05241921Excerpt from Yiru,.es of 'oard of Commissioners of Barnett County, Regular Yee.ing, r.Yonday , tfa?j Vay 2nd. 1921. She Board of Commissioners of Harnett County met in regular session at 10`.00 O'C1ock,A.Y. Vonday, May, 1921. resent J.C.Byrd,Chairman, COmmissioners,R.. . Johnson, W.J.YcStewart,J.W Jordan and Jas. A Buchanan aadx with Chas.-Ross, Attorney, and W. H. Faucette, Clerk. Upon motion of Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Buchanan, the following -resolution W&B adcptnedt Be it resolved by the Board of Commissioners of Harnett County,North Carolina: That four(4) notes of Harnett County,North earolina in the sum of Twenty Five Thousand Dollars each($25,000.00) dated Vay 12th. 1921, and maturing twelve months after date, and beau ing interest fro, date at the rate of six per cent per annum, payable semi - annually, both ;ax principal and interest payable to bearer at Chase National 1- ank,_ew xork City, in anticipation of revenues and taxes to be collected from the tax rolls and returns of 1921 -22 and sale of bonds for construction of public roads and bridges in said County, which notes are to secure money for necessary count; expenses, and that said not= be sold or hypothecated by the Cairikan of the Board of Commissioners gf Harnett County, North Carolina, and the proceeds theregf,turn- ed into the general funds of said County. . . Be it resolved further; That the full faith ahzz and credit of the County of Harnett, North Carolina, be pledged to the punctual payment of the principal and interest of said note at maturety. Tj}ose voting iyj favor of the said resolution were, Chairman., Byrd, Commissioners, JOhnscn, Jordan,Stewart and Buchanan. THose voting in the negative, none. I, W. H. Rucette, Clerk to the Board of Commissioners of Harnett Gounty,North Carolina, do hereby certify that yhe foregoing resoultion is a true mxx record of the proceedings of the above mentioned Board of Commissioners of Harnett County, North Carolina. This ]bay 11th. 1921. W. F ?. Faucette, Cllerk of Board of County Commiseia (seal) sicners of Harnett County, North Carolina. Yinutes of Board of Ccmmisstners of Harnett County, Tuesday, btay,24th. 1921. T „e Board of Commissioners of Harnett County met in epgaial session at 11:00,a.rr:, Tuesday, Vay 24th. 1921, presend; J. Byrd, Chairman, Commissioners, R. . Johnson, W.J. ITcStewart, J.W. Jordan ar_d Jas. A Buchanan, with Chas Ross, attorney and W. F..Faucette, Clerk. Lpor. motion of Commissioner Idohnson, seconded by Commissioner Buchanan, the follc,nring resolution was adopted. "Be it resolved by the Board of Commissioners of Harnett County,whidh is the road governing body of said County, that it has become necessary to lay out and build through the County of Harnett from the Wake County line to the Cumberland County line, passing thru the County seat 'that public road known as the proposed Lafayette Highway, together with the neac- essary bridges thereon, and in the opinion of said Board it is necessary for this work to proeed without delay. "Be it resolved, furtherm that the said Board finds as a fact that it is necessary for the County to borrow the sum of One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00) to apply on the construction of said roads and bridges; "BE it resolved further that the Chairman of this Board be and he is hereby authorized to and directed to issue in the name of the County four (4) notes in the sum of Twenty Five Thousand Dollars($25000.00) each, dated may 12th. 1921, and maturing flay 12th. 1922, and 9aaa* bearing interest ads the rate of six per cent per annum, payable, semi6annually,,both principA and interest payable at Ohase National,F.ank in City of New York; said notes to, be signed on behalf of the County in the name of its Board of Commissioners by the ChairmanW attestai by the Clerk, and the corporate seal affixed thereto. "Be it further xasxtadd resolved,.that the full faith and credit of the Cquoty of Harnett be and the same is hereby pledged to the punctual payment of the principal and interest of said notes at maturety of same. "These notes are issued in accordance with provisions of sections 3767-72 of Consolidated Statutes of North Carolina, and are fo-nd and declared to be within all Constitutional and statutory limitations. T,e. notes, rrhen issued, shall be sold and theproceeds thereof turned into the road and bridge funds of the County, the Chairman being authorized and directed to conclude said sale. T ose voting is favor of said resolution were: Chairman F_yrd, Commissioners, Jo?^nson, Fuchanan,Jordan and Stewart. Those voting in the negative, NONE. I,W.I.Faucette, clerk to Board of Commissioners of H"rnett County, North Carolina, do hereby certify that the foregoing excerpt is a true an copy of the proceedings as shown by minutes of said Board under date of ITay 24th. 1921. W.H. Faucette, Clerk m Board of Commissioners of Harnett County.