0704192717 MINUTES OF LIEET' ING 02 COUNTY COI.fTISS IONERS OF HAR STT COUNTY JULY 4th, 1927. County Commissioners met in regular session on July 4th, 1927, All members of the Board present with uounty Attorney. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. It is ordered that '45.00, for membership fee be paid State Association of county commissioners of North Carolina. It is ordered that Railroad or Bus fare be allowed Old Veterans for trip to ::aleigh for state Convention. REPORTS It is ordered that report from I. R. Williams be accepted and filed amount collected as follows: Aversboro July 4th, 1927 Lars. Clyde W. Driver, 1924 $58.30 July 4th, 1927 Mrs. Clyde Wilson Driver on 1925 52.00 June 10th, 1927 Alex eagle 3.92 June 30th, 1927 J. N. Creel Jr. • 1921 taxes 87.42 BLACK RIVER June kOth, 1927 J. 1. Williams, 1925 23.61 June 29th, 1927 Cornelia J. Williams 1925 291.25 July Cth, 1927, J. 3. Matthews 1925 5.44 LILLINGTON June 13th, 1927, Chas. Ross and wife 1924 564.08 June 13th, 1921, has Ross and :ife 1925 612.09 BU CIIORN June 6th, 1927, S. 0. Brown 1922 24.90 June 6th, 1927 W. B. Ashworth 1925 24.64 GROVE July 4th, 1927, Urs. J. T. Pollard 29.50 TOTAL COLLECTIONS $1777.15 It is ordered that report from L. I:. Chaffin be accepted and filed. Checks attached for 3270.00 and 0694.01 be toned over to County Auditor. It is ordered that report from John Green, Tax Collector, be accepted and filed. dotal amount collected to date 554,799.96. It is ordered that report from S, B. Caviness, Supt. Convict Camp, be accepted and filed. .dill attached for 3698.86 be paid. It is ordered that the Colored farm Demonstration Agent be discontinued . It is ordered that ?20,000.00, be borrowed to meet necessary expenses Caused by the failure to collect taxes for the year 1926 WIEREAL, in the opinion of the Board of County Commissioners of Harnett County, North Carolina, it is necessary to borrow the sum of 0.2,b00.00, Twelve Thousand and Five Hundred Dollars, for the purpose of paying the appropriations made for the current fiscal year in the anticipation of the collection of taxes and other revenues of such fiscal year: Be it therefore Resolved by the County Board of Commissioners of Harnett County, that the County of Harnett borrow, and be authorized to borrow, on the full faith and credit of said county as provided in Uhapter 81 Sections 4 and 7, Laws of 1927 the sum of Twelve Thousand, Five Hundred, 412,500.00) Dollars, for the purpose of raising funds to meet the said a11prn appropriations made for the current fiscal year in anticipation of the collection of taxes and other revenues of said fiscal year, and the chairman of the Board be authorized to execute a note dated July 16th, 1927, payable to Bearer, signed by the Chairman of said Board of Commissioners, attested by the said Clerk, payable on the 13th day of November, 1927, bearing interest £rom.maturity at such rate not exceeding six per cent as the Uhairman may receive after advertising said note according to Law at public auction, and that said note be delivered :ct.1 negotiated by the Uhairman of the Board of County Uommissioners for the Purpose aforesaid. ri WHEREAS, in the opinion of the Board of County Commissioners of Harnett County it is nedessary to borrow money to pay interest on bonds of Harnett County, which interest is now due in the sum of $7, 500.00. NOW THEREFORE, Be It Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Harnett County,, North Carolina, that Harnett County, borrow, and be authorized to borrow, on the full faith and cradit of the County as pro- vided in Chapter 81, Sections 5, 6, and 7, Laws of 1927, the sum of Seven Thousand Five Hundred. ($55,500.00) Dollars, for the purpose of rais- ing funds to pay interest on bonds, which interest is now due, and that the Chairman of this Board be authorizedto execute a note dated July lath, 1927, payable to Bearer, signed by the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners and attested by the Clerk, payable on November 13th, 1927, bearing interest from maturity at such rate not exceeding six .per cent as the chairman may receive after advertising said note according to law at public auction; and that the said note be delivered and negotiated by the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners for the purpose afore said . RELEASES It is ordered that Lee & 4ycdck be relieved of $29.75, in Aversboro Township, error in school district. It is ordered that Julius Matthews be. relieved of $2.30, poll tax Neill's Creek Township. It is ordered that J. P. Page be relieved of f1000, dog tax, Black River Township. It is ordered that Shelton's Cash Store be relieved of $4.40 Black Elver PownsL p . (This amount paid in Wake County) It is ordered that J. W. Weaver be relieved of plitM t31.00, dog tax, Grove Township. It is ordered that George A. Smith of Aversboro Township be relieved of $4.79, poll tax, lives in Sampson County. It is ordered that Lawrence Smith of Lillington Township be relieved of taxes on $300.00 valuation. PAUPER ALLOWANCE It is ordered that 7.50 be allowed Minnie -Burt to buy supplies for family: poll tax. COTTON WEIGHER C. S. Adams elected Cotton Weigher for town of Angier votes as follows: 0 S. Adams 5 -- J, -W. Denning 4 -- RESOLUTION OF BOARD OF COUNTY CO1\KMISSIONERS OF HARNETT COUNTY CALLING AN ELECTION IN BARNETT COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT N0. 74. WHEREAS, there has been, presented to this Board a certificate from the Board of Education of Harnett County to the effect that said Board of Education has modified the general county -wide plan for schools, and in such modification has constituted the territory within the boundaries specified below as a separate school district known as Harnett School District 110.74. WHEREAS, under Chapter 131, Public Laws 1927, Section3, no such school district shall be deemed created unless and until a unifor, tax rate shall be voted therein net exceeding fifty cents on the 43100.00 property valuation, for the purpose of supplementing funds of sig months school term as provided by law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the. Board of Commissioners of Harnett County that an election be and the same is hereby called to be held in the following territory on Tuesday, August 16, 1927, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified 'voters thereof the question of voting a.special tax not exceeding fifty cents', on the $100,00 property valuation, to supplement - funds of six months school term as profided by law, boundaries of which territory are as follows: Beginning at the mouth of Dry Creek on Cape Fear River and following up this creek along the eastern boundary line of District No.71 to the Lillington-Coats Road ;,thence east along this road to the west prong of Buie's Creek; thence up the west prong of Buie's Creek to the township line between black river and NeillPs Creek township; thence east along this line t to the wire road; thence south along the wire road to what is known as 1! Barites Crossroad; thence east along the Lillington -Coats road to Rocky Branch; thence down Rocky Branch to Thornton Creek; thence down Thornton Creek to the Cape Fear River; thence up the river to the beginning. 2. That notice of said election shall be published by the Harnett County News, a weekly newspaper published in the town of Lillington, for thirty days preceding the day of election. 3. A new registration of the qualified voters of said ordered. 4. That St. John H. Hardwick be and he is hereby appointed Registrar for said election, and N.A. Matthews and Sion H. Eitchell are hereby appoint- ed poll holders of said election. hereby territory is 5. That the election shall be Creek. 6. That at the election those collection of said taxes shall vote a written the words "for local tax" and which shall be printed or written the held at Wiggins Drug Store, in Buie's who are in favor of the levy and ticket on which shall be printed or those opposed shall vote a ticker on words "against local tax. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS•OF HARNETT COUNTY, By Jas. A. Buchanan, Chairman. RESOLUTION`. OF BOARD OF COUNTY 001:21ISSIONERS OF HARNETT COUNTY CALLING AN ELECTION IN HARNETT COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 34. WHEREAS, there has been presented to this Board a certificate from the Board of Education of Harnett County to the effect that said Board of Education has modified the teneral county -vide plan for schools, and in such modification has constituted all of Black River Township, saving and excepting that portion lying in Barclaysville School District, as a separate school district known as Harnett uounty School yistrict No. 34; an WHEREAS, under chapter 131, public Laws 1927, Section 3, no such school district shall be deemed created unless and until a uniform tax rate shall be voted therein, not exceeding fifty cents on the y>100.00 property valuation for the purpose of supplementing funds of six months school term as provided by law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Commissioners of Harnett County that an election be and the same is hereby called to be held in the following territory on Tuesday, August 16, 1927, for the purpose 92 submitting to the qualified voters thereof the question of voting a special tax not exceeding fifty cents on the $100.00 property valuation, to supple- ment funds of six months school term as provided by law, boundaries of whic territory are as follows: Beginning at a stake at the intersection of the western boundary line of Black River Township with the southern boundary line of Wake County and running thence in a southerly direction with the line of Black River Township to Wilder's Bridge on Neill's Creek; thence down said creek to the northern boundary line of Neill's Creek township; thence with the northern boundary line of Neill's creek township in an easterly direction to the point where the western boundary line of the Barclaysville school district intersects with the northern boundary line of Neill's Creek township; thenc in a northerly direction with the western boundary line of Barclaysville school district to the point where the said boundary line intersects with t.e southern boundary line of the old Williams Grove School district; thence in an easterly direction with said old Williams Grove school district line to the Johnston county line; thence north with the Johnston County line to the Wake county line; thence with the Wake County line to the beginning, the said new district to include all of Black River township exce*t such portio s of Harnett Count. School District No. 36 (known as Barclaysville School District) as is located in said Black River Township. 2. That notice of said election shall be published by the Harnett uounty News, a weekly newspaper published in the town of Lillington, for thirty days preceding the day of election. 3. A new registration of the qualified voters of said territory is hereby ordered. 4. That W.H. Stephenson be and he is hereby appointed Registrar for said election, and Kirk Adams and Nathan Matthews are hereby appointed poll holders of said election. 5. That the election shall be held at the regular polling place in Black River township. 6. That at the election those who are in favor of the levy and L76 collection of said taxes shall vote a ticket on which shall be printed, or written, the words "for local tax" and thos opposed shall vote a ticket on which shall be printed, or written, the words "against local tax", BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF HARNETT COUNTY, By Jas. A. Buchanan, Chairman. Attest Axnr» ,s c)1 4,r Clerk FOLLOWING ORDERS ALLOWED. It is ordered that the following 3704 3705 3706 3707 3708 3709 3710 3711 3712 3713 3714 3715 3716 3717 3718 3719 3720 3721 3722 3723 3724 3725 3726 3727 3728 3729 3730 3731 3732 3733 3734 3735 3736 3737 Jury Fund Bank of Lillington Miss Speight Bank of Lillington Bank of Lillington Bank of Lillington Bank of Lillington Bank of Lillington Bank of Lillington D. F. Stevens J. H. McAllister I. R. Williams Miss .Dora Beck Johnson €c Bryan Co, L. L, Stewart Tugwell's Pharmacy J. W. Mcleod Ben Parker Burial of Jane McKay James A. Taylor & Son Premium County Home Harnett Hardware House Lae. for County county orders- be allowed: Note and Interest Court Work Interest Interest - Bridge .Wand Interest -Road and Bridge Interest-County Gold Bond Int. and Principal on School Note Int. on note- One day pension board Ten percent on taxes collected Trips , meals, lodging and gas Mdse. for Miss Beck Mdse. by Miss Beck "• . If " Paint for jail $383.10 25,425,40 78.75 751.88 601.50 937.34 22,508.25 15,247.50 82.64 3.00 . 3.00 177.71 11.75 4.30 3.29 9.95 1.25 20.00 82.00 20.24 4,23 27.00 25.00 125.00 100.00 -44.65 11.25 11.41 16.61 31.34 27.00 710.57 5.00 50.00 Atkins Bros. Lanier &, Arnold Lawrence Smith' Joe Caviness F. H. Taylor Mamie Sexton A. P. Allen Mitchell Printing Oo. Mitchell Printing Co. Commercial Printing Co Edwards & Broughton L.M. Chaffin A. J. Godwin Eastern Carolina 0.of Commerce 2738 Headquarters Battery 3739 Chas. N. Smart 3740 A. J. Godwin 3741 E. W. Carr 3742 Miss Nellie Lee 3743 Br. A. T. Wyatt 3744 Kyle Matthews 3745 Lillington Ice & Fuel 3746 L. M. Chaffin 3747 James A. Buchanan 3748 Edwards & Broughton 3749 A..D. Herring 3750 L. M. Chaffin 3751 J.1. Hatcher 3752 Mrs. J. B. Moss 3753 J. W. McLeod 4. 3754 «Lee Burlington 3755 .Kyle Matthews 3756 M. C. Upchurch 3757 Harndtt County News 3758 Petty Cash 3759 J.L. Johnson 3760 R. S. Williams 3761 B, R. Smith 3762 J. W. Gregory 3763 T. R. Brown 3764 W. H. McDonald 3765 T. D. Stewart " Jail Keeping Ferry Janitor Judge Recorder Solicitor Clerk to Board Work in Courthouse and jail Mdse. for Register of Deeds Mdse: for county - Auditor . ..er. -" Register of Deeds Eorms for C.S.C. Bills of cost Superior Court Capturing 1 still Advancement on 3300.00 appropriation s- Ooart, June allowance Mdse. for County auditor 1. still and 4 men Work on tax books Salary for June June salary uonveying prisoners, tel.bill Co. Ice for Courthouse Cost Recorder's Court Advertisment to Contractors Mdse. for Register of Deeds June salary Juvenile Court and Recording of 66 Jurors, postage Burial of W. A. Hughes Board for Jury in Wade case Jailor June salary Salary 7' Printing for County Petty Cash Listing' property " Stewart's Cr. " Hector's_ereek " Neill's Cr. .f " Buckhorn T. Assessor in Anderson Cr. List taker in trove 50.00 14.00 20.00. 12.25 45.00 80.00 etc. 107.29 6.48 95.96 15.40 37.48 25.00 names 50.40 20.00 48.75 138.70 125.00 275,00 125.00 188.30 31.05 96.00 90.00 54.00 114.00 81.10 66.00 175. 0 3766 Niven Ray 3767 J. S. McLean 3768 G. L. Cameron 3769 L. E. Stencil 3770 A. F. Fowler 3771 Nathan idatthews 6772 W. H. Lucas 3773 7. A. Stewart 3774 L. ". Gregory 3775 H. T. Fapcette 3776 J..L. Hodges 3777 C. B. Aycock Assessor in °nderson ur. Listing property U.L. River 11 " Barbecue T. " " Duke T. Assessor Luke T. Black river T. Duke T. " Johns ontille T. Listing property Slack river T. " in Liilington T. Assessor in Aversboro T. T. 3778 H. A. Parker List taxer Aversboro T. 3779 J. 0. Anthany County .arm work 3780 'Amble & Spence Mdse. for county home 3781 J. M. Hough Supt. county home 3782 J. E. Culbredth & Co. mdse. for carp 3783 Grr-!jmd C. Norris mdse. for convice camp 3784 Lynn Wilder " " Camp 3785 American Printing Co. Shoes for convicts 3786 Posner Salles Agency -- Iridse. for camp 3787 Seaboard .lour Mills It 3708 National Oil "o- -_any " 3789 viomble r.: Spence 3790 Harnett `lzrCrare uor_; e i 3791 J. A. Marsh 3792 Lanier's r•illing station " 3793 P. A. Cannaday " 3794 C. M. Johnson " 3795 Colon Black 3796 Frank Frown 3797 F. M. Beachum 3798 A. E. Porter 3799 D. K. ?Mason 3800- L. G. Johnson 3801 Nelon :;orris 3802 honer '.leaver 3803 J. E. Pattrick 3804 W. J. Waddell 3805 S. B. Caviness 3806 Tugwell's Pharmacy Drugs for Camp 3807 Farmers Supply Uompeny 7,1.irnish for ail 3808 J.P. Bradley Belance on : -.lry 3809 To 3867 Paur allowance 3868 Carolina Power & Light Co. 3871 Town of Lillington 3870 Bank of Liliin: ton 3869 H. T. Atkins 3868 J. R. Patterson On'oriv•n• me0811Light Co. :1 TV " TT I1 11 it Huard at Camp rt " 11 rr "'apt. Camp and other expenses Courth zse and jail ',Mater for jail and courthouse Int. on note Envelopes tor mailing not ices Amount du.e U.L. River Road Comm. from J.W. McArtan settlement ADJOURN TO MEET ::ONDAY JULY llth,1� � 927at 9 o'clock A. M. O Chariman iii Clerk. I v66.00 102.00 90.00 150.00 60.00 96.00 60.00 42.00 114.00 216.00 270.00 276.00 276.00 14.32 5.95 157.75 79.11 38.51 56.06 33.52 14.30 41.25 9.10 3.00 7.72 4.05 7.04 6.80 2.00 4.00 11.60 17.00 16.50 1.50 1.50 4.50 60.00 60.00 60.00 159.80 21.65 3.75 100.00 597.50 21.34 13.70 208.90 30.02 476.09 21.34