05041936373 May 4, 1936.. The Board of Commissioners met in regular session with the following members present: Chairman d.B.Ennis, Geo.T.Noel, A.A.Cemeron, J.S.Barker and E.L.Cooke. Also I.R.Williams, County Attorney, was present. It is ordered that a tentative appropriation of $600.00 be included in the 1936 -37 budget for a full time Home Demonstration Agent and Assistant a. County Agent. It is ordered that receive $4.00 per month pauper allowance temporarily. It is ordered that C.H.Reardon, living in Washington, D.C., be released from poll tax for 1935, his father stating that he was not a resident here last year. It is ordered that D.G.Darroch, disabled World War veteran, be relieved of poll tax for 1935. It is ordered that Geo.T.Noel and J.S.Mctean, Auditor, be appointed to investigate value of property of W.R.Howard and wife, in Dunn, N.C. It is ordered that Deputy Sheriff Claude Avery be allowed $40.00 for a new uniform, for policing highway in Erwin for school children. It is ordered that Romey Price, disabled World War veteran of Black River, be exempted from poll tax for 1936. It is ordered that report of Tax Collector be accepted and filed. It is ordered that report of Dr. A.W.Peede, County Health Officer, be accpted and filed. It is ordered that an appropriation of $200.00 be made for cost of an operation for Paul Wood at Duke Hospital. It is ordered that C.H.Jernigan of Dunn, N.C. be granted license to operate a pool r000m outside the corporate limits of Dunn. It is ordered that C.A.Todd,.blind man of Lillington, be granted privilege of operating a news stand without tax. It is ordered that the following licenses be granted to sell beer: 8.0.& W.E.Bethune, Bunnlevel; Leroy Taylor, Lillington; J.F.Motley, Hectors Creek; and B.B.Upchuroh, Neills Creek, The request of J.N.Creel, Jr. of Dunn for release from the bond of Constable J.W.Moirtan was refused for the reason that the Board could not . legally effect the release. It is ordered that Chairman Ennis, Commissioner Noel, Miss Lillie Davis and Auditor McLean, be named as a committee from the board to go to Raleigh and investigate the possibilities for securing benefits f©r:.Harnett County through the Public Health provisions of the National Security Aet. It is ordered that the report of t(egister of Deeds be accepted and filed, and that check in the amount of $ 698.55 be turned over to the County Auditor for distribution. It is ordered that the Tax Collector colleet� the "Schedule B" License tax from all automobile dealers this month without penalty, and also to notify the dealers that in the future all dealers must pay at the due date or pay the penalty. It is ordered years 1934, 1935 account of error to 42* acres. that Mrs. R.M.Smith be released $225.00 valuation for the and 1936 on 54 acres of land in Averasboro Township, on in listing. The Auditor is ordered to correct listing A request for $200.00 per month for County Library was made by a Committee from the County Parent- Teacher Association. A tentative allowance of $150.00 per month was allowed for 1936 -37, if funds are available. It is ordered that Typhoid Vaccination Campaign be put on not later than June 15th. 1936. valuation of It is ordered that /property on Orange Avenue and Cumberland Street in the town of Dunn, owned by Mrs. M.M.Driver, be reduced $250.00. 374 The County Auditor is hereby ordered and directed to release for the years 1930 to 1935 the taxes on that certain lot on W. Divine Street, Dunn, N.C. 90 K 150, known as the residence of Micheal Williams and listed by him for the year 1930 to 1935, inclusive, and now owned by the Womans' Club of Dunn. This; ^order is made• in lieu of order passed March 23, 1936 appropriating $390.00 for the use of Womans' Club. It is ordered that R.B.Johnson be granted license to operate pool room in Chalybeate "Springs. It is ordered that the School Code 614 - Office Expenses 618 Audit 618 -2 Attorney fees 532 Fuel Increase collections 643 Repairs, heat light & plbg. (Transfer $650. from Bodes and 642 651 - Rents 652 - Insurance 624 - Instructional Supplies - increase by amount of collections - Trades and Industries - Increase amount of collections 631 - Janitors' Sal — Extra Dunn and M.Stuart 664 - Health- Examination of pupils 681 -1 Sites Total additions Budget be amended as follows: V14.35 6.00 325.00 by amount of 6411 626 - `the following C.L.Wilkins C.G.Norris R.G.Baker Ira B.Lee H.O.gustin M.C.Stewart M.W.Brock D.J.Bishop R.O.McLeod G.A.Denson W. L. Lee J.D.Mills jurors were drawn Lillington Duke Buckhorn Averasboro Buckhorn ;trove Stewarts Ck. U.L.River Grove Buckhorn Buckhorn Black River Jurors for second W.C.Kanoy T.C.Wilburn C.A.Dickens A.H. St ewart L.D.Ennis D.A.Cutts L.C.McDonald J.W.Holt D.E.Cameron C.D.McDonald P.V.Ennis R.P.Thornton It is now orde week June Term: Averasboro - Hectors Creek U.L.River U.L.River Averasboro Neills Creek Barbecue Buekhorn Johnsonville Averasboro Neills Creek Averasboro for 20.00 800.00 by 5.0.00 55,00 15.00. $ 1,385.33 service during first week June Term: C.E.Butts 0.R.Gregory J.Fred Hockaday L.M.Hall R.B.Pope T.F.Smith 1.D.Penny M.M.Whittington. V.E.Williams E.L.Thomas C.B.Tohnson N.A.Gregory W.A.Gregory- G.R.Wells R.D.Ennis - S.W.Turlington A.C.MoDonald Joe A.Johnson D.N.Phillips C.S.Loving J.A.Gilbert L.B.Smth Tames Brown Pat Lynch ed that the Board adjourn sine die. Clerk. Black River Neills Creek Black River Duke Averasboro Neills Creek, Hectors Creek Averasboro Averasboro U.L.River Duke Black River, Grove Hectors Creek Grove Averasboro Duke Neills Creek Buckhorn Lillington Buckhorn Hectors Creek U.L.River Averasboro C/ Chairman. 375 Checks issued during the month of May, 1936: 8504 R.P.Jakeman work on agri. bldg. 40.00 8505 T.J.Matthews work on agri. bldg. 16900 8506 VOID 8507 Sam Atkins & W.D.iiarrington work on agri. bldg. 2.33 8508 Sam Atkins work on agri. bldg. 23.27 8509 W.B.Turlington & W.D.Harrington,work on agri. bldg. 8.88 8510 W.B.Turlington work on agri. bldg. 6.12 8511 J.E.Horton & W.D.Harrington, work on agri. bldg. 6.49 8512 J.E.Horton work on agri. bldg. 8.51 8513 W.H.Matthews work on agri. bldg. 18.00 8514 J.F.Wicker work on agri. bldg. 10.00 8515 A.V.Brown work on agri. bldg. 7.20 8516 H.C.Striokland April salary 93.75 8517 Miss Lillis Davis April salary 165.00 8518 I.H.Lutterloh relif order 10.00 8519 W.D.Phillips relief order 3.00 8520 G.K.Granthaa, Jr. relief order 15.51. 8521 W.E.Norris relief order 9.72 8522 Atkins Bros. relief order 12.00 8523 Pates Homond Store relief order 13.00 8524 M.E.Ennis relief order 4.00 8525 Union Store No. 2243 relief order 7.00 8526 C & P Cash Store relief order 5.00 8527 Coats Drug Co. relief order 3.50 8528 Pender Store No. 112 relief order 14.00 8529 J.A.Holmes relief order 15.00 8530 E.R.Thomas Drug Co. relief order 2.47 8531 Geo.L.Fuquay relief order 1.00 8552 W.M.Crawford & Son relief order 2.00 8533 C.L.Corbett relief order 2.00 8534 Lafayette Drug Co. relief order 10.65 8535 Broughton Bros. relief order 3.00 8536 Holmes Grocery relief order 11.00 8537 W.T.Spenoe relief order 4.00 8538 W.C.Bethune relief order 6.83 8539 Johnson & Brayn Co. relief order 9.50 8540 A.T.Wyatt relief order 1.50 8541 Melvin Lee relief order 2.00 8542 M.D.Lanier postal cards 15.00 8543 I.R.Williams - on salary 25.00 8544 H.S.Freeman balance April salary 75.00 8645 W.F.Nipper 'ilk for jail 7.37 8546 Zack McDougald ditching 31.55 8547 J.0.Anthony - April salary 100.00 8548 W.D.Reynolds travel allowance 25.00 8549 Tiny McAllister April salary 35.00 8520 Inez Harrington April salary 268.33 8551 L.M.Chaffin April salary 412.50 8552 L.M.Chaffin stamps 10.95 8553 N.C.Dept.$f Con.& Devlp. April fire fighting 26.06 8554 Carrie Speight court reporting 94.60 2155 Johnson & Bryan Co. supplies 100.38 8556 Harnett County News printing 96.45 8557 Town of Lillington water bill 15.95 8558 Harnett Edwe. House supplies 110.22 8559 C.Y. & L. Co. service 59.67 8560 Mdoern Steam Laundry service 47.91 8561 Cape Fear Drug Co. drugs 10.44 8562 Dillon Supply Co. parts for pump .70 8563 Job P.Wyatt & Sons seed 4.40 8564 J.G.Layton mdse. 23.69 8565 F.H.Taylor payment on salary 100.00 8566 F.H.Taylor balanoe on salary 26.50 8567 Mrs. T.R.Brown payment on salary 50.00 8568 Mrs.T.R.Brown balance salary 51.25 8569 Gertrude &lie cooking at county home 20.00 8570 J.Q.Thomason insurance premium 11.00 8571 Lafayette Drug Co. drugs 29.60 8572 N.C.Young work at county home 22.50 8573 McKinney's Store supplies 12.79 8574 Womble & Co. supplies 7.10 8575 McLean & O'Quinn supplies 18.25 8576 D.K.Stewart deputy sheriff 12.50 8597 Z.W.Holt deputy sheriff 5.00 8578 L.M.Chaffin clerk's fees 139.10 8579 J.N.Smith deputy sheriff 9.48 8520 K.C.Matthews deputy sheriff 6.32 8581 K.C.Matthews jailer 103.05 8582 W.E.falmon, sheriff salary 334.31 8583 A.J.Harrington work at county home 10.20 8584 Dr. A.T.Wyatt service to deputy sheriff 10.00 376 8585 Cole Printing Co. 8586 W.D.Harrington 8587 J.S.McLean 8588' Howard Bobbitt Co. 8589 C.H.Thornton 8590 Sanford Dist Co. 8591 Moore County Casket Co. 8592 W.H.Matthews 8593 M.A.Turlington 8594 Marvin Kelly 8595 Ben Burnett 8596 Sam Atkins 8597 H.P.Jakeman 8598 Johnson &. Bryan Co. 8599 J'.F;Coggins agt. 8600 E.M.Blanchard 8601 D.R.Lee, .Jr. 8602 Stewart McDonald 8603 Underwood Type. Co.' 8604 Caroline; Tel.& Tel.Co, 8605 E.L.Jones 8606 W.D.Harrington 8607 A.W.Bizzell 8608 I.R.Williams 8609 E.B.Matthews 8610 Sam Atkins 8611 Ben Burnett 8612 W.H.Matthews 8613 M.A.Turlington 8614 Marvin Kelley 8615 n.S.Freeman 8616 M.1J.Lanier, P.M. 8617 C.H.Avery 8618 Fred Daggett 8619 C.C.McDonald 8620 W.H.Prince 8621 L.D.Forbes 8622 Perry L.Godwin 8623 Farmers Cotton Oil Co. 8624 Marvin Kelly 8625 M.A.Turlington 8626 W.H.Matthews 8627 Sam Atkins 8628 R.P.Jakeman 8629. R.Garrett 8630 J.B.Ennis 8631 R.W.Simpson 8632 W.D.Harrington 8633 H.T.Faucette 8634 First - Citizens Bank 8635 VOID 8636 J.R.Hoodsl! 8657 W.E.Baldwin 8638 W.H.Matthews 8659 R.P.Takeman 8640 Sam Atkins 8641 M.A.Turlington 8642 Marvin Kelly 8643 J.G.Layton supplies on salary April salary supplies ease worker supplies caskets work on agri. Work on agri. work on agri. work on agri. work on agri. work on agri. relief -order express list taker Buekhorn supplies' for county home work at county home rent service baby chicks for county home reimbursement jury tickets surveying - On salary care of WM.Cobb work on agri. bldg. work on agri. bldg. work on agri. bldg. worm on agri. bldg, work on agri. bldg. on May salary postal cards deputy sheriff payment on tax listing Ave.fwp. ordered by Judge Sinclair ordered by Judge Sinclair ordered by Judge Sinclair ordered by Judge Sinclair fertilizer for county home and farm work on agri, bldg. work on agri. bldg. work on agri. bldg. work on agri. bldg. work on agri. bldg. work on agri, bldg. county commissioner work on safe reimbursement -of -jury tickets advance on list taker salary bill of lading for feed attorney fees outside poor work on agri. bldg. work -on agri, bldg. work on agriTi bldg. work on agri4 bldg, work on agri. bldg. rent seed loan office bldg. bldg, bldg. bldg, bldg. bldg. 1.60 381.25 175,00 103.61 24.00 25.55 32.00 10,80 18.00 20.00 24.00 32.00 40.00 7.50 4.13 20,00 6.50 3.00 2.93 61.10 8.00 153,84 10.00 50.00 10 .00 4.80 3.60 18.00 18.00 20.00 75.00 15.00 40.00 100,00 2.70 2.55 2.25 2.60 239.12 20.00 18.00 18.00 31.60 40.00 16.00 150.00 3.00 303,86 5.00 30.60 25,00 48.00 18.00 32.00 32.00 18.04 20.00 10.80 _cam.