08241936393 August 24th. 1936 The Board of County Commissioners met in call meeting August 24th. 1936 at 4:00 P.M. with the following members present: Chairman J.B.Ennis; Geo.T.Noel; and J.S.Barker; also I.R.Williams, County Attorney. It is ordered that Clifton R.Ammons be appointed as Assistant County Agent to fill unexpired term of W.D.Reynolds. RESOLVED that the one acre tract of A.G.Ragland(Colored) land in Shaw Town now owned by Lucille Spears Johnson (see Book 256, page 448), be valued at *100.00 and same be released from all taxes for years 1930, 1932, 1933, 1934 and 1935 and all prior years upon payment of taxes on $100.00 valuation plus the usual interest tax to be calculated by Auditor. RESOLVED that the sum of 3300.00 be allowed Chas.Ross on work as Special Counsel to assist in the Refunding of Township Roads Bonds, as his work in this matter to the place that a test case has been carried to the Supreme Court of North Carolina and determined in the favor of the validity of the bonds. NORTH CAROLINA:HARNETT COUNTY: BE IT RESOLVED that on behalf of Harnett County a claim be filed with the special Commission authorized to consider claims by governmental units in North Carolina against the State Highway Commission (now the State Highway and Public Works Commission) to the end that any and all sums to which Harnett County may be entitled on account of loans, advances, equipment and other matters of advantage to said Highway (State Highway and Public Works) Commission may be finally determined and recovered for the benefit of Harnett County. The claim to be so filed shall be in the amount of such sum as the County Attorney and the County Auditor shall determine. It is ordered that the Board now adjourn. Clerk. The following checks were issued 9101 Farmers Supply Store 9102 - Lillie Davis 9103 - H.S.Freeman 9104 Mack McKay 9105 C.H.Thornton 9108 J.F.Coggins, agt. 9107 Clara Wadsworth 9108 - Johnson & Bryan Co. 9109 Hoods Drug Store 9110 - Dr.A.W.Peede 9111 - Gape Fear Drug Co. 9112 - Lafayette Drug Co. 9113 J.D.Holland 9114 Royoroft Drug Co. 9115 - Ponders Store No.112 9116 Melvin Lee 9117 - Dr.J.R.Johnson 9118 - Lillington Cafe 9119 - Atkins Bros. 9120 W.M.Keene 9121 - A.L.Seawell 9122 Howard M.Lee 9123 - L.R.Sauls 9124 - John J.Tew 9125 City Grocery 9126 - br.A.T.Wyatt 9127 M.E.Ennis 9128 - Buchanan Bros. 9129 Erwin Dept. Store 9130 - Henry Honeycutt 9131 J.Leon Godwin 9132 - Jim's Cash Market 9133 W.A.McLean 9134 Y.A.Betts 9136 Union Store No. 2243 9136 W.E.Norris 9137 Progress ive Store No.5 9138 Joel Ennis 9139 W.D.Phillips 9140 Naylor Grocery 9141 W.F.Nipper 9142 - L.M.Chaffin, C.S.C. 9143 - K.C.Matthews 9144 Modern Steam Ldy. 9145 J.G.Layton during the month of August, 1936: corn for county home salary for July balance on salary janitor service salary for July express work on tax books relief orders relief orders relief orders relief orders relief orders relief orders relief orders relief orders relief orders relief orders relief orders relief orders relief orders relief orders relief orders relief orders relief orders relief orders relief orders relief orders relief orders relief orders relief orders relief orders relief orders relief orders relief orders relief orders relief orders relief orders relief orders relief orders relief orders milk for jail recorders court cost July 1936 salary July service mdse. Chairman. 102.75 165.00 100.00 17.50 24.00 1.95 10.00 7.00 7.00 12.00 4.80 7.90 3.00 5.20 12.00 4.00 6.00 1.00• 15.50 3.00 8.00 13.00 3.00- 6.00 6.00 2.50 4.50 2.00- 3.00 3.00 4.00 3.00. 2.00 7.50 16.00 5.00 46.54 10.00 6.00 3.00 5.58 90.29 104.15 47.59 19.85 394 9146. W.E.Salmon 9147 Lafyaette Drug Go. 9148 McLean.& O'Q,uinn 9149 Atkins Bros. 9150 Harnett County News 9151 J.Meluin MoLean 9152 Cape Fear Drug Go. 9153 Harnett Hardwe House 9154 L.M.Chaffin, O.S.C. 9155 Carolina P.& L.Co. 9156 Carolina T.& T.Co. 9157 James McLean 9158 Johnson & Bryan Go. 9159 R.D.Ryals 9160 N.C.Young 9161 Virginia Stephenson 9162 Alex Clark 9163 N.C.San.atorium 9164 Town of Lillington 9165 Sanford Dist. Co. 9166 Alford Williams Co. 9167 Pope Ptg. Co. 9168 Rickman Brick Co. 9169 Howard Babbitt 0o. 9170 Lafayette Drug Co. 9171 Womble Co. 9172 W.D.Harrington 9173 Mrs.Inez:Harrington 9174 Mrs.T.R.Brown 9175 Mrs.T.R.Brown 9176 L.M.Chaffin 9177 F.H.Taylor 9178 H.C.Strickland 9179 N.C.Young 9180 E.S•.Matthews 9181 Naomi Carr 9182 J.O.Anthony 9183 W.D.Reynolds 9184. VOID 9185 Jim's Cash Market 9186 V.C,Thomson, agt. 9187 W.L.Senter 9188 Marvin Wade 9189 Mrs..T.R.Brown 9190 Cromartie Funeral Home 9191 W,H.Matthews 9192 Johnnie Stewart 9193 Lawrence Johnson 9194 M.A.Turlington 9195 Marvin Kelly 9196 G.E,,Borrell 9197 Floyd McKay 9198 Milton Baker 9199Elizabeth Kelly 9200 Gehtvie Warren 9201 K.W.Ballentine 9202 Lida. Renn 9203 Sheriff Wake County. 9204 Sheriff Durham County 9205 M.D.Lanier, P.M. 9206 I.R.lilliams 9207 Mae Stephens 9208 Elizabet Matthews 9209 Mrs.J.F.Menius 9210 Harnett Hdwe. House 9211 M.D.Lanier,. P.M 9212 Marvin Kelly 9213 M.A.Turlington 9214 Johnnie Stewart 9215 WHu.Matthews 9216 Lawrence Johnson 9217 Stephen McKay 9218 VOID 9219 Barbour Mtr. Exp. 9220 F.G.Matthews 9221 Mack, McKay 9222 H.S.Freeman 9223 Iva Johnson 9224 First- Citz.Bank 9225 Carolina Tel.& Tel. 0. 9226 W..Baldwin 9227 I.R.Williams 9228 W.D.Harrington 9229 Nellie Stewart 9230 Bartle Wicker July salary, etc. drugs for jail mdse. mdse. printing coroner mdse. mdse. stamps, etc. "service service supplies supplies digging well at county home work at county home cooking at county home lumber care -of Ruby West, etcaal water for courthouse supplies for jail pencils advertising brick -for agri. bldg. supplies drugs for county home mdse. for county home payment on talary July salary payment on salary' balance July salary July salary July salary July salary work at county home care of Wm Cobb, pauper salary salary travel allowance supplies for county home premium member Pension board member Pension Board sewing at county home hearse work on agri. bldg. work on agri. bldg. work on agri. bldg. work on agri. bldg. work on agri. bldg. repairing work at county farm work on agri. bldg. work on agri. bldg. part payment on July salary part payment on July salary part payment on July salary part payment on July salary service charge service charge postage attorney fee land sale part payment on July salary July salary July salary material for agri. bldg. supplies for Health Dept. work on agri. bldg. work on agri. bldg. work on agri. bldg. work on agri. bldg. work on agri. bldg. work on agri. bldg. express payment on sand janitor on salary stenographic work feed for county home service for countjs home relief orders payment on salary relief orders work on tax books work Bounty home 347,45 2.25 13.95. 7.09 22.50 117.25 4.82 115.09 13.45 60.16 46.60 34.40 88.06 13.50 23.25 20.00 3.50 82.88 14.65 17.60 1:00 24.00 308.00 106.82 17.96 13.38 381.25 268.33 50.00 51.25 412.50 126.50 93.75 2.50 -10.00 50.00 100,00 25.00 21.03 122.63 3,00 3.00 27.00 8.50 14.40 12.80 20.00 20.00 24.00 6.00 1.50 1.50 75.00 30.00 75.00 50.00 4.00 4.00 3.00. 175.00 50.00 50.00 120.00 375.19 5.83 24.00 20.00 12.80 16.65 20.00 1.00 .1.45 65.00 17.50 75.00 120.00 43.10 1.90 36.00 25.00 3.50 10.50 1.75 395 9231 Marvin Kelly 9232 M.A.Turlington 9233 Lawrence Johnson 9234 Johnine Stewart 9235 W.H.Matthewa 9236 Aron Lassiter 9237 A.B.Morgan 9238 .Luncy McLean 9239 Charlie Boyette 9240 Clara Wadsworth 9241 Margaret Russell 9242 Lala Byrd 9243 Geo.T.Noel 9244 Id Massey & A.J.Gregory 9245 Flora Green Johnson 9246 Cornelia McLaughlin 9247 Elizabeth Kelly 9248 Genevieve Warren 9249 VOID 9250 Lida Rena 9251 Mae Stephens 9252 K.W.Ballentine 9253 I.R.Williams 9254 I.R.Williams 9255 Marvin Kelly 9256 Johnnie Stewart 9257 W.H.Matthews 9258 Lawrence Johnson 9259 R.P.Jakeman 9260 J.F,.Coggins, agt. 9261 W.D.Reynolds 9262 First Citizens Bank work on agri. bldg. work on agri. bldg. work on agri. bldg. work on agri. bldg. work on agri. bldg. work on agri. bldg. work on agri. bldg. work on agri. bldg. work on agri. bldg. work on Max books work on tax books work on tax books county commissioner refund on 1933 taxes work on tax books work on tax books balance July salary balance July salary 4.80 4.00 20.00 16.00 17.55 7.12 17.62 3.00 10.50 63.05 93.60 24.00 29.00 10.89 32.40 32.40 75.00 30.00 balance July salary 50.00 balance July salary 50.00 Balance July salary 18.50 attorney's fees 100.00 on stenpgrapher's fees 100.00 work on bldg.agrc. 9.60 work on agri. bldg. 14.40 work on agri. bldg. 12.60 work on agri. bldg -. 12.75 work on agri. bldg. 8.00 freight 10.52 August salary 25.00 loom for sewing room 35.00 September 7, 1936 The Board of County Commissioners met September 7, 1936 with Chairman J.B.Ennis; E.L.Cooke; J.S.Barker; Geo.T.Noel; A.A.Cameron, also I.R.Williams, County Attorney, present. It is ordered that the following beer licenses be granted: J.B.Hendley, Lillington, N.C.; L.R.Williams, Averasboro Township; and R.A.Bass, Averasboro Township. It is ordered that $10.00 be appropriated to Miss Lillie Davis for M.V.Lanier, of Buckhorn Township. It is ordered that the following committee be appointed to investigate the valuation of house of L.C.Upchurch, in Neills Creek Township: J.B.Ennis, and J.S.McLean. It is ordered that 36500.00 be transferred from Special Emergency Relief Fund to General County Fund to take care of expenditures for relief, agricultural building, eto. It is ordered that the lot in Averasboro Township, listed by R.W.Kinlaw and located on East Broad Street be reduced to the value of 3400.00 for the years 1934, 1935 and 1936. It is now valued at 31100.00 leas 25%. The Board having found as a fact that no valuation had been made of this lot after the Town of Dunn had appropriated a part of the lot for a street. The following committee was appointed to confer with the State W.P.A. officers in regard to completion. of Agricultural Building, with authority to allow 3475.00 additional appropriation for materials for completion of grounds: I.R.Williams, J.S.Barker and J.S.McLean. It is ordered that the budget for Capital Outlay be amended to read 3121,602.83 instead of 3118,877.83. It is ordered that the County co- operate with the Town of Dunn in building an Armory if same should be legal. It is ordered that report of W.D.Harrington, Tax Collector, be accepted and filed. Mrs. T.R.Brown, Supt. of County Home, is ordered not to allow any inmate or prisoner of the County Home, to leave the premises of said County Home without the permission of the Supt+. of Public Welfare or the Chairman of the. Board of Commissioners. It is also.ordered that if any inmate leave without permission, he shall be required to.apply to the Chairman of the Board and.Supt. of Public Welfare for re- admittance. The County is not to be liable for any act of persons leaving without permission. 395 9231 Marvin Kelly 9232 M.A.Turlington 9233 Lawrence Johnson 9234 Johnine Stewart 9235 W.H.Matthewa 9236 Aron Lassiter 9237 A.B.Morgan 9238 .Luncy McLean 9239 Charlie Boyette 9240 Clara Wadsworth 9241 Margaret Russell 9242 Lala Byrd 9243 Geo.T.Noel 9244 Id Massey & A.J.Gregory 9245 Flora Green Johnson 9246 Cornelia McLaughlin 9247 Elizabeth Kelly 9248 Genevieve Warren 9249 VOID 9250 Lida Rena 9251 Mae Stephens 9252 K.W.Ballentine 9253 I.R.Williams 9254 I.R.Williams 9255 Marvin Kelly 9256 Johnnie Stewart 9257 W.H.Matthews 9258 Lawrence Johnson 9259 R.P.Jakeman 9260 J.F,.Coggins, agt. 9261 W.D.Reynolds 9262 First Citizens Bank work on agri. bldg. work on agri. bldg. work on agri. bldg. work on agri. bldg. work on agri. bldg. work on agri. bldg. work on agri. bldg. work on agri. bldg. work on agri. bldg. work on Max books work on tax books work on tax books county commissioner refund on 1933 taxes work on tax books work on tax books balance July salary balance July salary 4.80 4.00 20.00 16.00 17.55 7.12 17.62 3.00 10.50 63.05 93.60 24.00 29.00 10.89 32.40 32.40 75.00 30.00 balance July salary 50.00 balance July salary 50.00 Balance July salary 18.50 attorney's fees 100.00 on stenpgrapher's fees 100.00 work on bldg.agrc. 9.60 work on agri. bldg. 14.40 work on agri. bldg. 12.60 work on agri. bldg -. 12.75 work on agri. bldg. 8.00 freight 10.52 August salary 25.00 loom for sewing room 35.00 September 7, 1936 The Board of County Commissioners met September 7, 1936 with Chairman J.B.Ennis; E.L.Cooke; J.S.Barker; Geo.T.Noel; A.A.Cameron, also I.R.Williams, County Attorney, present. It is ordered that the following beer licenses be granted: J.B.Hendley, Lillington, N.C.; L.R.Williams, Averasboro Township; and R.A.Bass, Averasboro Township. It is ordered that $10.00 be appropriated to Miss Lillie Davis for M.V.Lanier, of Buckhorn Township. It is ordered that the following committee be appointed to investigate the valuation of house of L.C.Upchurch, in Neills Creek Township: J.B.Ennis, and J.S.McLean. It is ordered that 36500.00 be transferred from Special Emergency Relief Fund to General County Fund to take care of expenditures for relief, agricultural building, eto. It is ordered that the lot in Averasboro Township, listed by R.W.Kinlaw and located on East Broad Street be reduced to the value of 3400.00 for the years 1934, 1935 and 1936. It is now valued at 31100.00 leas 25%. The Board having found as a fact that no valuation had been made of this lot after the Town of Dunn had appropriated a part of the lot for a street. The following committee was appointed to confer with the State W.P.A. officers in regard to completion. of Agricultural Building, with authority to allow 3475.00 additional appropriation for materials for completion of grounds: I.R.Williams, J.S.Barker and J.S.McLean. It is ordered that the budget for Capital Outlay be amended to read 3121,602.83 instead of 3118,877.83. It is ordered that the County co- operate with the Town of Dunn in building an Armory if same should be legal. It is ordered that report of W.D.Harrington, Tax Collector, be accepted and filed. Mrs. T.R.Brown, Supt. of County Home, is ordered not to allow any inmate or prisoner of the County Home, to leave the premises of said County Home without the permission of the Supt+. of Public Welfare or the Chairman of the. Board of Commissioners. It is also.ordered that if any inmate leave without permission, he shall be required to.apply to the Chairman of the Board and.Supt. of Public Welfare for re- admittance. The County is not to be liable for any act of persons leaving without permission.