03191935214 March 19th.,1935. The Board of 4cunty Wommissioners net in call session with the :fo11owing members present: J.B. Ennis, Chairman, E.L.Cooke, J.S. Barker, Geo, :Noel and A.A. Cameron. I.R. 'Williams, unty ?attorney, also present. I.D. Smith having offered his resignation as List Taker for Hectors Creek Township for the year 1935 it is ordered that D.R. 9mith'be appointed to fill this vacancy. It is ordered that the bond of Edwin Harrington, Register of Deeds, be accepted and ordered recorded in the minute docket. It is ordered that the bond of L.M. Chaffin, Clerk of Sanperior dczurt, be accepted and ordered recorded in the minute docket. Sc..-. e ar*8• It is ordered that no settlement be made with J.0. test except as reported in the audit by John d, Muse, Public Accountant, dated Jan. 1, 1935. It is ordered that the valuation of the property of H.V. Orth in Upper Little River Township be fixed at $25.00 per acre for the years 1932, 1933 and 1934 -in accordance with recommendations of committee appointed to investigate the valuation of this property-. Itis ordered that the $ounty convey to N.B. Lee that certain land in Stewa.rts Creek Township listed in the name of N.B. Lee and J.L. Wade for the sum of $50.00 in the event the Statutes provide for such a transaction.(kttarney lliams to in vestigate) It is, ordered that Mr. Charles Ross be requested to introduce in,the Legislature a bill authorising` the refinancing of the Township toad Bonds of Harnett bounty and use his efforts to have same passed during the present term. It is ordered that the bond of Davis Jackson Taylor, Constable of Duke Township be accepted and filed with the Clerk. It is now ordered that the Board adjourn Sine Die.