100519369346 Melvin Lee 9347 toward M.Lee 9348 City Gorcery 9349 Fitchett Drug Co. 9350 W.G.Melvin 9351 Gape Fear Drug Co. 9352 Dunn Service Gro. 9353 Johnson & Bryan Co. 9354 Lafayette Drug Co. 9355 W.M.Brannon 9356 M.D.Lanier,.P.M. 9357 VOID 9358 1'.C.Matthews and Walter Bailey 9359 C.E.Sorreli: 9360 M.D.Lanier, P.M. 9361 Mack -McKay 9362 Burtis Wicker 9363 Dillon Supply Co. 9364 J. '.Ceggiris, agt. 9365 F.C.Matthews 9366 W.E.Salmon, Sheriff 9367 N.C.Hwy.& P.W.Com. 9368 Dept. of Gon.& Devlp. 9369 National 0i1 Co. 9370 F -G. Bank & Trust Co. 9371 State Hospital 9372 W.D.Harrington, T.C. 9373 W.J.Longmire 9374 'W.D.Harrington, T.G. 9375 M.D.Lanier, P.M. 9376 W.D.Harrington relief orders relief orders relief orders relit orders relief orders relief orders relief orders relief orders relief orders house rent relief orders postage 5.00 20.00. 3.00 28.30 8.00 4.85 3.00 9.50 9.25 12.00 10.00 partial payment on sand 12.0 work at county home 3.00 antitoxin for Health Dept. 5.28 janitor 21.00 work at county home 2.00 plunger tube 4.24 freight 5.65 sand for agri . bldg. 36.8t, labor at courthouse 9.12 two highway maps 1.00 due from county 180.04 oil for pump at county home 1.45 draft for Commissioners fees 10.00 for Paul Coopers 50.00 food order to apply on taxes 3.00 gutters for agri. bldg. 83.72 jurty tickets 501.46 stamp for Autidor office 3.00 bolts for county farm 1.00 October 5, 1936 The Board of County Commissioners get, in regular session October 5, 1936 with the following members present: Chairman J.B.Ennis; E.L.Cooke; J.S.Barker; & Angps'A.Cameron It is ordered that Dave Godfrey of Barbecue Township be re- admitted to the County Home on condition that he comply with the rules of County Home. It is ordered that Joe Barnes of Neills Creek Townshp be re- admitted to the County Home on condition that he comply with the rules of the Home. It` is ordered that $7.50 food orders be allowed J.g.Norris for upkeep instead° of re- entering County Home. Thisto continue_ for two months. It is ordered that -the valuation of the lot of W.H.Butler, deceased, in - Averasboro Township, be reduced by the sum of $675.00 on account of fire which destroyed the dwelling thereon. This valuation as reduced to apply to year 1936. It is ordered that the County Farm be rented to a reliable person and .a committee composed of J.S.MoLean and J.B.Ennis be in charge. It' is ordered that the 101.27 acres of land in Upper Little River Township listed in the -name of the Buekhorn Land and Timber Company' be segregated from their other property and be valued at $1900.00. The County Auditor is ordered and directed to release said land on the payment of taxes on W.900.00' valuation together with interest, Land Sale -cost and Court cost. The report of the Grand Jury was caused to be read and was discussed fully, and ordered to be recorded. BE IT RESOLVED that as soon as the money is available from the General County Fuund, that the purchasing agent recommend such purchases recommended by Grand Jury as. are most necessary. The Board authorized Supt. Gentry to sign applications to W.P.A. for $9,046.08 for additions to LaFayette School, and $4,124.12 for additions to Buckhorn School. County's part of expense at LaFayette to be $17,711.83, and at Buckhorn $9,828.97. It is ordered the report of County Physician, Dr.A.W.Peede, be accepted and filed. ' It is ordered that report of W.D.Harriax$ ton, Tax Collector, be accepted and filed. Its is ordered that report of Register of Deeds be accepted and filed. 399' NORTH CAROLINA: HARNETT COUNTY: WHEREAS, the Board of Education of Harnett County has certified to the Board of Commissioners of Harnett County that it isneoessary that the sum of EIGHT THOUSAND AND NO /100 ($8,000.00)DOLLARS be expended for the completion of the erection of an addition to the Erwin School Building of School District No. 5 of Harnett County for the purpose of the operation of maintenance of a six months public school, as provided by the Constitution of North Carolina; AND WHEREAS the said sum of Eight Thousand and no /100 Dollars ($8,000.00) has been placed in the budget of the Board of Education of Harnett County for the fiscal year of 1936 -37, which budget of the Board of Education of Harnett County has been duly approved and adopted by the Board of Commissioners of Harnett County; AND WHEREAS, it is necessary for the County of Harnett to borrow the sum of Eight Thousand and no /100 ($8,000.00) DOLLARS for the purpose of providing funds for the completion of the erection of said addition to the above mentioned school building in anticipation of collection of taxes and other revenues for the fiscal year of 1936 -37; NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of Commissioners of Harnett County that the County of Harnett borrow, and be authorized to borrow on the full faith and credit of said County of Harnett, as provided under Sections 4,6, and 7 of the County Finance Aot, being Chapter 81, Acts of 1927, and of the Local Government Act, being Chapter 60, Acts of 1931, and amendments thereto, the sum of Eight Thousand and no /100 ($8,000.00) Dollars for the purposes above stated: And be it further resolved, that the Chairman of said Board of Commissioners of Harnett County be and he is hereby authorized to execute a note or notes of said Count of Harnett in the aggregate sum of Eight Thousand and no /100 Dollars ($8,000.00 Baring date of October 15, 1936, payable to bearer, signed by the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of Harnett County, and attested by the Clerk of the Board of Commissioners of Harnett County; with the seal of Harnett County attached, payable on 30 day of June, 1937, said note or notes to bear interest at a rate not exceeding 6% per annum; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that application be made to the Loyal Government Commission of the State of North Carolina for approval by said Commission of the said note or notes, as by law required, and that the said note or notes, when so approved by the Local Government Commission of North Carolina, be delivered to the said Local Government Commission of North Carolina for sale, as provided by statute. Present: Onemissioners: J.B.Ennis, Chairman; E.L.Cooke; A.A.Cameron; J.8.,Becker; and Geo.T.Noel. RBSOLOTTONt WHEREAS J.G.Layton listed 56 acres of land in Anderson Creek for a nulber years in Johnsonville Township, and whereas said land was sold in 1932 to Mfes Gladys Rocerfeller present owner in 1932, and whereas said ],and has been listed in both ohnsonvilie and Anderson Creek Township for the years 1933 to 1938 inclusive, and whereas present owner has duly paid all taxes on said land for year 1936 and prior years, and whereas the valuation of said land as now listed•-at 52 acres has been increased by error from Layton valuation of $465.00 to $100000; NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the valuation of said 52 acres in Anderson Creek Tipenship of Mies- Gladys Rookerfeller be reduced troy $1065.00 to valuation of 0465.00 for year 1937 taxation. And further that J.G.Layton listing and taxed in Johnsonville Township be canoelled. t.. y "�be 7.75 acres Brinkley King nand appears listed on Anderson Greek Tar ='Book at valuation of $340.00 and whereas all buildings on said land have bees. removed,. Now therefore, be it resolved that valuation of said 7.75 acres be reduced is sun of $135.00 for year 1937 taxation. Done and ordered this October 5, 1936. TO THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF HARNETT COUNTY: The petition of Geo.D.Woodley repsecttully showeth the following: 1. That he purchased at •a sale conducted by J.O.West, Commissioner, a lot in the town of Donn, which sale was conducted by the saldj.O.Wests as - Commissioner , under authority oontainedwin that judgment re d in that action entitled : "Gaunt of Harnett -vs- E.J.Hudson, and others ". the dead Po this petitioner is dated the 30th. day Bf /day, 1931, and is in Book 256, page 431; 20 That this petitioner does attach hereto the cheek which was duly cashed, and which represents the full purchase pride; 3. That this petitioner has been notified by the Country Attorney that certain tax liens, which are prior to the date of the deed to this petitioner, are now outstanding; and that this petitioner is likely to be used, or rather have his property subjected to these liens; 4. That this petitioner is appealling direct to the Bosom of Commissionre of Harnett County to have the Auditor of Harnett Countyto camel all tar liens held by the County of Harnett against the property of this pe flaw in Averasboro Township, which is known as the E.J.Hudson lot in order to Ma� this petitioner unnecessary costa and attorney fees, as was expanded by Mrs. a llledemv in the matter of County of Harentt -vs- Mrs. Nettie B.Godwin. Respectfully submitted, Geo.D.Woodley, ! etitioner. 400 NORTH CAROLINA: IN THE SUPERIOR COURT HARNETT COUNTY: FIRST SEPTEMBER TERM 1936 TO HIS HONOR, JUDGE E.H.CRANMER, JUDGE PRESIDING: We, the Grand Jury for this Term of Harnett Superior Court, do respectfully submit the following Report of our findings and tranactions at this Term. We have considered all bills sent us by the Solicitor and have.made returns on same. We made inspections of most of the properties of the County, and found most of it in fair shape, The County Home is excellently kept by Mrs. Brown, the Superintendent, and we wish to commend her for it The State Highway and Public Works Commissionts Camp, located in this County, is also excezhlently kept by Mr. Matthews, the Superintendent, and his helpers, and we commend him for it. The several offices in -the Courthouse are well looked after by the officers, and we found no complaints from any of them. the Jail is kept as well as the conditions will permit, and Mr, and Mrs. Ken Matthews are to be commended for it. We inquired from the men in charge of the school trucks and -were told that all of the trucks had been re- conditioned during the vacation and are in good shape for the school term about to commence. We desire. to -make the following recommendations, and ask that the next Grand Jury inquire -if all of them have been carried out: 1. That a new range be at once bought and installed in the Tail. 2. That as soon`as possible enlarged t)uarters be added to the Jail. We found the Jail crowded, and as such unfit for a County like ours. 3. That the -next Grand Jury.Sake a thorough inspection of all :of - the water and toilet facilities of the several school houses in the County. 4. That as -.soon as the office now used by the Superintendent of Schools is vacated that it:be- fitted up for use as an additon to the present Sheriff's office, and that furniture and fixtures, filing cases, and other things required, be furnished the Sheriff. 5. That the - -out of date and antiquated indexing systems in the offices of the Register of.Deeds and Clerk Superior Court be replaced with new and modern systems, and that.aik instruments now on record be re- indexed in keeping with the new systems. 6. That the newly formed Health Department for the County, be given all the necessary equipment in order that it may function to the best possible end. We commend the Commissioners -for the forward step when they established the Health Department for the County. 7, That a separate drinking fountain for colored people be installed at onace in the Courthouse. We wish to commend and thank His Honor, Judge Cranmer, for the very able Charge he delivered-to usx when we began our labors, and trust our people will be benefited by it.. We appreciate the aid given us by the Solicitor and all the Court Officials for their splendid co- operation and assistance given us at this Term. This the 10th. day of September, 1936. The following jurors we First Week 1. M.M.Whittenton 2. G.C.Woodall 3. F.P.Lloyd 4. G.R.Morgan 5. W.A.Betts 6. `B.B.Byrd 7. Carley Stewart 8. T.B.Hendley 9. Fred Hawley 10. Henry West 11. T.M.Johnson 12. W.C.Kanoy 13. Earl G.Barbour 14. W.H.Reardon 15. L.A.Dawkins 16. Malcom Upchurch 17. E.A.Howard 18. J.J.Wheeler 19. H.C.Cates 20. Charles N.Driver 21. Preston MCNeill 22. Andrew L.Johnson 23. Harry Fleishman 24. E,J.MCPherson 25. W.I.Thornton 26. R.O.Olodfelter 27. Geo.M.Eloyd 28. Herman A.Godwiri 29. James A.Stewart 30. J.M.Stewart 31. L.V.Stephenson 32. Jefferson Buchanan 33. W.R.Holland re drawn for the Duke Black River Duke Duke Hectors Crk. U.L.R. Grove Lillington Duke Averasboro Black River Averasboro Duke Neills Ck. Duke N.C. N.C. Lillington Duke Averasboro Barbecue - Grove Averasboro Johnsonville Averasboro Averasboro Averasboro Duke Johnsonville Stewarts Creek Grove U.L.R. Buokhorn Respectfully submitted, Sidney Thomas, Foreman. ovember term 1936: 33. W.R.Holland 34. J.E.Womble 35. John M.Williford 36. J.H.Moss 37. Sam Cummings 38. W.M.Young 39. Sherell Avery 40. W.D.Paee 41. W.H.Blaek 42. Ernest L.Currin 43. Charlie Hare 44. J.E.Smith 45. B.H.MoCormick 46. M.L.Ballard 47. Joel Ennis 48. B.L.Owens Buckho rn Lillington Averasboro Duke U.L.R. Grove Duke Barbecue Lillington Barbecue Buckho rn Anderson, Crk. Barbecue Hectors Creek Grove Averasboro 1. R.M.Turner 2. Joseph A.Powell 3. A.H.Bolton 4. J.B.Page 5. M.F.Martin 6. John P.Johnson 7. W.R.Currin 8. Edgar S.Smith 9. ThurmanO.Dorman 10. E.F.Baker 11. Willie Wilkins 12. S.J.Currie Second Week Duke Grove Neills Creek U.L.River Averasboro Averasboro U.L.River U.L.River Grove Buckhorn Lillington Anderson Creek. 13. B.C.Johnson 14. Gilbert Shaw 15. J.M.Langston 16. L.B.MoKinnie 17. R.N.Dickens 18. F.E.Dewar 19. Z.H.Bullard 20. J.M.Horner 21. C.B.Matthews 22. G.D.Campbell 23. Grady Earp 24. E.C.Holt STATEMENT OF 1935 COUNTY TAX LEVY STTTLEMENT by W.D.Harrington, Tax Collector 1935 Tax Levy $ 279355.46 1935 After List Taxes 3412.09 1935 Penalties Collected 2153.38 1935 Land Sales Cost Collected 202.59 TOTAL - 285123.52 This 5th. Approved: Approved: Taxes Collected Land Sales Insolvents allowed Discounts allowed Releases allowed Check to balance errors TOTAL - Neills Creek Anderson Creek Anderson Creek Buekhorn U.L.River Buckhorn U.L.River Duke Black River Buckhorn Black River Anderson Creek $ 232317..20- 39088.03 9749.49 2280.90 1637.07 50.83 285123.52 day of October, 1936. (Signed) W.D.Harrington, Tax Collector., J.S.McLean, County Auditor. J.B.Ennis, Chairman Board of County Commissioners. NORTH CAROLINA: HARNETT COUNTY: AFFIDAVIT W.D.Harrington, being first duly sworn says: That he is the duly appointed Tax Collector of Harnett County for the year 1935 County Tax Levy; and that as such Tax Collector he or his deputies visited the dwelling places of each of the persons whose names are listed as INSOLVENT on the attached list; or that he or his said deputies visited the usual place of abode of each.of said persons on said attached LIST, and that he or they the said deputies, could not find either at the dwelling or the place of usual abode of each of the said tax payers on said LIST attached, or elsewhere in the said County of Harnett, any property wherewith to discharge said 1935 taxes or such part thereof as is returned unpaid on the said attached LIST; and that the said persons so named on the said attached LIST were INSOLVENT at the time when by law he the said Tax Collector, ought to have endeavored to collect the said taxes of said persons so listed on the said attached LIST. W.D.Harrington, Tax Collector. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 5 day of October, 1936. R.MoLeod, deputy C.S.C. NORTH CAROLINA -- Harnett County: On motion duly made and carried, be it resolved, that the County Board of Commissioners of Harnett County, hereby accept the INSOLVENT LIST attached to Affidavit of W.D.Harrington, Tax Collector, in the final settlement by the said Board of County Commissioners with the said W.D.Harrington, Tax Collector of Harnett County, for the year 1935 County Tax Levy. This 5 day of October, 1936. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS by: J.B.Ennis, Chairman. NORTH CAROLINA: HARNETT COUNTY: RESOLUTION On motion of Commissioner Geo.T.Noel, and seconded by Commissioner J.S.Barker and duly passed and carried, BE IT RESOLVED and ordered by the Board of County Commissioners of Harnett County, as follows: FIRST: That the Tax Settlement of W.D.Harrington, Tax Collector, for the year 1935 County Tax Levy, together with the INSOLVENT LIST for said 1935 Tax Levy, hereto attached and made a part hereof, said INSOLVENT LIST having been heretofore approved and accepted, be and the same is hereby accepted and approved, and same is hereby ordered to be recorded in the records of the MINUTES of the Board of County Commissioners of Harnett County; SECOND: And further be it resolved and ordered by the Board of County Commissioners of Harnett County, that the said W.D.Harrington, Tax Collector of Harnett County, for the year 1935 County Tax Levy, be and is is hereby released and relieved and discharged of and ffrom any and all further liability and responsibility for the collection of any and all delinquent and insolvent taxes for the year 1935 County Tax Levy; THIRD: And furtherbe it resolved and ordered, that the County Auditor, J.S.McLean, be and he is hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver any and all necessary and proper instruments for the full and proper clearance and discharge for the said 1935 Tax Levy, both for the said W.D.Harrington, Tax Collector, and his assistant Tax Collector, D.G.Campbell, and said Maryland Casualty Company of Baltimore, Maryland, Surety on said Bonds of said Tax 402 Collector and Assistant. FIFTH: And be it further resolved and ordered, that said W.D.Harrington, Tax Collector, for the.year 1935 Tax.Levy, and said D.G.Campbell, Assistant Tax Collector for said year 1935 Tax Levy, and said Maryland Casualty Company of Baltimore, Maryland, as Surety on Bonds of the said Tax Collector and Assistant Tax Collector for year 1935 Tax Levy, be and they are hereby released and discharged of and from collection of -taxes for the year 1935 County Tax Levy. And it is further ordered that this Resolution be recorded in .the records of the minutes. of Board of County Commissioners of Harnett County. - Done and ordered this 5 day of October, 1936. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS by: J.B.Ennis, Chairman. - -- .- RESOLUTION: NORTH CAROLINA: HARNETT COUNTY: On motion duly made and carried, BE IT RESOLVED, that W.D.Harrington, Tax Collector for the year 1935 County Tax Levy, be and he is.hereby allowed the sum of $1.20 for each and every land sale made by him for the 1935 taxes, and salary up to October 1st, 1936, and the County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to pay - said- W.D.Harrington said sum so allowed herein for land sales -of 1935 and Salary to said October 1, 1936. And further be it resolved that said W.D.Harrington shall pay out of the compensation herein allowed for said land sales, all expenses whatsoever connected with said 1935 land sales, including the account of newspapers for publication &:f said land sales notices. This October 5, 1936. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS . by: J.B.Ennis, Chairman., RESOLUTIONS NORTH CAROLINA: HARNETT COUNTY: On motiennof commissioner A.A.Cameron, and seconded by Commissioner J.S.Barker, and duly passed and carried, BE IT RESOLVED and ordered by..the Board of County Commissioners of Harnett County, North Carolina, as follows:. FIRST: Be it resolved, that W.D.Harrington, be and he is hereby appointed Tax Collector for the county of Harnett for year 1936 County tax levy. SECOND: Be it resolved, that the BOND of W.D.Harrington, the duly appointed Tax Collector of Harnett County for the 1936 Tax Levy year, be and the same is hereby fixed at the sum of TWENTY FIVE - THOUSAND DOLLARS ($25,000.00) said bond to be approved at this meeting or at any adjourned, or at the next regular meeting of this Board of County Commissioners. THIRD: W.D.Harrington, Tax Collector for the 1936 County Tax Levy, having informed the Board of Commissioners that he has appointed, D.G.Campbell Assistant Tax Collector for said 1936 Levy, thereforebe it resolved -and ordered, that the Bond of said D.G.Campbell, Assistant Tax Collector for 1936 Tax Levy, be fixed at the sum of FIVE THOUSADN DOLLARS ($5,000.00) said bond to be approved by this Board at this meeting or at any adjourned or at the next regular meeting of this Board of Commissionrs. FOURTH: And further be it resolved, that the salary of W.D.Harrington, the duly appointed Tax Collector of Harnett County for the year 1936 Tax Levy, be and the same is hereby fixed at the sum of $431.25 per month, and that in addition to said monthly salary, the said W.D. Harrington, Tax Collector, shall receive all legal levy -and garnishee fees now allowed by law, and that in addition to said monthly salary and said levy and garnishee fees,. the said W.D.Harrington, Tax Collector, shall receive such sums for land sales as shall be allowed and fixed by the Board of -County Commissioners; and that the said salary and compensation shall be the full salary and compensation for the said office of Tax Collector, and said Tax Collector shall pay and discharge all expenses -of'the said office. FIFTH: And further be it resolved, that said W.D.Harrington, Tax Collector, of Harnett County for the 1936 County Tax Levy, be and he is hereby relieved and discharged from the duty of collecting any taxes prior- to.the 1936 County Levy made of the Board of Commissioners of Harnett County. SIXTH: And further be it resolved, that said W.D.Harrington, Tax Collector, -be and he is hereby ordered to deposit daily all sums and amounts collected on said 1936 County Taxes in the FIRST CITIZENS BANK AND TRUST CO. of Dunn, North Carolina, the official depository of the said County of Harnett, to the credit of HARNETT COUNTY 1936 TAX DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT, and that the said officiail depository Bank, shall daily issue to said W.D.Harrington, a receipt for such deposits; and that upon compliance therewith by said Tax Collector, that thereupon he, the said W.D.Harrington, Tax Collector, and his said SURETY on his said bond, shall be released and relieved of all further liability and responsibility for such amounts or sums so deposited in said DEPOSITORY. SEVENTH: And further be it RESOLVED that the First Citizens Bank and Trust Company of Dunn, North Carolina, be and the same is hereby. designated as the official depository of the County of Harnett, for all funds belonging to the said County of Harnett, including all funds collected by said W.D.Harrington as tax Collector ff Harnett County for 1936 Couhty Tax Levy, made by the Board of Commissioners of Harnett County. EIGHTH: And further be it resolved that the First Citizens Bank and Trust Company, of Dunn,- North Carolina, be and it is hereby ordered and required to deposit a bond in the sum of $110,000.00, which said bond shall secure all of the deposits made by the County of Harnett in said official depository, including 403 all sums therein deposited by said W.D.Harrington as Tax Collector of Harnett County for 1936 County Tax Levy. Done and ordered this 5 day of October, 1936. RESOLUTION: NORTH CAROLINA: HARNETT COUNTY: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS by J.B.Ennis, Chairman. On Motion of Commissioner A.A.Cameron, and seconded by Commissioner.:J.S. Barker, It is hereby ordered by the Board of County Commissioners of Harnett County, that the bond of W.D.Harrington, the duly appointed Tax Collector of Harnett County for the 1936 Tax Levy of Harnett County, in the sum of 325,000.00, with Maryland Casualty Company of Baltimore, Maryland, as Surety, be and the same is hereby ratified, approved and accepted, and the said bond is hereby ordered to be recorded in the records of the Minutes of the Board of County Commissioners of Harnett County, and same filed with the Clerk of Superior Court of Harnett County; And further it is ordered that the Bond of D.G..Campbell duly designated as Assistant Tax Collector for the 1936 Tax Levy of Harnett County, in the sum of FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS (35,000.00) with Maryland Casualty Company of Baltimore, Md. as surety, be and the same is hereby ratified, approved and accepted, and the said Bond is hereby ordered to be recorded in the records of the Minutes of the Board of County Commissioners of Harnett County, and same filed with the Clerk of Superior Court of Harnett County; And it is further ordered by the Board of County Commissioners of Harnett County, that the Harnett County Tax Books for the 1936 County Tax Levy, be and the same are herebyordered delivered to W.D.Harrington, Tax Collector, his said Bond having been heretofore approved and aocepted. Done and ordered this 5 day of October, 1936. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS by J.B.Ennis, Chairman. NORTH CAROLINA: HARNETT COUNTY: On Motion of Commissioner A.A.Cameron and seconded by Commissioner J.S.Barker and duly carried, BE IT RESOLVED and ordered that the following order and COMMAND be and the same is hereby ordered delivered to W.D.Harrington, the duly appointed Tax Collector of Harnett County for the year 1936 County Tax Levy: " TO: HON.W.D.HARRINGTON, Tax Collector, of Harnett County for 1936 Tax Levy: You are hereby ordered and commanded to forthwith proceed with the collection of the 1936 County Tax Levy made by the county of Harnett, North Carolina." Done and ordered by Board of County Commissioners of Harnett County, N.C. this 5 day of October, 1936. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS by; J.B.Ennis, Chairman. W.D.Harrington was unanimously appointed Tax Collector for the 1936 Tax Levy and he bond was approved. MARYLAND CASUAnY COMPANY NORTH CAROLINA: HARNETT COUNTY: KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS; that WILLIAM DALRYMPLE HARRPIGTON, Lillington, North Carolina, as Principal (hereinafter called Principal) and the Maryland Casualty Company, Baltimore Maryland, as Surety (hereinafter called Surety) are held and firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina for benefit of Board of Commissioners, Harnett County North Carolina, in the penal sum of TWENTY FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($25,000.00) to the payment whereof well and truly to be made and done, the said Principal binds htself, his heirs, executors and administrators, and the said Surety binds itself, its successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents: Signed, sealed and dated this 29 day of September, 1936. The condition of the foregoing obligation is such, that whereas the said Principal was duly elected Tax Collector of Harnett County, North Carolina, for the term beginning on the 1st. day of October, 1936 and ending on the 1st. day of October, 1937, and the Board of Commissioners of Harnett County have delivered to said Principal as such Tax Collector the tax duplicate of said Harnett County for the year 1936. NOW, THEREFORE, if the said Prineipaal shall well and faithfully perform all and singular the duties incumbent upon him by reason of his election as such Tax Collector of Harnett County, North Carolina, and shall faithfully and diligently attend to the collection of the taxes shown on said tax duplicate and shall exercise due diligence to effect the collection of all such taxes within the time prescribed by law, and shall within the time and in the manner prescribed by law honestly pay over to the Treasurer of Harnett County all moneys coming into his hands or collected by him as such Tax Collector, and-shall within the time prescribed by law account and settle with the Treasurer of Harnett County or other proper offioial, for all taxes set forth in said tax duplicate for said County, except as to suoh amounts as deductions; then this obligation shall be null and void; otherwise it shall remain in full force and effect. 404: IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF the said Principal has hereunto set his hand and seal and the said Surety has caused this instrument of writing to be signed by its Attorneyin -Fact and its corporate seal to be hereto affixed all by authority duly given the day and year first above written. W.D.Harrington, principal (CORP.SEAL) MARYLAND CASUALTY COMPANY Countersigned: J.C.Thomas, agt. by: H.M.Durham, Attorney -in -fact NORTH CAROLINA -- Mecklenburg County: Before me, the undersigned Notary Public, personally appeared H.M.Durham., known to me to be Attorney-in-fact for Maryland Casualty Company, who upon being duly sworn acknowledged the execution of the foregoing bond as the act and deed of the said Surety. This Sept. 29, 1936. (SEAL) George L.Gettier- - - - N.P. my com. exp: Jan. 23, 1937.. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Maryland Casualty Company, a corporation created by and existing under the laws of the State of Maryland, of Baltimore, Maryland, being authorized by.its-Charter to transact a.generaly surety, casualty, and fidelity business,'and qualified, to act aslsurety on bonds to.the.United States of America, and authorized to transact its business in the State of North Carolina, in pursuance of the authority set forth in Section 13 of Article iV of its By -Laws, from which the following is a true extract and which Section has not been amended nor rescinded: "The President or any Vice - President may, by written instrument -under the attested corporate seal, appoint attorneys -in -fact with authority to execute bonds, policies, recognizances, stipulations, under - takins, or other like instruments on behalf of the Corporation, and may authorize any officer or any -such attorney -in -fact to affix the corporate seal thereto ". does hereby notinate, constitute and appoint H.E.Mayhew, H.M.Durham, R.Lewis Patton and /or L.Little of Charlotte, State of North Carolina, its Attorney-in- fact, to make, execute, seal, and deliver on its behalf as Surety, and. as its act and deed subject to the limitations and conditions hereinafter set out, bonds, policies, recognizances, stipulations, undertakings, and -other like instruments as follows: Any and all bonds and writings obligatory of any kind, character and description, except only that no authority is hereby given to said Attorneys in fact,, to., execute any of the following bonds and obligations, to -wit: Bonds guaranteeing Leaseholds, atter.Parties, Payment of Rentals and Gasoline Tax Bonds. Such bonds and undertakings for said purposes (except such bonds and undertakings as have been hereby specifically excepted) shall be as binding upon said Company as fully and to all intents and purposes as if such bonds and undertakings had been duly executed and acknowledged and delivered by the authorized officers of the company when duly executed by either H.E.Mayhew or H.M.Durham or R.Lewis Patton or L.Little as Attorney in fact. This instrument revokes, annuls and supersedes a Power of Attorney issued to H.E.Mayhew, R.Lewis Patton and L.Little of Charlotte, N.C. under date of May 16, 1935. IN WITNESS- WHEREOF, Maryland Casualty Company has caused these presents to be executed in its name and on its behalf and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed and attested by its officers thereunto duly authorized, this 15 day of July, 1935, at Baltimore City, Maryland. (CORP.SEAL) Attest: (signed)- Wm.H.Krause, Assistant Secretary. MARYLAND CASUALTY COMPANY by (signed) Peter H.May, Vice - President. STATE OF MARYLAND; Baltimore City: On this 15 day of July, 1935, before the subscriber, a Notary Public, of the state of Maryland, in and for Baltimore City duly commissioned and qualified, came Peter H.May, Vice- President and Wm.H.Krause, Asisstant Secretary of Maryland Casualty Company to me personally known , and known to be the officers described in, and who executed the preceding instrument; and they each acknowledged the execution of the same; and being by me duly sworn, they severally -and eaoh.far h'smself deposed and said, that they respectively holdthe offices in said corporation as indicated, that the seal affixed to the preceding instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation, and that the said corporate seal, and their signatures as such officers, were duly affixed and subscribed to the said instrument puranant to all due corporate authorization. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed.my official seal at Baltimore City, the day and year first above written. (SEAL) (Signed) Harry A.Warner, N.P. - my com. exp: May 3, 1937. I W.H.Krause Assistant Secretary of the Maryland Casualty Comptly, do hereby verity that f have compared the copy of the Power of Attorney overleaf with the original now on file among the reeor�.s of the Home Office of the Company and in my custody, and that the same is a full, true and correct copy and that the Power of Attorney has not been removed, amended or abridged, and is now-in full force and effect. Given under my hand as Assistant Secretary and the seal of the Company it Baltimore, Md. this 29 day of Sept. 1936. (SEAL) Wm.H.Krause -Asst. Sectp. INSOLVENT LIST for 1935 405 ANDERSO _DEREK TWP. WHITI_ E.D.Black Alton Bryant Raymond Butler R.R.Butler W.R.Butler Jr. W.L.Butler W.R.Butler Adm.. J.R.Butler Est. Raymond Denton C.H.Haire H.J.Hobbe Richard Hobbs Willie J.Holder M.D.Johnson J.D.Kinton William R.Lloyd John MoArtan S. MS10dlmcMo tan Ralph MoArtan James McDonald Emma McRae Sidney D. Norris G. C. Partin H. A. Powell Obie Powell Albert Ray Daniel Ray Hugh A. Ray N.D. Ray N. G. Raynor Jr. W. A. Shaw J. G. Smith T, 1. Smith lentos Stewart E. B. Taylor P. E. Triplett Rennie W. West D. W. West Ernest West E. R. West 3. A. West James D. West Jasper 'odd Paul B. Wood Colored George Barney Henry Barney Isiah A. Barney Jr. Rosa Barney Thomas J. Berney John Arohie Campbell Nathan Chance ' Calvin Davis Paul Hamer 3. H. Kinton (White) John Kye Rolland Moore Alex Murchison (Dead) 3. C. McCormick Dock McLaughlin L. G. McLean S, D. McLean Claude McNeill D. Bain MoNeill Will McNeill dames Princton Carl Smith George Washington Hodge Washington H. M. Washington Alexander Woodley J. W. McNeill (White) Arohie Ray " Gilbert Shaw " W llaoe Taylor 0 H. B. Temple W. R. West Ton Chance Thomas Monroe Wright McKay • Col. 1 $ 2.54 2.54 6.80 2.54 2.54. 2.54 .93 3.88 6.88 2.61 2.54 3.97 2.54 2.54 552...55�8g4 ia.33 2.54 2.54 3.77 1.38 2.69 4.90 5.72 2.9W 2.57 .43 1.35 2.54 5.38 2.82 4.20 .86 6.33 9.40 2.70 2.54 3.54 4.37 4.68 1.67 3.92 2.54 7.55 3.57 3.26 2.75 2.54 2.54 2.54 2.54 4.11 3.89 5.15 2.60 2.54 .86 2.70 .04 2.54 5.90 2.54 .64 2.54 2.54 2.54 3.81 2.54 4.11 2.54 2.67 .50 2.54 2.54 12.05 .72 2.54 .50 2.54 Luther McLean 061. 2.54 J. I. Holder White 4.75 AVERASBORO TOWNSHIP WHITE A.P. Adcock Kenneth Adoox R. L. Adley J. Garland Allen E. A. Altman P. G. Altman Ernest Ammons E. F. Ammohs H. L. Anderson Clyde Avery L. W. Avery David Henry Bagley John C. Bagley, dr. N. H. Bain Dewey Baird Tom Baker W. S. Baker Fred Bales R. A. Barber Willis Barber A. A. Barefoot Carl Barefoot E. D. Barefoot Elizah Barefoot E. Paul Barefoot F. B. Barefoot J, R. Barefoot J. T. Barefoot M. A. Barefoot M. B. Barefoot M. G. Barefoot T. Barefoot William C. Barefoot W. Troy Barefoot Monroe Beasley Garland Bennett H. 1. Bennett E, A. Bethea N. C. Bethea Mack Black H. E. Bledsoe Vernon Britt A. B. Brook L. M. Brock T. L. Brodie T. K. Brooks A. C. Brown C. B. Bryant M. C. Bryant Melvin Errant Levie . T. Burks ehie Burns Charlie Butler C. M. Butler Geo. L. Butler Mrs. Maggie Butler N. M. Butler F. M. Byerly C. L. Byrd Dan Byrd Garris Byrd R. L. Byrd Wilbur Byrd Evander Cannady W. M. Cannady Jonah Candle Carolina Hdwe. Co Bernice F. Carr $ 5.07' 3.05' 1.30 3.64 7.10 7.22 2.30" 14.85 Levy 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.71 8.99 2.30 3.86 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.30 8.51 2,30 2.30 2.80 7.69 5.05 7.70 4133 2,30 1.30 6.22 2.30 4.65' 2.30 4.33 3.11 10.07 2.30 3.05 2.71 5.54 2.30 3.11 2.30 2.98 2.30 6.29 2.30 .80 2.30' 2.30 .68 2.64 8.38 4.80 2.02 4.67 4.26 3.99 2.30 2.30 2.30 13.50 2.30 C. H. Carr 3.30 406 E C. Carter W. H. Carter G. W. Carthron R. A. Chestnut City Grocery David P. Clifford Alvester Coats D. S, Coats L. B. Coats Lonnie Coats Lorran Coats S.R..Coats Paul Cooper T. A. Gore J, H. Croft W. 0. Crotts A. L. Davis C. F. Dean Mrs. J. L. Dearman J. R. Denning E. C. Deweees 0, B. Dorman S. A. Dowd 0. R. Draughon L. C Dupree, Jr. L. C. Dupree B. W, Eason Harvey Ennis Joe Ennis A. J. Faircloth Dixie Faircloth James Faircloth Will Faison J. A. Farmer Lby#U Flowers D. A. Foster A. C. FQWler A- D Fowler Richard Fowler Fred Fryer J. B. Gainey 1. F. Gilbert D. C. Gilmore W. V. Glover A. B. Godwin A. Bradley Godwin H. H. Godwin $42.30 7.30 2.30 4.40 1.77 9.38 3.30 3.65 4.52 3.65 2.30 2.30 2.30 10.40 2.30 5.41 9.52 7.10 2.70 4.06 2.23 2.30 2.30 4.87 3.66 3.64 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.44 3.65 2.30 1.69 3.78 2.30 4.73 4.05 2.30 2.30 2.57 2.30 3.11 1.02 3.52 2.98 2.30 5;10 Robert E. Godwin 2.30 R. L. Godwin and wife 9.12 Mrs. W. H. Godwin 4.93 W. H. Godwin 2,73 Cyrus Goodman 3.32 Joe 14. Goodman 2.30, J. W. Goodman . 2.30 N. Leighton 2.30 S. F. Grego 3.79 Clarence .Grf Robert`CrifPin David R. Guy Robert'Lee Guy Z. V. Guy, N. L. Haire A._R. Hall E. M. Hall David A. Hardison J. M. Hargrove P.L. Harvell A. L. Haywood G C. Henderson F. L. Herring W. H. Hicks R. L. Hill Boyd Hodges Corby Hodges D. R Hodges Howard C. Hodges J. Vernon Hedges Lomeli., T. Hodges 7. E. Hodges Erastus Holland Herbert C. Holland. B. M. Holmes Preston Holmes 4.69 2.30 2.20 3.30 2.30 2.30 2.30 32.30 2.30 2.30 2.98 7.62 6.35 4.30 2.30 4.40 2.30 2.98 2.30 21.88 2.30 4.30 2.44 6.35 9.04 2.98 2.30 Levy S. A, Holmes H A. Holshousler Thomas B.•Hopson M. W. Horne W.11. Huttenbach J. L, Houston Geo. B, Howard A. N. Hudson J, L. Hudson W. L, Hudson W. E. Huff Mandus Hughes W. H. Hunt J. J. Hyatt A. H. Ivey A. M. Ivey Edgar Ivey E. H. Ivey Raymond Ivey T. E. Ivey Co 0, Jackson Forest Jabkson Fred Jackson H. C. Jackson Johnnie Jackson J. J. Jackson John T. Jackson S. D. Jackson Lonnie A. Jackson Lloyd Jackson Tebie Jackson W. H. Jackson W. E. Jackson 1..R, Jackson George Jannett e E. M. Jeffreys Ed Jernigan Geo. J. Jernigan Grady Jernigan Jacob H. Jernigan J..B. A. Jernigan W.H. Jernigan W4 Robert Jernigan Casper Johnson Mrs. Christian Dodd Claude B. Johnson C. T. Johnson, Jr. D. Linwood Johnson J. W. Johnson Milton Johnson W. P. Johnson Avery Jones H. S._Jones John A. Jones L. W. Jones S. C. Jones W. A. .Jones._ W. M. Jon W. ,T. J. flaw r" E. D. Lan 'gn: J. P. LawXampre, R. L. A. L. Lee Avery Lea Charles A; Lee C. R. Lee Elton Le4-. Eugene -•-;ee Flinxf Lee G4 and Lee Herhey Lem H. M°. Lee Herbert Lee Howard Lae James Allison Lee Jesse Lee J. E. Lee, Jr. J. L. Lee J. Walter Lee Lwarenee'Lee Lemon Lee M. C. Lee organ T. Lee Orlando Lee 3.92 4.67 3.30 5,00 2.30 .86 2.30 2.51 3.84 2.30 9.05 2.30 2.30 5.87 2.64 2.15 2,30 2.30 2.51 2.70 2.30 5.14 4.79 4.45 2.30 2.30 6.62 2.30 2.57 2.30 2.30 2.30 1.76 2.51 9.55 7.70 8.51 2.73 2.30 2.57 2.16 6.75 2.30 2.98 Johnson .48 2.30 2.30 15.13 2.30 2.30 7.15 2.30 3.32 1.02 6.35 2.30 Levy .>88 1..2 5..07 5.00 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.30 v3,51 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.98 2.30 3.64 3.65 2.30 3.92 2.30 8.97 Levy 3.85 2.30 3.32 5.68 2.30 2.30 2 30 r 407 1 R. G. Lee $ 2.98 S. P. J. Lee 2.91 Thad Les 2.30 Z. D. Lee 3.52 C. H. Leech 2.30 E. Howard Lewis 2.64 W. R. Lewis 2.30 A. C. Lowery. 3.02 C. A. Lucas 2.30 L. L. Lucas 1.01 W1111e Luoas 3.11 J. W. McArtan 2.30 C. D. McCormick 8.10 D. R. McDonald .81 Ht N. McDonald 3.99 J. E. McDonald 2.30 L. A. M. McLamb 8.10 Leslie H. MoLamb 66.56 Theodric MoLamb 2.30 W. H. MoLamb 2.30 W, P. MoLamb 3.38 W. R. MoLamb 2.30 W. T. MoLamb 2.30 C. E. Mcisurin 2.30 R. I. McLean 9.78 Floyd McLeod 2.30 C. F. Mason 2.30 !vender Mason 2.30 Harvey Mason 2.30 A. B. Matthews 1.02 Allis Maynard 2.98 E. T. Maynard 18.56 Hector Maynard 2.30 L. C. Maynard 3.32 W. C. Maynard 3.72 E. L. Miller 1.00 Millard V. Miller 4.30 Lawrence Monds 2.30 L. B. Mends 2.30 L. E. Monds .88 L. W. Monde 2.98 P. E. rinds 18.22 J. T. Moody 4.33 James Moore 2.30 Levander Moore 2.30 Wm. T. Moore 3.44 H. H. Morgan 2.30 Naylor Grocery Co 7.43 A. R. Naylor 2.30 7. M, Neighbors 2.30 Allier L. Newberry, Jr. Alton Norris 2.30 0. Nswatt Norris 2.30 Ashley B. Norris 3.99 B. L. Norris 2.30 G. F. Norris 1.83 Herbert Norris 2.30 H. V. Norris 2.30 I. W. Norris 6.05 J. T, "orris 3.32 L. R. Norris 3.65 Louis Norris 3.65 P. U. Norris 4.11 W. D. Norris 3,78 W. I. Norris 2.84 8. L. Owens 7.10 C. A. Parker 2.30 Earvin Parker 2.30 E. L. Parker, J*'. ?.30 E. L. Parker &S5n18.90 S. D. Parker 8.99 J. J. Parrish 2.78 J. B. Parrot 11.96 R. 0. Parson 2.30 M. F. Payne 1.05 H. 7. Penny 2.98 Oscar 3. Peterson 2.56 R. J. Peterson 3.72 E. M. Pleasant 4.33 J. T. Pleasant 6.21 W. C. Pleasant 3.30 Ashley F. Pope '3.30 Mrs. Ashley Lee Y.63 Dalton Pops Hughie Pope James Pope John Henry Pope John L. Pope J. T. Pope Thad Pope Thurman Pope ReleasedOtie Porter B. C. Bridgen D. W. Rabon A. N. Raynor R. R. Raynor L. R. Reardon J. R. Reaves Perry Reavis J. L. Reynolds E. 1. Riddle L, B, Roberts Dwight B. Rowland Robert Z. Royals J. E. Salmon Henry Sandlin Henry 0. Shell 0. P. Shell Hugh Sills L. C. Sills 1.1T. sip Geo. Skinat Henry 1. Stinger M. V. Skipper Smith & McLeod A. L. Smith 7. Smith,Jr. H, H. Smith James G. Smith 1. C. Sorrell J. D. Stafford H. S. Stavery 4.'4. Starling Thos. H Steele C. M. Stephens shef, J. Stephens Z. D. Stewart Frank Stewart J. 7. Stewart Lee H. Stewart Moginley Stewart Melvin Stewart 2.30 T. L. Stewart R. D. Stewart W. A. Stewart Gerni 3.18 2.30 1.05 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.30 5.30 4.05 .68 2.30 2.30 9.93 2.30 3.52 2.30 7.84 7.34 2.37 3.30 2.30 5.46 2.44 8.70 5.34 2.51 8.30 4 2 2.44 4.05 .30 2.30 2.51 2.30 2.30 5.34 2.30 6.09 2.51 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.3n 19.04 2.30 7.76 2.30 9.73 3.64 2.30 W. H. Stewart .54 Dennis Strickland 6.15 John Strickland 4.18 L. F. Strickland 13..31 Paul StriiDhhck ggland kla 5.34 2.30 W. M. Strickland2.44 Clarence Sugg 2.30 W. S. Suggs 2.30 1. J. Suries .14 Geo. Suries H. C. Suries A. F. Suries, Jr. W. B. Suries N. C. Tanner Wilbert Tanner Clayton Tart Cohen P. Tart Cohen P. Tart E. F. Tart F. W. Tart Frank Tart Grady C. Tart J. A. Tart Jesse A. Tart J. Milton Tart John Tart L. A. Tart, -Jr.` Louis R. Tart Monroe M. Tart -2.64 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.30 4.30 2.30 4.99 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.84 2.30 4.30 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.30 7.77 Granisheed 1934 tax' • 1935 tax J Levy 0 W. Avant Tart $ 3.32 Ishpael Brewington $ 2430 Willard F. Tart 2.64 Je phe Brewington 4.30 W. L. Tart 4.40 Jainee E. Burns 2.30 C. L. Taylor 3.18 Waiter J. Byrd 4.13 P. E. Taylor 2.30 Colonel Cagle 2.30 A. C. 'few 2.30 Earl Cameron 2.30 C. B. Tow 1.76 Ed Cameron 2.30 D. M. 'Thomas 2.30 Bud John Carter 2.30 J. H. Thompson 2.30 Jahn Chambers 2.30 Alvin Thornton 2.30 Freeman Chance 3.78 Jesse Thornton 3.32 Ira Chance 2.30 J. H. Thornton 2.44 Luther Chance 2.30 W. A. Thornton 3.18 Mitchell Chance 4.85 Joe Tillman 2.30 Weldon Chance 2.30 R. M, Tripp 6.69 Link China 2.30 Gsd. Theodore Tripp 4.33 Nathan Council 3.30 " Archie Truelove 2.30 Walter Council 2.98 J. E. Turnage 2.51 Herbert P, Coviegton 2.30 R. L. Turnage. 3.45. John Davis 2.30 J. D. Turner 3.36 John Davis 2.30 E. D. 'Tyndall 2.84 John Davis 2.30 F. M. Underwood 4.13 Joe Dew 5.34 Hugh S. Vann 2.30 John Eastman 2.30 Ralph.: Vann 2.30 Bill Epps 2.30 Mrs. Helena M. Wade 2,37 Claude Ferguson 2.30 J. Loyd Wade 2.30 Henry Ferguson 2.30 Julius Wade 1.49 Roosevelt Ferguson 2.30 J. Morris Wade 2.30 El F. Finch 4.78 E. 0. Warren 6.42 Charlie Freeman 2.30 G. W. Warren 8.31 Roscoe Galbert 2.30 J. D. Warren .75 Murray Gerald 2.30 Thruman Warren 2.30 Willie Gillispie 1.49 S, Y, Weaver 7.03 Levy Ed Grady 2.30 H. M. 'Webb, Jr. 1.78 Levy Will Graves 2.30 fl D. C. Webster 2.30 Wilson Graves 3.30 A. D. Weeks 9.19 C. Haregrove 3.30° Chatham West 1.89 Chester Hargrove 3.65 Dalton West 2.30 Ezekiel Hargrove" 5.67 Mrs. . C. West 2.50 Shep Hargrove 4.57 P. Haywood West 8.57 J.' L. Henley 1.08 Hubert West 2.64 Dansey Johnson 2.30 I, V, West 3.65 John Jones 3.30 Prentis West 2.30 Arthur Langston 2.30 Rudolph West 5.00 Arthur Lee 2.30' A. R. Westbrook 2.30 Clarence Lee 2.30 Jack Whits .30 Grover Lee 2.30 J. W. Whitehead, Jr, 5.00 Tom Lee 2.30 Joseph Whittenton 2.30 Herbert Lilley 2.30 L, W. Whittenton 5.07 Levander Lucas 2.30 A. B. Wilkins 2.30 Allis McBride 2.30 J. A. Wilkins 2.30 Son McCall 2.30_ Willie Wilkins 2.30 James Mecam 2.30 W, T. Wilkins 2.30 Bud McDougald 2.30 Adolphus Williams 2.30 L. T. McEachin 6.83 Geo. Williams 2.30 David McIntyre 2.30 M. B. Williams 4.40 Alexander McKay 2.50`, 0, H. Williams 6.15 James M. McKay 2.30 I. J. Williamson 2.30 Robert Lee McKay 2.30 Hughes Williford 9.05 John McKeithan 2.30 David A. Wilson 2.44 Walter McLaruin ' 2.30 Duncan C. Wilson 2.30 D, A. McLean 2.91 C. W. Wood 9.53 Gsd. Geo, McLean 2.30 G. E. Wood 2.30 John McLean 2.30 L. H, Wood 3.85 L. C. McLean 2.30` R. A. Wood 8.58 Zander McLean 4.45 Levy Richard Wood 2.98 Johnnie McMillan 2.30 Gsd. G. M. Wooten 6.75 Arthur McNatt 2.30 Fred L. Wray 3.44 Cicero McNeill 2.30 W. H. Young 2.64 Geo, McNeill 2.30 Geo. Ed Mc Neill 2.30 James McNeill" " 2.30 Gsd. COLORED Dave Malloy 2.30 John Adams 2.30 John Malloy Evander Mason 2.15 2.30° Lynn Adams 2.30 J. Wesley Mason 2.30 Jack Allen 3.30 d Massey 2.30 Martin Anderson 2.30 M 2.30 Gsd. Joel A. Armstrong Sam Barnes Willie Bessant 2.30 2.30 2.30 Wlilels t Willie Matthews Albert Maynor 2.98 2.44 3.30 Sidney Bines 3.65 Cl Maynor McKinley Blue Frank Brewington 2.71 3.00 Jamres on Maynor James Maynor J. S. Maynor 2.30 2.30 1.49 Attie Brewington 4.30 Stephen Maynor 2.30 409 Wilkie Maynor Willie Maynor Wilson Maynor Sam Minger Geo. Morgen David Mountrie L. V. Murphy Lexton Page Peiroe Patterson Chester Perry Alfonzo Raines Pastille Raynor Lattie Robinson Lou Roberson Ester Royal J. A. Ryals Zebedee Ryals Ike Sanders James Basset Ralph Soott James H. Seaberry Nathan Seaberry Henry Sellers John Edward Shaw E. L. Signal Cliff Smith C rnie D. Smite ward Smith rant (Pete) Smith Moses Smith Oliver Smith Robert Smith Robert Smith RrInDe Smith Aaron Snead Ernest Spence Jesse Statton Henry Stewart Joe Stewart Dalphus Stone David Strickland Ernest Strong Douglass S. Surles W. M. Thaggard Weldon Thompson Will Thompson Billie Whitfield Fred Wilkins Oliver Williams Andrew Williamson B. C. Barefoot 'Victor Kaplan E. E. Marks Joe Strickland W. H. Tanner 8. 1. Tart William, Be11 Wesley ue E. B. Lipsey Leslie Artis George Platt Sem Smith *ornton Williams $ 2.30 4.13 2.30 3.30 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.57 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.30 , 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.30 4.30 2.30 4.80 2.30 2.16 2.30 2.30 1.55 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.30" 82.30 4.37 2.30 (Indian) 2.30 2.00 2.44 2.30 2.30 1.35 2.30 5.07 2.30 2.30 White 229.95 " .95 7.89" " 3:64 " 2.30 " 2.30 Colored 2:98" " 8.11 " 3.61 " " 2.30 " 2.98 " 2.30 " " * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** BARBE431J TOWNSHIP WRITE' James Atkins $ 2.30 W. J. Brown 3.15 E. W. Butler 2.94 Vaster Butler 4.90 A. J. Cameron 1.31 Eugene A. Cameron 2.30 Elbert Cameron 2.30 Harmon Cameron (Dead)2.80 3, E. Cameron 4.30 Jim Neal Cameron 3.31 Kelly Cameron 7.03 W. A. Cameron 2.30 Thomas 7. Carey 2.50 G. 0. Childress 3.57 Levied M. L. Churchill (Dead7.72 Cochrane Cloud 2.30 C* 0, Cox 2.98 E. C. Cox 3.32 R. L. Cox 2.50 1. R. Cox 2.30 3. W. Creed 1.09 Wilson Creed 2.30 Pete Davie 4.96 3. A. Deal 10.88 John A. Dehaan 3.25 Cameron Douglass 3.59 C. G. Douglass 3.66 Lonnie Douglass 4.10 Sam Douglass 2.30 Dave Godfrey 8.42 J. R. Godfrey 3.6* C. R. Goias 2.30 D. C. Graham 4.57 J. P. Graham 2.30 Ernest L. Haire 2.30 Johnnie J. Haire 2.30 Marl Haire 2.44 Clyde Harrington 2.30 Sam Hickman 4.72 Troy Hickman 2.94 D. L. Holder 2.30 French E. Holder 2.30 L. T. Holder 2.30 N. S. Holder t.30 Jack Howard 6.68 J. T. Howington 2.62 John Lee Jason 1.37 Haskell Kennedy 11.39 Lee Knight 2.30 Bernice Leslie 3.31 Fred E. Leslie 2.64 Thomas Leslie 2.64 Floyd Morris 1.40 I. J. Morris 5.10 Luther J. Morris 2.30 John M. McCormick 9.10 R. A. McCormick 2.30 Thomas McKinney 5.38 David M. McNeill 8.78 Albert Puckett 2.30 Stephen Puokett 4.50 Stephen Shepherd Puokett 9.76 (Dead) Flynn Rosser 5.22 4.11 2.30 2.30 3.33 3.91 3.31 2.30 3.31 5.42 3.18 $..;::E. Spivey J. H. Taylor G. T. Thomas Herman C. Thomas J. H. Todd Joe Waddell Howard Wells F. H. White D. G. Wilson T. C. Wilson 1 41 Colored 0. T. Allen Link Bell Dewey H. Brooks R. B. Brooks John E. Brown Tom Buie Charlie 0. Cain Albert Cameron A. R. Cameron Doctor Chalmers Flemming Chalmers Lorenza Cole Ernest Covington Landon Covington Edgar Davis Jane Davis Joseph Davis Tom Davis W. McKay Davis Lige Douglass Henry Richard Douglass John Judd Booker T. Lancaste • Owens McAuley Arties McDougald James McDougald Ida McDougald Jim McDougald J. R. McDougald Obbie McIver! W. A. McLaughlin Cleveland McNeill Currie MoNeil1 D. C. McNeill G/y. C. McNeill G. W. McNeill H. M. McNeill Isaac Pearson Lenious Pearson R. B. Pearson Luther Richardson Odis Richardson Taft Staith Roland Street Jim Walker W., Palmer Walker Walter Walker Elbert Yarborough 2.30 1.31 .30 2.26 2.46 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.39 2.30 3.55" 2.30 2.71 2.30 1.36 2.30 2.49 2.42 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.95 2.30 .54 4.33 1.22 2.30 3.80 4.71 4.33 2.30 2.30 4.89 3.68 2.30 2.30 ... 4.66 Levied Levied Levied Levied Levied Levied Levied Levied Levied Levied Levied Levied Levied Levied Levied Levied Levied Levied Levied Levied' Levied Levied Levied Levied Levied Levied 'Levied Levied' Levied Levied Levied Levied Levied Levied Levied - Levied Levied Levied 2.45 Levied 2.30 Lobbed 4.33 tLevied 2.30 Levied 2.30 Levied 7.96 Levied 2.30 Levied 6.07 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** BLACK RIVER TOWNSHIP WHITE G. L. Adams $ 8.83 J. D. ,vans 4.05 Joe L. Adams 6.41 Levied W. S. Adams .03 Z. H. Adams 3.65 L. H. Altman 8.85 J. H. Arnold 2.48 T. P. Ashworth 2.48 Willie ". Ashworth 2.48 L. B. Barbour 2.48 Mrs. L. B. Barbour 5.84 Chester Beasley 2.48 Marlon Beasley 2.48 B. F. Burks 11.58 E. L. Butts 9.84 B. F. Byrd 6.01 G. L. Byrd 2.48 R. K. Byrd 2.48 Walter Byrd 2.48 W. G. Byrd 7.40 Ernest Cameron 2.48 Loring Carroll 2.48 G. P. Coats 3.74 Lizzie Cobb 2.88 Merlin Cobb 2.48 C. F. Collins 11.91 Simon Creech 2.48 W. A. Currin 2.48 Elmore Dean 3.17 Y. W. Denning 4.17 W. B. Dove $ 2.48 B. L. Duncan 11.06 Connie Dupree 2.48 G4ngioDupree 2.48 G. W. Dupree 4,22 H. N. Dupree 2.48 Leonard H. Dupree 2.48 W. J. Ellen 3.48 Allen Faulkner 2.48 E. C. Faulkner .60 S. M. Ferrell 5.99 P. g. Fish 2.87 S. F. Flowers 2.12 E. W. Francis 3.58 D. R. Gardner 3.04 Mrs. V. A. Gardnerl.61 Hal Gardner 2.48 John Gilmore 2.48 B. J.'Gregory 3.54 1. R. Gregory .48 J. M. Gregory 5.10 - R. H. Gregory 2.91 Robert L. Gregory 6.19 Levied D. C4 Hamilton 2.48 Delmer Hamilton 2.48 Layton Hamilton 2.48 P. L.'Herndon 4.60 3.19 2.48 2.60 2.69 .34 2.48 2.93 4.00 2.55 2.93 3.71 3.54 A. R. Hockaday L. D. Hockaday Tommy Holland W. C. Holleman J. H. House J. W. inscore Walter Jackson Leo Johnson Claude Jones J. W. Jones R. B. Jones S. T. Jordan William Lanier 2.83 Raymond Lawrence 5.30 Orman Marshburn 2.48 D. F. Massengill 2.48 M. L. Massengill 2.48 N. C. Massengill(Dead) 2.48 Barbee Matthews 6,,85' Ernest Mitchell 2.54 J. M. Mitchell '2.64 Virgil Norris 2.48 C. A. Moss 2.32 J. L. Moss 3.19 Orris McLean 2.48 W. O. McLean 6.34 J. M. McLeod - 3.53 Richard Norden 2.83 James Norris 2.86 J. C. Nowell 2:48 3. H. Nowell 5.97 E. V. Overby 2.63 Bennie Owen(Dead) 2.48 Charlie Owens 8.40 Harry Owen 3.72 Willie Owen 2.48 A. F. Page 6.78 Carl Page (Dead) 2.63 J. W. Pipkin 3.20 J. E. Pitteman 2.48 B. M. Pollard 5.94 C. A. Pollard 2.48 O. B. Pope 4.06 Mrs. O. B. Pogue 3.77 Connie Price a.se R. C. Price 3.99 Emmett Prince 2.48 Eupy Prince 2.48 Howard Prince 2.48 R. L. Seagraves 2.48 N. J. Sears 3.48 H. C. Smith 23.23 Levied" J. H. Smith 4.04 J. W. Smith . 4.11 Levied Myatt Seagraves 2.48 O. J. Smith 2.48 R. J. Smith 2.72 411 W. G. Smith $ 2.48 W. 0. Smith 3.11 W. T. Smith 2.48 J. A. Stephenson 3.12 L. T. Stephenson 8.83 0. S. Stephenson 3.06 R. I. Stephenson 2.48 Woodrow Stephenson 2.48 C. E. Stewart 3.76 J. C. Stewart R. M. Stewart L. G. Suries H. F. Tilly James Tillery Floyd Upchurch W. D. Weaver 5.80 E. D. Williams 6.32 J. Addison Williams 4.45 J. C. Williams 2.48 J. G. Williams 6.71 5.41 2.91 4.37 2.28 2.48 8.03 Luther Williford J. D. Wimberley J. W. Woodall Not Margin A. L. Yates H. M. Young Colored Clinton Bass Samuel Chadman Hervie Clark Roy Coffield Charlie Deberry J. M. Dewar Thomas Easterland Haywood Massey Zack Matthews Leander McNeill Will McNeill Bennie Overby Richard Perry E. D. Stewart Leslie Stewart 2.48 2.48 2.48 2.48 2.48 7.26 2.82 4.48 2.48 3.48 2.48 .21 2.48 2.48 2.55 4.00 2.48 .15 2.48 2.48 2.48 George Thomas 2.74 Frank Williams 2.48 W. M. Clayton (White)17.43 3. A. Nordan " 2.48 Irvin Cutts (Col.) 2.75 G. T. Stewart " 2.48 BUCKHORN TOWNSHI W. G. Allen Albert Arnold Ralph D. Arnold L. M. Ashworth W. R. Ashworth I. A. Ansley Moody Austin Alton Baker A. C. Baker Alvis Baker Garlie Baker D. H. Baker E. F. Baker Freddie W. Baker G. E. Baker J. L. Baker Leo Baker Otha Baker Bogie Baker R. T. Baker I. Leo Betts J. M. Brown James Bullock L. C. Bullock William Bullock N. F. Caine H. C. Carroll R. C. Carroll S. E. Chalk C. M. Carroll WHITE $ 3.28 3.20 3.20 4.60 3.52 3.86 4.85 3.20 3.20 3.28 6.30 3.20 3.80 4.93 3.26 3.20 3.86 3.28 3.20 3.''0 4.39 15.75 3.20 4.48 3.20 5.86 3.86 3.20 8.94 3.45 Levied J. C. Carroll A. M. Cummings D. S. Davis M. I. Dean 0. W. Delp P. S. Dean W. A. Dean J. H. Dennis R. G. Dennis F. E. Dewar 0. B. Duke W. B. Ferrell Willie Fore Otis Gilbert P, G. Gray F. M. Griffin Zeb V. Griffin Willie Haire E. N. Hobby W. R. Holland Tommy Holleman M. G. Holaclaw J. L. Horton I. L. Howell J. D. Johnson Tommy G. Jones O. S. Knight E. D. Lanier S. J. Lewter -Udell Mansfield -R. C. Marshburn J. W. Moore Willie Moore H. T. MoCotter -A.-J. Nash Leo Nash S. D. Oliver L. B. Pegram B, T. Pinion -J. E. Prince R. 0. Rambeaut W. H.-Rogers S. A. Satterwhite C. J. Sears E. J. Sears Levied Thomas I. Sears F. A. Senter W. R. Senter A. Y. Smith * * * * * * * * * **C. J. Smith Oarey Smith Clifton Spence L. R. Spenoe - B. M. Stephens Irvin Stephens W. T. Stephens Coy Stephenson C. P. Stewart - H. V. Stewart T. G. Stewart A. M. Thomas 0. B. Thomas E. P. Tingen E. L. Tingen W. C. Tingen Clifton W. Truelove Maton Truelove 0. C. Truelove Perry L. Truelove R. C. Truelove Jim W. Tutor John Tutor L. C. Tutor W. D. ' t. R. T u t W. L. Wagner J. A. Withers J. E. Weathers J. K. Weathers L. P. Weathers M. C. Weathers Y. W. Weathers 0. C. Weathers Carey Welch $ .92 .04 3.20 4.44 3.53 3.35 4.49 3.78 11.44 3.85 3.97 4.03 5.30 3.20 3.85 4.33 4.71 5.45 4.30 4.20 3.29 .91 4.34 4.61 3.20 3.20 3.20 5.80 4.03 3.58 8.48 4.80 3.20 5.20 7.77 3.20 7.57 2.00 5.89 3.20 3.86 1.37 4.92 4.11 4.37 3.30 3.20 3.20 5.76 3.20 3.20 3. "0 6.30 3.20 3.20 3.20 3.41 3.20 3.15 7.20 4.14 4.94 3.20 3.71 4.16 3.20 3.35 3.20 3.81 5.23 3.45 4.44 3.20 5.24 • 1.64• • 9.71 3.20 4.72 .86 3.20 , 3.28 3.20 3.20, 33.00 ' 412` J. F. Wilson Joe Wilson Colored A. J. Anderson~; Alfred Bette* J. C. Dewar Z. M. Dewar W. M. fewer: Luris Sthuglas* Henri .Lassater Adam.MeKay G, W. Wilkins G. C. William' White Herbert Christian J`r3.20 Donnie Driver 3.20 0, E. Griffin 3.20 Marvin G. Knight 3.20 teo Tutor 3.20 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** DUKE TOWNSHIP WHITE 4. 4.= 5.10 3.41 .24 3.27 3.20 3.20 .98 3.20 3.20 3.32 6.56 3.20 John B. Allen 2.36 Jasper E. Barbour 4.43 L. D. Barbour 2.36 Lee Baker 2.50 Hubert Barbour 2.36 E. H. Barbour 2.36 R, D. Barrow 2.57 „Joseph T. Berry 4.49 D. V, Bledsoe 2.36 Joe Bledsoe 2.36 Harold Cross Brown 2.36 Lonnie Brown 2.36 L. N. Burns 9.26 Milton, Byrd 2.36 Ward Byrd 3.29 Claude 3, Camp 2,36 Norman F, Camp 2.36 W. A. Coats 2.36 J. H. Colville 2,36 W. B. Core 2.36 L. A. Dawkins 3.36 we F. Dawkins 3.35 D. W. Denning 2.36 Allen 3. Eason 2.36 C. P. Euro ' 6,65 Geo, 7, Everette 3.60 Geo. Fairclorth 2.36 Mike Faircloth 2.36 Milton Faircloth T. R. Faircloth W. M. Faircloth Lexie T. Gaster Willie Gilbert W. W. Glover R. L. Gray F. D. 'Gregory Marvin Gregory Willie B. Hair J. W. P, Hall Burnie° Hargrove James M. Hawley Willis B. Hawley Eugene Herring T. E. Hill Henry F. Hodges E. R. Holland J. A. Holmes H. T. Honeycutt L D. Honeycutt Rev. a. W. Hurst L. B. Jackson' Laster 'aekson W. H. Jackson Willie Jacobs E. A. Jaggers Arthur Jeffrif 2.36 2.36 3.57 2.36 2.36 5.37 .89 2.43 2.36 2.36 .69 2.36 2.70 8.95 2.36 H. B. Jones Paul Jones Reuben Jones Paul B. Klutts BI L. Lee 'H. B. lockamy Richard Long Laster Lucas Malcom Mason H. G. Melfin Leonard Messer T. 3. Moore J. P. Moore Bias E. Morris Levietuncan Morrison Leonzie McLamb M. J. Norden Charlie G. Norr Edward Norris 2zra Norris P. G. Norris E. M. Overby A. M. Page * "tt F. Page L. E. Peterson Harvey Powell H. R. Prince J, B. Reardon Ben 'Reaves G. J. Richardson D. B. Riley. J. B. Sessoms 0, S. Sills A. C. Smith O. Smith Junius Smith S. R. Smith Carl Stamper John A. Stephens H. A. Strickland D. J, Taylor • L. T. Taylor Arthur Temple R. V. Tew Braxton Throtnton W. M. Thornton R. M. Tyndall J. W. Tyndall Roy. Weeks Evander West G. A. West R. F. West W. C. West W. Daniel West W. H. West 2.36 2.36 2.36 2.3$ 2/63 2.36 6.47 2.36 2.40 2.36 1.16 V;R2 2.36 2.36 2.36 2.36 is 2.36 2,36 2.36 2.36 2.86 2.36 2.36 2.36 2.43 2.36 2.70 2.36 1.36 1.41 2.11 2.43 1.93 2.36 2.36 2.36 5.24 2.36 2.36 2.57 2.84 5.60 2.36 3.12 2.36 2.36 2.36 3.18 1.39 .45 3.73 2.07 2.36 2.36 Colored Sam Bailey Cleveland Blue Felton Blue W. H. Blue N. H. Brown Eugene Chance R. C, Chance J, C. Freeman Russell Freeman Herbert Hicks Geo. H. Hicks Leamon Jones 2.36 Lee Judd 3.18 Levy Stephens Maynor 2.36 J. H. Maxwell 244a Oscar McDougald EdKMaKay ,J &roes McNeill Louis MoN -ill Robert McNeill .S. G. Ratliff _Isaac B. Ray .Alex Sanders Eddie D. Sanders Frank Sanders Robert Sanders 2.36 2.6 10.E 3.61f- 5.73 2.36 2.70 2.36 J. Harvie Jo " , 2.36 2.36 2.36 2.36 3.41 4.66 2.36 10.36 2.36 2.36 1.38 4.39 3.36 2.36 1.51 1.96 2., 2,36 .96 2.36 2.36 2.36 2.36 2.36 3.50 4.07 2.36 Indian Levy 413 Wm. Sanders $ 2.36 Dock Simpson Jr. 2.50 Woodrow Smith 2.36 Walter Surles 2.36 John P. Whitehead 2.36 li. W. Williamson 6.36 W. W. Gr1ce 2.36 white T. G. Fo*ier .42 white L. J. McLean 2.51 white C. M. Fish J. B. Pope 3.66 white Dr. G. L. Fuquay John F. Thornton 2.45 white Beatrioe Gardner Alfred Smith 2.84 oolored N, M. Gilbert Weldon Smith 2.36 colored Aaron Glover * * * ** * * * * * * *** * ** * * * * * * ** * * * * ** Herman H. Glover GROVE 09888HIP J. C. Glover WHITE J. M. Godwin S. W. Allen $ 4.78 KerrteGradyrady Willie J. Almonds 3.38 y L. N. Autry 4.24 Bruce Gregory Chester Avery 3.20 C. V. Gregory Colon Avery 3.20 J. D. Gregory 3.20 Henly Avery Talmadge Gregory 0. G. Grimes Kermit H. Avery 3.20 Paul T. Grimes Lester Avery 3.20 Alphia K. Gunter Ralph G.,'Avery 3.20 Broughton Guy Thurman Avery 3.20 O. P. Harmon Zeanle,Ayery 3.20 Clarence Harrison Charles W. Bair 3.38 A. L. Hawley R. E. Barbour 3.20 Sam D. Hayes E. V. Barefoot 3.20 Henry Hobbs L. G. Barefoot 5.10 Will J. Hobbs Talmadge Barefoot 3.33 W. P. Holland Howard Beasley 4.20 E. L. Holmes W. E. Beasley 4.90 John Holmes W. C. Benson 5.64 Clarence Houga E. A. Betts 4.26 Griffin Hudson Henry Blow 3.53 Graze Humphry E. B. Brown 3.20 John Melvin Ivey Milliard Burn 3.20 Aaron Jackson Aoquilla Byrd 3.05 Claude H. Jackson Cloud Byrd 3.20 Odell Jackson David S. Byrd 3.20 R. P. Jakeman Herman A. Byrd 4.65 C. E. Jernigan J, K. Byrd 6.54 Levied adrew L. Jackson John L. Byrd 1.65 Bennett Johnson John M. Byrd 3.20 C. A. Johnson Lonnie E. Byrd 1.48 Zdd Johnson Lyon F. Byrd 3.35 Henry W. Johnson Newton Byrd 6.01 Oscar Byrd 3.93 R. Lester Byrd 10.89 Robert L. Byrd 3.20 Silas R. Byrd 1.60 Lundy Campbell 3.20 Preston Campbell 3.20 Wade Campbell 3.20 W. S. Campbell 3.37 Delmar J. Capps 3.28 E. Clyde Champion 3.36 Mrs. N. G. Champion 4.63 F. G. Champion 3.20 H. L. Clenenger 3.20 D. E. Coats 6.50 J. M. Coats 10.03 Harvey Cobb 7.91 John R. Cobb 4.03 0, A. Cobb 3.20 J. C. Collier 3.20 Will B, Cook 3.54 David Davis 3.20 D. L. Davis 6.88 Henry Davis 3.20 Jeff Davis 3.20 G. H. Dowdry Charles B. Denning Flora M. Denning Maylon J. Denning Ben P. Dixon Elizie Car Dixon Delmer Ennis Ed C. Ennis J. Bernard Ennis 3. C. Ennis Preston Ennis R. Otis Ennis Edgar FAtloloth Jahn C. Falreloth John D. Farioloth Alex N. Fish Jr. Isaac Johnson J. Tom Johnson 3.20 Mrs. Manley Johnson 2.72 Paul Johnson Vass G. Johnson Walter T. Johnson William C. Johnson P. B. Johnson E. B. telly Colon Kennedy Lloyd '!.Kennedy G. W. King James H. Lasseter R. 1. Lasseter W. E. Lasseter W. 3, Lasseter D. V. Lee E. A. Lee F. B. Lee Ire J. Lee J. E. Lee John Lee J. I. Lee William H. W. M. Lee 3.61 W. R. Lee 3.20 J. T. Lewis 9.28 J. J. Little 10.47 Ira Lookamy 3.20 N. P. Matthews 3.20 W. H. Matthews 3.27 Alvin Messer 6.09 Calvin M#6er $ 3,20 110.76 Levied 3.80 3.20 3.20 .12 3.20 8.00 6.58 6.10 15.78 3.20 4.20 3.20 3.20 .66 5.17 3.20 4.20 4.20 2.90 3.32 5.68 5.96 11.57 4.03 4.45 3.20 6.43 Levied 3.20 3.20 8.07 3.91 10.21 3.20 3.20 3.20 3.20 4.11 3.20 8.80 3.20 3.20 3.30 3.28 3.20 5.72 3.20 8.16 7.24 Lee 12.49 3.20 7.22 3.20 7.15 3.20 5.20 7.09 Levied .66 3.20 3.20 6.75 3.20 3.20 3.60 6.98 8.15 3,20 3.20 3.20 7.74 8.28 2.61 12.78 1.00 3.20 3.20 3.20 3.20 3.20 Dallas Messer $ 3.20 3.20 11.17 1.65 4.27 6.50 L6.75 420 Luther E. Miller J. C. Mithhell S. N. McLeod Allen Newton Calvin Norris P. E. Page J. M. ¥arkser` or 'L. ;Parlish .. Erttes't R. ' . tin 3.27 Harvey Partin 1.58 C. H.•Pleasant 3.20 Tilmon Pollard 3.20 William Delmer Pollard 3.28 W. H. Pollard 3.20 3.20 3.20 3.27 .58 5.91 7.01 3.35 4.86 ` a.20 2.10 3.20 3.50 3.20 4.44 6.02 4.72 R. W. Pool Lynwood Pope D. E. Rogan. J. C. Roberts Clarence Ryals E. F. Ryals Ettrett Ryals George R. Ryals . G. Ryals T. E. Sauls Roy Sears Roy Smith Aster Snipes M. A. Snipes ,Floyd L. Snipes J. A. Spivey James H. Spivey_ 3.20 Milford L. Starling 9.28 C. C. Stephenson 25.13 John W. Stephenson Lloyd L. Stephenson Shell Stephenson 0. A. Stevens A. Talton Stewart Carlie Stewart C. C. Stewart Cries V. Stewart Delma 3. Stewart H.,H. art 1.80 4.95 3.58 3.28 3.20 4.19 2.11 3.28 9.49 .3.20 rt 3.05 s F * Stewart 3.20 s H. Stowe. X 3.65 sites Hubert t 15.20 J. 1V. Stewart 3.20 Orton Stewart - 3.20 Robert G. Stewart 6.21 Roy O. Stewart $.20 Rubert Stewart 3.20 Sam Stewart .76 Tyson P. Stewart 10.47 W. B. Stewart ' 3.20 Willie F. Stewart Jr. 8.60 Aubrey V, Stone 3.20 N. B. Stone 3.20 1Miliam L. Stone 3.21. t. R. Thomas 3. Jim Thornton 7.20 J. 'lee Tilley 7.54 3.. 34eTttelote ' 8.48 A. L. Truelove 8.08 Robert W. Turner 3.20 Lester Tysinger 6.57 Mayton 0, Upchurch 10.61 Cullen Waltson' 3.28 Eddie Warren 3.30 L. T. Watson 3.20 Ralph Weaver 3.20 D. W. Weeks 5.75 H. W. Wiggins 4.03 3, S. Wiggins .15 Frank P. Wilburn 11.12 Cgrsofl'Williams 3.20 Banat/1 Williams 3.20 f Williams 3.32 t Williams 3.20 t Williams 3.20 E. Willis 3.20 Jd`iL. William " 3.61 M. G. Willaims- 3.20 Nady E. Williams Roger Williams evied T. B. Williams ToM G. Williams W. A. Williams J. Manley Willis Tam Wilmoth R. Vernon Wood Walter H, Wood Robert Woodall Rome M. Woodard Paul Woodard $ 4.77 3.75 3.20 6.04 4.47 4.44 3.20 5.38 3.20 4.56 4.58 2.61 Colored Adolph Emerson $ 3.87 Hubert Arnold 4.59` John Arnold - 3.20 Roy Austin 3.45 Millen Bell 3.52 E. L. Brewington 8.06 Levied ' Braze Evans 7.44 Stronach Fellows 3.20 Henry Guyton 3.20 Charley Ham ,332 Roosevelt Hayes '3.':20_ John Hicks 4.37 Curtis Holliday 3.20 Mary Holliday 2.63 Herbert James 3.24 jasper S. Johnson 3.20 L. C. Jones 3.20 Robert Jones 4.20 Buster Knight 4.62 Edgar Lee 3.20 Sylvester Lee 1.17 Cornelius Massey 3.20 Earley Massey 3.20 George Massey 3;20 George Massey Jr. 3.20 George Matthews 3.32 James Matthews 3.30 Archie Melvin 4.03 Caleb Melvin 6.19 - Alfred Morris 4.20 Nathan McCormick 5.66 Billie McKay 5.78 George McKay 3.20 Felix McKay 3.20 Grover McKay 7.66 Herman McKay 3.61 Hugh McKay 3.20 James A. McKay 3.44 John McKay 3.20 J. N. McKay 3.20 J,P, McKay 7.47 L. N. McKay .83 Nathan McKay 3.33 Ned McKay - 3.20 Sandy McKay 3.20 Albert McLean 3.20 Clarence McLean 3.20 Allen McNeill - 3.20 Charlie Me Neill 3.20 Ernest McNeill 3.20 Henry McNeill 3.63 Herbert McNeill 7.45 John McNeill 2.86 Lee McNeill 1.61 ' Luke McNeill 4.20 Odell McNeill 5.43 Odell McNeill Jr. 3.20 Weldon McNeill 3.20 Willie McNeill 3.20 Willis McNeill 3.45 Clarence O'Neill 2.30 Nathan Peacock - 3.20 Sam Peques 4.47 James Ray 3.20 Harry R. Robinson 5.49 Sam Robinson- 4.20 John Roberson 3.20 Arthur C. Rolland 2.68 James Rolland 6.29 Norman Ruffin 4.20 415' Y 3. 9. Ryals $ 3.70 Osoar Ryals ,9141 Herbert Sanders 6.03 Dock Shaw 3.20 Will Smith 3.27 William Stap6b 3.28 Hooey Stewart 4.30 Names D. Stewart 3.20 John A. Stewart 6.45 Kenneth Stewart. 3.20 Percy Stewart 3.80 Willie Stewart 3.20 Macceeo Stuart t 3.20 Aa ii.oi11Tla4aa Jr. 3.50 Levied Ike Williams 4.40 base 1111400s 3.65 Tar Mti isms 3.99 A. B. Wright 3.20 H. 2. Baker•(White) 7,08 iimmie Smith * 3.88 J. W. Weaver " 3.28 P. B. Weaver " 4.36 lade Weaver " 5.51 John Adams, Col. 3.24 W. H. McLean " 6.10 s*** * * * * * * * *s * * * * ** * * * * * *a * * * * **** ** HECTOR'S CREEK WHITE B. L. Arrington J. C. Arrington It H. Arrington L. L. Babb Roy Baker C. 1. Ballard 2. W. Ballard Albert Baucome Dowd Bauoome J. M. Bauoome &: L. Benton R. R. Betts H. S. Bowling W. t. Brady R. W. Bridgers J. C. Broadwell Jack Bryant S. S. Bryant W. S. Bryant P. L. Buohanan C. S. Bullock 0. M Bullock N. C. Cates Tonso Chambers B. W. Clay john A. Cotten ?Annie Cotten W. E. Dean 'W. L. Dean M. C. Dupree Ralph Gilbert A. D. Godwin W. 'R. Grady A. 1. Grimble J. R. Hillard Othe Hillard Ralph fillard H. B. Hookaday H. G. Hockaday Marvin Jarmon T. A. Johnson J. G. Johnson Lee Johnson S. R. Johnson Lynne Knight R. R. Langston S. J. Lanier 24ward Lassiter 0. Haloes Lewis $ 3.87 2.30 3.00 0.30 .44 4.13 4.13 3.30 3.30 2.30 3.18 2.30 4.42 2.30 2.30 1.35 8.95 6.41 4.94 2.30 2.11 9.93 1.93 2.30 5.27 4.53 5.86 4.30 3.36 2.30 3.66 5.31 2.30 2.30 1.22 2.30 2.50 13.49 3.30 2.30 3.85 2.30 2.30 8.88 3.30 3.32 9.43 2.30 3.05 J. I. Lewis 8.04 W. J. Mangum W. r. Mann Chalmers Marshburn Dan Mason Dayton Matthews 3..P4 Matthews .Robert McManus J. S. Oakley Lonnie Oakley S. Y. Olive H. C. Overby W. A. Overby C. R. Palmer L. W. Rollins 1. R. Satterfield S. P. Smith W. T. Spence, Jr. T. E. Stanley A..W. Stephens T. M. Stephens J.. T. Taylor S . M. Taylor R. D. Hagen D . H. Vinson L. P. Wells J. F. Wheeler L. L. Whittington 0. C. Whittington A. J. Wilson W. W. Young COLORED ton Allen James Banks David Blue Jesse Brewington Johnie Bryant Belton Chambers Footer Chambers Riohard Chavie Don Clegg Layton Cbfield W. L. Cofield Harry Coplin Alonzo Caulvin Shepard Daniels Ben Cookery Will Dockery Selma Geddy Robert Gilchrist Graham Harris Furman Hicks Brooks Higgins Will Johnson Horton Lee C. D. Matthews Jerry Matthews Ivey Mitohell Odius Mond James Moore Belton MaDowd /ohm 11441bery Benierah McKay Abram McLean Ramond McLeod Will MoNeiil Walter Wiggins Lacy Sanders Jamie Seabetry Currie Smith Jodie Smith Claude Speed Jerrie Spenoe Milton Stephens J. W. Walls Arthur Freeman 4.46 2.30 2.30 2.30 3.70 4.62 2.30 2.30 4.04 3.32 4.60 2.55 3.42 6.61 4.13 2.98 2.30 2.02 2.30 7.50 5.10 9.26 2.30 2.30 6.07 3.30 2.30 2.30 2.97 2.78 2.30 2.30 2.30 7.77 3.30 .80 .30 2.30 2.30 2.98 4.02 1.89 2.44 5215 3.30 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.30 3.98 2.30 4.37 4.44 2.30 5.19 2.50 2.31 2.8 2.3C 4.65' 2.3( 2.3C 2.fq 2.30 5.37 2.30 2.78 3.50 2.30 5.27 white 2.30 colored JOHNSONVILLE `TOWNSHIP WHITE. J. W. Bass $ 2.68 J. H. Buchanan 5.97 Alex A. Cameron 3.20 Fred M. Cameron 8.20 E. C. Campbell 3.77 Mack Douglass 3.74 J T. Frazier 3.16 Owen Graham 2.20 Grover Harris 5.17 B. N. Hinseley. 3.37 W. T. Lawson 1.49 Neil. Morris 3.20 W. L. Morris 5.48 D. E. McDonald 12.28 Neill Duncan McLean 3.42 Gordon McMillan 3.20 Sohn McMillan 4.20 W. H. McMillan 3.38 Charlie (C. A.)MoNei113.20 Lennie Page 10.87 Henry Smith 3.61 Neill M. Smith 3.20 Preston Smith 3.20 J. M. Spivey 3.33 William R. Stewart 3.20 Waylon Thomas 3.20 Melvin R. Thomas 3.88 V. I. Thompson 4.70 Jesie C. Webber 3.20 G. N. Yates. 3.78 Levy Levy Levy Levy Levy COLORED. Herbert Cameron 3.20 D. R. Cameron 3.61 Toel'Cameron 4.86 Moses Cameron 3.20 Solomon Cameron 3.20 J. P. Chalmers 4.75 G. V. Gilchrist 3.28 Walter Gilchrist 3.20 Earl Haley 4.19 Charlie Johnson 3.20 Walter L. Lathan 4.27 Harry Monroe 3.20 Bennie Murchison 3.93 Peter Murchison 3:20 ZallW McCormick 3.55 Chancey McIver 4.45 Johnnie McNeill 3.78 Rufus Smith 1.20 p irly Smith 3.20 red Swann 6.23 isv * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * ** LILLINGTON TOWNSHIP WHITE Tom H. Arnold Curtis Ashworth J. H. Ashworth T. A. Ashworth W. B. Aah.Wprtb W. C. AMhrth W. L. Ashworth B. B. Baker J. H. Baker . D. M. (Dan)Ballard Milton Barefoot Hubert Bell J. W. Bell C. E. Blanchard J. L. Blanchard Glenn.D. Brantley Varner M. Brantley S. D. Brantley 0. S. Brown A. J. Bullard F. A. Byrd D. L. Campbell` I. B. Clark 2.75. 2.75 .75 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 6.29 11.45 .30 2.75 2.75 2.75 6.41 4.39 2.75 3.88 2.50 2..75 9.36 3.87 2.75 2.75 R. 4. Collier 9.09 Levy J. S. Colville R. C. Colville ,T. H. Corney T. M. Corney R. E. Davis` D. M. Darroch Ernest L, Dean C. E. Faircioth J. -M. Faucette Geo. Flemming Joe Floyd W. .M. Fowler Eara Fox J. W. Fryar J. N..Fuquay C. K. Haighwood J.L. Haire J. H. Harper N. C. Hester Robert Hester .M. -S, Holder .Russell Helder Vance Holder Carl Jarman Hubert Jarmon Charlie Johnson Fred Johnson J. A. Johnson J. B. Johnson W. Carly Johnson R. L. Lanier Silas Lanier Letow Lea J. E. Mason G. M. Mitchell Tim McCoy Stewart McDonald Owen McDuffie R. R. McKinney C E. McLamb Duncan McLean J. M. McLean M. A. D. McLean Munn McLean Sam McLean Shaw McLean Walter R. McLean Worth McLeod C. C. Nipper C. 0, Norden J. M.'Norris J. N. Norris J. R. Norden D. F. Nye B. M. 0 *Quinn D. N. Owen Gilliam Parker J. A. Parker Lwarence B. Parker Mrs. J. A. Redfern W. S. Reid J. K. Sen. L. B. Smith Norwood L. Sorrell Dayton Stephens G. P. Stewart H. K. Stewart Ke A, Stewart Ralph Stewart T. M. Stewart Ernest 'Taylor Charlie Thomas J. J. Wheeler D. S. Williford A. B. Wood COLORED Leonard Aiken J. A. Ashby Alex Bailey 6.31 2.75 3.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.25 2.75 2.75 8.97 5.15 10.32 3.89 2.75 .46 4.25 .94 4.00 2.75 2.75 3.21 5.88 2.75 2.75 2.75 3.10 5.45 3.75 3.28 2.75 4.53 25.17 4.75 2.75 9.39 9.66 2.75 2.75 1.13 4.75 2.75 2.84 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 3.75 2.75 .76 11.47 2.75 11.61 2.75 9.36 2.75 6.61 13.88 3.91 3.42 2.35 2.75 6.60 10.07 4.08 3.75 3.58 2.75 2.75 6.46 Levy 2.75 4.23 2.75 3. 41'x' • Albert Bailey Jeff Bailey J. T. Bailey Wilson Bailey Leroy Bathes Monk Bethea John Lewis Brown Clinton Cameron Ed Cameron James Campbell Henry Cannaday William Clark Claude Clegg Lee Cofield J. L. Dewar Thomas Elliott Percy Ferrell A. B. Guyton Arthur Harrington Claude Harrington Fred Harrington Takes Harris Walter Haymon Lucy Herring Isaac Jones K. R. Judd Lewis Lampley Alton Matthews Odell Miller John Minter Henry Mitchell W. H. Moore Alex Murchison Claude M. Murchison Evander Murchison Josh Murchison Neill Murchison David Murphy H. H. McAllister Tina McAllister C. D. McDougald Henry Luther McDougald John McDougald Geo. McKay James McKay Mack McKay Marie MolKay Paul McKay Clarence McLean Edgar McLean Josh MoLean Monk McLean Robert McLean Velmon McLean Grant Newkirt Geo. Patterson Ned Price M. L. Raynor E. J. Rhue Amborse Ridgell James Ridgell Frank Small Floyd M. Smith Willie Spencer Dan Curtis Tucker James Tucker Mack Tucker Walter Tucker William Washington Cornell Webb Rudie Wicker N. S. Wilton Willie Winston J. E. Cotten N. A. Sanders 3.28 White Henry Wade J. C. Suggs 4.75 White Harvey Welden Eddit Phillips 2.75 Colored R. I. Walton Roosevelt Pipkin 2.75 Colored Ernest Ray 2.75. Colored ***********************e************** 2.75 2.75 4.98 2.75 2.75 2.75 5.06 Levy 2.13 2.75 Levy 2.75 4.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 3.95 2.75 2.75 4.29 Levy 3.75 3.51 4.72 Levy 4.27 2.75 11.67 2.75 2.75 .83 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 3.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 1.57 2.75 2.75 1.27 2.75 3.51 2.75 2.75 5.75 2.75 2.75 4.66 2.75 2.75 2.75 4.54 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 3.77 2.75 2.75 2.75 5.62 2.93 2.75 2.75 NEILLS CREEK TOWNSHIP WHITE William M. Allen R. A. Ashworth M. F. Baker Thurlie Bauoom J. J. Beasley L. B. Bolton Russell D. Boseman J. L. Boyett George Brown Roy Butts Arthur Z. Byrd W. M. Byrd R. W. Cain Paul Childress J. P. Coats E. V. Coleman Roy Craine J. D. Cutts L. L. Cutts C. H. Denton G. 3. Denton Kenneth Dew L. M. Edgerton Judd Ennis W. J. Ennis W. P. Ennis W. V. Ennis Roy Flowers J. S. Guy Charlie Haire A. P. Hall P. R. Hall J. R. Harmon J. A. Harrell Julian C. Hayes Harold Haywood Howard Heicht G. H. Johnson J. H. Johnson J. R. Johnson E. C. Jones Richard Jones W. L. Jones J. B. Keith J. D. Long L. D. McKinney Jr. H. S. MoLeod L. E. McPhail N. L. Marks Henry Mason C. R. Matthews Ralph Matthews J. D. Mitchell Jr. Jim Mitchell Clarence Reardon Dodson Reardon Howard Reardon R. C. Reardon F. A. Ryals L. W. Sawyer Robert W. Singleterry H. R. Starling D. C. Stewart Levy Dewey Stewart Wade Stewart A. A. Turlington Harold T. Turlington S. W. Turlington W. C. Tysinger E. L. Upchurch White;, . Wbohibl' 17 bhurch $ 3.21 8.20 1.22 7.08 5.01 5.32 4.80 3.78 2.45 2.45 3.64 5.75 5.29 2.80 3.16 3.56 2.45 2.45 2.45 E.16 6.48 Levied 2.80 1.35 2.45 .07 2.45 .90 2.45 5.25 4.58 5.71 6.20 39.43 9.72 levied 4.24 8.62 2.45 4.55 5.32 2.62 5.93 2.45 2.62 2.28 .71 9.68 2.85 .96 2.45 3.75 2.45 8.51 Levied 2.45 2.45 2.45 2.45 4.21 2.45 5.26 2.45 8.53 3.08 3.45 2.45 2.45 2.45 2.45 5.70 2.45 3.72 2.45 2.45 .45 10.73 418 , COLORED Hubert Allen J. A, Allen W. H. Allen Bill - Armstrong Ben Barnes James Bethea Oliver Carroll Mitchell Colville Jessie Lee Copeland T. C. Covington Gay Daniels Lonnie Davis Alice Gilbert Vass Evans William T, Gilbert Will Green James Holliday Dan Holliday R. W. Howard Clarence Johnson George Johnson Henry Johnson June Johnson Zeb Johnson A. L. Kelly Robert Knight John Lanier Stacy Leach Tom Leach Allen McKay A. L. McKay Charlie Mc'Zay D. M. McKay Furman McKay James H. McKay James McKay James McKay Rosser McKay Stronaeh Metay S. M. Motay Sidney McKay; W, Henry McKay W. H. Matey Jr. William McKay Alex McLean Fester McLean Floyd McLean Hughie McLean Mack .;McLean Mack McLean Robert :McLean Zeb D. McLean Booker McLeod Willie McLeod Jr. 'Willie McLeod Herman McNeill Jodie McNeill Levi McNeill Manfield McNeill Martha McNeill Rufus McNeill Sandy McNeill Henry Mason Jack Massey Archie Matthews Thornton Matthews vassie Matthews Lonnie Morris Atlas Ockletree Honeycutt Price Lewis Price Henry Rain Herman Smith Purdie Smith James Spears Sam D. Spears Gus Stooks Jessie Strickland Jim Thomas George Williams Roosevelt Williams M. L. Baker (White) * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * ** $ 2.45 2.60 Levied 2.45 2.45 2.45 2.45 2.45 6007 5.40 2.71 2.45 Levied 2.45 .99 4.39 Letied 2.80 2.45 5.25 Levied 2.45 2.45 6.91 2.45 2.45 2.51 3.44 2.56 2.45 2.45 2.45 2.82 1.47 6.62 9.88 .94 2.45 .21 2.45 2.45 2.61 2.45 2.83 2.45 4004 2.45 2.45 4.46 2.45 2.45 2.45 2.80 2.45 2.45 2.62 5.71 3.75 1.40 2.45 2.45 2.45 2.45 2.80 2.45 3.07 3.91 2.45 2.45 2.48 Levied 2.45 5.45 6.32 5.82 2.57 2.90 2.45 2.45 2.72 2.90 2.52 .07 2.45 3.58 2.45 2.45 STFWART'S CREEK TOWNSHIP WHITE J. W. Adams Archie Autry Floyd Autry Dewey Barefoot Douglass W. Byrd D. W. Byrd F. D. Byrd H, T. Byrd Joe M. Byrd J, Wilton Byrd Murchison Byrd Walter R. Byrd. 3, F. Gannady Jr, F. Cannon W. W. Cox D. H. Denning Lonnie._ E. Denning T. C. Easom D. C. E.zzell E. R. Gates S. J, Gates W. L. Gates H. B. Gilbert Ernest Rodfrey J. E. Godfrey, A. Go Haire B. H. Hire Wilson Haire •M. C. Bons H..3, Honeycutt W. J. Honeycutt G. A. Hyatt W. Z. Jackson Charlie. J. Johnson David Johnson H. H. Jones Hettie C. Langdon L. Co Langdon R. M. Langdon D. G. Lewis C. P. McKee L. A. McLean. M. A. McLean. M, B. Matthews Dolmas. Mitchell Malcolm Monds John H. Moors A. D. Morris. J, B. Murchison K. H. Murchison S. A. O'Briant Clayton. Page. J. A. Page Earl Parker A, J. Rawls 3. A. Smart A. G. Stewart J. M. Stewart A. J. Strickland B. B. `dart J. R. Tart M. A. Temple.ra 0. W. Tutor M. A. West Clyde Westbrook COLORED Walter Bryant Leavy F. Byrd Lee Byrd Jr. David Cameron Europe Cameron Jr. George Cameron John W. Cameron Polk Cameron Thomas C. Cameron W. M. R. Carroll B. R. Chance, W. 0. Chance Robert Clark 10.89 3.20 2.20- 6.25 3.40 4.37 5.45 4453 5.10 4.75 3.20 3.20 3.20 3.06 3.20 3.20 5.56 11.21 6.08 3.94 10.84 3 -.20 3.28 6.99 4.20 4.97 3.47 3.20 4.85 4.37 1.32 3.20 5.90 1.79 6.50 3.20 7.93 4.20 14.77 3.20 3.20 3.86 2.07 4.25 3.20 3.20 5.06 7.68 3.20 4.60 3.28 3.20 1.66 3.20 3.20 5.59 3.20 4.68 4.30 5.30 3.79Levied 3.28 4.93 12.37 3.20 Levied 3.20 4.80 - 3.20 3.20 3.20. 3.20 5.82 Levied 3.20 3.40 3.20 3.20 3.20 2.80 6 * * * * * * * * * * ** James Covington 3.20 419 Marshall Covington Winston Covington Betsy Crawford Thomas Crowder Alex Davis J. C. Davis John Davis Craine Dockery David Elliott Est. James Elliott Robert Elliott Charley Ferguson David Ferguson Herbert Ferguson James Ferguson Jodie Ferguson Ransom Ferguson Troy Ferguson Leon Gamble Eddie Gilchrist Ike Grady Roger Grady James M. Hargroves J. Lewin Hicks William Alexand r Hicks Oscar Holder James Hollins Willie Joyner A. 0. McAllister G. 7. McCormick David MoDougald J. A. McDougald Johnny MoDougald John B. McDougald Malcolm McDougald Robert McDougald Robert MoDougald William MoDougald W, C. McDougald Archie N. McLean Arthur McLean David S. McLean Evander McLean Jim McLean Lacy McLean Matthew McLean Neal McLean R. J. R. McLean Vann McLean W. G. McLean William N. McLean W. R. McLean Ed McNeill George McNeill Gus Davied McNeill Harrison McNeill Henry McNeill Jack McNeill Jerry McNeill .7. G. McNeill John McNeill Lewis McNeill Lonnie McNeill Luke McNeill Luther MoNeill Reabin McNeill Troy McNeill Diliary Maynard Dan Murchison Daniel Murohison Leslie Murchison Gad Seaberry Arthur Smith Ben Smith Charlie G. Smith Clarence L. Smith Donnie Smith Hector Smith John Smith Malcolm Smith Robe ;t Smith R.' B.. Smith Weldon Smith William Smith $ 3.20 3.20 2.72 5.32 5.75 3.20 3.20 3.20 3.38 3.20 3.20 3.20 3.20 3.20 3.20 3.20 .70 3.20 7.01 3.20 8.50 3.20 3.20 3.20 3.20 3.20 8.04 3.20 .66 3.20 W. H. Smith $ 3.20 W. T. Smith 4.31 John Spearmon 3.20 Lewis Stephens 3.53 Milton Stephens 3.20 Lem Suries 7.90 Rufus Surles 3.25 Willie Suries 3.20 George Taylor 3.20 Mitchell Walker 3.20 Pester Walker 3.20 Alex Williams 3.20 Alton Williams 3.20 C. A. Williams 2.98 C. W. Williams 4.36 Gus Williams 1.99 John Williams 3.20 June Williams 3.20 Levied Marshall Williams 3.20 Mary Williams 1.62 Ransom Williams 3.20 Levied Walter J. Williams 5.82 A. C. Hayes(lhite) 3.20 Earl Melvin " 4.03 Lee Byrd Col. 3.20 Tony Manor " 2.93 *** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * *** * ** UPPER LITTLE RIVER WHITE 3.20 Levied J. P. Allen 3.20 T. M. Allen 3.20 Porter Atkins 3.20 N. E. Autry 3.20 B. T. Baker 3.20 J. M. Black 3.20 J. A. Blalock 3.20 H. P. Bowden 3.20 W. C. Boyd 3.20 A. T. Frown 3.20 Dayton Brown 3.57 Z. N. Brown 5.24 E. S. Brown 3.20 E. T. Brown 3.20 Hal Brown 3.20 Mrs. Ida .Brown 3.20 3. Edgar Brown 3.61 M. C. Brown 3.20 Ozzie Brown 3.20 Raymond Brown 3.20 A. R. Buchanan .62 Levied 3. E. Buchanan 2.06 H. A. Bullard 3.20 M. J. Butler, Jr. 3.20 N. E. Butler .20 Levied J. E. Byrd 3.20 W. A. Cameron 3.78 A. R. Campbell 3.20 Kirby Campbell 3.70 J. P. Ceroey 3.7D E. S. Christian 3.20 Ernest Clark 3.20 Jack Collins 1.98 John Collins 3.20 W. T. Collins 5.11 Jamie W. Cox 3.20 Dan Cummings 3.94 Hinson Cummings .41 W. R. Curran 4.20 S. G. Davis 3.20 Dees Dickens. 3.20 P. B. Dickens 2.62 Wade Douglass .99 J. V. Early 4.38 M. C. Faricloth 4.65 W. Graham Fox 2.70 J. A. Fuquay 3.80 W. 7. Furgeson 7.20 Charlie Gilchrist 2.55 Levied Duncan Godfrey 3.20 P. L. Griffin 3.20 R. E. Griffin 1.82 H. Dallas Hardy $ 4.33 2.30 4.40 2.30 2.30 2.30 4.25 .09 2.30 2.30 2.51 3.33 3.30 2.30 2.92 6.30 2.30 19.60 2.37 4.30 2.30 6.30 4.02 .34 2.37 4.60 2.30 2.71 4.30 1.24 2.30 4.47 2.46 2.44 5.33 5.92 3.30 2.41 2.30 11.00 '4.56 4.82 2.64 6.10 2.34 2.30 6.00 2.30 4.07 6.85 2.37 2.57 2.08 3.20 James Hardy 3.12 420 J. B. Harrington Charlie Hockaday A. L. Holder A, Z. Holder D. F. Holder Jack Holder James Holder Laudie Holder. L. C. Holder M. J. Holder W. I. Holder, Jr. W. H. W. Holder J. G. Holt Lamb L. Holt R. L. Howard G. B. Hughes G. A. Jones Everett Knight Hoyel Knight J. C. night Oscar night C. R. Lassater L. F. Lwarence W. A. Lowdermilk W. E. Mason Daniel Messer J. M. Mills Arnold Mize J. H. Moore Colon Morrison H. B. Morrison J. H. Morrison Leroy Morrison N. A. Morrison W. M. Morrison W. B. McAuley. E. D. McDonald J. Blue McDonald W. M. Mcbougald est. C. W. MoDuffie, B. J. McFarland; J. J. McKay, Jr. Neill McKay S. P. McKay John A. McLean Clyde McLeod McKinley McLeod A. G. McNeill Alton McNeill C. D. McNeill Hugh McNeill Dares McNeill Raymond McNeill Paul McPhail S. G. Newton W. N. Norden A. A. Olive C. W.O?VQiinn Dave 01 Quinn D. J. 01Quinn Ernest 01Quinn Bertis G. Patterson Elbert Patterson H. G. Patterson J. B. Patterson J. G. Patterson N. B. Patterson Odis Patterson Robert F. Patterson R. H. Patterson T. J. Patterson Irving Porter W. Y. Porter W. C. Putman Wodrel Roberts Bert Rogers D. O. Rogers G. T. Rogers Nolan Heger Thomas P. Rogers 2.30 2.30 5.78 12.44 Levy 6.85 2.30 3.55 2.30 4.14 2.39 2.44 2.10 2.30 2.30 5.64 4.52 5.68 4.30 4.30 4.65 2.30 2..59 5.73 2.37 2.39 2.30 8.50 2.30 5.84 5.30 11.13 .Levy 2.30 2.50 8.49 2.30 2.94 6.08 .34 13.50 - 2.46 2.44 2.30 - 3.65 2.30 1.42 3.57 6.32 .63 . 6.30 2.30 2.30 4.90 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.30 - 2.30 4.69 2.30 4.30 2.30 2.30 3.30 3.54 2.30 2.55 3.11 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.30 4.69 9.45 2.30 2.30 3.32 2.30 2.30 4.80 Reid Ross MetCay Ross Rudolph ?Ross J. L. Rosser F. O. Salmon J. W. Salmon S. A. Salmon Daniel W. Smith J. B. Smith . J. H. Smith M. J. Smith R. T. Smith W. R. Smith F. P. Spence Lester Stephens R. C. Stephens Paul Stewart Eugene Strickland Harold Strickland G. A. Suggs H. R. Suggs L. B. Suggs Garland Tart J. 1. Tart Clayton Tayloer Ida'Tayloer Liston Tayloer`' W. H. 'Tayloer W. J. Tayloer, J. W, J. Tayloer, Sid. Britt Thomas Curtis Thomas Ernest C. Thomas Vlore Thomas G. R. Thomas H. M. Thomas H. N. Thomas N. M. Thomas W. M. Thomas Turner Walters Wade ?allace Wallace R. J. W. C W. H. D. H. W. M. J. C. Wester J. M. Williams Carl Wilson C. N. Wilson Henry Wisson R. L. Wilson Sherod Wilson W. E. Wilson W. E, Wilson. Arch Womack Ira` Womack Mack Womack S. G. Womack W. R. Womack D. A. Womble G. H. Wood Watson Wood Dewis Yarborough COLORED McKinley Arnold John A. Beal M. J. Black Daniel Brewington Fred Brewington Henry Brewington Bass Buie M. J. Buie D. H. Cameron Jades E. Campbell John H. Campbell P. L. Campbell S. H. Campbell T. W. Campbell W. H. Campbell Vance A. Cotten Dock Cox :aides Walter Cox Paul Dean Morris E. Douglass $ 8.60 2.30 2.30 2.98 2.30 5.34 2.30 1.49 2.66 7.69 .54 3.32 2.30 4.56 2.30 3.30 2.30 3.37 3.30 4.73 2.30 2.95 2.30 2.40 2.30 .57 2.30 2.37 2.30 9.63 2.30 2.30 1.22 .27 2.30 *4.57 6.66 5.57 2.30 2.30 4.30 12.64 2.30 2.30 4..33 3.30 2.30 414.13 2.30 2.30 2.30' 4.31 3.16 3.03 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.98 2.30 3.44 e 5.22 2.68 2.84 White 3.34 2.33 2.51 2.74 .41 3.33 2.30 2.33 2.34 2.30 2.30 5.15 3.64 .66 2.19 2.30 1:11 1001 421 - A Willie Douglass $ 2.30 W. R. Douglass 2.89 John R. Ellott .68 Will Ellba 3.33 Dock Ferrell 4.39 Irk Ferguson 3.32 S. J. Gains 2.30 D, L. Gilmore 4.26 J. C. Gilmore 2.30 J. H. Gilmore 2.57 David Godfrey 3.30 David Harrington 2.30 Herman Harrington 5.95 Theodore Judd 2.4E Alex Knight .68 White Lewis Lee 6.03 A. C. More .22 Levy Henderson Moore 2.84 J. B. Moore 6.96 Jno. Miller Moore 2.30 Make Moore 2.30 Levy Willie Moore 2.30 Norfus Moseley 2.30 Amos Murchison 2.87 Joe Murchison .81 Annie McDougald .48 D. N. McDougald 4.14 Dollie MoDougald .41 Vander MoDougald 2.30 Joe MoDougald 2.30 W. H. MoDougald 2.87 Frank McKay 2.30 Leon McKay 2.30 M. J. McKay 4.70 SammuelficKay 2.30 Pearce PoIver 2.35 Arthur McLean 2.30 Charlie H. McLean .43 Dennis McLean 2.30 Horton McLean 2.30 John A..MOLean 2.30 J. Claude MoLean 2.53 Murphey McLean 2.30 N. A, McLean 2.37 3. D. McLean 1.89 Tact McLean 2.37 William McLean 3.49 Willie McLean 2.30 Willie MoMellon 6.19 Bertice McNeill 2.30 Ctis McNeill 2.52 Emanuel McNeill 1.34 John McNeill 3.30 John C. McNeill 2.30 J. P. McNeill 4.44 N. G. McNeill 3.71 Odis McNeill 2.30. Tom McNeill 2.30 Watson McNeill, 2.30 W, M. "Neill 2.30 Vander ratt 2.40 C. G. Prince 4.25 J. P. Prince 2.30 S. J. Prince 5.17 Levy A. D. Ray 4.87 Anthony8Ray 2.30 Levy Lee Ray 2.30 Waddle Ray 2.30 Ben Ravine 2.82 Roosevelt Biggins 2.30 Talton Ross 2.30 John Smith 2.30 Willie Spencer 2.30 Fred Swann 2.00 Jeetep Tabon 3.33 Prentess Watson 2.51 8. A. Watson .27 Curtis Weathers 2.30 J. D. Blaok 3.25 White Arthur Butler 2.30 White M. H. Mason 3.30White John McNeill 2.30 Colored 421,_ October 10th. 1936 The Board of County Commssioners met in a call session Saturday October 10th. 1936 at 2:00 P.M. with all members present. It is ordered that E.N.Hobby, Buckhorn Township, be granted beer license. It is ordered that two lots of Lonnie Jackson in the town of Dunn on South Magnolia Ave. be valued at $100.00. It is ordered that the clerk notify the Soil Committe to meet with the Board of Commissioners on Monday, November 5th. It is ordered that the County pay immediately to E.F.Craven Company, At Greensboro, N.C. the amount that has been collected on tractor account, and that J.O.Anthony be instructed to collect all outstanding items for tractor account and remit same to E.F.Craven Company, Greensboro, N.C. as same is collected. RESOLUTION: Whereas, C.G.Hatch is the owner of lot in Lillington at corner of Front and 10th. Streets and whereas said lot has heretofore been on the tax books in the name of S.P.Hateh and Co. and same is not a legal listing or a proper valuation as appears of record: .NOW, therefore, be it resolved, that the said listing of said lot in the name of S.P.Hatch and Co. be cancelled and that said lot be after- listed for the years 1931 to 1935 and also for 1936 in the name of C.G.Hatch at the valuation of $250.00 and that said lot be released of all County taxes upon payment of taxes on said after listing and said valuation. This October 10, 1936. Board of County Commissioners by: J.B.Ennis, Chairman. , It is ordered that Board.now adjourn subject to call of the Chairman. Chairman. -4-zadadtc lark. The following cheeks were issued during the month of October, 1936: 9377' 9378 9379 9380 9381 9382 9583 9384 9385 9384 9387 9388 9389 9590 9391. 9392 9592 9394 9395 9894 9397 9398 9399 9400 9401 9402 9403 9404 9405 9406 9407 9408 9409 9410 9411 9412 9413 9414 9415 9416 9417 9418 9419 9420 J.S.McLean Dr.W.B.Hunter Genevieve Warren Elizabeth Kelly W.K.Ballentine Mack McKay Inez Harrington F- C.Bank & Tr.Co. Lillie Davis H.S.Fseeman VOID W.M.Brannon Dr.A.T.Wyatt J.G. Layt on N.A.Cameron Progressive No.5 Marion Smith Pander Groa%�rry Co. Elbert L.Tallby* Dr.A.W.Peede L.M.Cooper Buchana Bros. R.W.Pope J.Leon Godwin Granthams Howard M.Lee L.A.Bethune Melvin Lee Frances Freeman Mrs.J.F.Menius Elizabeth Matthews Iva Johnson M.A.Turlington M.D.Lanier, P.M. Town of Dunn J.O.Snthony J.W.Holt L.M.Chaffin J.Melvin McLean L.M.Chaffin, C.S.0 J.N.Smith E.M.Blanchard K.C.Matthews W.F.Nipper September salary 175.00 September salary and travel 325.00 September salary 60.00 September salary and travel 150.00 September salary 165.00 janitor 17.50 September salary 268.33 feed for county home 44.60 September salary 165.00 balance Sept. salary 100.00 rent for Sept. relif orders relief orders relief orders relief orders relief orders relief orders work on tax books relief orders relief orders relief orders relief orders relief orders relief orders relief orders relief orders relief orders work on tax books Sept. salary and travel Sept. salary work on tax books work on agri. bldg. postage for Auditor making milk tests September salary deputy sheriff Sept. salary coroner postage deputy sheriff grand jury officer Sailor milk for jail 6.00 20.00 6.00 6.00 24.50 7.00 9.00 12.50 23.00 4.00 3.00 4.00 4.00 10.35. 4.00 5.00 3.00 8.70 116.10 60.05 65.00 19.00 3.00 7.75- 100.00 5.00 412.50 35.00 9.00 3.16 12.00 134.15 7.65 422 9421 Inez:Harrington,- 9422 C.H.Avery 9423 W.E.Salmon 9424 Lila Godwin 9425 - Eloise Parker 9426 Howard- bobbitt Co._ 9427 F.H.Taylor 9428 C.R.Ammons 9429 Naomi Garr 9430 Flora Green Johnson 9431 James McLean 9432 Lafyaette Drug Co. 9433 Vann E.Freeman 9434 A.F.Fowler 9435 W.C.Fowler 9436 H.C.Strickland 9347 - Modern Steam Laundry. 9438 N.C.Young 2439 M.D.Lanier, P.M. 9440 W.D.Harrington T.C. 9441 W.D.Harrington 9442 Clara Wadwsorth. 9443 E.S.Matthews 9444 H.S.Freeman 9445 Carolina T.& T.Co. 9446 Carolina P.& L.Co. 9447 Highsmith Hospital 9448 White Studio 9449 Mack McKay 9450 Mack McKay 9451 J.E.Griffin 9452 W.D.Harrington, T.C. 9453 Carolina P{iblie Serv.Co. 9454 VOID 9455 J.A.Graves 9456 C.H.Thornton 9457 Gape Fear Drug Co. 9458 W.D.Harrington 9459 Sanford Dist. Go. 9460 Sanford Dist. Co. 9461 Virginia Stephenson 9462 Johnson &.Bryan Co. 9463 Atkins Bros. 9464 Farmers SuuPly Store 9465 McLean & O'Quinn 9466 Womble Co. 9467 Farmers Supply Store 9468 Lafayette Drug Co. 9469 Barbour Motor Express 9470 Birtis Wicker 9471 A.N.Waddell 9472 Dillon Supply Co. 9474 W.A.Bailey 9475 1936 -Tax Dist. A/c 9476 Lillington Ice ,& F.Go. 9477 Iva Johnson 9478 W.D.Harrington 9479 W.E.Salmon 9480 J.S.MoLean 9481 H.S.Freeman 9482 Inez - Harrington 9483 Lillie Davis 9484 Mrs. J.F.Menius 9485 Elizabet Matthews. 9486 J.O.Anthony 9487 Naomi Carr 9488 Dr.W:B.Hunter 9489 C.R.Ammons 9490 Hazel Parrish 9491 W.K.Ballentine 9492 Genevieve Warren 9493 L.M.Ghaffin 9494 F.H.Taylor 9495 H.C.Strickland 9496 Mack-McKay 9497 J.C.Byrd & -Bro. 9498 Waymon McKay 9499 M.D.Lanier 9500 Annie Ashley 9501 9502 Lafayette Drug 9503 J.B.Ennis postage deputy sheriff salary, etc. work on tax suits work on tax books mdse. Sept. salary travel Sept. Sept. salary work on tax books groceries supplies work on tax books serving tax summons serving tax summons September slary service work at county home envelopes for tax o llector partial payment on land sales balance Sept. salary work on tax books Sept. care of Wm.Cobb on October salary service service hospitalization making pictures Furman E.Godwin house janitor janitor cabbage for county home reimbursement of jury tickets work at agri. bldg. fees for county jail case worker for Duke &- Ave.Twps. mdse. partial payment on land sale mdse. mdse. cooking at county home supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies supplies express work at county home moving concrete mixer to Raleigh rent on concrete mixxer cabbage for county home prepayment temporary loan coal for welfare dept. clerical work partial payment on Oct. salary salary salary salary salary salary and travel salary and travel salary salary saalry salary and travel salary salary and travel salary and travel salary salary salary - salary saalary salary work at courthouse antitoxin cooking at county jail Co. drugs for county home 17.15 13.60 384.09 75.00 23.70 126.05 126.50 25.00 50.00 23.10 37.43 116.90 10.80 41.50 36.00 93.75 47.79 22.50 367.40 500.00 397.25. 25.63 10.00 50.00 69.45 56.49 352.20 15.00 15.00 2.50 1.92 96.12 199.57 .72 24.00 6.02 500.00 50.96 22.22 20.00 188.03 17.70 25.42 15.00. 17660 8.85 23.90 3.25 2.50 10.00 90.00 2.00 10,000.00 8.58 65.00 300.00 316.25 175.00 150.00 268.33 165.00 120.00 50.00 100.00 50.00 325.00 25.00 150.00 165.00 60.00 412.50 126.50 93.75 17.50 5.44 3.00 8.78 54.00 29.78 salary 100.00