11171927MINUTES OF CALL SSI.ON OF COMMISSIONERS ON NOV, CALL MEETING, 7,...1927.. County Commissioner& met in call session for the purpose of revising Jury List and selecting superintendent of New County Home. Those present being J.A. Buchanan, chairman; Z.V =.,Snipes, L.R, Byrd and B.F. Ingram, also I.R. *Illiams, County Attorney. It is ordered<by the Board that the new County Home be operated by a superintendent at a, stipulated salary: It'is ordered that the Salary of the County Rome Superintendent be fixed at *100.00 per month. After considering<the numerous applicants for the position of Superintendent of the County Home, a vote was', taken with the following result: On the first ballot T.R. Brown received one vote, D.B. Weaver two votes, J.B. Johnson one vote, and J.R. Davis one vote. No election being made on the first ballot the following_ results T.R. Brown received declared elected Supt. of the County: Home, a second ballot was taken with 11 votes of the Board and was After due consideration by the, Board of theme list of Register of Deeds for a new jury list, theist was in'the jury box according to law. names furnished by the ordered cut and placed It was then ordered by the Board that they adjourn until December, 1927• First Monday in as-g4i-s--'Chairman.