08021926118 MINUTES OF MEETING OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MONDAY AUGUST 2ND 1926 County Commissioners met in regular session on August 2nd, 1926, present Jas. A. Buchanan, bhairmen,'B. P. Ingram, J. A. Hockaday, with I. R. Williams, county Attorney. Absent J. G. Layton, Z. V. Snipes, Minutes of last meeting read and approved. It is ordered that the 96 acre tract of R. K. Colville be valued at (40.00, per acre, valuation assessment of 1923. It is ordered that F. S. Burch & Company for Cattle Labels for county to be used in eradication Tuberculosis among cattle be paid out of the $1600.00, appropriation for Tubercular laktiettinn. It is ordered that bill of Dr. Belford for the amount of $20.00 for treatment of wounds of Alien MoDougaid and Paul Murohinson be paid. It is ordered that bill of miss Verne B. Barefoot for stenographic, service be deferred until evidence as transcribed be verified, as the to erk of court of Harnett County refused to accept in present shape. It is ordered that *19.80, be paid miss Vertie B. Barefoot when u.S.C. certifies that the said evidence is in due form. It is ordered that-the Sheriff of Barnett county notify uOmmissioner of hevenue that the . eoard of Commissioners of Barnett County will permit no license to be issued for shows, cireu, dog and pony showlto be held within five miles within the town of Bunn during the week of October 12th and week proceeding fair week. It is ordered that L. B. Dudley of Angier be allowed 0.00, per month pauper allowance) , It is ordered that 0isylon';ttyals be allowed ;10.00, for another month. (tubercular case It is ordered that *60.00, be turned over to miss Beck for expenses of ohepherd =Lean (Sanatorium fund) It is ordered that the final settlement of H. A. Burlington be accepted and filed. itEs0tUT IONS Be it kesolved By the Board Of tiommissioners Of Harnett uounty, That one (1) note of County of Harnett be executed in the sum of *10,000.00, dated July 26th, 1926, maturing,August 28th, 1926, and bearing interest from date at six per cent, and the proceeds thereof turned into the General rand of said Bounty of Harnett for the purpose of paying the amount now due by the tsoad commission of the uounty of Harnett. Be it further resolved: That the full faith and credit of Barnett uouOty be pledged to the punctual payment of the principal and interest of said note it maturity. ±ESQLUTIONS Whereas The Board Of €county Commissioners diRbefore the delivery of the deed from t;hes. 'oss and wife Fannie Bose conveying Acres as a part of the site for a uounty home, agree with said Chas. Moss and wife, .annie Boss as a the consideration of said deed to execute and deliver to J.W. rain a deed which would convey the following described land, which: is a part of the lands conveyed to said Bounty «ommissioners for a uounty HOMO site by N. S. Atkins and wife. Beginning at a stake.in J. W. Bain's line of the 15$ acres tract purchased from N. S. Atkins and others, situated on the north side of state highway No. 60, and runs as the line of said 15i acre tract North 57 -3/4 degrees bast, as shown by the Magnetic Meridian registered as of July 31st. 1926, 15 chs.` to a'istake the corner of the 15k acre lot; thence South 57 nest 66 feet to a stake and pointers;; thence bouth 58 west 15 che. to a stke on the north side of highway No. 60; as said highway 60 feet to the beginn- ing containing One and one -Half acres. It is ordered that Jas. A. Buchanan, chairman, execute and deliver to d. W. Bain a deed conveying the above described lands upon o. W. Bain paying to J. P. Bradley, Auditor, the sum of *76.58, which is the price per acre paid by said uounty '-ommissioners for said lands. Dunn, N. C. July 29th, 1826. At a meeting of the Board Of Trustees of Dunn Graded School District regularly called and held, all Trustees having been duly notified. There were present the following Trustees: J. C. Clifford, Chairman, Marvin Wade, J. W. Draughon, C. B. Aycock, W. H. Newberry, J. A. McLeod, L. A. Tart. Absent Mrs. C. J. Smith. The following resolutions was introduced by Mr. McLeod and on notion duly seconded was adopted, all members present voting in the affirmative, none voting in the negative, to -wit: A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE BORROWING OF THIRTY THOUSAND ($30,000.00) DOLLARS IN ANTICIPATION OF THE COLLECTION OF '.'AXES. nESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF DUNN GRADED SCHOOL DISTRICT: Section 1. That for the purpose of completing the erection and equipment of school buildings for the Dunn Graded school District, that this Board borrow the sum of Thirty 'Thousand 1530,000.00) Dollars in anticipation cif the f collection of taxes due and to beoome due unto this Board. Section 2. That the Chairman and secretary of this board be and are hereby authorized to execute the note or notes of this Board in the aggregate sum of Thirty 'Thousand ($30,000.00) Dollars, payable not later than one year from its or their date to the order of bearer, or to any person, bank or corporation with whom the same may be negotiated the dete,form, tenor, and maturity of the same to be determined by the chairman and Secretary who shall execute the said note in behalf of this board. section 3. That all the resources of this Hoard and all taxes due or to become due belonging to or payable to said board or to its Treasurer or to any officer in its behalf are hereby irrevocably pledged to the payment of said note or notes at the maturity thereof. Section 4. That said note or notes shall bear interest payable annually or semi - annually at not a greater rate than six per cent per annum, which interest in the discretion of the Chairman and secretary may be paid in ad- vance, in which case such note or notes shall bear interest only from the maturity thereof. Section 5. This resolution shall be in force from and after its adoption. xORTH CAROLINA HARNETT COUNTY I, J. Shepherd Bryan, Secretary of the Board of Trustees of the Dunn S:raded District, do certify the foregoing to be a true copy of a resolution adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Dunn Graded school District on the 29th day of July, 1926, as appeats by reference to the minutes of said bosrd in my possession. witness my hand and seal of said board, this 31st day of July, 1926. J. Shepard Bryan, Secretary (Corporation Seal) Approved: Board of bducation of Harnett uounty. This the 2nd day of August 1926. E. W. Smith, Chairman B. P. Gentry, Clerk A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COM:iISSIONERS OF HARNETT COUNTY AUTHORIZING THE BORROWING OF THIRTY THOUSAND ($30,000.00) DOLLARS FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE DUNN GRADED SCHOOL DISTRICT, AND THE ACCEPTANCE OF THE NOTE OF THE DUNN GRADED SCHOOL DISTRICT AS COLLATERAL SECURITY FOR ?HE REPAYMENT OF THE SAME. whereas, it has been made to appeat to this board that the Dunn Graded school District is now in need of or will presently be in need or the sum of Thirty 'Thousand ($30,000.00) Dollars, with which to complete school buildings now being erected for said District by the Board of Trustees of the same; and WHEREAS, said District has made application to this board to provide said funds through the negotiation of a loan or otherwise, said funds to be repaid to the uounty by said District; and WHEREAS, this board has found that said funds are necessary to enable the board of Trustees of the Dunn uraded school District to properly complete and equip necessary school buildings now being erected in said District; and WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees of Dunn ureded school District at a 20 meeting of said board held the 29th day of July, 1926, adopted a- resolution a the sum of Thirty Thousand ($30,000.00) Dollars to be borrowed by said Board a certified copy of said resolution' having been filed ' with this Board: THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF HARNETT COUNTY: Section 1. That for the purpose -of furnishing the nunn Graded School District with funds for the pu *pose of completings and equipping school buildings now in process of construction in and for said .nistrict this Bowed borrow the sum of Thirty Thousand ( *30,000.00) Dollars in anticipation of the levy and collection of taxes due and to become due unto this Board, and especially in anticipation of the levy and collection of taxes due or to be- come due unto the Dunn Graced School bistrict. Section 2/ That the Chairman and Clerk of the Board of Commissioners of Harnett County, be and they are hereby authorized to execute the note or notes of this board in the aggregate sum of Thirty .thousand ($30,.;000.00) Dollars, payable six months from its or their date to the order of bearer, or to any person, bank or corporation with whom the same may be negotiated, the date, form, tenor, rate of interest and maturity of the same to be determined by the chairman and Clerk who ehall execute said note in behalf of this Board. Section Z. That all the resources of the county of Harnett and all taxes due or to become due to said county, -and especially all taxes levied, collected, due and to become do.e unto the Hoard of Trustees of the nunn Graded School District, or its treasurer, "are hereby irrevocably pledged to the pay- ment of said note or notes at the maturity thereof. Section 4. That said note or notes shall bear interest payable annually or semi - annually at a rate to be agreed upon and set forth, in said note not greater than six per cent per annum. Section 5. That the proceeds realized from said note be paid over to the Treasurer of the Lunn Graded /School Listrict and that this board accept as collateral security for the :payment thereof the note or notes of the Lunn Graded School .istrict payable approximately upon the same date as the note or notes of this board shall be pagable in the same amount and bearing the same rate of interest. Section 6. That this board reserves the right in default of the payment of said collateral note, by the -unnn Graded School uistrict to leby upon said district a sufficient tax to retire the same, or to with -hold from said s'istrict taxes due to the same s3.fficient in amount to discharge said note and interest on the same at they shall severally become due. Section 7. That this resolution shall be in force from and after its adoption. TAX LEVY It is ordered that the following tax rates be levied for 1926, Poll tax is as follows: Schools P1.50; Paupers, 508, Total $2.00 General County Fund 15c; Bonded indebtedness and Sinking Fund 10c; Bridges 3c; Schools: Salary end 52c; Operation and Equipment Pund 25o; Roads 17c; Loan Fund 5c: Total $1.27 Township Road Tax; Anderson Creep 20cv0fAversboro 8011 Barbecue 15o, Black River 100; -I% Buchorn 25c;2.>Grove 35e ;i0Duke 13e ;8Hector's 'oreok'nofevy ;7.- Johnsonville 35c; 1i1l,ington 15c; /SNe -ill'e Creek 10c;9 Stewartrs Creek 23o ;,Upper Little River. Special School Tax White No.11 -000 53"" 21 - - -85c 22 - - -30e 23 ---30c 24 - - -10c 25- - -20c 26 - - -20c 27 -- -50e ,v' 28- -30c 31---310 32 - --50o b 34 - - -70c 46- --40o 51 - - -30c t 52- -300 see 53-- -1.00 c6 54 - - -15e 56 - - -05c - 57 - - -30c 61- - -30e- 62 - - -30c - 63- - -30c- 71 - -- 650 f 74 - - -30o 77 - --50e 78 - - -500 81- - -15c 84 - - -100 86 - 87 - -GlOo thorizing Special School Tax Colored: 111---No 112 - - -500 121 - - -85c 122 - - -500 131 - - -300 132 - - -50c 135 - - -700 145 -- -300 146 - --400 151 -- -1.00 152 - --30 c 154 -- -1.00 161 - - -500 165 - - -50o 170 - --30o 171 - - -30c 172 - - -300 174 - - -bOc 176 - - -500 177 - - -500 179 - - -50c 182 - - -300 183 - - -30o 184 ---30c 186 - - -30o JUWJORS FOR SEPTEMBER TERM: FIRST WEEK - -SEPT. 6th. 1026 Averaaboro - - -- J.B. Smith W. Albert Lee T.A. Core Felton Bess J.W. Davis L.A. Stewart J.D. McPhail Barbecue J.T. Cox Buokhorn S.R. Stephenson C.C. Utley W.H. Hobby S.H. Aueley Ernest Baker J.M. Tyson Black River E.E. Hall Duke J.L. Morse L.E. Stanoil K.G. Horne V.A. Flowers B.H. Hall Grove J.H. Jernigan J. F. Parrish T. B. Young W. M. Pope J. E. Dorman J. F. Avery R..0. MoLeod Hedtor'e Creek Neill's Creek Lillington Upper Little R. E. I. Cotton D. F. Griffin J. E. Fuquay H. W. Harmon S. Al Lanier L. A. Avery S. P. moKay M. B. Byrd N. A. McNeill SECOND WEEK SEPT. 1926 Anderson's Creek J. L. Norris Avereboro barbecue Buchorn Black River Duke Grove Hector's Creek Neill's Creek Upper Little R. I. G. Jackson M. J. Hargrove T. A. Lee Walter C. Lee Archie Barefoot B. M. Brewer P. A. Cabell B. J. McDonald John W. Baker N. M. Aueley J. R. Pate D. W. Denning R. M. Byrd, Sr. John R. Willie J. W. Hobbs D. W. Williams C. D. Dupree B. L. Dennis A. E. Wagstaff Grover Upchurch J. B. Collins 0. M. McDonald J. E. -Davis [22 COUNTY ORDERS ALLOWED: 2207 Nellie Lee Julg Salary 2208 J. P. Bradley Advancement on Salary 2209 Harnett County Road Fund Road appropriation 2210 Bank Of Lillington Int. On temporary loan 2211 S. B. Caviness Advancement on Salary 2212 Mamie Sexton' Clerk To Board 2213 Miss Dora Beek Trips 2214 J. W. McLeod Jailor 2215 Velma gexton Work for miss Beck 2216 Cole Savage Salary 2217 B. F. Beasley Awnings for Welfare Office 2218 A.D. Herring Salary 2219 F. H. Taylor 'Solicitor 2220 J. E. Caviness Salary 2221 Herbert Griffin Ferryman 2222 Sadye Hatcher sialary & etc. 2223 A. F. Fowler " " 2224 0. R. Pearce $70.00 Trips and 1 still 2225 Barnett County .News Printing for county 2226 Harnett Hardware House Mdse for County 2227 C. S. C. Salary abd etc` 2228 Lawrence Smith Janitor 2229 Annie Brown Work on Tax books 2230 L. W. Tart Trips and 1 still 2231 M. J. McNeill ' 1 still 2232 2233 0. M. Thacker poll holder Lillington T. Miss Verdie B. Barefoot Taking evidence in inques Paul Griffin 2234 B. H. Sellers Plumbing to jail 2235 3. W, Belford Medical services 2236 E. G. Davis 1 still 2237 J. St McLean Taking tax list U. L. R. 2238 D. P Donald " Johnsonville 2239 J. W. Philips Health Officer 2240 Ben Parker ;Burial of Hugh Bain, 2241 F. S. Burch & Oo. Labels for cattle 2242 Burrough Adding machine' Co. 2243 ndwards & Broughton Printing Co. Printing for county 2244 1. M. Chaffin Cost for Recorders Court 2245 Mitchell Printing Co. Printing for Register of Deeds 2246 W. A. Stewart Vital Statics for Johnsonville 2247 Dr. J. H. Withers " " " Barbecue 2248 R. O. Stewart " to Grove 2249 J. B. Tugweil 2250 0 S. Cade 2251 Dr. Chas. Highsmith 2252 2253 2254 2255 2256 2257 2258 2259 2260 2261 2262 2263 2264 2265 2266 2267 2268 2269 2270 2271 2272 2273 2274 2275 2276 2277 to 2316 2317. 2338 2'.g 2 0 retty cash J. P. Parker E. J. Womack Womble & Spence Atkins Bros. " Lillington " Buohorn " Sversboro 2 inquest Keeping county home Lumber for county home Mee for county home 2 n " Lillington Lumber Co. Lumber for convict camp W. P. Byrd vegetables for convict camp Mrs. Della Smith " n " J. N. Pearce ° u " Elsie Butts D. T. MoKinnie Harnett Hardware Atkins Bros Womble & Spence Johnson & Bryan " It J. A. Marsh " " Natioonal Oil Co. Oil for camp Seaboard flour Mills Co. Flour and meal American Disinfecting Co. Mdse foe camp garland C. Norris .. " J. H. Cnlbreth and Co, " " J. E. Patrick Guard at camp Roger Weaver W. J. Waddell S. B. Caviness House " convict " " Pauper allowance W, A. Johnson F. H. Taylor Dr. W. C. Melvin Dr. W. P. Holt 21 J. P. Bradley " n " n camp for Balance on salary Vital statistics for black R. " Neill's Creek Stewartts Creek TT It Duke Balance on July salary 100.00 10,000.00 50.00 25.00 49.85 15.25 119.60 35.00 108.33 26.00 25.00 75.00 100.00 27.00 204.10 338.30 36.00 14.00 5.24 34.40 40,00 125.00 16.00 10.00 -3.00 19.00 8.80 20.00 10.00 50.00 40.00 81.00 20.00 60.75 17.65 19.07 31.90 74.52 8.50 11. 50 22.50 20.00 14.00 53.50 47.00 37.29 147.00 20.37 24.30 5.25 3.30 2.84 1.56 5.50 2.50 2.34 35.35 22.50 4.85 6.00 3.15 8.00 31.05 25.00 168.39 70.78 60.00 20.00 60.00 100.00 232E Carolina Power & Light Co. 2323 Bank of Lillington 2324 J. Sherhard Bryan 2325 J. P. Bradley 2326 Harnett County Road Fund 2327 W. J. Cotton 2328 Bank Of Lillington 2329 J. B. F. Stewart 2330 pax Distribution Fund Lights for Court house & Jail 16.21 Int. On notes 4511.25 Proceeds of loan 30,001. 00 Advance on Aug. Salary 100.00 Road construction 5000.00 Statistics for Hector's C/ 9.00 payment on loan 10,000.0 Statistics for U. L. R. 57.00 401.19 / }—. A RESOLUTION At a regular meeting of the Board of County Commissioners of Harnett County, N.C. halt at the Court House at Lillington, N.C. on the 2nd. day of August, 1926 the following proceedings were had: On motion duly made the following resolution was adopted: "Be it resolved by the Board of county Commissioners of Harnett ''ounty, North Carolina That 2 notes of the County of Harnett be issued in the sum of Fifteen Thousand and Ten Thousand Dollars each dated August 2nd. 1926,due February 2nd. 1927 after date and bearing interest at the rate of five per cent per annum from date, payable at maturety. Both principal and interest payable to bearer at the chase National Bank of the City of New York, in an- ticipation of taxes to be collected within that period; and that said notes be awarded to C B Fetner 00. at par, accrued interest, $6.75 premium and the proceeds thereof turned into the general fund of the said County of Harnett; and Be,it further resolved; That the full faith and credit of the County of Harnett, be pledged to the payment of said notes at meturety" A RESOLUTION. At a regular meeting of the Board of County Commissioners of Harnett County, N.0• held at the Court House at Lillington, N.C. on the 2nd. day of August, 1986, the following proceedings were had: On motion duly made the following resolution was adopted : "Be it resolved by the Board of county Commissioners of Harnett ',aunty, North Carolina; That 2 notes of the County of Harnett be issued in the sum of Fifteen Thousand Dollars each dated August End. 1926, due rebruary End. 1927 after date and bearing interest at the rate of 6 per cent per annum, from date, payable at maturety. Both interest and principal payable to bearer at the chase National Bank of the City of New York, N.Y. In anticipation of taxes to be collected within that period; and that said notes be awarded to u B Fetner Company, at perm accrued interest, $7.00 premium; and the proceeds thereof turned into the general fund of the said County of Barnett; and Be it further resolved; that the full faith and credit of the Uonnty of Harnett be pledged to the payment of said notes at meturety": It was then ordered that the Commissioners adjourn to meet again on the First Monday in September, 1926. (32.40444,4*... CHAIRMAN.