0705192610! MINUTES OP MEETING OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ON MONDAY, JULY 5, 1926 Oommissioners met in regular session with the following members presents Jas. A. Buchanan, chairman, J. A. Hockaday, H. P. Ingram, J. G. Layton, Z. V. Snipes, and 1. R. Williams, County Attorney. Minutes of last meetings read and approved. REPORTS: It is ordered that accepted and filed It is ordered that accepted and filed It is ordered that It is ordered that and filed. report from J. P. Parker, Supt. of county Home, be and that bills attached for $145.30, be paid. report from S. B. Cavinesa, Supt. Of Convict Camp, be and that bill attached for (>41.62, be paid. report of Cole Savage, County Agt. be accepted and filed. report from H. A. Turlington, Tax Collector, be accepted It is ordered that report from Miss Sadye Hatcher, County Nurse, be accepted and filed. PAUPER ALLOWANCE: It is ordered that $10.00, be allowed to Waylon Ryals for one month. Tubercular patient) It is ordered that Alex Wood be taken to County Home. REPORTS: It is ordered that report from L. M. Chaffin, C. S. C. be accepted and filed and checks attached for $105.25, and $81.70, be turned over to County Audito COMMITTEE NAMED: It is ordered that J. G. Layton and J. A. Hockaday be named as a committee to make settlement with H. A. Turlington, Tax Collector, with County Atty. I. R. Williams. It is ordered that Z. V. Snipes and B. P. Ingram be named as committee to make investigation as to plans for New County Home. 9A--a .a. -ter It is resolved that the County Commissioners 80.reoommend =:to-the Gov. of North Carolina that Arch Trulove be paroled for the remainder of his term for the reason that he has made an excellent prisoner, and has served as cook for 18 Sundays It is ordered that the sum of $1600.00, be appropriated for the purpose of eradicative tuberculosis among cattle of Harnett County, said work of eradication to be under supervision of State Veterinarian and to begin on or before Sept. 1, 1926, as per contract signed this day with State Veterinarian. It is ordered that County Commissioners comply with order from S. A. Sinclair, Judge, relative to cushions for seats for jurors and for more chairs for Attys. and court officials. It is ordered that Camp for two weeks It is ordered that Of North Carolina. $pie Matthews in August, in *5.00, be paid (annual dues) be appointed Superintendent of Convict the absence of S. B. Caviness, Supt. State Association of County Commissioners RELEASES: It is ordered that Markin Eads of Johnsonville Township be releaved of $25.04, same property listed by Henry Matthews. r. [10 NORTH CAROLINA HARNETT COUNTY PETITION FOR SPECIAL TAX ELECTION TO THE HONORABLE BOAID'OF EDUCATION OF HARNETT COUNTY AND THE HONORABLE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF HARNETT COUNTY: We, the undersigned duly qualified voters of the territory hereinafter described, who have lived in said district for a period of twelve montjae or longer, respectfully petition that a, special election be called in'said dis- trict for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters thereof the quession of voting a special tax, not tore than 30 cents on the one hundred' dollars of property for the purpose of supplementing the funds for the six months school. term for said district. The boundaries of the territory in which we petition for an election as above requested are as follows: Beginning on Cape Fear River at point where the North line of'District #55 reaches river and follow with this line to the West line of District #54 thence with the line North to the West line of District $57; thence with this line North to the South line of District $36; thence West with this line to the South line of District $334; thence West along this line to Buie's Creek; thence South down said Creek to bridge on'Lillington =Coats road; thence West along this road to East line of District #71; thence South along this line to Gape Fear River; thence down said river to beginning. F. H. Taylor W. H. Matthews E. E. Marks W. V. Ennis and others Approved by the Board Of Education in session this the 5th day of'Jdly_, 1926. E. W. Smith, Chairman. B. P. Gentry, 'Betty. .......... NORTH CAROLINA HARNETT COUNTY RESOLUTION OF BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CALLING SPECIAL ELECTION IN HARNETT COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 74 Whereas, there has been presented to this Board as it's regular meeting on the First Monday in July,1926,'a petition signed by more than twenty -five of the qualified` voters of Harnett County School District No. -74 who have resi- den within said district for a period of twelve months or more, petitioning this Board to call an election in said district for the purpose of',submitt- ing to the qualified voters thereof the question of voting a special local tax in said district of 30 cents on the $100.00 of property valuation for the purpose of supplementing the funds for the six months school term in said district, and, whereas, said petition has been duly presented to the Board 03 Education of Harnett County, received due consideration by -that body and is now before this board upon the endorsement of the Chairman and Secretary of said Board Of Edtioation and the approval of said board, as by law provided: NOW,. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS' OF HARNETT COUNTY IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED ON MONDAY, JULY 5th, 1926. / That an election be had in said Harnett County School District No. 74 on the 17th day of August, 1926, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters thereof the question of levying a special local tax in said district of thir centy upon the $100.00 of property valuation, for the purpose of supplementi the funds for the six months scho?1 term for said district, the boundaries o the said district being as follows: Beginning on Cape Fear River at point where the North line of District 55 reaches river and follow with this line to the West line of District No. 54; thence with the line North to the West line of Dist. No. 57; thence with this line North to the South line -of District No. 36; thence West with this line to the South line of District NO. 34 ;.thence West along this Tine to Buie's Creek; thence South down said Creek to bridge on Lillington- Coats Road;,thenee West along this road to East line of District # 71; thence South along this line to Cape LPar River; thence down said river to beginnin (2) That there be a new registration of the voters in said district above described and that a notice of said registration be, published in some news- paper having a circulation an!said district at least 30 days before the'clbs of the registration books; (:) That notice of said election be published i some newspaper having a oireu]etion in said district at least thirty days prior to said elction; (4) That these desiting to vote for the speeial tax shall vote a ticket upon which shall be printed or written the words "FOR LOCAL TAX "' 11' (5) That J. C. election, and S. Poll Holders for the Buie's Creek Burt be, and he is hereby appointed Registrar for said H. Mitchell and J. D. Campbell are hereby appointed as said election; (6) That the election shall be held at Junior College in the Gymnasium, in said district. This the 5th day of Jt31y, 1926. BOARD OF COM.RrMISSIONERS By J. A. Buchanan, Chmn. Mamie Sexton, Clerk It is ordered that Chairman and Clerk be authorised to borrow $25000.00, RESOLUTION "Be it resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Harnett County of North Carolina: That two notes of Harnett County, N. C. be issued in the sum of $10,000.00, and (15000.00 dollars, each dated July 5th, 1926, due Jan 5th, 1927 after date and bearing interest at the rate of 4 % per cent per annum from date, payable at maturity. Both interest and principal payable to the bearer at the Seaboard National Bank of the City of New York, 11. Y. anticipation of taxes to be collected within that period; and that the eaid notes be awarded to C. B. Fetner Company, Cherryville, N. C. and the proceeds thereof turned into the feneral fund of said Harnett County; amd be it further resolved That the full faith and credit of the said Harnett County be pledged to the pay- ment of said notes at maturity." All members voted for this resolution. COUNTY ORDERS ALLOWED BY COMMISSIONERS: It is ordered that the following county vouchers be paid:' 2051 Mrs. J. D. Moss 2052 J. P. Bradley 2053 Bank Of Lillington 2054 Bank Of Lillington 2055 Bank Of Lillington 2056 Bank Of Lillington 2057 Chief Of Police 2058 S. B. Cavinesa 2059 J. P. Bradley 2060 T. D. Stewart 2061 T. D. Stewart 2062 0. P. Shell 2063 T. D. Stewart 2064 J. H. Williams 2066 J. S. McLean 2061 John Green 2065 J. D. Champion 2068 H. T. Faucette 2069 C. H. Thornton 2070 E. W. Bradley 2071 L. E. Stencil 2072 B. A. Htiffine 2073 K. A. Stewart 2074 H. C. Hobbs 2075 N. D. Shaw 2076 R. F. Jernigan 2077 L. H. Wood 2078 A. M. Long 2079 W. A. Stewart 2080 J. A. Darroch 2081 H. A. Turlington 2082 Velma Sexton 2083 Mamie Sexton 2084 Annie B. Cavinesa 2085 J. W. Phillips 2086 M. J. McNeill 2087 Charlie McNeill 2088 L. M. Chaffin 2089 L. M. Chaffin Board & Lodging for Judge Sinclair Special June Term $21.65 Advancement of June Salary 100.00 Int. on $36000.00 902.25 Int. on 38,000.00, Bridge Bonds 651.63 Int. on $40,000.00 Road & Bridge Bonds 992.48 Int. on $100,000.00 2506:25 Reward for Capturing Escaped convict(Kenley, N.C. 25.00 Conveying prisoner from Kenley to Lillington Bal. on Juke Salary Taking tax list in Grove T. Registrar June Primary " n " One day Challenge Taking tax list in Stewart's Creek Township Taking tax list in U. L. E. if " " " Neill's Cr. " " " " Buchorn . " " Lillington T. • " " Aversboro • " " Hector's Cr. • " " Duke T. Poll Holder in Johnsonville It It Aversboro # 1 Stewart's Cr. T. Anderson Creek Aversboro # 2 t, Registrar Neill's Creek Johnsonville T. Poll H lder Johnsonville " “" -Grove Work for LIiss Beck Clerk to Board Board for Jurors Salary & Medicine Supplies Capt. one still U. L. R. " Johnsonville Salary Juvenile Court, phone etc Superior Court cost 5.00 100.00 175.00 15.00 24.96 3.00 70.00 125.00 65,00 53.00 125.00 400.00 46.50 125.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 21.99 18.00 3.00 3.00 35.00 37.50 28625 76.00 10.00 10.00 42.45 176.60 [12 2090 L. M. Chaffin 2091 Harnett Hardware 2092 H. S. Storr 2093 0. R. Pierce House 2094 Remington Typewriter Co.' 2095 Mrs. J. B. Moss 2096 Annie Brown 2097 J. W. Halford 2098 Southern Sanitary Co. 2099 Wade H. Phillips 2100 Mitchell Printing Co. 2101 Harnett County News 2102 Dora Beck 2103 Petty cash 2104 J. W. McLeod 2105 Lawrence Smith 2106 A. F. Fowler 2107 Herbert Griffin 2108 Joe Caviness 2109 F. H. Taylor 2110 J. H. McAllister 2111 F. c4 Matthews 2112 W. H. Salmon 2113 Sadye Hatcher 2114 J. R. Young 2115 Garland C. Norris 2116 Lynn Wilder 2117 J.-H.:Culbreth & Co. 2118 Stewart's Garage 2119 'The =Selig Co. 2120 Harnett Hardware House 2121 Atkins Bros. 2122 Johnson & Bryan Co. 2123 T. M. Johnson 2124 Herbert Matthews 2125 Lillington Lumber Co. .2126 National 011000. 2127 Lee Furniture Co. 2128 W. L. Senter &_Co. 2129 J. B. McDonald 8130 John E. Patrick 2131 W. J. Waddell 2132 S. B. eaviness 2133 Atkins Bros. 2134 Harnett Hardward House 2135 Lee Furniture` -Co. 2136 Womble & Spence 2137 E. V. Parker 2138 J. 2. Parker 2139 Nellie Lee 2140 Mitchell Printing Co. 2141 J. D. Russell 2142 M. T. Spears & E.F. Young! Recorder's Court cost Mdse. for County Supplies for Auditor Conveying Son Collins from to convict camp Ribbons for Auditor Board for Jurors June term Work on Tat-books Medical service to Juror Supplies for County Forest Fire Prevention Tax Books Printing for C. S. C. Trip to Sanitorium $6.50 " " Greensboro 87.25 Jailor Jalntor Salary & etc. Ferryman Judge Recorder's Court Solicitor Service on Pension Board lee for 2 Courts 1 Still County Nurse Monthly Allowance mdse. for Convict camp it er Dunn $69.00 7.95 9.79 3.00 7.00 89.75 70.00 12.50 14.50. 87.60 130:46 66.50 13.75 44.30 76.60 40.50 496.90 27.00 100.00 75.00 3.00 8.85 10.00 200.00 50.00 57.87 15.68 34.00 24.15 81.70 22.68 8.40 3.65 .90 19.20 6.82 5.60 3.50 33.27 60.00 60.00 60.00 125.00 2.25 7.80 3500 12.00 H. 5.00 115.25 35.00 73.08 19.20 " " Work at Convict Camp Lbr. for camp Mdse. for camp Lumber for camp Guard at camp 2143 2144 To 2198 2199 2200 2201 2202 2203 2204 - 2205 2206 H. A. Turlington Cutting 5 acres of oats Keeping County Home Bal. due on June salary Books for Register's office Work at convict camp Pees_due by County against J. W. McArtan (part payment) Land sale cost of tax collector County 250.00 884.00 Pauper Allowance A. D. Herring Carolina Power & Light Oo Harnett County Road Comm. - Bank of tillington Marvin Wade, Treas. J. B. McDonald Cole Savage 3. L. Skinner Seely- Treas, Salary Lights for Court House & Jail For Road building Int. On Aversboro Road Bond Amt. due Aversboro School Dist. Guard at, camp 20 days Salary Annual dues Board Commissioners adjourn July 12th, 1926 Clem to meet of Comm. 544.50 25.00 18.19 1500.00 1503.G6 1295.35 40.00 108.33 5.00 2c62.-4' Chairman