tazzkC.B. Aycock 757 J.W. Campbell 758 G.C.Mann 759 L.E. Stancil 760 C.D. Stewart 761 D.R. Smith 762 Z.V. Cameron 763 C. Rich 764 $ B. Crowder 765 Wm. T. Smith' 766 D.P. Ray 4t67 E.A?..Blanchard it 768 M.J. McNeill 76#fiat F.S. Cullom 770 S.D. Brantley 771 A.A. West 772 J.H. Williams 773 K.L. Howard Revstw Appraiser $200.00, List Taker, Aderson Creek. 48.00 if Averasboro 320.00 it " Babecue 50900/ of " Buckhorn 50.00- Duke 83-00> Grove 127.00z H. Creek 50.00, Johnsonville 48.00/ Lillington 100,00/ " to Neills Creek 90.00 it it Stewart's Creek 50.0 () / of it U.L.R. 100.001r,/ 7 days as Assessor 28.001 12 " " it 48.00✓ Review Appraiser 175.00' 11 days assessor 44.00+ 6 " " 24.001 5 of 20.00, 13 " it 52.00