04111935The Board of County (ommissione members preee4t: J.B. Ennis, oh and E.L. Cooke. I.R.!illiams April ll.th. 1935. s met in call session with the following rman, .S. Barker, Geo, T. Noel, A.A. Cameron county Ittorney, was also present. WHEReeS, 0.6.. Cobb, who was elected Constable for Grove Township for the two years beginning let. Monday in December, 1934 has failed to poet satisfactory bond in the sum of 41000.00, being the amount requirad, by order of this Board; NOW THEREFORE be it Resolved that the office of Constable for Grove Town- ship be and the same is hereby ',telexed vacant and that a certified copy of this order be mailed to 0.A. Cobb. RESOLUTION: RESOLVED that our Senator, P.A. Lie and our Representative, Fred The se, requestedto urge the passage of the bill inaPeasing the 'number of School o mitteemen from the present number three to five for Harnett County; RESOIDUTION WHEREAS, the County of Harnett is the owner of a large number of oertifi- Catee afor sale of lands far the non - payment of taxes for the year 1932; And whereas under the present existing laws it will be necessary for suits to be instituted on. the said'certificatee by May 6, 1935; ' And whereas the persons whose lands are described in said eertificetes are farmeba and are without funds With which to pay said taxes for 1932; And whereas during the fall of 1934 there was collected on 1931 taxes and prior yearn a sum sufficient to cause this isoard to be of the opinion that if the time for starting suite on 1932 certificates is extended until November 15, 1935 that many taxpayers will pay the 1932 taxes from the proceeds of cotton and tobacco; NOW THEREFORE be it resolved that our Senator and Representative be rag-masted to introduce and cause to pass without delay a bill allowing the County ttte rney and County Auditor until November 15, 1935 within which to start suits on 1932 certificates of sale of land for the non-payment of 1932 taxes. Present: All members Voting for: Five Voting against: None rw -_- WHEREAS, Miss Ashton appeared before the Board of Commissioners and asked that the Board of Commissioners recommend to Mrs. Annie O'Berry, Federal Relief Director the name of some person qualified far the position of Head Case Worker of Case Workers for Federal Relief for Harnett County; AND, Whereas, Lisa Ashton explained in detail the revived training for a person to be appointed to this position; AND, Whereas, Miss Ashton explained that no person now residing in Harnett County is qualified by the necessary training courses, at present for this position; AND, whereas, the Board of Commissioners is of the opinion that there are residents of Barnett County, who by practical experience, are qualified for this position; BE IT MOLTED, that the Board of Oommisaioners recommend that Mrs. Annie O'Berry appoint sedge one whg is a resident of Harnett County for this position. Pone at Lillington, N.0 this 11 day of April, 1935. Voting for: All members. RESOLUTION: WHEREAS there is a vacancy in the office of Vice - Recorder of the Recorder's Court of Harnett County; JOB WHEREAS, occasions occur requiring the necessity for a Vice - Recorder; it is therefore ordered by the Board of County Commissioners of Harnett County that Neill Mc%. Rose be and he is hereby appointed Vice - Recorder of the Recorders Court for the period ending the lat. "Monday in December, 1936. R E S O L U T I 0 1 Lillington, N.C. STATE OF WORTH CAROLINA: April 11, 1935. COUNTY OF H4RNETT: RESOLVED, that pursuant to Section 5 of the County Finance Act as amended far the purpose of paying the principal or interest of bons or notes issued far necessary expenses, and due or to become due within four months and not otherwise adequately provided for, the Bounty of Harnett shall borrow 425,000,00 in antici- pation of the receipt Of the revenues of fiscal year ending June 30, 1.935 and ensuing year and 'sane notes therefor, dated April 19, 1935 and maturing Oot.l 1935, bearing Lite at at the rate note exceeding six per cent (64) per annum, payable at mature , principal and interest payable at The Chase National Bank in New York, New Y, in such denomination as may be fixed at sale of *laid notes, d 2.84. and issued in substantially the following form, to -wit: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF REVENUE ANTICIPATION NOTE. The Toasty of Al in he State of North Carolina, for value received hereby promises to psy"""io ilia bEkretdisof the sum of '. Dollars on then° day cf-i.,.. 191,-' with interest thereon from the sate hereof until paid at the AMC of �/ Dar ees%'m per snaps, pysble at the meturety hereof. both principal ant in ere of this note are payable in legal tender for the payment of public and private debts at the ,?!o p-- w� Ban in the City and State of New York. This note is issued under and pursuant to Section 5 of The ',aunty name Aot, as amended, for the purpose of paying the principal or interest of bonds or notes issued for aseesssry expenses, and due or to become due within four months and not otherwise adqustely provided for in anticipation of the receipt of the revdnues of the current and fiscal year. It is hereby certified and recited that *11 conditions, sots and things required by the Conatition or Laws of the State of North Carolina to exist, be performed or happen preeendent to or in the issue of this note exist. have been performed and have happened and that this note, together with all other indebted- ness of the said Scanty of )fi is within every debt and other limit prescribed by the said IoastItafion 07—Ala7 The full faith and credit of the said Bounty of W are hereby pi-Fla-to the punotuol payment of the principal end interest Of this sots. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the County of has caused this note to bs smuts under the seal of the Bounty by the Chairmirillrille Slerk of the Board of gaiety Commissioners. Dated as of 19 . CHAIRMAN CLERK CERTIFICATE OF CHIEF FINANCIAALy OFFICER. This note is issued under Section Five of The iounty Finance Act as amended for the payment of principal or interest of bonds or notes. Cbuity Aaditor,A000untant and- chief Financial Officer.- RESOLVED, that the Local uovernmant Somaisaian of North Carolina be requested to advertise and sell said notes in accordance with law. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the shairmsn, the Sink of this Board, the County Accountant and the Bounty Attorney be and they are hereby authorised and directed to execute said notes , and the Bounty $oeountant is hereby directed to tsddwOw said notes to the Looel Government Commission for delivery through the State Treasurer to the purchaser thereof, and the Stets Treasurer is hereby requested to turn aver the proceeds from the sale of said notes to the (jaunty or to apply the same to the payment of the obligations for which said notes are being issued. On aotion,duly seconded, a roll -dall vote was had, and all of the five members WWI present and voted in favor of said resolutions, none being absent. The Board is ooaposed of five duly elected, qualified and sating asabers,vis: J.B.Enais, Chairman, Geo. T. Noel, A.A. Cameron, John S. Barker and E.L. Cooks and Edwin Harrington is 'lark of said Board; and all of the scubas were duly notified of this meeting. The First titiasns Bank and Trust Rompsny of 4unn, a.C. is Sousty Treasurer; J.S. UoLean is Bounty Auditor, Accountant and Chisf J naseisl Officer and I.R. Williams is Bounty Attorney. FINANCIAL STATEMENT Assessed value for taxation year 1934 Amount lent State Highway Gomm. Total bonded debt Total sinking fund Floating debt isaluding this Issue Total annual insoae for all purposes TOTAL Dal Population t1930 census) 38,019 Has the gaunt: ever been late in the payment of principal or interest of any of its bonds or notes? Yes, but have been able to meet all of its obligations since December 1, 1954, with the ezoeption of payment to State Building toad. For information address: Hon. I.R.Williaas, County attorney, Cann, N.C. $ 81, 974.00 None 1,588,960.00 41,219.70 60,000.00 264,367.83 ;1,586,960.00 I is now or red that the Board do adjourn. LIRE /-J