04041921County Commissioners Jas, A Buohanan, W. .i Ordered that County Dunn and Duke-, n.et to Ordered that Fate," Yoved and seconded Duke, N.C. April 4th. 1921. met in regular session, resent, J.C. Byrd, CrB irm _;_n,J.W.Jerla- ,R.`.Je'orscr, Yc Stewart also Chas.F.oss, atty. Vi.nu.tes of last meeting read a -d ary.rcved Iay 1/2 for putting in culver s and cl.z;,ing oanal on Juniper Swamp between steed $100.00. Trayant and Eli Bryant be put on pauper list at $15.00 per Tonth. allo:v Stephen Harris vFF.00 per month, pauper, wrx aend to Hector Harris, Ordered thatmrs 0.Y. Jackson, pauper be allowed $k.00 rer month, Vinutes relating to runn School loan. Yr Roes ;;o make resolutions. Ordered what J.Vi Reaves be put on pauper lint at $10.('0 per Tonth, "..'ail to Red Qress,Duke,N.C. Ordered that meter be put in Court House, for lights, Amount $5.00. Ycved and seconded that release W.O. Yost; And. Creek, $1.00 deg pax, male dog listed female. Ordered that pay Jane Vashburn $12. ('0 per month, send Bas. Griffin. Ycved and seconded that release, Co is Hosiery Yill of taxes on $15,000.00 property burned. The action to Highway Rlad Commission rostponed until first -onday it - Yay, 1921. Section 28 C of Yachinery Act adopted. A.Y.Shaw,F.S.Cullom and H.S.Hollaway appointed Board of Revltw. Salary $225.(`0 per month. County Auditor to supervise listing. V[oved and seconded t':-at concrete oridge on Rcad from Duke to Coats be authorized. Said bridge to be paid for by The Erwin Cotton Drills and charge carried a`ainst 1921 taxes at 4 per cent interel TO THE BOARD OF FDG^.ATIO` OF FA ?17TT COUNTY: We, the unde ^signed pz%tXtxxa voters of Anderson Creek township, district #3, white race, respect- ively ask that Stour Board petition the E-oard of County Commissioners for Harnett County,North Cqrolina, to call an election in the above named Township and district to s.a ascertain the will of the voters 2m said Township and distr_et as to the levyin gof a special shool tax-of Twenty Five lent on the One Hundred Dollars property valuation and Seventy Five cer.te.on the poll; said elec- tioia to be held at such time to be designated by lour Board. J.Y *.V- Lamb,J.'l. YcLamb, .F.Everett,Duncar. VcArtan,Valcom YcArtan, Daniel Y_Artan,W4 G. Wood, G.A.Norris G.A. West. A.E.Wood, T. G. Green, J.F. YcArtan, DF.Lee. W.R:Bryant, Linden, Registrar and J.H. HcLamb and T.G. Green, Poll Holders. Date of election, Vay 5th. $921. Approved, AP.ril 4th. 1921. I.G. FitzgeraldrSecty. J.Y.Hodges,Chairman PETITION FOR SPECIAL TAX ELECTION. TO THE BOARD OF COUNTY COD :YISSIOIt'ERS OF HARITETT COUNTY. We, the undersigned Freeholders in the County of Harn.ett,^ ^nstituting one - fourth of the Free- holders in t're proposed srecikl school district included withitt the following boundaries, tb -wit: Beginnigg at the Henry Norris Bridge on Black River and runs North East with the Smithfield and Averasboro Road to a point near Red Hill Church; therce xxxxa East so aiko Ah include J.W.Byrd,E.G.Mm Yesser and Haywood Norris; thence -,o the Dunn Rcad near C.L.Norris; thence with said road to the Britt Ryals old store place; thence North East with the Smithfield and Averasboro Road to 2 'ingo Swamp; thence North up said Swamp to the Johnston County Line;thence in a Northaxxxdirection to �. the Raleigh Road near the Daniel Stewart old place;then .-crth with the aleigh to near the Vat Gregory old place; thence with the ethel Road to the head of a branch near South of zen Dixo n S; kkax thence West down said branch to Elack River; thence rown said river to the beginning. resFectively petition yout honorable board for an e•leotion to ascertain the will of the people with- in t'r_a propoeed special bond district, whether -there shall be levied in said district a special annual tax of not more than tb}irty cents on the One Hundred Dollars valuation cf property,ard Nine- ty cents on the roll, to supplement the Public School Fund which may be apportioned to said district Ib' the County Board of Education in case such special tax is voted.. C.L.Bailey,�•.D.Ennis, W.F.D'esser,J.W.Yoore,Waiter Ennis,Creaey Norris,J.W.Byrd _re. J.W.Byrd,Z.r, Nordan, Yrs. C.D.Stewart, John Norris, J.L.Sorrell and others: J.R.WOodall was appir.t.ed -egistrar,and C.L.Bailey and J.F.Ennis were aprinbed roll molders. Date of election, Vay 7th. 1021. Sheriff ordered not to advertise land tax sales until first Yonday it June. Commissioners adjourned to meet D"onday Ayril 11th. i Jurors drawn for Vay Term of parnett Superior Court weee as follows' 1 L.E.Smith vector's Creek 2 u.'V.J3rman n n 3 C.L.Cameron Duke 4 J.A.Cutts N. Creek 5 Daniel Hare Duke 6 Vartin Yorrison G.L.R. 7 E.W.Jackson Averasboro 8 J.R.Pleasant Black River 9 R.E.Stric'cland Averaeboro 10 W.L.Byrd S..e :art's Creek 11 W.R.Ko:XX2m& Howard Averasboro 12 I.L.Ycore It 13 J.A.Douglase U.L.R. 14 G.W.Wood F. Creek 15 J.S.Laeas Duke 16 C.W.Flowess Black River 17 W.R.E. TA6Auley Barbecue 181 )%R.Eutler Averasboro 19 J.E.Butts Neill's Creek BO• W.E.Griffin Buckhern 21 W.R.Sorrell Averasboro 22 J.uJ.Tadlcck " 23 W.T. Avery Grove 24 O.S.Atkins, Lillington 25. S.W.Vocre Averasboro 26 G.A. Barefoot " 27 E.L.Cameron Ear'cecue 28 _.F.Byrd Grove 29 L.D.Stephenson " 30 J.N.Creel,Sr. Averasboro 31 1 F:.Fudsor Duj&e 32- J.C.Thcmaon Lillingtoin 33 J.P.YcDonald And. Creek 1�4 Bennett Hockaday Black River 35 H.T. Atkins Lillirgt'n 36 Perry Raynor Neill's Creek TO THE BOARD OF FDG^.ATIO` OF FA ?17TT COUNTY: We, the unde ^signed pz%tXtxxa voters of Anderson Creek township, district #3, white race, respect- ively ask that Stour Board petition the E-oard of County Commissioners for Harnett County,North Cqrolina, to call an election in the above named Township and district to s.a ascertain the will of the voters 2m said Township and distr_et as to the levyin gof a special shool tax-of Twenty Five lent on the One Hundred Dollars property valuation and Seventy Five cer.te.on the poll; said elec- tioia to be held at such time to be designated by lour Board. J.Y *.V- Lamb,J.'l. YcLamb, .F.Everett,Duncar. VcArtan,Valcom YcArtan, Daniel Y_Artan,W4 G. Wood, G.A.Norris G.A. West. A.E.Wood, T. G. Green, J.F. YcArtan, DF.Lee. W.R:Bryant, Linden, Registrar and J.H. HcLamb and T.G. Green, Poll Holders. Date of election, Vay 5th. $921. Approved, AP.ril 4th. 1921. I.G. FitzgeraldrSecty. J.Y.Hodges,Chairman PETITION FOR SPECIAL TAX ELECTION. TO THE BOARD OF COUNTY COD :YISSIOIt'ERS OF HARITETT COUNTY. We, the undersigned Freeholders in the County of Harn.ett,^ ^nstituting one - fourth of the Free- holders in t're proposed srecikl school district included withitt the following boundaries, tb -wit: Beginnigg at the Henry Norris Bridge on Black River and runs North East with the Smithfield and Averasboro Road to a point near Red Hill Church; therce xxxxa East so aiko Ah include J.W.Byrd,E.G.Mm Yesser and Haywood Norris; thence -,o the Dunn Rcad near C.L.Norris; thence with said road to the Britt Ryals old store place; thence North East with the Smithfield and Averasboro Road to 2 'ingo Swamp; thence North up said Swamp to the Johnston County Line;thence in a Northaxxxdirection to �. the Raleigh Road near the Daniel Stewart old place;then .-crth with the aleigh to near the Vat Gregory old place; thence with the ethel Road to the head of a branch near South of zen Dixo n S; kkax thence West down said branch to Elack River; thence rown said river to the beginning. resFectively petition yout honorable board for an e•leotion to ascertain the will of the people with- in t'r_a propoeed special bond district, whether -there shall be levied in said district a special annual tax of not more than tb}irty cents on the One Hundred Dollars valuation cf property,ard Nine- ty cents on the roll, to supplement the Public School Fund which may be apportioned to said district Ib' the County Board of Education in case such special tax is voted.. C.L.Bailey,�•.D.Ennis, W.F.D'esser,J.W.Yoore,Waiter Ennis,Creaey Norris,J.W.Byrd _re. J.W.Byrd,Z.r, Nordan, Yrs. C.D.Stewart, John Norris, J.L.Sorrell and others: J.R.WOodall was appir.t.ed -egistrar,and C.L.Bailey and J.F.Ennis were aprinbed roll molders. Date of election, Vay 7th. 1021. "f � _CZ WFFRFAS, pursuant to Chapter 102,.Fublic Laws of 1919, a amended by Chapter 91, Publi- Laws, extra a Session, 1920, the taxes, will be levied by this Eoard for maintaining the Phblic Schools of the County of Harne'ct, Yvrth Carolina, for six months fhr the school year 1921 -22, said taxes not amcunth ing to not less than $10,000.00; and WHF.RFAS, time must elapse before the said taxes can be collected and it is necessary b meanwhile to pay the necessary expenses for maintaining the said public sbhcols; xOW, Th'F;RFFORF, BE IT FURTHEN RESOLVED BY TFE PQard of County Commissioners of Harnett County thaIr pioned be borrowed to pay the said expenses, in anticipation of the collection of said taxes, and notes of the County to be issued therefor in the aggregate principal amount of $10,000.00 payable to gearex, in the denomination of $5000.00 each, numbered from one (1) to Two(2),both inclusive, and bearing interest at the rate of si; per cent per annum, rayable semi - annually, both principal and it interest being payable at The Chatham & Phenix National Bank, ir. the City and Stale of'`'ew fork. Said notes shall be dated April 4th. 1921 and shall mature April 4th. 1922, Said notes shall be assigned by the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners, and attest- ed by the Clerk of said Board. Said notes and the Coupons thereto attached shall be substantially in she following form: STATF,OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF HARNETT NOTE IN ANTICIPATIOY OF TAXES No $5000.00 The County of in the State of Forth Carolina,for value received, promises to pay to Tearer the principal sum of Dollars on the day of ,with interest thereold at the rate of _per cent( ) per annum, payable semi - annually, to the bear cf the respective m cougpons therefor hereto attached, or surrender thereof as they mature, both principal and interest i.; oeing payable at the Bank in the City and State cf New York. .r, This note is issued by the County for necessary expenses and in anticipation of kaxaa the collection of taxes. It is hereby certified that every requirement if kaw relating, to the issue hereof his been duly complied with and that this note is within every debt and other limit prescrib- ed by law. IN WIT--N'ESS WHEREOF, the said County of has caused its seal to be hereto affixed and this note to be signed by the Chairman of itd Board of County Commissioners and attested by the Clerk of said -oard, this the _day of A'i TEST: Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners CLERK. (Irterest Couron) $150.0o On the day of the County of arnett,North Carolina,will pay to bearer at the Chatham and Phenix National Fank, in the City and State of New fork, ONE Ful"DREr AND FIFTY DOLLARS ($150.0(') in lawful money of the United States, being six months' i,pterest then due on it.s note in anticipatiok of taxes,dated April 4th. 1921. N,_ The following County Orders were allowed: 544 J. J. Adams 543 J.W.YcArtan 545 A.B. Currin 546 W-. Z. Smith 547 J.J.Spears ;4 L.A.Avery 549 R.F.Jernigan 550 Jas F. Nor -,ham K51 Rcad Commission Averasboro 'iwp. K52 W.J.Parker 553 J.!--.Lanier 55§ A, A, YcDona= d 555 - eill'" Creek Road Commission 756 lug wll's Pharmacy 55� W.H. Faucette 55 Edwin Harrington 559. Arthur Cummings 560 Jim 9, V Lean 561 C.A.V1,1\ Ill 562 A.A.YcDonald 563 L.Y.Chaffin, 5o4 Yhrian c-.wain 565 J.W,Halford 566 Lnng Stexv rt Drug Co. 567 D.P.Vcrcnald 568 " u 589 Harnett County :ews 570 J.A.Spivey 571 J.W.VcArtan 572 J.W.Turnage 573 -627 Pauper Orders �2$ Chas Ross �9 D.H.1 "ol,ean c650 Walker Evans and Cogswell Co f3yT ,c J,W.McArtan W_iib Faucette, Clerk.. Clerk of Board :,f County Commissioners.. Lumber for bridge in Black River Cart. still and supplies Capt.. 4 stills Enginnering Fowlers Fridge Work o n Closet at Court Hcuse Jailor and Cal stills rapt. 1 still Work or Lillir. ton bzddge Bridge wcr'sard lumber Luipber and work on County Home Yeep.ing County Home Express, etc. Lumber for bridge Vdse for County Salary and Stamps Salary, ,e -u -y, gelister of #Reeds Peeping Y. Ferry Janitor Work on bridge Salary Salary, Depty. C.S..^., County Demonstrator ealth and quarantine Officer Sup.plics for County Salary as audiior Lights and water Work for County Cgpt.Bstills Salary, Sheriff Fridge Paupers Salary County attorney " Recorder Supplies for County Paid out to Turnge 91.80. Po.00 5o. 00, 2.40/ 119.70' 20.00, 5•('^ 287.08 333 50'. 121.25/ 26.38 68/96 14.65 261.29, 50.00 33.00' `20.00/' 5.64v 257.50/ 50.00" 33.33- 60.�0 10.75! 100.00' 10. 001 60.5o, 16o.00 354.101 1953.831 425.50/, i 100.00 165.61 / 590.65 J.C.Byrd, Chairman Board of Commissioners. r1l -------- April 11th 1921. - The County Commissioners met in Cull Session. Preseint,d.C.Byrd, Chairman,R.T.Johnx, $`, W.J.r- Stewart,Jas.A. Buchanan, also Chas, Ross, Atty. :ha following list- takers and assistants were appinted: Ta*aship 3MURk Li-et Taker Assistant Post Office Anderson Creek J.S.Johllaon A.A.'Nest Spout Springs and Bunlevel Averasboro @.B.Kyaock K.L.Ho.ward Both Dunn Barbecue E.P.Harrington P.C.C,ameron Broadway and Olivia