05061935282 The Board of Jounty dommiasioners met in regular session with'the following members present; J.B. mule, Qhairman, J.S. Barker, coke, GPO. P. Noel and A.A. Cameron. I.R. Williams, County Attorney, also present. it is ordered that Mr. H.L.Steele, Miss Lillie Davis, Mr. B.P. Gentry and Mr..I.R. Williams be requested to sot as a d'eommittee in assisting the board of @ounty doom- missioners in securing uovernment aid and work projects for Harnett Bounty. It is ordered that petition for road in Barbecue Township from V. Moi.Cameron's place to Vance Cameron's place on the Lillington -Swann Station road be approved and forwarded to the State Highway and Public Works lommission for consideration. • It is ordered that petition for road.in upper Little River Township leading from Lewis Mason's place to the NOrthington Road be approved and forwarded to the State Highway and Public Works Vommission for consideration. It is ordered that petition for_ road in Upper Little kiver Township leading from Archie Morrison's place to a point near Alex Morrison's home be approved and turned over to the State Highway and Public Works @ommission for.00nsiderstion. Resolved -that the Court costa for 1931 suit VS J.R. Young on 445 acres in Stewarts Greek Township be remitted as 1929 suit yes wanting when 1931 suit was started and that 1928, 1929, 1930, 1931, 1932, 1933 and 1934 taxes be settled for the sum of 4537.54. The C`,wohmittee composed of Sommissioners Noel and d800ke and Assistant Auditor, H.S. Freeman, having reported on the valuation of the J.J. Lane stable building, and the i ommissioners having found as a fact that no valuation was made of this prom perty in 1931, it is ordered that the, said property be valued for the years 1931, 1933 and 1934 at a valuation of $4500.00.(3ee Resolution below) RESOLUTION: WHEREAS, upon a thorough investigation by the Board of `"ommissioners of Harnett County, it appears that the property lovEted in the Tow of Nunn, N rth Carolina, listed in the name of J.J. Lane and known as the ''Livery Stables Property" bears end has borne for the year 1932, 1933 and 1934 a larger valuation.than istequitable and fair and the owner of the said property has petitioned this Board for an equitable adjustment of the taxes thereon; And whereas, this Board finds as a fact that the property was inequitably listed for the years 1932, 1933 and 1934, and desires to correct such inequality; THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of county gommissioners in regular ses- sion assembled on Monday, May 6th. 1935; 1. That the property in the Town of kunn known as the J.J. Lane livery stables lot had a fair and equitable tax value for the years 1932, 1933 and 1934 of 44500.0E sad 2. That the Auditor of Harnett County is hereby authorized and directed to compute the taxes against the said property for the year 1932, 1933 and 1934 upon a tax valuation for said years of 54500.00 and upon the payment of the said taxes as so computed to issue and deliver to the owner thereof, or to the person paying said taxes, full receipts therefor for said years; and, 3. That the said property be listed for the year 1935.at a taxable value of 44500.00. It is ordered that H.L.Thpmas (colored) Upper Little giver Township, be allowed the sum of 416.93 paid by him on Oct. 7, 1933 through error on Receipt j1257,1932 taxes, James Thomas (col.) Upper Little Wiver Township, and that d*ounty Attorney institute suit for taxes due by James Thome (colored) for 1932 taxes in Upper Little liver Township within ten days. Receipt 1 12,47 delivered to County Attorney. WHEREAS, the Judge and Solicitor, pursuant to request of Board of Sommissioners ap- peared before the Board and reported that they had. tried 2.0 eases from Wilke Town- ship since iiuke Township was transferred from the jurisdiction of the Recorders Court of Worm, it 10 therefore ordered that the sa;ary of the Judge and the Solioito be increased an additional ten per cent. It appearing to the Board that there is no 0onstable in Buekhorn Township and a large number of citizens of that community having petitioned the Board for the - appointment of such an officer it is ordered that Otho Mangum be and he is hereby appointed dionstable for Buokborn Township for the term ending the 1st, Monday in Deoember,1936, and that his bond be fixed at the sum of (1000.00. It appearing to the Board that an error was made in the listing of the stock of goods listed in the name of Geo.'IL Prince and. Son in AVerasboro'Township, it is now ordered that the valuation of said stook of goods be fixed at 46600.00 for the year 1934. Mr. E.F. Young appeared before the Board and requested to list 150 acres of lend in Lillington Township for the year 1935 and fix a valuation on same. This property 283 being a part of what Ha known as ths 'Grovel Pit Property'? and recqently subdivted it is ordered that Mr. Cameron, Yr. Barker and Mr. Mebean,'County Auditor., sot as a Committee to investigate ths property of Mr. Young and others and report to the Board. It is ordered that Commissioners Cooke and Noel and Auditor McLean be requested to sot as a Committee in.investigsting the valuation of the Carolina Telephone and Telegraph Company in Munn, N.C. It is ordered that Nathan Cannsdy be refunded 46.71, being an .mount of tax collected through error. RESOLUTION: THAT WHEREAS the ono -half interest in lase Caapbbil or Seas Malay 160 sores of land in Upper Little liver Township, Harnett Goanty, has been divided end Lot No1.l thereof of 80 sores allotted in 3.P. 8424 recorded in isook 860, page 100 to heirs of May Heatherly; and whereas the said land of the said heirs of May leotherly has bein listed as 50 sores; and whereas the Goanty texas en said pro- perty appear unpaid for the years 1987 to 1934, inclusive; and 'bores. ths County of Harnett has deed to said land for non payment of souaty tsZes end ,y whereas the said Carrie B. Horsy, Guardian of said may Weatherl heirs desires to pay the texas and redeem said land; and whereas it is desirable and for the interest of the County to adjust ±and settle the acid taxes upon ths payment of the cum of 116.00: NOW TUMORS be it Resolved, that the said 80 sores be released and dis- charged and ell taxes thereon be adjusted and settled and compromised, together with interest, oasts and penalties, for the years 1934 sad all prior years amen the pe sent of the following amounts for ths Terpeetive years. to +wit: 1987. 7.41: 1928, 460.94: 1919, 488.64: 1920, $19.00; 1951. $16.26; 1932,416.01 1922, 10.38; $1934, $8.74. all on or before June 1st. 1936. Thep upon payout of the aforesaid amounts. the Musty laditor end County Attorney ars hereby authorised and directed to mark paid end satisfied and adjusts all tax reoeipte and to* male oertifieatss sad easel all deeds, judgment against sold lands and noasuit all snits pending against said land; and surrender said 'vidaneee of said taxes to person paring said taxes/ And that upon payment af the said sums the said lands ere relieved of all unpaid aaasty taxes. This May 9th. 1. Approve!: J.S.MOLean, ditor Approved: I.R.Willisma,Qounty Atty. It is ordered and sell beer It is ordered tiled. Board of County commissioners of Harnett County. By J.B. Canis, Chairman that Charlie aorten, Lillington, R.C. be allowed to rushes* license in Lilliagton Township. that report of Geo. L. Cannady, Tax gollsetor, be asoepted and It is ordered that report of kr. A.W. Puede, County Health Officer, be accepted and ordered filed. RESOLUTION: RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners of Harnett County reoospnd to he State nighmey and Public Corks Commission that the State Highway end Public •arks Commission do take over and maintain se pert of the State B phasy System the sled whioh leads mast from the farm of ladle Annie, arousing the lint of Johnston and Harnett Counties to that farm known as the Jos. Bodges plans, being nibout t of a milt in length. It is ordered that ohesk of L.M. Chaffin in the sum of 4669.06 an fees from the office of clerk of Court for the month of April be accepted and turned over to the *panty Auditor for deposit. It is ordered that 420.00 be appropriated to the ,astern Corollas sksmber of Commerce to hellp tetrsy expenses incurred in seeking valuable Legislation for tester* Carolina. tt is ordered that the valuation of that pertain lot looted in the name of kook Tart is ths Teel of limn be fixed at $800.00. It is ordered that report of main Harrington. Register of Deeds, be sooeptsd end filed and ohesk in the sus of 4441.06 be turned over to the county Auditor for deposit. it is ordered that Levi moNeill be hired out to T.E. Reardon fax a period of six months beginning May 16th. 193b for the sum of $10.00 per moats payable in sevoase. 284 ing jar drewn uperiar FIRST 2 B.Z. Holder 4 Henry Black 6 Willie' Pete 8 J.W.De.nning 10 R.M. Heyes 13 M.T. Johnson 14 R.G. Butler 16 W.A. Graham 18 News Tart 20 2,P.Atome 31 W.E, Butts 24 R.A. Roman 1 John W. 4oleman 3 J.W.t'ells 5 A.B. Naylor 7 1.N. Woodruff 9 J.R,Ennis 11 Chas. B. Mstthe' 13 H.D.Stepheneon 15 F.H. Taylor,Jr. 17C.E. tbereethy 19 z.v•Snipes 21 ©ris Brown 23 R,P. M40oneld B Roger Mabry 3 E.W. Hugelett 5 t.J. Smith 7 J.A. Flowers 9 Herman Neighbors 11 Mack Bleak 13 Arthur Jackson 15 G.C.Denton 17 Daniel McCormick 19 S.C,Stenley 2.1 J.W. Tutor 23 P.D. Hemmingsay Creek # River verasboro ake aka 1$. Cre Bockhorn Lillington Bockhorn Lveresboro U,.River Woke B, kiver Lvetaeboro Bleck River B. Elver dversaboro Averasboro Bockhorn N. Creek A. Creek B. River Buakhorn Averasboro SECOND WEEK 2 W.F. Mart 4 R.C.Catee 6 J.d.Hawley 8 J.B. Berms 10 J.C. Thomson 12 W.L. 'hittington 14 J.B. Ivey 16 J.F.Sherman 18 J. Edward Lee 20 H.N. Thomas 22 Raymond Ivey 24 W.E. Mason Ws- IS dim UU.L.River take t. diver Grove N, Creek Barbecue Johnsonville Lvereaboro A. Creek R. Creek dversaboro Bockhorn !Like U.L.River N. Creek Lillington H. Creek Grove H. Creek Averasboro U.L.River Srverasboro Bockhorn It is ordered that a plot of land 75 feet by 75 feet on the North, East corner or part of the Court House Block be designated as a site for the erection of a Community House to be used by the citizens of Harnett County. This building to be under the supervision of a Bisector or Director's appointed by the Board of County Commissioner's. It is ordered that the ar4 do now adjourn. CHAIRMAN. 6 k .285 The following checks were ordered issued during April, 1935. 6897 Dan dicker 6898 Dr.A.W.Peede 6899 N.R.Anderson 6900 Miss Eloise Parker 6901 C.T.Thomas 6902 D.L.Campbell 6903 C.E.Sorrell 6904 E.S.Matthews 6905 Charles Ross 6906 Geo. L.Cannaday 6907 Marie Cullom 6908 J.S.McLean 6909 L.M.Chaffin, C.S.C. 6910 Edwin Herrington 6911 Geo.E.Prince & Son 6912 D.A.Blalock 6913 Dr. v.C.Melvin 6914 Atkins Bros. 6915 N.A,Cameron 6916 C.H.Bethune 6917 Joel Ennis 6918 J.A.Ragland 6919 L.R.Sauls 6920 F.Y.Griffis 6921 Nye Drug Oo. 6922 W.W.Allen & Son 6923 R.C.Cates 6924 Butler & Lee Drug 6925 Progressive Store 6926 Ned McLeod 6927 J.R.Cannaday 6928 D.Pender Gro. 6929 Garner & Lee 6930 McLeod's Groc. 6931 A.& P.Tea Co. 6932 R.T.Spence 6933 Union Store 12242 6934 Pates' Homoned Store 6935 M.R.Morgan 6936 M.C.Stewart 6967 R.G.B.Shaw 6938 A.E.Garner 6939 Roycroft Drug Co. 6940 Fitchett Drug Co. 6941 J.Leon Godwin 6942 Howard M.Lee 6943 Ny. Drug Co. 6944 W.C.Marshburn 6945 Johnson & Bryan Co. 6946 Lillinglon Frun.Co. 6947 N.C.Sanitorium 6948 Alfred Wms. & Co.B 8949 Modern Steam Ldy 8950 Lynette Wilder 6951 Geo.L.Cannaday 6952 J.G.Layton 6953 J.M.McLean 6954 Ila Lee 6955 E.B.Cameron 6956 L.M.Chaffin, C.S.C. 6957 Rex Hospital 6958 H.A.Wells 6959 D.K.Stewart 6960 K.B.Matthews 6961 J.W.Holt 6982 Lillington Stone Co. 6963 4.E.Salmon 6964 K.C.Matthews 6965 L.M.Chaffin, C.S.C. 6966 Sanford Dist.Co. 6967 Mrs. Bob Lanier 6968 H.S.Freeman 6969 Z.O.Parker, agt. 6970 J.O.Anthony 6971 VOID 6972 Howard- Bobbitt Co. 6973 Tiny McAllister 6974 W.R.Cranford 6975 Geo.T.Noei 6976 John S.Barkaz Wood for county home Feb. salary health officer wood for courthouse and jail postage for auditor's office wood for county home and jail work at county home work at county hone care of Wm.Cobb attorney fees payment on salary Tax- Collector work for Auditor (1931 Tax suits) payment on salary Auditor March salary, postage, etc salary Reg. of Deeds, etc relief orders relief orders relief orders relief orders relief orders relief orders relief orders relief orders relief orders relief orders relief orders relief orders relief orders relief orders relief orders relief orders relief orders relief orders relief orders relief orders relief orders relief orders relief orders relief orders wood for courthouse and jail relief orders relief orders relief orders relief orders relief order relief order relief orders drugs for county home and jail-March relief- orders relies orders mdse. for count home care of tubercular patients supplies forsuditor service for county home and jail work on tax books • advancement supplies for jail and county home coroner service work on tax books lumber for county recorders court cost for March 1935 care of Mrs. Henrietta Matthews capturing still Anderson Creek capturing still Anderson Creek deputy sheriff deputy sheriff washed gravel for county home Sheriff salary etc. for March jailor witness fees supplies for county jail Reg. of Deeds clerk -March March salary Asst. auditor telegram to Chicago slary county agent supplies for county home and jail jaiitor courthouse wink wood for courthouse county commissioner county commissioner 10.12 50.00 57.15 2.33 61.50 26.55 17.50 10.00 100.00 375.00 1.00 150.00 388.50 283.66 1.00 4.00 2.00 15.00 9.50 9.00 15.50 2.00 3.00 3.00 .95 6.00 3.00 4.30 36.00 2.50 3.00 4.00 2.50 3.00 8.00 11.00 24.00 7.00 3.00 4.08 7.00 4.00 2.80 1.00 5.00 5.50 7.29 3.00 25.00 107.00 368.78 121.95 31.75 13.50 3.60 30.88 5.00 11.40 7.20 51.73 46.00 5.00 10.00 42.16 15.00 24.00 425.50 81.80 8.22 21.68 60.00 140.00 .97 83.34 73.68 30.00 101.25 29.00 20.40 286 6977 C.E.Sorrell 6978 Bob Parker 6979 D.L.Campbell 6980 J.S.McLean- 6981 Phelps Tin Shop 6982 Tim McCoy, agt. 6983 Lydia Walls 6984 Observer Ptg. Co.. 6985 F.H.Taylor 6986 Art Metal Co. 6987 Jamestown Metal Co. 6988 Edwards & Brtg.Go. 6989 Edwards & Brtg.Co. 6990 Miss Carrie Speight 6991 E.B.Cameron 6992 Rickman Brick Co. 6993 Frank Hockaday 6994 Capital Ptg. Co. 6995 Pine No -Ca Ghem..Co. 6996 Apex Chemical Co. 6997 VOID 6998 Commercial Ptg. Co. 6999 Jos J.Stone & Co. 7000 Storr Eng. Co. 7001 E.B.Cameron 7002 Howell L.Smith Co. 7003 Carolina P.& Lj ;CO. 7004 Atkins Bros. 7005 Burkhead- Devane Co. 7006 Town of Liliington 7007 Lafayette Drug Co. 7008 Farmers Supply Store 7009 L- .M.Chaffin 7010 Womble Co. 7011 McLean & O'Quinn 7012 Geo.D.Barnard Co. 7013 W.F.Nipper 7014 D,L.Catmpbell 7015 C.E.Sorreil 7016 Marie Cullom 7017 H.C.Strickland 7018 G.Tel. & Tel.Co. 7019 Rickman Brick Co. 7020 Miss Lillie Davis 7021 Howard M.Lee 7022 Tim McCoy 7023 M.D.Lanier 7024 VOID 7025 Mitchell Ptg. Co. 7026 Dept. of Con:& Dev. 7027 Edwin Barrington 7028 Miss Lillie Davis work at county home work at county home work at county home payment on salary county auditor work on furniture at county home express cooking at county home March supplies for C.S.G. etc. payment on March salary, Judge Rec. equipment for auditor's office filing cases for auditor's office supplies for Clerk's office tax receipts for 1934 and binders salary and Exp. -court stenog. April lumber brick for county home mdse. for county home for March office supplies for C.S.C. supplies for courthouse mattresses for jail supplies for C.S.C. supplies for Reg. of Deeds supplies for auditor, etc. lumber office -supplies ft O.S.C. li.ghtsafor county home, etc. mdse. for county home supplies for C«S.C. water for courthouse medical supplies for county home mdse. for county home refund mdse. for county home mdse. for county home Applies for C.S.C. milk etc. work at court home work at county home work for auditor March salary solicitor service for G.S.C. etc Brick for county home Payment on March salary food orders premium on policy No.186 postage Auditor's office` office supplies for Reg. of Deeds forest fire protection advance on April salary care of J.H.Russell- Cashwell School 21.70 5.00 31.95 150.00 27.00 1.93 15.00 422.25 100.00 14.80 69.12 500.71 227.€0 98.60 13.94 42.00 5.65 101.48 38.25 144.00 116.71 30.68 74.76 19.78 51.22 91.21 5.79 50.85 21.20 21.61 17.10 2.00 2.65 13.40 14.36 6.39 14.40 9.80 1.00 86.25 39.25 48.00 140.00 7.00 142.50 3.00 928.45 50.90 150.00 10.00 287 The following checks were ordered issued during the Month of May, 1935: 7029 7030 7031 7032 7033 7034 7035 7036 7037 7038 7039 7040 7041 7042 7043 7044 7045 7046 7047 7048 7049 7050. 7051 7052 7053 7054 7055 7056 7057 7058 7059 7060 7061 7062 7063 7064 7065 7066 7067 7068 7069 7070 7071 7072 7073 7074 7075 7076 7077 7078 7079 7080 7081 7082 7083 7084 7085 7086 7087 7088 7089 7090 7091 7092 7093 7094 7095 7096 7097 7098 6099 7100 7101 7102 7103 7104 7105 7106 7107 7108 H.S.Freeman J.A.Phillips VOID Erwin Dept. Store W.P.Williford & Co. D.Pender Gro. Co. R.T.Spence W.W.Mason J.A.Ragland J.Leon Godwin Hood's Drug Store Dr, J.R.Johnson M.C.Stewart D.W. Denning M System Store A.E.Gardner Garner & Lee N.A.Cameron Leader Store, Inc. C.H.Bethune The Cash Store Progressive Store Nye Drug Co. C.M.Allen L.R.Sauls A.W.Peede R.G.B.Shaw Cly -Beau L.A.Bethune D.A.Blalock J,S.Moore VOID A.L.Seawell Lee Drug Store Harnett Hdwe. House Union Store #2243 N.A.Mason J.B.Barnea Atkins Bros. Geo.L.Cannsday J.O.Anthony Hubert Matthews S.S.Admck, agent A.A.Cameroa M.D.Lanier, P.M. M.D.Lanier, P.M. Nye Drug Co. Eastern Car.C.of C. Liddie Walls F.H.Taylor F.H.Taylor Tiny McAllister Miss Lillie Davis Wrs. Robt. Lanier Hubert Matthews C. Tel.& Tel. Co. H.C.Strickland E.S.Matthews L.M.Chaffin W. E. Salmon, K.C.Matthews J.M.McLean o.c.McLean K. C .Matthews J.W.Holt W,F,Nipper D.A.Graham C.P.Ke11y J.S.McLean Sanford Dist. Co. Modern Steam Ldy. F.G.Eaton A.H.Phelps & Son Howard - Bobbitt Co. Stewart McDonald Edwin aarrington Dixie Hotel, agt. Mitchell Ptg. Co. Johnson Cotton Co. Owen G.Dunn 9109 Edwards & Big. Co. salary for April relief order relief order relief order relief order relief order relief order relief order relief order relief order relief order relief order relief order relief order relief order relief order relief order relief order relief order relief order relief order relief order relief order relief order relief order relief order relief order relief order relief order relief order $ 140.00 2.00 relief order relief order relief order relief order relief order relief order relief order on salary as Tax - Collector April salary county farm agent finishing work tables expresel county commissioner postal cards for tax notices postage drugs for jail and county home - April approrpiration to defray exp.- Legislature ApriLsalary cook county home payment on April salary balance March & April salary janitor April salary Welfare officer clerk Reg. of Deeds office painting at county home service April salary Solicitor keen for Wm. Cobb - April sMMayy C.S.C. April, etc. salary and exp. Sheriff salary and exp. jail inquest Jessie Maynor rapt. 2 stills capt. 2 stills and men capt. 2 stills butter and milk for jail poll holder Nov. election - Barebceue grinding corn for county home payment on salary Auditor supplies for county jial service for county home and jial tax lister - Nellie Creek caskets for outside poor supplies for county jail and home work at county *arm April salary Reg. of Deeds telegram supplies for C.S.C. etc. supplies for county home supplies for Auditor etc. 5.00 .50 4.00 8.00 3.00 3.00 4.00 3.50 5.00 3.00 14.38 10.50 5.00 2.00 13.00 2.00 4.00 3.00 42.50 3.35 3.00 4.00 6.50 9.00 1.85 6.00 3.00 6.00 6.00 3.00 .75 9.00 4.00 3.00 28.80 375.00 83.33 5.00 1.17 17.40 5.00 3.00 4.31 20.00 15.00 100.00 53.00 30.00 140.00 60.00 12.00 38.90 101.25 10.00 387.45 288.00 90.80 20.00 10.00 17.50 10.00 4.80 2.00 2.96 150.00 19.98 37.95 20.00 36.00 156.54 7.80 129.93 .26 205.47 295.82 24.20 supplies for C.S.C. 52.51 28 7110 7111 7112 7113 7114 7115 7116 7117 7118 7119 7120 7121 7122 7123 7124 7125 7126 7127 7128 7129 7130 7131 7132 7133 7134 7135 7136 7137 7138 7139 7140 7141 7142 7143 7144 Pittman Hospital Farmers Supply Store Lafayette Drug Co. i cLean & OtQ,trinn. Johnson & Bryan Co. C.P.& L.Co. Highsmith Hospital L.M.Chaffin, C.S.C. Cromartie -Dail Co. Womble Company Atkins Bros. Frank Hockaday town of Lillington klarnett County News VOID VOID Dept. of Gon.& Devip Harnett 11dwe. House Lafayett Drug Co. E.B.Cameron. Johnson & Bryan Co. Miss Carrie Speight Junkunc Bros. Baldwin Groc. Co. Bank of Lillington Johnson & Bryan Co.9 C. Tel.& Tel.Co. Tiny McAllister J.S.Atkins T.N.Smith Fred Haggett Mrs. T.R.Brown Farmers Coil Go. Starlon Adcock,agt. Miss Lillie Davis care of Wm. McLean & Cling Johnson supplies for jail dry for county home mdse. for county home mdse. for county home service eare•for John Norris, et eti recorders court cost 41.'11 -1935 supplies for sheriff mdse. for county home mdse. for county home mdse. for county home water for courthouse - April printing for C.S.C. etc 76.00 47.94 24.14 20.15 78.40 92.74 244.00 128.24 2.75 2.10 5.18 20.65 21.20 79.00 co- operator's share 65.15 supplies for county home and Jail 102.85 relief orders 4.45 tables for courthouse 22.50 mdse. for jail, etc. 83.22 court stenos April 45.00 locks and keys 32.70 supplies for stirs. Tim Smith 48.00 reimbursement Jury fund 438.67, relief orders 18.00 service county home 2.81 work at courthouse 7.00 brick work at county home 23.40 tees in tax suits 18.50 payment on Ave. 1935 tax listing 100.00 salary Supt. county home 292.50 fertz. & supplies for county home 144.82 express . .50 refund - Caswell Training School(J.H.Ruasell)10.00