07261926MINUTES OF IITETING OF BOARD OF COUNTY COIrtflSSIONERS JULY 26th, 1926. SPECIAL SESSION EQUALIZATION BOARD County Commissioners met in call session July 26th, 1926, for the purpose of heating appeals from action of Board at Meeting of July 12th, 1926. Present James A. Buchanan, Chairman, Z. V. Snipes, J. A. Hockaday, and I. R. Williams, County Attorney Absent J. G. Layton and B. P. Ingram. Whereas, the Board Of Commissions have been advised legally that said Commissioners are m powerless to equalize the values of real estate, except during the year of quadrennial assessment, except for cause based on extraordinary circumstances. It is ordered that all changes in value made by said Commissioners at the meeting held on Second J.nday in July, 1926, be annAlled and the following orders be placed on the Minutes in lieu thereof: Averaaboro It is ordered that the valuation of building of Wilson, Lee.and Turlington increased from $25,000.00 to $30,00.00. It is ordered to reduce the valuation of 134 acres of land of P.J. Jeffrey' from 517,900.00 to $13,900.00, on account of loss of house by fire. It is ordered to increase the valuation of house and lot of P.L. Anderson from S2000.00 to 02350.00, on account of improvements. It is ordered to from 04000.00 to It is ordered to from :4500.00 to It is ordered to from 03000.00 to reduce valuation of old post office building of C.S. Hicks 02500.00, on account of error in listing in 1925. Neill's Creek Township. increase the valuation of land of Mrs. Lattie Wilborn $5000.00 on account of improvements. increase the valuation of land and building of C.P. Kelly 53750.00, on account ofimprovements. Barbecue. It is ordered to reduce the valuation of land of D.D. Harrington from 02800.00 to $2500.00, on account of sale of timber. It is ordered to reduce the valuation of land of M.D. L1cLeod to $20.00 per acre, on account of sale of timber. Lillington. It is ordered to increase the valuation of the 396 acre tract of J.G. Layton to 024.00 per acre on account of improvements. It is ordered to reduce the valuation of the 396 acre tract to the extent of $2000.00 on account of timber sold. Adjourned to meet on Monday Aug. End, 1926. Chairman. e