01171921Jany. 17th. 1921. The County Boardof Commissioners met in joint meeting with the Board ^f Education,Present,S.C. Byrd, Chairman, W. J. Me Stewart, R..T'4 RoUnion,Jas. Buchanan, J.W. Jordan, also Chas. Ross, Etty. bank. Resolved that the Count y Auditor keep a school funds separate from other county funds in Ordered that Auditor buy car load of coal now on tracks at Raleigh, O $9.50 Moved and seconded that hire Frank Johnson to Dunn R ad District Green4oro, North Carolina, Board of County Commissioners Jany. 17th. 1921. Harnett County,North Carolina, Lillington, North Carolina. Desr sirs: We herewith submit gyou the following offer too handke the $25,000.00 Harnett County, North Caraina Noteee For the :beaus of $25,000.00 HARNETT COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA NOTES properly and legally issued, dated Zany. 7th. 1921, and maturing June 17th. 1921, denominations 15,000.00 each, payable at the Chase National Bank s in the City and State of NewtHoBk, and bearing interest at the rate of sis per sent per annum, payable at Waturety of said notes, we will useour facilities and very best ef- fort& to sell same at par and furnish blank notes and legal opin$On free of cost to the Oounty, A said notes to be handled in the following manner, to4wil: Said notes are to be sent to the Ci�ase National Bank, of New York City,with fiseohecks, for commission for x'100.00 each, with instructions to said Bank to deliver any part or all of said notes to us or our order, at par, when, as, and if sold,and each note for $5,000.00 is to be ac- compained with a New York Check for $100.00. A copy of this proposition is to be sent to the Chase National Bank, with instructions to ho}Id said notes to our order and deliver tle same in accordance herewith, and place the proceeds of k the sale of said notes to your credit,&* sold, delivered and paid for. accepted. Very respectfully eubsubmitted, ted, This proposition is hereby p Bray Brothers Co. J.C. Byrd, Chairman, By O.B. 8su *her Board of County Commissioners, Harnett County, North Carolina (B. of C. Seal) Attest: W. H. Faucette, Clerk, Board of County Commissioners, Harnett County, North Carolina. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF HAFT. The Board of County Commissioners of H''rnett County, North Carolina, met at the Court House in Lillington, North Carolina, on the 10the day of January,1921, the following Members present: JC. Byrdm Chairman, Jae. A. Buchanan,,W. J. Me Stewart, J.W. Jordan, R.T. Johson, W. N. Faucette, Clerk. WEEREASM pursuant to the Public Laws of 1919, Chapter 102, as amended by the General Assembly at the Special Session of 1920, twxes havebeen levied W—' the Board for maintaining the public schools of tjs County for six months during the presents school year, said taxes not amounting to less than $53,000.00; and, WHEREAS, time must elapse before the said taxes can be collected and it is necessary meanw1ile to pay the necessary expenses for maintaining said public schools: BE IT TMSOLVED by the Board of County r- mmissioners of Harnett County thatmoney be borrowed to pay the said expenses in anticipation of the collection of said taxes, abd Was of the Couxlyy issued therefor im the agrrregate principal amount of $25,000.00, payable to Bearer, in the de- omination of $5,000.00 each, numbered from one(1t to Five(5), both inclusive,and bearing interest at the rate of six per cent per annum, payable at maturety,both principal and interest, being payable at the Chase National Bank, :n the Ci ty atdN8iraT9Thf New York. Said pates shall be dated Jany. 17th.1921 and shall mature June 17th. 1921. Said note shall be in substantially the following form: STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF HARNETT No Note in anticipation of Taxes $ The County of Harnett, in the State of North Carolina, for value received, promisee to pay to -Bearer, the sum of 11 76llars, on the _day of , with interest thereon'aM add 2=xxx from date at the rate of PER CENT per annum, payable at malbrety, both principal and interest being payable at the Bank, in the Coty and Stateof New York.. This note is issued by the County for recessary expenses in anticipation of the collection of *axes. It is hereby certifted that everyrequirement of law relating to the issue "hereof has been fully complied with and that this note is within every debt and other limit prescribed by law. IN WITNRSS WHEREOF, the said Coun y of Harnett, has caused it sail to be hereto affixed and this note to be signed by the Chairman of Its Board of County Commissioners and attested by the Clark of the said Board, this the day of Y ATTEST Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Harnett Clerk, I County BE IT FUR HER RESWED THAT THE SAID TM Max notes shall be paid out of the said taxes.. BE DT FURTHER RESOLVED that said notes be and the same are hereby zKxx st awarded to Bray Brothers Co., of Greensboro, North Carolina, at their bid of par, and that the Chairman and Clerk of the Board are hereby authorized a °d directed to execute said notes, and the County Treasaser is hereby authorized and directed, when they are so executed,to deliver the same to said Bray Brothers Co., on compliance sttkx by them with the terms of their bid. On Mo tion of Mr. J.W. iJordan, seconded by Vr. R.T. Johnson, the foregoing resolu- tion was adopted by the following roll -call vote, to -wit: Commissioners voting in favor of said resolution: W.J. Me Steuart, J.W. Jordan, R.T. Johnson, Jas. A. Buchanan & J.C. Byrd, Chairman. No Commissioners voting against said resolution. NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF HARNF."T. I, W.H. Faucette, Register of Deeds of Harnett Ciounty, North Carolina,and Ex- Officio Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners of said County, do hereby certify that the foregoing contains a true and correbt copy of-a resolution relative to borrowing $25,000.00 to maintain and defray the necessary expenses of a six month school in said County, dily adopted by said Board at a call meeting held in the County Court House in the Town of Lillington, on the 17th.day of January, 1921, as all of which appears of record on the minutes of' said Board in my office. I furthersgsa certify that the said Board is composes of five members, and that five members were present at said meeting,and that five members voted in favor of the adoption of said resolution i T 7- . In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set m y official hand and affixed my official seal,this the 17th, day of January, 1921.. W.H, Faucette Register of Deeds, Harnett Counfr, ..., and x- tic o 4 Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners of said County. HARNETT COUNTY, NOR1`H CAROLINA. IN Ids: Harnett County, North Carolina, Notes. As Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners of Harnett County,North Carolina,I hereby certify as follows : - (a) That J.C. Byrd is Chairman of the said Board and W. H. Faucette, is Clerk of same,and salt the term of souk oftiae of each expires Dece *ber, 1922. (b) That the Board of County Commissioners if Harnett (bunty, North Carolina, is composed of five members, those who at present fill said office being: J.` . Byrd, Chairman, J.W. Jordan, W.J. MoBtewart,R.'1', Johnson,Jae.A.Buchanan. (signed) W.H.Faucette, Clerk. J.C. Byrd, Chairman FEBRUARY $TH.19911. County Commissioners met inztogular session, present, J.C. Byrd, Chairman, J.W.Jordan, W.J.Mc Stewart, Jae. A. Buchannan,P..T. Johnson, also Chas. Ross, Attorney. Mrnutes of last meeting read and apptovod. Release E.N.Clifton of tha amount '4750 property listed by error, Grove Township. Moved and seconded that Ellie ms's 20 acres land be listed at $500.00 and released of $1500 listed by error, in Black River Township. Moved and sec$nde hat keep Yr. Allen Shaw to list all the property possible hot on tax list, the balanceof Fe y• 1921, at samep price, $100.00. Mored that Merritt Whittenton be released of $1700.00 property listed by error in Grove Township, re for to original abstract, listed only $200.00, books show only $200.00(See if any re- duction) Ordered that release N$ill Knight of $1.00 dog tax listed by error, AndPreon Creek Township. Mr.W.F.Lanier has been appointed Road Commissioner of Buckhorn Township in place of R.S.Aber nathy, who would not serve. Moved and seconded that allow Henry Martin Lucas' wife and children $20.00 per month and same be put on pauper list. Ordered that Jesse Williams be taked off the pauper list as he has moved to Johnston County. Ordered that release T.H.S.Pope of $2400.00 property listed by error in Grove Township. Ordered that R.L. Terlington be released of 4,2322.00 property listed by error in Grove Town- ship. Ordered that Mrs. (% Hodges be released of $8670.00 roperty listed by error in Grove Twonship. Ordred that Sarah A NArdan be put on pauper list at J4.00 per month. C.R. P�irker has been appointed Road Commissioner of Lillington Township in place of J.W. Halford who resigned.. Resignation of J.7f. Halford filed with minutes. Financial Statement of Road Commiaaioners of Grove Township filed with minutes of Feby,7th.1912.` Report of Lillington Road Commissioners filed with minutes df February. Financial Statement of Road Commissioners of Black River Township filed with minutes of Feby. Report of Grand Jury, JANUARY TERM 1926. To Hon. C.C. Lyon,'Judge: + We the (rand Jury having investigated the Lttt Courthouse, Jail,Grounds, County Home,and convict Camp. We find the ladies rest room in good condition. Find .rail in good condition, with the excer.,tion of one pipe leaking and two locks broken and urge immediate repair. The Grounds are in fair condition only and recommend more work on same.. The windows in several of the offices of the Courthouse are broken and should be rempaired. The sanitary condition of the men's toilet should be improvedx and window should be painted to obstruct wiew,one of the pipes in a leaking condition and should be immediately repaired as the odor arising therefrom is unsanitary. The convict Camp is in perfect condition,prisoners having good warm quarters and report that they are being we21 fed and well treated. We regret to report that the County Home is in poor can - dition,the buildings leaky and walls in very dilapida•ed condition , the porch floor being very bad and we urge immediate repair. We also find that the well needs a curb, that theback yard should be eleandd up and sand be hauled around the well. In the home they report that they are wehl fed, and taken care of.We find the offices in the Courthouse all crowded but work in good condition. Respectfully a #bmitted, Ellie Goldstein, Foreman. Oaths of Road Commissioners of Oaths of Road Commissioners of 397 8 D.K. Grimes 9 J.D. Lanier V991- :�.nit:YnMcLean 400 Edwin Harrington 40lJim F. McKean 402 D.P.McDonald 403 D.P. McDonald 404 W.H. Faucette 405 H.D. Cameron 406 A.B.Currin 407 J.A. Spivey 408 L.A. Avery 409 J.T. Northam 410 A.J. Godwin ga, Co red Cox 412.J. Cox 413 Edwrds- Broghton Co. 414 N.B. Register 415 J.A. Marsh 416 Miss Marian Swain 417 Daniel McCormick 418 Remmington Typewriter Co. Stewarts Creek Township. filed with minutes The following orders were 390 Bank Of Lillington 391 J.W.Turnage 392 N.C.State Board Of Health 693 J.C.Thomson 394 J.C.Thomson 39 Silas Lanier 396 J.W.Hockaday 397 8 D.K. Grimes 9 J.D. Lanier V991- :�.nit:YnMcLean 400 Edwin Harrington 40lJim F. McKean 402 D.P.McDonald 403 D.P. McDonald 404 W.H. Faucette 405 H.D. Cameron 406 A.B.Currin 407 J.A. Spivey 408 L.A. Avery 409 J.T. Northam 410 A.J. Godwin ga, Co red Cox 412.J. Cox 413 Edwrds- Broghton Co. 414 N.B. Register 415 J.A. Marsh 416 Miss Marian Swain 417 Daniel McCormick 418 Remmington Typewriter Co. Stewarts Creek Township. filed with minutes of Fe )ry. Black River Twonship filed with minutes of February,1921. allowed by the Board of County Commissioners. Payment on note $2500.00/ Rrtdge Work 300.00 l Protest on voucher 1.10/ rreight on car of coal 2J7 03J Amt. Invoice for coal 1 8.141 Hauling coal 75.004 Registrar and Poll holder, B.R. 22.&0, iltbdge W o rk 12.00 � Keeping Vounty Home 161.25, Salary, Judge Recorders court 100.00 Salary, Depty, Reg. of Deeds. 50.00' Janitor 20.00, P.O. Acot. 32/53 Salary o 100.00' " R Plater of Deeds 267.70 Registrar in Barbecue 22.29, Capt. 3 stills 60.00 " 9 " 180.o0 " 3 "' 6o.00v " 3 " 6o.w " 2 " 40.00 " 1 " 20.00/ Jailor 106.50 Printing for County 136.25' Bridge work 1.00! Mdse for County 6.35' DezonstratioU Agent 33.33' 1 day Poll H lder 2.00- Bal. on typewriter 5.00 •• eI¢