08191927[90 MINUTES OF 3/ ETING OF E4UALIZI+TG B0 I .ON AUGUST 194 . 1927, Lillington. It is moved and seconded that Sion H. Wilborn's property be lowered f 43500,00 to 43000.00 as assessed by appraisers, It is ordered that Mrs. Civil Ann Stephens land be reduced from 420,150.00 to 417,150.00. It is ordered that lots of Mrs, Theta Matthews be reduced 4500.00. It is ordered that J.S. Bethea cleared.land be reduced from 4100,00 per acre to 475.00 per acre. It is ordered that land of Miss Eelen-Blpkin be reduced from 41650,00 to 41150=00. It is ordered that Mrs. Delia P. McNeill land be reduced from 4480.0 to 4380,00. It is ordered that Harnett Hardware House warehouse be reduced. from 4750.00 to 4500.00. Anderson Creek. It is ordered that land of J.R. Baggett be reduced from 44719.00 to 42970.00 and that acreage be changed from 279 to 270. Neill's ;Creek. It is ordered that land of Mrs.. Callie Jones be reduced from 44600.00 to 44000,00. It is ordered that J.B. Barnes cleared land be reduced 410.00 per acre an woodland 45.00 per acre, Stewart..'s Creek. It is ordered that acreage of Evander Walker be changed from 130 to 120i to be taken off wood land, It is ordered that land of James Mol+ean, Sr. be raised from 4310.00 to 4375.00. It is ordered that land of Farquard Smith be reduced 4500.00. It is ordered that Stephen McKay land be reduced from 4465.00 to 4400,00. It is ordered that Mrs. Margaret Baxter 66 acre tract of land_ be reduced from 41500.00 to 41100.00. It is ordered that L.A., Parker land be reduced 4500.00, It is ordered that Fred: McLean land be reduced from 4850.00 Upper Little River. It is ordered that J.A. Foushee land be reduced from 42322.00 to It is ordered that A.L. Buchanan land be reduced 4400.00, is ordered that J.B. Lookamy' land be reduced from 4985,00 to is ordered that H.E. Buchanan land be reduced 4350.00. It is ordered thatF.W, McKay land be reduced 4330.00 and acreage be changed from 282 to 249. 0 It is ordered that land 42000.00. of Mrs. Sallie Douglass be reduced from 42554.00 to It is ordered that the sums se several county departments set out below be appropriated for the use of the out below for the fiscal year 1927 -1928: 1.91 ANNUAL COUNTY BUDGET ESTIMATE For the Fiscal Year 1927 -1928 County of Harnett, N.C. County General Fund - County Accountant- - Personal Servioe Supplies Other Expenses.TTTT Equipment and Additions County Commissioners - Personal Service County Courthouse and Jail-- Personal. Servioe Supplies Other Expenses Register of Deeds- . Personal Service Supplies Other Expenses County Health Officer - Personal Service County Fire Warden - Personal Servioe $3,200.00 325.00 150.00 100.00 $ 3,775.00 $1,250.00 $ 1,250.00 $ 450.00 979.95 750:00 760.00 100.00 60.00 950.00 County Convict Camp - Personal Service. Supplies Other Expenses Equipment and Additions Professional Service - Personal Service 500.00 County Home - Personal Servioe Supplies Equipment and Fdod'Supplies 2,200.00 920.00 V 950.00 500.00 4 3,840.00 4,800.00 710.00 250.00 9,000.00 -$ 1,500.00 $ 1,800.00 825.00 6,900.00 Clerk Superior Court and Recorder's Court - Personal Servioe $ 3,200.00 Supplies 825.00 Other Expenses 8,050.00 Listing and Computing Taxes - Personal Service Total Expenditures 4,500.00 1,500.00" 9,000.00 12,075.00 4,500.00 45,670.00 192 It is ordered that the sum of $'50,000.00 be appropriated for the usp of Highway Commission of Harnett County, which sum shall ineludd the $9,000.00 appropriated for use of Convict Camp, for maintenance, bridges, and construction for fiscal year of 1927 -1928. It is ordered that the sum of Two Hundred Forty Thousand and no /100 Dollars be appropriated to -use of Board of Education of Harnett for purpose of operating public schools of Harnett County for a term of six months for 1927 - 1928, to which sum shall be added the $72.238.80 to be received from State Equalization Board, and all other funds to be derived from poll taxes, fines and forfeitures, dog: taxes, and all other funds legally belonging to said Board pf Education, making a total estimate for Board of Education of $344,129.02. TAX RAVES It is ordered that the following rates be levied for 1927: . Poll Tax is as follows: Schools --- $1.50 Paupers - -- 40.50 General Count* Taxes General County Fund .15 . Cents Bonds and Interests .15 Bridge .03 Roads .7;7 General School Tax .98 Township Road Taxes Anderson Creek .14 Cents Averasboro .08 Barbecue .09 Black River .11 Buckhorn .25 Duke .13 -Grove .30 Hector's Creek .02 Johnsonville .20 Lillington .15 Neill's Creek - - -- - - .09. Stewart's Creek - None Upper Little River None Poll Tax three times Special Rate. SPECIAL, SCHOOL TAX: Anderson Creek ill 35 Averasboro 21 .50 rr 22 .30 4 23 .25 o 24 ' .10 " 25 .20 26 .25 27 .25 Barbecue i32 .50 Black River #34 .50 u R 36 .30 Duke, 46 .30 Grove , 51 .15 52 .30 53 .60 n 54 .15 Rector's Creek #61 .50¢ rr n 62 a rs 63 .30 Lillington, - #71 .45 Stewart's Creek 77 .30 Tr n ` 78 .50 Upper L Rimier, 86 .10 Pell Tax three times special rate.. Commissioners adjourned to meet on August 30, 1927. eter:q Chairman. Clerk to Board. MINUTES OF MEETING OF COUNTY COWTSSIONERS ON MONDAY AUGUST 30, 1927. The Board of County Commissioners met in special session on Monday August 30, 1927, with the following present: J.A. Hockaday, S.F. Ingram, Z.Y. Snipes, and Z.R. Byrd, chairman, Jas. A. Buchanan being absent. County Attorney, I.R. Williams, being also present. The following resolution was introduced and passed: "WHEREAS, on March 7, 1927, the County of Harnett did borrow the sum of Fifteen Thousand Dollars for the purpose of building, rebuilding and repair- ing public roads or public roads or bridges in the County of Harnett, North Carolina, by note due September 7, 1927, said note bearing interest rate of 4.80%; and whereas, it is necessary to renew the said note: Whereas, it has become necessary for Harnett County to repay the principal or interest on bonds or notes to become due within four months, and not otherwise adequately provided for, now, therefore, be it resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Harnett County, North Carolina, that the said Board bs authorized to borrow on the faith and oredit of said county the sum of Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($15,000.00), for the purpose of raising funds with which to pay the principal or interest on bonds or notes, either or both, to become due within four months as provided under Section 5 of the County Finance Act, and the Chairman of this Board be authorized to execute a note or notes for the aforesaid sum dated September 7th, 1927, payable to Bearer, signed by the Chairman of the Board and attested by the Clerk to said Board, payable on February 7, 1928, and bearing interest at the rate of per cent per annum, and that such note or notes be negotiated and delivered by the said Chairman for the purposes aforesaid." Voting in favor of said resolution: All Commissioners. * �. Commissioners adjourned to meet at regular time on Monday Sept. 5, 1927. Orr 4 an Chairman. Clerk to Board.