11061922Brar'i rf Cnunty Commissioners met in regular session on November 6th. 1922. Present, S.C. i Byrl, Chairmar, R.T. Jahrsor, Jas. A- Buchanan, J.'d' %Jorlan, also Chas. Ross, Atty. NTir.utes of last me -ting read ari apprry -l. Mrvel by J.W.Jnrlan arl a- c ^nlel by R.T.Johnsor that release .T.W.Parker of poll tax permen- a.rtly. Puk- Township. MQV -1 by J.W.Jnrax arl seconlsd by ?.T.Jnhr.snr, that pay Harr -tt County Fair Aserciaticr %75.00 far police force, th- sams as last year. Ths followitg were appointed or the finance committee: J.W.inrlar, Jas. A. Buchanan, R.T. Johrsrr,Chas. Ross arj P.P. 'dcDcrald. The Committee is authorized and iirectoi to settl- with sheriff arj pass upor secureties hell it sinking furl. Orierei xtx t that Miss Mayne Camp by authorized to transfer Carnaday Chillren tr Osthopelic Hospital, Gastonian ari voucher issuel to her for transprrtatior expenses. The matter of disposition of cnnvicts to b- left with J.C.Byrd. F.M.Jeffr -y was appbinted Chief gam- Warien for H"rrett Cnunty. 1 The bearl l -cilei to pay rr.- -half of the differerce b -tw - -n selling price rf car b- lrnging to Hnme P- monstratior Agent arj a rew car. The County loarl of Fiucation t^ pay rther half. Report of :vir,A.A. W -aver, Supt. of convict cam-pfilei with minutes. -ari rf Flucation asks for loans from Stat- Sp -cial Builiing f,ini fnr 192.3 as fnllows:H- ctnr's Creek #{2,410000.00;Olive Branch #j1,410000.00; Sterart's Ck. #1112500.00;Bck. River "2,b8000.00 The following vouchers were rrlerei issuel by the Commissioners. ( Averasbor^ ;`10112500.00 1441 A.A.Weaver Supt. Convict Camp 475.00' ( Barrecue #3, "W12500.00 1442 Lydia Sorrell Work or tax books 81.00 1443 F win Harrington Wcrk or tax backs 3.00 1444 J.W.McArtar Salary as Sheriff 354.10 1445 Fpwin Harrin.gotrn, Salary as Peputy Rvq. of Peels. 50.00 1446 Sudie M. Sexton W -rk or tax books 91.00 1447 W.H.Faucett- Salary and stamps 258.40 1448 J.H.Jenes guarl at convict camp 50.00 1449 R.F.W -st " " " 50.00 1450 L.L.Lveirsor S =,lary as Julg- R- corler'a Cnurt100.00 1451 P.P.McPorall `:glary as Aulitnr 100.00 1452 J.W.Hakaord Health and Quarantine Officer 60.00 1453 F.R.Thomas Drug Co. Drags for Mason pauper 6.05 1454 A.A.VeDonall Salary C.S.C. 258.55 1455 L.M.Chaffir Salary P-puty C.S.^ 50.00 1456 Johrsorvill- Rca'i Comm. Culverts for "riige 817.41 1457 Arthur Cummings Keeping N. Ferry 30.00 145$ Pan Tucker Jaritor 20.00 1459 Chilirens Home Society Monthly allmmose 20.00 1460 Elizabeth Bridge County Home Demonstration Agent 33'33 1461 H.A.R ig+ P. County - mnr.strator 83.33 1462 H.A.Fige Pruning tools, *to 11.33 1463 W.H.Gre cry 'Raking tax list in Black River 10=1M is'o N° 1464 L.A.Avery Jailor 28.80 1465 J.V.'.', -Arlan C- rvejing prisrn -rs, -tc. 95.50 1466 -al C- mmissi -o Lumber ar.i briigs work 156.58 14670bserver ?rioting Ca. Bonk frr county 38.00 1468 J.W.Halfnrl Hrlling inqu -st of n-q'ro 27.60 1469 13reral Sohrrl F° nis j exp -nse of welfare work 183.77 1470 Harnett County `"ews Work for county 70.00 31471 71onroe Calculating Mch. Ca .ITacLin- for county 300.00 1472 Parker Hrbbhlers tide(*. for county 46.15 1473 T.R.Rcsser R- pairing brilge ixr Barbecue 6.28 1474 Observer Pr'nting Co. Mise. for county. 6.59 1475 W.R.illilanj Capt. 1 still 20.00 1476 C.A.Uct7 -ill Ca,t. 2 stills 40.00 1477 J.A. Parroch Capt. 1 still 20.00 1478 H.F.Tru +love Capt. 1 still 20.00 1479 R.F.Jernigan C pt. 1 still 20.00 1400 N.B.Ragister Repairs on b riige in Averasb-ro 2.00 1481 M.B.Willials Bridge work in Av- raaboro 8.00 1482 Harnett County Fat} Ass. Policing fair 75.002A z 1483 F.J.Bethure i.Tls -. fnr c ^evicts 19.34 1484 Atkins ?ros. " " " 4.45 1435 '.A.Marsh " " " 23.20 1480 'c' inrie Bros. n n n 32.78 1487 F.L.P -an n n n 5.00 1488 Capftal - -1 and grocery Co. Mlse. convic- camp 34.26 1489 Ste,vart's "arag» wrrk f -r convict camp $.44 1490 C.V.Jehrsrn Wis- for convict carip 3.50 1491 J.T. Northam gas a -i oil for convicts 16.21 1492 X.V.Gainsy Wnrk for convict camp 4.50 1493 Rusk* Hardwar- 17ouse Mis -. f -r cxzxtjm convic camp 8.20 1494 W.L.Broglen Co. " " Carvict Camp 5.00 1495 Daniel Byrl ' e n non 5.62 1496 J.P.Byri n n n n 6.y0 1497 J.C.Byrd and Brn. " " "" " 3.87 1498 Mrs. N.B.Johnson " " County home 31.66 New Book 1 D.P.McPonall P.A.Accnunt* 28.26 2 A.AOV -aver Freight Sills 10.88 3 W.C.Johrson Duplicate of '2111 voucher lost 1.75 4 Husk- Hariware Mouse Mlse far county. 5.50 5 Bark of Lillington R- mittarce tc. New York or r.nts 450000.00 W.H.Faucette, J.C.Byri, Chairman Clerk to Board. Board of Commission -rs Harnett County.