02251926r (1' :'inutes of Call Meeting of Commissioners on Feb. 11, 1926. The 3oard of County Commissioners met in Special Session on Feb. 11, 1926, which ms d71;y called by members and Clerk of said Board. Present: J.G. Layton, J.A. Hockaday, 3.P. Ingram. Upon motion of J.G. Layton seconded by J.A. Hockaday it !-as moved that J.A. Buchanan be elected as permanent Chairman of said Board as G.K. Grantham, former Chairman, has resigned as member of 3oard. This motion was unanimously adopted. It is ordered that the Chairman and Clerk e_.ecute note for "25,000.00. Resolution as follows: "BE IT RESOLED BY THE BOARD OF COL :IISSIONERS OF HARNETT COUNTY" That one (1) note of County of Harnett be executed in the sum of 025,000.00 dated February 11, 1926, maturing .Larch 17, 1926, and bearing interest at 55 from 2/15/26. Interest payable at Maturity. Both interest and principal payable to BEARER at Chase :'ational Bank of the City of New York, New York. In anticipation of collection of taxes for year 1925 -26 and that said note be sold or hypothecated by the Auditor of Harnett County and the proceeds there- of turned into the general fund of said County." Commissioners adjourned to meet at next regular meeting, .IiI.vNLC. 9 / Clerk to Board. IOW-66f- n an^ a - Chairman. MINUTES OF CALL SESSION OF CO:.d.iISSION RS ON FEB. 25, 1926. County Commissioners net in call session on Feb. 25, 1926, and the follow- ing members were present: Jas. A. Buchanan, Chairman, J.A. Hockaday and J.G. Layton, with U.T. Spears, County Attorney. The following Resolution was unanimously passed: RESOLUTION BS IT RESOLT D BY THE BOARD OF COI,IMISSIONHRS OF HARNETT COUNTY" That one (1) note of County of Harnett be executed in the sum of $50,000.00 dated February 25, 1926, maturing March 10, 1926, and bearing interest at six per cent from maturity. Interest payable in advance. Both interest and prin- cipal payable to Bank of Harnett at Erwin, North Carolina. In anticipation of proceeds from sale of bonds and that said note be sold or hypothecated by the riuditor of Harnett County and the proceeds thereof turned into the general fund of said County. 3e it further resolved: That the full faith and credit of County of Harnett be pledged to the punctual payment of the principal and interest of said note at maturity. It is ordered that the.:Au.ditor and Clerk issue voucher for 0416.67 to pay interest on notes due in New York ::;arch 1, 1926. It is ordered that Auditor and Clerk issue voucher payable to Bank of Harnett for $;108.33 to pay interest on :"50,000.00 note dated Feb. 25, 1926, and due March 10, 1926. It is ordered that Auditor and Clerk issue voucher payable to Bank of Harnett for 525.00 to pay for New York Exchange for 40,000.00. Commissioners adjourned. 0 erk o Ott , / Chairman.